DataViz in 6 Weeks, Wk 1: context

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DataViz in 6 Weeks is a six week course at OCAD University in Toronto. Week 1: historical context: the Golden Age of statistical graphics, the dark ages, the renaissance of data visualization. DataViz vs InfoViz vs VisualAnalytics.

Transcript of DataViz in 6 Weeks, Wk 1: context

  • 1. Introduction to Visual AnalyticsWeek 1: ContextCopyright Anne Stevens 2014

2. Historical contextCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 3. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014World Map. 4. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Scotlands imports and exports. William Playfair. 5. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Diagram of the causes of mortality in the army in the East. Florence Nightengale. = disease. Pink = battle wounds. Black = other causes. 6. Carte figurative des pertes successives en hommes de l'Arme Franaise dans la campagne de Russie 1812-1813. CharlesMinard, Anne Stevens 2014 7. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Effect of US Civil War on trade in cotton, 1858, 1862. Charles Minard. 8. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Cholera outbreaks in London. John Snow, 9. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Density and Intensity of Illiteracy in France.Baron Pierre Charles Dupin, 10. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014The Horse in Motion. Eadweard Muybridge. 11. Copyright Anne Stevens 12. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Hand mit Ringen. WilhelmRontgen. 13. So what is different today?Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 14. What is data visualization? Anne Stevens 2014 15. Not all data visualizations are created equalInformation designInfoVizInfo GraphicsData visualizationData analysisVisual analyticsMedical/scientific visualizationMap based vizs (GIS)Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 16. Edward TufteCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 17. TruthinessCopyright Anne Stevens 18. High data to ink ratioCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 19. No chart junkCopyright Anne Stevens 2014(Left) 20. No graphic ducksCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Edward Tufte.The Visual Display of Quantitative Information 21. Information design / InfoViz / Info GraphicsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 22. Left vs. Right. David McCandlessdavidmccandless.comCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 23. Feltron 2013 Annual Report. Nicholas FeltronCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 24. Data VisualizationCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 25. Anne StevensCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 Every Satellite Ever 26. SatCat Database:all space debris larger than 10cm dia. 27. Hours and hours of research, filtering and numbercrunching 28. The Fortune 500. Ben Anne Stevens 2014 29. Visual analyticsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 30. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014The Care and Condition Monitor. Anne Stevens et al. OCAD Visual Analytics 31. Scientific visualizationCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 32. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014The Visible Human 33. What would Tufte say about these?Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 34. Jason SalavonLate Night TriadCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 35. Lev ManovichCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 Mapping Time 36. Uses a portable four meter high measuring device and long-exposurephotography to map WiFi fields around RFID devices inurban spaces.Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Immaterials: light painting WiFi, Kjetil Nordby, 37. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Fundament, Andreas Nicolas Fischer. Jansen, Pierre Dragicevic, Jean-Daneil FeketeTokyo earthquake data sculpture. LukeJerram. lukejerram.comKeyboard frequency sculpture. Michael 38. Introduction to Visual AnalyticsWeek 1: Contextwww.stevensanne.comFollow the DataViz in 6 weeks blog@three_ring_binderAnne StevensCopyright Anne Stevens 2014