Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue:...

Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011

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Page 1: Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011. Mouth ulcers can be a pain. ... Non-veg and nutrition A meat-based

Cover story:

Also in this month’s issue:

March 2011

March 2011

Page 2: Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011. Mouth ulcers can be a pain. ... Non-veg and nutrition A meat-based

Mouth ulcers can be a pain. One mouth ulcer can make eating

an ordeal and speaking tough. And in some of us, they come in

groups, all over the mouth and lips. There are times you wish

you could just pluck them off and throw them away. It's also

when you have ulcers in the mouth that you want to eat

everything in visible range and say so many things to people

around you, neither of which is easy. At painful times like this,

we wish we could understand the cause behind our ulcers, wish

we could get immediate relief and wish they would not recur.

Mouth ulcers, or canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers are

small sores in the mouth, usually on the tongue, the inside of

lips and the inner lining of cheeks. Sores outside the mouth, on

and around the lips are called cold sores and are caused by the

Herpes virus. Apthouos ulcers, on the other hand, could occur

for numerous reasons.

What causes mouth ulcers?

There is no single reason to explain the open sores inside

your mouth. We take a look at the various things that can

cause aphthous ulcers.

The most common cause of ulcers is

trauma. Accidentally biting your

tongue, wounds caused by sharp object

(such as pens and other objects that

some of us like to chew) and burning

your tongue with excessively hot food

or drinks all lead to sores inside the

mouth. Sharp molar teeth with jagged

edges, sometimes left that way after dental procedures also rub

against the lateral side of the tongue and cause wounds there. A

second of injury often leaves one with painful ulcers lasting up

to a week or more.

Mouth ulcers can also be caused by dietary habits and

deficiency of certain vitamins, most commonly vitamin B12

and Vitamin C. Deficiency of minerals such as zinc could

also cause mouth ulcers. People who eat hot, spicy food and

do not drink adequate water are also seen to develop frequent

canker sores.

Some of us get recurrent mouth ulcers for no particular

reason. While canker sores are not transmitted through food

or saliva, it has been noticed that the problem can be a

hereditary one, meaning if one our parents develop frequent

mouth ulcers, chances are high that we might do the same.

People with conditions affecting the immune system, such as

HIV, also develop frequent aphthous ulcers.

Smoking cessation is also marked by frequent ulcers which

may recur weeks or months after quitting. For someone who

has just given up on smoking, this can be a rather annoying



Stress seems to cause mouth ulcers, too. And though many refute or debate this, some amount of research suggests that one often tends to develop sores in the mouth at times of high stress when one is feeling run down. Some women also tend to develop ulcers before their menstrual periods, suggesting that the condition could have hormonal causes. Certain compounds such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate that are present in toothpaste also seem to cause mouth ulcers.

As such, it is often hard to point to an exact cause of a single mouth ulcer.

Types of mouth ulcers

Yes, there are varieties to those painful sores, too. Minor aphthous ulcers are the most common ones that occur on the tongue, cheeks, gums or inner lips and usually go away in around a week's time without leaving behind any scars. Major aphthous ulcers are larger ulcers, usually around 10mm, and take a longer time to heal. They can last for months altogether and can leave behind scars. Herpetiform ulcers are a conglomeration of multiple ulcers at a single spot on the tongue and usually heal in around a month.

Managing the sting

Irrespective of what their size it, all aphthous ulcers have one thing in common. They hurt. While we tolerate them the rest of the time, they are a nag while eating. The pain one has to withstand can entirely kill the desire to eat. Brushing becomes another difficult task. The ulcers, of course, will take their own sweet time to heal but there are certain things we can do to minimize the pain.

ŸOver the counter medication is easy to find and mostly includes pastes, gels and liquids that coat the ulcers and numb the pain. Keeping ice in the mouth for sometime before eating can also numb the ulcer and minimize the sting. Non-alcoholic and anti-bacterial mouthwash help maintain oral hygiene and prevent secondary infection.

ŸAvoid eating food that is spicy, hot, sour or excessively salty. They sting all the more, even if you have applied anesthetics.

