Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani...

Fro 4:- No. of p ag es: 2 Resort made BY L:_ 53 Dates 0 Sept. 151 Report $o: PIR-11262 No. of laolosures: 1 Ap eroved Br: C:_ Distribution: By oopy to: Wash (4) Mousse Cr/atoms: Orally to: Files: _:3 Germany Files (1) PDIA-1031 Source, Operational Data, and Commeats: C---;2 Comments We have a rash of DOLLMAN aPPIN14440". See PIML-1030 and PIMA-1031. The latter, originating with L:- --7 , is oertminly related to what a _:lref e rs to as ethos turned approaches to the subject of joint exploitation of D(LL)WI advanoed regularly in the past through So far as weknow, FBASSAWs ', working for the Americanis e is limited to his association with NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACTRET/G°Rrsi _U. S. OFFICIALS CHU el. NI INS 1041 'Et-WI - IONS Section 3(h) (2)(A) Privacy Li, (2)(B) M ethods/Sources gr4---- (2)(3) Foroidn Rciations IR COPY D eclassified and A p proved for Release by the Central I ntelligence Agency Date: ,,2,13 o / MN NO.

Transcript of Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani...

Page 1: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN

Fro 4:-

No. of p ages: 2

Resort made BY L:_ 53

Dates 0 Sept. 151

Report $o: PIR-11262

No. of laolosures: 1

Aperoved Br: C:_

Distribution:By oopy to:

Wash (4)

Mousse Cr/atoms:

Orally to:

Files: _:3GermanyFiles (1)


Source, Operational Data, and Commeats:

C---;2 Comments We have a rash of DOLLMAN aPPIN14440". See PIML-1030

and PIMA-1031. The latter, originating with L:- --7 , is oertminly

related to what a _:lrefers to as ethos turned approaches to thesubject of joint exploitation of D(LL)WI advanoed regularly in the

past through

So far as weknow, FBASSAWs ',working for the Americanis e is limited

to his association with


el. NIINS 1041

'Et-WI-IONS Section 3(h)(2)(A) Privacy Li,(2)(B) Methods/Sources gr4----(2)(3) Foroidn Rciations


Declassified and Approved for Releaseby the Central Intelligence AgencyDate: ,,2,13 o /


Page 2: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN

_I <

, POOR '1IP,I T Y FJPPli!vIcNT0EE 201 FO! h

Subject: Eugen DOLLMAN

Place Acquired: Italy, Rome

Evaluation : B-3


Report No. : ?IR•11262

Date of 'Info : k.Aust 151

Date Acquired : Sep:. '51

Date of Report : 10 Sept. '51


1. An elegant of a _-:7 met FilipodlftAWATI at the latter l e residence,residence -the !Iota deia.Ville, td discuss Subject's offer of uocu -manta alleged to be in Austria. POSSATI is about 35, fought as a.partisan in the right-wing Val d'Ossola formstions. Since the endof the war be has collaborated vrith Italian intelligence organs. hut,

. at the same time or later, with BIS (he attended British specialisationcourses in 1944-45 at quercinella,Livorno)and with AIS.

The "I" Office of Comiliter harm°vouch for his seriousness (see at ter totO

3. FRASSATI stated:

a) That to has kncmn DOLLMAN for five months but is in very closecontact with him; he met hlk through Donald JONES whoa FRASSATIhas kown since /945,

b) That he has lent money to Subject (ca. 150,000 lire) who ishaving a hard time, but whose political position is improving.FRASSATI foresees a re-evaluation of Subject in Germany, asa result of the eVentual etmmwthaning of the position of severalex-Nasis, among them von ressmemo.

c) Subject knows the hiding place of a number (13 or 17) cassecontaining letters an6 &•enants from Hitler's personal archive,including' Hitler-Stalin c; . r.mispondence, consigned to Subjectby Hitler personally.

d) Subject is willing to rive material to the Italians throughPRASSATI. Subject's connittons are not known to FRASSAT1.Subject in Germany, !Jut will query FRASSATI in the nearfutura as to whether or nut. the Italians are interested.

e) FRASSATI is to-receive a wstirmication from Subject at Bolwanoduring the first week of Savtember.

f) . To the query why Subject h:).. not offered these documen 6other servicei with which he is known to be in conFRASSATI answered thnt he, too, did c:r under Subjecthad not offered them to, fox instan Cossande'_i_orin r •JONES. He added that there might be personal sons withwhich he waS not famA.ier,

g) PRASSATI concluded ler saying that Wants authorised to .discussterns only up to the point of allowing Subject, who has nomoney, to travel to tuatrip with FRASSATI to recover the Sonnosts.For this trip about ::COAIM lire are required." .

h) In the event of failrra to rover the documents (FRASSATI i2not sure that ,ore them although he assertsthey do exist) FRASSATT c11 provAs Soure‘'s service withother information,- a I'm A

Classification: mggL u, E. OFFIC..

