Derivational process in matbat language (jurnal ijhan)


Transcript of Derivational process in matbat language (jurnal ijhan)






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TRIJAN E. A. FAAM 2015. Derivational Process in Matbat Language

(Supervised By Hayat M. Ohorella and Fausiah Sriyuliyana Natsir)

Derivational process Learning aimed to master the system of word

constructions. To learened second language or foreign language, the language

learners usually start with learn its words class. These words mostly constructed

from some elements morpheme. This case must be understood in order to the

language learner avoid misplacement of these elements in sentence. Misplacement

in sentence will cause misunderstanding. So, learning the word element shape to

be a sentence is very important. In this resarch the writer tried to found out

derivational process in Matbat language. The objective of this research was to

investigate derivational process in Matbat language.

This research was held under descriptive qualitative method in wich come

along with grounded theory in accordance with the existence of derivation. The

data sources of this research taken from native speakers of Matbat language that

exist in Sorong town. The procedures of this research the writer began with made

some words lists which contain derivational process that contributing 10 words

and distributed the native speakers of Matbat language. The words lists were

written in Indonesian language. Those who were going to work on the work list

were 10 persons. After the writer divided these words lists, the informant asked to

translate these words list in Matbat language. After that the writer analyzed all of


The data that show derivational process in Matbat language are adjective

to verb, adjective to noun, and verbs to noun.



a. Background

Language is a means of communication between human beings

with one another, while language is someone's identity to be known by

others that he was from the area. In language there are some studies to be

observed by the researchers, they are: Pragmatic, Syntax, Linguistics,

Semantics, and morphology. Morphology was a branch of linguistics that

studies treasury / change words. In the science of morphology is divided

into two parts, namely Inflection and derivational. on this occasion the

author examines how is derivation process in Matbat language.

Why the author doing research on derivational language Matbat

Misool, because derivation is a change of word class which added by

morphemes particular, on the other hand also the derivation shall have the

meanings is change the basic words into a word that implies / have

meaning if the word is added by morphemes as a complementary word

above the writer took the title it is Derivational Process in Matbat


The examples of derivational process in Matbat language are as


Adjective Suffix Noun



Lotem Nuhoilotem




Lotem Filotem


Morpheme is still very strange to some language learners. However

human is have already applied morphemes in their daily comunication

because each morpheme exist in language that human use in their

comunication, and automatically to make a morpheme become a word,

they need a derivational process.


To learn second language or foreign language, the language learner

usually starts with learn its word class. It aims to help the learners to

arrange the sentence, which the sentence is a language element that used to

make comunication, convey the idea, feeling, desire, and etc.

Every word in all language never stands alone. These words always

constructed from some elements morpheme. This case must be understood

in order to the language learner avoid misplacement of these elements in

sentence. Misplacement in sentence will cause misunderstanding. So,

learning the word shape element to be a sentence is very important.

Same with another local language, in Misool Matbat language

found derivational process. Misool are Matbat and Macap language

spoken principally on Raja Ampat especially the island of Misool Island.

In Misool Matbat language there are many dialects, among of them are

Limlas, Folley, Tomolol, Kapacol, Magey, Aduwei, Salafen, and also

Atkari dialects. Although these languages come from the same ethnic, but

in several aspects it is very different whether it is from phonology aspect,

syntax, structure, or morphology aspects. These differences are caused by

intonation and words structure that used by the different people.

b. Problem Statement of the Research

Based on the background above, the writer formulates a research

question as below: “How is derivational process between adjective to

verb, adjective to noun and verb to noun in Matbat language?”

c. Objectives of the Research

Based on the problem statement, the objective of the research was

to investigate derivational process in Matbat language.

d. Significance of the Research

This studied was expected to be contributive on theoretical and

practical aspects. Theoretically study was hoped to examine the theory

concern of morphology, most particularly of derivational theory. Practical

study is hopefully can be taken into granted as one of references by those

who concern on language study. This study can be used as information by

students or language learners who have been studying about morphology.


