Councillor Profile - Lockhart [email protected] Lo c k h a r t S h i r e C ou n c i l...

[email protected] Lockhart Shire Council May 2011 Next Council Meeting Wednesday, 22 June 2011 Lockhart Memorial Hall commencing at 5pm Councillor Profile Councillor Sylvia Mulholland I consider it a privilege to serve the people of the Lockhart Shire area. When I first came to Lockhart as a teacher, I quickly realised what an enormous amount of input into the town and the community that our rural farming families and local businesses contribute. At that time, there was a corner shop in Milbrulong and you could even purchase fish and chips in Boree Creek. As I marked the roll as a teacher, I learned the property names and the family names with which the property was associated, and I felt that I could see a picture of the area with its small rural communities. Of course, our rural population has diminished in size, as farms have been sold and some farms have consequently increased in size. As a business which my husband and I own and operate, I was again confronted with the names of our local residents in the capacity as book-keeper, in sending out accounts. I felt that this was a much wider perspective of the area than I had first seen as a teacher. When I joined Lockhart Shire Council - the map of the Lockhart Shire is displayed on the desk each meeting – I felt that I could see a much larger picture, yet all of these three perspectives give a balance and fit together. I felt as if it was like turning over a page in a book and seeing the whole picture displayed before me. As you will appreciate living, working in Lockhart, and raising our four sons, meant that my focus was on activities centred around Lockhart. However, with being elected to Council it has given me a greater appreciation of other townships in the Shire and the community involvement of persons living in those townships. Over the last three and a half years as a Councillor it is pleasing to be part of the decision making process which has seen some very valuable and worthwhile projects undertaken and completed throughout the entire Shire. I wish to congratulate our rural communities which are resourceful, innovative and diligent. In our business, we have had the opportunity to work closely with farmers and other residents. I have the highest respect for our local farmers, and businessmen and women, who have a high level of integrity. I am impressed with their tenacity and their courage to persevere during 8 years of drought. I have spent years working with children in a capacity as school teacher, scripture teacher, Sunday school teacher, Cub Scout leader and Kid’s Club leader. I received a NSW Children’s Week Award in 2002, presented at Government House by the Her Excellency Gov. Marie Bashir. However, I gained more than I gave. Working with children is delightful and rewarding and children grow up to become adults. Every influence on the life of a child can help them become a better adult. I have also spent many years of commitments to local churches in the capacity as elder, lay preacher and Sunday School Superintendant. I also wish to thank and congratulate the Tidy Towns Committee from last year on the amazing (Continued on page 2)

Transcript of Councillor Profile - Lockhart [email protected] Lo c k h a r t S h i r e C ou n c i l...

Page 1: Councillor Profile - Lockhart Lo c k h a r t S h i r e C ou n c i l May 2011 Next Council Meeting Wednesday, 22 June 2011 Lockhart Memorial Hall commencing

[email protected]

Lockhart Shire Council May 2011

Next Council Meeting Wednesday, 22 June 2011 Lockhart Memorial Hall commencing at 5pm

Councillor Profile Councillor Sylvia Mulholland

I consider it a privilege to serve the people of the Lockhart Shire area. When I first came to Lockhart as a teacher, I quickly realised what an enormous amount of input into the town and the community that our rural farming families and local businesses contribute. At that time, there was a corner shop in Milbrulong and you could even purchase fish and chips in Boree Creek. As I marked the roll as a teacher, I learned the property names and the

family names with which the property was associated, and I felt that I could see a picture of the area with its small rural communities. Of course, our rural population has diminished in size, as farms have been sold and some farms have consequently increased in size. As a business which my husband and I own and operate, I was again confronted with the names of our local residents in the capacity as book-keeper, in sending out accounts. I felt that this was a much wider perspective of the area than I had first seen as a teacher. When I joined Lockhart Shire Council - the map of the Lockhart Shire is displayed on the desk each meeting – I felt that I could see a much larger picture, yet all of these three perspectives give a balance and fit together. I felt as if it was like turning over a page in a book and seeing the whole picture displayed before me. As you will appreciate living, working in Lockhart, and raising our four sons, meant that my focus was on activities centred around Lockhart. However, with being elected to Council it has given me a greater appreciation of other townships in the Shire and the community involvement of persons living in those townships. Over the last three and a half years as a Councillor it is pleasing to be part of the decision making process which has seen some very valuable and worthwhile projects undertaken and completed throughout the entire Shire. I wish to congratulate our rural communities which are resourceful, innovative and diligent. In our business, we have had the opportunity to work closely with farmers and other residents. I have the highest respect for our local farmers, and businessmen and women, who have a high level of integrity. I am impressed with their tenacity and their courage to persevere during 8 years of drought. I have spent years working with children in a capacity as school teacher, scripture teacher, Sunday school teacher, Cub Scout leader and Kid’s Club leader. I received a NSW Children’s Week Award in 2002, presented at Government House by the Her Excellency Gov. Marie Bashir. However, I gained more than I gave. Working with children is delightful and rewarding and children grow up to become adults. Every influence on the life of a child can help them become a better adult. I have also spent many years of commitments to local churches in the capacity as elder, lay preacher and Sunday School Superintendant. I also wish to thank and congratulate the Tidy Towns Committee from last year on the amazing

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achievements with the awards weekend in November. I was enriched and encouraged greatly by my involvement with the Committee and, I felt, taken a level higher, and encouraged greatly by their level of integrity, diligence and attention to detail. Many thanks to the local Committee. Over the next few months, we will see progress with the Pastoral Shadows project in Lockhart – an initiative of Myra Jenkyns. The aim of the project is to develop an area that gives glimpses of a bygone age – that of the 1880’s rural shearing era. Council has already been successfully awarded a grant to renovate the existing pathway in the hospital triangle at the entrance to the town. The Lockhart Men’s Shed have diligently cut out corrugated iron sheep which are ready to put in place and a local resident has constructed a life size portrait. The Spirit of the land /Committee are also including a section in this year’s itinerary of life size silhouettes which will be in keeping with the theme. The aim of this is to particularly attract local entries. I and other Councillors were pleased to hear that The Rock Progress Association has been reformed and it is investigating some projects and events which will benefit The Rock and district. One of the major Committees established by Council in the past six months is the Tourism/Economic Development Steering Committee charged with responsibility of investigating and recommending to Council how best to promote and encourage tourism and new businesses throughout the Shire. Members of this Committee consist of representatives of Pleasant Hills, Yerong Creek, The Rock, Lockhart and other areas which will ensure the entire Shire benefits from these activities.

Councillor Sylvia Mulholland

VANDALISM Vandalism is one of the most annoying and expensive acts which Council needs to deal with.

Acts of vandalism require Council staff to be taken away from their proper duties to rectify the damage done and any costs are met by the Council, i.e. ratepayers and community members of Lockhart.

Any costs to rectify vandalism damage results in something else not being done for the community.

