Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-02-18 [p ] · af esta'ig BBJatsfaaaaaaal »L


Transcript of Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-02-18 [p ] · af esta'ig BBJatsfaaaaaaal »L

Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-02-18 [p ] · af esta'ig BBJatsfaaaaaaal »L

ajawfoa mar-avuai.p«nui>»4 daii>y, (aaaaetasß??*«**-> i tte« fct mtllxtB» « f?r, itSEj «>ftt awaSaai?rat aaaeke ?»; eaeaaajibat?inaawss.B-B»T>« okmi-WeebTLT DttPBVCa w bmsß away

rvatoav aadfatoav, tt gs, ia «4*ai>ee.aar-Ta* wkvblv :.«'*t>:* baaMevery rat»*T,

?\u25a0it i»«-.ltd i*rtbMntanat at oar taaaja.


irftoM our t\\« eonrujpjr-pint 1ißlPlfilcisauaa, Fab. IT.?I hav# raeelvod

Morthernpapwaof tho !s'.h inatani, and rend yeatiefo!i.witg taarintry of tha aawaeontelood inthera :

Tj the Hooae of £<\u25a0 pr. sm?&tl?ea tho ComatUtcaoa Wrc'doos reported that JenningsPlgjot, cf N.Caroltr, «d J B. SfcOlooJ and Wi jh of thaS I C~rg.a.'io=al rbiir'c:, am cot catitU4 to jwaia,

Tbe Vif»rcy cf Fgypt has skipped 1&>b!-;ck aril-£m to Maxiao,to ail n InM>xic<l-1 OCO wereproalard. '/hey funaht wall ia theCrirnr* M-. Thayer eem»n<!ed «xplacatloDi ?

Tl are to be pot ta gar.-Uon at VtraCrta, be-aaaai the?ore not enWiet to yel!ow fever. *,boMaaiaari cf Farla, jaanary U d cajr,' ttU ntao-nara, idaptedin a secto cf bnmanliy, cannot givetiw to the '.eaal crltioUm." All tL!a a; t,ear.- In t!tijAtctra from tha Amsiiean CctaaUKr. Thayer)at AUxanrlria, Egypt, l*»i baiaaa Co;gr«i» -iiu rail Nepo ?on U prepiulna for a Orelblaruplrrs of tha llocka'e The Parte**ore ;a tratch-l»g

Fr?nUce *#y ithe aaaaMMußaart of hqvm-

[,sp J-! <<*; ,uul by all n)??iUJ b> ous.inraged. forIkoyatMa aw Jaa! of lha rtaterlat wljicfjwoa'<i tt«»rwhr' bw-nthd* tsco Uo >f«;«rat« uov,.|

Itw tt nshl that Haol ."a f.iTa*a are aboat ton*'.' B lh ?? yd to jvaiaantat oaca to clear cjt tbewho'.e >\u25a0*? '..??jh* eonniiy.

LaU»'< fromflriy cUzvu cf H«w O-laaai t.-- :ae!)iSarß of ttu fjovcr ißßOatlb»ve haaa ae>.;d. It w« Rtn>ra'!7 b.li#v<-4 iaK*-r Or>ac«ij%tßßtlerw r.u'iJrj urn to that ti:yif net lflxd 3 Secretary o! Wa.v

Wa?»>ra>wa 'Wi:i %ai*\eat: in fa>>ntof and a *ui:j; aaaaaai had (?tiuiwltiirinjhthf raual. If it iaajMl i ar.d H-Mens) liieFaßhaaaVtata can p*ts iawa\ haviii; Tlokakaßffour r i rac"l-,»Hnt.

An Battn**ua*taa Qaasa mM'bjLaj bo»u v H isEaii*.', s'jti i>ri'i«i Etronj tcj'Axi

t*ns*eaaaeawiag Bornheea !reitor«!, aaalmanglTnhdabmnataboard not bobTpihtq u*rs,but i!c,<;r..

Tha V \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 h-BQaittor '.a? mid* Bsku* U on th-B asSaaa fliiifrastßal which wt*artdeaed, r.nd theEugii-i'i MhiUi'., er-uO' of th-j MTqlstsf,Bstesd toiwral Braaaanw avatlJ Ea Klo Jsselro'j b* BriZ:-.;mGorer.;tfuo.t rJiueita treatwithtr:> Hialrter Tbt-re MMJ t cseitamout and avoa Baraatsaid Ibe Imp;ror rfAj.i'*a*.d the pevr"i?a; person, taat .he 1..y,i,t of the oali.-'n sbeutd bo rjnint.iinrd

BteMwwi*aie*Bd a-. 15/.f in Bow T*rk f:j tholi:li.?hn Chnnic'e says the R.'?'ufj"fcaas

Btaptedg d, io the »aiva*ion cf tbtksMjahila at*?) 'J CMHf.f.

bat;.-> ridty, Ba* Military Oomaaßto*re;x;rie'bßrk Kurannr"* bit to rates 393.030atask\u25a0eMtsrs wttk th* r**aairntudatlia that«. do nrtB**stbo< sn*a th.< at t-'ir-ty taVaeted to be prrantedi* inEeleo ly granted by (beset i: July 17, IfKBTha L*2teialu!« of Msaouci h*n Bd> uraad un-il> DV« bar tritnoui elesttog r. C: Bed Sistejt.cna-

lor A ! ?.u*c«-i<<! ;?, MW*neenanedpatloaßi s hnd. afy Uilicrtd a.! tj -ii«» roanoer in wiiiju th«y dsplr i M«-<j«i ito be uao*« fren State J a Ins****WSSth* D*mosr*tlS Oouaervauvj candidate, andf.-.v.-ra *rt;ar.cipstioo bocr.u.ie b* tfiya tflert 14noIguger say swaaity ft proyctty.

\u25a0bnwJaa fanwßTlk, lb* great Wesfota wilodtedi* Ciniiioatiou tho M: ottdtit»btyy. ara vi.d *cru\ Rls 000,088.A t;ri:rt cf In<«niry ta ordered to ci*e'. a! Or.iro

to report wn<w cfi\ «rs iave bsaa Bfig***d. dlnjiillj0.- HMflrectty, in t.-sffic in cot-on, waetkar Mrmit*hay? b?en *jr*aatd and by orMod Itesisiimset rrm t~rrnvrttu trriti* paklkitirofjtiii.in the Maata on >le SBaaaateJ tr.or.surra tb* sankfeature* co ti£tt * kqnr. c> ia the et-rate thatwhs 1 Mr. i*o.-»?ii aiu*?t?rt trio n***ior v*lus ofi(\u25a0;., blink aotoa paper at theBa*a)Cß*l c«!.'.te', ?.fr. Fetaerdta so". ii tome p*>ti'il*. BSMiihag hiii teyoltj in muen tb* ante etyl*of Battonpls «£}.;rets***r thebody cf < near.' I \u25a0' rol Eobtaahry tveg loyal Lnt *****sssMtiiteg w»j pr»iprted An B»f nrrt th*flctxrriit it I"? , p.- ') .ji". w' i.'.h ictd- loyalty praclir J fJ j f.-.!- an !'? \u25a0« jli'bre;>iy «ra« 1.; iiladleilltsi ? fMassif, it we* uiuuiphhiit. Bat P**Baa*km*ae-it. atrfj up a i*arty s»eltoa*tor tho baakicieiDO Mr Cli'iudl&r giticl thuio irera /»» io-inytraaon ia I;sw York ? ia Soaih-jaciiiea, aaslthobeartcftka rtbtsaaa we.a in th.j Berth r.:au:gthf eopDerh*au D'la'-Cir'y. Thepr.-wjiftcia of tbaE*BhMUiatßS Rouse have le-aiaaTcrial y *d-*sa*td trr. Kichardaon,of I:lia-;s,said thatmxt»»e3k he gtiould formally ariaign Vr. glantmbe-fcro tie Seaate. a'co lnt;m*tioa was »>Lio thtormcat that tha policy of th.; partyi 1 power w<>:. iic. patifii lireeti'in. Coitamer co.ii not got tho at-ioutiaa <?{ Li' party as hete'.ovoro ac-1 eti nptd,fayjjg that nobody was piyiogtho jeaa'. at?cnt:ou Mr. ;..-vne that dt-.ntou ia favoraf esta'ig BBJatsfaaaaaaal »L<t g'lpj'iej t; surtSsmtsr, aoi anybody who a**-rts ttuoeoutrerysaikt* » iniiisi ataleoient. Bi2hi*rSi>ca oen ? I huviug lUfcili such apoint, &o(? tiios w.ib !io uiuca an-gry irsHunlatßM p. tcsne was Bprrubsuiisdafter citb u«d B***aata4 wi,u Br**an*Jk*ysabsteed teto qt'etr.e«. i, ?\u25a0\u25a0.« ia to haw*L-.M-! an n:,grac:ccH attemptto i> ci a qunrre ,?h.ce iLQiireawhy ..nHad net foliswedo****BBtmpteaai tati«paad whea thu Qr**a*aa**atre-fa.si w.rcinfurcc Sumter.

