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` Advent to Epiphany Holy Spirit Lutheran Church 6670 W. Cheyenne Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89108 702-645-1777 www.holyspiritlasvegas.org Our Mission: Changing lives with faith and

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` Advent to Epiphany a daily devotional

November 27, 2016 — January 6, 2017

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church 6670 W. Cheyenne Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89108702-645-1777


Our Mission: Changing lives with faith and hope!

Written in gratitude to God for the gift of Jesus!

This devotional is dedicated to the glory of God. We are grateful for all those who have planted, sowed, and harvested the seed of faith in the writers and readers of these daily devotionals.

Jesus was born into this world as an expression of God’s great love for all people. Jesus came so that we would have life, and have it abundantly.

If you want to know more about the person of Jesus, or if you desire prayer, please call the church office at 702-645-1777 or email [email protected]. Upcoming events and worship services are listed on the next page.

Upcoming Events and Worship ScheduleNovember 26 & 27 Worship 1st Weekend in Advent

November 27 Advent Celebration Breakfast & Craft 9:30—11:30am

December 3 & 4 Worship 2nd Weekend in Advent

December 10 & 11 Worship 3rd Weekend in Advent

December 13 Women’s Ornament Exchange 6:30pm (off-site)

December 17 & 18 Worship 4th Weekend in Advent

December 24 Christmas Eve Worship

Communion & Candlelight at all services

5pm Children’s Service7pm & 9pm Traditional Service

(Child care is available Christmas Eve for infant to 5 years)

December 25 Christmas Worship 11:15am

Regular Worship Schedule: Wednesday 6:45pm Come & BeSaturday 5:30pm Traditional WorshipSunday 8:45am Contemporary WorshipSunday 11:15am Traditional WorshipSunday School Sunday 10:00am (ages 4 thru adult)

NO SS December 25 & January 1

Child care is available (infant to 5 years)

This devotional booklet, offered for your Advent to Epiphany journey, was written by the faith community of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in gratitude to God. To God be the glory!

Each devotional is based on the Scripture passage which is noted in the top right corner of each page. Each writer may reflect on only one or two verses. To understand the context of the writer’s comments, it may be helpful to read the entire passage, or the entire chapter, during your devotional time. The Bible translation or paraphrase used by each writer is included following the printed verses.

Bible Translation Abbreviations:CEV Contemporary English VersionERV English Revised VersionESV English Standard VersionGNB Good News BibleKJV King James VersionNAB New American BibleNCV New Century VersionNASV New American Standard VersionNET New English TranslationNIV New International VersionNIRV New International Reader’s VersionNLT New Living TranslationNKJV New King James VersionNRSV New Revised Standard VersionRSV Revised Standard VersionTV The VoiceTNIV Today’s New International VersionTEV Today’s English Version

Bible Paraphrase Abbreviations:LB The Living BibleMSG The Message (Eugene Peterson)

Sunday, November 27 Matthew 24:36-44

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. … Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. … So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. (vv.36,42,44) NIV

This Bible verse is pretty straight forward. It is apparent that we do not know when the Lord will come; however, the Bible leaves no doubt that someday the Lord will return. We trust that God has a plan, and our devoted faith will carry us through to the day he will come back on the clouds of heaven. The Bible verse demonstrates multiple examples of individuals going about their day and getting surprised as the Lord comes to sweep them away into his kingdom.

As we wait for his return, I would like to stress the importance of participation. Holy Spirit Lutheran Church does an incredible job with the many activities and programs it offers. Continue advocating community discipleship and try to get as many people to enjoy the day when the Lord comes.

Heavenly Father, prepare my heart, soul, and mind for your return. In this busy, hectic world, guide us through your ministry and discipleship to reach out to your children so that they may too enjoy the reunion. Point my family in the direction of the rising sun, with your open arms on the horizon, welcoming us home. Amen.

Eric Ryan

Monday, November 28 Isaiah 2: 1-5

Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord. (v.5) NIV

In this season of preparing, many homes and businesses are being decorated with twinkling lights. To the delight of children and adults alike, these lights bring us joy in our hearts. It’s hard to not slow down and really look at these lights and maybe for a moment not be worried about our to do tasks, our own preparations and worries. What a simple way to experience joy. I know personally a well-lit room is easier to work in, to read in, to play in. The small flickering flame of a candle draws our eyes to it. A night light can ease night time fears and worries.

“Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Throughout the Bible, hymns, and Christmas carols, the reference to light repeats. We are drawn to light. Many times, I have been drawn to people who, by living their faith out loud, are a light. It brings me joy to spend time with them. My own experiences with walking in the light of the Lord has challenged me to transform my own “spears and swords” into tools of peace, kindness and light for others. This season, let us all join together and walk in the light of the Lord.

Dear Lord, thank you for being a shining beacon of light in our lives, from the lighthouse in stormy times, to the candle in quiet hours. Your light has power to calm us, fill us with joy, and equip us to shine for others. Remind us that your light does shine through and guide us today, and every day. Amen.

Cyndy Ryan

Tuesday, November 29 Psalm 122

"I will now say, 'Peace be within you.' Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good." (vv.8b,9) NKJV

David wrote this Psalm to express his joy in going to the house of the Lord. His prayers were for the peace of Jerusalem, and prosperity for all who resided there. However, more importantly, I believe, he was praying for his brethren and companions to find inner peace. That peace that we all seek can only come from knowing God, and believing/trusting that he will watch over and protect us from all our enemies. Life experiences can be very challenging and confusing at times, and we want to gain a sense of confidence that we have made right choices and decisions about the paths we take. Often this confirmation comes in retrospect, after we have bungled our way through situations. I am comforted in the knowledge that God is beside me, guiding me, and providing some necessary lessons for my life. That brings a true PEACE that passes all understanding, and that can only come from a personal relationship with Christ, the author of peace.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, who embodied peace, and has created that avenue for us as well. Through his name I pray. Amen.

Sandy Hughes

Wednesday, Nov. 30 Romans 13: 11-14

And that knowing the time, that now is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed . (v.11) KJV

Eight years ago I did not know it, but I was “asleep”. In that state, I didn’t give attention to God calling me to feel the needs of others, to share the pain of homeless families and of young people dying needlessly. While difficulties arose, I slept on, oblivious to God’s presence, his voice calling, “Wake up and listen!”