Please report acts of vandalism to the NSW Police: Lockhart 6920 5205 The Rock 6920 2044

so that vandals may be charged and ordered to pay any rectification costs.

Come and join our Friendship Club Tuesdays 10.00am— 3.00pm & Thursdays 10.00am-3.00pm

Volunteers are always in demand to assist with our programmes to help our older and disabled citizens Just call (02) 6920 2500 and have a chat with our friendly co-ordinators.

The Rock &District Meals on Wheels and Friendship Club ‘Serving our Community’

Are you eating regular meals? is it getting too difficult for you to shop? Do you care for an older or disabled person? Do you have a short term illness? Are you in a crisis? We may be able to help! For a free confidential

assessment call (02) 6920 2500.

`3021 +9

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Council News


Have Your Say in the future of our Shire. Under new legislation, NSW council’s are now required to develop a Community Strategic Plan to guide the way Council works with the community and implements priorities. Lockhart Shire Council will be working with the community to establish a ‘Community Vision’. Council, community and local businesses will work together to formulate ideas of what the Lockhart Shire may look like in 20 years, planning together to achieve Community priorities. As part of this process, Council will: • Post a Community Survey to all households within the Shire. (The survey will

also be available on Council’s website and Lockhart Shire Council Office.) The survey should be returned by Friday 15 July 2011 in the reply paid envelope provided.

• Engage local Community Groups and agencies to encourage community participation

• Consult with local businesses. • Meet with schools • Consult Health Services • Engage Community groups The input of all sectors of the community is essential for the Council to have an accurate overview of the future direction of the Shire. Following the return of the surveys, Council will be conducting a series of community meeting in all of the Shire’s towns and districts. These meetings will give community members a voice to guide Council as it develops actions to respond to community priorities towards 2030. Meetings will be held at the following times: • Yerong Creek - Tuesday August 9, 7:00pm at the Bowling Club. • Pleasant Hills - Wednesday August 10, 7:00pm at the Community Hall. • Milbrulong - Wednesday August 17, 7:00pm at the Milbrulong Hall. • Lockhart - Tuesday August 30, 7:00pm at the Memorial Hall. • The Rock - Wednesday August 31, 7:00pm at the Community Hall. • Urangeline - Tuesday September 7, 7:00pm at the Urangeline Peace Hall. The Plan will be on public display for community comment for 28 days after the draft has been endorsed by Council. This will ensure the community has a chance to review the plan and make comment. This is an opportunity to have your say in the future of Lockhart Shire.

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Council Snippets - 16 May 2011 Tourism Brochures The tourism brochures designed and developed by the Tourism/Economic Development Steering Committee have been approved by Council with some minor alterations.

Council resolved to thank this Committee for the excellent manner in which this tourism brochure has been developed and the amount of input and effort provided by the Committee members. The Tourism/Economic Development Steering Committee is a committee represented by community members throughout the Shire who have an interest in the promotion of tourism and business activities which will enhance the future of the Shire.

The Committee will now concentrate on township brochures which will be inserted into the actual tourism brochure that will provide potential tourists with those attractions at the various townships throughout the Shire.

Approximately 20,000 copies of the tourism brochure with the township brochures have been produced and will be distributed in the near future to various information centres and other localities throughout NSW and Australia. The tourism brochures have been made available with financial assistance from the Lockhart & District Community Bank.

Works Report The improved weather conditions have allowed Council’s crews to continue to repair the Shires roads following the events in October 2010 and February of this year. Much more work needs to be undertaken by Council’s crews to bring all roads up to an acceptable standard and it is still likely that at least another 12 months of continuous work will be required to bring the roads

back to the standard they were prior to the flooding events that have been mentioned. Contract grading crews continue in the south-western part of the Shire in the vicinity of Yerong Creek. Repairs and general maintenance grading is now placing large quantities of gravel on Janetzks and Broughtons Lanes. A further grader crew has been working on unsealed roads, one in the area west of The Rock and the other in the south-western area in the vicinity of Crowes Lane. The third grader crew has remained on heavy patching tasks on the Narrandera Road and once these have been completed this crew will commence gravel re-sheeting tasks in the north-western part of the Shire. The bitumen crews continue to repair sealed roads with the priority directed to the highest trafficked roads. Urana Street, The Rock The gravel work has been completed on the nature strip between Ford and Emily Streets. Chinese Pistacia were planted at regular intervals in mulched sections along the nature strip. The Chinese Pistacia is reputed to be one of the best medium sized Autumn trees and Council has had previous success with this species.

Rubbish Tip Accesses At a previous meeting Council expressed concern at the accesses to some of Council’s tip sites, particularly during wet weather and the Director of Engineering advised that every effort is being made to keep vehicles away from Council’s large plant and equipment which generally affects the condition of the road during wet weather.

Housing of Police Officers Council last year resolved to offer a parcel of Council owned land at Yerong Creek at

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Council Snippets - 16 May 2011

Lockhart Local Court Services The Local Court Office has moved from the Council Chambers, Green St, Lockhart, to make room for the new Council Administration Building. Local Court Services can now be found at 9 Matthews Street, Lockhart (Council’s Medical Centre).

The office is open the first and third Mondays of each month from 9:30am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 3:30pm.

Services available include: Births, Deaths & Marriages enquiries, family law, apprehended violence orders, advice on procedural matters

relating to Court appearances, payment of court fines and civil claims matters. Assistance can be given in the making of Wills. Marriages may also be conducted.

As a Government Access Centre you may purchase fishing licences, obtain boating handbooks and many other publications.

Please make use of the services provided by Lockhart Court House. Phone 6920 5533 or call in during opening hours.

no cost to the NSW Police Service if accommodation for a Police Officer was constructed on that parcel of land. As some 12 months had elapsed Council again sought advice from the Local Area Commander on the progress of this proposal, however Council was advised that there was no further progress on this issue.

New Administration Building Complex Council was advised that it expected that Council’s new administration building in Green Street, Lockhart is expected to be ready for handover to Council around the middle of June 2011. The official opening of the new administration will be an important event for the community and Council has resolved to request the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, interested Councillors and the General

Manager to give consideration to the official opening of this new administration building and provide a recommendation to Council in due course.

Council has also agreed to place a time capsule within or near the building which is to be opened in 50 years from the official opening date of the building. Various documents could be include in this time capsule which will be of interest to those when it is opened in the year 2061. One of the requests from Council was that the General Manager write to all Principals of the schools within the Shire seeking a letter from the school Captains which could be included in the time capsule. The information sought from the school Captains would include such things as what they do in their daily routine, sports undertaken, subjects studied and the like which would be of interest.

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Residents experiencing difficulty in paying their rates and charges are invited to discuss their particular circumstances with Council’s Director of Corporate Services on (02) 6920 5305

Residents who have made a payment directly into Council’s bank account are asked to please notify Council of the payment they have made.

