Daily dispatch (Richmond, Va.).(Richmond, Va.) 1873-10-20 [p ]. · Jr.; Gainesboro', Nimrod...

DAILY DISPATCH. YOL. XLV. . RICHMOND. YA.. MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 20. 1873. NO. 97. THE DISPATCH. BY COWARDIN & ELLYSON. CASH.11* YAM ABLY IX ADVANCE. The daily pis patch i* deliver*! to *m>- *rrit<or* nt vh tkkx ckxts nor week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at per aunmn : #4 for alx tn.Milhv: 15c. per month for a shorter period. The SEMI-WEEKLY DISPATCH at *3 per an. r.v.m. or $1 ..v> for bIx month*. The WEEKLY DISPATCH at $2 per annum. Tiifhntond gispatch. "Til K ClRCVl.ATION* OF THE DIS¬ PATCH IS I.AltoEK T1IAX THE COMBINED CUICIT.ATION OF AI.l. T1IE OTHER DAILY \ K\Y>PAPEHS OF THE CITY. M ON PAY OCTOBER 20, 1878. local matters. ThK COSSKRVATIYK MaSS-MkETIKC IN Pk- hk-eiko.Arkanokmexts for the Dkmo.n- -; atson..(ttTHT.il Kenqver having ap- p in!t-ti no\t Thursdayevening,23d instant. ,- the occasion on which ho will address the i iti/ens of Petersburg, and finding it impos¬ sible to again appear in Richmond before the day of election, is anxious that a< many ot ...» citizens of Richmond as possible shall ::end : and he and the Conservative citizens of Petersburg have specially requested the k e.per Katnpaijrn Klub to organize in tliis v;f.\ a grand exeurson to Petersburg. In order rtiut this demonstration may be .. : :p sine as possible, and prove a titling ..:«.! ! and real assistance to the Con- v rw.uvc }H'ople of our si>ter city, it is ex- that the gentlemen named below will . committees to represent the various . .- .a I nationalities who will appear on oevasion. and that they will meet at the .:: > ot the Kemper Kampaign Klub this at 8 o'clock prepared to report as - possible how many persons each coui- : will carry along with it, and the mime of gentleman to act as marshal for such ¦ alitor ami its following. The Conscr- iv* « ''.tib- of Richmond and Manchester v .pj-toint tlicir own «<>mmittees, who are t \ported to l>e present at the time and able to roport as above indicated. f>r liifh Co*'ceas..Captain William" KnBish. funeral P. T. Moore, Major John 11 lean. Jr., James Haves, John M. Higgins, r.tri k MtHovern. W. H. W;u*d, Robert K'Tso, Thomas Mnitii. /'>y t;,ntion CP/re,«?..< >tto Morgai* n. I.oui- Wagner, Julius smi-, Deorgc K > in. (ieorgo (iii vornator. John 1 lotick, John Jln'ehor. Solomon Wi»e. Henry Mitzger. F >r :!i> If: it an Citizen*..('. C. Salamone, E. C-rot. Pelarue, F. Thom:is. other nationalities will report to the K- :np- r Ka'apai^'ti lviub and be properly as- _i d. 1- o h nationality will bear its own fia_\ and it not already supplied eau have one lo-moi tolt by the Kenqier Kampaign Klu!'. It is hoped that as many torches us jiossit'l" will appear. Maksiiall-Ward Politics..The Conser¬ vative < lub ot Marshall Ward will bold a meeting to-morrow (Tuesday) night for busi¬ ness and the election of members. Next Saturday night Colonel O. T. Beard will ad- dre>- the citizens of the ward at the Conser¬ vative club-house, and at the same place on next Monthly night there will be a public time ting of the club, when addresses are ex- j"oiled frotn (iovernor Walker, Colonel R. it. Berkeley, and Major Baker P. Leo. On that occasion scats will be reserved for ladies :uid their escorts. 1 mi'Outant to Voters..Persons who are resident voters at the second precinct in Monroe Ward, and who desire transfers to other voting-pluces, can now obtain the same by applying to Mr. John II. Kuowlcs, Jr., registrar pro tempore in place of Dr. Blair Burwell. who is absent from the city. Mr. Know Irs can be found at Bedford's hat storr, <.;! Main street iuxt to the. corner of Ninth. t'oNVKYANCKSOF REAL ESTATE fOi" tllO WCCk ending «>ctuber 18. L>73: 1. -t> fronting l.j feet on Dover street near i b.-rry for (>2 feet on Cary street for j it tit ion : 22 feet on Thirteenth street be- iw < ri Main and Franklin for $1,^70; .*>1 feet on i»' v. r street corner of Pine for $1,500; gs j.on Ninth street north of Leigh for sis ;; .y>.} f.-c! on Seventeenth street corner of 3].a>!ial! for 82,850 : 120 feet on Twenty- sixth stm-t brtwren Marshall and Clay for n^.ooo ; -_>3 |, et on Franklin street between Tw nfy-- -corid and Twenty-third for$1,800; O: feet >.ii Twenty-ninth street between O and P for $-300; 27^ feet on Franklin street !.. i wet n s-veuth and Eighth, gitt; 30 feet on i' deral -treet for $48; 25 feet on N street te ar 1 iiii ty-iirst for $05; 20 feet on Pine street near Cumberland for $1,900; 7i»4 feet . 'ii 8 ve-nth street, gift; 7"»4 feet on .sixth -tr-t, gitt; 30 feet ou Seventh Sti*eet north of Preston'for $127.50; 24 feet on Seventh «' red between Marshall and Broad for $2,000, Cijamuf.r oe Commerce..The new Board <.: Directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet this evening ut 0 o'clock in their room-, over the First National Bank. Va- riotr- .-landing committees are to be ap¬ pointed. The President has taken steps to have the Chamber represented at the meet¬ ing of the National Board of Trade in Chi¬ cago to-day. Revival at Sidney Baptist Chcrch..The meetings in this church during the past week were of deep interest, and resulted in much good. Ticelrc were received for baptism, oilier- professed conversion, and there were stiil a tiiiunber of inquirers. The meetings wij: be k" pt up during this week. Badly Kicked..Ou Saturday about noon a negro wood-carl driver was kicked in the head by a mule on Broad opposite Smith street, and so badly huit that he had to be put in a cart on a lot of straw and taken to hi- home. < osvicrs Received..Kdwaril Bailey (co¬ lored) and Robert Hogan a h as Richard St. Clair (white) have been received at thepeni- N ntiary. the former for a term of one year, lor felony, from the county of York,and the latter for a term of thirty-nine years, for lior-e--teu!ing in Bedford count v. Tm; MEMi'iJisStFrEKEKS..Fitzhugli Lodge o( Odd-Fellous ha- contributed S2o in adui- tion to the amounts heretofore reported. Since our last rej»ort Mr. George R. Pace, trea-nrer of the Masonic Relief Fund, has foru aided Slh'j.hh. makinga total of $1,550.5» remitted by the treasurer. School Trustees..-The following school /trustees have been reappointed in Frederick county : Stonewall District, John Pureell, Jr.; Gainesboro', Nimrod Whiteacre; Pack Greek, D. E. AVorting; Opequou, W. W. 11 las-. 'Jut weather for the last ten days has U'cu ruuarkatly fine for the season, and the furuus» have been takiug advantage of it to need their wheat* Hon. A. JL *41. Stuart..This distin- gui-hed gentleman'will speak at Assembly JIal! on Wednesday night the 22(1, in place of the 2dd, as heretofore announced. Fntkrkd..The seh ooner Frank Andrew, (Japlain Jt lferson, ente red this port on Satur¬ day from Windsor, S. f'C, laden with plaster and ship-timber. Military Funeral..T.he Carney Guards, < aptain Johnson, paraded o*o Saturday morn¬ ing to pay the last tribute orespect to the /..mains of Sergeant Sawney Cooper, who died Thursday night. Heady to Pay..The grand an d petit ju¬ rors of the IJ listings Court will lx* paid on application to the City Sergeant to-d.^y at the City IJuJl. I'nmaxlable Letters in tuk Richmond Post-Office (Xtobek 18..Miss Luey G/en; Superintendent Memphis and Charles to1® Railroad, Memphis, Tenn. There iufi been no alarm of fire in this city since tbe 13th ultimo. United States Circuit Court, Satub- day..Judge Bond..William H. Fitzhugb, of Fredericksburg, was admitted to prac¬ tice. A writ of error was allowed in the case of E. M. Garnett r.