The results of the research are expected to be useful information

for the people who want to learn structure variety and for the English

departments teachers in order that it can be applied as a phrase book in

comparison of language.

e. Scope of Research

To avoid the broader discussion, the scope of study restricted on

derivational process in Matbat language, covering the change of words

class these are: adjective to verb, adjective to noun, and verbs to noun.


a. Previous Study

There have been a great number of researchers who conducted the

study in line with the current issue. Kesuma (2009) on her research „The

Morphemic Shifts in Translation of John Shors beneath a Marble Sky into

Taj Mahal by Merhya Rose‟ explained that morphemic shifts are one of

shift that used to keep the meaning still constant in the target language.

Morphemic shift consist of shift from morpheme to word and

morpheme to phrase and there is no shift from morpheme to word and

shift from morpheme to phrase. Shift from morpheme to word occurred in

prefix: un-, im-, re-, -dis, under-, out-, a-, extra-, over-, and suffix: -ing, -

ly. –s, -er, -less, -est, -ed (suffix which showed the past of the meaning

form). The morpheme which added in the beginning (prefix) and in the

end (suffix) of the word in Source Language (SL) into the target language

(TL) can be change the word class.

According to Zapata (2007: 2), in „Types of Words and Word-

Formation Processes in English‟ explained that the smallest units of

language that have a meaning or a grammatical function and form words

or parts of words are called morphemes. In writing, individual morphemes

are usually represented by their graphic form, or spelling; e.g., -es, -er, un-

, re-; or by their graphic form between bracers, { }; e.g., {-es}, {-er}, {un-

}, {re-}. The branch of linguistics in charge of studying the smallest

meaningful units of language (i.e., morphemes), their different forms, the

internal structure of words, and the processes and rules by which words are

formed is called morphology. The types of morphemes are depending on

the way morphemes occur in an utterance, they are grouped into two large

groups: free morphemes and bound morphemes.


Aronoff and Fudeman (1997) in „Morphology and Morphologycal

Analysis‟ argue that a major way in which morphologists investigate

words, their internal structure, and how they are formed is through the

identification and study of morphemes, often defined as the smallest

linguistic pieces with a grammatical function. This definition is not meant

to include all morphemes, but it is the usual one and a good starting point.

A morpheme may consist of a word, such as hand, or a meaningful piece

of a word, such as the –ed of looked, that cannot be divided into smaller

meaningful parts. Another way in which morphemes have been defined is

as a pairing between sound and meaning. We have purposely chosen not to

use this definition. Some morphemes have no concrete form or no

continuous form, as we will see, and some do not have meanings in the

conventional sense of the term.

b. Some Pertinent Ideas

1) Definition of Morphology

Radford (2004) defines morphology is the study of how words

are formed out of smaller units (called morphemes). Morphology is at

the conceptual centre of linguistics. This is not because it is the

dominant sub discipline, but because morphology is the study of word

structure, and words are at the interface between phonology, syntax

and semantics.. The same definition also described by McCarthy

(2002: 16) who said that the area of grammar concerned with the

structure of words and with relationships between words involving the

morphemes that compose them is technically called morphology, from

the Greek word morpheme „form, shape‟; and morphemes can be

thought of as the minimal units of morphology.

According to Aronof and Fudeman, that in „Morphology and

Morphological Analysis‟ morph- means „shape, form‟, and

morphology is the study of form or forms. In biology, morphology

refers to the study of the form and structure of organisms, and in

geology it refers to the study of the configuration and evolution of land

forms. In linguistics, morphology refers to the mental system involved

in word formation or to the branch of linguistics that deals with words,

their internal structure, and how they are formed.

From the definitions above we can conclude that morphology is

branch of linguistics that studies the word form, the forming process of

word and also it‟s changing in forms which creates the difference in

function an meaning


2) Definition of Morpheme

According to Iriskulov (2006: 10) in „Theoretical Grammar of

English‟ said that the smallest meaningful unit is called morph. The

morphs that have identical meanings are grouped into one morpheme.

