D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington...

Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections -FINAL , aj--' '■ ' EDITION 1 PRICE 5 CENTS By The Auoclilr^d TrfM. WASHINGTON,^ Jan. 19 (/P)_Tlio United Stain aiul'i . ^ ___________________________ JiMn lodn>'"Bi}mcd‘a trcn^^ormnllyTnlalnjr Jiiimn, once! Thf> heaviest snowfnil in voju-s'ftll liul nJ'ralvzed normal ,defc«tc(r.U. S.-occupic<l \\ orlft war enemy, to ihcslnlufl'nctivily i„ a brond urea of mirlliwcKlcrn Orcpon'nnd .fun coual partner Jn U. b.-.lnpimcHC reliitinns. W itli Pff-s.'sniit>nvpsi<<rn WpshiiiLMtm Jn^L niKllt_iin(i today. Driviiitc VI“V'iit; ) - "kt".i~ T . ...i i-.. i .i. . •... ... —f-i-- ident Eisenhower in Jlllendance. I'ritne iMinisti'r iN’ol)iisiikc;easL winds whipped the snow into drifts Ihi'it pluBjrc(Ui(lc_- 8iRffgt^^°t^^P^^P^^°'Secrctar3-qI:StnteiChrl;itlfllirAVjTonds-nnd~c.msori-ninior-lrntible (nrnm iii Highways. The Hertcr for the United Slates in a historic' ceremony at the *snow coniliujen'lo fainiiuri'rti'Ooastors-pnid-irTniKhf last While House. ApiJropnately for historians, the sijrninirs’all day and into Wednesday. In Itliiho Die mcrciiry phniged ■J^ITplacirln-the-East-Toom 'of the executive man.sion— 1^1, gpmp room where Presi- M t Jam e.i Buchanan re- ^ tn« Ilr*t Japanese envoy* itta J»P*" rwumecJ conlncl wlih •SfwU'Srw5rian0OTyTBriTCj!5~ n # ne* delense treaty Is »lm- nc in miny ways to picL* AmitV- to h u il«ne<l with «1 other tree Mrld’iltiM- ' Aaerlcfc recognltea that •" Storm Swings-IntG -^ew-England-Area _______________ V phniged to 2't~<Icirrces lielow zero at Salmon Tiiesdny. The low for _;Sali.Luke.City..was warmej. tlian the hiKh for Idaho Fall*, ns ihe IiU 50 Die iirfiiBiyiVre^age Of Airliner im V irginia; ~W orst-G rash 4 n-Past^¥ear^ -i-i ill —1I0LIH'!U)1-T. Va- Jan: 19 Korfolk-lmiind airliner trroneil _________ ___ _______ ___________________ _ .. ..................... jroneilerraticall.v lhrn»>rh dense fog, then plunged into. ;i swampy ravine near here late last night. Fifty persons died-in.the flanUnK_,wrei*knjje. The crash ofthc CaplUl airljncs prop-jet Viscount was [he natiiin’s worst air diHaster [n nearly a ywir and.the worst In Virginia history. It ‘wasn't n'nlli'ncarl.v R a.m.—more than nine hours nfter the Ihk foilr-ctiKinc plnnc.'droppcd nearly straight down into ,the-muahy-Kio»n<l—lhaL-reRCue-workPi's-conhi-pnterthc'Conlinir-wrcckaKC-in-Fcnrch“ofthc'46"p!iRRcnRcr3nnd'four’ crew m em bers. The first bo<ly was brought out at7.:50 a.m.,antLlii’-9 :15 a.m.jBeaixh:— crs. crawling th ro u g h the Ungle on hands nnd knees, had emcrsed .wUIi <lx Airetchen.__. .. ‘'ilnve you even aeen an otd tbed that't been act on fire and fallen dqu-n with the tin root on top of. 117" asked ’ 3ohn Plnnegan, Jr.. « ............................................. let whc ^ , n^crcd,llie_*ecoml_dt>y_^t a.ieelh^ ,^d,'"cUaUcrl/*K cold *Mp. The minus 24 at Salmon R/United Preii IntcrnaUonat Ilnwcsi odlclnl jeadlng In Idaho. The new year's biggest snow storm , leaving a sw ath, of *;hile Vernal nnd Briciiion shared _____ _____ ________ deaXh from Texas to the Great Lakes, struck at New Eng- «ied"aiiack on Japan 'would be;iaii(l today with up to eight inches ofsnow . Heavy siiow ''’^rnlngs were issued for New Hampshire; Vermont and- Maine. Sleet and freezing rnin were forecast for Massa- ’IlQ,nn9CticUt.^andJigllL8nyVji.hit New York „if[y” .and promUcB to "i Uie eommon danger." ^ o T an attack because h er ....... ggiipred conslltuUonAl provision (uTtoc her from sending troops egUUt Japan. But Japan (rants um ot land, ilr ood naval based In Japan by ' g a.' rwcts-ylthout-tlmfr-itmU.— fnit two countries agree to.con- & -whenever the security of jtpui or Internationa) peace and Kcurlly In the Far EaiA Is threai- tttd’ They also promUe to collab- n u economically and to settle u r disputes between tliem - by loeetul means. in* yeaty w Rus. After t. - -........................ M f|iM a“ year's "hotlce'bejore OMdlXlg. Ttit new permanent treaty, ac- BDipsnltd by eight side agree- wati dtaling with specific mat- Un, replaces 'a temporary 19S1 uaty which was negotiated while JipOA was still disarmed and un- der V. S. occupation. state ami Pennsylvania. The storm originated in Texan last Saturday night and BOISE. Jan. 18 in — Idnlto's share of President Elsenliow- attacks- of stair Mnz-ndlt There were seven dead In Ne* braska. six In Texa.<, five In..Colo* rado. four In Kan.ia.i. three each In Missouri and Wlnconsln. and each In Illinois, Iowa and Michigan. DikesiBTiflttif- Hold Lava iii j^awaiTTb^ KAPOHO. Hawaii. Jan. 10 (UFI) Workmen began building two giant diktt early today ln-»-grlm-ra«e l« keep a river of molten lava desUoying Kapoho. . int bulldozers went to work .. Uie eerie glow of Puna!s''lava foustslns shdrtly after Oov. Wll- Im Quinn declared the dUtrlet I -nsjor disaster BrcR"-and'cabled President Elsenhower, for_Xederal •Biufcncy iunds. The dike-bulldtng project was tnier the supervision of 0r. Oor- ta) UacDonald. who directed' the nllsnt but luUle etfort to save *wby Warrn-.fiprtngs Te8orfyes= Aa schools and,highways began, to ;eopen In the Midwest and northem-plalns-ilates, three -to eight Inches of snow hit the" west. Karjirdous driving warnings were In effect throughout New England and in New York state and Penn- sylvania. High drifts stilt blocked a fe roads In Colorado and Nebraaki.. Schools had ^ n .closed In Omaha •in Florida the first full-lledged cold wavBjof the new year brought bnipttud to^jmiM'iv weather today. ' ' ^ mperat^res dropped to - f re ^ Ing over parts of the exuem sorth early today. And the weathennan ssld-iL-would-be-colder-tonlgbt.. Even tourlst-Jammed MlninI « warned to brace for nlght*tlme temperatures In the 40'«. NUaml. which registered a record htgh or 83 M to have__top around lo. •Near-freerJng -weBthcr dieted for tonight In the cenUal FZorlda eltrus- betU €laiborn-Ia- UtcDonatd said he would build «#e earth barrier IJOO feet long ud a second bonier 1,000 feet to*. They will be 20 feet high and »fm*Jde. The dikes will be used to divert • tlsnt river of lavsi which threat- w ttils-vllllage.-beach'housM af «m and other populated areas. Ai-ea Woman Is Filled for Norm. HeKOck. Rupert, « » fined J25 and costs and her M»n"» licenae was suspended for » dsys by Rupert Police Judge owije lUdford Monday for reck- w driving. She was arrested last Oct. 13 i charge of drunken W^gjnd pjeaded.innxcnt.jhi WM later amended to reck- “■driving. -*)’» driver'* license of Oory R, “^trrf. le. :aiQ n ir d avenue »** suspended for 60 days ^ he was lined tis and $3 cosU >«■appeared Monday before 2 ^ M the Peace George E. Shi njnnlng a ^ Wn. The youth was cited by ««• Htrolman Broy O. Harding -!i‘^''Jyjo«tJnt«r»«tlon about W mile* K«th of Twin FalU. L -= ^—In—BladcweHT^enguD flW . wi* lined >15 and coaU t •WoHFTwUcTonhe Peace V.. ta ‘*Au^un for speeding 10 miles per V In a M-mlle zone; H t was ^ D y k e “ ^ Patrolman WUtlam ^ Chandler, 33. S^u *5?.. f"'* “'r®" 20 de- 2“ nnefl I2S ,n d giveii ‘18 de- running a atop sign. -rWaho^h Chosen for . Xegislature BOISE. Jan! 10 (A-^Jack a Clal bom,-srrKlmberly, was appointee today a member, of the house o: reprcjientatJves Jn the Idaho IcgU* lature. A Republican, he fllU the va^ cancy In the Twin Falls county the death Oov. Robert E, Smylle. Clalbom, 89, Is a farmer and llveistoek operator. He also owns bujlnew property In Kimberly. He lA president of the Idaho Beet Growers as.<ioclatlon. The new representative Is ried and has three sons. PersdnaHncome- Hits New Record WA^iNGTON, Jan; i9 (UPI»- Persoria! Income hit.a record high in December u factory production surged ahead to recoup steel aUlke losses. ' 'The commerce d^^artment aald yesterday Incomes advanced about nnn ner cent lu t month. The gain la^e foTonTihonth-rmied-tbtil per»ona1-tneom«-to."-------- - -•* Of«3W.700,000,000,- wg M, salarie.1. rents,. profits, dividends and other payments to Individuals ■touted a ceeord tS80,lM,000,000 total of stAle expendlture.i in a' two-year period, the Idaho Chamber of Commerce said ye.iterday. The chamber figured Idaho'A portion of the national budset of S7S.a00,000.000 im *100.500.000. It said total stale approprlatlon.i of general and special fund.f for the $311,310,000,---------- ----- ------- Utah's low. minus 19. Boise report- ed a low Ilf minus 4, Twin Falls plus 1 and Pocatello's was ^1 desrrcs below v it_HaueJRcassembledltoJEludzCiiasliJCausc More Soviet' Aid to Go to Egypt’s Dam the southern Idaho forecast called Oregon's Oov. Mark HalfleM called on all people In northwest Oregon to stay otf Ihe streets and .high»’Ays.iuikas.U]eJcJ?u>'<)ness_wu nrce.uary. He cancelcd.anLCvening trip to Newport, on the cout, where he was to have spoken. There was Ice from freezing rain at Eugene. The snow began north of there, was six Inche Salem and three Inches Wash. Portland's airport had^ four Inches early today and the city's -wMt-hllls-had morerwlth'jnany drifts two and three feet deep. Tlie snow extended Into central and. eastern areu. At Redmond It 13 Inches deep and at Pendle- ton nine Inches were reported. All sehooU.ln the sUicken area ere closed."Thls extended Irom Eugene—where Ice caused It— through Salem, Portland and Van- couver, Wash. accepted -Sovietr hetp to build the second sUge of ,lts binion-dollnr Aswan dam. The Kremlin already . The official Middle East.ltews agency aald the second stage—In* cludlng-actuat bulldlng of the dam —Will cost }373.100.000; of .which S358.300.000 -would..be- needed.. In : foreign exchange to pay for equip- ment. material and technical per- sonnel from abroad. Apparently the Soviet Union will supply the ------ — Ihe exchange on a long- •T he—agency—holled the new agreement between the Soviet Union arid the United "Arab Tie- public as an "admirable victory" for the Arab naUon. As a rwult. It declared. President Abdel Oamnl Nasser's. cherished. project—long •n-eoId-war-pawn=:wllI't>fl-bultt"M ■■ JKlth_nfl_jKBBoiUon. ‘ tween stages. The USSR already has put up about 100 million dollan Jn finan- cial aid. machinery and technical assistance to buJJd the cotltr dams and diversion canals nece.isary be- fore construction can begin on “ - high dam to hameiu the Nlte. Nas.<wr launched this first stage Jon. 0. yanking a switch which set off 10 tons of dynamite and shattered a rocky bluff on the east bank of the Nlte near Aswan. In southern Egypt. Before thou- sands, Nasser thanked the Soviet Union for financing < the first -*Uge-ert«r-ih»-Unlte<l-StatM-aad. Britain wlUidrew an offer of help in losa. Solon to Quit in Smylie’s Absence BOISE. Jan. ID (OPI) — Gov. Robert E. Smylle has received a telegram_from State Rep. Kay ■jbrgehsen, 'D',*Butte, saying Jor- gensen does not plan to resign un- til Ueut. Oov. W. E. Drevlow U acting governor. Jorgensen wired Smylle yester- day that he had submitted his formal resignation to Idaho Demo- cratic Chairman John Walter* with the provision It be sent In when-Smylie Is out ot sUte and Drevlow irsltUng In the chief ex- Attomey General: Frank. Benson ' that a Democrat might be ______ to-feplacT-JorireMen-M au te represenUUve. Jorgensen has moved to Utah. _______________ ^ • . 1W NEWS BULLETINS ItueiisjVpoiogize„ Magic VaUey’s ■'Tfejlip^alufi'es Gpntiinue Low —Temperatures-remalned-below zero In much of Magic Valley Mon> day nlghl with a chill east wind Tuesday forenoon keeping resi- dents feeling'coider than with low- was one degree above ze Twlh'^Talls'’and'Jerome"Mondoy night wlth-the-bureau of-enta ' ogy here reporUng four above t 8 ajn. and 13 at noon Tuesday. At Rupert a Jow ;of six degrees below zero was reported and It minus 13 reported Tuesday ____ Ing. The thermometer climbed to 16 above by . StarjJcy reported 33 degrees be- low and Sun Valley,- 33 degrees below, overcast' and cloudy throughout the Magic Valley Tuesday noon. Citations Begiii Law enforcement officer* be- gan Issuing citations-wly ------ ------------------------ TTt r r '— did not have ItSO license plates on thelr-.automoblles, ' Two state officers had Issued at least six clUtlons by mld- momlng.'Several Vehicles-were- noted on the streeU with the greeit 1950 llcenu plates still displayed. Slat* police warn* that the new ISSO plates must be proper- -ly-dlsplSyed-on-the-Tehlcle-or jClUtlons win.be Issued. Plates cannot be displayed In windows or on th« M at beside the driver, officers noted. The toUI sals Kif automobile and truck-license plates by the 0 pjn. deadUns Monday was almost the saraa as a year ago. County Assessor Clifford Thcinpton rq»rted. B qveral -persons— were—buylfljf^pWtes ~ morning. Richmond fire botuUlon chief who drove the 30 miles to offer asslst- :)ce. 'Tliat's what It looked like." . Among the vIcUmi were Mrs.' Eugene Gilbert. 35, New York city, a partner with her husband In ^tn-rsssarah-workj-Albert Rueff, S3, and Charles A. Truhn, -Jr4-«, Pord-Motor company «xecu-------t - i ttves at Louisville: Ky.. and ths I jvlfe and stepson of a pilot for anotlier airline, Mary Blancha O’Cojinell and Ttoy WoodaU Dur- ham, 10. The plane, Ctvpltal flight 30, w u ._JV-J0Ute-fr0m:Olifeag0-t0-N0rf0l4— r, via Washington. It Icit Washing- ton at 9:45 pJn. and the, pilot. . Capt, James B. Pomasero, U ,'a veteran of almost 30 years of ali*- llne flying, made a routine radio check with the Norfolk lower while over lappahannock. He was s plane that crashed oear Bollila. N. C., Jan. ( Ukea ahape at W11- ............ ........................................... jataTs.palnsUkingly-reaaBemb1e-pleoe*.-hoplhg-l(»-leara-ezacl)r<T>'*t~ cansed the dluiter that took 34 Ufea. It's suipeeted that a passenger, Julian Frank, carried a bomb aboard. Frank's body and part of Ui» wrtckaga was found I< milea -from ths spot whera most of the. Wreckara fell. (AP wirephoto) Airline Official Asks Confess To Demand Safer Air Facilities WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 (UPI)— Clarence Saycn, pi-esldcnt of the-AlrllTO-l association, urged conffrcso'today to take the leadership in demanding improvements in airport Mjety^ocUitJos, Silyen testified before the flpnatA.nviatip.n syjjconimittco.w^ii^ resumed only 12 hours after the second fatahci^n of 1960 Jts-public hcarlnira'intd the 196d airline accIdcnt record.' Chaimutn A. S. Alike Uohroney, S., Okla., opened the hear- ings with a brief .itatement |47,400^WairSlatecU To Boost City Water Twin Fallg city commissioners Monday night authorized City Manager Joseph H. Latimore to, draw tip apeclflca- tion.s prelimihaVy’to' an authorization To' call'foi‘ blda"to drill a well that will cost the city a total of ?'47,BOO in- cluding pump.'pumphouse, drilling and controls. An' ap- proximate j.iP,000_willJie_needcd.t9jn5W 11^3Mb.ityon nines necessary to pipe the water .into .the system. liiti- on the pewest tragedy— a .CapitaLairl!nefl„cra8h^neac Koldcroft, Va., last n ifrh t that killed (0 persons. But neither h« nor Sayen could give any in- formation about tho cause. Sayeo ' ^ald so single cause factor-could'be -attributed to-the record 294 fatatltles.last year, but he said-they could'be'roughly Potato Stock Is Estimated BOISE, Jan. 19 lA-StockS of po- Utoes In Idaho on Jan. 1 were esUmated today at 33 million hun- compared with 11,300 a year ago and tnick sales wertf. 8.41S as coi^pared with 3,400 In.lOW. WASaiNGTON. Jan. 11 (»-Vlee Prealdent Richard M. Nbon aado It .offlcUl today. Hd U happy to have hla nawo entmd In the March .. - .... --------- 1..—.... primary. For Anti-Jew Act PROVO. Utah, Jaiu-19 tn-^Three . Brigham Yoyngunlv^tyatudenu ------------ weather procesrf~ called heptaehlor-«{x>xlde. 'WASniNGTOhr, Jan. « (UPD-DefcBse Semtary Thomas 8. Gai«, Jr- saM todsy-lbo r«i«ar-balai^"-of-mUll^ favct" desplto a 8o*lM adga In-long.nwg* mlialJea. C bsinnan.W eh^ oatM*-ttiUBony_that-haja iu * ft enoagTat the prewnt. Una U detar any s w- . MxImuL** ■> ptttsburg H. Jan. 10 lA ^'m e .United Steelworkers today asked a JSS&WeraTtft-HartleyKt^toJimctton. r— ^ rwe were-not aware of the sSfi oui hnpUcaUoos that mightfoKow.'' uld .the statement printed la the school's dally newspaper, the verse. "iK eryouibs. all'-lB-and-“alI-of leorge BrlmhaU and W anen U slttlL^TheyTikv^lwetrpladed- fmibation ty boUt the'courU azkd the.school, follow ingpainting of swastika's Xbd antl-Jewlsh slo- M,.'htitlrilnn'.'ln .Pnm r'U til The U.%. department of agricul- ture sold that compared with 25.- 800,000 hundredweight on hand a year earlier and an average in lhe_brwedlng lo-years of 17,260, reduced by 414 million hundred- weight.* Increasing to IS >4 million the toUl of the 1969 crop.dls------ - About 38 per cent of the poU- toes were used In processing, in- cluding the making cf atarch, the department aald. 8l5clcrot~OHtons in Idaho and eastern Oregon were estimated at 100,000 hundredweight, fJ cent more than were on ------- year earlier but seven per cent less than average. 2,222 Are Given -Diphthena Shots ^ POCATELLO, Jan. 10 Ml-=Pub- ta^-a]iin-oTrieiitifr:B«y8:;7nUr diphtheria ahots to 3,323 stiidenU, Another 3,000 to 4,000 public •chool students were scheduled for shots todsy, with othen due lat«r In-th# -weele.* - The Inoculations wer* ordered rimaUon of PocaUllo's first case of diphtherla-the 10th to e a^ lifted today, sa day* after It w u Imposed in connecUon with the mass mlfratlon of Kortaa resl- denU from Japan t« O--------- to call for bids will be consid- ered by city commissioners at thejrreffu?ar.mcetinfi:Feb. 1. When the authorlntlbn is made to call for bids. It will be advertised at Iw t IS days with-tbo bids to be received probably the last week; in February, Latimore added. ‘Vernon Riddte, commission chairman, instructed Latimore to prepare specifications for bids and to attempt.to get options on pos- sible sites. irmlnU airport faclllUw He urged that the government break a "Jurisdictional fedm l-clty botUeneck’ and see that obsoleU approach facUitiea. tunway light- Ing.-control - ---------------------- William. Hoops, Jr.,' John Hahn and Riddle and the city manager Friday morning. The- commis- " they-thou^t the.in - stallation of a new well was neces- sary to alleviate present summer water shorUge conditions In the norUieaA section ot the city. 7118 foitr stiggest^ altes for.^ well are the. northeast comer of the high school, at*a' total-coit estimate for Installation ot 858,- est; Sunrise street and SUdlum boulevard, $94,383; Lynwood' dis- trict, tteSOii and sunrise street and FUir'avenua east. «58,I44. Included In the motion wa. - niUng that future water Uqe In- stallatlon^uta alx-lofb pipea in- st«ad-ot-the-f0ur'.lnoh-als«-u6ed In'Uib post. The six-inch pipe wlU '«C*aUaH< M Pu< l.-C*laaia t> ert-H.'Teneh heard-the plana' cir- cling over his home, 60 miles northwest of Norfolk. It made one pass overhead, too low, Tench thought; but-‘'not so’ severe." Then a minute or iio later —"long enough to read ii few sen- tences in my book**, it came over again. This time the house Atook^- •The third time he,came over^’ the motors were wide open. Itaen she hit. The nols^ just atoppedii< u tu« I. C*laaa ti ' Senator S|ieg Nolitetriifit^n^ In-PiffkLBi&n. . BoisBr7inrirt»j=sen.-i?«af • OhUR^. D., Ida., aaid yesterday h» ' believed a proposed national park In the Sawtooth inotmtaln' are* . would have "little or no effect on' mining, lumbering or gracing «o> - U T l t l e s . ? and the Uke are Improved. 'Sayen. 'fianlted by 10 vctieralD pllou, also criticised some of the new reguisUons Issued recently by Elwood R. Quesada, head of the federal aviation agency. Sayen took exception to' Que- aada's rule, effective next month, all airline plIoU at.age The subcommittee last week questioned civil aeronautics board (CAB) Safety Director Oscar Bakke about'the-Jan.'Sr'crash ot a National airliner near TBor ' N. C. The accident, which X . all 34 aboard, appears to tiave been caused by a bomb exploding in a wash room. 1S6S claimed 204 lives, double the toU of ths prerloui'.j’ear and the worst air safety record since 1963, FLU >S ITALY NAPLES, Italy, Jan. 19 <UPI)— iludy U Authorities aaid today, more than 70.000 rtsldents-o f-?fapie» have been stricken h^I^uensa «weep- ing luiy;- .......................................... 2JP^.rAg^ciesJj!eAskiiig $35,309,613 for Id ^ WASHINGTON, JuL 19 t^- dal)-Rej>, Hamu Tart'^dge, MaTTe"poaa-t«ai5^t"thVMW federal.budget Includu fund* total- ing'136,309,813'for'conunerce and interior d^artm ent aeUvlUea Ip Idaho, . . .. . -!i| In a mewge from Wuhlngton- Uke In only m esu i^tu m nd Ing or grathig aeUvlUea occur, within the' bounduia for the park site itudy,’*-.ahurch; *ald. He aaid be U ■Utdytog'tha". imposed resoluUon-vwhlch .wottld-;. caU_for_an JnT«tl*atl.on,ot,:.thf-:_ proposal. -• •There 'Js ,. , anywhere In the _____ ________ “A national paric would preiem : the natural beauty'and th*.vl|d>> ■ life ot this lofty. vUdersear«hU» ' at-thB-aaiT'«-*f"i«t'»Miw» p.ww ' more people to come and.wltoen. It. The park would.aet u a m a g ^ la drawing the natloa'a attention to Idaho a* a vacation woi^erlaniL The^Ua]!SSu£att6otta' poaseu aiiperi) Bcenle*and-'wUdUf«. -values, approprlate for the-natlon.-,- al-park, but they.contalii’UtUa'. tover for gracing and even less - commercial timber. . *: “Should suefl a parte be nendedigTmH believe It w o u ld _______________ while I am confident it woufdr -->- prbrt to beflf ‘ l>erwottld-Hntrod«eT»r«itbortapr-r- turn bUl upon which he.wouUaUe... foTpubUo hearing* ln‘TdaEtt/,.'-v...>-v forest highway, funds; aus bureau: 8103,000, coast a n d . detlo survey, and 8330,000, weai bureau. Of-tha-8i03M.06I-tcqtiastad,ior the toterlor department. Budge L 87,wa.wi woiinn a -Ain a fe u s ... --------lU te a n d »3,«40.. ________ ,,._rii“rdahJ3ir':Titt»e Igures, he added,' do s o t Inblude 8487,760 previoutiy ^i|>proprUted B u ^ Creek dath and power

Transcript of D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington...

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Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections

- F I N A L ,

a j - - ' '■ ' E D I T I O N


By The Auoclilr^d T rfM .W ASHIN G T O N ,^ J a n . 19 ( /P ) _ T l io U n ite d S t a i n a iu l 'i . ^ ___________________________JiMn lodn>'"Bi}mcd‘a trc n ^ ^ o rm n lly T n la ln jr Jiiimn, once! Thf> h eav iest snowfnil in voju-s'ftll liul nJ'ralvzed norm al ,defc«tc(r.U . S.-occupic<l \ \ orlft w ar enemy, to ih c s ln lu f l 'n c t iv i ly i„ a brond urea o f m irlliwcKlcrn O rcp o n 'n n d.fu n coual p a r t n e r Jn U . b.-.lnpim cH C r e li itin n s . W itl i P f f -s . 's n ii t> n v p s i<<rn W pshiiiLM tm Jn^L n iK llt_ iin (i to d a y . D riv iiitcVI“V 'iit; ) „ ■ - "kt".i~ T . ...• i i - . . i . i . . • ... ■ . . . — f-i--ident E is e n h o w e r in J l l le n d a n c e . I 'r i t n e iM inisti'r iN’o l) iis i ik c ;ea sL w in d s w h ip p e d t h e sn o w in to d r i f t s Ih i'it pluB jrc(Ui(lc_-

8 iR ffg t^ ^ ° t^ ^ P ^ ^ P ^ ^ ° 'S ec rc ta r3 -q I:S tn te iC h rl; itlf lli rA V jT o n d s -n n d ~ c .m so r i - n in io r - l r n t ib le ( n rn m ii i H ig h w ay s . T h eHertcr fo r th e U n i te d S l a t e s in a h is to r ic ' c e rem o n y a t th e *sn o w c o n i l iu je n 'lo f a in i iu r i 'r t i 'O o a s to r s - p n id - i rT n i K h f la s t While H o u se . A p iJ r o p n a te ly f o r h is to r ia n s , th e s i j rn in i r s ’a ll d a y a n d in to W e d n e s d a y . I n Itliiho Die m c rc iiry p h n ig e d

■ J^ IT p la c ir ln -th e -E a s t-T o o m 'of th e e x e c u tiv e m a n .s io n — 11, gpmp ro o m w h e r e P r e s i - M t J a m e . i B u c h a n a n r e - ^ tn« Ilr*t Japanese envoy* i t t a J»P*" rwumecJ conlncl wlih

•SfwU'Srw5rian0OTyTBriTCj!5~ n # ne* delense treaty Is »lm-

nc in miny ways to picL* AmitV- t o h u il«ne<l w ith «1 other tree Mrld’iltiM- '

Aaerlcfc recognltea th a t • "

Storm Swings-IntG -^ew-England-Area

_______________ V phnigedto 2 't~<Icirrces lie low z e r o a t S a lm o n T iie sd n y . T h e lo w f o r

_ ;S a l i .L u k e .C i ty . .w a s w a r m e j . t l i a n th e hiK h f o r I d a h o Fall*, ns ihe IiU

5 0 D ie i i r f i i B i y i V r e ^ a g eO f A i r l i n e r im V i r g i n i a ; ~ W o rs t-G ra s h 4 n - P a s t^ ¥ e a r ^


ill— 1 I 0 L I H '! U )1-T . V a - J a n : 19 K o rfo lk - lm i in d a i r l i n e r trroneil_________ ___ _______ ___________________ _ . . ..................... jro n e ile rra tica ll.v l hrn»>rh dense fog , th en plunged into.;i sw am py rav in e n ea r h ere la te la s t night. F if ty p e rso n s d ie d - in .th e flanUnK_,wrei*knjje. The c ra sh o f t h c C aplU l a irljn c s p ro p -je t Visco u n t w as [he natiiin’s w orst a i r d iH aster [n nearly a yw ir a n d .th e w o rs t In V irg in ia h is to ry . I t ‘w a s n 't n 'nlli'ncarl.v R a.m .— m ore th an nine hours n f te r th e Ihk foilr-ctiKinc plnnc.'droppcd nearly s tra ig h t down into ,the-m uahy-K io»n<l— lhaL-reRCue-workPi's-conhi-pnterthc'Conlinir-wrcckaKC-in-Fcnrch“o fthc '4 6 "p !iR R cn R cr3 n n d 'fo u r’

crew m e m b e r s . T he f ir s t bo<ly w as b ro u g h t o u t a t7 .:50 a.m .,antLlii’- 9 :15 a.m.jBeaixh:— c rs . c raw ling t h r o u g h th e Ungle on hands nnd knees, hademcrsed .wUIi <lx A iretchen.__. ..

‘'ilnve you even aeen an otd tbed th a t 't been act on fire and fallen dqu-n with the tin root on top of. 117" asked ’ 3ohn Plnnegan, Jr.. «

.............................................let whc

^ , n^crcd,llie_*ecoml_dt>y_^t a .iee lh ^ ,^d,'"cU aU crl/*K cold *Mp.

The m inus 24 at SalmonR /U n ite d P re ii IntcrnaUonat Ilnwcsi odlclnl je ad ln g In Idaho.

T h e n e w y e a r 's b ig g e s t s n o w s to r m , le a v in g a s w a t h , o f *;hile Vernal nnd Briciiion shared_____ _____ ________ deaX h f ro m T e x a s to th e G r e a t L a k e s , s t r u c k a t N e w E n g -

«ied"aiiack on Japan 'w ould be ;iaii(l to d a y w ith up to e ig h t i n c h e s o f s n o w . H e a v y s iio w ' ' ’ r n ln g s w e re is s u e d f o r N e w H a m p s h i r e ; V e r m o n t a n d - M a in e . S l e e t a n d f r e e z in g r n in w e r e f o re c a s t f o r M a s s a -

’I l Q,n n 9 C t ic U t.^ a n d J ig l lL 8 n yVji . h i t N e w Y o rk

„if[y” .and promUcB to "i Uie eommon danger."

^ o T an a ttack because h e r .......ggiipred conslltuUonAl provision

(uTtoc her from sending troops egUUt Japan.

But Japan ( ra n ts u m o t land, ilr ood naval based In Ja p an by

' g a.' rwc ts-ylthout-tlm fr-itmU .— fn i t two countries agree to .con- & -whenever the security of jtpui or Internationa) peace and Kcurlly In the F a r EaiA Is th rea i- tttd ’ They also promUe to collab- n u economically and to settle u r disputes between tliem - by loeetul means.

in* yeaty wRus. After t. - -........................M f |iM “ a“ year's "ho tlce'bejoreOMdlXlg.

Ttit new perm anent trea ty , ac- BDipsnltd by eight side agree- wati dtaling w ith specific m at- Un, replaces 'a temporary 19S1 uaty which was negotiated while JipOA was still disarmed and un ­der V. S. occupation.

s t a t e a m i P e n n s y lv a n ia . T h e s to r m o r ig in a te d in T e x a n l a s t S a t u r d a y n ig h t a n d

BOISE. Jan . 18 in — Idnlto's share of President Elsenliow-

a ttacks- of sta ir Mnz-ndlt

There were seven dead In Ne* braska. six In Texa.<, five In..Colo* rado. four In Kan.ia.i. three each In Missouri and Wlnconsln. and

each In Illinois, Iowa and Michigan.

DikesiBTiflttif- Hold Lava iii

j^awaiTTb^KAPOHO. Hawaii. Jan . 10 (UFI)

Workmen began building two giant diktt early today ln -» -g rlm -ra« e l« keep a river of molten lava

desUoying Kapoho.. in t bulldozers went to work

. . Uie eerie glow of Puna!s''lava foustslns shdrtly a fte r Oov. Wll- I m Quinn declared the dUtrlet I -nsjor disaster BrcR"-and'cabled President Elsenhower, for_Xederal •Biufcncy iunds.

The dike-bulldtng project was tnier the supervision of 0 r . Oor- ta) UacDonald. who directed' the nllsnt but luUle etfort to save *wby Warrn-.fiprtngs Te8orfyes=

Aa schools and,highways began, to ;eopen In the Midwest and n o rth em -p la ln s- ila te s , three -to e ight Inches of snow hit th e " west.

Karjirdous driving warnings were In effect throughout New England and in New York sta te and Pen n ­sylvania.

High drifts stilt blocked a fe roads In Colorado and Nebraaki.. Schools had ^ n .closed In Omaha

•in Florida the first full-lledged cold wavBjof the new year brought

b n ip ttu d to^jm iM 'iv weather today. ' ' ^

m perat^res dropped t o - f r e ^ Ing over parts of the e x u e m s o r th early today. And the weathennan ssld-iL-would-be-colder-tonlgbt..

Even tourlst-Jammed MlninI « warned to brace for nlght*tlme temperatures In the 40'«.

NUaml. which registered a record htgh or 83 M to have__top around lo.

•Near-freerJng -weBthcr dieted for tonight In the cenUal FZorlda eltrus- betU

€laiborn-Ia-UtcDonatd said he would build

«#e earth barrier IJOO fee t long ud a second b o n ie r 1,000 feet to*. They will be 20 feet high and » fm * Jd e .

The dikes will be used to divert • tlsnt river of lavsi which th rea t- w ttils-vllllage.-beach'housM a f « m and other populated areas.

Ai-ea Woman Is Filled for

N orm . HeKOck. Rupert, « » fined J25 and costs and her M»n"» licenae was suspended for » dsys by Rupert Police Judge owije lUdford Monday for reck- w driving. She was arrested lastOct. 13 i charge of drunkenW ^ g jn d p je a d e d .in n x c n t . jh i

WM later amended to reck- “■driving.-*)’» driver'* license of Oory R, “^ t r r f . le . :aiQ n i r d avenue

»** suspended for 60 days ^ he was lined t i s and $3 cosU

>«■ appeared M onday before 2 ^ M the Peace George E. S h i n jnn lng a^ Wn. T he youth was cited by « « • H tro lm an Broy O. Harding

-!i‘ ^ ' 'J y jo « tJ n t« r » « t lo n about W mile* K « th o f Twin FalU.

L - = ^ —In— BladcweHT^enguD f lW . wi* lined >15 and coaU t •W o H F T w U c T o n h e Peace V..

ta‘*Au^un for speeding 10 miles per V In a M-mlle zone; H t was

^ D y k e “ ^ Patrolm an WUtlam

^ Chandler, 33.

S ^ u *5?.. f" '* “ 'r®" 20 de-

2“ nnefl I 2S ,n d giveii ‘18 de-

running a atop sign.


Chosen for . Xegislature

BOISE. Jan! 10 (A-^Jack a C lal bom ,-srrK lm berly , was appointee today a member, of the house o: reprcjientatJves Jn the Idaho IcgU* lature.

A Republican, he fllU the va cancy In the Twin Falls county • ■ ■ the death

Oov. Robert E, Smylle.Clalbom, 89, Is a farm er and

llveistoek operator. He also owns bujlnew property In Kimberly. He lA president of the Idaho Beet Growers as.<ioclatlon.

T he new representative Is ried and has three sons.

PersdnaHncome- Hits New Record

W A ^iN G TO N , Jan; i9 (U P I» - Persoria! Income h it.a record high in December u factory production surged ahead to recoup steel aUlke losses. '

'T h e commerce d^^artm ent aald yesterday Incomes advanced about nnn ner cent l u t m onth. T he gain l a ^ e fo T o n T ih o n th -rm ied -tb tilper»ona1-tneom «-to."-------- - - • *Of«3W.700,000,000,-— wg M,salarie.1. ren ts ,. profits, dividends and o ther payments to Individuals

■touted a ceeord tS80,lM,000,000

to ta l of stAle expendlture.i in a ' tw o -y ea r period, the Idaho Cham ber of Commerce said ye.iterday.

T he chamber figured Idaho'A portion of the national budset of S7S.a00,000.000 im *100.500.000. I t said total stale approprlatlon.i of general and special fund.f fo r the$311,310,000,---------- ------------ —

U tah 's low. minus 19. Boise report­ed a low Ilf minus 4, Tw in Falls plus 1 and Pocatello's was ^1 desrrcs below v


More Soviet' Aid to Go to

Egypt’s Dam

t he southern Idaho forecast called

Oregon's Oov. Mark HalfleM called on a ll people In northw est Oregon to stay otf Ihe streets and

.high»’Ays.iuikas.U]eJcJ?u>'<)ness_wu nrce.uary. He cancelcd.anLCvening trip to Newport, on th e c o u t, where he was to have spoken.

There was Ice from freezing rain a t Eugene. The snow began north of there, was six Inche Salem and three Inches Wash.

Portland's airport h a d ^ four Inches early today and the city 's -w M t-h llls-had m o re rw lth 'jn a n y drifts two and three feet deep.

Tlie snow extended Into cen tral and. eastern a re u . A t Redmond I t

13 Inches deep and a t Pendle­ton nine Inches were reported.

All sehooU.ln the sU icken a reaere closed."Thls extended Irom

Eugene—where Ice caused It— through Salem, Portland and V an­couver, Wash.

accep ted -Sovietr hetp to build th e second sUge of ,lts binion-dollnr Asw an dam. The K remlin already

. T h e official Middle E a s t.lte w s agency aald the second stage—In* c ludlng-actuat bulldlng o f the dam —Will cost }373.100.000; of .which S358.300.000 -w ould..be- needed.. I n : foreign exchange to pay for equip­m en t. material and technical p e r­sonnel from abroad. A pparently the Soviet Union will supply th e - -- - -- — Ihe exchange on a long-

•T h e —agency—holled the new agreem ent between the Soviet Union arid the United "Arab T ie - public a s an "admirable victory" fo r th e Arab naUon. As a rw ult. It declared. President Abdel Oamnl N asser's. cherished. project—long

•n-eoId-war-pawn=:wllI't>fl-bultt"M ■■ JKlth_nfl_jKBBoiUon. ‘

tween stages.T he USSR already h as pu t up

about 100 million dollan Jn f in an ­cial aid. machinery and technical assistance to buJJd the c o tltr dam s and diversion canals nece.isary b e ­fore construction can begin on “ - high dam to hameiu th e Nlte.

Nas.<wr launched this f irs t stage Jo n . 0. yanking a switch w hich se t off 10 tons of dynam ite a n d sha tte red a rocky b luff on th e east bank of the Nlte near Aswan. In southern Egypt. Before thou ­sands, Nasser thanked th e Soviet U nion for financing < the f irs t -*Uge-ert«r-ih»-Unlte<l-StatM -aad. B rita in wlUidrew an offer of he lp in losa.

