Deliverable D 6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

G A 101015416 P a g e 1 | 18 Deliverable D 6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Reviewed: (no) Project acronym: PERFORMINGRAIL Starting date: 01/12/2020 Duration (in months): 31 Call (part) identifier: S2R-OC-IP2-01-2020 Grant agreement no: 101015416 Due date of deliverable: Month 7 Actual submission date: 29-06-2021 Responsible/Author: Francesco Flammini (MDH) Dissemination level: PU Status: Issued Ref. Ares(2021)4253265 - 30/06/2021

Transcript of Deliverable D 6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

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Deliverable D 6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

Reviewed: (no)

Project acronym: PERFORMINGRAIL

Starting date: 01/12/2020

Duration (in months): 31

Call (part) identifier: S2R-OC-IP2-01-2020

Grant agreement no: 101015416

Due date of deliverable: Month 7

Actual submission date: 29-06-2021

Responsible/Author: Francesco Flammini (MDH)

Dissemination level: PU

Status: Issued

Ref. Ares(2021)4253265 - 30/06/2021

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Document history

Revision Date Description

1 29/6/21 First issue

Report contributors

Name Beneficiary Short Name

Details of contribution

Francesco Flammini MDH First draft

Sarah Jordan UoB Additions to first draft Review of draft

Funding This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101015416. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Shift2Rail JU members other than the Union. Disclaimer The information in this document is provided “as is”, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The content of this document reflects only the author`s view – the Joint Undertaking is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. The users use the information at their sole risk and liability.

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Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 4

2. Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................................................................. 5

3. Background ............................................................................................................................. 6

4. Objective/Aim ......................................................................................................................... 8

5. Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 10

6. Target Audience .................................................................................................................... 10

7. Overview of Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities ............................ 11

8. Dissemination and Communication Schedule and Report ................................................... 13

9. Evaluation of the Activities ................................................................................................... 14

10. Shift2Rail Communication Guidelines and Newsletter ........................................................ 14

11. Dissemination Activities........................................................................................................ 15

12. Exploitation of Results .......................................................................................................... 17

13. PERFORMINGRAIL Identity ................................................................................................... 17

14. Project Website and Social Channels ................................................................................... 18

15. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 18

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1. Executive Summary

This document describes the dissemination and exploitation activities planned for Shift2Rail / European Commission Horizon 2020 project named PERFORMINGRAIL (grant agreement: 101015416). Dissemination actions will be targeted to stakeholders of the international railway transportation industry as well as to a broader research and engineering audience, and finally to the general public. As a starting point, a project website has been built with free access to project information and results. Final deliverables will be made publicly available, and a set of conferences, workshops and public dissemination events will be organised. Publications produced during the project will be made accessible by means of open-access journals and free electronic archives (such as Zenodo, ArXiv, ResearchGate, the TU Delft institutional repository). Social media and other communication channels will be set and used to spread information and results with regular updates. Exploitation will address Intelligent Property Rights (IPR), copyrights and any patents developed within the project, while promoting potential uptake of project outcomes by the international railway industry. Mälardalen University (MDH), as the leader of Work Package 6 (WP6) about communication, dissemination and exploitation, together with project coordinator (University of Birmingham, UoB) and the other partners involved in project tasks within WP6, will use a range of dissemination tools to promote the outcomes of the project. These include all materials, created and managed in accordance with requirements of Shift2Rail/H2020 and partners’ branding requirements. This dissemination plan sets out the ways in which we will inform and promote the findings of the project and the partners’ expertise and capabilities. It identifies target audiences and the dissemination tools with which we plan to reach each audience. It also outlines opportunities for dissemination, such as key industry events, research conferences and related journals, where we plan to promote the project and its outcomes. The plan will include contributions and suggestions from the project’s partners and advisory board. The plan will be reviewed and amended when appropriate. Specific details on website and social channels are provided in project deliverable D6.2 “Project website and social channels”.