I’m awake now, and yet I feel more at peace. Jesus has worked out my salvation for me, and my faith in Jesus Christ secures it. I treasure my relationship with God. Every passing day brings me closer to the time when my salvation will be all that matters. In the meantime, I try to do what is right, following Jesus’ example.

God, please help me to be a good Christian and to always follow you. Amen.

Anne Taylor

Thursday, December 1 Isaiah 11:1-10

But on this humbled date, a tiny shoot, hopeful and promising will sprout from Jesse’s stump. A branch will emerge from his roots to bear fruit. And on this child from David’s line, the Spirit of the Eternal One will alight and rest. … Then on that day, that root from Jesse’s line will stand as a signal for the people of the world who will come to him seeking guidance and direction. (vv.1, 10) The Voice

The title of the 11th chapter of Isaiah in my study Bible is “The Peaceful Kingdom”. The book of Isaiah is in the Old Testament. Lots of hating and killing takes place in the many battles mentioned throughout the Old Testament. Yet, this chapter is about peace in the kingdom. The wolf lives with the lamb; the leopard lies with the goat; the calf and lion are led by a child. It goes on to say that the suckling child plays over the hole of the snakes! But … none of them will be hurt by the other! How is this possible? It is because this is where peace dwells.

In verse one it says that a shoot will sprout from Jesse’s stump. Jesse’s son is David, and it is from this “family tree” that a child comes, generations later, in the New Testament. The child is the Christ Child. He is the Son of God … the Prince of PEACE.

In verse 10 it indicates that the nations will all come to him. Again, this is back in the Old Testament. But … what happened in the New Testament after the birth of the Christ Child? People from all nations came to him beginning with the Three Wise Men. Throughout Jesus’ time on earth, people continued to come to him seeking forgiveness, healing, understanding … and the list goes on. They knew that he was the Prince of PEACE, and he was where PEACE dwelled.

Dearest Lord God, thank you so much for sending your Son, Jesus, to be the Prince of Peace on this earth. Where there is peace there is also love. You are love. Amen.

Ruth Ann Isaacs

Friday, December 2 Psalm 72: 1-7,15-19

May the king’s name endure forever; may it continue as long as the sun shines. May all nations be blessed through him and bring him praise. (v.17) NLT

Many texts in the Old Testament foretell future events. I like to say that the New Testament explains the Old Testament. Although this Psalm is a prayer written for Solomon, it tells us about Jesus’ reign as King of kings, and how blessed the world will be. The Messiah will come and his reign will last forever. Everyone will be blessed and we will praise him.

Can you imagine a world without Jesus? Look around at nature – you can see him everywhere. He will help the downtrodden and crush the oppressor. He will be just and provide prosperity for his people. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that all these prophesies will be fulfilled, but they will. Maybe not in our lifetime, but I know it will happen. How wonderful is that?

Loving and gracious God, thank you for giving us Jesus, your Son, who reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Faye Bastarache

Saturday, December 3 Romans 15:4-13

And again Isaiah says, “The root of Jesse shall come, the one who rises to rule the Gentiles; in him the Gentiles shall hope.” May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (vv. 12, 13) NRSV

God’s covenant with Abraham was only the beginning of what God had planned for the world. The salvation that Jesus’ death and resurrection makes possible would not be limited to the Jewish people, God’s “chosen people.” In this Scripture, Paul writes that God brings hope of salvation through the Messiah for all people. As fellow believers, people with a broad range of backgrounds were supposed to get along with one another. It wasn’t always easy.

As in the past, today some people focus on what divides Christians rather than what unites us. Often those issues are not really critical, except for how they fuel division or make some people uncomfortable. While I cherish many Lutheran church traditions, the most important thing is the doctrine that defines my relationship with God and Jesus, and which connects me to others in Christ. A common perspective about what it means to belong to Christ is separate from any preferred style of worship, music, or custom.

“Joy to the world.” “Peace on earth.” In songs, on banners, and in cards, these messages are common in Christian circles at this time of year. God’s joy and peace aren’t only for the Christmas season. The Holy Spirit leads us to belief and there we can always find joy and peace through the hope we have in Jesus.

Eternal God, you invite everyone to find hope, joy, and peace in you. May all your people cultivate harmony by welcoming everyone who seeks to know you better. Amen.

Janice Demaree

Sunday, December 4 Matthew 3: 1-12

“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” (v.11) NIV

As I read this passage it took me back to the time when I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land. I remember standing on the banks of the Jordan River and watching as one person after another was being baptized and thinking about how it must have been so long ago.

I can visualize John, beckoning to the people of Israel to come and repent of their sins. I imagined the attitude of many that did not understand or were confused by the necessity of John’s baptism. After all, at that time, it was thought that immersion in water was mainly for Gentiles who were entering the Jewish community and wasn’t a necessity for those that were descendants of Abraham or those that were of faith.

But here, John was calling out to all Israelites, not just Gentiles, to confess their sins. It was a plea for them to make a total change from an old way of life to one of renewal. It was John’s purpose to prepare their hearts for the Messiah. It was also to bring an awareness of sin to Israel in order for them to receive the salvation offered by the coming Messiah.

The way has been prepared. Just as the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, the Holy Spirit also descends upon us. The Holy Spirit guides us to live our lives according to God’s will.

Thank you Holy Spirit for coming into my life. Guide me to follow God’s will in all aspects of my life. Amen.

Terri Veach-Geiger

Monday, December 5 Luke 1:46b-55

Mary’s Song

“His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.” (vv. 50-52) NIV

In a beautiful song, the Magnificat, Mary is moved to describe how God’s mercy and justice would turn the world on its head, just as it was foretold in the Old Testament. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is certain that God is in control. Through much of the song, Mary glorifies the Lord; she wants it understood that though she counts herself blessed to have been chosen to bear God’s son, she remains a humble and devout servant.

