Defensive Pistol 101

9 Page 1 DEFENSIVE PISTOL 101  A sp ec i al re p or t b y . Learn the  fu nd ament al s of pe r so na l de fe ns e p is to l. Introduction There are two types of pistol shooting, 1) target shooting , and 2) shooting when you are in a fight for your life. The two should never be confused. The purpose of this report is to introduce you to the concepts that you need to know to defend your life with a handgun. This report is not about target shooting, it’s about fighting with a handgun. It is important to know and understand your body’s natural response to any fight.  irst your body will involuntarily lower its center of gravity by crouching down and bending the knees. This is to allow you to run away or fight.  !our shoulders will shrug up and your head will sink down into your shoulders. This is to protect the vital arteries on the side of your neck.  !our hands will come up in front of your body to protect your vital organs.  !ou will e"perience tunnel vision and target fi"ation. This can be good because you are e"tremely focused on the threat. This can be bad because you lose track of what is going on around you. !ou may not see other threats or innocent bystanders. This is why we tell you to turn your head and scan your surroundings in a fight. #can with your whole head and not  $ust move your eyeballs.  !ou will likely lose control of your fine motor skills. This is why we teach only gross motor movements.

Transcript of Defensive Pistol 101

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 A sp ec ial re port by Learn the

 fu ndame nt al s of pe rso na l defe ns e pis to l.


There are two types of pistol shooting, 1) target shooting , and 2) shooting when

you are in a fight for your life. The two should never be confused. The purpose of

this report is to introduce you to the concepts that you need to know to defendyour life with a handgun. This report is not about target shooting, it’s about

fighting with a handgun.

It is important to know and understand your body’s natural response to any fight.

•  irst your body will involuntarily lower its center of gravity by crouching

down and bending the knees. This is to allow you to run away or fight.

•  !our shoulders will shrug up and your head will sink down into your

shoulders. This is to protect the vital arteries on the side of your neck.

•  !our hands will come up in front of your body to protect your vital organs.

•  !ou will e"perience tunnel vision and target fi"ation. This can be good

because you are e"tremely focused on the threat. This can be bad because

you lose track of what is going on around you. !ou may not see other

threats or innocent bystanders. This is why we tell you to turn your head

and scan your surroundings in a fight. #can with your whole head and not $ust move your eyeballs.

•  !ou will likely lose control of your fine motor skills. This is why we teach

only gross motor movements.

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It All Starts With the Proper Mindset

%e aware of your surroundings at all times. The ob$ect is to never get surprised by

a bad situation. In the military we try to dictate where and when the fight takesplace. That is the goal of your attacker. &e wants to take you by surprise, when

you are off guard, and fight you on his terms. 'ever let that happen. %e proactive

in your personal safety. (ction is faster than reaction. The point is to avoid the

need to use any of the material I’m going to teach you in the rest of this report.

(lways observe everyone who is around you. ook for potential threats. *entally

rehearse what you would do if a bad situation occurred where you are. %e awareof where the entrances and e"its are. #ituate yourself so that you have a clear line

of sight to the entrances and an easy escape route. +now that your attacker has a

plan. !our attacker has a preconceived notion of how the fight will go down. &e’s

waiting for you to be on the ",- and unprepared. !ou have to disrupt his plan.

et off the ". (nd be prepared for everything. (nticipate the une"pected and

decide your course of action should it occur.

Combat !!ecti"e Pistol Grip

Take your strong hand and grip the pistol firmly and high on the back strap. !ou

want to grip the pistol as high as you possibly can because your gun will want to

pivot around your hand as it recoils. ( high grip will minimi/e the amount that

your gun pivots upward as it recoils.

0n the other side of your pistol you can see plenty of open real estate. oint your

support hand down in a 3 degree angle and place the butt of your palm in the

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open real estate. The point of the combat effective pistol grip is to make as much

contact with the pistol as possible.