If you receive a Pension you can apply for a Pension Rebate on your Rates if the property on which you are applying for a Rebate is your principal place of residence.

To avoid legal action on overdue rates or long term outstanding debts contact Council to make an arrangement to pay.


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Public Notices

Riverina Regional Library Schedule — June 2011

Lockhart Every Tuesday

Milbrulong 14th & 28th

Pleasant Hills 6th & 20th

Yerong Creek & The Rock 2nd, 16th & 30th

Claiming the date Lockhart Show - Sunday 25th

September 2011

Lockhart Showground Grandstand After some 2 years of work, concluding with the final stage of painting, the renovation of the

Lockhart Showground Grandstand is now complete. In some cases, for ease of maintenance structural steel members have been substituted for

timber, but otherwise the restoration has been carried out as closely as possible to the original.

Council Meeting Dates 2011 Notice is given that Council Meetings for 2011 will be as follows and those meetings in Lockhart will be held in the supper room of the Lockhart Memorial Hall, Green Street, Lockhart. Wednesday, 22 June - Lockhart Monday, 18 July- Pleasant Hills Community Hotel Monday, 15 August - Lockhart Monday, 19 September -The Rock Memorial Hall Monday, 17 October - Lockhart Monday, 21 November - Lockhart Monday, 12 December - Lockhart

All meetings commence at 5.00pm and members of the community are most

welcome to attend these Council Meetings. The above dates and times may be subject

to alteration by resolution of the Council. Any changes will be advertised.

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Council News


Mowing of Nature Strips in Townships

The portion of land between the roadway and owners boundaries within the Shire Townships is owned by the Council and the question arises occasionally as to why Council

does not mow the nature strips if Council owns the land.

The answer is one of resources available, similar to other Councils throughout NSW and Australia, the costs to Council to continually maintain nature strips throughout

cities and townships is prohibitive and would result in considerably less resources applied to other areas of Council activities.

Accordingly Council appreciates and encourages land owners in townships to

mow the nature strips in front of their property which adds considerably to the tidiness and visual appeal of all townships.

Exemptions from Council Consent—Building Developments Under State Government legislation it has, for some time, been possible for residents to erect a range of minor structures without the need to obtain the prior consent of Council.

Anyone wishing to obtain details of the exemptions need only contact Council by telephoning 6920 5305 during normal business hours.

DEADLINES All articles for the next Newsletter need to be in by

17 June 2011 Any articles received after this date will only be included if space allows.

Ph: (02) 6920 5305 Fax: (02) 6920 5247 or [email protected]


The Companion Animals Act requires that all NSW dog and cat owners have their pets permanently identified and registered for life.

Micro-chipping and Registration is a two part process that requires dog and cat owners to: 1. Have their animals implanted with a microchip from the time they are 12 weeks of age,

at point of sale or change of ownership (whichever occurs first). 2. Register their animals with their NSW local council by 6 month of age. Note: Your dog and cat is required by law, when in a public place, to have a collar

around its neck with a tag attached that shows the pets name and the address or phone number of the owner.

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Public Notices

For further information and to register your club, go to or call 1300 292 442.

Hey, Just wanted to remind you about the new tenancy laws. They affect everyone so make sure you check them out.

To find out more call 13 32 20 or visit

Roads & Traffic Authority The RTA visits Lockhart (9 Matthews Street) once a month on a Tuesday.

To book a driving test, or for more information, please phone Wagga Wagga RTA on 13 2213

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Public Notices

Lockhart Rotarians are once again helping in the community. They have taken on the project of

building a covered walkway between the car park and the back entrance of the Woodhaven Hostel. The project should be completed before the end of June. Pictured is President Peter Strong digging a hole for one of the uprights, with Rotary Community Services Director Bob


Six people from Lockhart attended the Rotary District 9700 Conference at Orange on the weekend of the 21st to 23rd April. They were Tony and Jeanette Ronnfeldt, Colin and Alison

Wiese, Bob Kendell and Bill McDonnell. Rotary members formed a Guard of Honour at the funeral of Ro Strong, wife of the current

President Peter. At the last meeting the Club resolved to donate $500 to the Haemophila Foundation.

Lockhart Rotarians manned the BBQ at the Ex Services Club for a mental health awareness evening on the 27th April, attended by some forty people.

At the meeting of 10th May our special guest speaker will be Denise Flockton, President of Wagga Wagga Sunrise Rotary Club. Denise will be speaking of her Rotary work in aiding

teachers in Nepal. This will be a guest evening and members of the community are welcome to attend.

Colin Wiese Publicity Officer

(Pictured Left: Director Bob Kendell, keeping

an eye out to see that the shovel is held right.)


Unless otherwise notified the show meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each

month at 7.30pm on the following dates: 14th June 12th July 9th August 13th September

The meetings are held at the Ex-Servicemen’s Club.

Lockhart RSL Sub-branch Following the 2011 AGM the office

bearers are:

President: Mr G Sawle Treasurer: Mr S Goodwin Secretary: Mr L Jones

This year's meetings will be held on the first Wednesday in April, June, August,

October and November at 7pm in the No. 1 Meeting Room at Lockhart Ex-

Servicemen's Club.

‘Easy Grants’ Newsletter Lockhart Shire Council has subscribed to “Our

Community ‘Easy Grants’ Newsletter.”

If your organisation or group are interested in receiving information regarding available grants

please contact Council’s Finance/Administration Officer

Mrs Tracy Hounsell on (02) 6920 5305.

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Council News


BURNING OLD RAIL SLEEPERS Due to the recent upgrading of rail tracks throughout New South Wales, South Australia and

Victoria a large quantity of old rail sleepers have been replaced by concrete sleepers. Regrettably some of these sleepers are being cut into 300 mm lengths and offered for sale as

firewood. The burning of old railways sleepers is unsafe for a number of reasons. 1. Used railway sleepers may contain asbestos. Even though asbestos train brake lining were phased out in the mid 1980’s, old sleepers may pre-date this time. Fibres from the asbestos brake linings can become trapped in cracks in sleepers and they will be released when burnt. These fibres will collect and concentrate in the ash in the bottom of a fireplace, heater or wood over and they can be deadly. There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos fibres. 2. Almost all used railway sleepers are contaminated to some extent with herbicides, heavy metals, grease and oil. When used railway sleepers are burnt, there substances are vaporised releasing odours and potentially harmful fumes. 3. Small stones from the track ballast become stuck in used sleepers. When heated in a fire these small stones can explode, creating a hazard in an open fire or cracking the glass of a slow combustion heater. Under no circumstances should old railway sleepers be burnt as firewood, If anyone has

any questions they need only to contact Council or the Firewood Association of Australian on 1300 131 481.

NATURE STRIPS Whilst Council encourages all residents to help maintain nature strips which enhances the over-all image of our towns and villages some control measures are necessary. Pedestrian access

along nature strips, whether a formed footpath is in place or not, must be maintained at all times. Council also has a Street Tree Planting Plan which identifies the most suitable species

for each site and attempts to enhance the visual impact by having the same species in any one block or street. If residents wish to plant trees or shrubs on the nature strip they need to firstly

consult with Council staff by ringing on 6920 5305.