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2. Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviation / Acronyms Description AB Advisory Board

MP Data Management Plan

DoA Description of Action

EC European Commission

GA Grant Agreement

IP Innovation Program

IPR Intellectual Property Rights

QMP Quality Management Plan

S2R Shift2Rail

TRL Technology Readiness Level

UoB University of Birmingham

WP Work Package

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3. Background The present document constitutes the Deliverable D6.1 “Dissemination and Exploitation Plan” in the framework of:

H2020-EU. - Innovation Programme IP2: Advanced traffic management and

control systems

S2R-OC-IP2-01-2020 - Modelling of the Moving Block system specification and future

architecture (TD2.3) + RAIM algorithms, Assessment Report and support for Railway

Minimum Operational Performance Standards (TD2.4)

PERFORMINGRAIL implements a holistic system approach to address the open challenges for the Moving Block and Virtual Coupling concepts in terms of safe operational principles and specifications, reliable Train Integrity Monitoring technologies, high-accuracy train localisation and optimised moving-block traffic management algorithms. The main objectives of the project are to enhance and verify existing specifications for moving-block signalling, while developing formal models, algorithms and proof of concepts to test and validate an integrated future moving-block system architecture that will provide safe and effective operational performances. PERFORMINGRAIL will support the activities of the IP2 Adaptable Communications Technology Demonstrator, by helping to bring the developments as close as possible to the market but also supporting to update the regulatory framework. In accordance with the objectives of the IP2 TD2.4 Fail Safe Train Positioning (including GNSS) described in the S2R Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP), in the field of Train Localisation (based on the use of combined technologies such as for example EGNSS, IMU, kinematics, Digital Map) the main objectives of PERFORMINGRAIL are to contribute with:

Enhanced railways Fault Detection and Exclusion algorithms for addressing local feared


Data fusion algorithms suitable for railway safe applications,

EGNSS monitoring techniques based on carrier phase measurement and multi-frequency


To help promote the use of formal methods to check safety of advanced railway

operation (in accordance with IP2 TD2.7);

To provide Independent Assessment Report on the proposed technologies and solutions.

The project is structured in seven Work Packages, including five technical Work Packages (WP1 – WP5), plus WP6 about the activities described in this deliverable, and WP7 about project administration and management. Key objectives of the PERFORMINGRAIL project are listed below. OBJECTIVE 1: Definition of Specifications for safe and performing moving block operations OBJECTIVE 2: Formal modelling of moving-block specifications OBJECTIVE 3: Identification of Moving-block hazards

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OBJECTIVE 4: Development of Fail-safe train localisation solution OBJECTIVE 5: Design of Future Traffic Management Architecture for Moving-Block OBJECTIVE 6: Implementing of a Moving-block testing platform OBJECTIVE 7: Proof-of-concept and Assessment of moving-block specifications and models OBJECTIVE 8: Recommendations for safe and performing moving-block configurations OBJECTIVE 9: Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation OBJECTIVE 10: Project Management Objective number 9 is achieved within WP6 addressing communication, dissemination and exploitation tasks, and hence specifically addressed in this deliverable. In order to achieve those objectives, the research activities within PERFORMINGRAIL with be based on the results and/or carried on in cooperation with other S2R complementary projects such as X2RAIL-5 and X2RAIL-3. Throughout the project, the WP6 dissemination, communication and exploitation team will champion dissemination of information and interaction with the complementary projects within Shift2Rail, particularly for the purpose of ensuring future exploitation. The widespread and targeted dissemination of project outputs is vital to the acceptance and implementation of the technologies developed. General dissemination activities will include:

1. The inclusion of project results on the partners’ web sites and newsletters; 2. Presentation of the results on the project website; 3. Publication of project results in technical papers, trade journals and conferences. 4. Attendance and dissemination at industry events and scientific conferences; 5. The publication of case studies (demonstration scenarios) resulting from the project; 6. Exploitation of other online communication tools, e.g. social media, contribution to blogs, to reach appropriate audiences.