Solon to Quit in Smylie’s Absence

BOISE. Jan . ID (OPI) — G ov. R obert E . Smylle has received a te legram _from State Rep. K ay ■jbrgehsen, 'D ',*Butte, saying J o r - gensen does no t plan to resign u n ­til U eu t. Oov. W. E. Drevlow U acting governor.

Jorgensen wired Smylle yester­day th a t he had subm itted h is form al resignation to Idaho Demo­cra tic Chairman John W alter* w ith th e provision I t be sen t In w hen-Sm ylie Is out o t sU te a n d Drevlow irsltU ng In the chief e x -

A ttom ey General: F ra n k . Benson ' th a t a Democrat m ight be

______ to-fep lacT -Jo rireM en-Ma u te represenUUve. Jorgensen h a s moved to Utah.

• _______________ ^ • . 1W

NEWS BULLETINS ItueiisjVpoiogize„

Magic VaUey’s ■'Tfejlip alufi'es Gpntiinue Low

—T em peratu res-rem alned -below zero In much of Magic Valley Mon> day n lgh l with a chill east wind Tuesday forenoon keeping resi­dents feeling'coider than w ith low-

was one degree above ze Tw lh'^Talls'’ and 'Jerom e"M ondoy n igh t wlth-the-bureau o f-e n ta ' ogy here reporUng four above

t 8 a jn . and 13 a t noon Tuesday.A t R upert a Jow ;of six degrees

below zero was reported and It

minus 13 reported Tuesday ____Ing. T he therm ometer climbed to 16 above by . StarjJcy reported 33 degrees be­

low and Sun Valley,- 33 degrees below,

overcast' and cloudy throughout the Magic Valley T uesday noon.

Citations BegiiiLaw enforcement officer* be-

gan Issuing c i t a t i o n s - w l y ■------ ------------------------TTt r r '—did no t have ItSO license plates on thelr-.automoblles, '

Tw o sta te officers had Issued a t least six clUtlons by mld- m om lng.'Several Vehicles-were- noted on the streeU w ith the greeit 1950 llcenu plates still displayed.

S lat* police w a rn * th a t the new ISSO plates m ust be proper-

-ly -d lsp lS yed -on -the-T eh lc le -o r jClUtlons w in.be Issued. Plates canno t be displayed In windows o r on th« M at beside the driver, officers noted.

T he toU I sals Kif automobile a n d truck-license plates by the 0 p jn . deadUns Monday was a lm ost th e saraa as a year ago. County Assessor C l i f f o r d Thcinpton rq » rted . B q v e r a l

-persons— were—buylfljf^pW tes ~ morning.

Richmond fire botuUlon chief who drove the 30 miles to offer asslst-

:)ce. 'T l ia t 's w hat It looked like." .Among the vIcUmi were Mrs.'

Eugene Gilbert. 35, New York c ity , a pa rtne r with her husband In ^ tn -r s s s a r a h - w o rk j - A lb e r t Rueff, S3, and Charles A. T ruhn ,-Jr4-«, Pord-Motor company «xecu-------t - ittves a t Louisville: Ky.. and th s I

jvlfe and stepson of a pilot for anotlier airline, Mary Blancha O ’Cojinell and Ttoy WoodaU D ur­ham , 10.

T he plane, Ctvpltal flight 30, w u ._JV-J0Ute-fr0m:Olifeag0-t0-N0rf0l4— r, via Washington. I t Icit Washing­ton a t 9:45 pJn. and th e , pilot. .Capt, Jam es B. Pomasero, U , 'a veteran of almost 30 years of ali*- llne flying, made a routine radio check w ith the Norfolk lower while over lappahannock. He was

s plane th a t crashed o ear Bollila. N. C., Ja n . ( Ukea ahape a t W11-............ ........................................... jataTs.palnsUkingly-reaaBemb1e-pleoe*.-hoplhg-l(»-leara-ezacl)r<T>'*t~cansed the d lu ite r th a t took 34 Ufea. It's suipeeted th a t a passenger, Ju lian Frank, carried a bomb aboard. Frank's body and p a rt of Ui» wrtckaga w as found I< milea -from ths spot whera most of th e . Wreckara fell. (AP wirephoto)

Airline Official Asks Confess To Demand Safer Air Facilities

W A SHINGTO N, J a n . 19 (U P I )— Clarence Saycn , p i-esldcnt of the-A lrllTO -l association , u rg e d conffrcso 'today to take th e lead ersh ip in dem anding im p ro v em en ts in a i r p o r t M je ty ^o cU itJo s, Silyen testified before t h e flpnatA.nviatip.n sy jjco n im ittco .w ^ ii^ resu m ed only 12 h o u rs a f te r th e second f a t a h c i ^ n o f 1960 Jts-public h c a rln ira 'in td th e 196d a irlin e accIdcn t record .' C haim utn A . S . Alike U o h ro n ey , S . , Okla., opened th e h e a r ­

in g s w ith a b r ie f . i ta te m e n t

|4 7 ,4 0 0 ^ W a i r S la t e c U To Boost City Water

T w in Fallg c ity com m issioners Monday n ig h t a u th o rized C ity M anager Jo se p h H . L atim ore to , d raw tip apeclflca- tion.s prelim ihaV y’to' a n au thoriza tion To' c a ll 'fo i‘ b lda"to drill a well t h a t will co st th e city a to ta l of ?'47,BOO in­c lud ing p u m p .'p u m p h o u se , drilling and con tro ls. An' a p ­p ro x im ate j.iP ,0 0 0 _ w illJ ie _ n e e d c d .t9 jn 5 W 1 1 ^ 3 M b .ity o n nines necessa ry to p ipe th e w a te r .into . th e s y s te m . l i i t i -

on the pewest tragedy— a .CapitaLairl!nefl„cra8h^neac Koldcroft, Va., last n i f r h t that killed (0 persons. But neither h« nor Sayen could give any in­formation about tho cause.

Sayeo ' ald so single cause factor-could'be -attributed to-the record 294 fatatltles.last year, but he said-they could'be'roughly

Potato Stock Is Estimated

BOISE, Jan . 19 lA-StockS of po- U toes In Idaho on Jan . 1 were esUmated today a t 33 million hun-

compared with 11,300 a year ago and tnick sales wertf. 8.41S as coi^pared with 3,400 In.lOW.

W ASaiNGTON. Ja n . 11 (» -V le e Prealdent Richard M. N bon a a d o It .offlcUl today. Hd U happy to have hla nawo e n tm d In the M arch

. . - . . . . --------- 1..—. . . . prim ary.For Anti-Jew Act

PROVO. U tah, Jaiu-19 tn-^Three . Brigham Y o y n g u n lv ^ ty a tu d e n u

------------weather procesrf~ called heptaehlor-«{x>xlde.

'WASniNGTOhr, Ja n . « (U P D -D efcB se S e m ta ry Thomas 8 . G a i« , Jr- saM todsy-lbo r « i« a r -b a la i^ " -o f -m U ll^favct" desplto a 8o*lM adga In-long .nw g* mlialJea. C b s in n a n .W e h ^

o a tM *-ttiU B o n y _ th a t-h a j a i u * f t e n o a g T a t the prew nt. U n a U de tar any sw- . MxImuL** ■>

p t t t s b u r g H. Jan . 10 lA ^ 'm e .U nited Steelworkers today asked a

J S S & W e r a T t f t - H a r t l e y K t^ to J im c t to n . r — “ ^

r w e were-not aware of th e s S f i ou i hnpUcaUoos tha t mightfoKow.'' u ld .the sta tem ent printed l a the school's dally newspaper, the verse." iK e r y o u ib s . all'-lB -and-“a lI-o f

leorge BrlmhaU and W an e n U slttlL ^T heyT ikv^lw etrp laded- fm ibation t y boUt th e 'co u rU azkd the.school, f o l l o w in g p a in t in g of swastika's Xbd antl-Jew lsh slo-

M ,.'htitlrilnn'.'ln .P n m r 'U ti l

T he U.%. departm ent of agricul­ture sold th a t compared w ith 25.- 800,000 hundredw eight on hand a year earlier and a n average in lhe_brw edlng lo -y e a rs of 17,260,

reduced by 414 million hundred­weight.* Increasing to IS >4 million the toU l of th e 1969 crop.dls------ -

About 38 per cen t of th e poU- toes were used In processing, in ­cluding the m aking cf atarch, the departm ent aald.

8l5clcrot~OHtons in Idaho and eastern Oregon were estim ated a t 100,000 hundredw eight, fJcent more th a n w ere on -------year earlier b u t seven pe r cen t less than average.

2,222 Are Given -Diphthena Shots

^ POCATELLO, J a n . 10 Ml-=Pub-ta ^ - a ] iin -o T r ie i itif r :B « y 8 :;7 n U rd iphtheria ahots to 3,323 stiidenU,

A nother 3,000 to 4,000 public •chool students were scheduled for shots todsy, w ith o th e n due lat«r In -th# -weele.* -

T h e Inoculations wer* ordered

r im a U o n of PocaUllo's first case of d ip h th e r la - th e 10th to e a ^

lifted today, sa day* a fte r I t w u Imposed in connecUon w ith the m ass m lfratlon of K o rtaa resl- denU from Ja p an t« O ---------

to call f o r b id s w ill b e consid­e red by c ity com m issioners a t the jrre ffu?ar.m cetin fi:F eb . 1. When the a u th o rln tlb n is made to call for bids. I t will be advertised a t I w t IS days w ith-tbo bids to be received probably the la s t week; in February, Latim ore added. ‘ V e r n o n Riddte, commission chairman, instructed L atim ore to prepare specifications f o r bids and to a ttem p t.to g e t options on pos­sible sites.

irmlnU airport faclllU w He urged th a t th e governm ent

break a "Jurisdictional f e d m l-c lty botUeneck’ and see th a t obsoleU approach facUitiea. tunw ay ligh t- Ing.-control - ----------------------

William. Hoops, Jr.,' Jo h n H ahn and Riddle a n d the c ity manager Friday m orning. T h e- commis-

" th e y - t h o u ^ t th e .in ­stallation of a new well w as neces­sary to alleviate p resen t summ er water shorU ge conditions In the norUieaA section o t th e city.

7118 foitr s tiggest^ altes f o r .^ well are the. no rtheast com er of the high school, a t* a ' to ta l-co i t estimate for Insta llation o t 858,- e s t; Sunrise s tre e t a n d SU dlum boulevard, $94,383; Lynw ood' dis­trict, tteSO ii and su n r ise street and FU ir'avenua east. «58,I44.

Included In th e m otion w a. - niUng th a t fu tu re w ater Uqe In- sta lla tlon^uta alx-lo fb pipea in - s t«ad -o t-the-f0ur'.lnoh-a ls«-u6ed In'Uib post. T h e six-inch pipe wlU

'«C*aUaH< M Pu< l.-C*laaia t>

ert-H .'T eneh heard-the p lana' cir­cling over his home, 60 miles northw est of Norfolk.

I t made one pass overhead, too low, Tench thought; b u t- ‘'not so ’ severe." Then a minute o r iio la ter —"long enough to read ii few sen­tences in m y book**, it came over again. T his time the house Atook^-

•T he th ird time he ,cam e over^’ the motors were wide open. I tae n she h it. T he nols^ ju st atoppedii<

u t u « I. C*laaa ti '

Senator S|iegNolitetriifit^n^In-PiffkLBi&n.

. B o i s B r 7 in r i r t » j= s e n . - i ? « a f • OhUR^. D., Ida., aaid yesterday h » ' believed a proposed national p a rk In the Sawtooth ino tm taln ' a re* . would have "little o r no effec t o n ' mining, lumbering or gracing «o> - U T l t l e s . ? ‘

and the Uke are Improved.'Sayen. 'f ianlted by 10 vctieralD

p llou , also criticised some o f the new reguisUons Issued recently by Elwood R. Quesada, head of the federal aviation agency.

Sayen took exception to ' Que- aada's rule, effective nex t m onth,

all a irline plIoU a t.a g e

The subcommittee la s t week questioned civil aeronautics board (CAB) Safety D irector Oscar Bakke ab o u t'th e -Jan .'S r 'c ra sh ot a National a irliner near TBor ' N. C. The accident, which X . a ll 34 aboard, appears to tia v e been caused by a bomb exploding in a wash room.

1S6S claimed 204 lives, double the toU of ths p rerlou i'.j’e a r a n d the worst a ir safety record since 1963,

FLU >S ITALYNAPLES, Italy , Ja n . 19 <UPI)— ilu d y U

Authorities aaid today, m ore th a n 70.000 r ts ld e n ts -o f -?fapie» have been stricken h ^ I ^ u e n s a «weep-ing l u i y ; - ..........................................

2JP^.rAg^ciesJj!eAskiiig $35,309,613 for Id ^

WASHINGTON, J u L 19 t ^ - da l)-R ej> , H a m u T a r t '^ d g e ,M a T T e " p o a a - t« a i5 ^ t" th V M W federal.budget Inc ludu fund* to ta l­in g '136,309,813'for'conunerce and interior d ^ a r tm e n t aeUvlUea Ip Idaho, . . .. .


In a m e w g e from W uhlngton-

U ke In only m e s u i ^ t u m n d

Ing o r grathig aeUvlUea occur, w ithin th e ' b o u n d u iafor the park site itudy,’*-.ahurch; *ald. He aaid be U ■U tdytog 'tha". im posed resoluUon-vwhlch .wottld-;. caU _for_an JnT «tl*atl.on ,o t,:.th f-:_ proposal. -•

•T here 'Js , . , anywhere In the _____ ________

“A national paric would p r e ie m : the na tura l beau ty 'and th*.vl|d>> ■ life o t th is lofty. v U d ersear« hU » 'at-thB-aaiT'« -* f"i« t'»M iw » p .w w 'more people to come a n d .w lto en .It. The pa rk would.aet u a m a g ^ ■ la drawing the natloa'a a tten tion to Idaho a* a vacation woi^erlaniL

T h e ^ U a ] ! S S u £ a t t 6 o t t a ' poaseu aiiperi) Bcenle*and-'wUdUf«. -values, approprlate for the-natlon.-,- a l-p a rk , but th e y .c o n ta lii’U tU a '. tover fo r gracing and even less - commercial timber. . *:

“Should suefl a parte be n e n d e d ig T m Hbelieve It w o u ld _______________while I am confident i t w oufdr -->- p rb rt to b e f lf ‘

l> e rw o ttld -H n trod«eT »r« itbo rtap r-r- turn bUl upon which he .w ouU aU e ... foTpubUo hearing* ln ‘TdaEtt/,.'-v...>-v

forest highway, funds; aus bureau: 8103,000, coast a n d . detlo survey, and 8330,000, weai bureau.

O f-tha-8i03M .06I-tcqtiastad,ior the to terlo r d epartm ent. Budge — L 87,wa.wi woiinn a - Ain a f e u s

. . . --------lU te a n d »3,«40..________ ,, ._ r i i“ rdahJ3ir':Titt»eIgures, he added,' do s o t Inblude

8487,760 previoutiy ^ i|>proprU ted B u ^ Creek dath a n d power

Page 2: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections

" P

In EiastU. Fatal for 50

•W h» j J £ S S 'u ? a eDBlnei itop.l th e n 1 figured be 'd boob river.'

--------Th#'yM U ‘w « » m i« l — ■:--------- ::-----------1 -\ anok«r-T i nchB<al<l--yrom . t a , l^ -N E W -¥O R K W *n .-JM U P I» -

■tiOn wlndow Tie could s n “Jiu l • ......................................UtUfl glow’* In the thick wood*

N O R T H EW ID A H O -P alr through tomorrow. U l t le tonpe ra tu re chM go V io tr (onlstit o( f ■bbve'to 10 btfow t e n . HJgb tomorrow 18 10 28. • • • . • /

# l» u t JOO yards behind hi* home. ' I t took him aa minute* by w to

reach the teene.“Not a living bunum being

. around.**,h e M id.'T he cauM Of the ;c ru h . yecond

u ^ ’own. O fild lu "o f Ctpllaii jh e | civil aerohauUca board, the r e i |

claUr to the u t lo B t»<ar w at JS degteea beijnr te rc a t F ra « r . Colo. U>B tJ. S. weatker bartaB itporw d t o i t t . BU b yeeterday was g7 a t Palm Beach, P ta . -------

and oilier *gr.----- ----------- •spot itudle*. then moved to lUch- fflond to open oftlclal lnveiUgt> tJons.

A heaTY fog blanketed most of ” M n tn ib tn d .eailern VlrgWa yei*

te rd a y -» fte m o o n -an d -n l|h t,-b i*the aUport^t-M ocfnlk, waa open..

GasEiraiHas iiL— Always- Lost^ U-___^OMciaLSays

**At ho tim e alnce the beginning of the company has the company ahown any earning#," « ld ^ P r t« ;

I wltneas a t » POO hearing I— -oooipwiya-reQUeated rata.lncreaae.

dUpIayed figure# he laldl J|— ihowBd-Uu-Compftny J flat- t U I 100 during th e 13*month p e u —

ending la*t Oct. 31. Under the propoMd 34 per cen t arerage ra t i I n c m w , he ealdr th e company

----- WoinaTiave lo ir --------------'Another wltneae, Elm er P. » !■ ,

ler. an accounting execuUve for ' Ebaaeo Senrlcea, Ine., said th a t a t j th e present n t e schedule the eoqi*j


PoKo at MieetDonald pelper. Idaho Pall*, eUte

: chairman of. th e March of Dimes'I campaign, talked to members o(' the Twin PaU*' EMhange club I about the progny>_TuMday:npp_n| I a t the American t j ^ m ^

. . . _________ . in________________ . . the U nited.8U te*. He said alnee

— - •* ” --------- „ re -a - g r a n t - to - J 6 B a * r f a tk

lO aU d'______ ,Moglo Valley Uem orlal h o ^ t a l

,BuUd wUi-sew puppe ts-at 10 a jn .' I W ednesday la tb s guild room In the h o q ilts l. ' . .

Soeiay. to Meet T he L 0 6 s ix th ward Relief so>|

Iclety w U l'm eet a t 9:30 a jn . Wed-I n u d a y -w lth Joaeidiloe.Bar: r e tt pre»entlng_the literature 4e»-

" ^ S S ^ S S ^ ' l c b o o l P rA « « c u .

G sardlana t» Meet A ll-C am p Plre guardU ns are

urged to a ttend a montWy m «t|n«: a t 1:30 p. m . Wednesday In the old hospital buUdlng._ __

Magic Valley Funerals

1M3, and In 19S3, the Balk vaccine wa* found. He sold another - vaccine ha# been-develop*

I Ohio, but I t la no t yet available, to

pe lp v noted lifarch of Dimes officials m et la 1»M to discuss w hether th e organisation' should

(a the program.' Pel{xr said tliere are two types of a rth r ttu , one th a t affects Infants and women, and ooe th a t affects about 00 per cen t of aged people.

P a rk ing Fine*:! ______j Posting I I parking bonds wllK iTwln r a i l s police Monday were |M. L. W hitehead. Rod Scott, Hll- ‘ “ TCTjyTLS'R TM IckeU on andPrank-W

T W IN PA LLB-Puneral services I fo r M rs. Lydia K raus.L eer will bel he ld-at-»-pm r-W > dne*day a t . th a ! W hite m ortuary chapel with Elder D avid W atU o f the Jerom e Sev* en th -d a y -Adventist ohurch. efn>i e lating. P inal rites will, be con-J ducted in Twin Palls cemetery.

iL th a »jti- W edai

• P A ! i8 - P u n e ra l- « r ..________ Jo h n Rodm an wUl beh e ld iB t a p jn . *n>UfSday-ln tbel Repoolds funeral chapel w ith Rer.' S m e s t_ S a t te I b la d i jg n t ^ ^ t chu rch , officiating. <J«rchjdIng r ite s w ill be in th e Tw in m i s cem etoiy. •

new ra te s to become effective Jan. I . th e company could show a pro-

— n ro rw « 5 W ,-h B ja id : ----------------B ut. h e s a l^ u ty . d e l t r l a the

request n t s 're rttlon ,'' eywi’ one m onth , would wipe o u t t|h s t ga ln .|

Events Noted by Hill Areas

J O SQ BILL. Jan . lO -M n . ney Roberry. leader o f th e Orange fou rth degree d rill team , requests *U membsTi to m eet a t tb e O rssg e

a t t p m . Ifonday to prao-

|U‘— to ^ B o i d i l a —Brlmm ; -BeatUs, 'W aib., Is Tlslting h e r ion . and (Uugtat«M n>la«, U r . -.and - U ra . OeeU SrIm m r’Bnd fam ily. .

U r . a n d M rs. Bmery Helm a t­tended funeral aervlees In cald* v e i l {o r h is brother-in-law . Gene L u s - H i ^ d ^ t w , > i r t . 'D o u g l u Parm er, a n d daugtater-tn-law. Mrs. B artley Belm, accompanied them .

U r. 'a n d u r a . L. o . S in g a ttend­e d th « u is iu 2 Id a h o Ite t iltra r chib

' m eeting in Boise over th e week-

liSe ff or Goodiiig

____.raO N S, Ja n . . 10-1

S unday-n igh t a t sacram ent m eet-

ft '

BO K X f-Puneral services for Wil­liam K. W oodruff will be conducted iit 3 p jn . W ednttday a t the P in t C h ris tian church by the Rev, Roy L. T itu s . Pinalxitea.wlU be.hEld.ln ,th« B u h l city cemetery.. Priends Imlty ca ll a t th e Albertson Xuneral

c b a ^ w ith th e RevjL............... . .offlciatm g. P inal rites will be held a t th e R upert cemeteiy*

kind, which affects atiout|

president, asked m em bers'to support the bloodmo- blle to be in Tw in Palls Monday. |D o d s o n _ A n n o u n a < lJ i» e h o a r^ controls win m eet f liu rsd synooo |a t the Legion hall. Korval Wild- m an asked members to report any Twin Pklls businesses th a t have

_____ jf- ta J ie r lly n P lo rt L ^ejm A !I>evon Orville QtAnfleld, both Twlni Palki. a rid to Jennie BaUh Slone.' I Boise, and Alton Pays Vaughn. O arden_Cjty.

- n g T -m td H ' clvll-actlon-M onday , In T w in FaUs probste court against T hom as ;Elllson and Vera ElUson (or t3lO claim ed due James West­fall, T w in Palls. R o b ^ K. W. Bal- leUen,_ T w ln _ ^ U aUomey. repre; sen ts th e credit company

iha.^L O a second w ard chapel with B ishop Thomas Newman officiat­ing. P rleads m ay call a t the WUey funera l chapel u n til tim e of serv- ic es-w W H B iag y rE u rT iterw iu -b e held In the Jerom e cemetery

m eeting held w ith L ^ o n halt of- Iflclals s iid other.servlce club rep- IresenUUves la st week' to discuss

kU a t the

R U P E R T x-F unera l servlees lo r sn flr-B S w iin Q rv iirM ^ to eid -a c^ a p . n j . Friday a t th e R upert M eth- odU t church w ith th e Rev: W en-i deU Ooe officiating. L ast r ite s will b e he ld in the Riverside cemetcry.h e ia m ine K ivem ae ccm cw rr, B eybum . Friends m ay c a l l 'a t the W alk m ortuary Tliursday afte r- n ooa a n d evening a n d F riday until tim e of services.

Magic Valley HospitolsM agic Valley Memorial

V isiting hours in the m atenilty .w ard a re from a to - .H ^ d - J to g p n . : In a lt o the r wards, from I IIwD. to 8 p j n . _______' ADMITTED

M rs. Oharies McBride, Richard .V anW tgoner. W aU red, Holmgren, U rs . Dewey Davis, Edn* L. Smith. M fil.'Jfltoo.Black. P t o j ^ . S W h - cpulos. CUfion Bkrcheat^Fem XoiU

' ' George ohellns. aU Twin f M ra.<Ruth U kranU ler and

____ OlodowsW, both B uhl; KellyThom ason, Jercm e: Ainoa Human. H u e l ta n ; O uy.A . Bliesnar. Eden:

D1BM1B8ED M rs. o . P . Fleenor and daughter.

M ix. LouU :A ,.Selly .and.d*u^tC T, F ra n k Dickson. Mrs. Edward Pres­c o tt .»ad^!nieodQ re..Peterson,_all, T w in m i s ; Jesse Reocher and M*rUyn Olayton. both Burley; Je rry Nelson DeMaln.-'Ooodlng:

— - ■ * * - 11m Sharp, " P a n o n i .

S t Benedict’s, Jerome ,, v is i tin g hoO T i-at-B trB enedlcfe ihoBpltjJ are from 3 to 4 and froml | 7 t o » p m . ■ ■’ ' ' A D M rrrB D

Piler; K enneth IO h an g tf , Ooodlng; Mrs.- Dave■w.nuiBf. Shoehooe: M rs..B obertlB iy an . W endell;. Carlyle' Howells

A daughter was bom Tuesday to [Mr. ■ and M rs.-'C harlea ' McBride, | T w E T ilQ .------r --------------------------

__ :,-BaiT«U T b rfn e w as the adult«)eaker o f th e svenfng. using the

' K ^ e e t ' **RellglDn In everyday liv- taut-based on O ld *restament ampleB.**'

Farewell Held ait Unily LDS Ward

j j 3 e -ward a t Sunday sacram ent •errlces for. G len Oooch. son of M r. and M n . B . B. Gooch, who le ft SundQT evening fo r a mission

M»«» T—U tld. . -------------T h e program tabluded talks by

-W ayse-CaU . Morris Baker, Bishop ' W allace Baker. John ClaHc.Oooch,

is p a rra ts . a piano and or- Ju e l by . Carol and Marie

H anks and a solo by Mrs. Nedra “ lycTi were offered by

v n s o n a n d .i to b e r t

rT SA _to Me«t_ ______________• -n ie PTflA wlU meet Sit B p.m; W M nesday a t the high gchool UbrsTT for a contlnuaUon of the vocsUonal educsUon discussion. .j^ g -.j„e« tlB g-« tll-hear-a-s<pocL from th e sU te personnel who sur­veyed th e rocsUonji} educsUon s f i- up h e re and then will draft reeom-1 imendaUons to the school board.I T hom as R . Hovenden is program

a t the .m eeting , bu t SImklns sold, h e li^ lev e d th e other service clubs

DUld keq> eating a t.the hall. Thel f c h u g e elut>:deciaed-lo-i^~caf.' « rla style meals.Jam es iilsy reported on th e Mon­

day meeting of the Exchange club prom otlon.of th e . national.Crim e PrevenUon weeic Feb. 7 to 13. May announced a t the club meeting Feb. 8. th e guest speaker wUl be th e assistant special agent o f fed­eral bureau of InvestlgaUon from Butte, M ont. H e siin ssted mem­bers' wives, heads of local Uw eo-

agencles #tv1 possiblyother service club members be in ­vited to th e meeting. I t will be fu rther discussed a t a la te r meet-

1 S " K ”M ii.^ eliib ^t p.m .

: W ashington ~* c lro o |-audllortum , Mrs. David Mead will present the program on chU drm s operas.

9delinx Planned "appU w U oh ' fo r” a-.building iK was filed Monday by Bertl

a w c tt to remodel the fron t and construct a mar^juee of * retail store a t 810 Main avw ue cast. Cost

Prom oted Ja m es H. Rosenbaum, Twin

Palls, h a s been promoted to f irst I «nrf dutv as

Boost Waterbe m an d aS « 7 « « p t when other' pipe Is au tho rbed by th e commls-'

. I n other business th e commlsrion sDproved an ordinance changing th e ^ h e lg h ro f-B lg n s -th a t- extend

G range to Meet ■M ountain Rock Orange will meet '8 -p jn .-T huraday-a t-the-C om --

iuimItyJ»«U- A proeram U planned “ y m e ^ t i l r e r ^ T h e - i^ e ih m e n t c om m ltte tcO M lstJ joL ^’ ^ rs . R4y Moon and M rT iS a H rsrC u r? Us Salon:------------- ---------- -----------

M an wearing bright jeUo» _ duroy cap on Main avenue wm • ‘ ' Lynn Knoble carrying enttioi;: down Second .avcniie Woman In green coal genmj L : of ear on Main avenue nmi {.nv Ing sandwich Into offke buUlisr . . . Dorothy Dohm walking * Man in fron t-o f postoftict 41 ,* [gllng US p ick ' up two le iifn LI dopp e d 'w ithout, d fo p p in c 'w u m

change resulted from a meetingM o n d sy -b e tw e en - U U m ore andiClty Attorney w illiam Langley sta te highway d e p artm m t repre- •entatlves N orm an Crosley. u rb w engineer. Boise; M arvin Lotapelch, ^ t S f f l f e n g in e s . ^Bolse.; and Charles Olasby, d istric t epglneer.

ordinance ’approved te e change In sig n -h e ig h t from nme

iT « n ro m -g ro n n d -leT e l- to ;^ 3 -f« t.The change a ffec ts only r ip is e r e c ts along s ta te highways with­in the city llm lU. Signs p u t up M -

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M iL o n ~ a u th M lw d - th e ; Icltv to file ad\*ppllcaU on w ith Uie; V t a r a ^ t m e n t o f public -health

Slide* Scheduled ' Slides on Brownlee d u n will be . . lu ttu a t a meetlng-of-the-T * 'ta l Palls s q u a ^ n of the ctvU alrl patrol a t 8 p jn . Wednesday a t thelT w ln-Pa lU -m unlo lpal-a lrpori_^ ,land camera wlll .be available for members to use.

.Fined for Invalid License .' M ic e JlidSS-JTOrPnmphrey-lm- posed a flniTof $9 and cosu m Mrs. M arian L. Anderson, 30, ^ M arian street, Monday when she pleaded guUty to driving without

valid Ucense. Mrs. Anderson .gcca' ‘ -

I south by city po»ce.____ ___ _ _ |

B etum A fter V isit ,I Mr. snd M n ..D ale . Jakwsy. 483 [■Blunakes- boulevard-south.-have returned home from vblUng In W lchlU, K an s , and Lincoln, Nebr.

i«r-g2M .OO O -ln-federal-ald-for- sewertge trea tm e n t p lan t. L atl- a jore told the g roup th a t the city could, apply fo r th e federal aid now -a rid -lf- lns ta Uatlon . of .a ..new sswage trea tm en t p lan t and out­fall lines Is p u t . to th e voters dur­ing-the-yesr.-the--fuods->w U l-heavailable. H e explained th a t If qp- pllcaUon for th e funds Is n o t m ^ e now th e money wlU be aUoeoted

~ ^ ^ l t t o m e y - ^ l i “ n Langley r ^ r t e d deed restrieUoaS In thep ro tec U v e ----------- - **’ *"the W lld n .~ . -------------------- -perm it home occupations. How- ever, the city h a s no power

restrictions a n d protecUve cove­nants, he said.

Commissioner# then In stiw ted Langley to sta rt acUon to etUorce p m lS o h s or t h e ' p l a n n l h g ^ d

from a three-day tr ip to Ft. Hood. Teic.. where h e observed regular B rm y'troops-undergotng- training tesU..

Connection in

f ilS M IB B ^ Mn.\tUlp«.'..W ftUton, BUss; Mrs.!

R od Hacelton; Mrs.Ja m es PowvU. Richfield; Mrs.

R eld '^and daughter; Mrs.________Stevens and daughU r andM rs. L eonard'Ingram . a ll Jerom e.

BIKTII8 A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs.

IH ts 1 ^ 1 ^ , Shoshonb

_ M ln ld o k a County.Visiting hours a t Minidoka

County ho*plUl_arifrem_10_a._ro.,to T p. m . _________

A D M irrc D ‘M rsrO rd ell“Y i« o n rR u p e rt;—.....................B IR T H S - .■ A "son 'w ashom -toM rrand-M r#i

OMeU Y idon,. R u p ^ _

Rupert Man Talks At Heybum Meet

HEVBURH, Jon . to—V an 6or- lenson. 'R upch . m ' ' t h e visiting hlghjcojm clJjnan speaker- a t the Heybum LDS first w an T sacra­m ent m eetlng.Sundsy evening,

Mr#. M arion J u d d -------------- -

Sunday school coordinator. Mrs. (ArUn -B e rry was sustained - Jun lor sunday.-school coordlni . . . . Blaine J o n u was suitalned .as an assistant to Calvin Helner on the genealogical-committee .a n d .M rs. Jones w as sustained a s a-hom e teacher.____________ ;__:_____

4-HGlub Formed For Almo Group

—A LM O..jRn^lOtrTv*nl Hopkins, asslsU nt Cassia county agent, and M arjorie 01Uesple,-home-demon-

' Goodins MemormVlslUng h o t o a t Gooding Me­

m oria l h o ^ l ta l at« .from 8:30 a. m .I to 8:30 p. n r —. ___

--------- — ADM ltTEDM rs. Leland Carrico, Gooding.

DISMISSED M rs. R ich u d .D o lto n and son.


A so n was bom ' to Mr. a n d .K ^ . B re r t Sant, B ho^one.,

Seryice at AhnoALMO. J a n .. 18 — *THe eyes of

_ j r you th on th e temple*-w,as-ths them e of tho

C o tta g C y B u r l e yVlslUng hours are from a::

I p . m . and 7 to 8 p. m.ADMMTED

M rs. JoA nn Kelly, Albion; F rank O lson. B ridse ;' Mrs. Mae Rose. H ey tu m ; ..M ra.-Bart»ara. Novosel, Delo. and E a r l Bandy,- Mrs. Marl- belle M atthews. Mrs. Dorothy F ir­k ins. Mrs. Newell B ik er and Mrs. iB n m a Perkins, all Burley.

DJSMISSEP M rs. Ju an lU 'd u tlerc t. Mrs. Jane

Schoon(>ver and Mrs. Uinlt& Han> sen; a ll Burley.

BIRTHS____ ____ Bhlers ....................

Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly, Albion, and daughters to Mr. and Mrs- Clifford Plrklns. Burley: Mr. and M rs. Ernest Handy. Rupert, nnd Mr! and M rs. P a t Novosel, Declo.

.Erickson a t tlie Almo school F ri­day to organize three 4-H clubs.

' I t was decided to organize a boys' club In beef production and two g irls' clubs, one of cooking end one In sewing. Erickson will lend th e boys’ group but no lead- lers liaVe been named for the girls' I clubs.'

p resen ted a t the LDS m eeting Sunday sittem ooa . M organ W ard gave the ' lnvodt-; Uon a n d E lbert pu rfe e In tro d u ce th e them e. N orratora were Marvin

^ r r t ' e s a T i S h ^ ■ r a y S . '^ ^ f * ‘ - D e*nls Erlckson-gave a s c r i p ^ read ing and Dee Ann Dui^ m spoke. O ther speakers were M rs. B lbart D urfee., Mrs. Wallace Tay­lor. a n d Zoh Lloyd.

Mr#. Roscoe W ard. Mrs. I « D arrlngton a n d M rs. Ja m e ^ S h c ^

-F lv « -m e m b e rs -o f -th e ..............giuard . th ro u g h o u t' Maglo VaUey will le«ve F rid ay for F t . Otd, CallfM

~ T ontrm oatB gT M «R rtnU ninp------ rT hey include Paul S . Haase,

rou te I f Pau l; Ronald N. Parker. Ooodlng. and T revar Sparics» Alan A . M artlndale and OharlesiA.' P e t- ersdn, a n Burley. ^ -

P a s a d e n a - V a l l e y -

_^flJ3roup-EleetstO N O B n X . J s n . 19 — Officers

w ei« dected k t th e IMO orgtnU a-

mt h (

' ^ S r t » » l l . w « elected

lam U b , O l ^ Feny.-

lomer .o f WUllsm

Homemaker Girl Reported at G.F.

GLENNS PERRY. Jan . 1 0 - |G ien 'dan :ar#<ri"iru r6nD «0“ Betty Crocker “homemaker of tomor-

jw** in G lenns Perry high sdhool. T h e daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

G len Lataen, she received • the h ighest score In « JO-mlnute w it - , teir-'exam lnatlon on homemaking knowledge and attitudes U ken by gxiaduatlng senior girls. She will 'tt>c«We~«n~kWBrd-ptnTTnBrufoc- tu red by Jostens and representmg

___be' sufamltted for competitionw ith other high ichool_vlnners-tol i'tfiunT 'lhe s ta te Betty Crockcrl

nemaker of tomorrow."

2 Air Crashes Is SuspectedMIAMI, P la .. Jan . 10 Cft-AU'

tho rltles a re InverUgaUng a repon th a t Ju lian A. Frank, *«p,ect it tho J a n . 6 airliner bombing, knew A m a n tu d e r suspicion In 10 crash .

T h e c m h e s . both of Natlonol a irlines planes, took a to u t of 7Suvea..__________ _•

C harles S . Collar, av ll serd- nauUcs board examiner In Miami, c alled ' th e acquaintanceship of p ra n k and D r. Robert Spears. DaUas, T ex , "a UtOe too strong to be caUed ju s t a coincidence." H e sa id ~We will certalnlyJook Intoth e conneoUon."------------ -----------

CoUsr commented after Los An' Deles A ssistant District Attorney Ju lia n Blodgett' told of a; sta te-' m en t by Dr^D onald A. Loomis, a Loo Angeles chiropractor.

LoomU was quoted as saying Dr. SpeaTB,- •« ,— w jm ted -L oom ls-to « f re e to h iring Frank, 33. NewY ork ,-a s thelr-counsel In an-ebor-tlon conspiracy case.—S pears- has^been lUt«d-as -one

so n .-M r.-a n d M rs-G eorB B-- - 'w ay who Is attending University ' • Nebraska, Lincoln.

4 .n Club Meets• :lssors, J h r e a d and T — .

. . . club met- Monday In the home of Mrs. C. W arner Howard. 435 Jefferson street. Members of |th e club worked on knitting proj- ecU. Refresbm ents were serired by

I Mrs. Howard and Barbara How­ard. The nex t meeting will be held Mondoy In th e home of Mrs. E. D. Plppltt, 377 V an B uren street.

o f those aboard the plane which c rashed . In the Gulf * * ' ■ - ■ N o v T ^ ■

Attendance Small At Hall MeetingOnly , seven persons a ttended

dltorlum In *rwin Falls.William Orange, Chamber . .

I Commerce secretary and manager, said he believes people a re still Interested, but-cold w eather kept th e n from the meeting.

Topics discussed were w hether a professional survey team should be brought Into 'TU’Id PaUs and w hat best methods for finances.. Dsvid Mend, chalnnan of th e f«- cilltles-com mltt eergave ■ a - r eport; No definite action, will be taken on any of tl\e proposals un til further Investigation is m ade by the faclllUes 'and finance coihmit- tee.

Hcnr audllorl the meeting.


. FINED AT GOODING , 6BOSHONE. Jan . 1 9 -P rank O. Is te re n s, Gooding, was fined $5 and eo«U by JusUee of the Peace Adam Shubert. Jr.. Ooodlng. for falling to" register a trailer. Three of the tS fine was suspended. S U te 'P a - , trolm an WlUlam Van. Dyke Issued th e clUUon.

. quoted as saying he w ouldn’t be surprised If Spears o r rrank.B tlU llve.and had a connec­tio n w ith bo th crashes.

Roof BurnsGOODING. Jan. 19-Plre Chief

Joo- Baum gartner estimated glOO dam age to this canvas roof In s sh e ep sh td on the Gordon Elsln- <r»r_farm. onp mllg wea m ile and a ha lf north of . M onday afternoon from a. fire caused .when a weed burner ex­ploded.

E b ln g er was using the weed b u rn e r to thaw water pipes In the building. Nine Gooding Volunteer firem en reiponded to the caU and th e f irs .w a s ezUngulthed before th e flam es spread beyond the roof.