It means the morphs and morphemes are speech and language units

that have both form (or shape) and meanings. The smallest meaningful

unit of language is called a morpheme while the smallest meaningful

unit of speech is called a morph. There‟s a notion of allomorph in

linguistics. By allomorphs the linguists understand the morphs that

have identical meanings and that are grouped into one morpheme.

There may be another definition of the allomorphs: the variants (or

options, or alternates) of a morpheme are called allomorphs.

3) Kinds of Morphemes

a. Bound and Free Morphemes

Many linguists have explained about morpheme and they

divided it into two types, namely bound morpheme and free

morpheme. The following are explanation of morpheme according

to the linguist: According to Plag (2002), some morphemes can

occur only if attached to some other morpheme(s). Such

morphemes are called bound morphemes, in contrast to free

morphemes, which do occur on their own. Some bound

morphemes, for example un-, must always be attached before the

central meaningful element of the word, the so-called root, stem or

base, whereas other bound morphemes, such as -ity, -ness, or -less,

must follow the root. Using Latin-influenced terminology, un- is

called a prefix, -ity a suffix, with affix being the cover term for all

bound morphemes that attach to roots.

According to Zapata (2007 : 2) bound (or dependent)

morphemes are those morphemes which never occur alone as

words but as parts of words; they must be attached to another

morpheme (usually a free morpheme) in order to have a distinct

meaning; e.g., -er in worker, -er in taller, -s in walks, -ed in

passed, re- as in reappear, un- in unhappy, undo, ness in readiness,

-able in adjustable;-ceive in conceive, receive, -tain in contain,

obtain, etc. There are two types of bound morphemes: bound roots

and affixes.


a) Bound roots are those bound morphemes which have lexical

meaning when they are attached to other bound morphemes to

form content words; e.g., -ceive in receive, conceive; -tain in

retain, contain; place- in implacable, placate; cran- in

cranberry, etc. Notice that bound roots can be prefixed or

suffixed to other affixes.

b) Affix the word element is added before, after or at the root or

stem (base form of a word) to produce a new word.; e.g., -ment

in development, en- in enlarge; ‟s in John‟s; -s in claps, -ing in

studying, etc

Free or independent morphemes are those morphemes which

can occur alone as words and have a meaning or fulfill a

grammatical function; e.g., man, run, etc. There are two types

of free morphemes.

c) Lexical (content or referential) morphemes are free morphemes

that have semantic content (or meaning) and usually refer to a

thing, quality, state or action. For instance, in a language, these

morphemes generally take the forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives

and adverbs; e.g., dog, Peter, house, build, stay, happy,

intelligent, quickly, always. Actually, lexical morphemes

constitute the larger class of morphemes. They form the open

class of words (or content words) in a language, i.e., a class of

words likely to grow due to the incorporation of new members

into it.

d) Function (al) or grammatical morphemes are free morphemes

which have little or no meaning on their own, but which show

grammatical relationships in and between sentences. For

instance, in a language, these morphemes are represented by

prepositions, conjunctions, articles, demonstratives, auxiliary

verbs, pronouns; e.g., with, but, the, this, can, who, me. It

should be said that function words are almost always used in

their unstressed form.


4) Derivational Morpheme

a. The Understanding of Derivational

According to Zapata (2007), based on the function affixes

fulfill in the language, affixes are classified into derivational

affixes (derivational morphemes or derivations) and inflectional

affixes (inflectional morphemes or inflections). Derivational

affixes are morphemes that create (or derive) new words, usually

by either changing the meaning and/or the part of speech. In

English, derivational morphemes can be either prefixes or suffixes.

For example, un-+ happy (adj.) = unhappy (adj.); re-+ classify (v)

= reclassify (v.); by-+ product (n.) = by-product.