«. William U. Dudley, re¬ ceiver. The court adjourned until Tuesday. Ciianckry Court of Richmond..The fol¬ lowing cases were disposed of Saturday: Hughes ts. Wooldridge, Decree referring cause to the commissioner for inquiry and report. Chase, &c., rs. Chase, <£c. Decree con¬ firming report of commissioner, making pro¬ vision for deed to a purchaser who has paid in full, and also a partial distribution of the fund, and directing proceedings against a purchaser who is delinquent in the payment of the purchase money due by him. Snend rs. Snead's administrator, &c. De¬ cree confirming report of commissioner aud directing sale of the real estate in the bill ami proceedings mentioned. Wilkinson and wife vs. Wendlingcr. De¬ cree directing sale of the property in the bill and proceedings mentioned. Poi.tce Court, Saturday.Justice Crexr.. Timothy Kcrsc was fined $1 for a violation of an ordinance by his sou .Isaac throwing stones in the street. ,7. C. Smith was fined for driving his horse faster than is allowed by law. The ease of Nicholas Cassarv, charged w ith selling goods by sample will) out license, was continued until the2oth. Milton Bosher (negro), for reckless driv¬ ing, was fined £10 and required to give surety for hi* good behavior. Ezekiel Briggs and Alexander Goodc (negroes), for committing a nuisance on .Sev¬ ern li street, were fined £"» each. Stephen Harris (negro), for soliciting pas¬ sengers on the platform of the Chesapeake and Ohio depot, was fined §5. William Clarke and William Lee (negro), who were charged with feloniously entering the dvvelliug-hou-e of Patrick Finch and stealing a lot of wearing apparel, were diaj. charged. Personaj...Judge Hugh L. 17ond went to Baltimore on Saturday, and will return to¬ night. Chief-Engineer George A. Aluslie, of the Richmond fire department, left the city on Saturday night to attend the national con¬ vention of chief engineers or chief officers of the tire departments iu the United States, which meets in Baltimore to-day. The cir¬ cular which invited Captain Ainslie to join in the deliberations of this body is signed by the chief engineers of the fire departments in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Bos¬ ton, Louisville, and Washington. Judge John A. Meredith, who has been absent from Richmond for several weeks on a professional visit to Kentucky, returned on Saturday last. Hotel Arrivals Saturday..Ezch a nge and Ballard..Wyman and Mrs. Field, Philadelphia : D. P. Lewis and J. P. Bri- sham, Dinwiddie; A. Yah Kirch, Balti¬ more; William E. Barker, Washington, D. C.; J. L. Penn, Patrick ; John A.Robert- *oti, Cincinnati; J. W. Golding, New York; H. M. Cram, Hartford, Ct.; Captain W. O. Harvic, Virginia; Major Edgar VIeet, Rich¬ mond, Va.: Colouel Henry T. Douglass and lady,"Virginia; James M. Nelson, George ?. Yale, New York ; Captain John C. Griffin, Petersburg; W. Talbott Walke, Norfolk; B. L. C'arr, New York; Alexander F. Came¬ ron, W. S. Hart, Gill city, N. C.; General R. D. Lilly, Stauuton, Ya.* American Hotel..T. Boisseau, Virginia; EI. Eaton Coleman, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad; M. M. Welch. Pennsylvania Rail¬ road; W. T. Roalliae,North Carolina; John W. Booker, Virginia; E. Stetzer, New York; A. L. Baldwin. Cincinnati; Frauk Rivers, New York; T. W. Gravelly, J. T. Minter, S. G. Sheffield, Henry county; L. LJatchelor, Bait imore. Ford's Hotel..Dr. R. H. Power,. York- town, Va.; Major V. 'Vaiden, Williamsburg, Va.; S. J. Baird, Waynesboro', Va.; J. B. Herville. W. J. Nelson, Madison, Va.; lames D. Kyals Clifton Forge, Va.; If. V. Redtield and wife (Cincinnati Commercial), Cincinnati, O.; W.J. Barksdale, Virginia; William J. Wash, New Y'ork; W. I). Tomkins, lliuton, West Virginia ; B. O. Bowers, L. S.Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y.; George 31 vers and wife, New York; Alex¬ ander Wheeler and wife, Bridgeport, C'oun.; D. Woodruff, New York; F. C. Lilly, W. II. Polk, Randolph 31 aeon College, Va.; 31. H. Stephen*, Virginia; John R. Mitchell, Florida; Mrs. J. If. Harrison, 3Iiss B. B. Harrison, Miss V. Ritchie, William F. Ritchie, Brandon, Ya.; William F. Gordon, Vir¬ ginia; F.Hood, Virginia. Tiir Theatre.--The announcement that! Rose and Harry Watkins.two Richmond favorites.commence an engagement at the Theatre on the 29th instant will be received with pleasure. They will appear in a suc¬ cession of plays which will certainly please the Theatre-goers. Wyman, the great wizard and ventrilo- ;ist, commences an engagement at Virginia pern-House to-night. He is a great favor- i in Richmond, and will doubtless draw >od houses during his stay here. Prefaring for the Concerts..The Rieh- nd Philharmonic Association are busily taged in rehearsing for the grand rou¬ ts which they propose to give at Assem- Hall during the Fair-week. The euter- nments will be of the most delightful iracter, and must draw large audiences. Retail Market Prices..The following carefully-corrected quotations are an cxbiMt ofthc retail prices of family supplies in thin city: Meats, dc..Beef. Porterhouse, IGj to 20c.; sirloin, lO^c.; roasting pieces, rib, 12£ to l'>$c.; roasting pieces, chuck, 12 to 13c.; round steak, 15c.; shoulder, 10c.; rump, 12 J to loc.; corned, 12i to loc.: smoked, 20c.; tongues, fresh, 5ue.; smoked, $1; shins, 10 to 30c.; calf heads, 15c. Veal.104 to 18c. for! choice cutlets ; roasting pieces 1#$<*.. Pork.Roast, 10 to 12c.; chops, 12Je.;1 middling, 12ic.; corned, 12£c.; smoked sau¬ sage, 12£c.; tripe, per pound, 10c. Mutton.Sirloin, 10 to 10§e.; leg, 165fc.; shoulders, 154c.; breast, 15c.; rack, 12Jc.; chops, 15 to 20c.; breast, 15c.; loin, 10£c.; shoulders, 11 Jc.; cutlets, 18c.; rack, 12 to 12Jc. Lainb.Hind-quarters, 16|c.; fore-quar¬ ters, 12J to 15c. Hams.Canvasod, 18 to 20c,; country- cured, 22c.; sugar-cured, 19c. Pig's Feet.Per dozen, 00c. Sausage, 12$c. per j>ound. Fish..Smoked herrings, per dozen, 20c.; salt mackerel, each, 3 to 25c.; cattish, per bunch, 25c.; soft crabs, per dozen, $1; hard crabs, per dozen, 50c.; spots, 25c. per bunch; croakers, 25c. per bunch; trout, 25 to 35c. per bunch; oysters, $1.50 per gallon. Vegetables..Potatoes.Irish, per peck 35c. per half-peck 20c.; sweet potatoes, per half-peck 12jc., per peck 25c..market well supplied. Parsley, 1 to 2c;; herbs, per buncb, 2c.; onions, per quart, 10c.; cabbage, j>er bead, 5 to 15c.; tomutoes, per quart 8 to 10c, balf-jKjck 30c.; horse-radish, per pound, 50c.; green blackeye ]>eas, 8c. per quart; butter-beaus, 15 to 20c. per quart; white beans, 8c. j>f*r quurt; egg-plant, 10 to 15c. apiece; corn, 15c. per dozen; turnips, 5c. per bunch; parsuips,(>c. per bunch ; hominy, 10c. per quart; carrots, 5c. per bunch. Fruits..Apples, per peck, 15 to 45c.; dried apples, iter pound, 5c.; fresh peaches, per peck, $1.50; peaches, per pound. 15 to 20c.; pears, 15c. per quart; plums, 15c.; watermelons, scarce, 15 to 50c.; grapes, 8 to ^)e. per pound; okra, 10c. per quart, 30c. per half-peck; chinkupins, 10c. per quart; quluces, 80c. per peck. JJutter and Dairy Products..Butter- Choice mountain, 35 to 40c.; medium, 20 to Goshen, 40 to 50c.; country, fresh, 40c. Sweet milk, per quart, 10c.; butter¬ milk, Sc.; smeerkase, 10c. Honey, per pound, 16§ to 20c. Cheese, prime, 25c. Eggs, per dozen, 20c..abundant. Poultry..Chickens, per pair, 00 to 90c., or three for 81; per dozen, 8*2.50 to §5.00. Squabs, per pair, 25c. Duck?, 81 to §1.50 per pair. Game..Sora, §1 per dozen.very scarce. MANCHESTER ITEMS. Meeting of the State Council Friends of Temperance..The great event of this week, ntid one of the most important in the annuls of the-town, will be the annual ses¬ sion of the State Council, which convenes a't'j the Methodist church to-morrow night at o'clock. The number of delegates varies from seventy-five to one hundred; and with the kind assistance of Old Dominion and Stonewall Councils homes will be provided for all who attend. The responses from our own people have not been as spontaneous and as liberal as" was looked for, which i* owing to circumstances beyond their con- trol. . The joint committee of arran gements and reception.ex-President David J. Weisiger chairman.will meet at the Methodist church to-morrow at 1 o'clock P. M., and every member of the Council who ean do so is re¬ quested to report at the same hour, and all delegates, on arriving in town, will report at t lie. same place and be assigned to quarters. The church will be open nil day. Among the features of the session will be the annual election of officers; a grand mass-meeting Wednesday night, to be ad¬ dressed bv the ablest speakers in the State; and a banquet at the Exchange Hotel Thurs- day night, tendered by Old Dominion Coun¬ cil to the members of the State Council and to Stonewall and Manchester Councils. It is hoped that every effort will be made by our citizens to make the visit of the dele¬ gates an agreeable oue, and that great good both to the cause and our community may result from the gathering. Programmes ot proceedings and result ot deliberations will be published daily. Coroner's Inquest..Justice Martin, act¬ ing as coroner, assisted by Special Constable It. P. Smith, held an inquest over the body of James Clurk, who was killed on the Richmond and Petersburg railroad on Fri¬ day night. The body having been brought to the Manchester station, Constable Smith sum¬ moned the following jury: G. A. R. Mere¬ dith, W. N. Michaels, W. C. Rice, John Mc- Ewen, George