Our tumultuous past and current world affairs make it seem there are few leaders who truly fear God. God’s handiwork is seen everywhere, not only in creation, but also in the way events unfold. He exalts the humble and brings down the proud. Often throughout history, the higher men rose, the further they fell. The list is long: Nebuchadnezzar, Herod the Great, Alexander the Great, Emperor Nero, William the Conqueror, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and other kings, princes, and presidents. Those who set themselves up the highest usually fell furthest.

Yet some remarkable, humble men and women have been lifted up, from prophets of old to modern day popes, Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Graham, Nelson Mandela, and Sister Teresa. These people were humble and remained so. We also ought to be mindful, humble servants, and walk with the Lord so that we might receive God’s blessings, too.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask for your blessings and forgiveness not only for my sake but on behalf of the rest of the world’s sinners. Amen.

Jimmy McDonald

Tuesday, December 6 John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.(v.14) NIV

Voicemail. Text. Email. Snail mail. We try to communicate in so many different ways every day of our lives. Have you every received a text that didn't make sense? Have you sent an email or left a message and it was received in a different way than you could have ever thought? We try to communicate with the best of intentions, but often times our attempts at communication fall short of the mark and short of everyone’s expectations.

God is the master communicator! God knew that the only way that we would understand and accept his intentions was to send his Son to show us his love for us. He knew that his Word, his promises had to become flesh, become a man and come live with us for us to believe. He knew how important it is to communicate perfectly – and he does that through his Son Jesus Christ – every day of our lives!

Holy Father, Thank you for sending your Son to communicate and help us understand your ways. Thank you for sending all your glory to be with us in our small lives, to help us understand the massive love and truth you have for our lives. Thank you Father, for shining your grace on us in person. In your precious name, Amen.

Michele Anderson-Beck

Wednesday, December 7 James 5: 7-11

Be patient, therefore beloved…you must be patient. Strengthen your hearts. Indeed we call blessed those who showed endurance. You have heard of the endurance of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. (vv. 7,8,11) NRSV

PATIENCE – now there is a word that I have had difficulty with all of my life! I want things RIGHT NOW! Is anyone else like me? I’m sure there are at least one or two of you, right?

When I began writing this devotional, I had gone for a biopsy of a ‘spot’ in my left breast. I had to WAIT to get those results. The WAIT seemed forever; then the unfortunate news was delivered … malignant.

I had to now go to an oncologist, and it seemed like I WAITED forever (actually only a few days, I guess) for my appointment. Further testing was done, and it had to be sent to the lab. More WAITING. Come on; how much PATIENCE do you think I have?

The results took more than two weeks; the doctor wanted to be sure before proceeding. Great results came … negative breast cancer gene! Now … get an appointment with the scheduling person to meet with the doctor and determine when surgery will take place. I can’t reach a human … only a recording to “leave a message and I’ll get back to you”! WHEN? I’m really losing my PATIENCE!

I know I will reach a human in order to set up my appointment. I know I will get in to see my doctor. I know the surgery will be scheduled, and I know it will take place. I just need to be PATIENT!

Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for constantly reminding me that I must be patient. Help me and bless me with your compassion and mercy. Amen. Ruth Ann IsaacsThursday, December 8 Isaiah 35: 7-10

Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower – like the crocus in spring, bursting into blossom. … Courage! Take heart! God is here, right here, on his way to put things right and redress all wrongs. He’s on his way! He’ll save you! (vv. 1 & 4) MSG

Isaiah is amazing in his descriptions and the beauty of his poetic approach to his writings. Choosing just a couple of verses is a challenge when they are all so inspiring and beautiful. These two, in my thoughts, demonstrate both the waiting and the fulfillment of God’s promise. They also reminded me of a time around 2005 when we had an abundance of rain. The desert that had not bloomed in over 50 years was a sea of flowers. Seeds that had lain fallow for all that time and in our mind were dead, bloomed like a fully laid lush blanket over the landscape. The scenes were breathtaking and beyond description. This made it so obvious to me, that even though our God may lay back until he feels we are ready, he is always right there with us. Promises are fulfilled in God’s time, not ours. If a tiny seed can bloom in indescribable beauty after decades, imagine what will be done for us.

Isaiah gives us the answer. Even he knew that God’s Son was on his way and would save us. Notice, Isaiah didn’t ask when, but wrote these strong words of courage, expectation, and faith with full knowledge of belief. How fortunate we are! We know that our Savior has been born! We don’t have to believe in promises yet to be fulfilled. We know the journey leads to Jesus. All each of us needs to do is accept God’s gift. In this Advent season and journey, read more of Isaiah. This beautifully written faith message will excite and make you fully secure in God’s love and promises.

Our great and amazing Father, we thank you for the wisdom of our forefathers. Help us to use this wisdom to realize the total love and commitment you have for us, and to return our love through unwavering faith in the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Norma Kesling

Friday, December 9 Psalm 146: 5-10

Instead, get help from the God of Jacob, put your hope in God and know real blessing! (v.5) MSG

Recently, the ladies from the Tuesday morning Bible study (WITS) put their heads together and decided to plan and put together an art auction to benefit a local homeless shelter for teenagers (NPHY). No one in the group had ever undertaken a project such as this. But, they asked for “help from the God of Jacob” and “put their hope in God” and followed that up with many hours of hard work and a lot of travel to bring this project to fruition. It would surprise you to learn of all the outside people who were drawn into this project, not only with suggestions for its success, but with donations of a facility for the auction, art, food & wine, food services, talent, and display equipment, just to name a few. It was amazing how everything came together, and the success of the project – at last count, nearly $23,000. The ladies of WITS (and anyone else who was involved) learned what a “real blessing” is when God is involved.

Dear Lord, we thank you for your involvement in our lives, and also for your help when we follow your directive to provide for those less fortunate. Amen.

Charlie Kesling

Saturday, December 10 1 Corinthians 1: 1-19

“Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” (vv.7-9) NIV

Paul talks about “our eagerly waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.” Do we? I mean, do we really want the last day to come as soon as possible? Or would we hope that it won’t be for a while. I guess it depends on one’s individual circumstances. I’m 81 years of age. I’ve accomplished all that I want to accomplish. For me it’s ok if the day of judgment comes tomorrow.

