Determination of Hydrogen Zr-2.5 Nb Pressure High ... · PDF file2.3 Hydrogen in Zirconium ......

Determination of Hydrogen Concentration in Zr-2.5 % Nb Pressure Tube Material by High Frequency Nonlinear Ultrasonics Cszar Georgescu A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master's of Applied Science Graduate Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto @Copyright by Cezar Georgescu . June 1997

Transcript of Determination of Hydrogen Zr-2.5 Nb Pressure High ... · PDF file2.3 Hydrogen in Zirconium ......

Determination of Hydrogen Concentration in Zr-2.5 % Nb Pressure Tube Material by High Frequency Nonlinear Ultrasonics

Cszar Georgescu

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master's of Applied Science

Graduate Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto

@Copyright by Cezar Georgescu . June 1997

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Determination of Hydrogen Concentration in Zr-2.59bNb Pressure Tube Material by High Frequency Noniinear Ul trasonics

Master's of Applied Science, June 1997

by Cezar Georgescu

Graduate Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto


To a first-order approximation, ul trasound behaves in a Iinear manner when travel i ing through a solid material. However. if we consider the lattice anhmnonicity, different types of nonlinear phenomena appear. In certain cases, these non-linear effects can be valuable indicators of material properties. The goal of this study is to determine whether non-linear second order harmonic generation cm be used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen (deuterium) in CANDU nuclear reactor pressure tubes. Two high-power ultrasonic waves, at frequencies up to 200 MHz. are r~quired for this purpose; the two sound beams combine in a non-linear wave-wave interaction that is measured by piezoelectric crystals mounted ont0 test specimens. The magnitude of this nonlinear second order harmonic is measured in five pieces of Zr-2.5% Nb pressure tube which contain different levels of zirconium hydrides. Unfortunately, no consistent trend was found in the amplitude of the observed nonlinear effect versus hydrogen concentrations.


1 would like to express my gratitude to Professor Dr. A. Sinclair for his invaluable

guidance and assistance during the cntire course of my work on this project.

1 am grateful to Dr. Douglas Mair of Ontario Hydro Resecirch Division for his valuable

discussion and advice.

Finally, I wish to express my apprcciûtion to rny wife for her support and encouragement

at al1 times.

List of Symbols

- amplitude of the fundamental wave in time domain [ml.

- second order elastic constants [Pa].

- third order elastic constants [Pa].

- force [NI.

- combinations of the second and third order elastic constants;

given in Table 1 [Pa].

- wave numbers lm-' 1.

- phonon numbers.

- probability of interaction betwern phonons per unit time.

- time [s].

- displacement dong x-mis [ml.

- distance measured dong the propagation direction [ml.

- amplitudes of the input tone burst pulses in the frequency doiii:iin

[arbitrary units].

- amplitude of the nonlinear second harmonic in the frequency domain

[arbitrary units].

- nonlinear parameter [dimensionless 1.

- strain tensor.

- phase constant.

- lattice potential.

- density [kg/m3].

- circular frequency [s"].

-parameter characterizing the phonon interaction.

- interaction time Es].

List of Tables

Table 1.1 - K, . K, as combinations of the second and third order elastic


Table 4.1.1 - Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal ( 1 O3 MHz) + Shear (59.5 MHz)- Longitudinal( 1 62.5 MHz).

Table 4.1.2 - Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal (97 MHz) + Longitudinal (60 MHz) - Longitudinal( 157 MHz).

Table 4.1.3 - Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal ( 15 1 .S MHz) + Longitudinal (29.5 MHz)-- Longitudinal( 18 1 MHz).

List of Figures

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3.1

Figure 2.3.2

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5.1

Figure 3-52

Figure 3.5 J

Fipre 3.6

Figure 3.7

Figure 4.1.1

- Zirconium - Hydrogen phase diagram.

- Solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy.

- Hydrogen platelets oriented in bands in Zr-2.5% Nb material.

- Platelets with highly preferential orientation in Zr-2.5% Nb material.

- Expenmental setup.

- Crystal ont0 delay line bonding jig.

- Delay line ont0 specimen bonding jig.

- Zr-2.5% Nb pressure tube specimen.

- Received signal. corresponding to input:

f, = 103.5 MHz from high frequency pulse generator.

- Received signal, corresponding to input:

f2 = 65.9 MHz from low frequency pulse generator.

-Received signal, corresponding to input:

f+fi = 103.5 + 65.9 MHz.

- Amplitude of nonlinear effect versus delay time.

- Received signal with no delay lines.

- Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal ( 1 O3 MHz) + Shear(59.5 MHz) + Longitudinal( 162.5 MHz).

Figure 4.1.2 - Nomalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal(97 MHz) + LongitudinaI(60 MHz) - Longitudinal( l57MHz).

Figure 4.1.3 - Nomalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction:

Longitudinal ( 15 1.5 MHz) + Longitudinal(29.5 MHz- Longitudinal( 18 1 MHz).

Table of Contents

................................................................................ . Chapter 1 Introduction 3

........................................................................ . Chapter 2 Background m........5

............. 2.1 Nonlinear Theory venus Linear Theory: The Nonlinear Wave Equation 5 2.2 Noniinear Effects .................................................................................................. 7

2.2.1 Second H m o n i c Generation .................................. .... .......................... 7 2.2.2 Nonlinear Wave Interactions: General Study ............................... ,.., . . . . 7 2.2.3 Parallel Waves: Nonlinear Interaction ................................................... 9

...................................... 2.3 Experimental Evidence of Nonlinear Wave Generation 10 2.3 Hydrogen in Zirconium ........................................................................................ I I

Chapter 3 . Experimental Setup 16

3.0 Overview of Interaction Process ...................... .... ........................................ 17 3.1 Experimental Setup; Main Components ............................................................ 17 3.2 Piezoelectnc Crystals and Delay Lines ................................................................ 19

.............................................................................................. 3.3 Bonding Technique 19 3.3.1 Crystal-To-Delay Line Bonding Procedure .............................................. 20 3.3.2 Delay Line-to-Specimen Bonding Procedure ............................................ 21

3.4 Pressure Tube Specimens ..................................................................................... 21 ....................... 3.5 Assessrnent of Experimental Setup: Verification of Nonlinearity 22

Phenomenon 3.5.1 Frequency Combination Test ................. ... ............................................. 22 3.5.2 Delay Time Test ......................................................................................... 24 3.5.3 Direct Bonding Test ................................................................................... 25

3.6 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 26 3.7 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4 . Results and Discussion eemem38

4.1 Results .................................................................................................................. 38 4.2 Discussion ..................................................................................................... 4 5

5 . 1 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 48 ............................ .....-*.....-.................... 5.2 Recommendations for further work .. 50

................................... References .......t....8...t.. ....................................................... 52

Chapter 1. Introduction

CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) nuclear reactors are used in al1 nuclear

generating stations in Canada today. Two special features of this particda- reactor are the

use of naniral uranium as fuel. and heavy water (deuterium oxide) as a neutron moderator.