Waggoner, G. W. Tolby, Z. T. Morrisette, A. II. Perry, R. O. Condrey, John Meredith,H. C. Fergu«on, and Monroe Winfree. Mr. AureliusBlunkeuship, section- master, and a colored man who was in the hand-carat the time of the accident, testi¬ fied, and the jury, with G. A. R. Meredith as foreman, returned a verdict in accordance with the facts published Saturday. Morris, the man injured, was doing well at last ac¬ counts. Meeting of the Trustees..A regular semi¬ monthly session of the Trustees was held Friday night, Dr. William R. Weisiger in the chair, and a quorum present. The health ordinance reported by the Committee on Town Ordinances was adopted, as was the recommendation of the special committee «that the postmaster of Richmond be re¬ quested to include the town of Manchester in the free letter-delivery"; and the com¬ mittee was continued for the promotion of this object. The Roll of Honor..The following pu¬ pils were perfect in recitations, punctuality, and deportment lor the week ending Octo¬ ber 17th at the Female High School (Mi's. J. L. Walker principal): Misses Nannie Suell- ings. Belle Toler, and Lula Reams. Revival of Religion..The success attend¬ ing the protracted meeting in progress at the Methodist church lias encouraged tuc pastor to continue it this week, Services every night at o'clock. Campaign Notes..Captain illiaui I. Clopton and others will address the citizens of West Fnd, East Side, Newtown, &e.,.to¬ night at 8 o'clock, at Huband's ball. Wide-Awakes will meet at 7$ o'clock tend in a body. The Manchester clubs are making arrange¬ ments for an imposing wass-ineetiug, to be held at an early day. Registration Notice..S. M. Perdue, Esq., registrar, gives notice that thc^otlicc ct registration will be open October 25, 2/, and 28. Let the committees go to work at once. A Hard Dose..Nearly all the white Re¬ publicans, and manv colored one?, repudiate the Maddox ticket lor county officers nomi¬ nated last week, headed by Brother-in-law Marble aud Walker, and ending with Aleck Brooks. The to at- AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. On all sales or real estate made between the 1st oj January and 3oth of June the taxes for the. pre- sent pear have to be paid by the purchaser. On all sales made between the 1st of July and last of the year the taxes have to be paid by the stller. W. R. FOLK A CO., 3,'$ P. M., large sale of real estate on the Wcstham road four miles from the city of Richmond. COOK A LAUG1ITON, 10 A. M., carpenters', tools, mortice-machine, Ac., at the shop of Mr. «l. II. Goodman, No. 1516 Franklin street. W. GOOD IN", at 12 AI., sale of a farm at the head of the Mechauicsvllle turnpike, live miles from Klcbmoud. W. GODDIN, 4 P. M., fourteen lots In Ruther- foord's addition, on Union Hill. GRUBBS & WILLIAAIS, 4,<* P. AL, new and modern brick residence, No. 105 west Alain street, between Adams and Jefferson. RICHARDSON A CO., 4.$ P.M., brick dwelling! No. 200, on the north side of Clay between Se- j condaud Third streets. W. B. KATCLJFFE, 10.* A. M., groceries, Ac. REDWOOD A CRENSHAW, at 10 A. M., large] assortment of household and kitchen furni¬ ture, Ac. T. W. KEESEE, at his rooms, at 10 o'clock, a large assortment of furniture, Ac., Ac. A fixe supply of all the fashionable styles of ladles'shoes aud gaiters just received at Page's, 009 Alain street, between Ninth aud Tenth. CODFISH, SALMON, SCOTCH IIEIIItlNGS, AND mess mackerel at Christian A White's. Reduction in the Price of Silk Hats.| Owing to the hMrd times north Messrs. P. Weisigkr A Co.. 1201 Main street, have been enabled to pur¬ chase their silk hats at reduced prices, and can uow sell an hat for $7, and a $7 hat for $6. These goods are warranted to be of the very latest 6tyles and made by the best manufacturers. Sole-leathek and other styles of trunks, ladles', and gentlemen's truvelllng-bags, Just received by John C. Page, Jr., 909 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth. Ladies' Fuks A splendid assortment of every kind for sale at P. Weisigkk A Co.'S, 1201 Alain street. ______ ' The AIasonic Gift Concrut at Norfolk has been postponed. Tickets can be had at P. Wkisi- GER A Co.'S hat store, 1201 Alain street. u Discretion is the better rAnT of valor,' but all arc not discreet. When attacked by diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs take the great diuretic, Helmrold's Buciiu. It Is warranted. Beware of worthless imitations. The genuine may he known by the private proprietary stamp of n. T. Helmbold on each bottle. John F. Henry, New York, Sole Agent Smooth lips, soft hands, and fair skin, by usiug Ronins's Soothing Balm. Does *not con-| tain grease, ror produce pain when applied. Pre¬ pared by A. H. Robins, 523 north Second street Gentlemen's notions of fancy wear, such its scarfs, neck-ties , gloves, Ac., In endless variety, at E. IL Spence A SO.n's merchant tailoring establish¬ ment The AIasonic fba-xernity can procure tickets lu tlte grand Masonic Gift Concert at Norfolk from j P. Wejsjokk A Co.'8 bat store, 1201 Maiu street DrOen from the country solicited. A Rux.There Is quite a run for those heavy MKUIXO DOLLA.lt SlIIBTS at E. B. Sfkxcf. A Soy's. 1300 Main street. The .vrff postal cahds.very useful for busi¬ ness purposes. Cards or announcements of any kind prluted 011 them will pas# through the mall for one cent. Printing for these cards neatly and cheaoly done at this office E. B. Spkxoe A Sox have In store the finest stock of ready-made clothlnir they have ever kept. Call at 1300 Main street for bargains. Undkuweab..For a splendid stock of all kinds of Gentlemen's Underwear of all grades and prices, call at E. B. Sl'ENCE & SOX'S fashionable elcrthlug establishment, 1300 Main street. If you want a really nice fall or winter OUTFIT, call and examine those really stylish CLOTHS, Cas- simkkes, and Vkstinos 011 exhibition at E. B. Sl'ENCE & Sox's. They have the best cutters and the most expert workmen, and guarantee a perfect lit. Give them a call. If you want a stylish suit, leave youk order at E. I>. SFENCF. & Sox's, 1300 Main street. Febbis & Todd hams at Christian & WniTE's, 814 Main street. JUST received, a large supply of gentlemen's hand-sewed gaiters, single and double soles.a llrst- rate article. John C. Page. Jr., 009 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth. Postal Cards Those who propose using the new postal cards can have the printing neatly and cheaply done at the Dispatch printing house. WANTS- WANTED. BOARDED S for several FURNISHED ROOMS, including suit of rooms on llrM floor, at 11. T.. WIG AN'D'S, oc 20-eodl2t 518 Broad street. WANTED, a competent and industrious WHITE MAN to take charge of a small farm in Nelson county; one with a small family would be preferred. Apply 10 WILLIAM P. cox, Agent, Dock street near Seventeenth. oc 20-3t* WANTED, TO RENT TWO ROOMS 011 second or third floor, and servant's room. Address ioc*18-2tJ L. H.. JUxpatch office. SITUATION WANTED by a youtig lady who speaks English, French, and German, as SALESWOMAN In a store. Address SALESWOMAN, oc 18-21* Dixpatch office. WANTED..Mrs. WATLINGTON, hav¬ ing taken the ho.;se No. 1111, corner of Twelfth and Clay streets, is now prepared to re¬ ceive BOARDERS In well-furnished rooms. Caa also accommodate a few DAY-BOARDERS. oc 18-2t» WANTED, WOMEN AND GIRLS..I wish to hire a large number of COLORED WOMEN and GIRLS at once to live in private families In New York, Brooklyn, New Jersey, and other places North. High wages will be paid. Apply at once to J. P. JUSTIS, Labor Agent, oc 16 No. 9 Fifteentti street. WANTED, merchants and physicians who buy MEDICINES, DRUGS, Ac., In large quantities to know that I aiu selling 10 such at New 1 ork, Philadelphia, and Baltimore prices. A. H. ROBINS, oc 14-lw 323 north Second street. WANTED, a WHITE SERVANT to T T Btke care of two children, five and six years old. Apply at 117 east Cary street. oc 17-eod3t» WANTED, a MALE TEACHER, in a TT ftanily, to tcacli English, Latin, and French. Address s. A., Dixpatch otiice. oc 17-cod4t WANTED, everv lady suffering with CHATS or ROUGHNESS OF SKIN to try my SOOTHING BALM. Money refunded If It Is not what represented. A. H. ROBINS, oc 14-lw 523 north Second street. xyANTED, every one to know that at WINSTOCK'S LOAN OFFICE, 17 FOURTEENTH STREET, they can buy FINE GOLD WATCHES for ladles and gents. OPERA and VEST-CHAINS. BRACE¬ LETS, RINGS, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Ac., Ac. Owing to tne scarcity of currency he Is deter¬ mined to sell Lhern at ASTONISHINGLY LOW FIGURES