Cougar Newsletter - Vancouver School Board

Farewell and Best Wishes to the following staff: Retirements Constable Colin Gilmore EOC/TOC – covering for…. Debbie Begin for Juliana Sam Vladimir Koscal for Amy Wu Holli Lang for Remedy Leigh McDonald for SSA Vacancy Les Nerling for Angela Toth Thomas Onion for Kayla Sawka Annie Shum for Peggy Chun Taylor Tuson for Kristin Mattock On leave in September Madeline Brewster Trevor Kinsey Kristin Mattock Juliana Sam Theresa Schiewe Moving Forward Raymond Moy to David Thompson Rupinder Sahdra to Lord Byng Surplus Peter Fenlon Etelbina LaRizza Jay Rudolph Jim Scoten Juli Smith Mel Voulgaris As we come to the end of Term 3 in the 2019-20 we can all agree that it has been a term like no other in recent memory. The Covid-19 pandemic forced schools to re-imagine delivery of curriculum within restrictive public health guidelines. As a result, in-school instruction was suspended after March 13 th and classes shifted to remote online instruction. There was a big learning curve for staff and students but they have handled it well considering the rapid change to the learning platform. Throughout this term staff have reached out to connect with students. Finally, in June we were able to re-instate voluntary partial return to face-to-face instruction. We were also able to continue to support students on the lunch program with either daily lunches or a weekly grocery bag. After Spring break, we also quietly welcomed Weir elementary into our school community. The transition to online learning allowed Weir staff to unpack and to organize their new classes in Killarney. Five divisions of grade 6 and 7 students began some face-to-face instruction on June 1 st . Staff and students from Weir will make Killarney home until January 2022 which is the expected completion date for the seismic upgrading of their school. The end of this school year also marks the end of my first year as Principal of Killarney. It really was a tale of two very different parts of the year--pre and post pandemic. During the first two terms of regular instruction I learned how dynamic the Killarney learning community really is. We are fortunate to be able to give our students learning opportunities in a wide variety of courses. Students are doing outstanding work in the academics, fine arts, and applied skills. Moreover, learning is extended through many extra-curricular offerings such as a variety of clubs and school athletics. In addition, teachers supplement in-class learning through any number of fieldtrips from skiing in P.E. classes to practicing conversation in a second language at restaurants. The post-pandemic part of the year forced staff and students to demonstrate their teaching and learning in more creative ways. While a lot of good work has been done, the buzz of a school full of students was definitely missing. Even so, we did our best to recognize the considerable achievements of the Grad Class of 2020 with an in-school ceremony spread over two days. At this point it is hard to predict what next year will look like. It is likely a safe bet that we will start the 2020-21 school year in a hybrid model of online learning along with some face-to-face instruction. What will not change are the wonderful students who make Killarney their home and the amazing staff who support them. While we celebrate accomplishments at the close of this school year, I look forward to the start of another year at Killarney as we welcome in a new group of Grade 8’s. I know it will be packed with more of the same—students engaged in every facet of the school! Have a safe and restful summer and see you in September. June 2020 Check out the colour version of this newsletter online at:

Transcript of Cougar Newsletter - Vancouver School Board

Page 1: Cougar Newsletter - Vancouver School Board

Farewell and Best Wishes

to the following staff:

Retirements Constable Colin Gilmore

EOC/TOC – covering for…. Debbie Begin for Juliana Sam

Vladimir Koscal for Amy Wu

Holli Lang for Remedy

Leigh McDonald for SSA Vacancy

Les Nerling for Angela Toth

Thomas Onion for Kayla Sawka

Annie Shum for Peggy Chun

Taylor Tuson for Kristin Mattock

On leave in September Madeline Brewster

Trevor Kinsey

Kristin Mattock

Juliana Sam

Theresa Schiewe

Moving Forward Raymond Moy to David Thompson

Rupinder Sahdra to Lord Byng

Surplus Peter Fenlon

Etelbina LaRizza

Jay Rudolph

Jim Scoten

Juli Smith

Mel Voulgaris

As we come to the end of Term 3 in the 2019-20

we can all agree that it has been a term like no other in

recent memory. The Covid-19 pandemic forced schools to

re-imagine delivery of curriculum within restrictive public

health guidelines. As a result, in-school instruction was

suspended after March 13th and classes shifted to remote online

instruction. There was a big learning curve for staff and students but they have

handled it well considering the rapid change to the learning platform. Throughout

this term staff have reached out to connect with students. Finally, in June we

were able to re-instate voluntary partial return to face-to-face instruction.

We were also able to continue to support students on the lunch program with

either daily lunches or a weekly grocery bag.

After Spring break, we also quietly welcomed Weir elementary into our school

community. The transition to online learning allowed Weir staff to unpack and to

organize their new classes in Killarney. Five divisions of grade 6 and 7 students

began some face-to-face instruction on June 1st. Staff and students from Weir will

make Killarney home until January 2022 which is the expected completion date

for the seismic upgrading of their school.

The end of this school year also marks the end of my first year as Principal of

Killarney. It really was a tale of two very different parts of the year--pre and

post pandemic. During the first two terms of regular instruction I learned how

dynamic the Killarney learning community really is. We are fortunate to be able

to give our students learning opportunities in a wide variety of courses. Students

are doing outstanding work in the academics, fine arts, and applied skills.

Moreover, learning is extended through many extra-curricular offerings such as

a variety of clubs and school athletics. In addition, teachers supplement in-class

learning through any number of fieldtrips from skiing in P.E. classes to practicing

conversation in a second language at restaurants. The post-pandemic part of the

year forced staff and students to demonstrate their teaching and learning in more

creative ways. While a lot of good work has been done, the buzz of a school full

of students was definitely missing. Even so, we did our best to recognize the

considerable achievements of the Grad Class of 2020 with an in-school

ceremony spread over two days.

At this point it is hard to predict what next year will look like. It is likely a safe

bet that we will start the 2020-21 school year in a hybrid model of online learning

along with some face-to-face instruction. What will not change are the wonderful

students who make Killarney their home and the amazing staff who support

them. While we celebrate accomplishments at the close of this school year,

I look forward to the start of another year at Killarney as we welcome in a new

group of Grade 8’s. I know it will be packed with more of the same—students

engaged in every facet of the school! Have a safe and restful summer

and see you in September.