Cahyono in (Damanik, 2009:23) divides bound morpheme

into two, they are derivational morpheme and inflectional

morpheme. Derivational morpheme is bound morpheme creating a

new word by changing either the meaning (example, happy vs

unhappy) or the part of speech (syntactic category, example: ripe

[adj] vs ripen [verb] or both. While inflectional morpheme is a

bound morpheme creating a different form of the same word by

changing either part of speech or meaning, but only refine and give

extra grammatical information about the already existing meaning

of a word. For example, Cat and Cats are both nouns and refer the

same thing, but Cats with the plural morpheme –s, contains the

additional information that there are more than one of these things.

Spencer and Zwicky (2001: 35) unlike inflectional

morphology, which specifies the grammatical functions of words

in phrases without altering their meaning, derivational morphology

or word formation is so named because it usually results in the

derivation of a new word with new meaning.

Adeniyi (2010: 11-13) explain that a derivational

morpheme which is also called a derived morpheme is a type of

bound morpheme which generates or creates new words by either

changing the class of word or forming new words. This change in

word class, caused by the addition of a derivational bound

morpheme, is not restricted to a particular class of words. It affects

all classes of words. This transformation does not, however, affect

the lexical meaning of the base forms of the free morpheme. That

is, the lexical meanings of the core or base or free morpheme

remain unchanged. These examples of derivational are common in

the English language:


1. Verbs to Nouns

Verb suffix Noun

break age Breakage

govern ment Government

Pay Ee Payee

2. Adjectives to Nouns

Adjective Suffix Noun

rapid ity Rapidity

kind ness Kindness

fragrant ce Fragrance

humble ity Humility

3. Adjectives to Verbs

Adjective Suffix Verb

weak En Weaken

liquid Ize Liquidize

solid Fy Solidify


Furthermore, it is also explained that, derivational bound

morpheme has features as follows:

1) They change the meaning or word class e.g govern + ment


2) They indicate semantic relations in words e.g. the morpheme – ful

in hopeful does not relate to any other word in the language except

the free morpheme hopeful.

3) It operates a close circuit kind of relationship. For example, some

bound morphemes like „hood‟ carefully choose their root; they do

not collocate with every other word in the language.

4) It occurs before the inflectional bound morphemes they should co-

occur. For example, teach + er teacher + s teachers (verb) (bound

morpheme) (a new word) inflectional Thus, „er‟ comes before „s‟.

In the examples given above, the derivational morphemes resulted

in a change from one word class to the other. This is what

derivational morphology is all about


c. Conceptual Framework

This study was initially started by having some understanding on

English Morphology theory or concept. This reveals a pre- input to

analyze contrastively such derivation process in Matbat language.the

description of how this study conducted is represent in the following


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework



Bound Morpheme Free Morpheme

Derivation Inflection


Derivational Process in

Matbat language

Pure Linguistics



a. Research Method and Design

In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method.

According to Beverley (1998), Qualitative research is concerned with

developing explanations of social phenomena. That is to say, it aims to

help us to understand the world in which we live and why things are the

way they are.

This research has designed into natural linguistics which explored

derivational process in Matbat language. All data was taken objectively

and based on the fact or phenomena empirically. So, it absolutely

describes factual and natural data obtained in the field.

b. Subject of Research

The sources of data in this research will be taken from native

speakers of Matbat language. The criteria of informants in this research


a) Native Speaker

b) Interviewer

c. Procedure of Research

In this way, writer made some words lists which contain

derivational process that contributing 10 words and distributed the native

speakers of Matbat language. The words lists were written in Indonesian

language. Those who were going to work on the work list were 04

persons. After the writer divided these words lists, the informant asked to

translate these words list in Matbat language. After that the writer

analyzed all of data.

d. Instrument of Research

Instruments used in conducting this study is a list of words in the

language Matbat and informants are natives Matbat rate as the main

instrument of qualitative research


e. Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer would like to employ Miles and

Huberman‟s( 1984 ) Qualitative Data Analysis such as:

Miles and Huberman (Emzir, 2010) states that there are three kinds

of qualitative data analysis activities, namely:

1. Data Reduction

The data obtained in the field is quite a lot, it is necessary to note

carefully and in detail. Data reduction means: summarizing, choose the

basic things, focus on things that are important, look for themes and

patterns and discard unnecessary. Reduced data will give a clear

picture and facilitate researchers to conduct further data collection, and

look for it when needed. Data reduction can be assisted by an

electronic device such as a computer, to give the code on certain

aspects. With the reduction, the researchers summarize, pick up

important data, make categorization, based uppercase, lowercase

letters and numbers. Data that is not important discarded.

