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_ v.-.**.->'¦< VOLXI_Vlll.K°'15,307. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1888 . TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. PAVING STONES TOO HANDY' THE MOB _T_OUBLl_SoME IN CHICAGO. .fOLICE FORCM) TO USE THEIR CLUBS ON STEIKEBP.FINED POR NOT DOING THEIR IXOTT.RINGLEADERS ARR I STE D.EF¬ FECT OP TEE STRIKE ON STREET RAILWAY PTOC'KS. IBT TSL-OR-JM TO TUB T_I_C*«!_] ~hicago, Oct. H..The Mayor nnd other city .fflcials seem, lo have- awakened to thc peri! of the city on account of the license allowed th** strik¬ ing street car men. and to-day adopted new* tactics In dealing wit li th.* mob. It has always been the practice of tlie Chicago authorities to temporize lvith cTo\vi!s ard Mrik'Ts uni'I mYBJ wont so far that tlie polieo were obliged to report to desperate means io rr st ore order. Tlie practice has been .opesicd in this instance, but the ex¬ perience las* r:i-lit Mcred the authorities ¦ warning. 1 _irly this fi.rcnnon tho Mayor taned a proclamation request ing citizens not to congre¬ gate on the strict.*, in any part of tho pity. Chief »f Police Hubba rsl and Inspector Bon¬ field wert* in consultation, and instructions were lent tai all stations ft adopt entirely different tactics and to employ any foroo necessary to pre¬ vent a np'-tition of yesterday's seines fag tlie street* An entire company of police were repri¬ manded and fined yesterday for not preventing . blockade. The newspapers too. are unanimous In denouncing tlie rioting. A special committee appoint*'! by tlie Board of Directors of the Association of Conductors nnd Drivers called on Captain Aldrich this morninc Bt the IVs plalin s-st. station, to inform him that the riotous outbreaks in Wt st.-rn-avc. were dis¬ countenanced bf the members of tho association and thet the members of the aiBOOJatlrm (".'.vat¬ ing in such demonstrations will be expelled. A ih'alwart. policeman who was musing a great, cut on his head ns a reminder of the tiouble yesterday and who heard the protestations of the com¬ mittee, said afterward: '" Yes, that's all line, but I've been on the Mndison-st. beat for six years, and know all the drivers and conductors and I saw a frond lot of my old friends heaving rocks at me as we went down-town.'' Thc riotous element on the Nortll Side was busy during the night, "n Qm Sedgwiek-Ct line tho strikers, or theil sympathi/.i r-. had pulled up the rails at two points along the road, at Menominie-st. and at Wisconsjn-st. Obstructions were aJso P-Med al..rig the track. 'Iii" rails had not only be*', pulled up, but had neon carried away. Six cars struted from tlie Sedgwtak-et barns at f.'.'Ao a. m. They were loaded willi police. The ears had to atop every few minutes In order that the tracks ini-ht be cleared and ivhik this was being done the crowds elong the _tree_5 set up their usual yells. Where the rails were torn Dp, Hie ears were dragged over the street um I! the track was reached again. Cars were started out later on the oilier North Side lines, and thy gut through no ch better than heretofore, rubin, ¦entiment, which has been with thc strikers, seemed this morning to be turning, inilueneed by the riotous demon¬ strations in Wi stern-ove. and at Orchard and Illinois sta. No beteet evidence of this is needed than the fact, that passengers were generally patronizing the cars that wei,- run. When only policemen and reporters rode lu the Beeta aud on _}ie platform yesterday and the day before, there were seen men and women. The cars wero nut crowded, but each of the half dozen coming down town or moving back together, carried from four to a deem passengers. There waa au incipient, riot' at Lineoln-ave. Sad Sedgwick'*-., on the North Sid"1, this afternoon. A mob of about 8,00(1 people gathen the cars, hooting the new drivers and pelting them with rotten eggs. The horses ol one car l ame -Tightened, and ran, dn drii r after them. They dashed into iii next car, lmilter.;im tl." t am attached to m. which, in tum. ran into another car, agu and adding tu Che general confusion Order waa tonally restore l by i .:¦ police. ' drivers, who had heel! hi; with a sta] down his lines and refused to drive evy more. As the day pass..], thc crowds ol strikers and Idlers around Ihe banu in Western-ave. in¬ creased, ami about l o'clock there waa a crowd of over 5,000 peoph there. Aluin this time a 'luis load ol new men with a guard oi police drove ap tu the burn. Instantly cries of rage wenti up, aud " Kill the scabs'* waa heard on all side-. The bolder ones, urged on by those in the rrar. rushed upon the omnibus and sur¬ rounded it- A shower of stones began to tall, Captain Aldrich ordered tie officers to ali; til and draw their olu/ba i'laicing himself al thc laud ol the squad ol police, with Lieutenant Shea at h i sid... and wits drawn revolvers, the ca min ordered a charge, li waa mad", bul the strikers resisted sn I had to be clubbed. Every inch ol the pound was conteste*! and Captain Aldrich, niigling out the leaders ol the riot, ordered a >h.!.1 Sa>". h. capture them. The polici rushed thro-gli th moil and succeeded in arrestins eighl nen. who were bundled imo the patrol wagon and driven away to th" station. The mob again made ;. rub at the 'bus, as soon «s the prisoners had boen taken away. They seemed frenzied by the actions ol the police and yelled delianoe al them. The police line wavered a moment, and then the loud voice of Mg Lieutenant Shea waa again heard *' Drive thom back," he y. Hod. and the polio again went to work. Alter fighting for every Inch of ground, the rioters gave woy lid si tittered in nil directions, and the men wore landed in th* barn ia safety. Many of thc leaders il the mob were beaten, and not a little blood was spilled. The crowd outside Ihe born rapid!*: Incr until it numbered 10,000, and it looked ns though Coyne's advice to tie nun to pencil 00 ears to be run would be carried out. At 4 o'clock, how¬ ever, the big doors were swung bick and nearly a hundred patrolmen came oui and cleared tbe tracks before the striken knew whal they were doing. 'Ih n a patrol wagon, load..) with ofBeeri md followed by two sire *t-cars loaded with police- men and reporter-, and Banked bj another iirol wagoo, cane- oi.t ot thc barn, and with nothing mi. serious thi n the yells ol the disappointed mob to obstruct them, went downtown. Hie partly made the trip in good time. "The News" aava: "Some of Lunn Yerkes's friends aro speculating on the strike. They ar.* offering to purchase stocks in the bandi '¦( minority holden. One of the agenta of thc Philadelphia syndicate tried to buy M. C. Mo Donald's holdings of City L*0sscnger Ftailwa*. stock yesterday, but the snave Democratic mogul v., n.e selling thai kind ol stock. Some ru¬ mor! wile to be h.-ard thal iii" Philadelphia syndieate waa no' aggrieved sn much a* it ajv- peared to be by the strike. It was . ...| that i s\ ndicat wai an .io ii lo - min *...- itv s-,,. !, ¦> ..! --ix per cei.; on the Weal Bide stock ai a value ot 1600 took too mach money, it was .-aid Thia sink." wai i" bi need tn avoid I ml agreement, and the minor |ty holders were lo bc given the option ! iHi¬ ing nt a considerable reduction or of taking their chances, on the failure ol the guarantee. Tbe Weal Sid purchase lins proved a profitable In¬ vestment, and the syndicate is thoughl to oeairoua of securini the reniaiudcr ol th The North Side venture is J. ss profitable, but tie- strike has tht some effecl on the stock. Whether tbe syndicate wants mora of it. or not does not appear from any reported oiler to pur¬ eba* .¦" George Schilling, District Master-Worlnnan of the Knights <¦'. Lau r, baa received many m< from the Knights in various pan untry, promising sympathy and support in ih Mr. Schilling declined to give th* names oi the senders. The dispatch from I'hiladelphia waa: " Tlie ^ erkeo syndical controls t he traci ion road here \\e know every man leaving union men among them, ive mail you list Will extend you moral and financial support and ai nc* rc Iv trun tbe struggle will ix i icoesaful." 'Ilie New-York dispatch says: "Yerkes cate ls opera) id on three linet in tins city. None in Brooklyn. All are organized! Do not fear New-., orb Julius Kaeeelberg, s former conductor on tbe Sedgwick-st. line, is a prisoner at the Chi¬ cago Avenue Station, and Captain Sehaaclc, who expreeaee tbe opinion thal toe mas ia a dyna* pdter, is care,a ll) Invesl rating tbe eaoe i prisoner arrested thia afternoon near ih.- ladgaick-ot barns, as be was in tbe soi ol strew* lng along the teach acme black objects about th* sl/e of -.'.alni,ts. lioema who mad the Brie-: brought to tbe st ition with tba prfe. out u dozen of the mysterious objects. The black thing-., winch one ollicer dusigii.-vtsd a_ cartridges, were gSIS.llbj stowed away out of sight. From the description it seemed probable that tL<y aro railway danger signal torpedoes, winch make a loud noise when discharged but do not oontain sufficient explosive to do any damage. ^_ BLAZING AND EXPLODING OIL- VESSELS AND BUILDINGS DESTROYED. LOSS!.} IN VARIOUS I'LACI'S. K'mlra, Oct. ll (.Special).- The grist mill, planing mllb, shingle nilli, cording mill and -Mer mill wpm l,(Kio bushels of grain, 50.000 feet of pine lamber and other eoatents, the property oi Abram and Job Mur¬ ley, at Qicon'! f.st4lng Penn., a small hamlel oa the Buscquehanna River, were destroyed by fin" to-day. Loss S-0,000; ao Iese rance. Tho fire la supposed to have been Ihe work of ai* incendiary. Itfa-lleS. penn., Oct ll¦.Tli-i lemo barn of ("harlin Winiam**, ni Wktts Msreh, MeatgeeMry Ceaaty, »j« de Buoyed hy a supposed mccaa_ary ure this Braning, with a rjiisnilly of praia and liny, farming Implement*, i tn. I. $10,000. partially Maiidan. Jl.ik., (l.t. ll..In . flerci*. wind th« whole town turned out to fight a piaiTi* Dr.- ytttOtAtJ. N<w a of Ps approach carno dd hour before, the Dre Itself, an. fir" I.leak- were skilfully bumed 100 feel oMa, The ,-;,.. ic.iiiies repetSsd la Iha eeeatry thia evening are: Three test by Murrey Pricier, sad loo um* of hay, stables rind benet by Jobs La¦:.. malana, Vt.. Oet ll.-At Byde-rllle, in Ihe treetera Sf CSSttotOa, VU, (hil **'1'l~gi Ure d' il 1 "l.f ;:u--.-ii H.,une, tho Riipii-t. ehareh and a dwetllag earned by Jobs Colver. Thi eoateata if all wore The toai U 023,000. Thi betel was owned by the daughter of T. A. Benowa of ( ,i*tl'un. M.-'.ferd.Ifaas., Oet, h.- Shortly stier 2 p. m. to-day I... ,..!¦.ii Maaatsetariag Co_weay*a simp in got i. .ia leStreyed bf tire. Loss to the company. » .; m balMlaa eras eeasj by Keary Bl Meunif, of Paw. locket, a l. nu Ieee i.i »'i,,V'Q. Tin: REBEL EMBLEMS AT BICEMOND, VA. Philadelphia, Oet ll (Spacial),-Members of tao Philadelphia Brigade who visited Richmond, Vi. weah as (ho guest, af Plebett'i Division will attest the (ruth of every word I" the dispatch prtBtod In The Tribune laal Saturday, In regard te Ute display of thi rebel flairs in the proeeaeloB, .mil the decoroUon of the. ipoatori' itand la Bollywood Cemeterj with me tame em-lame. "Tbe Prece" of this city of Oetober '.: has loila; article, wilden bv one of the PhlladOl j .iiiii,- airer the retuni ol tbe bi pde, which relteratei ni! il at iva, said In ihe Tribune IB the lU-Bgeel lan _^_ DEATB OF A LA HOI! AOITATOB. i bKiagO. UL, Oct. ll..August Bela, who for the pom] nie roars baa beta one «,f tba must active and rad eal later agttafoci in Chicago, Sled la-t Moaday at Boehenhelm, Dear Praoa-ort-oa-the-Malo, Gerutaay, Deli waa nu* sf Ihe otoeaal friends of August Kptos, the Anarchist -«.- .iv ABED MAN KILLED HY .1 thais. Trey, H. Y., Oct. 11.-John l'r*gleh>|.|. S"vcnty-f)ve yean Old, was hilled by a Iraln on tlie Sai-niac I.aho Um Iroad yesterday. He waa deaf. SUICIDE OF A BANE OABEJEM Lanark, II!., Oet HM M. Wolf, the cashier of ibo E-tehaagt Hank, eoatasltted lalehle this atora ag He waa fevad um.- ia bis ehalr with a bullet-hole through Mtgrteed sad tba revolver lying la bia lap. The sci ls r.\ ni hu ted lo deepondency, fha reeull ot 111 health. I uiii.i: BVNDBED TBOPLB TivitT AT oviscy. Quincy, UL, Oat IL.The fiMesMloi bea. ti- fall inc of tho satphltheatTS at the fireworks display In tl,ls i-lty las! nihill are more niiineriiiis than at lr*J iij,.nie.