June 2020

Check out the colour version of this newsletter online at:

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To The Class of 2020

A famous philosopher once said “If you keep quoting someone else’s words, how will

you find your own path? Instead, just say what you want!” - Megan Chan, Valedictorian,

I took philosophy, so it counts. On a serious note, I would like to thank my peers for

giving me the honour of giving this farewell speech at our graduation. Of course, the

2020 graduation is not quite like the traditional ones we may have witnessed in the past. I could

spend this whole speech talking about how our lives were thrown upside down by something we could’ve nev-

er seen coming or that we deserve better or that life isn’t fair, but honestly, I don’t think this is what today

should be about. Today is about us and today is a celebration. It isn’t what we were expecting and probably

not how we imagined finishing senior year, but it is what it is. So, let us savour the 879 days of high school we

did get.

I want to give a Thank you to everyone who has made these 879 days possible. The people who have had an

impact on the last five years that has led us up to today, our graduation. So, to the teachers for not only

educating us but for dealing with us… For often doing more than just teaching, for giving life lessons blended

into stories, for listening, for caring, for guiding us through those years. Thank you. And to the cafeteria and

the wonderful staff who provided us with cookies, and often brought us a little extra joy during break and

lunch. Thank you. Thank you to the staff of Killarney, the office staff, the librarians, the student support

workers, our counsellors, the people who keep the school running and make Killarney the one of a kind place

it is. And of course, Thank you to our family, our parents who have supported us not just through high school

but through any and every struggle we have had. I know I could not have survived these 5 years without their

support. Thank you to everyone who has been with us on this journey and has made our graduation possible.

I have acknowledged a lot of people who have supported us. But now let us talk a bit about the graduating

class of 2020. We have been through so much. Grade eight, when we heard rumours about our teachers and

were scared to ask for help. Or grade 11 when we hyped up a student rapper so hard, he made an EP.

We have survived planning 10, grad trans, the numeracy assessment, even online school and every other

project or test thrown at us. And now we are finally here, maybe not in the way we expected, but we still

made it.

Killarney was a colourful experience filled with triumphant highs and maybe some less triumphant lows,

but I think every Killarney kid, or any student for that matter, has experienced something that can bring us

together as a class. Fire drills. A fire drill is something every kid here has been through but if you think about

it, it also mirrors what our high school journey was like. Grade eight is like when an alarm first hits. You knew

it was bound to happen, but it still shocks you, you awkwardly shuffle yourself out the classroom and suddenly

you are thrown into this descent from 3rd floor to the exit. Grade eight was a collage of chaos and confusion.

I remember being shocked by the bustling halls and a packed Caf. My head was spinning with questions like

“Who do I sit with at lunch?” or “What’s the entree?” or “How do I get to A233?”. But just like in a drill, you

follow the crowd. I remember ending up in B wing with the 60 other grade eights who were eating lunch

there. I remember getting kicked out of B wing with the 60 other grade eights who ate lunch there. We all

slowly found our people, we started to adjust to this new life. Like how eventually in a fire drill your ears will

start to adjust to that sound, and you realize the chaos maybe is not actually as

chaotic as you thought.

That was grade 9 and 10, the second floor. On the second floor, you are a bit more used to the ringing, and

the crowd, you shuffle your way through the hall to meet up with your friends. In those junior years you find

yourself. You find your sport or your club or elective or just the people that make you excited to go to school.

For some, that’s mainstage with their fantastic performances or maybe it is Key Club with their amazing

volunteering or maybe it is a sport like Basketball or Track with never ending practices. Or maybe, it is just

that group of people you eat lunch with. We glided through those years, not realizing that we were not

awkwardly following the crowd anymore, we were a part of it. And before you know it you are in Grade 11.

You are descending down the stairs about to reach the first floor, as the ring is a familiar hum in the back-

ground and you stroll with your friends, you’re excited to finally escape this invisible fire.

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My senior years were filled with excitement and nervousness simultaneously, a feeling I am sure we are all

familiar with. My head was occupied with different questions than before like “What am I doing after high

school?” or “Which Uni should I apply to?” And before you can even finish those thoughts you’re on the final

stage almost out those doors, you don’t even notice the ringing anymore and you are at the front of the crowd

leading as people start to push a bit and speed up… then you are there, the first floor, Grade 12.

Grade 12 was a lot like grade 11, if you multiplied the intensity by 2 and then subtracted about a third.

I was overflowing with questions like “Am I going to get into that University?” or “What happens after high

school?” or “How are we about to graduate?!” But like life usually does, things fell into place. Looking back

I could cringe at how we used to celebrate 100 days of streaks on snapchat or how we dabbed in hallways

thinking we were so cool, but woven between these cringe worthy scenes are my best friends and my fondest

memories. So, there we were, on the first floor with this whole “fire thing” almost done, right at the exit,

looking outside, and it is raining of course. Some people are rushing out those doors ready to leave these halls,

ready to leave high school. Some are a little more apprehensive about braving the weather, not quite sure if

they want to leave the warmth of the inside. But regardless if you want to leave or not, you are reassured by

your friends at your side and your teachers guiding the way, the crowd pushes you forward. Here we are.

I wish I knew a good ending to this analogy, but I cannot tell the future. We are all about to take that first step

outside, into the unknown and what I do know is, the class of 2020 is powerful. We are often pegged as kids

who use their phones too much or do not know what the ‘real world’ is. But we used our phones to stay

connected, to spread and get information, to finish our senior year. And as for the real world, we skipped

school to march through the town protesting for climate change justice, we protest for the black lives matter

movement, we protest for change and equality and we aren’t just living in this ‘real world’ we are shaping it...

and maybe sometimes an accidental fire alarm gets pulled but what we are is a generation of kids that stand

up. And when we take that first step into the rain, into that ringing all over again, we are going to make a

difference and find ourselves exactly where we need to be. Because life is just a bunch of fire alarms and all

we need to realize is, the school is not actually on fire, some kid just had a calc test.

And as much as I have tried to break

down our high school experience

down to a metaphor, there is simply

nothing quite like it. There is nothing

like that first day in grade eight or

discovering your counsellor was in

Elf, or getting on the roof of your

school, or having milk & sugar for the

first time. There is nothing like the

friends and memories we have made

in the past 5 years. And maybe our

experience did get cut a bit short, but

the 879 days of high school we did get

was nothing short of amazing.

