Culture and Leadership

Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D. Culture in a Culture in a Multicultural World: Multicultural World: Diversity Challenges Diversity Challenges By Ada Luz Gonzalez, By Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D. Ph.D.



Transcript of Culture and Leadership

Page 1: Culture and Leadership

Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Culture in a Culture in a Multicultural World: Multicultural World: Diversity ChallengesDiversity Challenges

By Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.By Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

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2Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

What is Culture?

• What are your ideas?• Culture refers to the sum total of the ways of

living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. Includes values, norms, beliefs, attitudes, folkways, behavior styles, and traditions linked to form an integrated whole to preserve the society.

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3Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

What is Ethnicity?

• Ethnicity refers to a person’s identification with a group of people of the same race or nationality who share a common and distinctive culture.

It is connectedness based on commonalities

(e.g., religion,

nationality, region).

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4Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

What is Race?

• Race refers to a group of people related genetically by common descent, blood, and heredity. It is not clear if race is more a biological or social construction. Race is culturally significant as a result of the social processes that sustain majority-minority status.

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5Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Culture is both subjective and objective

• Subjective:– Beliefs– Values– Cognitive frameworks

• Objective:– Observable patterned behavior

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6Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Culture is Multileveled and Dynamic

• Multileveled:– Micro (Individual)– Macro (organizations and institutions)

• Dynamic:– Product of ongoing social interaction– Build in community– Changes through daily decisions and


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7Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Hoffstede’s Cultural Dimensions Individualism- Collectivism

(Welfare of the individual vs. unity of the group)

Collectivists tend to:

1. Identify themselves by group membership

2. Give priority to group goals

3. Put more emphasis on harmonious relationships

4. Have more socially-based emotions (indebtedness)







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8Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Individual vs. group orientation• Confrontation and

conflict are ok• Personal opinions=

encouraged• Explicit

communication• Guilt culture

• Avoid confrontation and conflict

• Personal divergent opinions = bad

• Implicit communication• Shame


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9Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Power Distance

The degree that people accept an unequal distribution of power in societyJapanJapan




High Power Distance

Malaysia, ChinaMalaysia, China

Low Power Distance

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Small Power Distance

• Minimized inequality

• Interdependence

• Equality and initiative expected

• Decentralization= popular

• Seeks consensus

• Power is legitimate and subject to criteria of good and evil

• Ideal boss=

resourceful democrat

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Large Power Distance• Expected and desired

power and inequality

• Dependency

• Respect and obedience expected from subordinates

• Centralization is popular

• Might prevails over right

• Ideal boss =

benevolent autocrat. Accepts responsibility that goes with power.

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Leveraging Power Distance • Examine your source of power and power

dynamics in your organization.• Sources of power can be: external

networks, internal allies, knowledge, credibility, availability or choices, formal authority, interpersonal skills, and intrapersonal skills.

• Attempt to understand hopes, dreams, and needs and seek common ground. Look for win-win.

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.






The degree that people value assertiveness, competitiveness, and materialism (achievement) versus relationships and well-being of others (nurturing)



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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Achievement vs. Nurturing

• Dominant values= success and progress

• Important= money and things

• Deal with facts, not with feelings

• Live in order to work and win. Fears losing.

• Conflict resolution by fighting

• Only “the best” succeed.• Leaders= decisive and


• Dominant values= caring and preservation

• Important= people and warm relationships

• People deal both with facts and feelings

• Work in order to live• Conflict resolution by

compromise and negotiation• Emphasis on working and

sharing together• Leaders= strive for consensus

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Leveraging Achievement-Nurturing

• Find ways to balance competition and collaboration and know who needs more of what.

• Encourage collaboration among your team and direct reports.

• Understand the culture of your organization’s leadership.

• Consider interdependency.


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

High U. A.

Low U. A.




Uncertainty Avoidance (Stability/Change)

The degree that people feel threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty (high U.A.) or tolerate ambiguity (low U.A.) .


