Cyprus in english digenis and the crab monster


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Transcript of Cyprus in english digenis and the crab monster

Page 1: Cyprus in english digenis and the crab monster

A traditional story written and illustrated by the pupils of

Trimiklini Elementary School as part of the Comenius

Multilateral partnership titled “Under The Same Sky”

May 2011

Page 2: Cyprus in english digenis and the crab monster

t the end of a very long river, in shady forest, a huge crab

monster was born. It´s claws were so large that he could chop down trees. His nostrils were like caves and his eyes were red like fire. At first, he raided the sheep flocks in the area and became the terror of all the shepherds. Every day, at least one of the shepherds lost at least 12 sheep or goats.

Gradually it became even bolder and started to hunt people as well. The villagers wouldn´t dare cross the river where the crab monster lived. Three srong young men, decided to face up to the crab monster and destroy it. So they hid themselves in ambush and waited for the crab monster to

appear. When it finally appeared, they drew their swords and stood in its way. As soon as the crab monster saw the three young men, it let out a deafening roar and attacked them. The three young men froze with dear. Before they could react, the crab monster grabbed two of them with its claws and devoured them. The third young mAn managed to escape and fled towards the palace. He fell to his knees in front of the king and told him the whole story with the crab monster. Immediately the king sent for Digenis Akritas, the strongest and bravest hero of the land.

As soon as Digenis received the King´s message, he left what he was doing, mounted his black steed and sped towards the place. With one spur he flew over the mountains and plains and within a few minutes, he was standing before the king.

- You sent for me my King? He said and bowed deeply. The King, feeling very sad and depressed told Digenis everything that had happened with the crab monster.

- Please Digenis, I want you to go and find this crab monster and get rid of it, said the King.

- Your wish is my command, replied Digenis and rose to his feet.

Digenis mounted his steed and rode off into the wind, heading towards the crab monsters cave. The crab monster was sitting outside its cave, enjoying the morning sun. As soon as it saw Digenis, it stretched its claws trying to grab him. Step aside crab monster, you can´t scare me, said Digenis.

The crab monster then realised that he was up against a brave man and replied:

- Come into my cave so that we can have something to eat together

- I didn´t come here to eat and drink with you crab monster. I came to fight you and destroy you replied Digenis.

The crab monster laughed and the surrounding mountains shook.


Page 3: Cyprus in english digenis and the crab monster

The stepped on to a nearby plain and the great battle began. Where Digenis struck, bones broke, Where the crab monster struck, blood flowed. The earth shook and the sky blackened. All the people that lived nearby watched the battle, hidden behind trees and scared to death. Darkness begun to fall and the battle was still raging. Digenis felt his strength faltering. He raised his arm to the sky and prayed with deep faith to God: - Give me strength my Lord so that I may defeat the

crab monster and save the land.

As soon as he had finished praying a large voice was heard from the sky: - Look inside your belt Digenis and you will find a

sheath with a silver knife. Take it and stab the crab monster at his naval. That is his weak spot.

At once, Digenis took the silver knife from it´s sheath and with a deftly move stabbed the crab monster at its naval. The crab monster screamed so loud that it was heard throughout the island. It then fell to the

ground in mortal pain while the blood slowed like a river from the wound that Digenis had inflicted. - I admit it Digenis that you are stronger than me.

As a token of my recognition, take my shell and use it as a shield. Neither sword nor spear can penetrate it. Having said these final words, the crab monster passed away.

- When the villagers so the crab monster dead, they regained their courage and came out of their hiding place. - Hurray for Digenis they shouted, filled with joy and

relief. They then carried Digenis on their shoulders, all the way back to the palace.

The king welcomed Digenis with joy and thanked him for the great service he had done his country. In honour of his victory a huge banquet was organised with all kinds of food and drinks. Everyone came to get a glimpse of the great hero that managed to save the land from the crab monster.