Fremont Las eppUird for active gervlca. Cctu-raodcrea Fre.bie and Pony Lave been acciinaiedtjr r*,'.'j.fioa torauk.The 6-ht-oaer amma Tu'.ile wa3B*pa*r*d en the

aTib. off Charleston, bhe waa taßeu Baas uefore,bet bar crew ree»r,;u *d bat.\u25a0v Tl.urai> *n1 Lis wife were rr c =ivu 1at the white llmie FtiieyBv**a*tgGeoreerrancii Tcsaa amsarraat d )n PJ Locin

B* '.he 7th, by order oi Major-Geueral Cut Ua, Suaiz twiCi!r,;:ta» ttcortad acrtgs tha rivjr. V!o tea-I n via- *> 1 jtoed. Ins leticr to th< Cs-ue'al asI -?j i.r.it f); wan bsuaa* he *Ah*a*l ;c tba sacce.a-ral eot;r,a ayoss******* of army osHois

Tt.o Baft*** for the P;n;ch ararya* E«ii:o?? ??' ipasdinEgjpt,sa\c theof tk-i baaaaaPnant, Kce.-y ccgro tto polios?mid ly haatooawassacß d and cot allowed totale lea-.i el bii family 'i as** was aoledigatutpretest jr... ,iia fi.i't-h. America , end Anttriaar 1 it la not likelyQua the sseoad ba'cliw':l b.t ij«a'.it th* f n oal BBselitia <\u25a0"\u25a0 tLe Oeaakotl of Gom-

Kaaeset fcltwpasi saw Manchester, itvoralbcrs of Pari anv>nt who ti;ok pai-t, g-»ve it aa U eiro, iuion tea; Parliament would be called open ttar-Vr in thataaaam4* waatko*toe Mather*Bt«'#s bi.il atLad n>taailtted thnmstrs** to ta* ig-ti t'.oo. Oppci-i::.-ii to any iiteryoctioi; wu* (j»iae-rally expressed

On 'i h*;n,d*y, arqaal cf Baylot's ro'ii 1cara'rvattacked t. Hmal! cooathix piuty ("Si) of the 1 JliiPstaatyftaato cavairy, klilicgone wanxaPagtwo,fco< CiiptTirtngfour nod several Lor.-c«. In tha aftemcor, near (.lifcri-s*.iwr, tho mcc atid h:rae«i\u2666?eio reoaptort.il. ctidLieut Baylor, two man anda«»rrai wt-re toJaoa

Tte L'trald's Wtea***ter crrerpr;r.<!ence, of th?7jk, ray--, fl wenpfehod men front tho 11 h Virginiaregltue.it, at TT. i>. aulf in\r, attacked tb«*mail cinch oetwtea Mattu*'.!.isr t.a-1 Wiacht»:t«ronthe 6th, and c*| tur*i lis rii.v<r at>l ooonpaots.liiclodtng twa*taaTedsasaa On* ejoip*daad ra*parted. Two coiapsji:eH{i«r4:j.ed tj Millwood andr«captured tbeir fri?.trJ« it.: lag o it nbA aid tak-teg ta-iher pita***,after** Basperato fight. AViiakfte B*aa**aat lang rrooi d ,d.I 1eat !Ut!e weekly *np*t bin been recently

started Xt y.jiktown V*, by i 1 u'«l i'.Cbamlioa aad I* called Ike fhtmpttU

t'Aiao I'*b. 13? Tha levea* on tha Mlasl*;.:ppliil.» of ;h» Mi*.i«g pj 1liver twiive r;.iiei bStOWit» ui.av r**Oa Pa*-, bavj b#en cat b7 thelini.u fstas*. Tae? hava a..*jbe»a lv-, at Greenville. and ou the 1. ui,Uua side, eppoiite LakoPioaldsac*

n. unijie.oi-.uju niui ooiil rau ise bSObSa't , Jian-<Uy.a largr part of lb- rebel army of Vaginia be**U *i moved to Vicksburg.Tito Hew York Herald eoT.otlal'y coinplira.-n'gI fewftr.l ? ? mastar'y r sly to He >ci«o:V*' pe».c«

prcpcalttoa, whiih »t ca:l*-bsv.rd, with all it»**«ou-« I ?'?« gennrotity.' *.. w .id, although'.oo eanga neiv the oatn«t toucl i.igtu# eu -;ra ssion of tt* rc-bel-lloo rssai iig v idlsmsyad (utl unshaksn a* to tbeBaa! U.u»; but the Aetoatdskattoa still ftitstograsp ta* ci.ii«u*i«i:»* toe dltßcuitie*, andthe d hi; tj of thi* rebttltite If all w»ralike tettari 'our principal *-rry wpald ntnow b* baltieg taioway between Washington andfeiebmond; oar principal nival aquadron* wouldnot now i « held at Lay by the reb«4 defence* atObarieatonaud Vickebsrg; norweald tb* nationalnuacces. cred!', and earraccyb* reduced to th*v*rg« of rain by waste!u! cxtt*vsganeos, *xhau«tlog oorruptiona, and temportetngfinancial expo' I-'lhe Herald thinks thePresident bas to f=-sratiiaßy ' the danger of iivanekilmtng discords, ptrtyatviiLons popular commotiont, Holt, and « r«f#a oftioony auatchytn the loyal Stat t." These fearful«aii>i,ge uri mof the f*tu<Bpj ? beglanlng tobe for*-BCvi-.v.ii ? varl .nt fcrmscf maoi'festatioM.*t* H i«ld f*t«t,t,.i|.iy B*g*«a a that Seward'" ? \u25a0 i M» of a.a ci jr ao* ?11 j******-.- b i1 ' ' U.CI «.»J B.

iVßoraaa agws. ,ta?.1!*I** «wH!!dta Bow Yorkaatty *c the 13th

?tVato *ta***aa an?P^t'fntß&A^

«en, p«titn. Vi*nna,and $t olreetinjrthem to ' fuond' tha fae'log of the Cabine aofth»*a eotntrtae the propriety of tenJartoga'mp'acouomlj to tha "bolUgertntpartlas In Woah-lu.nn and SlohaMad* a4viatag than to nanacrmbUttoneta eharjodto esunine. "with or witho«t an arsaatte*. tht boaW of a eettfemont. Ar.i-ctta la the specialnawnapor orgao» cf the »«per<ur, tie txp-ew,and Pra** Mapolarn,thow thatFraaee la aseeeJlngiy oastom to Win? abiat ape»"o In AaMTtaa, fat the aatareat of h«r eo-.toaKii\nfa«tarata and ther'evatlon and (xtenaloaofli-.r j.o!it<n! pr#etige on thit «lde of the Atlanta.?X he ifw AnhbbbipofParh, in a Mter addroM-?ito thepasajteoi t»i* latoaee a'rilt*s aa ecsiratA»ti *J blow at BnaaUai.d Rngland for la.'naing tojoinEHtm leaa In bl« Qn,t f (fort at maeiitloa.Tba LoiiCon Mi,fi»f Oa-.nu. cf tha iflhof.I»r-i ry. \i<x<:.rt» wi,:t w.|: b* Nap >Oli'a ailert.»'.;\u25bc* if hl« tattai pr<J<HTt f»raa tlii.,4 ii tar'o.-i»noa lar«J >ctetl by tba otitor graat Powa-» i TheGtMttrtya: "Iimay be tOtej forgran ed taat the"ofl-r»d t>o«otlat!onwiM be (tleMed at Weahaaff-toa;"aad mU "what fdlawa thaeoopalaory oe«aaiion r.f heatliitle*, t.i a ixarltlaie wa- wtth tooN.r\\ t Can thia ooaatrr tffmito let the Pre nohXtsrrror {rocad alcueia Lv amerlean p litjtct,la be at'togupon an aadacataadiag with Ber aU

Oovrmmanti'The a'.e<an«r Oeorgi ma, tbetecder of the Ala-bama went to m% ojj tiis 14hJaasay, frrm Boly-

head. E'K'n-.d, bou-.-.l for Nuaaa. Bha had a f r-eidabla e>«w cf rough looking raej, of VimostevaryKtuopean n»Uon>UUy. Hha monuta it gnoa,acd oarrieK cat a onantity of te*a&d other awaaa-aa.l*3 for tljo nae ot Mn trow of Altb tma. Al#t:er »«», "She tt tctrid for r mr-f« and look*j i»' th«j U'.ltir for raoT;ti,gth3b!ojJ-%i}«, ?

'I'M tiff; vij, ii :'? .! ftrrivod ai tSkmmmm 1,fro:n Ks.i;jti '.n toe £>:U nit, wlh ISMkjola) ofcctton IrcttgM by She ' aloskada better* "li;e £.uiji!*n military eonrc.ipt'ou la JiVanll*tM a -nili «?ra~oltttott.km<<d a)l taa**&*?« fosait blileteeHn !»->«wi* aad

u.lt'grapJiwirKJat WaTlaW" Vita th'a-?aid «oia;rtpia d««or;ed. Ccflita 1.h.1plait-. Thewhole haagdteaa cf Poland woadanaaTadivh ?U.t? of .\*g*. "W»'«w ii jf.rta-.." bat it hnot COfJBMd that amy decided hai beenwain on iaaarrecikD.

Vhe Load.iD &ar b»i rrtt. i»«d thefc"i!owirj fromIta ?{?? cial VMa icrrr^p-nd^n*:'fhe fr. nrh 8 cvtrt inmi is on the polat of Inter-seeing aa i ;ir.:rlr+.wt ? etween the i'cdaraJa andin nctiaipation of lata eveuta InAvnwloa, M Merc fc» U.n rn-timd Instruct!jntto att

m a fntili,ii,»- b*lwe -a t"ho bftiligerosia, ar;d UOr.nyafle L'buj>i> Is prcp-rioij n data tLtt wBl be«brr:!y trna*rolUfcd *o Mr. Sewa.J, fa wiic'i aO.T will b« roconnieti !«d.

*j \:-> Iv-rdon Sh'p/Hvg Oaaaa rfMatks, listthe E"jpsrors be i Witet hn h«aItft htasaeU, but an ahernaiinr. to recug-ai-t ilie ?i>*'ik tmd raite tht touthrni blockade,

'i h* He?? Yo:k Utrani neaih an extri-ci irom tbaPott «*o rt>«j> «de-ion or tbn f oadeai /'««/ wUft thisc pt.or: "KATOIXOX't TiuVls or 18-nMiCUYdWITH Jtrr DaTjs ' TLo coiie-jcnirst aay« tbotfll -ie «g:-*e th« i'rvioearMI bold Mexico; b*'J U1r>, wilia-«u'«*Jiy I-,d t eocve.tifiit to nia4«an tllitmmKith Iks ttwUtgn Rtpublic ofAmerica.

