
Daniel: Nicholas, Why you late again? You sure did your homework last minute. Nicholas: I’m so sorry, not anymore. I found something interesting article in the internet this morning, that’s why I’m late. Daniel: Well, it’s ok, I forgive you, this is not the first time you late. Anyway, what does it about? Nicholas: Research shows that approximately 5 smoker die every day because of lung cancer. You know that the smoking can lead on to many disease that can cause dead? Daniel: Wow! I can’t believe it! Can you imagine cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 different chemical substances which inhale in everyday? How could the smoker didn’t know about this? Kong: The cigarette smoke contains nicotine, tar, minute smoke particles, carcinogens and others. These foreign substances have no good effects on the body. They are all bad. Dennis: Beside that, the smoke has a foul smell, as even smokers themselves admit. The smoker is almost certainly to be afflicted by an irritable throat, a persistent cough, and lungs constantly stressed by the onslaught of cigarette smoke. Kong: I agree with Dennis. Sometimes these symptoms lead on to bronchitis and other lung diseases, including lung cancer. Not only the lungs affected. The heart and other organs suffer as well. In short, cigarette smoke is detrimental to the health. Effectively is shortens the life of the smoker.

Transcript of Conversation

Page 1: Conversation

Daniel: Nicholas, Why you late again? You sure did your homework last minute.

Nicholas: I’m so sorry, not anymore. I found something interesting article in the internet this morning, that’s why I’m late.

Daniel: Well, it’s ok, I forgive you, this is not the first time you late. Anyway, what does it about?

Nicholas: Research shows that approximately 5 smoker die every day because of lung cancer. You know that the smoking can lead on to many disease that can cause dead?

Daniel: Wow! I can’t believe it! Can you imagine cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 different chemical substances which inhale in everyday? How could the smoker didn’t know about this?

Kong: The cigarette smoke contains nicotine, tar, minute smoke particles, carcinogens and others. These foreign substances have no good effects on the body. They are all bad.

Dennis: Beside that, the smoke has a foul smell, as even smokers themselves admit. The smoker is almost certainly to be afflicted by an irritable throat, a persistent cough, and lungs constantly stressed by the onslaught of cigarette smoke.

Kong: I agree with Dennis. Sometimes these symptoms lead on to bronchitis and other lung diseases, including lung cancer. Not only the lungs affected. The heart and other organs suffer as well. In short, cigarette smoke is detrimental to the health. Effectively is shortens the life of the smoker.

Dennis: Excuse me, I’m not quite sure what the secondhand smoke is? Is it harmful to the people around who have never smoke?

Daniel: Oh, I also know that cigarette smoke not only affects the smoker. It even affects those around them. So, in a family in which one person or more smoke, the chances of the other family members developing the above diseases are increased.

Nicholas: I agree with Daniel because secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette or cigar and what the smoker exhales. Even low levels of secondhand smoke are harmful.

Kong: Secondhand smoke also contributes to the incidence of ear infections and asthma attacks in children, increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and cause smoking-related diseases in people who have never smoked. That

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why the chances of the other family members developing the diseases are increased.

Daniel: I think there are still have some effects. Smoking also contributes to infertility and decreases the chance of conception whether you are a man or woman. Men who smoke are found to have a reduced total sperm count in addition to a decrease in the sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg. Smoking diminishes the capacity of an ovary to produce eggs that are capable of healthy fertilization.

Nicholas: So we all must avoid from smoking because besides the above disadvantages, the lung is the main target of the smoke inhaled by cigarettes because it has direct contact with the chemicals.

Dennis: Smoking is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, which affects the function of the lungs and how they deliver oxygen into the body. COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema and involves a change in the structure of your lung tissue and airways.

Kong: Is there anything good in smoking?

Daniel: Of course not. Smoking is a detestable and destructive habit. There is no good in it at all. Living is far healthier and more enjoyable without having to cope with the ill effects of smoking.

Dennis: I really hope that our friend and people around us will not smoking anymore.

Kong: Hey! The tuition is starting in five minutes! I think we should be on our way.

Nicholas: All right, let’s go.