CURRICULUM VITAE Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN, FESC Business ... filepost-menopausal women with...

1 CURRICULUM VITAE Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN, FESC Business address Ercole Vellone Department of Biomedicine and Prevention Faculty of Medicine University of Rome “Tor VergataVia Montpellier, 1 00133 Rome, Italy Phone + 39 0672596871 Fax + 39 0672596961 e-mail: [email protected] skype: ercole.vellone Education 2014 PhD (cum laude) University of Rome Tor Vergata Rome, Italy (European label) 2007 MSN (cum laude) Sapienza University Rome, Italy 1998 Director of Nursing Sapienza University Services (cum laude) Rome, Italy 1995 Health visitor Italian Red Cross Rome, Italy 1988 Nursing Diploma Centro Didattico Polivalente Hospital of Cassino (Frosinone), Italy Doctoral dissertation Caregiver Contributions to Self-Care in Heart Failure: Developing an Instrument and Identifying the Determinants and Impact of Caregiver Contributions on Patients and Caregivers (Defended November, 11, 2014; Adviser: Prof. Barbara Riegel, RN, DNSc, FAHA, FAAN

Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN, FESC Business ... filepost-menopausal women with...



Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN, FESC

Business address

Ercole Vellone

Department of Biomedicine and Prevention

Faculty of Medicine

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Via Montpellier, 1

00133 Rome, Italy

Phone + 39 0672596871

Fax + 39 0672596961

e-mail: [email protected]

skype: ercole.vellone


2014 PhD (cum laude) University of Rome Tor Vergata Rome, Italy

(European label)

2007 MSN (cum laude) Sapienza University

Rome, Italy

1998 Director of Nursing Sapienza University

Services (cum laude) Rome, Italy

1995 Health visitor Italian Red Cross

Rome, Italy

1988 Nursing Diploma Centro Didattico Polivalente

Hospital of Cassino (Frosinone), Italy

Doctoral dissertation

Caregiver Contributions to Self-Care in Heart Failure: Developing an Instrument and Identifying the

Determinants and Impact of Caregiver Contributions on Patients and Caregivers (Defended November,

11, 2014; Adviser: Prof. Barbara Riegel, RN, DNSc, FAHA, FAAN


Main research areas

Self-care in patients with heart failure and chronic conditions

Caregiver contribution to self-care in heart failure

Academic positions

2019 – currently Associate Professor University of Rome Tor Vergata

Rome, Italy

2009 – 2019 Assistant Professor University of Rome Tor Vergata

Rome, Italy

2007 – 2010 Lecturer Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

1997 - 2014 Lecturer Catholic University

Rome, Italy

Clinical positions

2001 – 2009 Head nurse Cardiovascular Department

San Carlo Hospital, Rome

1992 – 2001 Clinical nurse Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics

Catholic University, Rome

1990 – 1992 Clinical nurse Nursing Home “Padre Monti” for patients with AIDS


Research grants

2018 – 2019 Self-care in older adults treated with oral chemotherapy, (Co-Principal Investigator),

funded by the Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (LILT)

2017 Funding for basic research activities (Principal Investigator), funded by the Ministry of


2016 – 2017 Improving self-care and quality of life in people with colostomy and urostomy (Co-

Investigator), funded by the Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (LILT),

2015 – 2016 Self-care and caregiver contribution to self-care in heart failure: a mixed method study

(Principal Investigator) funded by the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship,


2015 – 2016 Self-care and quality of life in older adults with chronic conditions (Co-Principal

Investigator with Maria Matarese and Davide Ausili), funded by the Center of

Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome


2015 – 2016 Using Nursing Minimum Data Set to describe nursing care (Co-Inverstigator), funded by

the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome

2015 – 2016 Effect of a tailored intervention to improve self-care maintenance and quality of life in

post-menopausal women with osteoporosis (Co-Investigator), funded by the Center of

Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome

2012 – 2015 Quality of life in stroke survivor caregiver dyads II (Principal Investigator), funded by

the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome

2012 – 2015 Professional assessment instrument (Informative system to support decision making in

nursing care) (Co-investigator), funded by the Center of Excellence for Nursing

Scholarship, Rome

2012 – 2015 Improving self-care in patients with heart failure with motivational interviewing

(Principal Investigator), funded by the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship,


2011 – 2012 Self-care in adults with heart failure (Principal Investigator), funded by the Center of

Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome

2010 – 2011 Quality of life in stroke survivor caregiver dyads (Principal investigator), funded by the

Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome


2016 – currently Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

2011 - currently Fellow of the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy


2018 “Top 10 cited articles in 2017” from the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

2017 “Best Abstract Award” from the EuroHeartCare 2018, Annual Congress of the Council

on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Dublin, Ireland

2017 “Moderated Poster Award” from the EuroHeartCare 2018, Annual Congress of the

Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Dublin, Ireland.

2017 “2017 CVSN Stroke Article of the Year Award” for the following paper: Pucciarelli G,

Vellone E, Savini S, Simeone S, Ausili D, Alvaro R, Lee CS, Lyons KS. Roles of

Changing Physical Function and Caregiver Burden on Quality of Life in Stroke: A


Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis. Stroke 2017; 48: 733-739. Premio consegnato a G.


2017 “One of the 3 best reviewers for 2016” of the Journal Research in Nursing & Health

2016 Winner of the Nursing Investigator Award at the Congress “Heart Failure 2016”, of the

European Heart Failure Association, Firenze

2013 2013 American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing

(CVSN) Research Travel Stipend”

2013 “Top Rated Poster” at the Council of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Profession

(CCNAP) Congress, EuroHeartCare 2013, Glasgow, UK.

2011 Best poster at the 10th European Nurse Director Association, Rome, Italy.

2008 Winner of the 2nd and 3th price of the competition for nursing research issued from the

Board of Nurses, Rome, Italy

2006 Best presentation at the 7th Nursing Congress of the Italian Society of Gerontology and


2006 Best presentation at the Italian Association of Cardiovascular Nurses Congress.

2002 Winner of the 1st price of the competition for nursing research issued by the Board of

Nurses, Rome, Italy

1998 Winner of the 1st price of the competition for nursing research issued by the Board of

Nurses, Trento, Italy


Articles in peer reviewed journals

1. Vellone E, Piras G. La teoria del nursing psicodinamico dei Hildegard E. Peplau. Professioni

Infermieristiche 1997; 50(4): 39-44.

2. Pignatelli AC, Vellone E. Rehabilitation for the elderly patients with cancer: nursing care role.

Annals of Oncology 1998; 9 (supplement 3): 48-49.

3. Sansoni J, Riccio P, Vellone E, Piras G. Dimaniche nella famiglia: qualità del sonno delle

donne che si prendono cura a casa di persone affette da Morbo d’Alzheimer (AD). Professioni

Infermieristiche 1999; 52(2): 73-79.

4. Vellone E. Gli strumenti per la ricerca infermieristica di tipo quantitativo. Professioni

Infermieristiche 2000; 53(1):11-16.

5. Vellone E, Micci F, Sansoni J, Sinapi N, Cattel C. La malattia di Alzheimer: esperienze

assistenziali dei caregiver. Anziani Oggi 2000; 12 (1): 10-18.

6. Vellone E, Micci F, Sansoni J, Sinapi N, Cattel C. Il vissuto esperienziale del familiare che si

prende cura di una persona affetta da Malattia d’Alzheimer: risultati preliminari. Professioni

Infermieristiche 2000; 53 (3): 132-141.


7. Vellone E, Sinapi N, Rastelli D. Fenomenologia e metodo fenomenologico: loro utilità per la

conoscenza e la pratica infermieristica. Professioni Infermieristiche 2000; 53(4): 237-242.

8. Vellone E, Piras G, Sansoni J. Stress, ansia e depressione delle caregivers di pazienti affetti da

Malattia d’Alzheimer. Annali d’Igiene 2002; 14(3): 223-232.

9. Vellone E, Sansoni J, Cohen MZ. The experience of Italians caring for family members with

Alzheimer’s Diseaase. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2002;34(4): 323-329.

10. Vellone E, Sinapi N, Piria P, Bernardi FM, Dario L, Brunetti A. L’ansia e la depressione del

paziente oncologico ospedalizzato e al domicilio. Professioni Infermieristiche 2004; 57(2):93-


11. Sansoni J, Vellone E, Piras G. Anxiety and depression in community-dwelling, Italian

Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2004; 10: 93-100.

12. Galletti C, Ghera P, Rega ML, Vellone E. La formazione manageriale dell’infermiere

coordinatore ed il contratto formativo: l’esperienza del Master di primo livello in Management

infermieristico per le funzioni di coordinamento dell’Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, sede di

Roma. Professioni Infermieristiche 2005; 58(4): 194-201.

13. Rega ML, Cristofori E, Galletti C, Vellone E, Scelsi S. La Rianimazione e la Terapia Intensiva

aperta come esempio di umanizzazione dell’assistenza. Scenario 2006; 23(1): 16-26.

14. Vellone E, Rega ML, Galletti C, Cohen MZ. Hope and related variables in Italian cancer

patients. Cancer Nursing 2006; 29(5):356-366.