ŸUse a toothpaste that does not contain SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate). SLS is a foaming agent that is found in most toothpastes. However, there are a few herbal toothpaste brands in India that are SLS-free or have a lesser percentage of the chemical. Many tooth powders, too are SLS-free. Run through the list of ingredients before picking up a brand.

ŸIf your ulcers are being caused by regular injuries by sharp teeth edges, dentures or braces, visit and dentist and try to resolve the problem.

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Page 3: Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011. Mouth ulcers can be a pain. ... Non-veg and nutrition A meat-based

ŸAvoid eating food that can be painful on open wounds. Potato chips, nuts, wafers etc. are harder on your ulcers. Save them for days when your mouth is healthy and ulcer-free.

Prevention, needless to say, is better than cure. If you are able to point to a particular reason for your ulcers, try avoid it to the maximum. Among people who have recurring ulcers, regular intake of vitamin supplements, such as vitamin B12 tablets, can reduce occurrence of mouth ulcers.

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Page 4: Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011. Mouth ulcers can be a pain. ... Non-veg and nutrition A meat-based

Just thinking of roasted meat, kebabs, chops, grilled poultry,

seafood and the countless other dishes that come with a large

proportion of meat is enough to bring mouth-watering responses

in many of us. We have a large number of vegetarians in India and

many of us also abstain from certain meats. There are also those

of us who swear by our non-vegetarian diet. We have learnt to

brush aside almost every argument against eating meat and allow

ourselves a lot of indulgence. After all, human beings have

always been carnivores since the beginning of time, right?

Not only is non-vegetarian food is rich in protein, it is also a feast

for our taste buds. But meat also comes with its own set of health

concerns and filling ourselves up with non-vegetarian food at

every single opportunity may not be an ideal thing to do.

Non-veg and nutrition

A meat-based diet contains high

level of proteins. The amount of

protein that can be obtained from a

small amount of meat and eggs can

only be matched by large amounts

of plant-based food with a wide

variety. Egg white is a very rich

and the most convenient source of

protein and is recommended for

people who need a protein-based diet, such as athletes and body-

builders and also growing children

Meat contains Vitamin B12 which is necessary for converting

proteins, carbohydrates and fat into energy. It is also a very rich

source of nutrients such as Vitamin D, Zinc, calcium and iron.

Many children who are raised as vegetarians may not obtain

adequate amounts of these nutrients from a plant-based diet.

However, most of these nutrients are also present in milk and

dairy products

Meat also contains essential amino acids that cannot be easily

obtained from a plant-based diet. Vegetarians may have to take

nutritional supplements in addition to their regular diet to obtain

most vitamins and minerals.

Thanks to its much relished taste, a non-vegetarian diet also has

many psychological benefits. It can be a motivating factor to

avoid skipping meals and also improves appetite, specially

among people who love non-vegetarian food.

Too much meat?

ŸMeat contains cholesterol. Hence, too much meat contains

too much cholesterol (LDL or bad cholesterol). LDL

increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and

certain forms of cancer. Cholesterol levels are higher in red

meat and hence, non-vegetarians living with conditions or at

risk of developing one are advised to prefer white meat and

avoid organ meat such as liver and kidney.

ŸProcessed meat found in the market have high levels of salt

and added preservatives.

ŸMeat obtained from poultry and farms where animals are fed

byproducts could contain toxins and chemical residues

which are harmful for health. In fact, chewing or sucking on

bones or consuming bone marrow is not advised.

ŸRed meat also digests slowly and eating large amounts can

cause protein indigestion and digestive discomfort.

ŸExcessive consumption of red meat has also been linked to an

increased risk of type II Diabetes.

ŸMeat-based dishes that are undercooked can contain harmful

organisms. Undercooked pork can contain parasites such as

round worm and tapeworm. Bacteria such as E.Coli and

salmonella are also

f o u n d i n r aw an d

undercooked meat .

Eating undercooked

poultry was also a cause

for the Bird Flu epidemic

in recent years.

ŸFast food joints that sell

meat-based products

such as hamburgers have also contributed to casualties due to

food poisoning.

