Diabetes Mayers

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Diabetes Mayers

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  • Diabetes

    Diabetes is a deadly stalker and it is the leading cause of heart disease, kidney failure, mental disorder, blindness and impotence. It is estimated that over half of the people with this condition do not even realize that they have it. Diabetes is generally what is known as high or elevated blood glucose (sugar), and can be categorized as two types, Type I and Type 2. A common misconception many people have is that all diabetics need insulin. Insulin is only used for Type 1 diabetics who make up only 10% of the diabetic population and some Type 2 diabetics who require additional insulin.

    Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, as it commonly appears in those below age 20 (though it may affect people of any age), is a result of the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is needed to open up or unlock the cells so that nutrients can get in so that the cell can produce energy efficiently. Therefore some signs of diabetes (Type 1) is sudden weight loss, because of the cells' inability to utilize sugar, and extreme thirst due to the attempt of the kidneys to rid the body of excess glucose by means of urination.

    Type 2 diabetes is the more common type. Like Type 1 diabetes, it is recognized by high blood glucose levels, but the reasons behind this are different.

    Initially Type 2 diabetics produce much more insulin than healthy individuals. The problem starts at what are called the insulin receptor sites on the cells' surfaces, where they would not allow glucose into the cell. This is known as insulin insensitivity or insulin resistance and is the main problem for 90% of diabetics.

  • Over a period of time the pancreas can also slow down insulin production further aggravating the problem.

    Type 2 diabetes sneaks up on you. You do not suddenly lose weight or become extremely thirsty and/or hungry. It is usually discovered after a routine blood test, however, there are a few common characteristics of Type 2 diabetes.

    The majority are overweight, with most of the weight in the abdominal area. Excess Weight is normally associated with insulin resistance.

    Most people are inactive. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and keeps you fit at the right weight. Years of an unhealthy diet, extra pounds and lack of exercise begin to take their toll and we develop insensitivity.

    In addition to being the main culprit behind Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is also part of a condition known as Syndrome X.

    Syndrome X is a basically hyper-insulination that causes a bunch of disorders that includes an increased risk of heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, low HDL cholesterol (often referred to as good cholesterol since it ushers excess cholesterol out of the body) and obesity. In all individuals who had some form of these diseases, it was determined that insulin resistance was a constant underlying condition. So therefore, by reducing your risk of diabetes, you will be pleased to know that you are actually preventing a host of other degenerative diseases.

  • Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic that can be reversed. Firstly let us look at what causes it. For a vast majority, it is caused by lifestyle factors. This means the food we eat, the supplements we take, our activity level, our weight and high stress levels.

    The type of diet we practice has much to do with this epidemic, if not everything to do with it, for example, the bad oils we use, high levels of carbohydrates, sweeteners and so on.

    The basic underlying disorder is known to be the derangement of the blood sugar control system by badly engineered fats and oils. These oils are poisonous and are advertised as healthy so as to create a market for these products. The bad oils are oils that are unsaturated and are hydrogenated with the ability to increase shelf life. Some of these oils are from soy, cottonseed and grape-seed. The oils that are healthy are the saturated and natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil and so on to put it simply, hydrogenated processed oils are bad oils and are deleterious to good health.

    High carb foods or high carbohydrate foods, wheat, rice and so on have a high glycemic index which causes the blood glucose to raise and stay elevated for a long time. The Glycemic Index (G .1) is a numerical system of measuring how fast a carbohydrate triggers a rise in circulating blood sugar. The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response, so a low G.I. food will cause a small rise while a high G.I. food will trigger a dramatic spike in blood glucose levels.

  • Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

    Steps to do to regain Insulin Sensitivity in Your Cellular System

    In planning this change of lifestyle, work closely with your doctor, especially if you are on insulin, so that your reversal process, does not create states of hyper or hypoglycemia.

    Measure and record your fasting blood sugar in the morning and your blood sugar reading at night. Comments on overindulgence in food or high levels of stress should be recorded to account for anomalies, (big variations)

    1. Stop intake of sugar in all forms including soft drinks and boxed juices. Read the labels on everything you buy. Eliminate products containing high fructose corn syrup.

    2. Stop all intake of wheat products: white flour or whole-wheat. No bread, roti, biscuit, pasta, macaroni, cookies, cakes, pastries, spaghetti etc. White flour has alloxan which has been shown to cause diabetes in rats.