The heat resulting from fission is transferred to a steam generator by a separate heavy

water cooling system which is operated at about 10 MPa pressure and up to 300°C

temperature. This heavy water picks up the fission heat as it passes over the hot fuel

bundles. The heavy water coolant is then pumped to a steam generator where the heat is

transferred to light water which turns into steam. The resulting stearn is fed to the turbine

which drives an electric generator.

Pressurized fuel channels are central to the CANDU's unique features. The

pressure tubes in CANDU nuclear reactors contain the bundles of natural uranium fuel

and act as a pressure boundary. There are several hundred Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tubes per

reactor which are designed on the basis of one third of the minimum specified ultimate

tensile strength according to the nuclear pressure vesse1 standards of the ASME Boiler

and Pressure Vessel Code.

There have been several well publicized problems with fuel channels. and these

have resulted in shutdowns amounting up to almost 6% of the total reactor years of

commercial CANDU operation. A very significant problem is caused by free hydrogen

(deuterium) produced by corrosion of pressure tubes themselves. The hydrogen migrates

to the cool areas of the pressure tube where it may fom hydnde platelets. As a result, the

fracture resistance of the pressure tubes is significantly reduced if the hydride platelets are

onented perpendicular to the hoop stress. Under certain conditions, crack could f o m and

propagate through the pressure tube wall by fracture of the hydnde platelets.

Awareness of this problem led to questioning whether there is a way to measure

the hydrogen concentration in Zr-2.5% Nb material without undertaking the cost of

removing the pressure tubes from the reactor. Specifically, there is a strong need for a

method of in-situ assessrnent of the deuteriurn concentration in the pressure tube material

on a reguiar basis.

Suggestions have been previously made that the magnitude of nonlinear wave

interaction could be an indicator of the hydrogen concentration in the pressure tube

material (D. Mair, 1995). The goal of this work is to study the nonlinear interaction of

various combinations of ultrasonic waves in the high frequency range, and to search for

any correlation between the magnitude of the produced nonlinear effect and the hydrogen

concentration. A significant portion of this work is to develop a suitable experimental

system, procedure, and data analysis routine to study nonlinear ultrasonic effects at very

high frequencies.

Chapter 2. Background

Al1 physicai systems experience, to some degree, nonlinearities; the ongin of

these nonlinearities is in the interatomic forces and their nonlinear potential. According to

the classical harmonic approximation, the different vibration modes of the atomic lattice

are independent and they cannot exchange energy. But if we consider the lattice

anharmonicity, energy exchange takes place between the modes and new frequency

components appear.

Details on the origins of nonlinear behavior of a medium are given in Section 2.1.

Section 2.2 deals with different types of nonlinear phenornena and Section 2.3 introduces

some practical evidence supporting the theory.

2.1 Nonlinear Theory versus Linear Theory: The Nonlinear Wave


To correctly wnte and derive the nonlinear equation descnbing the propagation of

an ultrasonic wave in a crystalline lattice, one should begin with the definition of the

elastic potential energy in terms of strain by means of the second and third order elastic

constants (M. A. Breazeale 1992):

1 1 WE) = - x CC~,~E, ,E~ +- & , m ~ , ~ , ~ m n ......

2! ,, 3! ij,, Equation 2.1

where @ is the lattice potential, eij are the elements of the strain tensor E, cij, are the

elastic constants that appear in the linear approximation of stress-strain theory, and

C ï j m are the third order elastic constants which are introduced by the nonlinear theory.

If attenuation is negligible, and if the higher order terms are small. one cm write

for the propagation of a longitudinal wave almg one principal direction, x. of a cubic

crystalline lattice (M. A. Breazeale 1992)

aZu aZu - KZ 7 + ( 3 K , + K,) -- P O ~ - a~ (a; 2) Equation 2.2.

Here, u is the displacernent dong the x-axis and K2 , KJ (combinations of the

second and third order elastic constants) are given in Table I .

Table 1.1

K2 , K3 as combinations of the second and third order elastic constants

2.2 Nonlinear Effects

2.2.1 Second Harrnonic Generation

One of the nonlinear effects which has been investigated intensively in recent years is the

second harmonic generation. One could write the solution of Equation 2.2 in the

following form:

u = A, sin(kx-ot)-P~:k'xcos2(kx-oi) Equation 2.3

which shows that an initially sinusoidal longitudinal ultrasonic wave in a solid produces a

second harmonic whose amplitude is proportional to the nonlinear parameter P (M. A.

Breazeale 1992). Here A, is the amplitude of the original wave; k, O are the wave

number and the frequency of the wave.

2.2.2 Nonlinear Wave Interactions: General Study

One cm get a physical understanding of how a nonlinear interaction occurs by

studying the response of a one dimensional resonating system to a harmonic driving force

(Main, 1984). For any slightly nonlinear system. the displacement u can be expressed as a

geometric series in ternis of a general excitation force, F,

u = â ~ + b ~ ' +cF~+... Equation 2.4

where a, b, c , are constants (b, c, ... small in agreement with the srnaIl nonlinexity

assumption). If F is a single harmonic force. we can put F = F, cos(ot), where o is the

frequency of the oscillation. If we consider the effect of two coherent driving forces with

different frequencies, w > w2 , the total driving force can be written

F = FI cos(o, t ) + E cos(ol t )e iot Equation 25 .