ŸAnimal fat that is used for frying in many commercial

establishments have high levels of bad cholesterols, which

again increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and


The middle path

There is no denying that meat and other animal products are a

rich source of the many nutrients that our bodies need. At the

same time, too much of meat also increases the risk of

numerous diseases and conditions. The ideal middle path is,

perhaps, moderation. Limit your intake of non-vegetarian

food to less than three meals per week and avoid over-eating.

Also, include more of white meat (poultry and fish) as

opposed to red meat. Fresh meat is also less harmful than

preserved meat and home-cooked meat is always safer than

eating out.

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Ever experienced a continuous itch in uncomfortable places?

Common as it is, it isn't something that is discussed very

frequently. Such an itch can be difficult to handle because

scratching isn't usually a comfortable option and could cause

some embarassment. Many of us hesitate to seek immediate

medical help, often worsening the condition. The fact that we do

not usually understand what it is or what causes it only makes

things even less comforting.

Tinea Cruris, or Jock Itch as it is commonly known, is a fungal

infection of the skin on the groin, inner thighs and the skin in the

anal region. It is characterised by a rash

near the groin that may spread to the

upper thighs and flaky, peeling skin

near the genitals. Jock itch is caused by

fungi called dermatophytes that thrive

in moist, humid conditions and is more

common in men, though women, too,

can suffer from Tinea Cruris.

What causes the itch?

Dermatophytes are present in our skin. These fungi are kept in

check by our bodies most of the time. However, when certain

areas in our bodies become moist and prone to a lot of

perspiration, the fungi multiply and cause fungal infection.

Since we sweat a lot in the groin and inner thigh, these fungi find

the region an easy breeding place.

Activities that cause a lot of perspiration make it more favorable

for Jock itch to occur. Hence, it is very common among athletic

people. However, Jock Itch can occur in almost anyone. The

biggest factor favorable for its occurrence is moisture and

anybody who does not keep the groin dry and clean is prone to

get the fungal infection. Wearing tight or ill-fitting clothes,

specially underwear, and not changing them frequently cause

Jock Itch. Walking, running or performing other activities

where clothes rub against the rash aggravates it, causing more


People who are obese or diabetic are also more prone to

developing tinea cruris as are people with weakened immune

systems. The itch can also be caused by spread of the fungi from

other fungal infections in the body, such as athletic foot. It can

also be transmitted from one person to another by sharing of

clothes and personal items such as soaps and towels.

While in many cases, the rash comes and goes away, it

sometimes lingers on for weeks and months altogether,

spreading to the thighs and anal region, causing great

discomfort. The infection is characterised by a pink rash with

elevated edges, flaking and peeling of the skin in the area and

tiny bumps on the hair follicles in the groin region. One may also

experience a burning sensation besides the regular itch. All in

all, it is extremely discomforting.

Is this serious?

Thankfully, Jock Itch is not very serious and rarely develops

complications. However, the longer it is neglected, the longer

the fungi will continue to thrive. It is a very common condition

and can be treated easily. Too much of scratching may, however,

cause bruises and wounds which could then be prone to

infection. Given the area in which the rash develops, it can get

very uncomfortable specially in the company of other people.

Many of us hesitate to seek immediate medical attention, only

allowing the fungal infection to develop all the more. Since Jock

Itch is a topic we do not normally talk about, it is only natural that

when we do get it, we do not understand what it is. It is a very

common infection and easily curable with over-the-counter

anti-fungal ointments and soaps. However, it is best to consult a

dermatologist or a physician at the earliest.

Fighting the fungus

ŸThere are certain measures that can be taken against tinea

cruris. If you visit a doctor, you will most probably be prescribed

anti-fungal cream, powder or spray. In addition to this, there are

various measures you can take to get rid of that fungus and to

prevent it.

ŸKeep your groin area clean and dry. Bathe regularly, specially

after activity that causes perspiration. Use a separate towel for

the groin region and inner thighs and make sure you rub them dry

after a bath.

ŸTake enough protective measures to help your medication:

apply your medication, use an anti-fungal soap and change your

inner-wear regularly.

ŸWear loose cotton underwear that does

not cause a lot of perspiration in the groin

region. As long as you are on medication,

you may be advised not to wear

underwear. Also, stick to loose and light

clothing that allow for air circulation so

as not to aggravate the rash.