for cash regardless of tlielr INTRINSIC VAL UE. Call soon at it. A. WINSTOCK'S LOAN OFFICE, 17 Fourteenth street, se 23-lm under Exchange Hotel. WANTED, TO SELL 160,000 feel SEASONED g CANADA SYCA¬ MORE, 100,000 feet SEASONED -1-4 SYCAMORE, All kinds BUILDING LUMBER, GLAZED WINDOWS, BLINDS and DOORS. TRUMAN A. PARKER A CO., Canal and Byrd streets from Fifth to Sixth street, je 13 LOST, STRAYED. Ac. LOST..Escaped from a ca<*ft Franklin between First and Second streets a *Kf£?F MOCKING-BIRD. A liberal reward avIII be paid if returned to No. 107 Franklin Btroot. oc 20-lt* TAKEN up in MY CORN-FIELD, JL on the 11th instant, one SMALL HUF-ituLa. FALO COW. The owner Is requested to come tor- Ward, pay charges, and take iter awav. . JOHN M. EVERETT, No. 17 Beach street, between 3Iain and Floyd, Sidney. oc 20-lt* "VrOTICE..Lost, on the 2(Jtk of August, JL1 1873. a CHECK dated August 23, 1873, and drawn for *19.77, by William C. Dimmocklu favor of Luther Wright, and endorsed by him, and paya¬ ble at the National Bank of Virglula, iu Richmond. All persous are forwarued trading for said check, as I liave given notice to the bank and applied for a duplicate. foe 18-2t*J WILLI AM EVANS. FCRXITI RE. AC. Furniture of every style and price can be found In my large ware- rooms, No. 319 Broad street, four floors.two_ over one hundred feet deep.which I atn selling at prices to suit the limes: Chamber Suits from *20 to *225; Parlor from *50 to *350; Walnut Lounges. Feather-Beds, Ac'., of my own manufac¬ ture; Chairs of all descriptions a specialty; Uphol¬ stering and repairing; chairs cant-seated. Goods delivered free in the city limits. J. 1). GATE WOOD, 319 Broad street, between Third and Fourth, oc 11 Haying enlarged and im¬ proved my wareroom, 1 am selling FURNITURE at reduced prices.Chamber Suits from *22 to *400; Parlor Suits from *5(1 to *300. MATTRESSES of every description of my own manufacture. Upholstering aud lurniture re¬ paired ; chairs cane-seated. All goods delivered free iu the city. Call aud sec me. J. K. BRAGG, oc 4-3m * 201, corner Second and Broad streets. s FECIAL NOTICE. Ai Having enlarged and improved mv ware- rooms, fronting on Governor and Franklin' streets (both houses forming an L). I am now better prepared to furnish all kinds of high and low- priced FURNITURE. Having established a 31 A TT R E S S FACTORY in conneciiou with my business I can supply MAT¬ TRESSES in large aud small quantities. Liberal discount on furDlturc aud mattresses to the trade and cosh customers. ARTHUR KOONEY, oc 2 Warerooms, Governor and Franklin streets. Furniture.. The largest stocks and the best goods we have ever kept] now on baud, northern and city made, audi dally receiving from the factories. Our stock' comprises all goods kept lu a first-class house. To know that they are cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere they must be seen. P'ease call and Judge for yourself. fc. GATHRIGHT, se ll-3m No. 1C Governor street THE MOST ELEGANT STOCK OF JL FURNITURE that has ever been offered to the people of this State can uow be seen at, H Alt WOOD A HITTER'S. Our goods are made bv the moat experienced workmen.aud from klln-drled lumber. Do not fall to see their stock of CHAMBER, PARLOR, and DINING-ROOM FURNITURE and M ATTR ESSES. Our goods are all warranted, and shall give satis¬ faction to buyers. HARWOOD A HITTER, se 3-3in Governor street, Richmond. HARDWARE. J RON, STEEL, NAILS, &c. 250 tons best American REFINED IRON, em¬ bracing a full assortment of Rounds, Squares, Flats, Ovals, Shafting, Hoop, Ac.; 3Jjtons SWEDES IKON, assorted; 5 tons COUNTRY HAMMERED IRON, as¬ sorted: 2J* tons NAYLOR'S BEST CAST-STEEL, square, flat, aud octagon; 1 ton ENGLISH BLISTERED STEEL; Oue-half ton AMERICAN BLISTERED STEEL t One-half ton THtE and SPRING STEEL; 160 kegs ASSORTED NAILS; PIG-TIN, SPELTER, SHEET-ZINC, RUSSIAN and AMERICAN SHEET-IRON, OC PIO and BAR LEAD, for sale by IIkxxJSw E. AS. WORTHAHACO., TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Charlotte. GRAND CONSERVATIVE MEETING AT WYLLIES- BURG. rSpecIal telegram to the Dispatch.J Roanoke, \ a., October 17..A grand Conservative barbecue took place at Wyl- liesburg, Charlotte county, this afternoon. Frank Jones Barnes, Esq., presided. Stir¬ ring addresses were delivered by Major J. B. MePbail, Luther Pixley, R..J. Flutehe- son, J. A. H. St. Andrew, and Thomas E. Watkins. Major McPbaiFs address was a brilliant one, and thoroughly aroused the people. Messrs. Pixley and St. Andrew earnestly appealed to the northern settlers on behalf of the Conservative cause. The meeting was u splendid success, and showed that both citizens and settlers are alive to the importance of the present crisis. A large number of Radicals attended, and listened with great attention to the argu¬ ments of the speakers. The Conservatives of Charlotte are in high spirits. Fauquier. ENTUCSIASTIC CONSERVATIVE MEETING IN SALEM, FAUQCIER COUNTY, fSpecial telegram to the Dispatch.] Plains, Ya., October IS..Such a Con¬ servative meeting was never held in Fau¬ quier county before. Plenty to eat.best mutton, beef, and pig in real barbecue style. Colonel Brooke led oil' in the strongest and most argumentative speech of the canvass in this county, and was followed by Beard, whose speech was most telling, especially on the colored population. They were car¬ ried away with his talk, and will vote the Conservative ticket. lie is a great cam¬ paigner. lie was followed by General Field, who was makinga most telling speech when we closed. Set Fauquier down for 1,100 majority for Kemper, and all of that for county delegate. Eastham will beat Bailey 1,200 in the dis¬ trict. The State Elections. IOWA. Cedar Ratios, October 18..The Repub¬ lican State Committee report a loss in sixty- six counties of over 35,000. The majority ot the counties beard from cover all the stroDg Democratic and Grange localities. OHIO. Columbus, October 18..The Democratic Committee claim that Allen's majority is 80'9. The chairman of the committee claims the State ticket, except the Supreme Judge and the Controller. The Democrats claim six¬ teen majority in the Legislature on joint bal¬ lot. The Republicans claim nothing, but do not give up. The official returns, they sav, will be required. .(Special telegram to the Dlppatch.J Huntington, W. Va., October 18..Allen is elected Governor of Ohio by a majority not exceeding 1,000. Yellow-Fever. M e Mm is, October 18..The Catholic fathers Leo and Ashea, from Louisville, are down with the fever. Thirty deaths occur¬ red yesterday. Later..Futhers.Schuty and Leo are dead. Five Catholic priests and live Sisters of Mercy have died here since the fever began. Mayor Johnson is worse. Montgomery, October IS..One fever- death in past twenty-four hours. Memphis, October IS..Thirty-oue yellow- fever deaths to-day. The Old School Presbyterian Synod of Missouri. St. Louis, October 18..The Independent or Old School Presbyterian Synod of Mis¬ souri met hereyestenlay. This is the Synod which in ISo'G asserted a declaration of testi¬ mony which caused it to be ruled out of representation at, and led to its secession from, the Northern General Assembly, to which it then belonged, and since when it has been independent of all higher bodies. The most interesting question before the Syuod was a proposition to unite with the Southern and Reformed Church. A lengtbv discussion was had, Rev. Dr. Brooks being the most prominent opposer of the proposi¬ tion. A vote was finally reached late last night, aud resulted in 47 yeas to 32 nays. Dr. Brooks then asked the thirty-two op¬ ponents of the union to meet in bis church this morning to determiue what further ac¬ tion shall be taken. It is believed tbcv will secede and organize a new Synod. * Assassination of a French Bishop. N'ew "ioRK, October 18..Private advices from the French settlement of St. Pierre give information of the assassination of Mods. De Vere, the first Bishop of that dio¬ cese. He was murdered in the Sacristy of the Chapel of St. Jean de Dieu, having been stabbed in the heart and lungs while at prayer. One Emil Pelletier, cousin of the Bishop, was charged with tbe crime, and arrested. It is said the crime was incited by the fact that Bishop De V ere inherited all the lortune of Pelletier's father, a wealthy Frenchman. The Stokes Case. New York, October IS..Some surprise has been caused by the failure of the prose¬ cution in the Stokes case to call the new witness.3Irs. Benton.of whom so much has been said and written. Assistant