Tbo tffatnri tJ 1.-euia is every UniicgBure tovc-re among U-0.-ors I m li fsrcjeM, oio.,to th<:ir utiu.il nflak or Oeatlk'I'ne livr-rpoolrt.ttou \u25a0BOfhat, en ti.e tStJaIC»era BWagS'at; aad pr:csa aajlah

[GkneralKeTspaper Diapaich.]TniwiiacKSiViQ, February 17? Tho \Tath-iijv nChronicle, cf .be 15ia hta bean received tytagrf ttuco.Dbyatckeafront tho t*. 8. Qjaaal »t A!, aaodkta,)'.,/1 '. «0.l \u25a0 Dayton, r.:yreI»i I befors tUd~~. S Smato on t";< 14'b. tu tht» iffcttbas tbeVic-toy of ?Kvt)t l.r-i tu-ni-i?.t«a the i-iap .or ofFrarc.rt with lovarol knoaVed tii-sri g->i«2i<-.ri :o tf.i-<th'-ut i.-ry tip* lioaacakaal sf-xieo. Voei/owi

Uur sayg tLvy wi:l fcanlaftn \»f* Orjat becatttenotgnrise* toy;llov7 jVvsr. Tba Coi9<ai at iI?E--tn ?x;t an:tl!ori trout tue Vi-.»-roy.ri"b* European Oiimuls Gecorai ht\e telegraphed:o- insii javiaajf<-c-ta th* if Qnverntne-nw.Tha Bmpire Ci y. from Kew Orlosaa oil ih« Kk,n? rt3 ilitt Baaka*! fjroes, after reveritlimoailnj'

V'Te in * p\u25a0?viaitijn to take tba tHeM It?»*» thoaKht c forward movement woat'd be ui'.doat oara to rear :ho whola jjafoarohtcca:i'.ry.a Boeocd ragtaMktcf blanks la *\u25a0 be fwaajiil »tF:.'tUoyAl, wlib of Ksuioa, leader.l-itj- Jri ca, aoaaaaaadang fl««t on Cu-oiberlaodrloar, ia M« officialr«por; of th-j sga- a; For* Do-aafcjo*! tsb i» uadt-r fniTfat TTftaiUr.rr-i a7b«rion,wara«st u,j anl taatadbwgaa>i-ov.t*. a-jd tL'.-rari- ,i ia lb ir purpjaa of Cfptr.ii glL« Federal*at Bcrer, vs; o *ai j..at o7 aaManat-U«H oatd eutii-;!y aur.ou'.cieU. Oue hrmtfrtd 3iidforty roboJg antra bnricloa tfca fiat4,andtha\rj-uuJ:"lwtre irft fa taabawkof tba f'ou<-r«.li ,

Q . >. Fraac« Tcafn wa->arrested at tt Loo'.r byordr/ c? Gi>u. Garii« c jiu?&r.Ci ig thaor >J"ti;cr»rl, s, «J ora*»ca tact. Louk at ionto. OiUie uakaj>wo.

'ir.c iiaveiiut tue le-ojcn Hn aflaatlfei,>pJ tt foaao Pma, afeoav.tie aud opjoidtaLa:eFfOvtdaaeA aw . \u25a0


PASS.Tin L'tustnn TeUgraf-h,r,l the 23.1, con'.ains a

'nil tccctnt cf tf.o ceptu a ef the two blotkaderd-rl ababtoa Pas-:, Texat. Cur force coseisted of,wo HI lis irtestaer*., tb? Boil sariVrtola lie*i, mf.Enedy 3.0 v id-.-.' iiiajcr Walfcias. The

latoja***\*nT*'On the morning n* the BlsJ th* tt**aaor* got up

I «Mv and ttvteifcr tha bar Theydiscovered,.t about t*»elro taliea two veinelt, watchproved to be tapbrig ofwar Morciag Uahl, mount -iag eight is; pir.nderg and oaa rlfii qua, and a>*hooa*r, (ar.oie'tmkaown) Mounting two Bse1> thigrea*. CM MoruiagLight is tbaaacia vesselthat destroys: WinutoQ'e salt *7?-*s. Her toon, itwi<l beremembered, were thoroughlypauUhod inthatsffsic. 3 tie moment the veaid* discoveredDates uieyup sail and tan to sea to escape ourst-Hia.r». All steaoi wa* at enco put en, and an\u25a0 icUing cl-aiii commenced. >t stout ten eViotk,the c-ba*.e havirg continued about fifteen miled,Beß get lv robge, and tha Davis Guards let flyib.? i- abet <ran nt the iiornln,; L!ght. Tho chafeeoatinnad tor tc-rr.e asjtea farther, gtytaß oar boystana ;o nra ten tv twelve thotst, vtuuh took tsTaatta tia brig. Th* brij an£<v-6rcd, bat nm usableId _-t lb* 2-U at all.

I.a layaowepproacnadto wiihtßssi.d uucVetraspF, it dt i cot take long for Ba* tffl urtsa to clearthe tuomj b dck. R-f.i.-. tjeLerabdher hercol tt* weie banted down, a i cur boya took un-tDspatasJ pn*****Ja*. It tlii eat require long to

the tcbo oT.Lota veu h ssore catrlod to the Ii tr, lv*. a Pcde.

ral sdeasaar uming ia tight before the MorningLight c-.r.i * L'gute.-.ed Etitticltntiy to go overshe was aaaafctaß-aaa aohcatar aasrssl inside ?

Tbe MBrtai | jjth» report Of Liant Reed cf thaU. 8. gnn U>... ttow London, v.ho waagoing to thar« lei cf the bl ********* when they *.io d ..,;r>y-el.

At tßs*%«* taa-BM r-f January ho dlecov-redth* Eoralog t****jM A - ??acii.r wa.* juitie.tvlaghr,aad !u ***** a****a*Jß the forme.- wes discoveredtobeendtr*. W*s orapted forward,but itwas >i-, ax'M to nav-i hir. The fire wasetartsd iatks k. :*f partof the ship.

tee*at»«*y toif**as*ta tea feet Of water, j-er-hi r* Wi' i tut,;. Moi X Otto*. i;e.- oner tba aar intotMfaa* ***** wete diachitrged bythchaat, tbreaeai the port Bate *ud "jj ou tbeat ?«,'.<. . bi:i*»,. to iattc-r bad f*A a into :he told,*i,i tie juatCaaoiag oat J**t abava her sapper, on*a*.it betet Li- i. .ho ;l.oe. TW« of her abaiir.«a---p ;:... Tho \u25a0 aatay bat uad'Aibtooiyremarod tu«i{- a tar from fk* BtoptaM* aa no explvsioa* too*p. BBS CKCtptBb* g* I* :.nlehel's.

Itii bhsngat Ltat the en -;:?\u25a0< dii not get any ofth.t \u25a0/an: tt IkeKcaatbag Light. A* to ths ach-.-uc-*cs Ksftta and Ve.'ici:;-, tha former, Lt,E* tdaad tesraad, Lai escape; lv* .att _r waa cap-in: ci witu the ?; -rnuigLight.

M I IN BILTCiOnt.Ttef-.Mov*:i'S FsATpai trot-i tuj Baltimjre Go-

BBp* oi the In., i'etant, gives a faireampia of theIBda that uabappy c ty tanultr i

Y**Bsrday nter ibaf near lbs e'.ose ofhours at theCiruaod Flout'MxcOaugi, a cavaLy-ma j, ar ii>- i wita aaword au trev j.t.r, o .tartfd theroot-), a.id aaraeUag »uo of p*e tui-ab-m, dttiredtj kaew MM fraitk* Ke \ra> at or.-... lit-i ....rt to Mr. Jpaa P. Paca. tha aV-cretary of theAu .cia'ljn,fr.» -ia Khota be <f*.-naadod a net cf th*i:j/.,i.iu.i,u(u- the rtltef of tbe Cocfotiorai* prt-aoSßßTa HI .lair), ate. :' lafcruied the dragoon thattho lv: cad uot been ncr wa>- it ia hit pesaavtion,act! farther -.hit i. hai zusreiy \u25a04*o*B tempor»rdy oa the d)*k onSa'.orday. Vh* */.o *r th«ndema&dad to know «t wb.-t nour ba*i«»s wouldcloac, aad remark id that hU in.traoti u» ware tor.rntli Rear* aattl timLastass* w*tora»- for toeday, t.hieb he did. b»ing still *a«;*4 oa one of ttelounge* tf;sr en* hoar cf coou Li atrived, &udtoogptteg the last member had aspaetod Taarewaa iijlcttHopiUn t j ba*-la**-j cal<h*rwas thera any uaa»«al axaitaueat, th*a»tm:ered!*per*lng at tha usual t'mo and a *tbs'ore.

fll*. BUTLER FOR CUakLUTO*.A Washington dlapatch ta aba Raw York Yteri

«*/«:Tho plan of sand ag Gen. Batter to OLA'loUio,sovobentßtly dents* by oa*of your ee*ea*pare

riffs awhil*atar*. Ii certiu*if tt*baud, aid It onei t ~ prv>po*iti(*ri* Intended tohead off ths attaag

tcm «d firbis Instalment iv the War Of.P*..? *?< *\u25ba;*' a' 'hit i>« v »»'»ivt <in Bnt'-r hi*

ii«» v.t«,t, th* 'J ;«' v»«'V i : r>"»i»ni ta-*pa*te* o* eaarat *».\u25a0? Jraui lUa' «iy a-, a o.s*. >-, «1bUpCaeise**rs*toriatisof b* eputo* BtRIU t*prsPabls thatthe Ooa*tn*a*atas* ** yatrtMhednoaßßsßnaßsa to te* seatas**.

apaeoh la theTonkas OongrwM Utt week tt favaiof pea»e, ud oloaad It with tto following pom -We rathe* thlak"?orollna" won'tAnd tthmhWto 'iiwaW the pathway ="She hM goae-abebnhftnianotaronandpr'de?Onr alcrmy.br->w*d a'-ater. to long at ovraid* IShe boa ton nir own ttar fro» oar (lißwih

glow,Ai 4 turned onbar brother tha fae» of \u25a0 Cm IO, Caroline, Carolina, child of tharan,We can uovr formatthat cnr htarti have been oat;Oar i fc&ih npil-ikl.Jla Lloerty'* name,Pi6mthofuaßlainof t'ooi wl.h tborlvertfnunetY<-.n wntalways too ready to £r» at a tcuab;Cut »i (all -Aha ii hasty-she does not maanituoU."We b*,va reontal wLea yoo utferid soma tnrbn-) n*. tSir.-»';' lot rii-ndabipr!U whlepered?«Forttva aad for-get."

