Constilaw 2 Digests- Freedom of Speech-expression-press

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Transcript of Constilaw 2 Digests- Freedom of Speech-expression-press

  • 7/24/2019 Constilaw 2 Digests- Freedom of Speech-expression-press


    US VS. BUSTOS [37 PHIL. 731; G.R. L-12592; 8 MAR 1918]

    Fact!In the latter part of 1915, numerous citizens of the Province of Pampanga assembled, and

    prepared and signed a petition to the Executive Secretaryprivileged communication! through the la"

    office of #rossfield and $%&rien, and five individuals signed affidavits, charging 'oman Punsalan,

    (ustice of the peace of )acabebe and )asantol, Pampanga, "ith malfeasance in office and as*ingfor his removal+ he specific chargesagainst the (ustice of the peace include the solicitation of money

    from persons "ho have pending cases before the (udge+ -o", Punsalan alleged that accused

    published a "riting "hich "as false, scandalous, malicious, defamatory, and libelous against him+

    I"#!.hether or -ot accused is entitled to constitutional protection by virtue of his right to free

    speech and free press+

    H#$%!/es+ he guaranties of a free speech and a free press include the right to criticize (udicial

    conduct+ he administration of the la" is a matter of vital public concern+ .hether the la" is "iselyor badly enforced is, therefore, a fit sub(ect for proper comment+ If the people cannot criticize a

    (ustice of the peace or a (udge the same as any other public officer, public opinion "ill be effectively

    suppressed+ It is a duty "hich every one o"es to society or to the State to assist in the investigation

    of any alleged misconduct+ It is further the duty of all "ho *no" of any official dereliction on the part

    of a magistrate or the "rongful act of any public officer to bring the facts to the notice of those "hose

    duty it is to in0uire into and punish them+

    he right to assemble and petition is the necessary conse0uence of republican institutions and the

    complement of the part of free speech+ ssembly means a right on the part of citizens to meet

    peaceably for consultation in respect to public affairs+ Petition means that any person or group of

    persons can apply, "ithout fear of penalty, to the appropriate branch or office of the government for aredress of grievances+ he persons assembling and petitioning must, of course, assume

    responsibility for thecharges made+ ll persons have an interest in the pure and efficient

    administration of (ustice and of public affairs+

    Public policy, the "elfare of society, and the orderly administration of government have demanded

    protection for public opinion+ he inevitable and incontestable result has been the development and

    adoption of the doctrine of privilege+ ll persons have an interest in the pure and efficient

    administration of (ustice and of public affairs+ he duty under "hich a party is privileged is sufficient if

    it is social or moral in its nature and this person in good faith believes he is acting in pursuance

    thereof although in fact he is mista*en+ lthough the charges are probably not true as to the (ustice

    of the peace, they "ere believed to be true by the petitioners+ 2ood faith surrounded theiraction+ Probable cause for them to thin* that malfeasance or misfeasance in office existed is

    apparent+ he ends and the motives of these citizens3 to secure the removal from office of a person

    thought to be venal 3 "ere (ustifiable+ In no "ay did they abuse the privilege+

    In the usual case malice can be presumed from defamatory "ords+ Privilege destroys that

    presumption+ privileged communication should not be sub(ected to microscopic examination to

    discover grounds of malice or falsity+
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    B"&'() S&. * +,# ( Sta) AFP

    133 S+RA 8//

    G.R. 0(. 21

    #c#4#& 2) 198

    Fact! Petitioners assail the validity of 4 search "arrants issued on ecember 6, 1974 byrespondent 8udge #ruzPano of the then #ourt of :irst Instance of 'izal, under "hich the premises

    *no"n as -o+ 19, 'oad ;, Pro(ect ?nits # @ , ')S &uilding, =uezon

    venue, =uezon #ity, business addresses of the A)etropolitan )ailA and A.e :orumA ne"spapers,

    respectively, "ere searched, and office and printing machines, e0uipment, paraphernalia, motor

    vehicles and other articles used in the printing, publication and distribution of the said ne"spapers,

    as "ell as numerous papers, documents, boo*s and other "ritten literature alleged to be in the

    possession and control of petitioner 8ose &urgos, 8r+ publishereditor of the A.e :orumA ne"spaper,

    "ere seized+ s a conse0uence of the search and seizure, these premises "ere padloc*ed and

    sealed, "ith the further result that the printing and publication of said ne"spapers "ere discontinued+

