DHjY APPBAI,- WEDNESDAY, JISTTJHY MERCHANTS · 2017-12-16 · Diaries for tiie New Year at Geo....

9 UXVCCT CWVv. lUhedaT 10 erf per line, each insertion Tne cheapest and most compieuout ad- - verUttog known to tte netospaper wor'M "STARTS. . .wit ai . v vi . a n v tiit 4itlroUA ui oU' ! .,h .nun lu.K aefaiot Land, WMB or ' rttiou 1 1 inpro men I. lost otsWeUie ty, sail Baa a oayeruy uuS Street. " -- liT ANTED A UnUon at) BoOK-KKEPK- R boflM-- s. Tlp4lnt was nlMt la Uw city, has a iante clr.'Je oi ae- - iualatH!im, Mdetu produce toe " : - M - - fbu. ki.njllirsllll MliaCitS . TV 111 lie rAy 10 Wke a uituRtion on January lat. Aatiram ij. a.. i we 3f OK 3SJSNT. fjOR KKNT.-- A COlTAUK, nix rwom- - iuM on the pretafees, and a gar-ik-a or three aerwt alt&ehetl. wnhluCrteen mtaates rte ef Conn Square. Rent S5 per Ktmt. iSf. - 1UR RBNT. I am aoxtoan to rent my enllrb 5 RAttjj, Mr mtlea seatii wrt at GaUtaTIlle. Jttitroad, eonUiutnfc Two Hundred and 'fi Acre si go d nd, uiobl of whlen hiua high MtM of eamTBUOn. A gooi a waning .i-iui- u a viu. a well cf rood wut-r- . or ofcartf ; lu itK-- t, everytotes that pertains to a weu arraotea larm joamHmi w vuniaun and ettooi. A an with the noney can a bargain. fjft W. K wj,m.. J? BRICK MWTSf.iit jerftct leaairwlUi li aatrrHi Auction street, Cha. Jterenlly cweuaitd by Rev. Mr. A. C. ta erton. Apply te SHiW.A. BUFUKL', j,j ST mhIm atitet. RievTTtlR TIVCE, ARMSTRONG oh Uatral Avenue. tne miles froiu. . utii mi HiMiw with loarr.wjis large nmte ia yd ; a'xt. kitcuen and ut ac!Miry out iMlMiBK. The piaee has thres e lit eras, good rBard. large hoibed wltii iiewxsary Kuah, unl n-f bod. nae H' lus ant rrl nouso . --(t h auatoMt khad-- l for foltv )d of catUe. r or dairy mam, Wih h ooe of lb to JOHN T. daSflw 31 rtout "treel. i.viv? KT.-flO- m and Kooim 11 UM Fnstoffioe aod Llhrary BalKlloga, J,. L. rVuer JenVtVm r..d Third btreets.. laqaire o! TH(K WIPKKR.SHAM. second floor l'ost- - -- fOK KENT. A neat one-stor- y COTXAUE H vrh Bm.i raomaaBil kitenen. lanieSBady rf. ftrii n and e4abk. situated In a helect jMrignboraodd, on Kaylmrn avenoe,aar Jact-h- atreet. Poaserfeo from JanOry. ere,Ss moath. Apiyto lir.GILBfc.KT, y ijoatu We xort. Square. dcl" VJUjR HKN'T. A ReeWeaee on Vanee sjreel, irfa.S.oiiKlte tue St. Agnea Acaderoy r. . . 2' or nuaiiwt tun. Contains .ni.fctYkaitu; Ixodes kitchen Sod wrrvatts' rtaWe fwtt trees, etc. room ; two b3.1 cistern. beater, lawyer or doctor, it adjoins trie ed rtal mow af the Appeal Inqnire of JOHN asur ot Uu A niwal office. osa TOR STONEWALL IfOJl SALE. WING to the .'tUlBg aeuita 01 Jf'''-- - STUWAK . (wuo lias " u , s,, , , of lk ial of the Jate OAXJU OKAIUllKAD. tatoated In the bend of lfnd o. S4, Araaiuas rtde. Ik ito.r red for fwlfc. There aie on the place about 150 acres cleared, well teBeed, anunow In ooiton and corn ; one bBdred aerniiln line cypres Umber, to vhlcii f rm the bank of toe river is. in com plete run xtSag or4er, a train wuy. providl Willi railroad tracks eonvenlei,! for bringius IvDiber lor . Httlpmeot. The balance of tiie laud is heavily timbered with oi.fc.tiKh. walant, ewtiiswood, f-- e 11 i well leveeil.aed a lire portion o: Ubi tract hi entirely above the highest Sooas. fcM xe a)M on the place coiufonabie boates, negro ;arteni, a gin and cotton pr, barns, MaMesTa lie apple and apeaeh orchard, aid everything complete running order. Also, 4 number of reliable hands, who have been pn he place lor yeafNho may be employed by tae Baretiaw. Also, aaoltfi, liorw. stock hogs, xon,U-.,soMeh- to woik II, and valned at pfeeat MC0. Tii- - latter, it will U.4arab:e to &&maf to the purenaer m ineiana. jfmt rartiier partica'ars apply to JAMES HTKW'AKT, oo the J'remises. A. W. AVIr. tm 'root KreL MemphlK. CKA1UHKAU, BREAST A UIBSUK, 44 im !.". uville. Tenn. IxkiIs KepnbUcrn nd Clnocinnatt ail-- .' Daile) copy oneidouth.and kond bill JUy iuddwu. HC hniot Mreet.MemplitK. 1 IS 6S&e-?- ie. i Jcgcrson Street. DIT"Y" MATTEES. CijOoiko oat ale of winter lrea good t a great reduction, st Rice & Bagel's, t SrxLiNa qr our entii atock of winter poods at New York eot. f WAUCSBROe.x Co. 3f awes for 1S89 ; Geo. Pattison ifc Co. liave the fineet fctoek in tho city. Get one, 317 Mala street. " Oorkb! Corns!! Corns!!! By et, Dr. Lirdouian, the oelebrated Sur-eo- n ChiHodiiit will reman one week longer for the purpose of curing corns, ituniooe and higrowing n&ils. Cures itholit pain or drawlsg blood. Boom 34 Overton Hotel. Foe Ha&k. Ve have 252 nerea of lad wtthlti three aiilea of Cold Water, MUB , wbtdi wo wish to sell. Abo 51 uorc4..withiu thre aiilas of Memphis, (fiere in an acre and & half of jstrawber-ria- a iid it Hue young orchard of (tested (nAtiotuM on the 51 ticree tjgar the cily ;iod tiie h well adapter for garden- ing puiioeii. Tobin, IiYNN & Co., lw m MsliinUect. Or. lluti" hi.e. The leatof ittelmrg eeal, lump, nut aC'l slack, Bold by Jt'g-lo-y, Melkrrii & Co., 0rt Jilala streets, liethel BloflK. wayH as low as the lowest. , The Pbabody Hotei. ia now opeil Jr the reception of transient guoets nnd loarden. Price per day, 54 00. Day IJoard, $VS per month. We will bo glad to welcome our old friondo and guest. tf 1). COCKRKLIj&BONS. TlfK IIciikbw Faik The fair and festival given by the ladies of the Main Btreet Synagogue was duly inaugurated jileuday night at the Memphis Club Hall, Aorner Reeond and bnion streete. A large number of the moat inleHJtfdiit and faihienahle of Uie community were pre-en- i, end were highly delighteti by the very faeeia&Ung display at the dillerent tAblea at tiie Hall. Articl-- of great value and rare beauty met (he eye at oveiy turn, while the ear was --Jtiigbted B'itii tiie sweet music of the bawl, and d&nciag was kept up to a late hour of tho ght. .We c&unot recommend a moro ainroprl&te liaoe tfi those who wibh t enjoy a pleaeant oveaing. Our Hebrew fiJinw-oi- t zsns have ehown thempelvee very liberal in the support of Wjous trtStiilions without rfnard to sect or araed, and we hope that their Christian peJgirbora wilt reciprocate on this of JJov. Dr. Tu3k&'s congrogaUon. winter draa gcoda marksd down , OOSt, Call and esamiue. Malu sheet. Okbat lediwtioa In UenU Hata atRiee & Kogol'a, 285 MJiln street- - Diaries for tiie New Year at Geo. Pattison & Co., 817$ Main street. tf To Wholesale Buyers. Jcet rd one thousand ovorooata from $6 to $10 each, at Walker Bros. & Co., 229 Main atreet, Ctay Building. tf The Elmwood Collegiate Inst- itute for young gentlemen and lioys, lo ' cated near the end of tho Street Railroad, wilt resume Us eeeion on Monday, January ill l3- - i'rot. T. J. Norcom, a skillful and popular instructor for ten ve3rs in MompbiP, who established this institution in 18 8, and conducted it for many yearB, will repume the care of it ; and he is so well known as an accompiinhd scholar, thorough teacher, o.ir.PFj'ful dlfaciplinarian, that we oongratulato our yruDg friends on hla re- - irri to tho city. BiudentE from tue city lul" , . 1 half fire 011 the a,'t 1 ll i' and tho ride in bad weather, or twit iu Kl weather, is tho Iwst gym- - ai ic rxl.rciart they vouM take, 4 . CITY COilXCIL. H?S MEMPHIS DHjY APPBAI,- -- WEDNESDAY, . JISTTJHY 6, 1869: Regular Xoittbly BleotliiR ortio ' ' Hoard. ports or 5to. Sala cf Ihfc I.i lie ISacU Kail- - road Honda. I.IVCI3- - Dcbatds -- AyurnmoBt (o tills Evonlnjr. Th Bosnl of Mayor km! AUlermen of tbeoity of Masnphls aonvoned yotrtl evening lit ? o'clock for the regular niouUily meeting. A quorum baiug annouoKl, Judgt Shyue took the chair, aod after the reading of tho proceodlutra of the prece- ding meetlDg by theSecrstury, the Hoard proceettetl to busioeas. The following tneesage from his Honor Mayor Left wick was then read; Mayor's Orncr, City Hali, llBMrni". Tt.NN Janu.ry 5, 1S9. To the Hon. Board of Atdennen: We stand to-d- ay on the cJiiJiceaof two ooriwate years, a fit occasion for such a rotrot.pect as may guide us in the irfurmance or duties tu.it are 10 ua voive on us in tiie year that is before us When we contras; tbeconditioo of tue oltv. with what we desiro it to be, tin ole.ure H giooruy enougo ; iiui wiieu omrtared with what it has been, ana what it might now be, the prospect it not discoaragin?, out on the contran auite hooeful. Same of you will remember when it eoet more to convey a bale of cotton frcrc the Memphis and Charleston railroad depot to the river than from the rivet oant to New Orleans ; and when a car- riage eould not pass through the priuoi-n- l 6treeta. Dunne tne year seven anu a uaii miie. or 177.403 vanSe, of Nioholeon and atone pavement has been laid at a cost tn toe ana property owners 01 ?Ji,- - 469 &2. In tho same tiaie 127 suite, to wbich the cily w&a a parly, have been lilieatcd. 126 of which were Rained bv the elty, aud a large number settled and a further accumulation of cost therebj prevented. The navy yaid property, wbieh was held by the General Govern ment as captured and Tinsnunneu prop erly, ami lor tne restoration or wnicu sd attorney fee of 540,000 had bpeu offered, has been restored to tne city without cost. and on such conditions as to warrant the uope tbr.t a reasonable rent will he paid by Uie uovernmeut tor its use wnuo so oscupied. One year ago cur city uctlp uraa wcrcn ssi. on tne uouar ; now it le worth JJOe. City bonds with several dur eonpoaa attached, were then worm leas man. aui.; now niey are worth more than EOc. Toen city eaipioyeea were cotnpeuea 10 re- ceive for their services a scrip variable In value, and often resulting in a loss they were pooriy able to bear, while now though exigencies sometimes postpone their paymeutfor a brief period, thej are piii in money with &uch proruptue?? that no necessity exists for fielling their claims at a discount. Then we were paying interest at a rate of 24 per cent per annum ; now wo are paying cn an average lem than half that amount. Ail this iiss been iceornpnsued d urine a yesr of unprecedented financial strin gency and consequent depression of all branches of business, while the coming year promisee to be one of unusual pros or these good results, being merely an executive officer, I can claim no credit for myself, but cheerfully ac- cord to your vigilance and prac tical legislation tne honor to which you are oleatiy entitled, ft ie, howeve1-- , vith feelitgw of gratitnde and pride that I remember the liberal support my views have at all times received at your haudp. and that no event has occurred to die ... . . 1 i j i lupt een or v. iiicimtjiii iuo uuu oontidenliai relations that have existed between w, and while exprtsjing my thanks for tuis support, npd for the ccur-tae- y, promptness and efllciency that hat chariscterizrd the conduct of all the city officers, I must lie allowed especjiliy to tUiuk the " Finance Committee " for the sound judgment and indomitable energy that ban time and again carried us through seemingly insurmountable obbtiiiew, We cannot ba unmindful of our re- sponsibility ' to those who-- 8 ,'nlereeta we represent, nor ungrateful for their valua- ble counsel, but during the performance of tue cnOfi onerous dutiee, aod investi- gations of this sfiOQ t intricate qtu-stion- s ol polioy, we havo been faor,ed with much gratuitous advice often without a nice regard for taste and sometimes Igno ranee hss blindly impugned our mo- tives. Thia advire coming mainly from those who have not mauifeeted capacity to iuccewflly copduct their own buei ne&s, we have received al Us value, and disregard tho Biius'oWfo bad motives, knowiiiir that the moral courage which dares to do right, regardleuu cf such in- fluences, will dispel the olouda of doubt thus raised, as the rising sun dissolves the jwnrnjne vappr. TurninE from the past, wo look to the future. Much m ifae .ee;) ilone, more remains to do. O ing to on under eiti-mst- e of the amount of il jating lndebt bduers, ?d an over estimato of the amount of til!? . indebtedness that would ha absorbed b tax-payer- s, the one miliiou of bonds thai vero authorized to be issued, though reeling Ifiore than waa expected, have been exhausted, leaving some preeblng obligation still unpaid. The rigiu aaou-om- y that was practiced with audi bene- ficial and encouraging result during the first few months of the past year has been too far departed from and ought to be promptly resumed. Thlo- - departure was ao gradual end insignificant in detail as to be almost lmpereeptld.e; while in the aggregate its elTecla on our lescuroee i3t?oJy felt. 