!our support hand thumb should be pointed down4range parallel to your mu//le.

lace your strong hand thumb directly on top of your support hand thumb. %oth

thumbs should be pointed down range, parallel to the mu//le.

rip your pistol firmly with both hands until the pistol begins to shake, then

lighten up on your grip until the pistol stops shaking. This is how tightly you

always want to grip the pistol. rip it as tight as you can without causing the gun

to shake.

#ee this link for a video representation!;<feature8endscreen<'=81 

Combat Pistol Stance

>hen you are startled, surprised, or suddenly frightened, your body has a

specific, natural, and involuntary response. irst of all, your body naturally lowers

its center of gravity. !our knees bend and you crouch down a little bit. This is to

prepare you for either a physical fight, or for a flight ?9uick sprint to safety).

#imultaneously, your shoulders will shrug up ?to protect the vital arteries in your

neck), and your hands will come up in front of your body ?to protect your vital

organs). >e are going to take advantage of this natural response, by basing the

combat pistol stance off of this position.

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1)  ocus your eyes on the threat ?but be aware that you may e"perience

tunnel vision in a fight so you should always scan back and forth to discover

any secondary threats).2)  *ove your head down and shrug your shoulders up.

@)  %end slightly forward at your waist ?this will help your body absorb the

recoil to increase accuracy of follow up shots).

)  #lightly bend your knees and place your feet shoulder width apart.

'ow you are prepared to make 9uick lateral movements if needed. Aven though I

am teaching you this stance, if the mess ever hits the fan, you will not have to

remember any of this as your body will naturally assume this position.

#i$h Compressed %eady

In the movies and on television, you always see the cops walking around or

clearing a house with their pistol fully e"tended. In the real world, this is an easy

way to get your pistol taken away from you. >e will not e"tend our pistol until we

are ready to fire. Bntil then, we assume the high compressed ready position. rip

the pistol tightly and pull it high on your chest and into your body, with the

mu//le pointed towards the threat. This is how you will hold the pistol until you

are ready to fire. If someone tries to disarm you, then you can turn your body, or

shoulder or elbow them. It is much harder to disarm someone who is high

compressed ready as opposed to how easy it is to disarm someone who is walkingaround with their pistol e"tended. Co not search for your target with your gun


Punch &ut

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>hen you are ready to fire, you will punch straight out from the high compressed

ready position. Co not arc up or down, $ust punch straight out as if your pistol is

riding on a laser. unch straight out toward the threat as far as your arms will go.

It is important to punch straight out because your body will act as a mechanical

stop and you don’t have to worry about passing up the target, as would be the

case if you arced up or down instead of punching straight out.

#ee this video for a representation of stance, high compressed ready, and

punching out5 

'ar$et (ocused Shootin$ "s. Si$hted Shootin$

unfights happen fast. They surprise you and they are over before you know what

is happening. Bsually you don’t even have time to use your sights to aim orac9uire a sight picture. This is why we talk about target focused shooting. >hen

you punch out from the high compressed ready position, your pistol should be in

your line of sight, and in the same place it would be if you actually were using

your sights to aim. %ecause of the combat pistol stance, your head should already

be down and into your line of sight. *aintain an intense focus on your target. It is

important to keep your head down and into your sights because if your head is

up, then your pistol is below your line of sight and you will not shoot what you are

looking at. That’s why we call this target focused shooting, because you are

focusing on the target and not on the front sight. The nature of most gunfights

?they happen fast and take place in close 9uarters) necessitates that we be

proficient at target focused shooting. In other words when need to be able to

point and shoot ?i.e., without using the sights) and still make combat accurate

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hits. !ou should go to the range and practice target focused shooting at distances

of @ to 1G yards. #et the target at @ yards, then punch out from the high

compressed ready position and shoot without using your sights to aim. !ou

should be able to make combat accurate hits at this distance without using your


#ighted shooting re9uires you to line up your target with the sights. Avery pistol

has a front sight and 2 rear sights. #ighted shooting re9uires you to line up the

tops of your front and rear sights. There should be an e9ual amount of empty

space on either side of your front sight.

