
THE DEVOTION OP THE ROBARY. &B0 XU! TJROK9 ROMAN CATHOLICS TO HONOR THE V.ROTN MART AND PRAT TO HE*R. .¦"The New-York Frefman's Journal" fvill to-day publish a translation of the recent encyclical issue«. by Pope Leo XIII. In cdvocacy of the devotion of the Rosary and the ccr«-eTatlon of the month of October to that form of prayer. The Pot e ssps- daily commends the Confraternity of the Most Holy Roiftry, a devoUdasl society formed by St. Domlr.le, ar.d the. metho«! by which the memb-r» of this «/'.ill«* a'«*- sseoclated In a union of j.r.iyer to the Holy Mother of God. says: "BO hiah Is the greatness of Mary, so powerful the favor she enjevs With GcJ, that not t have recourse to her In )!<-«*¦,* is to attempt t<- fly without wings." Ucligiouo Xoiiffs. «.*.*. LXS* CHI RCH tot di« i.-.-. sad Mdi-el Kar. ft» HEBER NI WTON m II prea.t- at 11 a. rr.. E-«n- (..,-¦. x :.-. Sflth full eh ir, «rd n-rmon by R"-.'. A N ¡I 1NSHAW. »'.I. SOULS' *»*HVncrH **-'!TARIAN>. «th «*. snd S«), .; rr in« 11 o'clock. Th» Hay, TH.'M.*.s :-. :l.:«ril iPattor-»leet). will pre»«-:-.. T'.e ptiiii o Invited /;¦ ;-.«'..*- CHURCH W«a* End-av« an«! Mst-»« Ret ¦-. DR I.aN'Y ¡« AN9END, Ph. D., .' .. .. m »¦.',- praver and »ermon by Hi« *.».¦¦.-. II a. in.; Il.l C mmun «r '.'-' « ;.- 4 Strängen ..¦.:.¦ a:.t. WELCOME. WASHINGTON SQU ARB MBTH IS. BPlfcCOPAt, CHU H¦¦): It' »t.. Wa» ington -. Wert. i. v \s- F AN! RSON Paster..10:80, I Coniinuni«!.; 7:48. "T 'k : Ihe Ministry from M.- i. Int.' .- f:8Ci AMVR1CAN MISSION TO THE à IV.',B, «2» Orand st oorriT Attorn«) HJ.RMANN WARSZAWIAK prtarha» tti« là« «pel of » hrlsl i i lay, **Btur«lay and Sunday ev«n- lngs at b. Wednesday nest b«ina tow Rlpput (Jew- lah Puv -f A) .¦¦:..- be h«ld st 10s m, and S i>. sa. Bubjeet hrlst the Tf Only Atoae- *B«-nt." All w«l ASBOCIATION HAL". SSd-st, and «th-av«..Sunday, 8:*f. ?. m add st Rev, WM. ¡". ANDERSON. I mufle by Mr. Car* Mel OH tltt. Men invited. AT LENOX AVENU! UNITARIAN CHURCH, «or. Ktlst-st.- I'-v. MERLE ST. C. URMIIT. Pastor, will pre««.. I. at 11. Bills* sihmil 9:43 a. m. All welcome. AT MS*TROPOLTTAN TEMPLE, Tth-are. and Utb-at. Rev S PARKES «"ADMAN «rill pre»** at 11 »n<* S; moniin«.- mi.-et, "Quo Vadla"; «v«nlna, I!. PAT MILLH and ta« evancellcal faltl "Slater Lily" at 1:45: M nday, tUustrnti-.i lecture: Wednetday, pr«y«r «ertrleei eatieert to-night AT REFORMED CATHOLIC SERVICES, in Christ'« Mission, H3 West Sis« Eve-alnf, 7:4.*«. Rer. jaMEM O'CONNOR in:- 1 i .s ! ..her K. I». STARK, Who ir. noun«*...-« hi» «. ..-. n from lb« Roman l'Atholle «"hutch. All invited. AT SOUTH CHURCH, M. Ha nave, and SSth-et.. Marnlag «ervtee .) 11 'cl . Re, RODERICK TERRT, D. P Past r. 'fiie Past« r trill prea-h. AT TH.: SCOTCH PRESBTTERIAH CHURCH, '.»flth- Bt. sad Centra! lark West..Rev. DAVID O. WTLIB, D. P. Pastor, pre» be« st 11 ar.d 8. ¿->ar>batr-»chool, Sito, Christ in En<l« r, 7. Prayer meetings We.ln.s- «lay aini SYtday »venina» ai s. A.l in\lted- A WONDERFUL WEEK m CoL HADLET'S tent. Bas« Orar.-c-- Ualn-sl., near Brick. Church Station. The living .ata-tarea ot »aved men are rlvtd lllustrnttr-na; Impressive, «pirltusl; n any asked for pi .¦¦.:- ma I -n:g:,«; i i-rnor- row neat day, aft moor and «venina Monday night, rx- tra rdlnary Mlaa WRAY expewted a te day*» maatner. Cotiie. DAITIST fJHURtm of THE EPIPHANT, Mad^on- ave.. eor, S4th-«t -R«v, ROBERT ELDER will pre».h on Sunday at II a. in. and B p. m. I'rayer meeting en WedneP.lB> «venina at S. < onlUi Invitation to all BED!*>'n:> STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHi'Ri'l' c r. Morton »»., Rev. CHARLES A HOLLA, Pa»i:.r.- Service», 10 SO and 7:45. Bab'oath-tMhool, 2 p. m. Itldteeek f'ra:..*r Ueetlna Wednesdaj evenins« T:«a A corillai wel oase I »trangera. Scats all free. «BU>OMINCr>AI.K «1l'-Ri*H. Briileva-d, We-t t»-S',--8t. .-MADISON C, PETERti pr*a bes, U. "rar.«!! Prob¬ lem»". S. "VounK M.»ri: What Will You Do With Your Life?" Firet <«f »-rli-s practical talk», on "Turning í\>lul» in Life." I'.RK'K CHURCH Flf:h-ave an«l K.l!i-»t. HENRY VAN DTKE, Paster., Sundsy, >i.-t t -r ": DR. VAN DTKE will pr. ach at 11 o, m. Rev. JAMES M PARR, JR., ar 4:30 p. m. Sunday eck -o). S:43 a. m. Yi-iur.g Men'» Bible ri.i«.». 10 s. m. WOakly evening servie«, We>Ines«lay. at S o'clo-'li. BROADWAY TABERNACLE CHURCH, corner 8-Rh-rt. and Brc-adway..Pre*l.l»nt ANPRT.W V. V. RATMOND, D. D-. «f I'ni.n (.'«tllege will preach. Service» at 11 a. m. and S p. m. CALVARY CHURCH, .th-ave. ar.1 '.'let-«'...Rev. J. LEWIS PARK.-:. .--. T. P., Rector..Sunday, Oct. 8 . Hu'.y Coranunl -,. s and lO a. m. rr..-rning prayer, eermon -*jid Hdy Communl-.n, 11 a. m. e'.enlnKprayer. ft p. m. .Choral »»nice, with sermon, 8 p. rn. Th« Re-tor trill prtrach In tbe morr.ii.i.'. CALVARY CIIFRCM. We M .^Tth-»».. pr. MACARTIII'R preache». Kvenlng: "Pld «lie Sun i-tan«1 Still «t J«»hua« Command?" In cour?» entitle! "Alleviailve Explar.atlor.» of Difficult Biblical Mira«:«» and Hüten«-».'* CALVARY MF.THOPIST EP18CTOPAL CUUMOL 128th- »t ar.l 7th-ave.. Res Pr. EN810N M'CHESXST Psttor. .C«nimunl««n »enIce at in:.'«'» a. m. anl preaching by the Palter at 7:4*. p. m. Cordial «elcome. CATHOIJC APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Not R.rran». 87th-»t., n^rth side, west Oth-av«. 6un«5ay», 7:4S p. m. Special Lectur«-« on th» Doetrln« of thi» Church conc-nlng th» Pertonal (" .m!ng and O'jr i»-ird J««OI Chrtet. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. 4ld-st. -vest 7th- lv,ti-.yH.A>iK M- OOODCHILD. PMtor.-H , m .-!«?« Bible... 7:48 p. m. "Whai Shall I Do With JeageT'>A homelike church and a » n l«b|« people. CENTRAL PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. W«sl 67-h-^ between Broadway an-l Tth-av«..Rer. wii.tov lirnrV SMITH. P. P.. PMtor, will nraach at it" m ^d^ Jf tri ^Jt >_m- y-y- l-»-"»?«SrÄ: CHRISTIAN BCIBKCB SERVICE. Rbv-T-s*« «¦».-,.,-, Çhu--h et Christ S lentltt, Mal..-.n-ive. c.rV-'r 2ftihT,,<S) Surdar. iO.iô a m. Te.tlm nUI .ervió; ¿T nV PeaVT Ing Room. M Sth-aT»., epe», dal... Sunday a't'er Cm Wednesday evenini-». ' «-"Tiioons. CHURCH^n:;^,:^^^^;/n1 ,n,h.ft_ Sunday «.«ñires.' H"ir < (»BUBui-ilon, (. a. m M.rriing m-vIob, u a. m. tot» »l »er. i.e. 4 p. m Evenine servio«, S p. <n Th« Rector »ill «.fflclate. CHURf-H OF THE HEAVENLY REST a,h . » «th-st Sev. P. PARKER MORGAN ' \, "\\*" *b0v! ¦».. Holy Communion; n ,. ,r./ n\orïhS'eJS?trCy men by Pr. MOROAN; 4 p. .,. mnE?^-f,**T*1' -*r- Religions Notices. «'im:, i; of Tin; ik<*àrn »tion, M . ll«o«n-ev«. ,id S3«h «l liov. WM. M. OR08VSXOH. R '.o «. m. Holy »/.i.murdon. 11 a. i... Mi rnln« prayer, srrn.oT:, il !y Communion. 4 p :i. Cvena ni T .= R«.. .. r nil! edet»«,.. OU H' il Or THE HESSIAH, cor. .'.«' »t- '«a* Paitt- av« Servio»», u a. m Hev. MINOT J. SAVAGE will pre« ».: «.'t.ject. "What Shall uc Do wit;, the c. n..:.*- Tertff*' CHURCH <»!* TU¡: PURITANS 130 i-ad., near Bth- a»,i. luv. «-has .!. TOUNO, !>. !.. : r Service, a! 11 a. m. sad T.«.*> p. in. Tu. Commun ¦* lb« i«-r.l'» Supper an: reception ,,f men iber« »> l«k« tAom «I '¦» I morains »-r\ «. «, In «he evening a «er» be of »t't-.g will All ctrdlally Invited. CHURCH OF THE BTRASOER8, H«re«r-«t., near «,th. fa« !. ,'. «».«.' of Etroadaray. Rev. : aka BLACK- BUItN, (:.-. r, reach»! to morrón ,,t 11 an«! T:4B. Morn- ing aubjecti "Red«ir.ptl n." All »he «. « an Iras. CHURCH Or EION AM. ST TIVf.'l'Hl t*M V.'»»l :.:¦. «i between 8th and wtn «vu »Servie««. S » a».; Il ». m. and h r- m.; '»'¦ R-ct-.r. R«v. ! ¦*. LÜBECK, «elll «r»n<-h at 11 a. ta., «ne* Rev, KARL t-CHW »!;TZ. V. A. at S | »- . ..,;.:.»-.¡j .-«: .: iRMEl» CHURCH. Hartem PIWIT ni,H il. I.lst.»< near 3d ave.. R«v. J. ELMENDORF. D. 1». Pastoi t- d*« -un <..- a'it .- .«¡.il.-, nt mirera «I 11 », -.i. -n ¡.t «. BKTINri CHURCH. 133J »t. .«¦. ¦» l>nos- a-.-o.. r'". WM JCSTI*. HA».«HA. P.. l'aator»-- '¦-.-.'« jpp*r «ni rereptl - »f m -,!-'. «i 1O-.S0 «ermota :.-.., Toi ¦-: ¦¦'. ¦. m - I" 'o* i CNIVERSITY HEIOHTS COLLKOUTE REroP.Mr.P CHIIt.CH Rev, y. . SCHENt*K. I>- D-, w.;i pr.-.t, hat 11 u m. nmi avenue colleoiatk iSiFORMBD church. tSttn ^t. and ,*,ih ave n»" epyvarp n «'.r, i> p. «ri «.-»-i.h «t il ». m. «nd r>. m. MARBLE C0LLEO1ATI ' > C"HUR»2H, r>\. DAVU» Jas. BURRELL n will "»reach. 11 -, ,. t Th» Rrideer «m'a V 'le«." I «a. m Topi.- I -. WERT EM» rOLI.F.OlATE RF*»*«*»RMED mURCH, W«-. Ei ,. nd 77th »t. Rn» HENHY EVERTS<*»N COBH «will preaeh 11 ». m. nr.i i. -. Ev«nlna »I ¦'¦ ' mo ml " MIDDLE COLLEGIATE REPORMED CHURCH. -.-1 «vc and 7th »I Re«. JOHN «'.. PAGO ail! :¦.« -h 11 .i. m. and v- m. BOL1SE DU SAINT »-«PRÎT, n«« '.'.'» Hue Ou»ft Am vl"«.» rf'.li.','».i\ .llmiin, he *i in h.. rlu m.'illn it ft S h. du I It, Rev. A V WITTMEYER. I'.-cieur. ¦TN'ANOKUCAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ST. JAMES, «ouihae»! corner f Madl»oi iv« «nd 73d-««., RSV J. Ti Ill.MKXSNVI'KH. I». I».. Pa»t«ir. -Pi 11 a. m. and p. m. Sunday«« '. :. B 30 ... m. A'l art ,',.rji«i:y Invited FIFTH AVENU« BAPTIST f"HURf*H, No, « *>".¦-* .flti-Bt.. Rev. \v. H. PAl'XCS, D D. r««tor. v «' »r. ». m.. Bnnday-«ch «ol. Al 11 a. m. Hi« r.nt r nil! pre«rh. s^rvi.-«« in iaetur« room .n a- ml I r ran«. So ev«n :ng servie». Prayei-meetIns« Monday and Friday »\»n- Inrs. rrSTH AVEMTK PRESBYTER!AN* CHtTRCH, «nmcr ."»5th-6t . r.ev. JOHN HA!/»* D. D., Pastor. P«r-»lo««-. Sundey, M Inst., at 11 t.. m. ar..l 4 t>. ni. K1RST I'REKMYTEUIAN .','> - I'll rrlrsll, f.-h-avt». and 12th-«>t., HOWARD DUFF1ELD, 1 >. 1».. Pa«"Ät».11 a. iii., "!vh»v»r.- «ni Datatats.'' ¦» r ¦.. "Tfae n Haair.ririK»«. Mon.lay jni W»ln«>.«'lay fifn'rn« prayer- mfe'Áng». PIRST REPORMEH PREaBTTERlAH CHURCH »Covenanter.!, ]2;h st., b»t-A»fr. ««n and 7th a»»i«.. Rev. JAMES t). 8TEELB), pis. P-, Pastor. P-rv! »» at 11 ». m and 4 p. m. five POINTS MOUSE OF INDU8TBT, 188 Worth »t.. WM. F. BAHN ABC, Hupt..Servie« .f »ona ,>n Sunday »i ;«:3«» p. ni. Sin-In« by ih« »hoir ..f rhi'.ir»n »>f the ti ftI tutton. Pub); cordially invited. Don«»lona of ckithlns und «hoe» solicited. FOURTH AVENUE PRE8BÏTERIAN CHURCH, <-nrti»r 32d-«*., Rev. JOHN R. DAVIES, D D., Paator.Publ worahtp at ll and S, with »amn .. by .'.* I'a^' r W«dne»d«y «.»«-ntn« at 8. prej.arato.-v l»«-tur«. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, We»! Kn!iv». an1 Slat »t.. Rev. JOSEPH I!. KERH D. D. Paator. Services, 11 ft. m. and s p. m. Khool, 3 p. m. Wednasday «,»»r,inn meetins, o'clo '*. 'Si-:-:*. TABERNACLE. \V»6t t4th-st. ani Blh-av«. Rev. A B SIMP80N, P««iar. Openln« ,.t lh« Aulumn .".nvent'.on ei ::.<. Cbrl«tl«B «nl Mi«i»I..nary All!«« Bar«loa« morning, afternoon anj rvenin»r dj.i;>- for nfte«n id>-s. Preachlna i«vmorro«i by R«v, A. H. RIMPst.'N; Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON, Seotltuid; Rev, Pr. CHAPEU* P.sion; R^v. .Mr ELDRIDOE, Inliar.«, nr.^ others Sing- tn« by Mlaa Sb«rard, M'.ss Aanew an.! a l»ra« choir. GRACE CHURCH. Rrr-vlway ....! ;. -ri-st. B a. STi, Hoir ¦'.rnmunlnn. '.'a. m., Mr-nlr.« prayer and »rni'n. I p. m.. L«t«r«- evensir.g ar.] s«rm->n. ORA'-E METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. l<*»4t*n m.. .¦«-st ->f .- lumbui «v«., Rev. P. M. WAITERS, P»«t',r.-. 11 «ni «. Even'.r.K ««-rnnon. fir«; In »erb s on "H..,n.» L!f«,*" ¡ »üb«» r, "MarriaK»" Sitting« free. Everybody we' Sabbath-»chool a-. *:30. Epw rth Leasu« t 7. HARLEM PRHSBTTERIAN CHURCH, M»41»<«n-»ve. ani I25th-i-t.. Rev. MAITI.AND ALEXANDER. D. P., Paator..Oommunloa aervlee at 11 a. as. Evening »en-'.c» at 7:4o p. m. stranger» ».rilaliy Invited. HOLY TRINITY «"HfRCU, Pen-.x-av». anfl 122-1-?t.. Rev. (CHARLES PE ^YITT HRir>'»MAN, D. D., Riwtor. Morning prayer, ivrin-n ar.1 H y .'mmunlon. 11. Sunday »»hoi.l, 3 p. rn. Even'.-iit f,r«ye- ani ».rmnn, 7:4.1. Th» R*,~t.jr will prea-h at both »»rvlce». LEXINGTON AVENUE BAPTIST CIU'RCTT. corner !llth-«t. .R»v. J. L «»AMl'HELI« P. P, prearhe» tt 10:80, on "The P!gn1fl<-ancy of the rd'a Supper." and «t 7 n ». r,n "Our Inheritance." b»ln«r first ..f acrlaa on "The M»s»a«»s of «h» »-lose of the «'entury to the Young." BeptUtn. MADISON AVENUE HAPTIST CHURCH, Comer Sl«t- at, Km. henry M. sanijERS. d. d.. Pat-tor. Bar vices to-m-irri,» at 11 a. m. and 4:.V> p. m. Th» Paator trill p.-e«oh at ». .:b service». Sunday-ftrh.K',1, «.;¦*> a tr. Cbap»] «-»r»!. « Wednesday, 8 p. m. MADISON AVENU« MVTHODIST EPts«'0,-»AL cH'llfll. ror. «Kjrh-et . Rev. ANDREW LONiJACRE, D. D., a. m.. H',lv Communion, prftotded by .erm.jn by the Pastor; 4 p. in ir»arhlr.g by 'he Psstori .ubject, "The Law of the Bplrltual Life." Sunday »,-h«y,I at a.3'j a. in. MADISON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN .*llURfii (BS4. «?.».Rev. «-HARPES I. THOMPSON. D. P.. Pa.; r, Will preach morninic uni »venlng. Communion at 11 1, «* » p. m., "What Men fan Po Er,r the Chuirh.'- Feats free. MAPIPnN AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH »»rner 57«h-«t..The sacrament of tho I^.r,V» Bupper «rill »«. :. i- mln!f-t»r»l e*. 11 ». .n an.l n«w m»mUr» r*c»lv»<i rb» Pastor Rev. A. I".. KITTREDOE, will rrinrh at 8 p! m. Union Bible class. BslardajT e»,ç. at H o'eloi K. MADISON .-.'''AUF. PRE8BTTERIAN r*Ht.*RCH Madhton-av*., «,rn«r 24th-sl.. Itev. C. H. I'ARK HUR.-t' I». I».. Pasb.r; Rev EDWARD HUNTTINO Rfl.l» «»- «.lsiar.t Mlnis-er -.Servie». H n. m Rev M VYOOIJIl V STRYKER. D. P.. pre«M»n» of lf.imll;-,n r«olleg« «ri|| preach; «'ommunlon »»rvi>». 4 n m. iba y ucr Men*. Btbta cía««. und»r th« lead»r«hip <<f CHARLÉIS T. KI.-- SAM, rniets ar 10 a. rr. Th» Bimday Sohool will r»«.irr,e Its sasaSeras «*>e'.,b«r i»>. MEMORIAL RA1TIST, Waj-.hlngton Square. .EDWARr» JUDSON will pri-ach at 10.45 »ni 7:*V». Sen lea nightly. Religions îN'otuca. MANHATTAN COXOREQATIONAL CHURCH, S.V.-«». .v'.â ^.e llouktvard. p.-<... ¡,.ng i" the Paster, Bee, H. a. (¿TIMBÓN D. Servi et i.' 11 a. m, sad I P '**.. Sun. Sarr eetioo' «-. *:«.. i. »,. MORAVIA.*-* i«: l!«-|| I-tlt.K- «h. «ltd SOth «t., I Re-.-, h. a i:i.!;i..»>.:s !J«n) and armo*», n 1 ». in. Simla.» s bo 10. . ».a'» Ir, .. MOUNT MORRIS UAtTIST II' !:¦ "ti .v. .-,.»., n»«r l2Qth-st, \'., ..' : ». tn. and 7«.-, p. m., «it;-, »rr- I rcor.a by Paat -, W. C. mi TIN«». N'Krt JERUSALEM CHURCH ldw«d«nl .-«'..-«m. East 35th«»»., between Perk »nd Lexington :.»<.;-. -s-rvi.», *B 11 o'clock Re» JOHN OODDARD, r.f Cincinnati,, will ... !. the »atrrsineni of Dm Holy Supper sill be sd« inliilite.-i .;. NMW TORR PREHBTTEBIAN CHI'RCH, Tth-SV«. and 198th »t.. Rev, «h.W.U'.s .- ROBINSON, D 1».. Psator. .Ser » fee« «1 11 a. m., "Paul"« J urney Toirarda J-niealem" T:«1S .¦. in, '"Conflicting !:»' »¡nil"ii»" Sun. .lay-echoo! «1 3 p. :n ; prayer meeting, W«(ln««<ay neu- NEW-YORK BUNDAT-aCHOOL ABSOCIATIOM. N,.r.'nii| .'!«.-.-« II reopen ..n th.- f llowlng ilrn<-s: I. Primary 1'nion., in «'.«pei of Rr idway Tabernael« .«-r.tra.rx» on :'4t:.-.«i .. Saturday, Otrlober '-. ":l*j p. m. ; Mr«. S, W. Clark, 11 »l I in Broad««) Taberna ; .:;iih «. i, Saturday, Oeto. r ::.,'l'i ¡,. m.| r. S. i.e :iflter, conductor. :t. lr Madlaon Avenu« *rtefuf-m<*d Church ..".', tn-»t.i. Bal u''..i», ..t..i»-i- a si :,..; i>r. Klttredge, «conductor, 4. Superintendent« la«-«. IP» Pub->r. t . <»n Tue».;,»». O-.ober ,-.. | «:..: P .Ij h V. end H I T. B. in Oilleafate Reformed 1 ir b, l-rnos-av«. and 133d >. Trat ¦ I«]. ..-i"! 'T a, s m .;. a new elaaa in llutgsr* Ill*, «raids l*re»bjri«ri«a Ch«ir 73 -i-. ...! Ih« Boulevard, men Tuecday «rrenlng »1 » ib»Rinnii r 0 .!.. r B), teughl r>¡ Re» mu/i.I Me- P. The public are cordially invit.-d to «h.»e nun-dcnointn«- II nal classe», where in« lesson for ne»i t- nday «til NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, *wner of Bth I av< ..:.. ,','.f »I Pi aching by ih« P««»or, R.-v. ?. 1«. ROisiTRR. P. ;. M rnltiK «ervlc», 10:30; ifiern.nii «er- vi« -. ih« 1.. -is .-, per, ,t » >',¦: ck. »TirtotUn En ..- 7 lag 1 rayer .11 s o'e! PARK PREKPYTERIAN CHURCH, «dth-Sl «nd Am- »tcrdam-ave«. Rev. ANSON P. ATTERRI RT, D. 1».. Pa«. tor -Publia r»hlp 11 ... nv preaching by ib..» Pastor. PHILUPS PRESBYTERIAN CHUR« II. M«dlaoa«Sva, : notiheaei comer "3d »I Pi ¦ ' ng by Ih« P««!or. Rev. I JOHN !¦".. BUSHNELL, «I 11 .1. IS, and S p. m. RUTOERS RIVERSIDE PRESBYTERIAN ritURCH. 11 ;.. \\ ; 1. «treat. P.»»' BAMUKI. M'tllMH, M A. In« *.'. P i.-it'r-eleot Service, a- 11 ,1. rr. «nd « p. m. Wedaeaday nlns «ervlre .«! " o'<-ln.«i». SECOND UNIVERS A!.IST iU'R'H, l.n"I«ve. ni-.v» laOth-e« Ih« Rev. l.YMAN WARD, Pastor. 8»r- vice, 11 ... i" »ni «et, "Th« Ml«sl a of ih« Spirit." SPIRITUALISM ADF.LPHI H A14* Un ..luiv. ..¿1-««. Mi BRliSHAM «ni. ,, i<¦ -i Irasplreilonslly morning and evening! « 11 espíala Jacob'« Visi .mi good music,«-»rs «in.l mvcstlgstors "»rliully nvttSd. BT. ANDREWS METHODIST EPIK.'«»PAL '"Ht R'H. 1 7fi!h-st no-« of rol«imbu»-evs.- Dr, .1. ». Wlis-.N, Pn#- tor, will preach 11 » m «nd p m. fTnrnmunloa ani r.ptlnn f m.-nb-ri «t th« morning «ereleei evenir.« llsplr, >;i»e ar.'l To. ST BARTHOLOMEWS «'IIuh.