Through both formal and informal route, the WP6 team will endeavour to develop links and engage in knowledge exchange with other Shift2Rail and national and international projects.

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4. Objective/Aim This document provides a plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation of the knowledge gained during the Shift2Rail / European Commission Horizon 2020 project PERFORMINGRAIL (grant agreement: 101015416). In accordance with the Grant Agreement requirements, dissemination materials will reflect the authors’ views and the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (JU) will not be responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. This document has been prepared to provide a strategy to ensure that the project results and outputs are widely and effectively disseminated and exploited considering the relevant target groups, including railway industry, research community and general public. The dissemination and communication activities of the project’s outcomes are key activities within the plan, which has the following objectives:

To establish a dissemination platform to facilitate wide-spread information transfer

amongst and beyond the members of the consortium, also beyond the life of the project;

To ensure that the project outputs reach all types of targeted stakeholders;

To ensure that appropriate dissemination strategies are applied;

To set up external communication channels.

The plan includes several activities that will be carried out during the duration of the project, including the project external kick-off-meeting and the development of a public website. The Kick-off Meeting was held on-line due to the Coronavirus pandemic on January 28th 2021. Representatives from project partners met with Léa Paties from the EU Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, who provided a presentation of the JU, financial and dissemination requirements, as well as their general recommendations and expectations from the project. University of Birmingham, project coordinator, provided an overview of project structure, objectives, management structure, work breakdown and overall plan. Then presentations by Work Package Leaders followed, providing specific milestones and technical deliverables. The official PERFORMINGRAIL website is publicly available at: It aims at promoting and supporting all PERFORMINGRAIL dissemination and communication activities. Information about PERFORMINGRAIL in the context of EU research, related S2R initiatives, IPs and projects is also published on:

Project partners independently manage project information pages on their organization’s websites, e.g. (Mälardalen University):


The project is also represented on social channels such as Twitter ( and ResearchGate

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(, with the former targeting the general public, while the latter targeting researchers, with the aim of disseminating technical project updates, developments, results, deliverables, technical reports, presentations and papers. ResearchGate also offers opportunities for getting feedbacks from the research community through comments and open discussions. Specific details on website and social channels are provided in project deliverable D6.2 “Project website and social channels”, led by University of Birmingham. All communication channels will be updated regularly whenever a new event or relevant achievement will be available. Fundamental to dissemination activities will be the communication of the funding source of this project. All dissemination materials will: a) display the JU logo b) display the EU emblem and c) include the following text: “This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101015416. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Shift2Rail JU members other than the Union”. The use of the JU logo will comply with GA requirements, including location and display alongside other logo(s). The purpose of dissemination is to communicate the outputs of the project among interested parties. This activity involves communication of the project’s results to European railway Infrastructure Managers, Operators and signalling suppliers; regional and national policy makers; and the wider industrial and scientific community. This will be achieved through a range of activities, including a public website, social media, newsletters, conferences, publications and attendance at relevant events. Dissemination and exploitation of results is crucial to the acceptance and implementation of technologies developed in the project by suppliers and end-users. This report describes the tasks planned in detail.

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5. Definitions The terms Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation will be frequently used throughout this document. They indicate important activities to be performed within the project. As these terms may have different meanings, we report here their definitions based on the reference

terms of the Grant Agreement.

Dissemination is the public disclosure of the results “to the public by appropriate means (other

than those resulting from protecting or exploiting the results), including in scientific

publications (in any medium).” Communication is the promotion of the project (action) and its results, “by providing

targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public) in a strategic

and effective manner.” Exploitation is the utilisation of results “directly or indirectly, in particular through transfer or

licensing: (a) using them in further research activities (outside the action); (b) developing, creating or

marketing a product or process; (c) creating and providing a service, or (d) using them in

standardisation activities.” The main focus of these activities is indicated by the words disclosure, promotion and utilization: we will use the criteria suggested by these words to classify the activities described in this document as ‘dissemination’, ‘communication’ or ‘exploitation’ activities.

