Darrood Taj

BahareMadinah.com Durood-e-Taj The Salutation of the Crown There are countless benefits for this Blessed Darood Sharif, some of which are: Recitation brings one closer to Sayyidina Rasulallah (s.a.w). One who wishes to see Sayyidina Rasulallah (s.a.w) must recite this blessed Durood. Durood-e-Taj clears one's heart of worries & anxiety. For repelling the evil magic of Jinn & Shaitan, and from protection from illness & epidemics, recite eleven times. Protects one from his enemies, jealous people, oppressors. NOTE: It is a requirement to recite Durood/Salam immediately after reading Durood-e-Taj, as the last line is a direct command to send blessings upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) ARABIC TEXT



Transcript of Darrood Taj

Page 1: Darrood Taj


Durood-e-TajThe Salutation of the Crown

There are countless benefits for this Blessed Darood Sharif, some of which are:

Recitation brings one closer to Sayyidina Rasulallah (s.a.w). One who wishes to see Sayyidina Rasulallah (s.a.w) must recite this blessed Durood. Durood-e-Taj clears one's heart of worries & anxiety. For repelling the evil magic of Jinn & Shaitan, and from protection from illness & epidemics,

recite eleven times. Protects one from his enemies, jealous people, oppressors.

NOTE: It is a requirement to recite Durood/Salam immediately after reading Durood-e-Taj, as the lastline is a direct command to send blessings upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)


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Allāhumma şalli ‘alā sayyidina wa mawlānā Muhammadinsahibit-taaji wal mi’raji wal buraqi wal ‘alam

daafi ‘il balaa’i wal wa baa’i wal qahţi wal maradi wal ‘alamismuhu makhtubun marfu’un mashfu’un manqu shun fil-lawhi wal qalam

sayyidil ‘arabi wal ‘ajamjismuhu muqaddasun mu’atţarun muţahharun munawwarun

fil bayti wal haramshamsid-duha badrid-duja şadril‘ula nuril huda kahfil wara mişbahi zulam

jameel-ishiyam shafi’il umam şahibil judi wal karamwallahu ‘aasimuhu wa jibrilu khadimuhu wal buraqu markabuhu

wal mi’raju safaruhu wa sidratul muntaha maqamuhu wa qaba qawsaini maţlubuhu wal maţlubu maqşuduhu wal maqşudu mawjuduhu

sayyidil mursaleen khatamin-nabiyyeen shafi’il muznibeen aneesil gharibeen rahmatalil’alameen raahatil ‘aashiqeen

muradil mushtaqeen shamsil arifeen sirajis-saalikeen mişbahil muqarabeen muhibbil fuqaraa-i wal ghurabaa’i wal masakeen

sayyidis-saqalain nabiyil haramain imamil qiblatainwasilatina fid-darain şahibi Qaba qawsain

mahbubi rabbil mashriqain wal maghribainjaddil Hasani wal Hussain

mawlānā wa mawlasaqalainAbi’l Qasimi Muhammad ibni ‘Abdillah

Nurim-min nurillah

ya ayyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi şallu ‘alaihi wa alihi wa aşhabihi wa sallimutaslima.

[Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadiw wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadiwwa baarik wa sallim.]

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O Allah, send peace & blessings upon our Master & Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown & the Ascent & the Buraq & the Standard,

The Repeller of Affliction, Disease, Drought, Illness & Pain. His Name is written up high, served and engraved in the Tablet & the Pen,

The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs, Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure,

Illumined in the House and the Haram, The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness,

The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance, The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night,

The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations, The Owner of Munificence and Generosity. Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant.

The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage, The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station,

Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire, His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal,

The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers,

The Mercy for the Worlds, The respite of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn, The sun of knowers,

the lamp of travellers, The light of Those Brought Near, The friend of the poor and destitute, The master of Humans and Jinn,

The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries, The Imam of the Two Qiblas, Our Means in the Two Abodes, The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn, The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests,

The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn:Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Son of `Abdullah,

Light from the Light of Allah!

O you who yearn for the light of his beauty, send blessings and utmost greetings ofpeace upon him and upon his family.

[Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadiw wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadiwwa baarik wa sallim.]