Demerits of advertizing

ADVERTIZING: ‘The activity or profession of producing informa tion for promoting the sale of commercial products or services is called advertising.’ Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it. OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of advertising are: Increasing the usage of a certain product and hence acquiring more orders. Creating new customers and increasing brand recognition. To obtain feedback from customers regarding a certain product. To indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones. DEMERITS OF ADVERTIZING

Transcript of Demerits of advertizing

Page 1: Demerits of advertizing


‘The activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services is called advertising.’

Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it.


The main objectives of advertising are: Increasing the usage of a certain product and hence

acquiring more orders. Creating new customers and increasing brand

recognition. To obtain feedback from customers regarding a

certain product. To indicate introduction of new products or

replacement of old ones.


Though advertising has many advantages, it also has several disadvantages.


Page 2: Demerits of advertizing

It increases the cost of goods. The cost of the advertisement is included in the price and is ultimately borne by the customers.

It increases monopolistic trend. Due to advertisement some manufacturers create monopoly in industry and thus reduce healthy competition. It becomes difficult for new firms to enter the field.

Producing a television advertisement requires hiring of script writers, actors, video editors, or an advertising agency which means the entire process is a complicated procedure.

Proper monitoring is required after the advertisement is launched for good results.

Not all advertisements are creative and intrusive. Hence, not all viewers may be attracted towards the advertisement.

The advertisement has to be broadcasted at least 5 to 7 times to achieve message retention and consumer action. In case the product is not telecasted several times, it is simply a waste of money.


It misleads the public by giving false statements about the product. (It may be true in some cases but majority of advertisers know the value of honest statements.)

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It creates tastes and desires for some people whose income may not allow them to buy. Such people feel dissatisfied.

It creates the possibility of wrong purchases. Being impressed by the advertisement, in some cases, a person is not able to purchase the commodity, which he actually wants to purchase.

It encourages luxury. Mostly the commodities related to comforts and luxuries are advertised, for example, cigarettes, cosmetic goods and etc. due to advertisement of cigarettes several persons start smoking cigarettes, which becomes habit.

As a results of advertisement, style and fashion change quickly. It makes the goods out of fashion.


Many times, foul language and objectionable pictures are used in advertising in order to attract a particular class. They may be insulting to a particular class. It causes decay of social values.

Women are used as sex symbol in the advertisements to attract viewers.

Many private products of women are being advertised openly now a days which has a bad impact on cultural values.

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Advertisements are now glamourized that has change the cultural trend for the area.

Advertisements with portrayal of women as sex symbol more than the product itself is injecting a slow poison in the society.


Though radio advertisements are some of the most affordable ads in the market still they need to be designed to grab the attention at once and use of Production Company is the best way to achieve the desired results.

Absence of visual component is the major drawback of radio advertisement. It is more difficult to catch the users just by sound.

Repetition of ads annoys the listeners.

The ad once ended is forgotten already by people. Radio advertisements especially has no longer effects because of the absence of visual element.

If the listener miss some important information in the radio advertisement they usually have to wait until it comes again. By that time they may have either forgotten or lost interest.

Background sounds of people in advertisements may distract the listeners from the actual message.

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Outdoor advertising especially in upper class areas is very costly.

It reduces cleanliness. Large number of posters and writings on the walls are used for advertisement. This makes the roads and the walls of the houses look dirty. Thus, it reduces the natural beauty.

Trend of huge boards and hoardings has caused several road accidents. It is due to the wrong placement or attention diversion may also be the cause.

It is a cause of wastage of natural resources.

The nature of outdoor advertising demands that the commercial message should be brief and simple as people do not have time to read details on their way.

Like the other methods outdoor advertising has no reliable method to measure its effectiveness.


Though this method is effective but many consumers in daily routine chose to ignore the ads.

Advertisement online has also the viewing problems. At times links are attached to viruses which damages the system.

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When a people visit various websites, they usually have a typical goal in mind. They get distracted and annoyed by the lump of emerging advertisements.


Younger consumers often receive news through television and computers, they do not read newspapers.

Newspaper has a shot life, once it’s out of sight people no longer remember or gain interest in something that is frequently advertised on TV.

In newspaper multiple ads create visual mess and competitive messages.

Advertisements in newspapers and magazines are usually costly including classified ads.

Ads in this medium are tricky to schedule.


Children aren't mature enough to know advertisers are marketing to them. They are so easy to influence with colorful and new things therefore they want to try all of it.

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Children tend to want nearly every advertised product because they often don't understand the difference between what's real and what's pretend.

Advertisements misleads the children and causes frustration in case of unavailability of the desired product not just for them but for parents too.

Advertisements also promotes unhealthy choices among children that in many cases leads to obesity and poor nutrition.

Children now a days are also becoming brand conscious due to glamourous advertisements.

The advertisements aimed at children send them the message that they need things to be happy and accepted. In the long run, this may lead to materialistic behaviors. Children learn that the items they own get them attention, increase popularity or enable them to gain more friendships. Whether they realize it or not, these behaviors often carry over to adulthood.