Croatian Posters

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 06 Module Code OUGD301 Semester 1 Module Title Design Practice 3 Doc. Code OUGD301brief1 Brief/Session/Document Title Croatian Alphabet Posters Brief Design and produce a set of posters each communicating the pronunciation of key letters in the Croatian alphabet. The posters will be designed to go in libraries, universities and other public educational spaces. Whilst a poster for the Croatian letterforms are mandatory experimentation into other pronunciations and dialects is encouraged. Background / Considerations Research and investigate Croatian pronunciation on the whole then focus down on the key letterforms. How will they communication with an English audience, will their have to be supporting information or will the posters be self-explanatory. What print techniques and stocks will be used, seeing as the posters are to be admired by typographic enthusiasts a high quality print and finish would be appropriate. Consider dialect, region and the history of the country. It’s recent past contains the troubles in what was then Yugoslavia, but now the country is developing and attracting tourism, with less people travelling to Greece in its poor economic position could this be a time for Croatia’s tourism to rocket. Consider that the posters could be a way of popularising the country. Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Minimum A2 size printed posters, each topical of a Croatian letterform and its pronunciation. 6 Posters or more each featuring a different letter of the Croatian alphabet. Studio Deadline Module Deadline Friday 7 th October Wednesday 14 th December This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.


Pronouciation and language posters.

Transcript of Croatian Posters

Page 1: Croatian Posters

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 06 Module Code OUGD301 Semester 1 Module Title Design Practice 3 Doc. Code OUGD301brief1

Brief/Session/Document Title Croatian Alphabet Posters Brief Design and produce a set of posters each communicating the pronunciation of key letters in the Croatian alphabet. The posters will be designed to go in libraries, universities and other public educational spaces. Whilst a poster for the Croatian letterforms are mandatory experimentation into other pronunciations and dialects is encouraged. Background / Considerations Research and investigate Croatian pronunciation on the whole then focus down on the key letterforms. How will they communication with an English audience, will their have to be supporting information or will the posters be self-explanatory. What print techniques and stocks will be used, seeing as the posters are to be admired by typographic enthusiasts a high quality print and finish would be appropriate. Consider dialect, region and the history of the country. It’s recent past contains the troubles in what was then Yugoslavia, but now the country is developing and attracting tourism, with less people travelling to Greece in its poor economic position could this be a time for Croatia’s tourism to rocket. Consider that the posters could be a way of popularising the country. Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Minimum A2 size printed posters, each topical of a Croatian letterform and its pronunciation.

6 Posters or more each featuring a different letter of the Croatian alphabet.

Studio Deadline Module Deadline Friday 7th October

Wednesday 14th December

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information

at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.