    3. Start an exercise program walking for 1 hour / four times per week to start. It is not about calories, but working to change the body's metabolism back into an efficient sugar burner. As you gain in fitness you can work up to weights doing slow burn exercises.

    4. Begin to consume healthy quantities of Flax Seed Oil (2 tablespoons per day), Deep Sea Fish Oil, Omega 3.6.9 (2: 1000mg Tabs twice a day) or UDO's oil -this is to help rebuild the lipid profile of the cell surface and regenerate insulin sensitivity.

  • Formula for complete cell profile recharge

    1/2 lb. of Cottage Cheese 2 shot glasses Flax Seed Oil 2 teaspoons Lecithin 2 shot glasses Flax Seed

    Add water to right consistency for mayonnaise type spread and blend the above with sea salt (or pan salt), lemon etc. to taste.

    Use 2 to 3 tablespoons with food. It rebuilds, cells, helps with oxygen, absorption and relieves constipation. This helps to make matrix of cell surface, improves insulin sensitivity, increase the efficiency of the sodium/potassium pump activity and relieve constipation.

    This formula can be used in place of straight flax seed oil, fish oil or UDO's 3.6.9. oil.

    5. Eat raw nuts in small quantities: Brazil nuts, pumpkin seed, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts etc.


    7. Use only olive oil or homemade coconut oil and butter in your diet. No hydrogenated oils, no margarine, no trans-fats. Eat raw nuts in small amounts, brazil nuts (selenium), pumpkin seed (zinc), cashews, sunflower seeds etc.

    8. Take Supplements

    A. Calcium, magnesium and potassium supplements

    B. Trace minerals

  • C. Vitamins and Minerals supplement

    D. Super Greens formula

    E. Chromium Picolinate

    F. Vitamin C 1000 mg (2 - 4 daily) Also Lysine / Proline as directed 9. Halt all in-take of milk and milk products. Exception: Cottage cheese mixture given in No. 4

    10. Use fiber in your diet for regular bowel movement to help regularize sugar reading.

    Constipation Formula

    1 Glass of water

    2 tablespoons Flax Seed

    2 tablespoons Flax Seed Oil

    Blend and drink in the morning. If you are using the Cottage cheese formula in No. 5 it will help relieve constipation. Fiber helps to regulate sugar uptake and lessen sugar spikes.

    11. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of bottled or filtered water per day. If you are drinking tap water pass it through a charcoal filter.

    12. Avoid foods that are neurotoxins (brain poisons): Monosodium glutamate (M.S.G.), artificial sweeteners (aspartame etc.), synthetic sweeteners. For those of you who must have a sweetener use stevia.

    13. Use foods that are low on the glycemic index, (see chart) Vegetables, greens, peas, beans, chicken, eggs, and raw fruits.

    14. No fried foods, fried chicken, spring rolls, egg rolls, onion rings, fried snacks etc.

  • 15. Slow down or eliminate heavy meats: beef, pork, goat, wild meat, etc. No preserved meats, sausage, ham etc.

    16. Work with your doctor to slowly eliminate medicines as your sugar readings come down. Takes 4-8 weeks.

    Follow the above instruction for at least eighteen months.

    Try to eat fresh foods that you have prepared as much as possible.

  • Foods Good to Eat Keep Blood Sugar

    Low. Lose Weight.

    Foods Glycemic Index

    Lentils 8 Soya beans 14 Sheep's Milk 14 Peanuts 15 Red Kidney beans 19 Rice Bran 20 Eggs 20 Almonds 20 Brazil Nuts 20 Pine Kernel Nuts 20 Alfalfa Sprouts 20 Walnuts 20 Garlic 20 Kale 20 Lettuce 20 Mushrooms 20 Green Bean Pods 20 Sugar Snaps (Peas) 20 Cherries 22 Dried Peas 22 Seaweed, seamoss, wakame 22 Fennel 23 Bodi (Runner Beans) 24 Sprouted Bread (Sunnyvale) 25 Sprouted Organic Wheat Grass Bread 25 Grapefruit 25 Radish Rods 25 Artichokes 25 Asparagus 25 Baigan (Aubergines) 25 Bamboo Sprouts 25