Now, the root of the word

Valedictorian is Latin for farewell,

so as much as I’d like to stay on the

first floor and hold on, it’s time for

me, and us all, to open the doors to

our future. I have never been more

grateful to Killarney Secondary, for

everything it has given me, my

education, my teachers, countless

memories, and my closest friends.

But now we embark on a new

journey. So thank you and goodbye

and I wish us all luck on our first step

into the rain. — Megan Chan

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Awards & Scholarships These are just a highlight of the many awards and scholarship

given out on the evenings of June 18 & 19, 2020.

Thank You from the Grads 2020 to the generous donors, presenters, committees and staff who

helped to support our students.

Tricia Lee Recipient of:

District Scholarship—Theatre, Media, Acting and French

Grad Committee Scholarship

James Edmunds Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Vancouver-Arbutus

Scholarship Wesgroup Properties Scholarship

Jonathan Chan Recipient of:

Aric Hayes Memorial Scholarship District Scholarship—Media Design Killarney Sustainability Scholarship

Jasmeet Parmar Recipient of:

Aujla Alumni Scholarship

Douglas Lee Recipient of:

Captain James Cook Elementary School Scholarship

Prime Minister’s Science Award

Silver Scholarship Cup

Lauren Lee Recipient of:

Friedrichs Film & Photography Award

KAFT Theatre Production Award Vancouver South Federal Liberals Award

for Leadership

Nitish Thakur

Recipient of:

Cougar Mart General Scholarship District Scholarship—Theatre, Media,


Killarney Community Centre Leadership Scholarship—Silver

Emily Burrell Recipient of:

Aboriginal Achievement Scholarship Nak’azdli What’en Graduation Gift

KMA Outstanding Service in Band

Charlotte Quon Recipient of:

Killarney Outstanding Athlete Award (female)

Paul Landa-Ahn

Recipient of:

Janice Leung Memorial Award Killarney Outstanding Athlete Award (male)

Kevin Lem Recipient of:

District Scholarship—French & Strings Killarney Community Centre

Leadership Scholarship—Silver

Killarney Departmental Awards—Modern Languages & English

George M. Weir Elementary School Scholarship

John Jomari Francisco Recipient of:

David Oppenheimer PAC Alumni Scholarship

District Scholarship—French & Band

Victoria Uberall Scholarship

Jomari Panganiban Recipient of:

Tom Tagami Award

Jesse Taylor Recipient of:

Killarney Visionary Award

Bryana Mae Hamilton Recipient of:

Brighter Futures Education Fund Strings Culture Award

Ka Hei Shee Recipient of:

Killarney Staff Award KMA—Scholarship for Musical Excellence KMA—Outstanding Leadership in Band Gao Lin Tan

Recipient of:

Dr. Judy Zaichkowsky Alumni Scholarship

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Aboriginal Achievement Award Emily Burrell

Ann-Aleese Hyslop

Aric Hayes Memorial Scholarship Jonathan Chan

Daisy & Arnold Webster Social Justice Award from the Vancouver Fraserview

NDP Constituency Association Lauren Tham

Adelaide Zhang

Artona Scholarships Carel Seannice Aguilar

Flora Ng Jessica Yee

Aujla Alumni Scholarship

Jasmeet Parmar

Bob Brown Memorial Scholarship Athena He

Brighter Futures Education Fund

Bryana Mae Hamilton

Captain James Cook Elementary Schxool Scholarship

Douglas Lee Tiana Tham

Carleton Elementary School

Scholarship Carel Seannice Agular

Champlain Heights

Elementary School Scholarship Tuan Hoang Qian Yun Ni

Champlain Heights

William Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Daniel Toth Keri Howard

Peter MacKenzie Memorial Award of

Excellence—Cinderella Project Scholarship

Tiana G.K. Eng Jodie Guevara-Rosales

Class of 2020 Valedictorian

Megan Chan

Cougar Mart General Scholarship Jasmeet Parmar

Jessica Lam Nitish Thakur

Eunice Tse

Co-op Housing Fund of BC Scholarship

Dario Calogero

Developmental Disabilities Association Scholarship

Daniel Toth

District Scholarships Angus Wong—Metal

Athena Lee—Japanese Laura Ngo—PE

Jose Aguilar—Home Ec. Abygael Lees– Home Ec. & Arts

Keri Howard—Business Tiffany Zhou—Business Qian Yun Ni—Business

Christina Cao—Business Jonathan Chan—Media Design Kevin Lem—French & Strings

Yi-An Studenov—French John J. Francisco—French & Band

Tricia Lee—Theatre & French Edward Mihai—Theatre

Nithish Thakur—Theatre Jaafar Al-Tameemi—Theatre

Yan Li—Theatre Tina Wang—Visual Art

Konoka Omori—Visual Art Greta Yu—Visual Art Tuan Hoang—Band

Hoang Khoi Le—Band Niel Nalicao—Choir Lyanne Chu—Choir Eddie Wu—Strings

Arthur Rantanen—Strings Jacky Tsoi—Computer & Japanese

Danh Vo—Computer & Band Calista Lai—Computer

Nickolas Tse—Auto Rocco Vu—Woodworking

Dr. Judy Zaichkowsky

Alumni Scholarship Gao Lin Tan

Elizabeth Abbotts Award

Kenny Xie Justin Law

Friedrichs Film & Photography Award

Lauren Lee

Forerunners—Janice Leung Memorial Scholarship

Evelyn Su Paul Landa-Ahn

George M. Weir Elementary

PAC Scholarship Kevin Lem

Tiffany Zhou

Grad Committee Scholarship Tricia Lee

Tiffany Yuen

Hindu Cultural Society Scholarship Charlaign Lam

James Edmunds Memorial Scholarship

Tricia Lee

Joanne Windsor Scholarship Jonas Sherlock Tiffany Yuen

KAFT—Killarney Association

for Film & Theatre Scholarships Lauren Lee—Theatre Production

Ellena Batiao—Theatre Production Carel Aguilar—Theatre Production Russell Kan—Theatre Production

