Construction Final


Transcript of Construction Final

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When constructing our magazines, my group and I began by setting a house style including factors such as; fonts, background colour and agreeing a recognisable colour palette for each issue. The background colour of black was chosen as it is ideal for making the images, ext and other features stand out. Another reason for choosing this background colour is because it can be linked to the deep colours of the Jazz portion of Japop.

It was a group decision to portray the contents title in the same font as the Mast Head, giving a house style. Making it evident that both sections did appear to be from the same magazine. Making it appear more professional. When deciding on the font, my group and I narrowed it down to four fonts and encouraged people of the target age group to vote for the one that they liked best. This one called won. We originally chose this font as it has a fun vibe, which links to Pop. However, has an old fashioned poster appearance which cold relate to the era of which Jazz came from.

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In order to create this magazine I was having to create numerous layers so that the features I had included could all be moved about easily, perhaps if I wanted to move certain features while I wanted others to remain stationary. Also, I used these layers so that (depending upon the order) certain portions would overlap others while other features remain behind the others.

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My group and I decided that part of the house style, which would be followed through each of our issues of ‘Diverse’ would be a shadow, featured behind the contents title and the Mast head. In order to do this we introduced an exact replica of the title then put this new layer behind the previous one which held the first title that was made.

We primarily decided upon this shade of purple for the shadow effect, as this colour can be associated with both Pop and Jazz. However when we had basically finished designing the house style features and went our separate way to construct our separate editions of our magazine, we all decided upon different colours and altogether colour schemes, so that the magazines didn’t look too alike to each other and had their own personalities.

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In our group we came up with the slogan ‘ Japoppin for the very first time’, this slogan reinforces the name of the new genre, we have created providing a different way to say it, Japop is the name and when you listen to this genre you are Japoppin. I originally had this slogan coloured in light purple which can be referred to Pop while the box out behind it was coloured in this deep navy blue referencing Jazz. In every issue the font style used for the slogan is the same as it’s clear enough to stand out and catch peoples attention.

It was at this point in which I had decided upon the photo’s for this particular photo shoot, I edited this image on Photo Shop then opened it on Indesign to place upon my front cover. I used this image as my front cover image as it can really connect with the perspective readers. To clarify Jess is staring directly at the camera, establishing that she is directly targeting and luring the audience into reading this magazine. The fact that she is smiling in this image, sends out a happy and poppy persona, rather than the traditional Jazz strict and pouting appearance.

At this point I had began writing the main heading of Jess and her new Japop single, in the red writing to connect to Jazz and Valentine’s Day. Still in the stages of deciding what font I was going to use.

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Over these sections of the construction, I had decided that I didn’t feel that the presentation of the slogan was completely effective and that it would target that it would target the appropriate audience more effectively if I were to change it to this deep purple background which links to Jazz, keeping the idea of making the text purple/pink however when I modified it I made the shade of the text slightly warmer relating back to Pop.

I had chosen so far to use both the texts Berlin Sans and Arial Rounded for the main heading these colour I had chosen at this point e.g. the hot pink could definitely be related to Pop.

This image of Lillah and Lola, was the one I was I was first going to use, this image of them both smiling standing together, would be able to inform the readers of their performances, the genre and target audience which they are associated.

I had added a bottom strip, caption which is associated with the image, the purple and pinks used really target the appropriate target audience of females of perhaps a younger age.

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In these stages I was adding in captions and box outs to entice and intrigue potential readers into reading this magazine. The colours I used were all conscious in linking to the appropriate audience, and the genres necessary.

I changed the colour of the bottom strip from this purple/ and pink ensemble to the other contrasting pinks. This really concentrates upon the Pop oriented audience, however the deep pink can be related to the enriched colours associated with Japop.

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I continued to add in more box outs and captions to fill up my magazine’s front cover. I had to keep referencing my contents listing to decide upon which features I wanted to be exhibited upon my front cover. I repeatedly modified my text and box out colours, trying to get an equal balance between the Pop and Jazz genres, to re-establish the hybrid that is Japop, target the appropriate audience and finally look right and work with all of the other features that are portrayed in my magazine.

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I eventually decided to put this image of Lillah and Lola on the front cover as this really informs the audience of what they are about e.g. their instruments and their presentation to the audience, concentrating upon the fiiner details of their make up like their clothing and accessories.

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Over these two stages of my construction I had added in more caption boxes to fill out the space and not leave any blank spaces, leaving it very eye catching and appealing to the target audience.

