Darion Sydnor Anthony Triplin Michael Adubasime Period 3.

BATMAN TRILOGY Darion Sydnor Anthony Triplin Michael Adubasime Period 3

Transcript of Darion Sydnor Anthony Triplin Michael Adubasime Period 3.

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Darion Sydnor

Anthony Triplin

Michael Adubasime

Period 3

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Intro to Batman

Batman is an iconic superhero who was established during the late 1930

Batman was created by Bob Kane Batman has appeared in several movies

most recently in Christopher Nolan’s trilogy. Batman Begins(2005) Dark Knight(2008) and Dark Knight Rises(2012)

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Batman’s Role as an icon Batman has had a role in American wars

even though he was not physically on the battlefield

Batman has been a Pro-American figure during war time

This time around Director of the Batman Christopher Nolan uses Batman as a Icon for the war against terror

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On September 11th 2001 America was attacked by terrorist

The events of 9/11 caused fear to strike the American people

Terrorism is defined as a state of fear caused by terrorist

The war on terror is currently an ongoing issues

Osama Bin-Laden organized these attacks

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Batman Trilogy and Terrorism

To most people Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy is just movies but the Batman movies are a good representation of the war on terror. Each movie has its own individual villain or “terrorist”. In Batman Begins it was Scarecrow. Dark Knight had Joker and Dark Knight Rises has Bane. Scarecrow, Joker and Bane are portrayed as the terrorist and Batman as America. Even though it got tough at times Batman wouldn’t stop fighting until the threat of terror was gone and he always came out on top. So we believe Nolan was trying to send the message that America needs to keep fighting and at the end we will always rise above terrorism

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Batman Begins(2005)

The first movie of Nolan’s trilogy Biggest threats are Scarecrow and Ra's

al Ghul, Legion of Shadows Scarecrow uses a toxin that causes

terrifying hallucinations. Scarecrow plans to expose all of

Gotham to this toxin Ra's al Ghul is the leader behind the

whole plan

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Connection to terrorism and 9/11

Ra's al Ghul and The Legion of Shadows. Ra's al Ghul represents Osama who was the leader and The Legion of Shadows represents Al Qaeda. Scarecrow is just one of Ra's al Ghul’s soldiers that is sent to cause terror on Gotham. Scarecrow is the perfect fit because his toxin caused hallucinations that caused fear and after 9/11 America lived in a state of fear. This movie came out 4 years after 9/11 and America was still living in a state of fear

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Dark Knight (2008)

The second Batman movie in the trilogy Joker is the villain in this movie Joker is out to kill Batman so the mob

can resume their activities Joker uses innocent people as hostages

to lure Batman

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Connection to terrorism and 9/11

Joker was an example of the perfect terrorist. Joker brought about by the mob leaders that wanted Batman gone. Joker became very dangerous he killed innocent people, he used bombs, the mob and hostages was the ultimate terrorist. Joker wasn’t the only Iconic figure other then Batman in this movie, Harvey Dent played an important role. Along with Batman, Harvey Dent gave the citizens of Gotham not to be afraid because they were cleaning up crime until Joker came along.

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Connection to terrorism and 9/11 contiued

Harvey Dent and Batman were cleaning up crime and making people less afraid but Joker’s plan to show that anyone can be corrupt as he turns Dent into two face. This movie is the perfect metaphor Americans post 9/11. At this point the attacks on 9/11 were 7 years old. Americans were still living in fear but weren’t as afraid as they were.

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Work Cited "9/11 Attacks." History.com. A&E Television Networks. 16

Jan. 2013 <http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks>. Albert, Aaron. "Batman." About.com Comic Books. 2013.

About.com. 16 Jan. 2013 <http://comicbooks.about.com/od/characters/p/batmanbio.htm>.

"Batman and the War on Terror." The Board Batman and the War on Terror Comments. 16 Jan. 2013 <http://theboard.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/21/batman-and-the-war-on-terror/>.

Bodden, Valerie. Minnesota: Creative Education, 2008. Google Books. 16 Jan. 2013 <http://books.google.com/books?id=8xL08OPR4XwC>.