15. D’Aliesio L, Vellone E, Rega ML, Galletti C. L’insegnamento della ricerca infermieristica nel

corso di laurea e laurea specialistica: le opinioni dei professori associati e dei ricercatori di

scienze infermieristiche. Professioni Infermieristiche 2006; 59(2): 71-83.

16. Vellone E, Bellini G, Fabriani L, Fellone C, Passeretti F. Sviluppo di uno strumento per

misurare la qualità del corso di laurea in infermieristica. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca

2007; 26(1): 14-23.

17. Vellone E, Piras G, Talucci C, Cohen MZ. Quality of life for caregivers of people with

Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008; 61(2): 222-231.

18. Bulfone G, Galletti C, Vellone E, Zanini A, Quattrin R. L’abilità di problem solving dello

studente infermiere: l’esperienza del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica dell’Università di

Udine. Professioni Infermieristiche 2008; 61(3): 139-148.

19. Vellone E, Rega ML, Galletti C, Morchio A, Alvaro R, Sansoni J. Anxiety and depression in

patients before and after a pacemaker implantation: a comparative study. International Nursing

Perspectives 2008; 8(3):93-99.

20. Vellone E, Rega, ML, Galletti C, Alvaro R, Sansoni J. Qualità di vita nelle persone con

pacemaker. Professioni Infermieristiche 2008; 61(4): 235-244.

21. Alvaro R, Vellone E, Fierro A, Faia A, Petrone F, Miliani R, Venturini G. Strumenti e metodi

per migliorare il tirocinio clinico degli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica:

esperienza dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Professioni Infermieristiche 2009; 62(1): 32-


22. D’Aliesio L, Vellone E, Amato E, Alvaro R. The positive effects of father’s attendance to

labour and delivery: a quasi experimental study. International Nursing Perspectives 2009; 9(1):


23. Alvaro R, Bagnasco A, Del Negro L, Lancia L, Rubbi I, Sasso L, Vellone E, Venturini G. La

sicurezza nella somministrazione della terapia farmacologica: una revisione narrativa della

letteratura. L’Infermiere 2009; 53(3): 22-26.

24. Vellone E, Piras G. Il caregiving a persone anziane in Sardegna. Infermiere Oggi 2009; 19: 3-


25. Alvaro R, Venturini G, Tartaglini D, Vellone E, De Marinis MG. Gli ambulatori infermieristici

in Italia: risultati di uno studio pilota. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica 2009; 65 (3): 241-252.


26. Alvaro R, Araco F, Gravante G, Sorge R, Overton J, Vellone E, Venturini G, Piccione E.

Epidemiological aspects of urinary incontinence in a female population of an Italian region.

International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2010;21(7):873-83.

27. Sili A, Vellone E, De Marinis MG, Fida R, Venturini G, Alvaro R. Validità e affidabilità del

questionario infermieristico sulla salute organizzativa. Professioni Infermieristiche 2010; 63(1):


28. Scialò G, Sili A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. La salute organizzativa negli infermieri dell’emergenza

territoriale. Scenario 2010; 27: 25-30.

29. Sili A, Vellone E, Fida R, Alvaro R, Avallone F. Infermieri di camera operatoria e infermieri di

medicina generale: la diversa percezione della propria salute organizzativa. Medicina del

Lavoro 2010; 101: 458-470.

30. Zega M, French S, Vicario G, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Il paziente cronico e la Unita Operativa di

Degenza Infermieristica. Igiene e Sanita Pubblica 2010; 66(4): 551-562.

31. Savini S. Alvaro R, Vellone E. La Stroke Impact Scale: Uno strumento specifico per misurare

la qualità di vita delle persone con ictus cerebrale. International Nursing Perspectives 2010; 10

(1): 13-20.

32. Germini F, Vellone E., Venturini G, Alvaro A. Gli outcomes del nursing: strumenti per rendere

visibile l’efficacia dell’assistenza infermieristica. Professioni Infermieristiche 2010; 63: 205-


33. Vellone E., Savini S., Barbato N., Caravillano G., Caramia M., Alvaro R. Quality of life in

stroke survivors: first results from the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Stroke

Impact Scale 3.0. Annali d’Igiene 2010; 22(5): 469-479.

34. Petrangeli F, Petrangeli T, Piredda M, Vellone E, Alvaro R. La prevenzione ed il trattamento

della mucosite orale nel paziente pediatrico oncoematologico sottoposto a chemioterapia: una

revisione della letteratura. International Nursing Perspectives 2010; 2010; 10(2-3): 51-65.

35. D'Angelo D, Mastroianni C, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Casale G, Latina R, De Marinis MG (2012).

Palliative care quality indicators in Italy. What do we evaluate? Supportive Care in Cancer.

2012; 20:1983-1989. DOI doi: 10.1007/s00520-011-1301-y

36. Vellone E, Fida R, Cocchieri A, Sili A, Piras G, Alvaro A. Positive and negative impact of

caregiving to older adults: a structural equation model. Professioni Infermieristiche 2011;

64(4): 237-248.

37. Vellone E, Savini S, Simeone S, Barbato N, Carovillano G, Caramia MD, Alvaro R. Affidabilità

del caregiver nel valutare la qualità di vita del paziente con ictus cerebrale: uno studio

esplorativo. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca 2011; 30(4): 180-188. Doi


38. Sili A, Fida R, Vellone E, Gianlorenzi A, Alvaro R (2011). Organizational health and quality of

life: survey among ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care. Medicina del Lavoro

2011; 102: 511-522.

39. Vellone E, Riegel B, Cocchieri A, Barbaranelli C, D'Agostino F, Glaser D, Rocco G, Alvaro R.

Validity and Reliability of the Caregiver Contribution to Self-Care of Heart Failure Index.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2013; 28(3): 245–255.

40. D'Agostino F, Vellone E, Tontini F, Zega M, Alvaro R. Sviluppo di un sistema informativo

utilizzando un linguaggio infermieristico standard per la realizzazione di un Nursing Minimum

Data Set. Professioni Infermieristiche 2012; 65(2):103-9.

41. Vellone E, Piras G, Venturini G, Alvaro R, Cohen MZ. The Experience of quality of life for

caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s Disease living in Sardinia, Italy. Journal of Transcultural

Nursing 2012; 23(1): 46-55.

42. Vanzetta M, Vellone E, Cavicchi I, De Marinis MG, Alvaro R. L’informazione online fornita

dai siti delle Aziende Sanitarie Ospedaliere Italiane: indagine descrittiva sull’aderenza alle

linee guida del Ministero della Salute. Annali d’Igiene 2012; 24(6): 507-516.


43. Fieschi L, Matarese M, Vellone E, Alvaro R, De Marinis MG. Medical Humanities in

Healthcare Education in Italy: a literature review. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità


44. Jaarsma T, Stromberg A, Ben Gal T, Cameron J, Driscoll A, Duengen DH, Inkrot S, Kato N,

Koberich S, Lupon J, Moser DK, Huyen NN, Pulignano G, Rabelo E, Suwanno J, Thompson

DR, Huang TY, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Yu Do, Riegel B. Comparison of self-care bahaviours of

heart failure patients in 15 countries worldwide. Patient Education and Counseling 2013; 92(1):


45. Vellone E, Riegel B, D'Agostino F, Fida R, Rocco G, Cocchieri A, Alvaro R. Structural

Equation Model Testing the Situation-specific Theory of Heart Failure Self-Care. Journal of

Advanced Nursing 2013 69(11), 2481–2492. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12126

46. Vanzetta M, Silvestro A, Martellotti E, Vellone E, Alvaro R (2013). La comunicazione online

tra professionisti e cittadino in ambito sanitario: primo rapporto sulle attività della

Federazione Nazionale dei Collegi Infermieri (IPASVI). L'Infermiere 2013; 50(1): p. e1-e8.

47. D’Angelo D, Mastroianni C, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Casale G, Lucatelli S, Latina R, Matarese M,

De Marinis MG. Transitions between care settings after enrolment in a palliative care service

in Italy: a retrospective analysis. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2013; 19: 110-115.

48. Sili A, Fida R, Proietti D, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Ridurre l’ansia preoperatoria a “suon di

musica”: studio sperimentale in una Unità Operativa di Chirurgia Vascolare. Assistenza

Infermieristica e Ricerca 2013; 32(1): 13-19.

49. D'Agostino F, Zega M, Rocco G, Luzzi L, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Impact of a nursing

information system in clinical practice: a longitudinal study project. Annali d’Igiene 2013; 25

(4): 329-341. doi: 10.7416/ai.2013.1935

50. Macale L, Scialò G, Di Sarra L, De Marinis MG, Rocco G, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Psychometric

properties of the Scale for Quality Evaluation of the Bachelor Degree in Nursing Version 2

(QBN 2). Nurse Education Today 2014, 34: 299–305. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.06.008

51. Vellone E, Riegel B, Cocchieri A, Barbaranelli C, D'Agostino F, Antonetti G, Glaser D, Alvaro

R. Psychometric testing of the self-care of heart failure index version 6.2. Research in Nursing

and Health 2013, 36(5): 500-511. doi: 10.1002/nur.21554

52. Conti F, Sili A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Le motivazioni al posizionamento di un accesso vascolare

centrale ad inserzione periferica: l’esperienza di un PICC Team. Scenario 2013, 30(2): 4-10.