-jt Madttften-aee., tor- n«r f 44:1. it.. th« I!, v. DAVID H. ORBER, D. !', R* r M. rn'.rtf lervlro, serin.«n an,I Holy iVmmumon, at II o'elocki «venina lervlce «l « «.'.P»«. Th« Ree. w. «*. RICHARDSON will presidí In Hi« iiwrnli »r r>T JAMES CHUR« H Madlaon «?. «ad 7i«t-«t. He». E. WALPOldC WARREN, D. I'. Reetoe. II. iy mn uni n a. m Litany, »»rmon an«! H «'ommunlon «lt>.-tor>. II a. rr- PUP!. MUSICAL SERVIO! (WITHOUT RECTOR», in p M Even'nr. Ct>agr>*aia»l(>nal »Jervl « .R- leel I p »». ¡=T »AMES'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Madlfon tve »nd l*W«h «I U-- »' » TIPPLE, Ph, D paaior, 10:80 h. m 11 Iy Commtinl n » p m pi » ¦.m;, t « ung '. a-; ill a »n (efil«r«iu«sl " ¦. > ', ... r»T LUKI'.S Mi riPH'IST .11' lb H «let «t, n»ir nih-ave. Rev. «" HARROWER, P, and Rev, I* II. L/>NOA< RE, P.««-r« p,« t. r.r« Sapper, i: pres«rhlng, -, «r. Bund« school .'.'." > .. meeting 7; .. »tn |y .¦...-. M .,- -, prayer-m««»lag, \\~ir».. I «-"-¦ MARK' .'H'K''H M-av« «nd Uttl at II «. m.. morning prsver, «»nnnn and 11 i mmun n, ^ \- :n mut il« Dr. RYI.AN« K »i'l rea« '. ; and «rvei .. THE .-IP 11-11 OF THE DIVINE PATI RMTT, Rev. «-l!«»K!.rs 11 BATON I>, P., »'..»¦ - ItervlcH Will N i^;i In St, Sien en'» Cl irch, .'¦: a- I H sr«M «»«" «' . .-. ^¦h «it .'.¦ a.¦ it 11 . '. T»-« Bull !!r« .f ,v rhiii n " Hul THIRTEENTH PTREKT PRKHRYTERIAN «'H' 'R'"H betWMn "*" I Til !;..¦ W M.!' it DUN»*AN BC« HANAS' D or preach«* Kui .> »t b> 0 a. ro. »t. ! 7 t", p m. Btrangere crdmily s»e| «med TR1N1TV CON«IREOATIONAL tfUrn, ng»«.| iv« a' I ir«'h «t. R.v F..ANKLIN OAYI.ORD. Pardnr. Per\! c«. II a. m. sad 7 4.'. p. m. UjriON Ml 1 "(' \'. 11' l'.-!l 4«'h .. w«at of Broad :.\i;K WRIOIIT. !' 0 P««l (Sen . ¦«. i" «.'. i, n. «nd I 19 ;¦. in Bui :»» », .. '.'.''.. p. m, '" ¦:.«. Workers' Bll » ¦:..«. '> » m J"1IN BEATTIB. L- nNITT OONORKOATIOV, 111*011 O, PENTEOOaT, M!nl««»r. «'arn»»-:.. Mti«!d 1!«.)'. r.7tt» «r. ^n* 7'ha\e <«»r. vie»« Sim'l.iv naornl f ,- 11 .¦!,, k. UNIVERSITY P!.«.'.r*. PRESBYTERIAl» rit'Rir, e-r ner l«.'t,.- r ,.- md In th« »v»nln«. «r a o'. k. lbs Paator, Re» 0EORÚE Al.E> AVI'EH. w«!l pr-.r». In Ih. «ri.r...,,, nt rr .w II* »«or«,m»nt .'. th« LeVd'l S ipp»r w'!! '«» oo»»rv»< at 4 o'.|,»-k. \V*dr»e-: 1. »vesing .»-«!.» »t « <%'r'. «-n. s-m- -laye 'jool a" d.4'. « rn. WEST END PREoHYTERIAN «'»('!" H A-i««»rd»rr.- a»». «nd li-r.'h »t., Re« .l'HP' BAL«'. M SHAW P. Pa«f,r; Rev JAME.. HUNTER, A«,-.'an« -Tr«. I/»rd'« Supper «nd prea ng ».» Ih« P»«». . ». 11 a m. »leen« ir.« »enrice, - lien*» : »»ting, lOrSfl Iqaday« ¦chool. 3. Y P. S «' P 7 .fTESTMINSTER rRPS'RVTERlAS* '1IUR.7H. *«.»». .r-*»*! «t., n»«r 7t)i av» Th« 1«^: r. R.v Pr R *r* SaM PLE pr'H-h»». 11 a. n. «. : ; U p m «-ommunl n af'»r in« «»r. :. WFST PRESRYTRRIAN CHURCR «II .. b»tw»»-i Bth «r.d .».-s <- l',-t,r l;»v ANTHftNT II BVANS, !». P. will rr-i.ti t«>niecrow «. 11 » »r.. »r.l »i p. ni. «"..n.rr.nnl' n ll ». m. FIRST RAPT1ST CIlPRiH, 75ith-«t. «nd Bo.!,vnrd. 11 «. m. ar.d .> p ni Bum-ay «-"V - I, S M. Rev. Mr. il Ride m an havin»? re- turnod from his vacation will occupy his pulpit both morning and evenina;. There »III »!»o »i»-!.«l ..naiv-; by a n»w '»o..|» rh.,lr. All »T« Invited Rev. THOMAS DIXON. Jr., Pr»arh.» Af»'.nn. Mualu 1 n. ,rr->w mom'n«; pre) ud», Tartlaan P lltlc«." Orand »horua choir .".« vol.-.. Brcrybo Iy nel ¦. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST EPISCYIPAL lirnril sdHi s- and '¦' -. En l-av« Rev OEOROE P, ECKMAN, l"i p, I»n«t<)r. DEDICATION SERVICES '¦¦:-.. rn SI'NDAY. <>'T« »liPfl 8 and CONTINUE DURING TUP WEEK Bish-.p i- D. ins-« will preach at 11 A it Rev. Pr. A. .1 PALMER at S p. m On Monday, at c/clock, an »»«ring ,,f rr.-:«'» «-"h recluí, WALTER R. JOHNSTON, "r«..r ¡^ WATCHES AND I.IAMOXDS. 810 WATCHES 81.96. GOLD ALLOY*. SOMETHING NE,'. WARRANTED I YEARS. WHOLESALE prick ON B OR MORE. Watehes i.ianed. 50c Mainspring», toe. Written «,,» Guárante« r 1 ye«r. VwPi!« KEENE'S WATi.1I .«TORE. »SB Pulton »t.. N*. T. (*lty. **-} ST« ft SOLID 111* U. .-. GULP |1.M S3.«*) glass:;-?. »lös ROCK CRYSTAL LENSES, Kittel to th« ejree by an op¬ of years" experience, fine »teel g'.&kse». wi-h »am«- lens«?», u»ually !. id ,' «I I»' », now 11.00. KEENE'S. i*-> Pultoa ««., Netr-Torh. 1400 00 UOLD WATCH lluO..Mad» by th» well-known firm -t Tiffany & Co.. Of New-Yo:«.: heavy «.-karat gold engine- turned ea«»«, hunting «tyle; ».«pertly 't\v- elled and adjui«ted ihe fln<-»t of »r.y «¦« ch I ever »aw; »usch-d » very fine chain and eeal t-« matcl-. «<vner »HI take .100 cash if »old at «net. KEENE'S WATCH STORE. 14« Fulton-st.. New York. 189.00 LADIES' DIAMOND WATCH AND .CHAIN, IM, Brand new; mad- for p.-e»»ntatlon. but not u»el for purp«.«*» intended; Waltham make; faney rai»-d g«;) ornamentation»; d)an«tn 1 mnken in tack; front plain f >r inor«.>gram; outfit complete, Sío cag.i. KEENE'S WATCH STORE. 140 FultC.n- »t.. New- reek. IM.SS DIAMOND H'.'H-ESHOK PIN, »Si«. Twuty-oa« of the SB.t, perfectly out . nd brlghte.» d.ami.d» I ever mi» Mounted l.«gith«r; .hey «»ere »»le«'t«*d With gr«st car«! ar.d »et tato a 14 karat gold pin for a downi .wn «to 1«broker, win must real ze on It »t once; it » now offered for ISO eaah; I will allow full valu« for it { «cy tima. KEENE, 140 I'ulton-at.. New« tent._ BaSStOS DIAMOND EAR STCZ-s. 1.2!". Hi-ls-iu »t«el blue ditmond» that arere (»l t«. irder by a we!l-kn«.wa Ma^d»n Lar.««*-,* imponer; I too«: It In escb»nge «rd will »«II for even Ir»» than I allow»5 for their _ _ KE-.NE. 140 Pulton-,'., New-York. StACHT-iKRT. »m»»»»!' .v.»-»».-»^ i-v,.* «eaWW^AS-«n AT^REDC<7_0 PRICES .300 »ec-rd-b»*-d wood and iron woiklng machin»»: fu'ly guaraat««d; machinery heaaht an* »a- «banged. OBOROE B. BDDT, i9* Mail- «cn-»t. I «rWINU MACH1TCKS. B1NOBR VIBRATOR, t-»: DeSMStl«*. 115; New Horn«. $28; «pedal barg*(.-,«. ra«: »r 4a«taim«r.t»'. writ*: »gent cat'» T¡.¡. STANDARD BIOTa._ COMPAaST. 7tb- »v» aornar 2»ifc-«t. |^^| BOOKBINDERS. HENRY BLAOKWEI-L. University Place. tSBSSS lOth-it..Bookbinding In .a va- rletlee ef leatlier at moderate prie«». storage:. continental st'ihags warb- HOUSES, 813-819 Weet 43J-»t . On» «hort Meek from Broadway. New. light and airy room» for the «torag» ef fjrnltur», piano«, baggage, carriage«. work» of art. 4c. T»l«rphoi.e c-ill. 2.397 $f)th-«t._ METROPOLITAN BtOTBB« Warehouse and Van». 2«i2 and 204 M>*re»r-»t. I,ranch of- fl«-e. 1 603 Broadway, - « 44th-«t.. fur¬ niture- removed, boxed and »hipped. Te!«a~ h i ". s; - to» _^^^^^^^^ CAIIPFT Ct.RA-illO. CARP1TT3 CLEANED BY STEAM. BY HAND or on he fi«x>r. CAREFUL CAR¬ PET CLEANIN'5 CO.. I.SSS Broadway. 4SI to 42.1 Ea«t 48th-»t. COB * BRANDT, Proprietor«*. Telephone 132-S"th. PBEDERICK ACKERMA.VS Kt-am Car¬ pet Cleaning Work». 133 We»t 3?<l-at. F.»ttthl!»hed 1M2. Telephon» call. 1.189 E8th-»t. Srooklr». BRt'SH CARPET CLE A VINO. BSB-SM Lealnftoa-ave. .Ir.gratn. Snu-ilt, « eu. v»rd Cartage free. Tci 42«! w-d B'klv-i. BlalCKBNSDERPER TYPEWRITERS ar» guaranteed the best; price, $r..V thou- »ar:d» In use: »end for hotTM tndo*»- ment». BUCKENSDERFER SI'P*0. CO. IV tlr-odwav. Room -, HELP WASTED. Male. AOENTS guaranteed $19 weekly; »beo luiely new good»; ) lg pay for »par» time. MUTUAL MFC. CO.. IM Chaia- htrti st OARDENER WANTED for country, le work alone In gentleman's greer.h« u»e«-, grapery, «.arden, Ac. must le marne;; wage» IVi and houie. Addr»-» W. T. WILLIAMS, Yantle, Cor.n. WRITERS Stasrl««. pj«m». e»»»y» are wanted I y many Journai». For Informa¬ tion s«nd 0 «eat« i»tamp») «o THE ED¬ ITOR. Franklin. Ohio WANTED.-« Wai.hcaie engraver». Call te- :*«t-i 0 and » JOSEPH PAHTS A OOt, S4 Maiden Lan* WANTED..A (food ssles-aaa to »ell niir- ».., ttoek; «alary I+" per r.onth and ex- ptr.»e» p«jd. Add*««« D. H. PATTT, Kw .eryman. G*neva, N Y WANTED .Agent». |JB «o 123 a week »ure to worker»; no capital needed; new J;o.-ä». D* . pan; ee:;» a: »«ght; every .am':, »eaOa It. Ror SEH« «LD SPEC CO.. Box 414 Ci.einnati. Oiu» .¦a iNTBD.- Watchcaa«. e-ns-ravera Apply a ,.r. .'?. in Maasaa -et., n. y. ADVERTISEMENTS «nd »ub» r.« for Tb« Tribun« received at :*ie¡ l*|¦.- raTf) Offl -, v;, Bruedwair, Id door BOfth it .«¦:«..,'. u-t.i t «'«lock p. m »over ti..¦¦..,».-.» reeetve-d at the ieuowiaa bran *ii offli«*» a, regular oltlce rate» until H a'clock p. m.. vis. : 264 fcth ave.. ». e. cor. 231 »«.; 132 Bth-ave ro.-. I2th-et. * Maey'». Sth- ave. and 14th »t.; 142 Columbu» ave., ne»r Wtit 6Sth-»t.; 106 Weet 42d-»t-, near «llh- av..; «2 Ea»t 14th-»t.i to Weit 421 »t. WORK AVANTKD. Mal». ST BARTHOLOMEWS Employment Bu¬ reau. 2li0 Eaat 42<l-st.. supolles «ultaMe. employe» to private familles, hite;«, Insti¬ tut! merchant» and manufacturfr»; gu>«*:ne--*.«-», ladle»' malt», »»»m""r«-»e,-«, fi.rr.acc m-n. A BWEDISB BOY. 17, would like posi¬ tion In private »t«t.i«: unl-rnand» the business; h «nest, wtülng and obliging; first el»«» r«.f»r»nee». .1. O. 1<W liergcr.- »t, Brooklyn. A nE«ri*<"-TAHLE co!or»d man de«lre» ¦ situait«.n to deliver packages In who!«*- »ale or r"tal! »tore, or run el.vator; ran give liest reference or bond, «'all «,r wrl'e all week, W. C. J. Ml CSaasoa-ave.« Brooklyn, A TOÜNO MAN, 21 year» of »ge. de»lr-» a BO Itton; wll'lng to do anything. A I- ,*,-,¦.. s C. M I«. » H«'. Tribune OfnVe. BUSINESS M .S. of experience, |n general export and Im;..,rt trade, »peak¬ ing Preach, Ergli»h »ni Italian, dealtu« Maillon; ean tntrc<]u«-e large account» fr..m ..«ir.p«. i*HATELAIN. IS St Murk-» Place. BAKER..TeUBS man, »e«-ond or third hand on every kind of bread and ro.l?, WaBtl Steady Situation; g'-"»l reference». !«.. Atlant:c-ave Br. k'yn. BOY, IS« etlsheB po»!tlon with chance of advancetnent; k«.«<i peaaiaa; u od at Jig.r »; i:nder«-and.«i he kk.pltig. CASEY, :n. Bast ISth »«. BOY. HI, of good habit«, »chool graduate, «l-i-.r«» poiitljn in a whole»«!« huu»e where he « ají advance. Ad«ùre»a A. t. R «aai Eaat llth-at BOT, 15. desire« p'.«!t¡r.n tn office. Ad- dre»» 7H BtOChtea et., Brooklyn. BOY, l1«. STOoId like p-" In «Ale« <r whoi-nle hou»*, r <c»l!, nt ref. ren«-».,. J ' F. DOWNEY 10<1 Ea-t SI »t.. Leng Island ) '-'lty._ j BUY. IT. w!«he» to le«rn th» optlcl«n'» I trade; reelle» with parent»; wage» no I Bhjeet -r.e ftr»t year; reference, "f, g 3,3 I Baal 12th st. BONDS..Flr**-cla*i. «11 around drauth'»- ! man, expert UlttStrstor «.' scle-ntIB« I wiirk», »*.\*r«l y»ai» hlef drauahtan »n fur '.ig- crporatlon, «111 gl«» lib-ral Imniu fer po» tioo with g..-d new«, H.. ru»t- ! office Bog IBBL N.wajk. N J CASHIER, In buffet. l»rr«,ini rerta-irett «r mercantile he**««; lav» handled mlii- lor.j, »utier. reliable 20 vea»»' reference. I J H i »NES, ISS Ea-t loHih »-.. CORRESPONDENT, «»pert stenographer, j typewriter. OMBpeteal manager, law clerk. t:x year»' With present employer; unlmpea hab;o character, SIS. NAT CHADSEY, 4.1 Broadway. CARBTAKBRS-.By m!dd|e-ag»d Ameri¬ can couple on »mail ecuntry place, or wife «oik: m»n to help; ref*r»nc». T., f... .. emwteh «v«. I»ltt'iIS.- ( n.r.peient gi»duat» want» re- ' l-f «r »te««iy work in N-w T .rk. »f.! r'.«"iiiii,rtHle,i M. C. MITRPHT, Conaho- h.wken, P«nn DRCOOISTS RELIEF. reg;»tered; city or country; »alary- no object. 7... 1.102 Myrtle-aie Brooklyn, Tribun« Branch. WORK WASTED. Male. PP.urj CLERK, 22: Pa-, O. N. Y. C. P registered; «111 «to nnywh»r». rn.d»r«l» «.¦:-., i-f.-K-n. »«. A.ldree« PRUIJOIHT. 07 Oreenpoint-ave., P,n« lslunl <"lty. ELEVATOR RUSNER..By a y»ung <yl- ..«-¦1 rasa «»< alaeate* r.inner or In a hotel a.« bellman; left referent»*, WILL¬ IAM, I'. «¦>. Rn« 7.1.'. pt»ten IVund. ENOINEEB MACHINIST. Klrst cla-e; .reeling ma.hin.-ry. repairing, st»am- flttinK, ha» tool»; l"«t r«>:'-n.»s. ?«.«! .;:..¦ .-. Brooklyn. EN IINEER m, ni l,in,«»; «trlctly »,l,»r; understand« ail repair«; factory, apar:- ... or «n» I,»; test riferenr». ENGINEER SB2 E*«1 77tli-«t. EVtHNEHR. .Er.g'.lsh «-ertlfl.-at»; «Ham er.Klii" I.!t»r. ei». lor. mit.-hlnist, |,ump «.r. r an) t..:;»r mounter; bast r.-fer- «neen, Apply JAMES, Ata Eaat i.vithst. ENOINEER m 1 IdACHINItT, nrst elaaa, with prln.a r«f« «n. «-¦«. «nd license, »»*'.u ¦Ituatlor., s..h»r nml i-llal-l»; mr.,l»rit« terms, ENOINEER.# SSI Pallsadi» are.. ¦»¦.».. IP.!,,'.en. N. J _ ENOINEER, to «i ahetalner, wish»« «Itaa- llon in ofTlo», drygooda or o'h»r bualne»« hou«», -A-he-« fair remuneration win i,«s p,»«ri f,,r «eonomleal runslsg "f plant, ability and «trie! attention to btisin»««; .«,- Ceüenl rer>r»n«««. Addr««« KMERV, 77 101st .' ENiilNKRR. understand» «I! re-pairing. «rant« e'endy posltl-.n; New-York »nd »Brooklyn ür^n«»». 27t> Ralphs«. Brook¬ lyn. EXPERT Ai*fr.fNTANT.--Tw»n'y ftve >e»r«' railroad «ap«ri«mee; »ally toot r*t»r.» to i-.....t a ¡. .>e;.-»l and tinanrl»l condition of railroad«; «l»o comme. .-Inl aceoanU; i.»»t r*f«rene«a Addre«» M., SOT. 3d-ave. «nd L»dy»rd »t.. D«tro!t. Mich. F1RUMAN «fantS »Ituailon; hotel or f«c- r,.ry; «.>o1 re.-ommendatlmt. A.l'.r»«« r*. M. ear» f M'. ArnmUOO. UM m av« Rrookhn. riREMAN, *ff, .;» ., an. »tt, n'lm nn.l.'.n erv. «tactile »lavator». »'c wishes p.«! lion; city or eountry, F <t ir. Rector st., I!r«t floor. FIREMAN..By .rOUag man. 23: temr»:»'»; bilging; ».< ». re'»i»r.. «.« »» to character. RUED, ¦'. .>»».. lr.tri-st. FRENCH 0ENTLJ9MAN, So. «uperlor e,Jn- ,»»lor., pr,.nei-nt 1. th lar.««l»g»«, wishes Situation pr,.ep|.r ,,r »errelary; no oh- toetlon to travel. hli{!it*t referen»»» P Rrx f,4. Tr.l.un» on.,» JANITOR- -By a 0»rm»n f»m!;y; man at. «xp«iien.-e! ca.rp»nt*r. Apply »t | -71 2.» av» !rn't'.r MECHANIC *»rsnta p-slMrn t.» take et,ar«« of heip «r pniilna up raachwery- «1,0 \,\. .v. 1.« re|.H¡r!t,», >»«l« of tiperler.»». ). PARK. Pay..¡in». N .1 MANAOER -An «aperi i».«il'ryrr»n. mar. ¡led. II yeara* »X|*r1enre. »vani« piar« la« .in.l«-r«t»rd« th.T p tiltry dui-k«. «»»«» and turkej», In-uhatoi« and br«x»d<T»; h»st r»fer»n«-e. Addre.» w. J. SALT PIP P.,«. 13«. I* lah«r* Island N. T. -WORK WAfJTMs» Hale. PAINTER, kalsernlaer. paperhen**«« «an:« «¦«¦rk- iHti.ii.«-ta «.r private: g'"1" worÄ; cheap. BILBERUNO -1" Siati'in »t. 1" \\v« TI-\I'K, M vear»' « xperieri.e |n ).-.«.¦ .:« Vienna and Xem York, desire« -. ,r,. the day. M. L, I.SU l*..>a«lw'ij. PAINTINO VABNISHINO ano POLISH- tv,-; .nid »tonn and front doon cleaned an: made equal te new. parquet Bc-or» ret.\»t«l and «namedllng ¦« .i» I «ra '.¦ ».:.| trimming*, d'-«r« and walfieeotln« cleaned verr-labe«! and polished; painting and plain decorstinf and paper!.angln«; d .ne. JOSEPH EBHSBB. 1.-7, Sd-eve. I PAINTER decorate« and flru-oia»» pa« perhanger desire« irortt: private i«<. ienee«, hntel« or Isadlords! iin«|.i»»ilim- ai.¡. refrrcneea A. NEWMAN, c»r« i it, ISS Beat I«)i0th-et_ PAINTER paper-hanger and kalfimlncr -rill irork ' t lew«et pi* . BHOBT, I. s-'.I Sd BV«, _ SAWYER. Am eipertenccd man at »aw fitting i«n «.nivlt:» wl»iie» pr>«ltl"il OB .1 -l V kind of -in liai »awa Addr»«« T. T., tto V. ,-»t l4th~Sl. SAI K.S.MAN. '¦*. n.-.d A. to., want« p.««t- llon; ng'-'l Itt vriir» aril marie«!: lia» "x- perlene« In Wlllllf.I« ai.'l retail >.t ;.. » giM it ivelllns «ale« wan, want« i m -n thai will pay living »alary for I i-.nest ».¦..;.-. Address COMPASSES. ¦ Bog SSI», Trenton. N. .' _ BTEN'XJKAFHER, ri ttlm, «¦-' tit« JoU or any kind »I perr~neni r«r tempora«y »ork; 'own, country; prompt, «"-ura--, reliable; «-ry moderate »alary. P«iat«-ffi » Boa ...ii:'._ SHIPI'INO «"I.' iilC. Bv a man wltn tight ., ». experience si «hipping and «i-- .lerk; can sir« best rofe-reace«« fr> n f.tim« .. -er aa to honesty, wIIIIbs- r. and it ifuln*-*s: «gpertenr-ed in sny»al« .in», legin low. LOWN. i-«***) I«. ! 11*11. »«._ * .i,; ;.: i;'|li:ii would Ilk» poaltl..n. TELEORAFHER, .J.iif»*'. «Id-a*-«,_^ WATCHMAN «N PIREMA?*. TjearT «a perlene« at h»ller»: reference S BMITH, Va Myrtl« ¦¦>.*. lit klyn_ WANTED. I'.elti «n «rnvelllnn sale- ma« nn ig.T <t an store or buyer In art department of drycnc-la hou»«-. by nn «-nn-getlc, hard-working »ai-»mu-i . ' la «ear»' experl-n I.« refereric««. Add-era | A. W. MARTIN. "1 Ith-et.« X-w-11-if..rl. »II I_ WORKMAN, PORTER, WATCHMAN. By .i »ober, reliable American; »alary ft. " ." ER, i-.'.t Baal il .' _ WANTED Bv a it: ii-.iughly reepeonlle .nr man, 25 p m ti«! In a whni«-»aii .. i*-, ....>' egperttnee In tea '.li»I- n«s» f Mlfala.R, Sunn*"»l*le *ve.. Brook YOI'NO MAN' »« driv-r or any kind of - !i a years' refer«,n.'«-. JAM!« l»t l'KV. Mai We.« Ud ««. _ \'OI VQ MAN, weB ronaeeted, basin. «a- la-fa kieetlon, brilliant iin- » »p . k«, " id», write, Ensilan, pi»i .'¦«.. fMrman, Il «;i«n faequlrad abroad), Ian ref«rene*-a deglre« immediate .-ut: ymenti «mail salary! cant «»«ir.g re f, i. a. CORHAM, I.OII Raaeeak-et.« Bi klyn. y«"U v«; Man' «'»'I«, »tronif. ««-tlv», Intelli¬ gent, want» »'esity »ItuatlOB at any- th:tu- four y-ar. reference. JAMES It.« i .*¦', »re., Brooklyn. TOÜNO MAN. want« w.«rk, New-Tora or Hr.Wh-i, ¦¦ 'h Mrm or any in« re.pilr- Ing honest, In- .»'tlti», «ober, trustworthy ! man. COACHMAN, IM Hinget.. Broek- lya._ TOt*NO M VS. - I«.red. want» »1'uailon i ..