Page 3: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN

4. FRASSATI appears to be in good faith, answered objections clearly andsincerely. No oommitalent was made to his. K. asked to know Source'sdecision before 4 September at one of the following addressee:

a) Via Visconti di Xodrone 20, Milan (no phone)

b) gib babegabi0 gbreello 30,. Milan (tel: 279551)

5. : The pretended existenoe of Hitler documents isprQheby an expedient of Subject's to pin credit with FRASSATI whois backing bin. PRASSATI may have swallowed the story, but is nowWawa, esnesined with securinX a sour:war insane for Subject, inorder that be sity recover the funds which be bbaself has adios:wed toSubject. No action will be taken on this matter until Subject exhibitsa convincing eicauple or the material allegedly hidden in AustOla.

6. Attached is otipy of &latter Introduaing . FRASSATI to Capt. OMICIAofBIOS.


- 2 •


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axt . \


yOmANDO MILITARS marrona3 DI !:I1APC (1.11)

stato Maggiore ..Uffiolo "I"


Caro Omsk,11 la%ore della presents 11 11 elg.,111ppo

MonATI, aos:ro veochio ad ettimo collaborators. 11(pale desidereTebbe women presmetiato al Rigor Cepocornett, per_proporre operaziome obetemosoeodo

fRael Rerleta, dOVrebbe dam bowl rieultati.11 gegg•PALNAIDEn lI alma per queen° demise di partiraIan ii TRAT:ATI oggi 6441144 p440 mamas= improvviel odlawman,' lmpegol Amnion lo Amino Marotta * ma'sat immediataments in liosoza.sant venuto to to aus vacs me non ml %rouse/ qui mkt• con l eagglunta di Impeini con Li man °emend• Per aUtman ml rest* ohs indiriszarlo a tia llaffInahhodei6 aver]ageoltatoese la Memel opportm00 0lo poega In "Wooprenentare al sig.Colonrello.

Ti prep pot al waft dire se la nonvereadone he weftluego e as la cosa salt press In conelderasione.

Colge ltoocaelAne per iwelartd molti a/Tottuosi 4 merdbillneluti.

Pita Outdo Bruno



R!)14.11tJ1 0

Page 5: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN


SEE 201 FOLDER H '-iARO 0 a

21 I° settembre 1951

all 'Hotel de latop qu

rta di doeumentl oho si troverebbero La Austria).


Filippo FRAssATI ha circa 35 anal. Ha ceokattutO sell• firma;zioni partiglane (valle dell qlssola) di destras dolls finsdella :parr& collabora eon organi informativi Milani. Ma

stato in eontatt000n so es eentemporenesseate • la pert*.di suocessivic son ii servisio Wilco (ill cal ha Corsi di speoialiszaslon• nil 1944-45 a Home ed a quarola-.main - Livorno) e con quel/e amerleano. "WM ls ssisPeasdell sOssola con i laiuto d•gi americanl (vios-oonsolo USAa Lugano Donald Jones).1_22ffisul sort aft, ammilitar di Milano (nsuusiore PALANIDEssI

_ft-ssiallii9e_r_ gi si rondo mallevadore della serietk delFRAof3AT V. Otters di presentazions diretta al eapitanoGiorgio GONDA che ii ?RATA?' mi ha eonnegnalo sports).Dopo uha oonversazione di earattere generals ho toenail° Isquestions dell tofferta di doeumenti del eartegglo personalsdi Hillard:: parte dell'e*.00lonnello dells. gs gormaniobaEugenio DOLHANNoulla quale ho ohiesto tutti t dettaglisibili.

Al riguardo FRATWI ml ha ditto:

- ammo* COIMANN da oinque mesima 1, in strati/U.1mirapporti con lui:

- lo ha oonosoluto per mezzo dell'ex-vice-oonsole aortaeano a Lugano Donald JONES dl cut b amioo dal 1045;

Page 6: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN



- 2-

- ha prestato del ammo a DOLMANN (eiroa 150 imila lire)'ehe si trova in Watts /moo " la out posizions polismtiea b in notto ria3.z0 (FnAsSATI prevodeool efloOlidamnento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal,fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadenedel DOLMANN in Germania)!