Has oar lore all dlad oat t Ear* Ita altars grown\u2666 old t

Uas theenrja ocma at laU which tba fathers fore-told ?Than ua:ure mos. teach nj lb) itreajth of it*chainThat h.r po'ulantchildren would ssver la twain\hay may light till the bniaarda or* gorgedwithrLcirapjli,'Till the bRTet srr>wt black an ttrota in ike soil,'Till tba waive* and tha osum>uaU droop fromtli«lr mtm,Aud it* atutrk tratks tha phale, tha lord cf the

WBVCB.Ijvain Is tUa strife f When ita fary ta roab.Tfcwirrortsaat iua«t fl?wli on*ewumel tt Hai;|il.-er n :J

Roll uiiugWIn peace thronga the vaUey bilow.Oar Ui-i >v Uriver, hsfcg ocean, and aVy ;Mau breaks no; the medal r?h, v a.»d cnta the dietThong i Qa.tetei with sniphur, th 0,-h 11,:enwithr.t.vii.Tie Mai arch will "Ujtiten, the waters will healO, tJarcJiue, C*r&3iae, child if tho.nu,Th»e « 3 b»n;«a with fate tsat cannovar b* wontTha ktsr do verb:*;banner mast cavar be farted.For lt« bioaaotno tf light are thahope ofthe world!fAipao-e JGo, th&n, our rash tht-r ! afarand ateof,Run ui'.J in the sumhine awayfrom our roof;But Man your boeM jxhis, hiid yon* « t La»egr.vr:: 80ro,R>ji-Mabov thi pathway th .t l«ads to our dcoi!( .;ii.luu.« j


FMDIRICK3BURG, Feb. T6, ISC3.While I write thu> streaming cir-whlctio of the

Yankees Is smniing to-night, like ".he shriek of asa&ided fiecd," actoas the Rappahannock. Bnglegaad drcnn ke»p as the din, and esSure usof con-tinued cotlvity and "raerrlmaat" The balloonwa aluo up thia evcoU* higher than unatf -per-haps o sea the rat-eating Yankees on tte Poto-mac They hava b'bo gane down th« Xeppahao.ii<>ck-7010) oae picket t>eid this morning. Theyare twrtatnly buildlcg a cMiaeit-ny through aiu}Tr.lj >i!xio milfs betow, oa the other el.fr, justasthay niJ when weat up sod gotgtcck intherand. Fssafaea bf»lorr, ioimaJhite!? oppositethem, oa thit rid*., arc m ivLigiui '.her elf. Whljtvr»y :ro they ton? ? Tb-: 1 git of pobatl/ >ome\u25a0that (wallkaplMNaa '\u25a0»tc'i»u*.»lly" consumed,whkh illaia.natid tho Ecr;hera sky about9 P If.,"?naaan no light" upon the qiestioa. I expeotGeneral D* knows al abou. it, aad so 1 abs.llsleep quietly.

Gen, Patrick enmoover It Bb* 11 igof true** boatthis asoxahajC, aad e*H tha Phiilips Kcu-.o badbs a Gen. fctocemao's but he badluoveii oat It ch».=??? Ho >ker wanUd it for a bospi-tal A etove wagl«ft la tho seeeanl aiory wi-.h fir*m it, <rom v.hlch the house B*agnt fire, ard waso' n»u iied. he had tied to rave the farultar?,sndLad it Ii- 'Ui.lit to the LttOV Hon :a tat loan cf it»H fciUhlng Of couil.il There wilt ba m»cytbinirt: 'ni!>iHi.n<r" when the Yankee* losva Sti/-fard bat the? wsut ha "usli»si*d."

fltn. Fatrtak Iwiaahl over Gea. Blc&owaii Jac-k---aoa'sOaapiaua, bjj had bee* captured but Gen.not receive him without Conaral ;

taW'spaaaataSaaa, uod h-b-v-1 to return to Lw >nli\u25a0haueay Us-,re BSBBBBg Lo hcavh«a« cut iL» other*'d*.

P. S.~t7ih. Scow thla raornljgis fallhigfact.Already«B A.M.) irro itches deep, a;i lock* aaifit woald mow ail day.

4iE"*:£RAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGIAiA.TuisDAr, February 17th, 1853.

Eli*atx.?Met at noon. Mr. Johnson,Presidentjrbj iemfore, In the chair. Trayer by theRev. Dr,Moor*.

A taeesaje frost the Governor, fa rospouso to aresolution, acquaintedtho Baa*U with the extentof the ParPaOa Baagsr* crganlxV-ion, tha ncmberof ?.uij.'vnies in the garvioo, numb arof eosamis-Biouei orli 'r;m, end what cams have bscu paidthc-ta on* of thj Pjymaa'er's dt»car fm»nt. Itwa*stated tha'. the sen* of BX9 3(-5.f>7 bad b«en dis-bars >d in th6'r pavnisji. Referred to th* Commit-tee on Military AATaaa, aadordered to b*» priited.

Resolutions cf Inquiry and Ixpeditnnj,?By 3frAlUcreoa: inaiiuctug the C -tntnittee cv F>nacceao-i Olaittu to inqa'.ie Into tte expediency cf re-porting a bill r««leavn? tte ie preventativeof JohnM. Aitierson, deceated late shcr IF of fcee&Vrfor,from the collection of aaCM* fiaej rlt-ei ta ta*hand* of big deputyaabort t'oca prior to hU deathBy Mr. Wh'ttle: losUuoting the Commutes totCoasts of Juitiee to inqilre lati the exoedoaeycf enac'.loa; ?o«h laws ons'atent with theUsnsti-tutioa a id lawj of the Coafcderate BiatoJ Hi tusybo u>-etvn-dry toredaoet) slate.y say fres ne;rotesic'inif lv tha Unitei EVtbtawne mayba fjttndWi Li?: tin ii nU> f thh (]3tQmontrralth JJ/ sJri.7.1 >'i : loß'rnctlrg tr,« C'.nm on Fiaauo-a tibtsl ire into ths ea olousy of a'U>wln,t eorpo.'a- ;t;ou» Ba*s%ted to -utj to l qH4ata thoaatbatore fa* amia* die, or aay part taj-eof,aid g.op the iuterestthariioii.

Committee kHBt Reporled?M bill refunding toWil to*) M. Hiiioe. *%\u25a0 Stat cf tVgile',d-.magejpj.,, i-y him rvt such. A bill toaniaudand n\u25a0 tp,> ttho tAaik au' fifth section* of chapter eighty.a* /tub of -the . .'o?i

fiipesiloj BiUs.--I'h* fc'>U to iaoreaie t'-e al-lotraoce for tha b aid and lodgbag of Jirora baerlriiiitat ca<ea was parsed. 'Fba biil antboriziajImprstsatsßts for tie sappsat of n->idi»e»' fHOiiiiaaand otherpoor, duriagtha war,wii defeated. Tb*bill makinganappr jp.iatlonto tha Caatral Luna-tic Asylum win a a->adtd by a "ryd«r," and re-ferrei to the Flhanca Committee. Thebill traaa-ferricg the State Lina troopj to the GuaaV dirateGovernment tv».s taken up. Ita providing varl-ousiy fiiaonded, orderel to I c r*id thethird tlma, aad lail on tht tabia.

TheraaolutUuw of Mr. Cotter ii ralatloa to thain v c.sQiint la san-ebury, N. 0 , of oita Co lfaa, aci i2)&of PHnci Gaorga o^-uaiy, worepujadbythe U >rahi«

AdjourteJ.Hcust ry erxrorrKS?Tb* 3ba>e met at 11

o'clccU. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Cog^ett.Ac*:&*&* was received Lcm th- Gover.torrela-

tive to tha cotapeunatiou of agents for thi distri-bution of salt; whichwas read, and on motion «fMr. B-rboir, tee red to the Committee oa Rait.

Tte bill empowering canity eoarw to imareasafiele* ft prin ci ne*e«stty for tha uae of ettia* aba eer'.aic ca c*, which was under coastJera'ion attte hourof »cj min-ieat jesarday, wa*Uf.cn up,am. nled, andorder* i to its engrcßifa:* tt.

Tea lilt uaporifij tru-m fortt* tnpocrt of t3cveroraent. bsreto'ore m> d* the ordar of th* day furto-day, wa* taken ? p and corn i lored.

Dning the r f this bill, tte*ea» of 22o'-locH bayng arrived,the pr \u25a0cea-os i**u d again tJ.B3pu R. C.'--i. biw end George Whitfield for 'ailiuK to appearbefore the Coanr.it*. coa Batoni n,wheu Bummoasfl aa to do, came cp foreonalderatioi.

Mr. Hopkini It .ted that K-*. Crsttthaw was thenpresent ia the Rons*. Tb*. he waa laboring undersevere tudbjpcalticia,sad ff«m a coat wattion hadwith him ba wa? 3a'.i fi i that Li* non cnm»lians*with tho sumaionsof thacommittee was owlegtonowant of ret peatfur the authority of the House,and thatbe wasprepared to obey*»11 tammons ataay time the eowuilttre may reojpir*. Be there-for*moved thatte b j dig:barg*d,which was*gr**dto

Hr. Whitfisld wu reported tobe to theHauTsadwas taken to the bar of the Boas*, where the usaaloath havtogbeea admlnUtared byth* Speaker, hotookths witnes*es' stead toanswer questionspro*potmded by the chairman of the Committee oaExtortion, sad "show esass why he should aotbeUsed and imprisoned,'' wheat**foltowtog acßoquytranspired:

Hr. HepatoA?Will yea stateto tho Boomyourreasons forfoilingto appearhater* the Committeeoa tatorttoawbeoeammaaed sote del

Mr. WWtfl»ht-I w** atek. aadaatod tend.** thaedrtes of myphyrieten. 1hataapurpose to treatwith Htrespegt to* authority of the H*uss

Mr. Sophia*.-Why dbtoV pen seedhiaJMatUeaUte»tumlttMtotkat*a%Ott

Mr. aseas-**3r. Hopktea -War*yw so ataah aUkajtoii «to*pp-ck»o4MTS*itoM *«*a»*i**ne*aß>ota*r*Btorts*eat t.. tjrT *Wt know that B waajktsaw*

aa*a4aw B**ttß*a^^aa*s*

laid to appear at ibe bar ofHO* House to ibowcausewhy hi abcuM»et bi loadaaa trrpnsurealfor eoatemptof thesaauaoa tksrtdaMt forth, Udtrtrr-duaui'lttjoaay.the tf.kdnyof Ftbruar.

Mr. Banter thought tba prstwlmgi were some-what sfauralor. Tha witness baa* appeared at tbabar of ths House, aa euuimaar i to do,oad follypurgedbimrelf ofall lateatloa off eoatempt or duvretaeet, aad a* thereforemoved ta aanamd the re-soluttaa of Mr. Fortes by merbag that thawikembe Bwahoigal ,

The motion grre Has to same flawlon, parti-e'pßted ta by Messrs. Fotba* Hunter, Barbour,Boberteaa, end others, when »a previous questionwas ceiled, and the vote bsssg apen <hj amendmeat of btr. Haater. that geatteitaa d*maa£ed theay»s and noes, whlrh resulted?ayea 38, now&XThe amendment havhsff fceea rojeated. the vttirecurred npon the reso.uJoa of Mr.Forbes, whichwaaadopted.