The relative phase constant cp rnakes no difference to the following development and finai

result, and is therefore taken as zero. Funhermore, for simplicity. we assume that only the

linear and quadratic terms in Equation 2.4 are significant. Substituting Equation 2.5 in

Equation 2.4 then gives

u = a ( ~ , coso, t + F2 cosoz t ) + b ( ~ , coso, t + F2 cosw,t)'+.. . Equation 2.6.

The first half of this expression is already familiar from the linear case: to investigate the

squared term, it is expanded to give:

Equation 2.7.

Two new components appear in Equation 2.7: one based on the sum of o +a 1 2

and one based on the difference a l - O2 . An energy transfer between the vibration

modes has taken place due to the inclusion of the quadratic terms in the calculations.

2.2.3 Parallel Waves: Nonlinear Interaction

To explain the interaction of two parallel longitudinal waves of frequencies a,

and oz, quantum physics theory must be applied. According to this theory, a

macroscopic plane elastic wave consists of the presence of a very large number of

phonons of a particular wavelength in the atomic lattice.

In the following development, only the generation of a second order harmonic of

frequency o, = o, + o, (corresponding to wave number k = k + k7 ) is described. It is - 3 1 -

assumed rhat the dispersion of the medium is of a normal type (Le. o is a simple function

of k ). Let r represent the time period over which wave 1 interacts with wave 2. The

probability P per unit time that a phonon from wave 1 interacts with a phonon from wave

2 to produce a phonon of wave number k is given by (S. Simons 1963. Zirnan 1960) 3

P = Y k l k l ( k I + k. )N,N.r Equation 2.8.

The numbers N , . N. are the numbers of phonons corresponding to the frequencies o I

and o, , respectively. Y is a parameter dependin; on the velocities and directions of iI

phonons, together with the density and anhannonic behavior of the medium.

If the interaction has occurred for time r. the intensity of the created acoustic wave k,


will be proportional to JPdt ; that is. proportional to O ($1.

2.3 Experimental Evidence of Nonlinear Wave Generation

Gedroits and Krasilnikov (1962) were the first researchers to report experimental

evidence that nonlinear effects were observable in solids using conventional ultrasonic

equipment. Their experiment involved the detection of the wave fom distortion when an

initially sinusoidal wave propagated through several different specimens. Independently,

F. R. Rollins (1965) reported nonlinear interactions in a variety of cases involving both

transverse and longitudinal angled beams.

S . Simons (1963) showed theoretically that, under suitable conditions, nonlinear

interactions may be expected between acoustic phonons travelling in the same direction.

Such interaction was experimentally studied by Mahler ( 1963) using nuclear resonance

techniques. The same type of interaction but between parallel photons was also observed

with high intensity waves in a non-linear medium by Franken and Ward (1963).

Some work has been done in studying 2 ~ 2 . 5 % Nb material propenies using

nonlinear phenornena. Alers G. and Molers M. (1991) investigated the variation of the

speed of shear ultrasonic waves in two Zr-2.5% Nb pressure tube specimens having

different hydrogen contents, as a function of temperature and extemal pressure. It was

found that the dependence of ultrasonic velocity on pressure was dependent on the

presence of hydrogen, but the limited number of specimens investigated prevented a

thorough anaiysis of the results.

Moreau A. et al. (1995) studied the second harmonic generation in the same

material. The nonlinear parameter P was measured for a number of pressure tube samples

having different concentrations of hydrogen using a Michelson interferorneter to detect

the fundamental and second harmonic acoustic fields. However, the sarnple-to-sample

variations were only slightly larger than the experimental uncertainties; therefore, no

significant correlation between the hydrogen content and the values of the nonlinear

parameter could be found.

In general, nonlinear acoustic measurernents are challenging because the nonlinear

effects are srnail. However, in many cases, it was observed that the nonlinear properties

are correlated to variations in the mechanical behavior. Therefore, an NDE technique for

detecting and evaluating the hydride content of Zr-2.58 Nb pressure tube material could

be based on measuring iis nonlinear characteristics .

2.3 Hydrogen in Zirconium

In general, the fabrication of Zr alloy components is strictly controlled so that the

hydrogen content in finished products has the acceptably low lirnit of less than 10 ppm

for CANDU pressure tubes. in power reactors, however, the zirconium alloys are used in

contact with water and, due to the reaction

Zr +2H20 + ZrOz +Xi2,

large quantities of hydrogen are produced. The Zr-hydrogen phase diagrarn in Figure 2.1

shows that zirconium alloys can significantly absorb this hydrogen, up to even 5000 ppm

in the p phase at temperatures > 500°C (C.E. Ells, 1974).

The solubility of hydrogen in the alloys decreases rapidly with decreasing

temperature (Figure 2.2, B. Cox and al.. 1983): at operation temperatures (approx. 3ûû°C)

any amount of hydrogen up to 100 ppm is in solid solution, but as the temperature falls,

the excess hydrogen precipitates as a hydride phase (hydrogen platelets). Virtually ail

zirconium alloys contain precipitates when cooled to room temperature, and at this

temperature there are three phases of Zr alloys, y (face centered tetragonal, c/a> l), 6 (face

centered cubic) and E (face centered tetragonal, c/at 1).

The hydnde phase has fundarnentally different properties than ail three phases of

the Zr-Nb alloys. The hydride phase generally exhibits low ductility at low temperatures,

and hence under some conditions has a deleterious effect on the mechanical behavior of

Zr alloy materials. These negative effects are particulad y evident at normal temperatures

of reactor operation (approx. 300aC), where the hydrogen concentrations usually present

in the Zr alloys (up to 200 ppm) can have a significant embnttling effect on pressure

tube material.