|, bul fco far non**, have proved fatal. Beportl sro atlll bi Iiik received of Injuries. In tho excite- mont fulloAiu- tte orssh. many of thoss hurt were I A LOSS Of NEARLY *300.000 AT TI1E STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S riEKS-.'OUR MEN BUBS. Fire broke out early yesterday morning in thc iron steamer Hails, lying at thc foot of Korti) Tenth-st., Brooklyn, alongside of one of thc piers of Ihr Rbondord Oil Company's storage and shi*>- liing yards. Thc steamer was loaded witn 16,000 of refined oil in tinks. The flames spread rapidly and burned fiercely all day. Two im- HLBM Morehouse*, were totally dcstroycJ, two vessels were rendered useless; four firemen aro lying in a hor.pitul, burned in it horrible manner; Sad nearly half n million dollars have >>ecn lost., j How the rlre originated is a mystery. The tank*. | on boord tie lintis were fully loaded and the hatches had been closed down, ready for sailing orders. The iheory is advanced that it lighted match from tba careless hands of a drunken sailor was the probable COOac of tbe emilia .ration. Almost instantly after the I Hilting out of the flames in the Halls a light wooden shed on the dock near by caught lire, and the flames 00_b- municated with two immense, brick storehouses, in which many thousand barrels of .il wire stored, Loud explosions wire constantly heard within the burning buildings, and it was at. the imminent risk of their lives that the brave firemen approached the seething mass. Joeeph McCormnck and Fireman H. («. Hellen and Jamea McLlmy, foreman ol Engine No. 1"., and Michael (.'Keele, fireman, worked a hose to within thirty (eel of a blazing storehouse nnd had thrown a stream through a break in the wall, when a sudden explosion and upheaval of brick and iron, accompanied by a deluge of burning oil, threw thc* firemen to the ground. They struggl' d desperately to get to their feet, and, with thc aid of their companions, who rushed at once to thc scene, suc¬ ceeded in getting away. All four were burned in a horrible manner about thc head lind hands, and theil suffenn::s were terrible. They were removed to St. Catherine*! Hospital. It was supposed at first that McCor- mack, who was burned about the body, would not survive more than a few hours, but, though in a criticd stale, it wits thought later that be might pull through. The skin ol his face WM completely burned off. Prom the store-bousea and dock the flames spreed to the barb Lila loaded with 4.400 ar reis ol naphtha, _00 cases of Oil and 100 Iv.nels .. 'ii,-. Nun, us explosions and wide sheets of on wrecked the entire interior ol tlc vessel. Twelve lire engines, three trucks, under the com¬ mand nf Chief Nevins, and six fireboat* bom New- York and Brooklyn worked industriously to linell tlie blaze, but. waier only added to its fierceness, ami it waa not until the storehouses nnd their coi tents wee burned i i the very ground that the lire on shore was cercome. The firemen, how¬ ever, succeeded In preventing the Hames Bram communicating to two immense oil tanka In thc tarda. Four vessels, the Avoca. Marie, Deutach- laiid nnd LeopoldshelL were towed into mill¬ s'n-am and sustained little or no damage. The llalis waa taken out lioiu the piers and stre.'in.s of water thrown oxer her. Late last night the oil In her tanks waa still burning. The loss may bc stated to bc about half a mill¬ ion dollars, as follows: Tbe steamer Hurls and cargo, 1255,000; the Kiln Voae and carun. $50,(100; Pratt's warehouses and oil, 1100,000; Philadelphia and Keading Coal and Iron Company, $2.">,0Cr0: the docks and machinery, 175,000; dam¬ age to the ve.-scls that w.-re towed ont in the river, by water thrown into thom, about S6,000. Superintendent Platt, of the barrel-fllling depart merit, anya, however, that ihe company will lose nothing, as it 1ms a system of inouraaee of its own. The orineijal less will fall on tbe owners of ihe voss,-K No statement of the amount of oil in storage could be secured from the Standard Oil Company's office, and the loss can only l»e con¬ coct tired. The company, it is slated, will begin the work of clearing away tlie debris at once, nnd prob¬ ably by the first of next month work will in* re¬ sumed as usual. Qreal crowds hung about tbe scene of the conflagration throughout the day. .- SAVED FROM A BUB-flBG BOUB-fi. Whlli the big oil Bte wai in ptognm la ('rccnpoint St e.. "ii yesterday, a Hr.- brekl cut in a shed IB the rear if the ii.r.¦. -st iry tttms dwalllni rit Nr,. Tn Barnetts!., uni soon nu: nain bull-tag sag pait of th** two (rsm dwelliogs In iii" rear, in ThreoiMnre., were sMsse. il." damage wsi principally to a machine ihop on the Mist floor nf th" house In Harli.-tt-st.. When mattala.iv ivonh $10.COO whs ruln'-d. While tho fire was at Its Andrew C.nrad, of No. 08 Throop-ave., rushed late rile Bartletl¦-_ huiidiiui and, with Rreat dimcuity :oid al (h.- rlsli of lila life, aucoeed.-l In I0eea__f Mis. I.udd, who lay si.k In twd on thc third flo<.r. The ires_aa wa*, nearly ovr.-oma with BBSke, and t-he »a> carried io Coiir;. 1 - i IBM .- ? LOM DI A BKOO__LTH T'lllNTING HOI'sE, A flt-" broke out yesterday In the jirlntlng establish¬ ment of George Preutaol, at No. 7S Bartlett-st,, Brooklyn, and extended lo Boa SI and D3 Ibioop ave The Kb» was about SISjOOO. fal ried away. Mi ny names haves not yet been re¬ ported. About :.(;i> were moro er !e«s In'iiied. THlEVt.S OS (V /. ri UR8I0N TRAIN. PICKPOCKETS BOLDLY r.OnBINO PASSENGERS IN OBOWDI ;> OABB Wabash, Ind., Oct. ll (."special).-Thc excursion train on the Cincinnati, Wabtudi and Michigan EallwsT which reached Ibis elly between one and two o'clock ti,is norning, eoaiiag from the BepuhUeea meeting at QoskSB, was crowded with passmeer-, among whom was a gang of pickpockets from Chicago, Elkhart. Bt Louis and Indianapolis, numbering at least fifty. These thieves wan successful at Goshen yesterday, taldng, lt Is estimate;!, nearly 015,000 from UM crowd. The aaeurakm train south was the last ono to leave (,en and tho thieves bundled lt. Tbere were a great number of Indies" on bnaid. The trouble was begun in tte first coach ly a null-in Who gros-ly In¬ sulted a young weena. Her escort attempted to de¬ fend her. He was seized by the runians, who Jammed Ms head trrouch a cai window and robbed him. Then a raid was made on the l.eiph .¦- paeaeagers, OBO "I whom wa* reported, to have been shot, by the des- perodoea Breral shots were Bred. Woasaa seteoased and fainted, and many of then tushed from one oooeS to another In their effotts to keep out of reach of Ihe robbers. Conductor Johnson and the¬ ter, Ligar Breck-ay, AM aeerythlng poaafbla to pro- serve onier, bm ware enable lo di leel tbe pitty men, as whenever Urey appeared the thJeree stopped work, ni,! the poesengen vere toe frightened io biwaii. Between Goshen and New Tails one of Hie i met a jual f.ilc. Ile to go through tho pockets nf a man from Uni-nw when tn* was seized by the collar and kicked nit the platform. The thief rolled d'.wn rm embankment and disappeared, 'lhis morning two of the pickpockets were arrested, Thirty- four ni the light-fingered -camps put up at the Tre¬ mont Hotel and started thia morning on Ihe c_- eurslon train for Indiana ONLY TWO DE li Its IS' JACKSONVILLE. KOI.TY-SI.VEN BBB I -BBS OB YBLLOBf" FEVER- T11 :.: OBABB BOB WT-DDIHOB Jacksonville, Oet ii (Special)..Hollowing ls the otllclal bulletin fur tbe tv. eiity-fnur houri ending at. fl p. m.: Niimlier ..f new earea._, 47 Number ol death*. i-f Number ni eaaa to data (oorrected). 8,429 Namber ol death* rn date. 30. The (lead today aie: H. H. Jolnuon, snd Mrs. Mada Begfatar. The Storm has partially passed away; that ll, the wind ls slight and lt ls not raining, though the sky ls full of threatening clouds. The norn gangs wore Working cn the streets again to day in full force. There ls dally being accomplished bens work that will so traaa-ana the aapeel <d the city aa'to render it almost unrecognisable by tba thousands of Jackson¬ ville people who snucrht safety In flight. The reports bom those 111 Of fever are all favorable, e\. n from yesterday. -Block] bride, -hn was stricken at the very altar. Thll mania for BI__riOg0 dining the pi cv ai ncc of H.e epidemic ls becoming decidedl. OM Of tin* fentnres of the fever. a negro settlemeni Deer South Jacksonville ls said to ie i..ii of retiow fever, it i- isolated iv guaraa* tine regulationi Boat other placee, and recelTca atien- ii..;i and rappUea from tbe u aol touree Tho Governmeal train took bal tour peeeeogB-i lo Chap Perry yesterday: .Mts. w. ll. Babcock, r>r. Ignacio Mat-tees, \V. B. Hernani and Lewis (.1 liens. borne attempts having been Bude to sell furniture from infected houses, ihe Exeeuttre Coaunlttee lo day forbade the fttlthCl dhpoeltlOB Of such article*. and tnralture alread| sold waa utdered to be returned. Decatur, Ala-, Oet ll..Twa c;,-e-<. both colored, reported yesterday afternoon; ono death.Lissie Jack¬ son (colored). No new eases to dag. JF.IM.MF, COCnitAN, state Health Officer. EXTF.r.TAILMENTS IN AID OF THE I-TNP. This evening a grand concert will ba given In ("bickering Hall In Bid Of the yellow fever fund, under the patronage of the Indies nf tbe Jacksonville BeU-f society. A well leleeted proj*rrammo has been ar¬ ran}*.*tl. Including numb sri bj MISS Annie Bussell, Mme Helen Malgllle. MISS Lily Kunals. Miss Averell Parry, win c. Macfarlane, Michael Banner, Max AJrary, and tho Mendelssohn Mala Quartette, George Francis Train delivered a lecture, last nlcht before a small andlonec a' Clarendon Hail Be a advertised lo ipeak on jrellow ferer, but di.i roi reach hie mbject. the few words ol Introdnctlon' himself, which di ncoessary, occupying the entire evening. Mr. Train laid thai after all be bad telected Hi" more Impoitanl sir j'er of the two. THE EAU. HEEL SUIT. .IL* DO Fa LEWIS. AT BU1TALO, DENIES Till* Till". MOTION TO TABB THI*. P_U -I ' DEBTS TBSIMOJTT. Buffalo, Oct. ii (Special). In the Supreme Coin-? this morning Jude* Lewis denied a motion that a eommlasoa be suthorlsed to lake tba testimony ol resilient Cleveland, in ihe ease af the [tee. Hr. Hall against "The New-York Beening Post." John (;. Milburn, tor the defendant, waated to know if the court w.i- going to give an order that Mr. lerelSOd Ix- forced t" give his evidence lo tbe eirect that be B a libertine ami that Dr. Ball' rious charges n him were true. "Suppose the President refuse! to testify. What thea " Inquired Ihe Ju Iga Mr. Milbore saM thal the PresIdeal nf thc Ballon Couldn't be Starched Olll Of the White House and toto jail, said jinijre Lewis: "Of com se the pruess can lie leaned, but I don't mn how it cjiii.i be enforced, i don't think tbe pjoahtoal is amenable to the court i bardi] Ihlnl he K aten abbi to any court even for any crime he -tight commit Thli c.mri ougbi aol to tend i unless ii eua be eon' Ineed that thc counsel for the plaintiff bas some ground to lormtse thal the Presldenl v, mild ..'.ey the poe'--. H will be the duty ol thll court nol to lasuc ihi- proceM i.;,:ess this is .bown. 1 ... ny ;!. mot o beci ¦-¦ do aol believe thal mada in good faith The court eaannl conceive ibal counsel bclleeei that the lining of this prteesi would avail him aaylhlng In getting evidence." ihe comp, i tor Dr. nail latimaied thal bc mlshi renew thc ipj cation If, in t!i" in ir future, Mr. Cleveland ibould retire to private bte. . -. ( Hl.'f.Srr.l.V WOEKEES AT HOLYOKE. Springfield. Maaa, Oct ii (Special), The twenty. third annual, ead the fourth joint convention, roane Men's Chrl lian At eoelatton of Mi ts and Rhode Island, i'l« ucl B fOUT days' -.--ion nt Holyoke this nfl. n>.ion. Aasoetattoa work for bo] !. 'ii -ii followed exercises of wel¬ come this even lpg, with an addreei bj the Hey. Dr. Alexander McKanrle, nf i ambrldgo. A la*;.*.- number of Christian In attendance. No pasi leen spared to make one ol the most notable gatherlnga of the Mod ever beM in thia region, friday moi li ...ri will op i, with om ins tiona! Bible trudy, following which written reporti Will le iee. hi -I ll. \.