
Databases and Database Management Systems Adatabase is a collection of related data or facts. A database management system (DBMS) is a software tool that al-lows people to store, access, and process data or facts into useful information Many small database programs that run on per-sonal computers are not referred to a s databases or database management programs;instead they are called personal inf ormation managers (PIMs), personal organizers, and other names A DBMS makes it possible to do many routine tasks that would otherwise be tectio us and time-consuming without a computer. For example, a DBMS can: Sort thousands of addresses by ZIP code. Find all records of people who live in a certain state. Print a list of selected records, such as all real estate listings that closed e scrow last month.



Transcript of Database

Databases and Database Management Systems

Adatabase is a collection of related data or facts. A database management system (DBMS) is a software tool that al­lows people to store, access, and process data or facts into useful information

Many small database programs that run on per­sonal computers are not referred to as databases or database management programs;instead they are called personal information managers (PIMs), personal organizers, and other names

A DBMS makes it possible to do many routine tasks that would otherwise be tectious and time-consuming without a computer. For example, a DBMS can:

Sort thousands of addresses by ZIP code.

Find all records of people who live in a certain state.

Print a list of selected records, such as all real estate listings that closed escrow last month.