But that’s not true for others. You may have children you want to raise or goals to accomplish and plans to fulfill. It’s understandable you don’t eagerly await the final day.

That’s not what concerns me---whether the last day comes today or it comes 50 years from now. What worries me at times is whether or not I will remain faithful to the Lord. That is why I find this passage so comforting and encouraging. In verse 8 Paul says that God will keep us strong to the end. That is really good news. He is telling us that God will not allow anything to separate us from his love---whether the last day comes tomorrow or 50 years from now. We are safe in his care; that is his promise to us and as Paul says in verse 9. “God, who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”

Lord, help me to prepare for your coming, whether it’s today, tomorrow or fifty years from now. Amen.

Joe Hauser

Sunday, December 11 Matthew 11: 2-11

When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor…” (vv. 2-3) NIV We have Christmas expectations don’t we? We expect lots of things---good food, good family times, good music. We expect a good feeling---a spiritual feeling---a sense of Christ in our lives. We don’t “expect someone else.” But what do we “hear and see?” We hear music that tells of snowmen and reindeer and rarely tells of the birth of our Lord. We see decorations, brightly wrapped presents that tell nothing of the gifts of the Magi.We read a Scripture that tells of Christ’s miracles and we ignore the miracles that we “hear and see” in our daily lives. When do I receive the sight of God’s presence in my day? When am I aware that God has led me to walk on the right path? When have I or someone I love been healed of a disease or addiction? When have I heard his loving words and promises? When have I been raised from what felt like death? When have I been poor enough to hear “the good news”?

Do I take time to “hear and see” every day? Do I come to worship and expect to encounter Christ?

Dear God---help me to be open to your presence every day. Remind me that there is never “someone else.” Amen.

Penny Hauser

Monday, December 12 Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14

Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice. (vv.1-2) NIV

Today's reading is a Psalm that was ascribed to Solomon but speaks out to the glory of the Messiah's reign. It asks God to give the ruler of the people wisdom, righteousness, fairness, a to special consideration to the those who need it the most; the poor, the needy, and the children. In today's modern world, this message could be words of inspiration to any world or local leader. The problem, as I see it, is not the message but how one interprets the message. We all don't see eye to eye on everything. As I write, the United States has just completed an election. No matter who won, some people will believe that our land will be helped or harmed, according to their views. In other words, if a leader does what I want him to do, then he must be listening to God and more importantly, God is giving him the wisdom and discernment. But in my mind nothing could be further from the truth.Do I believe a leader does better when he prays and listens to God? Yes. Do I pray that the leader receives wisdom and discernment from God no matter who is the leader? Yes. But after that it, I will have faith in God that he will do what is just. It may or may not be what I think should be done, but that's not what being a Christian is about.Remember, too that we are leaders. We have our responsibility to lead as parents for our children. And what about our positions as a boss, spouse, church council, or civic organizer? Do we not seek the same guidance and wisdom from God as would a world leader?Here is my final thought. No matter who the leader is at a particular time, please don't let that compel you to stop walking your walk with God. Leaders will come and go. They will do things you like and hate. But nothing can replace the special place that God has just for you.

Dear God, please give all leaders the wisdom, courage, and discernment to do your will. May you also give me the same wisdom, courage, and discernment that I may make the decisions that honor and glorify you. Amen.

Allen Vaughn

Tuesday, December 13 Isaiah 60: 1-6

Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you . (v.1) NRSV

This Bible verse speaks to the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem. When I read this verse, I think of my personal awakening and God’s light shining in my life for my restoration.

I also think of our world today and how this verse should resonate with all of us to rise up and be the light in an ever-darkening world. God has chosen us and commissioned each one of us to share Christ’s love and the sacrifice he made for every single one of us, even those who do not believe in him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the light in the darkness. Amen.

Mike McMahan

Tuesday, December 14 Psalm 29

The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea. The Lord rules over the floodwaters. The Lord reigns as king forever. The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. (vv. 3, 10-11) The Life Application Study Bible

Growing up in Illinois, thunder and lightning storms were a frequent occurrences. We had lightning damage to two of our homes….long stories though.

These verses make me think of raging storms in the oceans and lakes. They can be beautiful but very frightening. At times in our lives we feel as though we are going through a raging storm and are sinking for the third time. An important instruction in this Psalm is that we are to honor God during these difficult times in our lives. Do we? Do we worry so much that we don’t hear what God is trying to tell us? Worry isn’t going to get us anywhere but God will.

God is our life jacket and we need to be extremely vigilant in our honoring him and listening to the booming thunder of his voice. He will give us the strength to come through the storms of life and he will give us true peace. God is ALWAYS faithful to us and will never desert us but rather save us from sinking under the earthly weight of problems.

Dear God, the Psalms are very beautiful to read. They impart great wisdom that we desperately need in our lives. May we all honor and revere you and may we listen to your booming thunderous voice knowing that you are rescuing us from the floodwaters of this earthly life. Through your Son our Lord, Amen.

Lynne Bogner

Thursday, December 15 Isaiah 7: 10-16

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign; the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (v.14)

There are signs all around us, billboard signs, street signs, traffic signs. You name it there is a sign for it. The question is, do we always read and adhere to those signs? Do we believe what we read? Do we act on what we read, or do we just toss it off as another unwanted idea?

Here, God is directly telling us that he will give us a sign, a direct sign, telling us who will conceive, what she is conceiving and who we are to call him. Yet who recognized it when it came true? Many tossed it off as another passing thought. What would happen if you stopped and looked at all the signs that were around you? Take notice of all that God is showing you. Believe that he is showing you what he wants you to do for him. Remember that Jesus is the heart of the season. He IS the reason for our season. He’s the sign that God has promised to all of us.

Dear Father, thank you for all the signs that you have placed in my life. I know I don’t acknowledge that you are always around. I take for granted that you’re in my life but I also know that the signs around me show me what you want me to do. I will stop and take notice that you’re speaking to me. Please fill me with a willingness to change, becoming more like Christ, so I can better serve you. Amen.