T w enty ewes and lambs were in

l_^Slides.Sho!HEYBORN, Jan.’ 10 — Robert

student who and ahowed

a t the W est End Orange.-meeting last week a t the Emerson O mhge hsil. .. A benefit caM party for the

polio fund.w as discussed. Refresh­ments were served by Mra...A>y. liiR ue. Mrs. L. 0 . McDermoU, Mrs. Ed McKlm and W aller Erlck- son. '

ing new h a ir style , Prleniustonding in hnl'l

(Gus) Kelker and John Wiitu. son exchanging witty rcmnrks. Two m en stopping to look'at ihtf.' m om etcr-on.slde of buUdtns... Woman rushing Into a{(ic« 't,'

sp husband's weeklr rv,v.i...u , Sm all foreign

bile w ith lose, llceme p l a t ujd-OrLgfrCond s t r o c t . u f t i ---------overheard: -“I oon t know why gave m e a ticket, I had niy puiti under th e seat."

Q uB IR eporlsPencil^AwarcL

I t was called to the attorneyW attenUon th a t Charles Hopkins,! 604 Cindy drive, w as operating a! kindergarten In h is home which Is locsted 'in a p a r t o f the Wlldman

........... a n d th a t this vloUUon

W illlsm A. Selegmann. Slsniil Mountain, Tennl. won tlie blut pencil for Uble topics nnd llomti Roberts won th e blue pencJI f® his speech on labor a t the mKW Ing of the Perrlne Toastmattm M onday -a t-the-R oE erson -ho ttl- Oesert room.

O ther talks were given by t o Jones on agriculture. Roberi Wuu

'o n Industry and William U ntlni .on education. Lanting received thi 'Clip fo r the m ost Improved upmb.

Darrell H . (Jerry) BoIUtr n i to u tm aster; Wayne OeSptln, Uble topics chairm an: Dontld S om m era .^^t^rj^^M Ilbrd “

and Rex .Gnrdntri

. —itora o th e r 'th a n Bclcsmina were E ari B . SU nsell. Stonlty t Blchsel, D. B. Bylngtbn and lh< - - • ct-Kelm.

aLloyd H am ilton will be tossti

ter and F rank Pohanka wl’ Uble topics chairm an a t the m eeting Monday a t the Rottenos hotel D esert room. Top pum speakers will be Robert Thornioa, WlUlam LanUng, W alter Hawklu and E arl H ^ ld s e n .

T cd .a .re -

Driver Fined Mrs. W ilma M . Beer, 41, 1815

Ddrlan drive, was fined tS snd costs Monday w hen she pleaded guUty In police court to driving without an Idaho drivers.license. Mrs. Beer was cited Monday by, d ty polles a fte r she becam e,In­volved in ah accident a t 1894 Dor­ia n drive. T he fine wm Imposed by Judge J . O. Pum phrey.

Emor Bowman is Claimed by DeathRUPERT. Ja n . J o - E m o r Bow-;

man. 81. died a t hU home In Ru­pert Monday n ig h t of a heart at-

lok.-Ho was bom Dec. 31. 1878. a t

V erm ont.-lU ..m oved.to ..K ansu.lr 1BS3 and m arried M yrtle May Mor­gan, Dec. 23. 1003, a t Parsons, K ans;-T hey -eam e-to the-R upert a rea in 1013. M r. Bowman farm - ed south”of town’ u n lin o 4 9 when he retired and moved Into Rupert. _H ls-w lf« . dled-lnOOSS. S un lro rs Inciude three sons. Claude E. Bow-

a n d RuiseU Bowman;*both ivw uianT ^anlnirr

and e ight great-

new al-agreem ent w l th th o Union 'Pacific rallrood for waterwoy rlghU along ra ilroad right-of-ways In the city. T h e agreem ent allows an Irrigation d itch to run parallel of the rlght-of-w oy.

The commission approved a re ­quest from R oland Milton, owner of the Top H o t tavern, fo r a becr license for th e Royal Lounge. KB Second avenue east. poUce Chief Howard G ille tte ‘■had elgned a complaint ag a in s t owner Robert L atham for conducting an 'lllega l gambling game' In the establish­ment. Lathom Is scheduled to ap ­pear In' p robaU court on the ' charge, , t- ■

Chairman R iddle rem inded ......mlsslonehs'and clty'eropIdVes th a t the Idaho M unicipal league district meeting will be held in the Roger- aon hotel a t 7 p jn . Wednesday and urged them to a ttend .—

Mrs. Scheufer Is Honored by Rites

, Funeral services for Mrs. Msirjlt I Jenkins Scheuror wero held st3:3» I p . m . Tuesday a t the T«.‘ln FiUi

3 p .m . Friday a t the Rupei---------odist church w ith the Rev. Wen' d d l Coe offlclaUng. Last riles wlU be held In the A lven lde cemetery. Heybum. Friends may cail Thurs-

aftem oon and evening and . lay u n til tim e of service a t the

I W alk m ortuary.__________

Car Hits Man..V incent B lcnkle,.37, 16J8 H ^

Ms'glc*VaUey Memorial hospmof Monday about 8 p in . a fte r he struck by an automobile u crossed Second av en u e ' west a t '

. Shoshone,, s tre e t .west., B is condition *l\iesday morning was reported as **good." Extent ofl h ls jn ju rie s was no t determined.

The driver o f the 1050 Chevro­le t sedan th a t struck Blenkle was

, Charles H . W illiams, 44, route 3, Twln-pallsTHe-was-notclted by In­vestigating officers. T he Injured

Burley Woman Is Hurt:in-Accident

BURLEY, J a n . ia.->- M rs. Newel Baker; 61, Btirley, Wos rfcported in Bood condition a t.C o ttag e hospl- tal this noon w ith Injuries receiv­ed in a one-car accident Monday evening-one” mlt6 "w est'O f Declo on.*.county road ._ A c c o rd la g _ lo .S t.____________O. W anell, M rs. Baker recelvei a leg Injury a n d bruises about the face when th e lOM Chrysler she w as-d riv lng -w en t-ouU of-con tro l while crossing th e railroad tracks which were slick from Ice 'a n d ,

Th*e car w en t through' a ’ca ttle ' guard and In to th e ditch between the hlgh««y and th e railroad, the , ■ riff said.

Schwarz gave th e opening prsjtr and . th e obituary .was read br Wayne H argraves. R. C. Totmss

,a n d .J . E . A llred w ere spcaktn. The-benediction was given by k ,E. lA rsen . “Flower girls were NRi jenk ln s.«nd .R edg le Jenkins.

PaUbearers were Larled JenUev DeQ Jenkins, R obert Jenkins, WH* Ham Jenkins, L arry Hodges sad Charles Klmes.

Bishop B auer dedicated tb i rav#-Bt Su itte t Memorial pork.

T"AlmdNews *ALMO, Ja n . 10 -M r. and H it

W allac«rTayror-vlslted-ln-^tm at Creek. U tah ,' w ith Mr, and Mn. D elbert T anner.Jind-thclr daujh*. tc r-in .law .' Mrs. Robert Taylir and baby. A im es,-la, who lUng relatives thero.

M r .,a n d .M is . . Lee.Darrlngleo,. who have been living a t the Louis A.-Eam es-rftnoh'for-the-past-f(«.

Invitation For Bids

Bids fo r pain ting will be o c c e p t e d u n til 5 o 'c lock M onday, Feb. 1, .1960.

„ . CALLED COMMUNICATION L _ I h u rs d a y J a n . .2 1 -* p ja .—

" M. M . P e r e e-XTTA t* C. L. WItLUW - .“wla 4*inj BMt«urr

, a i s .« t t s . . DU) RK <-»AU W a r ^

'..raoeH O N B . Jan . 10 — A ward p s r t j ; WlU be held a t the LDS e b n rc h a t 8 pan. Friday for reUring n tm b e r s of the 'bishopric. All - iea>bOT_are lnvlt«l to lUtend.

IJPH O tStfiRIN G -------- 1ond RECOVERING

||-JMWLrWT>ltao»-CTit»eB_-M«Je.-A D R IA N 'S -

Made V aller r n m lta rt~ R B -a -S I8 »


— • his , office to ' =




-O ronge-or-P lnoapple/L enion^


r jp H E q u 8 ] I f I c a t 10 n 8 fo r ‘, m em bersh ip in tho O rder-

Of th e Golden R u le B tress ex- • ■ p e r l e n c e , c o m p le te n e ss 'o f serv ice , m od e ra te p rices, e th ­ic a l ,s tan d a rd s , a n d dedication

— tertha-p rlnc ip lB trf^he-G o lden— —

Page 3: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


Symin^on Js Rockpt Lauuclies Big Ballpon Demo Group Passenger’s Actions Checked Rural Living | rnpM tifplpprfmentioned as; ‘Compromise’‘ k ^ L Y L E C. WILSON ^

W A ^N O T O N . J a n . 10 tO PD — - M S l S y m l n e t o D . MUsourl. U

£ S t menUoned waoDB poaslbla S S n tra W M ndldales If nex t "?? /^ m o e ra U c na tional conven-

“ * prMldcntJal e#ndl<late.E. fltevemon la ano ther

'.taH P irea In compromUe Bpecu- ; £ » . m t b to u y th l. ; I I Sdtuer Sen. Hubert H . Humphrey

John P . Kennedy U able - w w lnw ryqulcU y. th e convenUon 1, to a y m u tlo n or

Not TUWrf'S b o L tyndon B. Johnw n. T cxm , ■ much Ilgure In tnllc *'• "

jm ' npit t i g t t i r o r T n n became, o t them all

5 d ^ n '» rtcord seems m ost near, j, u> Ht pattern or compro.

— ^ . - A - * to p la dcIlnlUQa.or.CQm’ S w W I*: “A M ttlem ent reached

— M mutual'conccMlons.---------------" a s Illuminated by th a t d e rin l tioo. peiUier 8 t e « n » n ’s nor-Sym.

— S ^ '* ^ rec o rd .se cm s_ lo _ id o n tiry 5Jtn u properly compromise diaJtei ir both Humphrey an«‘ Kennedy strike o u t More proper^ 1» Stevenson and Sym ington would sDpear to ba alternate choices.,

Alltmatcs they surely would — *em-lo-be eo -lhe ..bn ili o( Sym -

loilOD'i reecnt voting record and -BteveMon’s record or policy sU te - menu m far as th e le tt wing or 3» D em oaatlc-party Is concern-

ADA OffleUU Named Amerleana rcr Democratic Ac-

ttoj fADA) speaks Xor Uie m ost elfectlve clement o r the D em o- tfttlc le tt ylng. M rs. a c a n o r

Asks U.S. Aid For Schools

WASHINGTON. Jan: 19 (UPH —The Democratic advisory council has called tor.n.Jederal aid to edu.- ciitlon proertim (hnl would cost onc-bm iou_doll8rs.B.ycnr_Bt_the M.irt and uraw to three or four

Tlie council ».il(l many stoles and commimliirs }iave expanded and Improved *chofll», In the past 10 years bu t more cIiWArooms are nedcd and the Icdernl covernment shcAiltl help._'Dir_niulilib]llloi;idolloc_oullaiiI t Mid. would be smnll compared w ith fcdertd »pcndlnc lo r derense, hlRhways nnd many other pur-P0M.1.—Dlp-Broii|)rf>Pre.'ldeiii. Harry ,8. Trum nn, Adlal E. Stevetuoit and oUicr party lenders, most of tljefh from out­side-.cunsrc.vi. l!i Rn arm of the Pemocg»tlc imtlni'mt committee.

The recommended proRram on ducatiQn-nndTretdom'K 'Tmure'^ AS contained lii a report, one of

.. MrlM of pnmphlets the council ln.publlalilnK_Qii.lorelgn,aiid_do± meatlc proRrnms.

The tnra.itaice rocket vehicle, left, the national aerehiutica and apace admlnUtratlon uya 'w aa u ted lri carryltqr an aluminum iphere. folded In no<e cone, to an aUlluda of UO mllea where It wai Inflated

*ry chairman. NaUonal chairm an li Robert Nathan. one-Ume CIO

• (omomUl. Humphrey Is vice clulrman. Executive commltteo

— meraber»-lncJu(l»-lieon-H*-Keyser- ■ ling, chief ecanomiaf of thB -T ru-

mtn ■dmlnlstratlont form er Sen. ' Tt H. Lehman,- New Y ork.

wTlter P. R euU ierT N oT ^

ShdesM avB e ' One in Million—— ------------ ---------- s '-----:-------------- NE W YORK. J a h n g

Award-Presented To Salmon Chefs

'H O L L l ^ ' l i ; Ja ri: ' l o ' ^ Tlie fourth consecutive s ta te recognl' tlon aw ard was presented to thi Sslm on T m ct Chefs ^-H club a ,U>e—lesuU r—ieiolon Saturday s t Uie home of Sufl'Loughmlller.' Mra. Hebcr Loughmlller, leader, announced individual nwnrds for

Ndn-Smokers Avoid Cancer]

SAN FRANCISCO. Jun. 10 (U Pi)i '— Non»stnokers who live In thc[ .cauutry..have-U i«-be»t-cltance-to . avoid dyUiR of lung cnnccr. n c -' cordlng-to-D r.-Rlchnrd-A -Prlndle.; ehfef'of'the-jiir-poiiution-njedieal}

service.Mr. Prlndla told Uie 'CnlvcrAlty

o f CnlUornlu conferciice on ‘'the ir we breathe" thrtl among ur< >an smokem the lung m nccr driiUi Ate Is'lO per 100,000 peo))le. coni- )i\red with a rate of one per lOO.OtfO ieoplB_for iSiVnl noii-suiokpra.

Study ne iu lir Urpnrird l l i e doctor Mid he took nil white

jnnJM iO 10 89 yrnrA i>f

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 Love. intflmaUonal style, go t *q ^ t in a bill patted by ttaa

Tlie measure,'miJtlnK a ra r l- oty of ad justm enu .ln th e Im- migmtlon Inws, was passed ^ ynicfl vole and sent to the Mn>

___,, .irovldes a special thre«*nioiith vlMlor* permlt-fo r-fo r- elRn' flnncea of Ameriefths'."

^™^Ticy~WDUld"bc™tleportab1c^f" the .niarrlnpe didn't, tnke place during ,tlic BO dny*., -

Submerged Isle Found by Unit

NEW YOIIK. Jiin, 10 (O P I)-A submerged Island. 3S milex across

the base n:id five mllea a t tha

In to four cateiiurirN: Urbnn smok* rrji, urban noii-vuiokcrn. ru ra l amokers and lunil non-MUOkcrs, •n ie results;

■=Among~5;i8Tooo*iirtjnn~>tmotc- •»rH,Ol>T*de.................

Ju lian Andrew Frank. 3:>]rcar*flld W eatpotI.X ann- Uwycr ahown here , with hU wife, has been nam ed In (esilmnnr befnra (be acnatc aviation •■ iubronim lttee*ai* 'ha» lnfiaken—n u fin iu r»B ee“ lo t i l t ln r “ nearly {900.000 during the nine m ontha p refu llng .h li death In an lin e r crash In N orth Carolina on Ja n . 6. Ills wife was no t with him

r« n th e flight. Commltlee chairm an A. S. nionrnney, D , Okla.. aald evidence la stronc tha t a passenger ben t on suicide causcd the eraab th a t killed all 34 peraona aboard. (AP wlrephote)

a rnlc of 70 per 100,000.—Among 2.150,000 .url).->n ......

smcker^.303 denttia, a liilc of ll.U per 100.000,. —Among the 5,57J,000 ru ra l smokers, l.fllT denths, a rale of

—Among ihe 1,015.000 rurnl iir smokers. IQ deaths, a riii« ol c •n»i«'inn nnn—‘ ' ---------------

Triggered by Sonic Booms

’ f lte tn 'ia uie ^KLr-CIO.Bally-L..

ildercd by clvlllani a nuisance If - o t an outrigh t menace.

Negotlatloiu are under way be* Iween the a ir force and the na­tional park service lo se t up a pro* gram under which air force f l y e rs will create tonic booms In hopes of setting off artificial ava> lanches In Olaclcr nations! park, MonU

,In the past, thfc park tervlce has lost both men and eijulpment to avalanches Itt opening Rolns-to-

hlchifsy, the h lfh n>ot;n> tain road through the park , lo r spring trav e l..

The service hopes thtU if tii t a ir force can create avalanches be- fo re 'p a rk Mrvlce-men en ter the area, the danger of na tura l lanches will be lessened.

First te s t of the Idea m ay be made th is month, officials a t olger a ir force base here r e p o r t The ,4liath .fighter Interceptor squadronfrom ................. ....... " —th«April.

The u n it files F*108 D ella D arts, which recently se t a-ii{prld speed record of i j i u miles per h o u r - more th a n Iv lcs the speed seeded to se t off a sonlo boom. '

MirldiairScHool -Damaged by-Ere

Ijces and basement corridors. W ith ^lost n igh t w u-brought under con-

' the efforU of some 40 fire* om -fou r-area Xlr* depart­

ments."Meridian F ire Chief Rocer Welk-

stutxu ai(Vl£Ulttzral'shop

ProJcct "Mcrcury a.itronaut Is lit ' erally one In a million.

T lia t.m eans only one In a mil' Hon American men between the a g es 'o f '2 4 nnd"3a-can shape up to Project' Mcrcury’a stem physl cal. m enial and emotional s u n d - ards.

selecting key Issues which ADA -feels clearly made a n Issue be- ■ tween llbewl and . conservative viewpoints. The m ost recently r a t ­ed were voting records In th e 'f ir s t

- teaslon of the 80th congrcu w hich ' met la 1059.

. 2 Men “Perfect- Oa IS such llberal-eonservatlv^

senate thowdowns lo st year, H um ­phrey «nd Symln«f«n wer* tied, etch with a perfect score of never having once failed to support th e

■ ADA point of view. Kennedy vo t- the AdA way on la Issues, b u t

« u absent oh oiie ocm lon^ ADA rtled Johnson w ith seven ADA 'Tctes snd five ag&lnst.

On the record, so f a r as ADA U concerned with senaU yoita . a ll t u t ’Johnson would seem to qual­ify. equsUy as eligible lo r the D em - ecrstlo presidential nom lnatlos . ‘tliere w aJd b« UtOe need c r room

■ I. To a om l-

S2i.9et,Bes G IVES NEW YORK. Jan . 19 lUPI) —

T he American H eart, association reports It received ■: record to ta l of S2<,004.8&5 In contributions du ring ISSO.

basic foods required for a well- balanced dally diet. K athllcen Qrlff gave a demonstration an " proper care of the teeth. T he -- malnder of Uie meetlntf was spent making healUi posters.

I t wna announced members raised ' $18,75 telling C h ris tm u c 5 ra r“ P e m jy -W ird - tt f li -B n o tu r reporter.

were served. The next m e e tln j wlU . b t held Jan , 30 a t the Loughmlller home.

"iimuc'' Deflneil Another a ir pollution expert. D r.

Patrick J . Lawtlier, Loudon, ^ald th e word “smog* was Invented In

d-by-a.of Cohmibln unlvenlty geologists,. Columbia.

Ttie geologists theorlie it was ..ucc n rcftHflland, Now It Is located 310 (ecL-bcneallUlic.turXace.otihfl .

wrm of tile Cnpo of Oood Hope.riobert D. Qerard, representing

Columbia's Lonidnt geological ob- • ncn-ntory.— was—chlef— sclen tU t- nbonrd th« uDlvenlty's research

'Al)ln Venm when the island w u found.

lie snid It was apparently an- cxllnct volcanic-cone, submerged when the turfnce of the A tlantis r a ^ '“h r 'in e "e n d " o f“the~lB St-lc«- n g c -8.000 to 10.000 yean ago. .

Court Backs up ' -Saving )f-Water-

BALT LAKE CITY, Jan .Wi—Tlie s ta te supremo court up­h e ld a souUicrn Utah Judge yes­te rday In his 'titling' th a t f irst- choice users of underground w ater m u s t save all ihey w lU i-kwor-prlor

T h e court acted on an appeal from an interim ruling of fifth d is tric t Judge W ill L. Hoyt. He h o d said water users In U tah 's MUford valley m ust lim it them ' selves to four acre-fect of w ater

year for eac h ' acre of alfa lfa titey inlR^le.

T lte water u-i^ra sought six acre- feet, bu t tald ihelr - ■ -S r i lelr principal crop

minimum 01 u trce[mumIf tljerc were no lo-ites.

"Wasteful jnctbods m ust be dis­continued." the supreme court sa ld .ln .I ts unanimous opinion.

NEARS GRADUATibN ALMO, Jan . 10-I>oyle E. Ca>

Almo. la scheduled K ^be graduat­ed from recruit train ing Jan , 23 a t the luval training center, San Diego.


H s said neither fog nor smoke,! In the prim nry cause of Cnllfornlfl;! smog. lAjvther blamed nutomoblloi| exhaust fumes as the m ajor c ause .|‘

Ruby (Hewlett) NICHOLSON'-

formerly of 6a3_Adams, Twin Falla.


l\lh COALTop Quality Atwgyt— a t

WARBERG'S. RE 3 - 7 3 7 1

N ew Beauty SalonI Wednesday J an. 20

9 04 N orth Buchanan JEROME

Phone EA 4-2595

Bids Sought foF Library Repairs

• Arthur DeVolder, Twin P a lls —p i ^ U brarlaa.-ansounced_2foa-

diy hs has sent o u t bids fo r a d -

-the aid. of the 20th Century club and city workmen, DeVolder sa id , a stndslw oodrpes.board .trt.'w all U being Installed to be used to d is-

— Play.art.productlona.owsed'by th a

' DeVolder added th a t In th e fu ­ture, the peg board will be used for the promotion of th e library board

—p f'a in e to n ~ an d re t li8 r-o ff lch i ls ; and bcatd'members hope to have displays f local s tudents and a r t

.club members.T a-o steel ranges of shelving will

be added to U)« young adult room w thln the nest two m onths. De- Volder ssld..The SoropUmist •club' has donated one of iKe ranges of shelving.

-JBinois^ferrfoi ^ Wins at Denver

„ DENVER. Jan. 10 ( * -A n HUdoU Berefow named B ed M eat was J|»med grand cham ploa of th e N a- liontl W estern Stock show yea- terday,j n t e 1.000-pound anim al la own. Und Oak-

reserve championship vai. «on by a black AD«us cidled B lack M itn t, owned by K enneth Dftltoo, Kersey, colo.

Thli * t« r won th e Junior show • • ~ urday,


A sti ^ o j i - nf-'vnu as voice or \

»of!d$." reveals th e story o f a r e - Ditrkabie (yitem th a t often-leada *« almost* unbelievable Im prove- jjent In power o f m ind, achleve- » w t of brilliant b u s ln w and p ro - ‘^ ‘on j^ uccess and new h a ^ -

H |h , o thers u i r ^ “ *“ ' *trength, m agnetie'

wty, courage and poise.

HL*>Wd of miracles by th e few

jw iastt how he learaed ra re w ls- »nd long-hidden • p rae tlc « ,

for th ree thousand

are latent In a ll o f us. t a d S i r th em -are

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ H e Inaihtalns th a t m an. U uU ad « in j ^ ^ o n a -x M -,

Do We HaveJpJOie?In his dally.aU iara..Ile .sU tes th a t th is sleeping s la a t o t mlnd-pbwer.'when awakened, can m a k e .-----capable of

'World,toff 9,oob^t........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .veals many .stortUnff -re«uit«>-to Uncere reidera of th u p sp e rrfre e of cost or obligitlon. your free copy, address the IniU tute o f Men- u iW s ic s .a i9 sou th H obart B lvd. O e ^ 3 0 0 -T , Los Asceles 4 , Oallf.

A honus n -p ag e booklet I s j j f - fertd , alM w ltra U T 'u m :«bfrBe; to ererrone writing a t . th i s time. The title o f, this popular bcnui M c 0 ris -^ e -M a c le -S e t« M n -X h B Llnea o f the Lord's Prayer.** Send S 2 S « U o tJe tte i_ to j^ M L W 4 _ C tboth bpokUta fr«e.

Page 4: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections




W HIRLIGIGW A fiH W O T O M -eoppo rta* p f - t o t twe;-»K»wed

D em ocntlo preildenU*l o aiUilt t w BeOMion K en-

MlMOurl. n th e r th*n t




I U nusually large expenditures fo r rcn iod - T ~ a in g - ta r i f tg « r i r o n t o f th e c o p l to H n ^ a a h -

•• Ington a n d bunaing a new au ^ y - l i n k l n g • th e aena te o« lce bu ild ings w ltH th e cap lto l

\ '. ! have aroused a lo t o f c ritic ism th ro u g h o u tT ~ |“ tlirco^un try .------------------------------------------------

\ ■ w i th a ll th e opposition 'to u n necessary • BOTBmment spending, th e law m ak ers In i '. W ashington have su b jec ted them selves to : considerable ridicule fo r au th o riz in g these

— pro jftcts-at-tbe^-prescnLJlm c,-------------- -------]' Those who voted these expen d itu re s de-

. aplte a growing d em and fo r g re a te r econ ­omy In federal governm en t a ro t ry in g to

——taUc-themselves o u t o f a n aw lcw ard position , an d th o se who opposed su ch sp en d in g are calling I t to th e a tte n tio n of th e ir c o n s tit­uents, ' ,

;i S e n a to r Dworshalc h a s received a n u m b er

II - m oney I s being sp e n t on th e p ro je c ts in i question. He has po in ted o u t t h a t h e vo ted;------aga in st th e $17,000,000 rem odeling Job: on1 th e U. S .-cap ito l a n d th e new 18,000,000 H subway from the n ew sen a te o ffice bu ild ing ! . to th e cap ltoh} He n o t on ly -opposed -'any e u c h -o m o ,

fo r rem odeling, b u t also co n ten d ed th e p ro jep t w ould d e ttro y th e tra d itio n a l ch a rm of th e cap lto l.

“The liarU am on tary s itu a tio n w as x o n - fusing,” sa id S en a to r D w oi^halc In a Ib tte r to th e Tlmes-Newa, "becausa K now land , th e m in o rity leader, a n d L yndon Jo hnson ,

------ t h 8 -5 ia jo r lty - le a d e rrb o th :w e r6 --ln -favor-ofth e ta p e n d ltu re ."

S e n a to r Dwonshak a n d „ o th e r8 w ho op-- posed, su c h a n extensive rem odeling o f th e

capltol, p a r tic u la r ly a t th Js tim e , con tended- ' “ th a t publlo opinion a s e x p r e s s ^ in new s­

p a p e r edHorlals, h a s b een overw helm ingly, opposed to a n ex ten s io n .o f tH e ea s t fro n t.

~ - P rofessto n ia a rc h tte o tu ra lo rg a n ig a tlo n m lso on recoM ^as opposing it.- I f sp ace is

' a eed ed ,-a m odem buU dlck su c h a s th e new

he will luiCBgonlze nelUier hU «pponenU ] s ta te machine boiftu..'

Already, he h u i punctured th e K en n ed r-H unphre r theiU th a t no m an merit* the nom ination u n le a he ha«-w.on-»-prlmary popularUrcont«*W-8e<9o*ntA-out

and th a t ' only one*tenth o( thoM are ‘blndUig. He m ight have added th a t In lome itatc*. notably WU> eontln, Republleant are permitted to Tot« In theM

8YMINOTON HAS HEARTY BACKING O F HST —Although there are only tcattcred 8ymlngton*Ior* president orgonlzaUons. he ha« Uie aolld bncUng of ---------------- - B Truman. T here h a i been

■Ben a te o f f ice b u U d ln 8 4 » 4 h < M g a y ^ tn .gpti i t ,” " B u t . th o s e w h o o p p o s e d t h e p r o j e c t lo s t

. o u t . iT t o a s i n a v o te t a k e n A u g . 1 4 .1 9 6 8 .■ : Ttkera has always to«en a isitflKe subway, ■•AtOf course. But when a new one was needed ;.''io' connect ^ t h ’a~second office building, ; things had .to be done In a big way. With ' t7B,000 oars th a t go 17 miles an hour, hold I V18 passengers, have brighter l l ^ t s , etc., the

,U n 9 W jro b W fty .l8 .s o m e tW n ’. _ ______' 7T :“N atnnU ly-there-w as“ a-cerem ony ,'w lth I . New Mexico’s 'Senator Chaves cuttlm ; . ribbon. He .should have d riv in .a go!I ‘itpHfW HV>r wftt tnng - g<> -i^m pletlng thU'> :-}lttle» 1,200-foot line looked like a tougher

job'-thahrOMjaDlng-tbe-Slerra^NeTada;------' ' At one stage; th e subway ended beneath ' A lawn 400.leist-from th e capitoL Nobody

--Tr.fleemed-toJa)owiltthy*.-But th« :4^gers finally : Vbroke th io u ^ V and'-now i t takes only S2

............. ■ ! « ! •

___ jead o n collision eon*tr ib u te * 't« the ehancc« o f tbe 'd a r k hone'* from ttaa ‘ border •U te .

tn -ta s -Bof amn iF ted- th a t he -U- * 'c * ad ld * t* .iit lu t

.1*. no ijm b lic lr . H e .w lU .so t.e n le r a n y -p r l in u i t* - ' unlike - S e a a ta n K en n e d y a n d T * ..............................

I He-I« puraulng Um

lA r 'f itk tr ahowlog. hoplni to b« selected aft- 1 deadloelc o f th e more acUve a n d spectacular................................................" tATtlr., •- - -

SFBIKQ 18 N lO D l . . Sunno wtaat you good conitltu-

enls ihlnk abo u t tb e weather.la m X en B C S K .,W r' lu iu m you, we -- ]iu^ a r o tm th e com er.

Jeen noUeln* e o n e o f Uie ad* in thelT -K lately? T hey 're n o t p lus- Blns » lhU r w ear'anym ore .'paruc- ularly a t the w omen's shops. Nope, tha t's strictly sp r ln s earb. And w htn-lt~com es-to clo thes,.no one could e re r accuse m ilady of being behind th e seasons. ■

And i t you need a clincher, we've receWed two seed In t te

way. there 's b ' -■ ibou. . . . . .

« and w h at have you.

talk o t-V tie -up betw eea the S y m in g to n .a n d -th e ly n - don Johnson forces.

Although Speaker Sam naybum , the.Tes& n'a cam ­paign mtlnoBer, denies th e exUtence of such a n aUl- once. I t h as geographical and Ideological plausibility. Bhould S enator Johnson continue to w hittle away a t Senator Kennedy's supposed- stren g th —I n -th e Soutt), b u t ttl i l fall sho rt of the necessary 101 dele­gates, he m ight throw his support .to Sym lngt

M I880V RIAN F ltE S FnO M «nA m > IC A P a-B E - B^TTlN Q RiVA'tti—Symington’s boosters po in t out l ^ a t h e su ffe n from none of the handicaps which beset th is trio—Kennedy's religion, Stevenson 's two defeats «nd H um phrey's radicalism, especially hU

per cen t ra ^ n g by th e le ft is t Americans fo r Demo- cratlo AoUon. E leanor Roosevelt's p o t poUtlcal or­ganization, h e is no t looked upon aa ultrallbcraL One explanation Is th a t he does n o t ra n t o r rave or make a n a c t o f his UberalUm. He simply votea a qu ie t “aye" on these questions. ^-M o re o re r .-b o ha s-b e en -a n -em inently- sucoeasful businessman. H e has taken bank rup t-flnna like the B n e r u n Beotrlo M anufacturing company a n d placed them on a paying basis. He is considered to be near the nUUionalre class. Conservatives also no te th a t h e m arried »»eJyn W adrvorUs. daughter o t th e ]ate Sen. Jam es W . W adsworth. New York, a poker-play- ing p a l o f W arrtn O . H arding.

iiiT B tIg HOW o r BORDER BTATEfl — Although Sym ington was b o n t In A m hent, Mass., b e is a true « m of th e B a r te r sta tes. He grew u p in B a lti­more, Md., a n d n o w 'liv e a in a s ta te th a t'w a a divided

fedpracy.FlnaUy, Sym ington h a s h a d more experience in 'th e

oeeuU ve operaUons o t tlie goveirunent th a n any of his rivals. Including Vice President Nixon.

Po t S h o ts^



-atreeU -and ..h ighw aya_aH

<Twin Falls)

BEATS MO SQUARE M ILES.We're Informed someone phoned

thB 'T- w a som lay -n lgh t-lnqu lrlng about th e population and a r e a '" ' Msglo Valley. T h e person who i

Id the phone Informed t -------.• th a t th e popuIaUon exceededICO,000,” bu t couldn’t come up with any figure on-the area;— -------------

If Uie caller Is sUU Interested, here are the popula tion and square mile ngures for M agle VaUey couo- Ues according t o th e IWO.census. T HB-puvul«Uq»i- f lg u r o - ar e - « tn- erally h igher, b u t th e land area should be th e sam e unless this

}ld >mi« iihninV th » 1«nrtBlaine, 3.M9 square* miles a ^

5,384 population; c am as, 1.0S7 and 1.079; cassis , 3A H a n d 14.620; S l-

. a.ooa and 6.8W: Oooding. 'm 11.1011 Jerom e, 503 and 13,060;

Uncoln, 1.303 and 4.356; Minidoka 750 and 0,765: T w in Falls . 1,M3 and 46.97B.

By the way. th e gen t who ln> qulred oak'ed If m aybe the area o: Magic VaUey m ig h t be around 500 square milesi , , , ‘

KITTENS FO B KU>B D E PT .'^ e s e two cats, abou t 18 m onthi

old, are p retty good m ousn*. You can se t them fo r free by phonlnr L. M. Benton. REdwood 3-6394, 0 pick them u p a m ile no rth ani thre«.Tourths o f a m ile west o PITS Points w u t .o n P U ls avenue west.


^ ^ e 'o l f i e f day : ih fsct; yeslCT- day. 1 w u looking ov<r m y new book th a t w as ab o u t b tro n o m j

Do you or anyone else in th ii fafr c ity o r sU{« know w hat thes two words m ean?

IS chairm an o f th e jnir- (Twln Palls)

« corporuUon. -S y in ln g tb h 'd d a 'h o t make a flam lng 'speechm e ls

no t a-spellblnder. H e Is no t good a t th e rough-and- tumble, oa .h» dem onstrated when he tried to take on “Joe" M cCarthy a t th e senato arm y hearings. H e U .........................peraon._____ :_______ ;______ _____ __

WA8HINOTOK - r T he_ Kennedy rganlzation extending into vlr-

»ally every sU te In the union Is ]0w being geared-up for the final >ush to get th e DemoeraUo presl- .................jg , the-youth-

t b y O o r l v H ch a elD .lsw ilcT that h e w o u i e King-, t h e .O h l c e i e g a t l o n t

; 'm e a n i ” U Kennedy Is moet certain

Ohio's 64

say. I t . . . . .> the Kennedy camp.The same pressures U u t were

tppUed to Disalle a re currently be- ln g .e x e n ^ o iu O o r . .£ d ih u a d .Q , - ‘ • Brown> CaMfomia. T he Ken-

o rgan liaU on 'lb 'C O IT orn in i one of the\large»t and m ost effec­tive in the raun try .

By ..declaring, th a t J>«..expect4_to iin a s a favorlU son candidate

Brown had hoped to prevent. hU QUte w ith its Ju n e prim aiy from becoming » battleground. H e would e sd -a n uncommitted delegation,

with SI votes, to th e Los Angeles co n venao^•and thm brbe^ n -a -po - slUon of g reat power in determin­ing the nominee.

B u t In Kennedy the re -isa-grow lng-c . t will tu rn ou t ra the r differently.

O W rum oT V i IhafT jefore'the'prJ^ mary Brown will Invlle Kennedy to come In, w hich will be a bid to turn th e organization loose for a

-Hi. ,.iimn(<ign. T h a t u no t likely> h»pi^n . however, and the Ken-

U m its'on bow much c an b a 'spen t f o r . the nomination n o r even, s trle tlr soeaklng. on bow m uch can boM ntrtbS ted to a candidate. Con- S i f o r ^ i the pious o u tn y o v e r b lr DoUUcal spending in tb e recent S S u doM M lh ing .to curb,lt.._

H ^ p h r e y h** several times plalnUvely of bow . h e b

U m eans be m ust do U way without benefit of c h a r t e ^

— j *>,. annurt«.

ovKit a rouah PollDwing the formal announce'

m ent of hU candidacy, according io l)ne of H um phrer* alde#.-b8^tr- celved 4.500 letters, m ost o f them containing contrlbuUons of 41 to »10. ^ e s f widow's m ites added upu .v u is s i. a a t . i t ) .Uonal campaign Uiat is feed. • •

Kennedy has chairenged oUier candidates to go Into Uie p ^ t o U a l - - | p ^ ^ ^ e i ^ ^

te st'w ill they m e n t the n o ^ a - Uon. B ut w hether Humphrey and Kennedy actually fight I t o u t In any-primary U-sUU-a-QuesUon..-.

W ith New England aafely his. Kennedy U entered in the New Hampehire prim ary.,H e m ight try to best Humphrey In h is own terri­tory, Wisconsin. T here are periU for Kennedy In Wisconsin, how­ever. and the p rese n t'} n ^U n a lIo ^

Brown baa been listed the-DemocraUo-govemors-who.-as CaUioUcs, have been eoncemed lest the religious Issue be brought Into the campaign w ith the candidacy of Kennedy, a Catholic. But Dl- tane in the some category, broke the lee. A th ird governor In thU classification b David Lawrence Pennsylvanlo. who will head a dcl- «BUon_wlth.61 .TOte*._ _ -

If the whole picture of the Ken­nedy organlzaUon In aU Its details could be p u t together, and for a variety of rea so iu this will prob- bly never be done. I t would 'fascinating study - - ...........and Influence. 1

,1 the othercandidates;

. . -O n -* 'M e « t- th o -P re s s --8 e n a to r Kennedy sa id th a t his family's wealth did n o t he lp his candidacy since there were-Umlta.OD hm

Pot Shots no te : DleUoharie wer* designed for th is purpose Although you don 't teU how th .w orts..are.u»ed,Jha office copy o •Webster ssya p lanelarlus Is t n a s ­trologer and wo assum e th a tp la n e - tariae in the plural. We also find an adJecUve, anagalactlc, defined aa-no t-galactlc,-s(ad -o f~ nebu lae. believed to be outside our gakxy .

tha t.g ive you a duo?



Brown. The Oregon primary b w n fu s e d b y r th e e n try o f Oi:cgon'i own.8en._W «ync. Morse. Nebmska

with rare excepUons. i t woulc hardly offer conclusive evidence ‘P wnivrnMff - '

This indicates how little signiti' cance the primaries will have this year. They h*ve been deeUlve In the past^H aro ld Stossen knockechim self out In Oregon in 1648 after he had a running s ta r t on

T h e Democrats

choice In key sta tes fo r the ultl-

(Coprrlsht. IHO, br Unllfd KMlurn SrnilleoU. Inc.)

RaT flt imments on Napolenii!a-l- 6f OtheiBed, Viiriety

By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK, J B n . j H l W n « »

.-eo lom n lrt-m lgh t ne^^ -know -U he d ldn 'to p en ^ h ism aU : •

How m uch do you .value your bed? A fter Ws dreary wintry re­trea t from HMCow In 1813. Napo- le o a _ .g a v e _ th ia . opinion of a com­fortable bed :. T '

c h a n g e l t ^ i S i l tbe thrones In t b e l world.’’ - • fl

We a re n 't t h e l m o s t - t f t l k H 't l - r e l p e o p l e In t h s i world. T h e a v e r-1 age Canadian usesP the telephone 511 times a year. In Iceland th e aver- , IWrt.age ta 460 a n d ‘h e - U n l t e d S t ^

173 calls.Old you know th e Onion Jack

Incorporated in Hawaii’s sf«flag i.J t_ sy m b o a ie a_ lh a tlH a <briefly was under BrlUsh rule.

check w ritten wlUi a pencU U Just as legal b u t you’re a fool to write o n e ^ u ^ e s s ' you use~ an Indelible


c am " M9,000'more Uian oat h a s 'o n ly a grammar lehooi A ad -cach_year In-coUM e-.flS? - la te r earn ing power ot 'Mofol; S tay (n eollese u n u i 'S '

t j f lS -o n d retire a mU uon,S,r« T h e f irs t clock mndf ,l

On ited S ta te s was bum in m * lL _ B en jaa iln ‘Banneker ih o Ihen never had seen a clock.