-- - elevator runner; r«f«r«nea B P WIIXIAMB BBS WmI :«7*-t «f. TOl'Ntl SWEDE )l», w»nt» portion en g-ntkm in'« p:« « - «TO fof herse«, ANDERSnv, EM \v«.i l'1-l, .«» TOCNO man. to, raarrled, »teady, !-.- '..,« «- 1 -».» wl«he« »It u -. «« «Mwr r.;v«TT. to Oraal klya Sons WABTCO. Krmnle. A nnRISTtAM I.M'Y «I..1-« ort'-Ttiinlt«»» f .r readIn« lo Invalid» «, i i ; . ..; . ml ' Mitt, Adtr-»» KIN'! S IIITERS, H i S, Sub-Stall n :«. '.¦¦ a ;-, AMERICA» LADT, «s-Mrtenoad !ingui»t ¦: iri-ier. eonducl young lad-« '- eight month» Itudy a.-«i European Ira ¦:: art -her 10, A Ire«» \FAT« »It. T -_ LllMfANION. Ar -llv An.I -in lady, -.«. ¦.; r. »« far *.»",' . ' -or 'I -t'.. :»*. -f-*-n¦ .«. Adirée» M. E.« B « f.:7. y .i -;«'¦. N. Y. " INION. Se.« I«r a «;-l. 17, el g- a ; eaaant dtipoBltlo«, ¦. ..« nvalid mother*« h-in. Ad- OMPANION, ill Ea,t lOfi-Vt Bt. COMPANION Hj t B«g« gra-l'»»te, »« ¦ -. ;a ly « !r.g at«r a 1 a pood rea lar. »r-».i» Pi-en«-"., «i"e!'»nt paeker A«-ii-»» M "taWNSTON, Be« it», -, un» itBee, fJOVERNEi-M Bv l'ntei'an'. «-¡«r-nan lady »;»a«'r.g flucnily arl teaehln« OennaB, EnglHh, Fr-n^b e.r.d i'«r. ,. *!ng governeea; experience; l-«i referen«-*», term» n.oterat». Addre»» VISIT1XO OOVERNESS, .fo*) Ea»t l'.'ii »t. Re!! No J. OOVERNESS, Sa.A» nur«*-*** r'vern--»» .r BUr**>, by > 'h.-iroig'.;, .-om*..e'er.t N'.rth 'lerrcan r.-ot»»-ar.t. »r-,«l«» Eng l»h n* ] --, »i lah; «ft .".«*: no n «. «tl.i travel: Bret .-'.». r-?»r»nce» M«« IJCBT, a.<7 vt* ORADt'ATE .imeretal r«.jr,. »wiM Uh« po»!t'.-,n »h,r. «r m c«". Bdraaee h«r»»lf; CMti ,;cra e Remington rca-hlne: go.<l write- «¦ Mr.l-T'rv.OKI. 4.^. W.«: (l*V»h-«| JANITRESS.- Married troatan, Pfeneh, «i«aKtt:g En»;i»h. would Ilk« *¦» sseur« a pla « «« )anfI re«»; her haaband. b-lng a i{ -.. r by trade, i! t..k» char«;« «f repairing of hOUM. Addre». a. r :..,'* repairing or hoi I ,.t lit«'- -: Mai-;a,«",)-:, tragn»-;- IrvatiBenl ,rt m«r¡- eurlng Iv e,p-rl»n-*ed Swedlak ope-»"r«. Mr» BVC3CAW, a.i» '.v..« *,s:h-»- MASSECSB -'«iBd'i««» mias-ii«« ««-ill tr«-at 1,1'»« ». their h-n-.,» or ber retl- dence. POR8TER, 14'« Fa»- BM »« r-»r ta-xlng; .n .i\, TEACHER Ir. private .¦.h*"-i, bv Maehw of Engi'.».. branche«, n.g-bra, arlthm-'i.* and elem-ntiry I«atln; e\perter..e; best of r»f».er)c,. r ^«»»t ««ainry- Ai*dr«M A. A. it., Trli.imt '.ill . TOL'NO LADT In offlc«. «.« re or ar.v n-at work Mis* BREMNER, fi?7 E. 7Id »t. VOlN'i lAIiy, b-grnner. d-»ir«.. -..»Hlon »ten iR-nt her, t%|)«wrlt«-r and h«on- keeper. A'..In a«. Miss B T., 2^1 Bi orn- 1*1-1.1 »i V»..»|c. M ' OtIMESTIC SITUATIIaN'S WAVTRH A TOUBO clored man, capabl» and »f- fllent and » tiling worker, want» work of «i.y k;r.d; potter er me»»enger preferred; hial ¡y rcci.mniended. Apply to C. W., B -X 1<». 1 rl'.iune «>fnce. BL'TLER.OblereS] flret-cia»» eltv r»fer- .¦r. e»; und-i«kt.,n«i» III« duty. 1ÓS West «Cth »t. HI i'i.r.-ll r.nd INSIDB MAN'..By a neat and obliging > 'ins* "Baa, S«i; city or c -:r«lr-- cm «bow hlgheet ref»r-nc». Ad- «lie.««» L. PLARO, 22«) Ea»t 2iSt!; «t be¬ tween ^'d and HI avi»». BUTLER ar.d VALET..Thoroughly com p--ent, Bret-clBM man, «!rgl», âge S. wnnt» re en-rug. in-nt, el.;!,- y-ars e|« reference«, «'. 8., 128 Weet 2Sth »'. Bt'TI-ER, who eafl highly recommemled by In;«« »riipl.iver .".nil We»t 4'id »!., c»re Mr. Smith. BCTLe-R and COOK Hy mm ami nife; Englnh i'i. t».at»nt»; go.»i re-fcrenc-M. WALTER BUST, Whitlnaville. Ma»« »T^'Ht. «Be- Jipan«sc, «food "ook and but- >.r. lona esperlene« In thi» c.,untr>. bent referrnee»; «vl-he» po»ltlon In prt\a'<- fam¬ ily; cl*y or cum:-, p, S. Jlox 12. TriU- une orflee. COOK. . French-American pistry end cooking: for privat« f»m«ly; reiiaiie and u»efu! Ar.eri".iii voung man; «food K ' »r»n.e». A «; 203 Baal 32<1 «t. '.il'.K i leet-d; rr«omin«ad«d in higii-ft viade; »II bimcn-«; elfy or eoiintry; r'iii.» hétela restaurant». .»"« We»t 4««th »t Donal i.-.n ¦ helL CARETAKER..Man «nd wt'e. no family. want ',.-«*.h!« h-Mtse t.. rurt while owa«r in I .«it. ;,- r until sold ox renird. KINO, «*'»".» .«d a- e. CARETAKERS..Va*** n»«peetabM couple, . 'n- »rid w-ll elui-.i'ed. children. w;«h t-i take ear» of gentleman » Country pli**, lilKlii-st référer.« ,. It. Bo« 4«l. Tribun» Of".«-e. COACHMAN, «sperlence; »Itrl« iii-t. ig!.:,- comparant; strictly t«mi r. heftet Il * driver, willing. >i '.-.«..a- .;r«t elSSS .-it« referen.«. W, E. IS 'itli- _-, e_ geoead Boer, «iiA'ItMAV and GARDEN BR..By a leal middle aged rlng> man. four¬ teen ¦rears' reference«. J. It.. Prlnee'« Bap« S'alei» Ulatit, N V _ COACHMAN -2«1; th-roughiy evper«»n.-».1; un«!er»laiid» nllklng. lawn, f'irnace; willing, obliging en I competent; ref*reBcea, RA i E Hot 11. Tri) une Oi*l.» COACHMAN. By a young man. marrl-l a,-i Hr«i cla», c-«chman; cit." or country; fir«: ,u*» iff.reme Add'-*»» ROHEKT SCOTT, 1,101 Buatmjt-av«., Jcrecy nty Height!«. COACHMAN..Married r.ian. ne family; .obt«. hor.-»t. ohllgtng »nd meet e«,;n peteat; hlglieet reference«, «ritten and l««r»on«l; elty or country. .). c, u In» Bati-igate-av«. «UACHMAN.- -.larned. age 8A; medium height; first eiaa« man w tli hor«-», car- rtag-a, prompt and reliable, i,,-,t refer etice». Addre»» C M.. li» St. M«rk'»- ave., Brooklya. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED BJ ale. ITOACHMAN, «,ROOM..Thoroughly com¬ petent caretaicer hur.os. .?.rrlage», har¬ ness, :.'.g»i-st pers-r.«: iMtlmoalalsi »kii- fijl. »t»:is»i driver; temp»rat-, obliging, re¬ ap« iful punctual; oxpe-tatlons moderate. HENDRKd« >N. 2Û7 Weft tïd-.t. I OJACHMAN..A gi-ntli-man wishes a «11- nation 1or hi« co|or»f.i ..o.chratn; hn» lived with present ompXdtm »'ght v»ars; he M lioneat. soler ant n worker; und»i- «Und« iba «¡are of h-.rse» thoroughly, «heir j reading 'in« «!. etna: *'¦.<> eon furnace; la willing «nd bltsin«, and h». a full »-¡are ».f .-.-mm n .»rise, «all >T addre«. P. F., SS *>\>«t rîiitr, at. COA«"*HMAN. -B» thoro.ighiy competent man. s »ears' tlrst-.lHss city referenc« ' fr^m list »mployer; »»qualmcl with roth clik» '">''..» 'HMA.N*. 8 Of«*a«d C-MIXt, Hrooklvr. _ COACHMAN or OROOM -Thoroughly ex- perlcneed, iir.d«r«tnnl» «.trdenlng. milk- I Irg. fnrni-'». «»r.«-raily us«-fu.; present »nt- ployer ran be .«'en. A!di«>s .!. C, llox ! .4. .«"iimnilt. N. J._ .'OA.'HMA.V Rt a n».it ai»p»arln« ir»n of good tiioi«| habits, first-.-;»»» e!ty reft »i »:pplov»r« «-an lie seen. Addre«« COACHMAN, .'!. Sth .»ve.. Brooklyn. 2! IU r. COACHMAN. -Ry an experienced «Ban: no,i reference«; colored AddreM T. B I p-c-aw st.. t-.Aeen AlbSSy and Tr«y eve«.. Br*x¡klyn. COACHMAN - ThoriMighly computer"; r, it, haneat, -oh»r. willing, oMIkIi«: eitv reference«; Isat rmi» ,.«r a«en, l.iMS M COACHMAN jr STABLEMAN..Man to, .; rman; aober and »teady; city <»r coun¬ try. J. K 13 Itcctsr st.. is' floor._ fiiA'-li.MAN s:t.«l» hito 27; stnni*; gov«, referanc«; thoro«ighl) understands h!« hudnes«: ah«»i reference« Address JtOSKPH, I,aM Id-ave., ear» Donohue. COACHMAN or »iROOM .(food horseman; ««¦. 2«',; thoroughly un ¡er»landa the rare Of n. p*iva-.. stalle; g>id ferences. Ad drt«» COACHMAN, '.'40 Eist TSt»V«t. COA« HMAN an I OROOM..By married «roughly competent; atrletly I»« perat« and ol liging; eight years' flr«r-ola«. pit) referent-« Addr».s ANDREW, fl7fi «'...- .i u rir «oklyn. COACHMAN. - -I t.- J r,..«rrl»!, no faav- ly; .(hly underetanda bla builae««; «««.id, car-.'u! Irlver; fr«t .lass r»'»'..n,-»s: I rmer employer »an ».,. «een. Addreaa 0 B., ¦>''» Pulton »»., Brooklyn, «addier on! han »«.»»r. PISHWA8HER, K-r situation wanted in prl»«;e r«:n.:v «t« dl»hwa»h«r or (¡en-val hcaisework. JOSEPH BRICE, Outing I House. I'mii'o. Baltimore, Ml. OARDENBR. Middle a.ed; married; .*! Iron, young«* 12 year«: «« florl.t and r«rd»n«r; naa go'd rueord and r»»r ndatl n». t>. V... WO Tearl at., Nt s-i n, Mn « «3ARDENHK. ¦ Single; class, fril». fio»»».. vegetable» farming -.' reirá" r»f"ren-« from i- >»lty. OARDBNER, I«'! R-'e- vnrd, »A'Nl Hohok..n. OARDENBB, COACHMAN. .<l*rman. 8S \. ir« of ac»; over i". yaara* practical as¬ pen Ml » in all branch««, flowrr« and vege- tablM; ..: ughly mpetent t> take full charg« ,.f g«nl!«man'l plac»; ma'Tied, eh Idren; wlf« g'.l eo k and dairy «rom :í' el«M reference«, i>*. BTEIN, rare !' p Behlppert, Nan ».»¦«burg, Sullivan Cnuat», v v QARDENKR, A Hy s ''.«rman. S" year» f «g», garden «nd farm w>rk: enn mlik; first .]««» reference. A.i!-»s« A. I»., i«2 Parii i: iw. HARDENER .Disengaged »hortly, dc»Ue» a privat« plseei l.fe »«ip«r(»nre ail hrsr.-hes rnnur«! rv. «rreenhou««, grap- en»« »rsto-ias« ve«»'ar.'.« «; W|f« es »lient dairy Woman; highly reeim- m«nd«d. Addr««« TIPPING, <"il«n fura- mit, Tann. HEAD WAITER »an«» «o «r«.t» f r a .».'-.»r house; no ,,bje,»'ors ' n^'.nt iSouth. Aldre«» Hos SS, Mkewood, N. J. man, marritd, n ,-:n i-»n. want, position; m ^> r«-,ir,d« faimirr '.'.«''».>»«. (lowora, car» of hor«»« ^nd row«, Addr»«» F*. R., ira ',: n«..-r., »*".«i H.t.'i<ntt-«t., Brooklyn. s::.v..vr> <.r U8EFUL-MAN-.By « yo'i-ig man; net afraid of work; n**»'- appr «r- »r»». willing, obliging and r»'«M«: hi*h- e«t r»fe...n.»« CHARLES, a,\a W, 32d «t. USEFUL M AN flw»d«; t.rder«tan:» cat; '. hones, dair», gardaniaa. rnirnsceai handy witii toil»; referenee. PSKAR ¦LARSSON, Bl .;-»»n'.» 1. M, U.IEFI L MAN. Reliai la lierman: sg« IS; (iH«maq « b». r«».'»nr«, or tan« .. <-«r, nt OSS d'irlng s-ir.-er; experl- «n ... |ard«nlna, i*'vl:'.g. or »ny work .- .. !. '-.. refei .'..-«. will r.» pre- ? .¦. «rifen .,r per« .ru.l. HENRY MEYER, 2.Ô12 :M ave. r'gar »«ore. I'SPl-'T^-MAN oi, «m»!*, p!»c« In country; handy with tool»; »rag»» ii.i. wiL- I.INJ. 237 West »2d »t. PSBFI'L MAN an .ind ho«i««. butlar, w»lt- »r P M«»SIIY 142 W««t S2d «t. VALET, "y eompetenl Japan»«« to at¬ tend on« or mor« gentleman, certain hour» »aoh; highly recommended from »».-I! kn-m-r. per« r»g«. JAPANESE. 224 Wast H7th «t. W/AITER, Ba..By voung Japan«»« «. waiter -r h«u«e»trork. «¦ pl«;n cook; ha« reference W. K. Trihune «""fllce. DOMBSTIC SITIATIONS WA1TKI1 Female. west ::p-3T. mhs. i.. sr.pri.r, ¡.«JRPl.iS' AND I..IME3TIC MALI AN" PEMALB EMPI/tYMENT BUREAU., AL!. REFEREN«'»» RTRIiTI.Y INVPRTIOATEP. S»r»an'« breaking engr.g«m«ut« will l»w» dtamlased from rffe« »r.d forfeit «11 claim« to fee paid. Hrooklyn ¦."*!¦». Î Honi-«».. L'amer i^ji'.on-.t, ATTENDANT ' r Invalid or companion to »lltr'v '.» I\ ,o!.iry *'.'ó; referir.'»». Al- dreaa ATTBN1 ..NT. 24.» WsrM I2ftth-«t. COOK, CHAMBERMAID, do. .Ry man an 1 vrl'f. yvn h. man «roc«, first-?'.»»» rtferen^ee; wife rhambeima! 1 and lau.i- dre»«; Instltuti B ir family ''all BARBU, rsr» Vulll», 47 .!in»-«t. COOK .«x,.»rien»»1 tOOM In priva«? f»ir;'!\ fr. -.I«-» .".ty reference«. Call or »dir*«« SIS ilnst 2îd-«» «COOK..By Brsi »,«¦» l'rct«»t«iit cook In priva*« fami'.. beet «Hly r«ference; lady ».in i.« *«ec w«gW j;o. g| Clinton P.a.-». r.-.g f j.- COOK, &».- By French couple; woman rir«' .:»«:« - ok; man for i«n«r«l hou«»- work. for private fainliy; n' objection to .' r' I itanr« in country; refer»nce. PP- BOia I IB Weal '>th-.t. «r«XjI<. Uy flrft-ol»»» cook; under.tar.d» all kind, of cooking «nd d««*«n«; a g>. A l»ak»r, an tak» full charg« of ti.e kitchen; private family; city or country. Addr-«» MARTHA. Postofflc« Rox «2. HIP Ion. N. J n .ard». CHAMRERMAID. Be.By * re»pect»bl« eoSored ¦ .nm chambermaid «nd .»i:i. "o.s, or general hr.tise»\,.rk Call V\i.»OI'."« US \V»«t 2UIH »t. HOUSEWORK.MAID..By l«ra «lstcrs. Bwcdlth; tie r.-n-r,»! worK«r. unde.-stan go,A. plain cooking, e«,-»llent lalln,lr»^s. other sserul maid; »a«., f-.s. . tty. tiy. 2«»«. !¦.,««! fut!: «t., one fllgnt, lock. H'.i SEKBEPER..Redned Oerman widow iiiHi.ajçlni» hou««keep«r In private f«m- Ih ; haa ¡nil jlmiUr position U year¿, and has »x<-.iien« ref«r»ne«a; w»n aarsarieneed in »_1 brsnch»» of hous.-l'e.pTr.f «i,.»i cha-go of children. M . l.«..^2 3d a»e , Ad- verttslrg »iftl. e. HOUSEKEEPER..By educated «^irlstian Rngltlh lady; ««perlen-.-.l cateier, i.elp . litre» n ;r«». needi«-wo;nin. traveller, ..£..; hlgheal referen.». Mr«. QOBDON, !4 Kast l'ith st. H«»USEWORK..-Young widow, with child 4 y»ar« old, wants situation In kllohen or gm»ral housework »mall w;»r«s; r-fcr- Hiit. Mrs (TAOOERTT. 2..f. Bloomfleld- »',., Hol.ok»ii. LAUNDRESS -i'HAMRERMAIP. .A Uly » ¦.> t, find place« in the s.-mi« family f>r an ««»«lient laandresa, thirteen i^u' .-'.:¦:. ... with he» Dises chambermaid i 1 ¦¦ Imatre««, Applv bv lett-r to pres- . :.t »mployer, DE F., CoM Sprlm; Harbrr, I/.nif Msi LAI'.NIiUKS.» Py r»Sp»l. ISbtS oolo'.ed woman; 1r«r I.-..« |n a branch. 1 wage. »11 « i'.-. M. a. WILLIAMS, IM 111 '«7th »». MAID and BEAMaTRESS. WUIIng to .l»t with other work, no objection c»iintr>, reftrnce. .117 M «it 3öih-.t. M KSK i. a i-erv competent nur«« to tak» charg« of infant from birth. 214. rast 41si »t. KURSE, « onipftent mira«: can tak« b«bv from trained nurse; city preferred, go ! reference, 14.. 7th«sv«.; ring thre« bell«; N'i'RSB A '.n'.peient nur«« »'.she. to II »I with family f..r «SpSBaSS; will give reference. P.7 Last I7tli st. NI Hst: Qradnat« nurs» d««lr«< poiltl n as nur«»« compinlun lo In« »ill; Uhria- tlaa p-»ferre«1; city, cnuniry or «o tra«'el; iil«h«st reference«. W. B, Bj« 10 Trlh- un« "flee. M h.- rrOlRL Vj re|l«ble English air!. y»-rtiB, 1 assist 111 nurr.'.-y; goo<f home «r»cn piefereine mer salary. MAUD CARE'«. 4«J Wfii l«*»»".«!. «t. .»VASIIIN«*, A first lisas col red Uun- Orr»s wltl. unsun>ar««d f... mtte« «nd feren.'e. i\'sh>« family w«»hlng by IBS »r.-k ,r d,».cn. «' E. .»OIINSON. 121 W.-st L'ith st. 'A'AHillNfl. Experienced women want to 1. washing u«., ir .m« ihe day. M. NELSON, l«(7 isat .list »t. WASHINO. -Respectable olored woman wlane» ««»hing Lome or g.« by .1«-. rsf- .ranc«. 2SS W««t Utih .».. Mile«'« bell. TRUSTEES' SAXES. NOTtCB OF TltUSTBES SALE Whereas. Th» Austin Bluff Land Water <_Vnr,«any. a corporation, duly gani.ed «.r.d existing under and by v. cf the law» of the State of Colorado, cated and d ing business In the Count Ei l'a»o, In »aid State ««f foloiado, did the first dav of S«ptemVr. A. 1>. by it» «"rtain deed of trust of that «j duly rtcordad in the offl.-e of ll.e iv> Recorder of the »aid El l'a-ai County the 'j4ti) «¡ay of September. A. I' In Hook Seventy-four (7*->. pige On», li dred and i'ifty-thr«*e (IBS), .«f the re. of »aid r-ounty, «-««iivey to J. HA'l MAN. ,mi his successor or su censor »aid iru»t. of Colored« Spring». BI County, Colorado, as tiu«t»-e. the Pillo* described real «stat« and property site in the County .«f El Peleo un«i »Hat« Cobrad«!, to wit: The - ,uth «,ne-li.,lf «'.» of ""»ctio-i n b-red Twenty-eeven ill). tt«e »outh quarter i\) ,f **rc--t:on r.umbe:.-! twei «right (28-, ine rtl-eaat Quarter «'« (*<«.-t:on rur.derej »hirty-thre« |S2), : «.rtli on, half «:,i of Section numb. thirty-four «,.,, an.l the south« «*-t «iua i-'.) of Becttcn numbered Tl rtl four tn Tow-ship thirteen «1.1; s-uth ,? It.i ¦laty --,< ..«.« argel, Uso t'.e not half .'-i of the southeast quarter «'«,>. the .-, uthweM quarter «:«i ol lee Twent*. t.x ol» gnd um ea-t e-te-l (Vtfl .f the «outhea»! quarter »'«'. .'«r.d ¦outhwei« quarter '«i of tiie »outh« Quarter .»., and th« *.»ito<.a»t quarter of th« ,.«;.«. a»i quarter tig) «r.d the i on-, halt r nil »outhweM .,u.m»r Of Section '.'....'¦:.¦<- en (ST), an«! lile on--half ii,,i .: ¡he northea.-t quarter of Section Thirty f ur ..u«. ¿no the v one half «i^i of «he aorthwe»! quarter an«! t'i» nort h WC»! quarter i\> ,-f nr.rthea-t quarter «',i ..f Section Thli fue (IS), .«.; in Township « »ou.h «.f |: ina*a »laty t. ran ««¡7> ". il g'-ti«^.- u.-ii .«;; and ilt*s«jlar th« si r* -flit-> and p.lvl.«f«a Ihetiu to belong or in any wise appertain!).,!, snd ; irtl l-rly th«. ,iit,.ti or ur.»-. ing »nal water rieht known si the "W, W ¦'¦ l'lt«h No. |," a.-..I the .. irt« div.'ie« .«r IrrlgAtlng cana -«i ". rieht« kn..«'n a.« th« "BJodgett DU '" fh-' -'.Ie««le IV . Ur* Dll I.' , northwest Quarter iw) of Bectton I'l-ir »1\a».1Ci and the »outn* ll q :"»r i1«» Section Thlriy-tlv-. ,.|*,, ir. Mid Town« and Range, together wit .ill «nd »Ins« tii" water r:k-:r.i thereunto appertalnl and i-«rt-ularly th« dit-h Of llTtgat can.,1 and water right kr «»-n i«» "Lcri.T'a Ditch." Also the t- -«»t:. cne-l '41 of »he emithwe«! nua.-te.- «'«« I . ... nt) eight .-.-.i In Ml Towns twelve f 121 south of Ran-» sixty--" (ST) west. \'.*o t:«» pipe it-.«- of the «'. pany »ituate in »aid County of El r and State f «...¦i irado, the I. can m, rou an.l dlrsctlon of which may be deeerll as foil iw«. to Wit : B. »Inning at a po.nt on West Monum «"reek in the «outh one .i iif <'*,) of 8 tk«n Twenty-eight (SB). Township tw« (IT) »outh of Range eist] aevea IST) te« running theifce easterly through »e«.t«. Twenty seven <-".. Twenty «ix «'. Thirty five «V,i and Thirty-» i l34l «ill Township nnl Rang«; thence »oui «aatcrly thr Igh .