Dana Hackett

Friday, December 16 Psalm 80: 1-7, 17-19

Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. (v. 3) NIV

As I read this Psalm, the theme of restoration jumped out at me. The psalmist repeats this verse three times, so he must have been living in a troubled time. We are living in a troubled time. Our country is divided by so many things: race, ethnic background, educational level, income, and so much more. It seems that too many of us want to have things be our way only and there is no room for listening to another’s point of view. We have forgotten that compromise is not a bad word. It is a good thing. Our country works best when everyone can share their ideas and come together with a compromise where it can be a win/win for everyone.

We have just been through a divisive election process. We now know the outcome. My prayer is that everyone will be gracious and reach out to those who supported the other candidate. We need God’s face to “shine upon us” and restore us to that right relation to him and to each other.

O, God, like the psalmist, I pray for your strength to restore us to each other and to you. Help us to find your face shining on us at this joyous season of anticipation, both of our celebration remembering the time you came among us a baby, and looking forward to the time you will return in your glory. Be with us this day. Amen.

Judi Hempel

Saturday, December 17 Romans 11:1-7

[Jesus] was declared to be Son of God with power according to the spirt of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all Gentiles for the sake of his name, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. … Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (vv. 4-6, 7b) NRSV

This says it all. Jesus is the Son of God, and because of his death and resurrection we receive his forgiveness and grace, we are called to share our faith, and we belong to Jesus. AND every day we receive grace and peace from our God Almighty, our Lord and Savior.

I was blessed to be born a Christian. My grandmother raised my mother Lutheran and my mom raised me Lutheran. I try to live my life by these words. I am grateful that God sent his Son to die on the cross; I am grateful Jesus died on the cross; I am grateful Jesus rose from the dead and saved me from my sins. I am grateful the Holy Spirit lives within me and guides me.

I am excited to share with others the Word of God and how wonderful it is to live a life of forgiveness and grace and not live a life of sadness, guilt and burdens. I want everyone to have the joy and peace that Jesus provides.

I am happy to be a part of the Christian family of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church and to belong to Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your grace and peace. Amen.

Loretta Block

Sunday, December 18 Matthew 1: 18-25

But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (vv. 20-21) NRSV

These verses are the prequel, if you will, to the glorious birth of Jesus Christ. Now even though his earthly father Joseph wavered at first, Joseph’s faith in his angelic visitor sealed his commitment to Mary. Not only did he keep his marital commitment, but the commitment to fulfil a prophecy. That is a lot of pressure for parents. It is hard enough for parents to try to raise productive, kind, smart, loving and compassionate members of society; can you imagine the kind of pressure on two parents who must raise a Savior? But their faith and commitment to God and each other stayed strong and thus the prophecy was fulfilled.

Heavenly Father, please fill me with the power to remain committed to the meaningful endeavors in my life. Amen.

Amy Trunoske

Monday, December 19 Acts 10: 34-43

. . . He went about doing good and healing all . . . for God was with him. (v.38) ESV

The dictionary definition of advent is simple – coming into place, view or being; arrival. Or in simple terms, a waiting place. The dictionary also notes the coming of Christ, the season of Advent and, the Second Coming.

Food for thought – are we continually in Advent? After all, we, as Christians, are waiting for the “rapture” or – second coming, if you will.

What does this have to do with “doing good and healing”? Well . . . as Christians, we are taught to walk in his footsteps. This simply means to do our best to be “Jesus-like”. We need to do as he did, helping those in need, healing what we can, where we can, and bringing those who are lost back to or closer to the Lord by showing others who he is through our actions and words.

Recently I have had a really rough time. I turned to God for help. Low and behold, he sent a number of people into my life to help me through this tough spot. I truly got to see the LORD work to his glory. Times are still tough, but because God is with me and those he sent me, I’ll make it through, and his “assistants” are blessed to be a blessing.

As God was with him, so he is with us. Walk in and with the Lord, and the Father will be with you always.

Thank you Lord, for being with me and those around me as we all continue our journey to your kingdom. Amen.

Linda M. Middleton

Tuesday, December 20 Ephesians 3: 1-12

I became a servant of the gospel because of the grace that God showed me through the exercise of his power. God gave his grace to me, the least of all God's people, to preach the good news about immeasurable riches of Christ to the Gentiles. (vv. 7 & 8) CEB

This is a story of the way in which God worked a miracle for my family through his graceG- God'sR- richesA- atC- Christ'sE- expenseMy granddaughter, Hannah, has Asperger Syndrome. Five years ago she suffered a serious regression. She became nonverbal, would only eat five chicken nuggets for lunch and half a sandwich for dinner. We put protein powder in her food to sustain her. She lost 15 pounds during this dark time. Her chest bones were protruding and we feared for her life. She refused to walk and had to be carried most places. She slept with her legs tucked under her body and her body folded over. As a result, she lost most of her toenails due to lack of circulation. School was not a possibility, nor was counseling, as she would not communicate with teachers or therapists.I participated in her care while her parents worked. These were extremely difficult times.We were in constant prayer during this year of her life, confident that God's grace would prevail in his time.One Sunday, she consented to go the evangelic church her parents attend. When the call came for the congregation to go up for prayer, she went with her mom. The pastor laid his hands on her head and proclaimed “you have been healed”. From that moment on she began to improve. Each week there was healing: speech, appetite, sleeping posture, and school attendance. Oh, yes and her toenails have grown back.Today she's 14, and a happy, healthy thriving teenager. She attends regular classes and gets high grades.There is not a day that goes by that we do not praise the Lord for his grace and the miracle of Hannah.We have been blessed beyond measure with the riches of Christ.

Father God, thank you for your healing grace. May I always praise you daily and share your good news with others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Clare Levin

Wednesday, December 21 Isaiah 9: 2-7

He will rule with perfect fairness and justice . . . He will bring true justice and peace to all the nations of the world. This is going to happen because the Lord of heaven’s armies has dedicated himself to do it! (v. 7b) LB

This passage in Isaiah has in it the familiar words from Bach’s Messiah “For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder.” It just oozes hope for me. To celebrate the birth of the Messiah means looking for hope in future generations. My wish is that the words of hope in the bold Scripture above can reflect our future. The Son of God being able to bring justice, fairness, and peace to this world. The promise of peace is coming!

Let’s remember Jesus’ commitment to love us all and bring fairness and justice to the world we live in.