M a n fe t i s s i— -

Since the-U me of Christ. I07 tiSl’

—You-don ;tjeed-an.en«>rinou»-y.—cabutory to be llter«o- S h a k c s p e w ^ only about 15.S w o rd s ju id the authors of i h / S T e s tS n e n t fewer th«n how you p u t the words teniK J th a t counts. “ “

W hen OrvlUe W right made Uie flrsL D ow creU llgh t.ln .an , a l^ lan e in 1003, he flew a db tance ot only

to taU.i n the W th century, BriU ln

one of the countries having the meet violence In the world. Now 30 Uraes-as m any-m urdem are c m - mltted In Uie United States as^ln Britain.

Docs education pay? I t has been estimated th a t 't h e average n»gh school g raduate in h b lifetime will

Doctor DiesBOISE, Jan. 19 Dr. Don S.

Numbers, who served Idaho 's back country by dog sled a n d plane for more than 30 year*, died here yes­terday. He was 71.

Or. Numbers lived a t McCall from l934 to 1956. m aking many (Tips Into tfts 'h in terlands Co an­swer ca lb fof medical service. He moved here In 1SS5. *

Contest Seeing, More AttendanceHANSEN, Ja n . 10-M em bers

the prim ary departm ent of l K a n s e n Community M cthodbt Sunday school s ta rted a n a ttend- ance contest ^ an . 10.

PiiyllU Vaux U leader of the tulips and John Simpson U lead' er of the daffodlU team. The con­test will ru n through March. Los­ers will en terU in winners a t .t party.

The sam e groups also are hold' Ing a contest, fo r which they will rec e lv e -c red lt .~ lo 'R e t-th e lr 'p a ri ents and o ther adu lt guesta.to come to Sunday school. This con­test, s ta rted Ja n . 17. will continue through March.

Winners and the ir porenta and guests will be trea ted to a luck dinner by the losing si

Shaved'^Koi'tans Paid^ $960 Each

TONGDUCHON. k o r e i r j in , (U P D -T h e two Korean pro« tu te s .who had Uielr hendx nhiMb y-A m ctlcan .G l'sa jave-*ach-b(S- pald 8960 compensaUon by ihi U. S. arm y. ’—Onft. Kim, Afc.Soo..3a..sald-litw-th a t she would use Uie moan “ to a ta r t a retaU busincm.- ^ oUier. 23-year^ ld Kim Jung, did no t dbclose whnt she Intended lado -w ith- the-money.------------------

T h e two prostitutes were cauefii by U. S. soldiers Jan . 3 when thfr sneaked Into the U. 6 . seTcnlh d lvb ion a rea to solicit patrou. T he soldiers shaVed their headi u

Republic of Korea offldaU pro. tested th e trea tm ent and u . s.

and U nited Nations Commindfr. in -ch lef C arter B. Magrudcr both apologized.

RA TIlDRtlM V01 RATHDRUM, Jan . 19 Wv-Rft£,;-

den ts o f the Lakeland school dlA U lct will vote Feb. 23 on a t t S O ^ -bond Isaue for elementaiy scIimI construcUon and remodeling—bus w hich does no t include an oftta.defeated c ....................p ro p o sal.'

‘Corbon King Cool' , U ta h Slock—Oil T reottd ^ 1 4 ,7 5 p e r lo n — Dfllivertd

' (lUlMMl br UcClur* N*w<pftp«r Brs4k<U) .

- V IE W S 'O F O T H E R S

. Q4drs« M^ainy^liead of tlie AFlrpIQ.'-.eon- : .< 4 tm u(^;'t6 Tfaat' aVamnmlt meetln o i.labbr

l.fftnd.m iuuinm ent as a p o ^ b le means, ot { ;aTolding damaging strikes. The government •■i»bds4ta:^ent4tlw,BK»ro,T»l-;,- . ' • .

r f iu t ' jo s t -«s-the :v . s : agrees reluctantly ' to s n m m l f ' t t O k s 'n a t i o n s th a t shoot

Idowzi siQil . Imprison our airm en an d who

A POSSIBLE SOLUTION noth ing particularly noteworthy in the

o u t of Albanv tellinir o f Reoub-______ "klfellw-s assirked 'aiiaa"oa*^tbe '

ReiHibllcan fa rm policy.'.M r. nbckofeller Is by no means alone In h b crltl-

d sm o r th is policy w hich to no more to be termed » Rvpubllcan th a n a Democratic policy. I t h a s In- concTUOosly been in esbtence virtually unchanged for • good m any years im der both Republican and DemoeraUo adm lnbtraU ons. lU severest crlUo prob­ably Is Republican Agriculture Secretary Benson w ho h a s been delegated for almost elg^it years to admlntoier I t .- n ww ia betnfneninnaw a-tt

You o u y - b « ' r ig h t,-w e-w o u ld n 't know. A t any ra te we don 't care to plug anything along th a t line in “ ■■■ eorB erH nianksri----------

___ js;;^:B U tfi,.jr.,\e jcecuU ye vice prea l-^ )o f- th S :M a tio ^ -A 8 8 o c la tio n of M an u -

tactx irers, spo tlig h ted th if a t t i tu d e o f busi­n e s s t ^ e n h e s e n t a te leg ram to M r.'M eany,

. .:B a k ln g jth a t th e _ to p la b o r le a d e r u se h is '.influence to s to p th e ^ l e h 'c e o ne 'o f h is m iiftw la cQBimlttlng 'In th e W ilson - a n d co m p an y strike. In A lbert L ea , M inn.

.. > I t i s n ' t - o d d t h a t b u s ln e s s m e n ^ 'w h o s p e n d m u A O f t h e l f t im e I n l a b o r n e g o t ia t io n s ,

^ w a ri ly a p p r o a c h o n e m o r e r o u n d o f p a r - le jn . O rg a n iz e d la b o r , w h ic h h a s lo n g s in c e - p a s s ^ H o r n u n d e r d o g t o o v e r lo r d o n th e A m e r ic a n s c e n e , s t U h a s n ' t b e c o m e v U U e d

—f r a o u ^ - « v e n T tO :g lT e - u ] > - v lo l e n o e ^ - a ^ t r lk 6 ^ w e a p o n . , ,•

t f a n y , u n io n s c o n s id e r ■cont r a c t s b in d in g u p o n e m t lo y i f s T T iT t s u w e i s i a i i y ~ b p p o s f f

., g l f l n g . . a n y .g u a r a n t e e s . ' i t g a i n s t . . .w ild c a tIII.-------Btrifces. And mnivT-tmlons-W hen.lM .................----------- - ■ “‘“^-‘• ic e -B U -tn e y a e m a n d r em ploy

____ rriUa .w arfare , blow ing u p com ­p an y —p ro p e r^ , ^Bklrm lshlng a t t h e p la n t gates, and. doing vio lence u p o n persons,

' fam ilies a n d hom es of su c h em ployes as

_______ _________ „.M ent summit' ?neei-.ItM U , .might be^:izL:ardeal:l^.ce^taln- J .. labor leaders known for obscene and abiisive .language a t t ^ bargaining tab le are among.those p re s e n t. ...... ............;M r.:M eah7's flibtectlva 'ln calUnir fo r the

t o t t e r s of . u ^ a n tgrffturiS^ey ja a w r u . .a-objeet-to-atllfenlng^ resists-

and.b&Tlng to 'pass thetU gher costs to their « u s t o m e x 8 r r H e T o b V l a ^ - r l s . j i o t - s e e k l n g l a . 'focQBiriil-'Milch to'-announce th a t n ' ■are. sM tcatlrig th e ir p ^ d e s of Inflatli

FAMOUS LAST LINE '. . Chilly, h n h r--------CENTLEM ANIN T U B ^


For C arpet. Cleaning Offered by . '

T i r ^ K i ----------------

Semi-Annuql Instruction ClassThursday, Jan. 21 at 7:30 P.M.


— T he In s tru c tio n class-consi

NO OBLIGATIOI^rse r ic s -o M e c tu re s b y M onB lgnorC ody—

concern ing teach in g s and p rac tice s o f th e Catholic C h u rc h . C lasses a re —^ e ia - B T r T tr c s d f f i r - H T T a 'T m iP B d a y - B v c n ln K r t r o in - T T tJ t r t o 'f f tS O r ^ c r y b o d y —

welcom c. ' ■ •

- ----------------------------------- ------------- -By- ra y - -w here who wlU defend It—no t even In the congress w hich brought i t ^ t o being and which h as so f r t - < quently-dem onstra ted th a t It's unwilUng, or help-' less, to change It a t a ll m aterially. So th e govern­m en t Investm ent in price-supported crops continues to m ount, th e cost of storage handling and Inter­e st charges on th is surplus continues to rise, and th» g rea t m ajority o f the farm ers aro trapped in a steady tigh ten ing coot-price squeeze,

i t would b« sresum pUous to assume, as some re-

FORDMGONAMERICA'S lowest-priced 6-MSSEN6ER GARup to 24 less than other compact cars . •

no o the r reason, is tha t~although there has been conjecture a n d surmise—the farm progrnm th a t the Prealdent wUl subm it to the present session of c

teportod-addreM -to-the-N ew -Y ork-etA te-A grlcu l- t u m society m ay be h is observation th a t m any rural communiUet have m ade "very promising s ta r ts c seir-*elp.w lth.»-bate.extiU m um -oLfedcraL*upporl

T h a t 's a derelopm ent which ought to be se t fofl in m uch g rea ter de tail. I t -tolt h t very w eU-suggn.. a—wortBBlg~»01Utr6h lo r tnls enormous problem w b ic h 'h as -fo r-a o long-eluded and resisted almost everybody! a sdeavon to, come u p -w i th 'th e right ansW ir^-Selso SU tcim an.

• NO SPACE TRAVEL BAR :^ _ 9 t« r« d ..u n iT c n ily -b l6 c h e m U t-h a i^ w a m e d .a

^aeo-sym pOBlum -in 'K ite . Frunce. th a t the first e a r th m ea-to-reaeh-M ors or-Venus mny have to live o u t their, lives on those planeu. 'n i ls would be becauao'foirelcn organisms on those planets'<mild p rese n t a ' th re a t to Ufe on thU planet.. ■'nils might seem to p reK - - riiir-to InteiplAnetuy t

. . . a n d th a t’s o n ly o n * ro a to n • w h y i t 's th * M tU i t car

in t h t w o rld io o w n l ' '

_ Your savings only begin with ■__^' Falcon's low p ric e -u p to $124

U tt than others In Its field.* On Experience Run, U.S.A., t fleet - of Ford Falcons covered evep'

■nd averaged 28.44 miles s gal­lon with roguJar gas. Some cot

—ss'hlgh 'U '35‘.2 ^ p g . •You.save on upkeep, too. A

Faleoo goes 4,000in!Iei without "' an oil change. Its muffler'nor-

W h a t.a splendid-chance a tr lp 'to Mars or Venus

B -CONSt ^ J U j : p r i s ^ tHsT^rab grass hear a n iiilear

reacto r a t DawMnvllle. O t , Is surviving heavy doses or iadlattd& ..,O r»b grass .will survive anything. B tn B tr iB d e c d - th a t science U ~ 'equlpp«U todestny

' u Ba ld Jm t-< a an u t - llt t - craa- grm r,‘OH~yto.~ you d l* 1 ^ o r itm i t olf, J«jt « t c h I t come right

b aek 'to ard r .and smirking when the firs t h o t sun h its tb e law nt T here is only one way to deal with crmh g r w , a n d th a t is to admit defeat early In IKe.

- - - - - - - - - — - “ - - '• ip v b u t- |p u n d ;= s t r l» a l i -^m E-:^OUS=rLQGAL=AJJrm ORIZEB^FORB-Bm LER-

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-Gro“P^^“ ’y "T^owded Conditions Noted at Rupert JJjout Russia “■

E n d i n g M y pB , J. M. BOBEBTS - ,

__ P « * i Newi An«1jitBM i^U n'cou^ w ith the Soviet

• . S w e n t of th e .bolltioB of

Sii^oM coihm llt« •« » lm t rely- • f*' on the hopa th a t

T ^ r o r t d • ta n d w ^

- or o l liUcrlor««iro!lfd the »ecret tiollce. U has

-------^ S lv -b * a i-u m lc rc u t-b y -S 0 T i«S m lc r K hnuhchev. I ts Bbolitlon tends 10 encouraje tn is l ftmons

-{ h « sortet-peoples perhapsm«r actiudtr strexiKthcn the h u id s ^ 'ib e touliurl&ns.

EMlltr More Only Tempowry I t ftiM U a' sesture towu-d west-

>?iroirtnlon-« lm lt»f- t o - thc .noa i ,d e when 8t»lln «boll«hed the M eomlnlem during W orld wi>-

. u . - H j i l 8M‘ur« m eant only____fi^pom ry end to Uie .ubversl’

icUWUes of Intcim U onal c( <

" ttij Harvtird center for Interna.■ iion»l »ff»lr» In « report to the

■ eanmlttee w*med « t* ln s f boslnR - AmertMn policy on such outward

derelopmenU in d w n e s u It should pay more bllcnUon, Insieod to pulUre positions - no t baxed

' ■ merely on re»oUon to the conflict «lth the Soviet Union.

AlUed Aid De«U W itb------A~pnm>f-thB t epoft deals-w lth

•the newly*lnvlgorat«l ollled ef­fort u lid underdeveloped coun- trJts and raises on oM question

___*Ujj rc ttn l to_the American a ttl-■ • tudt-toward oeiitrallsm. I t

m u U ut JnitMd of U7ii>8 io »'ln these countfle* over to active operation wlUi the West, the

— lurince of ‘the ir- - Independence

New Budget Asks 5 V2 Billion For Agriculture Department

'ASHINOTON. Jim . IB (UPt>— mil'hority ' of llie ftcricu l^re mc* I-V/ASHINOTON.............. ...........PrcAldciil'Elwnhower'B ntw budR- et-M ks ti.DJ3.000.000 (o r'tl)e nerl- cuUurc drpnrtinent in fLMiul 1001 and “iirRnitly iiccdrcl" leRlalullon on fann jiricc supporLi.

Tlie proDft'fit budt:r i coiHpurfo jno(TDiRr3t>cnr-by -lU c

dcpnrlinriit in {incnl lOBO&2n.ooo.ooo III ri5cni loso.'

/PnmciiMrly iirKciit no»v 1.1 i c ^ tslntloii 10 jiiu ttlienl price bui>- p o ru on ft iiHtre-rPullflllc bw is." ElAcnliowcr m>m. "Ttie-lonBcr u v rfi«ILtilc_pi:icc.aupporu_ftrc_r£laiii: ed. ilir more rtlJMciill I t will be H make the lulju.Mmentu In produc- Uon tirrdn l tc> n rnnlt- rflnxntinn or Kovnnnii'ia coniroU over fnrni opcratloii.1,"

Tlje bli! Item' In th e prnpasrd bU<lRCt w;w * far Mn- bllliiillon-.,f («nn Brier;* pijd f;>r;n Income. 'n iP ilepurtnicnl spen t »3.- 4&Q.OOO.OOO lor the M\inp purpoM- In 1060. Ineliiclrtl In llie 1061 rcqiic.il - - »2.2:n.ono,ooo_for_ .ih r_ co m .

fnnii ownership iind

•?llrj._ = n c u u c c na\’ance..auUiorlzallon lor till- ;iuriciiUurnI cntucrvatlon proKi-.im i.\CPi.

l-:».fnh(m.T.r«’gur«lji 304 m illion' il'iiiars 111 run the >oll bnnk's ,cou-

ro c rv r prosrnm. Tlil.n .... .'rTiip.trcd'wlth 335 mtllinn

(I<'lliiiii lor lODO. would perm it Ih c .».<liliiu’ii_u t_nbout_ iilnc_ jn llliQ n

ihc rr.'erve during the lltiil ci-op yrnr. brlnRlnR the total }‘!_ilMii_3J_inlllloii_ncrca..Elai'n* luivuT ii.ik.s I'oncres lo exiend. the

(litcmKh ihe lo ts crop yrnr, : sclifjtiilrd lo e n d .tlib year. Till' Pri'.Mdfiii cxtlmiileji «pcml-

luKxliir llK' iiKrlcultural conwrvn-

conRrcM lo llmli Uir nuviince ACP nutliorlzallon for flM ia 1002 10 100 tnllllon doIlnr», C o n c m n c n o rc d - th ^ n n e -r tq u rs r

thntild be the chief Objective. WhUe the. United S lates L

eouraslns a n e v cooperative aid ‘ the western powers, It__.....m n ra n r io -B - jte p p e d r

up United Ifatlons p rogrun . .One PrograiB Eyed

* ' The quesUoa being asked, by ' tone students Is w hether Ihe « esi-

- . e n powers m igh t-m ake grea ter J p ro g re u by concentratlnK every- ■ Uilng In one program, through the

U. N- I t Is argued th a t th is would tllmlnate African-Aslan fears of KlfUh Intent and represent real MQcentratlon on the ir Indepen­dence rather than the ir political allegiance, .

Thus, they a r g u e , the Lnes ■“ 'm lghfbe'm ore ' c learly 'd riw n-S e-

Iweea the western economic pro- grun snd the Soviet program which the West adjudges to be de . ilgned to subvert aided countries.

Subcontractor,— Work-List-Asked

BOISE, Jan . IS .(U P Z >~8ub- conlnctors on sta te projects no t only must be nuned , bu t they

It h f r~— --------------Aitlttant Attorney O en e n l AUen

_ Derriald yesterday.' Deir answered Inqtiries from of- Iflelals of Boise and PocateUo .groups. Ih e y ' bad asked If I t U proptf for a general contractor to

' . Quna t« 0‘ or more subcontractors In his bid'without Identifying the fubcontractoiy w ith a bid figure

. Of the work to be perfonned.- - ahe request came from I. E.

president o f (he Associated vPliunblng and Beating Contractors

ef Idaho, and Green Plum bing and*BeaUng company. Pocatello.

It In th e f lr la d re u in f r

2 lo provide needed expsnilen for Minidoka county tcheolf. An open house Is be inc held Thursday n l|h t by the W ashington_P^ and all realdents are Invited lo cone and Inspect th e building. Robert Brlfc*.

"prlndpal.'wlU'conduet a complete lour of (he premises, ((ataff phoie.engravlng)___ . ... . .

Rupert’s Washington School DressinglRooms Ai’e Cramped

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fc > L „ . .

T he building canno t be expanded anymore, since the playground space ' ii> already below sla te re- guifemc;

RUPERT, J o n .J 9 - i_________need . In thT ^ M li^ o k a county school dbitrlcl Is for more dressing

space In the WaahlnRlon school In Rupert, reports Camden Meyer, superintendent.—Faculties there are- inadequate, he holes. One small room, about

• 18 feet, serves six physical____ .Ion classes each dny for Rirlsfrom the fifth , slxih, seventh and eighth gnvdess .T«'o shower# and cram ped restroom faclllUea com- plete-the arranRement. Two o the r restrooms are located on o the r flM rs b u ^ c a n nol alleviate tho congcsUon ln " lh e dressing-room

W ashington school was b u ilt In 1B13, and wa» noted as the “electric high achool,** being m liten u p In papers over the nation. The bu ild ­ing has no chimney, having been designed to be healed b y -e le c ­tricity.“ t t - th B -e a n y -a a y s^ rT h e -M In t- doka project, many houses w ere designed like thU, Meyer sold, addlnj^.lt was thought a t (he tim e

for a ll the electric power- being generated a t Minidoka, dam ..

Large colls were heated aSTd a huge f u blevuU it heat th rough ducts to the rooms and hoUtfnys.

W hen It became necessary to provide another type of h e a t, a fum aco room was built across' the s tree t behind the Lincoln school to h eat both buildings. P rio r to th a t time, the Lincoln building was healed by large stoves located In each classroom. A fu rnace

now would close bo thschools. The system was converted

ago.O ther needs a t the Junior high

school-include the whole system of classroom llghllng.'and flooring In Uiree or four rooms which all need UJ be reploced..Tlled wooden covers are belngAnstalled over Uic stairs because of the worn, round­ed cdRes of the treads of the old concrete steps. Several students have been Injured by falls caused by slipping on the worn steps, the superintendent said.

T])e brick trim over the ouUlde doors needs lo be lorn down and rep loccd-becauM ioosenlnr mortar creates a dangerous situation.

Robert' Briggs, principal W ashington. feeU construction of

ew elementary . the f if th and

sixth grades to be transferred to the U ncoln building,' would do mueh toward easing th e space problem s-arw ash lag ton :-------------

He s a ld - th lt move would release two Ijiwer floor rooms which could be converted easily Into .dressing Jtiamfl, .tinfi.’f ta . i h f t .^ i - a n d - o n e for the boys. He said th a t with the lighting and flooring projects ca rried 'o u t ; th e school w ould 'be sufflc len t^ fo r the nex t stre ra l year's needs, providing th e rate

O ne f if th grade class has to meet ..I a room located on an alley across th e street In the school p r f i j f f —bnnainsTTiinBiable clrcumstanceH because of the sho rtage ofsClassroerms in the m a­jo r building.

An o pen house is being held by the W ashington PTA Thursday night, a n d all persons of the coun-

of Ir same.

T he bulldins originally classroomsToffices, an- aui

d th e

h a d ~ia

and gymnasium. In 1036, six class­rooms were-added onto the east end of th e building, and more re­cently. the aiidilorium and gym­nasium were exUnded to th e south adding several feet on each room.

llie $1.R2I?.(K>0.000 Iroin lOGO. _.EL-!cnhQwcr.siD'a .iluu Ujc. hudect esllmntc ff'r_inoi,rf(lccl.'<Jhc.rMi- diinl rfferi or ihp rrcnrd-lnrKC lOSB nnd I9.S0 crop.i nnd "ns.-iume.-i Ihftl yleicK on prlcp-«ipport«'d crop* (or Ihv IfiOO crop yrnr will be In .lint- wlli» rercn l aviTiiRM," lie add* th a t exiiorls of fim n com- modltirs In 1001 nmv 'b e down som fw nnrrron rtiifT iiR h 'ievc rcx - PK tcd in IDCO.

Tlie Prfsldenl lin.-i oulllncd -. Ix.polnt •leRislrUive proRram for iRrlcullure. I i s ’as. vlrtimlly tho nine protcmm he p ropo^d last

.■enr In n »peclBl mesxnRe. H e re- calLi Ihn t “very llitte of llm i pro- gram ' wo» cn ac led " 'an d recom-

ly who would like .to look over the bu lld ins are invited lo u k e a c i plele to u r of the premises, .Brl

Cub Scouts Tour Honey Compan;

HAOERMAN. Ja n . 19-Membe; of tho C u b Scout pack No. 6 were taken o n a tour of th e Bradshaw honey house In W endell Saturday m orning.

They w atched honey being seal­ed In to ' d tns. learned different grades o_f honey and toured the, plariETEach person was "

sm all J a r of honey.A dulta golDg were Mrs. Paul

A scuena and Mrs. J . L. TItmtis, dsn m o th s n , Mrcj I*clix MadcriTfl T ltm us. Alfred Sandy, Philip Pin.: ley a n d Mrs. W arren Berry.

Cubs a ttend ing x^ere Ronny As­cuena, M ika W llU a ^ , Mike Mad- erita, G regg O aston. Kenneth l i t ­mus. OrvlUe A kers, B ryan Berry, Stevo. P lnley, Mike. McOammon, l ^ n l c Misseldlno a n d Clifton L aiirittcn .

m c n flfd 'ih a i coiiRrfM’ "ftlve Oils Im portant niffUcr cariy .co iu '

. ; su|;p<jrl pnigra ms m n e. . tend with rcVlMon.5 Uio conserva­tion reserve progmm.

—StrcnRihen the "food peace" program.

—RevLw IntcTMt-rates fo r rura l e lectric and 'teiephone-loans. - •

->-Slmpll(y and con.-iolldate loan

Election Set"SHOSHONE. Jan . 10—T he Sho-

sliona Rod and Oun club will nieel a t 8 p.'m .'W ednesday a t th e Me­morial hall. Olflcers for 1060 wll be' elecled 'and all In leresled 'per- ~->ns are urged lo attend.

A barbecue feed will be p repared by Howard Knowles.


the LDB-Churth-<wUl-meet-at-7;3Q p jtT e a c irW e a iie W T M lc o a ^ F S p jn . T he change Is being madb to accommodate boys playing bas- fcetbttll th a t night.

Screw FoundSALEM. Ore., Jiin, IS Lfl—The'

G r r e n , Veneer corporation. Idnnhn. Ore., reopened lots ■ yeslerdiiy.' I t ’s nilMinR wrew turned up.-

T lie screw hnd bounced off a Im ck late Siindny a.-* Milo Hnr- rl!t. ih e 'm ill's mnnnger, d rove from, here to-ldnnhnr''

When the lo« was dlwovcrcd. JU rrls snia the’ mill nnd Its 25 eniployr.-i would be Idled until another screw could tbe m ode ..

Shnie, telcplioned- H arris and snid lie haU-found a scrcw be- side tlie hlRliwny.

Ha' descclpiion? Well, abolit • « 4 ~ Jrrc —lonK—nnd~wci{rhinif about ISO pounds.

Itm-mii;iiuiii a t 2; iir 1%]. bill ast-i-

i«3S-m tlllon-d


on m otioiu rbr suniiniirv JudR> inenlx In n case InvolvlnBstlie sinte liL-'urnnce tumi will b r hriird next t'ridny. 'IVlnl oM hc M ill-hiunjceir

Firm Testifies a t ' Pearing on Dam

i ’ould enable-;Pacllie N orth-- west Power compan; to best su p - ' ply lls couslomcrs. on official of the llrm testified yesterday.

Frank .Warren. Jr.. made lha comment as the Oregon water re- M)urces“ 1)oard dpcned the fina l ' r phn.ie of lls hearlnR on rNP"* ap- ; jj plication for a preliminary perm it V

iF _ th m 5 n a k * -« w r-^ i^ } M ti= ii= | Te.itimony aL- o iduched on the r- l |

mnl'iioiv'cr Of thn l. Worcen said It _ i Is much more costly than hydro- I { eleftrlc power and.added; .

bulll «m ll aM*of’ e '^ c o ^ m i c a i - hydroMcclric power lias been de- 'U vcloped In the NorihwcBl.” ] •

Tlie 81. Pnnerns rnllwny stdlion. >V London. • is often ml.ilnkcn for a & cathedral, i t u-.ia built In 1808 from I a i;ejecied deslRn for the British r

s f i fo r Keb. 18.

READ -TIME3.NE\V»-WA«T-ADS-yrtir iiijo.

^ lc ” ll;us UP)ii:us upiT< the rural electrl* ficniloM adinlnLiirallon b u d g e t froni million dollars to 3&5 mllllnn-iiollnrii; and-Jifts Tencwcdj

reqiie.^t ilm i congress Junk the! tivo per cent Inierest ra te REA I now clmiK'-s rural electric nnd tele­phone cmnpanles for Rovernuicnt loaiui.



i:a»tbaund ‘Westbound10:30 A.M. 7:45 A.M.4:20 P.M . 8:05 P .M .

Ili<h l(ak.rl..n. I'rrrlu* ll.ltl


iColonial Concrete PhoiTe RE 3-5500S & H Green S tam ps


ORDER-GRAMPleoto Um Pencil— Ink will blot!

MAIL THIS ORDER' to the -nmes-Ncws Classified Ad de­

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fa r actus] number of d a y s 'sd Is pub- * | llshed.

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m i «1 r oBt worJ ta M«k Ip»»*.E4eii snap •( Buab«rt'«r ItUan g .iounlt u oft« word. Put fvar nka*. ,addmt sna^r -phon* BSaUr la a

d»n ireu *l>b It I*, n a aad I* ■ -

L arg est cIty-owned park In the U. 8 . is tb e South M ountain p a rt n A r Phoenix. Arls. I t has IB.000 acres o t mountAtns and desert te r­rain.



Comparison is ihc.only way -to.tcIl quality.. Skeptio are espsdally d - t o - 5 u b m i t - T h e - L a t k - t o ^ h e s e H } u a l i t y ^ t c s l S r . ^ f c = - S L A S t 5 f f l - l

D O O R -and listen to the solid sound tliat tells you Tlie Lark is quality- built. hVX INSIDE—sec how quality pays bif in fashion fresh iliteriors-and more overall roomy coinfort than the average, new compact

c a r . . ; ^ l . I F T 'TH E H OO D -eifam ine the thrifty Lark V-8 (leader in most recent Mobilgas Economy R un) engine, or tlie new'improved Super Economical, Six. TEST D R IV E T h e Larlt-now proven .by m ore than a billion owner-djiven miles. Compare them all for-quality and


----- m ~ A N D P R IC E S I X - ^ U N I l i l l O S T r L E S t l . y m J T U n C B d K E ia ia L E I V S ^ ..

rHEISEN M (^ K S , INC.j;_____ ; _ .SPAETa_MOTOE.COMPAip70nffaia~AY«; Easti^wiirFalb----- -------- ^ta^nth^U neoIiiTA v^er-C A S s / a M O T O R C O . M E R L E M A S O N E R , I N C .

B a r l e y • , H ig H w a y 80 S o u t t . R u p e r t ,

--«cc-T H i;.sniD EB A K ER jm cl<a-TH EyiiE T O U aH E ^A N



.99Reg.5 .98 Gal.



1 9 ^ 2 9 * - ^ 9 ‘OTHERS AT

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v p A O B s n ; , . T n C E S ^ N E W S / ' r t r a F A E L S ; " I D A H 6 ;TDESDAT,■,jan6Ar'; y i 9 , i e s t

Plan Made to ■ B e ^ Drive

Of Red CrossA. S . NeUon ttnM Cd good k 1-

v«&c« o r f tn lu tlo n b neceturjr for» fu cc tttju l-fu n d drt*8 ftl th#

-5 .^-bourd o f dlKCton m e ttlnc o t the Tw in F t lU chapter of Ihc Amerl-

.* „ .c a a R ed Ctom..Monday noon a t •*— Urt-Rot e rton-hoW-DMCft mom— 1 J . P . o ’cocujof. fund drive chair- J witn, will m eet with the local > ‘ boan h o t dtreeton to plan'sdTancv v rrw u a U o n wtUUn th e next few

7— f r ot n- t ho meeting Monday-becauae of llln ru .

clarence CdopeT field director ! fo r Hamilton a ir force b a u . Cal-

Itom la. will a u la t tnrmberf of tlie Twin FalU chapter In canning out the l»flO fund drive. Cooper plained aome o( Ihi prerequL

^oc.A .aucceiiIuLdrlveuuitUal<U ?a fe lt I t was ImperaUve tha t area retldenta M Intormed of th e .d lu financial nteda. _ _ . _ _ _

NeUon Introduetd D r. Harvey 1 — V an -W l* r« n .-w h o -» U i_ M rv e ^' 19S0 blood" drive ciwlrtnan lii Twin

____ i» » i . o th e r blood drive chnlrmeni r e jm T m H T S cG o n rK iim je riy ;

• tnd-M M r sim er Parrott. Pller.......LouU M«l|» augsested menibera

read a n article about American Red CroM laelA In the January U- Bue o t Holiday magnslne. Mr«. £Uon Bnaom, exeeutlvo director of__tb e J rw ln ^ ll i_ c h a p .lC T ,_ re p o r^th a t 76 peraoni have enrolled In th e fou r American ned Crow llriC ■Jd c lauea th a t began thU week.

R. J . Schwendlmin will be In — iT ia r» teJt:.lh a im ld e ntUKareAa In

Tw in Palla and outlying town* for th e fund drive. The Twin nill< business aecUon chairman has not

;_ .y « t.b e c n decided------------------------

KAYT1171 KU««f«kt)

M iUion Said”AblctoClaiiJr Cancer Cure

' PHOBOnX. ArU., JftiL 19 W -A n u tlm a te d one million Americans can look bade upon cancer and •ay. - l i r e had It."

They a r t ecouldered cured;And sAOther e o o ^ probably

a r t c u n d but they h a v e n i yet fo as ftva'yeat* without symptoms

— o f-n c u m n c e . 'nie-flvo-year m ark Is th« widely aceepled standard for

I use of th e word cure.'I SUtUUes m m Cenneetlcul I T h e estimates were reported

-h e r* by D r. B tn ld 8. Diehl, head o f r e u o rc h fo A medical affairs ....................... I o n C tiicer aoelety.

,rlT«d from sUtUUcs tles ■ ■

•n je w learch leader reported

th e deatb .ra(M for caooer o f the — l^ -a t« n M h < - Uvtr, - m outh - u d

■nw WhiteZD OM B^'A n ScpoHad-

A m oac women, he added, there hav* been decreases o f 40 per cedt

' e r moro l a cancer of th« Up. stom ­ach , Uver; womb, m outh and akin.

B u t tber* were ta e n u e s tn -^ d e a th a - lo -T n e n - t rw n - c a n c e r t -o f

t h i kidney, p a n e reu a n d a co- loatal ju m p , of 400 p e r cen t la

' l u h f caboer. tfeukemla, a te n ce r- - like dlaeaae of Uw blood,-also-In-

MAGIC VAIJ^EY RADIO SCHEDULES P^^^enlSvlndSmsTB^i^®And Pbinte Are Stole N ^ e s


12M im onIs Loaned Here

^On Mortgage

Thl* dally achedtsla of tdevW co and radio pregram a U ........ ........M a .w nlM to raadais « f-lbe.T tm es-N sw a ..U stlng«an m ralsbad by tbe sUtlon. Any e rrors o r ebaogea atacold be reported to the lUUeo Itsall and net th e Tlmes-News.

available bu t Stivers ssld the m a­jo rity of the credit was fo r nev resldenU al conitructlon w ithin the city. Only U,on.e71 w as for farm credit.

lurvey j f c red it.m oney .n___able in the county alnce lOM

shows a steady Incirase In farm loans a n d m ort«ai(a of a ll typea. In 19M money lender* loaned a toU l of tO,393.lU w ith tSOOAlS of th is going to farmers. In 1981 the figures were tB491,3S0 and 13,039.- 311: ln 'l9ftS it was 110.427,070 and «3,008.4M. and In 195B. $11,930,167

D uring 1960 money was borrowed a t th e r a te ot alm ost one million dollars p e r m onth. A bout ooe- fo u rth w as for fsrm loans.

F unera l services fo r M rs. Oaro*

a t S t. J o h a l Lutheran e h u ith .. th e R er. Carl Losser offlcatlng.

M rs. M orbert.U M ea w u soloist a n d M rs. Orvai O areseh ganlst.- ,

FaUbeoretp wer« Raymond Las­sen . V ernon Lassen. Melvin Jagels. Krlck~W ecner.’ Hugo M eyer and Jo h n m u .

. conclud ing rllea-w ere h sld -at th o B uh l cemetery. .....................


D tab ,-Jan .-lB W—A -hunger strike a t U tah S tale prison waa l a lU

Check LawsrAre Discussed at Chamber of Commerce Meet

Of-Ui-Sr,-Foreign-EduGation'( S M p h e te e n — ^f l7 300 p a ru t.. ...N e a rly 300 p a ru U a n d teach-

« n .a t te n d e d a m meet the * n rla 7*Us Junior h igh a u d lto r ttu i a t B p jn . M onday to hear D r. A aand U a U t speoiaUst In th e f ield of ,coapataUTe educa* tle n , speak o d 'th e toplo, "A look at-io& ools around th e world and a t home.*"

__ _______ J t o t e sv l th i j t t ^ In RussU. France a n d Sncland . H e brought o u t. tn h is discussion th a t th e a im of the iqhpol lystcm In the United States is lo strengthen the Individual, w h e ^ In Rustia, th e ultimate

' : to o l o r th e •dueatlonal system Is to ■trengthen the sUte.

D r. M alik .said th a t In Russia, a tuden ta take a test a t the end of th e tr M veath year. In school. If they pass, they go on Into high aohool a n d If they fsU, they are

.■■nt.to.an.oeeupaUonal school *nie s tu d e n u who go Into high

K hool a re given another exam ina­tion a t th e end o t their ten th year. T tie students who pass th e te n th - I ta d e test, are allowed to apply lo r en trance in to a college.

S tuden ts caa apply to a u n lte r - I - a l ty .o n ly If they have a gradft

average no lower than A -m lhus or — -‘B-plua.-M any-sH idenle-wh6 -have

a high average.ateJD ot aceepted.H e compared thU Russian >ys-

tem o t acceptance by college* With th e system In the V alted e u teo , where nearly er^zyone w ho applies

. adm itted.B e m entloned that-SngU nd. has

I too m uch of a ‘‘social cUsUneUon"I------ <'f th n H m e age-I croup. In Sngtaad, . ll-yeer-oia' I Rodeata are aapatated into three

ENDS T O N Id H t n ev rne Brand .'- - Benson Fong

« F IV 1 G A T K T O HELL"8oo;»

: io ta n W ay n a ^ > William lNORSK SOLOIfRS"

d ifferen t groups and a ttend school only w ith the group for which they w ere eeleeted.

D r. MaU)c. who .was Introduced by M » . Jo h n s . Haye*. Twin Palls, p a s t .‘president o t the National Congress o f FarenU and Teachers, holds degrees in edocatlon from unlvenUtJes In India, England and ,thq U nited 8 M U .

. . . . .Jucatlon , h l s t ^ o t eduoa- Uon a n d sociology o t education. H e Is a native of India.

D r. Malik- was- h ond itd a t~ a social h o u r . lq the W ashington grade school auditorium a t 9 p jn . M onday. PTA board a n d council m em bera and teschers from W ash­ing ton school were p resent. A sh o r t program , led by BlUle J u s ­tice. a n instructor a t W ashington school, was presented by several o f h e r s tudenu.

Mrs. L uther T hom pion m in charge o t refreshments, which were served by Mrs. Emerson Min­er. T w in Palls F^A couneU presi­den t, a n d Mrs. WUllam J . Banc-

- T d te v is i0 iH 3 0 g “-KtlX^TV

TUESDAY liOe TaTdl Tb« Truth .................... lh» W«(Mt x u x v ^ » u.............SIXlUBSlOO DtatiLi O'XHtt • DttMr*

! l ! ! : K 'K l .S r . » . . .r . M . u x f f S r ” * 'IlM Rtd no»Bho<r .

»l«l Leit“u

>ll» Al Ih* WaiM T

liOO D » li. ____

t> » H t« «l Klfht IiOO AatrUtB J :»» ntfM SIMTM

liH TbtUilllasair* s { o a - i 'i ,u « A fp « i ,

R lchsrd Prazler, T w in Falls po­lice detective; G eorge Bllck. e u t« senator of Twin F a lls county, and H at^T to n 5 n m "d "W U lla m l i i n t : — sta te r e p ^ n U U v e s of Twin___ I ' county,’ m e t-M onday noonw ith members o t th e OommMClal

merce to discuss th e increasing problem of bad checks.

’Members o t the ' group pblntisd 8Ut“ T i8nKcotmtr-«heek*-.w ertt_a much greater‘9 t«blem th a n *;in-. suttlcU nt funds," because'’t>erwns writing, the U tte r can usually be found.