53. Arrigoni C, Miazza D, Gallotti L, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Pelissero G. Risvegliarsi in terapia

intensiva. La comunicazione, benessere per il paziente e competenza per l’infermiere. Scenario

2013, 30(2): 11-15.

54. D'Angelo D, Vellone E, Salvatori C, De Marinis MG, Alvaro R. Validity and reliability of the

Italian version of the Oral Assessment Guide. Professioni Infermieristiche 2013, 66(2): 117-

124. doi: 10.7429/pi.2013.662117

55. Talucci C, Vellone E, Piras G, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R. Il Vissuto esperienziale riferito alla qualità

di vita nei caregiver di persone con malattia d’Alzheimer che vivono nel Lazio e in Sardegna:

uno studio fenomenologico comparativo. Salute e Società 2013, 12(3): 126-140. Doi


56. Vanzetta M, Vellone E, Dal Molin A, Martellotti E, Alvaro R. Raccomandazioni sul corretto

utilizzo dei social media da parte degli infermieri. L’Infermiere 2013; 50(5): e79-e88.

57. Limardi S, Alvaro R, Rocco G, Stievano A, Vellone E, De Marinis MG. Il concetto di resilienza

nel contesto infermieristico. L’Infermiere 2013; 50(4): 16-24.

58. Zega M, D’Agostino F, Bowles KH, De Marinis MG, Rocco G, Vellone E, Alvaro R.

Development and Validation of a Computerized Assessment Form to Support Nursing

Diagnosis. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2014; 25(1):22-29. Doi: 10.1111/2047-



59. De Angelis A, Ramacciati N, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Come migliorare i percorsi formativi per la

segnalazione di sospette reazioni avverse a farmaci (ADR): una revisione della letteratura.

Scenario 2013, 30(3): 31-35.

60. Vellone E, Chung ML, Cocchieri A, Rocco G, Alvaro R, Riegel B. Effects of Self-Care on

Quality of Life in Adults with Heart Failure and Their Spousal Caregivers: Testing Dyadic

Dynamics Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Family Nursing 2014,

20(1):120-141. DOI 10.1177/1074840713510205

61. Dal Molin A, Gatta C, Derossi V, Guazzini A, Cocchieri A, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Rasero L.

Hospital Discharge: Results From an Italian Multicenter Prospective Study Using Blaylock Risk

Assessment Screening Score. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2014; 25(1):14-21.

Doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12016.

62. Spatola CF, Cocchieri A, De Marinis MG, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Gli interventi educativi per i

pazienti con scompenso cardiaco: una sintesi della letteratura. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica 2013;

69(5): 557-574.

63. Turci C, Alvaro R, Fabretti A, Fida R, Giorgi F, Maccari A, Proietti MG, Sili A, Stievano A,

Tolentino Diaz MY, Trinca D, Vellone E, Rocco G. La salute organizzativa degli infermieri in

alcune strutture sanitarie di Roma e della provincia. L'Infermiere 2013; 57(6): e89-e98.

64. Prandi C, Vellone E, De Marinis MG, Alvaro R. Aderenza alle cure: un tema di pertinenza

anche infermieristica. L'Infermiere 2013; 57(6): 11-17.

65. Rega ML, Guerriero S, Sclesi S, Talucci C, Galletti C, Vellone E, Kangasniemi M, Alvaro R.

Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia.

Strategia per l’identificazione (I parte). Scenario 2013; 30(4): 24-30.

66. Vellone E, Jaarsma T, Stromberg A, Fida R, Årestedt K, Rocco G, Cocchieri A, Alvaro R. The

European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale: New insights into factorial structure,

reliability, precision and scoring procedure. Patient Education and Counseling 2014; 94(1): 97 -


67. Cocchieri A, Riegel B, D’Agostino F, Rocco G, Fida R, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Describing self-

care in Italian adults with heart failure and identifying determinants of poor self-care. European

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 14(2):126-136. DOI: 10.1177/1474515113518443

68. Simeone S, Savini S, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The experience of stroke survivors three

months after being discharged home: A phenomenological investigation. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 14(2): 162-169. DOI 10.1177/1474515114522886

69. Vellone E, Savini S, Fida R, Dickson VV, D’Eramo Melkus G, Carod-Artal FJ, Rocco G,

Alvaro R. Psychometric Evaluation of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0. Journal of Cardiovascular

Nursing 2015; 30(3):229-41. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000145

70. D'Angelo D, Mastroianni C, Hammer JM, Piredda M, Vellone E, Alvaro R, De Marinis MG.

Continuity of Care During End of Life: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis. International

Journal of Nursing Knowledge. In Press. DOI: 10.1111/2047-3095.12041

71. Vanzetta M, Vellone E, Dal Molin A, Rocco G, De Marinis MG, Alvaro R. Communication

with the public in the health-care system: a descriptive study of the use of social media in Local

Health Authorities and public hospitals in Italy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2014;

50(2): 163-170. DOI 10.4415/ANN_14_02_10.

72. Prandi C, Venturini G, Rocco G, Mari R, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Nodol: uno studio descrittivo

delle reti di cure palliative in Italia. La Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative. 2014; 16(2): 11-16.

73. Limardi S, Rocco G, Stievano A, Vellone E, Valle A, Torino F, Alvaro R. Cultural adaptation

and linguistic validation of the Family Decision Making Self Efficacy Scale (FDMSES). Annali

d’Igiene 2014; 26(4):355-366. doi: 10.7416/ai.2014.1995.

74. Sili A, Fida R, Trezza T, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Nurse coordinator leadership and work

environment conflicts: consequences for physical and work-related health of nursing staff.

Medicina del Lavoro 2014; 105(4): 296-306.


75. Piredda M, Vellone E, Piras G, Fida R, Latour JM, Matarese M, Alvaro R, De Marinis MG.

Psychometric evaluation of the Newcastle Satisfaction With Nursing Scales. Journal of Nursing

Care Quality 2015; 30(1): 84-92. DOI: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000078

76. Pucciarelli G, Savini S, Byun E, Simeone S, Barbaranelli C, Juárez Vela R, Alvaro R, Vellone

E. Psychometric Properties of the Caregiver Preparedness Scale in Caregivers of Stroke

Survivors. Heart & Lung 2014. 43(6), 555-560. DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2014.08.004

77. Savini S, Buck HG, Dickson VV, Simeone S, Pucciarelli G, Fida R, Matarese M, Alvaro R,

Vellone E. Quality of life in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: a new conceptual framework and

longitudinal study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2015; 71(3): 676–687. DOI:


78. Barbaranelli C, Lee CS, Vellone E, Riegel B. Dimensionality and Reliability of the Self-Care of

Heart Failure Index Scales: Further Evidence from Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Research in

Nursing & Health 2014; 37(6):524-537. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21623

79. Rega ML, Guerriero S, Scelsi S, Talucci C, Galletti C, Vellone E, Kangasniemi M, Alvaro R.

Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia.

Strategia per l’identificazione (II parte). Scenario 2014; 31(1): 23-32.

80. Simeone S, Savini S, Torino F, Vellone E, Alvaro R. La mutualità nel caregiving: una revisione

della letteratura. Professioni Infermieristiche 2014; 67(3): 155-165. DOI:


81. Vellone E, D’Agostino F, Buck HG, Fida R, Spatola CF, Petruzzo A, Alvaro R, Riegel B. The

key role of caregiver confidence in caregiver’s contribution to self-care in adults with heart

failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 14(5): 372-381. DOI:


82. Vellone E, Barbaranelli C, Lee CS, Riegel B. Measures of self-care in heart failure: issues with

factorial structure and reliability. Heart & Lung 2015; 44(1):82-83.


83. Lee CS, Vellone E, Lyons KS, Cocchieri A, Bidwell JT, D’Agostino F, Hiatt SO, Alvaro R,

Buck HG, Riegel B. Patterns and predictors of patient and caregiver engagement in heart failure

care: a multi-level dyadic study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015; 52(2):588-97.


84. Lyons KS, Vellone E, Lee CS, Cocchieri A, Bidwell JT, D’Agostino F, Hiatt SO, Alvaro R,

Juarez-Vela R, Riegel B. A Dyadic Approach to Managing Heart Failure with Confidence.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 30 (4 Suppl 1): S64-71 DOI:


85. Prandi C, Garrino L, Clerico M, Sommovigo T, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Therapeutic education to

cancer patients: experiences of Italian nurses. Professioni Infermieristiche, 2014; 67(4): 242-


86. Prandi C, Garrino L, Mastromarino P, Torino F, Vellone E, Peruselli C, Alvaro R. Barriers in

the management of cancerrelated pain and strategies to overcome them: findings of a qualitative

research involving physicians and nurses in Italy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2015;

51(1): 71-78. DOI: 10.4415/ANN_15_01_13

87. Alvaro R, Pennini A, Zanetti EB, Cittadini N, Feola M, Rao C, D’Agostino F, Vellone E,

Tarantino U. Bone care nurses and the evolution of the nurse’s educational function: the

Guardian Angel® research project. Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2015;

12(1): 43-46.