-'- ': i«» Si* "¦'¦>. ie« «7». Eight i8), Bevi iteen |1T>. eight- US), Twenty (Soi end Twontv-nlt Into Section Thirty-three «Ml -n Town«: thirteen iisi »outri of Bang« »tats »Is » West, telmc abmit mne «(?) ir.lic [l It.»'li-r » 'h all bran« ).*.». lateral» a reservoir» which may be «-onatnicted connection therewith, and all wate.-, w right«. rights, franchtae« .«id prlvllei t' »r«"ir.«.« t»i ng;i«g or in ar.' v Ise apP And where«,», es'.d «rai mi In trust to secne t> th- kgal h Id« I h-id-r» th«'.-«..«f the pr- ::.; t payment o! '. lalfl lir.;e or MrtM of «In« Hundí (1001 P.:««: ii r«if:ige bond.« of Th« An« n.uiT Land and water Company, of 0 Thousand «ÍI.O'iOl Odiar» each, agtir-îK Ing one 11 in Tho issn ifn-O« Dollar«, is tr, ^,.:l Deed Of Truat nv .pi-clflcally deacrlbed, dat-.i Bept«ml fit»». ISSB "iui Intereet coup u t-.en Ai,«4..¡¡»'i lecurlng Intereet thereps at t rar« f «Iaht IS) per cent, p**.- .in-.u . |yab I « " :..:. l'¬ An.I wbereaa, bad deed of t.-u-t pr^vid. ami g other ti.m.,-». tt,.u if ..«r.'a..;t an be mad- Ir. th- paym«nt of tiie int-n com .us of »aid )> n.,.>. Of any Of they »i.ail reepectlveiy b»«*i,m» due a payable, or if default »hall m.,«ie Mid opany in I « performaae« f a cf th« »tlpulattona, condltl r cijvrar la »aid leed of i: .-. contained and on : j ,. | ¦' th« »aid mpany t, kept a performed, v 1 If ;:.. either or .very su ¦.a«,' iu lefauli « «II n-:n ' »race .f »laty day», then and In that cas ur. >n ¦-¦. .:¦.. 'I - of ho ri : ' ur C,i f a th« nd« then iir.;,a'..i and «>u »tanding, »aid election to be et lenced notice In wrtttna to both th« i irtM tríese prevents, the prlr.« pal uf a.¡ the »a bord« then unpaid an I -UtCtandlOg »li¬ ai .«r.<* a:. 1 forthwith be« ... j: i wholly da- -»nt payable to -11 Ir.ten and purp'-iei as If the >«.! i ond» hi wh ly matul« l. and that, "i---n «r.d that .»».*. it »h\ii be lawful fir «aid in» t-e T ...» - ¦:. l ««sors in tru» Upon lh« «r,n-:i ..-quest of tne ¡.oiler« on« ' irth «'«« of '¦«.! bond« then imp., a:.« .:¦¦..: e -, «eli .ia an entirety at at public auction at tie- Court Hou-e tot In the County of Ei Paso, State of 'ci¬ rai »I! and »ing ilar t'.e gbor« 1-. II re»; es'\-«-. pr «perty. rl»rhta and fr..nchln of »aid The Au»t:n HluT la.- 1 -ml ^'a-- C'.mpany for the purp«j»e ,t piyl.i- t1 amouat of said bon!» with all Interest cruel there in, ar. 1 all a «ta and txpeas, oonnected with the »aecution of «aid tn. And wlierea», »*ld deed of tru»t furtn, oor.veyed to th» »a.M J. J. Hagennai Trustee, and hi» »ucce.iaor or su iceeeei In trust as afoi-e.ald. th, entire water Worii» »r. I pipe-line« of the said «.'umpan then or thereafter to b>* conetracted. »it cato in ti.« County of El Paso ar-1 stat of <**olora<t-o- and aleo the warn privilege« right» and ditche» of the »aid Compan: then or th»re*fter to be uwr.ed or ao oulr-d bv ¡t. and the property of the »a! f. «mpany. »Ituate In »aid County an N»>, with all lh« Impravwment «. thereafter to placl t*r»re «n the »ame to b«- held by the laid Hag»r mar. InMtee, and h.» «aec««sor «_r «uc- «..sers la tnist. f .r the purpose» aforesaid »..,1 t secure th-. ».«id prompt payment o the »ad toada, with lrt«re«t thueon. «. lite ¡ruai h Id« r t held rs th*-re.if. wit: fill p w-r ,f »gl» m »ill tn-tee and h'.¡ «aid »o '¦.*«.« r or succeuor« in trust undei ti.e COndlt and term« afor-cal.l. And whercaa, t.-.e »a, Tae A in:n rtiufl Ij»nl nv..'. \'.'..«»r C my hi*. -.r..*e th« d-rt» ..f »aid deed of truet, em-i.ied ¦ branoh cf ,i, »ail p;p,- line from the ther termination «¡.ere'f. »lt.: from a p ¦.:-.! In Sect n Thlrtl trire- «ll3i in Town»lit| thirteen (|3) «outh ? Ranf« «Izti »Iv lUSl \V»»t, westerly thrcugli S«"t. n il..m tw (i.'i a-' into S''':.ii Thirty om isll li .all Tiwçj-I.i» thlrtee.i »oum el Itinge s \ t> »T t (SS) We -, and has a!», pn*hije1 a certain Irrlgiirir-.a; eanal M îit-:h »atendlns f: m tii- «aid weet M .".- mer.t Creek eaitwart, known ar.l ile-.«-;- nat-.l the "llLirnn Ditch," at:l ha« «so pur-hase 1 ar.d 'lined fer the p irp .».«. of a water prlvll«»-«, or re.»^-v?lr »l-e. t. uaed in connection with its »ail »ater- w-.r<i». pip» line and dl«.-h-». ar 1 ..« b- u«-i for the ; .:;.«.. of the aoquiaition .->! water privilege« and water r'»--.ts thereon, and in , inectl« n therewith, the northweet quarter «'.«« of the aoutheast quarter 04) »nd tiie n.j.'th-a't quarter (Vil the » ii .; ..¦¦¦.',! f Section Tweaty- ie\eri iSTl ruwnihlp iwelv« it;«, «oath of Banse »Kty-»even HIT» Wc«t. art h.i« «I»o pi:oha»ed as a water orlvtleg», ,,r reservoir »it«, to used l-, eonnect i with It« »all pipeline and dltche«, the s-Miihea»l ,ar;«-r V») of -.he «^uthe.-iit quarter- ,i ! s.-,-ti n Twenty-Sis ISS). and '¦¦. »outhwe»! quarter i'«i f tl .. e athweet quarter «',i t lectl in T«wenty- flv» 125), and th.» e»fct half ««.«i of the r. rtheaat «mrt-r «i4l of Sec-Ion Thi-ty- fve i.".*.). all In T.w'.ahip twelve «|*{>. »>Uth cf Rince »txtv s«ven i67» \V»st; trié Mme to be u»ed for the pur*^«»e ,f the BCqutfltlon »f w'.t.r privilege» .in,I water rights there n ar.l m onnection there¬ with, and hi* «'.»,« pmehau'd. a water rr!\iieK«> or reaervelr «li« to b-> aaed in connection with It» »aid pipe line ar.l duches, th» northwest quarter (^a of th,. ».lithe.»t quarter ii«) and the ea«t h. If I'-,) Of -.he »OUthweat quarter (%) an) tf.', »'uthwe«t quarter i\\ of the «outhwe«t quarter i»,) of s-*ot! -n Twenty flv«, ,;.,, ¡n Town-Jilp tivM'x- ,12,4 »..(), ^f |.ftn¡jrt elxty.Uht ttlt'» West, the »nine 'j be a¡«.> use! for the tequlcltlon of water* privi¬ leges snd water rin'it-j thereon «rd in con¬ nection therewith. And wher»a», by It» certain agreement n-.ade and entered Into on the 11th day cf Kebiuary. 186S, and recorded in »ne offlce of the Clerk and He.-^r.Ier of »aid K! la«. I'.-unty. la Look .''. at Tap.' Ml. of the record» thereof, the said The Austin i"-.¡ff la-nd »nt Water «"omyany- did obtnln from f L. Martin. A. A. MaO-iver.y and H. Z. ¡¦.tlamon certain right» tr. and to a certain pipe-line ext-r.ied »-.Uthward ab,,jt t«v*:uv se\en hundred «Ü.T'nh feet fn m Section Thirty-three (St), m Townsh.y th!rte**n (IS), i nth of Range sÙttX-Btl iSR West, the sun«, being c nn-.-t.-,] with aril a part of tiie general water »\stem of th» »aid Th- Austin Bluff Land and Water ("Vmpany: and lia» also »cqutr«d r-rtaln rlglns and privileges In and to lh« pro- reeds "f «he fcllo*in«r «'.escribed l.nd t.t wit.: Section« Nine »T») and Four ¡n Town«hip fourteen (14), s,«uth of Rbjib« i.lxty-»ix ( Wut. And where»«, by it» certain i-ontrael. mad« and entered Into with the Boston i -h i Company, « corporation, on «he third day if De.en-.bcr, 1888, and recorded up« i the 18th I a;- Of .lun-». ISD^. in the otn « of the CleHt and Recorder of said ¦. o.'.ty of Bi Pase la hull lid, page HI ««f the records of »al«l ctunty. the »a:d The Au.itln llluff 1-,ii.t .«nd Water i'"M* pany acquired certain rlqhtt. privilege*» In an.l t i th«* p. eeed« of the following described lar, 1 to wit: The ea»t kalf i'.ji of the »ouihwe«t qimrt-r «v.i. und «li«' ea»t ^alf «V» "f the we»t h.iif f the » uthweet qusrter (lu of S-tl n Tl-irti .tie (SI), in Township thirteen (IS), »outh of It.mge ststy-sls ««lili We»t. in El Eaao County, Colorado- except n portion of »«Id tract not n «-x- eeed two hundred (900) feet equare, wh'-h the I* «t n T. nd Compeny had hereiof.'re promised to «-eed to School nistrlct N.i. 4»'. In »aid El I'aso «' «utity, for e:ii «ol pur¬ pose», and «ISO excepting t'ie ItghU 'if way of i'ie Chicase Island and Ctoto- ra.'.o Railw i-, ompativ. and the '-llopten Ditch." ».' «illed. aeeoaa said tract, and has also -a-qulred intere-t in certain wat.-r pipe» and miilna In nal-I aureem-nt more particularly deetcrtbed t.« winch reference is hereby made. And wlicrcai«. default ha» been made In the payment of »al.l Intei'M cupm». to wit. In the payment of «aid Interest Ci>u«>o!i» di:- i.« B the flr.t d.i> of March. ivin. ,iud default baa also Wn made ir» the payii»iit of »il »ueeee.l'ng lnt«'ie«t coupon», to wit, tno»e due upo.i the flist «lay of BffiUmber. lhl)3. the tlrtit dav of Mir.h. 1S1I4 Ihn first dav of September, IBB-t, «he ftr«t day et March. 1M»Y the rir»t «i«v of Sentember, 1SBB. the nr-t day of Maroh, I BBS, «lie (lr»t dav of September, lRDfi. the first day of Mureh, l«f»7. and the first day of September, 1H07, and »aid de¬ fault ha» continued for a period of moin than sixty day» and »till continue» and exista And "rhetwe«, t «.> legal holder« of more than om fourth ii,i ,f «aid bond» h»v«. In wriilng elerted cri«l«|er all of »aid bond» et once due and peyaMt In »aid d»e,l ,.f trust pr..vl,le.|. And where.,« th» 1er,I holder» of more than one-fourth (>4) of »aid tx«n«1» have. In writing, requeated the »aid Ha»erm»n. trustee, to «ell th« »bov» aranted e»tate, TRUSTEES' SALES. ! property, right« «nd frsnchlae« for the purpoeo of paying .«Id bond« a. m aa¡2 deed of tru»* provided. And whereas, th« «aid J. J. Hagermaa his resigned «nd refused to act «a Mid trustee under said deed of trust, and the Directors of the »aid Tnc Austin Bluff I.and a.-.d Water Company hav», a* in ««(4 deed of trust provided, request».! of H. 0, I.unt, a Judge of «h» Lltirlct «.'oui* of the Judicial Pittrlct of, which the County of El Pa.«o constitute» a part, the appoint¬ ment of a. successor In tiast to th« said Hag. rman. And »«here 1«. .«aid Pint ha« duly ap¬ pointed the un..»r?lcned. K. H Morley. Braei«»sanr la Trust to the «aid J. .1. Hager- nian with .ill th. powers, authonlue and duties In stld deed of trust conveyed upon «r.d «restad m |ha said H.-igerman. Ar.l where«.«, ire kg-al r. oidora of more than one-fourth «',) of said bond» have, la writing-. requ«t«»d the undersigned aa suc-essor in trust «foresuld. to sell th« above granted »state, property, rights and fran.-lilscs of t «aid «omajany fjr th« purpose of paying th« amount due upon .alii Is.nJ«. »:th In-.ere»«. as in said deed of trust provld»,). N iw therefore, by rrason of «he prem¬ ises an! by »Irtu» of the authority In n- vested under and »>«. ».irtue of the t»rms and o,,n "tions of said Ama of trust, I. r. H. Morley. flnrnasot In Tru.t, »1 aforesaid. 1»IH on Mondai, the first day of November r»xt ensuln*. at the hour of tue!'» 0'clothe noon, at the Croat <E«»t) .:..- f th« .' art Kouaa ..n Nevada Avenue, In Um City of Colorado Spring», tn tli« i'..ini> of ir Pa«-» and State of 1 I ..'!., .ell .«« nn entirety, at pul.lie au » m, a!l and singular the above-de- rcrlbed lands. prern,s> '. r«-al estate, prop. ertjr, rignt« ,nd h.s»«. Inclu.Png ail and any of tl.» »a.d rich»* «.mitred by »Sid 1 » AO*tln Hl'iff uSSd and Wat»« Company alnce »h- esscuti. n of said d-»d of «-it is »f,,r*«al'i. whether th» .¿me ».» »»aler riant«, prlv ',»%** or .l!t«-h»«. ac- 0 lin 1 In, .'. "r ,,r I y VllttM of »he pur- mis» of -,i| ,. ,; ,-.,'.. abo»e-d»scr1l,»l ."' as appurt»tnnl iti»;et'>. or InterMI«, r:«ht» or prlvt,»««--s »e'.irel In toe -1,1 r, . Austin Rlu'f I.and and Water t'ompany thiough, under or i,» rirtiM nf either of «>:' -..r-o-r- last above m».ltl>,n»d, ¦. well ;,«, any ¡- ?ht n¦-. |. 1.r«- I bv 11 1 T',« A'i«tln IC'iT I-»rd »n! Warer CQWIPSBJ la and t. »el«! »«l e.«-,t,> «a pure aa«d ». ¦IS h. and H'i rlirht. »!»1e, Lon»n» »nd »in., of r»,l»mpt:.n of th» «aid Th» Au« ' Lai 1 Water Cnmssnr. u. s ¿ -. »«. and 1. to nn ! ander Ih« «am», and »ach of them, for cash in hand, for tl» purposa of paying t « -«, ml of «aid bond« «nd unpaid eoot tn «on, to«»tl«r «Afi'i .ill ,-»«ts. char«»« and expense« ... . |h « tru»». FREDERIC**" H MORLEV. Succ»s«or In Tru»»'d «'. rado sp-ing«. ei p»«« «' 1-1 .-. Colon '. « is loth diy of s«p- tea I .. » D 1-. 7 M. H SOLWAT ..r.d BROOKS A ARMIT. Attorney« for Buceeaeor In Trart DO ano Ätna ROOMS. OOOD r «om». with boa*!, m iv «..cured »i n?«» Madlaon *\--. or 90 W -. .. .. ONE i! RM third tl r. »at!:; fir»'-,-la«« bonrd; alto »in«l» room f r «»-ltleman; Am"r!-an fa-r.liy; references. 4».j Park- «ve., r.e.-r .",7th st. 1- HANDSOMELY '1- - *\ raocsa lar«« or sma:l. »r. «nits r 1 ng y; 1 »th, board; ex-hang».! 34 We«t Mst st. 1 .«38 PARK-AVE I-«rK-.- r«MMDS and rnrl' r dmlng r om; rner of Usth-.t_ ill r om; e'.evttor-. I2TH-ST.. 44 WEST..Two ex-eption»lly |e« 1!«I« irtr^... gad on« »rn..l! room; newly ;»no'. it.d: Mattery plumbing;^ oomforts. sup.--. '..t/»: r- l.«TH-ST. 21, 2.* AND K WEST..Beas- tlfal, larg» art f.'¿.» r ::.«. fir fam- III*. ge^tl^T. n; tabla exe.: n». refer- »r.c, ». 10TH ST.. 41 ~ECT..«Cteaa sätet home; good tab!-. Quaker family; terma r»a- sonabl".; referen, «, 32I>-ST.. 2 WEST. H.r.Jsomely furnished douMe «r.d sing!» r ,>ms. with bo«rd; r»f»rer»»s ;;..p BT.. R'EST. ¡fi. Pleasantly íiirn¡«hed room«; excellent» privais («.--. refer«ar*ea, ; MTH-ST., 27 V. psr -I'arlor floor «nd ..,. _»»1 *.A .am»... a...a.'a .. other well farnlsbed room b:>ar,l. referen,»« «scellent ST EAST 62D-6T.Connecting room.. »» or f^ur; every convenience; ex.- .;:»nt bnard. .*>1 WEST 4ÍTH-ST. . Desirable ro rr.«, with ex'-eilent b.ard and atteniar.-e: referencs. .*úH> ST .».7 WEST.Klegant birk BBltStl «e-ord s-;-v r -.m. large nail ro.,rr«. m- p«r -- table; reft raneas MTH-ST, nil WEST..I.«-ge »nd «t-.a!l r on.« «rlth b a; i. r.tlr.»ra»n'; refere« s. 5TTH st. 411 R/KST -.-».îp-ri ra d«r: aa arltfc b ird| n»eni»nt to all car«; h,.'j»e thoroughly heated ¦ ho'.-wat«r ayateta; ntonaoo. BTTH ST., 813 WEST.--H*nd»om*]y fir- nlshed rocms. with board; convenient Br-i!»»y and L »t«tl'»r.»; referonc*« ex¬ changed. 70TH ST., 120 WEST..Newly furn!«K.»l la:.-e ur.d «mall roon's; private bath, ex¬ cellent te'ol«; terms rea.eni.ble: r»fer«n m »«charged._ T1ST-ST.. »5» WEST, near Centra! Park . Roo.n» wtih b.»«rd; flrrt c'.as» «pp«3lr.«.- men*.« In every p»"*"c*ul»r. l«»3!..t. T. WF.«T -*«>2 .104.-Rerr.ed loca¬ tion; choice »utte; a!»o other d»«!ra-l« rooms; Ub'e »nd » high-class. Fl RMSHED ROOMS TO LET. IRYIV*. PI.A'-E 14. corner.Every room heated; t^>x«pi".ng bedss «very laapriwa meet, ventilation. NEAR MADiaON SQUARE-Heauf.fjl. iir... »unnv, w-!l-he«ted «uite. fine 11»-. f T winter; f;r«t-c!a»» prlva'e ». .... Caterer In I'ascment. 42 West ZHn s: THREE RO<>>!3 together or e»rar«t''.»; prívala; refined «urrvjr.Pr.g»; m .l.-rat« prl,-,s. re.'-rer.c«. ex. .-¿«d. l.*..i 45th-st_ 12TH-ST.. IM" WEST..Flrst-c'.as» f :r- r.ish»! room«; gentlemen; r :«. «nd loca'.ltv |h« be^r_ UTH-ST., 1-.» EAST- ric.sant. la-g« and «mall »j-ansas; go 1 aelfhbacl '. eenvenlenl location; reference«. _ BiaT-BT.. 41 EAST. Pe.'.rabi« PSOnSi cp: »n»l r«f': enees. 21ST ST lit aW,-Twa larje, hand¬ somely fornlshed; .*.-,,nd-tl r tvnii; bath: t.,«ether or feperat«; p-!vat.i .'.*n- tiy gentlemen. MTH-ST.. WB.ST.-N>*:) furn 5Opt t m in privais re..ld»nce. never pre- rrfaNialy rented; refer»:: »«. SSTH-ST S WH-ir.A baci.-lor' apar»- iiu-nt. app. Intmastg perfect; -»r^rr « 62P ST.. "til ard rtth ave«. Eleg.i"!lv fir- nl«h«.l bachelor »p.«rtni«nr»; y, Í30 weekly, Includinaj treakf«»t. va'.e* at-»-.!- «nce; r.f.'rcnce». Addre«. EXTRA P* 4.'». 1,242 !t: M.iy «34TH ST 1*> PAST.. Handsomely '.-.-- nisl.ed ro,^nlS. en »utte or singly; ref-r- vr.-»s gi«'en and r««jttlred HS 4TH-AVI:.. aSttv-et.. Cramercy Pa-k. -t'liolc» lor gentlenws wh.- ap- freelate t.«f1n»d home; eoraf r«able, heat. Iglit Kith c!»an. ««i;h n«w furnishl»g*. DRKSSMAKI.VG. CLOAKMAKPH. SOSM or day; clo»k« al¬ le;., d; plush ste.tnied. scilskln garmenta rem !«U«d red»cd. repaired, nude Irto capea, cllarett«» and *ack»t*. OBJEKT* 1.11 Ofmt 00,, fT______ DRESSMAKER and »*I /»AK VAKER . iii.iue ur dav: plush ar.l velvet «lusk« altered «r.d steam».I, cloth gsrmen«» re- m...!,-.led, pr.saad and cleans! onElo. 131 W.«t 2-'l--t._______ DRE88MAKER, 20 year»' experience; lallOt mad» suite, IS; »'»enli.g dresses and fancy wa'.v.«. equally 1 w. Mr-e SMYTH WP» «'.i! ave n,ji MJ ¦»:._ DRESSMAKER -Mrs «CTjOKB, ¿M W -»t«t. no«r Bresdeay -AU .tyi«»s dr. «.«.« agd »r»p«; pvrfe.-l flt «-'i«r«nt««d.' I.-.'.I.« nia) furnl.h mat«: Is!. r.»pon»lb!«l reaaonabls. ^^^^^ DRESSMAKER, forma-ly with B. Aliman A fjb.; excellent fifing satBSSB «¦__>! clcak» and cape»; «2 per d»y. Addre»» DRESSMAKER. 2ft3 West l*th It- MILLBR A rRMDCR. Pre«>«m*k.«r». -ia West 40th »t. «re prepared tm order. 1 r th« opening panaeSi »Il tiottL r.rst-ci»"»». tnU«e»' i-ostumes mud»i ____ MME. TH1HAPI». 74 *"< ¦»*»_¦_ *,* retiirned from Pan« »nd ir»i.ared to tnko order» tut fall ¦"¦ 1 **'"¦""' .'>''... Imported «to,.<1»- modérai» w'- '.'*_ SEAL GARMENTS, fine fur» mad« to order, rem»delllng old i/âimer.ti. ¦",-!.;- tj; price» «ut.iM«. BABKER'B lit West Sftth-»».. I««« «'!«!» Ounther«. Bi '.- ¦ v«. HKSK«. * OFFICE PI RoilTlRia. DESKS IN GREAT VARIETY OP STVlJ AND PRK** T, 0. ELLEW. Ill Pulton S». LOSI i>.sr .Aank'oook No M.aei of '!' '"">'*¦ Dim« Bavlnsa instituí'...1 la mlsalas. «*._ peniaa having a c;alm to It hereb> *-'?..*¦ upon ... srasasl «lie seine wlllili« «»»> '.*'* ,.r « lo having s»:d pae*ba>k CAM* veiled «nd » new one Issued