Dis¬ trict Attorney Allen said this morning that the prosecution had never intended to call her. lie said she was ignorant, or feigned to be ignorant, of certain matters with which she was supposed to be familiar, and that, moreover, her character was such that it was undesirable to put her in the witness- box. The Jflwourl State Superintendent of Inauranee. St. Loos, October 18..William Selby, the State Superintendent of Insurance, has been requested to resign by Governor Woodson on the ground, as it is alleged, that serious complaints have been made against him re¬ garding the administration of his office. The name of ex-United States Senator Frank P. Blair is mentioned in connection with this office, and it is understood he will be appointed to it, and that be will accept. Fires and Low of Life. Toledo, Ohio, October 18..A shanty oc¬ cupied by a family named Kelly was de¬ stroyed by fire this morning, and Kelly, his wife, and grandchild perished in the flames. New York, October 18..Hawks & Camp's hay-baling establishment has been bnmed. Loss, $75,000. One man was killed and an¬ other hurt by falling walls. The Tturf in California. Sax Francisco, October 18..In the four- mile running race to-day Joe Daniels won the first;heat.time,7.42£.and Thad. Ste¬ vens the next two heats.time, 7.30, 7.43. Thad. Stevens took the first money, Joe Daniels the second, and Ballotbox the third. Absconding Post-office Official. Atlanta, Ga., October 18..The money- order cletk in the Atlanta post-office has ab¬ sconded. An investigation to-day shows a deficiency, but the amount is not yet ascer¬ tained. Hen Trial Granted. Washington, October 18..A new trial has been granted to Blatter. Condition of the Government Fi¬ nance*. Washington, October 18..A semi-official statement of the finances of the Govern¬ ment concludes: There is*no apprehension that Congress will impose additional taxes to supply supposed or actual deficiencies in the receipts, but rather restrict the appropri¬ ations to economical limits, and commence no new works that may not be actually needed. The Star says that the appropriations which Congress will lie asked to make at the coming session, including the estimate* for the next fiscal year and the very large de¬ ficiencies for the present year, there is rea¬ son to believe, will be greatly in excess of the appropriations of any year since the be¬ ginning of President Grant's administration. Cotton Claims Disallowed. Washington, October 18..A special to the New York Times says the controversy about the burning of Columbia, S. C., has received n quasi formal determination by the Brit- feu-American mixed commission. This con- troversy grew out of claims for cotton «le- stroyed in the burning of Columbia, which claims were based upon the assumption that the city was burned by the Federal soldiers, acting under the authority of the Federal commanders. The vast mass of testimony taken on that subject was before the com-; mission, and after giving it c ireful attention every one of tiiose claims were disallowed. The total amount claimed was between 60,000,000 and §T,OuO.OOO. Doing* of the Senate Committee on Transportat 1 oil. New York. October 18..The Senate Com¬ mittee on Transportation leaves to-night for Washington, and thence visit Jhe southern States. At a ses-uou here to-day, tlie com¬ mittee listened to suggestions concerning terminal facilities for grain destined for for¬ eign ports, and the construction of the canal from the Ohio to the James river to be of sufficient capacity to pass wide flat-boats such as could navigate the .Mississippi and tributaries, so that shipments at western de¬ pots could be carried to the Atlantic without rehauling; these water-ways to be con¬ structed by the Government. They brought their labors to a close in this city by a trip down the bay and inspection of the harbor. New York Items. New York, October 18..Eight millions in silver were shipped to Europe to-day. All European steamers arriving within the past forty-eight hours report terrible gales fjjim the Gth to the 10th instant. Pas¬ sengers who have often crossed the ocean say the storms were the most serious they ever encountered. Perriwinkle won the IJ-mile race to-day at Jerome Park.time, 2.03^. and Maecu- roon won the three-quarter-mile race.time, <1.17$. Hon. Horatio Seymour was to-day made a candidate for the First Assembly district by the Democrats of Oneida county. The cashier of the Athens (Pa.) Bank snys the loss to the bank by the robbery of Tues¬ day night is only 64,000 currency, and to special depositors $2,100 in United States bonds and $3,000 in Ithaca Railroad bonds, and articles of jewelry. George Francis Train, who arrived only last week from Europe, having become dis¬ gusted with the country, its politics, and people, sailed away agaiu to-day; leaviug, he says, forever. Colonel Blanton Duncan also sailed to-day for Europe. Killed by Railroad Car*. Atlanta, October IS..Alonzo Buchanan, a printer, was run over and killed by the cars here to-day. Both of his legs were cut off near the trunk. Steamer Burned.Eight Lives Lost. MEiirms, October 18..The steamer Mary . Poe was burned yesterday afternoon love Osceola. Eight lives were lost. No :tails. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. France. London, October 18.5 A. M..The Timers f Paris correspondent telegraphs as follows: j " From exact in:ormation it appears that the monarchical parties have come to nn abso- i lute agreement. Count de Chambord has made concessions which are satisfactory to the liberal monarchists. The following will he submitted at the opening of the Asscm- bly : The proclamation of hereditary con- j stitutional monarchy, the King promising liberty of conscience and equality before the law as the right of all. The monarchists are confident of a majority in the Assembly. It is said that 416 deputies are pledged to sup¬ port the restoration of royalty." The same dispatch gives the following ad¬ ditional points of the programme to be pro¬ claimed at the opening of the session : The eligibility of all persons to civil employment, universal suffrage, a reasonable liberty to the press, and the tri-color to be maintained as the flag of France. This last point, how¬ ever, is open to mutual coucessions. The dispatch also says the Assembly Is called to meet not bter than the 27th instant. Pakis, October 18..Eighteen deputies tn the Assembly, from the Department of the Seine, have signed a manifesto protesting against the attempted royal restoration, and declaring that they will energetically resist all such schemes. England. Liverpool, October 18..£27,000 shipped to America to-day. Socthampton, October 18..£69,000 ship- ped to America to-day. j London, October 18..The steamer Kron Prinz Freidcrich Wilhelm, from Southamj)- ton for New York, carried £68,000 in bul- j lion. The Koenig Wilhelm took £69,000 for Co- Ion. and not for New York, us before stated. The Tburingia took £69,000 for New i York from Southampton. 1 Tbe War in Panama. Panama, October 8..The coutost between the Coresso party and the Government of President Neira still continues without any decided action, Coresso claiming to be the legal President on the ground that General Neira had ceased to be President ot Punama ever since he was overthrown by tbe revolu¬ tion of the 5th of April, and that he (Co¬ resso) was the first designado appointed to substitute in such a case. Fortunately Admiral Almy has arrived, and hoisted his flag on the United States steamer Pensacolo. The Admiral lauded a force of one hundred and fifty men at the railroad station to pro¬ tect the state of transit. He afterwards, at tbe request of tbe Government itself, sent sixty men with their officers to the city square. A Government force was sent to stop a train in order to arrest a General favorable to the rebel party. This was done, and all the passengers were searched. Admiral Almy, on being informed of this daring attempt on tbe (feedom of inter- oceanic transit, ordered that a guard of United States marines should accompany each train and shoot down any armed rneu who should endeavor to interfere with it. . A constituent assembly, organized to set¬ tle matters, has done little else than order a forced loan of §20,000 on the city, and $40,000 on the province. The state of affairs unsettle.? all business in Panama. MULM. HhESE8, *c. QHOCKOE LIVERY STABLES O FOR BALE. 2a. Intending to discontinue the business, we will **41 at a bargain onr complete stock as a whole or divi¬ ded. Including LEASE for three years, of STABLE8 for twenty-four horses and BLACKSMITH SHCF complete. Stock consists of RIDING AND CAR¬ RIAGE HOUSES, BUGGIES, HACKS, FAMILY CARRIAGES, HA R.N ESS, 8 K DD LES, B KIULES, 4c., 4C. ^OIJNTCASTLK 4 MAKSTON, Second street between Broad and Grace. m 27-lm THE DISPATCH. TERMS OF ADVERTISING; CACTI.IXVAJUAM.T IX ADVANCE. One sqnare, one Insertion $ 9 M One sqnare, two Insertions. 