    'espondents contend that petitioners should have filed a motion to 0uash said "arrants in the court

    that issued them before impugning the validity of the same before this #ourt+ 'espondents also

    assail the petition on ground of laches :ailure or negligence for an unreasonable and unexplained

    length of time to do that "hich, by exercising due diligence, could or should have been done earlier+

    It is negligence or omission to assert a right "ithin a reasonable time, "arranting a presumption that

    the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or declined to assert it!+ 'espondents further

    state that since petitioner had already used as evidence some of the documents seized in a prior

    criminal case, he is stopped from challenging the validity of the search "arrants+

    Petitioners submit the follo"ing reasons to nullify the 0uestioned "arrantsB

    1+ 'espondent 8udge failed to conduct an examination under oath or affirmation of the

    applicant and his "itnesses, as mandated by the above0uoted constitutional provision as "ell asSec+ >, 'ule 14< of the 'ules of #ourt+

    4+ he search "arrants pinpointed only one address "hich "ould be the former

    abovementioned address+

    ;+ rticles belonging to his copetitioners "ere also seized although the "arrants "ere only

    directed against 8ose &urgos, 8r+

    >+ 'eal properties "ere seized+

    5+ he application along "ith a (oint affidavit, upon "hich the "arrants "ere issued, from the

    )etrocom Intelligence and Security 2roup could not have provided sufficient basis for the finding of

    a probable cause upon "hich a "arrant may be validly issued in accordance "ith Section ;, rticle

    IC of the 196; #onstitution+

    'espondents (ustify the continued sealing of the printing machines on the ground that they have

    been se0uestered under Section 7 of Presidential ecree -o+ 775, as amended, "hich authorizes

    se0uestration of the property of any person engaged in subversive activities against the government

    in accordance "ith implementing rules and regulations as may be issued by the Secretary of

    -ational efense+

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    I"#! .hether or -ot the 4 search "arrants "ere validly issued and executed+

    H#$%! In regard to the 0uashal of "arrants that petitioners should have initially filed to the lo"er

    court, this #ourt ta*es cognizance of this petition in vie" of the seriousness and urgency of the

    constitutional Issue raised, not to mention the public interest generated by the search of the A.e

    :orumA offices "hich "as televised in #hannel 6 and "idely publicized in all metropolitan dailies+he existence of this special circumstance (ustifies this #ourt to exercise its inherent po"er to

    suspend its rules+ .ith the contention pertaining to laches, the petitioners gave an explanation

    evidencing that they have exhausted other extra(udicial efforts to remedy the situation, negating the

    presumption that they have abandoned their right to the possession of the seized property+

    $n the enumerated reasonsB

    1+ his ob(ection may properly be considered moot and academic, as petitioners themselves

    conceded during the hearing on ugust 9, 197;, that an examination had indeed been conducted by

    respondent (udge of #ol+ badilla and his "itnesses+

    4+ he defect pointed out is obviously a typographical error+ Precisely, t"o search "arrants"ere applied for and issued because the purpose and intent "ere to search t"o distinct premises+ It

    "ould be 0uite absurd and illogical for respondent (udge to have issued t"o "arrants intended for

    one and the same place+

    ;+ Section 4, 'ule 14

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    Fact!$n )arch 49, 19

    defendants on the grounds that the statements in the advertisement "ere libelous per se Klegal in(ury

    being implied "ithout proof of actual damagesL, false, and not privileged+ $n appeal, the Supreme

    #ourt of labama affirmed the decision+ Plaintiffs appealed to the ?nited States Supreme #ourt+

    I"#! #an a public figure receive damages in a civil libel action, if malice is not provenM

    R"$'!-o+ he ?+S+ Supreme #ourt reversed the (udgment and remanded the case+


    statements or "as rec*less in that regard, and therefore could not prove malice+ In the absence of

    malice, respondent could not recover damages+

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    I R:! #c$a&at(&< R#$# R: +(tt"t(a$t< ( RA 88/. G(>a$# *. +(44( (

    :$#ct( [GR L-27833) 18 A&$ 199]En &anc, :ernando 8!B > concur in result, ; filed o"n

    separate opinions

    Fact!"o ne" sections "ere included in the 'evised Election #ode, under 'epublic ct >77,