'fiifi ftccoip5nying report by the Mayor, City Attorney, and Chairman of tho finance Committee, will show that in ccraplianee with the iaatructiousj almott unanUnowtlu atom by nearly a In Kxeoulivo session, have Ml .... Hoard .. , . wp - I t I.Jl T I sold tuo cuva s'.ooii in uie ojjuib jwc BiilroEil. Tnis was dohe for two good and sufficient reasons; first, because the money it will bring is needed to pay debts that cannot from any other known source be provided for; second, because tbejtale insures tho completion of the road in on year, a desideratum not oth- erwise to be obtained. Ha of the stock in the MiasIsMppt und Tennessee Railroad would insure or haaten the building of the Misslsrippi Valley and Pdduoah Itiilroad, I would urge its sale ateo, in fooa of and fully comprehending the seemino opposition tthe measure. Oor railroad stocks were not takon wltii any hope of receiving direct dividend therefrom, but for ihe sole purpose of desirablerailroad communications and much as we hear and read of im nciu prospective dividends, uo sensible man expects an, beypnd such as enter- prising business talent will gather from the new fields that will be opened to U6 J,iv their completion. But beyond, and far phoyp a!J this, corporations, no more than iudivjdtnio, have tho moral or legal right to hold and own stocks nnd other rtiat can be disbenaed with while needy creditors are deprived 0.' their jut dues. Vri dter Dollcv can be adopted in this emergf-no-v tuarl o fell all we have, and thiii inatSan of "oTtendlmrthe debt and Increasing tho interret," we would, to the exleptcf its proceeds, "pay thpgebts and save the interest." It Is eauy, and may be profitable for newspapers, wbo?e columns have become stale (or want of items to croak and ecm- - in, or even raise the sensational bdga-o- f C- - "Btar Chamber proceeding," whon, Hko prudent tuvn, we meet for consultation without the presence of p reporter toohropiclo all the phases of un- developed plans or unmatured purposes. li is easy Jor parlies largeiy indebted to the city, and bankers who are unwilling in .eclat 111 with loans, to Join In well worded remonstrances against the sale of oily property, but this docs not relieve the wants of those to whom we are in manv instances for day labor on the streets, uui reminas us lorciyy 01 . ainr it to tn rt,i -- nit thnn uuw mutiu co.w - -- - - w suggest practical relief, '1 h most absurd and least to ho ro 1 carded of 'l eomulainU are Uioso of de-- 1 litquent tax-payer- s, who failed to pay their tsjf8 wh'n scrip was worth thirty-thre- e coute, because they thought it would bo cheapei-- , and now murmur be- cause the city crudit has bo improved as to raiso it to eighty cents, while tbo most inconsistent idea Is that the Board of Aldermen is inefficient in its legiti mate aphere,and yet competent to control profitably largo and varied railroad Inter ests in addition. In ooufiuiiou would recommend, as x measure of economy end the abate ment of almost a nuisance, that prompt orovislonn be made for cleaning and keening clean the paved streets, This, in my opinion, can be made cheaply done by contract, and If tho vlue, us a fertilizer, of the deposit to be removed la diuy app. eclated, it will coal 'he cit? but little and UM prove prorata ble to the contractors. Yours very respefi fully. JOHN W. LLtTWlCH, Mayor. The following is the iuclojure alluded to: Mayor's Offici. City Hai-l- , 1 Memphis, January A, ltU9. J Pn the llnnnr.i!ile ISoaid of Aldernieu: In accordance with your instructions", jvo have sold Ui W. B. Greenlaw the dty's stcck in the Memphis and Little Rock Kiilrosd at twelve cents on tne toiler, at d a guarantee that the road vill be completed by the lat of January, IS70. The proceeds will amount to about HOO.0Q0. ol which the City Treasurer will be provided with a sufficiency to meet the claims of all the city employees aow due. and the remainder appropri' ted to the payment of the indebtedness of tho First National Bank, on the terms if tho original contract, to-wi- t: on tne basis of city bonds at sixty-fiv- e cents on j.ii 1- - ,V..ll llieuoilrr. 1 uura, ieejieuuui'y , ciu., JJH.V W. LEST W1C1I, Mayor, C J MOKGAN', City AltOjiKy, E. at rl)A VI IT, Chairman K.C. The Board then proceeded to the re oorts of citv officers for Dscomber. Dr. G. B. Thorn ton, physician in charge of UUy Hospital, reports lor xiecemuer, 1S8S: Xamkerof p&tle&U roauiinicg in Hospital al iesi ieprt.... 79 Xii. of nattentx mmillltil to HoDitctl kluie last report.- - . C3 Totul nuinber treated- -. .. Ill ' " d .. 2S " " died 16 UercalnlngDecenburt, lSttii S7 AniLttnt received from pay warns. J. Li. Chandler. Tax Collector on PrivL leges, leported $12,244 oOcoliectedduring the niontu. tne total collections o: ine oillco sines ite assumption by him is S131.749 tO. Robert Good, Wharfmaster, collected $4115 43. Peter Connolly, Matket Master North acr.iket, col'ected l-.- u. C. Bonier reports $350 50 collected. W. Biland, City Inspector of Lumbar, rermrts 125.081 feet iusDected cud 137 70 collected. D.- -. Alex.Ersklne, Dsan of the Medical College, reports number of patients regis- tered as 203 ; cumber prescriptions issued 240. Character of remittent and intermittent fevers. Jo?. H. Cash, City Inspector, collected iGU 40. R. J. Morgan, City Attorney, reports the decision against property owners in the suit against pavemeut contractor?, ami advise3 property owners to settle without delay, John H. Bowen. Cy Tax Collector, reports $78,531 SS'oalkcted daring the month. reports of standing committees beinz then in order, various "chairmen of committees made their reports, which wore duly disposed or. reports of special committees. Alderman Passruore nreseated a report recommending that the City Council pe- tition the Legislature for a change in the charter of the city". Thia was on a reso- lution of Alderman Johnson in regard to a petition of tho merchants in regard to tho Metropolitan Police, and the tax for Uie supDort 01 tue same j The report waa adopttnl, and a com- mittee of three, vis . Messrs. Passmore, Hoist aod Brown was appointed to pre pare the petition. The Spup House question again came before the Board, on tho majority report (which was read by Alderman Passmore, wno um not concur in mo report; wnicu was adverse. Alderman Hull In supported the Boup question and "wanted tho $2000, which wore voted, paiij tjawn. Tho soup to be furnished, ho s&id, was i' bully,"" Aldermau O'D.mnell gave tho soup, soup-hous- e, saup bill, and soup charity tits, opposing e in toto, as did Alderman llenner. Qa a vote tho report was coucurred in by a vote of lto, PETITIONS Wt ti next iu order, and several unim-po:t- ar t on ei were presented and granted or to the proper committee. A petition signed by p. M. Cash and others to secure the passage of an ordi- nance relieving deliquent tax-paye- rs from the 5 per cent, additional penalty tax, on the ground that the law author- izing it is ex post.faclo, urjjust and oner- ous. Refeired ti.the Flnanco Commit- ter and the Cjly Y.ttorney. A petition fronfJi! J5. Jjaugh for to pay f jr extra labor, was allowed. . A petition frotn Capt. Geo. Cheek, of the ferryboat, praying that his boat b9 exempt from wharfage on condition of keeping the wharf at which the boat lo&ds Jn good order, was referred to a special couiinl tee qf tnree, consisting of Aldermen Cartwright, Molfat and Hoist. Alderman Passmore pree&ntcd a peti- tion signed by Jno. T. Strstton, Newton P'ord yL Co., nnd others of the very heaviest aud mot icuasptjal merchants and citizens of tho city, protesting against the proposed sale of the' city's stock tu ihe Little Rick Railroad, and praying tYiat It uaghl not be done. Ho moved that the prayer o'f the petitioners be granted. Moved by Alderman Johnscn tiat It be referred to the Mayor and Finance Committee. A dsrmon Ruflin opposed thereforence of (hp matter- - Ho wished to meet it fair and Equaro tbeii. lio bed pvophecied this movement of Bam Tate's and West's when they first attempted to psrehase the city's slock in the Louis- ville road. ro forew that they would try to go through tho city llue t ucsp of salts: a dose 6f salts Was nothing they are going ft iko grotou oil. He opposed tho city's giving up'a pent 1 ou the ponr trary. hp would advocate her taking 5500,000 moro stock In ft. He showed its v&et importance as a connecting link In the sBt yjutfiern paclflo route, ridi- culing the Uoa that the parlies purchas- ing would furnish any guarantees to finish tho road by 1S70. What guaran- tees pan they give? In 1870 they will come up with u whine tbout tho troubles in Arkanea?, the wet weather, the aver-iliw- s, etc., and ask to be allowed until 1875. Ha redacted on the Insolent and arrogant sneers of the Mayor's message ebout the newspapers, and said that the papeia vere right in informing the citi-y.?u- 8 about the dolrs of Individuals in the Board. By a course of argument he showed that if there was money in this stock to private individuals, there waa money in it to the jity of Memphis, and it was, therefore, in acoordancij with he; true financial policy to keep it. He prof.oscU. Jf Ike city had to sell her stock to pay her debts, not to let one man or one set of men havo the only cnanco to buy, out put it up al public auction and sell it to fae highest bidder. Referring to the gemiemcFi wuu i(jupu tup pcijiiuu juai. road by Alderman Passmore, he eulo-g- ij d them as tho very best end jlrst men of our community. He asked, in corjclufcloD. that as the property belonged to the people, and they had voted on the pppfoprjajion purchasiug it, that they, the people,' bayo fn,prt.r;:;Uy of voting upon ts final disposition, apt tfiat thp. Mayor call an pec!on on the qqes'tibp. Alderman Rennet oppqseij tbg refer- ence, and asked the gentle men maKhiff the motion to withdraw It, and allow the petition to como up, so that the Board voiij take the dilemma by the horns. To settle controversy for tue time, Al- derman Passmore withdrew the Refjtlpp fpr the present, RESOLPTPJjg. Homebody wanted a tax of fifteen per cent., te be levied on all taxable property, to create a slnkirg fund for somo pur- pose. The resolution was laid on the tshjc, unanimously, so quickly that the "resolver 'J did r not havo time to reclaim It. Alderman Passmore thou CAliecJ up Ant commcTiced the discussion of that por- tion of the Mayor's mesatg?, and the Inclosed document, relative to the salo cf tha city's bonds in tho Utile Rock Rail- road; bat owing tho laieneed of the hour, and the retii i jg of rveral members from the Board, a further consideration wai postponed uutii this evening at four o'clock. THE COjOIISSIOXEUSIBIP. A New Tor licauiiiont'rf Prcacliiisfr and Prajins. Solongrtiimo has olap3ed sinco our worthy Chief cf Police, Cl. Beaumont, was called by tho Little Rock Railroad to take charge of itd Interests, and so muck was said on the sul ject of hfc suc- cessor at the time, that tue matter be- came stale and uninteresting, and for some time past we have had 00 rumors even as to whom or upon whom would fell tho mantle of his' office. . Each of the candidates for the honor flourished a brief day, was tho subject of a telegram or two from or to Nashville, end then fell into oblivion. Yesterday, however, tho city was startled by the announcement that tho man and tho hour had met. The new Beaumont bad been found. A man whose plethoric leg?, and well developed understandings would exactly fill tho vscant breeches and ehoes, had turned up atlvnoxville. Itwas even whispered that he had already received the ap- pointment, nnd would enter upon tiie duties immediately. This nowa set everybody on a tipb e of expectation as to who tho new F- - uehe Could be, and at lust It leaked cu. that the nows had come by telegraph to a nigu pouco oinciai, iroru tuo private sec retary of the Governor, and that the "coming man" was the lt9v. W. H Pearne. Tnis individual, whom rumor thus pakes our Chief of Police, is a scalawag parson, a iianger-o- n or Jiiton's, the carpe- t-bag Superintendent of Public Ednca tion. It was but a day or two ago that we saw it announced mat Urownlow had appointed him his successor as "Senior Elitor" of thoKnoxvilie Whig. These two last facts speak volumes as to his moral fitness for the position. WoundeHtaud that he has already made out a programme cf ?' how the ma- chine is to bo run" aa soon as ho takes tho ermino upon him. Tho first move will be to capturo the ironclad und kin dred institution, and ransom the in mates,.