2. Data Display

Once the data is reduced, then the next step is mendisplaykan

data.Display data in qualitative research can be done in the form of: a

brief description, the chart, the relationship between categories,

flowchart and so on. Miles and Huberman (1984) states: "the most

frequent form of qualitative research data display for the data in the

fitting has been narative tex" means: that is most often used to present

data in qualitative research with narrative text. In addition in the form

of a narrative, the data display can also be a graph, matrix, network

(networks). Social phenomena are complex, and dynamic so that what

is found when entering the field and after the last for a while in the

field will experience growth data. Researchers should always examine

what has been discovered at the time of entering a field that is still

hypothetical it develops or not. If after a long time to enter the field

turns always supported the hypothesis formulated at the time the data

were collected in the field, then the hypothesis is proven and will

evolve into a grounded theory. Grounded theory is a theory that found

inductively, based on the data found in the field, and then tested

through ongoing data collection. When the patterns were found to have

been supported by the data for the study, then the pattern into a

standard pattern that is no longer changed. The pattern is further

didisplaykan in the final report of the study.


3. Withdrawal / Verification Conclusion

The third step is the conclusion and verification. Preliminary

conclusions presented are still provisional, and will change if not

found strong evidence that supports the next stage of data collection.

But if the conclusion was supported by evidence that is valid and

consistent when researchers returned to the field to collect data, the

conclusions put forward a credible conclusion (trustworthy).

Conclusions in qualitative research may be able to answer the problem

formulation formulated from the beginning, but maybe not, because of

the problem and the problem in qualitative research is still tentative

and will be developed after research in the field. Conclusion expected

in qualitative research is a new finding that had not been there. The

findings could be a description or picture of an object that previously

were not clear, so that after the investigation became clear.



a. Finding

This chapter explains about derivational process that found in

Matbat Misool language. It was analyzed based on morphology,

specifically about morpheme that has function to change the word class.

To analyze the data, the writer made the list of words. To describe it the

writer used qualitative method. The data that show derivational process in

Matbat Misool language were as follow:

1. Derivation of Adjective to verb

Table 4.1

Process Derivation of Adjective to Verb

No Adjective Prefix Infix Suffix Verb

1 Mto





2 Tacok





3 Lek





4 Matip





5 Manet





6 Ponca





7 Msiu





8 Kurun





9 Hakal








10 Mtolon

True Fa



2. Derivation of Adjective to Noun

Table 4.2 Process Derivation of Adjective to Noun

No Adjective Suffix Noun

1 Barasi

Clean Lotem-



2 Mlom

Clear De-



3 Kamlot

Cool De-



4 Fi

Good Lotem-



5 Hannang

Happy Lotem-



6 Mna

Fat Lotem-



7 Jurom

Brave De-



8 Cap

Beautiful Lotem-



9 Manet

Strong Lotem-



10 Tacok

Stupid Lotem-




3. Derivation of Verb to Noun

In Matbat language, there were two ways to consntruct noun

from verb. They are as follow:

Table 4.3 Process Derivation of Verb to Noun

No Verb Prefix Noun

1 Soi

Sureender Hi-



2 Mu

Rid Hi- HiMu


3 Jei

Assist Hi- Hijei


4 Fakain

Marry Hi- HiFakainhi


5 Tandang

Walk Hi- HiTandang


6 Pasu

Desire Hi- HiPasu


7 Hagat

Devise Hi- HiHagat


8 Fon

Add Hi-



9 Heng

Observe Hi-



10 Bin

Inform Hi-




b. Discussion

In here, the writer discussed the data that found about derivational

process in Matbat language

1. Derivation of Adjective to Verb

In Matbat language, derivation of adjective to verb is

constructed by adding morpheme ”laponpo, lotem, beheu, heu, befi,

etc“ at the enddig of adjective to form verb. For example the words:

Mtolaponpo (increase), tacoklotem (fool), Lekbeheu (break), Matipheu

(darken), Msiubefi (blacken), etc.