Smoke Alarms in Caravans and Campervans Under new State Government legislation it is compulsory for people to install smoke alarms in

caravans, campervans and other moveable dwellings where people sleep. There are limited escape options from fires in caravans, so the warning a smoke alarm gives can mean the difference between life and death. Occupants usually have just a few seconds to get out of a burning caravan, as they are

made of lightweight and highly combustible fittings. Fires can take off frighteningly fast. If you are an owner of such a vehicle, you’re the one responsible for installing and maintaining a

smoke alarm. Dwellings not regularly moved, but still used for accommodation ( such as caravans in backyards ) are also covered by this change.

These changes to NSW law came into effect on February 25, 2011. However, there’s a six-month grace period to August 25, 2011, before fines will apply for non-installation of a smoke alarm.

Further information is available at ,

Council or

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Community News


Free Membership

Lockhart Playgroup For Children (Birth to School Age) & their Parents/

Grandparents/Carers When: Tuesdays, 10am-12noon

Where: Lockhart Preschool, Day St Cost: Gold coin donation for cuppa

Come for a couple of casual visits, and if you want to keep coming, a small annual

fee per family to cover incidentals If you would like to know more, give us a

call: Bec Lane – 6920 6263

Maryann Chant – 6920 4068 Nai Fox – 6920 5648

Mandy Bowyer – 6920 5529


COMPETITIONS Ladies – Wednesdays

18 or 9 holes - 10.30am tee-off Mens – Saturdays

18 holes -12noon tee-off Mixed – Sundays

18 or 9 holes -12.30pm tee-off

Everyone from beginners to veterans welcome!

More information phone Ian 0429 807 585,

Jeanette - 69 295225 Sandra - 69 204474

THE ROCK GOLF CLUB The Rock Golf Club are seeking historical information from people within the district for inclusion in our Centenary Book to be

published in 2014.

Please contact President John Jarick 6920 2120 or Sec. Col Stewart 6920 1404.

PLEASANT HILLS PRESCHOOL Now taking enrolments for 2011

For information please contact Megan on 6929 6134.

The Rock Preschool.Inc

Is now taking enrolments for 2011 for 3-5 year old children

Monday-Thursday $10 per day

Ph: Nicole or Jess- 6920 2455 Email: [email protected]

The Rock Preschool is a “Not for Profit” Community Based Organisation

Urana Shire Council Newsletter The Urana Shire Council monthly

newsletter is available from Council’s office – 69 Green Street, Lockhart, and our

newsletter similarly from Urana Shire Council.

The Rock & District Playgroup Meets Mondays (school terms) from

9.30-11.30am at The Rock Recreation Ground Wilson Street

For all children from birth—5yrs and all carers, mums, dads and grandparents

Bring the kiddos for a play while you enjoy a coffee

For more information contact Playgroup on 1800 171 882.

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Community News


Lockhart Catholic Church 8am St Mary's Lockhart on Sunday 7pm Saturday, St Mary's Lockhart

10am Sunday- Urangeline 1st and 3rd, Galore 2nd and 4th

For further information contact Father D. Howie on 6920 5446

St John’s Presbyterian Church Rev Bob Thurlow—6929 3129

Les Bergmeier—6927 1144 Cnr Hebden & Day Streets, Lockhart

1st and 3rd Sundays—6pm 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays—8.45am

All Welcome

Local Church Services—June

Lockhart Uniting Church 5th 9am Lockhart 11am Mittagong Rev. Nola Cox 12th 9am Lockhart 19th 9am Lockhart 10am Urana Holy Communion 26th 9am Lockhart Holy Communion Rev. Don Affleck Friendly Flicks will again be held on Friday 17th June at 2pm in the Lockhart Uniting Church. Gold coin admission and afternoon tea provided.

Come along and enjoy the fellowship.

Any inquiries, ring Larraine Hoffmann 6920 6233 or 0427 204 051.

Carriage Horses

Carriage Horses in Lockhart gave a glimpse of a bygone era on weekend of 14th-15th May. Carriage Club members were greeted by an appreciative crowd who waited in Green Street on Sunday morning to see the ten horses and carriages after they drove past Woodhaven on their trip into town from the Showground. Saturday was taken up with a morning of competition and in the afternoon, novelty events that a number of people braved the elements to view saying it was well worth enduring the cold conditions. A horse from Wombat was a ‘show pony’ that played to the camera and loved every minute of the attention, regardless of the fact that the rest of his mates weren’t waiting! Bruce McNally said, “The people of Lockhart were so supportive of us, the Carriage Club members were rapped with the support they received and will return for competitive events as the facilities are so good for the horses, drivers and support members. It was a fantastic week-end of activities to make the hours of organisation worth while. The week-end was good promotion for Lockhart; the word will spread as to what there is to offer.”

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Public Notices

Harvestlands Church Lockhart Memorial Hall – Sunday

Mornings Worship & Kids Service.

Pastors Paul & Jo Wilksch 0427 916 483 The Rock Uniting Church Ford Street, The Rock 2ND SUNDAY – 9.30AM

All Welcome CONTACT: (02) 6920 2024

Or (02) 6920 3569

The Rock St Peters Anglican Church Communion 1st Sunday each month at

9.30am 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer

Enquiries: Mrs J Heazlewood 0447 491 560 Mrs M Vennell 6920 1067

St Mary’s Parish, The Rock 6.00pm, Saturday (vigil), Mangoplah

8.30am, Sunday, Yerong Creek 10.00am, Sunday, The Rock.

Enquiries: Fr Steven Ledinich, 6920 2017.


HALL HIRE FULL DAY $110.00 HALF DAY $ 66.00 NIGHT $165.00

ALSO AVAILABLE FOR HIRE: Tables, Chairs, Crockery

Please contact Lockhart Shire Council Phone: (02) 6920 5305

Anglican Church of Australia Diocese of Riverina

St Aidan’s Ministering Community Lockhart

Worship Sundays 9am Enquiries: Rev. Nola Cox 6920 5549

Turning one person’s trash into someone else’s treasure. Its simple and its free. Give Away Items Advertise unwanted items and link with someone else that can put them to use. Wanted Items Use the website to advertise for items you may be looking for and link with someone who has the item and wants to give it away.