The witness was then released fa. accordant*with the provtaloas of ths raaatattha lust adopted.* Tba farther coaaMeroUca of the tax bill ? as

then resumed aad dbatiaaedaatl 3 oVtoaa, whoa,ontootlaa of Mr. Banter, It was made the orderofthedayfor to-saoraow at 19 o'clock, sad fromdayto day tboieafw natO dlenssad of.Mr. Banter, fromtee Cai?lMse onCourts, tab-ralttsd creport adverseto a tint die adjournment

on the86th bolt.; a'sx daelariag tbapresent Baa-aloa ofthe Peuero! xmvMy%tt \tbe aeeaticaa-tion of theBOfßloß of May last.

Aantinn to printtoo reports way bat.Mr £oberta.)a«Qhm >ttedaratobt.i'«,whi:h wasagreed to, tats the expediency of pro-vidingfor ity<n« tow publicity to the laws.

On motion c fMr. Fleming, the Eonaea/jrouted


Toisais,\u25a0+ut*Tm*mtt tftasNaet If*:* a;*** *?#

wa4etJi«.d to order by Mr. Hunter, of Vn.On motion ofMr. if If hoi 1,of a>kea>aa, tha Pen-

ate prooeerZed to elect by baPct « menhir to fill avacancy in the Ccmraiueaoa Hisalial*jßfcdSJr.Uap.rton, of Yn, W»B OUO-«ra.Mr fcparrow, from the Committee on Military4 ffil's, reportedb*ck the m<Msigeof the Presidenttraxsatitting onestimate for incidental and ocntin-geot expetsas of the armyand War bepartmentnntii 30;h Jane. Refer.Ed toFinance Committee.Mr. Sparrow reported back from the MilitaryCommitter,with areoorcmend-.tiou that tt do u»tpats tlu bill to amend an aat entiUed aaact toprovide for transportation of p»raoni who haveb»«i mn-cered Lato the service tor th* war. Healso reportedback from ease committee the billanthcn«in< tha diachargeuf certain civil officersfrom the militaryservicd of the Confederate (state*,with certain ainendxrenti, which' they leeommwddo pass,

"I've Preiitent asnt.nrctd the Exemption bill asthe unfinished b-ulneu of tha previous day. itwas amended in anodry particulars -aad Coatedtiltoe-hoar of ccj >aramei.t.

Hotsi or IrPßXsißTATivxs?nanse met at 13o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Wis*.Mr. Oslther. of B. C, irecent-d resolctkneAdopted by the Gaaeral 4 M-eh'.y of that State,

vindicatingtha loyalty ofthe S.ate and Ita GeneralAssembly.Mr. Oalther addressed the Eonse on tea csbjast

of these resolutions, and alinded to thepresent po-sition of his State?reviewing bar action from thet>rmmennem«nt of thawar to the present time.?He repelled the alandrrosa rcctuatlocs that badbeen brought against her. Her devotion to thocansa la which waate engaged waanot surpaicedby that cf any otbtr sta:eia the Confederacy.

Kr. Lander, of N. 0., tl.o addressed the Housewith reference to tha resolution*, and tstd thattheir adoption by the Leaivia.u ?\u25a0.\u25a0 of North 0«ro-Una waa, in hli opinion, unnecessary. Hb» rotateh»4 r !i>;?- y vindicated Lor loyalty by her i>ixtythousand trcopa now in th« field.

Farther remarks npna thi aim') subj.iet waremaae by Mecsrs Gaithei and McLean.Mr. B jyce,of a. C, Introduodd fnr referenda atill to establish a pert cfentry at Colambfr, S 0-Referred to Coami'tee <n CommerceMr. Mites, of S. ft, iutroda:ed abill to regulatetha netigaitoa of Iho ConfederateStates, andto es-tablish ddreot trade with for. ijunation*. B ifc r;edto Comntitteo onOoramero*.

Mr Kilos also I ttroiuoed a raao'uibn that theGovernment of the Confederate Etatea hagviioeaaedwith fsellsjjS of no ordinary gra'inosticnthe loyalty acd goodfaith ofthelargerportion of isIndiana'lie* west of the State af Arkaniee; aud,farther, th-.* noeffort of the Oon.Yttatat) Governmint shall be spared to proteot them fully in a-1?belr rights, and to aaslnt th.io in dotsßsHag theiroountry against the %noro-chmenl.t of all en; m:es.Ec'trred to CommitteeonInd<aa A tt'i'rs. *Mr. kfi'-saUo rfrVed a resolution >h%t 5 000copies of th« Jourual of th* Convention wh:cuirsnwd tba Frov.aV.nal and Pcrmaseat Consigntlovscf th* Oonfoderate States, together with thoJournal of the Pravnlonal Confrere, be pobLtehMlfor the use of this Rotve, to be ePtttibutad equallyamong the members: Prttidtd That each memberof the Provisional Con>r*M shall receive two co-pies of »eld journals,andthe President of the Oat*feder&te Statesand each of tha Govtmora of iheseveralStatesfive oopica eaoa. BeJerisJ to Com-mittee mPrinting.

Mr. Atkins, of Term, offereda resolution that thePresident be requested to direct Adjutant<4eneralCooper to call uponLieut. Gen.Folk for his report(If it has not alreadybeen received) of tha opera-tionsof the eorpt d'arwue ucder his command lathe bstila of Shi oh; and that it, tovjtaer wtlh thereport of Brig. Gen Fronton Smith cf the part tier-formed by his command in the engagementat Rich-mond, Ky. be printed.

Mr. Foots, of Tean, moved lo amend tha resolu-tion a* follows, which wagagrr«ed to:

"Arid theseveralofrYsls.l report heretoforomade by Gen B R Johngoo, of tha baUlea partici-patedin by bim, including taata c! Fort Doa&Lioaaad thllob."

Mr. Foota also offered arejoin'lon that the Com-mittee on tha Qaertermaster'gDepartment be in-structed to inqn-r*lato the ca c of Q iarierma«terWood, as set forth ia ths letter of ii. P. Taylorwhich wagpresented with thereeolatlon. Agreedto.

On motion of Mr. Kenner. of Lv. tho Eonaawent Into secret gef>sr on npon th» special crdsr. be-ing th<« bill reported from the Uomtnittae cf Waysand Metna, entitled a bill f.-r fundi::.» ths en:-rency.

"The Northwest \As ihU port'cnef ths preseai Unite! StatesIs

attractingmush Just new, th* followingtatlss, compile.! 'Rom the crnaaa of I :"0, ah ,wirgthe p!a©» cf birth of tha populationof two cf theBorthwi-Bierc B*Sjt tts. my p-ove latrreatlng t

Illinois ? AlabMoa, 135; irhwilßJ Tit; Cali-fornia, 3; Dii''ito', of Ccilaiabii, fii.6; fjliiniaslflllll.6,8b9; DeUwar*. 1,397; Florae, 83; Georgia,LJBg'ilkiro-ia, 343,618; 30,933; lowa, I oil; Kentncky. 49,588; Louisiana, 48>>, Maine,3 C9J; Marylaud. 6,898; Xtsaaahusetis, 9 i' 0, Miibtrat., 2 158;

*f»); Missouri, 7 2P'; Vhw Hampshire,4,SBi; Sew J**sey,6,E43; Bow Fork 67,183; NorthCarolina, 11,851; Ohio: 04 319; Pacnoylvante. 37.---919; Rhode Island, 1051; Bouth Caroline, 4,161;Teoaeasee, 32.303; Texas, 63: Vermont, 11,331;Virginia, 24,<97; WLfcocßfo, 1 0)5, England, 18.688;Scotland, 4,661; Wales, 571, Ireland, *7.7dd; Prus-sia, 881; l-att of Gsrmartv. 3-1,1 0, Au«tri>, 6g;Holland, 890; Norway, 2,415;Franco, 3.595; BrittenAmerica, 10,699; other countries, 3 70S. Total na-tive, 7C6.931,of which after deduotingthose LornIn tha etate, 148,7J0 from other free Stats*, 144,---683 from stevaholdiag States. Total foreign. 110-593. Unknown, 3943. Total whit* and Lea co-lored nopalatlon,831,470.

1ndiin* ? Alsbntii ;i»"; Arkansas, 151; Districtof Columbia, 887; Connecticut, 9485; Delaware,2 737; Florida, 21; G-.oraia, 7St; ltlluol* 4.17J: ia-diaaa, 511,079, Iowe, iO7. Eeotncky. f 8.031; Licl-Slaas. 321; Maine, 976; Maryland. 101*7; Ka?*a-ehasetts, 8,678; Michigan, 18 7; Mlaaiuiapi. 287;Missouri, 1,006; New Hamp<bir*>,686; Bew J*rt*y,7,8*7; Bew York, 24.310; Berth Carolina 32,175;Ohio, 120 193, Peuasylvaaia, Rhode lalancl,43i; Seam Corollas, 4161 Teanssse*. 12 7U; Tex-as, 41; Vermont. 3.181; Virginia,41.819; Wlsecasla,99; Groat Britain and irelatid, 19,817; Germany,19,384; Franc*. 2,'.79, Rritlah Auerraa. 1978;othercouuirl**, 1098. Total uttive, 931.39), of which,after deducting thote bora ia the atate, 813915,from other "free Sta'er," 176318 from alaveboio.-bag State*. Tutsi foreign, 54.4J6 Unknown, 2593.Total white andfreeeolcred popu'atioo. 183,418

The ratio pat eiat of th* foreign bora to th*whole populatiiu ia Illinois v 12.19, ba Indians.5.51.

The following te ths vote of thote two Statesia;h« teat Presidential election:

Illinois. Ind'araL'cooln 17A50* 1280??Breckinridge 9,399 11 848Dougl* 16»B:3 ftJ9*.'4BeliMlfastca -? 4HBO 5,137

849.767 £41,258Total for Lincoln, 894.683, totalagatast Llnoola,

1873J7.\u25a0 ?

HOW Id STRAiaHTW A Ht*OO'S WOOL.?Tb*Msw Park TrtPaa* states that Fred. Donates g»«*a laatoaa a* sp»?h at th* Coops* lasutato.**Haw York, on Friday eight, oa the President's

Among other tbtog* k* aatd:"BtoM tba atteriag *7 that pcoetamaHoa I law*grown tetter aadTatt whiter, and sotab tap hetrwith amah teudtdlsaßy.'

DAAuagi CA^taTta,?lt te sold tha ownersefthe berk raster Oeek, of stoatom,betrat by Braoa thaDotted atataaOeveaaaatatPar 88Be*B dtmsaea for tte tea*oosa-saeaatay taa laPiiiliii of taatMswl.

\u25a0 - i I "i i?