Gracious God who looks after us all, may we do our part to bring justice, fairness, and peace to those we encounter daily! Help us to show joy and peace to all. Amen.

Terry West

Thursday, December 22 Psalm 96

Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. (v.2) NRSV

When I read Psalm 96 the overall message that resounds is “Appreciate God”. The Psalm writer is presenting a simple message. God is the one true God. We owe him everything that we are. He is worthy of our praise, thanksgiving, and our respect. The psalmist encourages us to share the news of God joyfully with everyone.

For me, it is easy to follow the instructions to honor and praise God at worship. It is a very different thing when I go about my weekly routine and deal with the earthly challenges of everyday life. I am sorry to admit, I can go all day without thinking of all that God has done in my life. If the situation presents itself, I will let people know I am a Christian, but I don’t go out of my way to share my faith story or speak about God or Jesus. I do carry a Blue Stone from our baptismal font when I go out. I have had the occasion to use it.

What I have found to be the most effective way for me to demonstrate God’s influence and grace in my life is to try to live the life Jesus has modeled for us. Though I continually fall short of achieving this goal, trying to follow Jesus’ example does help me live a more Christian life. I find that it amazes people if you do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. Most people I work with or interact with daily know I am a person of faith. Hopefully, through my actions, it may give them the idea that a relationship with God is worthwhile.

Heavenly Father, help me to follow in your steps, to be more like you, let me show your love through my actions. Amen.

Mark Myers

Friday, December 23 Titus 2: 4-7

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness. (vv. 4-7) NIV

Leading by example is very important. To set the right pathway for those who look up to us, those younger than us, teach them the way of God. Teach them what is right from what is wrong. Teach them to be loyal, loving, and caring. Teach them the difference between truthfulness and dishonesty. Teach them the wrong of crookedness and the right of sincerity. Teach them of the need to be faithful to their spouse. Teach them to be pure and innocent. Have them learn the importance of keeping a stable household and mending a damaged one. In order to do this though, show the younger, formative group through your actions. Teach them through the smallest or largest of actions, wrong vs right. Do what is right, not only for you, but those around you. Do this in order to keep the Word of God from being defamed. So, teach the right way, rather than the wrong.

Dear Father, thank you for the wisdom you have given me through your Word. Give me the strength to teach with good deeds and righteous actions, so that the younger men and women may follow in your footsteps. Please help the younger people of this earth define the difference between right and wrong, so that we may be able to serve you. Amen.

Caroline Trunoske

Saturday, December 24 Luke 2: 1-14, 15-20

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” (vv. 13-14) NRSV

Christmastime is full of peace and joy and tradition. One of our traditions is to sing Christmas carols and several are based on the choir of angels singing to the shepherds. We sing the angels’ song not only at Christmas, but just about every Sunday in our traditional liturgy. “Glory to God in the highest.”

Can you imagine the sound of a choir of angels? As a choir director, I’m especially fond of choir music. But, this choir must be something to behold. Scripture tells us that the shepherds “went with haste” to Bethlehem to see the Christ child after the angelic visit. Perhaps we could follow their example, seeking Christ in response to his glory, as witnessed by others.

As we sing “Glory to God” and light candles this Christmas Eve, let us sing along with the angels of God’s glory and his message of love, peace, and hope.

Dear Lord, though my voice is not that of an angel, may I proclaim your glory. May we share your good news so that others may know you. Amen.

Tim Beasley

Sunday, December 25 Christmas Luke 2: 1-7

And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered . . . Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David. (vv. 1 & 4) NKJV

On this Christmas, as we read this passage from the Gospel according to Luke, I ponder many things. For one, I was intrigued to figure out who “the world” was in this tax registering requirement by the Roman government at that time. As I researched, I found that in the Greek, the translation from the word oikoumene (inhabited earth) meant the civilized world of the time. So, the Roman Empire, though large, was really not that vast in God’s economy, and order of things.

I am also bewildered and in awe that the emperor, Caesar Augustus, gave a tax registration order as it were, to people under Roman rule, according to lineage of ancestry in accord with Hebrew religious custom.

I find it very interesting and ironic that a king was ordering “would be peasants” to be taxed for the purpose of financing his own agenda in short, the unholy trinity of me, myself, and I. Yet, this holy couple were headed for Bethlehem and in the womb of the pregnant mother resided King of kings, Lord of lords. . . . WOW!

God always “flips the script”. What appears to be a power play by the rich and powerful is Act I in the play, having Jesus as the protagonist to some . . . antagonist in the plan of salvation! Indeed, the government shall be and is upon his shoulders. “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. A blessed Christmas!

Father of lights, thank you for turning powers and principalities upside down with the gift to all of the universe, your Son the Christ! May Jesus’ radiant light shine on us all, now and in brightness forever! Amen.

Mark E. Middleton

Monday, December 26 Titus 3: 4-7

“… not because of works done by us … being justified by his grace, we might become heirs…” (vv. 5 & 7) ESV

I have not once ever “earned” a Christmas gift, especially from my parents. And I bet the same is true for you too. Parents love to be generous, to lavishly spoil their kids, to bring happiness. Parents and grandparents go ga-ga over their heirs.

God wishes to make us his heirs! What is stopping him? Probably us. So often, humans think we can make God bless us by performing “enough” good works; especially at the holiday season, when acts of goodwill and charity are most popular. It is popular, yet wrong-headed, to think that we earn our salvation by being good people. We aren’t all that! It is God’s lavish mercy that saves us.

It is the gift of Jesus at Christmas that brings the “washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly.” (vv.5-6). Did you hear that? He poured out richly on us. Enjoy your blessings!

I recommend a good read through of the whole book of Titus – it takes less than 20 minutes to learn of such things that are “excellent and profitable for people” (v. 8). I was surprised to hear such a compact reminder of good living, so pertinent to my life. I bet you’ll be blessed too. “Grace be with you all.”

Dear God, Thank you for pouring out your riches for my benefit. Help me every day to remember the lavish gift of your salvation by your endless grace. Amen.