|dre- ses. service and dlicu lon* on live topics um follow and an ¦¦¦., ..,.:,i p.,, D_ . .e. re c. (stebbins*, al which Ibo State Committee. ie|Kni will be i. .. .4 BUOOKLYS rOEQEB (AF cut ls TBJLADELPEJA Philadelphia, Oct il (Special). Charles W. Hi Serif, of Brooklyn, waa held In £1,200 ia i to,:.. attempting to j acs forged checks oa John Waua maker, [fe brui a number of cheeki on Bew-Yorh banka aa bli pei-on which he sdmiitod to be forj -? - Till. CONFIDENCE, SAME AGAIN. Manuel Mella, ¦ ¦ rthaat from South America, fell a rietlm t.. ti.:j .. eonSdenec game*' iobm da a Nraaget profo.lag le kao« him i,.\.'- i bin ¦ sad tatrodaeod a Mead te bbs Uni h. bad " I.. -. v niii -I in : (H v. hi. li be wi bi I to ban ".",.;., 1 ,. friend nj av... ," -.. tbe -; baa !¦¦ i.i w. H Barbe ¦oeead bmw, *. i i: ... itapl a. 8. 1 t.. retara with! foot n ava di bi trlai Both- bu from bl . poid Heed Bosrtera. Herb-Id when i tba) i, i i i M -, I.ill ul pawn ti kel tret hand rn bli pnessmlnn. Ore sf called fer Bi ..; ..... rea. bm beiag u. Be wi i .i LiuiTy ai Um IiBshbb Mari Csa i., 11,000 ball. BUSPENSldE m TIMM rn COTTOli BBOEBBS, The is i I ta the I rn Exchange .i ai ll. M. v M i. -oat, I bi af bi Bfteea pi vf eua ling 1 unlit sf theil ;.".!- f .i puMleattoa bul mid Mat the] s ever] bia i ta a few d m..- v. nf the moue ol VA-a ll, j. \v. Baie ' Brm had bSOghl bBSVtly in Od ,,. WSUS had laeaoBy baan so.n« doun. Iukj wero rate, u> Mtr, s'.'jut *7t.000. KILLED OX THEIR HOLIDAY. MUD BUNS AWFUL BUTCHERY. THE LONG LIST OF THE DEAD AND INJURED c_EE__ia up. TnREF. BCORr. OF THE DEAD 1DENTIFIED-T7IE NLMni.ll I.IKI.I.Y TD DR IT KT HER IN- CKEASFD-THE MST OF THE INJURED INCiiMl'i.ETE aconizini; scenes AT MID RCN-EI'ON WHOM DOES THE BBBPOHSIBILI-T BB8T1 mr rtltiraim IO ruc iKino.vaj Willrc.shsrre, Penn., fief. H..The accident on 'lu Lehigh Valley Railroad last night will go on record as the most frightful one In tho. histtiry of the State, nnd one of the most disastrous in the records of the country. Up to 8 o'clock this evening fi ft i, -seven dead bodies had been identi¬ fied, and hy morning this list will be increased to sixty-one, and eventually it must -swell to sixty-.right or seventy, es several case* more in the Wiliicsbrirrc Hospita] ar" beyond recovery. Ail day |i,nu; to-day the Lolikdi Valley station was crowded with trienda of the missinir passsB* Rcrs, and their anxiety knew no bounds. Many ..f tho pasaengCH Of the Eal d train remained over Bl llr./hto'i during tho night, and did not reach .'.ie until this morning. The fact that they did DOt arrive home last, evening led their friends to tba conclusion that they must ba killed. The napeast waa rettered aoaewhat hy the stf**ff"g Mea, who sent telegrama to inforts their friends that thee fm sale. These BM ega. BUS re¬ ceived with the grtateal joy bj their recipients, i'im.e wi;,, fulled tn receive any word were cor- raaponilingiy dept I.l.-T OB IMF. DBAS AND INJURED. As far ns can be ascertained, tho list of ldllcd and wounded is as tallowa: VAMBS OK THE DEAD. ATSJLBSON, mam ir:, neaaaat Valley. i- I BATCHVOBD A., Minook*. BBBHBBT, Mn, PATRICK, Pleasant Valley. BUBKB, BARBT, BeUeeoa (Al.I.amax, Mrs., (lt 1,. _>ark. CANNON. MABT ANN. Hyde Park. "i.'MAN, .IOIIN M., and two sons, Serantoo. < OBABOT, JOHN, Minook.. (ONNl'.rt, MABT, Hyde l'ark. CURBAK, PATRICK, Peasant Valley. 0CS1CB, Mr., Old 1 BOLAH, PATBICK, fl il I IleaBS DOLAH, " MIKF," Providence, f DORAN, ABRAHAM, neaaaai Valley. DOB .N, UPS is. neaaaat Valley. DORAN, PATRICK, Pleasant Valley. DI UKIN, MART ANN iur Fl,I.KN), Scranton. EARLY, WILLIAM. Plee-Ut Valloy. FARRELL, Mrs PATRICK, lUiaaal Valley, EATHER8T0N. LIZZIE, Pleaaaat Valley. GIBBON; tl BT1N, neaaaat Valley. GIBSON, M., Byde Park. hannon, BB hm::'. Mtaeeka- BANNON, Bra RICHARD, Minook!, ii \ur, ANNIE, Byde Park. JACKSON, PRANK, Pleasant Valley. JACKSON, HARRY, PlTftnt Tillar K ELLET,-(Mercury), I'leaiuint Valloy. BJ LLET, WILLIAM. Pleaaaat Valley. KENNEDY g '.Ti.. Hyde Park. KILKULLIN, OWEN, Beraatea. KLINE, JAMES, Provtdeaes, LOFTUS, ANNIE, Olyphaat. MCANDREWS, Mra, Pleasant valley. BEWS, .ioiiN, Pteaasat Valley, Mcandrews, thomas, pleasant vaiicy. MeKEEHAH, JOHH, Pleaaaol Valley. MEEHAN, BERNARD, Pleasant Valley t MEEHAN, MAGGIE, Pleasant Valley., Mrs., Byde Park. MOl i I'i'. MICE IEL, I'-llevue. MOORE, thomas, BallaTua 11. tu; in. I*.. Ml nooka M-XLIGAN, ANTHONT, Olyphant. NOON, WILLI li. Hyde Park. O'BRIEN, BENJAMIN, Pleasent Valley, POWELL, RICHARD, Bydl Park. * QUINLON, KATI',, Scranton. QUINLON, BORA, Senates. REDDT, THOMAS, Pleessat Valley. REILLY ALIE, Bellen* roane minti:. Dodjtetowa. [, ... .N, JOHH, Wtatoo. TYRELL " Ml BE," Dodgetewa. w \i..sii, PATRK !.. Plesesat Valley. WEL IB, JOHN, M .. ifa Mill* WHALEN, MICHAEL, Pleaaaat Valley. WHEELAND, MK II A EL, PleaeaM Valley. Inc list of tli" injured, as far as can bo ssssr- is na talli em: LIST OP THE INJURED. tani'., JOnN, ii leetewu. CAVANAVOH, PETER. Fieri.tem, a_a t.inty- ¦-¦v n lajared knee. CLARK, THOMAS, Old Force; fractured thigh and CLOH1 RTT, WILLIAM, Dod.etown. ion Ni i',;, WALTER ¦- .il;, V. li.LIAM. Iiodfictoiyn. CooiC. BARRY engineer. ..;.",, si IAN, Hyde Pnrk, age nineteen; burnet alu u' r, ;.r"!l.s. DUniOO, " TIM", D.-.-lsetown. tl tNNl IN, -I KM .. "i'i Force. I! NNIBGS, JAMES. Mlnooka, a_e eighteen; apralned oack. ' KENNEDY KATI'.. Hyde Park, age eighteen; burned Shoal lace, lian'is atiA arm-; will di". KLINE, PETTER I'mvi.Fn.-e. ¦(« fifteen; face and handa ara al u UtfUred .ir.-mally. Ll DOH, A. rsi;... - LYDON. A.. JR,- LYNCH, .loHN, i'rovldence, tue twenty-two; burned arma. an 1 bl MeANDRXW, JOHH, Olyplinnt. McCROWE, JOHN, ProTideaee; bumed face and le_. M.ii \, l" .-.nt, Talley, SCI thirty-nine; bnrned arma and ShOOMsta. MCGOWAN, ANDBEW, Providence, ice. twenty-six; coniunuiui Iraetors i f Iib Mi LAUGHLIN, TaylorrtU* MALONEY anni: '..- MALONEY SARAH.- .'. ll.o\ IV, WILLI \M.-¦ IfLHERRIN, JOHH, PrerMaaee. MVRRAT, P., *i*;iv 1.1 vin.* O'HARA, ANTHONY, H-llevuo. PEKDOBKY, IONAT. - JOHN Inikiaaaai left leg injured. HAGEN, JOHN, Provtdeaeej l-".*ra(e<rl wound of wrist M AILI 8, JOSEPH, Pleaaaol Valley. ¦j ROY, THOMAS, Olyphaat, v. vi.r ii, MARTIN, Olypkaal WELSH, JOHN, Pl i lal \'alley, agc twenty; com- poand frr^..ui- of leg; aavpatattea aaeseasry. WELSH, MIBUAEL * nty; burned shoal Ui" faee sad han ls. WELSH, MICHAEL, Pleaaaat Talley, age MraaMaa; - IB 1*. Twenty-one nf tho victim* arc from Plcn.f".**iit Valley, i town ol 5,000 inhabitant-. A pnblie funeral v.ill be bold on Saturday. Tba whole tows la in inoorning. Tlie deed will be token m thr-ir homes to-night Two oarlooda of eofflna wen* taken from Wilkeaba_re to Mud Run this morning, vt Tin*. SCENE of Till*. ACCIDENT. A vi>.t io tin- scene of thc wreck thia mornin? sin'.Mil un awful sight Tin* groned when* thc at took plsee oovered with i>oo_- of blood. The (lend wen* bid OUt on shelves in a tool-hooae, Bobm oi them wen- mangled ls laes ;i bi rrible manner ns to be ahnooi unrecognisable Miss EYatherston, who died in the greoteot agony after the trainmen apenl three boora in trying to .lu' her ont of the wreak, waa nr roved to her lulu" nt mi curly hour. Her lek's were in,i .nd into ii |elly, nnd iii catting tho raina away one ol tbe workmen eui portion of thc lady's toot ii. William Keir/, of Pleaeani Valley, had bia bead ant efl by i>.-in_r lammed between two scats. Ih- two Jackson boya erere afanoel sal la taro Mi' ..,;, bad his anna and lop cut oil and oothing remained bul the trank of the body. Dr. Tonier asid ha bad been bb m.orv .. battle- Held li the late war. bm Beret witoeeeed such ts he did last night. The railroad ooaipanj had thirty physictaas ob tba ground al I o'oloek tins n-orning*i Thc eoss- i-.imv is being eritioiaed aeverely for Ita lafaaal lo ipeetal tram cuni.iirnc r lu pricsti to the BBBBB ol the i.eei-l. ii! lilsl nihill. There was only .¦no priest, pri -stnt, l'alinr .Miiley, and he couhl not attend to all tb- dying. Ihe railroad com- fiany say that had they run a train, a thousand tropic would have"d to go, and had they been refused ft riot might Lave followed. liBgfltQfir Cooke, whose engine ran into the Iniin ahead of him, wits interviewed to-night Ile us there wen- no dinner Bignall displayed mid that he did not sec the train until he was on top of it. PRECAUTIONS OF THE RAILROAD COMPANY. It, is quite obvious, as will he seen by tbe follow¬ ing special rules issued yesterday and put up on the hallett!- and placed in flu hands of all eag-Deera nnd conductors, that tM Lehigh Valley i.mpany took every [ireenution to in.-ure again.t accident. Tbe following are the orders issued nnd in possession of all to whom addressed yes¬ terday. Superintendent's Office, WllXesbarre. Oct. 10, 138£; i oadnetora and engineer-*, of trains _, o, 12, 75, special passenger trains, belying engineers and oper¬ ators Von viii obnerve the following Instructions this .-lav; if mort* than ono sealion ere ma en tho tims of elihor ol Hie above trains, they will keep mn minutes apart. Operators at telegraph cflli regnlate tho time, should you be held tot nine br any operator, jot **lil pull your train b.v lila signal until your lust car has passed tho length of two rails, ri" 1 v\:ilt until vour time ls Bp. Protect your rear. Krtst-hourn! trains need lceep only five mlnut/'s apart betwees Wll-eeborre and Summit Switch. All trama trill approach telegrapb ofllcea under full eontroL Helping eugine' to east-bound trains will pull lo -Ue-iml* s-wlti'li and hack In on «r.i bound iran;. (Signed) A. WTCHEIaL, Superintendent The coroner of Carbon County. I'r. J. A. Morn, solved al the Beena of the occident shoal i| u. m. Ile had selected the following citizens ol Mau di Chunk- as ii iury William K. Huller, John L. Steadman, I*. F. Murrav. Dr. .). A. Mayer, R. <}. lintier, and A. II. lol,ins. They Immediately viewed tba dead and proceeded to take the testimony of lome of the train-hands be¬ longing to the t.wo sect ions, among them Charles Terry, conductor of the ii frit section, and Hugh Galloway, fireman of Engine 4.". on aha s__th section, Which struck the fifth, and the Station agent. _ _ MUD BUN'S GHASTLY HOBBOB. EXTRICATING THE DEAD AND RESCUING THE WOUNDED. HEARTRENDING SIGHTS OX THE E1FJ.D OF DISASTEIV-ALIF.N'ATINO THE SUFFERINGS OF THE VTCTIMS-I.NC'INEER COOK CHARGED WITH THE CALAMITY. l_T TELROK_rH TO TH* TBIBr**«T_] White Haven, Penn., Oct. H..Before noon today the wrecking train hud removed the last splinters of the ruins of last night's disaster, and there la nothing IS show that there had bSSB ii feurful wreck. From Drs. A. C. Snyder, Samuel W. Trimmer, William Breder, M. S. Mnrst/'llar and John IC Taylor and others who went from b-TO ru aid the wounded immediately after the acci¬ dent, the following details have been gained: Tin* raging thal was drawing the wrecked train was dispatched SI soon as [Kissible ;>ft<T tho crash to bring aid from this point. Mud Run is about livi mri's below and the relief party arrived there at 0:2o, nearly nn hour and a half after th'* collision. They took with them bandages, lint and Bach medicines as were thought necessary. Before their arrival, the scene-, a.s deeerfbed by an i*ye-witnes<, was appalling beyond description. No cool organized elTort could be mude to extri¬ cate the wounded or to soothe the dying. Train¬ men and passengers alike rushed hither Bad thitln-r in frantic excitement, and the dismal calls of the suilering* nnd terrified passengers wero mingled with the hiding steam from the disabled engine and the shrill whistle that blew a con¬ tinuous and mournful blast as long as any sU-am remained. Thc deadly work that had been done presented a terrible spectacle when tho relief party reached the spot. Ihe roar car of the hailing train had been driven through the preceding one so that they seemed but one car, and the front engine Of the two locomotives which drew the on¬ coming train had ploughed its way twelve or fif¬ teen lett Into the wreck. Huge bonfires had been lighted near the wreck, and tiie victims were seen crushed in B compact mass in front of and shove the engine, were Bitting In life-like altitudes, With eyes 0(>en end staring, uti,ts looked terrified and with hands extended and eyes bulging from their sockets and tongues protruding, Beamed to have Caught thc horror of the impending doom. lt waa some time Iwfore anything could bc done ta restore