-- . The Varieties, Gayetief, steam matrf nnd free lunch houaes are next to bo blackmailod, and if a sul'leient sum 19 not paid, to be suppressed. Tho Po hce fcrco are to be made attend prayers throu times a day, aud sing a psaim at roll call, mornit'g and evenirg, Tho unifirms are to be changed from blue to black, with white cno&ers, aud tuo Hair of Uie oUlcors nnd men of tbo forco is to ba cropped close. The following motto is to be placed over tne uesK in easu sta'ionuouse : " There's nary honest mac on earth, And ecarcely ono in hoaveu." A very stringent police code 13 to be adopted the blue laws of Connecticut to form the basis. Due allowance will be mado to Radical clergymen on sprees, and rooms at One of tho many popular resorts spoken of above, will bo retained for them by the month. We suppose it was a "fellow feeling " that caudtd Browniow to appoint Pearue, as he wished to take care of the cloth. Further particulars will be given wheu the facts transpire, Marked Down ! Markeu Down ! ! Our entire steck ol winter dress goods at actual cost, uaii and examine. t WALKER 15HOS.4 CO. The Trade Sale, as advertised by W. H. Pitssmoro & Co., comes olT tbU morning at 10 o'clock. There stock is large and va'rieti and can bo seen earlv this morninff: Then will also be sold a case of gentlemen'a wear. Great reduction in L'uen Towels and Embroideries at Rice & Kegel's. Personal Amongst tho distin guished arrivals in our city yesterd8y we notice inn liranu Biro or ttie li. W. Grand Lodgo t O. I).'!-.-" or the flailed 8'fttee, Capt. E.D. Farrisworth, of Nash ville. The weather is ajrain clear end beautiful not too warui, and yet not oven cod. The throng of strangers which crowded our streets during tho holidays, has somewhat decreased though Maiu street is very lively during the middle of the day. The hotels ire niso quite full of guestn, and on the whole, our city is in a most flourishing condition. Chamber of Commekce At a meet- ing of the Board of Officers o' this insti- tution yesterday, J. T S:rattou, Esq , in the chftir, W. ji. Chony, Esq., was unanimously elected to fill tho position of Mr. Nelson, tn late President, re- signed. This is an srceHent selection, and wo congratulate the Chamber on its choice. The finest invoice of Jenkins & fv. Toasltf'tbji city at C. C. Jackson's, 58 Adams street. t Gijkat reduction in Ladies' Cloaks at Rice & Engol's. f Everybody should have one a Diary for 18C9, t6 be had at Geo. P.attison & Co., 317 Main street. ' ' tf Hebrew Fair. The vote on tho ele- gant Freuch clock for the. most popular banker, at the Hebrew Fair, now in pro- gress at "the Memphis Club Hall, stood last night as follows : E. M. Appersno, 21 ; C. P. Norri?, 27; J. B. Kirtland, 17; Jacob Levi, 11 ; If. 4. Partee, . There i great rivalry "manifested among the friends of the different candidates. The voting will continue only a few nights longer, and we hope that the voters will lose no Ijcje jo janva6jug cu polling the biggest vote for their favorite candi- dates. ' " At elpyep olejopk tlds moaning, Messrs. Royster, Tre savant fc Co. sell at auotiop, at. ijelr salesroom, a small lot of very elegant lrmino aud Swaiudown Mutfe and Capes, to which the attention of 1I1 3 ladi6u is specially cillcd. Irish Poplins lower than ever, at Rice & Eugol'?, 23 Min Eiret. t Wi. Wasson, Dentist After nn absence for some time, baa again return- ed to tbj city, and now oifcrs his profes- sional services to acquaintances and the public generally. Office with his brother, j. I. WafsopL deqtjot, Uo. 1S Main street, Memplu?, Tenn- - t The Steam Man Challenged. Dr. Stillman proposes to take the worst crip- ple in town, give him Tho Great Gener- al Restorative one month, ant then run l)im agjjnst the eteaui man, the length of Main street, for on'e thousand dollars. The Suicide. Antonio Podesta, the young man who shot himself in the bead on Gayoso streot, Monday evening, died yesterday morning from the wouccj. Pndinb and the great New Orleans combination did not arrive yesterday, on account of the failure of the tralcs to con nect on tue Miosissippi roau. Tney win, however, appear this evening positively at the Greenlaw Opera House. We ik and predict for them a brilliant cud hearty tecetitioi. GQ carts in iKJiTisyiLLK. Messrs. Allen'i" Baylja?, yel known young gen-tlem- en or this oity, havestartod a line of "Parcel" Expresi carta in Louisville. Mr. Allen has been connected with the AppeaIj ofllce for some years, and we ara glad to record hU success. Full of energy an"4 entirely" reliable, wn hope ttiat"our young friends m4y soon win srepnbagifs enough to load al) thejr use-t- ul little vehicle No Htjmbuo we mean what weeay all winter goods sold at Walker Bros. & Co.'s at New York cost. t Q HEAT reduction in gents' furnishing goodd hi Rice & Engel'H, 233 Main Ht, T ARKANSAS. The. Conference at Dlnrlon. The Objecta of iho Invaders Plainly SSaicil. Tho Slilitlu arc Fortified. Cavalry and Reinforcement from Little Rock Scat for. Tho meetingcilled for yesterday after- noon, at Mound City, of tho rofugee from Arkansas, and their friends, was on maturer consideration dispensed with, and, instead, yesterday morning a Joint cornniitteo tf citizens of Memphie, Mis- sissippi and Arkansas, with M. E. Coch- ran, Esq , as chairman, wont over tp Marion to confer with the militia forces. We understand that tho committee, to tho number of nine, went hence to Mound City, where thoy found horses prepared for them, andthnco thoy went to Marion under a ll:g of truce. Here th-- found the militia as 'I fortified around the Jill. The fcrtiti extend from the lake to thopu .? csjuare, enclosing the jail, and aro represented as quite formidable, at least to 11,1'antry without artillery. They consist of an earthwork about eight feet thick, and palisades, with ditch on the insiitu, running around the Jail on three side?,, tho lake formiug the rear de- fense. Tr.o jiil is further fortified by a second lino of redoubts which complete- ly surrr.tmd it, and nukes it Impregnable to anv f jred without, artillery. The militia are in f-i- ir companies, nnd when thoy first arrived did not number more tbau ninety, or at lurtnesr, a hun dred men, but havo been re- cruited since they arrived up to antut three hundred. They aro of every ag- - frcm mere boys of twelve years of age up to drcrepid old men white and black indiscriminately, and aro "uniformed " in every descriptipn ol toeceiy. The cillcers met the. committee, and ir.tirinul iltao that they wero sent to the place for a Hprc litj rfurnose. when they accomplished which they would leave, and not tiil theu. This specific purpose was the arrealor twelvecitlzsns, four of whom thy already had in jail. They had sent to Little R ck for 150 cavalry with which they in- tended to scour tbe country and catch tho other eight. They refused to give tho names of the parlies or the crimes they are accused of, They informed tho Cornniitteo futher that two citizens had been famished with a written parole, at the request of meuiuasup, nuu lusuunm mem iu gu iu lho3e parties who are anticipating or agi- tating an attack upon the militia, and beg theui to desist. Any attack would uow 19 only "hooping coals of lire" upon tho already totally prostrated and helpless community. Great Reduction ! Great Reduction! Clothing at cost ! Winter clothing at co3t at Walker Bros. & Co.'s. t Silk Warp Alpacas at great reduc- tion, at Rice & Eogel's, 233 Main at. t Laces, Edgings and Embroideries. W. H. Passmore & Co. have just received a consignment, from New York, of ele- gant and rich Iscee, etc., to which the attention of the ladles is respectfully in- vited. Ledgers, Journals and Cash Bock?. Liok at them. tto. Rattiann fc f"Y . dliJ'Mam street, tf JoE. r.OniP. MfU Mnln at liaa Krnt from Prison Table by Col. Joe. Barblcre. Also, Lselie, Harper, Godoy 's, Demcrest, Lippincott, Eclectic, nnd hosts of other publications for January. Leslie's Week- ly, with rilntliro of Oritur rI. nru rf City o! Mexico, Banner of tho South, father 4. J. lyans paper, Harper's r, Waverlyl Haortiui? Times. Davs n.linp"!. Wcfltrrn Worl.l T iforaru Album Louisville, Ciuolnnati, Mt. Louis, Chi-oag- o, New Orleoaa, and New York dallies recolved by every mail. Books aud Stationery, Biso Balls, etc. tf PoKitFrrrinw In Hnmljv'u nn( r the doings of tlje Clayton ftiirjtia at Ma- - noa, A.ru., pu.uiisnDd that 4Jr. Whit-slt- t, who was wouuded by the militia ruffians while on his way to attend somo sick waasaldtoboaRalical. On .1... negroes, 4.. ,r . .1 . . , in n uu at too request 01 Maj. Eirle, of Msrion, we correct this report, and are happy to number the un- fortunate Doctor among the true Ocuser- - VlHvn ll.lflOri-Ill- nl' Arlranqa gret that the Doctor has" been compelled to subject hlmsetf to the painful opera- tion of amputation of hh left arm, ren- dered necessary rroci'thb wouuds itsTe-te- d by the mgro eecundreli. f!r ivrliTvn t t 'rnTiiiw, l l r i , down ! marked down ! ! t WALKER BflQS. & COx Hr.lVl' liortlra lllanl- - U-- t. mi wi'tf fvjvia ti'uoL 4JUilv 1 lit? most complete atook in tho city. Geo. Pattison v fJo. L&va tlim wt 51171 r: - ua. j AIA41U street. if Gkeat reduction In Or.sra Cloaks nt Ulna fr. RntrnPo - ' THE COUKTS. Municipal Court Geo. W. Waldran, Judge. Court convened yesterday morning, holding long enough to dis- pose of ajl the business op the calendar. The following "bases havo booii set for trial to-da- y ; 114.0 IJenswQod vs Ensley. 1203 Mpmphis German Savings Institu- tion vs Bender, sur part. 1320 Tennessee State Mutual Firo Insu- rance Co vs Walton. 1327 Same vs Perea & Co. 1328 Same vs Whaleu. 133G Hatch vs Waguener et nl. 1U57 Harris vs Mackey & Co. 1388 Hatch vs Woggener et al. 137S Freeh vs Graves et al. 1379 Smith vs Bell. 1430 Smith, adm'r, etc, vs McLann. 1436 Memphis German Savings Institu- tion vs Lee, Jr. et aj. 144G Same vs Baymiller et al, 14G3 Brlnkjey vs Gates & Wood. 1184 Same vs same, 1485 Smith vs EvaDs. 14bl Mount vs Biruaid & McClure. 1401 Miller vs Someiville. 151S Farabeo vs Dslap. 1541 Kane va Home Insurance Cc, of New York. 153 Same vs beourity Insurance Co. of Naw York. 1543 Same vs Enterprise Insurance Co. I54ikSime vs Putnam Insurance .Co. 154G Watt vs Ford. 1517 Wolf, agent, vs King. 1548 Citteratto va Rqma, 1549 Dickinson vs Blase. 