Credi Cancer Clinic

Credi Cancer Clinic Hepatocellular Carcin oma – Liver Cancer Liver is an organ present in the upper right abdomen of the body, above the stomach and beneath the diaphragm. Hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC is the cancer of the liver cells (hepatocytes). It is the most common type of primary liver cancer . It is important to note that not all cancers in the liver are termed as liver cancer . Cancers that originate in other parts of the body (like breast or colon) and spread to the liver are called metastatic cancers. For a cancer to be termed as hepatocellular cancer, it must originate in the hepatocytes themselves. Stomach Cancer tomach is a muscular sac located in the upper middle part of the ab dome n and ai ds in di gestion of food. ! ma lig nant tumour affecting the stomach lining results in stomach cancer, also kno"n as gastric cancer. !den ocar ci noma st ar ts in the gl andula r ti ssue of stomach and is a ma#or type of cancer. Lymphomas start in the lymphatic system that forms the immune system. arcomas involve the connective tissue, for e$ample, muscle, fat or blood vessels. Carcinoid cancer involves the hormone%producing cell of stomach. Cancer that begins in the specific nervous system tissues found in the stomach and kno"n as &astrointestinal stromal tumour (&I') !denocarcinoma forms the %*+ of all stomach cancers cases. thers are rare. Ovarian Cancer varies are the female reproductive organs situated on either side of the -terus. varian Cancer, as the name suggests, starts in the varies. It is the fifth most common form of Cancer and causes more deaths than any other form of female reproductive Cancer. ostly found in "omen aged / to 0 years, varian Cancer usua lly arises from the 1pitheli um or Lining Cells of the vary . 'he precise cause of varian Cancer is still unkno"n. Ho"ever, certain factors that may induce occurrence of the disorder are as follo"s2 Fa mi ly Hi st or y of var ian Ca nc er, 3reast Cancer, or Colorectal Cancer Carriers of 34C!5 and 34C!6 utations 1ndometriosis lder 7omen "ho have not given birth

Transcript of Credi Cancer Clinic

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Credi Cancer Clinic

Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Liver Cancer

Liver is an organ present in the upper right abdomen of the body, above the stomach and beneaththe diaphragm. Hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC is the cancer of the liver cells (hepatocytes). It is

the most common type of primary liver cancer. It is important to note that not all cancers in the liverare termed as liver cancer. Cancers that originate in other parts of the body (like breast or colon) and

spread to the liver are called metastatic cancers. For a cancer to be termed as hepatocellular cancer,it must originate in the hepatocytes themselves.

Stomach Cancer

tomach is a muscular sac located in the upper middle part of

the abdomen and aids in digestion of food. ! malignant

tumour affecting the stomach lining results in stomach cancer,also kno"n as gastric cancer.

• !denocarcinoma starts in the glandular tissue of

stomach and is a ma#or type of cancer.

• Lymphomas start in the lymphatic system that forms

the immune system. arcomas involve the connective

tissue, for e$ample, muscle, fat or blood vessels.

• Carcinoid cancer involves the hormone%producing cell

of stomach.

• Cancer that begins in the specific nervous system tissues found in the stomach and kno"n as&astrointestinal stromal tumour (&I')

!denocarcinoma forms the %*+ of all stomach cancers cases. thers are rare.

Ovarian Cancer

varies are the female reproductive organs situated on

either side of the -terus. varian Cancer, as the name

suggests, starts in the varies. It is the fifth mostcommon form of Cancer and causes more deaths than

any other form of female reproductive Cancer. ostlyfound in "omen aged / to 0 years, varian Cancer

usually arises from the 1pithelium or Lining Cells of

the vary. 'he precise cause of varian Cancer is stillunkno"n. Ho"ever, certain factors that may induce

occurrence of the disorder are as follo"s2

• Family History of varian Cancer, 3reast

Cancer, or Colorectal Cancer

• Carriers of 34C!5 and 34C!6 utations

• 1ndometriosis

• lder 7omen "ho have not given birth

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'he symptoms of varian Cancer may include the follo"ing2

• enstrual 8isorders

• !bdominal 9aginal 3leeding

• Fre:uent 3loating

• Involuntary 7eight Loss

• Fatigue and 3ack ;ain

Esophageal Cancer

1sophagus is a long hollo" musculartube that connects throat and stomach. It

is an important part of human digestivesystem and plays a role in pushing the

s"allo"ed food do"n to the stomach.

1sophageal cancer is the cancer of thecells lining the inside of the esophagus.

'hough the causes are unclear, butsometimes certain factors trigger the

mutation of the 8<! of normal cells

"hich begin to divide and gro"uncontrollably. !sian and !frican

populations are more predisposed to the disease. ymptoms vary from an individual to individualbut common ones are listed belo"2

• ;ain in the throat, behind the breastbone or bet"een shoulder blades

• ! burning sensation or feeling of high pressure in chest

• 1$cessive "eight loss

• ! burning sensation or feeling of high pressure in chest

Uterine Cancer

-terine Cancer refers to Cancers arising out of the

-terus. It is the abnormal gro"th of cells in the

-terus. 'he most common form of -terine Canceris the 1ndometrical Cancer. Cancer Cells originate

from the 1ndometrium and may gradually invadethe yometrium, Cervi$, 9agina, Lymph <odes,

and other parts of the body. 'he main types of

-terine Cancer are as follo"s2

• -terine arcomas

• 1ndometrical Cancer

• Cervical Cancer

'o kno" more in detail about various types of cancer= its symptoms, causes, ho" it is detected,

affects etc, visit http2>>""">. !lso at Credihealth, you can book an appointmentonline "ith the top doctors for the treatment of cancer available in 8elhi <C4