Creating Mindful and Safe Digital Habits At Home.

Creating Mindful and Safe Digital Habits At Home. A Linden Global Learning Webinar for Bonn International School Presenter: Ania Seretny February 4, 2021

Transcript of Creating Mindful and Safe Digital Habits At Home.

Creating Mindful and Safe Digital Habits

At Home.

A Linden Global Learning Webinar for Bonn International SchoolPresenter: Ania SeretnyFebruary 4, 2021

Hello...My name is Ania Seretny (Poland/Australia)Psychologist, Organisational Skills CoachCertified Aggression Replacement CoachLinden Global Learning Support Services, Berlin Germany

Fun Fact: I love to cook



WHAT YOU SAID….(Feedback From Survey)

71.3% YES “your child is proficient in using all technical tools”

64.8% “Communication strategies (e.g. "how to set computer limits at home?")”

59.7% Online vs offline; how to maintain a balanced lifestyle

57.7% Internet and gaming addiction

44.3% “My child is well informed about safe internet behavior”

A perfect distribution

● Understand principles of communication online and offline

● Name warning signs of screen time overuse

● List adaptive coping strategies

● List online communication and offline time management strategies

In 1 hour you will be ready to …

Discussion Points ● Research on the brain and social media.

● What are the changes in communication (physical classroom vs online)?

● Discuss and define safety online

● What is the power of social media and the digital world, how does it impact relationships and child development

● How can we have solutions-focused conversations

● Going offline

The Research61 participants fMRI studyPossibility of study: social media provides a means of meaningful communication.

“Like” is a very new concept, but it represents an ancient human need” → fostering social relationships

What The Brain ‘Likes’Neural Correlates of Providing Feedback on Social Media.

Source: Sherman, E., Hernandez, L., Greenfield, P., & Dapretto, M. (2018) What the brain ‘Likes’: neural correlates of providing feedback on social media. Temple University, Philadelphia

“We previously reported that when young people viewed Instagram photos with many Likes, compared with few, they showed greater responses in brain regions associated with reward and visual attention, and were themselves more likely to click Like” (Sherman et al., 2016 )


● Higher response for “Likes” vs “Next”the ventral striatum, the dorsal striatum → motor cognition, action planning, decision making, motivation, reinforcement and reward (recognizing, predicting and responding)

● Activation in the midbrain and amygdala (also reward processing)

● Reciprocal prosocial behavior, reward, feedback → forging social relationships

The online world is REAL

What are the changes in communication?🤗 vs📱

Nonverbal communication:- Eye contact- Gestures - Facial expressions - Proximity - Posture - (delay)

Verbal communication:- Tone of voice !!!

What are the changes in communication? 🤗 vs 📱

How much time is it okay to spend online?

How will this impact my child’s well-being?

It all depends:● Screen time and anxiety/depression may not always be

directly related

● Personal and/or sociopolitical context might affect screen time or smartphone use

● Use of digital device (purpose)

● mobile attachment separation DOESN’T cause distress (secure attachment), DOES (anxious attachment)

Konok, V., Pog ́any, ́A., & Mikl ́osi, ́A. (2017). Mobile attachment: Separation from the mobile phone induces physiological and behavioural stress and attentional bias to separation-related stimuli. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 228–239.Shaw, H., Ellis, D. A., & Ziegler, F. V. (2018). The Technology Integration Model (TIM). Predicting the continued use of technology. Computers in Human Behavior, 83, 204–214.



Anyone can show symptoms of


Coping mechanisms = our mental immune system

Caregivers protect their children from their own trauma.

Sagi-Schwartz, A. van IJzendoorn, M., et al. 2003. Attachment and Traumatic Stress in Female Holocaust Child Survivors and Their Daughters. Am J Psychiatry; 160:1086–1092

Mental Health Is impacted by...

● Quality of sleep● Diet● Social connectivity (isolation)● SES● Stress● Trauma ● Bullying● Domestic violence ● Movement and exercise





CommunicateATTENTION and LOVE


● OFFLINE TIME● Sharing knowledge and achievements● POSITIVE reinforcement (observable,

measurable, specific)● THANK YOU● Time to talk (is time well spent) ● One task at a TIME ● Teach skills online and offline (take your



● Irritability● Aggression● Fatigue● Loss of interest in offline

activities● Anhedonia ● Crying/mood swings ● Hyperactivity ● Sleep problems

Who is teaching you how to live in the COVID model?




5 - See4 - Touch 3 - Hear2 - Taste 1 - Smell


Results behavioural intervention to reduce screen time and problematic smartphone use

Olson, J., Sandra, D. et al. 2021 A ten-step behavioural intervention to reduce screen time and problematic smartphone use* Preprint (2021-01-04). Corresponding author: J. A. Olson ([email protected])

Participants reported a variety of positive effects such as more focus and better social interactions, more self control, better physical health. As well as increased anxiety at the beginning of the intervention

What’s worked for your family?

MINDFUL COMMUNICATION1. Presence (attention) 2. Intention (to understand)3. Attitude


Beckman, H.,, Wendland, M. (2012) The Impact of a Program in Mindful Communication on Primary Care Physicians. Acad Med. 2012;87:1–5. First published online doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318253d3b2


“diminished […] sense of isolation by helping them effectively and meaningfully share their experiences with peers in a facilitated, respectful, and supportive environment.”“Acquiring skills of attentiveness, listening, honesty, and presence”

Beckman, H.,, Wendland, M. (2012) The Impact of a Program in Mindful Communication on Primary Care Physicians. Acad Med. 2012;87:1–5. First published online doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318253d3b2

● Majority of teenagers will have searched or will be exposed to sexually explicit images online

● Studies show that up to 80% of sexually explicit media consumers will NOT show problematic consumption

● Nagtive impact of pornography: objectification of women and sex, complusive behavior, increse of sexist beleifs, misrepresentation of sexual idenity

Sexually explicit content

NOTE: The negative effects of the pornographic industry do NOT have to impact all adolescents that search sexually explicit imagery or films in the process of their sexual self exploration. Sexually explicit scenes are visible in many areas of film, social media, advertisement and art. The topic of healthy development of one's body image, self-confidence and sexual-identity is multifaceted and complex.

CHILDREN: check that your electronic devices have sufficient protection from ads and pop-ups (Ad Blockers, Pop Up Removers, Disable notifications and pop ups on your browsers)

Like many social-technological phenomenon sexting can be analysed in a distribution that is characterized by two extremes:

1. CONSENSUAL: exchange of text and images between two people.

- This can be regarded as a type of courting, commencement of an intimate relationship.

2. NON-CONSENSUAL: disruptive and detrimental to a child.


Resource:Children and Sexting : The Case for Intergenerational Co-Learning

1. Remember your parenting values2. Know your facts

Pornography: - Exposure- Exploration- Safety

Bullying:- Language of the giraffe – language of

the jackal (nonviolent communication- Marshall Rosenberg

- Mindful communication3. Ask questions 4. Look for answers (together)5. Continue the conversation

Discussing difficult topics:

● Digital ZONES → DIGITAL FREE HOUSE/ROOMS (signs for different times)

● Digital World = WORK (morning routines)

● Read together (yes, also with teens)● Puzzles● Riddles● Scavenger hunts ● Family Projects● Family Competitions● TREAT YOURSELF with rewards● Plays and Arts and Crafts● Pranks and Jokes● COOK TOGETHER


Gratefulness Jar/Tree

“Good stress”“Bad stress”

Yerkes-Dodson law


1 minute game


Next week I would like to…


Have a great evening