1550 Sutton & Co ya Bernard & E irnum. 1551 Cash vs Sf mmes & Co, et al. 1552 Fitzgerald vs Burnstien 1553 Barrow vs White. 1554 Ford vs Watt. 1555 Lawhprn valpyden et al. 155Q dreenlaw vs Mayer. 1557 Fitzgerald va Burnstien. 1558 Cook, agent, vs Tranor et al. 1559 Clemes vs Fleece, adm'r, et al. . 1560 Selden vs Montgomery. 1561 Mosby, receiver, vs KJssel!. 19M Walker vs Estis, Ckanpery Court. Win. Smith, Chancellor. Yesterday's calendar of motions, pleas and demurrers was heard and disposed of. To-da- y the untried oases on the calendar published for last Monday will be called up for hearing, beginning with cause No. 512 The Clerk and Master will tako an flt y in fche qase pf ".fennedy ' va. Dupuyet af. Law COURT IX. S. Lee, Judge. Court'met yesterday morning, pursuant to adjournment. It had been agreed upon betweon counsel and so determined by tho Court, that the case of Marjpjqz &Co. VB. VYe ahOiild ba tried on, that day, but as it was ascertained that the case wojild probably oooupy the atten-Uo- n of the Court for more than a week, and as the Court had announced an early adjournment, the attornoys agreed that tke case should bo continued over until next term. To-da- y th.3 ramamlng motions on tbo tyotiorr docket, which were uot heard and determined on Mon- day last, will be taken up. Thursday will ba the last day of this term. TIIE K UTTER CAST.. Tin oeuiurrer Overruled by Judge 32:mtcr. The Case Continued to Tu-tla- j. Tho Ratter habeas corpus case came up for hearing agnitiou yesterdy, befoj-- e Judgo Hnnter, of tho Criminal Court, upon the demurrer of the counsel for the defense to tho return of the officer. Af- ter a lengthy and protracted argument of the various questions of law involved in the case, the demurrer was overruled, and the cose continued for further hear- ing relative to the question of ball, until this morning. An application will then be made to admit Mr. Rutter to bail for bis appearance before the Crimi- nal Ccurt of Nashville upon tho first day of the next term. The capias under which the arrest of Mr. Rutter was made presents the singular anomally of containing no less thau four distinct mdseparato charges, each constituting tu offense of different degres and each punishable iu a separate and distinct manner. Tbo Court, in consequence of this mr.nifes'. Jrfect in tho capias, fouud it difficult t determine upon which of ihese charges it would be proper to act upun lu biadlng Mr. Rutter over, bat finally determined upon the charga if embezzlement, regarding the others as mere turp'.usage and having no legal effect. Messrs. Brown & Griffin, Yerger fcSale, Jui-'g- e L. V. Dixon, and Col. Geo. Gantt spp?&rtd for the defense. Judge Thoe. H. Buiith and Attorney-Gener- al Thorne fur the prosecution. . JrKT rf eeive d, the latest style of Hoop Skirts al It ce & Eogel's, 233 Main st. t Epiphany. Tj-da- y is Epiphany, or twelfth dy the old Christmas. It Is calk d tp.c l:th day as being that num- ber of dajs after Christmas, andEpi-pban- y from a Greek word, signifying appearance.' It was first celebrated na a 8i?pars!e day from Christmas about S13, A. D., formerly beit'g. a part of the Christmas holidiy. Tnere will bo wor ship in the Roman and Anglican churches as on other holy days. ASiL'SEMEXTS. New Memphis --- A yery fair house greeted the Lady of the Lake last night, at thia, our par exce7ice,place of resort. Mr. Hamilton aa " Jamea Fitz Jamep," Mr. Higgina as "Roderio Dhu," Mrs. Lanagan as " Ellen," and Mrs. Taylor as "Blanche," wero all most excellent, and the houso more thau oiico showed thoir appreciation of caoh character. The play for this evening is 'Ihe Streets of New York, for the benefit of Mr. Ham- ilton. Wo hope the house may be crow- ded, and that the benefit may be a rou er, for never did an actor merit more at the hands of a theater going public than Mr. Hamilton. Ho is a gentleman in every sense of the word, and a most ex cellent actor one whose modesty alone is an mat prevents nis being a "star." The-Gayeti- es. Thia new instlttitipn bids fair econ to outstrip anything "that has evor been attempted in our city be- fore ia the way" of genuine variety en- tertainment. The management have se- lected a most admirable corns of artists and actora, and deserve the suooort n that portion of the publio who love euch a stylo of amusement, We shall takn occasion to speak personally of the vari-CU- 3 ladies and gentlemen employed at The Varieties waa. as usual, full o a laughter-lovin- g crowd, who enjoyed tue cominaiiiiss presented until their aides ached. MancgerBroomhasai?ood company, and is doing a good business in me nno or "amusing the public. ' The Steam Man. This humbug, worthy of Barnum in his palmiest davs. drew quite a crowd of gulla yesterday uuraeji umoni; tne number. j,ive and learn is an old motto one well exem plified in this last Yankee humbug. Dissolution. Tho firm of Fiahertv & Walsh has been dissolved by mutual consent. Tho itusinesa,will be conducted in future bv Jaa. Fiaiierfv ifc Co.. tho senior member 01 wnicn, Mr. iiaberly, una ueuu a resilient of una Citv for twenty years, and is bh well known as any man upon the Bluff. To these need ing their services we would say give mem a can anu we gGaranteo satisfaction Great reduction in Ladies' Underwpar at Rico & Eogolv. t HEW AB.YSRTISEM'KTS Sefcateentb Uuarlorly Statement FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS. ON THE Kornlns: or the Flist Hondny lu jan uury, 1880. RESOURCE ; VolMcnll Rills D.'JonnUrl .J 2S2.C81 07 i. n. Becuruiow, ui par .5 sw,w uu Cily or Memphis Securi- ties, coet . 15,155 57 :it 1S 57 U.ibkicc Hoiue.... 45.MW IX) ChkIi on hard, Including Chock on City Ranks. 329.335 12 Due us Itoiu Hanks (ilght Exchange) 2X777 83 587,915 92 Sl.213,ajJ 08 LABILITIES: tlapllal Slock- - ..S200,0(10 CO surplus B,:KC(H l"ront auil j oas, not.-- .. 21,013 SS ICS (Xt2 22 uiviaeuus unpaiu 'itQlO Circulating Notes 171,70 00 IudlvMnal Deposits.,., 737 159 53 Government Depofltii 60,109 til ilue to Banks and Bank- ers 18,110 C- l- SCC.003 U S!,21V52 06 u. f. riouKis. nu Dissolution. tpHR flnu nt WiGUS, CHEE?I & CO.,is this 1. uay uusoivcu uy muiv,ai vonaeuu ur.j.j, Wles is nathorizMl to sstllo the hunlneiu of Bald Arm, J. M WIGGS, J. W.PAGE, Jn, January i.lW. Ja5 OEJ. W. lUEEK. O. N. CASE, Jr., & CO., Ko. 177 Main Street, Xcar Overton olcl, Woodruff Block, MrlMlMilS, ... - TENNEESEE. MANUFCTOEEES OP Faadlery, Harness, Bridles, Collaps Whips (?nJ Hardware. caj-- a naw stock just received. Ja3 O. SDBCTJXj'27 23, PRACTIOAIi Locksmith, Safemakep and Maehinists No. 119 Ji !rrscn Street, Memphis, Tenn. inlabllshed'lu Xemplils 1S36, and Fire-pro- Bares inade and BURGLAR Lleht Machinery. Prinllng Presses, etc., re paired. iron xioors, Banners una vuimau& Locks repaired or made to order. Bells hnns and repaired, 8 ALL WQltU GUAHANiEED. M v Mlehnited COTTON AUGEHS alwnVH nn hacd.and Cotton Jteales sharpened. Ja3 DRUGS, EXO, TJXEO. KQEISKER, Analytic and aanufscturlng CfecIstt Druggist and Apothecary, fj'i- - and 60 Boal Street, (Korthwegt corner of Second), CHEMICAL ANALYSES or all deecrlpUoas written reports furnished. Physicians' Prescriptions csurcfuUy com pounded utall hours. Patent Medicine, Boaps, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, and everytlilni; pertaining to a Crst-ebv- H Drus t'.ore, sejC? U MERCHANTS CLOSING SALE OF WINTER DEY GOODS'! MENKEN BEO THMS OFFER THEIR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK OF JEANS, 4 AT REDUCED PRIOES. MEN! E 18 BEOTIEB No. 263 Cor. Main & Court Streets HARTFOEB INSURANCE AGENCY TXo.'lS Madison Street, St?saiilii... Tenn. 1 FIRE AXD lm POLICIES PBOMLY ISSUED & UPON EQUITABLE TERMS DWELLING HOUSES INSURED AT VERY CHEAP RATES Capital Represented, : : : : : $8,000,000 00 . J life and Accident Insrfrance, nt Low Cash or Participating Hates, can oe obtained, and Policies Granted from this OElce. o27 3m BDTXJEU & IIOOTIT. Oeneral AcfiiiH. BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS, LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS, . BLINDS, SASH, Clicap a e clicnpcf-t- . Orders from 4he country iiromptly filled. W. T. SWAN WICK 5t CO. T nov223m Adams Street. Opposite Bradl3- - IJIorlr.3 The Oldest Established House in J. P. STRANCE. Dry Clothing JOHN H. TAYLOR. STRANGE & TAYIOS, Z "WXO?3E3: EH BROTHERS QO, DEALERS IN Z FANCY AND STAPLE DHY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND FURNISHING GOODS, PLANTATION AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENEEALLY, We will sen all WINTER DRESS GOODS, In order to make room for a large slock or Spring and Summer Goods, jrF ACTUAL COST. jal WALHER ROS. A CO. FIXTURES Sl PUMPS GO TO 204: MAIN STREET. ROBERT li. MAITLAND & GO., COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTOR& AND GENERAI. COEIMISJilOU MERCHANTS,"' 1 IIAN0VER BUILDINGS, - HANOVER SQUARE, NEW 10RK. t& Advancoj. nado on Shipments to Idvorpcol and London. ocSt . GROCERS. JUST RECEIVED BY MEACHAfit & THE AD WELL No. 0 Union Stroor, Stonewall Block, - - Memphis, Tenn 100 lIhdH.T.onlRlnuji Sncnrs, 300 Jllils. and Hnir llhln. SInlimses, 300 Bass ItlO Coirro, IS Tons Ileiiril'8 Button Tics, Whlch.trlth their large of Gools already In store, makes their stock ona of the largest and most complete lo bo found tn tho city. Theylnvitenn examination, feeliDa'Con-Dde- nt tnelr prices und goods will elv satisac- tion. To the trade they are prepared to oner extra Inducements " J.P.Cojrrrs. Chas.Coktin, Late with Toof,PhllTlpa ACo., Hsctok Coryrx. OOPPIN BROS., D2A1XES IN ChoicejG-roeeries- , 302 Main Street, (Gayoso Block,) MEMPHIS, TENN . . . . . . . . 1 1 , receiving, rresn assonmenw 01 mi TTJST goods In their line. New New Orleans Molasses and Syrup, and tiolden r?yrup. Coffees Rip. 'isuRyra, Java and Mocha. Mal&rWe Notl and No. 2; Smoked Sal- - mon ana moaiers j viuiau, l', it-- d. Best Bra'ad3 of Flonr. 5. B. Goods dcUyeroa free of cliarge to any pari or the city. de!2 Spicer &c Sliarpe, 3Si MAIN STREET, SIAQEVNBY BLOCK. RECEIVING BY EVERY PACKET AUE by Kail, fresi additions lo their large nock of Choice Groceries. Duvis' Hew Slar Brcakrnst Bncon, I)nvi' Hew Star Haius, Dnvls' Beer-Tongne- New Flirs anil Bnislus, Choice Tens, Pnra Spices. CHOICE riOtlR AT IiOW PRICES. Our poods are frrsh and carefully selected. Families will tin, I all they want. We will suit you In prices cud goods. del! tf SPICER A SHARPE STERLING AND COIN. Silver 'W ares. 265 MAIN ST., COR. COURT. F. D. BARNUM & CO. '(Successors to Pooley, Carnnvi & Co.,) JEWELERS. deVUw Goods and Memphis. " No. CONFECTIONERIES. CHRISTMAS, 1868 XU IUC Uil itllU LUIiiUlfJfil jilt .ami JUST RECEIVED A large slock l- Goods, compri&lng " . PItESllKYKS, ' . FBC1TS. HCTS, i TOYS. , riKS And'a'I tho Luxuries and Delicacies lirtjfe Confectionery llue. - In Endless Varietr. iiil e SEND IN YOUK OltDKltS. I KOCCO, . h 2-i- Main atrcrf, . dell Ira Opposite Odd Fellows' llalh. PETRO OIL. Petro! Petro! Petro!:!!. Tenntesee Petro Oil Company is still,, . THE at their new stand, . 33 1 Mai li Street, Opposite Clay EnIlrtlnsr,A. We Inform the public in gpccral to come for- ward and try IU We also defy competition to our Lamp, Burners and general LampSloefc, We are manufacturers of the " Hanging Rock' Stoves Tinware, Castings of great varieties, wholesale and rotail. Merchants will do well to examine onr stock; novlO ROSKXBATJM k RROR. 265 mK ST., COR. COURT: F. D. BARNUM & 'CO., (Successors to Paoley, Barnum 4 Co.,) HAVE IN STORE AN UNEO HALED ASSOBTHEN2. OF PLATED n WARES OK THE BEST at F. D. IBARNUM & CO., 265 Main Street. dun im lageb bese; BY L. SCHNEPEL, Corner Thtrd and Wobster Streotsj ,r nTm,1 WAT.KHARRELBANDKEOSi L IletlferVd t o of charge within the city imlla, i