    "hich "as approved and too* effect on 16 8une 19

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    H#$%!he primacy, the high estate accorded freedom of expression is of course a fundamental

    postulate of our constitutional system+ -o la" shall he passed abridging the freedom of speech or of

    the press+ It embraces, at the very least, free speech and free press may be identified "ith the liberty

    to discuss publicly and truthfully any matter of public interest "ithout censorship or punishment+

    here is to be then no previous restraint on the communication of vie"s or subse0uent liability

    "hether in libel suits, prosecution for sedition, or action for damages, or contempt proceedingsunless there be a clear and present danger of substantive evil that #ongress has a right to prevent+

    he vital need in a constitutional democracy for freedom of expression is undeniable "hether as a

    means of assuring individual selffulfillment, of attaining the truth, of securing participation by the

    people in social including political decisionma*ing, and of maintaining the balance bet"een stability

    and change+ he trend as reflected in Philippine and merican decisions is to recognize the

    broadest scope and assure the "idest latitude to this constitutional guaranty+ It represents a

    profound commitment to the principle that debate of public issue should be uninhibited, robust, and

    "ideopen+ It is not going too far to vie" the function of free speech as inviting dispute+ AIt may

    indeed best serve its high purpose "hen it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction "ith

    conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger+A :reedom of speech and of the press thus

    means something more than the right to approve existing political beliefs or economic arrangements,to lend support to official measures, to ta*e refuge in the existing climate of opinion on any matter of

    public conse0uence+ So atrophied, the right becomes meaningless+ he right belongs as "ell, if not

    more, for those "ho 0uestion, "ho do not conform, and "ho differ+ o paraphrase 8ustice Golmes, it

    is freedom for the thought that "e hate, no less than for the thought that agrees "ith us+ :rom the

    language of the specific constitutional provision, it "ould appear that the right is not susceptible of

    any limitation+ -o la" may be passed abridging the freedom of speech and of the press+ he

    realities of life in a complex society preclude ho"ever a literal interpretation+ :reedom of expression

    is not an absolute+ It "ould be too much to insist that at all times and under all circumstances it

    should remain unfettered and unrestrained+ here are other societal values that press for

    recognition+ "o tests that may supply an acceptable criterion for permissible restriction+ hese are

    the Aclear and present dangerA rule and the Adangerous tendencyA rule+ he #ourt is of the vie" thatno unconstitutional infringement exists insofar as the formation of organizations, associations, clubs,

    committees, or other groups of persons for the purpose of soliciting votes or underta*ing any

    campaign or propaganda or both for or against a candidate or party is restricted and that the

    prohibition against giving, soliciting, or receiving contribution for election purposes, either directly or

    indirectly, is e0ually free from constitutional infirmity+ he restriction on freedom of assembly as

    confined to holding political conventions, caucuses, conferences, meetings, rallies, parades or other

    similar assemblies for the purpose of soliciting votes or underta*ing any campaign or propaganda or

    both for or against a candidate or party, leaving untouched all other legitimate exercise of such

    poses a more difficult 0uestion+ -evertheless, after a thorough consideration, it should not be

    annulled+ he other acts, li*e"ise deemed included in Aelection campaignA or Apartisan political

    activityA tax to the utmost the (udicial predisposition to vie" "ith sympathy legislative efforts toregulate election practices deemed inimical, because of their collision "ith the preferred right of

    freedom of expression+ he scope of the curtailment to "hich freedom of expression may be

    sub(ected is not foreclosed by the recognition of the existence of a clear and present danger of a

    substantive evil, the debasement of the electoral process+ he ma(ority of the #ourt is of the belief

    that the ban on the solicitation or underta*ing of any campaign or propaganda, "hether directly or

    indirectly, by an individual, the ma*ing of speeches, announcements or commentaries or holding

    intervie" for or against the election for any party or candidate for public office, or the publication or

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    distribution of campaign literature or materials, suffers from the corrosion of invalidity+ It lac*s

    ho"ever one more affirmative vote to call for a declaration of unconstitutionality+ he necessary 4D;

    vote, ho"ever, not being obtained, there is no occasion for the po"er to annul statutes to come into

    play+ Such being the case, it is the (udgment of the #ourt that ' >77 cannot be declared