Mazin Ahmed—Theatre Production Maya Castillo Blau—Acting

Megan Hale—Acting Kasia Kotowski-Smith—Acting

Howard Ly—Acting Hannah Ramos—Acting

Jessica Yee—Acting

Killarney Community Centre Leadership Scholarship Martyn Yee—Gold

Yongqi Gong—Silver Eunice Tse—Silver

Nitish Thakur—Silver Raychal Ng—Silver Kevin Lem—Silver

Amanda Jin—Bronze

Killarney Leadership 12 Scholarship Megan Chan

Killarney Student Government Scholarship

Wendy Zheng

Killarney Sustainability Scholarship Gao Lin Tan

Samantha Mung Antoine Huynh Jonathan Chan

KMA Awards for Band & Choir

Tanya Sioson—Choral Conducting Jose Aguilar—Community Building

Andrew Sheh—Band Leadership Ka Hei Shee—Musical Excellence

Hyun Seok Oh—Musicianship Jonathan Shen—Musicianship Emily Burrell—Band Service

KPAC Scholarships

Jessie Qian Brandon Woo Sonia Leung

Michelle Chan Jeffrey Wong Maria Tanaka Johann Reyes Thomas Lim Lyanne Chu

Pei Xuan Hsieh Cameron Kwan

Kevin Hau Christopher Wong

Caitlin Syho Dylan Feng

Charlaign Lam Samantha Mung

Raychal Ng

Killarney Staff Awards Hyun Seok Oh Ka Hei Shee

Hoang Thiet Bui Obid Timoor Shah Ahmad

Kenny Xie Hannah Ramos

Rossell Kan Lowell Cheung

Kingsford Smith Elementary Scholarships

Samantha Mung

Killarney Visionary Award Jesse Taylor

MacCorkindale Alumni (PAC) Award

Flora Ng

Matthew Kennedy Creative Writing Memorial Scholarship

Gloria Fung

Nak’azdli What’en Graduation Gift Emily Burrell

Oppenheimer Alumni PAC Scholarship

John Jomari Francisco

Peter Rohloff Memorial Award Eddie Wu

Prime Minister’s Science Award

Douglas Lee

Rotary Club Bursary (Arbutus) Hoang Khoi Le

Tricia Lee

Silver Scholarship Cup Douglas Lee

Strings Culture Award

Ronney Lok Tiana Eng

Gloria Fung Bryana Mae Hamilton

Terry Jensen Scholarship

Tiana Eng

Tom Tagami Award Jomari Panganiban

Universal Buddhist Temple Awards

Tiffany Yuen Megan Chan Misato Law

Vancouver Association of

Secondary School Administrators Obid Timoor Shah Ahmad

Vancouver Secondary Teacher's

Association Bursary Cassandra Buck

Vancouver South Federal Liberal

Award for Leadership Lisa Hy

Lauren Lee

Veazy Scholarship Nominee Award Fiona Wang

Victoria Uberall Music Award

John Jomari Francisco

Waverley Elementary School Scholarship Dylan Feng

Wesgroup Properties Scholarship

Tricia Lee

William Hurrell Scholarship Megan Hale

Killarney Departmental Awards

Cougar Mart Christina Cao


Kevin Lem

Leadership 12

Megan Chan


Danh Vo

Modern Languages

Kevin Lem

PE—Top Female Athlete

Charlotte Quon

PE—Top Male Athlete

Paul Landa-Ahn

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Aboriginal Achievement Award This annual award is given to two grade 12 indigenous students at Killarney Secondary who intend to enroll in a post-secondary institution. The recipients

will have shown consistent academic achievement as well as persistence, resiliency and a responsible attitude over the school year. These students have also partici-pated and/or volunteered in school and community activities and appreciate the

importance of helping others. The award is offered by Killarney Secondary’s Social Studies/Social Justice teacher Janet Nicol at her retirement in 2017, and

will be given to graduating classes over the next five years (2017 to 2021).

Aric Hayes Memorial Scholarship Aric Hayes was a teacher, man of principle, cyclist, hiker, social activist and lover

of the outdoors. Since becoming a Vancouver Secondary teacher in 1995, Mr. Hayes passionately demonstrated his enthusiasm and commitment to his

students; most notably during his tenure at Lord Byng and Killarney Secondary Schools. The Aric Hayes Memorial Scholarship exemplifies what he stood for… ideas of social awareness, activism, social responsibility and humanitarianism.

A tree was planted on the south side of the school in his honour to commemorate his passing.

Arnold & Daisy Webster Social Justice Award Sponsored by the Vancouver Fraserview Provincial NDP Constituency

Association. Arnold Alexander Webster (1899 – 1979) served as a teacher and administrator during his 40 year career in education. He was the second principal of Killarney Secondary School. Arnold Webster also served his community and his

province. He was a Vancouver East MLA and the Leader of the Official Opposition as a CCF member (forerunner of the NDP) of the BC Legislature from

1953 to 1956, a Vancouver Kingsway NDP Member of Parliament in Ottawa from 1962 to 1965 and served as a Vancouver Park Board Commissioner from

1940 to 1962. In 1966, Arnold Webster was proclaimed the “Twelfth Freeman of the City of Vancouver.” In the presentation of the award it was said “There are hundreds of students who remember him as their guide when he was a school

principal. But he was even more closely associated with the great contributions he has made to the community life of Vancouver.” (Vancouver Sun)

Daisy Webster

Working as a teacher in British Columbia from the late 1930s through early 1950s, Daisy also spent two years in the Canadian Army during the Second

World War. She worked as a provincial inspector of home economics during the 1950s and in 1955 married Arnold Webster, a widower and then Leader of the Opposition in the B.C. Legislature. Daisy contributed thousands of hours as a volunteer for the Canadian Red Cross, Vancouver Council of Women, YWCA, Salvation Army and many other organizations. In 1972, she was elected to the

B.C. Legislature for Vancouver South, and served as NDP MLA for three years.

Artona Scholarships Artona Scholarships are awarded to students with good academic standing and

service hours, ambition, teamwork and dedication to completing professional level projects within the professional world.

Aujla Alumni Scholarship This scholarship recognizes a grade 12 student who demonstrates excellence in

academics and community involvement. This student has shown perseverance in achieving their academic goals, a dedication to solving issues within their community, and a determination to become a leader amongst their peers.

Bob Brown Memorial Scholarship Bob Brown was a teacher at Killarney for over thirty years. He was the Social Studies Department Head when he retired. Upon his retirement he served as a

city councilor for the City of Port Moody until his untimely death. This award is presented to the top student in the Social Studies program.