The web address is:

Local Church Services— June

St. John’s Lutheran Church Pleasant Hills

1st Sunday each month at 10:30am 3rd Sunday Each month at 8:30am

All Welcome Pastor Adam Eime (02) 6929 3409

Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Milbrulong

29th May 9am HC with P. Clem Zanker 5th June 9am HC with P. Albert Gast 19th June 9am HC with P. Albert Gast 26th June 9am Lay Reading with S/School 3rd July 9am HC with P. Albert Gast

Phone 02-69206226 with enquiries

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This year the Spirit of the Land Festival will be held over the two days 8th and 9th of October. It has been completely revamped with new venues, exhibitions and other exciting developments. The National Farm Art Award, again the centerpiece of the Festival, is part of the "Sculptures by the Lagoon" exhibition, situated at the Lockhart Caravan Park. Two new categories have been added to this exhibition space, "Garden Art", and "Silhouettes'. As in previous years there is a Fine Arts exhibition housed at the Memorial Hall, where the exhibits from not only adults, but a number of special students' categories will be displayed. Our "Make it, Bake it, Grow it or Breed it" Farmers Market and other stalls will be scattered under the verandahs of the main street and in the Caravan Park. The Market

Stalls will be running for the two days of the Festival, but the street will remain open to traffic. Come along and select from a vast array of home grown produce of the finest quality, or find the treasure among someone else's trash! Local venues will be entertaining the visitors during the Saturday evening. The Local Artist (within 100km) Category will again be a feature of the Spirit of the Land. Arguably the most important category, it is the works of the local artists that are the cornerstone of this Festival. Please consider entering a Farm Art Sculpture in the Local Farm Art category.

Become a Friend of the Festival or just keep

up with coming events on the website

Classic Car Rally Will visit Lockhart Shire on Saturday June 11 (Long weekend).

The Cars will leave Wagga and head south along the Olympic Highway, travel through The Rock (at 10am)and head to Lockhart along The Rock- Lockhart Road, arriving in Lockhart at 11am,

staying for lunch and departing from Lockhart at 2.30pm. The cars will be on display in Green and Mathews Streets Lockhart during their stay.

It is expected there will be over 130 Classic Cars in the rally. The models range from 1901 through to 1988.

The Lockhart Progress Association is inviting Charities/Stallholders and Local Organisations, to set up stalls in Green St creating a festival atmosphere. If you are interested please contact

Chris Mackey on (02) 6920 5311.

Brookong Shadows Project. This project is managed by a sub-committee of the Lockhart Progress Association and inspired by the Lockhart Shire’s agricultural-grazing heritage. Visitors and residents will be able to walk through the display in the “Hospital Triangle” at the entrance of the Lockhart Township ( Wagga Road) near the Motel. This project will be a tribute to a by-gone era, when the district relied on the sheep industry as its main income. Shearers and grazers alike will be acknowledged for their contribution to our rich history. Particular reference will be made to the Brookong Woolshed, the location of the famous shearers strike in 1888. The Committee is asking for some assistance to help this project reach its potential. We are looking for donations of memorabilia to “set the scene”. Items we would hope to be able to have donated (recognition of the donation can be made on the item if requested) are; A disused windmill, Old farm gates ‘sunshine’ would be great. Old dray or wagon. Silhouettes made from metal, of sheep, huts, men & women. (These could also be used as entries in the Spirit of the Land silhouettes category).

Please Contact Myra Jenkyn on (02) 6920 5577 or Council on (02) 6920 5305.

Spirit of the Land Festival

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The Biggest Morning Tea Urangeline 10am start, Guest speakers, Plant &

Cake Stall (all proceeds going to Cancer Council). Always a great Cuppa & Chat!

The Lockhart Shire Events Calender 2011 May 29 - The Rock Farmers Market.

Urana Street, The Rock 8am - 12pm

May 30 - Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Urangeline Hall - 10:00am

June 11- Car Rally Lockhart. Through The Rock - 10:00am

Arriving in Lockhart - 11:00am Departing - 2:30pm

Community events will be featured in each newsletter in the future

please inform us of your upcoming events.

The Lockhart Greens Gunyah Museum Needs You

If you are able to volunteer for an hour or a day Please contact.

Heather Trevaskis on 0427295264.

Comments for Lockhart Pleased with the service offered in most businesses. Appreciate the convenience of shopping locally. Would shop more if-

Had reliable trading hours –not close spontaneously Businesses open on weekends for visitors. Businesses not to close at lunchtime including the Post Office. Good butcher required Fuel & Food prices too high. Fresh food and not out of date or close to it. Plumber and another electrician. Nursery Bakery open on weekends Range of quality goods Restaurant Car wash facility Business that are tourist orientated and interesting.

The reason for only using Lockhart for convenience shopping, the prices too high and range offered means the cost of driving to a bigger centre can be justified in savings. Comments for The Rock

The Rock needs a newsagent, Another café offering a quality coffee and

atmosphere. Fresh vegetables. Trading hours that suit the people commuting to Wagga for work. Gift shop New clothing Better medical services TAB & Lotto

Comments for Yerong Creek Needs more businesses that will meet the needs of the community General grocery outlet Coffee shop Tradesmen servicing the area Take away foods.

Comments for Pleasant Hills As Pleasant Hills only has a convenience store the shopping is limited. Appreciate being able to buy smaller items locally. Business opportunities highlighted across the Shire. Plumber, Café, Take Away, Restaurant, Gym (in Lockhart) TAB & Lotto, Clothing store, Nursery (in Lockhart), Bakery. There is also an opportunity for a courier service between towns to allow residents to have delivery from one town to another, accessing services of other towns within the Shire.

General survey results. The survey was designed to indicate the business requirements of the residents of the Shire.

3% surveys issued were completed and forward to the Lockhart Shire Council Office. The response was disappointing however the following conclusions are generated from the

information collated. More detailed results can be obtained from the Lockhart Shire Council Office.

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Health & Associated Services Lockhart Community Health

Services Lockhart Community Health Nurses are

available for self-referral Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, ph: 6920 5309

The Rock Community Health Nurses are available for self-referral Mon, Wed, Fri,

ph: 6920 5309 or 6920 2066

Early Childhood Clinics—Wed, Lockhart –Thurs, The Rock

Other services available include: Physiotherapy—Wed, ph: 6920 5206

Women’s Health—6920 5309 for appt X-ray, Optometrist, Podiatrist—see ads on

opposite page.

beyondblue Council has a limited supply of books and DVD’s available for

interested persons to borrow.

Ask at reception or access the beyondblue website,, or the

beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636

Lockhart and District Community Services

Office is open between 9.00am-1.00pm and 1.30pm-3.00pm.

Monday - Friday. For all enquiries or transport bookings

please ring the office in the mornings, on 02 6920 4162.

If the office is unattended in the afternoons due to service demands, please

leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

HEARING TESTS/HEARING AIDS Terence Ryan Hearing Aids are now visiting Lockhart every 4th Thursday at Lockhart & District Community Services.

• Hearing tests for all ages—FREE for eligible pensioners

• Hearing aid fittings and prescriptions

• Hearing aids to suit all needs and budgets

• Repairs and service

• Home visits available by appointment

• Employer audios

• Custom made swim plugs

Phone 1300 345 667 to make an appointment.