Frasier said in April th e U d check law was c h a n g ^ . m aking it a misdemeanor to write a bad check, regardless o t sUe, i f - th e check writer signs h is own 'nam e. Praaler u ld i t waa formerly con­sidered a felony depending on s l« o t-the check. Forgery ls still a.fel* ony.

y recenUy, stressing the y -w a ~ c o n a tru e te d ~ t«i« i~ eonstm et

____ about 600 persons. P ra tle rsa ld-la»tjrear_there_w ere 600 in - m ates there, making i t overoow d- ed. He suggested a prison be built fo r first oftenden only because' i t would stop the problem of am ateurbad cheek wriUrs going t o --------tobe"educa ted -by older ani . . . experienced bad check w riters. Pra^

u n u a ry are there for check charges._ f ta i l{ r , told th e group there has been no increase In bad check o ftenden since th e new Uw wss passed, but In. h ls opinion I t will ju s t be ft m atter o t time.

John Roper told the group his loues from bad c h t ^ have been greater th ls^e a r. prazler aald the difference in th e new bad check Uw Is not Bo much the penalty, bu t th e fact th a t i t U much ha rde r to apprehend the offender. O n a mis­demeanor charge, th e arresting of­ficer nfust have a w arran t to show th e m ^a when he U arrested, o r he can be charged w ith false arrest and be sued for a ll hU personal be­longings.

Frasier added th e penalty for tnUdemtanor Is |300 fine and _ maximum o t alx m onths in Jail.

' a felony Is a crim e for which

Cable VisionC HANNELS'

2 ^ 6 ‘ 7 - I I -H lf lH U fiH T S -

WEDNESDAYW ICHITA T O W N , Chonnit 6 U .S . STEEL HOUR, Channel 2 - fR IC E -iS -R lG H T ^ h m m if-T -

the offender m ay be sentenced to the sta te penitentiary._ He_said Idaho U .know n as one of the h io n le h lra t s ta tu 'f o r bad check w riters. T h e bad p a rt of having a bad check w riter chargedwlUi a misdemcftnor, P ia s le r sa ld .|Bin,,...n,«H» f«vn>«hu .

P ra tle r so ld ' th e new bad check - iw .ca n and h as been.Jnterpreted differently in some o t the counties ih Idaho.

Senator Bllck asked th e m er­chants to be more careful when cashing checks fo r strangers. .and said to hU — ------------ — -sometimes w an t to get th e business from the ir competitors., so they cosh th e check without care. One member o t the group said the per­sons w ithout much Identification

9h-good checks,-'but-the ............... .. w riters hove good Iden­tification. <

A system o t asking the banks to issue cred it cards to everyone who t i a r r^ -e c k to ra c e b u n t" w asrdls^ cussed, bu t m ost of th e group-dld no t th ink It would Improve the Bit-

bad checks w ritten In Twin FalU were w ritten on banks here, be*

- .............” r-merc

d credit cardsI t also was suii n t h e s U t e o t l ...........th e idea was dropped.

William O range. Chamber ot .ooimerce secretary and manager, said In Tw in P a lb there Is a sys­tem where the Chamber of- Com­merce calls five persons, each of them calls five more, and to forth, when a bad check w rItcrU known to be In town. O ranse sold the Hit will soon be revised and sen t to all th e ' m erchants in Twin Palis. He said sometimes, with thU system store oftlcUls are^ notified, bu t.no t the sales clerks. -

Governor^jill- Sees Need for “Resource Unit

BOIBS, J a n . 19 W -O ov . Roberl E. Smylle sa id yesterday h e intend, to press again a t the nex t legls

- ao iS E .'-Jan . IB- <UPD-.—,P1» n S d to u T ^ lo U of Indiana. baW t. S j i ^ o l d desert p U n ta -th e y t u h S ^ e t h l n r to do * l th a am -

S ^ t i e a n d thus S r v t o T a nicho for themselTW

thoe-s O neldi. ^ T h a t M e ^w as n .m M afte r Oneida, N. V , home ot some of the early setUers on tho

“ cSSL uo^ 'nam ed after I n d t o nlacea and tribal names Include B a S U t Kootenai, fcemhl. Nex Perce and Shoshone. And L atah ls~The~H « n t o f- th e-ftrst-aylUM es

ad-Washtiigton.--------------------------Other* with in d ls n .b e g ln n lw re Clearwater, coming »— •—

uame of the river. w L ._ .. transUUon of-'?koosJu»a.kla .lstlll another IndU n word, C w U and C a m u are the two which comefrom Indian words for pUoU.

Butte county, obvlouily. geU lu nam e from Big Butte—a landm ark

(nSmed for the river) a ll pick up the ir designations from natura. form ations or characteristics at the U rrltory. .

Boundary U ln..lhe tac north o t (he Idaho panhandle on Uie border between c im ada and tJ>« United S tates and hence i s ,a na tura l torth a tu a m e ." .................— — "

Owvhee is one which has been

LlQ .Cfll. P am JL .S y ibol, corps o t a rm y engineers. Walli Walla, the governor also sta ted h plans to seek a n fturcose in th

' ig capacity o f Ifibal flood dls___ I to provide for adequate IInanclng of local participation it levea^and-chahiSel clearing wort under the requirem ents o t th flood control a c t o t 1930.

A departm en t of na tura l, re sources and conservation is heed ed. Smylle sa id . “In order th a t w

tor .su ch pa rticipa tion . Such ai agency, he addpd. “would be ab) to .coo rd inate .and effectively p lai s tate pa rticipa tion in flood con trol activities in concert with th corps o t engineers and local flooi control d istricts."

Smylle no ted th e s ts te reclame tlon englneer now has ordered t’ organltoUon o t a flood control d! tr lc t-in -the-B lackfoot-area-w her the Blacktoot r iver rises in Carl bou. basin. T h e distric t was dered. a fte r th e reclam ation

Smylle sa id a tten tion m ay hav to be given to s ta te assUtance or a broader scale to both th e Black foot a re a -a n d th e Helse-Roberti a rea on the u p per Snake river.

Eight Tables of Bridge Keported

Members o f th e Duplicate Bridge club m e t M onday nigh t w ith eigh tables a t play and th e -Junto Duplicate Bridge club had the firs session of a five-week series. “ 'N o rth“ a n d “ Bouth-wtnneT3-wen Mrs. Joseph Shelby and Mrs. Ivan Skinner, f irst; M n . Guy Towle Mrs. U K. V on Riper, second,

Kelly. IHiTd.-• E ast and w est w inners were Mrs M. C. OUnson and Donald Lusk

•D r:-ond-M r3.-HrE.-BurFesssecond, and M rs. E. W. Slncinl and Mr*. C harles Welteroth. .third —Mr3.-O le n n -8 lm m ons-and - Mrs M arguerite C onant received firs place In th e Jun ior - DupIlcaU Bridge club p lay: Esther Neumlllei and Fem e H onderlch, second, and Mrs. Morton Cutler and M n . Me Caegrlfr; th ird .

B oth groups will begin meeting a t 8 . p . m .'M onday a t the Eplsco. pal church auditorium .-T hsrs iiample parking space a t t h e -------the church.

a friend o f the teM to rlal govcnior a t the the 'eounty w as'earred ouL B onnw t t named fo r Sdwln L. Bonner, who had a n e a ^ - ^ feny In th e area. Bonneville h u lU orlf la3oanevUIe, a well-known explorer.

Bam Clark, a a early -^ay catUer me to d a r k

the s'ubjMt o°” a “ ibng Some say I t came from » e mis-

S3„..lch telU of two HawalUns who were killed In th a t desert country In th e mining disputes o t 1803.

B ut any way you look a t It. peo­ple who are pa rt o t the Idaho stop ' sUll have an im porU nt pUce in these county namea.

The Ust Is a long one:B ingham was nam ed for Repre-

Death Takes Asa Rodman

Asa John Rodm an. 85. 399 Sun­set drive, died In th e Magic V al­ley Memorial h osp lU l.a t (U S 'p jn Sunday, after a n extended lllneas

He was bom Nov. 9. 1874. In Tawas. M ich, a n d came to Idaho ru m MlchlRan in 1010. B e moved ■from Declo to T v r ln " i 'o llf f ltn in T 'He was a r e tl re d -fa rm e r -a n d -a member of the B aptist church inMichigan.____________________ __

Surviving a re n is ^ ld o w , Mre Emma Rodman. Twln-PaUs; three sons, Robert R odm an. Mackey: Leonard R odm an, Rigby, and Howard R odm an, F ru ltland ; two daughters. Mrs. Low tll Myera, Col­ville. W ash., a n d Mrs. Donald

._ _ J4 IS grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

FunerU 'services y/Ul be held a t 3 p jn . Thursday in the Reynolds funeral chapel w ith th e Rev Ernest H astelblad. F irs t Baptist church. Twin Falls, otficlatlng CoD cludlngijltea-W ill_be..in_ the Twin FalU’ cemetery.

roffle for Jerom e O. -------- -develop th e irrigation p ro jec t there and Lewis for Capt. MeriweUiCT U w is’ of the famed LewU-OUrk

. . . jtS ^cam e from P ran cla Pay­ette, an early representative, o i.the HUllltm't ” f rfrom Chief Benewah, le ad e r o f me Ooeur d 'A lene tribe, C uster for theth e JU -la te d .o fn c e r_ ? (h o ^ 5h tth# U tU e Big Horn.

BUlhe is named for U> 6 . Sen. James O . BUlne and Caribou for

imed Cariboo Palrchlld._________ com u from m Indianwtrrd - meaning b ro a d ' e s g » ^ Power from the power posslbUltjes ot the Snake river a n d Idaho for the early river steam er w hich went up and down • the Snake. Qem comes from Idaho's UUe. “gem ot lK e-raountttlni.~-B nd-Tcton-ln)m the mountains lo the a re a . Elmore Is named for the Ida E lm oro gold m be. _____________ .

French Blast In Sahara Is


Rangers Meet Is Being Held

rln-T^darEairAbout 25 rangers, aaslstanu «

pervisors, forest employe* l ” ;

day- of th e oonuol r a n g e n ^ ? ing Tuesday a t the Snwiooih ^ tlonal forest office. The

e x p i r e d , and Uie Sawtooth ^ ty plan T O revaluned a t iht U o. day.8«alons.,'C io 18SB jnnR«.„2^_ in g accomplishraent report ikl w as given Monday. Mondw V iS ’ noon was-mo8tly-spent with S a id trainhig classes for the T h is training U given ail Ssw^-^ na tional foreat employe* .< th ree yeara.

The agenda for the ttmain aesslona—Includes—tr a ln l i i t - ,^ ; ! - buslness management, lu idu t. a n d miauplb use m anssem ^

8 t a n d a r d r ' i w r i ^ r ^ ^ 2 2 —

Driver Is Cited For No License

expected to explode he r f i r s t atom­ic weapon In the S a h a ra any day. A successful blast will p u t France In the nuclear weapon club re­stricted so far to the UnltedJ3U tes, the Soviet Union and B rita in .' T he" French defense m lnlitry warned p lania flying over the African desert to s ta y clear ot

n la ln areas beginning yesterday.Atomie Devlee R m dy

The device se t oft will b e atomic, not a more powerful hydrogen- bonb weapon.

Atrllners flying over th e Sahara —mosUy -T V snch-and -B r itish — were w arned to sU y c lear of a tone a round Reggane tn central Algeria. T h e site U abou t 000 miles from th e M editerranean coast and about th e same distance from the AtlanUc.

Planes flying over th e rest of

[pmaln above 16,000 fee t, avoid certain other areas a n d keep In radio conU ct w ith F rench authorl-

No Ttffle L im it S e t The F rench announcem ent gave

no time lim it for the reguUtlons, saying only th a t they w ould be in force “to r the m onths to come."

The F rench have pushed deter­minedly ahead w ith development of an atomio w eapoa-despJte in ­tense opposlUon to th e Sahara tesu from .independent African

People In E as t Pak istan speak the Bsngali Unguage. I n West Pak ls tan -I"— '— — ------------------'

People th in k I'm a

Becanse these fine Steaks eo st to little.

Bob G oer's Trophy Room

Radiators—NEW AND USED Servicd li Repairs

_PJione-RE_3^d80-AU T ypee-KlBda


m -W ay S0->Oo T m ek Lana BadUlors Are Oer ~

Not a Sideline

BUHU Ja n . lt>-Robert A. Me. Carty. .19. Massllon. o „ w n elltj for driving w ith no drlvcrt y. eenae-ln-hl#-poflseaalon-loliow one-car accident a t i 0: u i Sunday.

InvesUgatlng officers. Slate p*. tro lm an Richard Bum s and Drpun - Sheriff Curtis Pryor, report Me- Carty. driving a iBSl Oldsmobllt rounded a curve three m llu was a n d ,o n e mile north of Buhl a hlghway.ao, w hen.hls car.«entlot»- a slide. The c a r slid oft the ritht

Council Refuses Mayor Lee’s Bid

SALT LAKE O riY . Jan. 19 (f Climaxing the largest public h t i . .. Ing In civic memory, thex lty coo' mUslon voted 4 to 1 last nl(ht against M ayor J . Bracken Let-i p roposer to abandon work (

ew golf coune.I t did, however, approve Let i

motion th a t c ity golfing costs ta studied to .detennlne.lt the.couna_

ovetHowed in to the hall outsldt, alternately applauding, cheetlct 0^ booing th e 33 clUtens who n t? s p e a k on ',the propojal.

All bu t five of them opposed tea-



: BUYS,_Exc«ll«nLS«l«cHoci__

C qm e In To-D ay..—

WE HAVE WHATl-W A N T ------


201 SHOSHONE S._ RE 3-4921 ,


Such a sm all price

to poy for such . . solid piptection _

T h e cost o f renting a safe deposit box i'n- our theft- p roo f, fire-proof vaults is tiny . -The sotlsfaction of knowing th a t your impor­ta n t popers end other vo luobles o re SAFE Is 'greGtT~Gome~in‘'ond~ 8ce— a b o u t thisi

W B W j i N : g 5 1 i g W - W J M B B g ?

^E MARIOrfcANZA-'AiflfclllKr

: .. dependable . BANKING-SERVieErlN-- — liAAGLC^/J^LLEY-SllsJGE-JANUARY 1908

A Banking Serclee to Meet Every fa rm and Biulnest

OFjrWIN FALLS—B r a n c l r a W i l c r -

■ Motor Irancli 132 ThW A nnua Eoit MEMIER F.D.I.C

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X iqaor Laws For Ju ven iles

^ Said"tacikinf>;110158,'J i o . W l*V—A problea f ^ u a r lAV enforcement Is Idftho Ui, ? »t*tuw prohlb iun j

from d rln U n j klcohoUe

« ! 2 r .n n i i* l conrentJoa w m told

Cousins Have Lead Parts in Carousel__GoodiiigMm' StocklinlderaLjoLCredit Unit,IC63I^t^t~TrE^Snd:BOTley^

omctrt. in miiny owe* « e don't definite l«wa which perm it u*

u flD « m e or th e things »«Itte to do. A od t h f « *

In o the r Initanees."— Another-«PMk<r,~D.-P...EDKeI

Mm it* le w perln tend*" '^ c U o n . told, the c . .......eltcrrtt being made In public echooU u ^ c * t « *tudent» on the eHect

cm phulM d Hi outlined the u p e e u of a |.

HvhwMtm M I t U lAUght In cacli

AteohoJ eduo itloa l i preicrllMd t t P»rt of th e public »chool currlc- “ V h v e tch of th e MM tu M d thfi DLilrlct 01 voiumDit, hi o ld . nod m ost ita te« require rtfuUr InstrueUon In elementary ujd leeondanr srades In the harm - fal effect* of alcohol and tobacco, jo c g with the evil of sucoU cs.

Tive Russian Leaders Plan Visits in U. .

“ W ASH IN aTO N .-^nnriO r - T ln prime n sln tjte n of Soviet re- piMc* and 10 o ther top Busslon otndals, invited by'D. 8 . govemon. irtll errlve Id the t^nlted Stntes JM1. J 8, Soviet .A inU sM dor Mile-

-The o ftlc la l.R u u ian delegaUon.- In e lu d la r-B U ff-a u l.....................-. ofllclali. will maicet«ur ot the U nited s ta te s , winding Tip wlfh a f i tl on bowtr.

lAit tum m er, nine U . 8 . gover- Bon toured th e . Soviet' un ion . Alter their-return, a reciprocal In-

. ilU llon.w asisaue< LtQ .the:^uisr- ^ the O ovem ors'conference. :

Uenahlkov aald the U. 6 . lUne- . r u y .o f the visitors : l i being d ll''

coued.w ith-lbo s ^ t a department,’ but It it UntativeljT expected to In* etude flew York. Washington, T r e n to n . PhliadelphlB. Miami, abixlett(m...CblCBa». Springfield,

S alt Laice City and Denver. T«o of th e nine U. S. govemora

«bo made th e Russian tour, l u t June and Ju ly were Idnh(TB Oov.

“ Babert E."SmyIle and u tah '4 'O ov. Q«fje D. Clyde.

-Potvin-Pokes— -UNixoiL’iJR ole

BOISE. Jan . 19 W -A candidate for the Democratic senatorial nom- lullon said la st n igh t there ibould be no "meddling by the aecutlve b ranch of qiir govcm- a m t- In collective bargaining:—

flute Rep. Oregg Potvln, D.. Power. crlUclxed Vice President NUon’s Intervention In tb e ateel itrtke by saying:

Even though Mr. Ktxon■ hive momentarily Deen on I _____

• */<fe.4a tWa particu lar headline- (ttUng maneuver. I sUlI feel labor should emphaUeally re je c t ' thla typaoftacU c. ’

Tillj4 e m » . _______ ________________^ I t e r to adhere to th e traditional _ Ameritanjiyatep of free coUecUve

*»“ islAIng th a n ~ to “couijt«nanee wen meddling' by the . executive ® ^«h of our government.- •

Potvln haa opened hU campaign lor the seat now held by Sen.

.Htnty c . Dworshalc, R , Id a . ,•

Morse Says He’s Running Serious

WASHINGTON. Ja n . 19 JJH-Sen. W*yne M one. D . O re , haa de-

_ ' “ "l,h im » tif_a_ :ie rloual-C «ndU for the DemoeraUo p reti#

nomination.*1 Horse doesn't make It, how-

for the nomination Adlal £ -s t« v e aso n wbo,-

* the nominee, says h e Isn't

In h ii (n ijjt for top plac® on , » ticket, Morse said he b wUUng to enter the p r i ..............................in »tate.,whtrB h e .la promised •nB ran llal backing.r - - — — J H haa Biready authorlied the ® ^ ,o f hl» name In the Oregon "w Distric t of Ooluinbto prtmaries.

Newsmen to Hear D^worshakrSinyHe

8* BenitK s a t a a k ^ j 3 o v . j ^ ! .

■ ? : ,E- em yileartlir ted m ^ eE*■ * P « k e n for th e annual c S « C “2" “ ‘ho press attocU -

Saturday._ ^ o r» h a lc . a fenner w ** '*

J^quJt^SSIniliy <“

meeting Fridw r r

r e e k i yr;w ni

annit annual' evealiu .

AdW- . annual m orning

o f the

Is_SentenCed- At Shoshone

SHOSHONE. Jan . 19 — A lbert R enner. Goodins, w u fined *300 a n d ' costs «nd lentenced to six

county ‘................................— -J iu y ofurb ing the peace by a stx-member u ry in prebitie court Saturday------------- K --------------------------------

About 800 atockholdera of .the SouUiem Idaho Production Credit assoclaUon are expected to attend th e annuiO meeUnga scheduled for Friday k t Burley and Saturday » t Tw in Pall*.

Tlie Tu'in FBlla meeting w llO c heM in ’the high achool. HighllRhts o f the meeilnRS will be elecUqn ot two dJreciors to fJl) the e x ^ c 'd ' of Elvln NellMH:---------------

m en t of the line and according probation ifm u.— Kenner-W M -rrprcM nted-by-At^ tom ey Max Woodall and Howard S . Adkltis. pnuecutlhg Attorney, represented the *iale.

Juror* were Mrs. H arry Tum butl. J . O. .Heldrrnmn. John Conway, e u rf in e eilvn. vivl.iii Fletclier nnd M rs. Florence Orkc. Those called b u t not u-^nl were Mrs. W alter Schihldtlelii

a fC cm iT 'd fto r had been locked After 1 <

New Fu’m Is

. .Jody_ManDln*. Ieft..and-Sbamii-CuUey_look_over lhe.»coro_of Rodger's a n d ...........................................*'CarauaeI." to be presented by the Mloldoka eonnly high school tousle departm ent Feb. S and 8 a t

................ ~ ...................................................................Jfng p u U a re being cast danftte ia *Kow more stoden ta to participate. (S laff photo-engniTlflgJ

P & eaW ilKBiu’ley’sA i’ea

BURLEy. Jan . jp — “We are p leated wlUi Burley. It la a wide­awake. clean, proRrcuivo city w ith l ic w r «lde“ »treels." s ta led - Bob'................ nf the new W . W.

ncn he

ew Pact With Japaii Signed; U. S. Gets Say in Asia Moves

TOICYO. Ja n . :o (DPI)'-JBpan signed a new -era trea ty with the United S ta te s today which once again will give thla nation a power­fu l voice in th e grand military strategy In Asia.

Fourteen years and 1S9 days after she flQally gave In to her hopeiess agony a n d surrendered to end World « « r I I . Japan and the United Slatea-w lll-becom e-allies,

■The signing of the new security p act will take placo against, a ria- Ing din of opposition by leit-wing soclollsta. communLtts and their fellow-travelers, b u t the sound and fury U a ll ou t o f proportion to the feeUngs of th e average Japanese - ‘- '-•-h av e backed_thej)ro-_westem

• -■ o: Premier NcbosukeByshi.-by tw a-th lrds o f their votes X-^)Leie«.tipt«J!M e_hfi_s.anv?_to power.

Japan , a t last, wIH be equal.Ip , w inning Its atotus of equality,

Jap an la like a poor m an 'who worked I w d enough and saved diligently enough to e n ^ th« poker game w ith the big -

.............. .. haa had h t . .0 becom rbne of-the ndustxlal complexes

of the'w orld w ithout the hard work and diligence o f Its woricmen and I ts a rtisans. '

Pourteen- years ago Japan was •0 aheli-shocked and stunned It no t only d id n 't know where to move; i t d id n 't know h o w .. The counlry-w es-in-TU lns;—Tokyo,.Ita once m agnificent capital, was 60 pe r cent destroyed. T ransport ot a ll kinds Just w asn 't there. The people were ao hungry, they had e a le n T n o sfo rih T -ca ia -a n a 'd n -T *

ixd -aome-were. storU ng on t Today, thla naU on of OS mlU.v«

oram m ed'onto'i fou r-m a la-U laod i equalling the also of th e alate ot MonUna—only one-sixth of it good fo r growing food -produced 28 bil­lion doUaia w orth of goods and aervlces In th e la s t fiscal year.• B u t.m o re th a n the figures, It was the people. T h e peopla who

•• ^ th e streets

walked a s if they were going u oloce.

A nd indeed they .......J a p an h a d become the sixth larg- it steel producer In the . world—

from 661,000 tons in m o to 13 mil­lion tons la s t year. This, despite tho fac t th a t 60 to 70 per cent of Ita pig iron, 40 to 45 per cen t ol Its coking coal. 30 to 30 per cent of Its Iron ocrop m ust be tmpotfed from abroad.

I t has become th e world's biggest ilpbuUder—from 6S0JXI0 tons to

.v e r three million tons today built in some two-score m alor ship­yards.

Today, th e Japanese annua! wage la .« 3 7 & .p u _ c a p ita ._ lt 'j jm a lU } y . American s ta n d a rd s of more than ♦2.000. bu t It’s r ich by-Asian stand-

-iL 'a * :u rban households a washing .....chine, an electric refrigerator and

Ulevlslon'se_t.Ja p an today la one of th e great

television countries of the '^ 'o rld . W ith 69 sta tions and more than four m illion registered television sets. I t. r a n k s , r lg h trb e h to d r th e U nited S ta te s a n d Britain.

Tokyo haa twice a s many movie theater*, too, as New York.

A nd the people ore, well fed—by A slan s tandards a t least.

O ne of th e m iracles of the posi w ar age—a n d a n Ironical defei fo r th e com m unIst*-has been U -. increase In the production of rloe, th e s tap le of the Japanese-dleU—

W hen la n d refo rm was proposed r ig h t a fte r th e w ar. m any Amer­ic an ' agricu ltu ral experU -thought th a t piece-m ealing the land Into sm all p lo ts and-lhtnvldain"b*««r5 would w reck w hat cfficleney.there

m erce a t li i Monday luncheon a t Cousin Roy'«," - —

T lio company m anufactures po­ta to harvest -

retary^CTreasurer Earl R. SUnacll.

o t the 'field servlcM.department of the Automobile Manufacturers soclatlon.'

Mr. Rlchardx has a Varied back­ground abroad ahd In' the~Unltcd S tates and haa addre-tsed many groups of publlo otficlals, salcty organliBilQns.and-bu»la':v_BtoiJR2 on economic, hishway nnd automo­tive safely subjects.

H_e ha* Roned a* secretiiry of the

w itneue.i for’the s la te were Bill Andenion, Nomjan Draper, Charles E llinscr and W dle T anaka. ..v

a n d the delciiiinnl. Albert Renner.B enner v,a.s specifically chnrged

w ith puttlnR his fist U\rouah the Columbia Pool hall door on Dec. 27•z-»rz=—n.T—A*™. v<

Eaul:Eactory ~Ehriske^F

I jym lttee on vehicle and. road char- acterUUcs. He. served m the flrai B ecret*ry...o t_the inter-lndimii-y highway sateiy committee. He Is n member ot Uie neUooal commltlce for fiM l supcnisor training,—the highw ay research board's commJt-

n the economics of m otor vC'..........a lsa.and.wel«bt..and-Uie-na.Uonal advisory commitUe of tlie AASHO road lest.

Before becoming associated . th e AMA. Richards had a wide exr perienee u an official of th e u-ea-

abroad.A fU r World war- n . R ichards

sp e n t-m an y -y ta rs-a * -a - graduato s tuden t a t the Unlveralty of Parisa n a otner E uro^an imlveralUes.

RegUtratlon tor boUi meeUngs wUl open a t 11:30 a jn . wlUj the Burley meeting being held at. the EUu hall.


win be used th is Saturday a t th e Twin FalU Junior high school gymnasium, according to E rn est Craner, superintendent o f pa rk s and recreation,

lOioUioIe basketball play -was canceled-Baturday because of th e music fesUval Friday a n d S a tu r ­day.

T he c t fo r

T oday, th e average Japanese farm errtllllng 3,3 acres, h a s swelled a record rice crop of 13.S m illion

• ‘JIIIJ*.: meWo w na la st y e a r - a recotd.iiBimiT; wfucn im iaacta mS,S-mllllon m etric tons in 1948,

■ows as mucli rle^ as i t needs.. And the Japanese '*are b e tter

housed, Tokyo and H iroshim a and ■Nagasaki—th e la tte r two the only atomlc-bombed clUea la , Uje world —have been j c b u ll t . ,Y oU 'dltave to look-Iar-to -fln 'aany-w ar-dam aE

Never perhapa, to paraphrase grea t m an, have so m any done much with so little in ao sh o r t .. Ume. Japan has .won its equality through h a rd work, dam ned ha rd work. .......................................

Sklndlvera ' have discovered 41 Bunken .vessels, some o t them more than-eIght-centuriea-old,-off~Tur- key's coastUne on the Aegean sea,

fa rm equipment In the field w here repa ir work can be done — job . Golden stated.

T ills company Is o branch o f the sam e tln a In Minneapolis, M inn. Bill Paulson, son of W. W . P a u l­son. h as lived In Burley for the la s t four years. The young com ­pany now. employes e igh t people In thb-tem porary-quorttfs i n . th e Valley-Ola&i store.

Oolden staled th a t th e company would double the num ber of em -

when It moved Into Its new_____ >g now being bu ilt on S outhO verland avenue. He said th a t the company bad enough baek orders to keep busy for a year. G olden w as co unJrD em ocractc-cnatnnsn In South Dakota.—T he-annual-tour-from -9-a jn^to- 3 p in . Wednesday is tponeorcd by th e chamber for th e SO j —“ — pupils vUIUng ' Uie Buriey . achool from Ute In teim ountam Navaho ( Indian school. Brigham City. U tah; '

The aludenta wiU vlalt IdahoPnw dinn _Tnr., ShCUyl

Piocesslng. Cascade C ontainer and. J . R. SImplot 'p lan t in Heybum . T he hosts fo r eaeh p la n t will be B. R . Blauer. district m anager o f Amalgamated S u g a r com Frank B aum an,jnanager of _Auto Fleet; Ace parish , motel op­erator. and Jess Y arrington ' Young's dairy.—O nly-afew more tickets were re- ported available for Oie vaUeywide

chamber dinner Thursday Feb. 4.New members aro M unson Body

Shop, Business and Profeaslonal Women's club and Stephens, Inc. - o u ta ta Included M r. and Mra.

G . M. McCllntock of McCllnUKk Cash Building Supply; Mrs. E arl Blevins, OnUrlo, Ore,, a n d Golden, all gtietU ot-E trl Blevins.

Colion Rotiaer ot th e "Flying U Rodeo" was a guest of D on Love­land . chairman ot the county fa ir board.

-K A K IT M rR IC llA ltU a -

cdmpany ended Ita season's i __S aturday after operaUng 101 days, announces’ E. R. Blauer, Mini;... Cassia district manager.

T h f harvest started on Oct. 6* w llh the factory opening OcL 7.- A to ta l o( e6,000;000 pounds Ot sugar was manulactured during -

.. . delivered on Nov. aS. however the harvest was 09 per cen t com- • plete on Nov. 11, Blauer said.

Three acres were never harvest­ed because of cold weather in late Novcirtb'crrTh8rfl-werenff,ooo-acres— harvcslnl.

During ilie peak of th e cam- pnign. 03 u-orkmen were employed a t the company receiving staUons . and 183 at',the factory, o r a to ta l of 376. .

T h e yJeJd per acre o l b teU UiJs year-w fl8-U i»-hi«h«tt_oo_r*eord— here, the manager stated, averag­ing 1B.4 tons. The previous high was 18.3. The sugar content was


Members Noted “ For Riding eiubIIAGERMAN. Ja n . 10—T m'O

members were taken Into the i ly formed Junior Riding c lu b .. . . ..m eetlng.held.«l.,U ie.hom e.ot Mr. a n d . Mrs. T ed Miller la.u week. They are Dcnice Bri«hl and Phyllis Lehmann^-boll» Wjndell.

T h e riding club Is composed ot young people from both Wendell and Hagermun with Mr. and Mrs. Loran Hogland aa apontora.

Nancy M iller, president, reports -_was_vote<l_to_ admlt.,members without horses who were in te r-

Thercas H arm s w u as reporter for.U ie Wendell a rea and AnIU Orldley for Hag*rman. 7TW0 records were played as posal- ble oelecllona to use u muslo for g rand entries.

Retreshm eots were served by Juno Harms and Jerry Jolley. -


G raham le ft by plane yesterday to carry h ia evangeilstlo crusade to A/rJe*r w h le h .h e .c h r........


•5 M n ie rin g irb r~ T 8 J» r;

. a and wet, and dried pulp U made available to aloek feed u s inU »a-area.--------------------------------------

ContracUng for U>e IMO. crop will s ta r t as soon as growers re ­ceive Uielr alloUnent ilgure from Uie local ACS office. - Contract agreement w a a reached w ith growcrTcpresenttUves-meeUng-at- Ogden. Utah, Friday. B lauer aald.

Press Unit Seeks Meet With CastroNEW YORK. Jan .-lQ <A -Tbe

exccuUve.committee of th e ln t«r-_ American Press assoolaUoa, took

W -«w 1w ith Cuban Premier n d t l Castro . - n press problems In Cuba.

The committee voted to I n s t r ^ Uie assoelaUon's ureudent.- W .-H ;— Cowlea. president and publisher o f Uie Spokesman-Reriew, Spokane, . W ash , .to appoint a speolal c o m - ' tnittee lo confer wlUi Oastro.

T be resoluUon did n o i ou t th e problems.

However, the acUon « a a . U k n In .reeponse to a suggestion from John s ; Knight, president of th«

Ih t Newqtapers, who urged »___ Uog wlUi OasU-o to taka upprcAlems Involving N orth Amerl*

YOUa r a l M M r e f f w l l h a


e r.p ro m and a aecure futura. A ssure youraelf of a bright futurW— have ih e 'b e t t now - th rough a Land Bank Loan, Ih 'e -ldW 'eosrw ay-to^ife.'lon*- te rm e ^ l L ^

.iin,iow» loxe ustanceiates

'eon eoll onywhara In the country, •actp t Alo»Vo.pr HawoD. oad hik-.. for Itiree woodorful mlnvtei o> th« ,

...... .C o o U e t-T o n r Nearaat

- ^ - F e d e r a l - L a n d --------

B ank Association


P. O . B « m - p b . a k ^ ^ s ^

OLBN KtoNAtJ. ■Manager Bo* OB W IU


.a ta K -M e O d M P 8 ._ M a n a ig _ , P . p . Box t r h ^ •

■ loncieoILMowoborttoafgMf,.

M o o n t* ln S t * t— T af«|H ioRUPERT

n O Y J y n C X T . Maaagw.

t h e M otlern Drags A ii lN o t . a s Expensive as You Think

We don’t deny, that 'prescrip- tions are more expensive than 10 or 15 years ago. But, they

-a re -fa r . more eittective. Think ._of_V-i.r.u B.infections or pneu-

monia. Theycould ruin-health and finances. Now a doctor’s prescription can • prevent all

this a t the costof a few dollars; -....... r-

Bring Us Your Prescripiions

-Our. registered pharmacist accurately fills all prescrip­tions, double-<aiecking meas-


“Our P ra^tton l s yoiir W o|edfon” ;


. PRgSCftlRTION PHARH^GYb ta l RE 3 ^ 5 7 4 ' ■ ; ^ ‘ ; Twin F o lb

For BUYS or BARGAINS?If^oi^'re looking for buyers, place your offer in the FIRSlT' , PtAGE M agic V alley buyers look when they-seek sorti^7~^

- th in a .- lf -v o u V e-lo o k in aJ 'o r-b a ra Q in s .j tu rh J jlS tMli-TTie ‘ People's M arket Place"-— ' ' i

T i m e s - N i ^ W i r i t ^ s ^W h o » # « r y o u r n # # d , th a r* '* a i p o t f o r i t i n ' i C

A A ..T O B uy , S«U , H i n , R « n t , f / n d . G i f t 'N o f f c # / f i l l m *i»y > ' , fHMdg t h « • f f t c H M , w o n o m lc a l w o y ig.Tlm #i-Newg W ^ A 4 t,

N Ie t thins* Kapptn dolly to folks, who um ihom . Try thgm yotiN . . v V ; s tif . C ott p in n U i, raoch thougondt. And net«d fo t aiilcK

• . . ; ;

- J u s tJ 3 iQ l-R £ j3 ? Q 9 3 1 a s O o r X l b ^ if J e d / '^ Thi^ f r i e n d ^-„ fo lk s who answer a re .trained , exf«jriehced jdhd

'help you.-And-this a id ^ p M n ic o s ta cehL_UseJti^l^^^ i^your-particufdrl-problem ‘ ' ’ -


__ -ldohe^5^ c o n ( M ^ f g |98| jjwv> , , . A ic.H « r.M ciiMWiTO MsiwjsM

Page 8: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


Janice Brown to

• J n Spring A itualMr. and M n. R u o td P. Brown.

T«-la FktU. announce the e n m e - i------nin{c-of-t,hetr-<lau»hU*r,-Janle«i-

AnnetU, to Jack” W rljh t. aon of Mr. and M n. H. A. Wright, Arnold, Md. A late Majr wedding U plan-.

MUa Broim, a graduate of Oood*

I',I lege of Idaho lor twp yean and'I I ta a aenlor a t the -Jonn i Hopklna j I' hoipiU l school of nuralng In Bal- 1;; Umore.i-1------------ W rlBht-alt«Jded_lhc_CW cM O .• ■ la itltu te of Art for four >e«ra and

■ tj currently working )n Baltlinote.

i', WSCS's Theme I , Is. Program for

— SenerahParl.eyHAOERMAN.' Jan . IB — The

theme, ■Tha golden cord of aervlee «»ttifr-rell-of-th»-ChrUtliin Afrlran

a t the general m eeting '’of the w om an’a Society of Chrbitlan

r ~ Service loet week a t the Melhodlit,! . church. * Mff. Delmtr P lnM on waa In

cliarge of the program. She w u aMlfted by Mra. Claude ButU who

• read "A vlilt lo Lodja,” and Mn. V. W. Coraon. who read ”A vlalt to

_ .Bouthern Bllodttla," ' - • Mr». DonHa nea directed Ihe

worahip, “The Mount of OUv«i“ 'and gave the benediction. ’ Mn. Carson accompanied the hymna,

Mra. Robert Tupper. president, conducted Uie buiineaa meeting. TTio R ef. A. B. OUbert gare the opening prayer. Report of acUvitlea

' of the Susanna Wealey circle «aa - t l r r ■ - - ..............................

Claud Butt*.Mra. BlUlard, work ehalnnan, xe*

porta th a t 10 boxea of clothing had been packaged for the Community center a t Elroy, Arhu

A luncheon tor a ll women mem- bera of the church waa planned for 1 p jn . P r t . a. a In charge of a r

- Alfred Bandy and Mra. Vlrgll Nor* wood, program commllUe la Mr*. A. S. Gilbert, Mra. Oaraoa aqd M n. .Tupper.

Mra. MlUle Barton w u honored with a aong for he r birthday_annl-

Engagements Announced

1 =

Gaye Jones and Andrea

Donna Lea Day, Krueger to Wed

A mlaalOQ.atudy oourae baaed Africa WM dlKUsaed.

- M rb Bea w u appolat«d aa re- -.-po rt« ..to -tha-N ow a-L ettw -b«lag

planned for churchwldepubUct" o r church aoUNUea.

Mra. ButU aad Mra. Sandy were '•“ *— ■» for the meeting. .

• • »

Reports Made a t d^ssMeeti ng

JBROMS, Jan . 19 — Committee reporta were given a t the.m eeting of th e Calvary Episcopal. guUd r«-

MTi! Ted Bruckner reported oo . TTTO, lU puijnae and how. the

funda &re spent; Mra. Floyd Snead . ;u id M n . D«Tld Detweller reported

on th e sunshine committee, and “ Mrt." Robert Baeon-ftTa th s ways

and m eaos report.'A card party wlU U held F e b .» .

jr lth p lans to be tnnounoed.Mra. I t m Rtdlnger, president,

oonduoted. tb s . meeting. - A -pw lsh d ln n e r-w aa planned.- IS n . Bert H ^ o m t l ^ e d th e guild for helping with the annlTcrsary party to h e r hu*«&d.

- M r* .'D aT ld -D etw ea^ledV pro - Bram on queaMooa a ad aaaweii.

—M arian-M artin-i i :E a

KIMBBIUiY. J a n . 1&-T31_____o t June 13 has been tenU tlvely efaosen tor. tha' trediUag o t Donna Iiea.D ay_and Eugene K rueger,.The engagem ent la announced by her p a ren tj, Mr. a n d M rs. D. Jean D ay.

T he 'b ride-e lec t Is a senior a t


K Im beriy high school. H er fiance, aon of M r. and Mra. H . A. K rueger,

lay Springs,. Nebr., la engaged inarm ing near K im berly. . . .

S tm duai«d-trom -H ay'0 prlngs-hlgb •ohool.' —

- ........• * — • . .