Plus at this point I had added in my barcode and, Issue, date and the price information, I was trying to make it look practical, using up an adequate amount of space while at the same time not overdoing it. I made it look clear, and practical with the use of red text which stands out, therefore, is easier to be seen by the readers and the colours relate to the genres and Valentine’s Day.

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This is my finished magazine cover, when I had finished adding in the different factors that had to be considered.

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At this point I had decided upon the basic content of my magazine, however not the exact order and specified colour or font yet. This was incredibly rough, just so that I was fully aware of the definite content, so that I could refer back to it while constructing my front cover, I particular. While I was spending time on my, contents I realised that if I was going to have my own individual colour scheme I should change the colour of the background shadow effect on the title, I changed this factor on my front cover also. This deep pink, once again can be related to the appearance and colours of Valentine’s Day and both genres which form the hybrid of Japop, as this colour is vibrant and eye catching, which could attract potential buyers of the magazine and can be associated with the adventurous side of Pop. While at the same time the shade of the colour being deep as it is links to sophistication, maturity and the genre of Jazz.

My group and I decided that we would change the title of the contents from ‘Diverse’ and not chose the generic ‘Contents’ to inside as it is less common and different, like Japop. So we all (in our individual issues) changed the title of the contents page to ‘Inside…’. The use of the ellipsis ‘…’ provides a sense of anticipation, of what is yet to come in this magazine. Perhaps being able to entice and intrigue the potential readers. Attracting them to the content listings and the images featured.

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When deciding the images which would be placed upon my contents page I primarily decided upon on these, the reasons being that; I liked the picture of Jess reaching out to the readers, this long, low shot, it’s quite cleverly targeting and attracting the potential readers, as her hand and arm are extended to them, it could be quite a good way of grabbing their attention, similarly as in this picture she was staring directly at the camera, it seems that she is making eye contact with the audience which could entice them into wanting to read the magazine. This image of Lillah and Lola was originally going to be placed in the contents as you can see, the reason I was originally going to use this image in the contents, was because then on the front cover you would see the image of them both facing the camera smiling, which would then be followed by this image revealing more about them i.e. what instruments they play in their songs.

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Here I had decided upon the order and layout of my content listing. I was still dabbling in the colours trying different colour schemes out in order to deduce which would target my audience more effectively.

At this point I had decided upon these deep purple, light pink and vibrant red. Purple, relating to the idea of Jazz, Pink linking to the appearance of Pop and finally Red references Valentine’s Day. I decided to write the content listing in Arial Rounded, as it is clear enough to be read and fits a house style, this text has been featured repeatedly throughout the magazine creating familiarity.

I had changed the images of Lillah and Lola around as I previously explained.

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I was deciding upon, whether or not to use a frame around the image of Lillah and Lola. I liked the idea of including this, as I felt it would enhance and encourage the image to stand out more luring the eyes of the readers to this section of the contents page. However, I wasn’t exactly sure which type of frame to use, as you can see I was trying out the different effects, and styles to appeal to a younger, female audience.

I added a glow effect around Jess’ image, once again in an attempt for it to really stand out and make a statement to the readers. I chose the colour purple as it links to Jazz really well, providing at the same time this modern twist, this happening via the glow’s overall appearance and expanse.

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I had decided upon the design of the frame, but now I had to chose an appropriate colour, this deep red can be related to Valentine’s Day, while the shade and it’s richness can be liked to Jazz.

I was trying out the different colours of the text, e.g. both of them being purple, but I deduced that it was too repetitive and blended into the glow too much

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I finally tried the second list of content in this classic white. The simplicity and sophistication of this colour and appearance can be referred to Jazz and some of the lighter colours found in the Pop genre.

Finally I added the page number, to complete my Contents page.

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Another common feature which was continued through every issue of the magazine was the feature of lyrics. I wrote the lyrics for Jess’ song ‘My Gorgeous Valentine’ so that it could be featured in the double page article alongside the image. This box out seemed an appropriate to separate the two inclusions of this feature. I originally coloured this box out, light blue to link to the lighter colours of Pop and the Blue (music genre linked to Jazz). I began typing in my magazine title, starting in Verdana before looking for another one to use, which was a bit more adventurous and clear.

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When looking for an alternate font for my double article I wanted to concentrate on the stylish and sophisticated appearance of Jazz and the fun and adventurous portrayal of Pop. This font called Nueva seemed to possess those qualities which I was looking for. At this point I was just looking for a colour to use, which would link to all of the necessary aspects.