1 M One square, three insertions l One sqnare. six Insertions 3 m One square, twelve Insertions.. c as One sonare. one month yg m One squArtfWWnontba jg 19 One sqnare, three months 3$ §9 roinatT. F)R RENT, a FINE STORE, in tbor-gji ougb repair, situated In a good business K2 portion of the city. Terms reasonable. Address 8. F. C, Pityatch office. oc_20-3t» FOR RENT, one of those delightful A TENEMENTS In Linden Bow (No. 102)»IIaL cast Frankl!u street. To a careful tenant the rent .will be reasonable. Apply to JOHN T. GODDIS. Real EsUte Agent, oc 20-3t Bank and Kleveoth streets. XToT RENT, the LARGE BRICK X. DWELLING on the north side of Clay Bill street between Adatns street and Brook avenue now In the occupancy of Mr. T. A. Patker, coutalo- lug ten rooms, with all modern conveniences, and. la perfect order. Possession given 1st of Novem¬ ber. Apply to JOHN T. GODDIN, Real Estate Agent. oc 20 3i Bank and Eleventh street-*. FOR RENT, the BRICK DWELL-! ING No. 804 Leigh street {north sidef.J containing ten rooms; with kitchen of thrte rooms. Apply to WM. IK A SMITIL oc 20-3t No. 1100 Main street. FOR RENT, the desirable BRICK < DWELLING No. 102 (I Jnden Bow) L-» Franklin street, between First and Second, conutu- iug ten rooms; kitchen, Ac. Possession on Cth November. Apply to HILL & GODDIN,Rcal Estate Agents, oc 20-3t No. 1108 Main street. For rent, a desirable brick DWELLING, containing six rooms andjeiii cook-room, situated on Grace street near Tweuty- nluth. Apply to W. G. K. FUAltSEK. No. 107 Twenty-ninth street, oc 16-3t* between Grace and Fmukllu. }?ARM FOR RENT ON EASY TERMS : of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACKKo OF GOOD LAND, on lite Charles City road, two and a half miles from Richmond; a good house of eight rooms: two quarters; large barn, stables, car¬ riage-house, smoke-house, Ac.: and a splendid well of water. The buildings are nestled In a fine grove of oaks, and I he situation Is particularly liealuiy. For particulars, apply to If. J. MURTON. 00 18-8.MAW IV * oil the premises. T70R RENT, TWO NEW DOUBLE48% X HOUSES on Chnrch 1(111.one corner ofkei. Twenty-seventh and N streets, with closets and kitchen, at $15 per month: and one comer Thir¬ tieth and O streets. Apply to Rowland hill, oc 17-31* 127 Seventeenth street. Tj'OR RENT, a very desirable SUBUR- X BAN FAllM. the Mechanlcsvllle pike, only one ami a half mtTes from the cltv. containing FIFTY ACRES OF NICE GARDENING LAND Improvements.brick dwelling, eight rooms, with the usual out-houses. Possession to lie had alxjiib 1st January, 1874-probably sooner. Rent rnode- rate to a good tenant. Apply to LYNK it Real Estate Auctioneers. BROTHER, e Auctioneers OC 1 7-31 ljkl2 Mailt street. 'OR RENT, for one year, or lease for/ a term of two or three years, my HOUSE,MliL with or without FURNITURE. The bouse ts lo¬ cated on Franklin streut between Foushce and Adams streets, contains ten rooms, with gas. water, furnace, bath-room, and all modern conveniences; hi thorough repair. Will be rented In flats or as a whole, l hc kitchen has live rooms, with a new range. MllS. KOSC'OF. B. HEATH, oc 15-cod2w No. 9 west Franklin street. ij'OR RENT..THE EL' * i ANT NEW J STOCK-BRICK RESInENO. of Dr.ilal Geortre 11. cteel, ou souTt . h're rtreet, No. 2UH, Just vacated by hlin. it Ii'u leu ro uns with Are- places. Besides, kitchen, -t .' le.carriage-house. Ac, aud Is supplied with t ci v 111 derii coi.vculeu'.e. Rent very low to a desirable 1.1 su.t. Applv io \\ It. ROBINS. Real Estate Agent nml Auctioneer. ocl6-4t 1003 Bank -treet. I'UK KENT, a veiy neat lMRK^f Ilt'lTSF, four rooms, ou Fotisbee bet ween JauL Clay undLelgli streets.$18 per mouth. New FRAME IIOU9E on Twenty-fifth street be¬ tween O and P streets (No. 919): live rooms. Ap¬ ply lo J. THOMPSON BROWN. 1115 Mailt street, oc 16-6t opposite tne Dispatch. For rent, boarding-house <r% over the store of C3 F. J. REILLY, No. 1731 Main street, oc 15-lw corner of Eighteenth. If OR RENT-SUNN YSIDE FA KM. Aft 1 will rent this beautiful little farpi, con-£uf taltilng EIGHT ACRES of good land; FRAME HOUSE with four rooms; stable, kitchen, ser¬ vants1 house, and a splendid well of water, situated a half-mile above tip: Fair Grounds on the Broad- bireet mid. It has also a new and large asparagus- bed. To a good tenant I will give liberal terms. <\ppl\ at mrs. F. HUTZLKK'H Millinery, No. 525 Broad street, lietwecti Fifth and Sixth streets, oc ll-2w F REAI. ESTATE ATJPillVATE NALtU OR SALE PRIVATELY .VVc off.;r far .. sal'1 privately the BRICK WORKSHOP, on leased ground, recently erected and occupied by Mr. U. 1'. Owen, on Fifteenth street between Main and Gary. Parties in want of a small manufactur¬ ing establish inenr. In a centra! loc itlon, will tlnd II to their Interest to apply at once. Building 89 9f 47,'i feet, with vacant lot in rear. Apply to HILL & GOdDIN, Real Estate Auctioneers, oc 20-5t 1108 Main street. 17OR SALE, A DESIRABLE FAK31 OP : FOUR HUNDRED ANI) TWENTY-SJX ACRES OF LAND, about ten miles from the city of Richmond, about one-half cleared and one-half In tlutlter. A meadow of about seventy-live acres can be secured with little trouble, from which largo quantities of hay have been cut. It is supjto.-ej that a seaiu of coal underlies the farm, as coal is being mined both above und below It. School and church within one and a half miles. Dwelling. twelve rooms.brick meat-house, and some otter buildings. To make a sale at once, we well offer® great bargain. VV. li. l'ULK & CO., Real Restate AgcnUand Auctioneers, oc 14-T,Th,S,li&W No. 7 Tenth street. I POK .SALE PRIVATELY, SEVERAL NKW HOUSK8. now rentlug from *10 to *20 tier month. Prices from *800 to *1,000. ' Also, valuable unimproved property lu good lo¬ calities. Terms liberal. Apply to MOODY A ROYALL, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, office corner of Seventh and Hull street*, oc n Manchester, > a. CARPETIXCS, OIL-CLOTHS. AO. PAl'Lll-IIANGlNG A N D LFIIOL- STE RING..PHILLIPS A JENNINGS, cor- iter Tblrteenth and Franklin stroets, have Just re¬ ceived their fall supply of CARPETING, OLL-C LOTUS, W1XDO W-SH ADE8. CURTAIN GOODS. AC., ^ which they offer to the public on the most mode¬ rate term*. Thankful for past patrouage. we t«r»- cstly solicit a ontiunauce of the mine, oc 7tN20 R. P. KICilAKDSON & CO., NO 901, COB.VBR NlNTH AND MAIN STREETS, RICHMOND, VA., have received and opened their FALL STOCK of OARPETINGS, comprising Hemps, I nonius. Throe-Plys, Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, and Velvets. Also a full Hue Floor and Table <>U,- l LOTUS; TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, BODY BRUSSELS, and VELVET RUGS urid DOOR- HATS. CURTAIN MATERIALS In every varl- ijlV, , * The above *hall tie sold at fair, reasonable prices* Se2l-3iu Q.EOBGI B W. ANDERSON & SON, 1206 MAIN STREET, have received their FALL STOCK of CARPETS, FLOOR and TABLE OIL-CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS. Ac.. Ac., nd invite the atteutiou of their friends and the lublic. so 28 1006 MAIN STREET. ' BOOTS, SHOES, 4c. BARGAINS. jgXTRA BARGAINS. FBKSH STOCK OP BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, AND SATCHELS VERY CHEAP. laving concluded to consolidate our two stores giving up oar BHOAD-gritKBT stok*. we are ttring extra inducements at our Broad-otkut jhk. The stock la fresh and was nude expruwiv us and comprises a complete assortment or dlum and due goods, adapted to the present sea- i. To families buying their dill and wiuter t>up« r we will make extra inducements. In a word, are determiued to please one and all. Call and he induced. We will sell you good goods at extremely r ^^MAftCUtt HARRIS A BROTHER. corner fifth and Broad streets and 1321 Main street. .. &__we will sell the whole stock and rent re on llher.il term*. g rK ARE NOW DAILY HECEIJTj 1NG our tail stock of Ladjesb Gentto-g^fc. s, Misses', Boys*, Youths', and children's^ BOOTS ^ 88013^4tKrtt,ltoa> 3LB SCKEW-W18K OOOOS » ,p«aW. IW r^mSSSLXzesz 1UU ~AAA -- , «' and geatkmeaVcustom writ®** »Qt* =£3= S»X)K AOT JOB FBJCJTINU DOS8 AT ¦ THIS OfTlC*