order. As soon as an attempt «as made to haul the engine rut of the wreck, several half- crazed men armed themselves with eoupling-pina nnd Unka and swore that they would brain the first mun who attempted to move any portion of the wreck. They wero finally persuaded to lei the worn go on, and arrangenn nts were niado ai once to send the -.assengets who remained unhurt to their destination, as it was practically out ot" the question tc do anything with thctn on the ground. They '¦"re finally started for the north at. j i. m., iind by 4 o'clock fifty-seven bodies were taken from the wreck. Before the passengers started, however, they li(d taken in charge many of their friends who were injured, to prevent their being taken to hospitals, and many of these were too seriously hurt, the doctors say, to endure the journey in the ordinary way. Many of them will no doubt die. SBd there are reports that Berets] have al¬ ready succumbed. DEADLY WORK OP CAS AND STEAM. The killed nnd those most seriously hurt were In Ihe two cars which " telescoped." In i rushing through the cars the smoke Staph and dome i f the huge locomotives were carried away, giving vent to b great volume of gas nn.i steam, by which most of the victims are believed to have perished Many pitiful episodes were witBeaaed. A woman, who with her two small boya had a seat in the I rear car of the ill-fated train, was standing OH the platform when the other tram approached and jumped off to eena pc Then, soddenly re¬ membering in her terror that ber children were In the car. she hurried on board, and they all perished together. a young woman, who was wedged in between several dead bodies some of which had to be diamembered before she could be tot our, teemed perfectly cool when she was extricated and told the doctors to sec t<> the others as sh- was nil ri .iii. She look d on putn ntly for a tim., but she soon began to sink and died soo;. two hours tate.. MIN Isl M. TO TIIE WO IN I il-.H. The doetOTB turned the forward ears of the wreck d seen, ns Into boepitnla, sad while they e tr* Btiniatering to the wounded ambuhtnee oara wen ordered from Wilkeebarre and Ifauoh Chunk. One company whs taken to the fomseff point by Doctor Trimmer and a party to St. Luke's Hospital al Bethlehem. It was Impoesible to tell how Beeag wen" hurt. I he doctors snd their useistant . a all night, Htid by the early dawn ibis morning the railroad company had wreckers clearing anray Sha ruins. Only one truck had left the track so thi tlie road wa.s not blocked. The demolished loco¬ motive Wils taken to the Wilki sburro shops. BOd the wrei ked can shunted upon an old aide track. where they are oonoealed by beovy foliage. I in-, nu.ruing the railroad compaai __adt sra rangumenta to have the deed prepared for burial and placed in collina here. A. large order for < iffins was BOnl to llil/.lct-oli. the town itt win.di thc paaaengerB held their festivities, but be¬ fore Hi.- onhr gould be Oiled a -umber ol prj .- l.l arrived here iimi tori.ole ti., nott piny to carry oat ito plan, liev preferred thal dbe bodiea .should be arni to -heir bornes lust a.s ih.y were BO that tin- people might rea m.nuilung of the real horror of the calamity. lin- bodies were then hurried away, and there ure Booree ol hom" in mounting to-night in th to, na and *rillagea from which men and women buvs ami girls, hail conn* m, recently lora merry holiday. I'hc railroad B»n Bl every pom' reins, to I.i Ik about the a.cid.ul wen BOW, Hut thej SN all saddened by it, and tsiy Ihy cannot recover from the shock Tin. i u bs BOW OB BXOLBBEB ('inn; C....k, Ihe engineer of the BBStlflB that the wreck, is generally believed to be in fault, lt, is firmly believed that he waa either a_l>*ep t .uOi.uc- en -rcuml l*n_.\ A WINNING TICKET NAMED. CITY REPUBLICA>S CHOOSE STRONG CJ_S'D_. DATES. FOR MAYOR, COLON Ll. HREL B. F.RnARDT: TOM SnKRIFK. JOHN W. JACOBUS; FOR COUNTY/ CLERK. HENRY C. PERI.EY; FOR PRESI¬ DENT OF THE B'lARD OF ALDER¬ MEN. JOHN T. VAN RENSSE¬ LAER; FOR CORONERS. JOHN R. n::gi:nt, ferdinand EIDMAN AND WILL- I AM WAINMAN. Thero may have been more noisy RepublirjiB County Conventions held in this city than tito one of la_t eveiiiiio*, but there h'ts never been ona that feJt more confident of victory or one that so bubbled over with fggd nature. It wai en*, phatirally u jolly convention. The name of every candidate whs greeted with cheers, and all were nominated hy acclamation. The following is the ticket! Mayor.Joel H. Erhanit. SbarlB..fohn W. Jacobus- .".ninty I iori ilenry C. Perley. I' of thc Beard of Aldermen-James T. Van Rensselaer. Corooeis- .'n*rn B. Nus«nt, Ferdinand Eilmsn and Vllllam 'Ilie convention was emphatically n representa¬ tive one. .Ml the leBdO-B were there. Every shade of HepabliSSB opinion had ifs representa- tiv.s. ProSBineBt arnon? those present were Ed¬ ward Mit. h. ll, Elihu Hoot, A. Ii. Whitney. Gen¬ eral Joseph CL Jackson, John D. LaWBBBi rx- oid_e Ernest Hu!], .Irenes M. Vurnum. Charles W, TaintOT, Leonard Ha/letine. Joseph Pool, James P. Foster. John Iieisrnwrber, W. H. Hell imy. Jobs E. Brodaky, Oeatga B. Deane, jr.. John S mps.m, Henry C. Hotty, Jacob M. r*litter*-on, Dwi .-ht Lawrence, QeBSlBl Henry A. Ilarrium, Frank Raymond, S. H. Randall, ("harlen R% Cronin, Clan-nce W. Meade, William Wade, John (1. Windolph, Henry C. Backus Jacob He«s Solon B. Smith, Colone-1 .To*»l Bf, H-SS-t Donald McLeun and William H. Waterhouse. the co rv vent roy a bk. onb. The hall of the Grand Opera House wa* filler] tn overflowing. John D. Lawson moved that Ed¬ ward Mitchell bo made chairman. Secretary Bellamy put the motion and it was carried by acclamation. Mr. Lawson and Joseph pool wena appointed a committee to conduct Mr. Mifehe.ll to tlie chair. When the applause had ce_*cd, Mr. Mitchell sud: It la not neeeasary for me (o remln.t any one within the souti't of my \olee ot the diagraceful condition ot Ula affairs ..f this elty. Von aro all famill-tr with it. t SSS 1 not tell you here, nor the. sBSSSOa -lid the taxp.ij- er.?, that tho two factions of tho Denjovratii* party hate held tbe power In th.s city for the last thirty-one y, i i I med not real t | m Bt SB ''.at which ha*, been i«ai..-4 doBoucfag Tfirisay BslTi practice*. I nee>i not wu too that the«j tito li I.m BON B0V0I In favor nf a >.; I tl. kft when thero waa diner: that, ll dlvldcl. they * I.e BsMaBia. I need nol tell you how thia community waa shocked whi*n Ih*. arrangement was male, to dui la between tin?** iwo organizations (ho city*. I _e*4 not tell yon about our ch!*f nair,strata that he waa > ?he<i:cl with those who sup'ortei bim In lM-M that bo w. ul 1 ;:ot, unler any circumstances, .. eept any nomlnv don from Tammany Hail. You are familiar with all (hess things, and If tba clllrena and taxpayers of the etty of Bew-Teth are reaiy to continue tho extravagant expendi¬ tures of their money, as ls Indicated by the rreat taxation with which th" clt-y ls burdened, then they will eleet moro Democrats thoso ofllccs. Kecollec" that th* taxation f tbl. etti to-day In something enormous, snd I sn nit out of tb- v.ay when I say tuut a great d.*al of the money coen into the city treasury for tho pnrpose of betas ri- travasantiy CNpendud by Demo'rratie offlcl-Ia. I Lull*-ve that tbe wisdom of thia convention wl.l select m can lt. Jutes ror plare before tho people of (ho city of Now-V«rk, to |,e voted for at the romln*; election, men whoa* recordo will ne » guarantee that the public will honestly, capably and f.'.lt'ifully a«*rvel; sui If the Republicans do their duty ac tie polls and vote for thiao cand.datca -lir..iigii ard through they will bo cl-'cted. (Applause.) Frank Raymond moved that William H. Bellamy and J. ThOflBBa Stearns be made the sec¬ retaries of the convention. This was carried unanimously. Hm roll of delegates was then called, and with a (SW .substitutions the dcle-ntnifiN were complete. MB. BOOTSSPBaOfl BOMIBAX-BO COL. KUMARur Wh-B the chairman announced that nominations for Mayor w_re ls order, Qiho Bool went to the platfuim, and spolt.i aa, toUowe: I have hesa UrssMB by the ¦asssan of tin* conferences fttapseed ..f a representative of ea.h Assembly Dlatrlot ls this etty, after del.I).-ration. Invcati|*a'.l..ri and SMMMBBM SXtaaSlag thi u,*li I SI.Bl IS thia c<.ti\en- ...ii si their unanimous laeeaaMO-Bttea Ih rh.' tmA hag of Lho Mayoralty the nani" of J.W n. r.rhsr-lt. (Ap. plause.. il" ls a U.*|iubll."aii (tsaewoi,, aug (hat, thank ll*a\. -ii, this psst i...* so|f a title of respect bot au omen of sueesas. lie bas alnava been a Rcpubll- *:_ ll" val bern ..ii Maa-BUBB inland, anl dunns al Ms Uta bi* Bsa bern ldeut.Ued with tbe Interests of BAS great cit*- i my ha ban j:»a;» teer, ¦ BapaSBaB-b for ni tin* llr»: \li?..** of Bil BBMheei, in IHill. ho enlisted aa a rlvatl In a New-York re.iin-nt anl we-it t.. ihe front. anS _treu_S UM hottest, fos BletI M the lUll rode at liii* head of his tr pp of cavalry and Bevel vi-ned his ba.k ..n the rn.-my, and during the Drat'. Riots, aa provost mar¬ shal, he wru a tower M strength for th" MOSS of law »n I nrrler In this city. Be !s no ordinary BBB- BM BoaBMaa are not weak. Ile ts no untried niau, ho ls no unknown ¦BB to tlie citizens M Bao-Tllk. Many y^ars ago, when Lulled fctates DtstHlt Atteeaay, he waa an tMStJSA an* untiring pro'vecutor, and as a Police Commissioner his bailie VS! a synonym fer tie tsltkM d MSaiB "f hla dolf. Ia his business relations be has won UM M-BBB! aud ad¬ miration of .11 who knew Blas As a i.ubll.- officer, when .'.rt rr.--, iv|"Vm his gra.*p, n-jt a fhoii-ht of nelrtng them enterod his mind. He ls a n an vip.:.Kr iiosltlTe, -SSBn_-M-i hilliest, generous sad able. Not a stain has i-i sa tis BBB-S Not a man can sar a wo.-4 ir*a!."i-", him to liiij** acb his qu..!Ifloatioiis for tbe Mayoralty ..f New. York. If v.,u ail b.'.I've as I believe, ho can bo e'ectel A nlea, " You're rlKhtl") We -ll know that daughter a'ld applause.) if we believe in the Repebliran party lu* ian Bl clefted. The h>-:ny veto that will bo cist for ii. M. n ani Morton should glvo our candidate ¦ thiny thousand maj..illy. We should bear no moro of a R*> publican votiiif for Hewitt. No who respects Ga* Held nould entertain (hat thought for a moment. Ne .i.:ti s ho ballews la UM patlg that has made this country what lt ls (.. ilny wotto UUah "f \ollng for the arch im-niv ef '.lie Rf MlfBB party. If you ni.m'.nsie Krhardt t-»-nii_ht. the BsoaMteao party, a"- repiei^nted by tho Bsrrlsea anl MortOB bann. r. «r.i achieve s power that h il. wu frrr In th>" f'i'un*. , ( BOB! N nv A(VI.AMATION. Charlea <i. Croain teeended the rominntion. and it araa maile ti-, aedaB-atioB ssiM a tunvilt of heers.. As these were d*,in<*; away, ii voice de. BMHtded: "What is the matter with MB-N-tf** With ono retea til" eoavcatioa ahoata4: " He's all riRht."' There wiis a volley of latitfhrer snd three more cheers were j*i\en for the candidate for Muir. lollS* W JACOB''1; FORSIirniFF. Civil Just iee Geoff! H. Denne then nominatfs_ John \V. Jucobiis for Sherri Ile asMi Mu bvhalf of ih.. .l.;,.ation fMm UM l.\(h District, ( '. nam' tor Sib. .lil au vat.mable i,U/.n ian J lurg WUBlag I .n If he la MseteS, he will pcrturn ih.- dur ' Ul. t In sj!i a w..v a. to do c***_il I., um is* "p ah ii. i-i io i aa! ih..>o via aleeiei him. i uoiiilnati) John OT, Ja. obus. Henry (lint.rn ltic!< is seconhd tbe nominit- tinii in n few w. ll .in's, n> I IL WhiUiey m..\nl tJint. the nomination bc m.rle by BOalS- inat.ini, and this w;o .lune willi another round of ei'.ei rs. !'.> th.s lime the ci.riu-iitinii brid worked (taohf tip tn a piteh of jollity Ilia'. BoH-Bf could witb- Mitnd. Thats could not have been a better io ht, had ih" BMStlsf sees oas le aslsSBSti ii vieimy, i.i.ti.i.i ll pl:- Bg B ticket ll the th ld. ( ¦¦KBa I "'I Ol 'Ml SAL lt mini M. Winn th- ihairiiiui .um.Mneed tJiat noniimv- bs i"i Cdaatj Cl Ik were ta order, sud Ger¬ eta! Bbibiub areee, ha was greo-S- villi a re md of ahearn Ba Shade ena Bf ike lat_taf SfBeehas ol tin* rvenitu. Ha paid u. iribnto lo ihe c..n- .i.l.ies mi the Not....a! and *stat" tn ki ls sud thea supl h.- \s uh.d to place in norn.nation as maa who proved bjt manhood wlien toe ooattUT ncided mea. He wos recounting tho feet thgih