Once hydrogen enters the Zr material it diffuses up a stress gradient or down a

temperature gradient. Whenever the concentration reaches the solubility limi t, hydndes

platelets form at the grain boundaries or intragranulariy. Factors such as the texture of the

Zr alloy or the presence of any residual stress can significantly influence the general

orientation of the platelets. A case of platelets oriented in bands by through-wall

variations in the texture is shown in Figure 2.3.1 while Figure 2.3.2 illustrates platelets

having a highly preferential orientation in the Zr alloy matenal as a result of a uniform

texture. For most reactor applications, the orientation of the platelets in the material is a

cntical parameter, due to the fact that platelets largely aligned perpendicular to the tensile

axis can induce cracks during the heating up - cooling d o m thermal cycles of the reactor

core. In particular, the principal stress direction in pressure tubes is circumferential,

hence, hydndes in the radial-axial planes are highly detnmental to the mechanical

properties of the material.

The present work is aimed at detecting the influence which the hydrogen content

might have on the lattice potential and, according to the theory, on the efficiency of

generating nonlinear effects. Parameters such as the size and the orientation of the

hydride platelets are not expected to influence the nonlinear generation process and, as a

result, are not of concem in this experiment.

.J .O rn m a Y ) 6 0 ? 0

AI- hrcoai *n

Figure 2.1 Zirconium - Hydrogen phase diagram



Temperature (OC)

Figure 2.2 Solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy

Figure 2.3.1 Bands of randornly oriented hydrogen platelets in

Zr-2.5% Nb

Figure 2.3.2 Platelets with highly preferential orientation in

Zr-2.5% Nb

Chapter 3. Experimental Setup

The objective of this experimental work was to evaiuate the nonlinear interaction

of two ultrasonic waves, with reference to the theory outlined in Chapter 2. The basic

technique consisted of measuring the amplitude of the second order harmonic

corresponding to a frequency equal to the sum of the frequencies of two interacting

waves. In particular, the purpose was to investigate whether there is any correlation

between the amplitude of this harmonic and the hydrogen concentration in the pressure

tube material Zr-2.5%Nb.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Section 3.0 gives an overview of the experimental system and its operation.

Section 3.1 describes the main experimental setup hardware, and Section 3.2 discusses

the main characteristics of the piezoelectnc crystals, delay lines and the problems

associated with their implementation. Section 3.3 describes the bonding technique and the

mechanical devices used for bonding the crysrals, while Section 3.4 describes briefly the

Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tube material and the geometric characteristics of the specimens.

Section 3.5 outlines the details of the data colIection and Section 3.6 describes

supplementary tests performed to better understand the nonlinear interaction. Section 3.7

shows how the data was analyzed to determine the magnitude of the nonlinear effect

under investigation.

3.0 Overview of Interaction Process

Two tone burst ultrasonic pulses are introduced into a specimen with opposing

directions of propagation, as shown in Figure 3.1. The first wave (of a relatively high

frequency, o ) is introduced from the top face into the specimen; when it starts reflecting 1

from the bottom face of the specimen, the second wave, having a lower frequency

( O < O ), is introduced at the bottom face. The two waves are then traveling in paraIlel 2 1

directions and interacting with each other. The result is received at the high frequency

piezoelectric crystal at the top face and sent on to the electronics for analysis. According

to theory, this signal should have frequency components centered at o, , 04, and

C03=01 f CO2.

3.1 Experirnental Setup; Main Components

Two key components in the experimental setup shown in Figure 3.1 were two

pulse generators and receivers, mode1 Matec 7700. The lower frequency instrument had a

Model 760V R.F. plug-in pulse generator. tunable in the 10-95 MHz range; the other

generator heceiver had a Model 765V R.F plug-in pulse generator, adjustable in the 90-

300 MHz range). These pulse generators were capable of producing tone burst waves of

high voltage (600-80 V, depending on the external load) and adjustable pulse duration

(up to 100 ps) to excite piezoelectric crystals mounted on the Zr-2.5% Nb specirnens. In

this project, the high frequency pulse generator acted both as generator of the high

frequency sound wave. and as receiver for the expected second order harmonic wave. Due

to the fact that the voltage levels produced by the pulse generators were very high, fixed

attenuators of various values were mounted in series with the pulse generators in order to

control the amplitude of the tone burst signals and avoid saturating components of the

experimental system. These attenuators could operate at frequencies up to 2 GHz and

their values varied between 2 and 20 dB.

The delay generator controlled the timing sequence of the entire experirnent. It

had 4 adjustable time delay outputs with values between 0-10 p, and a resolution of O. 1


To link the various electronic components. regular 50 R cables (50 cm) with BNC

connectors were used. The 50 cm cable length was chosen to prevent the cables from

becoming active circuit components at high frequencies. A "TV connector connected the

high frequency pulse generator to both the high frequency piezoelectnc crystal and the

receiving module of the Pulse Generator 1 (refer to Figure 3.1). The 'T' connector

introduced an impedance mismatch between the pulse output and the cabling; therefore a

50 R impedance adapter (or power splitter) was built to balance the circuit.

An adjustable narrow band pass filter having a 90-300 MHz range was used to

isolate the second harmonic component of the received signal. and allow measurement of

its amplitude. The filter output was fed to a digital oscilloscope, where key components

of the signal were digitized and sent to a personal cornputer for analysis.

3.2 Piezoelectric Crystals and Delay Lines

Lithium-Niobate piezoelectric crystals were used for generating longitudinal (36

degree rotated Y cut) and shear (41 degree X cut) ultrasonic pulses. The nominal resonant

frequency values were 20 MHz and 30 MHz for the longitudinal crystals, and 20 MHz for

the shear crystals. Each crystal was driven at either its third or fifth harmonic frequency

by one of the two Matec pulse generaton. The crystals were 0.635 mm in diameter, gold

plated and overtone polished, having two chrome electrodes in order to connect thern to

the electronics.

To aid in the temporal resolution of the ultrasonic echoes from the transmitted

pulses, and also for producing consistent repeatable acoustic coupling between

piezoelectric crystals and specimens, the crystals were bonded ont0 delay lines which in

tum were bonded to the Zr-2.5% Nb specimens. These delay lines were quartz cylinders

having a length of 25 mm and a diameter of 15 mm.

3.3 Bonding Technique

The bonding agent chosen for linking the crystals to the delay lines, and the delay

lines to the specimens, was Salol (Phenyl Salicylate). The physical properties of Salol

rnake it very suitable for fabricating bonds of repeatable quality (i.e. it is solid at room

temperature, melts/solidifies at 47OC. has a high viscosity and has a very good acoustic

transmission properties in the solid state).