*o* sseawaw oi tjsj**i***7

I *BnaßsVenV4jske*iße»aM

* twtaeaw*

.- ..

;\u25a0 \u25a0 -iii ~ ii ij.M T I, , \u25a0

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS.important rm C«mCttOl.


Cturustoh, Fab. IT.-the fcl'owlrg FVe'o-motion fromGeo. tej.srrg.r4 wLI rp.:carli thapapers to-morrow; '

HiArxn tsr rrr3 C.CU a Fla,ltfaarlcs-00, Feb. .8. jeCi. J

Ithas become my solemn Cu'y to inform tha au-tberlUreand citltsna of Charieston and*Bsvacaahthat woTt meats of tba enemy's laat fcc'leale anearly landrod navalatlaok en oaaor both title*,oad to orgo that penoaa oaahla to toko sat activepart fa tha strneg'e?ball retire.

Itlabopad. howavtr, that thla temporar* tapa-ratloa of tcma cf yen from your homat wt'l bomade without slatm or undo* haste, thatehowlagthat the on'y fating wh!eh animate* you ta thaihoar cfcupremo trial la tha regret of being aa*able to part'eipite ta tha defeaeecf yourboaar,poor attars, end tha gravea ofyearkindred.

Carolinians aid Qoorflual The hoar v atbead to prove your comtry's cause. Let all atV-bedied tnsnfrosu the seaboard trt tha mouataburash to a-en Bj not too exaction ta the efaoiesof weapon*. Fikea and aeytbaawUI do foreater-

asas! Comew, star* with ascar danger,oar bill-Unat suec«s4, or oar g orijus death.

(ilgati) 0. X. BIAURIOARD,General C.mm'g

Cfflibt: -J M. Ottf, A. A. Q.Final preparations for V-» expected attack are

bt Lag ra(lily perfected. Traopa and pet.pie arecalm and confident.

LOCAL IVIATXICItB.Mxparte Ikiodore Whitman ttpon a Will of Mat-beat Carpus?mis ease, mvol'irgth* right of th*President to daolsxe Martial saw over the city ofBiebmoad, to prescribe offence* and to punish vio-

lation*of hi* orders committed by etizen* by ar-raigns* t*ndt>ial before whichhad eoce tiiae beforebeen veryelaborately signedbefore the Lour, by ths Judga Advocate, RobertOola, Esq , for tha Coart-Martial, and by JudgaCrumplor the petitioner, vrat decided yesterdaybyJudge Wm HLyons, of the Hustings Court, infavorof the palitlcjier.

The Court held that the power to declare Mar-tial tew under the Ccnstljutionand law* of th*Confederacy did not belongto the President, andthat Congrats hadro authority tooonfereuohpow-er upon him: that the authority to suspendth*writ of Aa* as corfhi did not carry with it therigit to Goclar* Martial law; that Martiallaw web aa aibitrary and dictatorial power,which might be exercised by a Goniata&daf-ln-Chlef cv'r LU camp or eltewbare at hi* peri',aad that neither tbo Cona lmtion or tha law*sanctioned or jaj'.iti.d such a auetohof power;that the Congrtaa incat indemnify the Command-sr-in Cblaf for powers thus unlawfullyassumed,but the C .urta could neitherrecognis* orsanctionit; flat our Govern.i*atwas one of Congtltationand larrs as well in time of war as in'ime of poaoe;that the Go.iailtut-.on limited and dtflaed the pow-ers of thePresident and tne Oongras*, and. that dopowe-a belonged toeither which hiinot expretslys.nforto iby that instrument. That courts?uhrileihave excinilve and restricted Jurisdiction ov*rloldlers and otha-s belongiogto thearmy; that therfunsti- n* were tfreumacribod by iaw aad confinedentiiely tothosn who were In the mlli'ary service;uid t.iat, therefore, theyhad noright to try *eiti-i:nnot oonceot'd with the army, who waa underid* QoßstituUon entitled to trial by jury foreveryliffei c iagainai the laws and tberef. r* tha cuttocp .ia wUch tdep:t:tioner ws»a held was illegal,anda* was ordered to be discharged; but the Court jhold hint tooall to tnawsr b«fo.- tLe Crand Jury!the iuijntaioffaaas?cellloglienor. ;

City Council ?The: a v*M a called meit'xi of>ha o dyLe.d at :ba Ofcty Hall at t o'clock : o-ter- ilayavoadan. Freneat, D-vid J paaad*** and a 'OLoraia. The meeting was S .Id tor the pn.-paaeof coartrieriug tbe n w tax bLI. After, a biief a*- jtaftoa to unu of its pxovtitona itwa* Uid on r.? Itibia an! uruOred to r>* piinted It is probabla[facia the temper 01 the Council oatie subject,that ;tho if.ito lor the pmoat year will te ralsad toco- :ty fa* cent, *| ! :<w:, en retl estate Other arti- I

of proj ety may i>* raited inpr p-.ni.n,Lul 'ao iutltuAtlou £*s been thrown oa; by wbiei therate can be Judged of. 4report oa g.uallpox geu-»raliy wr*read from Dr AlbirtBae.id, Health Cfil-ter, bywhich it would appear that that diseasetvasabating itsravages.

RiMtry on Main Street ?On Wednesday night,tha merchant tailoring establishment of MessrsBeer* * bpblman,on Mala street, between 13.hand 14th, wasbroken op»n, and several articles ofvaluable cjothing s>alea .hwefrom, iaeludtaga aal-f'<rm ccat, apair of Saa elo-h pantaloons, and aaeleaant overcoat TLe glass doorof the ator* wasbroken b/ a brick and the tffsotsdthrough the \u2666 pen tro.

Abolition Ftitoners Arrived.?Twenty-four Abo-lition prison**a of war armed at tha tabby prisonyerterdar. There was onlyonecommissioned oA-Beraiz.oagthera. followeraofold Abe wereeaptared on tbe Rrppabsnncck, in Fanqiltrto,oa Saturdaylsßt, aftera brisk skirmish, by Lieut.Shiverand Serg t M'kler,of CoL Butler's cavalry.There artnow in the Llbby prison about £00 men,Inclading6i dcaerters from tha Yankeearm.7.

COIfA T PMOCMMBinet.Huttings Court, Tuesday, Fab ."ith-Jtigt Wm,

II Lyons pftoiding. Several cares were disposedofto ctr.", the Court having gone to work la goodesrt-Bit tj diepus* cf tbe largo rutabsr ofcas>Sbf'ore it, and the jariiv gwrn in the eever.tl cotes ,leamrog equally ?!? te 'dined to do tbel* duty.

John i.oyd a yonuo* white mm, at id to b longto theplntr-ugly croud wm rot» thebar, charge!with ild 1 1st ti« pockbt of *raiau M. Haacoek.aso'dUr, of. Hi, near tho Franklin street,aiew months tlaee. I - waaem'ead' dby Mr Lveaa, counsel for tha rrisot ?-, tie t Hann<tok tea*intoxicated, an 1 di ? not know whorobbe i him ?

Theattorney for tt ? Uotaiaonwae.lth -01.ht tore-but tl i. supposition byshowing thatBaneook. I «-meiia.e.y on dlasovariaz the abstraction of 111fonca, bvlee-'zod Soyd. oharged hia witu thalar-ceny, cailcd the wa-cb, aad did cotr-'eue hiiho duntil tbe asoutot w. s in coated/of tieThe ca-ie betng given to tho jary thy retire 1,and tetornei wi h averdict of gul.ty,aaeaKalnmgt c term ofc nfiaem nt ia the Feniteitlary at twoyear*. The defendant was ea'led U thebar for (en-tice*,which waa paaaed la saeotdanco with thearartag of ths jury.

Jchn Phelps, aiiu John Dunbar, w>*nazt tradforsioa iagahorse from Lieat. Vincent Matthew-ten, li appeared that defeadsat and James M.£lmore tooh tha horse* frt tnnear a militaryc-aa-ponthe B'cok road, and ttatoa their attetoptiagto go to Hanover by tho earn*rcrd. theyrode by aeutipwh-.re tha owner*of tha aaimals happsned tobe. Tte h-rstewere reoogniaed andparaalt m* c,wh'ch cj-..liaa»J fcr S3ml.**, rsmltiugI* the *prreheceicivofboth of tte ds'eudanU. Tha ecu*beinggiv-w to tha jary, they rstoraed averdlot ofguiitri *>i-h two years ia the Beattantiary.

Jchn McGinnea* waa next arraigned and triedfor ateauair ah >rs* from Lieut. John S. Dcraclt; ofHawlev'*caval.y company. It appeared that heetoU the horse from the camp btlow Bteheiozd,aad arriving here sold it to Mr Tho* Duke for8 65. Verdict gailty.*vith fiveyears in the Stat*'*prison. D.fondantit yet to M tried for *teatingahorse helongiag to Cap.. Hawlsy, which h* alsoaronght to th jci'.y *od di posedof.

Tb*Court si-* at iOgo'clock thiamoralng.Mayor's Gtart. Tuesday, Feby 17.?Win. Ed-

waid* chargedwith ste.kagß p*uof stddte-bsgatwo shirts fjutpair*cf sec**,and apair cf spar*,th* whole valued at BJS f-oa* D.-. Peter HoUiday,at theBallard Hocue, anderanat an eaamiaattea;whiolreaeltod is his dlaaharg*

The cat* of BVary, Slav* ef Wm. 01'lett, charg-ed with stealiaga trunk, tiberwiA It*eoateat*vated at82,000, the proportyof Oapt. Taptor, wa* partlyb*ard, and eoatian«4 on aoscaat clthe abeißM of imp.rteatwltnotM*

Mil/, ii»v* o' B*a«. Lsake,sb*rg«d with atsalloisundry artiste* ofwoaria* apparelfrom Mri agaaaßigloiy. wes tried aad oaquitted

John Otley,arrtated st thanowRichmond The*tr*, onMonday night, oa tb*aaarg* oftaterfertoiwi h thedaaraeeper. obttrMtlag the ?nteane* titha a*toalUhi***t,*ad tefenvg tolasae wpea poanatotasaaa*ada*tada,wM raqatr*d togltaa*carltyfatatepeed fcaaaator.

Fclkaax. atovaef Was. B. Boabasaa. foaad b]ta* natohstM wßbaat aposAwMatdartd U tsaaabyth*May*r.