Transcript of · _...

Page 1: · _ v.-.**.->'¦< VOLXI_Vlll.K°'15,307. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1888 .TEN

_ v.-.**.->'¦<







IBT TSL-OR-JM TO TUB T_I_C*«!_]~hicago, Oct. H..The Mayor nnd other city

.fflcials seem, lo have- awakened to thc peri! of thecity on account of the license allowed th** strik¬ing street car men. and to-day adopted new* tacticsIn dealing wit li th.* mob. It has always been thepractice of tlie Chicago authorities to temporizelvith cTo\vi!s ard Mrik'Ts uni'I mYBJ wont so

far that tlie polieo were obliged to report to

desperate means io rr st ore order. Tlie practicehas been .opesicd in this instance, but the ex¬

perience las* r:i-lit Mcred the authorities n« ¦

warning. 1 _irly this fi.rcnnon tho Mayor taneda proclamation request ing citizens not to congre¬gate on the strict.*, in any part of tho pity.

Chief »f Police Hubba rsl and Inspector Bon¬field wert* in consultation, and instructions were

lent tai all stations ft adopt entirely differenttactics and to employ any foroo necessary to pre¬vent a np'-tition of yesterday's seines fag tliestreet* An entire company of police were repri¬manded and fined yesterday for not preventing. blockade. The newspapers too. are unanimousIn denouncing tlie rioting.A special committee appoint*'! by tlie Board of

Directors of the Association of Conductors nndDrivers called on Captain Aldrich this mornincBt the IVsplalin s-st. station, to inform him thatthe riotous outbreaks in Wt st.-rn-avc. were dis¬

countenanced bf the members of tho associationand thet the members of the aiBOOJatlrm (".'.vat¬

ing in such demonstrations will be expelled. Aih'alwart. policeman who was musing a great, cut

on his head ns a reminder of the tiouble yesterdayand who heard the protestations of the com¬

mittee, said afterward:'" Yes, that's all line, but I've been on the

Mndison-st. beat for six years, and know all thedrivers and conductors and I saw a frond lot of

my old friends heaving rocks at me as we wentdown-town.''Thc riotous element on the Nortll Side was

busy during the night, "n Qm Sedgwiek-Ct linetho strikers, or theil sympathi/.i r-. had pulled upthe rails at two points along the road, at

Menominie-st. and at Wisconsjn-st. Obstructionswere aJso P-Med al..rig the track. 'Iii" rails hadnot only be*', pulled up, but had neon carriedaway. Six cars struted from tlie Sedgwtak-etbarns at f.'.'Ao a. m. They were loaded willi

police. The ears had to atop every few minutesIn order that the tracks ini-ht be cleared and

ivhik this was being done the crowds elong the_tree_5 set up their usual yells. Where the railswere torn Dp, Hie ears were dragged over

the street um I! the track was reached again.Cars were started out later on the oilier North

Side lines, and thy gut through no ch betterthan heretofore, rubin, ¦entiment, which hasbeen with thc strikers, seemed this morning to

be turning, inilueneed by the riotous demon¬strations in Wi stern-ove. and at Orchard andIllinois sta. No beteet evidence of this is neededthan the fact, that passengers were generallypatronizing the cars that wei,- run. When onlypolicemen and reporters rode lu the Beeta aud

on _}ie platform yesterday and the day before,there were seen men and women. The cars wero

nut crowded, but each of the half dozen comingdown town or moving back together, carried fromfour to a deem passengers.There waa au incipient, riot' at Lineoln-ave.

Sad Sedgwick'*-., on the North Sid"1, this afternoon.

A mob of about 8,00(1 people gathen

the cars, hooting the new drivers and peltingthem with rotten eggs. The horses ol one carl ame -Tightened, and ran, dn drii r

after them. They dashed into iii next car,

lmilter.;im tl." t am attached to m. which, intum. ran into another car, agu andadding tu Che general confusion Order waatonally restore l by i .:¦ police. ' drivers,who had heel! hi; with a sta] downhis lines and refused to drive evy more.

As the day pass..], thc crowds ol strikers andIdlers around Ihe banu in Western-ave. in¬creased, ami about l o'clock there waa a crowdof over 5,000 peoph there. Aluin this time a

'luis load ol new men with a guard oi policedrove ap tu the burn. Instantly cries of ragewenti up, aud " Kill the scabs'* waa heard on

all side-. The bolder ones, urged on by thosein the rrar. rushed upon the omnibus and sur¬

rounded it- A shower of stones began to tall,Captain Aldrich ordered tie officers to ali; til anddraw their olu/ba i'laicing himself al thc laudol the squad ol police, with Lieutenant Shea at

h i sid... and wits drawn revolvers, the ca minordered a charge, li waa mad", bul the strikersresisted sn I had to be clubbed. Every inch ol thepound was conteste*! and Captain Aldrich,niigling out the leaders ol the riot, ordered a >h.!.1Sa>". h. capture them. The polici rushed thro-glith moil and succeeded in arrestins eighl nen. whowere bundled imo the patrol wagon and drivenaway to th" station. The mob again made ;.

rub at the 'bus, as soon «s the prisoners hadboen taken away. They seemed frenzied by theactions ol the police and yelled delianoe al them.The police line wavered a moment, and then theloud voice of Mg Lieutenant Shea waa againheard

*' Drive thom back," he y. Hod. and the polioagain went to work. Alter fighting for every Inchof ground, the rioters gave woy lid si tittered innil directions, and the men wore landed in th*barn ia safety. Many of thc leaders il the mobwere beaten, and not a little blood was spilled.The crowd outside Ihe born rapid!*: Incr

until it numbered 10,000, and it looked ns thoughCoyne's advice to tie nun to pencil 00 ears tobe run would be carried out. At 4 o'clock, how¬ever, the big doors were swung bick and nearlya hundred patrolmen came oui and cleared tbetracks before the striken knew whal they were

doing. 'Ih n a patrol wagon, load..) with ofBeerimd followed by two sire *t-cars loaded with police-men and reporter-, and Banked bj another iirolwagoo, cane- oi.t ot thc barn, and with nothingmi. serious thi n the yells ol the disappointed mobto obstruct them, went downtown. Hie partlymade the trip in good time.

"The News" aava: "Some of Lunn Yerkes'sfriends aro speculating on the strike. Theyar.* offering to purchase stocks in the bandi '¦(

minority holden. One of the agenta of thcPhiladelphia syndicate tried to buy M. C. MoDonald's holdings of City L*0sscnger Ftailwa*.stock yesterday, but the snave Democratic mogulv., n.e selling thai kind ol stock. Some ru¬

mor! wile to be h.-ard thal iii" Philadelphiasyndieate waa no' aggrieved sn much a* it ajv-

peared to be by the strike. It was . ...| thati s\ ndicat wai an .io ii lo - min *...-

itv s-,,.!, ¦> ..! --ix per cei.; on theWeal Bide stock ai a value ot 1600 took toomach money, it was .-aid Thia sink." wai i"

bi need tn avoid I ml agreement, and the minor|ty holders were lo bc given the option ! iHi¬ing nt a considerable reduction or of taking theirchances, on the failure ol the guarantee. TbeWeal Sid purchase lins proved a profitable In¬vestment, and the syndicate is thoughl to .¦

oeairoua of securini the reniaiudcr ol thThe North Side venture is J. ss profitable, buttie- strike has tht some effecl on the stock.Whether tbe syndicate wants mora of it. or notdoes not appear from any reported oiler to pur¬eba* .¦"

George Schilling, District Master-Worlnnan ofthe Knights <¦'. Lau r, baa received many m<

from the Knights in various pan untry,promising sympathy and support in ihMr. Schilling declined to give th* names oi thesenders. The dispatch from I'hiladelphia waa:

" Tlie ^ erkeo syndical controls t he traci ion roadhere \\e know every man leaving hero.nounion men among them, ive mail you list Willextend you moral and financial support andainc*rc Iv trun tbe struggle will ix i icoesaful."

'Ilie New-York dispatch says: "Yerkescate ls opera) id on three linet in tins city. Nonein Brooklyn. All are organized! Do not fearNew-., orb

Julius Kaeeelberg, s former conductor on tbeSedgwick-st. line, is a prisoner at the Chi¬cago Avenue Station, and Captain Sehaaclc, whoexpreeaee tbe opinion thal toe mas ia a dyna*pdter, is care,all) Invesl rating tbe eaoe i

prisoner arrested thia afternoon near ih.-ladgaick-ot barns, as be was in tbe soi ol strew*lng along the teach acme black objects aboutth* sl/e of -.'.alni,ts. lioema who madthe Brie-: brought to tbe st ition with tba prfe.out u dozen of the mysterious objects. Theblack thing-., winch one ollicer dusigii.-vtsd a_

cartridges, were gSIS.llbj stowed away out ofsight. From the description it seemed probablethat tL<y aro railway danger signal torpedoes,winch make a loud noise when discharged butdo not oontain sufficient explosive to do anydamage. ^_



LOSS!.} IN VARIOUS I'LACI'S.K'mlra, Oct. ll (.Special).- The grist mill, planing

mllb, shingle nilli, cording mill and -Mer mill wpm

l,(Kio bushels of grain, 50.000 feet of pine lamber andother eoatents, the property oi Abram and Job Mur¬ley, at Qicon'! f.st4lng Penn., a small hamlel oa theBuscquehanna River, were destroyed by fin" to-day.Loss S-0,000; ao Ieserance. Tho fire la supposed tohave been Ihe work of ai* incendiary.

Itfa-lleS. penn., Oct ll¦.Tli-i lemo barn of ("harlin

Winiam**, ni Wktts Msreh, MeatgeeMry Ceaaty, »j« de

Buoyed hy a supposed mccaa_ary ure this Braning, with a

rjiisnilly of praia and liny, farming Implement*, i tn. I.

$10,000. partially Jl.ik., (l.t. ll..In . flerci*. wind th« whole

town turned out to fight a piaiTi* Dr.- ytttOtAtJ. N<w a

of Ps approach carno dd hour before, the Dre Itself, an.

fir" I.leak- were skilfully bumed 100 feel oMa, The ,-;,..

ic.iiiies repetSsd la Iha eeeatry thia evening are: Threetest by Murrey Pricier, sad loo um* of hay,

stables rind benet by Jobs La¦:..malana, Vt.. Oet ll.-At Byde-rllle, in Ihe treetera Sf CSSttotOa, VU, (hil **'1'l~gi Ure d' il 1 "l.f

;:u--.-ii H.,une, tho Riipii-t. ehareh and a dwetllag earned

by Jobs Colver. Thi eoateata if all wore

The toai U 023,000. Thi betel was owned by the

daughter of T. A. Benowa of ( ,i*tl'un.

M.-'.ferd.Ifaas., Oet, h.- Shortly stier 2 p. m. to-dayI... ,..!¦.ii Maaatsetariag Co_weay*a simp in got

i. .ia leStreyed bf tire. Loss to the company. »

.; m balMlaa eras eeasj by Keary Bl Meunif, of Paw.

locket, a l. nu Ieee i.i »'i,,V'Q.


Philadelphia, Oet ll (Spacial),-Members of taoPhiladelphia Brigade who visited Richmond, Vi.weah as (ho guest, af Plebett'i Division will attest the(ruth of every word I" the dispatch prtBtod In TheTribune laal Saturday, In regard te Ute display of thirebel flairs in the proeeaeloB, .mil the decoroUon of the.

ipoatori' itand la Bollywood Cemeterj with me

tame em-lame. "Tbe Prece" of this city of Oetober'.: has loila; article, wilden bv one of the PhlladOlj .iiiii,- airer the retuni ol tbe bi pde, which relterateini! il at iva, said In ihe Tribune IB the lU-Bgeel lan


DEATB OF A LA HOI! AOITATOB.i bKiagO. UL, Oct. ll..August Bela, who for the

pom] nie roars baa beta one «,f tba must active and

rad eal later agttafoci in Chicago, Sled la-t Moadayat Boehenhelm, Dear Praoa-ort-oa-the-Malo, Gerutaay,Deli waa nu* sf Ihe otoeaal friends of August Kptos,the Anarchist -«.-

.iv ABED MAN KILLED HY .1 thais.

Trey, H. Y., Oct. 11.-John l'r*gleh>|.|. S"vcnty-f)veyean Old, was hilled by a Iraln on tlie Sai-niac I.aho

Um Iroad yesterday. He waa deaf.

SUICIDE OF A BANE OABEJEMLanark, II!., Oet HM M. Wolf, the cashier of

ibo E-tehaagt Hank, eoatasltted lalehle this atora agHe waa fevad um.- ia bis ehalr with a bullet-holethrough Mtgrteed sad tba revolver lying la bia lap.The sci ls r.\ ni hu ted lo deepondency, fha reeull ot111 health.