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Avoidance vs. tolerance • Uncertainty = threat• Fear of ambiguity and

risk• Different = dangerous• Tight rules even if

they don’t work• High structure• Expertise and correct

answers are expected

• Always busy. High stress

• Uncertainty = normal• Accepts ambiguity and

risk• Different = curious• Lenient rules, not

more than needed• Open-ended • “Not knowing” is ok• Hard working only

when needed. Low stress

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Leveraging Uncertainty Avoidance (Stability/Change)

• Balance stability and change. “Preserve the core and stimulate progress.” --Collins and Porras

• Don’t stifle creativity. Tap the richness of diverse talents.

• Understand if your organization is more bureaucratic (b) or innovative (i). If b, encourage innovation on specific entities under different norms. If i, install systematic processes wherever it makes sense. 1


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.




Long-Term Orientation

Short-Term Orientation


The degree that people value thrift, savings, and persistence (long-term) versus past and present issues (short-term).

Long/Short-Term Orientation


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Long/Short-Term Orientation


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Multicultural Competence

• Possess:– Adequate knowledge,

attitudes and beliefs in relation to diverse cultural groups. Careful with stereotypes!

– Knowledge about the impact of cultural group membership on clients and associates

– Appropriate interventions skills in the delivery of culturally sensitive services

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

How to build multicultural competence

• Individual variables at a personal level:– patterns of cultural assumptions about

mankind (worldview)– value system, beliefs, and prejudices – cultural group membership– theoretical orientation.

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Understanding personal filters -Exercise

• Share a prejudice you grew up with–what others said about a certain group. Examine it and see where

it comes from

• Explain when/if and how you became aware of the underlying messages.

• As a group, compile a list of the prejudices that are still prevalent. Reflect if you hold any of them.

• Look for exceptions• Develop a relationship with a member of the group you

are prejudiced against

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Multicultural competence -2-

• Situational level variables:– Client’s, leaders, and workers presenting

issues– Workforce issues– Readiness for change– Organizational environment– Organizational cultural issues and pressures

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Multicultural competence -3-

• Realistic self-efficacy based on:– general awareness of culture and its impact– actual performance– up-to-date knowledge of cultural issues– experience and reflection– ongoing dialogue with colleagues and clients– willingness to learn about other cultures (both

“book knowledge” and experiential)

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Multicultural competence -4-• Effective working alliance based on:

– Mutual respect– Honesty about what is known and unknown about the other’s

culture– Willingness to learn from others – Striving for equality in the relationship

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Best Multicultural Experience (Divide in pairs) • What was the experience?

– .Who were the people involved?– .What was your contribution?– .How did you feel/how did others feel?– .What was the outcome and how were your

“rewarded”?– .How can you have more experiences like this

yourself?– .How can more experiences like this be made to

occur in your organization?– .Decide on an action you can take this week to

make a difference regarding cultural differences. Make a commitment to let the other know and share what happened.

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Ethical Considerations for Leaders

• Nondiscrimination• Competence

– Knowledge and awareness of cultural issues

• Self-Knowledge– Awareness of own culture, assumptions, bias,

attitudes, beliefs etc.– Comfort with difference– Openness to multicultural experiences– Respect for other cultures

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Ethical Considerations -2-

• Communication Skills– Intercultural communication skills– Language skills– Awareness of cultural differences in non-

verbal behavior

• Aware of Bias in Theory and Practice• Aware of Bias in Assessment Practices• Social Justice Perspective and Advocacy


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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Ethical Considerations -3-

• Specific knowledge of major cultural groups’ worldview, values, history, help-seeking patterns, family factors, and culturally appropriate helping strategies

• .Lifelong learning orientation

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Recommended Readings• Carr-Ruffino, Norma (1999). Diversity success strategies.

Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.• Cox, Taylor Jr. (2001). Creating the Multicultural

Organization: A Strategy for Capturing the Power of Diversity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

• Hofstede, Geert (1997). Culture and organizations: Software of the mind. New York: McGraw-Hill.

• Morrison, Ann, and Crabtree, Kristen (1993). Developing Diversity in Organizations: A Digest of Selected Literature. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

• Rosinski, Philippe (2008 ed.). Coaching Across Cultures: New tools for leveraging national, corporate & professional differences. Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealby Publishing..

• Trompenaars, Fons, and Hampden-Turner, Charles (1998, 2nd ed.). Riding the Waves of Culture. New York: McBraw-Hill.

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Culture in a Multicultural World-by Ada Luz Gonzalez, Ph.D.