Crime Causation and Diversion Paper (3)

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    Crime Causation and Diversion Paper





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    Crime Causation 2

    Crime Causation and Diversion Paper

    Juvenile diversion, intervention, or prevention programs are designed to assist the juvenile

    offender in successfully changing their lives and becoming more productive members of society.

    The juvenile diversion program is designed to divert the juvenile form the juvenile justice system

    and instead allows them to complete a program designed to give them the tools to change their

    deviant behavior. The juvenile prevention program is put into place in order to provide juveniles

    with the tools to prevent them forever engaging in delinquent or criminal behavior and lastly the

    intervention program is designed to provide juveniles the reality of continuing to engage in

    juvenile delinquency or crime.

    In Ohio the Ohio Department of Juvenile Justice Service is responsible for providing

    juveniles with programs and services designed to assist them in becoming future upstanding

    citizens but these programs are also offered by nonprofit organizations in the state. The Ohio

    Juvenile Justice Diversion Program is funded by the state and is applied to the juvenile in stages.

    The concept of diversion is based on the theory that processing certain youth through the

    juvenile justice system may do more harm than good (NCJRS, 2010).

    In order to be eligible for the diversion program the juvenile must be seventeen or younger and

    must be consider a minor youthful offender under Ohio law. A youthful offender is defined as

    any youth that has been subject to a juvenile or criminal justice process (Wonacott, 2008). The

    Ohio Diversion program is provided to juveniles at risk for being expelled from school,

    responsible for a misdemeanor offense, or the first time offender. The juvenile will be subject to

    a three phase diversion program that requires the juvenile to begin with intensive supervision and

    to wear a GPS tracking ankle bracelet.

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    In the first phase of the Diversion Program the juvenile will check in their probation officer

    on a weekly basis for a thirty day period and will begin to complete the requirements of the

    court. For example if the juvenile is in the diversion program for repeatedly skipping school the

    juvenile will need to show the probation officer he has perfect attendance or if the juvenile has

    been ordered into substance abuse treatment they will need to complete the time allotted by the

    court. In the next phase the juvenile will contact and meet probation officer biweekly for another

    month and complete community service. The juvenile will continue to wear GPS ankle bracelet.

    In the last phase GPS bracelet is removed but juvenile will be responsible for staying in contact

    with probation officer on a monthly basis for an additional ten months.

    Youth to Youth is an Ohio prevention program designed to target middle school and high

    school students in order to inform and provide them with the tools to avoid succumbing to peer

    pressure and successfully avoid the use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. The goal of its many

    projects is harnessing the powerful influence of peer pressure and turning it into a positive

    influence of youths supporting youths in avoiding the use of harmful substances. The program

    inspires youths to encourage their peers to lead a healthy and wholesome life and to not be

    scared of saying no to peers encouraging negative behavior.

    Youth to Youth addresses peer pressure at a local and state level and supports school in

    developing programs designed to assist youths in avoiding the usage of drugs, alcohol, or

    tobacco. Through youth involvement the juvenile becomes empowered to avoid harmful

    substances and negative peers resulting in fewer cases of juvenile delinquency or crime. When

    juveniles model positive behavior the behavior will become more common than the negative

    behaviors associated with substance abuse. Youth to Youth also addresses sensitive topics that

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    could negatively impact the life of the juvenile and provides educator with the necessary

    information and tools to assist youths in changing the direction of their lives.

    Through Youth to Youth the juvenile will gain necessary life skills and assist them in

    becoming better equipped to deal with the pressures of life. Juveniles are provided with

    workshops, training, materials, resources, conferences, and newsletters that will assist in guiding

    their positive progress and assist the juvenile in making positive decisions and modeling positive

    behaviors for other peers. Without prevention programs, such as Youth to Youth, some juveniles

    will not have the necessary skills to avoid engaging in juvenile delinquency or crime. The

    program encourages personal growth and positive educational environments for youths.

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    National Criminal Justice Reference Service.(2000). Diversion Programs: An Overview.

    (NCJRS). Retrieved June 17, 2012 from

    Wonacott, M. (2008). Ohio Juvenile Justice Diversion Program. Retrieved June 17, 2012 from

    Youth to Youth. (2012). Meeting the Needs of Peer Pressured Teens. Retrieved June 17, 2012