88. De Angelis A, Colaceci S, Giusti A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Factors that condition the

spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions among nurses: an integrative review. Journal

of Nursing Management 2016; 24(2):151-163. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12310

89. Jaarsma T, Klompstra L, Ben Gal T, Boyne J, Vellone E, Bäck M, Dickstein K, Fridlund B,

Hoes A, Piepoli MF, Chialà O, Mårtensson J, Strömberg A. Increasing exercise capacity and


quality of life of patients with heart failure through Wii gaming: the rationale, design and

methodology of the HF-Wii study; a multicentre randomized controlled trial. European Journal

of Heart Failure 2015 Jul;17(7):743-8. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.305.

90. Vellone E, Fida R, D’Agostino F, Mottola A, Juarez-Vela R, Alvaro R, Riegel B. Self-care

confidence may be the key: a cross-sectional study on the association between cognition and

self-care behaviours in adults with heart failure. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015;

52(11): 1705–1713. DOI:

91. Buck HG, Dickson VV, Fida R, Riegel B, D’Agostino F, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Predictors of

Hospitalization and Quality of Life in Heart Failure: a model of comorbidity, self-efficacy and

self-care. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015; 52(11): 1714-1722. DOI:

92. Bidwell JT, Vellone E, Lyons KS, D'Agostino F, Riegel B, Juárez-Vela R, Hiatt SO, Alvaro

R, Lee CS. Determinants of heart failure self-care maintenance and management in patients and

caregivers: A dyadic analysis. Research in Nursing and Health 2015; 38(5): 392-402. DOI:


93. De Angelis A, Giusti A, Colaceci S, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Nurses’ reporting of suspect adverse

drug reactions: a mixed-methods study. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2015; 51(4):

277-283. DOI: 10.4415/ANN_15_04

94. Limardi S, Stievano A, Rocco G, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Caregiver resilience in palliative care: a

research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2016; 72(2): 421-433. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12829

95. Talucci C, Rega ML, Sili A, Vellone E, Tartaglini D, Galletti C, Alvaro R. Empowerment

strutturale e soddisfazione sul lavoro tra gli infermieri coordinatori: uno studio pilota.

Professioni Infermieristiche 2015; 68(3):143-150. DOI: 10.7429/pi.2015.683143

96. Alvaro R, DʼAgostino F, Cittadini N, Zannetti EB, Rao C, Feola M, Vellone E, Pennini A,

Tarantino U. Can Educational Interventions Improve Osteoporotic Women's Adherence to

Treatment? A Literature Review. Orthopedic Nursing 2015; 34(6):340-53. doi:


97. Colaceci S, Giusti A, Chapin EM, Notarangelo M, De Angelis A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. The

Difficulties in Antihypertensive Drug Prescription During Lactation: Is the Information

Consistent? Breastfeading Medicine 2015 10(10): 468-73. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2015.0086

98. Bulfone G, Fida R, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Palese A. Searching for a nursing job in an increased

complexity of the labour market: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Nursing

Education and Practice 2016; 6(3): 33-42. DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v6n3p33

99. D'Agostino F, Vellone E, Cerro E, Di Sarra L, Juárez-Vela R, Ghezzi V, Zega M, Alvaro R.

Psychomentric evaluation of the Position on nursing diagnosis. Applied Nursing Research

2016; 29: e1 - e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2015.03.012

100. D’Agostino F, Barbaranelli C, Paans W, Belsito R, Juarez-Vela, Alvaro R, Vellone E.

Psychometric Evaluation of the D-Catch, an Instrument to Measure the Accuracy of Nursing

Documentation. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015; In Press. DOI:


101. Vellone E, Fida R, Ghezzi V, D’Agostino F, Biagioli V, Paturzo M, Stromberg A, Alvaro R,

Jaarsma T. Patterns of self-care in adults with heart failure and their associations with socio-

demographic and clinical characteristics, quality of life and hospitalizations: A cluster analysis.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 32(2): 180-189. DOI:


102. Colaceci S, Giusti A, De Angelis A, Della Barba MI, De Vincenti AY, Vellone E, Alvaro R.

Medications, “natural” products, and pharmacovigilance during breastfeeding: A mixed-

methods study on women’s opinions. Journal of Human Lactation 2016; 32(2): 324-332. DOI:



103. Macale L, Scialò G, Masi P, Rocco G, Stievano A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Development of the

Ethical Sensitivity Scale in Undergraduate Nursing Students. Professioni Infermieristiche 2015;

68(4): 244-250. DOI: 10.7429/pi.2015.684244.

104. Vanzetta M, Dal Molin A, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Arrigoni C. Social media and nurse education:

an integrative review of the literature. Annali d’Igiene 2016; 28(3): 187-201. DOI


105. Pucciarelli G, Buck HG, Barbaranelli C, Savini S, Simeone S, Juarez-Vela R, Alvaro R,

Vellone E. Psychometric characteristics of the mutuality scale in stroke patients and caregivers.

The Gerontologist 2016; In Press; DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnw083

106. Di Sarra L, D’Agostino F, Cocchieri A, Vellone E, Zega M, Alvaro R., 2016. Nursing

diagnoses and theoretical frameworks in neonatal units : a literature review. Professioni

Infermieristiche 2016; 69(1), 44–55.

107. Vellone E, Pancani L, Greco A, Steca P, Riegel B. Self-care confidence may be more important

than cognition to influence self-care behaviors in adults with heart failure: Testing a mediation

model. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2016; 60, 191-199.


108. Paturzo M, Colaceci S, Clari M, Mottola A, Alvaro R, Dickson VV, Vellone E. I disegni di

ricerca con metodo misto: un approccio metodologico innovativo per la ricerca infermieristica.

Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca 2016; 35(2): 82-86. DOI: 10.1702/2310.24838

109. Pennini A, Cittadini N, Basilici Zannetti E, Cervoni C, Vellone E, D'Agostino F, Alvaro R. An

experience of field work learning for healthcare providers: new perspectives between

disadvantages and critical issues. Annali d’Igiene 2016; 28(4):252-62. DOI


110. Paturzo M, Petruzzo A, Bertò L, Mottola A, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The lived

experience of adults with heart failure: a phenomenological study. Annali d’Igiene 2016; 28(4):

263-73. doi: 10.7416/ai.2016.2105

111. Bravetti C, Cocchieri A, D’Agostino F, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Zega M. Definizione e variabili

costituenti la complessità assistenziale infermieristica. Una revisione della letteratura. Igiene e

Sanità Pubblica 2016; 72(3): 233 – 248

112. Ausili D, Rebora P, Di Mauro S, Riegel B, Valsecchi MG, Paturzo M, Alvaro R, Vellone E.

Clinical and socio-demographic determinants of self-care behaviours in patients with heart

failure and diabetes mellitus: a multicentre cross-sectional study. International Journal of

Nursing Studies 2016; 63: 18-27. DOI:

113. Simeone S, Cohen MZ, Savini S, Pucciarelli G, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The lived experiences of

stroke caregivers three months after discharge of patients from rehabilitation hospital.

Professioni Infermieristiche 2016; 69 (2): 103-112.

114. Vellone E. Nursing science and prevention. Biomedicine & Prevention 2016; 0(0): 9-10. DOI: 115. Bulfone G, Fida R, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Palese A. Employability degli infermieri neolaureati:

revisione narrativa. L’Infermiere 2016; 53(4): e75-e83.

116. Cittadini N, Pennini A, Basilici Zanetti E, D’Agostino F, Feola M, Rao C, Vellone E, Alvaro R,

Tarantino U. Il progetto di ricerca Guardian Angel®: risultati preliminari. L’Infermiere 2016;

53(4): e66-e74.

117. Macale L, Vellone E, Scialò G, Iossa M, Cristofori E, Alvaro R. The experience of educational

quality in undergraduate nursing students: a phenomenological study. Professioni

Infermieristiche 2016; 69(4): 244-251.

118. Kangasniemi M, Hirjaba M, Kohonen K, Vellone E, Moilanen T, Pietilä AM. The cardiac

patients’ perceptions of their responsibilities in adherence to care: a qualitative interview study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing 2017; 26(17-18): 2583-2592. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13642


119. Vellone E, Paturzo M, D’Agostino F, Mottola A, Petruzzo A, Alvaro R, Riegel B. Self-care in

heart failure patients: major results of a 7-year research program in Italy. Salute e Società 2017;

16(1): 51-64.

120. Macale L, Ghezzi V, Rocco G, Fida R, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Academic dishonesty among

Italian nursing students: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today 2017; 50(1): 57-61. DOI:

121. De Angelis A, Pancani L, Steca P, Colaceci S, Giusti A, Tibaldi L, Alvaro R, Ausili D, Vellone

E. Testing an explanatory model of nurses' intention to report adverse drug reactions in hospital

settings. Journal of Nursing Management 2017; 25(4): 307-317. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12467

122. Sanson G, Vellone E, Kangasniemi M, Alvaro R, D'Agostino F. Impact of nursing diagnoses on

patient and organisational outcomes: A systematic literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing

2017; 26: 3764–3783. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13717

123. Pucciarelli G, Vellone E, Savini S, Simeone S, Ausili D, Alvaro R, Lee CS, Lyons KS. Roles of

Changing Physical Function and Caregiver Burden on Quality of Life in Stroke: A Longitudinal

Dyadic Analysis. Stroke 2017; 48: 733-739. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.014989

124. Greco A, Pancani L, Sala M, Annoni AM, Steca P, Paturzo M, D’Agostino F, Alvaro R,

Vellone E. Psychometric characteristics of the caregiver burden inventory in caregivers of

adults with heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 16(6): 502-510.