Red Cross Mobile Blood Bank The Donor mobile parks outside the Council Chambers on Green Street, Lockhart,

every three months on a Wednesday and Thursday, and they would love to see some new donors.

Next Visit:

Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June Contact Susan Gooden on 6927 1134 to make an appointment.

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Community News


Oaklands Community Health & Fitness Centre Supervised Hours for Term 2 Sunday's 10.00am - 12.00pm Mondays 10.30am - 11.30am

Tuesdays 6.00pm - 8.00pm

These times may change depending on the demand. If you are unable to attend the centre during these times please contact Tamara Nixon on 0417 559 152 or

[email protected] to make arrangements.

Individual fitness assessments and programming will be commenced in the coming week. I will contact those members who have signed up (list on office door) for a program to

arrange an appointment time. Please be patient each assessment/program will take approx 1 hour and there is only 1 trainer!!!

For new membership enquiries or further information about our centre please either

Tamara 0417 559 152 or [email protected] or any other committee member (see below) or come in during supervised hours so we can answer your questions and make an

appointment for an induction.

We look forward to seeing you in the Oaklands Gym where it is all about YOU!!!

Councils new chambers and Administration Building Complex is nearing completion and is expected to be handed over late June.

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Community News


Lockhart & District Historical Society

As President of the Lockhart & District Historical Society I am writing to all residents of Lockhart and district with a request for your support for the Museum in its endeavours to provide a sustainable tourism attraction in our town. In the years since the Doris Golder Gallery opened, tourist numbers to the Museum and Gallery have increased steadily. The annual visitation rate is more than four times the rate prior to the gallery opening. At present we endeavour to open three days a week and also open upon request at other times. However, the increase in visitor numbers and the demands to be open during week days is making it more difficult for the few available volunteers to fulfil these increased demands on their time. Visitors are impressed by our Museum with its extensive and well laid out displays, its interesting exhibits and Doris’ wool art. We recognise the important part the Museum and Gallery plays in the tourism potential of the district and the community is anxious to have the Museum open as much as possible. However, to do this we need your help. The Museum and Gallery has also the opportunity to apply for Lockhart’s first Tourist Information Centre. However, for the Society to take up this opportunity we have several criteria which must be addressed. The first requirement is that we are open five days each week. If we had enough volunteers to open five days per week I believe it would enhance the tourism potential of our town and district. The Museum would become a focal point of tourism for Lockhart and district offering visitors essential information on the town and its history and showing them Doris’ wonderful Wool Art and our fascinating Museum. If just ten extra people were able to help the museum, we would succeed and be able to meet this first criteria. The other criteria could then be addressed and this exciting opportunity could be the first step towards reaching our full potential. Could you find a free day or half day once a month? With the release of the Shire’s new tourism brochure, I believe tourism numbers will increase dramatically within our Shire. We need to promote our town, attract the tourism dollar, and keep the revenue within our Shire. Tourist will only stop and shop if there is something to see or do. If you feel you could help or have any questions please call me on 69204758 Heather Trevaskis President

Pastoral Shadows Project Wanted

Used Star posts to anchor silhouettes Ph S Mulholland if available for collection

0427 205135

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Health & Associated Services

OPTOMETRIST Russell and Chalker EyecarePlus visit Lockhart regularly for comprehensive consultations including glaucoma testing, cataract assessments, macular degeneration.

Adults and children’s assessments, and Veteran’s Affairs patients welcome. Spectacle frames available.

For Appointments Phone: (02) 6921 8833.

Home Care Service of NSW Lockhart/Urana/The Rock

Enquiries: 6920 5286 Co-ordinator - Robyn Pearse

We provide the following services: − Domestic Assistance − Personal Care − Respite Services

Referral Intake: 1300 881 144

X-RAY SERVICE X-ray services are available every second Monday at Lockhart & District Hospital. A referral from the doctor is required.

For appointments phone 6920 5206.

PODIATRIST Wagga Foot Clinic attends Lockhart Community Health Centre monthly. For appointments phone 6921 1783.

WEDNESDAY—Bus to Wagga Depart for Wagga Lockhart Post Office 8.30 am The Rock Post Office 9:00 am K-Mart Car Park 9.30 am Depart for Lockhart 2.00 pm The Rock 2.30 pm Lockhart 3.00 pm


Depart Lockhart 7.30 am Depart Urana 8.00 am Depart Oaklands 8.30 am Arrive Albury 9.45 am Depart 2.00pm

First preference for Albury service is given to Urana Shire residents.

We take bookings for Lockhart Shire residents when seats available. Please phone to be placed on the waiting list

We are unable to transport 6 years and under. 7—18 years require a companion.

COST OF TRANSPORT Lockhart to Wagga -$15.00 Lockhart to Albury $20.00

The Rock to Wagga - $10.00 Urana to Albury $15.00

Connection for Urana to Wagga available on request.

Bookings Essential—6920 4162

Lockhart and District Community Services 2011 BusTimetable Please note the Monday bus service is no longer available.

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Health & Associated Services

LOCKHART BRANCH CAN-ASSIST Mothers Day was made special for a number of people with the drawing of the Mother’s Day raffle of a quilted patchwork knee blanket, made by the Boree Creek Patchwork group and generously donated to the branch as a means of raising money to continue the work of assisting those with a diagnosis of cancer . Thank you to all who bought tickets and gave donations when it is becoming increasingly difficult to raise the money the branch is called on to provide assistance to clients in Lockhart and Urana districts. First prize of the knee blanket went to Anna Green who is now aware of a large number of envious people who had one wish, to win that blanket. Second prize of a pendulum wall clock went to G Scott and Lorette Lamb will be able to pamper herself as the third prize winner of a health pack. Lockhart Branch received notification of a new TV Community Service announcement that was distributed to regional networks in April. It is important that we spread the word of what Can Assist offers to individuals and families whose lives are affected by cancer and related illness. Contact persons for assistance or just somebody to talk to in confidence are Carolyn Anspach Tel: 69204065 and Mary Irons Tel: 69204616. Steve and Kathy Goodwin continue their generous support of the local branch, for which we are thankful, by payment of the annual fee for PO Box 50 at Lockhart Postal Service.

Lynette Hunt

Publicity Officer

LOCKHART RED CROSS BRANCH NEWS Opening hours at the Opportunity Shop have changed, now open from 9.30am to 2pm Tuesday to Friday of every week. The cooler weather has arrived and people are looking for warmer clothing and it has come to our attention that there are people who lost children’s winter school uniforms and clothing during the storm event in Lockhart last year. If you were affected, please come into the shop and mention the fact to the volunteers who will assist you with clothing and school shoe requirements. Delegates attended the Zone Conference in Ganmain recently where they reported the branch has supported the NZ Earthquake Appeal, Queensland Premiers Flood Appeal, Lockhart Flood Appeal and their concern at how long it has taken the Salvation Army to distribute funds from Bendigo Bank Flood Appeal, assisted Wagga Branch of Country Hope with clothing to support country families whose children are affected by cancer. Wreaths were laid at Cenotaph on Remembrance and Anzac Day.