Bright Futures Education Fund The Bright Futures Education Fund provides post-secondary funding to girls

who have been mentored through the Big Sisters of the Lower Mainland program, and who demonstrate the resilience, tenacity, and focus to succeed in

accomplishing their post-secondary educational goal.

Champlain Heights - William Kennedy Memorial Award Mr. William Kennedy, who died suddenly in 1992, was an active volunteer in the

community and served the Champlain Heights Community Association as President and Treasurer during his term as Board Director. He also valued and supported young people on a lifelong basis through both his occupational and community work. This award is given to a student who has been involved in

activities as either a volunteer or leader at Champlain Heights Recreation Centre, or Community Centre, formerly a student at either Champlain Heights or Captain

Cook Elementary, lives in the Killarney area, and demonstrates leadership and exceptional citizenship in the community.

Cinderella Project Achievement Award (Peter Mackenzie Award of Excellence)

Students who receive this award are a confirmed participant in the Cinderella Project and have achieved graduation. The awards are to be used towards

tuition, textbooks or course materials, adaptive technology, trade equipment or other education expenses.

Co-op Housing Fund of BC Scholarship The purpose of the CHF BC Scholarship Fund is to support the educational goals

of co-op members, particularly of young co-op and community leaders. Scholarships are awarded to students graduating from high school and planning

to enroll in a college, university or apprenticeship program; students already enrolled in a college, university or apprenticeship program; and students returning

to school after a break in their education. Scholarship are for undergraduate studies only.

Elizabeth Abbotts Scholarship Elizabeth Abbotts was a teacher of Special Education at Killarney.

During her time at the school, she established the school store. This award is given to deserving students who have spent a great deal of time working in the

Cougar Mart.

Forerunners—Janice Leung Memorial Scholarship The vision of Olympians Peter Butler and Carey Nelson, owners of the Forerun-

ners stores, is to help build the running community, for fitness and wellness. They are committed to being a hub for the community, and to support local

charities. The Killarney Athletics Scholarship Fund, is one that they enthusiastically agreed to get involved with. Janice Leung competed on Killar-

ney’s Athletics teams for five years before graduating in 2011. Janice was a com-mitted athlete, a diligent student and a compassionate friend and teammate.

She continued to coach and support Killarney student athletes while at university. This scholarship is intended to award student athletes that embody

Janice’s love of sport and her generous spirit.

Thank you! to all our donors for their generosity and support of our Killarney graduates every year.

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Hindu Cultural Society Scholarship This scholarship award was originally established in 1987 by the India Club which was restructured in 2016. The Hindu Cultural Society & Community

Centre of BC has generously offered to continue the support of this prize in honor of the India Club.

James Edmunds Memorial Scholarship This is the highest award given at Killarney Secondary and its recipient is consid-

ered the top all-around student in their graduating class. James Edmunds was the beloved Principal of Killarney from 1963 to 1969 when he passed away. Mr. Edmunds was proud of the school and the students for their academic

standings as well as their achievements—in school work, sports, and extra-curricular activities. He believed in the younger generation and often tried

to bring change within the community as well as the school for their benefit. This award is given to a student who is heavily involved in every aspect of the school and the community and still maintains an excellent scholastic standing.

Joanne Windsor Scholarship Joanne Windsor was a teacher at Killarney for many years and contributed her

time and efforts to the graduation ceremonies, career preparation and work experience. She spearheaded Killarney’s annual clothing drive to help the home-

less in the downtown core and established the Student Street Squad. This scholarship is awarded for academics, leadership and the ability to give back

to their school and community.

Dr. Judy Zaichkowsky Alumni Scholarship Dr. Judy Zaichowsky, a Killarney alumni and Vancouver School Board Trustee has generously donated to the Killarney Scholarship Fund this year to assist a needy, qualified student with their tuition if they are attending UBC or SFU.

Dr. Zaichowsky challenges all other Killarney alumni to donate money to support students on their journey to university.

Killarney Visionary Scholarship Through a generous donation, we are proud to offer this to the graduating

student who exemplifies artistic vision in either classic or contemporary art forms and is pursuing studies in visual or performing arts, vocational training or

technological training. This student has demonstrated commitment and/or a passion for their chosen area of study

Matthew Kennedy Creative Writing Award Matthew Kennedy, son of William Kennedy, who is also among our award

profiles. Matthew loved creative writing, particularly science fiction and this award is presented to the student who is considered the best writer of the

graduating class, as decided by the English Department. This is the 23rd anniversary of Ms. Kennedy’s contribution to the scholarship.

Rotary Club Bursary Rotary International is an organization that involves leaders in finding solutions

to community problems and global needs. Founded in 1905, the Rotary Club engages in fundraising and active community service. Funds raised have been

used to tackle worldwide issues such as the polio epidemic in Nigeria or farming efforts in Cameroon. The Rotary foundation funds scholarship for

undergraduate and graduate education. Local chapters administer district grants and the national organization provides global grant awards, packaged

scholarships and peace fellowships to provide access to post-secondary education.

Silver Scholastic Cup Awarded to the top academic scholar in the graduating class.

Terry Jensen Scholarship The Terry Jensen Scholarship honours a student who has been a positive peer role

model and has overcome adversity by volunteering and creating change within their community. They are not necessarily academically included and may not be

on honour roll but deserve recognition for their improvement.

Tom Tagami Achievement Award This award is given to a basketball player who has exhibited the ethics of service through participation in school sports; and who has shown growth during his/her

time playing for Killarney. Tom Tagami was a long-time basketball, rugby, and football coach. At this time of his retirement, his former players established

this award in his honour.

Vancouver South Federal Liberal Award for Leadership This award was generously donated by the office of the Vancouver South Federal

Liberal Association for a Grade 12 student moving on to post secondary education. The successful candidate is a student who has embraced and met

specific criteria. A high academic achiever, maintaining at least a “B” average who is a consistently participatory and caring citizen, demonstrates strong

leadership skills and the will and ability to work effectively as part of a team.

Veazey Scholarship Nominee The Tom and Phyllis Veazey Scholarhip is a four-year scholarship to attend the University of BC. Tom and Phyllis Veazey were both career teachers in inner

city schools in Vancouver. Phyllis taught for many years at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School and Tom was the head of the Art Department at

John Oliver Secondary School for the last 24 years of his career. Grade 12’s from Vancouver Secondary Schools who have been admitted to UBC are eligible.