During prelirninary expenments, it was found that the repeatability of a Salol

bond was significantly influenced by factors such as the quantity of Salol used and the

pressure applied during solidification. In order to control these two parameters, the m a s

of Salol was carefully controlled and two speciai bonding jigs were designed and

manufactured, as shown in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3. The first jig was used for bonding

the ultrasonic crystals to the delay lines. whereas the second one was used for bonding the

delay lines to the specimens. For ultrasonic measurements on a series of specimens it was

expedient to pennanently bond crystals onto delay lines, and to evaluate the 2 ~ 2 . 5 % Nb

specimens by only destroying and remaking the relatively simple delay line/specimen


3.3.1 Crystal-To-Delay Line Bonding Procedure

Due to the fragility of the piezoelectric crystals and their small diameter (0.635

mm), the crystal to delay line bond was found to be the most critical. The following

procedure was therefore developed.

A srna11 crystal of Salol (approxirnately 0.01 mg) was placed on one face of the

delay line, which was then heated to 60°C for 15 minutes in an oven. The delay line. with

melted Salol covering about 3 mm2 on one end. was then put into the bonding frame (Fig.

3.2). The piezoelectric crystai was placed on top of the liquefied Salol and pressure was

applied by rotation of the mbber/screw rnechanism until the mbber tip was compressed

by 3 mm. The assembly was left to cool for a period of 10 minutes, sufficient time for the

specimen to reach room temperature. Solidification of the liquefied Salol was then

initiated by touching it with a piece of crystalline Salol. Another waiting period of 5

minutes was then taken for the solidification front to propagate through the mass of Salol.

The crystai-delay line assembly was taken away from the jig. and was then ready to be

bonded to a Zr-2.5%Nb specimen.

The procedure was repeated for one crystal of each type (20 MHz longitudinal, 20

MHz shear, 30 MHz longitudinal), yielding 3 delay line/crystal assemblies.

3.3.2 Delay Line-to-Specimen Bonding Procedure

Once a single piezoelectric crystal of each type was bonded ont0 a delay line, the

next step was to bond combinations of two crystal/deiay line assemblies onto a Zr-

2.5%Nb specimen. A mass of 0.5 mg of Salol was placed on the specimen of interest,

which was then placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 60°C. Then the specimen was

inverted (the mass of Salol previously applied was prevented from dripping by surface

tension), and a second 0.5 mg of Salol was placed ont0 the opposite face. After 15 more

minutes the specimen was removed from the oven and a delay line was placed over each

pool of Salol. The specimen waç then ready for the final bonding step.

The assembly consisting of two delay lines. piezoelectnc crystals, and specimen

was quickly placed in the bonding jig s h o w in Fig. 3.3. A pressure of 27 N was applied

to the assembly by rotating the screw into the spnng mechanism. After a cooling time of

10 minutes. the solidification of the two layers of Salol was initiated using a small crystal

of Salol. In 5 more minutes. the assembly was ready to be used in experiments.

3.4 Pressure Tube Specimens

The analyzed specirnens were 5 flattened and machined sarnples of Zr-2.5%Nb

pressure tube, which had been infused with the following nominal levels of hydrogen

(measured by weight): O ppm, 60 ppm, 100 ppm. 150 ppm and 200 ppm. The dimensions

of the specimens are given in Figure 3.4. The specimens were provided by Ontario

Hydro; the accuracy and unifomity of the quoted hydrogen concentrations in each

specimen were not specified in the reports accompanying them.

The specimens were minor polished using diamond paste. The final roughness of

the surfaces was less then 1 Pm, as measured by a profilorneter.

3.5 Assessrnent of Experimental Setup: Verification of Nonlinearity


Three tests were performed in order to prove that the predicted second harmonic

generation was indeed taking place as expected. In al1 these three (3.5.1-3.5.2) tests two

longitudinal ultrasonic waves were sent into the material and the result of the nonlinear

interaction between them was a longitudinal wave as well. The first test was used to

venfy that received signal components with frequency w, = a, +oz were due to

nonlinear interaction, and not artifacts of the experiment equipment and setup. The

second and third tests were used to confirm that this non-linear interaction took place

within the Zr-2.5% Nb specimen. and not in the delay lines.

These tests are described in the following three subsections.

3.5.1 Ftequency Combination Test

As described in the previous Sections. when two parallel ultrasonic waves of

frequencies o, and o, travel in the same space and tirne. they are expected to interact

with each other to generate a second harmonic having the frequency a, = w, +a2.

The basic idea behind this test was to compare the spectral composition of the

received signal when only one narrow band wave was sent into the specimen. against the

received signal when two waves of frequencies CO, and 0: were sent into the specimen.

First, the low frequency pulse generator was switched off. The high frequency

generator and upper piezoelectric crystal (Figure 3.1) were used to send tone burst signals

with f, = m,/27t = 103.5 MHz into the Zr-2.5% Nb specimen with hydrogen concentration

of 100 ppm. The signal reflected by the bottom surface of specimen was received back at

the upper crystd, band pass filtered, and sent to the oscilloscope and cornputer. The

signal spectrum is displayed in Figure 3.5.1, and shows that the equipment is operating as

expected. A prominent peak is seen at 103.5 MHz; apart from very low level noise, no

other signai components are visible.

This procedure was then repeated with the low frequency system switched on, and

the high frequency system switched off. No adjustments were made to any of the settings

on equipment such as pulse generators or filter. The received signal spectrum, plotted in

Figure 3.5.2, again shows the equipment operating as expected: a strong peak with small

side lobes is seen at fi = = 65.9 MHz. Linear upper harmonic of the fundamental of

the piezoelectric crystal are faintly visible in the spectmm.

The important feature to note about Figures 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 is that no significant

signal energy is received at f3 = W/2a = 169.4 MHz. where Q = + a.