Transcript of ·...




.¦"The New-York Frefman's Journal" fvill to-daypublish a translation of the recent encyclical issue«.

by Pope Leo XIII. In cdvocacy of the devotion of

the Rosary and the ccr«-eTatlon of the month of

October to that form of prayer. The Pot e ssps-daily commends the Confraternity of the Most

Holy Roiftry, a devoUdasl society formed by St.

Domlr.le, ar.d the. metho«! by which the memb-r» ofthis «/'.ill«* a'«*- sseoclated In a union of j.r.iyer tothe Holy Mother of God. H» says: "BO hiah Isthe greatness of Mary, so powerful the favor sheenjevs With GcJ, that not t have recourse to herIn )!<-«*¦,* is to attempt t<- fly without wings."

Ucligiouo Xoiiffs.«.*.*. "« LXS* CHI RCH tot di« i.-.-. sad Mdi-el

Kar. ft» HEBER NI WTON m II prea.t- at 11 a. rr.. E-«n-(..,-¦. x ;¦ :.-. Sflth full eh ir, «rd n-rmon by R"-.'.A N ¡I 1NSHAW.

»'.I. SOULS' *»*HVncrH **-'!TARIAN>. «th «*. sndS«), .; rrin« 11 o'clock. Th» Hay,TH.'M.*.s :-. :l.:«ril iPattor-»leet). will pre»«-:-.. T'.e

ptiiii o Invited

/;¦ ;-.«'..*- CHURCH W«a* End-av« an«! Mst-»«Ret ¦-. DR I.aN'Y ¡« AN9END, Ph. D., h« .'

.. .. m »¦.',- praver and »ermon by Hi«*.».¦¦.-. II a. in.; Il.l C mmun «r '.'-' «

;.- 4 Strängen ..¦.:.¦

a:.t. WELCOME. WASHINGTON SQUARB MBTHIS. BPlfcCOPAt, CHU H¦¦): It' »t.. Wa» ington -.

Wert. i. v \s- F AN! RSON Paster..10:80, IConiinuni«!.; 7:48. "T 'k : Ihe Ministry fromM.- i. Int.' .- f:8Ci

AMVR1CAN MISSION TO THE à IV.',B, «2» Orand stoorriT Attorn«) HJ.RMANN WARSZAWIAK prtarha»tti« là« «pel of » hrlsl i i lay, **Btur«lay and Sunday ev«n-

lngs at b. Wednesday nest b«ina tow Rlpput (Jew-lah Puv -f A) .¦¦:..- be h«ld st 10s m,

and S i>. sa. Bubjeet hrlst the Tf Only Atoae-*B«-nt." All w«l

ASBOCIATION HAL". SSd-st, and «th-av«..Sunday,8:*f. ?. m add st Rev, WM. ¡". ANDERSON. Imufle by Mr. Car* Mel OH tltt. Men invited.

AT LENOX AVENU! UNITARIAN CHURCH, «or.Ktlst-st.- I'-v. MERLE ST. C. URMIIT. Pastor, willpre««.. I. at 11. Bills* sihmil 9:43 a. m. All welcome.

AT MS*TROPOLTTAN TEMPLE, Tth-are. and Utb-at.Rev S PARKES «"ADMAN «rill pre»** at 11 »n<* S;moniin«.- mi.-et, "Quo Vadla"; «v«nlna, I!. PAT MILLHand ta« evancellcal faltl "Slater Lily" at 1:45: M nday,tUustrnti-.i lecture: Wednetday, pr«y«r «ertrleei eatieertto-night

AT REFORMED CATHOLIC SERVICES, in Christ'«Mission, H3 West Sis« Eve-alnf, 7:4.*«. Rer. jaMEMO'CONNOR in:- 1 i.s ! ..her K. I». STARK, Who ir.

noun«*...-« hi» «. ..-. n from lb« Roman l'Atholle «"hutch.All invited.

AT SOUTH CHURCH, M. Ha nave, and SSth-et..Marnlag «ervtee .) 11 'cl . Re, RODERICK TERRT,D. P Past r. 'fiie Past« r trill prea-h.

AT TH.: SCOTCH PRESBTTERIAH CHURCH, '.»flth-Bt. sad Centra! lark West..Rev. DAVID O. WTLIB,D. P. Pastor, pre» be« st 11 ar.d 8. ¿->ar>batr-»chool,Sito, Christ in En<l« r, 7. Prayer meetings We.ln.s-

«lay aini SYtday »venina» ai s. A.l in\lted-

A WONDERFUL WEEK m CoL HADLET'S tent. Bas«Orar.-c-- Ualn-sl., near Brick. Church Station. The living.ata-tarea ot »aved men are rlvtd lllustrnttr-na; Impressive,«pirltusl; n any asked for pi .¦¦.:- C« ma I -n:g:,«; i i-rnor-row neat day, aft moor and «venina Monday night, rx-

tra rdlnary Mlaa WRAY expewted a te day*» maatner.Cotiie.

DAITIST fJHURtm of THE EPIPHANT, Mad^on-ave.. eor, S4th-«t -R«v, ROBERT ELDER will pre».hon Sunday at II a. in. and B p. m. I'rayer meeting en

WedneP.lB> «venina at S. < onlUi Invitation to all

BED!*>'n:> STREET METHODIST EPISCOPALCHi'Ri'l' c r. Morton »»., Rev. CHARLES A HOLLA,Pa»i:.r.- Service», 10 SO and 7:45. Bab'oath-tMhool, 2 p. m.

Itldteeek f'ra:..*r Ueetlna Wednesdaj evenins« T:«a Acorillai wel oase I »trangera. Scats all free.

«BU>OMINCr>AI.K «1l'-Ri*H. Briileva-d, We-t t»-S',--8t..-MADISON C, PETERti pr*a bes, U. "rar.«!! Prob¬lem»". S. "VounK M.»ri: What Will You Do With YourLife?" Firet <«f »-rli-s practical talk», on "Turningí\>lul» in Life."

I'.RK'K CHURCHFlf:h-ave an«l K.l!i-»t.

HENRY VAN DTKE,, Sundsy, >i.-t t -r ":

DR. VAN DTKE will pr. ach at 11 o, m.Rev. JAMES M PARR, JR., ar 4:30 p. m.

Sunday eck -o). S:43 a. m.Yi-iur.g Men'» Bible ri.i«.». 10 s. m.

WOakly evening servie«, We>Ines«lay. at S o'clo-'li.

BROADWAY TABERNACLE CHURCH, corner 8-Rh-rt.and Brc-adway..Pre*l.l»nt ANPRT.W V. V. RATMOND,D. D-. «f I'ni.n (.'«tllege will preach. Service» at 11 a. m.

and S p. m.

CALVARY CHURCH, .th-ave. ar.1 '.'let-«'...Rev. J.LEWIS PARK.-:. .--. T. P., Rector..Sunday, Oct. 8 .Hu'.y Coranunl -,. s and lO a. m. rr..-rning prayer, eermon-*jid Hdy Communl-.n, 11 a. m. e'.enlnKprayer. ft p. m..Choral »»nice, with sermon, 8 p. rn. Th« Re-tor trillprtrach In tbe morr.ii.i.'.

CALVARY CIIFRCM. WeM .^Tth-»».. pr. MACARTIII'Rpreache». Kvenlng: "Pld «lie Sun i-tan«1 Still «t J«»hua«Command?" In cour?» entitle! "Alleviailve Explar.atlor.»of Difficult Biblical Mira«:«» and Hüten«-».'*

CALVARY MF.THOPIST EP18CTOPAL CUUMOL 128th-»t ar.l 7th-ave.. Res Pr. EN810N M'CHESXST Psttor..C«nimunl««n »enIce at in:.'«'» a. m. anl preaching bythe Palter at 7:4*. p. m. Cordial «elcome.


87th-»t., n^rth side, west Oth-av«.6un«5ay», 7:4S p. m.

Special Lectur«-« on th»Doetrln« of thi» Church conc-nlng th»

Pertonal (" .m!ng and V.t.gnO'jr i»-ird J««OI Chrtet.

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. 4ld-st. -vest té 7th-lv,ti-.yH.A>iK M- OOODCHILD. PMtor.-H , m .-!«?«Bible... 7:48 p. m. "Whai Shall I Do With JeageT'>Ahomelike church and a » n l«b|« people.CENTRAL PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. W«sl 67-h-^between Broadway an-l Tth-av«..Rer. wii.tov lirnrV

SMITH. P. P.. PMtor, will nraach at it" m ^d^ Jf

tri ^Jt >_m-y-y-l-»-"»?«SrÄ:CHRISTIAN BCIBKCB SERVICE. Rbv-T-s*« «¦».-,.,-,

Çhu--h et Christ S lentltt, Mal..-.n-ive. c.rV-'r 2ftihT,,<S)Surdar. iO.iô a m. Te.tlm nUI .ervió; ¿T nV PeaVTIng Room. M Sth-aT»., epe», dal... Sunday a't'er CmWednesday evenini-».

' «-"Tiioons.

CHURCH^n:;^,:^^^^;/n1 ,n,h.ft_Sunday «.«ñires.'

H"ir < (»BUBui-ilon, (. a. mM.rriing m-vIob, u a. m.tot» »l »er. i.e. 4 p. mEvenine servio«, S p. <nTh« Rector »ill «.fflclate.


«th-st Sev. P. PARKER MORGAN ' \, "\\*" *b0v!a» ¦».. Holy Communion; n ,. ,r./ n\orïhS'eJS?trCymen by Pr. MOROAN; 4 p. .,. mnE?^-f,**T*1' -*r-

Religions Notices.«'im:, i; of Tin; ik<*àrn »tion,

M . ll«o«n-ev«. ,id S3«h «lliov. WM. M. OR08VSXOH. R '¦

'.o «. m. Holy »/.i.murdon.11 a. i... Mi rnln« prayer, srrn.oT:,

il !y Communion.4 p :i. Cvena ni

T .= R«.. .. r nil! edet»«,..

OU H' il Or THE HESSIAH, cor. .'.«' »t- '«a* Paitt-av« Servio»», u a. m Hev. MINOT J. SAVAGE will

pre« ».: «.'t.ject. "What Shall uc Do wit;, the c. n..:.*-

Tertff*'CHURCH <»!* TU¡: PURITANS 130 i-ad., near Bth-

a»,i. luv. «-has .!. TOUNO, !>. !.. : r Service, a!11 a. m. sad T.«.*> p. in. Tu. Commun ¦* lb« i«-r.l'»

Supper an: reception ,,f men iber« »> l«k« tAom «I '¦»

I morains »-r\ «. «, In «he evening a «er» be of »t't-.g will

All ctrdlally Invited.

CHURCH OF THE BTRASOER8, H«re«r-«t., near

«,th. fa« !. ,'. «».«.' of Etroadaray. Rev. : aka BLACK-BUItN, (:.-. r, reach»! to morrón ,,t 11 an«! T:4B. Morn-

ing aubjecti "Red«ir.ptl n." All »he «. « an Iras.

CHURCH Or EION AM. ST TIVf.'l'Hl t*M V.'»»l

:.:¦. «i between 8th and wtn «vu »Servie««. S » a».; Il». m. and h r- m.; '»'¦ R-ct-.r. R«v. ! ¦*. LÜBECK, «elll«r»n<-h at 11 a. ta., «ne* Rev, KARL t-CHW »!;TZ. V. S | »-

. ..,;.:.»-.¡j .-«: .: iRMEl» CHURCH. Hartem PIWITni,H il. I.lst.»< near 3d ave.. R«v. J. ELMENDORF.

D. 1». Pastoi t- d*« -un <..- a'it .- .«¡.il.-, nt m« mirera «I

11 », -.i. -n ¡.t «. BKTINri CHURCH. 133J »t. .«¦. ¦» l>nos-a-.-o.. r'". WM JCSTI*. HA».«HA. t» P.. l'aator»--

'¦-.-.'« jpp*r «ni rereptl - »f m -,!-'. «i 1O-.S0 «ermota

:.-.., Toi ¦-: ¦¦'. ¦. m - I" 'o*


w.;i pr.-.t, hat 11 u m.

nmi avenue colleoiatk iSiFORMBD church.tSttn ^t. and ,*,ih ave

n»" epyvarp n «'.r, i> p. «ri «.-»-i.h «t il ». m.

«nd r>. m.


r>\. DAVU» Jas. BURRELL n r» will "»reach.11 -, ,. t Th» Rrideer «m'a V 'le«."I «a. m Topi.- I -. "»

WERT EM» rOLI.F.OlATE RF*»*«*»RMED mURCH,W«-. Ei ,. nd 77th »t.

Rn» HENHY EVERTS<*»N COBH «will preaeh 11 ». m.

nr.i i. -. Ev«nlna »I I« ¦'¦ ' mo ml "


ail! :¦.« -h .« 11 .i. m. and v- m.

BOL1SE DU SAINT »-«PRÎT, n«« '.'.'» Hue Ou»ft Amvl"«.» rf'.li.','».i\ I« .llmiin, he *i in h.. '» rlu m.'illn it ft

S h. du I It, Rev. A V WITTMEYER. I'.-cieur.


JAMES, «ouihae»! corner f Madl»oi iv« «nd 73d-««.,RSV J. Ti Ill.MKXSNVI'KH. I». I».. Pa»t«ir. -Pi

11 a. m. and p. m. Sunday«« '. :. B 30 ... m. A'l art

,',.rji«i:y Invited

FIFTH AVENU« BAPTIST f"HURf*H, No, « *>".¦-*

.flti-Bt.. Rev. \v. H. PAl'XCS, D D. r««tor. v «' »r.

». m.. Bnnday-«ch «ol. Al 11 a. m. Hi« r.nt r nil! pre«rh.s^rvi.-«« in iaetur« room .n a- ml I r ran«. So ev«n

:ng servie». Prayei-meetIns« Monday and Friday »\»n-



."»5th-6t . r.ev. JOHN HA!/»* D. D., Pastor. P«r-»lo««-.

Sundey, M Inst., at 11 t.. m. ar..l 4 t>. ni.

K1RST I'REKMYTEUIAN .','> - I'll rrlrsll, f.-h-avt». and

12th-«>t., HOWARD DUFF1ELD, 1 >. 1».. Pa«"Ät».11 a.

iii., "!vh»v»r.- «ni Datatats.'' ¦» r ¦.. "Tfae n

Haair.ririK»«. Mon.lay jni W»ln«>.«'lay fifn'rn« prayer-mfe'Áng».

PIRST REPORMEH PREaBTTERlAH CHURCH»Covenanter.!, ]2;h st., b»t-A»fr. ««n and 7th a»»i«.. Rev.JAMES t). 8TEELB), pis. P-, Pastor. P-rv! »» at 11 ». m

and 4 p. m.

five POINTS MOUSE OF INDU8TBT, 188 Worth »t..

WM. F. BAHNABC, Hupt..Servie« .f »ona ,>n Sunday »i

;«:3«» p. ni. Sin-In« by ih« »hoir ..f rhi'.ir»n »>f the ti ftI

tutton. Pub); cordially invited. Don«»lona of ckithlnsund «hoe» solicited.


32d-«*., Rev. JOHN R. DAVIES, D D., Paator.Publworahtp at ll and S, with »amn .. by .'.* I'a^' r

W«dne»d«y «.»«-ntn« at 8. prej.arato.-v l»«-tur«.

FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, We»! Kn!iv».an1 Slat »t.. Rev. JOSEPH I!. KERH D. D. Paator.Services, 11 ft. m. and s p. m. Khool, 3 p. m.

Wednasday «,»»r,inn meetins, o'clo '*.

'Si-:-:*. TABERNACLE.\V»6t t4th-st. ani Blh-av«.

Rev. A B SIMP80N, P««iar. Openln« ,.t lh« Aulumn.".nvent'.on ei ::.<. Cbrl«tl«B «nl Mi«i»I..nary All!«« .¦

Bar«loa« morning, afternoon anj rvenin»r dj.i;>- for nfte«nid>-s. Preachlna i«vmorro«i by R«v, A. H. RIMPst.'N;Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON, Seotltuid; Rev, Pr. CHAPEU*P.sion; R^v. .Mr ELDRIDOE, Inliar.«, nr.^ others Sing-tn« by Mlaa Sb«rard, M'.ss Aanew an.! a l»ra« choir.

GRACE CHURCH. Rrr-vlway ....! ;. -ri-st.

B a. STi, Hoir ¦'.rnmunlnn.'.'a. m., Mr-nlr.« prayer and »rni'n.

I p. m.. L«t«r«- evensir.g ar.] s«rm->n.

ORA'-E METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. l<*»4t*n m...¦«-st ->f .- lumbui «v«., Rev. P. M. WAITERS, P»«t',r.-.11 «ni «. Even'.r.K ««-rnnon. fir«; In »erb s on "H..,n.» L!f«,*" ¡»üb«» r, "MarriaK»" Sitting« free. Everybody we'.-..meSabbath-»chool a-. *:30. Epw rth Leasu« t 7.

HARLEM PRHSBTTERIAN CHURCH, M»41»<«n-»ve.ani I25th-i-t.. Rev. MAITI.AND ALEXANDER. D. P.,Paator..Oommunloa aervlee at 11 a. as. Evening »en-'.c»at 7:4o p. m. stranger» ».rilaliy Invited.

HOLY TRINITY «"HfRCU,Pen-.x-av». anfl 122-1-?t..

Rev. (CHARLES PE ^YITT HRir>'»MAN, D. D., Riwtor.Morning prayer, ivrin-n ar.1 H y .'mmunlon. 11.

Sunday »»hoi.l, 3 p. rn.Even'.-iit f,r«ye- ani ».rmnn, 7:4.1.

Th» R*,~t.jr will prea-h at both »»rvlce».


!llth-«t..R»v. J. L «»AMl'HELI« P. P, prearhe» tt

10:80, on "The P!gn1fl<-ancy of the I» rd'a Supper." and «t7 n ». r,n "Our Inheritance." b»ln«r first ..f acrlaa on "TheM»s»a«»s of «h» »-lose of the «'entury to the Young."BeptUtn.MADISON AVENUE HAPTIST CHURCH, Comer Sl«t-

at, Km. henry M. sanijERS. d. d.. Pat-tor. Barvices to-m-irri,» at 11 a. m. and 4:.V> p. m. Th» Paatortrill p.-e«oh at ». .:b service». Sunday-ftrh.K',1, «.;¦*> a tr.

Cbap»] «-»r»!. « Wednesday, 8 p. m.

MADISON AVENU« MVTHODIST EPts«'0,-»ALcH'llfll. ror. «Kjrh-et . Rev. ANDREW LONiJACRE,D. D., a. m.. H',lv Communion, prftotded by.erm.jn by the Pastor; 4 p. in ir»arhlr.g by 'he Psstori.ubject, "The Law of the Bplrltual Life." Sunday »,-h«y,Iat a.3'j a. in.

MADISON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN .*llURfii (BS4.«?.».Rev. «-HARPES I. THOMPSON. D. P.. Pa.; r, Willpreach morninic uni »venlng. Communion at 11 1, «*» p. m., "What Men fan Po Er,r the Chuirh.'- Featsfree.

MAPIPnN AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH »»rner57«h-«t..The sacrament of tho I^.r,V» Bupper «rill »«. :. i-mln!f-t»r»l e*. 11 ». .n an.l n«w m»mUr» r*c»lv»<i rb»

Pastor Rev. A. I".. KITTREDOE, will rrinrh at 8 p! m.

Union Bible class. BslardajT e»,ç. at H o'eloi K.

MADISON .-.'''AUF. PRE8BTTERIAN r*Ht.*RCHMadhton-av*., «,rn«r 24th-sl.. Itev. C. H. I'ARK HUR.-t'I». I».. Pasb.r; Rev EDWARD HUNTTINO Rfl.l» «»-

«.lsiar.t Mlnis-er -.Servie». H n. m Rev M VYOOIJIl VSTRYKER. D. P.. pre«M»n» of lf.imll;-,n r«olleg« «ri||preach; «'ommunlon »»rvi>». 4 n m. iba y ucr Men*.Btbta cía««. und»r th« lead»r«hip <<f CHARLÉIS T. KI.--SAM, rniets ar 10 a. rr. Th» Bimday Sohool will r»«.irr,e

Its sasaSeras «*>e'.,b«r i»>.

MEMORIAL RA1TIST, Waj-.hlngton Square..EDWARr»JUDSON will pri-ach at 10.45 »ni 7:*V». Sen lea nightly.


.v'.â ^.e llouktvard. p.-<... ¡,.ng i" the Paster, Bee, H. a.

(¿TIMBÓN D. !¦ Servi et i.' 11 a. m, sad I P '**.. Sun.Sarr eetioo' «-. *:«.. i. »,.

MORAVIA.*-* i«: l!«-|| I-tlt.K- «h. «ltd SOth «t.,

I Re-.-, h. a i:i.!;i..»>.:s !J«n) and armo*», n

1 ». in. Simla.» s bo 10. . ».a'» Ir, ..

MOUNT MORRIS UAtTIST II' !:¦ "ti .v. .-,.»., n»«r

l2Qth-st, \'., ..' : ». tn. and 7«.-, p. m., «it;-, »rr-

I rcor.a by Paat -, W. C. mi TIN«».

N'Krt JERUSALEM CHURCH ldw«d«nl .-«'..-«m. East35th«»»., between Perk »nd Lexington :.»<.;-. -s-rvi.», *B11 o'clock Re» JOHN OODDARD, r.f Cincinnati,, will

... !. the »atrrsineni of Dm Holy Supper sill be sd«inliilite.-i .;.

NMW TORR PREHBTTEBIAN CHI'RCH, Tth-SV«.and 198th »t.. Rev, «h.W.U'.s .- ROBINSON, D 1»..

Psator. .Ser » fee« «1 11 a. m., "Paul"« J urney ToirardaJ-niealem" T:«1S .¦. in, '"Conflicting !:»' »¡nil"ii»" Sun.

.lay-echoo! «1 3 p. :n ; prayer meeting, W«(ln««<ay neu-

NEW-YORK BUNDAT-aCHOOL ABSOCIATIOM.N,.r.'nii| .'!«.-.-« .« II reopen ..n th.- f llowlng ilrn<-s:

I. Primary 1'nion., in «'.«pei of Rr idway Tabernael«.«-r.tra.rx» on :'4t:.-.«i .. Saturday, Otrlober '-. ":l*j p. m. ;

Mr«. S, W. Clark, 11 »lI in Broad««) Taberna ; .:;iih «. i, Saturday, Oeto.r :¦ ::.,'l'i ¡,. m.| r. S. i.e :iflter, conductor.:t. lr Madlaon Avenu« *rtefuf-m<*d Church ..".', tn-»t.i. Bal

u''..i», ..t..i»-i- a si :,..; i>r. Klttredge, «conductor,4. Superintendent« la«-«. IP» Pub->r. t . <»n Tue».;,»».

O-.ober ,-.. | «:..: P .Ij h V. end H I T.B. in Oilleafate Reformed 1 ir b, l-rnos-av«. and 133d

>. Trat ¦ I«]. ..-i"! 'T a, s m.;. a new elaaa in llutgsr* Ill*, «raids l*re»bjri«ri«a

Ch«ir 73 -i-. ...! Ih« Boulevard, men Tuecday «rrenlng»1 » ib»Rinnii r 0 .!.. r B), teughl r>¡ Re» mu/i.I Me-

I» P.The public are cordially invit.-d to «h.»e nun-dcnointn«-

II nal classe», where in« lesson for ne»i t- nday «til b»

NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, *wner of BthI av< ..:.. ,','.f »I Pi aching by ih« P««»or, R.-v. ?. 1«.

ROisiTRR. P. ;. M rnltiK «ervlc», 10:30; ifiern.nii «er-

vi« -. ih« 1.. -is .-, per, ,t » >',¦: ck. »TirtotUn En..- 7 lag 1 rayer .11 s o'e!


»tcrdam-ave«. Rev. ANSON P. ATTERRI RT, D. 1».. Pa«.tor -Publia %» r»hlp 11 ... nv preaching by ib..» Pastor.

PHILUPS PRESBYTERIAN CHUR« II. M«dlaoa«Sva,: notiheaei comer "3d »I Pi ¦ ' ng by Ih« P««!or. Rev.

I JOHN !¦".. BUSHNELL, «I 11 .1. IS, and S p. m.


P.»»' BAMUKI. M'tllMH, M A. In« *.'. P i.-it'r-eleotService, a- 11 ,1. rr. «nd « p. m.