The scholarship is awarded to a student who has been nominated by their school; demonstrated outstanding academic achievement; been a leader in his or her

community activities; and demonstrated the promise of using their education to make a positive difference in the lives of others, as did Tom and Phyllis Veazey

in the lives of their students.

William Hurrell Scholarship The William Hurrell Scholarship is given to a student who is motivated to create

change and help their community. They are interested in writing, Science and Fine Arts.

Wesgroup Properties Scholarship (since 2015) Wesgroup has been building communities for many years. One of the key things we have learned is that schools bring a natural, authentic social network to a

community. Kids bring neighbours together. Parents and their kids form bonds with each other that can last a lifetime. Schools offer neighbourhoods a strong

social and emotional connection that brings people together to create a real, authentic community. Wesgroup’s vision for River District

is to create a vibrant, people-centered community that makes the well-being of residents its highest achievement and is proud to support and recognize a student

in the graduating class who has exemplified community service.

NOTE: We wish to thank all our donors, past and present for their contributions to our Killarney Scholarship Fund. Donor names may or may not be listed here based

on their participation for that specific year. Please check our website archives for a complete list of donors.

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MR. G.’S GRAD SPEECH It is my honour to address the amazing Grads of 2020.

Sept. 2015- First day of high school...A group of tiny,

nervous, and excited grade 8's sat in our school auditori-

um anxiously waiting to start their high school experi-

ence. The Dab and Emojis were a thing and the Apple

watch was the latest Tech item everyone wanted.

I’m sure many of you remember that first day! And I’m

sure you remember your first guidance class in Grade

8...remember, “The Funnel” …it represented your high

school journey…the walls of the funnel representing the

secure walls of school, the structure, the guidance, the

security…and as you travelled down the funnel…it

represented your growth, the learning... the wide

opening at the top representing the many choices you

had in Grade 8. And as you moved into Grades 9, 10 and

11, you had to make more specific choices …and finally,

you reached the opening at the bottom of the funnel and you are about to leave high school and enter the “real” world.

Here we are...five years later...June of 2020 ...where shopping online, working from home, maintaining 6 ft apart and World Health

concerns are things we are thinking about. Much has changed in 5 years...many of us are completing schooling from home,

practicing social distancing, washing our hands constantly, and wearing masks to go outside...wondering when the world will get

back to the way it was...It WILL! You just have to trust that it will. Humans have always overcome adversity and come out of

these events stronger and more resilient! And as the Grads of 2020…guess what…you are ready to take on this challenge!

You are ready! You will draw strength from the people that have made you strong and you will draw knowledge from

life’s lessons along the way and from everything you have learned in the last five years. You are about to go into the vastness we

call… LIFE.. Some of you are probably a bit afraid, uncertain, anxious...”oh my gosh, I’m going to be an adult now!”...It is totally

normal to feel this way...We all felt like that. But just as you figured things out in grade 8, grade 9, grade 10 and are going

to figure things out in life!

Reading the list of ALL the awards given out and reflecting on all your accomplishments, we are all very proud of you.

Many of you have achieved personal goals, grown in ways that even you thought were impossible and, collectively, you have left

your mark on Killarney. I am so proud of are some of the nicest, most caring, loving and giving people I have met.

From your fundraising efforts, to your volunteering and your selflessness, we thank you for all that you have given back to each

other, to the staff and to the school.

So, as you embark on this new phase of your life, some last words of wisdom from Mr. G. Remember that as humans, we are

born to be resilient. We have the ability to bounce back and to get through tough times.

form positive relationships…surround yourself with good people

distance yourself from unhealthy people and situations

be optimistic

keep learning…you can never know too much

be creative…think outside the box

be flexible

know what you are good at...all of you are good at many things.

have self-worth

persevere…never give up!

and in the words of Dr. Henry...Be Kind...Stay Calm...Stay Safe!

Don’t be afraid… …you are ready and able to face this current challenge and any challenges that will come your way... and they

will…you are prepared, you have the skills, believe in yourselves... embrace the world...dream big…dream reaaaally big …

and follow your hearts and follow your dreams.

Killarney will miss you…I will miss you... Be Brave...Be Strong...and Good Luck! Thank You.

- Mr. Oscar Goncalves

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June 18 & 19

I wanted to express my great appreciation

to all of the staff who helped make our

Grad Walk of Honour a huge success.

From the custodians and district staff for

their help with the physical staging

requirements, to the rest of the admin

team and our fearless office staff for all of

their behind-the-scenes hours of work

organizing and setting up the decorations, scholarships and awards,

grad gowns and flowers, to all the teachers on the scholarship

committee and to the staff who volunteered at the event itself as

marshals, grad gown collectors and videographers, I could not have

done it without you. Thank you.

- Ms. K. Thomson—VP—Grade 12

Lights along the aisle toward stage

Top of the auditorium north stairway

Stairway leading to auditorium facing west

Killarney Grad entrance at top of stairs

Coordination, Logistics—K. Thomson Decorations—P. Wong Flowers—M. Rocchetta Grad Folders, Packages & Mailout—T. Matsalla Photographers—Artona, E. LaRizza, T. Tuson Stage—K. Thomson, T. Matsalla, P. Gill Trophies, Gowns—T. Matsalla Tech—K. Thomson, T. Myring Videography—T. Myring

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Banner by Ms. P. Wong—quotes and statements as submitted by teachers

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SPRING FEVER 2020 Congratulations to the cast and crew for all of their

creative writing and work on the Spring One Act Festival! Unfortunately, the

festival had to be cancelled. Even though Spring Fever looked different this

year, the achievement was still there. Students put in the same hard work.

They learned and grew so much. All of us teachers couldn’t be more proud of

all the students involved. It is always inspiring to watch work that was created

and directed by the students themselves. You all worked hard during the

rehearsal process and may you hold on to those memories and grow as a

creative person. Thank you to the amazing directors for taking on this leader-

ship role and we hope you will re-vamp and re-create your work next year.

KAFT A huge thank you to the parents in our parent association! Thanks for

all your work and helping us go big! We are so grateful to have parents that support the program; we could not do it without you.

Thanks once again for being part of the Killarney Family.

KAFT AGM- October 2020 in C105 will take place in the fall, keep your eyes on the school calendar. All parents who have stu-

dents enrolled in our program are welcomed.