BmF* Attbwtbmlt salted t* th* adtAarUJßaaaltoo othereotoaavafMr.UarboH Toatpkkaawh;ba* b»*n4a*ps4tedof autis 1 fkli assHag appei'iToeßaa**Baas*aa**>iin*B taaeMßßeowaeMeatoaavtaeat<a««?ti*J**to*feT.itessatelprotatn them ?* aasirod.»»i«wawawa-at*»--»taat»Mtsß*ie>a*S«aw-»ata**a*e^mtmmm»**#m*mmm? aam *i i i wwuss aa* \u25a0 ibubw.,,

baTE»tat al staphfjspdaß snathMfrßaaa Pa *aaßnßß*n*B6i t8I'WfQKLwtmwiatY*V*VnWannnV >

V()1" XXIY- RIOHMOND, VA. WBDNESDAT MORNING, FEBRUARY 18 1868 . iwl'jo,AtWTIOJ. MLHB***afa»naa aaapp

\u25a0» iiektea at Taytor *» anß*"AaWa,

oa wkttklawaai*^"* ,w-itr if Btsbmwd.saff^iTi''^Ttof Mo*ar»B J A anutth, Joan W Al'ey, aeTjaaMe2i?.'iaN«i i.*o~ 4,M *?* -^rwaaarfrossA Ths haornvtsa?ti ceaapst of i iratfiiiltWai OwsUag. with aavatal rsata*; B**n,B**b*>aodotbersaeaeaary sathisaaaTtagsanai wafranexcellent orchard of tho skatsatPvunTrnjeaT*aa*-Oae-tutfd toon, tha ******* at*aad 18*mouth*, far negottabta***** warn tatarsat aaaeAsaJ secured by? trust dead.

JOHH A.Lat*hheriff of Uearieos* a*ala*saHta' Adat'r *f Jsam PsvuV aWAB*l* by 3 HT*Twa* Bon, Baata

I**F E?Tb* above wBl b* asff at fa* tmdt aadsostof JaaßFard whasawbKto *t**n*7wttktot term*of sate. ZZIZZrna^^lla^A^nWrDHBfDAT.th* ajch FeWy, sssasasaatoiat 4 oaleek.av*ry tx*U«ut Brtek? PaaJdaaa s Ccat*d aa abor*. noww tb* sss*aauuy of Mr Wm5L*r J**0*4** ?»!.» «**aferta*u ro***V,*brisk kitchen wi a etebU aad sotxtog*boa**, smohe-houee, Aa. *B ha first rat* order-'lotfront* 33 feet andran*bosk IAS feat to aaeilsylfifeetwid*. Po«.«**a*> wdE be given totality

and t*-nredtya Must stecd/TbOQurshator to do*tb* taxes tor. 86».toi 7 JAS MTATLOF. A 808, Auata.

R**AL ISTaTIAT McCaß ri'i togatherwithpersonal property,AT AUCTIO*?We wBl*aU,upon the pramliec oa M >lOAY, Fsbrusry13.1, cr*mm*neto*a« 11 o'slesh a M,aHoaas aath»north aid* ofDm street, nowto the nwja*aj ofMr. Oolan. It sontain* four oomfortobl* roaeas,aad ia wall arranged. Ths lotfront*aboutM mat,aad rasa bask the natal depth./Abw.ayaeaat Lot arf|biamg, upon which ar*thro* static*. Also, avacant Lot on theospocito

Bids of the street, fronting *at ut 60 fret, andrun-ningback aaabove. Also,a lot oa Pooler street,having th*u«nal fro*t, end runningBock 9)5 teatto the Tork Elver railroad. Also, ISLose oa thebill inrear of tho elty Oa* Works, each froatktg 31feet andrunniagback ISO fast.After ths eat-, of thereal estatewti be sold 45'Xi.'eh C.iws 8 Horses,l* Eogs,snd 10 000 weightofClover. Hay, etoTerms.-For tho real estate, on* thirdeaah;' tb*balance at 4 and 8 tnoath*, for negotiable antes,with {merest added, and asenredby;* trust dead.For thepersonal eaah will be required,fa M JAM at TqYLOB A 808. Auote.

By Willi****** at c*. Aaas*..[So. 191Main St.]

WI WILL BBLL at our sale* room, Ho 191 ,Mainat, oa FRIDAY, th* iOn teat, com-meaeing at 10 o'clock A M, a fine lot of Feral- 'tare, consistingof -Sofas, Tete-aTeles,

Marble and nlale top cnoloaed Wa batande, IMahogany, French endother Bsdauul*,Mahogany I'ard Tables,Mahogany Wardrobes, jCabinet*, Duream. ,1 Secretarysad Book Cats,Kicking Chairs, Carpets iHair Mattreates, Feather Beds,Pillows, » oisters, Shook Mattress**, iAnd many other article*. I?ALSO,? i1 Piano, la excellent order. <-ALbO.? i

Alarge lot of aasorted Crockery. ife 17 WILLIAMSON A GO. Anets. ICOMMIS'IoNKa'S ftaLbi OF LOT ABB 'T>W2LLiaa-HCrJiaß IN TBH CITY OF 'jUQEMJNU?A* ComralMioaer acting underadecreeof ths Cr jclt of th* city cf Rich- ;m««ti, pronounced ou the 7'.h day of February,18 O, in ths case of Frecro a, Guardian, \u25bc*. Bmith 'aad otners, I eh*. 1 p-ocet<l to call at publicauetioa, 'on the pnraises, on TUBcDaY, the 3d dayofMarch, ieV>3, be planingat 4 o'e.oek P M, the prop.erty hi sa*d cesrea mrutlcaed. comlttlngof a lotof ground, with a wooden dr.tidinghouse andother improvement* therein, freaahap 30 feat oathe Scat ilae at s.\ atreet, k.tw:-ea La* end M sta,rr nt<bur back 1. 0 fe .t-

Trims -One-f>nnh eaah; baUuce »'. 6.12 and 18moniu , for negotiable tutet, riiterest added, andtitleretain.d until all the parat*m raoimy ba pr-i Iand a ce,n*«yai.c* direu.td by lueObur ; or ta*pnrota-*r at Ms optica), may pay the waole par-cha** money ia aBjaf Tha ta*** for 1883 to ba1 aj,i bythe purchaser. ;

R R B&WIS05. Coma**r. -fea'e <-f.ud i;t ; l by Williamson a Co.,anot*.fa 17 ,

By at M ttoeh. Aact'r" iELEGAET FUBBiTTJBB. PUB ABDHAH- 'TEL. »»8088. CARPIraVAC., aT AUO-?xxV FRlDAY,its2oth Instant,at 10o"ok,I will aell, at theraaldeaee ofMr James MTsihott,eoru'r of Bread and 10.fa streets, his HouseholdPurattors, r insisting of?

8 >f*». Mahogany and Gaae-aaat Chairs,Marble top and other Tables,Velvet, Brussels, and threeply Carpets,Boohing andP-rlor Übaira,Galaret, Book 'see,Dteirg Tab ea, Matting.Ward.ob*s*. Qaresu, JennyLiad sad CottonsBedsteads.Marble-top Waahstandt,Ladles*Work Stands, BatBack,Hair sad Stuck Mattraasaa. el-:;9 elegantFreaok Fiat* Mirrors,8 do do Oval do.

Andmany otherarticle* hi tb* fcnusahtvptng an*,io which th* attention o( the publloteporttoulariyreqnwted.

?t ha aboveFr.rnlt ure l« ofth*best quality, mostof which la citymade.

TB2 BBBIDBSCB iitoh BIBT.-Frevtoua totLe eve of the Farnltare, I will rent the abovereaidence, Ifnot rented privatelybefore the dayofsale. Th* house confins 19 roams, with water,gas, corking range, and e»*ry convenience usually Ifound in a first eatsdwelling. Ateo, a stabte aad icarriage house attached to tbe premises.

to 17 BBOOOE, Aaet'r.TY7ILL AB SOLO AT ADoTlO»,atth*C B.fV lot, Bacon* flutter Branch, oa THDBA-

Lax, the 19 h test, coiamen 'ngat 10o'clock? ,--99 HOBSae aad MULYB,

?inosgft thelot fearfine mares with fo*J.W S WOOD, Raj and v. M.

B B 0008, Auctrv tollPyHarvey, Heel, James *Co.,Aact'r*,

{Warehouse Vlrgtela si, undor tbe Yobeeeo Ba>chang*|

WE WILL hod oar next auction sal* eaFBIDAY, Feby £o.h. eommeaotog at 18

o'clock, at which time we will effera la*g* aad da*airabt* iavotes of

BLOCKADE GOOTBcomprising\u25a0 splendid aasortmeut ofDry Gooda,

aad Shoea. .Hats, t-utlery,CalfSkmr, god*,

rapper, LetterPaper,FancySoaps aadBattens.?%LkO,?

lamediataly a'tor the sate of th* abevaOeoaa,

* large vartety of*fanaf*eto:*daadBnahtog Tobacco,

and Orec*rtea gaasroPy.Parties wLihi.-g to avail th*a**«l*«* of tbi* op

portun'tywill teas*ssad la thsfr goodscr suapleaearly,ao that they war be arr>Aged tor*aat»bUioo. UABVBT, HOB T, JAB £3 « 00.


to a decreeof the Ofrvuit Oeartof Alboaaarto,pea-Bouaecd la th*caaaosrv suit ef ''Benderson aadwl/e vt Crawfordandate." tbe uaearaigaed OoavmtesWasrswU offer for sate, et pebtteMßtlan, ontb* pcßßkwa. onTUESDAY, the3d dayof alone,lam (ar tba asat lafr day,) a hoeattfal eaaato,known a* MEADOW OkBlX. ?natalateg akaat6.4a*rs*. This farm ttes withia a mil*of Uh*r-l*ttos*at?.BJnlistotaM*of Vlrgtolaibe* sn abaitdauaeof Umber} is smoothsndgtnUy Bwaatetag. ***t*ptA*i* efa hbph ***greeoffauprevemest; baa * large creak is skat?utrely taroagb the ateo*, asawatcgaejaaatlM*dshmatosdowiLAwa&attterg* quantity of kapj end sksrote asßSraagof saavaaafwotsr to***ty Sekt. There at aa aaisflaaldejeßMrboa**, ewesit the iltSßitj sattnaats,

it hi BeMam that *c dsaaraaaaapeaea, to the tea\u25a0 lOtoiatotoJtpof ater*^t*rwa.te«»aW^|er»ate,