Transcript of DHjY APPBAI,- WEDNESDAY, JISTTJHY MERCHANTS · 2017-12-16 · Diaries for tiie New Year at Geo....

Page 1: DHjY APPBAI,- WEDNESDAY, JISTTJHY MERCHANTS · 2017-12-16 · Diaries for tiie New Year at Geo. Pattison & Co., 817$ Main street. tf To Wholesale Buyers. Jcet rd one thousand ovorooata


UXVCCT CWVv.lUhedaT 10 erf per line, each insertion

Tne cheapest and most compieuout ad--

verUttog known to tte netospaper wor'M

"STARTS.. .wit ai . v vi . a n v tiit 4itlroUA ui oU'! .,h .nun lu.K aefaiot Land,

WMB or 'rttiou 1 1 inpro men I. lost otsWeUiety, sail Baa a oayeruy uuS

Street. "--liT ANTED A UnUon at) BoOK-KKEPK- R

boflM-- s. Tlp4lnt wasnlMt la Uw city, has a iante clr.'Je oi ae--

iualatH!im, Mdetu produce toe " :- M - - fbu. ki.njllirsllll MliaCitS . TV 111

lie rAy 10 Wke a uituRtion on January lat.Aatiram ij. a.. i we


fjOR KKNT.-- A COlTAUK, nixrwom- - iuM on the pretafees, and a gar-ik-a

or three aerwt alt&ehetl. wnhluCrteenmtaates rte ef Conn Square. Rent S5 per

Ktmt. iSf.- 1UR RBNT. I am aoxtoan to rent my enllrb5 RAttjj, Mr mtlea seatii wrt at GaUtaTIlle.

Jttitroad, eonUiutnfc Two Hundred and 'fiAcre si go d nd, uiobl of whlen hiua highMtM of eamTBUOn. A gooi a waning.i-iui- u a viu. a well cf rood wut-r- . orofcartf ; lu itK-- t, everytotes that pertains to aweu arraotea larm joamHmi w vuniaunand ettooi. A an with the noney can abargain. fjft W. K wj,m..J? BRICK MWTSf.iit jerftct leaairwlUi li

aatrrHi Auction street, Cha. Jterenllycweuaitd by Rev. Mr. A. C. ta erton. Applyte SHiW.A. BUFUKL',j,j ST mhIm atitet.

RievTTtlR TIVCE,ARMSTRONGoh Uatral Avenue. tne miles froiu.

. utii mi HiMiw with loarr.wjis largenmte ia yd ; a'xt. kitcuen and ut ac!Miry outiMlMiBK. The piaee has thres e lit eras, good

rBard. large hoibed wltii iiewxsary Kuah,unl n-f bod. nae H' lus ant rrl nouso. --(t h auatoMt khad-- l for foltv )d of catUe.

r or dairy mam, Wih h ooe of lb

to JOHN T.daSflw 31 rtout "treel.

i.viv? KT.-flO- m and Kooim11 UM Fnstoffioe aod Llhrary BalKlloga, J,. L.

rVuer JenVtVm r..d Third btreets.. laqaire o!TH(K WIPKKR.SHAM. second floor l'ost- -

--fOK KENT. A neat one-stor- y COTXAUEH vrh Bm.i raomaaBil kitenen. lanieSBady

rf. ftrii n and e4abk. situated In a helectjMrignboraodd, on Kaylmrn avenoe,aar Jact-h-

atreet. Poaserfeo from JanOry.ere,Ss moath. Apiyto lir.GILBfc.KT,

y ijoatu We xort. Square. dcl"VJUjR HKN'T. A ReeWeaee on Vanee sjreel,irfa.S.oiiKlte tue St. Agnea Acaderoyr. . .2' or nuaiiwt tun. Contains.ni.fctYkaitu; Ixodes kitchen Sod wrrvatts'

rtaWe fwtt trees, etc.room ; two b3.1 cistern.

beater, lawyer or doctor, it adjoins trie edrtal mow af the Appeal Inqnire of JOHN

asur ot Uu A niwal office. osa


STONEWALL IfOJl SALE.WING to the .'tUlBg aeuita 01 Jf'''---STUWAK . (wuo lias " u , s,, , ,

of lk ial of the Jate OAXJU OKAIUllKAD.tatoated In the bend of lfnd o. S4, Araaiuasrtde. Ik ito.r red for fwlfc.

There aie on the place about 150 acres cleared,well teBeed, anunow In ooiton and corn ; onebBdred aerniiln line cypres Umber, to vhlciifrm the bank of toe river is. in com plete runxtSag or4er, a trainwuy. providl Willi railroadtracks eonvenlei,! for bringius IvDiber lor

. Httlpmeot. The balance of tiie laud is heavilytimbered with oi.fc.tiKh. walant, ewtiiswood,f-- e 11 i well leveeil.aed a lire portion o:Ubi tract hi entirely above the highest Sooas.

fcM xe a)M on the place coiufonabie boates,negro ;arteni, a gin and cotton pr, barns,MaMesTa lie apple and apeaeh orchard, aideverything complete running order. Also,4 number of reliable hands, who have been pn

he place lor yeafNho may be employed bytae Baretiaw. Also, aaoltfi, liorw. stock hogs,

xon,U-.,soMeh- to woik II, and valned atpfeeat MC0. Tii- - latter, it will U.4arab:e to&&maf to the purenaer m ineiana.

jfmt rartiier partica'ars apply toJAMES HTKW'AKT, oo the J'remises.A. W. AVIr. tm 'root KreL MemphlK.CKA1UHKAU, BREAST A UIBSUK,

44 im !.".uville. Tenn.IxkiIs KepnbUcrn nd Clnocinnatt

ail-- .' Daile) copy oneidouth.and kond billJUy iuddwu. HC hniot Mreet.MemplitK.

1 IS6S&e-?- ie. i Jcgcrson Street.

DIT"Y" MATTEES.CijOoiko oat ale of winter lrea good

t a great reduction, st Rice & Bagel's, t

SrxLiNa qr our entii atock of winterpoods at New York eot.


3fawes for 1S89 ; Geo. Pattison ifc Co.

liave the fineet fctoek in tho city. Getone, 317 Mala street. "

Oorkb! Corns!! Corns!!! By et,

Dr. Lirdouian, the oelebrated Sur-eo- n

ChiHodiiit will reman one weeklonger for the purpose of curing corns,ituniooe and higrowing n&ils. Cures

itholit pain or drawlsg blood. Boom34 Overton Hotel.

Foe Ha&k. Ve have 252 nerea oflad wtthlti three aiilea of Cold Water,MUB , wbtdi wo wish to sell. Abo 51

uorc4..withiu thre aiilas of Memphis,(fiere in an acre and & half of jstrawber-ria- a

iid it Hue young orchard of (tested(nAtiotuM on the 51 ticree tjgar the cily;iod tiie h well adapter for garden-ing puiioeii. Tobin, IiYNN & Co.,

lw m MsliinUect.

Or. lluti" hi.e. The leatof ittelmrgeeal, lump, nut aC'l slack, Bold by Jt'g-lo-y,

Melkrrii & Co., 0rtJilala streets, liethel BloflK.wayH as low as the lowest. ,

The Pbabody Hotei. ia now opeil

Jr the reception of transient guoets nndloarden. Price per day, 54 00. DayIJoard, $VS per month. We will bo gladto welcome our old friondo and guest.


TlfK IIciikbw Faik The fair andfestival given by the ladies of the MainBtreet Synagogue was duly inauguratedjileuday night at the Memphis Club Hall,Aorner Reeond and bnion streete. Alarge number of the moat inleHJtfdiit andfaihienahle of Uie community were pre-en- i,

end were highly delighteti by thevery faeeia&Ung display at the dillerenttAblea at tiie Hall. Articl-- of greatvalue and rare beauty met (he eye atoveiy turn, while the ear was --JtiigbtedB'itii tiie sweet music of the bawl, andd&nciag was kept up to a late hour of tho

ght. .We c&unot recommend a moroainroprl&te liaoe tfi those who wibh tenjoy a pleaeant oveaing. Our HebrewfiJinw-oi- t zsns have ehown thempelveevery liberal in the support of WjoustrtStiilions without rfnard to sect oraraed, and we hope that their ChristianpeJgirbora wilt reciprocate on this

of JJov. Dr. Tu3k&'scongrogaUon.

winter draa gcoda marksd down, OOSt, Call and esamiue.

Malu sheet.

Okbat lediwtioa In UenU Hata atRiee& Kogol'a, 285 MJiln street- -

Diaries for tiie New Year at Geo.

Pattison & Co., 817$ Main street. tf

To Wholesale Buyers. Jcet rd

one thousand ovorooata from $6

to $10 each, at Walker Bros. & Co., 229

Main atreet, Ctay Building. tf

The Elmwood Collegiate Inst-itute for young gentlemen and lioys, lo

' cated near the end of tho Street Railroad,wilt resume Us eeeion on Monday,January ill l3- - i'rot. T. J. Norcom,a skillful and popular instructor for tenve3rs in MompbiP, who established thisinstitution in 18 8, and conducted it

for many yearB, will repume thecare of it ; and he is so well known as anaccompiinhd scholar, thorough teacher,

o.ir.PFj'ful dlfaciplinarian, that weoongratulato our yruDg friends on hla re- -

irri to tho city. BiudentE from tue citylul" , . 1 half fire 011 the a,'t1 ll i'

and tho ride in bad weather, ortwit iu Kl weather, is tho Iwst gym- -

ai ic rxl.rciart they vouM take, 4 .



Regular Xoittbly BleotliiR ortio' ' Hoard.

ports or 5to.Sala cf Ihfc I.i lie ISacU Kail--

road Honda.

I.IVCI3- - Dcbatds -- AyurnmoBt (otills Evonlnjr.

Th Bosnl of Mayor km! AUlermen oftbeoity of Masnphls aonvoned yotrtlevening lit ? o'clock for the regularniouUily meeting.

A quorum baiug annouoKl, JudgtShyue took the chair, aod after thereading of tho proceodlutra of the prece-ding meetlDg by theSecrstury, the Hoardproceettetl to busioeas.

The following tneesage from his HonorMayor Left wick was then read;

Mayor's Orncr, City Hali,llBMrni". Tt.NN Janu.ry 5, 1S9.

To the Hon. Board of Atdennen:We stand to-d- ay on the cJiiJiceaof

two ooriwate years, a fit occasion forsuch a rotrot.pect as may guide us in theirfurmance or duties tu.it are 10 uavoive on us in tiie year that is before us

When we contras; tbeconditioo of tueoltv. with what we desiro it to be, tinole.ure H giooruy enougo ; iiui wiieuomrtared with what it has been, anawhat it might now be, the prospect itnot discoaragin?, out on the contranauite hooeful.

Same of you will remember when iteoet more to convey a bale of cotton frcrcthe Memphis and Charleston railroaddepot to the river than from the rivetoant to New Orleans ; and when a car-riage eould not pass through the priuoi-n- l

6treeta.Dunne tne year seven anu a uaii

miie. or 177.403 vanSe, of Nioholeon andatone pavement has been laid at a cost tntoe ana property owners 01 ?Ji,- -469 &2. In tho same tiaie 127 suite, towbich the cily w&a a parly, have beenlilieatcd. 126 of which were Rained bvthe elty, aud a large number settled anda further accumulation of cost therebjprevented. The navy yaid property,wbieh was held by the General Government as captured and Tinsnunneu properly, ami lor tne restoration or wnicu sdattorney fee of 540,000 had bpeu offered,has been restored to tne city without cost.and on such conditions as to warrant theuope tbr.t a reasonable rent will he paidby Uie uovernmeut tor its use wnuo sooscupied. One year ago cur city uctlpuraa wcrcn ssi. on tne uouar ; now it leworth JJOe. City bonds with several dureonpoaa attached, were then wormleas man. aui.; now niey areworth more than EOc. Toen cityeaipioyeea were cotnpeuea 10 re-ceive for their services a scrip variableIn value, and often resulting in a lossthey were pooriy able to bear, while nowthough exigencies sometimes postponetheir paymeutfor a brief period, thej arepiii in money with &uch proruptue??that no necessity exists for fielling theirclaims at a discount. Then we werepaying interest at a rate of 24 per centper annum ; now wo are paying cn anaverage lem than half that amount.