Jen Anderson

Tuesday, December 27 Psalm 97

God rules: there’s something to shout over! On the double, mainlands and islands—celebrate! Bright clouds and storm clouds circle ’round him; Right and justice anchor his rule. Fire blazes out before him, Flaming high up the craggy mountains. His lightnings light up the world; Earth, wide-eyed, trembles in fear. The mountains take one look at God and melt, melt like wax before earth’s Lord. The heavens announce that he’ll set everything right, And everyone will see it happen—glorious! (vv. 1-6) MSG

I read this Psalm in a few translations. The Message Bible was the most uplifting. I try to stay positive and think good things. Sometimes I stop and think about the blue sky and the oceans, the flowers and the rain, and I stop to thank God for his creation. I feel if we find the good in anything and everything, we are happier. Our happiness spreads to others, even those not so happy.

Stop and think about the things around you that make you smile. When you are sad think of God’s creation – it’s all around you! Enjoy.

“God rules, and the heavens announce that he’ll set everything right! Glorious!”

Good and gracious God, I thank you for uplifting my attitude and ask that you always remind me to be positive and think happy thoughts. Amen.

Loretta Block

Wednesday, December 28 Isaiah 62: 6-12

Jerusalem, I have stationed guards on your walls. The Lord has taken an oath and made a promise. He has lifted up his right hand and mighty arm. (vv. 6a, 8a) NIRV

On the days of and after Christ’s arrival on earth, God had begun the process for ultimate restoration of his people. Much like he watched over Jerusalem in the uncertain times of Babylon’s fall, he fulfilled his promise to restore his people through Jesus Christ. And just as he was with the Jews and Gentiles of Jesus’ time, he is with us through our days and nights, our light and darkness of our future.

Though the 25 plus days leading up to Christmas often get the most publicity (and more than their fair share of Harry Potter specials), it is the twelve days after December 25 that truly allow us to revel in the wonder in Christ’s love and care. God provided shelter for Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. They would certainly be grateful for a safe place to stay as a new family. Today we celebrate Christmas and the days after as a time of joy, safety, and family. It is thanks to God that we can have these securities and time to enjoy each other’s company.

Christ’s birth was also the signal of the expansion of God’s favor from the Israelites to all Gentiles who believe in Jesus. The announcement to the world of Jesus’ arrival on earth was the great star that baffled shepherds and signaled the Wise Men to come. Many came to gather and welcome the new arrival, but few had any idea that they were being watched by God’s angels. Glory to God in the Highest, King of all people on earth!

Loving God, thank you for your holy angels, who watch over us as we enjoy your Son, who serves as the greatest restorer of all for his holy people. Amen.

Zachary Bell-Nance

Thursday, December 29 Isaiah 52: 7-10

How beautiful . . . are the feet of him who brings good news. (v. 7) ESV

When I got my verse, I was going to ask if there was a mistake. It was so few verses. Then I read it! I realized that each word in this passage is jam packed with knowledge, comfort, joy and peace. The last few words say it all: “. . . Your God reigns.”

Today is Daddy’s birthday. This is why the first sentence – How beautiful . . . are the feet of him who brings good news. And to “daddy’s little girl” who always brought the best news?

And what was that good news? Peace, happiness, salvation. Well, ok, Daddy didn’t do salvation, but Jesus does. Oh – right, Isaiah. They didn’t know Jesus was coming. But I was taught that the Old Testament was all about the predictions leading to the Lord’s birth. And if this passage doesn’t smack of Jesus is coming, I don’t know what does. After all, whose feet walked the regions, both far and near, spreading the good news of the Gospel? None other than the Son of Man himself. His news was of peace, joy, hope, the kingdom to come and finally, he died to make our salvation possible. What beautiful feet he had!

If you knew Daddy, you could see, how I get this comparison. Daddy always protected us, made sure we were happy in a home filled with joy and peace, and in his own way, brought us salvation, modelling himself as much as he could after the Lord.

Dearest Lord, my beautiful Brother, thank you for the Good News of your kingdom to come. Comforting news that GOD the Father reigns. Wonderful news that you will come to comfort and counsel us in the ways of the Lord. Amen.

Linda M. Middleton

Friday, December 30 Psalm 98

Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music. (vv.1,4) NIV

In my youth, most things seemed black or white. As I got older you realize most things in life fall into a gray area. As I have moved through life, it has become very apparent that to be a positive force in this world it requires me to try to start every day on a positive note. Every morning I try to approach the day in a positive mood, but fully realize that will be a very difficult task considering that the day will be full of negative energy. So I must try to keep the positive energy flowing by singing a new song knowing that today is all we really have.

Dear Lord, give me strength to always be a positive force in the world. Amen.

Dick Moyer

Saturday, December 31 Hebrews 1: 1-4, 5-12

The Son of man is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word after he provided purification for sins. He sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heaven. (v.3) Application of Life Bible

The forgiveness of sins has to be one of God’s greatest gifts to us by God through the death of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. What a burden on us if we had to carry our sins with us all of our life and have guilt hanging over our heads. And maybe we would even have a self-pity party for ourselves. What if God took a three minute video of our worst moments of our life and showed it to the world. We would hang our heads in shame and in guilt. But God is a loving God and takes it all away by the blood of Jesus Christ. What a relief knowing that there is no sin that is so big that the ruler of the universe cannot forgive.

I feel every day is an awesome day knowing in my heart if I sin, and do the best I can and turn away from sin, (which sometimes is not easy), and pray for forgiveness, it is a done deal. I know sin separates us from God. Thank you God for your Son. Without your Son there would be a separation between us forever; if that separation would exist what would any of us have to look forward to?

Lord God, heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus Christ, the one who paid the price for our sins which free us to bondage of sin when we believe in him as our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Eric Morrison

Sunday, January 1 John 15:12

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (v.12)

Help one another! Being raised in a house with many siblings we did not always get along with each other. My mother would remind us of John 15:12: “Love each other as I have loved you”. Having such a large family we always had our home open to others in need. We volunteered in so many aspects in our community I can't even begin to count. We were not rich and we were not poor but we did always enjoy helping others.