  • Broccoli 25 Brussels Sprouts 25 Cabbage (green, savoy, white) 25 Cauliflower 25 Celery 25 Chillies 25 Patchoi 25 Chives 25 Cucumber 25 Onions, spring onions 25 Sorrel 25 Spinach 25 Vine leaves 25 Leeks 26 Okra 27 Spelt (Grains) 30 Channa dhal (split peas) (bengal gram dhal) 30 Feta cheese (unpasteurized) 30 Fish (cod, collee, eel, haddock, kippers 30 mackerel, plaice, salmon, sardines, shellfish trout, tuna, shark, king fish, cavali, carite etc.) Avocado 30 Mung Beans 30 Peppers 30 Dried Apricots 31 Lima Beans 32 Millet Grains 32 Goat's Milk (skimmed) 33 Goat's Milk Yogurt 33 Black Beans 35 Black Gram Grains 35 Black Bean Seed 35 Black-eyed Beans 35 Broad Beans 35 Brown Beans (Mexican) 35 Buckwheat (grains) 35 Bulgur Wheat 35 Butter Beans 35 Comfrey Root 35

  • Kohirabi Root 35 French Beans 35 Green Beans 35 Tomatoes 35 Water Chestnuts 35 Watercress 35 Lima Beans Broth 36 Yogurt 36 Pear 37 Baked Beans (organic, sugar free) 38 Apple 38 Tomato Soup 38 Vegetable and Beans homemade 38 Pinto Beans 39 Barley Kernel Bread 39 Plum 39 Damsons Dried Apple Dried Prunes Whole Baby Sweet Corn Marrow Curried Chick Peas Chick Peas Peach Split Peas (channa dhal) and Semolina Barley Chapatti Custard Pudding: No Sugar (Stevia) Orange Lentil Soup Sweet Potato Turnip Figs Yogurt Yakurt (fermented mild)

  • Foods - Eat Occasionally

    Foods Glycemic-Index

    Romano Beans 46 Grapes 46 Black Bean Soup 46 Green Peas 48 Oatmeal 49 Carrots 49 Yam 51 Fresh Orange Juice 52 Kiwi Fruit 53 Red Lentils 54 Banana 54

    Potato Crisps (snack) 54

    Swede Root 54

    Oatmeal Cookies / Rich Tea Cookies 55 Fruit Cocktail 55 Brown Rice (unpolished) 55 Popcorn 55 Mango 56 Sultanas 56 White Potatoes 56 Apricots 57 Wild Rice 57 New Root Potatoes 57 Basmati Rice 58 Pawpaw 58 Vermicelli 58 Barley Grains (cracked) 60 Barley Grains (pearled) 60 Pizza, cheese 60 Split Pea Soup 60 Maize Chapatti 62 Green Grain Dhal with Semolina 62

  • Prince Edward Potatoes (with skin) 63 Green Lentils 64 Shortbread Biscuits (2) 64 Rye Flour Bread 64 Raisins 64 Beets (beetroot) 64 Melon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Galia 65

    Foods to eat Rarely or NOT AT ALL Causes High Blood Sugar and Weight Gain

    Foods Glycemic Index

    Rolled Barley 66 Pineapple 66 Green Pea Soup 66 Gnocchi 67 Ryvita (Bread) 69 Shredded Wheat Cereal 69 Melba Toast 70 Banana, Unripened (steamed) 70 Mashed Potatoes 70 Millet Cereal 71 Watermelon 72 Swede Root 72 Boiled/Mashed Potato 73 Bread Stuffing 74 French Fries 75 Pumpkin 75 Donut (cakes) 76 Vanilla Wafer Biscuits (6) 77 Coco Pops Cereals 77 Jowar 77 Rice Cakes 77 Wheat Bread, Wonder White 78

  • Green Gram Dhal and Paspalum Scorbic 78 Morning Coffee Cookies 79 Jelly Beans 80 Puffed Crisp bread 81 Pretzels 81 Rice Crispies (cereal) 82 Microwaved (mashed) Potatoes 82 Cornflakes (cereal) 83 Potatoes (instant) 83 Potatoes (baked) 85 Breads (gluten1 free) 90 Wheat Breads (gluten free) 90 Bubbles (rice) 90 Instant Rice (boiled 6 mins) 90 Jams/Marmalades 91 Pasta / Rice (brown) 92 Baguette (bread - French) 95