Yq^4S»toPLkM»»^mmmmm9 "^r %m AsaaCnal V BE^-^

' toto*-dt*P aOMSlayv'**^taaaaß* sHannunnnnnadl WshV %anananttft*naa. tmmmm^

I IsMi-eW^wMMMf \u25a0 ' '"'' *\u25a0" '~ ' **l^'^r~^F^ B W9m\~^

*? ' A

lua*B*B*B*BßkSßaaßnV ? ami ?-Ksftyflfal SapT J BjaL' \u25a0.*??. . J_jjj*2l[ _\u25a0!__ rt<m ill .Iopjs**!fa*^..^^4aeajaaaaaa ***** .JlaVßl

AAwaaaaaawsja jaußawd aB a*****F*b*b\*bbbbb*lTtm^fm '4*?timtmnmm aaea*r3auaV*BavrArCW»WBULH»w-B>Bll pl*aßw;>»~


F*"*ps wall* bbbbt baa eMsaVaapT \u25a0BaauuMa

rSlt aSsa^Baulff^y1fc,^"s'*,*-¥T " """ '"""Iff-Ahttfaa strscVnPOftßALlfaffftJßaCAt tha nqowas afFattap soraaba wa akslaulatoaettaa aa tba inaaMii aa fuHBAT.ftWM ttFebruary, IPJ3. at 5 F fc two' baautuuumatßfßaefrl»iaet, _«iaai.f-ai

TbTibh Cswaaltd sash t hejoaas at 4 asest is

?alt Court of ths strpo* Baaaaaat Basuwssaaai~ ,h- *?* aa-a-J?y. h« Ilt ,^,>, fr tjhj-j^argegem-tcofaatl. «a, Iskoal toealtoasav.^.| .. TBisatuaaißdiMaCAon THUMB AT. tb* »hk FearsnWyT Maieastf**S,?*»» ?*?\u25a0??* »«.Lata oad Taassssata, vta t **»??*? \u25a0arthstoe swOaahotaas, BiiasaaHooroeasrdßsa*ystreota,abyia >ast7waukabW brisk kttabenthaiusai * "*»d i\u25a0)msaassali,

""* ** »nati,Jirfaa»31 A lot, with brick tenssaaat, eathe Earth aha*of Duval street, 96 by IST feet, near t*MF***rstreet. . -\u2666v4t »- £v ,*hwi,h .£** # »«-*taaf lißisiial. aatba Worth aide of Duvalstreet, asor theater**. 1byl97f«st. w»aaw«B»say** imooo**,**6th. A lot, with two frame toaosasata, ass* abaabove onthe korth aide of Daval mreeTri Mafeetby W7 feet. '? wm mnm>liP**J6th. A valuable lot at the anion* of **---? aaiJefferson streets, 4b* by I*Bfas*. ' "'7ih A irt ha rursia's Addition, eat avawaa ~?

iUu U.U, W) byl»7 fist, bsaag parte el^loajßostoTtrtas ?One-f.arth eaah: baJaaaaatt, IP sal18mmus,frra«goaabtoaotea lotereat aehkeA \u25a0tltu retained tflj sU the swihaai saeawTa)a**a

T>IU BBAUriPOL COOBTBT uIAT saat-r---IBD csajkeDeopEaaaTsTlaaaTjfSb'salb ATauction, on theipremHas, ea THBBSBAF, tfreBBahPibruary, ISO, at la e'sleek M, the saaasSsonatry seat loestod as above, nowowoad by Ma,Hugh M. Bokb-rasn. and reaaatt* by h*bbbbbtthe lota Ambrose HatoaavsaaTlt eaßaaauattleeree. aadwill be so dividedas ta gene tsteafaaaaaaBona* tract 7» sores, aad ike aelanae wttl be 4Vvidadbato four lots, eae seatoJulßg 18 aetee. eaaacontainingIT aorta one eeatelsaaa 80 asroa. sadoneeootalebag fit aarea- ***** of aha tot* arewall wooded, oad all of those are BBaaaaaaauu? Is*eotad, esßbraetag baaattfal ,~flf*g sfliTrl,aeighaornood ia aneaaallaat ea*.

TaaMk oae tktrd saaa; boieaaa at % aad ?years, for beads, fiisrtag iotarset. eeeasaj bpatrust deed; or oil eaah at «to epttsn?* wMaaßslaVears. The taxosforUgg to be paM by tkafßowaWsera eoDDLBm^FaoVsfia,

felt aaasßaaaaaVT ABOM BUCK ITOBI AHD BsTHUaIM1 a on Main and Fas* atresia, ass* apsapja Head-grova'a Faatory. FOB ioLB AT AUfJEBM?Atthi-rcqaMicf Mr Jama* E'raabrl. tts absMasß atpabhe itwuoct. on the prambaa, oa raUaaaY.fkovo.i Fabroarv, Wa3. at 4 o'clock P X, the varyvaloakiepropsrty losated asabeya Tti spjpff vmeets etustat of a lotas Brisk atoeaaaataS 0-»m(. a. toed with flats, row nniiiiai Hy Mr Oso:? ha.lrg togetLar w.th brisk kitoaea, saw sseasatlwithaiiite Xbs lot attacked to tlw baa afront ca the West Hue of Mass attest of as last,runalßg back about Ml fast, aad anvfaaga rearbreadth of IBS fast.

Torms ?Ons-third eashi toobsJaaas at« sad hflmouths, for aagotlabts notoa, wttb Mlirtal tiiaAsad Bseored by a trust deed. The tanaa aad hvsaraase for 1849 to be paidbythe Bsarskeasc.Ths forsgobagreal estate wa* ated at smeMoa sattheCO h January, 18*3, and |-Ttbasi4 by JoanBar* dm. who Uvtag tailed to sosapty wivb tbataemtcf aald sole, U wfil borsaetd at suatarn aadeoeU . aoDPH dtaFFmo^Baat.toW \u25a0sailaiaßMTTALDABLH BaUCE \u25a0lllMaiil \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I |MfJy oa toowmerA* AOOTJOB.?WiII be aoU at aaasttoa.aaTBU*4oaY.Fab y it, IPCS, aa tb* pnssssii liarmeaetag at 4 o'atooaP M, the sMar* oadBwojakagaaabove BMatteaed. hroattegen tb* ***4k**aa sa*>asr of Cory and7th tts Havaagssnasassaasd aa\u25a0 groearyatorsby MrM atsapay farsavataTpaaaa,it is teiUy cotMTto.eud ssajctg tb* aasat aeaaaaoaboaiaaa* ataai*offered for sab) ta thatsayfsraasa*time past. «>TaJtau.-Oae>thlrd sasb { aabaata at ? aad .amonths, tot awgottabteanise, aawaaat si ssasdhyatnendssdiMsttsaaavat uaaapatoasf thapurtkasar. Tba toasa is* IPJS ta aa patd by tbapuTsbsisr.

to 14 OOPPIH eh AFPnHBOaf. Aassa,aOOMMISSIOHBRB BALI OB A HAJjrAVOBa%J LOT. Bo 98, ta Duval's A*Msttoa,at the estneroTdt Stephen and Charity at*.?A* Os*aau**k*sa*of the Ctreait Oceartof Blibtaeafi apysaaiid by adeetee enteredoa tb* ißskaf Paßtnary, ISaB, ta ?thecam of Ooteaaau agoiaslassd to tall, at pubtte aaotioa, sa the prsaqtasa, aaWEDBBaDaT. Utt Fsby. >881. *i 4 sstoek p£tk* above va>oabie h**fa*ro Let, ftaattailalaaßoa tho weat stosc*;Stßsa**JasWtwt,Taa»AiigßsMltoa tba Booth si«b U Ostsatar .tract la*Am,aadadjoining thareal: ? r> -f taupl ThsaOlap*.

Tanau? oaoiDlsV :r ..*, »sl*aae at d aad IBmonths, farasgot i ?Tj, tsßtoaat sjsawa\aaslUU* rstalaad usuii t. of Ok* OsarvThe toasa w3J"*^li^gJ*'wh«*»>^

BotocoaAaetod by Gaxmtt AFfaßstTw. iaj»Ueaa.ro iiW

Hy Willi Is*s 11 at Co, AtaaYaVrpRtTSTIa-B SALE Off BBAL ESTATE 01I TBB TOWN OTBWJLT4BI AT IUOMBfa .Byvkrtae of a dead efBr*** aa*Ban*d By BsaaaatBobbsad hi* wlfa Itas ksfb A aw*ab totke ssa>*****?*, debt* tha 3d dayef AaaatfTanKaai t*>satded to tb* Otcrka aans*Taf Jatartos OaaßayOoart, betogreqaested M toda ay ahaBtßtlat b*»toreetod, I will srinaß ta aaVe* TnT«paVf.lb* 19th dayof Feartarerp. at 4 o'**MkF iLapaathe proatawa. the prop**** esawoyahjy s*M daai,via, Those three totsef LAMP rpaaß \u25a0Qißal \u25a0*

th*sit* of hlihwtsjd, aad IpjsjiiiiJ aa Shafts*ef tald towa, (aespysf w*a*bBaa an*sßßßa*Jtonof the Oterkef gearto* fliaats 8IBM jm totoßßa30,31, aad 38 to eaaaraBE*, ai*n*lbeaaatofilows, to wilt LowHo*Bß *sJ^Bij*tos;tatona*tßßtbe Nort*TW*to~a*tas*B*h***> c* Pastoa aaa\nyakofOrteao* street, sal sMlsa BarbelaB**,s*npTtei ba-a lUaa, a*4 laTfe » b**an*%****»attoarMd.ataa bterik stda*ff*«toe*Wßir**a*ap>\u25a0aeasanp aa th* aut*aM*d 88seat *haeef*ren*»aa** beak, betsreaa pejaE*l,Ba»nV tifß*pi,_Tb* tut* m bibisil toTrasM*,lwHl*nsw*yeatoaßaVßa^

aS'rraHrS''* »*.

e*toe*totaß*ai Bto'Vaaßßai ObbSbli PB4nV*>afi m\t>**mm>t**&m&mm%§iWm***? B*aaae*a**d en the ansa daw *A* has

PE*Js?f attVtJ?3LWm*mh*SlS^4\.' plnw aVltJß*^^? saaßaut anaanewß *Bbß**alaaTßt*» eflWrW^fJaWsßßßm-' g'Pyjfjif'gfa^W*^^

a**Vß Ssfl raY ' m^mm^j1 jgaßaljß*^B|JßJa^^

\u25a0 *9S^SF m̂'^lW^mmMmmm^^^'? 2 Ba®'laH Kaa- f EaV