STUDENT TEACHER A big thank you to our Student Teacher Zachery Wolfman for his amazing work with our classes and

with Spring Fever. Congratulations on a successful completion of your practicum!

GRADS OF 2020 Congratulations to all the Killarney Film and Theatre Grads! Thank you for the memorable characters, the

amazing set pieces, beautiful costumes, awe-inspiring lighting design, great tech, impeccable make-up , props, catering, media poster/

tickets/programs/photos and much more. You have ALL made your mark on Theatre Killarney and will be missed. Thank you for

mentoring the younger students and always giving 100% to

our program. Best wishes for your future outside of Killarney

and remember to visit! Congrats to all of YOU!


A BIG THANK YOU to the fabulous three teachers who will

be leaving our department this year. Due to surplus and tem-

porary contracts you will be leaving us at Killarney and your

presence will be missed. Thanks for all your dedication and

work in making a difference in the lives of the students we

teach and the arts. Please come back and visit as you will al-

ways be part of the Killarney family. Best wishes-you will all

be missed. Enjoy your summer break. Ms. E. LaRizza Mr. T. Onion Ms. T. Tuson


Winner of the Grant Burnyeat Annual Writing Competition

Congratulations to Rachel Tan, for her $750.00 essay award. Rachel is a student enrolled in Media

Arts 11/Theatre Criticism, as a final assignment during remote learning she took advantage of the

opportunity her teachers and Arts Club Theatre provided. Rachel wrote an essay on how theatre

affects youth. What can they learn by attending theatre? What impacts theatre have on young

audiences? Out of all the BC high school entries Rachel came in FIRST PLACE!

The award is generously donated by Grant Burnyeat, a

long-time theatre supporter, former Arts Club board

member, and Supreme Court Justice. Every year students

who attend Arts Club productions through this program are

invited to participate in the Grant Burnyeat Annual Writing

Competition. We are very proud of the Killarney Media/

Theatre Criticism students who participated.

Way to go. A big Congrats to Rachel,

Mr Rocchetta, and Ms. Tuson are very proud of you.

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Thank you to Mr. Kugi for providing the

obituary clippings. There are still a handful of

existing staff members who may remember

Mr. Fukui and Mr. Ratzlaff when they commenced

their fresh new careers at Killarney. These two

teachers were respected by students and staff alike

and part of a legacy of long-term Killarney teachers

over the course of four decades. Our deepest

condolences to both their families.


The Killarney Community Schools Team sends a BIG thank you to all volunteers and staff for amazing fall and winter terms! We

were disappointed to have to cancel spring programs, but are so grateful and proud of what we offered our community during the

2019-2020 school year.

By the Numbers:

• 2000+ hours volunteered by 68 Killarney students in our programs this year!

• 415 students participated in our programs this year (from Champlain Annex, Champlain, Cook, MacCorkdinale, Killarney,

Waverley and Weir schools)

• 46 programs offered at 7 schools this year (from Cooking to Lego to Dance – all kinds of programs!)

8 community organizations partnered with us this year: Big Brothers, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Ballet BC,

Arts Umbrella, Yoga Buggy, Graines de Chefs, Champlain Heights Community Centre, and Killarney Community Centre.

Volunteer Update

This year’s volunteers were incredible! Thank you for your dedication, your energy, and your kindness to younger students in our

community. We’re sorry we can’t throw you an end-of-year party this year! Keep an eye out for your volunteer certificate to be

mailed to your home address. If you have any questions about your certificate, your hours, or anything else relating to volunteering,

please visit room A212 or call our office at 604-713-5887 in September.

Team Update

The Killarney Community School Team will be welcoming a new Coordinator next year! Theresa Schiewe, current Coordinator,

will be leaving the team this summer as she is going back to school to become a teacher. When school opens in the fall, please

drop by room A212 to say hello to the new Coordinator and hear updates about the plans for the new school year!

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Leadership 12 picked Canuck Place Children’s Hospice as their charity this

year. We were able to raise $1000 through various fundraising efforts.

Excellent job, Grade 12s! Families and friends, please consider donating to

this wonderful organization that helps sick children and their families.

If you would like more information on this charity, please visit

During this unprecedented pandemic time, we have changed our schooling

model from in-person to online. It is a very different learning platform and

many students had difficulties adapting to this new change especially those

of elementary school age. To help the young children better prepared for

the online world, our Leadership students made a few videos on Internet

Safety. We hope that they will help elementary school students to be safe

in the online environment. These videos will be shared with our Family of

Schools in September. Thank you, Leadership 12, for being such an

amazing class! (T. Dou)

Killarney Students I wanted to let everyone know that I am retiring as of May 28th.

I had hoped to be able to see you all and let you all know in person, but due to the

current restrictions I have to do it through this format.

For the past 5 years, I have had the honour of working in your school. It has been

an amazing experience to say the least.

Getting to know you all has created so many memories that I will cherish forever.

Killarney will always be my school.

Now, in my 28th year of policing, I have made the decision to retire and move on to

work in the End Gang Life Program out in Surrey. I will miss you all and will come

back to say a proper good bye at the T and in C Wing in September.

Please continue to be the best school in the way you treat each other but more

importantly how you treat yourselves. Nothing is so big that it can’t be over-

come. Lean on the amazing supports we have at the school. Take care.

Constable Gilmore (Gilly).

FAREWELL, CONSTABLE GILMORE1 We are very sad to say goodbye to our School Liaison Officer, Constable Colin Gilmore, who has

worked with us at Killarney for the past 5 years. A veteran police officer, Colin retired from the

VPD in May. He chose a slightly early retirement in order to take up a position with the

End Gang Life Program, which is a Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of BC to help

youth exit gangs. Colin described this new challenge as his dream job, which will allow him to

continue to work with youth in a positive way. Colin was an integral part of our school

community and was much loved by our students. Known as “Gilly” to the students, he helped

many of them over the years to make good choices and resolve problems without violence, as

well as learn about the law. His door was always open and his ability to connect with

adolescents is his superpower. He also worked with very closely with the counseling and

admin, as well as many staff members directly to support the curriculum, and he was a friendly

face in the hallways and on our campus. He will be greatly missed for his baking skills –

his Nanaimo bars and Lemon Chiffon pie were legendary. Colin was fueled mostly with

Werthers candies and Rock Star Energy drinks, which might explain his unfailing energy and

upbeat attitude, even in the most difficult of situations. We will miss Colin very much, but we

wish him well on his next adventure and we expect to see him back at Killarney as part of his

youth outreach role sometime in the future. - K. Thomson, VP

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REDUCE * REUSE * RECYLE * DONATE Gather up all those clothes and shoes you no longer wear, as well as any small appliances and electronics that haven’t

worked for months, and bring them to one of our upcoming Zero Waste Reuse and Recycling Drop-off events.