The spectrum for the case when both waves at frequencies oi and are sent into

the specimen is plotted in Figure 3.5.3. Equipment settings such as the filter range, pulse

voltages, pulse duration, and damping controls were not changed from the values used to

generate Figures 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. It can be noted that the f, and f2 components are still

present. However, a third significant spectral component, having a frequency f3 = f, + B =

169.4 MHz, is now present as well. The logical explanation is that this spectral

cornponent is generated by the interaction between the high and low frequency signals

since it was not present in any of the individual spectra shown in Figure 3.5.1 or Figure

3.5.2. This third peak is not an artifact generated by imperfect signal processing

equipmen t.

3.5.2 Delay Time Test

The second test consisted of varying the tngger time of one of the input waves

relative to the other. The test was mn in order to ensure that the nonlinear interaction

occun only when the two waves are propagating in the same space and time in the Zr-

2.5% Nb specimen.

The lengths of both high frequency and low frequency pulses were adjusted to the

minimum duration allowed by the pulse genentors, i.e.. approximately 0.6 p. Given that

the thickness of the sample is approximately 3.1 mm. and the speed of sound for a

longitudinal wave in Zr-2.5% Nb is about 4.7 mm@, the high frequency longitudinal

pulse took 1.32 p to propagate through the sample. Let to = O be the reference tirne when

the high frequency wave was first launched into the specimen.

The Ieading edge of the low frequency wave was launched into the specimen at a

delay time t,. Initially, t1 was set to equal the exact moment when the leading edge of the

high frequency wave started reflecting against the back wall, which is half the round trip

time, tr= 0.66 p. Two perfectly overlapping longitudinal pulses, both of 0.4 ps duration,

are then propagating through the sample and interacting with each other.

To study what happens when one wave is delayed with respect to the other such

that the two waves do not overlap entirely, the delay time t1 was increased in steps of O. 1

p with respect to the high frequency pulse. The result is illustrated in Figure 3.6. and

shows that the amplitude of the nonlinear harmonic decreased when the pulse interaction

time decreased. When t, reached approximately 1.26 p, there was no overlap in space

and time of the two input waves. At this point. the second order harrnonic was no longer

visible in the received signal.

3.5.3 Direct Bonding Test

The third test aimed to provide additional evidence that the nonlinear interaction

occurred predominantly in the Zr-2.5% Nb specimen and not in the delay lines. The test

consisted of bonding the piezoelectric crystals directly ont0 the specimen, without any

deIay lines. Due to the fact that in this case the nonlinear interaction occurred in the near

acoustic field of the transducer, even small imperfections in the bond produced a very

large deviation from the circular symmetry of the propagation pattern. However. after

repeating the bonding procedure several times, an adequate bond was obtained and the

100 ppm sample was analyzed for the following nonlinear harmonic combination:

Longitudinal (104 MHz) + Longitudinal (59.5 MHz) - Longitudinal( 163.5 MHz).

The result is plotted in Figure 3.7 and provides clear evidence of the generation

of a significant nonlinear peak in the absence of the delay lines. This shows that the

observed nonlinear effect occurs even when no delay Iines are present. i.e., it occurs

inside the Zr-2.5% Nb specimen. It is noted, however. that it is preferable to use the delay

lines when characterizing the 2 ~ 2 . 5 % Nb specimens. as the delay lines help with

temporal resolution and pulse shaping.

3.6 Data Collection

For a given specimen and combination of piezoelectric crystals (e-g. longitudind-

longitudinal or longitudinal-transverse). the following data collection procedure was

adopted. Each crystal was independently driven at its third or fifth harmonic by

appropriately tuiiing the output frequency of the corresponding pulse generator. By setting

the central frequency of the narrow high p a s band filter to the sum of the low frequency

plus high frequency value, other undesired frequencies were partial1 y fil tered out. The

first ultrasound echo signal received by the upper piezoelectric crystal in Figure 3.1. was

digitized at a sampling rate of 700 MHz and stored for further anaiysis.

During the data collection procedure the time length of the high frequency pulse

was adjusted to the minimum duration allowed by the corresponding pulse generator, i.e..

approxirnately 0.4 p. In order to ensure that the nonlinear interaction was produced with

high efficiency within the specimen. the time length of the low frequency pulse was made

much longer, i.e., approximately 6 p.

As shown in Section 3.1, fixed attenuators were used to damp the generated

pulses. This helped to avoid saturat ing the di fferent setup components; the values used

were a function of the frequencies of the pulses (lower frequencies needed higher

attenuation values), and they varied between 5 and 25 dB.

The specimen which had been tested was then replaced with another one having a

different concentration of hydrogen. This switch was managed by destroying and

remaking the delay linekpecimen bonds. Main taining precisel y the same tuning for the

instrumentation. the data acquisition procedure was repeated for al1 five specimens.

Three types of wave interaction were studied, each of them being attempted under

identical conditions for the entire set of five pressure tube specimens. Each test sequence

was repeated at least three times for each of the five specimens. The three types of wave

interaction are listed below:

1. Longitudinal ( 103 MHz) + S hear (59.5 MHz) - Longitudinal( 162.5 MHz);

II. Longitudinal (97 MHz) + Longitudinal (60 MHz) - Longitudinal( 157 MHz);

m. Longitudinal ( 15 1.5 MHz)+ Longitudinal (29.5 MHz) --+ Longitudinal( 18 1 MHz).

3.7 Data Analysis

To evaluate the amplitude of the nonlinear harmonic generation effect, frequency

domain analysis was used.

With respect to the frequency spectrum shown in Figure 3.5.3. let X, be the

amplitude of the high frequency peak, X2 the amplitude of the low frequency peak and Xt

the amplitude of the nonlinear second order harmonic. For the purpose of the data

analysis, XI, X2, are used as relative indicators of the total strength of the input signais,

and X3 for the strength of the nonlinear harmonic. It should be noted in Figure 3-53. that

Xl and XÎ amplitudes are highly suppressed due to fact that the central frequency of the

band pass filter is set to @=~>1+&, and strongly attenuates frequencies in the

neighborhood of a, and &.

As descnbed in Section 3.3, a bonding procedure was established in order to

produce the most repeatable bonds possible. However. the most critical factor for

obtaining significant measurements was still found to be the quality of the delay

line/specimen bonds. (The piezoelectric crystaVdelay line bonds do not influence the

relative amplitude of X3 versus hydnde levels, as those particular bonds are common to

ultrasonic rneasurements on al1 five Zr-2.5% Nb specirnens).