DOI: 10.1177/1474515117693890

125. Vellone E, Paturzo M, D’Agostino F, Petruzzo A, Masci S, Ausili D, Rebora P, Alvaro R,

Riegel B. MOTIVATional intErviewing to improve self-care in Heart Failure patients

(MOTIVATE-HF): Study protocol of a three-arm multicenter randomized controlled trial.

Contemporary Clinical Trials 2017; 55(1): 34–38. DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2017.02.003

126. D'Agostino F, Sanson G, Cocchieri A, Vellone E, Welton J, Maurici M, Alvaro R, Zega M.

Prevalence of nursing diagnoses as a measure of nursing complexity in a hospital setting.

Journal of Advanced Nursing 2017; 73(9): 2129-2142. DOI 10.1111/jan.13285

127. Basilici ZE, D'Agostino F, Cittadini N, Feola M, Pennini A, Rao C, Vellone E, Tarantino U,

Alvaro R. Effect of tailored educational intervention to improve self-care maintenance and

quality of life in postmenopausal osteoporotic women after a fragility fracture: the Guardian

Angel® study. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica 2017; 73(1):65-76.

128. Petruzzo A, Paturzo M, Naletto M, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The lived experience of

caregivers of persons with heart failure: A phenomenological study. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 16(7): 638-645. DOI 10.1177/1474515117707666

129. Petruzzo A, Paturzo M, Buck G.H, Barbaranelli C, D’Agostino F, Ausili D, Alvaro R, Vellone

E. Psychometric Evaluation of the Caregiver Preparedness Scale in Caregivers of Adults with

Heart Failure. Research in Nursing and Health 2017; 40(5):470-478. DOI 10.1002/nur.21811

130. Lee CS, Bidwell JT, Paturzo M, Alvaro R, Cocchieri A, Jaarsma T, Strömberg A, Riegel B,

Vellone E. Patterns of self-care and clinical events in a cohort of adults with heart failure: 1

year follow-up. Heart & Lung 2017; 47(1):40-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2017.09.004

131. Mogle J, Buck HG, Zambroski C, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Cross-validation of the Minnesota

Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2017; 49(5):513-520

DOI 10.1111/jnu.12318

132. Colaceci S, Giusti A, Chapin EM, Bettinelli ME, De Angelis A, Zambri F, Vellone E, Alvaro

R, De Mei B. E-learning to Improve Healthcare Professionals' Attitudes and Practices on

Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Medicine 2017; 12: 629-636. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2017.0060

133. Ausili D, Barbaranelli C, Rossi E, Rebora P, Fabrizi D, Cogni C, Luciani M, Vellone E, Di

Mauro S, Riegel B. Development and psychometric testing of a theory-based tool to measure

self-care in diabetes patients: the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory. BMC Endocrine Disorders

2017; 17(1): 66. DOI 10.1186/s12902-017-0218-y


134. Villa G, Manara DF, Brancato T, Rocco G, Stievano A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. Life with a

urostomy: A phenomenological study. Applied Nursing Research 2018; 39: 46-52. doi:10.1016/


135. Arrigoni C, Puci M, Grugnetti AM, Collivasone L, Fenizia E, Borrelli P, Vellone E, Alvaro R,

Piredda M, De Marinis MG. Italian version of Nursing Students' Perception of Instructor Caring

(I-NSPIC): assessment of reliability and validity. BMC Medical Education 2017; 17:218. DOI:


136. Bidwell JT, Vellone E, Lyons KS, D'Agostino F, Riegel B, Paturzo M, Hiatt SO, Alvaro R, Lee

CS. Caregiver determinants of patient clinical event risk in heart failure. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 16(8):707-714. doi: 10.1177/1474515117711305

137. D'Agostino F, Zeffiro V, Vellone E, Ausili D, Belsito R, Leto A, Alvaro R. Cross-Mapping of

Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology.

International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 2018 In Press; Doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12200

138. D'Agostino F, Pancani L, José Manuel RS, Lumillo-Gutierrez I, Paloma-Castro O, Vellone E,

Alvaro R. Nurses' beliefs about nursing diagnosis: A study with cluster analysis. Journal of

Advanced Nursing 2018;74:1359–1370. DOI: 10.1111/jan.13545

139. Sanson G, Alvaro R, Cocchieri A, Vellone E, Welton J, Maurici M, Zega M, D'Agostino F.

Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and Activities as Described by a Nursing Minimum Data Set:

A Prospective Study in an Oncology Hospital Setting. Cancer Nursing. 2018 In press DOI


140. Ausili D, Rossi E, Rebora P, Luciani M, Tonoli L, Ballerini E, Androni S, Vellone E, Riegel B,

Di Mauro S. Socio‑demographic and clinical determinants of self‑care in adults with type 2

diabetes: a multicentre observational study. Acta Diabetologica 2018; 55(7): 691-702. DOI


141. Pucciarelli G, Ausili D, Galbussera A, Rebora P, Savini S, Simeone S, Alvaro R, Vellone E.

Quality of Life, Anxiety, Depression and Burden among Stroke Caregivers: a longitudinal,

observational multicentre study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2018; 74(8): 1875-1887. Doi:


142. Liotta G, Canhao H, Cenko F, Cutini R, Vellone E, Illario M, Kardas P, Poscia A, Sousa RD,

Palombi L and Marazzi MC. Active Ageing in Europe: Adding Healthy Life to Years. Frontiers

in Medicine 2018; 5:123. Doi: 10 10.3389/fmed.2018.00123/full

143. Pancani L, Ausili D, Greco A, Vellone E, Riegel B. Trajectories of Self-Care Confidence and

Maintenance in Adults with Heart Failure: A Latent Class Growth Analysis. International

Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2018; 25(4): 399-409. DOI: 10.1007/s12529-018-9731-2

144. Dellafiore F, Buck HG, Pucciarelli G, Barbaranelli C, Paturzo M, Alvaro R, Vellone E.

Psychometric characteristics of the mutuality scale in heart failure patients and caregivers.

Heart & Lung 2018; 47 (2018) 553-561. DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2018.05.018

145. Chialà O, Vellone E, Klompstra L, Ortali GA, Stromberg A, Jaarsma T. Relationships between

exercise capacity and anxiety, depression and cognition in patients with heart failure. Heart &

Lung 2018; 47: 465–470. DOI 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2018.07.010

146. Conti A, Clari M, Garrino L, Maitan P, Scivoletto G, Cavallaro L, Bandini B, Mozzone S,

Vellone E, Frigerio S. Adaptation and validation of the Caregiver Burden Inventory in Spinal

Cord Injuries (CBI-SCI). Spinal Cord 2018. In Press. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-018-0179-7

147. Bravetti C, Cocchieri A, D'Agostino F, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Zega M. A nursing clinical

information system for the assessment of the complexity of care. Annali d’Igiene 2018;

30(5):410-420. doi: 10.7416/ai.2018.2241.

148. Pucciarelli G, Lee CS, Lyons KS, Simeone S, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Quality of Life Trajectories

among Stroke Survivors and the Related Changes in Caregiver Outcomes: A Growth Mixture

Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2018. In Press. doi: 10.1016/



149. De Maria M, Vellone E, Ausili D, Alvaro R, Di Mauro S, Piredda M, De Marinis M, Matarese

M. Self-care Of patient and caregiver DyAds in multiple chronic conditions: a LongITudinal

studY (SODALITY) protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2019; 75:461-471. DOI:


150. Maitan P, Frigerio S, Conti A, Clari M, Vellone E, Alvaro R. The effect of the burden of

caregiving for people with spinal cord injury (SCI): a cross-sectional study. Annali dell’Istituto

Superiore di Sanità 2018; 54(3): 185-193. DOI: 10.4415/ANN_18_03_03

151. Vellone E, Riegel B, Alvaro R. A situation-specific theory of caregiver contributions to heart

failure self-care. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2018. In Press. DOI:


152. Riegel B, Barbaranelli C, Carlson B, Sethares KA, Daus M, Moser DK, Miller J, Osokpo

OH, Lee S, Brown S, Vellone E. Psychometric Testing of the Revised Self-Care of Heart

Failure Index. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2018. In Press. DOI:


153. D'Agostino F, Vellone E, Cocchieri A, Welton J, Maurici M, Polistena B, Spandonaro F, Zega

M, Alvaro R, Sanson G. Nursing Diagnoses as Predictors of Hospital Length of Stay: A

Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2019; 2019; 51:1, 96–105.

DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12444

154. Vellone E, Chung ML, Alvaro R, Paturzo M, Dellafiore F. The influence of mutuality on self-

care in heart failure patients and caregivers: A dyadic analysis. Journal of Family Nursing

2018; 24(4): 563-584. DOI: 10.1177/1074840718809484

155. Cocchieri A, Di Sarra L, D’Agostino F, Bravetti C, Pignocco M, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Zega M.

Sviluppo e implementazione di un sistema informativo infermieristico pediatrico in ambito

ospedaliero: il PAI pediatrico. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica 2018; 74: 315-328.