Transcript of Daily dispatch (Richmond, Va.).(Richmond, Va.) 1873-10-20 [p ]. · Jr.; Gainesboro', Nimrod...



    CASH.11*YAMABLY IX ADVANCE.The daily pispatch i* deliver*! to *m>-

    *rrit for bIx month*.The WEEKLY DISPATCH at $2 per annum.

    Tiifhntond gispatch."Til K ClRCVl.ATION* OF THE DIS¬


    MONPAY OCTOBER 20, 1878.

    local matters.ThK COSSKRVATIYK MaSS-MkETIKC IN Pk-

    hk-eiko.Arkanokmexts for the Dkmo.n--; atson..(ttTHT.il Kenqver having ap-p in!t-ti no\t Thursdayevening,23d instant.,- the occasion on which ho will address the

    i iti/ens of Petersburg, and finding it impos¬sible to again appear in Richmond before theday of election, is anxious that a< many ot

    ...» citizens of Richmond as possible shall::end : and he and the Conservative citizens

    of Petersburg have specially requested thek e.per Katnpaijrn Klub to organize in tliisv;f.\ a grand exeurson to Petersburg.

    In order rtiut this demonstration may be.. : :p sine as possible, and prove a titling

    ..:«.! ! and real assistance to the Con-v rw.uvc }H'ople of our si>ter city, it is ex-

    that the gentlemen named below will. committees to represent the various.

    .- .a I nationalities who will appear onoevasion. and that they will meet at the

    .:: > ot the Kemper Kampaign Klub thisat 8 o'clock prepared to report as

    - possible how many persons each coui-: will carry along with it, and the mime

    of gentleman to act as marshal for such¦ alitor ami its following. The Conscr-

    iv* « ''.tib- of Richmond and Manchesterv .pj-toint tlicir own «mmittees, who are

    t \ported to l>e present at the time andable to roport as above indicated.f>r liifh Co*'ceas..Captain William"

    KnBish. funeral P. T. Moore, Major John11 lean. Jr., James Haves, John M. Higgins,r.tri k MtHovern. W. H. W;u*d, RobertK'Tso, Thomas Mnitii.

    /'>y t;,ntion CP/re,«?..< >tto Morgai*n. I.oui- Wagner, Julius smi-, Deorgc

    K > in. (ieorgo (iii vornator. John 1 lotick, JohnJln'ehor. Solomon Wi»e. Henry Mitzger.F >r :!i> If: itan Citizen*..('. C. Salamone,

    E. C-rot. Pelarue, F. Thom:is.other nationalities will report to the

    K- :np- r Ka'apai^'ti lviub and be properlyas- _i d. 1- o h nationality will bear its ownfia_\ and it not already supplied eau haveone lo-moi tolt by the Kenqier KampaignKlu!'. It is hoped that as many torches usjiossit'l" will appear.Maksiiall-Ward Politics..The Conser¬

    vative < lub ot Marshall Ward will bold ameeting to-morrow (Tuesday) night for busi¬ness and the election of members. NextSaturday night Colonel O. T. Beard will ad-dre>- the citizens of the ward at the Conser¬vative club-house, and at the same place onnext Monthly night there will be a publictimeting of the club, when addresses are ex-j"oiled frotn (iovernor Walker, Colonel R.it. Berkeley, and Major Baker P. Leo. Onthat occasion scats will be reserved for ladies:uid their escorts.