I uiii.i: BVNDBED TBOPLB TivitT AT oviscy.Quincy, UL, Oat IL.The fiMesMloi bea. ti- fall

inc of tho satphltheatTS at the fireworks display In

tl,ls i-lty las! nihill are more niiineriiiis than at lr*Jiij,.nie.|, bul fco far non**, have proved fatal. Beportlsro atlll bi Iiik received of Injuries. In tho excite-

mont fulloAiu- tte orssh. many of thoss hurt were I


Fire broke out early yesterday morning in thciron steamer Hails, lying at thc foot of Korti)Tenth-st., Brooklyn, alongside of one of thc piersof Ihr Rbondord Oil Company's storage and shi*>-

liing yards. Thc steamer was loaded witn 16, of refined oil in tinks. The flames spreadrapidly and burned fiercely all day. Two im-

HLBM Morehouse*, were totally dcstroycJ, twovessels were rendered useless; four firemen aro

lying in a hor.pitul, burned in it horrible manner;

Sad nearly half n million dollars have >>ecn lost., jHow the rlre originated is a mystery. The tank*. |on boord tie lintis were fully loaded and thehatches had been closed down, ready for sailingorders. The iheory is advanced that it lightedmatch from tba careless hands of a drunken sailorwas the probable COOac of tbe emilia .ration.

Almost instantly after the I Hilting out of theflames in the Halls a light wooden shed on thedock near by caught lire, and the flames 00_b-municated with two immense, brick storehouses,in which many thousand barrels of .il wire

stored, Loud explosions wire constantlyheard within the burning buildings, and it was

at. the imminent risk of their lives that the bravefiremen approached the seething mass. JoeephMcCormnck and Fireman H. («. Hellen and JameaMcLlmy, foreman ol Engine No. 1"., and Michael(.'Keele, fireman, worked a hose to within thirty(eel of a blazing storehouse nnd had thrown a

stream through a break in the wall, when a

sudden explosion and upheaval of brick and iron,

accompanied by a deluge of burning oil, threw thc*firemen to the ground. They struggl' d desperatelyto get to their feet, and, with thc aid of their

companions, who rushed at once to thc scene, suc¬

ceeded in getting away.All four were burned in a horrible manner about

thc head lind hands, and theil suffenn::s were

terrible. They were removed to St. Catherine*!Hospital. It was supposed at first that McCor-mack, who was burned about the body, wouldnot survive more than a few hours, but, thoughin a criticd stale, it wits thought later that bemight pull through. The skin ol his face WMcompletely burned off.

Prom the store-bousea and dock the flamesspreed to the barb Lila loaded with 4.400ar reis ol naphtha, _00 cases of Oil and 100 Iv.nels

.. 'ii,-. Nun, us explosions and wide sheets ofon wrecked the entire interior ol tlc vessel.

Twelve lire engines, three trucks, under the com¬

mand nf Chief Nevins, and six fireboat* bom New-York and Brooklyn worked industriously to linelltlie blaze, but. waier only added to its fierceness,ami it waa not until the storehouses nnd their coi

tents wee burned i i the very ground that thelire on shore was cercome. The firemen, how¬ever, succeeded In preventing the Hames Bramcommunicating to two immense oil tanka In thctarda. Four vessels, the Avoca. Marie, Deutach-laiid nnd LeopoldshelL were towed into mill¬s'n-am and sustained little or no damage. Thellalis waa taken out lioiu the piers and stre.'in.s

of water thrown oxer her. Late last night the oilIn her tanks waa still burning.The loss may bc stated to bc about half a mill¬

ion dollars, as follows: Tbe steamer Hurls and

cargo, 1255,000; the Kiln Voae and carun.

$50,(100; Pratt's warehouses and oil, 1100,000;Philadelphia and Keading Coal and Iron Company,$2.">,0Cr0: the docks and machinery, 175,000; dam¬age to the ve.-scls that w.-re towed ont in theriver, by water thrown into thom, about S6,000.Superintendent Platt, of the barrel-fllling departmerit, anya, however, that ihe company will losenothing, as it 1ms a system of inouraaee of its own.The orineijal less will fall on tbe owners of ihevoss,-K No statement of the amount of oil instorage could be secured from the Standard OilCompany's office, and the loss can only l»e con¬

coct tired.The company, it is slated, will begin the work

of clearing away tlie debris at once, nnd prob¬ably by the first of next month work will in* re¬

sumed as usual. Qreal crowds hung about tbescene of the conflagration throughout the day.


SAVED FROM A BUB-flBG BOUB-fi.Whlli the big oil Bte wai in ptognm la ('rccnpoint

St e.. "ii yesterday, a Hr.- brekl cut in a shed IB the rear

if the ii.r.¦. -st iry tttms dwalllni rit Nr,. Tn Barnetts!.,uni soon nu: nain bull-tag sag pait of th** two (rsmdwelliogs In iii" rear, in ThreoiMnre., were sMsse. il."

damage wsi principally to a machine ihop on theMist floor nf th" house In Harli.-tt-st.. When mattala.iv

ivonh $10.COO whs ruln'-d. While tho fire was at ItsAndrew C.nrad, of No. 08 Throop-ave., rushed

late rile Bartletl¦-_ huiidiiui and, with Rreat dimcuity:oid al (h.- rlsli of lila life, aucoeed.-l In I0eea__f Mis.

I.udd, who lay si.k In twd on thc third flo<.r. The ires_aa

wa*, nearly ovr.-oma with BBSke, and t-he »a> carried

io Coiir;. 1 - i IBM.- ?

LOM DI A BKOO__LTH T'lllNTING HOI'sE,A flt-" broke out yesterday In the jirlntlng establish¬

ment of George Preutaol, at No. 7S Bartlett-st,,Brooklyn, and extended lo Boa SI and D3 Ibioop ave

The Kb» was about SISjOOO.

fal ried away. Mi ny names haves not yet been re¬ported. About :.(;i> were moro er !e«s In'iiied.

THlEVt.S OS (V /. ri UR8I0N TRAIN.


Wabash, Ind., Oct. ll (."special).-Thc excursion trainon the Cincinnati, Wabtudi and Michigan EallwsTwhich reached Ibis elly between one and two o'clockti,is norning, eoaiiag from the BepuhUeea meeting at

QoskSB, was crowded with passmeer-, among whomwas a gang of pickpockets from Chicago, Elkhart.Bt Louis and Indianapolis, numbering at least fifty.These thieves wan successful at Goshen yesterday,taldng, lt Is estimate;!, nearly 015,000 from UM crowd.The aaeurakm train south was the last ono to leave(,en and tho thieves bundled lt. Tbere were a

great number of Indies" on bnaid. The trouble was

begun in tte first coach ly a null-in Who gros-ly In¬sulted a young weena. Her escort attempted to de¬

fend her. He was seized by the runians, who JammedMs head trrouch a cai window and robbed him. Thena raid was made on the l.eiph .¦- paeaeagers, OBO "I

whom wa* reported, to have been shot, by the des-

perodoea Breral shots were Bred. Woasaa seteoasedand fainted, and many of then tushed from one oooeS

to another In their effotts to keep out of reach of

Ihe robbers. Conductor Johnson and the¬ter, Ligar Breck-ay, AM aeerythlng poaafbla to pro-serve onier, bm ware enable lo di leel tbe pitty men,

as whenever Urey appeared the thJeree stopped work,ni,! the poesengen vere toe frightened io biwaii.Between Goshen and New Tails one of Hie i

met a jual f.ilc. Ile to go through tho

pockets nf a man from Uni-nw when tn* was seizedby the collar and kicked nit the platform. The thiefrolled d'.wn rm embankment and disappeared, 'lhismorning two of the pickpockets were arrested, Thirty-four ni the light-fingered -camps put up at the Tre¬mont Hotel and started thia morning on Ihe c_-

eurslon train for Indiana



T11 :.: OBABB BOB WT-DDIHOBJacksonville, Oet ii (Special)..Hollowing ls the

otllclal bulletin fur tbe tv. eiity-fnur houri ending at.

fl p. m.:Niimlier ..f new earea._, 47Number ol death*. i-fNumber ni eaaa to data (oorrected). 8,429Namber ol death* rn date. 30.

The (lead today aie: H. H. Jolnuon, snd Mrs.

Mada Begfatar.The Storm has partially passed away; that ll, the

wind ls slight and lt ls not raining, though the skyls full of threatening clouds. The norn gangs wore

Working cn the streets again to day in full force.

There ls dally being accomplished bens work that will

so traaa-ana the aapeel <d the city aa'to render

it almost unrecognisable by tba thousands of Jackson¬

ville people who snucrht safety In flight.The reports bom those 111 Of fever are all favorable,

e\. n from yesterday. -Block] bride, -hn was strickenat the very altar. Thll mania for BI__riOg0 dining

the pi cv ai ncc of H.e epidemic ls becoming decidedl.OM Of tin* fentnres of the fever.

a negro settlemeni Deer South Jacksonville ls saidto ie i..ii of retiow fever, it i- isolated iv guaraa*tine regulationi Boat other placee, and recelTca atien-

ii..;i and rappUea from tbe u aol toureeTho Governmeal train took bal tour peeeeogB-i lo

Chap Perry yesterday: .Mts. w. ll. Babcock, r>r.

Ignacio Mat-tees, \V. B. Hernani and Lewis (.1 liens.

borne attempts having been Bude to sell furniture

from infected houses, ihe Exeeuttre Coaunltteeloday forbade the fttlthCl dhpoeltlOB Of such article*.

and tnralture alread| sold waa utdered to be returned.Decatur, Ala-, Oet ll..Twa c;,-e-<. both colored,

reported yesterday afternoon; ono death.Lissie Jack¬

son (colored). No new eases to dag.JF.IM.MF, COCnitAN,

state Health Officer.


This evening a grand concert will ba given In

("bickering Hall In Bid Of the yellow fever fund, under

the patronage of the Indies nf tbe Jacksonville BeU-fsociety. A well leleeted proj*rrammo has been ar¬

ran}*.*tl. Including numb sri bj MISS Annie Bussell, MmeHelen Malgllle. MISS Lily Kunals. Miss Averell Parry,win c. Macfarlane, Michael Banner, Max AJrary, and

tho Mendelssohn Mala Quartette,George Francis Train delivered a lecture, last nlcht

before a small andlonec a' Clarendon Hail Be a

advertised lo ipeak on jrellow ferer, but di.i roireach hie mbject. the few words ol Introdnctlon'himself, which di ncoessary, occupyingthe entire evening. Mr. Train laid thai after all bebad telected Hi" more Impoitanl sir j'er of the two.




DEBTS TBSIMOJTT.Buffalo, Oct. ii (Special). In the Supreme Coin-?

this morning Jude* Lewis denied a motion that a

eommlasoa be suthorlsed to lake tba testimony olresilient Cleveland, in ihe ease af the [tee. Hr. Hall

against "The New-York Beening Post." John (;.

Milburn, tor the defendant, waated to know if the

court w.i- going to give an order that Mr. lerelSOdIx- forced t" give his evidence lo tbe eirect that be Ba libertine ami that Dr. Ball' rious charges n

him were true.

"Suppose the President refuse! to testify. Whatthea " Inquired Ihe Ju Iga

Mr. Milbore saM thal the PresIdeal nf thc BallonCouldn't be Starched Olll Of the White House and totojail, said jinijre Lewis:"Of com se the pruess can lie leaned, but I don't

mn how it cjiii.i be enforced, i don't think tbepjoahtoal is amenable to the court i bardi] Ihlnlhe K atenabbi to any court even for any crime he

-tight commit Thli c.mri ougbi aol to tend iunless ii eua be eon' Ineed that thc counsel for theplaintiff bas some ground to lormtse thal the Presldenlv, mild ..'.ey the poe'--. H will be the duty ol thllcourt nol to lasuc ihi- proceM i.;,:ess this is .bown.1 ... ny ;!. mot o beci ¦-¦ do aol believe thalmada in good faith The court eaannl conceive ibalcounsel bclleeei that the lining of this prteesi wouldavail him aaylhlng In getting evidence." ihe comp, itor Dr. nail latimaied thal bc mlshi renew thc ipjcation If, in t!i" in ir future, Mr. Cleveland ibouldretire to private bte.

. -.

( Hl.'f.Srr.l.V WOEKEES AT HOLYOKE.Springfield. Maaa, Oct ii (Special), The twenty.

third annual, ead the fourth joint convention, roaneMen's Chrl lian At eoelatton of Mi ts andRhode Island, i'l« ucl B fOUT days' -.--ion nt Holyokethis nfl. n>.ion. Aasoetattoa work for bo]

!. 'ii -ii followed exercises of wel¬come this evenlpg, with an addreei bj the Hey. Dr.Alexander McKanrle, nf i ambrldgo. A la*;.*.- numberof Christian In attendance. No pasileen spared to make one ol the most notablegatherlnga of the Mod ever beM in thia region,friday moi li ...ri will op i, with om instiona! Bible trudy, following which written reportiWill le iee. hi -I ll. \.|dre- ses.

service and dlicu lon* on live topics um followand an ¦¦¦., ..,.:,i p.,, D_

. .e. re c. (stebbins*, al which Ibo State|Kni will be i. ..

.4 BUOOKLYS rOEQEB (AF cut ls TBJLADELPEJAPhiladelphia, Oct il (Special). Charles W. Hi

Serif, of Brooklyn, waa held In £1,200 ia i to,:..

attempting to j acs forged checks oa John Wauamaker, [fe brui a number of cheeki on Bew-Yorhbanka aa bli pei-on which he sdmiitod to be forj

-? -

Till. CONFIDENCE, SAME AGAIN.Manuel Mella, ¦ ¦ rthaat from South America, fell a

rietlm t.. ti.:j .. eonSdenec game*' iobm daa Nraaget profo.lag le kao« him i,.\.'- i bin ¦

sad tatrodaeod a Mead te bbs Uni h. bad" I.. -. v niii -I in : (H v. hi. li be wi bi I to ban

".",.;., 1 ,.

friend nj av... ," -.. tbe -;

baa !¦¦i.i w. H Barbe¦oeead bmw, *. i i: ... itapl a. 8. 1t.. retara with! foot n ava di bi trlai Both-bu from bl . poid HeedBosrtera. Herb-Id when i tba) i, i i i

M -, I.ill ul

pawn ti kel tret hand rn bli pnessmlnn. Ore sfcalled fer Bi ..; ..... beiag u. Be wi i .i

LiuiTy ai Um IiBshbb Mari Csa i., 11,000 ball.