Check out Zero Waste Reuse and Recycling for proper CoVID procedures for this year:

For more information about how to get involved in making Vancouver a Zero Waste city, please visit


Please note that following items are NOT accepted at our Zero Waste events:

Items you can bring and donate for reuse Items you can recycle:

• Hazardous waste

• Furniture and large/bulky items

• Soft plastics

• Styrofoam

• Paper/magazines

• Toys

• Pharmaceutical products

• Construction materials (i.e. drywall, wood, etc.)

• Sinks, toilets, bathtubs, etc.

• Mattresses

• Suitcases

• Propane tanks

• Used oil, paint

• Tires

• Lawnmowers

• Pillows, cushions, and duvets

• Computers and monitors (collected by Free Geek to re-purpose for those in need)

• Clothing - women, men, children

• Accessories - scarves, hats, gloves

• Shoes

• Bags and purses

• Bedding - sheets, pillow cases, blankets

• Curtains

• Bath towels

• Fabric shower curtains

• Cloth tablecloths and napkins

• Kitchen tea towels


• Electronics

• Video game systems

• Small household appliances

• Power tools

• Home theatre components

• Portable audio and video equipment

• Phones

• Household batteries

• Light bulbs

• Light fixtures

• Car seats

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Password = (obtain from student) If the password is attempted too many times, the student or parent will be locked out.

A reset is necessary to re-access.


Go to our website at:


IMPORTANT INFORMATION Did you know that report cards are now available online?

The Vancouver Board of Education has rolled out the online MyEd reporting

system as of September 2017. You can view your child’s report card on MyEd.

To access, you must have your child’s student number and their password.

If they need a password reset due to being locked out or forgotten go to: You must have the following:

PEN# and Date of Birth

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Changes will be made for the following reasons only:

1. If you are missing a course.

2. If one of the courses that appears on your timetable was not of your choosing.

3. If you failed the prerequisite course and you are not repeating / taking it in summer school.

4. If one or more of your courses need to be changed because of your taking summer school.

5. Repeating a course with a teacher with whom you failed in the previous year.

Counsellors will be working the week of August 31st to September 4th.


regarding course changes/requests or booking appointments, Starting on Wednesday, August 26.

Responses in order of receipt.


Mr. O. Goncalves [email protected] Grade 8, ELL, Int’l

Ms. J. Sharples [email protected] Grade 9, LALS, ELL, Int’l

Ms. A. Sum [email protected] Grade 10, LAC, ELL, Int’l

Mr. R. Ferguson [email protected] Grade 10, LAC, ELL, Int’l

Ms. T. Romano [email protected] Grade 11, ELL, Int’l

Ms. S. Glynianyi [email protected] Grade 12, ELL, Int’l

2020-2021 COUNSELLORS &


Principal: Mr. K. Gill

VP: Ms. D. Hughes

VP: Mr. T. Myring

VP: Ms. K. Thomson

Grade 8 & ELL & Int’l

Mr. O. Goncalves

Grade 9, LALS & ELL & Int’l

Ms. J. Sharples

Grade 10, LAC & ELL & Int’l

Ms A. Sum

Mr. R. Ferguson

Grade 11 & ELL & Int’l

Ms. T. Romano

Grade 12 & ELL & Int’l

Ms. S. Glynianyi

Tofino, BC

Summer’s Splendor by the Sea By Patricia L. Cisco

Summer's splendor by the sea,

a gentle, blue serenity.

Caressing rays of golden sun,

blushing, bronzing all who come.

Enticed by its romantic lure,

lovers stroll the sandy shore.

Hushing rhythm of the waves

and salty, misty ocean sprays.

Sea birds echo call of cries,

pierce the deep blue azure skies.

Dolphins dancing on their way

across the sea out to the bay.

A glistening, shiny, sun-soaked day.

All young and old alike at play,

building castles by the sea,

jumping waves and spirits free.

No place on earth as perfect to be

as summer's splendor by the sea!

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CALENDAR 2020-2021


School Operation Overview

Number of Days in Session 188

Number of Days of Instruction 181

Number of Days of Non- Instruction 6 Non Instructional Days

1 Administrative Day (June 30)

Important Dates

School Opening Day Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 12, 2020

Remembrance Day Holiday Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Last Day of Instruction before Winter Vacation Friday, December 18, 2020

Winter Vacation Period Monday, December 21, 2020 - Friday, January 1, 2021

School Re-opens after Winter Vacation Monday, January 4, 2021

Family Day Monday, February 15, 2021

Last Day of Instruction before Spring Vacation Friday, March 12, 2021

Spring Vacation Period Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 26, 2021

School Re-opens after Spring Vacation Monday, March 29, 2021

Good Friday Friday, April 2, 2021

Easter Monday Monday, April 5, 2021

Victoria Day Monday, May 24, 2021

Last Full Day of Attendance Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Administrative School Closing Day Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Professional Development and Curriculum Implementation Days

(school not in session; all disrict and province wide dates are Day 0)

Friday, September 25, 2020 Professional Development Day (Date set by school)

Friday, October 23, 2020 Professional Development Day (Province Wide)

Friday, November 27, 2020 Indigenous Focus Professional Day (District Wide)

Monday, January 18, 2021 Professional Development Day (Date set by school)

Friday, February 12, 2021 Curriculum Implementation Day (District Wide)

Monday, April 25, 2021 Profesional Development Day (District Wide)

Collaborative Dates Collaborative Times

Thursday, September 17, 2020 - Day 1 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, October 15, 2020 - Day 2 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Friday, November 20, 2020 - Day 2 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, December 10, 2020 - Day 1 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, January 14, 2021 - Day 2 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - Day 1 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, March 11, 2021 - Day 2 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, April 15, 2021 - Day 1 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - Day 2 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - Day 1 8:40 am to 9:55 am - 1st class begins at 10:00 am

Parent Conference Dates

Thursday, November 19, 2020 - Day 1 (5:00 pm to 8:00 pm)