Wedaeaday .« nlns «ervlre .«! " o'<-ln.«i».


ni-.v» laOth-e« Ih« Rev. l.YMAN WARD, Pastor. 8»r-

vice, 11 ... i" »ni «et, "Th« Ml«sl a of ih« Spirit."SPIRITUALISM ADF.LPHI HA14* Un ..luiv. ..¿1-««.Mi BRliSHAM «ni. ,, i<¦ -i n« Irasplreilonslly

morning and evening! « 11 espíala Jacob'« Visi .mi goodmusic,«-»rs «in.l mvcstlgstors "»rliully nvttSd.

BT. ANDREWS METHODIST EPIK.'«»PAL '"Ht R'H.1 7fi!h-st no-« of rol«imbu»-evs.- Dr, .1. ». Wlis-.N, Pn#-

tor, will preach a» 11 » m «nd p m. fTnrnmunloa ani

r.ptlnn f m.-nb-ri «t th« morning «ereleei evenir.«

llsplr, >;i»e ar.'l To.

ST BARTHOLOMEWS «'IIuh.-jt Madttften-aee., tor-

n«r f 44:1. it.. th« I!, v. DAVID H. ORBER, D. !', R*r M. rn'.rtf lervlro, serin.«n an,I Holy iVmmumon, at

II o'elocki «venina lervlce «l « «.'.P»«. Th« Ree. w.

«*. RICHARDSON will presidí In Hi« iiwrnli »r

r>T JAMES CHUR« H Madlaon «?. «ad 7i«t-«t.

He». E. WALPOldC WARREN, D. I'. Reetoe.II. iy <¦ mn uni n !» a. m

Litany, »»rmon an«! H I« «'ommunlon «lt>.-tor>. II a. rr-


Even'nr. Ct>agr>*aia»l(>nal »Jervl « .R- leel I p »».

¡=T »AMES'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH,Madlfon tve »nd l*W«h «I U-- »' » TIPPLE, Ph, Dpaaior, 10:80 h. m 11 Iy Commtinl n '¦ » p m pi »

¦.m;, t « ung '. a-; ill a »n (efil«r«iu«sl "

¦. > ', ...

r»T LUKI'.S Mi riPH'IST .11' lb H «let «t, n»ir

nih-ave. Rev. «" HARROWER, 1» P, and Rev, I* II.

L/>NOA< RE, P.««-r« p,« t. r.r« Sapper, i: pres«rhlng,-, «r. Bund« school .'.'." > .. meeting 7;

]¦ .. »tn |y .¦...-. M .,- -, prayer-m««»lag, \\~ir»..

I«-"-¦ MARK' .'H'K''H M-av« «nd Uttl at II «. m..

morning prsver, «»nnnn and 11 i mmun n, ^ \- :n

mut il« Dr. RYI.AN« K »i'l rea« '.

; and «rvei ..

THE .-IP 11-11 OF THE DIVINE PATI RMTT, Rev.«-l!«»K!.rs 11 BATON I>, P., »'..»¦ - ItervlcH Will Ni^;i In St, Sien en'» Cl irch, .'¦: a- I H sr«M «»«" «' .

.-. ^¦h «it .'.¦ a.¦ it 11 . '. T»-«

Bull !!r« .f ,v rhiii n " Hul


betWMn "*" a« I Til .¦ !;..¦ W M.!' it DUN»*ANBC« HANAS' l« D or preach«* Kui .> »t b> 0a. ro. »t. ! 7 t", p m. Btrangere crdmily s»e| «med

TR1N1TV CON«IREOATIONAL tfUrn,ng»«.| iv« a' I ir«'h «t.

R.v F..ANKLIN OAYI.ORD. Pardnr.Per\! c«. II a. m. sad 7 4.'. p. m.

UjriON Ml 1 "(' \'. 11' l'.-!l 4«'h ..

w«at of Broad :.\i;K WRIOIIT. !' 0 P««l(Sen . ¦«. i" «.'. i, n. «nd I 19 ;¦. in Bui :»» », ..

'.'.''.. p. m, '" ¦:.«. Workers' Bll » ¦:..«. '> » m J"1INBEATTIB. L-

nNITT OONORKOATIOV, 111*011 O, PENTEOOaT,M!nl««»r. «'arn»»-:.. Mti«!d 1!«.)'. r.7tt» «r. ^n* 7'ha\e <«»r.

vie»« Sim'l.iv naornl f ,- 11 .¦!,, k.

UNIVERSITY P!.«.'.r*. PRESBYTERIAl» rit'Rir, e-r

ner l«.'t,.- r ,.- md In th«»v»nln«. «r a o'. 1» k. lbs Paator, Re» 0EORÚE Al.E>AVI'EH. w«!l pr-.r». In Ih. «ri.r...,,, nt rr .w II*»«or«,m»nt .'. th« LeVd'l S ipp»r w'!! '«» oo»»rv»< at 4o'.|,»-k. \V*dr»e-: 1. »vesing .»-«!.» »t « <%'r'. «-n. s-m-

-laye 'jool a" d.4'. « rn.

WEST END PREoHYTERIAN «'»('!" H A-i««»rd»rr.-a»». «nd li-r.'h »t., Re« .l'HP' BAL«'. M SHAW I» P.Pa«f,r; Rev JAME.. HUNTER, A«,-.'an« -Tr«. I/»rd'«

Supper «nd prea ng ».» Ih« P»«». . ». 11 a m. »leen«ir.« »enrice, - lien*» : »»ting, lOrSfl Iqaday«¦chool. 3. Y P. S «' P 7

.fTESTMINSTER rRPS'RVTERlAS* '1IUR.7H. *«.»»..r-*»*! «t., n»«r 7t)i av» Th« 1«^: r. R.v Pr R *r* SaMPLE pr'H-h»». 11 a. n. «. : ; U p m «-ommunl n

af'»r in« «»r. :.


Bth «r.d .».-s <- l',-t,r l;»v ANTHftNT II

BVANS, !». P. will rr-i.ti t«>niecrow «. 11 » »r.. »r.l»i p. ni. «"..n.rr.nnl' n ll ». m.

FIRST RAPT1ST CIlPRiH, 75ith-«t. «nd Bo.!,vnrd.11 «. m. ar.d .> p ni Bum-ay «-"V - I, S M.

Rev. Mr. il Ridem an havin»? re-

turnod from his vacation will occupyhis pulpit both morning and evenina;.There »III »!»o b» »i»-!.«l ..naiv-; by a n»w '»o..|»

rh.,lr. All »T« Invited

Rev. THOMAS DIXON. Jr.,Pr»arh.» Af»'.nn. ,» Mualu 1 n. ,rr->w mom'n«; pre)ud», Tartlaan P lltlc«." Orand »horua choir .".« vol.-..

Brcrybo Iy nel ¦.

ST. PAUL'S METHODIST EPISCYIPAL lirnrilsdHi s- and '¦' -. En l-av«


'¦¦:-..rn SI'NDAY. <>'T« »liPfl 8

and CONTINUE DURING TUP WEEKBish-.p i- D. ins-« will preach at 11 A it

Rev. Pr. A. .1 PALMER at S p. mOn Monday, at c/clock, an »»«ring ,,f rr.-:«'» «-"h

recluí, WALTER R. JOHNSTON, "r«..r ¡^




B OR MORE.Watehes i.ianed. 50c

Mainspring», toe. Written «,,»Guárante« f« r 1 ye«r. VwPi!«KEENE'S WATi.1I .«TORE.»SB Pulton »t.. N*. T. (*lty.

**-} ST« ft SOLID 111*U. .-. GULP |1.MS3.«*) glass:;-?. »lösROCK CRYSTAL LENSES,

Kittel to th« ejree by an op¬ of years" experience, fine»teel g'.&kse». wi-h »am«- lens«?»,u»ually !. id ,' «I I»' », now11.00.

KEENE'S.i*-> Pultoa ««., Netr-Torh.

1400 00 UOLD WATCH lluO..Mad» byth» well-known firm -t Tiffany & Co.. Of

New-Yo:«.: heavy «.-karat gold engine-turned ea«»«, hunting «tyle; ».«pertly 't\v-elled and adjui«ted ihe fln<-»t of »r.y «¦« chI ever »aw; »usch-d t» » very fine chainand eeal t-« matcl-. «<vner »HI take .100cash if »old at «net. KEENE'S WATCHSTORE. 14« Fulton-st.. New York.


Brand new; mad- for p.-e»»ntatlon. butnot u»el for purp«.«*» intended; Walthammake; faney rai»-d g«;) ornamentation»;d)an«tn 1 mnken in tack; front plain f >rinor«.>gram; outfit complete, Sío cag.i.KEENE'S WATCH STORE. 140 FultC.n-»t.. New- reek.

IM.SS DIAMOND H'.'H-ESHOK PIN, »Si«.Twuty-oa« of the SB.t, perfectly out

.nd brlghte.» d.ami.d» I ever mi»Mounted l.«gith«r; .hey «»ere »»le«'t«*d Withgr«st car«! ar.d »et tato a 14 karat goldpin for a downi .wn «to 1«broker, win mustreal ze on It »t once; it » now offered forISO eaah; I will allow full valu« for it {«cy tima. KEENE, 140 I'ulton-at.. New«tent._BaSStOS DIAMOND EAR STCZ-s. 1.2!".Hi-ls-iu »t«el blue ditmond» that arere

(»l t«. irder by a we!l-kn«.wa Ma^d»n Lar.««*-,* imponer; I too«: It In escb»nge«rd will »«II for even Ir»» than I allow»5for their _ _

KE-.NE. 140 Pulton-,'., New-York.

StACHT-iKRT.»m»»»»!' .v.»-»».-»^ i-v,.* «eaWW^AS-«n

AT^REDC<7_0 PRICES .300 »ec-rd-b»*-dwood and iron woiklng machin»»: fu'ly

guaraat««d; machinery heaaht an* »a-

«banged. OBOROE B. BDDT, i9* Mail-«cn-»t. I

«rWINU MACH1TCKS.B1NOBR VIBRATOR, t-»: DeSMStl«*. 115;New Horn«. $28; «pedal barg*(.-,«. ra«:

»r 4a«taim«r.t»'. writ*: »gent cat'» T¡.¡.STANDARD BIOTa._ COMPAaST. 7tb-»v» aornar 2»ifc-«t. |^^|

BOOKBINDERS.HENRY BLAOKWEI-L. University Place.tSBSSS lOth-it..Bookbinding In .a va-

rletlee ef leatlier at moderate prie«».


continental st'ihags warb-HOUSES,

813-819 Weet 43J-»t .

On» «hort Meek from Broadway.New. light and airy room» for the «torag»

ef fjrnltur», piano«, baggage, carriage«.work» of art. 4c. T»l«rphoi.e c-ill. 2.397$f)th-«t._METROPOLITAN BtOTBB« Warehouse andVan». 2«i2 and 204 M>*re»r-»t. I,ranch of-

fl«-e. 1 603 Broadway, - « 44th-«t.. fur¬niture- removed, boxed and »hipped. Te!«a~h i ". s; - o« to» _^^^^^^^^



PET CLEANIN'5 CO.. I.SSS Broadway. 4SIto 42.1 Ea«t 48th-»t. COB * BRANDT,Proprietor«*. Telephone 132-S"th.

PBEDERICK ACKERMA.VS Kt-am Car¬pet Cleaning Work». 133 We»t 3?<l-at.

F.»ttthl!»hed 1M2. Telephon» call. 1.189E8th-»t.

Srooklr».BRt'SH CARPET CLE A VINO. BSB-SMLealnftoa-ave. .Ir.gratn. Snu-ilt, « eu.

v»rd Cartage free. Tci 42«! w-d B'klv-i.

BlalCKBNSDERPER TYPEWRITERS ar»guaranteed the best; price, $r..V thou-

»ar:d» In use: »end for hotTM tndo*»-ment». BUCKENSDERFER SI'P*0. CO.IV tlr-odwav. Room -,


Male.AOENTS guaranteed $19 weekly; »beo

luiely new good»; ) lg pay for »par»time. MUTUAL MFC. CO.. IM Chaia-htrti st

OARDENER WANTED for country, lework alone In gentleman's greer.h« u»e«-,

grapery, «.arden, Ac. must le marne;;wage» IVi and houie. Addr»-» W. T.WILLIAMS, Yantle, Cor.n.

WRITERS Stasrl««. pj«m». e»»»y» arewanted I y many Journai». For Informa¬

tion s«nd 0 «eat« i»tamp») «o THE ED¬ITOR. Franklin. Ohio

WANTED.-« Wai.hcaie engraver». Call te-:*«t-i 0 and » JOSEPH PAHTS A OOt,

S4 Maiden Lan*WANTED..A (food ssles-aaa to »ell niir-

».., ttoek; «alary I+" per r.onth and ex-

ptr.»e» p«jd. Add*««« D. H. PATTT, Kw.eryman. G*neva, N Y

WANTED .Agent». |JB «o 123 a week»ure to worker»; no capital needed; new

J;o.-ä». D* . pan; ee:;» a: »«ght;':, »eaOa It. Ror SEH« «LD SPECCO.. Box 414 Ci.einnati. Oiu»

.¦a iNTBD.- Watchcaa«. e-ns-ravera Applya ,.r. .'?. in Maasaa -et., n. y.

ADVERTISEMENTS «nd »ub» r.« forTb« Tribun« received at :*ie¡ l*|¦.- raTf)

Offl -, v;, Bruedwair, Id door BOfthit .«¦:«..,'. u-t.i t «'«lock p. m »overti..¦¦..,».-.» reeetve-d at the ieuowiaa bran *iioffli«*» a, regular oltlce rate» until H a'clockp. m.. vis. : 264 fcth ave.. ». e. cor. 231 »«.;132 Bth-ave ro.-. I2th-et. * Maey'». Sth-ave. and 14th »t.; 142 Columbu» ave., ne»rWtit 6Sth-»t.; 106 Weet 42d-»t-, near «llh-av..; «2 Ea»t 14th-»t.i to Weit 421 »t.


Mal».ST BARTHOLOMEWS Employment Bu¬

reau. 2li0 Eaat 42<l-st.. supolles «ultaMe.

employe» to private familles, hite;«, Insti¬tut! merchant» and manufacturfr»;gu>«*:ne--*.«-», ladle»' malt», »»»m""r«-»e,-«,fi.rr.acc m-n.

A BWEDISB BOY. 17, would like posi¬tion In private »t«t.i«: unl-rnand» the

business; h «nest, wtülng and obliging;first el»«» r«.f»r»nee». .1. O. 1<W liergcr.-»t, Brooklyn.

A nE«ri*<"-TAHLE co!or»d man de«lre» ¦

situait«.n to deliver packages In who!«*-»ale or r"tal! »tore, or run el.vator; ran

give liest reference or bond, «'all «,r wrl'e

all week, W. C. J. Ml CSaasoa-ave.«Brooklyn,A TOÜNO MAN, 21 year» of »ge. de»lr-»a BO Itton; wll'lng to do anything. A I-

,*,-,¦.. s C. M I«. » H«'. Tribune OfnVe.

BUSINESS M .S. of experience, |n

general export and Im;..,rt trade, »peak¬ing Preach, Ergli»h »ni Italian, dealtu«Maillon; ean tntrc<]u«-e large account» fr..m..«ir.p«. i*HATELAIN. IS St Murk-»Place.

BAKER..TeUBS man, »e«-ond or thirdhand on every kind of bread and ro.l?,

WaBtl Steady Situation; g'-"»l reference».!«.. Atlant:c-ave Br. k'yn.

BOY, IS« etlsheB po»!tlon with chance ofadvancetnent; k«.«<i peaaiaa; u od at

Jig.r »; i:nder«-and.«i he kk.pltig. CASEY,:n. Bast ISth »«.

BOY. HI, of good habit«, »chool graduate,«l-i-.r«» poiitljn in a whole»«!« huu»e

where he « ají advance. Ad«ùre»a A. t. R«aai Eaat llth-at

BOT, 15. desire« p'.«!t¡r.n tn office. Ad-dre»» 7H BtOChtea et., Brooklyn.

BOY, l1«. STOoId like p-" In «Ale« <rwhoi-nle hou»*, r <c»l!, nt ref. ren«-».,. J '

F. DOWNEY 10<1 Ea-t SI »t.. Leng Island )'-'lty._ jBUY. IT. w!«he» to le«rn th» optlcl«n'» I

trade; reelle» with parent»; wage» no IBhjeet -r.e ftr»t year; reference, "f, g 3,3 IBaal 12th st.

BONDS..Flr**-cla*i. «11 around drauth'»- !man, expert UlttStrstor «.' scle-ntIB« I

wiirk», »*.\*r«l y»ai» hlef drauahtan »n fur'.ig- crporatlon, «111 gl«» lib-ral Imniufer po» tioo with g..-d new«, H.. ru»t- !office Bog IBBL N.wajk. N J

CASHIER, In buffet. l»rr«,ini rerta-irett«r mercantile he**««; lav» handled mlii-

lor.j, »utier. reliable 20 vea»»' reference. IJ H i »NES, ISS Ea-t loHih »-..

CORRESPONDENT, «»pert stenographer, jtypewriter. OMBpeteal manager, law

clerk. t:x year»' With present employer;unlmpea hab;o character, SIS. NATCHADSEY, 4.1 Broadway.

CARBTAKBRS-.By m!dd|e-ag»d Ameri¬can couple on »mail ecuntry place, or

wife a» «oik: m»n to help; ref*r»nc». T.,f... .. emwteh «v«.

I»ltt'iIS.- ( n.r.peient gi»duat» want» re- 'l-f «r »te««iy work in N-w T .rk. »f.!

r'.«"iiiii,rtHle,i M. C. MITRPHT, Conaho-h.wken, P«nn

DRCOOISTS RELIEF. reg;»tered; city orcountry; »alary- no object. 7... 1.102

Myrtle-aie Brooklyn, Tribun« Branch.


Male.PP.urj CLERK, 22: Pa-, O. N. Y. C. P

registered; «111 «to nnywh»r». rn.d»r«l»«.¦:-., i-f.-K-n. »«. A.ldree« PRUIJOIHT.07 Oreenpoint-ave., P,n« lslunl <"lty.

ELEVATOR RUSNER..By a y»ung <yl-..«-¦1 rasa «»< alaeate* r.inner or In a

hotel a.« bellman; left referent»*, WILL¬IAM, I'. «¦>. Rn« 7.1.'. pt»tenIVund.

ENOINEEB MACHINIST. Klrst cla-e;.reeling ma.hin.-ry. repairing, st»am-

flttinK, ha» tool»; l"«t r«>:'-n.»s. ?«.«!.;:..¦ .-. Brooklyn.EN IINEER m, ni l,in,«»; «trlctly »,l,»r;understand« ail repair«; factory, apar:-

... or «n» I,»; test riferenr».ENGINEER SB2 E*«1 77tli-«t.

EVtHNEHR. .Er.g'.lsh «-ertlfl.-at»; «Hamer.Klii" I.!t»r. ei». lor. mit.-hlnist, |,ump

«.r. r an) t..:;»r mounter; bast r.-fer-«neen, Apply JAMES, Ata Eaat i.vithst.

ENOINEER m 1 IdACHINItT, nrst elaaa,with prln.a r«f« «n. «-¦«. «nd license, »»*'.u

¦Ituatlor., s..h»r nml i-llal-l»; mr.,l»rit«terms, ENOINEER.# SSI Pallsadi» are..¦»¦.».. IP.!,,'.en. N. J


ENOINEER, to «i ahetalner, wish»« «Itaa-llon in ofTlo», drygooda or o'h»r bualne»«

hou«», -A-he-« fair remuneration win i,«sp,»«ri f,,r «eonomleal runslsg "f plant,ability and «trie! attention to btisin»««; .«,-Ceüenl rer>r»n«««. Addr««« KMERV, 101st .'

ENiilNKRR. understand» «I! re-pairing.«rant« e'endy posltl-.n; New-York »nd

»Brooklyn ür^n«»». 27t> Ralphs«. Brook¬lyn.

EXPERT Ai*fr.fNTANT.--Tw»n'y ftve>e»r«' railroad «ap«ri«mee; »ally toot

r*t»r.» to i-.....t a ¡. .>e;.-»l and tinanrl»lcondition of railroad«; «l»o comme. .-InlaceoanU; i.»»t r*f«rene«a Addre«» L» M.,SOT. 3d-ave. «nd L»dy»rd »t.. D«tro!t.Mich.

F1RUMAN «fantS »Ituailon; hotel or f«c-r,.ry; «.>o1 re.-ommendatlmt. A.l'.r»«« r*.

M. ear» f M'. ArnmUOO. UM m av«Rrookhn.

riREMAN, *ff, .;» ., an. »tt, n'lm nn.l.'.nerv. «tactile »lavator». »'c wishes p.«!

lion; city or eountry, F <t ir. Rector st.,I!r«t floor.

FIREMAN..By .rOUag man. 23: temr»:»'»;bilging; ».< ». re'»i»r.. «.« »» to character.

RUED, ¦'. .>»».. lr.tri-st.

FRENCH 0ENTLJ9MAN, So. «uperlor e,Jn-,»»lor., pr,.nei-nt 1. th lar.««l»g»«, wishes

Situation a« pr,.ep|.r ,,r »errelary; no oh-toetlon to travel. hli{!it*t referen»»» PRrx f,4. Tr.l.un» on.,»

JANITOR- -By a 0»rm»n f»m!;y; man 1»at. «xp«iien.-e! ca.rp»nt*r. Apply »t | -71

2.» av» !rn't'.r

MECHANIC *»rsnta p-slMrn t.» take et,ar««of heip «r pniilna up raachwery- «1,0 \,\.

.v. 1.« re|.H¡r!t,», >»«l« of tiperler.»». r» ).PARK. Pay..¡in». N .1

MANAOER -An «aperi i».«il'ryrr»n. mar.¡led. II yeara* »X|*r1enre. »vani« piar« la« .in.l«-r«t»rd« th.T p tiltrydui-k«. «»»«» and turkej», In-uhatoi« andbr«x»d<T»; h»st r»fer»n«-e. Addre.» w. J.SALT PIP P.,«. 13«. I*lah«r* Island N. T.


PAINTER, kalsernlaer. paperhen**«« «an:««¦«¦rk- iHti.ii.«-ta «.r private: g'"1" worÄ;

cheap. BILBERUNO -1" Siati'in »t.

1" \\v« TI-\I'K, M vear»' « xperieri.e |n).-.«.¦ .:« Vienna and Xem York, desire«

-. ,r,. the day. M. L, I.SU l*..>a«lw'ij.PAINTINO VABNISHINO ano POLISH-

tv,-; .nid »tonn and front doon cleanedan: made equal te new. parquet Bc-or»ret.\»t«l and «namedllng ¦« .i» I «ra '.¦

».:.| trimming*, d'-«r« and walfieeotln«cleaned verr-labe«! and polished; paintingand plain decorstinf and paper!.angln«;d .ne. JOSEPH EBHSBB. 1.-7, Sd-eve.

I PAINTER decorate« and flru-oia»» pa«perhanger desire« irortt: private i«<.

ienee«, hntel« or Isadlords! iin«|.i»»ilim-ai.¡. refrrcneea A. NEWMAN, c»r«

i it, ISS Beat I«)i0th-et_PAINTER paper-hanger and kalfimlncr

-rill irork ' t lew«et pi* . BHOBT,I. s-'.I Sd BV«,


SAWYER. Am eipertenccd man at »aw

fitting i«n «.nivlt:» wl»iie» pr>«ltl"il OB .1 -l V

kind of -in liai »awa Addr»«« T. T., ttoV. ,-»t l4th~Sl.SAI K.S.MAN. '¦*. n.-.d A. to., want« p.««t-

llon; ng'-'l Itt vriir» aril marie«!: lia» "x-

perlene« In Wlllllf.I« ai.'l retail >.t;.. » giM !» it ivelllns «ale« wan, want«i m -n thai will pay living »alary for

I i-.nest ».¦..;.-. Address COMPASSES.¦ Bog SSI», Trenton. N. .'


BTEN'XJKAFHER, ri ttlm, «¦-' tit« JoUor any kind »I perr~neni r«r tempora«y

»ork; 'own, country; prompt, «"-ura--,reliable; «-ry moderate »alary. P«iat«-ffi »

Boa ...ii:'._SHIPI'INO «"I.' iilC. Bv a man wltn tight

., ». experience si «hipping and «i--

.lerk; can sir« best rofe-reace«« fr> n

f.tim« .. -er aa to honesty, wIIIIbs-r. and it ifuln*-*s: «gpertenr-ed in»al« .in», legin low. LOWN. i-«***)I«. ! 11*11. »«._* .i,; ;.: i;'|li:ii would Ilk» poaltl..n.TELEORAFHER, .J.iif»*'. «Id-a*-«,_^


perlene« at h»ller»: reference S BMITH,Va Myrtl« ¦¦>.*. lit klyn_WANTED. I'.elti «n s« «rnvelllnn sale-ma« nn ig.T <t an store or buyer In

art department of drycnc-la hou»«-. by nn

«-nn-getlc, hard-working »ai-»mu-i . ' la«ear»' experl-n I.« refereric««. Add-era

| A. W. MARTIN. "1 Ith-et.« X-w-11-if..rl.»II I_WORKMAN, PORTER, WATCHMAN.By .i »ober, reliable American; »alary ft.