Ail this iiss been iceornpnsued d urinea yesr of unprecedented financial stringency and consequent depression of allbranches of business, while the comingyear promisee to be one of unusual pros

or these good results, being merelyan executive officer, I can claim nocredit for myself, but cheerfully ac-cord to your vigilance and practical legislation tne honor to whichyou are oleatiy entitled, ft ie, howeve1-- ,

vith feelitgw of gratitnde and pride thatI remember the liberal support my viewshave at all times received atyour haudp.and that no event has occurred to die... . .1 i j ilupt een or v. iiicimtjiii iuo uuuoontidenliai relations that have existedbetween w, and while exprtsjing mythanks for tuis support, npd for the ccur-tae- y,

promptness and efllciency that hatchariscterizrd the conduct of all the cityofficers, I must lie allowed especjiliy totUiuk the " Finance Committee " forthe sound judgment and indomitableenergy that ban time and again carriedus through seemingly insurmountableobbtiiiew,

We cannot ba unmindful of our re-

sponsibility 'to those who-- 8 ,'nlereeta werepresent, nor ungrateful for their valua-ble counsel, but during the performanceof tue cnOfi onerous dutiee, aod investi-gations of this sfiOQ t intricate qtu-stion-

s olpolioy, we havo been faor,ed with muchgratuitous advice often without a niceregard for taste and sometimes Ignoranee hss blindly impugned our mo-

tives. Thia advire coming mainly fromthose who have not mauifeeted capacityto iuccewflly copduct their own bueine&s, we have received al Us value, anddisregard tho Biius'oWfo bad motives,knowiiiir that the moral courage whichdares to do right, regardleuu cf such in-

fluences, will dispel the olouda of doubtthus raised, as the rising sun dissolvesthe jwnrnjne vappr.

TurninE from the past, wo look to thefuture. Much m ifae .ee;) ilone, moreremains to do. O ing to on under eiti-mst- e

of the amount of il jating lndebtbduers, ?d an over estimato of theamount of til!? . indebtedness thatwould ha absorbed b tax-payer- s,

the one miliiou of bonds thai veroauthorized to be issued, thoughreeling Ifiore than waa expected, havebeen exhausted, leaving some preeblngobligation still unpaid. The rigiu aaou-om- y

that was practiced with audi bene-

ficial and encouraging result during thefirst few months of the past year hasbeen too far departed from and ought tobe promptly resumed. Thlo- - departurewas ao gradual end insignificant in detailas to be almost lmpereeptld.e; while inthe aggregate its elTecla on our lescuroeei3t?oJy felt.

'fiifi ftccoip5nying report by theMayor, City Attorney, and Chairman oftho finance Committee, will show thatin ccraplianee with the iaatructiousjalmott unanUnowtlu atom by nearly a

In Kxeoulivo session, haveMl....Hoard.. , .wp- I t I.Jl T I

sold tuo cuva s'.ooii in uie ojjuib jwcBiilroEil. Tnis was dohe for two goodand sufficient reasons; first, because themoney it will bring is needed to paydebts that cannot from any other knownsource be provided for; second, becausetbejtale insures tho completion of theroad in on year, a desideratum not oth-

erwise to be obtained. H a of thestock in the MiasIsMppt und TennesseeRailroad would insure or haaten thebuilding of the Misslsrippi Valley andPdduoah Itiilroad, I would urge its saleateo, in fooa of and fully comprehendingthe seemino opposition tthe measure.

Oor railroad stocks were not takon wltiiany hope of receiving direct dividendtherefrom, but for ihe sole purpose of

desirablerailroad communicationsand much as we hear and read of imnciu prospective dividends, uo sensibleman expects an, beypnd such as enter-prising business talent will gather fromthe new fields that will be opened to U6

J,iv their completion. But beyond, and farphoyp a!J this, corporations, no morethan iudivjdtnio, have tho moral or legalright to hold and own stocks nnd other

rtiat can be disbenaed withwhile needy creditors are deprived 0.'their jut dues.

Vri dter Dollcv can be adopted in thisemergf-no-v tuarl o fell all we have, andthiii inatSan of "oTtendlmrthe debt andIncreasing tho interret," we would, tothe exleptcf its proceeds, "pay thpgebtsand save the interest."

It Is eauy, and may be profitable fornewspapers, wbo?e columns have becomestale (or want of items to croak and ecm- -

in, or even raise the sensational bdga-o- fC--

"Btar Chamber proceeding,"whon, Hko prudent tuvn, we meet forconsultation without the presence of preporter toohropiclo all the phases of un-developed plans or unmatured purposes.li is easy Jor parlies largeiy indebted tothe city, and bankers who are unwillingin .eclat 111 with loans, to Join In wellworded remonstrances against the sale ofoily property, but this docs not relievethe wants of those to whom we are

in manv instances for day laboron the streets, uui reminas us lorciyy 01. ainr it to tn rt,i -- nit thnnuuw mutiu co.w - --- -w suggest practical relief,

'1 h most absurd and least to ho ro1 carded of 'l eomulainU are Uioso of de-- 1

litquent tax-payer- s, who failed to paytheir tsjf8 wh'n scrip was worth thirty-thre- e

coute, because they thought itwould bo cheapei-- , and now murmur be-

cause the city crudit has bo improved asto raiso it to eighty cents, while tbomost inconsistent idea Is that the Boardof Aldermen is inefficient in its legitimate aphere,and yet competent to controlprofitably largo and varied railroad Interests in addition.

In ooufiuiiou would recommend, asx measure of economy end the abatement of almost a nuisance, that promptorovislonn be made for cleaning andkeening clean the paved streets,

This, in my opinion, can be madecheaply done by contract, and If thovlue, us a fertilizer, of the deposit to beremoved la diuy app. eclated, it will coal'he cit? but little and UM prove proratable to the contractors.

Yours very respefi fully.JOHN W. LLtTWlCH, Mayor.

The following is the iuclojure alludedto:

Mayor's Offici. City Hai-l- , 1

Memphis, January A, ltU9. JPn the llnnnr.i!ile ISoaid of Aldernieu:

In accordance with your instructions",jvo have sold Ui W. B. Greenlaw thedty's stcck in the Memphis and LittleRock Kiilrosd at twelve cents on tnetoiler, at d a guarantee that the roadvill be completed by the lat of January,

IS70. The proceeds will amount to aboutHOO.0Q0. ol which the City Treasurerwill be provided with a sufficiency tomeet the claims of all the city employeesaow due. and the remainder appropri'ted to the payment of the indebtedness

of tho First National Bank, on the termsif tho original contract, to-wi- t: on tnebasis of city bonds at sixty-fiv- e cents on

j.ii 1- - ,V..llllieuoilrr. 1 uura, ieejieuuui'y , ciu.,JJH.V W. LEST W1C1I, Mayor,

C J MOKGAN', City AltOjiKy,E. at rl)A VI IT, Chairman K.C.

The Board then proceeded to the reoorts of citv officers for Dscomber.

Dr. G. B. Thorn ton, physician in chargeof UUy Hospital, reports lor xiecemuer,1S8S:Xamkerof p&tle&U roauiinicg in Hospital

al iesi ieprt.... 79Xii. of nattentx mmillltil to HoDitctl kluie

last report.- - . C3

Totul nuinber treated- -. .. Ill' " d .. 2S

" " died 16UercalnlngDecenburt, lSttii S7

AniLttnt received from pay warns.J. Li. Chandler. Tax Collector on PrivL

leges, leported $12,244 oOcoliectedduringthe niontu. tne total collections o: ineoillco sines ite assumption by him isS131.749 tO.

Robert Good, Wharfmaster, collected$4115 43.

Peter Connolly, Matket Master Northacr.iket, col'ected l-.- u.

C. Bonier reports $350 50 collected.W. Biland, City Inspector of Lumbar,

rermrts 125.081 feet iusDected cud 137 70collected.

D.--. Alex.Ersklne, Dsan of the MedicalCollege, reports number of patients regis-tered as 203 ; cumber prescriptions issued240. Character of remittentand intermittent fevers.

Jo?. H. Cash, City Inspector, collectediGU 40.

R. J. Morgan, City Attorney, reportsthe decision against property owners inthe suit against pavemeut contractor?,ami advise3 property owners to settlewithout delay,

John H. Bowen. Cy Tax Collector,reports $78,531 SS'oalkcted daring themonth.

reports of standing committeesbeinz then in order, various "chairmen ofcommittees made their reports, whichwore duly disposed or.

reports of special committees.Alderman Passruore nreseated a report

recommending that the City Council pe-

tition the Legislature for a change in thecharter of the city". Thia was on a reso-lution of Alderman Johnson in regard toa petition of tho merchants in regard totho Metropolitan Police, and the tax forUie supDort 01 tue same j

The report waa adopttnl, and a com-mittee of three, vis . Messrs. Passmore,Hoist aod Brown was appointed to prepare the petition.

The Spup House question again camebefore the Board, on tho majority report(which was read by Alderman Passmore,wno u m not concur in mo report; wnicuwas adverse.

Alderman Hull In supported the Boupquestion and "wanted tho $2000, whichwore voted, paiij tjawn. Tho soup to befurnished, ho s&id, was i' bully,""

Aldermau O'D.mnell gave tho soup,soup-hous- e, saup bill, and soup charitytits, opposing e in toto, as didAlderman llenner.

Qa a vote tho report was coucurred inby a vote of lto,

PETITIONSWt ti next iu order, and several unim-po:t- ar

t on ei were presented and grantedor to the proper committee.

A petition signed by p. M. Cash andothers to secure the passage of an ordi-nance relieving deliquent tax-paye- rs

from the 5 per cent, additional penaltytax, on the ground that the law author-izing it is ex post.faclo, urjjust and oner-ous. Refeired ti.the Flnanco Commit-ter and the Cjly Y.ttorney.

A petition fronfJi! J5. Jjaugh forto pay f jr extra labor, was allowed.. A petition frotn Capt. Geo. Cheek, ofthe ferryboat, praying that his boat b9exempt from wharfage on condition ofkeeping the wharf at which the boatlo&ds Jn good order, was referred to aspecial couiinl tee qf tnree, consisting ofAldermen Cartwright, Molfat and Hoist.

Alderman Passmore pree&ntcd a peti-tion signed by Jno. T. Strstton, NewtonP'ord yL Co., nnd others of the veryheaviest aud mot icuasptjal merchantsand citizens of tho city, protestingagainst the proposed sale of the' city'sstock tu ihe Little Rick Railroad, andpraying tYiat It uaghl not be done. Homoved that the prayer o'f the petitionersbe granted.

Moved by Alderman Johnscn tiat Itbe referred to the Mayor and FinanceCommittee.

A dsrmon Ruflin opposed thereforenceof (hp matter- - Ho wished to meet it fairand Equaro tbeii. lio bed pvopheciedthis movement of Bam Tate's andWest's when they first attempted topsrehase the city's slock in the Louis-ville road. ro forew that they wouldtry to go through tho city llue t ucsp ofsalts: a dose 6f salts Was nothing theyare going ft iko grotou oil. He opposedtho city's giving up'a pent 1 ou the ponrtrary. hp would advocate her taking5500,000 moro stock In ft. He showed itsv&et importance as a connecting link Inthe sBt yjutfiern paclflo route, ridi-culing the Uoa that the parlies purchas-ing would furnish any guarantees tofinish tho road by 1S70. What guaran-tees pan they give? In 1870 they willcome up with u whine tbout tho troublesin Arkanea?, the wet weather, the aver-iliw- s,

etc., and ask to be allowed until1875. Ha redacted on the Insolent andarrogant sneers of the Mayor's messageebout the newspapers, and said that thepapeia vere right in informing the citi-y.?u- 8

about the dolrs of Individuals inthe Board. By a course of argument heshowed that if there was money inthis stock to private individuals,there waa money in it to thejity of Memphis, and it was, therefore,in acoordancij with he; true financialpolicy to keep it. He prof.oscU. Jf Ikecity had to sell her stock to pay herdebts, not to let one man or one set ofmen havo the only cnanco to buy, output it up al public auction and sell it tofae highest bidder. Referring to thegemiemcFi wuu i(jupu tup pcijiiuu juai.road by Alderman Passmore, he eulo-g- ij

d them as tho very best end jlrstmen of our community. He asked, incorjclufcloD. that as the property belongedto the people, and they had voted on thepppfoprjajion purchasiug it, that they,the people,' bayo fn,prt.r;:;Uy of votingupon ts final disposition, apt tfiat thp.Mayor call an pec!on on the qqes'tibp.

Alderman Rennet oppqseij tbg refer-ence, and asked the gentle men maKhiffthe motion to withdraw It, and allow thepetition to como up, so that the Boardvoiij take the dilemma by the horns.

To settle controversy for tue time, Al-

derman Passmore withdrew the Refjtlppfpr the present,


Homebody wanted a tax of fifteen percent., te be levied on all taxable property,to create a slnkirg fund for somo pur-pose. The resolution was laid on thetshjc, unanimously, so quickly that the"resolver 'J didr not havo time to reclaimIt.