Lawley Is Guest '.’Speaker a t Meet

D oard Lawley, local pubtfo ac- eountan t. was guest speaker a t th e recen t Alpha N u chap te r, Epal' “ — - A l p h a , ' . .................

meeting. U w ley apoke on Income-----------w tajg and th e advaptages--------- .y e t unknown, by th e aver-age citlaen. A quesUon and an- ------ period followed.

- ______________ tm n s fe r fromOortei. Oolo, and M rs. John WlU Uams. w as welcomed back to thechapter. ____ ____________

M n. G entry W alker, president,' eonduoted the m eeting. A letter was read from B e tty J o sheet. Id a .

. . . . chap ter.Mr*. .Wesley ,D oW ».reportcd___

th e recen t doU clothes project and cooked-food-salo.-M rsrBrO ardner told o t th e C hristm as basket de. “ reted to a needy fa m r

.The meeting waa hL._ ...........home o f Mrs. .Ben Eldredge with Mrs. B o ra ld G erber a s eo>hostess. ^^_I*w ley__w as j» p gnun ,chalr=

' A * * *Bridge Played

BSYBURN, J a n . StellaPeterson entertained la s t week for tn e B B club w ith th reo Ubies ot dessert bridge.~-Prlaea-wertf*«ward»d-Mrs.-Amos Jo rdan for high s to re f'M rs. Sell Holme«..low score, a n d H rs. W alter Nelson, guett.

GATE LENORE JONES J B r t t L e n ^ u f l -------

~lAnnoancePlans:BO R L E V .Jan. l» - M r .a n d M r t .l ;•

H . H. Jones. BounUful. Utah. an-| • f louace-lbe -engagem en t-o f-lhd rL ~ daughter, Gaye Lenore. to Blaine Andersen, son of Mr. and M n. J. Wealey Andersen. Eeybum .

The brlde»clect is a freshman majoring In elem entary cducatloni i t the Unlveralty of m ah . She'

school in 1958.Her fiance Is engaged In farm­

ing a t Heybum and attended Hey* bum high school.-A 4 a te summ cr-weddlng l i plan­

ned.» ♦ ¥

New Leader for .■ Lgdge Seated a t , “Twrn’Fails'Meet

The Royal Neighbors lodse be­gan Its new year by. Installing M rs.-Oeorge-Taylor '

CLtD EN BN EBEK ER '. . . wbOM engagem ent to Ro*

land Buby. a«a of M r. A nd Mra. Ray Ruby, Wendell, U announe* ed by her parents, Mr. and M n . Harold Black, W endell. Both ara aenler* a t W endell high sehooU A June wedding Is planned. (Staff engraving)

Lesson on Trays Is Club Feature

HAOERMAN. J a n . 19->A' lesson .n m aking serving tray s from cookie aheeta w as given by Mrs. E. L .''C hapU n and Mrs. Gerald M i ^ n a t the m eeting of the Val* ey Home D em onstration club a t

tB m o a B ~ p fM ri.~MKrtiir T « ttttiy : .-Mrs. Cbapllh. prealdent, conduct*

^ tb e m eeting. P rognuna. andmeeUng places for th e y e a r ------decided., Mrs. C artbel H ard . . Mra. Fred Roberta and M n . E. S. Folwell were appointed to com< pile yeartiooks.

Mrs. Bex M cAnulty and Mrs. M artin were appointed to attend the-, leader-tn iJn lng-on“ “tex01es“ a t the Wendell c ivic club rooms next Monday. T he lesson will be used as th e program for the next meeUng a t the home of Mrs. Rob- ert.Tupper.on Friday. Feb. fl.

Mr*.'Ra3ph MUIer wmI 'm S : C sr- rle DIckman «/ere guests^

Mrs. Alan Erwin was co*hostess. « « «

13”ATe“l nif idted A t Wendell Meet

. . .............. week’s ' ^ t rIng a t th e rhome of Mrs. George Benson.

Flag eUquelto was the p r o g ^ topic for th e meeUng. joA nn Mi­ran d a led the discussion on thL

r c a r t o f-th e American fUg____ Jensen advanced the colonand M artha M iranda gave the prayer.

JoAnn JyJIranda, _________ _____a le tter from Ma^lc Valley Manor thanking members for th e tray faro rs a ad caroltnf.

T he February program will eon* .sm -P re s ld e n t—W ashlng ton-and Lincoln. B arbara Trounson will teU about W ashington and Janice Run­yon will apeak on Lincoln.

Care of Your GhiIdrenBy ANGELO PATRI

J IF F * WRAP*ON —• T his pretty dress w raps a n d ties

^ U p Into It in a JUfy. B ew eaiy. gay casual — baiter neckline Is so cool and flattering. Opena f la t for

—e p e e d r- itd n ln g r-cb e o ee -t« y -« n - tr a i t trim . '<- P rinted P a tte rn SOW: Miases*

One la amased to h e a r a child about a t his m o the r a n d call her nam es th a t .nobody in h is right m ind w ould th ink o t applying-to anybody, much leas h is m other. No child ahould -bo-milowed to -u se abusive language to h is mother under a n y circumstances. "A half- grown chUd U likely to loss hli tea>P«f_«J»«L.W»_wlll_l#_Cfoa8ed. a s i t m u s t b* a t tim es, bu t tb a t la no reason for b im to yell and shout abuse a t h ls 'p a re n t .— ^—W bena-chU d-haa-a tem per-tan - tm m h e -should- ba -shooed o ff-to h is room and td d - to - a ta y - th e r e u n t l l 'h e ' h as' calm ed down inf- flcIenUy to U lk like a hum an be­ing. Som etim cathia will U ke quite a while, b u t no m a tte r. I t is Im­p o r tan t for th is to le am t( control h is tem per a n d tongue, and the . tim e to te am th is Is th e ^ ^ y h e loaea self-control a n d ' xises •b tti lv a .J a o g u a g 9 .to . h ls..m o ther o r anybody else.

Any child who haa reached the stage o r re{lccUve th ink ing U al­lowed to sU te h ls 'oase. to question h ls-teacher o r p a re n t about their d I rR ire ia rT r -» -e a n lro n e d rw e l l» m annered iw nM n ahould. B e is enUtled to an exp lanation when

a never to be allowed abusive orBend fifty cents <ooins) lo r tb la p a t t e r n e d ' 10~ W t> for each - u te m for f lra t-c lau mailing.

>, w jnd to M arian M artin , Times* between su g t

ly nam e, a dd reu w ith lone,- alW ________________a n d atyle nntnber. ^ a ^ o d in g with, these chUdren. but

j u s t outl Big, new IBM BprlW tbew U no kindness in aUowlst and Sum m er.P attern C a ta lo g -ta a ^ d U make a .ae rlous eirS?

. T lv id ., full-color, o v e r ',« » auch Aa and Insuiung hissty les . . . fcU sixes . a ll oo : m o ^ e r istrtalnUr can be.

• » .-acatljio»liOalyJfla,. ■. I . t hU dfta-itfta i^

w ords while on the playground. Nobody says too much about it believing th a t i t - i s b e t te r 'to let them le am th a t using such words brings BO w c J a l r ra a h ls either In ability o r in prestige. B u t tha t does no t mean th a t they a re to use them in th e house, s ^ to' their m othen . , . _ / - « j* y - h a v » - to - b e J ta u g h t - th a t there la a certain fitness in all th ings.inc]udlns..language.. Thera is a sort fo r tho playground, a sort ro m se betw een'friends, a kind for home use j n d another fo r formal oeeaston».-“ Chlldren. n o t knowing any th in s about such, usages wiu make mUtakes and being corrected, leam th e acceptable wa>-s., Of course, th e language th e chil­d ren bear In the house is w hat they use. Jm lu tlo n U the ir way of learning spe«eh luid the. m an- n e n of speech so It behooves us all who deal w ith ch lldnn to guard our words. Lately some veiy crude Urm s hava been added to our vocabulary. Paren ts and teachen have to be on the lookout for them

- MrlMjr of 4VbJwu Moxnlnc «b

is tMK In roln lo hln. r/e TIib P. 0. II, EUIloa p. «

June Bride-Elect District Leader 'Is AWM's'Guest

•k -d inner meeting Fri evening.

6 th e c officers installed lii tlie ccremony a t th e lO O F hall are Mrs. Mable Young, vice oracle; M rr-W .-D .-S tcarn s,-pa* ron ic ler Mrs. Lillian H arm on, chancellor; Myrtle Anderson, recorder:~M n; M ata Van Buren. receiver; M n J . L. S team s, m arahal; M n. Ornee S«mpIe«,_as9l8tAnt_mB^Bl:_Mn. L aura Kinder, inne r sentinel: Mrs. Laura Buswelj, outer -sentinel, a n 0 4 r a . W. C. Armgo, manager for three-year term .

D r.'C harfes B . Beymer waa in­stalled physician; Mra. Prank Ketm, m usician; Mrs. E. 'J. Evans, faith ; M n . Ollle Howard, couruie; Mra. H enry W u n t. modesty; Mrs. gUB—P r a tt ,—nnselflahness;—Mrs.

Elmer LelchUter, flag bearer, and M n . Guy 'W alker, sU ff captain.

Mrs. Velma Treadwell, districteputy, was InstaUIng officer

.s te d by M rs. Chris S ln ii c . . . monlal m arshal w ith M n. Clara Koehler as aaalstant ceremonial marshal. M rs. Treadwell, Mrs. Sims and M rs. W . D . Steam s, past oracle, w e r e ^ e s e n te d g i f t s . . . .

Mrs. A rm ga was pro tem for Mabel 'Voung, M n . J . L. Steams for Sue P ra tt , M iV Taylor for Mrs. van B uren . and M n . Samples for Mrs. LelchUter.

M n . A m iga led th a prayer forle new officers.Mrs. T aylor received the white

e lephant g if t fum iahed by Mrs. Samples.-Mr». w .-D .- Steam s-w u in charge of th e kitchen.

T he nex t meeUng wlU be held Feb; 6 a t th e hall.

Redecorating Is -Slated-by-WSGS

RANSEN, J a n . 19 — Memben of the w om an’* Society of Chris­tian Service m a^o plana to clean and p a in t th a basement of the Community M ethodist church a t the ir m eeting T hursday afternoon a t th a church.

Mrs. A ustin Moora w u _____chairm an to determ ine the cost

. . Ill choosa a committee. A date to do th e work will be set later.

T he group also plans to start a 's tu d y on A frica o t their borne m e« ting_ ta -b fr_held -Jan ^-_w lth M n . V ance Naylor. M n. Hugh Sanderaon wlU b e In charge o t the study, group.

M rs. B ryan H arris led the les* .in -o n -so cla l-creed s-aad moving populations w ith 'a ll m em ben par­ticipating in general discussion a fte r th e study . M rs. Orville Al-len-led-the-dovoU ons.— --------

K ^ e t h N ay h ^ w as hosl

.* — ¥ — ¥ --------

Shoshone MarksCard Club Meets

'SHOSHONE, Ja n . 19 — An 8 o'clock dessert was served members of OUR club a t th e home of Mrs. Pe te Borden fo r th e ir meeting U st week. PrlM s a t cards were received

t Mrs. F red Qehrig, M n . Richard . iabbutt, Mra. £ . c . H ahn and Mrs.Robert. Ferebauer,----------------------

OK Bridge club m e t a t the home of Nancy Haddock for an B o'clockdessert, __________

Out-of<liib— guesls~wera“ M r t Tbomaa BelUa, Mrs. Jack M. Mur­phy, Mrs. Carlos Berrlochoa, Jr^ and Mrs. W illiam - Thomason. PrUcs w ent to Mrs. Richard Bau­m ann. Mrs. Berriochoa, Mra. F . R. M abbutt, M rs. Myron Johnson and Mrs. Claude Chess.

G uests a t th e Ihu rsday bridge club m eeting were Mrs. Pete Bor­den and Mr*. Charles Pendleton, Mrs.- M argaret Haddock was hoe* tess to the group.

Prizes were received by Mrs. E. R . W eny, Mra. MaVle Burton and Mrs. Borden,

' » » ♦

Sketches Made

Miss Pm m erand PennockSetD ay

—June-h tts-been 'se lec ted -fo rrthe wedding of Sharon Palmer and W llllam -<Blll>~Pettnock.-son of Janies Pennock. Annouficlng the engagement are her parents, Mr. and Mra. Clem Palmer. •" M lsrP a im e r’ a tttr id e d -tc h eo ra t Twin P a lls and CoUbnn. Colo. Pennock Is a graduate of Twin Falls- high school and attended Boise Ju n io r college.


(nftictidn Ritual, -Is-PJanned for

FHA-tlntrBUHL, Ja n, :f t- .p U n s for fresh-

len inlU atlon.w ere made by the Buhl chap te r. Fu tu re -Homemaken of America, during a council m eet­ing last week alt the hom e'of P a t­ty Dick, th e group's porllamenUr-

collara were m ade by membera of T to -D a C am p p tre group last week a t th e M ethodist church.^11 waa reported h a tlo M l' duea

ahw ld be paJq by thU week.— •The girls were assigned _to now

committees. Refreahmenta were served by Carol Orayblll.


_AtAnnuaUV4eet-j-|Mia. Simpson Ewylng, American

Falls, district president, made her official visit to the A m erlcanJV ar Mothera here recently. T h e meet­ing, a t the American Legion hall

- featured the chapter's^ annual

u th e r special guests were Mrs^ Nelle Cochran Dickey, H aaeton , m t ~ BtBie ~ presldenti -M rfc—Roia

Sinclair, sta te second vice presl* dent; M n. Emma Balsch, past sta te president and past naUonal historian: Mrs. Charles Hohn- horat, Haaelton. national th ird vice president and legislative chairm an, and M n. Joseph LeClalr. local chapter president.

Guests also Included Mra. Miirrel Blades. Jerome. M n. L. O. Grubb. Mra. Winnie Schooley, Mra. K ate W atkins, M n. Uiura K inder and

T he executive board was host. Mrs. Terry Sullivan led group

singing, sang several solos and • • ----- - id .muslc .during

Mrs. Ewylng told o t the national AWM convention a t Loveland, Colo.- She outlined the needs a t the AWM home a t Aurora, Colo,w h e re -m o th e ra -c a n -s ia y -w h llevisiting sons a t Fitzsimmons hos* pltai. Mra, Ewylng m nlnded the group to have gifts for the Moth­er's day gift table a t the veterans hosplUtI a t Boise by April 30. and

annual sole th e Saturday be­fore Mother’s day.

T he business session was direct­ed by M n. LeClalr. Mra. Lauben* helm gave the-openlng. a n d closr Injf p ra y m and M rt. Lillian H ar­mon presented and ' retired the flag. Mra. Nellie McVcR-playcd the m u ^ e s .

Get-well cards were signed for

Ian. • . ____InltiaU on wlU be held a t 7:30 ]

C W ednesday in the BuW hlg .;hool audito rium . Doris H aU lek. president:. B e tty Johnston, secre- U ry, a n d Eva W agner, degree chairm an. wUi be In charge of ceremonies. All m em ben a re to bring th e ir parenU . Eighth grade students a n d the ir parents a re in ­vited.—Them e - o f • th e - e v e n t- will -be "Family unity** which Is the na* Uonal p rogram for th is m onth. I t was agreed by m em ben tb a t it Is to be a dressy, occasion and hose and heels a re in order. Janet piper was nam ed chairm an for m a*' certiOcates for th e freshmen.

I t was reported a cooked..___^ e ‘will be h e m ~ lM t> ard a]^ th proceeda to be used for sta te and naUonal - p n g ram a in - th a local chapter...M e m b en are Urged to tu rn in their polnta fo r degrees to the de* gree 'ch alrm an , Eva W agner..

' - fo r ball games were

MTssHUadleston Engaged to Wed

" " F lL E n .~ JB n n o —M r.-nnd-M rs.

tOSL___________________________wlshlog. to ._ a en re_ a t .basketball gama toum am enU have to work

day before they are eligible . . .;rv e a t th e games. Linda Van Zante reported on th e Holly hop proceeds.-R e tre ah m en ta were aerved by the hostess. M iss Dick.


Centerpieces Are M ade a t MeetingHAOERMAN. Jan . 19 — Center-

p W fl TTiKflK n f fn itm n ihhgr rmei and pond llllea were made a t the ^INdajr-workTneetlng oftheT ie lte t society la s t week a t the LD3 cHuFchTTJra. “R oynK enltzerand: Mrs. C harles Sherwood demon­stra ted th e c e n t^ le c e s . Sofa pil* lows m ade of corduroy also w en dem onstrated by Mrs. Kenltzer,

A poUuclc luncheon was served a t _oon. M rs. D . U. Gold gave-the ^ » n ln g pritfer and M n. R. K. Bendorf, th e closing.

L ater in th e afternoon c ^ e was served honoring membera whose b irthday anniversaries fall In the m w th of January, Honored were Mrs. H erm an Anderson. Mrs. Ralph Hulme. Mra. Belle Morgan and Mr*.-WilUam-Oh '

Mra^ Mable Young, Mra. B, F. VI..» Xfr. Minniw Mnhn and M n, F anny Clark.

G ifts from the chap ter were preaenWd to Mra. Ewylng. Mra, Sinclair, M n . Balsch, M n . Dickey an d Mra. M ohnhont by Mrs. I x - Clnir. A gift from the chapter also waa . presented to Mrs. L e a a l r by M rs. DelMar Shumway. M n ..L e - Clair was reelected prealdent for a second term.

Mra. Ewylng was the houseguest of Mra. Balsch.

Y earboc^ were distributed. Mra. Ewylng reminded membera th a t fees are due by M arch 1 and th a t national headquarlera raised the annual dues-to -he lp -defroy -na* tlonal expenses.

F o r the dinner, M n . Peter Goertzen roasted th e turkey and Mrs. Grace Laubenhelm baked the rolls. Offlcera w aited on Ubies and supervised the dinner.

Hostesses for the February m eet­ing will be M n . Lillian Harmon. M n r ^ a ^ ^ E H e n - T t o t h r T ^ ;Georgia. M artin and M n . Lauben-heim . •• --------- — -

¥ ¥ V

Club Lesson is Aids to Buying

F in t aids to buying waa th e les* son for the-W onder Wives Friday a t-th e home of Mra. Stanley'D et* weller. I t was presented by Mrs. Ronald Ballard and M n . Jack W right.

M n . Leon Littlefield, president. eondurted-thB~bU5tnes5-ameetlng- durlng which plans were made for a party Feb. 13 a t the bom eof Mrs. J a ck Bolyard. I

Mrs. Robert Black and M n . Det-

Tell EngdgeTnent Potiuck Supper Held by Legion


m E N , Ja n . I S - U j i ' . the-A merican LcRion.haii ‘• potiuck auppcr «n* hdu by

SIC!""''M n. Ethel McDonnld aw ...

James Bryan brouKiu cakewalk which ncueil j j .is Z S ' chcer basket,

Austin Matheney the coffceUion a t tlicir lioiii* I?'' benefit for the nnuomil loundin J heart fund and cancer fund J/v: will be held from lo nm Saturday. Coffee and eookitj be je rv fd by auxKlary ,;,e.nV,® Each member ol ihe auxiUar, asked lo bring two do^'n for the event.

will host the flflli dLMrict U on-Feb.-38-at' t h c h n i n street.

These meetings kuj si.in at j u p jn . and will be followed by « t u

Feb. 28..Mrs. Ethel McDonald nnj \i„

McDonald rcjwried tSIrving _____ ^ChrU lraas-card sale neuM t».

Jay H uddleston. Filer, announce Mrs. H. A. Pointer donfltcd »o i»the-engaRom<nl-of-thelc-daug&tcr^tbe.youth-‘centcr:projec:________Valeda, to D arryll L, Brass, sonj Cards were signed by nwini,, of Mr. and Mra. .Raymond M.;membera fo r Mrs. J citj- Dod«t. Brass. Tw in Palls. . |hammer, who haa a nen daushinT-MliJ “ H uddleston—Is—atttaidlnR-Bnd-Mt*rJames-HensonrTno‘liir»~Twin Palls h igh school. Brass Is a new son.19SB Twin P a lls high school grad- Reporta also were made nn ihi uate and is employed a t Custom Christmas and New lirenr’s pv tia

Social Calendar

rS.'ffi;Jir.3L5‘» M'£;Leader-Sele'Gted-nlo Muffley w ith Mra. E arl Spry as asslsU nt hostess. Roll call will be answered w ith "My favorite garden tool a n d why.“ The pro* gram, under dlrecUon of M n . Wil­liam Bolton, will be QuesUons and answ en concerning '

* *Neighborhood club will meet at

7:30 p. m . T hursday do»-nstalr»,nt the American Legion hall for a dinner meeting.

¥ ¥ ,Order Discusses ^FlowerTfor RifeGOODINO, Ja n . 19-Membera of

Job's D aughters; bethel No. IS, dls* cussed using flowera for future In*

week a t the Masonic temple.Louise Locke, honored queen, op-

polr^ted M arilyn Walston. Kathy D ay.-M arllyriTdycrrahd 'D ofaX ee as B com m ittee to find ou t If flow- e ra a re availab le J n the.bcthel. She. also thanked members of tho dec­oration- a n d cleafflip committees for the ir he lp a t the group's recent fortnal dance.

Jean Critch b e n to re tu rnthe event as soon as possible.

T he llb ra ria n 'i“ repbrt dn 'new friends and o ld .friends was given by Alice Scanlon.

The tables were decorated b ‘ Mrs. Jessie T eater, Mr*. O iaa’" T ester and Mrs. Dexicr Wau /si,

Members a re urged to aUcndih. next nieetlng-Feb. 0 a t the liau u make plans fo r tho district a « .

By Bliss GroupBLISS. Ja n . 19—Offlcers-vn-

elected for the coming year altbt meeting of the R h club Thundv a t the home of Mra; Larry. OlL bons w ith Mrs. Joel Young chodf as prealdenL

Mra. Gibbons Is secretary; Ua H erbert Patterson, Jr.. vice, prol* dent, and Mrs. Jo h n Tschannoo. treasurer.

Membera will m eet on WtdDo. day a t th e home o t Mrs. Yoaotuquilt:---------------------------------- -- ■

¥ ¥ ¥ .

Belnefit PlannedBy Delta GammaDelta G am m a alum nae auodi*

tlon h as completed plans for lU onnunl;.cardj>orly.for.^thc.beo{lu_ Of the b lin d .'T h is is a nstloul project b u t th e money raised tr tho-local -g roupJa_uaed_i(H Jtas_ (Icnts a t tbo sta te school a t Ocod* ■Wft.

The pi .p jn . Monday, ...........Church of th e Ascension ____hall. Reservations m ay be msdt by calling Mra. A. J . Pcavey, RM-w6od'3i^l80.% ..............


weU er-i

The birthday cake was made Mrs. Emerson Boyer, Othera mak­ing cakes were Mrs. Den Durfee and M rs. J . D. Ellis. They were as^ alsted in tho serving by Mra. Joe Haycock.

■ ¥ ,

Lbs Dance Club' Session Is Held

RICHFIELD. Jan . 19—The LDS county dance club held Its January meetlntr ac th e Richfield LOS church on th e theme of “Oay N iten.“

T ango dance instruction was glv- ea-by -M r-an il M n F ^ ,-S to w e ll. S h o u o o e . Officers present 'V ere Mr. a n d i t n . Farre ll Conk and Mr. and Mrs. U ndea Cooper, Dle- trich.-M rrjand 'M r8.-L oyd-U e-and Mr. and .M rs.V em R..Thomas were Richfield hosts."Decom lloris fe a lu rrf a 'p o ^ o rn showman and anow flakes wittf the New Y ear's theme. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. T hom as served.


**Magie VaUeifB Moat Interesting Stor^*

KRENGEL'S H ardw are

TUm MII New iH m ill Ml («verlt« tunn., ._<Wow».'»m *t n i iU . .

M USIC ' -

Claude Brown's--------------------- FURNITURE

Entire Remaining Stock1 . 3 -


Then Slashed Another

Terrific Double savingg on DRESSES,•SLACKS, COATS, SUITS and many

^ T i e r i t e m s . ----------- --------------- — — -


9 9 c « n iJ .9 _ 8 _ _ _

sw ea ter s:rArtilL® savings on ent’ire remaining 8lock;of* WBB^- *'OOTS and other nationally famous brand names.

Page 9: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections

•:|0BSDAX> '

CMciimati Bearcats KeepTIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ;

jfo. 1 iJasketball Rating Despite Loss to Bradley

, B 7 The AsioeUtrd T rtu^ l y g n i t c l t a on<spoint lo83 -S a tu rday . C inciiiim ti rctiiiiiotl i u tnn m nV tng in thejwiscUv

U,, B earcata l i r a t d c fM t o r . th e scnsoii. vaulted from f o u r l l r in to second pinct. rjM on il* » n a W est V irgm in e a c h ilroppcil a iioidi lo th ird nnd fo u r th , respectively.

U tah S ln tc m oved in to the ton -10 fo r th e f i r a t tfm e, riia- pIiicinfT-Southem C&lifornin, w hich dropped fro m 10th to H th anil U U ii SUCe jumped from ll ih to n in th .

T he only o th e r n u jo r chanRei m

Xeahy Drops Out of Commissioner Race

jDAM I B E A C H rP la :; J a n . 19 (/P>— AUorncy Marshall T-jhy v ir ta a lly elim inated h im s e lf from the race for N a­tional Football league co m m issio n e r M onday w hen he said fb U y -h e ^ w o u ld - iio t.^ o V L f r Q m ^ i a j a t h ^

election th is week o f ac tin g e o r a n i i a s i o n e r A u stin H.Gunsel. G unael, 50, w ho look nver U at O ctober upon d ea th Sf am m lBJoner B ert Bell, w

""S i can'**'*®*"-n vlU B0( m ore e ith er to the

uidv tfl o r to th e EmI.*’ Leahy -lB atM t-b«ror*‘.Nra*owners.open=

BieetlDit to he*r rcp reaenu- ^ of UUmeapolU, SU^ M lunl and fit. Louis present

191 sporti w riters »nd »ports. c u (e rs . Involved Vlltftnovft >ni1 TexBB A u d M. each beaten for Ute f lra f tlmo U at week.—O bla -S U ttr-Q eo rsla r-T ech -and

• jiKftla

""■<01* family Uef are m uch-tw -trtOf 10 Jeave.tbB W est cocist.- r ^ M tald. “I h*»8 nvc teen-aRt 5 5 5 lc n and I would no t upset tiulr Lve# lo r any th lns.

taUc of my being

g titilitt headquartera in San

Howerer. even enthusloatlc boeV- t n of Ui8 « -y e* r-o ld lawyer had jondlUoned th e ir w pport on h ' Borlas to the Midwest or East.

A Dool earlie r this week IncU- Ated OuoBCl held about a 1*6 «ds«

M t2ia-pre:votliis aentlmenL •It takea a unanim ous vote to

jdmit a new club, bu t some own- n boM to p u s a constltuUonnl yg tndoenl to m ake 10 votes our*

* 'lS h of Uj* applicants for a oUm Id th e 40-yeftx*old leasue

- h»w ported taSiOOO^-earnest-tton- n .fupporUnj th e ir applleaUons. n e t r propoMlt will be token up to tbs 13 club oiroera a t the kagnel annual meeting oCdUally epenlnf-Wednesday.

T1>B repreoentaUve* ar* expect­ed to iDlorm th e league of the ir t iy ln s tacUlUea and l ln u c la l lUtus, and picture the ir a reas’

-pMJble /a n 'pa lronB ge:~G unsrt Mid all ownera have been Invited to sit la m Jh (u iit3£D laU ons,.b i'‘

~ba irasa’t n n r t b o * many »ou

H ighlights: Bowler o( the week. PcJton, 851. Bowler of ths month, K re ltm an and 'T haete .

B uslneu LearaaS u k e r s in s . Agcaey 'defeated

B u ttcr 'a steelera 4-0. Mike's Cold GtoraRe defeated Mike’s Market. 3-1. M cmil Auto Repair defeated S tan d a rd S tations 3*1.

H ig h individual game, a y d e K nserm an. 300. H lsh Individual se- riea, Clyde K escrm an, 603. Hlgb Bcratch team (came. Mike's Cold S torage. 825. High handleap team icame, Mike's Cold Storage. 94S. H l« t i handicap team serlei, Hike's c o ld Storage. 3,713. High ecratch te a m series, Mike's Cold fitormge, 2J53.

HlRhUghts of the week: Clyde K oacrm an. 603,

M ei^aDli Leanue 'k J^F o o d Center defeated Ida-

FoUey Takes Dull Decision QverMachen

1 Zor» FoUey jabbed hisn r to a;___________ ______ __Zddlt U achen M onday n igh t In U>nund fight. T ho lack of action by the two ranking heavyweights brouibt'frequcnt boos { r o m the Co« Palace crowd. i

PtBey. 184. trom c h a n d l e r , Arti, u e d h is jarring left jab to

- tM p tn e :n » ^ u n a ‘T a ic H n o rtRedding, OaUr, and ForUand, Ore, csotlnuolly oK balance. N el-


, __ ___ t three -d ^e a ts - andtwo draws. T h« A ilzohana entered Uu ring an 8<s underdos despite ihe fact he w as the No. 3 ranking

, ehtUcnger while M achen waa lis t­ed Ko. 4.In the raUngs.

T te crowd of about eMO booed loudly as tbe beU rang ending the final round. '

__ .Referee Vcmjaybee..whD ttv e r-al times called on th e boxers lo r

>ro aiUon, scored th e fight UB- , I. J u V M a tt Zldlch scored It in<]l4 and Judge r r e d B ottaro **w It 119-Ui.-

ferake Football Coach Resigns

2 “ M O m ss , Iowa, Jan . u W —Iteamy O’CooneU Monday a n ­nounced hU resignation, effecUve

1. a fte r one year as head >001 coach a t Drake. E a ta ld » pitas Co re to m to pro ftotbaO. -^ 'C oaneU -aet-B ic-T en -pM rtng .nw rds a t m i n o U ^ then * a s » -S«»«ert>ack w ith tb e CteveUod

O'Connell, 30, said “tho new pro football situation opened

—S - '’ -i!?‘®-®®w-’*W e-off«r».op. W im iU ci I reel I cannot pass

Bradley a

BOWLADItOMK—Afacie VaOey Church Ltacue

LD S No.' 1 defeated Luihcran JJo_3.4-(i.-MeUu)dUUNo,3d«f«aied C lover L utheran 4-0, Knights of Columbus defeated MeUiodlst No. 4 '3 - 1 . chrtsU an No. . 3 defeated LD S No. 2 3-1. Choir Boys Ued

H Ish individual game. Felton. 314. IllBti individual series. Felton. 557. HiRh fccratch team game. Luthfcran No. 3. 830. High handi­c ap team sam e. Methodltt No. 3.

for ii4 13th a tr a l th t victory of the season, was atlll th e lopsided fa> vorlte of th e experts. T h a t mty' liave-been because-of_the_B ear- cal^ SO-71 trium ph over Bradley m Clnclnoau Dec. 22.

T h e Bearcats a ttrac ted U first- placfr-votes-and-polled-lvflBl-polnu.- Callfomla h a d m ore fltst-plnce voles than Bradley. 33-11. but the Braves nipped the Bears in poinu, ba»cd on 10 for flrat, nine for tee- -------------------------- ----- : a r i« mwon twice la s t week. Bradley has a ' 13-1 record. CaUfomla 14-1.

W est Virginia, w ith IS firs t pi votes, had nearly « 400-polnt bi over Ohio S ta te fo r fourth pi -Thfr- ' • ................three vleUms last week. Ohto State Is u - 3 afte r two easy Kamca Is it

" L'Bgalust’Delawam and 'Nw eaum .

O eorjla Tech. strengthening |U hold on s ix th place w ith victories over Southeastern conference rival Mississippi, a eo rg la and Vander* bjlt, • and M iami o f-F lo rida -were only o ther teams to receive llrst placo votes. M iami coUected thtee. Tech two.

T h e H u tr lca n u advanced from ISth to n t h , missing th e top 10 by on ly i4 polnto, a f te r defeating JaelaonvlUe. Florida a n d Florida S tat* last ■week fo r a 15-1 record and an ll-gom e winning s tr e a t lohgeafam ong m ajor team a,'

U ta h S tate (ISO) whipped Wyo- m lnr-andC olo ...............

h o E lb s 4-0. Dnloa Mo-.to ta-deleatcd_U nlt«d_01L C o.J:J. aU b-s Drive In Dalfy defeated

?Tinn>P'‘B o o k Store defeated Idaho Power

4-0. Jacardl's Furniture defeated Youngs D ahy 4*0.

H ig h individual game, Jerry T ay lo r, 315. High individual te- tie s , Jerry Ttiylar. M2, S lg t acrsteH team game. Okay Food C enters, M5. B l ^ ^ d l c a p team » a o ie .” <MearTood- Center,- l.oJTi H ig h handicap team aerUt, Okay F ood Centers. 3j36. RIgh scratch tenxn eerles, Okay Pood Centers.2 ,«e. '- H Ichllgbts: Gordon Oelger pick­e d two 5-7 spllta.

BewUdrome Cbttreb Leafse Z>utheran No. 4 defeated KnlgbU

o f O oluubus 3-1, S t. Sdwards No. 3 defeated O ur Savior Lutheran 3>2, Baptist y o . 3 defeated S t. S d ' w ords No. s 3-1. .

HlRh individual game, Larry lA U « h d d « ,_ 3 » ,.H l8 h Jn d lv ld u a l series.-Lanr-lAUghrld|^.-5iO.'-u{gL sc ra tc h team* game, L utheran No. 4 . SIB. High handicap team game,

----------_______c ap team series, 3.U3, High scratch te a m series, KnlghU of ~ ‘No, 3, 2.3M. ■ --------

2IIAGIC BOWZ,Chureh Leagn«

MeUiodUt No. 1 defeated First B a p tis t 4-0, Cbristiaii defeated O u r Savior L utheran 3-1, S t. Ed- w m rds-defeated M ethodist-N o. 3 3-1. F iler B aptist defeated Fres- byterion 3H -IH . Lwthenm* de­fe a te d Episcopal 4-0.' H ig h - in d lv ld u a r fam e , OUver, 317. Rl8h~lndivtdaarsenes,-Otl*er. 517. High scratch team game C hrtstiaa . S37. H igh handicap te a m game. Christian, pel. High handicap team saiea, Metbodtrt N o. 1, 3.7M. High scratch team

.................No. 1, 3.6«.Magio M ajor’League

M ethodist defeated enapon Tool S-1 , Bell W holesale defeated Arc- tie Cirele 4*0,7*Up defeated Pepsi C oU S~l. T w in FItUs .OJgan <te> feated-V np* - ■ • --------—B ow l defeated A e d '/T n d ln g PostS-1. .............

High Individual game. H. Mills. 339. High individual series, R.f»miwlngtn«iw Ml, High scTatChte am ru n e . Soapoa 7 ^ 1 , S igh handicap te am game. 7-Qp, 1J57.

J i and seventh. -Clnclanall.-whlch-bowad-C

.. LouLi

fo r i u sixth and s e re n th J a _____n u h also 13-3 a n d beaU n two weeks ago by U tah SU te , defeated New Mexico and Denver.1. ClncinnaU (M> (13 -1 )----- 1,«913. Bradley (17) (13-1) -------- 1.521

_3. California (31) (14-1) ----- l . f4r-W «rV lrR lijIa 'f33 r(15 il) 'l.<

-5 rO h lo S U le (ll-a> -_______ I.C.-8. G eorgia T ech (3) (lS-1)__ 8507. U ta h (13-3) ___________ 485

. 314e. V lUanora <10-i)9. -Dtah S la te (13-3) --------- a

10. Texas A and M (11-1)----- 31

Champ Holds Workout in Store Window

BOSTON. Ja n . IB O B-Sugar Ray Robinson w orked ou t in a . down­tow n -departm ent store window M onday.to a id th e M arch of Dimes a&d, o f c m n e . th e . ga te fo r )ils Friday n ig h t Boaton garden fightw ith local boy .P au l P ender._____P o lL e»_»tlm ated a t JJMst_l.q00 persou s crowd ^ -W ih to K to n for a gUmpee-of the -ag lle reteran performer.—A—c a r p » -o f - |co llec t^ donations fo r th e anti-

'B obln>oa~ t> inR d 'thB -b lg 'bar'a bit, rolled a rtiythm w ith th e small bag. did

moved a n u n d a b it more to cool

Robinson, who wlU defend‘d sha re of th e world middleweight

• • • Friday n ight, wiuwork out In sim ilar fashion TUes- d » r and th e n ta k e ,i t easy until FHday.

“W han X-was younger. --------p la lnod.-"X -w orked.rl*ht.up.ujjtll one day before a f l ^ L 'A s you grt older you c a n t beat up your body so m uch. T hat 's one of the many

, l ’»o -Jearned In 20 y e u ^ '


C hanes B . (Chuck) Studley, 31, line coach a t Illinois th s p ast five years, M onday was mamed head football ooach a t the University

-- diUKtJa.,,.......... .......C harlie OTtouike. th e end o f . the i9S9 season after e igh t years.

B lgh handicap team series, Bell W2iaJett3e, 3,074. H i ^ . scratch team .series. Bell . Wholesale, 3.793.

; Champion Higli Jumper CHldnTPlay ©asketbali— Didn’t Jump High Enough

.BOSTON, Ja n . Ifl (O P n - J o h n inomas coulda't m ake hla '

Jump high

ooce.tnTlncIble aaren -

• Uwre w asT hom as h im -

^ n d j a quarter of a a Inch less

coaches alons i b t jooB g

W the d iffaiB e# in th e world. nap> tfla»aa Toca D ulfy,.,T hom

■old medalist O h l ^ jenU ns (in 1958} and sprin ter .E d OoUymoTe, w ho U ught 'n o m a s the straddle o r "belly." roU high jumpers use In twlMUv bodies o m the

A 'tter in d u a U o Q ' from hlgb school o m a s .had tb a good Xoi^ ttin e .to have Doug lU ymond and -------- a h is track coaches

aM eV T rttlrb lm rthoaghP lanafao .a s field eren u .each; pcobablrwasm ore ia stouncnla l I n helping him raaehrthe '' • • -

iQdoor m ark th is w inter, has had MTeral obstacles to o r e r ^ a ^ thft WITi 'TFl* .tA-.nyhrflJifth a n B______________ ___ -And-ha^evedtcsn ls . B u t h s ' H sany conoen- t n t e d tnB tim e on track and buOt

BP to tbe Blx.foot I tv d u _ J-. .T hen one day as a

tealorvhs th e bar a t e feet,^ S E W * > rc o « o o n n M C ------ P~ E to ~ » eu r;ta 'a a ttak l-T n (x i-

laenoe la s t w toter U weU known. B u t h ls-c lim h .b a c ltjjp ,' of th e p a s t 10 monr well publicized.

T b e ro ad back .sU rted after >bn m angled Jils I m foot in an

. .e ra ta r aocldent U sfM aroi.—His 7-^oot, ■ % -to6h Jump Saturday — th e K nights of C o lrobw

-^It-.began-with , tsew isas .to-^butld T b o n a s u p a fte r two s t a n J n tM

foot. .Welgtxt lilting and roadwork were added. N eva: a word about h tgh jam pinr. Ttwmas, ntnaaU y

try to h igh Jtuap again. He didh't kaow whether he . Ihteugh as aa athleie because «f the foot. But once M ymood aUd Fbnagaa w him beck to acUoB th e n - in r s o 'a w b c rT & i -T B e n r a u-feM :M :sew -s«slh.------


Growing Like Snowball

Tilt to Feature Tuesday Action

T h e M lnico S partans, R uardinfr tho B ig S ev en conference basl^lb iiT l lead p lus a l9 -gam c leaffue w in n in g s treak , p u t b o th oii th e line Tueadny n ig h t w hen th e y in v n d o th8^h6m e==l o f th e necond-place Burley B obcats. T h e g am e , w hich is a - , ren ew a l o f M agic Valley’s m o s t h a rd fo u g h t-r iv a lry , h ig h — — ,

; l ig h ts a sevon-gam e nched-I V f A l K t r P i i f Seven andi U e i D y t o J r l l l N o rth sid e con ferences pro-

— ■- m o tin g m o s t o f th e action.In ottier BIk Seven action,

the Jerom e Tigers, who are tied fo r 'th ird place a t 3-2. will travel _to Buhl, wh ere the Indians show T T -T n ia rk . tibod lng 'uenatort step ou t of conference pl#y lo host tho Mountain H om o TlRcrs while Oak­ley and F lier ta k e the n igh t off.

