Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill Error Handling in Java Throwing and catching exceptions.

Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill Error Handling in Java Throwing and catching exceptions


Copyright © Curt Hill Traditional Exception Handling In many languages there is no error handling If we think there is a good chance that a divisor could be zero, we could test it: if(k==0) { // handle error … else j = m/k;

Transcript of Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill Error Handling in Java Throwing and catching exceptions.

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Error Handling in Java

Throwing and catching exceptions

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Exceptions• Exception: An unexpected

problem that prevents normal continuation of the algorithm

• Examples: divide by zerousing a null handle

• Uncaught exceptions are generally run-time errors

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Traditional Exception Handling

• In many languages there is no error handling

• If we think there is a good chance that a divisor could be zero, we could test it:if(k==0) { // handle error …else j = m/k;

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Problems• There are just too many

possible ways to generate an exception

• If we tested each one with an if most of the code would be error testing

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Java Exception Handling• Java exception handling is

having one error handling routine that intercepts all divide by zero exceptions

• The exception handler can be a long ways from the exception

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Two Parts of Exception Handling

• Finding the error and announcing it as an error– Throwing an exception– This uses the throw and throws

keyword • Handling the exception

– Recovery or error handling– This uses the try, catch, and finally


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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Exceptions• Everything in Java is a class

– Exception is no exception• There are at least 35 subclasses of

Exception including– ClassNotFoundException– GeneralSecurityException (21 subclasses)– IOException (21 subclasses)– RuntimeException (29 subclasses)

• Many of these are subclassed as well

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Catching the exception• Uses the try catch block• try introduces a compound statement• This is followed by one or more catch

clauses• There can also be one finally clause• Each catch clause is like a one

parameter method that handles that kind of exception

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try catch syntax• Form is:try { // code

. . . }catch (ExceptionType_1 e) { handle exception 1}catch (ExceptionType_2 e) { handle exception 2 }...finally { always executed }

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Form of catch• catch (type parm){stmts}• Parameter is an exception type• Derived from Exception• Only usable in the compound

statement• Compound statement is like a

method body and the Exception (or subclass) is the only parameter

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Example try catch• Catch divide by zero:try { fun(x); }catch(ArithmeticException a){ System.out.println(“Oops”); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(“Oops2”); }

• The error can be in the try or in any function called from within the try

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Exceptions and the throw

• Many exceptions are thrown automatically by the Java Virtual Machine

• These require no intervention on our part

• We can also throw them manually

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Throwing an Exception• Use new to allocate the exception• Use the throw keyword to launch it• Example:if(j==0) throw new ArithmeticException(“j was zero”);

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Exception Constructors• Exception and its subclasses

usually have two constructors• A default • A constructor that takes a

message• This message can be extracted

in the catch

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Exception Methods• Exception and its subclasses

have several methods of importance

• getMessage()– Returns the constructor message

• printStackTrace– No parameters: display on error

file– One parameter: file to display on

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A Better try catch• try { ... }catch(ArithmeticException a){ System.out.println( a.getMessage()); printStackTrace(System.out);}

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Cause and Effect• The throw and catch do not have to be

near each other• The throw is like a super return • The current function is exited as well as

any between this one and the function containing the try and catch

• Consider in next screen, a main function with a try catch that calls Fun_1, which calls Fun_2, which calls Oops, which throws an exception

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Call example

try{ Fun_1(…)catch(…)








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Exception Processing• The call stack between throw and

catch is flushed• The function and all those in

between are terminated• They may be re-executed later, but

they can not be resumed

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Nested Trys• We do not usually nest a try within

another• However, to get to our exception

we may go through several try catch pairs in several methods

• The exception is always caught by the closest try

• Closest in terms of most recently called function

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Second call example

try{ Fun_1(…)catch(…){…}



try { Fun_2(…);catch(…){…}





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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Throwing Revisited• The throw keyword launches an

exception• Any function that contains any of

these must either handle the exception or announce that it is a possibility

• The announcement is done with the throws clause

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

The throws clause• The throws clause mentions the

exception thrown• Follows the function parameter list• Precedes the opening brace• int f(...) throws Exception {. . . throw new Exception(“Oops”);

• Announces the possibility of this error, even though it might or might not actually occur

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

More on throws• If a function calls a function with a

throws clause it must catch what is thrown or have a throws itself

• There always has to be a catch• Throws is not needed for

automatics thrown by JVM– Functions that throw a

RunTimeException or its subclasses do not need a throws

– This is only exception of JVM

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Methods with Throws• Many methods have throws

– Particularly in regard to I/O• A call of these methods must be

within a try catch– Otherwise a syntax error is given

• Fortunately, that syntax error tells the programmer exactly what exception is to be thrown

Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

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Multiple Catches• A try catch statement can have many

catch clauses• They are tried in order from top to bottom• What the clause handles is based on the

parameter to the catch• Put the specifics first and the generals later• See the subclasses of Exception for more


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Order• Consider the following:

try {…} catch(Exception e){…} catch(IOException i){…}

• The second catch can never be executed

• IOException is a subclass of Exception• Since checking starts from top, there

is no condition that could trigger the second that would not be caught by the first

• Java compiler flags as an error

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Finally• Clause is always executed,

whether exception occurs or not• Provides for final cleanup

– File closing or cleanup– Network connection termination

• It is optional• Often the catches set a variable

that the finally checks to see what cleanup is needed

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Multiple trys and catches• There can be as many try catch

statements as wanted• The smaller the area protected, the

more specific the exception handling can be

• The larger the area the more general the exception handling

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Throw and Throw Again• A catch may end up with an

exception that it does not know how to handle

• It merely issues a throw and lets someone else handle it

• It better be nested in an if so that all exceptions are not thrown

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User Defined Exceptions• Like most classes Exception may

be subclassed• Its subclasses may be also• A new Exception class may be

defined by subclassing any of these and providing both constructors

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Throwable• Exception is a subclass of

Throwable• Throwable defines most of the

methods:– getMessage– printStackTrace

• Throwable has another subclass Error– Used for problems that most

programs will not catch, such as VirtualMachineError

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Copyright © 1999-2012 Curt Hill

Last Thoughts• How do you figure out what

exceptions to catch?• The documentation always

specifies any thrown exceptions• There is also the trial and error

method– Make the last catch for Exception– Exceptions have a toString method– Display this and it will tell you what

you should be catching

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New Things• Keywords

– try– catch– throw– throws– finally

• Classes– Exception and descendents