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I’d decided to colour it in this bright red, a shade which can particularly be related to Valentines day and it’s associated colour scheme. This as well as being referred to the vibrant, enriched colours of Jazz. This colour really stands out and is incredibly eye catching, so would be effective in luring reader’s eyes to the title and the content and the article.

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At this point I had already written the song, and so I began by filling the box out with it’s necessary content. I copied the song into the box, colouring it black so that it would be easily read in contrast to the light blue. I needed to decide upon the font for this section of text, I eventually decided upon the font Berlin Sans. My reason for this being, that it isn’t a strict text, like the type of text I would have to use for the article, however, it is slightly more adventurous. When looking at text’s, like this one I had to check that it could be read and was clear enough to see when zooming out. This font was very good to use as, it’s adventurous style can be related to Pop, but it’s neat and mature air can be linked back to Jazz.

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As the production of my magazine progressed, I realised that I didn’t think the blue which was originally filling this box out, was very effective in the task of linking to the colours which at this point were dominating my magazine. This shade of pink, is very effective in linking to Pop, which is a very pink dominated genre, similarly, this slightly deeper shade of pink is incredibly robust and enriched, a feature commonly related to the colours of Jazz. If I’d have continued to use the black text, which I had originally intended the colours would have clashed appearing, out of sync and messy. Taking this into consideration I knew that I would have to change the colour of the text, not wanting a mixture of too many colours in such a small space, I decided upon using white. The style of the text used can, therefore, be related to Pop while the colour which in turn gives out a sophisticated and mature twist. All of these factors contribute to the overall make up of Japop.

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Once I had written my main article about Jess and her new single I began copying it into my empty columns. Just as a starting point so that I could construct the remainder of my double page article around it. I knew that there were sections of the writing which I wanted to stand out from the rest, these captions would, therefore, be attractive and stand out to potential readers, perhaps mentioning subjects which the readers themselves would want to know about.

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I continued to copy the article I had written into the column spaces

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I eventually decided to change the font style from Nueva to Arial Rounded, the reason for this being that it’s a clearer font altogether, standing out more effectively. This appears to be very modern which can be related to the modern era of Pop. I kept the red, as it really links to the appropriate genres as I have previously explained.

When I had copied the whole of my article into the column spaces, had changed my mind about using the pink text for the necessary captions and decided instead to use this purple text, because I felt that using pink, targeted the pop side of the hybrid too muc, so this deep purple in it’s place relates back more to the genre of Jazz.

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I had decided that I wanted to put a background on my double page article, I wanted the use of greenery to be present therefore relating to the unique and completely different vibe of Jazz. In order to do this I took images of greenery around my school, and edited them on photo shop, cleaning them up to make the setting look nicer and more polished. I cloned sections of the grass to make the image span out longer and then deleted the sections of the sky to leave a more rouged and textured image in it’s wake.

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I opened the image on Adobe Indesign and positioned it behind all of the features on my double page article.

I moved it against the side of my first page so that it didn’t appear too out of place. Then inserted the image of Jess over it to try and make it appear as if she is standing in this green piece of scenery.

Once I had positioned this large hedge in the background I realised that the abrupt manner in which the green stops at the start of the second page looked unprofessional and strange, deducing the fact that I would have to re-edit this image so that it ended with a smoother conclusion.

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In Photo Shop I made the image smaller so that I could clone the grass in to a small slope, making the image appear less abrupt. Then it would be ready to open on Adobe Indesign again.

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The image was obviously small when I first opened it on Indesign, so I dragged it out to make it bigger. The image appeared to be much more effective at this point and smoother, when the image was at it’s full size. I just needed to modify the order of the layers so that

the image of Jess went over the top of it rather than overlapped by it.

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At this point it looked like this, plus I also modified the text for the article title giving it a shadow effect, making it stand out better, when it’s against the green backing, really catching peoples attention, luring their eyes to the title and enticing the reader.

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The next job for me to do was to open my completed CD cover on Indesign so that it could be placed at the end of my article. I decided that I didn’t just want it to be placed on top of the background but instead I wanted to be surrounded by a frame, to make it appear more attractive and lure people’s eyes to it, trying to convince them to buy it. The deep purple links to Jazz and the embossed feature on the frame is more attractive and provides that quality as if it is jumping out of the page persuading people to buy it, this supported by the ‘OUT NOW!’ adds excitement and anticipation. This all adds to attracting the appropriate audience showcasing this genre and the CD itself.

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I changed the colour and font on the ‘OUT NOW’ under the CD cover to this vibrant pink which relates back to Pop while remaining eye catching.

Finally I added the page number in this style to complete my double page article and make it look professional.

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This is my completed Double page article.