BUSPENSldE m TIMM rn COTTOli BBOEBBS,The is i I ta the I rn Exchange

.i ai ll. M. v M i. -oat, I bi af bi

Bfteea pi vf eua ling 1unlit sf theil ;.".!- f .i puMleattoa bul mid Mat the]

s ever] bia i ta a few dm..- v. nf the moue ol

VA-a ll,j. \v. Baie '

Brm had bSOghl bBSVtly in Od ,,. WSUS hadlaeaoBy baan so.n« doun. Iukj wero rate, u> Mtr,s'.'jut *7t.000.




INCiiMl'i.ETE aconizini; scenesAT MID RCN-EI'ON WHOM DOESTHE BBBPOHSIBILI-T BB8T1mr rtltiraim IO ruc iKino.vaj

Willrc.shsrre, Penn., fief. H..The accident on

'lu Lehigh Valley Railroad last night will go on

record as the most frightful one In tho. histtiryof the State, nnd one of the most disastrous inthe records of the country. Up to 8 o'clock this

evening fi ft i, -seven dead bodies had been identi¬fied, and hy morning this list will be increasedto sixty-one, and eventually it must -swell to

sixty-.right or seventy, es several case* more inthe Wiliicsbrirrc Hospita] ar" beyond recovery.

Ail day |i,nu; to-day the Lolikdi Valley stationwas crowded with trienda of the missinir passsB*Rcrs, and their anxiety knew no bounds. Many..f tho pasaengCH Of the Eal d train remained over

Bl llr./hto'i during tho night, and did not reach.'.ie until this morning. The fact that they did

DOt arrive home last, evening led their friends to

tba conclusion that they must ba killed. Thenapeast waa rettered aoaewhat hy the stf**ff"gMea, who sent telegrama to inforts their friendsthat thee fm sale. These BM ega. BUS re¬

ceived with the grtateal joy bj their recipients,i'im.e wi;,, fulled tn receive any word were cor-

raaponilingiy deptI.l.-T OB IMF. DBAS AND INJURED.

As far ns can be ascertained, tho list of ldllcdand wounded is as tallowa:

VAMBS OK THE DEAD.ATSJLBSON, mam ir:, neaaaat Valley.i- I BATCHVOBD A., Minook*.BBBHBBT, Mn, PATRICK, Pleasant Valley.BUBKB, BARBT, BeUeeoa(Al.I.amax, Mrs., (lt 1,. _>ark.CANNON. MABT ANN. Hyde Park."i.'MAN, .IOIIN M., and two sons, Serantoo.

< OBABOT, JOHN, Minook..(ONNl'.rt, MABT, Hyde l'ark.CURBAK, PATRICK, Peasant Valley.0CS1CB, Mr., Old 1BOLAH, PATBICK, fl il I IleaBSDOLAH, " MIKF," Providence, fDORAN, ABRAHAM, neaaaai Valley.DOB .N, UPS is. neaaaat Valley.DORAN, PATRICK, Pleasant Valley.DI UKIN, MART ANN iur Fl,I.KN), Scranton.EARLY, WILLIAM. Plee-Ut Valloy.FARRELL, Mrs PATRICK, lUiaaal Valley,EATHER8T0N. LIZZIE, Pleaaaat Valley.

GIBBON; tl BT1N, neaaaat Valley.GIBSON, M., Byde Park.hannon, BB hm::'. Mtaeeka-BANNON, Bra RICHARD, Minook!,ii \ur, ANNIE, Byde Park.JACKSON, PRANK, Pleasant Valley.JACKSON, HARRY, PlTftnt TillarK ELLET,-(Mercury), I'leaiuint Valloy.BJ LLET, WILLIAM. Pleaaaat Valley.KENNEDY g '.Ti.. Hyde Park.KILKULLIN, OWEN, Beraatea.KLINE, JAMES, Provtdeaes,LOFTUS, ANNIE, Olyphaat.MCANDREWS, Mra, Pleasant valley.

BEWS, .ioiiN, Pteaasat Valley,Mcandrews, thomas, pleasant vaiicy.MeKEEHAH, JOHH, Pleaaaol Valley.MEEHAN, BERNARD, Pleasant Valley tMEEHAN, MAGGIE, Pleasant, Mrs., Byde Park.MOl i I'i'. MICE IEL, I'-llevue.

MOORE, thomas, BallaTua11. tu; in. I*.. Ml nooka

M-XLIGAN, ANTHONT, Olyphant.NOON, WILLI li. Hyde Park.O'BRIEN, BENJAMIN, Pleasent Valley,POWELL, RICHARD, Bydl Park. *

QUINLON, KATI',, Scranton.

QUINLON, BORA, Senates.REDDT, THOMAS, Pleessat Valley.REILLY ALIE, Bellen*roane minti:. Dodjtetowa.[, ... .N, JOHH, Wtatoo.TYRELL " Ml BE," Dodgetewa.w \i..sii, PATRK !.. Plesesat Valley.WEL IB, JOHN, M .. ifa Mill*WHALEN, MICHAEL, Pleaaaat Valley.WHEELAND, MK II A EL, PleaeaM Valley.

Inc list of tli" injured, as far as can bo ssssr-is na talli em:

LIST OP THE INJURED.tani'., JOnN, ii leetewu.CAVANAVOH, PETER. Fieri.tem, a_a t.inty-

¦-¦v n lajared knee.CLARK, THOMAS, Old Force; fractured thigh and

CLOH1 RTT, WILLIAM, Dod.etown.ion Ni i',;, WALTER ¦-

.il;, V. li.LIAM. Iiodfictoiyn.CooiC. BARRY engineer.

..;.",, si IAN, Hyde Pnrk, age nineteen; burnetalu u' r, ;.r"!l.s.

DUniOO, " TIM", tNNl IN, -I KM .. "i'i Force.I! NNIBGS, JAMES. Mlnooka, a_e eighteen; apralned

oack. '

KENNEDY KATI'.. Hyde Park, age eighteen; burned

Shoal lace, lian'is atiA arm-; will di".KLINE, PETTER I'mvi.Fn.-e. ¦(« fifteen; face and

handa ara al u UtfUred .ir.-mally.Ll DOH, A. rsi;... -

LYDON. A.. JR,-LYNCH, .loHN, i'rovldence, tue twenty-two; burned

arma. an 1 blMeANDRXW, JOHH, Olyplinnt.McCROWE, JOHN, ProTideaee; bumed face and le_.M.ii \, l" .-.nt, Talley, SCI thirty-nine; bnrned

arma and ShOOMsta.MCGOWAN, ANDBEW, Providence, ice. twenty-six;

coniunuiui Iraetors i f IibMi LAUGHLIN, TaylorrtU*MALONEY anni:'..-MALONEY SARAH.-.'. ll.o\ IV, WILLI \M.-¦IfLHERRIN, JOHH, PrerMaaee.MVRRAT, P., *i*;iv 1.1 vin.*


JOHN Inikiaaaai left leg injured.HAGEN, JOHN, Provtdeaeej l-".*ra(e<rl wound of wrist

M AILI 8, JOSEPH, Pleaaaol Valley.¦j ROY, THOMAS, Olyphaat,v. vi.r ii, MARTIN, OlypkaalWELSH, JOHN, Pl i lal \'alley, agc twenty; com-

poand frr^..ui- of leg; aavpatattea aaeseasry.WELSH, MIBUAEL * nty; burned

shoal Ui" faee sad han ls.WELSH, MICHAEL, Pleaaaat Talley, age MraaMaa;

- IB 1*.

Twenty-one nf tho victim* arc from Plcn.f".**iitValley, i town ol 5,000 inhabitant-. A pnbliefuneral v.ill be bold on Saturday. Tba wholetows la in inoorning. Tlie deed will be tokenm thr-ir homes to-night Two oarlooda of eofflnawen* taken from Wilkeaba_re to Mud Run thismorning,

vt Tin*. SCENE of Till*. ACCIDENT.A vi>.t io tin- scene of thc wreck thia mornin?

sin'.Mil un awful sight Tin* groned when* thc

at took plsee oovered with i>oo_- of

blood. The (lend wen* bid OUt on shelves in a

tool-hooae, Bobm oi them wen- mangled ls laes;i bi rrible manner ns to be ahnooi unrecognisableMiss EYatherston, who died in the greoteot agonyafter the trainmen apenl three boora in trying' her ont of the wreak, waa nr roved to herlulu" nt mi curly hour. Her lek's were

in,i .nd into ii |elly, nnd iii catting tho rainaaway one ol tbe workmen eui i» portion of thclady's toot ii.

William Keir/, of Pleaeani Valley, had biabead ant efl by i>.-in_r lammed between two scats.

Ih- two Jackson boya erere afanoel sal la taroMi' ..,;, bad his anna and lop cut oil and

oothing remained bul the trank of the body.Dr. Tonier asid ha bad been bb m.orv .. battle-Held li the late war. bm Beret witoeeeed such

ts he did last night.The railroad ooaipanj had thirty physictaas ob

tba ground al I o'oloek tins n-orning*i Thc eoss-i-.imv is being eritioiaed aeverely for Ita lafaaal lo

ipeetal tram cuni.iirnc r lu pricsti to theBBBBB ol the i.eei-l. ii! lilsl nihill. There was only.¦no priest, pri -stnt, l'alinr .Miiley, and he couhlnot attend to all tb- dying. Ihe railroad com-

fiany say that had they run a train, a thousandtropic would have"d to go, and had theybeen refused ft riot might Lave followed.

liBgfltQfir Cooke, whose engine ran into the

Iniin ahead of him, wits interviewed to-nightIle us there wen- no dinner Bignall displayedmid that he did not sec the train until he was on


It, is quite obvious, as will he seen by tbe follow¬

ing special rules issued yesterday and put up on

the hallett!- and placed in flu hands of all

eag-Deera nnd conductors, that tM Lehigh Valleyi.mpany took every [ireenution to in.-ure again.t

accident. Tbe following are the orders issuednnd in possession of all to whom addressed yes¬terday.Superintendent's Office, WllXesbarre. Oct. 10, 138£;

i oadnetora and engineer-*, of trains _, o, 12, 75,special passenger trains, belying engineers and oper¬ators

Von viii obnerve the following Instructions this.-lav; if mort* than ono sealion ere ma en tho timsof elihor ol Hie above trains, they will keep mn

minutes apart. Operators at telegraph cflliregnlate tho time, should you be held tot nine brany operator, jot **lil pull your train b.v lila signaluntil your lust car has passed tho length of two rails,ri" 1 v\:ilt until vour time ls Bp. Protect your rear.

Krtst-hourn! trains need lceep only five mlnut/'s apartbetwees Wll-eeborre and Summit Switch. All tramatrill approach telegrapb ofllcea under full eontroLHelping eugine' to east-bound trains will pull lo-Ue-iml* s-wlti'li and hack In on «r.i bound iran;.

(Signed) A. WTCHEIaL, SuperintendentThe coroner of Carbon County. I'r. J. A. Morn,

solved al the Beena of the occident shoal i|u. m. Ile had selected the following citizens olMau di Chunk- as ii iury William K. Huller,John L. Steadman, I*. F. Murrav. Dr. .). A.Mayer, R. <}. lintier, and A. II. lol,ins. TheyImmediately viewed tba dead and proceeded totake the testimony of lome of the train-hands be¬longing to the t.wo sect ions, among them CharlesTerry, conductor of the ii frit section, and HughGalloway, fireman of Engine 4.". on aha s__thsection, Which struck the fifth, and the Stationagent. __MUD BUN'S GHASTLY HOBBOB.





l_T TELROK_rH TO TH* TBIBr**«T_]White Haven, Penn., Oct. H..Before noon

today the wrecking train hud removed the lastsplinters of the ruins of last night's disaster, andthere la nothing IS show that there had bSSB ii

feurful wreck. From Drs. A. C. Snyder, SamuelW. Trimmer, William Breder, M. S. Mnrst/'llar andJohn IC Taylor and others who went from b-TOru aid the wounded immediately after the acci¬dent, the following details have been gained:

Tin* raging thal was drawing the wrecked trainwas dispatched SI soon as [Kissible ;>ft<T tho crashto bring aid from this point. Mud Run is aboutlivi mri's below and the relief party arrived thereat 0:2o, nearly nn hour and a half after th'*collision. They took with them bandages, lintand Bach medicines as were thought necessary.Before their arrival, the scene-, a.s deeerfbed by an

i*ye-witnes<, was appalling beyond description.No cool organized elTort could be mude to extri¬cate the wounded or to soothe the dying. Train¬men and passengers alike rushed hither Badthitln-r in frantic excitement, and the dismal callsof the suilering* nnd terrified passengers wero

mingled with the hiding steam from the disabledengine and the shrill whistle that blew a con¬

tinuous and mournful blast as long as any sU-amremained.Thc deadly work that had been done presented

a terrible spectacle when tho relief party reachedthe spot. Ihe roar car of the hailingtrain had been driven through the preceding one

so that they seemed but one car, and the front

engine Of the two locomotives which drew the on¬

coming train had ploughed its way twelve or fif¬teen lett Into the wreck.Huge bonfires had been lighted near the wreck,

and tiie victims were seen crushed in B compactmass in front of and shove the engine,were Bitting In life-like altitudes, With eyes 0(>enend staring, uti,ts looked terrified and withhands extended and eyes bulging from theirsockets and tongues protruding, Beamed to have

Caught thc horror of the impending waa some time Iwfore anything could bc done

ta restore order. As soon as an attempt «as madeto haul the engine rut of the wreck, several half-crazed men armed themselves with eoupling-pinannd Unka and swore that they would brain thefirst mun who attempted to move any portion ofthe wreck. They wero finally persuaded to leithe worn go on, and arrangenn nts were niado aionce to send the -.assengets who remained unhurtto their destination, as it was practically out ot"the question tc do anything with thctn on theground. They '¦"re finally started for the northat. j i. m., iind by 4 o'clock fifty-seven bodies weretaken from the wreck.