156. Buck HG, Hupcey J, Juárez-Vela R, Vellone E, Riegel B. Heart Failure Care Dyadic Typology,

Initial Conceptualization, Advances in Thinking, and Future Directions of a Clinically Relevant

Classification System. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2018; In Press; DOI:


157. D’Agostino F, Zeffiro V, Cocchieri A, Vanalli M, Ausili D, Vellone E, Zega M, Alvaro R.

Impact of an electronic nursing documentation system on the nursing process accuracy.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2019; 804: 247-252.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98872-6_29 DA METTERE SU CINECA

158. De Maria M, Vellone E, Durante A, Biagioli V, Matarese M. Psychometric evaluation of the

Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in people with chronic diseases.

Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2018; 54(4): 308-315; DOI: 10.4415/ANN_18_04_07

159. Villa G, Vellone E, Sciara S, Stievano A, Proietti MG, Manara DF, Marzo E, Pantaleo G. Two

new tools for self-care in ostomy patients and their informal caregivers: Psychosocial, clinical,

and operative aspects. International Journal of Urological Nursing 2018; In Press DOI:


160. Durante A, Paturzo M, Mottola A, Alvaro R, Dickson VV, Vellone E. Caregiver Contribution

to Self-care in Patients With Heart Failure: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2018; In Press DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000560

161. Petruzzo A, Biagioli V, Durante A, Gialloreti LE, D’Agostino F, Alvaro R, Vellone E.

Influence of preparedness on anxiety, depression, and quality of life in caregivers of heart

failure patients: Testing a model of path analysis. Patient Education and Counseling 2018; In

press. DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2018.12.027

162. Villa G, Mannarini M, Della Giovanna G, Marzo E, Manara DF, Vellone E. A literature review

about self-care on ostomy patients and their caregivers. Int J Urol Nurs. 2019;1–6.


Editorials and Commentaries

1. Barbaranelli C, Lee CS, Vellone E, Riegel B. The Problem with Cronbach's Alpha: Comment

on Sijtsma and van der Ark (2015). Nursing Research 2015; 64(2): 140-145. DOI:


2. Vellone E. Nursing science and prevention. Biomedicine and Prevention 2016; 0(0): 9-10. DOI


3. Vellone E. First steps towards a theory of caregiver contribution to self-care in heart failure.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 32(6):584-586 DOI:


4. Lee G, Marques E, Vellone E, Stromberg A, Hopstock L, Tagney J, Khatib R, O’Donnell S,

Svavarsdottir MH, Goossens E, Andreae C. Post-Doctoral Mentorship Award – have you

considered applying? European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; 16(8):658. DOI


5. Vellone E. Cognitively impaired patients with heart failure may not perceive weight gain as a

risk for decompensation. Evidence Based Nursing 2017; 20(4): 115-116. DOI

6. Vellone E, Dellafiore F, Chung ML, Alvaro R. Mutuality and self-care in heart failure patient

and caregiver dyads. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017; In press. DOI


7. Buck HG, Bekelman D, Cameron J, Chung M, Hooker S, Pucciarelli G, Stromberg A, Riegel B,

Vellone E. A body of work, a missed opportunity: dyadic research in older adults. Journal of

American Geriatrics Society 2019; In Press DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15749

Abstract in journals

1. Vellone E, Piras G, Venturini G, Alvaro R. Positive and negative impact in caring for older

people living in Sardinia, Italy. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2010; 19 (Suppl. 1): 131.

2. Vellone E, Venturini G, Caramia M, Alvaro R. Preliminary results from the reliability and

validity of the stroke impact scale in Italy. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2010; 19 (Suppl. 1): 85.

3. D'Angelo, Mastroianni C, Casale G, Carbonara L, Vellone E, Alvaro R, Latina R, Piredda M,

De Marinis MG (2011). Transitions in Care During a Palliative Care Program: Distribution and

Associated Factors. European Journal of Cancer 2011; 47, S318.

4. Vellone E, Savini S, Simeone S, Barbato N, Carovillano G, Caramia MD, Alvaro R. Stroke

survivors who like art have a better quality of life than those who do not. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2012; 11(sup.1): 50.

5. Vellone E, Riegel B, Cocchieri A, D'Agostino F, Rocco G, Alvaro R. The contribution of

caregivers to self-care in heart failure: development of an instrument. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2012; 11(supp. 1): S8.

6. Vellone E, Riegel B, Cocchieri A, Fida R, D'Agostino F, Rocco G, Alvaro R. The relationship

between self-care maintenance and self-care management in heart failure: a structural equation

modeling. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2012; 11(supp. 1): S33-S34.

7. Savini S, Vellone E, Simeone S, Fida R, Dickson VV, Rocco G, Alvaro R. Psychometric

properties of the Italian version of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0. European Journal of

Cardiovascular Nursing 2013; 12 (Supp. 1): S12-S13.

8. Cocchieri A, Vellone E, Riegel B, Rocco G, Alvaro R. Self-care behaviors in Italian patients

with heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2013; 12: S11.


9. Vellone E, Cocchieri A, Chung ML, Rocco G, Alvaro R. The relationship between self-care and

quality of life in heart failure patients and spousal caregivers: a dyadic analysis. European

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2013; 12: s47-s48.

10. Vellone E, Jaarsma T, Cocchieri A, Chialà O, Fida R, Rocco G, Alvaro R. The value of an

exercise advice in hearth failure patients. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2013;

12: S53-S54.

11. D'Angela D, Cursano R, D'arpino A, De Gennaro E, Giorgi S, Lattarulo M, Piacentini P, Rocco

G, Spandonaro F, Testa T, Vellone E (2013). Gestione del rischio chimico da antiblastici:

un'analisi a support delle decisioni in sanita'. Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica 2013; 27:


12. Vellone E, AlvaroR, Fida R, Rocco G, Spatola CF, Cocchieri A, Riegel B. Self-Care

Confidence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognition and Self-Care Behaviors in Adults

With Heart Failure. Circulation 2013; 128(22 Supp): A16531.

13. Dickson VV, Buck HG, Vellone E, Riegel B. Self-Efficacy Moderates the Relationship of

Comorbidity and Self-Care in Heart Failure Patients. Circulation 2013; 128(22 Supp): A17863

14. Bidwell JT, Lee CS, Lyons KS, Hiatt SO, Alvaro R, Vellone E, Riegel B. Patient-, caregiver-,

and relationship-level characteristics influence heart failure self-care maintenance behaviors in

patient-caregiver dyads. Journal of Cardiac Failure 2014; 20(8 Suppl): S11. DOI:


15. Bidwell JT, Vellone E, Lyons KS, Hiatt SO, Alvaro R, Riegel B, Lee CS. Abstract 12062:

Patient and Caregiver Heart Failure Symptom Response Behaviors in 364 Patient-Caregiver

Dyads. Circulation 2014; 130(Suppl 2): A12062

16. Vellone E, Buck HG, Dickson VV, Fida R, D’Agostino F, Alvaro R, Riegel B. How

comorbidity, self-care confidence and self-care behaviors interact to predict hospitalization in

heart failure patients. European Journal of Heart Failure 2015; 17(Supp. 1): 301.

17. Vellone E, Lee CS, Lyons KS, D’Agostino F, Bidwell JT, Hiatt SO, Buck HG, Alvaro R,

Riegel B. How patient-caregiver dyads controbute to self-care in heart failure: typologies and

characteristics. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 14(Supp. 1): 8-9.

18. Vellone E, Bidwell JT, Lyons KS, D’Agostino F, Hiatt SO, Juarez-Vela R, Alvaro R, Riegel B,

Lee CS. Patient-caregiver dyadic determinants of of self-care maintenance and self-care

management in heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2015; 14(Supp. 1):


19. Greco A, Sala M, Pancani L, Baretta D, D’Addario M, Petruzzo A, Alvaro R, Steca P, Vellone

E. The Caregiver Burden Inventory in evaluating the burden of heart failure patients' caregivers:

a multicenter study. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016; 18 (Supp. 1): 314.

20. Ausili D, Rebora P, Di Mauro S, Riegel B, Paturzo M, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Socio-

demographic and clinical determinants of poor self-care in patients with heart failure and

diabetes mellitus. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016; 18 (Supp. 1): 497.

21. Vellone E, Pancani L, Greco A, D’Addario M, Steca P, Riegel B. Self-care confidence totally

mediates the influence of simple attention and working memory on self-care in adults with heart

failure. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016; 18 (Supp. 1): 151-152.

22. Paturzo M, Berto L, Petruzzo A, Mottola A, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The lived

experience of adults with heart failure: a phenomenological study. European Journal of Heart

Failure 2016; 18 (Supp. 1): 152.

23. Durante A, Gianino MM, Sperlinga R, Vellone E. The effect of therapeutic education on self-

care in patients with heart failure and implantable cardioverter defibrillator: study protocol for a

randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016; 18 (Supp. 1): 401.


24. Greco A, Sala M, Pancani L, Alvaro R, Paturzo M, Petruzzo A, Steca P, Vellone E.

Determinants of burden in caregivers of heart failure patients: a multicenter study. Minerva

Cardioangiologica 2016; 64 (Supp. 1): 47.

25. Paturzo M, Bertò L, Petruzzo M, Cohen MZ, Alvaro R, Vellone E. Come è vivere con lo

scompenso cardiaco? Il vissuto esperienziale dei pazienti. Minerva Cardioangiologica 2016;

64 (Supp. 1): 162.