Lynette Hunt Publicity Officer

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St Joseph’s School News Our school Cross Country carnival was held on the last day of Term 1 and well done to everyone for their efforts. Gold were the winners on the day by 2 points over Blue House and we then had a team of students who were selected to represent our school at the Diocesan Cross Country at Narrandera. Their efforts won the Division 6 Cham-pion’s trophy and congratulations to Olivia McDonnell and Ed Perryman who will be going on to the MacKillop Carnival in Sydney in June. Congratulations to the boys in Years 4-6 who competed in the Paul Kelly Cup on May 5. The boys won four out of five matches, some against schools much larger than our own. Not only did they excel with their skills on the football ground but they also showed great sportsmanship during the day. At the beginning of May we celebrated Catholic Schools Week and St Francis Xavier School students from Urana joined us for a liturgy celebration, a fun day of activities and a sausage sizzle lunch. On May 13 we held our annual Athletics Carnival at the Lockhart Recreation Ground. It was great to see everyone putting in such a good effort. Blue House won the carnival and the Champions for the day were Victoria Rockliff, Charlie Douglas, Zoe Douglas, Henry Lane, Georgia Lane and Ed Perryman.

On Friday, May 6, S t J o s e p h ’ s School, Lockhart and St Francis Xavier School, Urana got together t o c e l e b r a t e Catholic Schools Week with a liturgy, some fun activities and a sausage sizzle for lunch.

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Lockhart Central School News

Premiers Student Volunteering Program encourages community engagement at Lockhart Central.

An emerging area of benefit to all students has been in the area of service learning and volunteering. Many students at Lockhart Central School give up a significant

amount of their time to help out the local community. The Premiers Student Volunteering program has allowed our Year 9 & 10 students to receive

acknowledgement from the Premier of NSW for their local contributions. Four students will be formally commended for their volunteering efforts in 2010. Teagan Hannon,

Amelia Farrall and Chloe Sheather have each logged over twenty volunteering hours to receive a Bronze award. Jana Shilo has logged over seventy hours of volunteering service between Stay N Play and Woodhaven to receive her Bronze, Silver and Gold

Volunteering Certificates.

The Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEFA) and The Origin Foundation have formed a two-year partnership which will provide support and financial assistance to help foster the education aspirations of young rural Australians, including those from the Lockhart region

CEFA is a not-for-profit organisation which works to ensure that as many young people as possible from rural and regional Australia have the opportunity to pursue their post high school education, training or vocation goals by providing much needed financial assistance, support and encouragement.

“We are incredibly grateful for The Origin Foundation’s support and are excited to enter into this significant partnership with them,” said CEFA CEO, Jocellin Jansson. “Our organisations share the same determination to assist rural Australia and provide greater opportunities for rural youth to achieve their post high school aspirations. This partnership will have a very positive impact on young people in our local education foundation communities right around Australia.”

Ms Jansson explained “In addition to the costs of course fees and text books, it costs rural students $15,000 to $20,000 a year in living away from home and travel expenses to achieve their tertiary education goals. Often, the enormity of these costs can mean many

rural students are not able to achieve their educational goals.”

For further information contact: Annabel Gay Communications Manager, CEFA Phone: 1300 652 144 Website:

Sean Barrett, director of Origin energy photographed with Richard

Schell, Lockhart Central School Principal.

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Yerong Creek Public School

Free Help to Cut Power Bills The NSW Government is helping vulnerable households save power and money on their Bills. Through the Home Power Savings Program, 22,000 house holds will save up to 20 per cent a year on their power use and cute carbon pollution. The program is manager by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) as part of the NSW Energy Efficiency Strategy.

You can Take part in the program now by calling 1300 662 416.

Southern Riverina Cross Country The following students attended the SRPSSA cross country carnival in Holbrook on Monday 2nd May: Ruby, Maddy, Toni, Angus, Lucy, Ronan, Evan, Andrew, Emily, Michael, Royce, Jack, Craig, Luke, April and Rose. Congratulations to Lucy who came 4th in the 11 year girls division. She will be participating in the Riverina cross country in June. Also congratulations to the Greater Kengal team who won the trophy. School Prefects

Ruby and Toni are taking on the role of school prefects this term. We know they will act as good role models for our students and represent our school well. At the end of this term, the Year 6 students will present a speech telling us why they

should be school captain for the remaining of the year. The students will then vote for the school captains for 2011. Athletics Carnival The Greater Kengal athletics carnival will be held at the Lockhart Recreation Ground on Tuesday 17th May. The day will begin at 9.15am with a school march pass.

Active After School Active After School program for this term commenced on Wednesday 11th May (week 3). The activity for this term is Oz Tag. The program will run for 7 weeks and participants will be provided with a healthy afternoon tea before the activity commences.

Premier’s Debating Challenge Eight students and Miss Guthrie will be attending the Premier’s Debating training and development day at Kooringal Public School on Monday 16th May. These workshops cover all aspects of debating, including definition, rebuttal, speaker’s roles and arguments (as well as a number of games and activities).

Impact Leadership Year 5 and 6 students will be attending the Impact Leadership Conference in Wagga Wagga on the 18th May. The goal of the conference is that our student leaders leave the conference with a clear vision, a solid understanding and dozens of ideas for their time as a leader.

Virtual Excursion The students will be participating in another virtual excursion next Wednesday 18th May at 10am. This is an interactive workshop with experiments that explore the structure of the earth and plate tectonics. Students will be able to make a volcano erupt in their own classroom and learn about the layering of lava flows. This excursion compliments our study of Iceland, as Iceland has many active volcanoes.

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Public Notices

Lockhart Senior Citizens All gatherings held at the Lockhart

Ex-Servicemen’s Club

1.30 Monday, 6th June - Cards

1.30 Monday, 13th June-Meeting& Bingo

11.30 Sunday, 19th June - BBQ

1.30pm Monday, 20th June - Cards

1.30pm Monday, 27th June - Cards

INSURANCE CLAIMS If you are having problems with your

Insurance Company regarding claims the Insurance Council of Australia may be able to assist.

Telephone: 1300 728 228

AIDER Programme—Assistance for Infirm, Disabled

and Elderly Residents AIDER is a one-off free service offered by the NSW Rural Fire Service which aims to support vulnerable residents to live more safely and confidently in their home on bush fire prone land by reducing bush fire hazards. The service is provided free to vulnerable people who have limited domestic support from family, relatives, friends or other services. This could include older people and people with disabling conditions. AIDER crews conduct work around the home to reduce the risk of bush fire such as gutter cleaning, thinning vegetation, removing leaf and tree debris, trimming branches from around and overhanging the home and mowing or slashing long grass. The NSW Rural Fire Service has its own skilled, fully equipped and fully insured work teams to do this work.

