Diagram 2015Q3 - CADMATIC - Diagram 2015Q3… · The Cadmatic Diagram – module for flow diagrams,...

Diagram 2015Q3 The Cadmatic Diagram – module for flow diagrams, P&IDs and cabling diagrams is fully integrated with the 3D model. It provides the user with easy-to-use and efficient tools to create, modify and manage all kinds of diagrams.

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Diagram 2015Q3 The Cadmatic Diagram – module for flow diagrams, P&IDs and cabling diagrams is fully integrated with the 3D model. It provides the user with easy-to-use and efficient tools to create, modify and manage all kinds of diagrams.

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Cadmatic Diagram

Information flows from piping diagrams to later design phases (3D design and installation information) is assured by the full integration of the modules. Documentation for different piping and instrumentation diagrams, equipment lists, pipeline lists, valve lists etc. are produced. Intelligent symbols, unlimited process size, control of revisions and advanced database management with user-definable report generator and script language are just some of the features of the Diagram module.

Diagram can be used independently or with 3D Design applications and it can be interfaced with calculation software packages.

Cadmatic Diagram – User interface

Cadmatic sports a brand new ribbon interface for the Diagram module that will ease the everyday work of designers. Other features in the Diagram module include electrical single line diagrams and a topological link between 2D diagrams and 3D models which improves the integration between drafting and modelling considerably.

Pic. 1 Cadmatic Diagram user interface

The user interface for the Diagram application has been developed to meet the everyday needs of designers. The new interface is more intuitive, ergonomic and fluid and facilitates daily design work. The new interface speeds up design work as it enables designers to quickly find and easily create new diagrams and make changes to existing diagrams. It also eases linking the required data to the 3D model and checking for any design changes in the project. The ribbon has been designed to assist designers to quickly find the commands required to complete a task. The commands are organized in logical groups that are grouped together under tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such as locating symbols or 2D drafting on the page. In order to reduce clutter some tabs are shown only when needed.

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Pic. 2 Left-button menu for commonly used commands - to speed up routine tasks

Another special feature of the new interface is a left-button menu for commonly used commands such as edit or move. This option allows the user to save time by selecting these commands from the ribbon, thereby easing everyday design. The user can also quickly insert the same types of valves along an entire pipeline and afterwards change the valve type on the fly.

Electrical single line diagrams

Pic. 3 Electrical single line diagram example

The Cadmatic Diagram module has expanded its application area to electrical single lines or wire circuit and schematic diagrams. In version 2014Q1 Diagram includes a large library with a wide range of electrical diagram symbols: fuses,

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switches, lights, switchboards etc. These symbols are ready to be used as elements and as usual they can also be used as templates to create projects and standard specific symbols. It is also possible to create complete electrical diagrams for all the systems and further benefit from the Electrical module in 3D Design to automatically allocate all the cables to cable ways and to correct penetrations.

Topological link between 2D diagrams and 3D model

Pic. 4 "Candy bar" topological visualization of pipeline in 3D model

The following data is typically shared between the diagram and 3D model: systems and pipelines, equipment, valves, instruments, pipe run topology (order of the elements along pipe run), location information, routes, weight, etc. For electrical diagrams the shared items include cable IDs, connections, equipment, cable routes, nodes on cable ways and equipment, locations, as well as compartments, blocks traversed and lengths etc. The topological link between the 2D diagram and the 3D model allows the user to benefit from the full integration between the 2D diagram and 3D model. While routing pipes or cables and connecting to equipment, for example, only the correct system and line will be suggested to the designer.

During routing, a “candy bar” visualization indicates the topological route to target the connection, e.g. equipment or switchboard. However, if the designer prefers to change the order of the elements or to connect the pipeline to different pieces of equipment, this can be done by simply confirming the action. To detect such cases at a later stage the “compare topology” command can be used. The check will be performed automatically and result in a list of comparison results that allow the user to locate the conflict in the 3D model and decide either to correct it in 2D or 3D. The topological information provided can be used to improve pipe length estimations.

Based on the predefined location of equipment and the topological information the length of pipes and cables can be estimated even before the 3D model is created. This allows designers to estimate the required materials and total cost of the project for construction at an early stage.

2D reference drawings are an important part of diagrams – users can emphasize the location of certain parts of the diagram symbols compared to layout of blocks or floor plans for example.

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2D reference drawings can be clipped for the best presentation of areas. The required area of a larger 2D view can be selected with a box and used as a reference drawing to create a diagram on top of it. This makes it easier to keep document readability at a high level.

Pic. 5 Comparing 3D model and diagram topology

Comparing diagrams and 3D models can now be adjusted by selecting one, several or all diagrams for comparison with 3D models. This way the user can check only part of the whole 3D model that is relevant for his/her current task and

avoid unnecessary checks of other diagrams.

Pic. 6 The user can see all the pipes that have been installed completely in the model

Diagrams can be used for visualization of 3D modeling progress. For example, if pipelines are connected in 3D, connected lines can be highlighted in the corresponding diagram. This makes it is very simple to check and follow the status of congruence.

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Diagram Data Miner

The tool Diagram Data Miner is easily configurable and can extract all kinds of data from Diagram to Excel. It connects directly to the Diagram SQL database and extracts all the information to Excel. Users can create Excel sheets for all available object types and extracted fields can be edited for different reporting and analysis needs. Predefined views are included already in the installation for main object types, e.g. armatures, equipment, instruments and electrics.