26. Vellone E, Cocchieri A, Paturzo M, Riegel B, Jaarsma T, Stromberg A, Alvaro R, Lee CS. Poor

heart failure symptom response is associated with an increased risk of death and emergent

healthcare utilization. European Heart Journal 2016; 37(Supp. 1): 1340.

27. Dellafiore F, Paturzo M, Petruzzo A, D’Agostino F, Barbaranelli C, Caruso R, Alvaro R,

Vellone E. Validity and reliability of the mutuality scale in heart failure patient and caregiver

dyads. European Heart Journal 2017; 38 (suppl_1), ehx502.P2474-ehx2502.P2474. DOI:

28. Paturzo M, Petruzzo A, D'Agostino F, Barbaranelli C, Alvaro R, Vellone E. The Caregiver

Preparedness Scale is valid and reliable to measure preparedness in caregivers of heart failure

patients. European Heart Journal 2017; 38 (suppl_1), ehx502.1253-ehx1502.1253. DOI:

29. Durante A, Juarez-Vela R, Boyne J, Vellone E. Needs and burden of informal heart failure

caregivers: the HF2Care study. European Journal of Heart Failure 2018; 20 (Supp. 1): 592.

DOI: doi:10.1002/ejhf.1197

30. Mogle J, Juarez R, Vellone E, Buck H. Engaging informal caregivers in clinical research: using

dyadic information to predict who will participate. Innovation in Aging 2018; 2, (Supp. 1): 126.

DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igy023.462



1. Fellone C, Vellone E. Il contributo dell’infermiere come educatore alla salute. Atti del I°

Seminario di aggiornamento, Nursing nei Servizi psichiatrici, Pontecorvo (FR) 1997.

2. Sansoni J, Vellone E, Piras G, Riccio PA. Sleep Quality of Italian Primary caregivers to

Alzheimers Disease Persons at Home. In: Pelkonen M, et al. (eds). Knowledge developpment:

clinicians researchers in partnership. Proceedings of 9th Biennal Conference of the Workgroup

of European Nurse Researchers. Helsinki 5 – 8 luglio 1998: 781-789.

3. Riccio PA, Sansoni J, Vellone E, Piras G. Sleep in older Italian and American female

caregivers to Alzheimer’s Disease patients: a comparison study. In: Pelkonen M, et al. (eds).

Knowledge developpment: clinicians researchers in partnership. Proceedings of 9th Biennal

Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers. Helsinki 5 – 8 luglio 1998: 719-


4. Sansoni J, Piras G, Vellone E, Nofroni I. Family Quality of Life: Depression, Stress and Anxiety

of Women Primary Caregivers to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Persons at Home. In: Paavilainen E

et al. Book of abstract of the International Family Nursing Research Congress. Tampere

(Finland) 13-15 maggio 1999.

5. Vellone E, Micci M, Sansoni J, Sinapi N, Cattel C. The experience of caring in Alzheimers’s

caregivers: a phenomenological study. Proceedings of the Xth biennal Conference of the

Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers. Reykjavik (Islanda) 25-27 Maggio 2000.

6. Vellone E. Banche dati per l’assistenza infermieristica in oncologia. Atti della VII Conferenza

Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica “Le terapie integrate in oncologia”.

Taormina, 13 maggio 2003.


7. Vellone E, Talucci C, Sinapi N, Riccio PA. Quality of life in Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers.

Proceeding of the Conference of the International Council of Nurses, Building excellence

through evidence, Ginevra, 27 – 29 giugno 2003.

8. Piras G, Vellone E. Which “Therapy” to improve quality of life in Alzheimer Caregivers living

in Sardinia, Italy? Proceedings of the 8th International Montreal/Springfield Symposium on

Advnces in Alzheimer Therapy. Montreal (Canada) 14-17 Aprile 2004.

9. Ragusa V, Vellone E, Mazzarotto P. Il ruolo dell’infermiere nella prevenzione della nefropatia

da contrasto in emodinamica: la nostra esperienza. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia Invasiva

2005; 2(S3): 219.

10. Ragusa V, Vellone E, Mazzarotto P. La prevenzione della nefropatia da mezzo di contrasto in

Emodinamica. Secondo Congresso regionale della Società Italiana di Cardiologica Invasiva.

Roma, 21 gennaio 2006.

11. Vellone E, Ragusa V, Pepe S, Galletti C, Rega ML, Maggio T, Gabrielli L. L’impianto di

pacemaker e di defibrillatore impiantabile: L’impatto sul paziente. Atti del IX Congresso

Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Infermieri di Cardiologia (GITIC). Chianciano Terme (SI), 31

marzo – 1 aprile 2006.

12. Ragusa V, Vellone E, Barbaresi L, Barzetti F, Calabrese S, Casagrande A, Casella R, Di Nicola

M, Di Stefano R, Marsili O, Onagro GE, Sirleto R, Ventrella F, Vrencsan NE, Mazzarotto P. La

continuità delle cure assistenziali nei pazienti sottoposti a procedura emodinamica: una

proposta operativa. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia Invasiva 2006; 3(S3): 233.

13. Vellone E, Piras G, Loi L, Galletti C, Rega ML. Misurare la qualità di vita dei caregiver di

persone affette da demenza. Giornale di Gerontologia; 54(5): 401.

14. Piras G, Vellone, E, Vacca S, Onnis A. Lo studio EUROFAMCARE in Sardegna. Giornale di

Gerontologia; 54(5): 519.

15. Venturini G, Vellone E, Fierro A, Miliani R, Faia A, Alvaro R. La misurazione delle

competenze degli studenti del corso di Laurea in Infermieristica: l’esperienza dell’Università

degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. Atti del Meeting di Primavera della Conferenza

Permanente delle Classi di Laurea delle Professioni Sanitarie, Reggio Emilia, 15-16 maggio


16. Venturini G, Scarcella P, Funaro E, Fierro A, Vellone E, Alvaro R. The role of nursing in a

nutritional centre in Mozambique. Book of Abstract School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity

College Dublin, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, 10th Annual

Interdisciplinary Research Conference: 4th & 5th November 2009. Pag. 57

17. Venturini G, Vale S, Vellone E, Esposito G, Sili A, Prandi C, Alvaro R. Measuring quality of

life in patients affected by Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an Italian study. Book of Abstract

School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, Transforming Healthcare through

Research and Education, 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: 4th & 5th

November 2009.

18. Pepe S, Nuzzo C, Vellone E, Cocchieri A, D'Agostino F, Alvaro R (2011). Il Self-care nel

paziente con scompenso cardiaco riduce le riospedalizzazioni? In: Infermieri, area critica e le

sfide dell'economia. Roma, 16 - 18 novembre 2011, p. 18, Roma:Associazione Nazionale

Infermieri Area Critica (ANIARTI)

19. Pucciarelli G, Simeone S, Alvaro R, Vellone E, Lee CS, Lyons KS. Qualità di vita, ansia,

depressione e burden nella popolazione con ictus cerebrale: uno studio longitudinale

multicentrico. Proceeding del LVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Neurologiche Ospedaliere

(SNO), Riccione, 2-5 maggio 2018, p. 140, Trento: New MAGAZINE, ISBN: 978-88-8041-



Book chapters

1. Vellone E, Corbo MI. Alcuni aspetti di nursing geriatrico: igiene personale, abbigliamento,

mobilizzazione, alimentazione. In: Caretta F, Petrini M, Bernabei R (eds) La cura della persona

anziana; manuale per gli operatori geriatrici (vol. 2). Roma: CEPSAG - Centro Promozione e

Sviluppo dell’Assistenza Geriatria; 2001.

2. Alvaro A, Antonetti G, Pennini A, Rizzo C, Rocco G, Vellone E. La formazione universitaria e

l’ECM. In: Deiana C, Rocco G, Silvestro A (eds). Guida all’esercizio della professione di

Infermiere. Torino: C.G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche.

3. Alvaro R, Macale L, Scialò G, Vellone E. Il laboratorio dei gesti (o skill lab). In: Cristofori E,

Delli Poggi A, Serreni P (eds). Il laboratorio professionale della formazione, vol. 2, Metodi,

tecniche e applicazioni. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (pag. 109 – 120)

ISBN 978-8808-68002-0

4. D’Agostino F, Zeffiro V, Cocchieri A, Vanalli M, Ausili D, Vellone E, Zega M, Alvaro R.

(2019). Impact of an Electronic Nursing Documentation System on the Nursing Process

Accuracy. In: Di Mascio T. et al. (eds) Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology

Enhanced Learning, 8th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2018. Advances in Intelligent

Systems and Computing, vol 804. Springer, Cham; Volume 804, Pag. 247-252


1. Vellone E, Sciuto M (eds). La ricerca bibliografica. Applicazioni nel nursing e nelle scienze

sanitarie. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2001.

2. D’Aliesio L, Vellone E, Rega ML, Galletti C. La Ricerca infermieristica. Manuale introduttivo.

Roma: Carocci Faber, 2007.

3. Vellone E, Piredda, M (eds). La ricerca bibliografica. Strumenti e metodi per trovare e

utilizzare la letteratura sanitaria (2^ ed.). Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2009.