On Uie N orthside. the league i' Tardlng~Beiievue~ 3u itdo g» rt» ttt^ -— *— X 4-0 record and 00 point per

to Put Mat Title on

,— Ijine Tonight-,Tl»e G reat Sascli*. vowing he’ll

re tu rn to Russia if h c fn lb to win th is m alch. will try to lilt the ■'we.ilern hravywelghtl* chnmplon- a t iO r o i m m 'T ' i s ib r in tn e n e i i -

tu re of 'ii threc-m alu event'wrest-

nlcUt.- Mnlchcs begin a t 8:30 .

lit the second m ain event, Oor- Rcous Oeorge O ran l will meet the a rc ftt_M atadof-,.w hU e .."OoodyL' O ra n l n>eets D anno McDonald in Uie. th ird tm lo n .

Prom oter Cliff Thlede ss)-s he especla a s much action from -the Soscha-Melby m atch as Ik s I fans

‘ in several seasotui

w in the th ird and decidi _______a tng team m atch. T he butley R us- s ian -h as prom ised.toieveage.tlM t

E-€ateher fefioslou’s

“Finger RolF’ Shot Helps W ilt- Rewrite Pro Hoop Scoring Books

-N EW .YORK, Ja n . 19 (U P I) — W ilt ( th e S til t) C ham berla in is developing a new " fin g e r ro li" sh o t today , w h ich aeem s as nure a s ta x e s to sm ash all pro ‘basketball sco r- ing -reco rd 8 .in -h iaJre3 h m an .y fia r_ ln th e N a tiona l’ B aake tba ll association . Tho seven- foot, tw o-inch s ta r o f th o P h ila d e lp h ia W arrio rs a p p a reh tly w as headed fo r new •scor­ing— and rebounding— re c o rd s w ith o u t th is added o ffensive s tra ta g e m . F o r he a lread y

h a d begun to d rive on In to

Pitcliing HopeNEW .YOniC, Jan . 19

W ilson, a 'f tfo rm e d catcher, may be ju s t th e m an to give the Boston Red Sox a pitching li f t they sorely need.

T h e ftrcbalUnc righthander,' 25, signed la 1P53 w ith th e Bed Sox a s a csteher. D uring h is baptismal season w ith Blsbee-D ooglu in th e A ilsona S la te league, he sustained

----------* on hU -left

Endorsement Of Beer and Tobaccoliit^

BOISE, Ja n . 19 (A—A m ajor league. bosetaU p layer w as crlUeal Monday of endorsements given by top ath letes to beer a n d tobacco promoUons.

Vernon Law of nearby M eridian, p itcher fo r th e Pittsburgh P lr

. i tc s , spoke a t th e aim ual con­vention here o f th e Idaho AlliedClrio Porw s;_________________." H e - s a id use of m ajor league baseball=BUycia:=Bamea=ln,-.«Hk nection w ith beer an d tobacco prt)- motions is obtained by h iring the

<v>nt»i»e wiwt d nring thff]ff season. He said th e practice Influences th e thinking o f young- s te rs -w b o -reg arA -b a ll-p la y en -as heroes.'-

Law, a mem ber of th e LDS church, said he remembered his own disappolntjsent when h e f irst saw a picture of h is ba ll .player hero w ith a cigar In his m outh and

c a a of beer in h is hand. lA V said la ter th e ba ll player

hero h e was UUclng about-w as the m ighty .slugger. Babe K uth . and

yeara before Rulh.die<a few

CoyotesCdpWin^ Over Lewis-Clark

CAUiW ELIi, J a n . 10 (n -C b n eg e of Idaho 's Coyotes pulled another game o u t o f tb e fire in th e final seconds M ondsy n i ^ t a s they edged the vlsiUng LeWU a n d Cnark Pioneers n - M in a n overUmetu t . .

th e ir win a s-b e cast off from th e com er in .th e la s t second of play and connected h is field goal ju s t aa th e b u o e r sounded.

M o n d a rs -win was 0 o f I 's thh 'd

TwUha S-3 record.

TU bot wms th s game's leadlag se o rv a s he-dr<^ipcd In 24 points. H a Fbx Of tb e P}oneeni was close behind w ith 2S.,

T ile sooie was Ued -a t the way mark a t 34-34.

Hockey Player Is Off Gritical last-

OHIOAOO. J a n ; » (A -E ddle Littenberger, veteran C h i c a g o B lack t«xkey player, was o f f th e

................bu t farobably________— Uie seasra l o w i n gaa- au to a b c l ^ t th a t UUed b is wife. •-------- ‘

It th e day.

the . Basket- instea'd o f de­p en d in g p rim arily o n h is p e t fa llaw a^ ju m p s h o t . B u t now comes revelation o f his n ^ off th6 finger shot.w hlch has Jumped his average to more than 43 po in ts‘tttTeoch-of h l r l a s t - l o games.

The*ahot Is sim p le-lf you hap i p e a to be sew n feet, two inches ta ll orid by an easy soarinif leap can bring your shoulder level with the rim of the basket. W hich W ilt can. T hen -he merely extends his arm w ith the palm of the hand upw ard and - using - h is-ow n- mo­m entum pennlls th e ball to roll off in to the basket on a completely ifidefenslbla

a = h 061el8~iritentr-on-i________ _________shot. So you can i m a ^ e w hat the opposition figures on fscing tn two o r thre«

The whlsptired hope sm ong op- ^»slng .team sjs_ tha_ t maybe._W_ilt will tu n i to singthg before t ^ t tim e. Last week he recorded two rode and roll records w hich critics «ay could be in the b i t category. 'W U t'lau g h s .tha t off.*.A dedi­

cated player, h e anM rently Is out to r e m t e every record in tbe book»~and In h is f irs t season Is a n apparent cinch to se t new m arks fo r scoring, tcoring average, rebounds snd rebounding avi

Jack Twyman o f C in c in n a ti. . rea lly is the NBA scoring; leader with 1,413 points b u t thU U a mis- leading llgure.-Tvym an h a s played in 45 gamea while in 37 games the SlUt has scored 1,318, w hen the schedule evens ou t W U t'w ill be f a r la - tn a t , T bu t, wfCh 3B games l e m o ^ n g ' to 'h lu .T O U aniberla tn

to ta l of 3.105 pointa set la s t season by Bob PetU t of. th e fit. Louis Hawks.

A p p ^ U r 2w U equaUr-oortatiin f” T«K«^prtly^y T*"*

1.041 and a 38.1 arerage.I f Ohamberlaln oomes e r e a

c lo u to doubUng h is flgtires in the rem aining, t t l f of the season he w U rm m T m ^ to u rfumiei: records i^ b e a r InslgnlHeant.

lUval teams which b a n . been coQiplately Incspabls o f stoppinc h im . soe • tmy c r lig h t i a the week ahead, Chamberlain. wOt compete on th e east team in th s atu iual NBA a ll> s ta r game a t P h iiadelphla'a-JooTcnUon h a l l jm , J a n , 33 and th s best o f the West wlU be ou t to step h im eren if I t d o e sa t s e a a 'tbo m uch. TSm Job

troit'Pistotts.O ne o f lh # m o st__________

tu res of tha iame,- fo r which Oham betlain. .T raa ...seta ted . over Bos t o ^ -peie bn tted -B m sd lr-w lll be la sM ng how veD th e western aU -stan can do a Job a t which the

w b n U skidded 80 felpt in to a H adnct o a a n k y expressway.

Utaenberger la a siVyear-old for^ ________w atd -wbtaB th e Hawka bbuiiJ t T h e -eighlh p o l^ at ; w e trac la tf u u i“ U w ^lontR sl~ C >Q tllens~ la |IS '-lecatcd-epe e t|h th~ o f-a '-m U e J M 4 .ig r : .« l» m ______ | frota th s finish line.

Barber Takes Top Money in YorbaLinda-

YORBA U N D A . Calif., J a n . 10 n —Plucky Je rry Barber o f Iios in g le s ahook o ff the pressure of

_n eagle-three fired a t M m by Billy Maxwell on the f in a l hole M onday and won th e 130,000 Voiba L inda-open golf tournam ent. -B a rb e r- s e ttle d lo r a -p a r TO-and ft 73-hole score of 27S a n d >3,600 top money, b u t had to sink a 13- fo o t p u t t fo r a blrdls to escape .a tie w ith Maxwell in a thrlU-pocked wlndu»=b«»gr».-ar.orowd::«>trtbou.sands a round th e 18tb g re e n ........

Maxwell, of Odessa, Tex,, b a d i .......................W.POO second money,

cup 'team s.‘h a d a - 7 3 fa r2 8 1 - a a d a tie w ith T om Nleport o f B ronx- viUe, N . V . ,

Nleport^ Tlrtua)ly vnnoUced la ie c lK acU o iin lsb .'b sd 'a d7, J n r •.on of th e day.X arger. a « . w ent Into th e f ina l

rotm d w ith a lead of three atzokes over W eetm aa and four over M ax- weU.

A t th e end o ( th e first niite holes WeeCmaa h a d w hittled th e k a d down by one atroke. and a f te r 14 boles h e and Barber were «veo

W eetm an finished in a th ree - jm e ju s t a head of Barber, M ax­

well a n d Ju llua Boros.Maxwell be lted h is appzM ch sh o t

60 ynrds:tow B rd-the greea-and a trem endous about came up. I t waa an eagle th ree .

Barber, perennial second p lsce finisher b u t seldom a winner, oame to the green a n d was confronted w ith a lo c r p u t t th e aeed

He got iU


SU te, which is 0-5, Richfield will be at-D le trlch-and-B llB s-w U l.hosl- th e second p lace Camas County M ushers in th e o ther two lesguegames. -------------------------------------

Also on th e non-conference slsi*I* a game betw een CasUeford and Kimberly, w ith Kimberly being the

■ host • tcam r----------------------- ------------

hand . H is m anager, haid-prtssed fo r pitchers, ta lked Wilson Into g lv lh f pitching a t r j .

E arl h as been a t Itc.erer al H e progressed slowly . nnUl he _ te ied th e service. W ith tbe Saa Diego m arines la 1958, he turned In a rem arkable 4B-3 reeotd. W bea th e form er liouislaaa ssndlotter w as '■ discharged ■ ho-w as to . MlnneapoUa.

WUson dropped h is first ganle. IKch won nine In 'a n w T 'H s n a ^ 10-a record w h ea th a Sox brought h im xtp for th e fina l two m oaths of th e season. H e buried only 33 lna lng t,'tp itlU ag twodeelsJsas. H e Is certain t ' " “ th e pa ren t

Red Box' Scottsdale, 'A rts, cam p n e x t m onth . T hey Inelnde four p ltc h a n a n d th ree ouCfttlders.— - T h e pitching erew.wUl.lncludi

Tom Borland, w ltti a 1 4 -------------lost and a X73 earned ................ ..a t M inneapolis: T ed W llb, »-10 w ltli . th a -s v n e _ te a m ..a n d JZ tK y S taliard , 3S, a rlgtathander, who woo p a n d lo s t 4, and turned f a a l.e> EZUL a t Allentown tn tb e E as tern league;;------ :— .

Howell.. ~ O U n to c . t a t t e d '^ l - - a t M iane#p0ll*_but.w t_30 ■ and drove in TT x tu js .^___ built'ex-coU eglsa fromBsylor-U .,.ZBatricuiated.at.A J]ea; tow n. H e m ade h ls 'm a jo r league debut w ith th e B ed Box in th s w an­ing days of th e 1859 season and rapped -one h i t . l n . f o a r . time* a t b s t against W hltey PStd o f the Y ankees. Howell u a f irst year m an w ho w as brought.up to pro< tec t h im from th e d r a f t

Women Bowlers Plan Tournament

jf f lc e ts .o f-th a .ld a lu -W o m e n 's

io a n a m e a t to be . held a t tho U iSle-Bow l s ta r t ln r th e w e^ -« a d of M arch 8. •

T h a tourney wlU continue eacb week-end th rough A pril-10. '

A sta te delegates meeting w in 1m h e ld a t 11 a jn . M arch U tn th e Elks boUdlac, T h e high five .tou- ■B IM ttitT rtirbrbBld-at-theBow la-


b e a n n if neither liad

. . . . . height a d v a n i^ , Aat-e a 35>poiat p e r game arerage in -lo o p -p lay w hllo-gtving"U p-4 3 - polnts per gam e. Burley, which Is a-1, is avermglng S3 points per

feat Minlco In league play, th a t

Aussies Show Interest in Tennis Opensodatloa o f A ustralia expressed a ’ farorable a ttitu d e tow ard open tennis totxm am ents M onday whils th e Aussie D avU cup captain blast* ed the professloaaU .

MeaawhUe. A ustralian tennis oN ftclals prepstf«d for a meeting. Feb.

h ieh a a official atUtoda--------- opeB _com peU U oa..aad .a_proposed “au tho rtsed -p layei^ct ' m ust be determ ined.'

t lo a favora « lim ited aum beT of open to u m an isn ts . b u t oppoees the authorised p layer plan , which would p e n n lt., certain .tq>. layers

peUtloa.-Donald U . Fertnson . IflR&A

because X believe they are insvl* table. » t I « n i lolenUy ooposed .'(0 t h r i d e a e f au tlta riK d-pE iT B i.- They a re ju s t professionals tn an* o ther f » i— **

DavU cop cap ta in ISMxn ,Hop- m an sa id l a M onday's MeUoume 8ua ,theX T A A -S ho u ld .baa .p ro rsfe_ J slonals tro m I ts courts fo r th a *9 whole o f th e '.m a jo r tounam cn t season. B e ' sa id promoter Jack S ram er 's -la st tw o Australian touis - lo st heavily a n d th a t I t was tim e . t « n e « v e ^ e ~ p rM W tB e lF « m :ta = : n n d - .th o lr ,w a y ..o u t .01

S c o r e s ___- - C*n«<

»w1cr SS. ■ n w u

tm mA ildiiwC ^ E N ip A lt

Page 10: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


Page 11: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


StocksjO illK tT AT A GLANCE

5?J*. - ft>»rrT.m.i.u im.

Livestock GrainsOORKN. J kii, 1» U^iUil'sfHi— ,,

Earnest E. Hills „JPajdXasLHonoi

rlfpr. !J.JO.Sl,Tu;

Funeral ttrvlccs for E arnest E. Hm» were hfld Tuesday a t the Whlw morlunrj- chnpcl w lih the nrv. W. A. MneArlhur offlclntlnR.

. . ........ ........... Mra, Duvld Mfnd soloLit andinJir OB ih. ChiMt.i|Mis. Nellie OMroui Bnbcock wan

i?h .ll whw w u oil >. ti.■h*ni;<d to off o*i> Pallbcarfrs u rre Clifford Bar' .» r». ui. ^ lo 1., .....Itiiolomew, OcorR® Denlou. Jr . |« up U *na i.Mo{t II.. ■••|Kr!inelh DUhop. Robfrt Dlftmlrcs,

Lewis Tmul nnd Lee Porterfield.

tUfll-Crmln tii

vtOIUE, JW. W (UPII—A «h«rp if la DU Pont »«>«'“ lo " '' hi uaU) urn* In Ihe 13 tradmit y . M th> m « ye«n. TrMliit

lloci luO; hir.tlrB IMI RiKik't: n.mln>1l.

I.SO; «cc..l,,n.l h~,1 |.;n .S)i«T iu; B» i„ , „t „„

jMI.nlir tlauKhlrr (ilo atruni: iuik* • d ih |, (, riKiM hlEbtr; «o..l i„ 1„, ,h.Ill, Kuolnl ilsuchlrr limUulUll)r to ii-txi llu-n:. ibi.

• idtf ItmU ...M,

rOHTl.ANn '

1"CW4:1 lb, „ „ k | Vu,u,„ Th. n,.r. Uw ls Tmul (iiid Lee porleullitd_iiti«fU—iram __Jionorary.piUJUciu-or*-wcro

'""c Micn«ei Bnr

M MOl « u oCf lo u poinu >t It!. bul rKovetwl a l»w polnu aiV cSm - TH» »»lllnf «pp«Mntl» cmmi

S S i f rwctlon to U>» Bovrrii,

t>rn>t.ln»»*K>ni b«ek off

tddiUon to Ou Pont, th* tadiit- ««* pulled down Sr U im poinU In eMlnmn

» d owriu>imnolt. and *rouiic]

Ui» luuei otiwldt UitKc i« knmsM .mkDMMi «>1 niB i. ‘niMS lnali»l«<J

III,, up

‘ — ■ lUpiiblle ro«a *rouiid

BftJiJrtUn u>d U, S. Suwl ■ *»“• Vounwwwu

*?nuSSo«l out IQ ■ mUfd eteetfonie wjia a iMi o t wound r

Initfumtnu M dta about

■ laiKliird anil (cxvl l,iijn'|h,-----’r «nit ctill*r ro«. l-.oiun,:

»U ii-u>l iiMHr I

D.iOi txilhltic *!>• ntf^rpJ.DKNVKIt

-BKNVKn. J.ti. 1» lUI’H-C.ii- itiuilhlrr .U rn ii.. ___

llniU«a_ u lr . toITVJ Ml ---"T7" ,** *• •••■•••r t-

Umtcd!» hlfh.f c.. ___


B:ftrpl ..-„l '•

\r •tiltt. fullr itMdr; ilauihwr limU

n iDU of CkirtornlB lo*t abour ~ “ - — -n group. AlteriUU J

1 of mor« Oiiji a *


£« . ssat-si" s...“ «< N .l <i>^ium U>A

s “" s ^ s .r a r -1 . tS 5 r“ !i« Sw iW i si.i5 a II 4l‘« Ohio Oil

If >,il>A; :s ■ tUu(bl«r ■(>: iiMilr: K«ir>ri (ullr •(••drh.r: hliN mil »rlm» I.

M(h«r. up-to ln'ip«Ui~Utin(y'<o»a ]» e .Ph»»t> I.MO: ■*U>i«liI«r ItmU at___M>1 and thole* lamb* IB.OO>]O.M,

■ ilii r.t.“ Vi s - i t p f t s a .

LOfl ANCRLU.»NGKU». Jan, It (Uri-KSMNl •alabla SOO; dairy cow

.. . . . ram* cno» al<i<•tnxir; bulla firm: nih«ra ik "ihrd ; Inv tn a«*rait tlanHard\ »u»r» JAPO.JJ.M............--rara(aiitlllt|r~rania-«>i.a-U.sa.|l,H|

‘ utllUr riair/ lrt« bulli ».Oft.!<,OOi n ' aalabla I I; about ataadir: food «0,1>. alau«bl*r eal««a 2«,(>n.n.o«| lood

•‘7V,'a'jr.‘.5i’o7.e^-„ and .11,.

K Sou ratlfta' fc'BparrrSSKS™?.

BMft . V31k 8Un Oil Indi,- t s : « 'MU icon B(u-P»cK > »]> Sunrar OU 33%

II roid U T s u i CoI Tm 8ul;b 33U T t t Quit Sul . .

"S S i.S 'K .-S SU.TfiloKol Cj> S31iS ?SSSn"«," gii

Twtn Ct. Tax 33?*

I a u i OU CTalt Atr L

lU S°S*< um m ttU ~iaju'ti a i£iSb« .

- . .T * T 3S i ',U 8 8m#lt —I Josa * UU U U B BtMl ' B3(Vhfisfesr-s-siifcsif -s’*

CIIICAfJt)- OmOAOO. Jan. It-.UPIJ-H oft-J*/ 000; buubara-, unrtanli aiaadr to It

* ' ' ' M N«, I 110 Iba. 14,10; 3J0-4U lb. aovt

____ 4U00; <alm IM] ataai1,U0 Iba. moatlr aUadr: cbol«-----It*, aclira and alron»; cho__ __Iba. sp aloir. waak lo 10 looar: btl(ar< <tranf'lo- M hlftitr; enwr at**d7. ‘


...............tUltr lloIatalna^Y-l

“£ = S :

SiI Knr-ilcaM 4111 W ara^ 'm

I Uwt rovtf 33 k ■roua Bho«t i:_ lleatWard « JSaalth icmi

J ^,^A«EBICAN EXCnANCRE /sr’Ww.”,;'’*,!*''®-'


8h>*p I.SOO; aell.a. loed aUepInt d.- mand: alauthUr Umba atroni to » bUbar: aw«a (» btabir: iosd and cholo

Potatoes•J&Alll, ___

lOAIIO TALLS.-Jan. II lOTI)—1 toay U w r Tallay. TirlB’falU. II

Bnrlliolo-........ Mnmn wilkiiwon. nobertOnurlw. A, D, DoBW. Ocnri:r Den (en. Vernon iJtnce, Leallq. Antler* Mui. Cccll T ri«pfr niid I ra ' Lnn-

Klnal rllM were held a l Sunset

Mar and March. (I.lllm >aa m'>i, » (uliim laln'fft miira lhan a rrm

.1 hl»h»r. Kn. 4 Mil—Oalai 'llnchaninl. Nn. t I nnmlnal.rtir:^ Unrhancnl. Kn, !’lU?l‘ ; ; Maltlns I.IH .«d sft-l,oa ■>

nrfdicbt j'fob Idnjio; m a n reds 'n i $ i i i 5 lo 'J ’juVTt were rclcancH a* SimdayUnUl men It w lll-bc a P>r‘od ^ ^ iM chrr* nnd Leslie 8 ra-

which will Mill see a number ot aa secretary fit LD8 sacra-indlvlduM l.i*ucs working counter w l.nen t meelUiR sundny nlRhl.lo llic nencrnl trend bu t which WnshlnRton dry br in mnrlccta ncw icnchi'm tvrc Mr. and Mrs.


......:.«iVj i.s iii


wheJc c o S o ^ e ’I ^ i r e n - l born pure'^ofirJcTnL" “ * " w hite aud Ihelr pnws, tall nnd face

m n c " t 'l . Du Po»t and comDBnylt>“ °»»« l»e ,recommends purchase of Midland-1

,. .06S .8I S , .BSS

liit __t.;ii«! I.541I i.:eu

I tJJt i rfan, <v vf I 'train wbol**a1». protnbt d»ll»»rjt. ••>«» in. (oil track Portlands Oata, N<>, !. . lU. Khlla H,iO.JJ,OO...C«rn. No. S, •How. aaatarn S4,74.M,80.. Ilarlar. Nu. , I t lb. «ra«t«rn 4S.tO>47.''To.la»'a flo*a Tortlat

* JJarJaX bid In arrlt* marh.t, :M .y ablpmtnt..dellTfr«<l. eotatt T'x, 4t 1h. wntarn 4(.&0. No. 2, 2.row«<I or-trowrti

*wr«at bid (a arrl>* markat. No. SlMar ahlpnunl. dallrarad toa

« ^ h 'l* *Cl*b s"m *'* * ' nard 11^ Wlnl/r'i Ordinary M U >F trn t J.U ; IS par <*ni :.l4.Hard Whllo. Ilaart: Qrdlnarr 2,«2.Car racaipu: W bm SO; l>*rl«r :

t ; oala 1 | mill f*>d



)t cara: unehansad lo U blchar; No. t

ruturva «Ioa«4 anebantad

Butter and Eggs

Wall StreetChatter -

Markets for -D i'j^B eansJs^

Said “Quiet”SAN FRANCISCO. Jnn, 1» -C al

ifornia dry bran markeis wen quiet w ith no outslnndlnic chnnRca during the wrck entJlng Jan , 13. nccordlnR lo reiwrls of the fed­e ra l-stale ninrket news service. D em and showed no Im parlant Im*

of yenr-end liiveiuory and orders placed.itpprnrrd malrily for near' b y r f l th e r than future need*:

Slocks of dry brnns In Catlfor n la wai-ehou.iM were smaller Uian on any com|i,ir:it)1e date since Jan. 1. 1B48. said ihe report, exccpllnE on th e stdcka uf small 'W hites which were otiout 30 per cen t Ian;, er than a y m r earlier.

Rpcky Mountain find eastern dry!

Ralph Thompson Claimed by Death

T1)mnp.^on, 40r 'dled of « heart a t­tack a t Ills .homo here Monday nleht.

He born April 3. IDU. In Ar* bon V;il1<'y. Ida:, and came f “p e rt.in iPSO. Mr,.Tliomp*on ..... ....membiT of the Itiipert pdllce force for four ye.iM nnd then wa« ployi'd by the Minidoka Irrlgi district.

ipicUon _fiiitvivoraJiiclutl(Lhta_wl«lpw.jhe

for rU w ard oMIcw* nnd teaehen a l 0:30 a .m ., followed by sestlom for a ll members a t 10:U a m. and 7:30 p .m . •- ----------

view of ll^ht imdlnK. Red K id­ney bean* aert! Independently strona aml-ndvnnced 50 centa. re-

shnrt supplies. 'Shippers

form er Ahce Q uinn: his mother. Mr*. Violrt .'Hiontpaon. pocolello; five niMpn. Mni, V «t"- Sinclair. VantaKf. Wosh.: Mrs. Evelyn Hill, Dlitrklxoi: Mrs, Enrl Wickham, 61,

'A nthaii; '; M n. EImn R aU iitr And Mrs. Hiiih Snurey. both rocatello; one bri'iher. Dtnvn Thompson, bUo Pocatello; iwo dauRhteni,' Mr*.

I Carol Urucp, Pocatello; Mrs. lene AVlL'on, IMIlman, Wash.I Ftiiicrnl services a tr pending a t

ATTEND FilNERAL BLISS, Jan , 10—Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Dalby a ttended funi:ral services n iu r sd a y n t Layton. UUUi.'for her sUter. Mr«. Olive Homer Eaan Tliey w ere accompanied by their — P a le DBlby, Ooodlng.

Meet TonightBURLEY, J a n . l»-rThtt <iuarterly

m eellnf of th e district U en’< Pel* e liiu tli ’

will be held a t 7 : ^ p . in. today the Burley church with Ih# Her.

Iward E. Dbcon' o f the Burley rethodlst church 'os EUest 's p e tlte rr ' Church members f i m Bliss to

Idaho ro lls will attend. Wayne Newcomb, Rupert, la district presi­dent.

Assirraln(lud[n( rta

bailnaaa an DaraaiWr U . IHI.

tv«» of'ralTrrlion*..•I and »uaranta»d._;

I orardraftil___ __

I. naman.1 li i.iAiiii.iTirfl

a.purrciit.dlResUve proc-

Teachers Resign AlrhDS-Service

wsrir'iihnHlIl m i n l o ' r . s n l i i ' * 8 - ' “ ' D; I r r i n^i i . ' ’Mw. ' Mnmle*D' ivre^^^

M nr-L ovellT tim er-l«-secretary,— V cm Hymns, Burley hlRh coi\n-

cllm en. was Kuest speaker. Other speakera were K en t L>'ons and David Jack Chamberlain.

C arl Osti '

.. anJ fort«rallon»_l «a».W4.1l• n .......... 4S.I0I.M

x ln sa -. t.m.SO

. TOTAL LiA iiii.rnr.1 ..CAriTAL ACCOirUTI ;•

I. TOTAt. t.IAnit.ITIF,S ANn C ' *T1iia hanli'a capital roRiUla of

MKUOKANPA.'A.acl^ iilfdftd or ••ilfnxl tu tacuia llabi

.intk wllk-lolal par «al>ia ot tiM,000.00.

1/ V. COOK.............. SCilWENDmAH

C<ninlr e( Twin rallt. u i............ ..........ubarrlM Mota m* llila l« h dar of . .

raMllr that t am nul an otfltcr or dlraclor o( tbla bank.IMO. and T kanbr

o islio r, Mourr rablla

Ross corporation In buslncasmen'a

ot U»e year, notes inside Street, publication of Inveslor’i Union, Inc. I t a lto polnLf out that! electronlu. due lor another rally,| se ll-on itrenBtl»,-a«-lhe-Beoeral. direction' for this group Is down, down and down,* w ith oCculonol upside flurries.

Edmund W. Tabcll, of W alston and company, says the present technical pattern of the rails Is most InierestlnR. I t la too early to soy. he notes, but It Is possible'that the pattern has long-term slRnin- cance for the rail Avcra8er'"Abll“ Ity to hold around present levels would give Indications th a t Inves­tor attitude toward th is unfavored group might be changlnR."

There's Utile doubt, notes I n ­vestors Advisory Institute, th a t needed correcUon of some o t th e more excessive overvaluations con­tributed lo .the market'fl recent de­cline. However, such correction U

healthy th in g • and It o ften , ^,,'Ves as a lutCY elciiieiit strength, the Institute adds.

I CKiCACO cmCACa. Jan. II (UPl) ~ reUKwi

’Id and nawli Tbial U. A. ahlnntr' nidi arrlralj H ; leldl truck 11 ‘ BodaraU; dmMnd iairi narlluppllaa

" t ^ I t M>m U K Uia. V5' di Bad rlrar


I IKMe tilib l » I 1 S a .HTI iMMo low. ioi;i ■ :u : i « ;

M,R.b«rt. .Bd « > p .n .)


,bakaraJJa»-MI»a*a>la.Wcrtl> Oakau.Bad rl>«r ralkr round rtda S.lt>l.4t; «l» main rtuaau 4.M| rounda .kllM 1,11. Nor poUtoaai ArrlyaU 1| track

*Sln^ aataai Florida round r*di < Iba.) l.lt^.OO.

Onlonii Arrkala I ) track t t : nodarat*; dam ' ‘

Track aalaas8lr*M aalaai _______

Spaolib MS! «hlU madlui.1 t.U l

[and a'lowj.markM'aMdl

I I.ja: whIU madlutn S.IS.1.4*fkte*'S."

m mp 5 { 5 = -

I 5<nb>na r

Jan. II «V-Wool futuraa

I «u»i

M a r a a r i ' T '

I Pegler Is Suing ^ ^ ife for Divorce I

I J- «yndleated }“I ‘ p s p e r columnist la n in g h l i I

PUTURES 'Tha (ollowlni fulum qaoUtloni ar<

" " “ M M -

'Missionary Talks. H E V B inui, Jan . 19—V e v l Toy

lor. who returned la s t week froa an LDS m Isslm 'to 'K driM r, im gU ttt »peftlter_at.the H eybum LD£ seoood ilfard u s r a j s e n t me«tl&t Sunday evening.

Harold Peterson. R u p a councilman, also sptAe,H y ao s vaa r a le u id *-aa - Jimlo

' erKftQlst and D«- w ■ultalned

lonchomam«a«a ica< a«-a«: B«l*a 'sraaa /•M l: D 4T-4B; 0 4MI,Uatt«r Mt.ooe Iba.: aUadr to firm:

I a«>r* i f l t : H •‘«r* KW 1 fO m uH I aarloUj

. . S T u i 1 5 . ' " “ '. ____tUBdardl Zt; dlrtla* I IH : cb«k> 31.

Extra Passenger Is First Stowaway.

SAN ?RAMCISCO, Ja n . IB ( t f P I ) - ^ e - g i n n i n g little m w who came o u t o t the plane wash- room 41,000 fee t over th e Paclfle was th e m ost welcome sigh t 49 nervous passengers could have had. T hey h a d feared he m ight luvo h a d a bomb.

Hldem&sa N agayosu.. 34, could only nod, .sm lle and scratch hU head a t theTClleved Pan-Am erican je t~ p u K n g e rs flying fiom "T ol^o to S a n Franciaco.

N agayasu w as no t a suicide; bent bomber b u t the first trans- Pacific Jet stowaway Pan ' bad come across.

Church Wm Host HfctricLConclaxeHAOERMAN, Ja n . 10—A BoUe

district church school Institute lor cd-L D 6-cbu rch -w m

be held a t th e Kagerm an church Salurday and Sunday w ith Athol B. Packer. Independance, Mo., church school director. In charge.

He will be assisted 'Alvlir Pierce. Boise, dlstrlct_church school director.

will s ta r t a t 1 0 « jn . Sat- s andurday 1

meals served a t noon and at-6-pjBi A Him will be shown Saturday evening.

Two dosses f^ 8 and 10 a jn . Sunday wilt be held p rio r to church services o t 11 a jn . when Packer w lll-tlTe-the^Bennonr-A ,—potluek dinner will be held Sunday noon to close the InsUtute.

T he Boise district Includes Oiurches .Irom -Baker, Ore« toR upert


2 Firms FileBOISE, J a n . 19 (U P D -A rtlc les

o t'Inco rpo ra tion were llled w ith the secretary of s ta te 'to d a y for Magio V alley Dairy. In c . Twin Prils, a t a papltallzaUon of tas,000. lioren Q . H arrltt.T w ln Polls; Don- a1d'B lele,'N am pa,-and-0{arenee E. Brewer, -Boise, are the incorporat­ors.


gonlaatlon.'. Clyde Rutledge land Jack Mercnes8,-both Boise; Andrew Janies. O oodlng: Bill Moore. H an­sen, a n d Jo h n Welts, Bakef, Ore..

■ ATTEND 8BEV1CE8, ELBA, J a n . 1»-M r. and Mrs.

J . R. H urd a ttended funeral senr- lees fo r h ls.b ro ther, John H urd.-at ^ je rd ee n . , •

Twin Falls Markets

‘ •uUflled la fupeilor eouit «

BeatisD E N V ^ J u i . IB <0P1> —

Bean market:General bids to growers IBSB

• c ro p - P ln to s ,- U ^ -N o ^ ,_ ‘ia8 i_ 7£0 per cwt„ fob D enver rate basis; V. 6 . No. 3 Plntoe, .39 cents per c w t less.

. Bids to growers 1650 crop U. S. No. 1 G reat N ortherns, generally 6.76, N ebraska rate basis; U. S . No.-3, 30 cents per

T h r o u g h A r t i f i c i a l

C U R T ilS


i n y o u r ^ h o r d

'+ p r o d u c llo n ■i' l a l e i v a lu e2M Slt«« In ^ sta le

■ braed<

- I h r g w f l r t t f f b e m tn rel brMding . ^ r n o t i ^ Building B ii t t r 'H ird t throughout ^ tr iea u

i n a 9 s a m f , m

G te. "R ip " W lnkl* R g _ a ; i y a i(Cail^CoU ^).

T h e followinjr cows, you n g s to c k and n rtlc lcs will bo so ld a t public auction located 4 m lle i w e s t a n d 1 niQ« Ih o t th o so u thw est c o rn c r oC B uhl on th e Deep C reek R oad , th e n V /4, w es t o r V /i , w e s t o f D eep C reek

__ _____________S tock F a r m ___________ _ _

Thursday ,laniSale starts 12:30

— COMPLETE DAIRY DISPOSAL5 0 Top Reglttered and G rade K olitoln Milk Cows „

M r. B. T . Albertson has lUUd th is farm for sale. All movable a r tlc le s 'w li r ' be sold a t auction. This Is one o r ih e highest tested herds tn 8 counties on • DHIA Records.'Records prove th is he rd mllklng. an average 32 cows dally

•Kro8sed-t0.03aJ8the-past-year,All-non-paylns-cows.have.been-cuUcd.irom. th is herd. T lte entire herd of age a re vaccinated and Utooed. All records have been Terr carefuUy kept. I f you w ant th e finest In Holstein D airy stock, a ttend t i ^ sale:


Lunch by Deep. Creak; Grairiga

~REGISfERED“ MATORE“CPWS’MO. e -x H IBK SU F R E M E -B lre Ida-FaUs .King

------- SUflr«nB,.bom April l i . 1951, D am .Snow H aiel.Rosedene, dueto freshen January .17th. D H IA .record shows la st lactation o{, '6311b8.-ot bu iterfat, also 813 I b ^ o f milk daUy-wh»n frash.

NO. 3*X DESERT GEM HOMESTEAD SU O A E -B om November 16. 1032, S lre -K ln g Desert O em Madcap. D am -H u n t Ida

...... J l ^ u t e a d Lapwal, due to freshen January 3Sth. DHIA recordahdws last lactation of (44 lbs: o f bU tterfftV ftlso-7JJ-|bs. of m ilk dally when freih.

NO. ZB-X D O im iD O R M SB r BOBJA D E B S A -B on i M a»h 0, loss, S ire—Burrelone .B ufautief Commander, D am — DoUy O nnsby King Supreme. MUklng-heavy. now. due June 22nd.

_ ■ D jilA .rcco rq jhow s 3i8.).bs,j>LttutUrftttjaUi_X«t.c»ltj>DiLM- Ibs. of milk dally when fre th ;

NO. 21-X ORMSDY SNOCAP BABJA DEBKA—B om Moy 38, lOM. 6lro— Larrydale R ag .^pple Supreme. D a m - ^ o w Rosedena O iihsby Supreme. Milking heavy now 'and open. DHIA ihowa 40 t lbs. of bu tte rfa t w ith 1st caU. AUo 63.0 lbs. of.mtlk dally

. w hen freah. . . ■NO. 48-X CONNIE RAINBOW GEM (TAB IN )-B Qm -M areb 38,

1B&7. Slro-R alnbow Bold E. D am -D e s e r t Oem Homestead Sugar, Milking now, bred Septem ber-IB tb, due June 38th.

. DHIA shows 341.2 lbs. of b u tte r fa t th u s f a r In flrM lacUtion.473 lbs. o f milk dally.

NO 41-X BONNIE RAINBOW OEM (T A R IN )-Q lre-R alnbow Bold . B. Dom—Desert Oem H om a tea d Sugar. Milking now, bred Boptanbee 15th. DHIA s h o v a .M .6 lbs. o f bu tterfat thus f a r In f irs t lacu tlon . Also 4S.0 Ibe. of.nUlk dally.

NO. 'U *X DAlSy—B re « l^ « k X ugust lo tS T m U kE T iR trB a i DH1A-S27 Ibi. of butterfat. 63 Iba. mUk dally, .

N o n « * X H O U T ^ rM 'b a c k 'S e p te m b e r BtbrmlUdng-irltta'fltb-calf, d h i A-t430 lbs. of bu tte rfa t. WJ).lbs. of mllk.dsUr. ....... ,

NO. M -X W B IT E T -^ust fresh O ctober » U i and opes. UUklng wlUt 3rd caU .D B U -4 3 8 lbs. o f bu tte rfa t, .40X> Q».-mtlk dally.

NO. U -X V A ie - J u s t fresh October SSth and open. MITHni with Sth calf. D H tA-S30 lbs. o f bu tte rfa t, 74il Iba.

n o : 7 -X PET—J u s t freab Januaiy . 3 n l and.open, c a lf . DHIA^-«B0 lbs, of bu tte rfa t. *T£ lbs. 6t

NO. 4-X8DBIB-..Due to freshen F ebruary 20th.. J>BIA-r42t Ibi. Of bu tterfa t. B83 Iba. of mlUe daUy.

TWO.- lfO E=-Pflrj>BU i r y -2»U i w>tli-:4tlrqdf.--]-------- - bu tterfa t. M 3 lbs. o f m U kdatly . -- r r - •.------------ .N O J-X B E S S - r^ e April 18th .w ith Btb eatf. D H IiU -«ai lbs. of

butterfat, B8.0 lbs. of mUk d a l ly ; ----------------------- / .NO. U *X M A R IE -B red back O ctober Iflth, m lM n s with Srd calf.