Alderman Passmore thou CAliecJ up Ant

commcTiced the discussion of that por-tion of the Mayor's mesatg?, and theInclosed document, relative to the salo cftha city's bonds in tho Utile Rock Rail-road; bat owing tho laieneed of thehour, and the retii i jg of rveral membersfrom the Board, a further considerationwai postponed uutii this evening at fouro'clock.


A New Tor licauiiiont'rf

Prcacliiisfr and Prajins.

Solongrtiimo has olap3ed sinco ourworthy Chief cf Police, Cl. Beaumont,was called by tho Little Rock Railroadto take charge of itd Interests, and somuck was said on the sul ject of hfc suc-cessor at the time, that tue matter be-

came stale and uninteresting, and forsome time past we have had 00 rumorseven as to whom or upon whom wouldfell tho mantle of his' office. . Each ofthe candidates for the honor flourished abrief day, was tho subject of a telegramor two from or to Nashville, end thenfell into oblivion.

Yesterday, however, tho city wasstartled by the announcement that thoman and tho hour had met. The newBeaumont bad been found. A manwhose plethoric leg?, and well developedunderstandings would exactly fill thovscant breeches and ehoes, had turnedup atlvnoxville. Itwas even whisperedthat he had already received the ap-pointment, nnd would enter upon tiieduties immediately.

This nowa set everybody on a tipb e ofexpectation as to who tho new F- - ueheCould be, and at lust It leaked cu. thatthe nows had come by telegraph to anigu pouco oinciai, iroru tuo private secretary of the Governor, and that the"coming man" was the lt9v. W. HPearne.

Tnis individual, whom rumor thuspakes our Chief of Police, is a scalawagparson, a iianger-o- n or Jiiton's, the carpe-

t-bag Superintendent of Public Edncation. It was but a day or two ago thatwe saw it announced mat Urownlow hadappointed him his successor as "SeniorElitor" of thoKnoxvilie Whig. Thesetwo last facts speak volumes as to hismoral fitness for the position.

WoundeHtaud that he has alreadymade out a programme cf ?' how the ma-chine is to bo run" aa soon as ho takestho ermino upon him. Tho first movewill be to capturo the ironclad und kindred institution, and ransom the inmates,.-- . The Varieties, Gayetief, steammatrfnnd free lunch houaes are next tobo blackmailod, and if a sul'leient sum19 not paid, to be suppressed. Tho Pohce fcrco are to be made attendprayers throu times a day, audsing a psaim at roll call, mornit'gand evenirg, Tho unifirms are to bechanged from blue to black, with whitecno&ers, aud tuo Hair of Uie oUlcors nndmen of tbo forco is to ba cropped close.The following motto is to be placed overtne uesK in easu sta'ionuouse :

" There's nary honest mac on earth,And ecarcely ono in hoaveu."

A very stringent police code 13 to beadopted the blue laws of Connecticut toform the basis. Due allowance will bemado to Radical clergymen on sprees,and rooms at One of tho many popularresorts spoken of above, will bo retainedfor them by the month.

We suppose it was a "fellow feeling "that caudtd Browniow to appoint Pearue,as he wished to take care of the cloth.Further particulars will be given wheuthe facts transpire,

Marked Down ! Markeu Down ! !

Our entire steck ol winter dress goods atactual cost, uaii and examine.


The Trade Sale, as advertised byW. H. Pitssmoro & Co., comes olT tbUmorning at 10 o'clock. There stock islarge and va'rieti and can bo seen earlvthis morninff: Then will also be sold acase of gentlemen'a wear.

Great reduction in L'uen Towels andEmbroideries at Rice & Kegel's.

Personal Amongst tho distinguished arrivals in our city yesterd8ywe notice inn liranu Biro or ttie li. W.Grand Lodgo t O. I).'!-.-" or the flailed8'fttee, Capt. E.D. Farrisworth, of Nashville.

The weather is ajrain clear endbeautiful not too warui, and yet notoven cod.

The throng of strangers whichcrowded our streets during tho holidays,has somewhat decreased though Maiustreet is very lively during the middle ofthe day. The hotels ire niso quite fullof guestn, and on the whole, our city is ina most flourishing condition.

Chamber of Commekce At a meet-ing of the Board of Officers o' this insti-tution yesterday, J. T S:rattou, Esq , inthe chftir, W. ji. Chony, Esq., wasunanimously elected to fill tho positionof Mr. Nelson, tn late President, re-signed. This is an srceHent selection,and wo congratulate the Chamber on itschoice.

The finest invoice of Jenkins & fv.Toasltf'tbji city at C. C. Jackson's, 58Adams street. t

Gijkat reduction in Ladies' Cloaks atRice & Engol's. f

Everybody should have one a Diaryfor 18C9, t6 be had at Geo. P.attison & Co.,317 Main street. ' ' tf

Hebrew Fair. The vote on tho ele-gant Freuch clock for the. most popularbanker, at the Hebrew Fair, now in pro-gress at "the Memphis Club Hall, stoodlast night as follows : E. M. Appersno,21 ; C. P. Norri?, 27; J. B. Kirtland, 17;Jacob Levi, 11 ; If. 4. Partee, . Therei great rivalry "manifested among thefriends of the different candidates. Thevoting will continue only a few nightslonger, and we hope that the voters willlose no Ijcje jo janva6jug cu pollingthe biggest vote for their favorite candi-dates. ' "

At elpyep olejopk tlds moaning,Messrs. Royster, Tre savant fc Co. sell atauotiop, at. ijelr salesroom, a small lot ofvery elegant lrmino aud SwaiudownMutfe and Capes, to which the attentionof 1I1 3 ladi6u is specially cillcd.

Irish Poplins lower than ever, atRice & Eugol'?, 23 Min Eiret. t

Wi. Wasson, Dentist After nnabsence for some time, baa again return-ed to tbj city, and now oifcrs his profes-sional services to acquaintances and thepublic generally. Office with his brother,j. I. WafsopL deqtjot, Uo. 1S Mainstreet, Memplu?, Tenn- - t

The Steam Man Challenged. Dr.Stillman proposes to take the worst crip-ple in town, give him Tho Great Gener-al Restorative one month, ant then runl)im agjjnst the eteaui man, the lengthof Main street, for on'e thousand dollars.

The Suicide. Antonio Podesta, theyoung man who shot himself in the beadon Gayoso streot, Monday evening, diedyesterday morning from the wouccj.

Pndinb and the great New Orleanscombination did not arrive yesterday, onaccount of the failure of the tralcs to connect on tue Miosissippi roau. Tney win,however, appear this evening positivelyat the Greenlaw Opera House. We ik

and predict for them a brilliantcud hearty tecetitioi.

GQ carts in iKJiTisyiLLK. Messrs.Allen'i" Baylja?, yel known young gen-tlem- en

or this oity, havestartod a line of"Parcel" Expresi carta in Louisville.Mr. Allen has been connected with theAppeaIj ofllce for some years, and weara glad to record hU success. Full ofenergy an"4 entirely" reliable, wn hopettiat"our young friends m4y soon winsrepnbagifs enough to load al) thejr use-t- ul

little vehicle

No Htjmbuo we mean what weeayall winter goods sold at Walker Bros. &Co.'s at New York cost. t

Q HEAT reduction in gents' furnishinggoodd hi Rice & Engel'H, 233 Main Ht, T

ARKANSAS.The. Conference at Dlnrlon.

The Objecta of iho InvadersPlainly SSaicil.

Tho Slilitlu arc Fortified.

Cavalry and Reinforcementfrom Little Rock Scat for.

Tho meetingcilled for yesterday after-noon, at Mound City, of tho rofugeefrom Arkansas, and their friends, was onmaturer consideration dispensed with,and, instead, yesterday morning a Jointcornniitteo tf citizens of Memphie, Mis-sissippi and Arkansas, with M. E. Coch-ran, Esq , as chairman, wont over tpMarion to confer with the militia forces.

We understand that tho committee, totho number of nine, went hence toMound City, where thoy found horsesprepared for them, andthnco thoy wentto Marion under a ll:g of truce.Here th-- found the militia

as 'I fortified around the Jill.The fcrtiti extend from the laketo thopu .? csjuare, enclosing the jail,and aro represented as quite formidable,at least to 11,1'antry without artillery.They consist of an earthwork about eightfeet thick, and palisades, with ditch onthe insiitu, running around the Jail onthree side?,, tho lake formiug the rear de-fense. Tr.o jiil is further fortified by asecond lino of redoubts which complete-ly surrr.tmd it, and nukes it Impregnableto anv fjred without, artillery.

The militia are in f-i-ir companies, nnd

when thoy first arrived did not numbermore tbau ninety, or at lurtnesr, a hundred men, but havo been re-

cruited since they arrived up toantut three hundred. They aro ofevery ag- - frcm mere boys of twelveyears of age up to drcrepid old menwhite and black indiscriminately, andaro "uniformed " in every descriptipn oltoeceiy.

The cillcers met the. committee, andir.tirinul iltao that they wero sent tothe place for a Hprc litj rfurnose. whenthey accomplished which they wouldleave, and not tiil theu. This specificpurpose was the arrealor twelvecitlzsns,four of whom thy already had in jail.They had sent to Little R ck for150 cavalry with which they in-

tended to scour tbe country and catchtho other eight. They refused to givetho names of the parlies or the crimesthey are accused of,

They informed tho Cornniitteo futherthat two citizens had been famishedwith a written parole, at the request ofmeuiuasup, nuu lusuunm mem iu gu iulho3e parties who are anticipating or agi-tating an attack upon the militia, andbeg theui to desist. Any attack woulduow 19 only "hooping coals of lire"upon tho already totally prostrated andhelpless community.

Great Reduction ! Great Reduction!Clothing at cost ! Winter clothing atco3t at Walker Bros. & Co.'s. t

Silk Warp Alpacas at great reduc-tion, at Rice & Eogel's, 233 Main at. t

Laces, Edgings and Embroideries.W. H. Passmore & Co. have just receiveda consignment, from New York, of ele-gant and rich Iscee, etc., to which theattention of the ladles is respectfully in-vited.

Ledgers, Journals and Cash Bock?.Liok at them. tto. Rattiann fc f"Y .

dliJ'Mam street, tfJoE. r.OniP. MfU Mnln at liaa Krnt

from Prison Table by Col. Joe. Barblcre.Also, Lselie, Harper, Godoy 's, Demcrest,Lippincott, Eclectic, nnd hosts of otherpublications for January. Leslie's Week-ly, with rilntliro of Oritur rI. nru rfCity o! Mexico, Banner of tho South,father 4. J. lyans paper, Harper's r,

Waverlyl Haortiui? Times. Davsn.linp"!. Wcfltrrn Worl.l T iforaru AlbumLouisville, Ciuolnnati, Mt. Louis, Chi-oag- o,

New Orleoaa, and New Yorkdallies recolved by every mail. Booksaud Stationery, Biso Balls, etc. tf

PoKitFrrrinw In Hnmljv'u nn( r

the doings of tlje Clayton ftiirjtia at Ma- -noa, A.ru., pu.uiisnDd that 4Jr. Whit-slt- t,

who was wouuded by the militiaruffians while on his way to attend somosick waasaldtoboaRalical. On.1...

negroes,4.. ,r . .1 . . ,

in n uu at too request 01Maj. Eirle, of Msrion, we correct thisreport, and are happy to number the un-fortunate Doctor among the true Ocuser- -VlHvn ll.lflOri-Ill- nl' Arlranqagret that the Doctor has" been compelledto subject hlmsetf to the painful opera-tion of amputation of hh left arm, ren-dered necessary rroci'thb wouuds itsTe-te- d

by the mgro eecundreli.

f!r ivrliTvn t t 'rnTiiiw, l l r i ,

down ! marked down ! !