4. Alvaro R, Brancato T, Fierro A, Stievano A, Vellone E, Venturini G. I concorsi per infermiere.

Napoli: Edises; 2009.

5. Sili A, Alvaro R, Fida R, Vellone E, Avallone F. La salute organizzativa degli infermieri: guida

pratica all’utilizzo del Questionario Infermieristico sulla Salute Organizzativa. Napoli: Edises;


6. Alvaro R, Brancato T, Stievano A, Vellone E. Esercizi & Verifiche per Lauree Magistrali in

Scienze Infermieristiche e Ostetriche. IV Edizione. Napoli: Edises; 2017.

Academic Teaching

1997 – 2009 Nursing Research at the Bachelor Degree in Nursing Science at the Catholic

University of Rome;

2003 - 2014 Nursing Research at Master Degree in Nursing Science at the Catholic University

of Rome

2007 – 2010 Nursing Research at Master Degree in Nursing Science at the Sapienza

University of Rome


2009 – currently Nursing Research at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree at Tor Vergata

University, Rome

2013 – currently Nursing Research at the Master in Nursing Science at “Universiteti Katolic “Zoia

e Keshillit te Mire” Tirane, Albania

National qualification for professorship

On October 17th 2018, licensed as Full Professor in Nursing Science by the Italian Committee for


Non academic teaching

2003 - currently In many accredited courses for nurses

Presentation in national meetings by invitation (last five years)

6/06/2013, “Updates in heart failure self-care” dal titolo: “Validazione della teoria situazionale-

specifica del self-care nello scompenso cardiaco tramite un modello di equazione strutturale”

and “La relazione tra self-care e qualità di vita nei pazienti con scompenso cardiaco e nei loro

caregiver”; Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy

15/12/2014 “Alimentare la ricerca infermieristica: esperienze nell’ambito della formazione

infermieristica per l’area della cronicità”, Sanit Conference, Rome, Italy

6/3/2015, “Miglioramento del self-care nelle persone con scompenso cardiaco con il colloquio

motivazionale”, Italian Federation of Nurses, Rome, Italy.

20/03/2015, “Attuabilità del Dottorato di Ricerca in Midwifery in Relazione al Contesto

Legislativo”, National Conference of Bachelor Degree in Midwifery.

18/4/2015, “Self-care nello scompenso cardiaco: linea di ricerca dottorale nell’ambito

infermieristico”, Board of Nurses, Benevento, Italy.

22/5/2014, “Self-care nello scompenso cardiaco”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

7/9/2015 “L’importanza del self-care nella pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco”, National

Meeting of the Italian Association of Heart Failure.

21/04/2016, “La ricerca infermieristica in Italia: ruolo dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata”,

“3rd meeting of health care professions, Piacenza, Italy

5/05/2016 “L’auto-cura: come fare per potenziarla”, Congress, heart failure in elderly people.

10/05/2016 “Self-care e contributo al self-care nello scompenso cardiaco: studio con metodo

misto sui pazienti e sui caregiver”, Center for Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy

24/09/2016, “Dottorati disciplinari ed interdisciplinari”, 20th National Congress of the

University degrees in Health Sciences, Bologna, Italy.

29/09/2016 “Ne vale la pena? Self-care e mortalità nello scompenso cardiaco”, Center of

Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy.

03/05/2017 “Presa in carico del caregiver”, Conference of the Italian Association of Heart


29/09/2017, “Il ruolo dell'infermiere nel network multidisciplinare dello scompenso cardiaco”,

“Giornata mondiale del cuore” dell’Associazione Italiana Scompensati Cardiaci (AISC), Roma.

3/11/2017, “La teoria del self-care nello scompenso cardiaco”, Collegio IPASVI di Palermo.


6/12/2018, “Self-care nelle persone anziane” al Convegno “La riorganizzazione dei servizi

territoriale per gli anziani fragili: la proposta del gruppo di lavoro Active Ageing della SItI

Lazio” Organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Igiene – sezione Lazio.

Presentation in international meetings by invitation (last five years)

9/11/2015 “Cardiovascular patient and caregiver typologies”, Congress of the American Heart

Association, Orlando, USA.

16/04/2016, “Patient and caregiver dyad and its impact on self-care”, Congress of the Council

of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Athens, Greece.

27/8/2016“The Italian experience with nursing specialization”, Congress of the European

Society of Cardiology, Rome, Italy.

18/5/2017, “Writing academically in English when it is not your native language”, pre-

conference workshop, Congress EuroHeartCare 2017, Jonkoping, Sweden.

24/01/2018, “Patient and Family Involvement in Cardiovascular care”, Webinar “The role of

the family and caregivers in patient’s cardiovascular self-care” of the Council of Cardiovascular

Nursing and Allied Professions, Sophia Antipolis, Nice, Francia

8/5/2018, “Self-care e scompenso cardiaco” al X Workshop Internazionale del Centro di

Eccellenza per la Cultura e la Ricerca Infermieristica, Roma.

Presentation in international meetings on accepted abstract (last five years)

19/11/2013, Self-Care Confidence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognition and Self-Care

Behaviors in Adults With Heart Failure”, Congress of the American Heart Association, Dallas,


14/6/2015, “How patient-caregiver dyads contribute to self-care in heart failure: typologies and

characteristics”, Congress of the Council of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals

(CCNAP), Dubrovnic, Croazia.

22/05/2016 “Self-care confidence totally mediates the influence of simple attention and working

memory on self-care in adults with heart failure”, Congress of the European Heart Failure

Association, Florence, Italy.

20/5/2017 “Caregiver contribution to self-care maintenance and self-care management in heart

failure care: a qualitative descriptive study” al Congresso EuroHeartCare 2017, Jonkoping,


8/6/2018 “Caregiver contribution to heart failure patient self-care does not increase caregiver

burden”, EuroHeartCare 2018, Annual Congress of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and

Allied Professions, Dublin, Ireland

Official Adviser of Doctoral students

Antonello Cocchieri (completed) Self-care in patients with heart failure; 2014.

Serenella Savini (completed) Quality of life in stroke survivors: from the

validation of a psychometric instrument to the

design of a research study; 2014.


Silvio Simeone (completed) The lived experience of stroke survivor-caregiver

dyads; 2015

Marco Paturzo (completed)

(co-adviser with Victoria V. Dickson)

Caregiver contribution to heart failure self-care:

experiences, practices and outcomes; 2017

Gianluca Pucciarelli (completed) Quality of life in stroke survivors-caregiver

dyads: a longitudinal study

Antonella Mottola (completed) The experience of heart failure patients and the

role on cognition in self-care

Oronzo Chiala (completed)

(Co-advisor with Tiny Jaarsma)

Promoting physical activity in heart failure

patients with exergame

Antonio Petruzzo (completed) Preparedness in heart failure caregivers

Angela Durante (currently)

Burden and needs in caregivers of heart failure


Federica Dellafiore (currently) Mutuality in heart failure patient and caregiver


Official Adviser of Post-Doctoral research fellow

Angela Durante Needs and burden in caregivers of heart failure


Editorial services

2016 – currently Associate Editor, Biomedicine and Prevention

2015 – currently Associate Editor, Professioni Infermieristiche

2016 – currently Editorial board member, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

2017 – currently Editorial board member, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

1998 - 2015 Editorial board member, Professioni Infermieristiche

2008 – 2010 Editorial board member, International Nursing Perspectives

2008 - 2013 Reviewer, Journal of Happiness Studies

2011 - Reviewer, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

2012 - Reviewer, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

2013 - Reviewer, Heart & Lung

2014 - Reviewer, Journal of Advanced Nursing

Ad Hoc reviewer for

o Quality of Life Research (2010)

o Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (2014)

o Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology (2014)

o Plos One Medicine (2014)

o Journal of Medical Internet Research (2015)

o International Journal of Nursing Studies (2015)

o Research in Nursing and Health (2016)

o Nursing Research (2017)

Service activities at the University or Rome Tor Vergata

2009 - currently Member, board of prefessors, PhD program in nursing science and public health;

2016 – currently Director of the Master Degree in “Intensive care”


2017 – currently Director of the Master Degree in “Stomatherapy and rehabilitation of


2016 - currently Member of the Institutional Review Board of the Tor Vergata University

Hospital, Rome.


1997 - currently Member, Consociazione Nazionale Associazione Infermieri (CNAI), affiliated

with the International Council of Nursing.

2009 - currently Member of the Italian Society of Nursing Science;

2011 - currently Member, European Society of Cardiology, Association of Cardiovascular

Nursing and Allied Professionals (ACNAP);

2012 - 2015 Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society of Nursing Science.

Service activities in international organizations

2016 – currently Member of the Science Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and

Allied Health Professions (CCNAP) of the European Society of Cardiology;

2016 Reviewer of the abstracts submitted at the Congress of the American Heart

Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

2016 Reviewer of the abstract of the Congress EuroHeartCare 2017, of the Council of

Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (CCNAP), Jonkoping,


2018 Reviewer of the abstract of the Congress EuroHeartCare 2018, of the Council of

Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (CCNAP), Dublin,


2019 Reviewer of the abstract of the Congress EuroHeartCare 2019, of the Association

of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (ACNAP), Milan,


Last update (February 2019)

Ercole Vellone, PhD, RN, FESC