To make the bullet hit dead center on the red H, the top of your front sight needs

to be centered on the e"act spot that you want to impact. 'otice that the green

front sight is cutting the red H in half, that the tops of the front and rear sights are

flush, and that there is an e9ual amount of space on either side of the front sight.

This is how to line up your sights on the target when doing sighted shooting.

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0ne of your body’s natural, involuntary reactions to a gunfight is that you will

e"perience tunnel vision. This is why we recommend that you keep both eyes

open during both sighted shooting and target focused shooting. !ou will likelyface multiple attackers, so practice shooting with both eyes open so as to lessen

the effects of tunnel vision, and to allow you to recogni/e any secondary threats

that may be in your peripheral vision. ractice both forms of shooting with both

eyes open.

'ri$$er Pull (or Si$hted Shootin$

!ou must pull the trigger e"actly straight back. #ome people s9uee/e to hard and

cause the pistol to turn to the left ?for right handers) or turn to the right ?for left

handers). !ou must not anticipate the recoil as this will cause the pistol to dip

before firing, causing you to shoot low of your intended target. ress the trigger

back until the gun fires. To ensure that you are pulling the trigger correctly, triple

verify that your pistol is empty. 0nce you are 1GG certain that your pistol is

unloaded, remove the maga/ine and ensure again that your gun does not have a

bullet in it. %alance a penny flat on your front sight and try to pull the trigger

without having the penny fall off. or a demonstration of proper trigger pull see

the video at this link5*J&@tG 

'he )Punch 'ouch Press* +rill

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et in the high compressed ready position and punch the pistol straight out

toward the target, in your line of sight and parallel to your line of sight. Then

press the trigger as smoothly as possible until the pistol fires. !ou should shoot

anywhere between 2 and K shots. *ake sure that you are punching straight out

and not punching up and out nor down and out. unch straight out. This drill

re9uires you to shoot between 2 and K shots for a few reasons. irst, in the real

world, one shot rarely stops an attacker. >e are training to stop the threat.

#econd, you don’t want to empty your entire gun. !our attacker may be wearing

body armor. #o you want to be able to shoot your initial volley, evaluate your hits,

and make your ne"t decision. erhaps the attacker is wearing body armor and you

need to ad$ust your aim for a head shot or leg shot. erhaps he is wearing body

armor and you need to run away. In any case, after that first volley you want to be

able to evaluate your hits and still have some bullets left in the maga/ine. *ore

than one shot to stop the threat, less than K shots so that you still have some

rounds in the maga/ine after evaluating the effect of your initial volley.

>hen firing multiple shots you are going to have to balance speed and accuracy.

The faster you shoot the less accurate you are going to be. o to the range and

determine how fast you can shoot and still maintain combat accurate hits.

Interruptin$ ,our Attac-ers Plan

Aarlier I mentioned that your attacker has a pre4conceived plan of how the fight is

going to unfold. The best way to gain an edge in a fight is to interrupt your

attacker’s plan. This can often be easily done by employing lateral movement. (

simple $ump or 9uick step to the left or right can put you off the H- and interrupt

your attacker’s plan. This can buy you the precious micro4seconds need to escape

or counter attack. (lways be thinking lateral movement. Con’t simply think about

moving backwards because your attacker can $ust keep coming in the same

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direction. ( 9uick movement to the right or left, forces your attacker to re4plan.

*ove to the side until you are able to reassess the situation or reengage the


/eep earnin$ /eep 'rainin$ Sur"i"e

>hen the mess hits the fan, you will not rise to the occasion. >hen it hits the fan

you will sink to your level of training. There are no good gunfighters or bad

gunfighters, there is only trained or untrained. This special report covers only the

very basics of personal defense pistol fighting. >e did not cover drawing andshooting from the holster, clearing pistol malfunctions, or combat reloads. These

are all things you need to learn and train in order to survive a combat pistol

situation. et on the internet and do a oogle search on combat pistol training,-

or defensive pistol training,- or personal defense pistol training,- and find who

is teaching these classes in your area. o to your local gun range and ask the

employees where you can get this training.