Hr.lVl' liortlra lllanl- - U-- t. miwi'tf fvjvia ti'uoL 4JUilv 1 lit?most complete atook in tho city. Geo.Pattison v fJo. L&va tlim wt 51171 r:- ua. j AIA41Ustreet. if

Gkeat reduction In Or.sra Cloaks ntUlna fr. RntrnPo - '


Municipal Court Geo. W. Waldran,Judge. Court convened yesterdaymorning, holding long enough to dis-pose of ajl the business op the calendar.The following "bases havo booii set fortrial to-da- y ;

114.0 IJenswQod vs Ensley.1203 Mpmphis German Savings Institu-

tion vs Bender, sur part.1320 Tennessee State Mutual Firo Insu-

rance Co vs Walton.1327 Same vs Perea & Co.1328 Same vs Whaleu.133G Hatch vs Waguener et nl.1U57 Harris vs Mackey & Co.1388 Hatch vs Woggener et al.137S Freeh vs Graves et al.1379 Smith vs Bell.1430 Smith, adm'r, etc, vs McLann.1436 Memphis German Savings Institu-

tion vs Lee, Jr. et aj.144G Same vs Baymiller et al,14G3 Brlnkjey vs Gates & Wood.1184 Same vs same,1485 Smith vs EvaDs.14bl Mount vs Biruaid & McClure.1401 Miller vs Someiville.151S Farabeo vs Dslap.1541 Kane va Home Insurance Cc, of

New York.153 Same vs beourity Insurance Co. of

Naw York.1543 Same vs Enterprise Insurance Co.I54ikSime vs Putnam Insurance .Co.154G Watt vs Ford.1517 Wolf, agent, vs King.1548 Citteratto va Rqma,1549 Dickinson vs Blase.1550 Sutton & Co ya Bernard & E irnum.1551 Cash vs Sf mmes & Co, et al.1552 Fitzgerald vs Burnstien1553 Barrow vs White.1554 Ford vs Watt.1555 Lawhprn valpyden et al.155Q dreenlaw vs Mayer.1557 Fitzgerald va Burnstien.1558 Cook, agent, vs Tranor et al.1559 Clemes vs Fleece, adm'r, et al. .1560 Selden vs Montgomery.1561 Mosby, receiver, vs KJssel!.19M Walker vs Estis,

Ckanpery Court. Win. Smith,Chancellor. Yesterday's calendar ofmotions, pleas and demurrers was heardand disposed of. To-da- y the untriedoases on the calendar published for lastMonday will be called up for hearing,beginning with cause No. 512

The Clerk and Master will tako an flt

y in fche qase pf ".fennedy'

va.Dupuyet af.

Law COURT IX. S. Lee, Judge.Court'met yesterday morning, pursuantto adjournment. It had been agreedupon betweon counsel and so determinedby tho Court, that the case of Marjpjqz&Co. VB. VYe ahOiild ba tried on, thatday, but as it was ascertained that thecase wojild probably oooupy the atten-Uo- n

of the Court for more than a week,and as the Court had announced anearly adjournment, the attornoys agreedthat tke case should bo continued overuntil next term. To-da- y th.3 ramamlngmotions on tbo tyotiorr docket, whichwere uot heard and determined on Mon-

day last, will be taken up. Thursdaywill ba the last day of this term.


Tin oeuiurrer Overruled byJudge 32:mtcr.

The Case Continued to Tu-tla- j.

Tho Ratter habeas corpus case cameup for hearing agnitiou yesterdy, befoj-- e

Judgo Hnnter, of tho Criminal Court,upon the demurrer of the counsel for thedefense to tho return of the officer. Af-ter a lengthy and protracted argumentof the various questions of law involvedin the case, the demurrer was overruled,and the cose continued for further hear-ing relative to the question of ball, untilthis morning. An application willthen be made to admit Mr. Rutter tobail for bis appearance before the Crimi-nal Ccurt of Nashville upon tho first dayof the next term. The capias underwhich the arrest of Mr. Rutter wasmade presents the singular anomallyof containing no less thau four distinctmdseparato charges, each constitutingtu offense of different degres and eachpunishable iu a separate and distinctmanner. Tbo Court, in consequence ofthis mr.nifes'. Jrfect in tho capias, fouudit difficult t determine upon which ofihese charges it would be properto act upun lu biadlng Mr. Rutter over,bat finally determined upon the chargaif embezzlement, regarding the othersas mere turp'.usage and having no legaleffect. Messrs. Brown & Griffin, YergerfcSale, Jui-'g-

e L. V. Dixon, and Col. Geo.Gantt spp?&rtd for the defense. JudgeThoe. H. Buiith and Attorney-Gener- al

Thorne fur the prosecution.

. JrKT rf eeive d, the latest style of HoopSkirts al It ce & Eogel's, 233 Main st. t

Epiphany. Tj-da- y is Epiphany, ortwelfth dy the old Christmas. It Iscalk d tp.c l:th day as being that num-ber of dajs after Christmas, andEpi-pban- y

from a Greek word, signifyingappearance.' It was first celebrated na

a 8i?pars!e day from Christmas about S13,A. D., formerly beit'g. a part of theChristmas holidiy. Tnere will bo worship in the Roman and Anglican churches

as on other holy days.


New Memphis ---A yery fair housegreeted the Lady of the Lake last night,at thia, our par exce7ice,place of resort.Mr. Hamilton aa " Jamea Fitz Jamep,"Mr. Higgina as "Roderio Dhu," Mrs.Lanagan as " Ellen," and Mrs. Taylor as"Blanche," wero all most excellent, andthe houso more thau oiico showed thoirappreciation of caoh character. Theplay for this evening is 'Ihe Streets ofNew York, for the benefit of Mr. Ham-ilton. Wo hope the house may be crow-ded, and that the benefit may be a rouer, for never did an actor merit more at

the hands of a theater going public thanMr. Hamilton. Ho is a gentleman inevery sense of the word, and a most excellent actor one whose modesty aloneis an mat prevents nis being a "star."

The-Gayeti- es. Thia new instlttitipnbids fair econ to outstrip anything "thathas evor been attempted in our city be-fore ia the way" of genuine variety en-tertainment. The management have se-lected a most admirable corns of artistsand actora, and deserve the suooort nthat portion of the publio who love eucha stylo of amusement, We shall taknoccasion to speak personally of the vari-CU- 3

ladies and gentlemen employed at

The Varieties waa. as usual, full oa laughter-lovin- g crowd, who enjoyedtue cominaiiiiss presented until theiraides ached. MancgerBroomhasai?oodcompany, and is doing a good businessin me nno or "amusing the public. '

The Steam Man. This humbug,worthy of Barnum in his palmiest davs.drew quite a crowd of gulla yesterdayuuraeji umoni; tne number. j,ive andlearn is an old motto one well exemplified in this last Yankee humbug.

Dissolution. Tho firm of Fiahertv& Walsh has been dissolved by mutualconsent. Tho itusinesa,will be conductedin future bv Jaa. Fiaiierfv ifc Co.. thosenior member 01 wnicn, Mr. iiaberly,una ueuu a resilient of una Citv fortwenty years, and is bh well known asany man upon the Bluff. To these needing their services we would say givemem a can anu we gGaranteo satisfaction

Great reduction in Ladies' Underwparat Rico & Eogolv. t

HEW AB.YSRTISEM'KTSSefcateentb Uuarlorly Statement




Kornlns: or the Flist Hondny lu januury, 1880.


VolMcnll Rills D.'JonnUrl .J 2S2.C81 07

i. n. Becuruiow, ui par .5 sw,w uuCily or Memphis Securi-

ties, coet . 15,155 57 :it 1S 57U.ibkicc Hoiue.... 45.MW IX)

ChkIi on hard, IncludingChock on City Ranks. 329.335 12

Due us Itoiu Hanks(ilght Exchange) 2X777 83 587,915 92

Sl.213,ajJ 08LABILITIES:

tlapllal Slock- - ..S200,0(10 CO

surplus B,:KC(Hl"ront auil j oas, not.-- .. 21,013 SS ICS (Xt2 22uiviaeuus unpaiu 'itQlOCirculating Notes 171,70 00IudlvMnal Deposits.,., 737 159 53Government Depofltii 60,109 tililue to Banks and Bank-

ers 18,110 C- l- SCC.003 U

S!,21V52 06u. f. riouKis. nu

Dissolution.tpHR flnu nt WiGUS, CHEE?I & CO.,is this1. uay uusoivcu uy muiv,ai vonaeuu ur.j.j,

Wles is nathorizMl to sstllo the hunlneiu ofBald Arm, J. M WIGGS,

J. W.PAGE, Jn,January i.lW. Ja5 OEJ. W. lUEEK.

O. N. CASE, Jr., & CO.,Ko. 177 Main Street,

Xcar Overton olcl, Woodruff Block,


Faadlery, Harness, Bridles, CollapsWhips (?nJ Hardware.

caj--a naw stock just received. Ja3


Locksmith, Safemakep andMaehinists

No. 119 Ji !rrscn Street, Memphis, Tenn.

inlabllshed'lu Xemplils 1S36,

and Fire-pro- Bares inade andBURGLARLleht Machinery. Prinllng Presses, etc., re

paired.iron xioors, Banners una vuimau&Locks repaired or made to order.Bells hnns and repaired,


hacd.and Cotton Jteales sharpened. Ja3


TJXEO. KQEISKER,Analytic and aanufscturlng CfecIstt

Druggist and Apothecary,fj'i-- and 60 Boal Street,

(Korthwegt corner of Second),

CHEMICAL ANALYSES or all deecrlpUoaswritten reports furnished.

Physicians' Prescriptions csurcfuUy compounded utall hours.

Patent Medicine, Boaps, Perfumery, ToiletArticles, and everytlilni; pertaining to a Crst-ebv- H

Drus t'.ore, sejC? U







MEN! E 18 BEOTIEBNo. 263 Cor. Main & Court Streets

HARTFOEB INSURANCE AGENCYTXo.'lS Madison Street, St?saiilii... Tenn. 1



Capital Represented, : : : : : $8,000,000 00. J life and Accident Insrfrance, nt Low Cash or Participating Hates, can oe

obtained, and Policies Granted from this OElce.o27 3m BDTXJEU & IIOOTIT. Oeneral AcfiiiH.



BLINDS, SASH,Clicap a e clicnpcf-t-. Orders from 4he country iiromptly filled.

W. T. SWAN WICK 5t CO. Tnov223m Adams Street. Opposite Bradl3- - IJIorlr.3

The Oldest EstablishedHouse in


Dry Clothing







We will sen all WINTER DRESS GOODS, In order to make roomfor a large slock or Spring and Summer Goods,







t& Advancoj. nado on Shipments to Idvorpcol and London. ocSt .



No. 0 Union Stroor,

Stonewall Block, - - Memphis, Tenn

100 lIhdH.T.onlRlnuji Sncnrs,300 Jllils. and Hnir llhln. SInlimses,

300 Bass ItlO Coirro,IS Tons Ileiiril'8 Button Tics,

Whlch.trlth their large of Goolsalready In store, makes their stock ona of thelargest and most complete lo bo found tn thocity. Theylnvitenn examination, feeliDa'Con-Dde- nt

tnelr prices und goods will elv satisac-tion. To the trade they are prepared to onerextra Inducements "J.P.Cojrrrs. Chas.Coktin,

Late with Toof,PhllTlpa ACo., Hsctok Coryrx.


ChoicejG-roeeries- ,

302 Main Street,(Gayoso Block,) MEMPHIS, TENN

. . . . . . . . 1 1 ,receiving, rresn assonmenw 01 miTTJST goods In their line.

New New Orleans Molasses and Syrup, andtiolden r?yrup.

Coffees Rip. 'isuRyra, Java and Mocha.

Mal&rWe Notl and No. 2; Smoked Sal- -mon ana moaiers j viuiau, l',

it-- d.

Best Bra'ad3 of Flonr.

5. B. Goods dcUyeroa free of cliargeto any pari or the city. de!2

Spicer &c Sliarpe,3Si MAIN STREET,


RECEIVING BY EVERY PACKETAUE by Kail, fresi additions lo their largenock of Choice Groceries.

Duvis' Hew Slar Brcakrnst Bncon,I)nvi' Hew Star Haius,

Dnvls' Beer-Tongne-

New Flirs anil Bnislus,Choice Tens,

Pnra Spices.

CHOICE riOtlR AT IiOW PRICES.Our poods are frrsh and carefully selected.

Families will tin, I all they want. We will suityou In prices cud goods.



Silver 'W ares.265 MAIN ST., COR. COURT.

F. D. BARNUM & CO.'(Successors to Pooley, Carnnvi & Co.,)


Goods andMemphis. "




XU IUC Uil itllU LUIiiUlfJfiljilt.ami

JUST RECEIVED A large slock l-

Goods, compri&lng " .

PItESllKYKS, ' .



And'a'I tho Luxuries and Delicacies lirtjfeConfectionery llue. -

In Endless Varietr. iiil


2-i- Main atrcrf, .

dell Ira Opposite Odd Fellows' llalh.


Petro! Petro! Petro!:!!.Tenntesee Petro Oil Company is still,, .THE at their new stand, .

33 1 Mai li Street, Opposite Clay EnIlrtlnsr,A.We Inform the public in gpccral to come for-

ward and try IU We also defy competition toour Lamp, Burners and general LampSloefc,We are manufacturers of the " Hanging Rock'Stoves Tinware, Castings of great varieties,wholesale and rotail. Merchants will do wellto examine onr stock;


265 mK ST., COR. COURT:

F. D. BARNUM & 'CO.,(Successors to Paoley, Barnum 4 Co.,)




F. D. IBARNUM & CO.,265 Main Street.

dun im

lageb bese;BY L. SCHNEPEL,

Corner Thtrd and Wobster Streotsj

,r nTm,1 WAT.KHARRELBANDKEOSiL IletlferVd t o of charge within the city

imlla, i