SH IA —714 lbs. o t bu tterfa t la s t U etaU on .: . ,NO, S*X G lN G SB ^B red back December 2«Ui; m llkfng vlUi 8tta

' calf. D BIA -499 lbs. o f b u tte r fa t. '893 lbs. of. mlUc dally.

Iba. of bu tto rfat. 683 lbs. mUk dally.NO. 23-X D O B A -^ ust fresh D ecem berlStli i r i ^ anS e a lL S B U '

- 3 0 2 lbs. o f bu tterfat. 673 lbs. milk daily.NO. 49-X S T B IL -D ue February 14tb w ith a n d 'e a lf ; S B Z A ; ^

Ib srb u tte rfa t, 603 lbs. milk dally.NO. BO-'Xna&BSaA—Bred 8 tp tem ber.I9 th ,4 st e a U -b ^ tf .

ND<^45-X H A OO lB—Diie-A prll-3Stb.-'SH IA ' (9 3 .'d a y i)^ lU ba.- o f bult«srfftt, 47 lbs. of mUk daUy.

NO. M -X LAX>X~-JiM fresh with 2nd caU. m lM ay.hatiy .ng irv

A U CnO N EEK ’S N 0T 8 : I t iU U OM of the H oest hertU Wf^r* had ' •thB piM m rnpty^.Tiiny AU-the abbre sU tls t Ia were t a k e a . f m

thB record Iwoka, th e r t U no guesslngliere. T h e numbers pr*;.coding —<**' awl>i.«l ggf ..tialw ta if 1q#|w-tlfy each cow day of aale..W e reeom m end'tbl* b e rd - le 'T e a l very highly. ..... ...................................... . .

YOU NG STO CK -7 L ong yearllnc Holstein h ._8 Y earling HoUteln he lfen .7 H olstein heifer calves, up to 8 m onths of age . 3 B olstohi s te e r caltres .

C&U above heifers o f age ara r

MILKING EQUIPMENT]*U n lt B e U v a l UafneUe milker w ith a ll equipment, iu i t tw a t ly .

• o v e rh a u le d '. —j a e c t r io j io t j t t tg ttnfc.and iM blnEJuhC-— :— ^

13 -O aatn llk coolerS everal good lO-gaUon milk cans a n d lota of b

- - -HAY,-GitAIN,STRAW ,-SI■iSSffilS- M>‘SrSi3‘S5, -— -Approximately, iS Ions good-sUige

- A p p i a x lm ^ ,4 0 0 b u ^ e U ,S t w i ? h M ; ^ i r ^ .u ;,.

' MisCEttiVWMiHSpi ^_______________ ___________ j'SSSSSSffiS

.:;;.,:A:-:.-.SQUEEZE;CHjJTEair»cUC7rinade b n n d i^ ia n d


A n e U o n ^ : K 1 ^ S < & E L A A S

Page 12: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


Says AfterCaringioiLBaby- Dr HENBT'MeLEMORC

•When : re td U trful, noiUlgJc pieces on th e puslnB of lha lener- a t pracUUoner, or f io illr doctor, U-* *1\ 1 can do 10 keep from lauBhlns.

He Un't pu*lDg th c K tn e a t all.

BAndl Mid Uiou>u n d s ot lamlly

.■•doctor*.' reftdy.'lo answer a can, a t any hour, to dla(t*

' nose any aUment. and wllllns to sit by th e bedside alln lB hU t neccsMiry.'

1 am one. So Is almost .'every oth-

cla or h a re g ru ff Tolces and twin­kling eye*, bu t we do the Job none- theleas. ;

I didn’t know m uch about medl' cine when . M eaan ' arrived 1' m onths ano. b u t since th a t time I have made more examlnaUons and more dlagnoec* and recom­m ended more c u re s -th a n -n a n y .a graduate of Johns Hopkins.

W lth .dM to r* ,being ..as busy they are. and charging what they do. a father m ust practice medi­cine whether ho llkea-Jt or not. and in open defiance of the American Medical association. Anyone who has ev e r-c a lled -a -d o c to r In the middle of the n igh t to' report tha t his baby has a red spot behind Us

and asked for advice, knows

‘ :Morket-Place; ■ o f -

Magic Volley

^ B E N E A i ; H - , t H l l J A h l M E B _ A B L l H E J « P R I - P ' S B E S T B A R f i A I N S* ijurhous. 19.mu t/fJ!'



ClassifiedT V A N T - - A D R A T E S -


T s r

, lb.. Ib ti MODKIW^S^^UroilTOIjl llOUSf-^J

; UNf: UMAU. I bMlfuoin. SW. Us* ■ b.jf».ni. W .^ rbon« ttZ ir - • OWNCnS! Cemtr lol. J w m h .

UOOUIN S t enitd . Outphant n>: a

i« twr «erd ixr dar Urr-|iilptnrnl dnH •tuck.

. Ur »<|] o r iK . In. •-nu.-.T l.hon.-ng

il SMALL : bMlruomi. m.nl. m . Inquh

t |» w .n ... -;Hwill ..II lor i;i •”J,».r.«n. TKant KK *•*»«»■

every oth* rnr anri Ksked Ic c _ o tjU ia b iu W « 4S W " 2i ju s u th ttL u n tf tn

c ^ black sa icu -jJ „C red spots or rashes,to give them the ir medical name, nothing U bs trying to an amateur doctor as they are.


have beards, o r c a n y B f i ic r i

Uiiion Pacific ‘Group Installs TNew Gffiaals

- nU PERT, Ja n • > -W . r . Brown. T w in m ils , and Mr*. W. E.-^Pratt, Murtflugh, were Installed m prM- tdent* of th e Union pnclllc Old

• Timer* club and auxiliary SaMJr- d n y « fte r i banquet a t S t. Nicholas parish hall.

O lticr Old Timer officers Instal' led ai-'e-D. H. Dunks, Rupert, vice president: C. M. Turner, Mur- taugh seeretarytreasurer, and O U . a teln. Tu'ln chairman;Leo Poulton, Hupert, Lewis Meyers, Hurley, Morris Blackburn, Twin Palls; O len 'M urdock fcnd Pete Pulla*. Plcabo. governing board

S L A S i r O F F I C E -O V ER H EA D

INV ESnOA TE OUR NEW — O F n C E -E A C IL rn E 3 ,IJ_ :

M ouum J UM)mx>M b«tn». «io ■ -- nlnsiM* tKhixil. S*S.M r»r m

.C.IIK s-m ii or KE S-I^U. .-■■r.OIIUUM horn*, oil {uriM«*. .

rcK^i. h.nl»«xl (liK>r«. do.* In. C«ll

” « j, V lll Gl.Bwlly.-,yiwi>»KBS-«i;.

■OWNKni*Wrwn.briclc. K ^U c*.

books-slnce-X-took-up-n-•rtlt-iBifTTjKt'inr cltuirud tdxrU< ||>(. 'UllBtl Ad»~ st« atrletlf conU-

TJ.i'W il'SnJ'lisli'rorBrtlUinslt-M — alxfi Ib r.(at4 l» Ikt idrtnlM

I IIKDKUUM. H.ttlweiodA>*nii* Nnnb. *

—I7T<mihon«'T7iiw*nnn«rr»nop.— >

Rashes mean anyth ing and every­thing. They i n d i c a t e measlw, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, swollen glands, malnutrition, colle, scarlet fever, hives through shingles, poison Ivy, one of 10,000 allergies or Just p lain contrarln _B u t they.muAt be.diogooeed. 1

nKADLINE for CIi u UIkI oMond.r-i %iM t P.B.. OMur

TuMJar* Ihnwib rtMajaS p.m. btfur* iBMrtIa Bundara-ll noon Baturda,



treaw irer; Mrs. D. L. Moon, Twin Palis, historian; Mrs. H. 8 . B ar­re tt . Twin PBlls, chairman. Mrs. Meyers,. Mrs. Bteln. Mrs. Brown.

—M ra.-B laekbum - a n d .M ra^ P .-X .V /eit, Tw in ----------------- -m em ben.

Appolnttva officer! w e Mrs. P . p . HAhD. Tw in Palls, chaplain: M rs^P tank K elm .Tw ln PatU. mU' alclao. and Mrs. A. U Richard* ton . T w ln.PalU , assisted by M rs A. I .. Hargraves, Twin PalU. M n .

_ Mcyers, Mra._ poulton, cheer com- m lttee.

installing officers were H ar-

father-doctor c an 't steep imtll he Is satisfied he has. h it on Uie right ailment. I find i t Is wHe io choaw the m ildest one. So fa r I have di­agnosed Megan’a rashes as chicken pox no fewer th a n 30 times. And 20 tim es she has completely recov­ered by m orning.

Another tough one to diagnose Is upeet stom ach. I t, too, r -

sun—U « m uch'm llk. too'm uch iilt-____ ...B tin f-on -* -tr ieycle rtoo -m ueh -«un ,^-fiiinry. too IIHIb sun, a wnd of


I. U«hl.. anil Janlln ] IIKUJUICIM huu>*. K.ttU*. »uilmfM, lari* rt«r«allim runm with pUr. and Ian* .hop rr«im. 100. •M. nil* d ir limlu. Pbon* l<K

r modrl 1d C . ; x ‘ :

•ludinu «l rtdueail prUa*. . waw. U.llll. Il—uty Af» Arxi.wr-

KXAMPLK: A alntU »llh .1 Ih* al».« IMtd facllllln r.ni. f»i

o rn m BfailabJ. .for norlxr.. »'!< Jl.tJ. i.r ollirr bu.InrM and jtruf«» alunti pfu)W'.




d u b . and Mrs. :of u ia auxiliary

general committee. They •Isted by R . U Oarraway. Rupert, and M n . Richardson, page#.

W . S . P ra tt, outgoing president, _ ja»» .pr?»en led a

Oairaw ay was m u te r of cere­m onies for th e nrogram. H j# Min- Ico high Bchool -M uaettes- aang th re e •ongs, accompanied by T om -

' m y B h o m m n and IJnda R en i and, direc ted by N ed Block*. A panto­m im e.,-T lio io Ornery Kids" wa*

- p reaeaied - by -M arlene-JaroU aek . A n aocordlon solo was played ^y

*lng w as led by Harold l l t o m p ^ , accom panied by Mr>. B argravia.

M T |. M athU oa ipok t briefly or _ tb f t_ d u h 'i_ th e m a _ lo t_ th e _ 3 te a r.

•Tffheel* o f progreai." She w u p re- •en tod ft c o m g t by Mr*. B ar* frave*.

CommlttoM Is «»are« wera Mr. a n d U ra . Leo Poulton. program, a n d U r«. H ugh Basks, Mrs. Poul-

= to n ? ^ a r t . -R * y -A U * n -a o d “ M raJ oa rraw ay , aU hupert, U ble deco- t a t l o a i . __________ _______

Tax Valuation in " Idaho Increased

. ' BOISE, J a a . 10 (A r-proper^ val- uaU oa lo U ls fo r tax purposes de- e llned In e igh t Idaho counties d u r­in g lOM b u t Increased In aU the

- othaPB, th e a ta te tax r ------reported yoaterday. .

T h e agency la ld total assessed v a lu a ti to o l property for tax p u r- posea was M<3.S3S,416. compared

.w ith tO4J00.0S7 for 195S, a .g a ln o f »38,!6S,SiO. '

C ounties which ihow ed-dw llses . n e ra Blaine. Camas. Boundary.

Custer, Blmore. Ptemont. Nes Perce and 'ah o sh o n e. ' ‘ ■

Biggest Increase was the IS.M3,- 108 gain lo r W aahlsgtoa county. V> tlB.03SJS9. T he boost reflects the construction by the Idaho Power company o f Brownlee dam and

.rep n se n U a gain o t about 60 per c e n t In one year.

A da county tops Ufb valuation to ta l* w ith t71,m 049. a .g a l s ot •5.5S9M4. O ther Increases were by B j ^ y lc. B ingham . Bonneville and

Junior Woodmen Install Officers

HANSEN. Jan . 19-C aiIT B aoon v a s Installed as president of the

— ju n io r Woodmen ThurKlay-eve-- wing a t theJW oodm an hall. . .. MarUyn BaU w u Installed as Tice president: Edith W elghall. secretary^ treasurer, and H arry Sanders, flagbearer. Mrs. .Norvtlle Reynolds, director, w as Installing officer, assisted by M rt. I ra n

. big bite of pencil eraser, a swal­lowed rubber band, appendleltl*. teething, or. a s In the c rashes, p lain contrariness.

LbavG found th a t rocking is the est remedy io r th is . cspeclaTly'it

It’s a cold n ig h t and the father- doctor shivers a n d ahakea while he rocks.

Fever |a ano ther trial to the home-grown baby d « to r . 1 have used up a doses thermometers on Megan and the end (a very appro­priate word) Is nowhere in sight. M rfical'book»~donfmftkB-U-Tery clear about a baby.'a tever.-one page makes It sound ae If they al- waya have a little one and there's no need to worry, while the next page says I t Is a danger signal and m ust not be Ignored..

In the. calw of fever I find It wiser to call In 'a consulting physi­cian—the baby'* m other—a n d -le t her make the final decision as to

T h U I ___foundl— gives—th e — fathcr-doctor g rea t peace of m ind and allows h im - to ^ g et back to sleep mueh faster. T he caa* la o u t of hls.hands and he canno t be blamed, no m at­te r w h a t . ................

I n diagnosing th e hu rt from bruises and bumpe. the best way to determlne^the am oun t ot.)njui7 1* for the fa ther-doctor to duphcate the ta ll o r blow himself. H it him­self w ith -a ham m er, o r roll off a bed. I h la In jury will be roughly 10 tlmea worse th a n the baby's, for babies are 10 tim es tougher than adulta. Unless th e blow or faU lays th6i>arent^hy*Iclan~eut coidrUien th e baby la a ll r igh t.

J u s t c rit m e -Doc.- (PlatribBlM by McN»B«h> 8rni>i»U)


luldrM.Inc. nallls'


n a. KaUan * }«nUWt-l'iI,"ulr.**

I'JdV'ATfc"-------- C«mm«rcltl ...... lKt«l InrntL.•nillma.’ rhon* IlC

t'bona KE ________________FURNISHED APARTMENTS


w arn lo i:W.O*t«rloh. lloda-

M K K 5T....,„ ........ ................bui_Bl*dultruni»]ck-tk)«llB«-ba]l.lii

blua plalil b«( with n«ma All<* al«r (IM OB aid*. K.rial S-ll 1*1], CiVA »-S«M. llaaaHon, Alle. MtClalti.SITUATIONS WANTED

I 'llUOM apanmmu ..iBqulra . <:S I


RENT A SINOERfl.oliix Macbln* for onir '

IMO IVr Monlh^Fisnnn^sKwiNC MACiimK^ro.^

MOVING? ■R en t ft T r jic k

Any size

RENT-ALLS CO.Across Prom F ire D ept.

1001 ITEM S R E N T IN G O N L Y .

Ouarantecd Priecs BE S-Mffl

^ R Locol and NaUon Wide 3 . S 5-

-n>. Ll.a Spot eti Tniek .L.n»“.




EA ST 5 POIN’r S S E R V IC E-rilONE RE *>»:t

I* 9t MtvMlM wprk. —2£UUuA>aBW.K * -W A N T E D -T O 'B O R R O W -

hnint lilh lb. n r . al’lll on ]l. ll.l t • mil aouib fit city. IIWr«omi ar*

l« laria—(ull baifm.nt I. Ian*—nic* lol-you'II Ilka III lU.iOO.


» • Main A>.nua WmI rhon« nKl.SI9a and nK s-n ii

•■Ui.d.r tha KXn Sim"

Top NE Locntlon

mnn) »llh tlrtpUe*. pailo, buUl* kluhin. ba.mtnt. iloubla {arpni (iaa bMt. 1 u« ahAw you tb MODKItN bcm* - jtour <aaUy d

• ri7fin‘« IIol.l'RIdf. '

“ inn>R001tTl»T«V*»B«THBl».-ti»ii Uarnlniild. ficbo»l. (nil baiani.nl, ■tlMbnl |ar«(«. (Irn>la«a; bulll-lii

A IIKAUTV and • VALUR at ____________________ $11.00#S RtXROOU Hrlek, Itrca can>*<«l Ilvlnc rotrm. Jlrrplao*. alUcbiid ffm- ra ...'n ..r Waablrslon 8<hnL tIT.SOO NKAT amall elM.-ln bom*. carp«l*d.

R OBINSON-FELDTM ANDrlve-ln Realtors WrjiT COItNKR of . . .



OM. V,i Inurral. n«p«nn»rit M.OOO »»r >f.r t>lui Inlrrnt.

mmre | S-CLEANS-

. c f i r p « t . . l f i 9 d o y l

K « « p s It

MOTHPROOF_ f b r - a y o a r l . .

ton and lira. UeCarrl«>B. 3- ____ _____________'* ' Uth. )<taV'»M«r-rurnTihr<t.~WBiiilnK 7

narhlnr. Adulta. No t>»la. J I t Sl& ‘

ALTKUATlONil. OriMinakliK. ilrli' and -lw na'-« l«b..,-*»-ril.r A.nwa W«.t r

riMin* nK S.1*M. ’or r«B.o.a.i. frM «•»-

b( dr» «1»«BlB«. I_____ ___..P..lL_D»Yl»..ulIot«l.iuUa. l a .]

AT«nu« Wwh. nt: MJH. .

t.is (arlUllci, vrlvali- atitn IIK J-SSli: ur UK S-**',.!.

UNFURNISHED APTS.Cuitoffl Hay Choprlut •

A.NU 3 IIM)JI1>UX . ■ Vllta. UK Matlln I' CU)|fK IN~Utir':-l>

rua. Illll CoiiUtly ncal. b t a t


l A C R EU n a . Wulirul. tarp*lRl ll«ln(J)fn?‘la<*" «nMli»nt k^fTni. rai n1.nl/ of Iniltllni and ttorag. ap lars* Blllllr m'm with wa.hrrl00"f» irT V ’ anV.nnI." fru'l *"r bona barn fur 2 hon«. ebie

and nuMhU. and



HELP WANTED— MALEK x m iir j......... n ir j ic m irrif.

(armhand. Top wai> Kun.lar wfltk paid . FURNISHED HOUSES

-..MIn feat.m.nt. It U nn rin i complMlos



ill W.mant. III.TSO.

VERY ATTRACTIVE AIX GAH MUDU. IIQMK »lththa flnsat appllancra. Ilnullful >*lr*pla«t. U iln f room. Kamlly room.

KEY REALTY.Runriaya and K«.nlni>—Dial I..V*rna Jo n .^ n trs .il0 l lloli rrnra—IIK >'rank ilactlH>n—HE


i. Ua* haaL rK«d™ 0 L A G E N C V -

. UEDnOOM.brlek._.KtilI.tlnUh«l

ilttr S p.m.

I T S NEW — r r e l o v e l yThr« b»droom». iwo tlla Ulh*. <ar» PMmI Ilvlnsnwm ollh (IripUct. bwik- ah.hM, a.parai* diBinc rvum. bulll-ln

^ b a g plua_gimtr. m tta.lw .r.o.n

Don Tarlor-Offlrf vhnn. --- ---------Call '-AnrtliTi. 5='Jhlj..

A mwt piraaant aitractl. '

and (all bai.mcni. In a borhoud. I f * 5 .Wa hava a naw Ilailnx „nM roim humr. with l».|l. ilmlu"’ ' S f , ? '

An .trrllcnl klH>dii-im h. . . l i}S. ..... t j

ra I mlW fr<«n T-,b | ,v . , >r*1>. a cood ir . '


• F O R SALE - - B Y G W E R 'S b«lro<iin mMlrrn bom ao^l A( LocalRl In Ml.r. «r>.li«t»i*n p mant with Mrm» on balanc.


CA Lt REALTY'l » i> " A d J ira K '...........tii: fcta"

IN CO M E PROPIiR-n’t. Ilu.li.r.. l'.'i.ll,llnr. >l.i„ i„„„S. Shopping (Vrirr I. Thrr« warrbouin (. I lluum oti'nnc I->|<. M«KalI ht>lfl. ..........(. IMshi^ay Gr»c«ry Slot.

Lloyd Roberson Agency____

227 Shoshone No, — RE 3-uaAflrr hnuT.

Kr.nNEI.I. ANDKIUiON.... tlF. t.:u' UOH llOI’i- ............... ....lit: i Z

m colon. Kully tanrad yard, o'

llATB ro.SSK8.Hm.S. I'.S.t La.«


113-Mkln Avenue East Phone RE 3-3602

-M mUr oC Uullipit LUtlftc, '


;___ STIL L FO R SALEir yaur preptrty hain't aotd olthin a rtaaonabla tlmf. aomMhlnt mu.t ba sronc. Wa llilMt a bom. on* wack BIO and thia baa bMo aoR W« na«I iUUnnI Wa can (Ira your prop.ny

HAMLETTREALTYZlka Dld(. Fhana ItK S-4071 (anyllma)

DAVIB .IIAMLTrr. BHOKKIl ? T E 5 i5 in

1500 DOWNKKW LISTING: CarpaM IlrlntS!na. *rurnaea*and' atok»r!*il«ant: b»«B railacoratad' tbru.oul. T0TA-. nilC^t^ONLY SSJOO. SKZ THIS ONp


. SIXTY!Why buy yo5? Landlord's h o ^

- KINO AIZK X tmlrooi.. bor turnlthrd apartnenl In bt aI>o CAm*r lei 10 x i:>’. . location It U a r.al InTnlBia

- THAT NMT KOO will buy lu it bnlroom hona. ti.lDO

• - KOOD I IWroom botna__ lus

nnOCKItr and aarvirt alallei ly a moniy aak.r. Call «n I mnllatilr. Ownar rtilrlnf. '

.....FA R M S

” -TR'ADE‘Your homa or othar Ti thii »*bf<{room brick hon Includai nirch klub.n. ai

:ia from Wcniiall jjl.lH

^ £xc«Il«Bt loealloBa...


O tflce Phone R E 3<833(

Llillna B«r»l<a '

lo - al 111.000. 0»B»r will conildar low down paym.Bl is ricbl parly. baUnca Ilk* rant.

F R O N T IE R R EA LTY101} niu. UVr. North

Fbona RK S-}OiI TwIb >'alli Mambar MulUpla Li.Unt


• . ...4650 DOVW

If you'^r* a »Harmi. or can auaJifr* for an KHA loan and WA.ST A KOUK er y«ir o»n. ll'a vary almpi*.bom w'llh lla fSl* blMraant,’»lu?h3 o ra tr . Urxa lot. airrll.ni location, and It you Ilka It. mora in ItnmadW

•aialy. I'rie* ll i« 00.^•voun orroHTljKriTT m' hiy «rirada for tMk' lnr»n.a-pra.Iticl-' • unit aparlnirnt hog... AI.o c aama lot li a moilain hntna fc owner. S with Incoma. on. fni Kina locatlm nrar

f l .n l olHar :• or l-b..Irooin I........location. Nawly ca j^ M . drap^U

ckiubia*iara»a.‘'{rallo. la a *

-WONDCRFUL {<badr«em hena IMns area aarpatad. Attachad t i . . . .

r utraa. Wall locat«<!. I1«M

4 ycara old. V»ry apacloua. Cair«“a »4m.*nr»plara In-famlly

all bullt>lna In klUhpT’. ^I32.WO. (ood n iA bnna.

Inquli........ Will Uka caih andT will accapt boma.ln trada.

llOMKa"’. KARHS -'BUs'lNKSSCa see U.1 lo r completeR E A L ESTATE -


.IK :nd A«.nuaft^th - BE >-HI»

>r act-up, HH.S04.

III <on>l.]*r trmda co r=od sa a tO-ACRE f t t i tr aat^ip oa b l i lw I]at antrmnca toTwln. » ...... ......IftU o< watla watar,

S cott 1 r e t i r e d t p u t

” '* * ^ S u u ^ ei* d lS to M ed for * , va l­en tine pa rty bu t no date has been se t. P lans wlU be announced. U te r.

. Hearing WaivedUmloaty hearing In policy court Monday a n d was bo(ind over to

_ d ls tc lc t- c o m t . Oa-UJMO. bond_hy.l Judge 3. O . Puraphrey. ■

R usmU was a rm te d by city po?

K arpet 'K are '* proreisloitol m e thod c lea n s thoroughly, b r t g h t e n i e o lo r i , te o v e s

mosi lmpoflant...molh>ond> tnj«cf-proo(» Iho corpel for o tM11T2 mwthi..C)oqnln8 i ,

I right In you r hom e'.. -n o f u » - .- ; rw m tiu l Coll lo-— d o y for a free e»ilmote.---------

T our ia tlifacU en l i fuarao- teed w ith KARPET.KARB . . . backed by D nal Warranty f r e a oa. aa anthorited K>K eleaocr and by Dlielow R o n A Carpeta.

P H O N E RE 3 - 5 4 2 4 o r E A 4 4 4 6 2 FO R FREE K T IM A T E S I


* — W iB A N lN O -« 8 -0 « B - B08IM S 88! ; . .

Wo t j i ^ a Sldelln#

Uarch lit. Uuit haia rtfartnca. am b«UM, tup wair*. KImWrly Writ. Iloi K-M. c/n TImM-N.wi

irrx.tor 'an<|— n.r.,alUarouBd farm hao.l. » J , n , home, ,

Cat". .Virrl,” ; ; i or » IIKOHUOM. C

i"lSl«atn‘J."Vuit*^' ilia. Coivi workl I. nn ckoraa. 1

- N O W IN TER LAYOFFS- Lota «»»r*lma. Kr»* tralnlnr. -

t lioMtb bnwaco »:1U and


DI-R-E-G-T-0 R YO n e o f T h e s e ' C a n H e l p Yo u !

Small eatlul roqulrtd. Nat tl.W “• noally..

LO O N EY , J lc a U o L ._RE»HO«. »U8hoaboBa*rf

FARMS FOR RENT100 ACRKS, no rock or aanl. t

rwiulrad. PhonanH^MH.,_Writ^Bax!mL

__________0 ajpply.____________■ • BfCyCLE SALES & SERVIC E

---------------- b n» M.-----


• flO A T M O T O Il» ^ ~



i a t• d raw n on th e 'pldeUty WaUooal byuDk a t P e te n e n l W a te m *p -

T h e *U. B. dhforce n t e Is alx U m 6 m » t- o r -C s o a d l ra n d - tb * e e l ^ U »M ^ t i i f P iw

Custom FloorsOF IDAHO

"Carpet Speciolists o f T he Vollpy"

^Twln'FolU /

SERVICE STATION • 'fo rT c a s e ’

W'l.S r*LL3 and IIAZtLTOK Tttndllnf Major Oil CoIBpany- rt>ductJ

----- CONIACT-ULAKE OlLi CO.-------t i l Uaiw.ll A>anua — .UK t-Mll-


3 ilKUUUOM ollh altarfwi larai - r ,. of around, l-h..iic UK t-i'.

L. Ilcldar. r r ~ ~(loiata^ KK M?*l.> FUEITOIL-

$65 per m onuiCLYDE, R lStfO P


K P IA SO T V N tN d


FARMS FOR SALE,,^(0 .ACRES iiill.cnprotaA

• P L V m iflG AN» HEATING



■«rrlr>. 1-hon. ig;

> rE f.g v /s to .v s e n v rc E ?•* t>«nomy TV. KK

■ P«l HutUrfl.la’tTV aad radio. flE t-XUl ;. Lont'a lladic

L_APPll.nr...HEm iL -

r iE W W C 'H A C I I lN E i -------- ■ * . c o u r m i .

• T t lE X C liiK r .-

:i» ACIIKH. 111.000. I* J«i s s a s K a K s sl i t ACRES. IM.OOO, IU.M»


“ S '-rbnna EA i-KIS '& N. Waakf KA •

S E L L O R T B A P y

'“•'SJS.'t IS ■* tJPiioLHTtcnx.____

-RB-3-()931-F A R m R ’S y ^ ; ,

Page 13: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections
Page 14: D ie iir f iiB iy iV r e ^ a g e Equal Partners Washington ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Equal Partners Washington and In New Treaty Oregon Sections


L j^liK lary^al' Is Ruled Out ■^OT"QyiliaiisWASHINOTON. J in . 19 Wt-The

•upreme court yt»l«r<l»y niltd out m m iafy pwetllmefor clvlUniu who »cconip«ny Uie arm ed loreet overtcAi.

Divided ruling* In four M ptn te ------- liiviiUnrflepeiul:

Spgaaii^rDislsusses; School: I*roWeiiis

cnlA in d civilian employu I arm ed fottM.J . J n 1957. ihe court held th it cl'

vllUh dependenu-could not- be* ■ ~ ■ court-m artialed lo r. capllal-cnmc^

~auch a t murder.— ) Yesterday'* declJlon exltnded

tha t-princ ip le to lewer otlenie* and rega rd lfu of whether the ae-

• cuied are dependenU of military____ personnel.or cl»l!lan.employ«.

f One TeAUli of the rulinj* could1 ■ be th a t more civilians will be tried* - In thg gourU-QL tlie_CPUn{flfL<n

which the 'U nlted Stales h u mill* U ry (orcea. ’

The l uaUca and defense depart*• meriU decllnea

Btlon_____M ilita ry ........- .............- ...........

Jurisdiction _ fo r courta*m»rtlai—w herererpoi#lble^ln»t«ad-ottuA»-

Ing clvllltn* over to foreign cotin* trie*. •--- *

Justice Tom C. O nrk. wlio wrote the malorlly decision. *poke of the

—possibility of newleBljIatlon under which U. 8 . civilians could bo brought home and tried In civil

Party Is Slated , By Arga GrangeKINO HILL. Jan . J9-A -public

card party will be held March 11 by the King Hill Qrange under the c iu lrm aiuhip of Mr. and Mrs.

Dr. AsaDd M ailk and Jamea J . May diaeuaa sohoel p rob leaa a t m e o n b b ed Twin FalU PTA meet- lu f held a t tha. Junior hlch leboel auditorium M onday n ight. Dr. M allk/ apeelalUt In the field of ecm< paratlv* edueailoh, apoka on tba topic, “A look a t aehooU a roand th e world and a t faeBie.'' T he pre> gram was arranged by May. (Staff photo>enrravln ||

’59 Persbnai -Income Xumps

WahoaBOISE. Jal..)me in Idaho . ^I $1,180,000,000. an in c re a ^ of 4.1

per cent over the to ta l In 19Sa.The First Security Bank's news­

letter, llsUng the figures, esUmated total-pereonaf- In eo m e-lh ls-y ea riouId-reach-U 3«.000«0.------------

"Increase* are expected In —. ployment and most~econotnle aeir- ments along with locrea*ed wages and retail > Mies,". sa ld_the news* letter, released here by Ralp: • Comstock. Boise, president of First Security BAnk of Idaho.

Farm Income In Idaho In l»69 «s pu t a t slightly ;ess than 400

tnlllloR-doUan.- dow n-a~blt- * 19M.

L “Cnsh farm Income In theIRe newsletl« aaid "aecreas_____than nationally because Of the dU- ference In agriculture pattern*.^

L nnli»tft»n Ihp larger inorkfl_______llve*toc)c and fairly atable e ra in ~rlces offset- decreases In Income

The publication said lumber pro* ductlon set a new record of dio.- 000.000 board ffet. IS per cent m th a n jn I058^Byt because of anticipated decline In housing con­struction the newsletter aald lOSO lUmber prodiicUon probably will be ■downr—" “

Mineral production w^s'reported

CoUapsbd Dike Causes Flobd Blaze Levels BigBuDding InPendletQn

Farmer Talks jQOdslfelcijL

Earl Ellis, card tables: Mr. snd Mrs. Melvin Helwlch. tallies and

' cards: Mr. and Mr*. E lbert Lsvton, cleanup; Mr. and Mra. Gherman, prises.

- - T he home economic* committee also discussed holding a craft proj- cot onea a m onth a t the Orange meetings. A n y o n e ,In te re s te d Is u k e d to call M rs. Sherman u can order the aupplles.

ro u rtee n per cen t of all Amer­ican lamlllea . own two or i-----

_ automobile*:______________

nUREIlT. Ja n . 1 0 -R o b e rt Jones, exchange student who recently spen t six m onths in Ire land under the Internatlonnl Farm Youth program, ahowed.alide^ and apoke of;, h is .experiences, w ith special reference to farm practices a t the Pomona Orange m eeting Friday a t th e Rupert O range hall.

M aster Thomaa Maberly led

T he finp lre S ta te B x p rw , a New York Central and Hudson River railroad train , ra n a mile In 32 aec- onds In IM l_______ ___________

dUcuuiOR of th e proposed perm a­nen t headquarters for the sta te O range to be located aomewhere near B o ise-to se rve . In ste ad -o f

-A re p o rfc -o n 'th e 'in * u ra h M '" 5 ? ^ fw n rw w n a in n rtin ri> in iiT 3 r» tiB e :h ^ sT ? : - - n gram was given by R uiselt Acock.Jl U l ' S 5uiIn5i~igenr~<or

accepted and Mr*. LjTut Conns, Paul, was named to replace her.

Mrs. Albert Fredricks and Mrs. Fuller" Fenton were in charge-q ;

-T h tt_n i;it_m ertlng

. TROOPS EXERCI8F, SEOUL, South Korea. Jan . 10

i^ S o m e SO.DOO American and South Korean troops are taking part In one of the largest field ex-

................... I Krtrfii alncB the

A re«ue boal no fea op the floodad w ala .tree l of suburban Tbln*orp O eitiaas. Holland, a fte r iha e«llap*e of » d ke. W aU r stood three to five feet In the flooded area. PoUee report th a t a new streU h ef several yards In tba dike U eaviof In and a •oeood breach could "result. Neatly 1.004 persona wero driven from Ibelr homes. INEA Iflfpbolo) _____________________ •

PENDLETON, . Ore..< U P I» -^ Fire T ipped-ihrtSiJ three-story, com er busliieu uii. * ing here early today CVwint » than I7S0.000 worih o f 'd in u p ^

The blaie which brokf om' m ld n l s h t ,^ .

Ih rough-an -in su rancf-rinn rsn^ '-pllance store, a large mu.Mc an.accouQ tant's.office, «n e i i ^ fuel dealership, a real rsiai* and an empty store oti the floor of th e bulldlns, a coiui, ? tlon firm-office, a docinr'. ofia’’ a credit bureau reportiiiK ai<„ and some law offlccA * atroyed on the second floor.

T hirteen persons who ^a p« rtm enU -oh-lhT 'lH iFd 'ii,S 'Vthe building fled In th tir nlrhK clothes. Tliere were no Injuriu *

L _IIltJlulldlnB.JLhlch-cxttiid».h,.-' a block on each of the u o »umu

It face*, was completely suhm i, th e -fire and only the *hti| standing when firemen Uini—

(PSTI.—Hundreds of. p e rso n hrsvfd udeitree-w e*lJter-to-w *teh-Jinai,rbattle the blaie which w ni ijim"- and sparks high Into the atr. T);, fire was visible for mlirt irouM this eastern Oregon tnnn.

One of the streets faced br i>. building was highway 30, a nuita iterlaL _ ftnd_ tram c_ ljad_ ta.b ,.rerouted during the blaze.

LEGION MOVX ENDORSED A m erlttn Lejlon h a j endorsed the BOISE, Jan. 19 <UPD—The ex- naUonsI Legion position In expel-

ligh t •thal t o Ihow many cars and pprtbirtiu a r ( approaching from , every ili, and acta acco^d.lngly.

dr»;alXmat4g= I BgACHnMBfl-Ngwa^WANTrADr

tn e county

tw enty-five million dollars worth of Orange insurance 1* In effec t In Idaho,

Plans were diacuased for M ard i of Dlmq; patUea to be’ given by the various O ra n g u in the-coun* ty. ■ - - ' .

Mrs. W illard Hayward, home economics chairm an, presented a check to Mr*. Bay Cl«rk fo r h e r entry In the N ational O range handw ork contest. She had entered a piece o f crochet work.

The re&lgnatlon of M rs. Hayw ard as homejeconomlea_chalrman_was



S A V E l V * 3 4 5- COMPARE STATION WAGON PRICES ot aU 5 major V S. a r makm inclodlog the mu —

cconooy cars. The R a n U tr Anerlcan Station Wagon (s priced a t least $345 lessi Save more oa ^ BU, upkeep, rcsalel Full bm ily room, bis carso area. O ut turns not only otbcr sUtlon wage*

makes but a ll new im all econony sedatis as welt. Parks anywhere, fits any Rarasc. Modera, ratUe>lrce Singk-UoU* coQstnictlon. sri ampiriiM. hi.mm nuututoiui-uumts •> '»*r>

Spot Llt^s^iinrfet

• *345 is enough to pay the gasoline- . bill f o r^ p to 2Va years’ average driving.

• *34S is e n o u ^ to pay for automatic transm ission, Weather Eye heater, Airliner reclining seat, radio, two<tone colors.

Rambler is one o f th cT o p T h rcc ca n in produciion (led all bu t two other makes for the en tire year o f 1959). because America va m s highest qual- ity at lowest pricc—and Rambler givts what Amcrica wants.

R am blcrstaniis fo r highest quality in design, workmanship nhd male- • rial.i. Com pare R am bler's careful cnftsmanship with cars costing hun<

—dftd r _ .A ^ ^ L O W ^ . ! U U C E D 4 4 ) O O R - b r Q n d - n e w for-’60.-, .R w nblcr A m erfcaa

T h is hotidsome foucswrie is your g u a ra n te e th o ry o u 'U b e properly e n - '

te rto ln ed a t the HORSE CLUB^ ff le iT lo s t pace comedy ondtnus-

Icol arrongem ents hove kept th e SPOT LITIS QU A RtET much ir> de-.

inand , in clubs all over th e U.S. o nd Conoda. It is w ith grcot plcosure

t h a t th e HORSE SHU C lU B , In Jo ck p o t, ennounces .th eir engogcmcnt ’

fo rlO B IG D A Y SI . -

This Quality is rcUcctcd in Rambler's lop resale va lu e . . . In the fact f Sedan . . . priced a t least SIM below any o ther « o o r sedoo buUt.ln............that Ram bler Is A merica's ofndal economy king. " ^ u r a c tu t a i ’ sugBejted prices. O ther Rambler bonuses.

'■n,. rcsull fa .hi.num.bto owntn J b M ownm..! "l” “ ■ • •'•'E ''. 15-lnch U,o._ the sound, dependable transponation thai~kamDier gu rs IhO T. . . a n d ~ tell o lh c fT a ^ u 't it, Rambler owners a i t Rambler's1>e$t salesmen.

Twlay, you'll u v F w lirn o re w u h 'y o u r Ram blerdealer's "SUCCESS D EA L." Ram bler's uninterrupied production a n d e.\paniled manurac* turing racilities m ean tha t Rambler dcalcn can ofTcr you the w orldswidest choice o f com pact a r s ond a top trade-in allowance.----------------- ---

T a k e advantage o f the,fact that your present car b worth more.now__1than it prblw bly ever will'be agajnTSo see your Rambler dealer today. •

Get the R a m b k ry o u want—the model and color you y w it—and the ' deal you w ant—y o u r Rambler dealer's "SUCCESS D E A t." ' ’

O N L Y R A M B L E R D E A L E R S - C A N O F F E R L O W - ^ ---------- ^ -------------------T ....... :•E S T P R I C E S A N D Q U IC K .D E g V E R Y F R O M T H E ‘ ™ T H E U .S u t Sugg^ted delivered p i ^ « t •

See the New Standard of Basic Excellence-Take Delivery of a '60 Rambler Today)