Jesus made his love visible through his actions. He took the time to hear people’s stories: I am involved in many charities and could not imagine my life without the people I meet along the way. I do share the God's Word, I don't push but I, like many that are in need, have had my own personal struggles in life. All of us have!! Whether I am at the Rescue Mission serving meals, giving out gloves to the needy in the winter or water in the summer – I truly walk away FEELING GOOD! In this I count my blessings and ask the Lord to bless those in need!

Lord, I thank you for continuously guiding me in my life. I ask of you Lord to wrap your arms around those in need. I thank you Lord for all that you do! Amen.

Eileen Dunster

Monday, January 2 Psalm 8

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” (vv. 3-4) NRSV

It seems like it usually happens when I’m driving home headed west on the 95 freeway. It’s often been a hectic, stressful day at work and I’m thankful to be headed home. There it is, God’s gift of another beautiful sky! Sometimes pink and orange and yellow streaked across the sky against the purple of the mountains. Or sometimes it is billowing gray and white and black clouds with a silver lining. I can imagine David, the writer of this Psalm looking up into the night sky at a time in history when there would not have been any city lights to diminish the incredible blanket of stars that now we only see when we get many miles away from the city. God’s creation is so incredible it is hard to even imagine the vastness and complexity of it all.

As David said in this Psalm, when we consider the glory of God’s creation, what are human beings that God should be “mindful” of us? That he should care for us? That is amazing! God made us “a little lower than God and crowned us with glory and honor and gave us dominion over the works of his hands”. He entrusted us with caring for his creation. Then he sent his Son, Jesus to teach us about God, about love, about how to treat other people and “love our neighbors”. He sent Jesus to save us from our sins so we may live with our God eternally. When we feel insignificant, unworthy, unloved or without purpose, hopefully we will remember where we stand in God’s eyes. He did the ultimate to show us how much he is “mindful” of us, cares for us and loves us.

Oh Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Thank you for your loving care for us humans. Help us to GLORIFY your majestic name in all that we say and do in all of the earth. Amen.

Gwen Jolls

Tuesday, January 3 Galatians 4 : 4-7

But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we may that we might receive full rights as sons. (vv. 4-5) NIV

Jesus fulfilled a promise that God made to the world many generations before. Many ancients moved forward with this promise as their guiding force. As I think back on my own life I can see I was looking forward to relief from struggles, to better days, peace and prosperity for the world, and many events and occasions I wanted to come about in my future.

I am not a patient person. It has taken me many years of faith development and spiritual growth to learn to trust, not only in God’s promises but also in God’s timing and to realize that when his time has fully come, his blessings are fully revealed. Christ has promised to return to us and bring order and blessings. I can accept that it is a promise we can believe and look forward to, when that time has fully come.

Precious Lord, thank you for providing unconditional love, grace and mercy along with promises of salvation and Christ’s return to restore the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Sharon Barnard

Wednesday, January 4 Philippians 2: 5-11

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (vv. 9-11) NIV

In this passage Paul states that Jesus is exalted to the highest level imaginable, Lord of all. This places Jesus at the same level, and actually the same being as God. Through Jesus’ humility and faithfulness throughout his life as a living, breathing man he exemplified the true values that we should all strive to have, the true meaning of “Living in Christ”. It is my duty and calling to live my life with the same conviction that Jesus had. When I hold the ways of Jesus in my heart, the path that I should take becomes more and more obvious. Using the phrase that was popular a few years ago, “What would Jesus do,” as a guiding light and following the path that it leads to, is a sure and fulfilling way to be with my Lord after this worldly life.

Ultimately, we all will know that Jesus is Lord. All who have lived will be confronted with that reality. But for some that knowledge may come too late. Out of love, it is our duty to make all aware of the fact that our Jesus is Lord and to welcome all into our house, for now and forever.

Jesus, help me at all times, places and situations to hear and follow your desires with the love that you have stored in my heart. May all know you as Lord and Savior. Amen.

Michael Jolls

Thursday, January 5 Numbers 6:22-27

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. (vv. 24-25) NIV

The verses for today were commanded by the Lord to Moses and Aaron to bless the people. This was used at the close of the daily morning service. We often use it as a benediction in services. I suspect many of us can recite it by heart.

For me, the words that stood out were in relation to the face of the Lord shining. I used to work in labor and delivery. I witnessed multiple births. Some newborns were born with pink, perfect skin and a nicely rounded head. (I am certain you can visualize this). Some babies had misshapen heads, smashed noses, puffy eyes, a variety of baby pimples and unusual hairdos. You know what I mean.

HOWEVER, no matter what the baby looked like, the parents always glowed as they held their new baby, a precious treasure. That’s how I see the Lord shining on each of us. I’m not sure if you are the pretty, pink baby or the one with the smashed up face, but the Lord is shining his face upon you. Think about that and really soak in that love.

Dear Lord, thank you for shining your face upon each of us. Please give us wisdom and insight to live as your blessed children. Amen.

Elaine Hansen

Friday, January 6 Epiphany Isaiah 60:1-6

Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. …All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance. (vv. 1, 3) NLT

This passage tells of the future kingdom of Jerusalem. Everyone will return to there, their wealth will be restored. Everyone will see the light of the Lord and come home. The verses also foretell the coming of the Lord and the light everyone will see. But the problem is, how long do they have to wait? God’s timing is definitely not the same as ours and they don’t know when this promise will be fulfilled.

I have trouble sometimes waiting for things or events to happen. When I was young it was birthdays. They seemed to take forever to happen. Now they occur too frequently!! Presently, I love Christmas. I buy presents all year around for the kids and can’t wait to see their faces Christmas Eve when we have our family dinner and they open presents. My faith journey has led me to understand the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus – the glory of God here on earth. We celebrate Christmas every year, but what about the people in the Old Testament. They knew the promises, but when will they be fulfilled?

They had to wait. But they knew the Lord is faithful and just had to believe that these promises would be fulfilled. Just like the people in the Old Testament, we also have to be patient. God is in control and will fulfill promises in his timing. We, like Isaiah’s listeners, know God is faithful and will give us all we need at the time we need it.

Loving and gracious God, thank you for being the light of the world and giving us your Son, Jesus. Help us to understand that you are faithful and will give us all we need. Amen.

Faye Bastarache