" ." ER, i-.'.t Baal il .'_

WANTED Bv a it: ii-.iughly man, 25 p m ti«! In a whni«-»aii

.. i*-, ....>' egperttnee In tea '.li»I-

n«s» f Mlfala.R, Sunn*"»l*le *ve.. Brook

YOI'NO MAN' »« driv-r or any kind of- !i a years' refer«,n.'«-. JAM!«

l»t l'KV. Mai We.« Ud ««._

\'OI VQ MAN, weB ronaeeted, basin. «a-la-fa kieetlon, brilliant iin-

» »p . k«, " id», write, Ensilan,pi»i .'¦«.. fMrman, Il «;i«n faequlrad abroad),

Ian ref«rene*-a deglre« immediate.-ut: ymenti «mail salary! cant «»«ir.g re

f, i. a. CORHAM, I.OII Raaeeak-et.«Bi klyn.y«"U v«; Man' «'»'I«, »tronif. ««-tlv», Intelli¬gent, want» »'esity »ItuatlOB at any-

th:tu- four y-ar. reference. JAMES It.«i .*¦', »re., Brooklyn.

TOÜNO MAN. want« w.«rk, New-Tora or

Hr.Wh-i, ¦¦ 'h Mrm or any in« re.pilr-Ing honest, In- .»'tlti», «ober, trustworthy

! man. COACHMAN, IM Hinget.. Broek-lya._TOt*NO M VS. - I«.red. want» »1'uailon a»

i ..-- - elevator runner; r«f«r«nea BP WIIXIAMB BBS WmI :«7*-t «f.

TOl'Ntl SWEDE )l», w»nt» portion eng-ntkm in'« p:« « - «TO fof herse«,

ANDERSnv, EM \v«.i l'1-l, .«»

TOCNO man. to, raarrled, »teady, !-.-

'..,« «- 1 -».» wl«he« »Itu -. «« «Mwr r.;v«TT. to Oraal -¦



Krmnle.A nnRISTtAM I.M'Y «I..1-« ort'-Ttiinlt«»»

f .r readIn« lo Invalid» «, i i

; . ..; . ml ' Mitt, Adtr-»» KIN'! SIIITERS, H i S, Sub-Stall n :«.

'.¦¦ a ;-,

AMERICA» LADT, «s-Mrtenoad !ingui»t¦: iri-ier. .« eonducl young lad-«

'- eight month» Itudy a.-«i EuropeanIra '¦ ¦:: art -her 10, A Ire«» \FAT« »It.T .¦

-_LllMfANION. Ar -llv An.I -in lady, a»

.« -.«. a« ¦.; r. »« far *.»",'.

' .« -or 'I -t'.. :»*.-f-*-n¦ .«. Adirée» M. E.« B « f.:7.y .i -;«'¦. N. Y.

" INION. Se.« I«r a «;-l. 17, el g- a; eaaant dtipoBltlo«, ¦. ..«

nvalid mother*« h-in. Ad-OMPANION, ill Ea,t lOfi-Vt Bt.

COMPANION Hj t B«g« gra-l'»»te, »«¦ -. ;a ly « !r.g at«r a 1 a

pood rea lar. »r-».i» Pi-en«-"., «i"e!'»ntpaeker A«-ii-»» M "taWNSTON, Be« it»,-, un» itBee,fJOVERNEi-M Bv l'ntei'an'. «-¡«r-nan

lady »;»a«'r.g flucnily arl teaehln«OennaB, EnglHh, Fr-n^b e.r.d

i'«r. ,. i» *!ng governeea; experience;l-«i referen«-*», term» n.oterat». Addre»»VISIT1XO OOVERNESS, .fo*) Ea»t l'.'ii»t. Re!! No J.

OOVERNESS, Sa.A» nur«*-*** r'vern--»».r BUr**>, by > 'h.-iroig'.;, .-om*..e'er.t

N'.rth 'lerrcan r.-ot»»-ar.t. »r-,«l«» Eng l»hn* ] --, »i lah; «ft .".«*: no n «. «tl.itravel: Bret .-'.». r-?»r»nce» M«« IJCBT,a.<7 vt*

ORADt'ATE .imeretal r«.jr,. »wiM Uh«po»!t'.-,n »h,r. «r m c«". Bdraaee h«r»»lf;

CMti ,;cra e Remington rca-hlne: go.<lwrite- «¦ Mr.l-T'rv.OKI. 4.^. W.«: (l*V»h-«|

JANITRESS.- Married troatan, Pfeneh,«i«aKtt:g En»;i»h. would Ilk« *¦» sseur«

a pla « «« )anfIre«»; her haaband. b-lng a

i{ -.. r by trade, i! t..k» char«;« «frepairing of hOUM. Addre». a. r :..,'*repairing or hoiI ,.t lit«'- -:

Mai-;a,«",)-:, tragn»-;- IrvatiBenl ,rt m«r¡-eurlng Iv e,p-rl»n-*ed Swedlak ope-»"r«.

Mr» BVC3CAW, a.i» '.v..« *,s:h-»-

MASSECSB -'«iBd'i««» mias-ii«« ««-illtr«-at 1,1'»« ». their h-n-.,» or ber retl-

dence. POR8TER, 14'« Fa»- BM »« r-»rta-xlng; .n .i\,

TEACHER Ir. private .¦.h*"-i, bv Maehwof Engi'.».. branche«, n.g-bra, arlthm-'i.*

and elem-ntiry I«atln; e\perter..e; best ofr»f».er)c,. r ^«»»t ««ainry- Ai*dr«M A., Trli.imt '.ill .

TOL'NO LADT In offlc«. «.« re or ar.v n-atwork Mis* BREMNER, fi?7 E. 7Id »t.

VOlN'i lAIiy, b-grnner. d-»ir«.. -..»Hlona» »ten iR-nt her, t%|)«wrlt«-r and h«on-

keeper. A'..In a«. Miss B T., 2^1 Bi orn-1*1-1.1 »i V»..»|c. M '


A TOUBO clored man, capabl» and »f-fllent and » tiling worker, want» work of

«i.y k;r.d; potter er me»»enger preferred;hial ¡y rcci.mniended. Apply to C. W., B -X1<». 1 rl'.iune «>fnce.

BL'TLER.OblereS] flret-cia»» eltv r»fer-.¦r. e»; und-i«kt.,n«i» III« duty. 1ÓS West

«Cth »t.

HI i'i.r.-ll r.nd INSIDB MAN'..By a neatand obliging > 'ins* "Baa, S«i; city or

c -:r«lr-- cm «bow hlgheet ref»r-nc». Ad-«lie.««» L. PLARO, 22«) Ea»t 2iSt!; «t be¬tween ^'d and HI avi»».

BUTLER ar.d VALET..Thoroughly comp--ent, Bret-clBM man, «!rgl», âge S.

wnnt» re en-rug. in-nt, el.;!,- y-ars e|«reference«, «'. 8., 128 Weet 2Sth »'.

Bt'TI-ER, who eafl b» highly recommemledby In;«« »riipl.iver .".nil We»t 4'id »!.,

c»re Mr. Smith.

BCTLe-R and COOK Hy mm ami nife;Englnh i'i. t».at»nt»; go.»i re-fcrenc-M.

WALTER BUST, Whitlnaville. Ma»«

»T^'Ht. «Be- Jipan«sc, «food "ook and but->.r. lona esperlene« In thi» c.,untr>. bent

referrnee»; «vl-he» po»ltlon In prt\a'<- fam¬ily; cl*y or cum:-, p, S. Jlox 12. TriU-une orflee.

COOK. . French-American pistry endcooking: for privat« f»m«ly; reiiaiie

and u»efu! Ar.eri".iii voung man; «food K '

»r»n.e». A «; 203 Baal 32<1 «t.

'.il'.K i leet-d; rr«omin«ad«d in higii-ftviade; »II bimcn-«; elfy or eoiintry;

r'iii.» hétela restaurant». .»"« We»t 4««th»t Donal i.-.n ¦ helLCARETAKER..Man «nd wt'e. no family.want ',.-«*.h!« h-Mtse t.. rurt while owa«r

I» in I .«it. ;,- r until sold ox renird.KINO, «*'»".» .«d a- e.

CARETAKERS..Va*** n»«peetabM couple,. 'n- »rid w-ll elui-.i'ed.

children. w;«h t-i take ear» of gentleman »

Country pli**, lilKlii-st référer.« ,. It. Bo«4«l. Tribun» Of".«-e.

COACHMAN, «sperlence; »Itrl«iii-t. ig!.:,- comparant; strictly t«mi

r. heftet Il * driver, willing. >i '.-.«..a-.;r«t elSSS .-it« referen.«. W, E. IS 'itli-_-, e_ geoead Boer,

«iiA'ItMAV and GARDENBR..By a

leal middle aged rlng> man. four¬teen ¦rears' reference«. J. It.. Prlnee'« Bap«S'alei» Ulatit, N V


COACHMAN -2«1; th-roughiy evper«»n.-».1;un«!er»laiid» nllklng. lawn, f'irnace;

willing, obliging en I competent; ref*reBcea,RA i E Hot 11. Tri) une Oi*l.»

COACHMAN. By a young man. marrl-la,-i Hr«i cla», c-«chman; cit." or country;

fir«: ,u*» iff.reme Add'-*»» ROHEKTSCOTT, 1,101 Buatmjt-av«., Jcrecy ntyHeight!«.COACHMAN..Married r.ian. ne family;.obt«. hor.-»t. ohllgtng »nd meet e«,;n

peteat; hlglieet reference«, «ritten andl««r»on«l; elty or country. .). c, u In»Bati-igate-av«.«UACHMAN.- -.larned. age 8A; mediumheight; first eiaa« man w tli hor«-», car-

rtag-a, prompt and reliable, i,,-,t referetice». Addre»» C M.. li» St. M«rk'»-ave., Brooklya.


BJale.ITOACHMAN, «,ROOM..Thoroughly com¬

petent caretaicer hur.os. .?.rrlage», har¬ness, :.'.g»i-st pers-r.«: iMtlmoalalsi »kii-fijl. »t»:is»i driver; temp»rat-, obliging, re¬

ap« iful punctual; oxpe-tatlons moderate.HENDRKd« >N. 2Û7 Weft tïd-.t.

I OJACHMAN..A gi-ntli-man wishes a «11-

nation 1or hi« co|or»f.i ..o.chratn; hn»lived with present ompXdtm »'ght v»ars;

he M lioneat. soler ant n worker; und»i-«Und« iba «¡are of h-.rse» thoroughly, «heir

j reading 'in« «!. etna: *'¦.<> eon "¦ furnace;la willing «nd bltsin«, and h». a full»-¡are ».f .-.-mm n .»rise, «all >T addre«.P. F., SS *>\>«t rîiitr, at.

COA«"*HMAN. -B» thoro.ighiy competentman. s »ears' tlrst-.lHss city referenc«

' fr^m list »mployer; »»qualmcl with rothclik» '">''..» 'HMA.N*. 8 Of«*a«d C-MIXt,Hrooklvr. _

COACHMAN or OROOM -Thoroughly ex-

perlcneed, iir.d«r«tnnl» «.trdenlng. milk-I Irg. fnrni-'». «»r.«-raily us«-fu.; present »nt-

ployer ran be .«'en. A!di«>s .!. C, llox! .4. .«"iimnilt. N. J._.'OA.'HMA.V Rt a n».it ai»p»arln« ir»n of

good tiioi«| habits, first-.-;»»» e!ty reft»i .« »:pplov»r« «-an lie seen. Addre««COACHMAN, .'!. Sth .»ve.. Brooklyn. 2!IU r.

COACHMAN. -Ry an experienced «Ban:no,i reference«; colored AddreM T. B

I p-c-aw st.. t-.Aeen AlbSSy and Tr«yeve«.. Br*x¡klyn.COACHMAN - ThoriMighly computer";

r, it, haneat, -oh»r. willing, oMIkIi«: eitvreference«; Isat rmi» ,.«r a«en, l.iMS M

COACHMAN jr STABLEMAN..Man to,.; rman; aober and »teady; city <»r coun¬

try. J. K 13 Itcctsr st.. is' floor._fiiA'-li.MAN s:t.«l» hito 27; stnni*; gov«,referanc«; thoro«ighl) understands h!«

hudnes«: ah«»i reference« AddressJtOSKPH, I,aM Id-ave., ear» Donohue.

COACHMAN or »iROOM .(food horseman;««¦. 2«',; thoroughly un ¡er»landa the rare

Of n. p*iva-.. stalle; g>id r» ferences. Addrt«» COACHMAN, '.'40 Eist TSt»V«t.

COA« HMAN an I OROOM..By .» married«roughly competent; atrletly I»«

perat« and ol liging; eight years' flr«r-ola«.pit) referent-« Addr».s ANDREW, fl7fi«'...- .i u rir «oklyn.COACHMAN. - -I t.- J r,..«rrl»!, no faav-

ly; .(hly underetanda bla builae««;«««.id, car-.'u! Irlver; fr«t .lass r»'»'..n,-»s:I rmer employer »an ».,. «een. Addreaa 0B., ¦>''» Pulton »»., Brooklyn, «addier on!han »«.»»r.

PISHWA8HER, K-r situation wanted inprl»«;e r«:n.:v «t« dl»hwa»h«r or (¡en-val

hcaisework. JOSEPH BRICE, OutingI House. I'mii'o. Baltimore, Ml.

OARDENBR. Middle a.ed; married; .*!Iron, young«* 12 year«: «« florl.t

and r«rd»n«r; naa go'd rueord and r»»rndatl n». t>. V... WO Tearl at.,

Nt s-i n, Mn «

«3ARDENHK. ¦ Single; class, fril». fio»»»..vegetable» farming -.' reirá" r»f"ren-«

from i- >»lty. OARDBNER, I«'! R-'e-vnrd, »A'Nl Hohok..n.

OARDENBB, COACHMAN. .<l*rman. 8S\. ir« of ac»; over i". yaara* practical as¬

pen Ml » in all branch««, flowrr« and vege-tablM; ..: ughly mpetent t> take fullcharg« ,.f g«nl!«man'l plac»; ma'Tied, n»

eh Idren; wlf« g'.l eo k and dairy «rom:í' el«M reference«, i>*. BTEIN, rare

!' p Behlppert, Nan ».»¦«burg, SullivanCnuat», v v

QARDENKR, A Hy s ''.«rman. S" year»f «g», a» garden «nd farm w>rk: enn

mlik; first .]««» reference. A.i!-»s« A. I».,i«2 Parii i: iw.

HARDENER .Disengaged »hortly, dc»Ue»a privat« plseei l.fe »«ip«r(»nre ail

hrsr.-hes rnnur«! rv. «rreenhou««, grap-en»« »rsto-ias« ve«»'ar.'.« «; W|f«es »lient dairy Woman; highly reeim-m«nd«d. Addr««« TIPPING, <"il«n fura-mit, Tann.

HEAD WAITER »an«» «o «r«.t» f r a.».'-.»r house; no ,,bje,»'ors ' n^'.nt

iSouth. Aldre«» Hos SS, Mkewood, N. J.

man, marritd, n ,-:n i-»n. want, position;m ^> r«-,ir,d« faimirr '.'.«''».>»«. (lowora,

car» of hor«»« ^nd row«, Addr»«» F*. R.,ira ',: n«..-r., »*".«i H.t.'i<ntt-«t., Brooklyn.

s::.v..vr> <.r U8EFUL-MAN-.By « yo'i-igman; net afraid of work; n**»'- appr «r-

»r»». willing, obliging and r»'«M«: hi*h-e«t r»fe...n.»« CHARLES, a,\a W, 32d «t.

USEFUL MAN flw»d«; t.rder«tan:» cat;'. hones, dair», gardaniaa. rnirnsceai

handy witii toil»; referenee. PSKAR¦LARSSON, Bl .;-»»n'.» 1. M,

U.IEFI L MAN. Reliai la lierman: sg« IS;(iH«maq « u« b». r«».'»nr«, or

tan« .. <-«r, nt OSS d'irlng s-ir.-er; experl-«n ... |ard«nlna, i*'vl:'.g. or »ny work

.- .. !. '-.. refei .'..-«. will r.» pre-? .¦. «rifen .,r per« .ru.l. HENRYMEYER, 2.Ô12 :M ave. r'gar »«ore.

I'SPl-'T^-MAN oi, «m»!*, p!»c« In country;handy with tool»; »rag»» ii.i. wiL-

I.INJ. 237 West »2d »t.

PSBFI'L MAN an .ind ho«i««. butlar, w»lt-»r P M«»SIIY 142 W««t S2d «t.

VALET, "y eompetenl Japan»«« to at¬tend on« or mor« gentleman, certain

hour» »aoh; highly recommended from»».-I! kn-m-r. per« r»g«. JAPANESE. 224Wast H7th «t.

W/AITER, Ba..By voung Japan«»« «.waiter -r h«u«e»trork. «¦ pl«;n cook; ha«

reference W. K. Trihune «""fllce.



.« west ::p-3T.mhs. i.. sr.pri.r,



RTRIiTI.Y INVPRTIOATEP.S»r»an'« breaking engr.g«m«ut« will

l»w» dtamlased from rffe« »r.d forfeit «11claim« to fee paid.

Hrooklyn ¦."*!¦». Î Honi-«»..L'amer i^ji'.on-.t,

ATTENDANT ' r Invalid or companion to

»lltr'v '.» I\ ,o!.iry *'.'ó; referir.'»». Al-dreaa ATTBN1 ..NT. 24.» WsrM I2ftth-«t.


an 1 vrl'f. yvn h. man a» «roc«, first-?'.»»»rtferen^ee; wife a» rhambeima! 1 and lau.i-dre»«; Instltuti B ir family ''all BARBU,rsr» Vulll», 47 .!in»-«t.

COOK A» .«x,.»rien»»1 tOOM In priva«?f»ir;'!\ fr. -.I«-» .".ty reference«. Call

or »dir*«« SIS ilnst 2îd-«»

«COOK..By Brsi »,«¦» l'rct«»t«iit cook Inpriva*« fami'.. beet «Hly r«ference; lady

».in i.« *«ec w«gW j;o. g| Clinton P.a.-».r.-.g f j.-

COOK, &».- By French couple; womanrir«' .:»«:« - ok; man for i«n«r«l hou«»-

work. for private fainliy; n' objection to.' r' I itanr« in country; refer»nce. PP-BOia IIB Weal '>th-.t.

«r«XjI<. Uy flrft-ol»»» cook; under.tar.d»all kind, of cooking «nd d««*«n«; I« a

g>. A l»ak»r, an tak» full charg« of ti.ekitchen; private family; city or country.Addr-«» MARTHA. Postofflc« Rox «2. HIPIon. N. J n .ard».

CHAMRERMAID. Be.By * re»pect»bl«eoSored ¦ .nm a» chambermaid «nd .»i:i.

"o.s, or general hr.tise»\,.rk Call V\i.»OI'."«US \V»«t 2UIH »t.

HOUSEWORK.MAID..By l«ra «lstcrs.Bwcdlth; tie r.-n-r,»! worK«r. unde.-stan 1»

go,A. plain cooking, e«,-»llent lalln,lr»^s.other sserul maid; »a«., f-.s. . tty. ci.intiy. 2«»«. !¦.,««! fut!: «t., one fllgnt, lock.

H'.i SEKBEPER..Redned Oerman widowa« iiiHi.ajçlni» hou««keep«r In private f«m-

Ih ; haa ¡nil jlmiUr position U year¿, andhas »x<-.iien« ref«r»ne«a; w»n aarsarieneedin »_1 brsnch»» of hous.-l'e.pTr.f «i,.»icha-go of children. M . l.«..^2 3d a»e , Ad-verttslrg »iftl. e.

HOUSEKEEPER..By educated «^irlstianRngltlh lady; ««perlen-.-.l cateier, i.elp

. litre» n ;r«». needi«-wo;nin. traveller,..£..; hlgheal referen.». Mr«. QOBDON, !4Kast l'ith st.

H«»USEWORK..-Young widow, with child4 y»ar« old, wants situation In kllohen or

gm»ral housework »mall w;»r«s; r-fcr-Hiit. Mrs (TAOOERTT. 2..f. Bloomfleld-»',., Hol.ok»ii.

LAUNDRESS -i'HAMRERMAIP. .A Uly» ¦.> t, find place« in the s.-mi« family

f>r an ««»«lient laandresa, thirteen i^u'.-'.:¦:. ... with he» Dises a« chambermaidi 1 ¦¦ Imatre««, Applv bv lett-r to pres-. :.t »mployer, DE F., CoM Sprlm; Harbrr,I/.nif MsiLAI'.NIiUKS.» Py r»Sp»l.ISbtS oolo'.edwoman; 1r«r I.-..« |n a branch. 1

wage. »11 « i'.-. M. a. WILLIAMS, IM111 '«7th »».

MAID and BEAMaTRESS. WUIIng to.l»t with other work, no objection

c»iintr>, reftrnce. .117 M «it 3öih-.t.

M KSK i. a i-erv competent nur«« totak» charg« of infant from birth. 214.

rast 41si »t.

KURSE, « onipftent mira«: can tak« b«bvfrom trained nurse; city preferred, go !

reference, 14.. 7th«sv«.; ring thre« bell«;

N'i'RSB A '.n'.peient nur«« »'.she. toII »I with family f..r «SpSBaSS; will give

reference. P.7 Last I7tli st.

NI Hst: Qradnat« nurs» d««lr«< poiltl n

as nur«»« compinlun lo In« »ill; Uhria-tlaa p-»ferre«1; city, cnuniry or «o tra«'el;iil«h«st reference«. W. B, Bj« 10 Trlh-un« "flee.

M h.- rrOlRL Vj re|l«ble English air!. 1«y»-rtiB, 1 assist 111 nurr.'.-y; goo<f home

«r»cn piefereine mer salary. MAUDCARE'«. 4«J Wfii l«*»»".«!. «t.

.»VASIIIN«*, A first lisas col red Uun-Orr»s wltl. unsun>ar««d f... mtte« «nd

r« feren.'e. i\'sh>« family w«»hlng by IBS»r.-k ,r d,».cn. «' E. .»OIINSON. 121W.-st L'ith st.

'A'AHillNfl. Experienced women want to1. washing u«., ir .m« h» ihe day. M.

NELSON, l«(7 isat .list »t.

WASHINO. -Respectable olored womanwlane» ««»hing Lome or g.« by .1«-. rsf-

.ranc«. 2SS W««t Utih .».. Mile«'« bell.


NOTtCB OF TltUSTBES SALEWhereas. Th» Austin Bluff Land

Water <_Vnr,«any. a corporation, dulygani.ed «.r.d existing under and by v.

cf the law» of the State of Colorado,cated and d ing business In the CountEi l'a»o, In »aid State ««f foloiado, didthe first dav of S«ptemVr. A. 1>.by it» «"rtain deed of trust of that «jduly rtcordad in the offl.-e of ll.e iv>

Recorder of the »aid El l'a-ai Countythe 'j4ti) «¡ay of September. A. I'In Hook Seventy-four (7*->. pige On», lidred and i'ifty-thr«*e (IBS), .«f the re.

of »aid r-ounty, «-««iivey to J. I» HA'lMAN. ,mi his successor or su censor»aid iru»t. of Colored« Spring». BICounty, Colorado, as tiu«t»-e. the Pillo*described real «stat« and property sitein the County .«f El Peleo un«i »Hat«Cobrad«!, to wit:The - ,uth «,ne-li.,lf «'.» of ""»ctio-i n

b-red Twenty-eeven ill). tt«e »outhquarter i\) ,f **rc--t:on r.umbe:.-! twei«right (28-, ine n« rtl-eaat Quarter «'«(*<«.-t:on rur.derej »hirty-thre« |S2),: «.rtli on, half «:,i of Section numb.thirty-four «,.,, an.l the south« «*-t «iuai-'.) of Becttcn numbered Tl rtl fourtn Tow-ship thirteen «1.1; s-uth ,? It.i¦laty --,< ..«.« argel, Uso t'.e nothalf .'-i of the southeast quarter «'«,>.the .-, uthweM quarter «:«i ol leeTwent*. t.x ol» gnd um ea-t e-te-l(Vtfl .f the «outhea»! quarter »'«'. .'«r.d¦outhwei« quarter '«i of tiie »outh«Quarter .»., and th« *.»ito<.a»t quarterof th« ,.«;.«. a»i quarter tig) «r.d the i

on-, halt r nil »outhweM .,u.m»rOf Section '.'....'¦:.¦<- en (ST), an«! lileon--half ii,,i .: ¡he northea.-t quarterof Section Thirty f ur ..u«. ¿no the vone half «i^i of «he aorthwe»! quarteran«! t'i» north WC»! quarter i\> ,-fnr.rthea-t quarter «',i ..f Section Thlifue (IS), .«.; in Township «»ou.h «.f |: ina*a »laty t. ran ««¡7> ". ilg'-ti«^.- u.-ii .«;; and ilt*s«jlar th« sir* -flit-> and p.lvl.«f«a Ihetiu to belongor in any wise appertain!).,!, snd ; irtll-rly th«. ,iit,.ti or ur.»-. ing »nalwater rieht known si the "W, W ¦'¦l'lt«h No. |," a.-..I the .. irt«div.'ie« .«r IrrlgAtlng cana -«i '¦ ".

rieht« kn..«'n a.« th« "BJodgett DU '"

fh-' -'.Ie««le IV . Ur* Dll I.' ,

northwest Quarter iw) of Bectton I'l-ir»1\a».1Ci and the »outn* ll q :"»r i1«»Section Thlriy-tlv-. ,.|*,, ir. Mid Town«and Range, together wit .ill «nd »Ins«tii" water r:k-:r.i thereunto appertalnland i-«rt-ularly th« dit-h Of llTtgatcan.,1 and water right kr «»-n i«»

"Lcri.T'a Ditch." Also the t- -«»t:. cne-l'41 of »he emithwe«! nua.-te.- «'«« I .