A supplementary source of enor in the results may be a non-uniform distribution

of hydrogen in the samples. To minimize any effect of such variations. the series of

measurements were repeated at least three times for each specimen, at slightly different

locations near the central area of the specimens.

Dunng the experimental work. it was evident that inadequate delay line-to-

specimen bonds could attenuate the amplitudes XI and X2 of the input waves. However,

due to the fact that the amplitude of the second order h m o n i c component X. is directly

linked to the amplitudes of the input waves, Iower X1 and X2 levels corresponded with a

lower X3 amplitude. In fact, the bonding jigs shown in Figure 3.3 generated delay line-to-

specimen bonds with an acoustic transmission efficiency that was repeatable to within a

few percent. However, to compensate for the small amount of variability in this bond, X3

was nomalized with respect to the high and low frequency amplitudes X1 and X2 for each

x3 of the acquired signals. The normalized ratio - was then plotted against the x,x2

hydrogen concentration for each particular sample. The results are shown in Chapter 4.

Figure 3.1 Experimental setup



Pulse Generator and Receiver

1 (90-300 MHz)



-7- Crystai

Attenuator - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - . - - - _ _ _ _

Pulse Generator

Generator b 2

(10-90 MHz)

Figure 3.2 Crystal ont0 delay line bonding jig

Piezoelectric crystd ___--------

Figure 3.3 Delay line ont0 specimen bonding jig

al01 ------ 1~2.5% - - -__ Nb Specirnen

iezoelectric Crystal -----

Figure 3.4 2 ~ 2 . 5 % Nb Pressure tube specimen

Axis of ultrasonic testing

Figure 3.5.1 Received signal. corresponding to input fi = 103.5 MHz

from high frequency pulse generator

Xi (arbitrary units)

Frequency (MHz)

Figure 3.5.2 Received signal, corresponding to input f2 = 65.9 MHz from low frequency

pulse generator

Xi (arbitrary units)

160 180 200

Frequency (MHz)

Figure 3.5.3 Received signai. corresponding to input f,+f, = 103.5 + 65.9 M H z

Amplitude of Received Signal (arbitrary units)

two peaks attenuated

Frequency (MHz)

Figure 3.6 Amplitude of nonlinear effect versus delay time

for triggenng of low frequency pulse


1 0.66 0.76 0.86 0.96 1 .O6 1.16 i


! Delay Tirne (microseconds)

Amplitude of Figure 3.7 Received signal with no delay lines Received Signal (arbitrary units)

Frequency (MHz)

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Results

As described in Chapter 3. when the interaction of two ultrasonic waves occurs

within the pressure tube material, a nonlinear harmonic is generated. The nominal

amplitude, X3 , of this signal component was measured in the frequency domain and the

result was normalized wirh respect to the amplitudes of the signal inputs X, and XI.

The electrical components of the system have a significant frequency dependence,

therefore it is not possible to compare the absolute magnitudes of the three spectral

components X,, X2 and X3. However, it is possible to measure any dependence of the

on the hydrogen content in the five Zr-2.5% Nb specimens. This parameter - X J 2

relative dependence is shown in Tables 4.1.1 - 4.1.3. and plotted in Figures 4.1.1 - 4.1.3.

Table 4.1.1 Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction

Longitudinal ( 1 O3 MHz) + Shear (59.5 MHz) + Longitudinal(l62.5 MHz).

Material Hydrogen Concentration



(relative values)

100 ppm -- -

150 ppm 200 pprn

Table 4.1.2 Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction

Longitudinal (97 MHz) + Longitudinal (60 MHz) -rtongitudinal( 157 MHz)

Waterial Hydrogen O PPm 60 PPm Soncentration

:relative values) 0.574 0.541

100 ppm 150 ppm 200 ppm

Table 4.1.3 Normalized magnitude of nonlinear effect for interaction

Longitudinal ( 15 1.5 MHz) + Longitudinal (29.5 MHz) -Longitudinal( 18 1 MHz)

Material Hydrogen Concentration

(relative values)

'0 PPm





60 ppm





150 ppm

1 .O00




100 ppm


0.91 2



200 ppm





X Figure 4.1.1 Norrnalized magnitude of nonlinear effect, for interaction


Longinidinal ( 1 O3 MHz) + S hear(59.5 MHz)- Longitudinal( 162.5 MHz)

x3 Figure 4.1.2 Normal ized rnagni tude of nonlinear effect, - for interaction X,XI

Longitudinal (97 MHz) + Longitudinal(60 M H z ~ L o n g i t u d i n d ( 157 MHz)

X Figure 4.1.3 Nomalized magnitude of non 1 inear effec t. -t for in teraction


Longitudinal( 15 I .5 MHz) + Longitudinal(29.5 MHz)+Longitudinal( 18 1 MHz)

O PPm 60 pprn 100 ppm 150 pprn 200 ppm

Hydrogen (PPW

4.2 Discussion

For the experimental work. it has been highlighted that the major challenge to be

overcome was the production of bonds of repeatable quality; therefore the bonding

procedure descnbed in Chapter 3 was applied. However. due to the high frequencies of

the ultrasonic pulses used in the experiment, the inherent imperfections in the quality of

the bonds were partially responsible for the scatter of the levels of the input pulses XI and

X ,; the scatter was caused by the variability in quality of the bonds between the delay

lines and specimens, since the piezoelectric crystal-to-delay line bonds were kept intact

for ail measurements. It can be noted that a first order correction for variabiiity in crystal-

to-delay line bond was achieved through norrnalization of the amplitude of the second

order harmonic X3 by the input amplitudes X, and X ,.