ŸMake it a habit not to share personal items such as towels or

soap with anyone. Fungal infections spread easily through such


ŸFungal infections in other parts of your body, such as Athlete's

Foot, should be treated at the earliest because fungal infections

can spread from one part of the body to the other.

Certain simple medication is helpful in getting rid of Tinea

Cruris. However, it can recur at any time and can happen to just

about anyone. Basic hygiene, comprising of regular bathing and

drying combined with wearing clean, comfortable clothes can

prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of Jock Itch and will

save you a lot of discomfort, not to mention plausible


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Some rub it on burns, some use its extract on their skins while others use it as a decorative plant on the porch. Whatever be the reason, almost every Indian household has an Aloe Vera plant. It has been given different names is different languages but is invariably used in almost all places as a medicinal plant. A lot of research has been carried out to understand the effects of Aloe Vera and its components. The results of such research are often contradictory and many of the effects that traditional knowledge ascribes to the plant have been questioned in the scientific community.In spite of all this, Aloe Vera still finds a place in many products that we regularly use and many organizations spread information, mostly through Internet advertising, about the benefits it is believed to have. We bring to you some of Aloe Vera's benefits, a few learned from scientific texts, others from select websites and still others from the knowledgeable generation that precedes us.

The uses of Aloe VeraŸMany soaps and shampoos have Aloe Vera extracts as an ingredient. Most of the plant's beneficial effects are believed to be on the skin and hence, most products that are applied on the skin and hair include its extracts. ŸSunscreen lotions use Aloe Vera extracts as an active ingredient, though no laboratory experiment has proved the effects of the plant on sunburns and sun tans. However, it is widely believed that Aloe Vera does provide some protection from the direct rays of the sun when used as a paste on the skin or as an ingredient in a lotion. ŸShaving creams contain Aloe Vera extracts as do moisturisers. The sap produced form the plant is a thick, mucus-like gel and is used by many people even in the raw form as a skin moisturiser. The sap is also used as a face-wash and may have cleansing properties. Aloe Vera sap is also used in the making of many brands of face wash.


Ÿ But the uses of Aloe Vera is not limited to beauty products alone. It finds its way into food products, too. A mentionable number of yogurt companies mix it in yogurt. Cut and frozen or chilled pieces of its sap are also used in desserts. The sap in itself is tasteless and is often sweetened for the purpose of eating.

Ÿ The most popular use of Aloe Vera sap is in the treatment of wounds. While there is little scientific evidence to show that wounds treated with Aloe Vera heal faster, it continues to be widely used on skin wounds and burns. Aloe Vera produces a soothing, cooling effect and is also believed to help lessen intensity of scars.

Ÿ Aloe Vera, in combination with other plant products, is used as a home remedy to provide relief from the symptoms of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Ÿ Aloe Vera is also believed to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and its sap, paste and extracts are used to prevent secondary infections on rashes, cuts and wounds.

The use of Aloe Vera dates back centuries. People across Asia, Africa and Europe are said to have used it for its medicinal value and for beautification. Fortunately, in most cases, Aloe Vera is not observed to have side effects and hence can be safely used. And while the scientific community always carries out ample research before declaring any plant a medicinal herb, traditional knowledge seems to give the benefit of the doubt to the much popular plant. It continues to be a very widely-grown plant across our country. Besides, even if its medicinal properties can be questioned, it does carry certain aesthetic value and is always a beautiful plant to decorate your home with.


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Page 7: Cover story - Apollo Munich Health Insurance€¦ · Cover story: Also in this month’s issue: March 2011 March 2011. Mouth ulcers can be a pain. ... Non-veg and nutrition A meat-based

Nails are but pieces of dead protein attached to the ends of our

fingers and toes. We often do not think much about them

because they have always been there. But the nails serve many

important purposes, from protecting the end of our digits to

helping us pick small objects. They are pretty plain and simple

to look at and vary little from person to person. However, they

speak volumes about our health, lifestyle and levels of

hygiene. They may be tough and lifeless, but they need to be

cared for as much as the other parts of the bodies.