Before the passengers started, however, theyli(d taken in charge many of their friends whowere injured, to prevent their being taken tohospitals, and many of these were too seriouslyhurt, the doctors say, to endure the journey in

the ordinary way. Many of them will no doubtdie. SBd there are reports that Berets] have al¬ready succumbed.


The killed nnd those most seriously hurt were

In Ihe two cars which " telescoped." In i rushingthrough the cars the smoke Staph and dome i fthe huge locomotives were carried away, givingvent to b great volume of gas nn.i steam, by whichmost of the victims are believed to have perishedMany pitiful episodes were witBeaaed. A woman,

who with her two small boya had a seat in theI rear car of the ill-fated train, was standing OH

the platform when the other tram approachedand jumped off to eenapc Then, soddenly re¬

membering in her terror that ber children were

In the car. she hurried on board, and they allperished together. a young woman, who waswedged in between several dead bodies some ofwhich had to be diamembered beforeshe could be tot our, teemed perfectly coolwhen she was extricated and told the doctors tosec t<> the others as sh- was nil ri .iii. She look don putn ntly for a tim., but she soon began to sinkand died soo;. two hours tate..


The doetOTB turned the forward ears of thewreck d seen, ns Into boepitnla, sad while they e tr*

Btiniatering to the wounded ambuhtnee oara wenordered from Wilkeebarre and Ifauoh Chunk.One company whs taken to the fomseff point byDoctor Trimmer and a party to St. Luke's Hospitalal Bethlehem. It was Impoesible to tell how Beeagwen" hurt. I he doctors snd their useistant . aall night, Htid by the early dawn ibis morning therailroad company had wreckers clearing anray Sharuins. Only one truck had left the track so thitlie road wa.s not blocked. The demolished loco¬motive Wils taken to the Wilki sburro shops. BOdthe wrei ked can shunted upon an old aide track.where they are oonoealed by beovy foliage.

I in-, nu.ruing the railroad compaai __adt srarangumenta to have the deed prepared for burialand placed in collina here. A. large order for < iffinswas BOnl to llil/.lct-oli. the town itt win.di thcpaaaengerB held their festivities, but be¬fore Hi.- onhr gould be Oiled a -umberol prj .- l.l arrived here iimi tori.ole ti., nottpiny to carry oat ito plan, liev preferred thaldbe bodiea .should be arni to -heir bornes lusta.s ih.y were BO that tin- people might ream.nuilung of the real horror of the calamity.lin- bodies were then hurried away, and thereure Booree ol hom" in mounting to-night in thto, na and *rillagea from which men and womenbuvs ami girls, hail conn* m, recently lora merryholiday.

I'hc railroad B»n Bl every pom' reins, to I.i Ikabout the a.cid.ul wen BOW, Hut thej SN saddened by it, and tsiy Ihy cannotrecover from the shockTin. i u bs BOW OB BXOLBBEB ('inn;

C....k, Ihe engineer of the BBStlflB thatthe wreck, is generally believed to be in fault,lt, is firmly believed that he waa either a_l>*ep

t .uOi.uc- en -rcuml l*n_.\





R. n::gi:nt, ferdinandEIDMAN AND WILL-

I AM WAINMAN.Thero may have been more noisy RepublirjiB

County Conventions held in this city than titoone of la_t eveiiiiio*, but there h'ts never been onathat feJt more confident of victory or one that so

bubbled over with fggd nature. It wai en*,

phatirally u jolly convention. The name of everycandidate whs greeted with cheers, and all werenominated hy acclamation.The following is the ticket!Mayor.Joel H. Erhanit.SbarlB..fohn W. Jacobus-.".ninty I iori ilenry C. Perley.I' of thc Beard of Aldermen-James T. Van

Rensselaer.Corooeis- .'n*rn B. Nus«nt, Ferdinand Eilmsn and


'Ilie convention was emphatically n representa¬tive one. .Ml the leBdO-B were there. Everyshade of HepabliSSB opinion had ifs representa-tiv.s. ProSBineBt arnon? those present were Ed¬ward Mit. h. ll, Elihu Hoot, A. Ii. Whitney. Gen¬eral Joseph CL Jackson, John D. LaWBBBi rx-

oid_e Ernest Hu!], .Irenes M. Vurnum. Charles W,TaintOT, Leonard Ha/letine. Joseph Pool, JamesP. Foster. John Iieisrnwrber, W. H. Hell imy.Jobs E. Brodaky, Oeatga B. Deane, jr.. JohnS mps.m, Henry C. Hotty, Jacob M. r*litter*-on,Dwi .-ht Lawrence, QeBSlBl Henry A. Ilarrium,Frank Raymond, S. H. Randall, ("harlen R%Cronin, Clan-nce W. Meade, William Wade, John(1. Windolph, Henry C. Backus Jacob He«sSolon B. Smith, Colone-1 .To*»l Bf, H-SS-t DonaldMcLeun and William H. Waterhouse.

the co rvvent roy a bk. onb.The hall of the Grand Opera House wa* filler] tn

overflowing. John D. Lawson moved that Ed¬ward Mitchell bo made chairman. SecretaryBellamy put the motion and it was carried byacclamation. Mr. Lawson and Joseph pool wena

appointed a committee to conduct Mr. Mifehe.llto tlie chair. When the applause had ce_*cd, Mr.Mitchell sud:

It la not neeeasary for me (o remln.t any one withinthe souti't of my \olee ot the diagraceful condition ot Ulaaffairs ..f this elty. Von aro all famill-tr with it. tSSS 1 not tell you here, nor the. sBSSSOa -lid the taxp.ij-er.?, that tho two factions of tho Denjovratii* party hateheld tbe power In th.s city for the last thirty-one y, i i

I med not real t | m Bt SB ''.at which ha*, been i«ai..-4doBoucfag Tfirisay BslTi practice*. I nee>i not wu too

that the«j tito li I.m BON B0V0I In favor nf a >.; I

tl. kft when thero waa diner: that, ll dlvldcl. they *

I.e BsMaBia. I need nol tell you how thia communitywaa shocked whi*n Ih*. arrangement was male, to dui labetween tin?** iwo organizations (ho city*. I _e*4not tell yon about our ch!*f nair,strata that he waa >

?he<i:cl with those who sup'ortei bim In lM-M that bow. ul 1 ;:ot, unler any circumstances, .. eept any nomlnvdon from Tammany Hail. You are familiar with all (hessthings, and If tba clllrena and taxpayers of the etty ofBew-Teth are reaiy to continue tho extravagant expendi¬tures of their money, as ls Indicated by the rreat taxationwith which th" clt-y ls burdened, then they will eleet moroDemocrats thoso ofllccs. Kecollec" that th* taxationf tbl. etti to-day In something enormous, snd I sn nit

out of tb- v.ay when I say tuut a great d.*al of the moneycoen into the city treasury for tho pnrpose of betas ri-

travasantiy CNpendud by Demo'rratie offlcl-Ia. I Lull*-vethat tbe wisdom of thia convention wl.l select m can lt.Jutes ror plare before tho people of (ho city of Now-V«rk,to |,e voted for at the romln*; election, men whoa* recordowill ne » guarantee that the public will n« honestly,capably and f.'.lt'ifully a«*rvel; sui If the Republicans dotheir duty ac tie polls and vote for thiao cand.datca-lir..iigii ard through they will bo cl-'cted. (Applause.)Frank Raymond moved that William H.

Bellamy and J. ThOflBBa Stearns be made the sec¬retaries of the convention. This was carriedunanimously.Hm roll of delegates was then called, and with a

(SW .substitutions the dcle-ntnifiN were complete.MB. BOOTSSPBaOfl BOMIBAX-BO COL. KUMARur

Wh-B the chairman announced that nominationsfor Mayor w_re ls order, Qiho Bool went to theplatfuim, and spolt.i aa, toUowe:

I have hesa UrssMB by the ¦asssan of tin* conferencesfttapseed ..f a representative of ea.h Assembly Dlatrlot lsthis etty, after del.I).-ration. Invcati|*a'.l..ri and SMMMBBMSXtaaSlag thi u,*li I SI.Bl IS thia c<.ti\en-...ii si their unanimous laeeaaMO-Bttea Ih rh.' tmA hag

of Lho Mayoralty the nani" of J.W n. r.rhsr-lt. (Ap.plause.. il" ls a U.*|iubll."aii (tsaewoi,, aug(hat, thank ll*a\. -ii, this psst i« i...* so|f a title of respectbot au omen of sueesas. lie bas alnava been a Rcpubll-*:_ ll" val bern ..ii Maa-BUBB inland, anl dunns alMs Uta bi* Bsa bern ldeut.Ued with tbe Interests of BASgreat cit*- i my ha ban j:»a;» teer, ¦ BapaSBaB-b forni tin* llr»: \li?..** of Bil BBMheei, in IHill. ho enlisted aa a

rlvatl In a New-York re.iin-nt anl we-it t.. ihe front. anS_treu_S UM hottest, fos BletI M the lUll h« rode at

liii* head of his tr pp of cavalry and Bevel vi-ned his ba.k..n the rn.-my, and during the Drat'. Riots, aa provost mar¬

shal, he wru a tower M strength for th" MOSS of law »n Inrrler In this city. Be !s no ordinary BBB- BM BoaBMaaare not weak. Ile ts no untried niau, ho ls no unknown¦BB to tlie citizens M Bao-Tllk. Many y^ars ago, whenLulled fctates DtstHlt Atteeaay, he waa an tMStJSA an*untiring pro'vecutor, and as a Police Commissioner hisbailie VS! a synonym fer tie tsltkM d MSaiB "f hla dolf.Ia his business relations be has won UM M-BBB! aud ad¬miration of .11 who knew Blas As a i.ubll.- officer, when.'.rt rr.--, iv|"Vm his gra.*p, n-jt a fhoii-ht of nelrtngthem enterod his mind. He ls a n an vip.:.Kr iiosltlTe,-SSBn_-M-i hilliest, generous sad able. Not a stain has

i-i sa tis BBB-S Not a man can sar a wo.-4ir*a!."i-", him to liiij** acb his qu..!Ifloatioiis for tbe Mayoralty..f New. York.

If v.,u ail b.'.I've as I believe, ho can bo e'ectelA nlea, " You're rlKhtl") We -ll know that daughter

a'ld applause.) if we believe in the Repebliran partylu* ian Bl clefted. The h>-:ny veto that will bo cist forii. M. n ani Morton should glvo our candidate ¦ thinythousand maj..illy. We should bear no moro of a R*>publican votiiif for Hewitt. No who respects Ga*Held nould entertain (hat thought for a moment. Ne.i.:ti s ho ballews la UM patlg that has made this countrywhat lt ls (.. ilny wotto UUah "f \ollng for the archim-niv ef '.lie RfMlfBB party. If you ni.m'.nsie Krhardtt-»-nii_ht. the BsoaMteao party, a"- repiei^nted by thoBsrrlsea anl MortOB bann. r. «r.i achieve s power that

h il. wu frrr In th>" f'i'un*.


Charlea <i. Croain teeended the rominntion. andit araa maile ti-, aedaB-atioB ssiM a tunvilt ofheers.. As these were d*,in<*; away, ii voice de.

BMHtded: "What is the matter with MB-N-tf**With ono retea til" eoavcatioa ahoata4: " He'sall riRht."' There wiis a volley of latitfhrer sndthree more cheers were j*i\en for the candidatefor Muir.

lollS* W JACOB''1; FORSIirniFF.

Civil Just iee Geoff! H. Denne then nominatfs_John \V. Jucobiis for Sherri Ile asMi

Mu bvhalf of ih.. .l.;,.ation fMm UM l.\(h District, ('. nam' tor Sib. .lil au vat.mable i,U/.n ian J lurg

WUBlag I .n If he la MseteS, he will pcrturnih.- dur .¦ ' Ul. t In sj!i a w..v a. to do c***_ilI., um is* "pah ii. i-i io i aa! ih..>o via aleeiei him. iuoiiilnati) John OT, Ja. obus.

Henry (lint.rn ltic!< is seconhd tbe nominit-tinii in n few w. ll .in's, n> I IL WhiUieym..\nl tJint. the nomination bc m.rle by BOalS-inat.ini, and this w;o .lune willi another roundof ei'.ei rs.

!'.> th.s lime the ci.riu-iitinii brid worked (taohftip tn a piteh of jollity Ilia'. BoH-Bf could witb-Mitnd. Thats could not have been a betterio ht, had ih" BMStlsf sees oas le aslsSBStiii vieimy, i.i.ti.i.i ll pl:- Bg B ticket ll the th ld.

( ¦¦KBa I "'I Ol 'Ml SAL lt mini M.

Winn th- ihairiiiui .um.Mneed tJiat noniimv-

bs i"i Cdaatj Cl Ik were ta order, sud Ger¬eta! Bbibiub areee, ha was greo-S- villi a re mdof ahearn Ba Shade ena Bf ike lat_taf SfBeehasol tin* rvenitu. Ha paid u. iribnto lo ihe c..n-

.i.l.ies mi the Not....a! and *stat" tn ki ls sudthea supl h.- \s uh.d to place in norn.nation as

maa who proved bjt manhood wlien toe ooattUTncided mea. He wos recounting tho feet thgih