Morpheme “laponpo, lotem, beheu, heu, befi “ was bound and

the words that attached on it are free morphemes, like the words tacok,

lek, fi.. It is distinguished with derivation of adjective to verb in

English is by attaching morpheme –en in the end of root adjective. For

examples, weaken, blacken, darken, broaden, shorten etc. Beside

morpheme -en, to construct derivation of adjective to verb, in English

is also exist morpheme –ize in the end of adjective, as the examples are

minimize, and also suffix fy for example is beautify, etc (Adeneyi,

2010: 11). These words are constructed on two morphemes, namely

free morpheme and bound morpheme. The free morphemes are weak,

black, dark, broad, minimal, and beautiful, while the bound

morphemes are:-en,–ize, and -fy which attach in the end of the


The distinguished derivation of adjective to verb; in English,

we can find morpheme-en, -ly in the end of adjective (prefix). These

adjectives have listed in the dictionary. For example the words; ,

weaken, blacken, darken, sturdily, vastly, and pleasantly . In Matbat

language, to construct verb from adjective just can be done by

attaching morpheme laponpo in the endding of adjective, for examples

are mtolaponpo (increase), tacoklotem (fool), lekbeheu (break),

matipheu (darken), msiubefi (blacken), etc


2. Derivation of Adjective to Noun

In Matbat language, derivation of adjective to noun is

constructed by adding morpheme ”lotem“ and “de” in the endding of

adjective (suffix). For examples, the words: kamlotde (coolness),

mlonde (clarity), tacoklotem (stupidity), hannanglotem (happiness),

etc. Suffix “de, lotem“is bound morpheme, while the words that

attached on it are free morphemes, like the words kamlot, mlon,

hannang, tacok, etc.

It is different with English derivation of adjective to noun. In

English, it is constructed by attaching morphemes “–ness, -ity, and –

ing” in the end of adjective (suffix) like the words: foolishness,

badness, darkness, security, etc (Adeneyi, 2010: 11). These words are

constructed by two morphemes, namely free morpheme and bound

morpheme. The free morphemes are the words foolish, bad, dark,

black, secure, etc. while bound morpheme is – ness, -ity, and -ing. It is

difference with derivation of adjective to noun in Matbat language.

3. Derivation of Verb to Noun

In Matbat language, to build a derivation of the verb to noun is

by adding bound morpheme “Hi” at the beginning of the verb to form

a noun, for example the words Hifakainhi (marriage), Himu (riddance),

etc. It is very different from the derivational process in English. In

English, derivation of verb to object morpheme is added at the end of

the verb.


a. Conclusions

Having analyzed the data in the previous chapter, the writer

concluded that derivational process in Matbat language are reflected by

some derivations such as: 1) adjective to verb that constructed by adding

morpheme laponpo, lotem, heu, and beheu for examples: mtolaponpo

(increase), tacoklotem ( fool), lekbeheu (break), matipheu (darken),etc. 2)

Adjective to noun that constructed by adding morpheme de,lotem, for

examples are the words barasilotem (cleanliness), juromde (bravery),

caplotem (beautifuliness)etc. 6) verb to noun that constructed by adding

morpheme morpheme hi, for examples are hifakainhi (marriage), himu



So, constructions derivational process in Matbat language are

morphemes laponpo, lotem, heu and beheu (for adjective to verb), morpheme

de, lotem(for adjective to noun), and also morphemes hi (for verb to noun.)

b. Suggestions

The result of this study expected can be useful for the readers to

increase their understanding about derivational process in Matbat

language. It is also hoped that this study will be useful to other researchers

related with derivation aspects such as morphology.

The writer recognizes that this study is still far from the perfect.

Therefore it is suggested for the readers to give some constructive

criticism and suggestion to make it better.



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