D19N October Newsletter

As with any other journey, reaching the midway point is both an accomplishment and a struggle. At the start of this Key Club term, I mentioned that it is never easy to transition and shift gears—but look how far we have come already! For the past half year, I have been honored to serve you Pirate Penguins as your Lieutenant Governor and I know for a fact that this will not change for the remainder of my term. I aimed to bring about enthusiasm, inspiration, and motivation to our division and I have definitely not been disappointed. It has made me extremely proud to watch us flourish together as a family, as a team, as a division. Our growth has been immense, but we cannot stop here—we are only halfway there. The vast majority of people would label this the “make or break” point of the year and I completely agree. It will get tough and it will become hard to stay focused, but I know we can power through this and finish strong. We are a strong and competent group of individuals—there is no reason to slow down now. Power through this, push past the difficult days, and accelerate towards the remainder of the year. I don’t have much to say, but I will say this: thank you. To quote Leo Buscaglia, it is too often that we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring—all of which have the potential to turn a life around. I can truthfully say that what we have accomplished so far epitomizes this quote perfectly—so thank you Division 19 North. Thank you for encompassing the meaning of service through your individual contributions to your home, school, and community. Sincerely, Mian Ong California-Nevada-Hawaii District Region 8, Division 19 North Lieutenant Governor 2011-2012 Key Club International Volume IV, Issue 6 Our Division & Love Box …..1 Divisional Articles………...2-3 Upcoming Events…………..4


I hope you enjoy my first newsletter! Pirate Penguins

Transcript of D19N October Newsletter

Page 1: D19N October Newsletter

As with any other journey, reaching the midway point is both an accomplishment and a struggle. At the start of this Key Club term, I mentioned that it is never easy to transition and shift gears—but look how far we have come already! For the past half year, I have been honored to serve you Pirate Penguins as your Lieutenant Governor and I know for a fact that this will not change for the remainder of my term. I aimed to bring about enthusiasm, inspiration, and motivation to our division and I have definitely not been disappointed. It has made me extremely proud to watch us flourish together as a family, as a team, as a division. Our growth has been immense, but we cannot stop here—we are only halfway there. The vast majority of people would label this the “make or break” point of the year and I completely agree. It will get tough and it will become hard to stay focused, but I know we can power through this and finish strong. We are a strong and competent group of individuals—there is no reason to slow down now. Power through this, push past the difficult days, and accelerate towards the remainder of the year. I don’t have much to say, but I will say this: thank you. To quote Leo Buscaglia, it is too often that we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring—all of which have the potential to turn a life around. I can truthfully say that what we have accomplished so far epitomizes this quote perfectly—so thank you Division 19 North. Thank you for encompassing the meaning of service through your individual contributions to your home, school, and community. Sincerely, Mian Ong California-Nevada-Hawaii District Region 8, Division 19 North Lieutenant Governor 2011-2012 Key Club International

Volume IV, Issue 6

Our Division & Love Box …..1

Divisional Articles………...2-3

Upcoming Events…………..4

Page 2: D19N October Newsletter

Our Division & Love Box

Division 19 North 2

Love Box


“I love my buddy!” –Daniela

"Gardena Board: I love you guys! It's an absolute joy working with all of you. Alex, you

are doing an AMAZING job as President. You are so reliable. You will make the club go far. I believe in you. We should go to Chinatown. Love, Tamara”

Page 3: D19N October Newsletter

CAMS As the new school year has been in session for a little over a month now, the Key Club year has been flourishing with activity. Club Rush was held at the end of September, where CAMS Key Club attracted over 150 potential members. Currently, the club is focused on completing membership registrations before fully focusing on attending service projects. Aside from business, the familiar UNICEF boxes have been dispersed to members, but due the number of enthusiastic potential members, there were not enough boxes for everyone. However, more boxes have been ordered and will hopefully be shipped by the end of the month. Alongside the ongoing project, about ten CAMS Key Club will be attending AIDS Walk on October 16th with hundreds of other Key Clubbers from around the area. Last year, only two CAMS Key Clubbers attended. This year, sixteen excited Key Clubbers will be traversing the 6.2 mile walk.

-Kikei Wong Lawndale

Eric Galles was a new member to Key Club and a new

freshman at Lawndale High.He attended the first DCM

and all the first events we had like the Lawndale clean

up.He is constantly at the weekly meetings and we are

proud to say that even though he was new, he was doing

everything that Key Club asked for.

Also we are happy to say we got 38 members to attend the

LA Aids walk and volunteer.

Divisional Articles


El Segundo

The Key Club school year has fifnally started and El Segundo Key Club has kicked off in full swing with the Richmond St. Fair Facepainting/ Hairspray Booth. The booth was a great success and tens of Key Club members can out to volunteer their artistic services. in painting We reveled small butterflies on little girls and spraypainting hair blue. Thanks to al the Key Club members who showed up, and to Kiwanis for organizing the Richmond St. Fair, we raised over 250 dollars.

Page 4: D19N October Newsletter

Divisional Events! Come show your pirate penguin spirit!

Division 19 North DCM: Where: Holly Park, 2058 120th St.

Hawthorne, CA

When: 1PM – 3:30 PM

Bring your friends and wear turquoise

to prepare for Fall Rally! Be prepared

to cheer and have fun while raising

money for PTP!

District Events! Mark your calendars for these fantastic district


Key Club Week: Nov. 7-11

South Fall Rally: Nov. 19

Divisional Team:

Treasury/Fundraising Head: Katie Tran Treasury/Funraising Co-Head: Kevin Sin

Spirit/Publicity Head: Diane Quang Spirit/Publicity Co-Head: Daniel Tran

Communications/Relations Head: Olivia Solis