Didi Park Slavery DBQ

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  • 7/22/2019 Didi Park Slavery DBQ


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    Didi Park

    Ms. Sheptyck

    APUSHP. 3

    21 January 2013

    The Growth of Opposition to Slavery from 1776 to 1852: A DBQ

    In 1776, the United States was a fledgling nation: slavery was extant, important to

    the South but not well adopted in the North. The Articles of Confederation would shortly

    be put into effect; the country was just getting onto its feet. Slavery was not a primary

    concern at the time, and simply gave the South an economic edge. However, opposition

    towards slavery gradually grew until sectional issues determined the outcomes of

    elections such as the Election of 1852 (AMSCO, 244). The growth of opposition to

    slavery was inevitable due to geographical and economic differences between the North

    and the South, and was fed by interacting social and political movements. Slavery as a

    moral issue was heightened through the religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening

    as well as the narratives of former slaves, notably those of Harriett Tubman and Frederick

    Douglass. Opposition towards slavery was ultimately driven forward by political and

    economic events.

    As early as 1783, the morality of slavery was called into question: the notion of

    the equality and freedom of men as present in the Declaration of Independence ran

    counter to the institution of slavery (Document B). Because of this, many northern states

    brought slavery to an end within their borders through either state constitution or law.

    Their southern counterparts did not, largely because the southern cotton plantation

    industry was so important to its economy (Document A). The difference between

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    Northern and Southern adoption of slavery was largely due to geographical features:

    Northern land was mostly rocky and cold, and thus ill suited for large plantation farming,

    while the South was generally much more arable.

    Opposition to slavery became a more widespread movement through the Second

    Great Awakening. The Second Great Awakening called for greater moral conscience

    through religion, and gave rise to radical abolitionists, notably William Lloyd Garrison of

    the American Anti-Slavery Society, who condemned slavery as a sin (Document E).

    Members of religious communities, such as the Presbyterians, welcomed religious

    African Americans by even buying slaves freedom (Document C). The moral and

    religious fervors of the Second Great Awakening affected wider audiences than the more

    intellectual ideas in the Declaration of Independence, audiences that included women in

    the South (Document F). Former slaves also played a great role in the abolitionist

    movement: Harriet Tubmans novel Uncle Toms Cabinwas highly successful and

    influential, causing many white northerners to view the institution of slavery as brutal and

    immoral, and to be strongly against the impending Fugitive Slave Act (Document J).

    Frederick Douglass writings on his experiences as a slave furthered the perception of

    slavery as cruel and additionally portrayed African-Americans as naturally intellectual

    and capable of living as equals with white men (Document G).

    Political policies related to slavery, including popular sovereignty and fugitive

    slave laws, only added fire to the flames of abolitionism. During the mid-19th


    increased opposition to slavery led political groups to adopt pro- or anti-slavery ideas into

    their platforms, or to devise new ways of maintaining sectional balance and solving the

    issue of slavery. One proposed solution by Finley of the American Colonization Society

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    was to ship slaves back to Africa, specifically Liberia (Document D). It never proved to

    be successful, as slaves had integrated themselves into a unique African-American

    culture, and were not any better off in Liberia, a foreign land. Conscience Whigs,

    members of the Whig party who were decisively anti-slavery, were strongly against the

    fugitive slave laws, and warned former slaves in the North to be wary of bounty hunting

    slave catchers (Document I). Amongst the struggle between the North and the South to

    maintain sectional balance arose the ideas of David Wilmot, a free-soiler, who promoted

    the idea of popular sovereignty, which dictated that acquired territories should decide the

    status of slavery through voting (Document H). The paradigm of popular sovereignty was

    popular and adopted, but eventually led to more clashes between pro-slavery and anti-

    slavery factions. Popular sovereignty was an example of the overarching desire for

    compromise, and the Compromise of 1850 led to a tighter Fugitive Slave Law, outraging

    many abolitionists. The desire for compromise and popular sovereignty lead to legislation

    that ultimately strengthened the anti-slavery cause by inflaming it.

    The combination of intrinsic geographical differences between the North and

    South, the moral crusade which created the abolitionist movement, and the political

    turmoil which arose from sectionalism and compromise all acted together to escalate anti-

    slavery sentiment. Abolitionism became a widespread idea through the fervors of the

    Second Great Awakening but blossomed further through the heightening sectionalism of

    the 1850s.