Content Marketing Framework

Thesis Content Marketing Rachel Liaw 2015 08 Content Marketing Framework

Transcript of Content Marketing Framework

ThesisContent Marketing

Rachel Liaw2015 08

Content MarketingFramework

Changes in Online Marketing Two way Communications

Online Marketing

Power to Take Actions


Social Pull  Strategy

Things Consumers Prefer

70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads.

60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on the company’s website.(Webber, 2013)

is a non-interruption approach that creates valuable information to the customer’s

needs instead of just selling the product.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Online Marketing

Bought Media Owned Media Earned Media




SEMSocial Media




Content Marketing

Content marketing is the critical instrument that fuels all the media channels.

Definition of Content Marketing

“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience –with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

----------Content Marketing Institute

Purpose of Content Marketing



Thought Leadership

Communication, Education

Less Cost

Build Relationship

Bought Media Owned Media Earned Media

Align with Online Marketing

Online Marketing

Content Marketing

On Going Process

Case Study -Oreo

1 million +fans on FB

433 million FB views +280 %

231 million times Media Coverage (Impression)

Trendy Topics+ Sharable Content +Time Bound= Successful Content Marketing

Content Marketing Framework

Step 1- Strategy


Example of Buyer Persona (Source: Hubspot)

What are their pain points?

What do they value most?

Where do they go for information?


A buyer persona is defined as a representation of a company’s ideal customer.

Step 1- Strategy

Customer Journey


A customer journey maps a buyer’s decision making process during a purchase.


The most foundational step in customer journey mapping is identifying the touch points where a customer interacts with the company.

Step 1-Strategy



What content categories do the competitors own? Where is the white space?

Step 1-StrategySweetSpot

Topic positioning is the unique point of company’s contents.

Sweet Spot (Source: Kapost & Marketo)

Step 2- Goal

Goal Owned Earned

Awareness Number of visitors/ Number of fans, followers

Number of Shares /Number of tweets /Number of brand searches on a search engine

SMART CriteriaSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound

Goal KPI

Setting the goal with reachable KPIs helps to measure the progress.

Step 3- Content Creation

Buying Journey


Idea Generation (source: London School of Marketing)


Find out ideas from social listening, influencers and buyer personas.

ContentFormsStep 3- Content Creation

Content Matrix. (Bosomworth, 2014)

Different forms serve for different purposes. Once an idea is decided, it should be reused in different formats.

Step 3- Content Creation

Brand Voice



Editorial Calendar (source: Kapost)Brand Voice (source:



Publishing guideline and editorial calendar can help the team more efficiently.

Editorial Calendar

Step4- Distribution and Amplification

Bought Media

Owned Media

Earned Media

Use different BOE media to distribute and amplify the contents.

Step 5 – Measurement & Optimization

Content marketing is an ongoing process. This content marketing framework aligns with company’s marketing strategy, and provides a circulating process to optimize and improve the content marketing. The first step of strategy works as the center of every content marketing plan, while step two to step five works as a circulating process.

Attracting customers by valuable contents is the spirit behind content marketing, but it takes time to scale up the traffic of owned media to have prominent results. That is why content marketing should be conducted in a long-term manner, instead of focusing on immediate results. Qualitative contents are hard to measure but can be optimized for a continual long process.

As contents and audience are accumulated and reach a certain scale, these become the asset and a perpetual source of leads and new customers at low cost.

In a Long-Time Manner