6. Target Audience The dissemination and communication activities may be targeted at specific groups and audience. The target audience of the PERFORMINGRAIL project includes the following groups:

Railway Stakeholders

Research Community from academy and industry

General Public The Railway Stakeholders group includes:

S2R JU and other Railway undertakings;

S2R past and ongoing projects;

Railway regulation and notable bodies (such as the European Union Agency for Railways - ERA);

Railway standardization bodies (such as the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, CENELEC);

Railway and Mass-Transit systems operators;

Railway Companies and Suppliers;

Railway Infrastructure Managers. This audience is reached through specific channels provided by S2R and the project Advisory

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Board. The Research Community from academy and industry includes:

Railway Transportation researchers;

Research Institutions and Scientists interested in model-based performance and safety evaluation and formal methods applied to railways as well as to other domains;

Universities and other educational organizations. This audience is reached through scientific publications made available on digital libraries and specific social networks targeting researchers such as the mentioned ResearchGate. Finally, the interest of general public is attracted by the main objectives and engineering-related results of the project aiming at boosting railways capacity, enabling safe satellite positioning and challenging paradigms such as Virtual Coupling. The main means to involve the general public are the PERFORMINGRAIL page on the S2R website, popular project news on S2R newsletter, the PERFORMINGRAIL public website, and the Twitter social channel, which allow to easily find and access project news and download additional documents for further information.

7. Overview of Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities

The PERFORMINGRAIL Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities aim at disclosing and promoting the results of the project based on a strategy effectively supporting project objectives. Figure 1 shows the main, strongly interrelated, pillars for the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities to support project development and effectively share key findings:

Networking aims at getting relevant information from relevant stakeholders and S2R

complementary projects through coordination activities, online surveys, sharing of results

with other researchers to get their feedback, and involvement of external

subject/domain experts using both formal and informal channels.

News includes all activities aimed at disseminating project results, main achievements,

planned events, talks and publications, using project web pages and social channels, with

regular updates (at least once a month, but in general as soon as relevant news are


Events refers to talks, seminars, presentations, workshops, conference tracks and special

sessions that need to be advertised and allow not only dissemination but also networking

with external stakeholders and researchers.

Publications and Patents includes two fundamental aspects, i.e.,

o 1) Printed and online technical articles and scientific papers, mostly peer-

reviewed and published by well-known and reputable international publishers

such as IEEE, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, etc. The objective is to target high-impact

journals and conferences related to railway transportation, engineering and

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computer science, possibly including cross-discipline topic coverage. Compared to

project deliverables, publications have a broader audience and are generally

validated by editorial or peer review by subject experts.

o 2) Protection of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) and registration of patents. Since

- given its nature and mostly academic participation - the project does not

specifically or directly aim at exploitation by developing industrial products at high

Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), exploitation will be mainly performed by:

Promoting potential uptake of project outcomes by the international

railway industry;

Providing methodologies and usable tools to support industry in the

model-based verification and validation of emerging railway paradigms

and technologies;

Defining training, roadmaps and future directions to use modeling

approaches developed in the project and formal methods to support rapid

product development and industrialization.

Since the members of the PERFORMINGRAIL Advisory Board (AB) belong to main target groups, they play an important role in the project. The dissemination, communication and exploitation goals are achieved by carrying out several activities that are supported by proper tools and means. The target groups and the AB are also directly involved to spread and circulate results.

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Figure 1. PERFORMINGRAIL Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Pillars

8. Dissemination and Communication Schedule and Report The dissemination and communication schedule and report will be used as a tool to plan and report most important information about relevant activities. It contains details of dissemination and communication events together with the responsible partner(s). The schedule is shared on the project collaboration platform (MS Teams) provided by UoB, and will be updated regularly (at least every 6 months) throughout the duration of the project.