    S(ca$ ?#at,#& Stat( Ic. *. +(44( ( :$#ct( [GR 17571) 5 Ma< 2//1] Second

    ivision, )endoza 8!B ; concur

    Fact!he Social .eather Stations, Inc+ S.S!, is a private nonstoc*, nonprofit social research

    institution conducting surveys in various fields, including economics, politics, demography, and social

    development, and thereafter processing, analyzing, and publicly reporting the results thereof+ $n theother hand, Oamahalan Publishing #orporation publishes the )anila Standard, a ne"spaper of

    general circulation, "hich features ne"s"orthy items of information including election surveys+ S.S

    and Oamahalan Publishing brought the action for prohibition "ith the Supreme #ourt to en(oin the

    #ommission on Elections from enforcing 5+> of ' 9< :air Election ct!, "hich provides that

    ASurveys affecting national candidates shall not be published fifteen 15! days before an election and

    surveys affecting local candidates shall not be published seven 6! days be fore an election+A S.S

    states that it "ishes to conduct an election survey throughout the period of the elections both at the

    national and local levels and release to the media the results of such survey as "ell as publish them

    directly+ Oamahalan Publishing, on the other hand, states that it intends to publish election survey

    results up to the last day of the elections on 1> )ay 41+ hey argue that the restriction on the

    publication of election survey results constitutes a prior restraint on the exercise of freedom ofspeech "ithout any clear and present danger to (ustify such restraint+ hey claim that S.S and other

    pollsters conducted and published the results of surveys prior to the 1994, 1995, and 1997 elections

    up to as close as t"o days before the election day "ithout causing confusion among the voters and

    that there is neither empirical nor historical evidence to support the conclusion that there is an

    immediate and inevitable danger to tile voting process posed by election surveys+ hey point out that

    no similar restriction is imposed on politicians from explaining their opinion or on ne"spapers or

    broadcast media from "riting and publishing articles concerning political issues up to the day of the

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    election+ #onse0uently, they contend that there is no reason for ordinary voters to be denied access

    to the results of election surveys, "hich are relatively ob(ective+

    I"#!.hether 5+> of ' 9< constitutes an unconstitutional abridgment of freedom of speech,expression, and the press+

    H#$%!5+> of ' 9< constitute an unconstitutional abridgment of freedom of speech, expression,

    and the press+ 5+> lays a prior restraint on freedom of speech, expression, and the press prohibiting

    the publication of election survey results affecting candidates "ithin the prescribed periods of 15

    days immediately preceding a national election and 6 days before a local election+ &ecause of the

    preferred status of the constitutional rights of speech, expression, and the press, such a measure is

    vitiated by a "eighty presumption of invalidity+ Indeed, any system of prior restraints of expression

    comes to the Supreme #ourt bearing a heavy presumption against its constitutional validity+ he2overnment thus carries a heavy burden of sho"ing (ustification for in enforcement of such restraint+

    here, thus a reversal of the normal presumption of validity that inheres in every legislation+ Sec+ 5+>

    fails to meet criterion K;L of the $ %&rien test because the causal connection of expression to the

    asserted governmental interest ma*es such interest Anot related to the suppression of free

    expression+A &y prohibiting the publication of election survey results because of the possibility that

    such publication might undermine the integrity of the election, 5+> actually suppresses a "hole

    class of expression, "hile allo"ing the expression of opinion concerning the same sub(ect matter by

    ne"spaper columnists, radio and C commentators, armchair theorists, and other opinion ta*ers+ In

    effect, 5+> sho"s a bias for a particular sub(ect matter, if not vie"point, by referring personal

    opinion to statistical results+ he constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression means that Athe

    government has no po"er to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its sub(ect matter,or its content+A he prohibition imposed by 5+> cannot be (ustified on the ground that it is only for a

    limited period and is only incidental+ he prohibition may be for a limited time, but the curtailment of

    the right of expression is direct, absolute, and substantial+ It constitutes a total suppression of a

    category of speech and is not made less so because it is only for a period of 15 days immediately

    before a national election and 6 days immediately before a local election+ In fine, 5+> is invalid

    because 1! it imposes a prior restraint on the freedom of expression, 4! it is a direct and total

    suppression of a category of expression even though such suppression is only for a limited period,

    and ;! the governmental interest sought to be promoted can be achieved by means other than

    suppression of freedom of expression+

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    @a$%*a& *. Sa%'aa

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    Qaldivar, on substantially the same ground as the first petition, prays that anodbayan 2onzalez be

    restrained from conducting preliminary investigations and filing similar cases "ith the