Knowing the nail

The nail is made up of keratin, a toughened protein. It consists

of the non-living visible part that covers the skin at the end of

our fingers and toes and the living part embedded in the skin

that produces cells and is responsible for nail growth. It is

translucent and appears pink because of the blood capillaries

that lie underneath it

Healthy nails are characteristic by a pinkish hue, well-shaped

edges and proper curvature. Healthy nails come from good

nutrition, proper hygiene and adequate care.

When nails go bad

Just because nails are tough

does not mean they are immune.

Our nails are vulnerable to

various infections, irregularities

and disorders. Fungal infections

make up for a majority of most

nail-related problems, causing

discoloration and fungal

growth. Trauma can cause

ridges, bleeding or detachment of the nail from the finger.

Bacterial infections can also arise out of continuous exposure

to moisture or contact with chemicals. Wearing ill-fitting

shoes or cutting the nail too short can cause the nail to grow

inwards, causing pain.

Apart from these, the nails can also be an indicator of various

other conditions. Indentations along the nail plate, called beau

lines, are caused when the living part of the nail is affected by

pneumonia, measles or heart attack. Lifted nails can be a

symptom of underlying diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or

thyroid diseases. A deficiency in iron can cause the finger nails

to scoop out, with a depression at the center. Opaque nails with

dark tips can be caused by cirrhosis, cancer or heart failures.

Nail care

Healthy and attractive nails become a part of our personality.

Proper nail care goes a long way in keeping them healthy and

clean. It is obvious that our nail care procedures vary from person

to person and differ by age, gender and lifestyle. Here are a few

tips on caring for your nails for both the sexes.


Yes, that nail polish is a thing for the other sex and many still feel

uncomfortable being spotted en route to a manicure. But at the

end of the day, we need to pay attention to our nails. Bad nails do

not make a good image for any man.

ŸKeeping them neat and trimmed is the most important thing to

do. Cut your nails regularly. Filing them prevents ridges at the

edge and gives them a neat look. Also, give them a slight buff at

the top so that they look glossy. This is perhaps the best

alternative to a nail polish and gives you the shiny nails without

having to use 'feminine' stuff.

ŸMoisten your nails before cutting them. Soaking them in soap

water for sometime helps make them softer. Cutting them while

they are dry and brittle will give them odd, geometric shapes.

ŸPushing back your cuticles a bit also prevents cracks and gives

your nails a nice new look. After all, if you are going to be shaking

hands with people a lot, you might as well invest more time in

making those hands look better.

ŸAlso, getting a manicure isn't necessarily feminine. A lot of men

do it these days. It gives one a feeling of being pampered while at

the same time brightening up your nails. It's always worth a try

and those who do not wish to do it again do not need to.


A regular manicure either by a

professional or at home keeps

your nails healthy and good-

looking. If you choose to carry

out your nail care routine at

home, specially if your nails

require some working on in-

between manicure visits,

ensure that you spend enough

time on it and do it the right way.


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ŸBrittle nails are not nice to cut. Soak them in water so that they

become soft and can be cut and shaped easily.

Ÿ Cut them in the desired fashion, not too close to the nail bed and

at the same time, not too long. Very long nails crack easily since

they become very dry and are not easy to care for. Avoid making

sharp angles on your nails and round them up towards the

corners. Also, pointed nails look like claws and do more harm

than good.

ŸDo not forget to file your nails. The edges of the nails are usually

jagged just after cutting and filing them gives them a uniform,

smooth edge. Also, do not file too close to the nail bed or the

cuticles since the friction can bruise the regions. Buffing your

nails gives them a nice outer glossy shine. Fine-grained buff can

also be used to create a matte surface before applying nail polish.

ŸWhile applying nail polish, always use multiple coats, starting

with a base coat. The base coat prevents the nail polish from

chipping away. A double-layer nail polish stays longer and

gives your nails a better shine.

The final piece of advice goes to both men and women. Much of

the time and effort spent in taking care of your nails count for

little if you have the habit of biting nails. Bitten nails often have

irregular shapes and do not look very pleasing. Since dirt tends to

gather underneath our nails, biting them is also rather unhealthy.

If you have healthy nails and wish to keep them that way, abstain

from biting them and carry out a regular, periodic manicure

routine instead.

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