    1 mi'Outant to Voters..Persons who areresident voters at the second precinct inMonroe Ward, and who desire transfersto other voting-pluces, can now obtain thesame by applying to Mr. John II. Kuowlcs,Jr., registrar pro tempore in place of Dr.Blair Burwell. who is absent from the city.Mr. Know Irs can be found at Bedford's hatstorr, .} f.-c! on Seventeenth street cornerof 3].a>!ial! for 82,850 : 120 feet on Twenty-sixth stm-t brtwren Marshall and Clay forn^.ooo ; -_>3 |, et on Franklin street betweenTw nfy-- -corid and Twenty-third for$1,800;O: feet >.ii Twenty-ninth street between Oand P for $-300; 27^ feet on Franklin street!.. i wet n s-veuth and Eighth, gitt; 30 feet oni' deral -treet for $48; 25 feet on N streette ar 1 iiii ty-iirst for $05; 20 feet on Pinestreet near Cumberland for $1,900; 7i»4 feet. 'ii 8 ve-nth street, gift; 7"»4 feet on .sixth-tr-t, gitt; 30 feet ou Seventh Sti*eet northof Preston'for $127.50; 24 feet on Seventh«' red between Marshall and Broad for $2,000,

    Cijamuf.r oe Commerce..The new Boardod houses during his stay here.

    Prefaring for the Concerts..The Rieh-nd Philharmonic Association are busilytaged in rehearsing for the grand rou¬ts which they propose to give at Assem-Hall during the Fair-week. The euter-nments will be of the most delightfuliracter, and must draw large audiences.

    Retail Market Prices..The followingcarefully-corrected quotations are an cxbiMtofthc retail prices of family supplies in thincity:Meats, dc..Beef.Porterhouse, IGj to 20c.;

    sirloin, lO^c.; roasting pieces, rib, 12£ tol'>$c.; roasting pieces, chuck, 12 to 13c.;round steak, 15c.; shoulder, 10c.; rump, 12Jto loc.; corned, 12i to loc.: smoked, 20c.;tongues, fresh, 5ue.; smoked, $1; shins, 10to 30c.; calf heads, 15c. Veal.104 to 18c. for!choice cutlets ; roasting pieces 1#$. SFENCF. & Sox's, 1300 Main street.

    Febbis & Todd hams at Christian & WniTE's,814 Main street.

    JUST received, a large supply of gentlemen'shand-sewed gaiters, single and double soles.a llrst-rate article.

    John C. Page. Jr., 009 Main street,between Ninth and Tenth.

    Postal Cards Those who propose using thenew postal cards can have the printing neatly andcheaply done at the Dispatch printing house.


    WANTED. BOARDED S for severalFURNISHED ROOMS, including suit ofrooms on llrM floor, at 11. T.. WIG AN'D'S,oc 20-eodl2t 518 Broad street.

    WANTED, a competent and industriousWHITE MAN to take charge of a smallfarm in Nelson county; one with a small familywould be preferred. Apply 10 WILLIAM P. cox,Agent, Dock street near Seventeenth. oc 20-3t*

    WANTED, TO RENT TWO ROOMS 011second or third floor, and servant's room.Address ioc*18-2tJ L. H.. JUxpatch office.SITUATION WANTED by a youtig lady

    who speaks English, French, and German, asSALESWOMAN In a store. AddressSALESWOMAN,oc18-21* Dixpatch office.

    WANTED..Mrs. WATLINGTON, hav¬ing taken the ho.;se No. 1111, corner ofTwelfth and Clay streets, is now prepared to re¬ceive BOARDERS In well-furnished rooms. Caaalso accommodate a few DAY-BOARDERS.oc 18-2t»

    WANTED, WOMEN AND GIRLS..Iwish to hire a large number of COLOREDWOMEN and GIRLS at once to live in privatefamilies In New York, Brooklyn, New Jersey,and other places North. High wages will be paid.Apply at once to J. P. JUSTIS, Labor Agent,

    oc 16No. 9 Fifteentti street.

    WANTED, merchants and physicianswho buy MEDICINES, DRUGS, Ac., Inlarge quantities to know that I aiu selling 10 such atNew 1 ork, Philadelphia, and Baltimore prices.

    A. H. ROBINS,oc 14-lw 323 north Second street.

    WANTED, a WHITE SERVANT toT T Btke care of two children, five and six years

    old. Apply at 117 east Cary street.oc 17-eod3t»

    WANTED, a MALE TEACHER, in aTT ftanily, to tcacli English, Latin, and French.

    Address s. A., Dixpatch otiice. oc 17-cod4t

    WANTED, everv lady suffering withCHATS or ROUGHNESS OF SKIN to trymy SOOTHING BALM. Money refunded If It Isnot what represented. A. H. ROBINS,oc 14-lw 523 north Second street.

    xyANTED, every one to know that atWINSTOCK'S LOAN OFFICE,


    they can buy FINE GOLD WATCHES for ladlesand gents. OPERA and VEST-CHAINS. BRACE¬LETS, RINGS, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Ac.,Ac. Owing to tne scarcity of currency he Is deter¬mined to sell Lhern at ASTONISHINGLY LOWFIGURES for cash regardless of tlielr INTRINSICVAL UE. Call soon at

    it. A. WINSTOCK'S LOAN OFFICE,17 Fourteenth street,

    se 23-lm under Exchange Hotel.



    TRUMAN A. PARKER A CO.,Canal and Byrd streets from Fifth to Sixth street,je 13


    LOST..Escaped from a ca a.


    PAl'Lll-IIANGlNG A N D LFIIOL-STE RING..PHILLIPS A JENNINGS, cor-iter Tblrteenth and Franklin stroets, have Just re¬ceived their fall supply ofCARPETING,


    which they offer to the public on the most mode¬rate term*. Thankful for past patrouage. we t«r»-cstly solicit a ontiunauce of the mine, oc 7tN20


    RICHMOND, VA.,have received and opened their FALL STOCK ofOARPETINGS, comprising Hemps, Inonius.Throe-Plys, Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, andVelvets. Also a full Hue Floor and Table U,-l LOTUS; TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, BODYBRUSSELS, and VELVET RUGS urid DOOR-HATS. CURTAIN MATERIALS In every varl-ijlV, ,*The above *hall tie sold at fair, reasonable prices*Se2l-3iu

    Q.EOBGIB W. ANDERSON & SON,1206 MAIN STREET,have received their



    CURTAIN GOODS. Ac.. Ac.,nd invite the atteutiou of their friends and thelublic.so 28 1006 MAIN STREET.


    BOOTS, SHOES, 4c.



    laving concluded to consolidate our two storesgiving up oar BHOAD-gritKBT stok*. we arettring extra inducements at our Broad-otkutjhk. The stock la fresh and was nude expruwivus and comprises a complete assortment or

    dlum and due goods, adapted to the present sea-i. To families buying their dill and wiuter t>up«r we will make extra inducements. In a word,are determiued to please one and all. Call and heinduced. We will sell you good goods at extremelyr ^^MAftCUtt HARRIS A BROTHER.

    corner fifth and Broad streetsand 1321 Main street.

    .. &__we will sell the whole stock and rent m«re on llher.il term*. grK ARE NOW DAILY HECEIJTj1NG our tail stock of Ladjesb Gentto-g^fc.

    s, Misses', Boys*, Youths', and children's^BOOTS^ 88013^4tKrtt,ltoa>

    3LB SCKEW-W18K OOOOS » ,p«aW. IWr^mSSSLXzesz1UU ~AAA -- ,

    «' and geatkmeaVcustom writ®** »Qt*



    ¦ THIS OfTlC*