    Sandiganbayan+ he Supreme #ourt granted the consolidated petitions filed by Qaldivar and nullified

    the criminal informations filed against him in the SandiganbayanN and ordered 'aul 2onzalez to

    cease and desist from conducting investigations and filing criminal cases "ith the Sandiganbayan or

    other"ise exercising the po"ers and functions of the $mbudsman+

    KPresent caseL anodbayan 2onzales allegedly made contumacious acts or statements in a pleading

    filed before the #ourt and in statements given to the media+ In its 'esolution dated 4 )ay 1977, the

    Supreme #ourt re0uired anodbayan 2onzales to explain A"hy he should not be punished for

    contempt of court andDor sub(ected to administrative sanctionsA and in respect of "hich, 2onzales

    "as heard and given the most ample opportunity to present all defenses, arguments and evidence

    that he "anted to present for the consideration of this #ourt+ he #ourt did not summarily impose

    punishment upon 2onzales "hich it could have done under Section 1 of 'ule 61 of the 'evised

    'ules of #ourt had it chosen to consider 2onzales% acts as constituting Adirect contempt+A In the percuriam resolution dated 6 $ctober 1977, the #ourt found anodbayan 2onzalez to be Aguilty both of

    contempt of court in facie curiae and of gross misconduct as an officer of the court and member of

    the bar+A 2onzales filed a motion for reconsideration+

    I"#!.hether the statements made by anodbayan 2onzales transcended the permissible limits

    of free speech+

    H#$%! he Aclear and present dangerA doctrine is not a magic incantation "hich dissolves all

    problems and dispenses "ith analysis and (udgment in the testing of the legitimacy of claims to free

    speech, and "hich compels a court to exonerate a defendant the moment the doctrine is invo*ed,

    absent proof of impending apocalypse+ he Aclear and present dangerA doctrine has been an

    accepted method for mar*ing out the appropriate limits of freedom of speech and of assembly in

    certain contexts+ It is not, ho"ever, the only test "hich has been recognized and applied by courts+

    lthough the prevailing doctrine is that the clear and present danger rule is such a limitationN another

    criterion for permissible limitation on freedom of speech and of the press, "hich includes such

    vehicles of the mass media as radio, television and the movies, is the Abalancingof interests test+A

    he principle re0uires a court to ta*e conscious and detailed consideration of the interplay of

    interests observable in a given situation or type of situation% Still, under either the Aclear and presentdangerA test or the Abalancingofinterest testA the #orut believes that the statements made by

    2onzalez are of such a nature and "ere made in such a manner and under such circumstances, as

    to transcend the permissible limits of free speech+ his conclusion "as implicit in the per curiam

    'esolution of $ctober 6, 1977+ It is important to point out that the Asubstantive evilA "hich the

    Supreme #ourt has a right and a duty to prevent does not, in the present case, relate to threats of

    physical disorder or overt violence or similar disruptions of public order+ .hat is here at sta*e is the

    authority of the Supreme #ourt to confront and prevent a Asubstantive evilA consisting not only of the

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    obstruction of a free and fair hearing of a particular case but also the avoidance of the broader evil of

    the degradation of the (udicial system of a country and the destruction of the standards of

    professional conduct re0uired from members of the bar and officers of the courts+ he Asubstantive

    evilA here involved, in other "ords, is not as palpable as a threat of public disorder or rioting but is

    certainly no less deleterious and more far reaching in its implications for society+

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    Sa%a% *. +(44( ( :$#ct( [GR 9/878) 29 a"a&< 199/]En &anc, )edialdea 8!B 1>


    Fact!$n 4; $ctober 1979, 'epublic ct

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    leave of absence+ Go"ever, neither rticle I# of the #onstitution nor Section 11b!, 4nd paragraph

    of '

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    a#t R#( *. A4#&ca$ +*$ L#&t# U( [521 US 88)2 "# 1997] Stevens 8!B < concur,

    1 filed separate opinion to "hich 1 (oined

    Fact!"o provisions of the #ommunications ecency ct of 199< # or ct! see* to protect

    minors from harmful material on the Internet, an international net"or* of interconnected computers

    that enables millions of people to communicate "ith one another in AcyberspaceA and to access vast

    amounts of information from around the "orld+ itle >6 ?+ S+ #+ + 44;a!1!&!ii! Supp+ 1996!

    criminalizes the A*no"ingA transmission of Aobscene or indecentA messages to any recipient under