Table 1. Example Activity Schedule

Time Type Description Audience Reach Responsible

January 28th


Meeting External


Consortium +

AB ~ 30 UoB

Exp. Summer


Publication Journal Paper Formal






April 20th


Seminar Talk at







• Talks, seminars and presentations

• Workshops

• Conference tracks and special sessions

• Workshop and conference papers

• Books and book chapters

• Journal papers and thematic special issues

• Magazine articles

• Main project results and achievements

• Participation and organization of events

• Technical publications

• Coordination meetings with S2R complementary projects

• Use of social networks to share, get feedbacks and discuss project results

• Involvement of additional stakeholders through the Advisory Board, S2R, and other informal channels

Networking News

Events Publications and Patents

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9. Evaluation of the Activities The evaluation of the activities can be done in several ways. This is also important to understand the relevance and the impact of the project results and help improve the activities. Some meaningful means are:

Advisory Board meetings and feedbacks.

Dissemination and Exploitation workshops. The above means will be used to identify the most promising results and suggestions regarding possible exploitation actions. Further meaningful means are:

• Estimate number of contacted stakeholders (e.g., number of participants to project-related events, number of participants to project surveys, etc.)

• Commonly agreed indicators (i.e., global number of publications, articles, presentations, talks, relevance and quality of targeted journals/conferences, etc.)

10. Shift2Rail Communication Guidelines and Newsletter The communication activities within PERFORMINGRAIL will follow the Shift2Rail Communication Guidelines & Assets for Project Coordinators, addressing:

Shift2Rail logo (multi-coloured and monochrome versions) and EU emblem in high definition, which should be added to all project related outputs, together with the Grant Agreement disclaimer: “This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No [number]”;

Video intro/outro, which should be added to any video material produced within the framework of the project;

Communication Guidelines for Projects, which includes detailed information about the

Projects Communication Planning Googlesheet, as well as the Shift2Rail logo and EU emblem usage guidelines.

In particular, the so-called S2R Projects Communication Planning Googlesheet will be updated on a regular basis to feed S2R newsletters and social media (Twitter, LinkedIn), and any additional communication needs will be routed through the following S2R official email address for communication-related issues: [email protected]. Examples of past entries are shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2. Example entries for S2R project communication through newsletter and social media

11. Dissemination Activities Several dissemination activities have been or will be organized during the project. They include participation in European and international conferences in railway transportation, modeling and formal methods, participation to events and conferences on railways at European or global level, journal publications, presentations at workshops, seminars, establishment of an advisory board, appearance in media and the project final event. Project results are planned to be disseminated in relevant national and international scientific conferences and workshops, trough presentations at high profile academic and industrial events that are within the domain of interest of the project, such as:

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)

Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems (RSSRail)

Transport Research Arena (TRA)

World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR) We are aiming to achieve publications on top ranked peer reviewed journals in the field of transport (railways) and/or computer science (including modeling and formal methods), plus cross-discipline high-impact journals, such as:

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE)

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Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Elsevier)

Transportation Research Part B: Methodology (Elsevier)

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (Elsevier)

Formal Aspects of Computing (Springer)

IEEE Access (IEEE) As an example, at the time we are writing, a paper including preliminary project results has been accepted for publication on the international journal named “Formal Aspects of Computing” (Springer). The pre-print has been promptly shared on ResearchGate1 (available upon request by interested researchers and open to discussion) and advertised on Twitter2. This will be the strategy we will adopt for all important project results and publications. Seminars are a common way to engage a group of participants in the discussion of a subject for the aim of gaining a better insight and contribute to the advancement of the research or knowledge. A seminar is a good mean to achieve both dissemination and exploitation objectives. Seminars differ from workshops and conferences in aims and scope, as they provide room for deeper discussions and sharing of knowledge and ideas as well as to cooperative work on a subject so supporting the creation of a community around the target topic. We plan to organize regular seminars, e.g., through invited talks at workshops and conferences, about PERFORMINGRAIL project objectives and results. As an example, one talk has been already held and has been advertised on the project website3 as well as on Twitter4. Special Sessions at International Congresses or Conferences are also a mean to promote the establishment of a community of stakeholders and researchers around the themes of moving block signaling, performance and safety modeling, formal methods, and a way to disseminate the project results. The PERFORMINGRAIL consortium will organize ad-hoc sessions at selected railway transport and/or formal methods conferences. The involvement of relevant rail stakeholders through the collaboration with industries and railway operators will allow to:

- gain data, use cases, feedback and valuable inputs and insights;

- disseminate and exploit project results;

- promote the development of performability modelling approaches and formal methods

in railway industry.

To that aim, an Advisory Board has been set to involve stakeholders in the project activities and establish a bidirectional communication channel. Through the AB the stakeholders can contribute to the project and the project is supported by the AB in carrying out targeted dissemination to stakeholders. We plan to organize a specific mid-term event in the form of a workshop or industry seminar

1 2



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with high international visibility and reputable printed proceedings. All parties and target groups will be invited and involved by means of the project communication channels, including EU project officials, consortium members, advisory board members, relevant representatives from railway industry and related academic research. The objective of the workshops is to present the results achieved at the workshop date, encourage communications between different parties, and receive feedbacks and indications for the next steps. A final event will be held towards the end of the project. We expect that it will be possibility to organize this event in a traditional face-to-face way. The objective of the final workshop is to disseminate results and support their exploitation, also collecting suggestions about follow-up activities.

12. Exploitation of Results The PERFORMINGRAIL Consortium consists of 8 organizations including more than 5 universities and research centres, with industry representatives and other relevant stakeholders mainly involved through the project Advisory Board. PERFORMINGRAIL will support the activities of the IP2 Adaptable Communications Technology Demonstrator, by helping to bring the developments as close as possible to the market but also supporting to update the regulatory framework. In accordance with the objectives of the IP2 TD2.4 Fail Safe Train Positioning (including GNSS) described in the S2R Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP), in the field of Train Localisation (based on the use of combined technologies such as for example EGNSS, IMU, kinematics, Digital Map) the main objectives of PERFORMINGRAIL are to contribute with: • Enhanced railways Fault Detection and Exclusion algorithms for addressing local feared events; Data fusion algorithms suitable for railway safe applications, • EGNSS monitoring techniques based on carrier phase measurement and multi-frequency technology; • To help promote the use of formal methods to check safety of advanced railway operation (in accordance with IP2 TD2.7); • To provide Independent Assessment Report on the proposed technologies and solutions. Research results are also generally expected to contribute to future research and to open new perspectives for the railway industry and research community.

13. PERFORMINGRAIL Identity A project identity has been set at the beginning of the project including templates for presentations and a project leaflet as well as the project logo. Three versions of the PERFORMINGRAIL logo are available and used according to the context in which the logo must be placed. Figure 3 shows project logo.

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Figure 3. PERFORMINGRAIL Project Logo

14. Project Website and Social Channels Specific details on project website and social channels are provided in project deliverable D6.2 “Project website and social channels”. In addition to that, communication and dissemination opportunities will be shared on the project internal collaboration platform (MS Teams) provided by UoB in order to encourage all project partners to share relevant project news using their own websites, blogs, groups, communities and social networks (including personal/professional Twitter, Facebook, IEEE Collabratec and Linkedin accounts).

15. Conclusions This document presented the plan to provide effective dissemination, communication and exploitation activities within PERFORMINGRAIL. A set of activities events have been planned, with some of them already put in place, while more opportunities will arise as the project progresses. Therefore, the PERFORMINGRAIL consortium will further update and review this plan on a regular basis. Dissemination and exploitation activities will be regularly presented at monthly WP Leaders’ progress meetings and coordinated by the WP6 team.