As explained in Chapter 3. three wave combinations were attempted, and it was

shown that the amplitude of the nonlinear harmonic was higher for the Longitudinal +

Longitudinal interactions than for Longitudinal + Shear interaction. This result is due to

the fact that the longitudinal piezoelectric crystals have a higher efficiency in generating

ultrasound pulses than the shear ones, and the magnitude of the nonlinear harmonic is

directly proportional to the power of the waves involved in the interactions. In addition,

high frequency shear waves can suffer significant attenuation even over distances of a few


As c m be noted from Figures 4.1.1 - 4.1.3. the variations of the magnitude of the

nonlinear effect for each individual specimen were larger than the variations in mean

values among the five examined specimens. There was no clear, consistent trend of the

amplitude of the generated harmonic versus hydrogen concentration in the hydrided

specimens for my of the attempted wave combinations. This contrats to preliminary

work by at least one researcher indicating that such a trend might exist.

Results from the present project indicate that the lirnited scatter in the normdized

amplitude of the second harmonic may be attributed to factors such as bond repeatability,

surface roughness variations among samples or to actual spatial variation of the hydrogen

distribution within each specimen.

One reason for not detecting any correlation between the hydrogen content and the

amplitude of the nonlinear harmonic generation may be the fact that the measurements

were performed at room temperature. As shown in Chapter 2, at this temperature the

hydrogen is precipitated in the form of hydride platelets located at the grain boundaries.

The percentage of dissolved hydrogen is the same in al1 five specimens and it is this

dissolved hydrogen which is enpected to change the lattice potential. The platelets do not

significantly change the material lattice potential, such that variations in the total

hydrogen content of the Zr alloy (as a matter of fact variations in the amount of

precipitated hydrogen) do not significantly influence the efficiency of generating a

nonlinear effec t.

Apart from the negative results of this work. the implementation of the nonlinear

harmonic characterization of pressure tubes in the field would be very difficult for

several reasons. High frequency ultrasonic measurements are subject to signifiant

experimental errors; in the high frequency range, any passive setup component can

become active, introducing an additional and often unknown impedance to the circuit

(Le., cables, connectors, and in the case of this experimental work, acoustic bonds). Also,

it is very difficult to transmit low-level high frequency elcctnc signals over significant

distances. This would be of particular concem in a nuclear generating station where the

cables are in high radiation fields which would significantly increase the noise level.

The wavelengths associated with the frequencies used in the experiment were

approximately 12 pm for the shear waves and 25 pm for the longitudinal waves. As

mentioned in Section 3, the specimens were mirror polished and the surface roughness

was less than 1 pm. As the ratio of roughness-to-wavelengh is less than 1: 10, it is

expected that the roughness would have a minimal effect on the transmission or scattering

of ultrasound. However, in a CANDU reactor. the pressure tubes have a significantly

higher surface roughness would pose a significant challenge to high frequency work.

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

The purpose of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using the amplitude

of the nonlinear wave-wave interaction at frequencies above 100 MHz as an indicator of

the hydrogen content of Zr-2.58Nb pressure tube material.

The following sumrnarizes the results and conclusions:

1. An appropriate expenmental setup was built for testing the hydrided samples

using high frequency ultrasound. A nonlinear second order harmonic spectral component

was generated and was shown to occur within the Zr-2.557aNb specimens.

2. Two bonding jigs were designed and built. A reliable and repeatable novel

bonding technique was established for bonding very fragile high frequency piezoelectric

crystals onto delay lines. These delay lines were then bonded ont0 the specimens under

investigation. As a result, the amplitudes of the input ultrasonic pulses XI and X2 were

shown to be repeatable within a few percent.

3. Three different wave interaction combinations (Le. two frequency combinations for

the longitudinal-longitudinal interaction. and one for longitudinal-transverse) were

attempted. For the three combinations, the amplitude of the nonlinear harmonic was

measured in five Zr-2.510Nb pressure tube samples with levels of hydrogen ranging

up to 200 ppm.

4. No statisticall y significant correlation between the normalized magnitude of the

X 3 and the hydrogen concentrations could be found; the second order effect, XlX2

variations within each specimen were larger than the variations among the average

values for the five specimens. The sample population was not very large but was

adequate enough to indicate the absence of any trend.

5. The lack of positive results, and the practical difficulty in conducting high frequency

data collection in high radiation fields offer little incentive for pursuing this technique

for measuring hydride Ieveis in pressure tubes.

5.2 Recommendations for further work

Based on the results obtained in this project. it was concluded that the nonlinear

ultrasonic interaction investigated here is not suited for indicating hydrogen levels in Zr-

2.5% Nb material.

However, other related techniques could be attempted as well:

1. As underlined in Chapter 4. one of the reasons this detection technique failed is

that at room temperanire the hydrogen is largely not in the solid solution, but is present as

hydride platelets. Measurements at elevated temperatures are more promising due to the

fact that the dissolved hydrogen is expected to significantly change the lattice potential

and, consequently, the efficiency of generating nonlinear effects. There have been

previous reports showing measurable changes in the elastic modulus of Zr alloys with

hydrogen content at high temperature.

2. A promising method to keep the hydrogen in solid solution at room temperature

(such that hydrogen content variations change the efficiency of generating second order

effects) would be to fast quench the pressure tube specimens to room temperature.

However, it is not clear if the quench maintains the hydrogen in solid solution or the

hydrogen precipitates and produces very small hydride plaielets.

2. During the present work, only interactions between parallel waves were

studied; an interaction involving two angled waves may be more sensitive to the

hydrogen content. Such experiments have been atternpted and documented by several


3. A simple technique which could be investigated would be to study the

modulation of a high frequency acoustic wave in Zr-2.5% Nb material, in which the

sound velocity varies under the influence of a strong low frequency "pump" wave. The

presence of hydrogen in rnetals such as Zr-2.5% Nb is believed to lead to increased

friction when transmitting an acoustic wave. Consequently, a pump wave could induce

intemal friction in the atomic lattice of the material and cause a perturbation in the

acoustic nonlinear properties. To study such phenornena, the experimental setup should

be similar to the one described in the present work. where the low frequency piezoelectric

crystal is bonded ont0 one side of the sarnple and the high frequency crystal ont0 the

other. The changes in the acoustic wave speed should be monitored as the purnp wave

power is increased. Since speed measurernents are fairly simple and accurate. the method

could be sufficiently sensitive to detect low hydrogen levels in 2 ~ 2 . 5 % Nb material.


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