... nt) eight .-.-.i In Ml Townstwelve f 121 south of Ran-» sixty--"(ST) west. \'.*o t:«» pipe it-.«- of the «'.

pany »ituate in »aid County of El rand State f «...¦i irado, the I. can m, rouan.l dlrsctlon of which may be deeerllas foil iw«. to Wit :

B. »Inning at a po.nt on West Monum«"reek in the «outh one .i iif <'*,) of 8tk«n Twenty-eight (SB). Township tw«(IT) »outh of Range eist] aevea IST) te«

running theifce easterly through »e«.t«.Twenty seven <-".. Twenty «ix «'.Thirty five «V,i and Thirty-» i l34l«ill Township nnl Rang«; thence »oui«aatcrly thr Igh .-'- ': i«» Si* "¦'¦>. ie««7». Eight i8), Bevi iteen |1T>. eight-US), Twenty (Soi end Twontv-nltInto Section Thirty-three «Ml -n Town«:thirteen iisi »outri of Bang« »tats »Is »

West, telmc abmit mne «(?) ir.lic [l It.»'li-r » 'h all bran« ).*.». lateral» a

reservoir» which may be «-onatnictedconnection therewith, and all wate.-, w

right«. rights, franchtae« .«id prlvlleit' »r«"ir.«.« t»i ng;i«g or in ar.' v Ise where«,», es'.d S« «rai mi

In trust to secne t> th- kgal h Id«I h-id-r» th«'.-«..«f the pr- ::.; t payment o!

'. lalfl lir.;e or MrtM of «In« Hundí(1001 P.:««: ii r«if:ige bond.« of Th« An«n.uiT Land and water Company, of 0Thousand «ÍI.O'iOl Odiar» each, agtir-îKIng one 11 in Tho issn ifn-O«Dollar«, is tr, ^,.:l Deed Of Truat nv

.pi-clflcally deacrlbed, dat-.i Bept«mlfit»». ISSB "iui Intereet coup u t-.en

Ai,«4..¡¡»'i lecurlng Intereet thereps at t

rar« f «Iaht IS) per cent, p**.- .in-.u. |yab I « " :..:. l'¬An.I wbereaa, bad deed of t.-u-t pr^vid.

ami g other ti.m.,-». tt,.u if ..«r.'a..;t anbe mad- Ir. th- paym«nt of tiie int-ncom .us of »aid )> n.,.>. Of any Ofthey »i.ail reepectlveiy b»«*i,m» due apayable, or if default »hall t» m.,«ieMid opany in I « performaae« f a

cf th« »tlpulattona, condltl n» r cijvrarla »aid leed of i: .-. contained and on :

j ,. | ¦' th« »aid mpany t, kept a

performed, v 1 If ;:.. either or .very su¦.a«,' iu lefauli « «II n-:n '

»race .f »laty day», then and In that cas

ur. >n ¦-¦. .:¦.. 'I - of ho I« ri : d« ' urC,i f a th« nd« then iir.;,a'..i and «>u

»tanding, »aid election to be et lencednotice In wrtttna to both th« i irtMtríese prevents, the prlr.« pal uf a.¡ the »abord« then unpaid an I -UtCtandlOg »li¬ai .«r.<* a:. 1 forthwith be« ... j: i

wholly da- -»nt payable to -11 Ir.tenand purp'-iei as If the >«.! i ond» hiwh ly matul« l. and that, "i---n «r.dthat .»».*. it »h\ii be lawful fir «aid in»t-e T ...» - ¦:. l ;¦ ««sors in tru»

Upon lh« «r,n-:i ..-quest of tne ¡.oiler«on« ' irth «'«« of '¦«.! bond« then imp.,a:.« .:¦¦..: e -, «eli .ia an entirety atat public auction at tie- Court Hou-e totIn the County of Ei Paso, State of 'ci¬rai »I! and »ing ilar t'.e gbor« 1-. IIre»; es'\-«-. pr «perty. rl»rhta and fr..nchlnof »aid The Au»t:n HluT la.- 1 -ml ^'a--C'.mpany for the purp«j»e ,t piyl.i- t1amouat of said bon!» with all Interest a«cruel there in, ar. 1 all a «ta and txpeas,oonnected with the »aecution of «aid tn.And wlierea», »*ld deed of tru»t furtn,

oor.veyed to th» »a.M J. J. HagennaiTrustee, and hi» »ucce.iaor or su iceeeeiIn trust as afoi-e.ald. th, entire waterWorii» »r. I pipe-line« of the said «.'umpanthen or thereafter to b>* conetracted. »itcato in ti.« County of El Paso ar-1 statof <**olora<t-o- and aleo the warn privilege«right» and ditche» of the »aid Compan:then or th»re*fter to be uwr.ed or aooulr-d bv ¡t. and the property of the »a!f. «mpany. »Ituate In »aid County an

N»>, with all lh« Impravwment«. thereafter to b» placl t*r»re «nthe »ame to b«- held by the laid Hag»rmar. a« InMtee, and h.» «aec««sor «_r «uc-«..sers la tnist. f .r the purpose» aforesaid»..,1 t secure th-. ».«id prompt payment o

the »ad toada, with lrt«re«t thueon. «.

lite ¡ruai h Id« r t held rs th*-re.if. wit:fill p w-r ,f »gl» m »ill tn-tee and h'.¡«aid »o '¦.*«.« r or succeuor« in trust undeiti.e COndlt D« and term« afor-cal.l.And whercaa, t.-.e »a, Tae A in:n rtiufl

Ij»nl nv..'. \'.'..«»r C :« my hi*. -.r..*e th«d-rt» ..f »aid deed of truet, em-i.ied ¦branoh cf ,i, »ail p;p,- line from the thertermination «¡.ere'f. t« »lt.: from a p ¦.:-.!In Sect n Thlrtl trire- «ll3i in Town»lit|thirteen (|3) «outh ? Ranf« «Izti »Iv lUSl\V»»t, westerly thrcugli S«"t. n il..m tw(i.'i a-' into S''':.ii Thirty om isll li.all Tiwçj-I.i» thlrtee.i »oum elItinge s \ t> »T t (SS) We -, and has a!»,pn*hije1 a certain Irrlgiirir-.a; eanal Mîit-:h »atendlns f: m tii- «aid weet M .".-mer.t Creek eaitwart, known ar.l ile-.«-;-nat-.l i» the "llLirnn Ditch," at:l ha« «so

pur-hase 1 ar.d 'lined fer the p irp .».«.of a water prlvll«»-«, or re.»^-v?lr »l-e. t.b« uaed in connection with its »ail »ater-w-.r<i». pip» line and dl«.-h-». ar 1 ..« b-u«-i for the ; .:;.«.. of the aoquiaition .->!water privilege« and water r'»--.ts thereon,and in , inectl« n therewith, the northweetquarter «'.«« of the aoutheast quarter 04)»nd tiie n.j.'th-a't quarter (Vil oí the» ii .; ..¦¦¦.',! f Section Tweaty-ie\eri iSTl ruwnihlp iwelv« it;«, «oathof Banse »Kty-»even HIT» Wc«t. art h.i««I»o pi:oha»ed as a water orlvtleg», ,,rreservoir »it«, to b» used l-, eonnect iwith It« »all pipeline and dltche«, thes-Miihea»l -« ,ar;«-r V») of -.he «^uthe.-iitquarter- ,i ! s.-,-ti n Twenty-Sis ISS).and '¦¦. »outhwe»! quarter i'«i f tl ..

e athweet quarter «',i t lectl in T«wenty-flv» 125), and th.» e»fct half ««.«i of ther. rtheaat «mrt-r «i4l of Sec-Ion Thi-ty-fve i.".*.). all In T.w'.ahip twelve «|*{>.»>Uth cf Rince »txtv s«ven i67» \V»st; triéMme to be u»ed for the pur*^«»e ,f theBCqutfltlon »f w'.t.r privilege» .in,I waterrights there n ar.l m onnection there¬with, and hi* «'.»,« pmehau'd. a« a waterrr!\iieK«> or reaervelr «li« to b-> aaed inconnection with It» »aid pipe line ar.lduches, th» northwest quarter (^a of th,.».lithe.»t quarter ii«) and the ea«t h. IfI'-,) Of -.he »OUthweat quarter (%) an) tf.',»'uthwe«t quarter i\\ of the «outhwe«tquarter i»,) of s-*ot! -n Twenty flv«, ,;.,, ¡nTown-Jilp tivM'x- ,12,4 »..(), ^f |.ftn¡jrtelxty.Uht ttlt'» West, the »nine 'j be a¡«.>use! for the tequlcltlon of water* privi¬leges snd water rin'it-j thereon «rd in con¬nection therewith.And wher»a», by It» certain agreement

n-.ade and entered Into on the 11th day cfKebiuary. 186S, and recorded in »ne offlceof the Clerk and He.-^r.Ier of »aid K! la«.I'.-unty. la Look .''. at Tap.' Ml. of therecord» thereof, the said The Austin i"-.¡ffla-nd »nt Water «"omyany- did obtnln fromf L. Martin. A. A. MaO-iver.y and H. Z.¡¦.tlamon certain right» tr. and to a certainpipe-line ext-r.ied »-.Uthward ab,,jtt«v*:uv se\en hundred «Ü.T'nh feet fn mSection Thirty-three (St), m Townsh.yth!rte**n (IS), i nth of Range sÙttX-Btl iSRWest, the sun«, being c nn-.-t.-,] with arila part of tiie general water »\stem of th»»aid Th- Austin Bluff Land and Water("Vmpany: and lia» also »cqutr«d r-rtalnrlglns and privileges In and to lh« pro-reeds "f «he fcllo*in«r «'.escribed l.nd t.twit.: Section« Nine »T») and Four m« ¡nTown«hip fourteen (14), s,«uth of Rbjib«i.lxty-»ix ( Wut.And where»«, by it» certain i-ontrael.

mad« and entered Into with the Bostoni -h i Company, « corporation, on «hethird day if De.en-.bcr, 1888, and recordedup« i the 18th I a;- Of .lun-». ISD^. in theotn « of the CleHt and Recorder of said¦. o.'.ty of Bi Pase la hull lid, page HI««f the records of »al«l ctunty. the »a:dThe Au.itln llluff 1-,ii.t .«nd Water i'"M*pany acquired certain rlqhtt. privilege*»In an.l t i th«* p. eeed« of the followingdescribed lar, 1 to wit:The ea»t kalf i'.ji of the »ouihwe«t

qimrt-r «v.i. und «li«' ea»t ^alf «V» "f thewe»t h.iif i« f the » uthweet qusrter (luof S-tl n Tl-irti .tie (SI), in Townshipthirteen (IS), »outh of It.mge ststy-sls««lili We»t. in El Eaao County, Colorado-except n portion of »«Id tract not n «-x-eeed two hundred (900) feet equare, wh'-hthe I* «t n T. nd Compeny had hereiof.'repromised to «-eed to School nistrlct N.i.4»'. In »aid El I'aso «' «utity, for e:ii «ol pur¬pose», and «ISO excepting t'ie ItghU 'ifway of i'ie Chicase Island and Ctoto-ra.'.o Railw i-, ompativ. and the '-lloptenDitch." ».' «illed. aeeoaa said tract, andhas also -a-qulred intere-t in certain wat.-rpipe» and miilna a« In nal-I aureem-nt more

particularly deetcrtbed t.« winch referenceis hereby made.And wlicrcai«. default ha» been made In

the payment of »al.l Intei'M cupm». towit. In the payment of «aid InterestCi>u«>o!i» di:- i.« B the flr.t d.i> of March.ivin. ,iud default baa also Wn made ir»the payii»iit of »il »ueeee.l'ng lnt«'ie«tcoupon», to wit, tno»e due upo.i the flist«lay of BffiUmber. lhl)3. the tlrtit dav ofMir.h. 1S1I4 Ihn first dav of September,IBB-t, «he ftr«t day et March. 1M»Y the rir»t«i«v of Sentember, 1SBB. the nr-t day ofMaroh, IBBS, «lie (lr»t dav of September,lRDfi. the first day of Mureh, l«f»7. and thefirst day of September, 1H07, and »aid de¬fault ha» continued for a period of mointhan sixty day» and »till continue» andexistaAnd "rhetwe«, t «.> legal holder« of more

than om fourth ii,i ,f «aid bond» h»v«.In wriilng elerted p« cri«l«|er all of »aidbond» et once due and peyaMt a» In »aidd»e,l ,.f trust pr..vl,le.|.And where.,« th» 1er,I holder» of more

than one-fourth (>4) of »aid tx«n«1» have.In writing, requeated the »aid Ha»erm»n.a« trustee, to «ell th« »bov» aranted e»tate,


! property, right« «nd frsnchlae« for thepurpoeo of paying .«Id bond« a. m aa¡2deed of tru»* provided.And whereas, th« «aid J. J. Hagermaa

his resigned «nd refused to act «a Midtrustee under said deed of trust, and theDirectors of the »aid Tnc Austin BluffI.and a.-.d Water Company hav», a* in ««(4deed of trust provided, request».! of H. 0,I.unt, a Judge of «h» Lltirlct «.'oui* ofthe Judicial Pittrlct of, which the Countyof El Pa.«o constitute» a part, the appoint¬ment of a. successor In tiast to th« saidHag. rman.And »«here 1«. .«aid Pint ha« duly ap¬

pointed the un..»r?lcned. K. H Morley. a»Braei«»sanr la Trust to the «aid J. .1. Hager-nian with .ill th. powers, authonlue andduties In stld deed of trust conveyed upon«r.d «restad m |ha said H.-igerman.Ar.l where«.«, ire kg-al r. oidora of more

than one-fourth «',) of said bond» have, lawriting-. requ«t«»d the undersigned aasuc-essor in trust a» «foresuld. to sell th«above granted »state, property, rights andfran.-lilscs of t .» «aid «omajany fjr th«purpose of paying th« amount due upon.alii Is.nJ«. »:th In-.ere»«. as in said deedof trust provld»,).N iw therefore, by rrason of «he prem¬

ises an! by »Irtu» of the authority Inn- vested under and »>«. ».irtue of thet»rms and o,,n"tions of said Ama of trust,I. r. H. Morley. flnrnasot In Tru.t, »1aforesaid. 1»IH on Mondai, the first dayof November r»xt ensuln*. at the hourof tue!'» 0'clothe noon, at the Croat <E«»t).:..- f th« .' art Kouaa ..n NevadaAvenue, In Um City of Colorado Spring»,tn tli« i'..ini> of ir Pa«-» and State of1 I ..'!., .ell .«« nn entirety, at pul.lieau » m, a!l and singular the above-de-rcrlbed lands. prern,s> '. r«-al estate, prop.ertjr, rignt« ,nd h.s»«. Inclu.Png ailand any of tl.» »a.d rich»* «.mitred by»Sid 1 » AO*tln Hl'iff uSSd and Wat»«Company alnce »h- esscuti. n of said d-»dof «-it is »f,,r*«al'i. whether th» .¿me».» »»aler riant«, prlv ',»%** or .l!t«-h»«. ac-0 lin 1 In, .'. "r ,,r I y VllttM of »he pur-mis» of -,i| ,. ,; ,-.,'.. abo»e-d»scr1l,»l

."' as appurt»tnnl iti»;et'>. or InterMI«,r:«ht» or prlvt,»««--s »e'.irel In toe -1,1 r, .

Austin Rlu'f I.and and Water t'ompanythiough, under or i,» rirtiM nf either of«>:' -..r-o-r- last above m».ltl>,n»d, ¦.well ;,«, any ¡- ?ht n¦-. |. 1.r«- I bv 11 1 T',«A'i«tln IC'iT I-»rd »n! Warer CQWIPSBJ laand t. »el«! »«l e.«-,t,> «a pure aa«d ».

¦IS h. and H'i rlirht. »!»1e, Lon»n» »nd»in., of r»,l»mpt:.n of th» «aid Th» Au«

' Lai 1« 1 Water Cnmssnr. u.s ¿ -. »«. r« and 1. -¦ to nn ! anderIh« «am», and »ach of them, for cash inhand, for tl» purposa of paying t «-«, ml of «aid bond« «nd unpaid eoot tn

«on, to«»tl«r «Afi'i .ill ,-»«ts. char«»«and expense« ... . |h « tru»».

FREDERIC**" H MORLEV.Succ»s«or In Tru»»'d a» «'. rado sp-ing«. ei p»«««' 1-1 .-. Colon '. « is loth diy of s«p-tea I .. » D 1-. 7M. H SOLWAT ..r.d BROOKS A ARMIT.Attorney« for Buceeaeor In Trart

DOano Ätna ROOMS.

OOOD r «om». with boa*!, m iv h» «..cured»i n?«» Madlaon *\--. or 90 W -.

.. ..

ONE i! RM third tl r. »at!:; fir»'-,-la««bonrd; alto »in«l» room f r «»-ltleman;

Am"r!-an fa-r.liy; references. 4».j Park-«ve., r.e.-r .",7th st.

1- HANDSOMELY '1- - *\ raocsa lar««or sma:l. »r. «nits r 1 ng y; 1 »th, board; ex-hang».! 34 We«t Mst st.

1 .«38 PARK-AVEI-«rK-.- r«MMDS and

rnrl' r dmlng r om;

rner of Usth-.t_ill r om; e'.evttor-.

I2TH-ST.. 44 WEST..Two ex-eption»lly|e« 1!«I« irtr^... gad on« »rn..l! room;

newly ;»no'. it.d: Mattery plumbing;^ oomforts. sup.--. '..t/»: r-

l.«TH-ST. 21, 2.* AND K WEST..Beas-tlfal, larg» art f.'¿.» r ::.«. fir fam-

III*. ge^tl^T. n; tabla exe.: n». refer-»r.c, ».

10TH ST.. 41 ~ECT..«Cteaa sätet home;good tab!-. Quaker family; terma r»a-

sonabl".; referen, «,

32I>-ST.. 2 WEST. H.r.Jsomely furnisheddouMe «r.d sing!» r ,>ms. with bo«rd;


;;..p BT.. R'EST. ¡fi.Pleasantly íiirn¡«hed room«; excellent» privais («.--. refer«ar*ea,;MTH-ST., 27 V. psr -I'arlor floor «nd

..,. _»»1 *.A .am»... a...a.'a ..

other well farnlsbed roomb:>ar,l. referen,»«


ST EAST 62D-6T.Connecting room..»» or f^ur; every convenience;

ex.- .;:»nt bnard.

.*>1 WEST 4ÍTH-ST.. Desirable ro rr.«,with ex'-eilent b.ard and atteniar.-e:


.*úH> ST .».7 WEST.Klegant birk BBltStl«e-ord s-;-v r -.m. large nail ro.,rr«. m-

p«r -- table; reft raneas

MTH-ST, nil WEST..I.«-ge »nd «t-.a!lr on.« «rlth b a; i. r.tlr.»ra»n'; refere« s.

5TTH st. 411 R/KST -.-».îp-ri rad«r: aa arltfc b ird| n»eni»nt to all

car«; h,.'j»e thoroughly heated ¦ ho'.-wat«rayateta; ntonaoo.

BTTH ST., 813 WEST.--H*nd»om*]y fir-nlshed rocms. with board; convenient t»

Br-i!»»y and L »t«tl'»r.»; referonc*« ex¬changed.70TH ST., 120 WEST..Newly furn!«K.»l

la:.-e ur.d «mall roon's; private bath, ex¬cellent te'ol«; terms rea.eni.ble: r»fer«n m

»«charged._T1ST-ST.. »5» WEST, near Centra! Park .

Roo.n» wtih b.»«rd; flrrt c'.as» «pp«3lr.«.-men*.« In every p»"*"c*ul»r.l«»3!..t. T. WF.«T -*«>2 .104.-Rerr.ed loca¬

tion; choice »utte; a!»o other d»«!ra-l«rooms; Ub'e »nd » high-class.


IRYIV*. PI.A'-E 14. corner.Every room

heated; t^>x«pi".ng bedss «very laapriwameet, ventilation.

NEAR MADiaON SQUARE-Heauf.fjl.iir... »unnv, w-!l-he«ted «uite. fine

11»-. f T winter; f;r«t-c!a»» prlva'e ». ....

Caterer In I'ascment. 42 West ZHn s:

THREE RO<>>!3 together or e»rar«t''.»;prívala; refined «urrvjr.Pr.g»;

m .l.-rat« prl,-,s. re.'-rer.c«. ex. .-¿«d.l.*..i 45th-st_12TH-ST.. IM" WEST..Flrst-c'.as» f :r-

r.ish»! room«; gentlemen; r :«.

«nd loca'.ltv |h« be^r_UTH-ST., 1-.» EAST- ric.sant. la-g«and «mall »j-ansas; go 1 aelfhbacl '.

eenvenlenl location; reference«._

BiaT-BT.. 41 EAST.Pe.'.rabi« PSOnSi cp: »n»l

r«f': enees.

21ST ST lit aW,-Twa larje, hand¬somely fornlshed; .*.-,,nd-tl '¦ r tvnii;

bath: t.,«ether or feperat«; p-!vat.i .'.*n-tiy gentlemen.MTH-ST.. 2» WB.ST.-N>*:) furn 5Opt

t m in privais re..ld»nce. never pre-rrfaNialy rented; refer»:: »«.

SSTH-ST S WH-ir.A baci.-lor' apar»-iiu-nt. app. Intmastg perfect; -»r^rr «

62P ST.. "til ard rtth ave«. Eleg.i"!lv fir-nl«h«.l bachelor »p.«rtni«nr»; y, .« Í30

weekly, Includinaj treakf«»t. va'.e* at-»-.!-«nce; r.f.'rcnce». Addre«. EXTRA P*4.'». 1,242 !t: M.iy

«34TH ST 1*> PAST..Handsomely '.-.--nisl.ed ro,^nlS. en »utte or singly; ref-r-

vr.-»s gi«'en and r««jttlredHS 4TH-AVI:.. aSttv-et.. Cramercy Pa-k.

-t'liolc» lor gentlenws wh.- ap-

freelate t.«f1n»d home; eoraf r«able, heat.Iglit Kith c!»an. ««i;h n«w furnishl»g*.


le;.,d; plush ste.tnied. scilskln garmentarem !«U«d red»cd. repaired, nude Irtocapea, cllarett«» and *ack»t*. OBJEKT*1.11 Ofmt 00,, fT______DRESSMAKER and »*I/»AK VAKER .

iii.iue ur dav: plush ar.l velvet «lusk«altered «r.d steam».I, cloth gsrmen«» re-

m...!,-.led, pr.saad and cleans! onElo.131 W.«t 2-'l--t._______DRE88MAKER, 20 year»' experience;

lallOt mad» suite, IS; »'»enli.g dressesand fancy wa'.v.«. equally 1 w. Mr-eSMYTH WP» «'.i! ave n,ji MJ ¦»:._DRESSMAKER -Mrs «CTjOKB, ¿M W -»t«t. no«r Bresdeay -AU .tyi«»sdr. «.«.« agd »r»p«; pvrfe.-l flt «-'i«r«nt««d.'I.-.'.I.« nia) furnl.h mat«: Is!. r.»pon»lb!«lreaaonabls. ^^^^^

DRESSMAKER, forma-ly with B. AlimanA fjb.; excellent fifing satBSSB «¦__>!

clcak» and cape»; «2 per d»y. Addre»»DRESSMAKER. 2ft3 West l*th It-

MILLBR A rRMDCR. Pre«>«m*k.«r». -iaWest 40th »t. «re prepared tm order. 1 r

th« opening panaeSi »Il tiottL r.rst-ci»"»».tnU«e»' i-ostumes mud»i ____

MME. TH1HAPI». 74 *"< ¦»*»_¦_ *,*retiirned from Pan« »nd I« ir»i.ared to

tnko order» tut fall ¦"¦ 1 **'"¦""' .'>''...Imported «to,.<1»- modérai» w'- '.'*_SEAL GARMENTS, fine fur» mad« to

order, rem»delllng old i/âimer.ti. ¦",-!.;-tj; price» «ut.iM«. BABKER'B litWest Sftth-»».. I««« «'!«!» Ounther«. Bi '.-

¦ v«.




Ill Pulton S».


i>.sr .Aank'oook No M.aei of '!' '"">'*¦

Dim« Bavlnsa instituí'...1 la mlsalas. «*._peniaa having a c;alm to It I» hereb> *-'?..*¦upon ... srasasl «lie seine wlllili« «»»> '.*'*

,.r « lo having s»:d pae*ba>k CAM*

veiled «nd » new one Issued