Contact AIDER on 02 8741 4955 or 1800 679 737.

Lockhart Seniors News All meetings held at the Lockhart

Ex-Servicemen’s Club President Joy Hooper welcomed 29 senior members to our May meeting.

Our Seniors raffle will take place on May 20 and will also be drawn on that day. We would like to thank the ladies who volunteered to sell tickets for our raffle

we do appreciate this. Our next meeting will be on June 13th followed by bingo then afternoon tea.

In an Emergency Dial 000 For Non-Urgent Matters Contact:

Lockhart Shire Council - 6920 5305 NSW Rural Fire Service - 1800 679 737 Lockhart District Hospital - 6920 5206

Urana Hospital - 6920 8106 SES - 132 500

Police - 6920 5205

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Public Notices

St Vincent De Paul Society Because of recent floods St Vincent De Paul may be able to assist you would food, furniture and other issues you may be experiencing.

Please phone 0438 867 603 between the hours of 10am and 4pm,

Monday to Friday

LOOSE AND NUISANCE DOGS Loose and nuisance dogs continue to be a significant problem for residents throughout Lockhart Shire. It is emphasised that effective control is the responsibility of every dog owner and, increasingly, very significant fines are being applied, with resultant legal action as necessary.

Recently, several fines of $220 each have been imposed on dog owners who failed to take reasonable precautions to ensure their dog does not roam the streets. An example of other on-the-spot fines which are being issued are as follows:

a) A dog not microchipped $165 b) A dog without collar and name tag $165 c) A dog not registered $165 d) To own a dog that attacks or bites $550 e) Fail to remove dog faeces $275

Lockhart Caravan Park If you know someone looking for just the right place to set up camp with a tent or caravan, or looking to hire an on-site van, then Lockhart Caravan Park is just the place. Situated in Green Street, the caravan park is just 100 metres from the shopping area and within

easy walking distance to all facilities.

There are 21 sites, three unpowered and eighteen powered sites. Unfortunately, the on-site cabin which sleeps 6 people is currently unavailable due to damage

sustained during the October Storm Event. A wood barbecue is available as well as showers, toilets

and a peaceful location.

Contact the Manager on 0458 205 303 for bookings.

THE ROCK OP SHOP Volunteers needed 3-4 hours per month

Shop open 10am – 4pm Wednesday – Sunday

Thank you to everyone for their support Enquiries please contact the Manager,

Lynly Boyle, on 6920 1522

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Council News



The following substances are defined as contaminated waste and cannot be accepted at any of Council’s landfill sites.

A Hazardous waste, such as poisons, flammable materials, corrosive substances, etc.

B Liquid waste, such as grease trap waste, liquid food waste, septic tank waste, etc.

C Clinical waste such as needles, sharps, dressings, etc.

D Contaminated soil,

E Radioactive substances and waste,

F Products containing asbestos such as asbestos cement, vinyl—asbestos, etc.


LAND SALE Council has developed a new Rural/

Residential Estate comprising of nine (9) Lots (one has been sold) ranging in size from 1ha (approximately 2.5 acres) to 1.56ha (approximately 3.8 acres) in


The Estate will have sealed road access to properties with electricity, water and

telephone available.

For further information and inspection please contact Council’s selling agents,

Eldridge Properties of Wagga Wagga, on (02) 6971 0710

Why Recycle? Mobile phones, batteries, chargers and accessories are not biodegradable and should not be thrown in to landfill.

They contain a variety of metals and plastics, including potentially hazardous materials, which, if thrown away could leach into the environment.

Over 90% of the materials in mobiles are recyclable and are reused to make new products such as stainless steel, plastic fence posts and jewellery.

Where To Recycle? The Lockhart Shire Council has drop off bins within the office.


Tip Free Days have been put into place to provide a service to rate payers who are not in the urban areas which receive the kerbside pick

up. The tips will be open 8:30am to 3:00pm on the following days;

Yerong Creek and Pleasant Hills -Tuesday 14 June 2011 The Rock and Lockhart - Wednesday 15 June 2011

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Weed of the Month—African Boxthorn

Family: Solanaceae. Form: Shrub Origin: Native to South Africa. Flowers/Seedhead: Flowers: Singly or in pairs at the leaf-stem junction. White with purplish throat, about 1 cm diameter; 5-petalled; fragrant. Flowers to 12 mm long with male part of the flower (stamen) projecting to 4 mm past the petals. Flowers mostly summer but some flowering throughout year. Description: Much branched shrub to 6 m high. Leaves fleshy, elliptic to 4 cm long (see photo). Berry to 1 cm wide on short drooping stalk. Seeds 2.5 mm long, dull yellow. Distinguishing features: Distinguished by rigid branches with side branches mostly longer than 1 cm, leafy and ending in a stout spine, and berries that are globe- to egg-shaped and ripening red with up to 70 seeds. Dispersal: Spread by seed. Fruit is commonly eaten by foxes and birds and viable seeds are excreted. Often forms dense stands as a result of these animals feeding and remaining in the vicinity of fruiting boxthorn. Shoots readily from broken roots. Confused With: Other Lycium species. Native Australian Boxthorn Lycium australe grows in subsaline soil at the edge of

salt lakes and claypans in arid areas of Australia but this species has narrow leaves usually less than 5 mm long. Chinese Boxthorn Lycium barbarum has shorter leafless spines and ovate leaves with an acute tip. Notes: Introduced as a garden or hedge plant in the mid 1800s. Now a serious weed, particularly on neglected land in arid temperate Australia. May produce thickets that become refuges for feral animals.

If you require further information Lockhart Shire Council urges

residents to contact the Noxious Weeds Inspector on (02) 6920 5305.

Lycium ferocissimum

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What can I get picked up? Large individual items that are too difficult for you to deliver to the

local tips or that are too big for the weekly Cleanaway Big Bin Service can be picked up. Only items on the kerbside will be

picked up!

Will my address be included in the Kerbside pickup? The kerbside pickup is available to all residents within the urban and village

areas of the Shire i.e. Lockhart, The Rock, Pleasant Hills, Yerong Creek, French Park, Milbrulong, Tootool.

The Things that won't be picked up are… Items which are not acceptable at local tips, such as tyres, batteries and

dangerous goods will NOT BE COLLECTED. Other small items of household rubbish or grass clippings

and prunings will also NOT BE COLLECTED.

What day is the Kerbside pickup? What do I need to do now?

If you have items for Council to pick up, you should leave them on the kerbside

no more than a day prior to the pickup. Staff will remove the items from the kerb on the allocated day

Kerbside Pickup is FREE to Residents For Tip Free Days see Page 26.

TOOTOOL FRENCH PARK Tuesday 14 June 2011

PLEASANT HILLS Tuesday 14 June 2011

YERONG CREEK Tuesday 14 June 2011

THE ROCK Wednesday 15 June 2011

MILBRULONG Thursday 16 June 2011

LOCKHART Thursday 16 June 2011