- DoLuANN woo* ii. namoondiglio in out *Mobs mato=dito ub laproelmato =mem di case. (17 Oppose 13)oontenenti letters e doennenti doll'aribtrie Palma'di Hitler the nol period, pro-ogonloo del regineHaltlarsteam avrobte affMto a D3WANN. (Viaarebbeporfin0ii eart4500 Nitler-eSalint);

▪ DOLMANN b disposto a ceders tale materials alllItaliaper mezzo dal FlAssATI;

- le condizioni ohs ii DOWANN intends fare non eons sonsora note a FRassei pershb al rigaarde non eons statipissed immoral precisi. Attaalaento DOLMANN b Is noSgnia,ma chiedera a Ms:ATI not proemial giorni no 14116ferta a stata 0 no prima in oonsidorazione dalle Antariisth Italians;

- FRAssATI dovrebbe newer* una manicazione di =MANNa Bolzano ove aoggiornsrb. Sol worse della Wittman& pros.sins (3-10 flattest:fro);

- avendogli obbiettato perohb mat DDLmANN moo ha fait'analopjle proposte ad altri orgAni (shs non he indioato)son oni b noto the egli via in =UM, FIRMATI haprontemente risposto, intieppurs to caplet* psrobb assabbia Wert* I doementi al Cosentlants DE3Y (510611arilsna) 0 a JONR8 del servizio saericano". Na ha agginotes"pub claret ohs vi 8111110 dello ragioni di earattore par*.sonale ohs to non oonoecolt".Dopo di she ho oredute di chlidire quest° aspettm oanversaziene ehepperbmi b servita per more finea ohs panto il FRA GIsATI oonosca l lambiente inforaativodi Milano e del Ticino;

Page 7: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN


POOR NAL I T Y Di",ilm


- tornando Balla questions delis eendizioni she DOWN);potrebbe parrs per seders il materiale,INAMATI at haripetuto she b autorizzato a trattare in via preliminsore soltanto permitter, MANN — oho t senza deur° —in grado di reoarsi in Austria eon lui (PRAssATI) ailsgoopo di reouperare I. doeumenti;

ohs occorrerebbe per il limb) o senior:if) di FRAnsATI• DOLIANN in Austria um mummift aim 200 ails lire

— che in caso di fallimento dell'improsa (11AssATI UM agirt° che DOINANT poem recuperare 1 deennintildeP gisarto sal affermi cfte 1. documemti esislano effettlynmontio)MAssATI !mann% al Waist° altre Infonasioni eltreal resoeonto-di tette is Marche she verrebbero effetetuate. •

A questo punt° ha auto Ursine is oonversazione.

THAgsATI sembra *sure in buona fede„ Egli at ha fattoanoomplesso, %nom impreentone.

Ha risposto ails melte obblezioni die ho sollovate nel oSNOMdel colloquia in termini chiari e oorretti.

Egli erode a DOWANN,ma non pines ohs DOLMANN abbla petit,norprennere la gua boom fede.

Io non ho preso aloun

Ho ditto a FRAWATI oho avrel Merit° al Edo Capes che gliavrel fatto pervenire la risposta eel plk breve termins pos

git ml ha risposto ohs parts da Dona in SUMS& e che at' rechorh prima a Milano e poi a aDLIMOOAR chs donidniswebbemowers le nostre decision' al plinolpio dalla settimenaprossima e possibilmente entro marten 4 nettenbre ad Inadel seguenti indirizzis

FRAssATI-.via %%sant' di modrone •20 —MOO

(non ha teleono)-.via Benedetto Marcell. 030 — MILAN,

(tel. 279551).

Page 8: Dates 0 Sept. - Central Intelligence Agency EUGENE_0040.pdf · nento della posiziono di alcani elementi ezonasigal, fra cut 11 Mareeolallo Koseelring, unit rivalutadene del DOLMANN

0 R 1UPtITYrflrM T

ri;LE 20 rotr,,iI

Ohi bo detto the ant 1a risposta entre outodl prossio0a Milano.

TOW sensiderstotritsudc rhos— la protons ssistscss di destrionti porssnall 4 IOUs)

Ida Mutisnto di DYINAMP per soquistarsi MAUto di INAssaTI oho 10 solmons10004

— s2s Masai Obis straglato Is filgisels eb• Uraldi procurers a BOMA( los rents 40 desallis t=180,Pima sisntrars in possess, del owl' awn s•curs interns us bravo senior* in Austria.

Propostas rimesters the Is questions poirslobs intsisssarseel sins Imo in sal MOLIAUllf ssibisssrugrans asbarials Nsuss sksto in Pastris (Innsbruck).—