    17 years of age+ Section 44;d! prohibits the A*no"inKgLA sending or displaying to a person under 17

    of any message Athat, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by

    contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs+A ffirmative defenses

    are provided for those "ho ta*e Agood faith, + + + effective + + + actionsA to restrict access by minors to

    the prohibited communications, 44;e!5!!, and those "ho restrict such access by re0uiringcertain designated forms of age proof, such as a verified credit card or an adult identification

    number, 44;e!5!&!+ number of plaintiffs filed suit challenging the constitutionality of 44;a!1!

    and 44;d!+ fter ma*ing extensive findings of fact, a three (udge istrict #ourt convened pursuant to

    the ct entered a preliminary in(unction against enforcement of both challenged provisions+ he

    court%s (udgment en(oins the 2overnment from enforcing 44;a!1!&!%s prohibitions insofar as they

    relate to AindecentA communications, but expressly preserves the 2overnment%s right to investigate

    and prosecute the obscenity or child pornography activities prohibited therein+ he in(unction against

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    enforcement of 44;d! is un0ualified because that section contains no separatereference to

    obscenity or child pornography+ he 2overnment appealed to the Supreme #ourt under the ct%s

    special revie" provisions, arguing that the istrict #ourt erred in holding that the # violated both

    the :irst mendment because it is overbroad and the :ifth mendment because it is vague+

    I"#!.hether the #ommunications ecency ct of 199< places an unacceptably heavy burden on

    protected speech+

    H#$%!'egardless of "hether the #ommunications ecency ct of 199< #! is so vague that it

    violates the :ifth mendment, the many ambiguities concerning the scope of its coverage render it

    problematic for purposes of the :irst mendment+ :or instance, each of the t"o parts of the #

    uses a different linguistic form+ he first uses the "ord Aindecent,A "hile the second spea*s of

    material that Ain context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured bycontemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs+A 2iven the absence of

    a definition of either term, this difference in language "ill provo*e uncertainty among spea*ers about

    ho" the t"o standards relate to each other and (ust "hat they mean+ his uncertainty undermines

    the li*elihood that the # has been carefully tailored to the congressional goal of protecting minors

    from potentially harmful materials+ he vagueness of the # is a matter of special concern for t"o

    reasons+ :irst, the # is a content based regulation of speech+ he vagueness of such a regulation

    raises special :irst mendment concerns because of its obvious chilling effect on free speech+

    Second, the # is a criminal statute+ In addition to the opprobrium and stigma of a criminal

    conviction, the # threatens violators "ith penalties including up to t"o years in prison for each act

    of violation+ he severity of criminal sanctions may "ell cause spea*ers to remain silent rather than

    communicate even arguably unla"ful "ords, ideas, and images+ he # regulates speech on thebasis of its content+ Atime, place, and mannerA analysis is therefore inapplicable+ It is thus

    immaterial "hether such speech "ould be feasible on the .eb "hich, as the 2overnment%s o"n

    expert ac*no"ledged, "ould cost up to J1, if the spea*er%s interests "ere not accommodated

    by an existing .eb site, not including costs for database management and age verification!+ he

    2overnment%s position is e0uivalent to arguing that a statute could ban leaflets on certain sub(ects as

    long as individuals are free to publish boo*s+ In invalidating a number of la"s that banned leafletting

    on the streets regardless of their content the #ourt explained that Aone is not to have the exercise

    of his liberty of expression in appropriate places abridged on the plea that it may be exercised in

    some other place+A lso, most Internet fora including chat rooms, ne"sgroups, mail exploders, and

    the .eb are open to all comers+ Even the strongest reading of the Aspecific personA re0uirement of

    44;d! cannot save the statute+ It "ould confer broad po"ers of censorship, in the form of aAhec*ler%s veto,A upon any opponent of indecent speech "ho might simply log on and inform the

    "ould be discoursers that his 16 year old child a Aspecific person under 17 years of age,A "ould

    be present+ :inally, there is no textual support for the 2overnment%s submission that material having

    scientific, educational, or other redeeming social value "ill necessarily fall outside the #%s

    Apatently offensiveA and AindecentA prohibitions+ hus, the # places an unacceptably heavy

    burden on protected speech, and that the defenses do not constitute the sort of Anarro" tailoringA

    that "ill save an other"ise patently invalid unconstitutional provision+ he #, casting a far dar*er

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    shado" over free speech, threatens to torch a large segment of the Internet community+ he ruling of

    the district court "as sustained+

    M&a4 +($$#'# F("%at( Ic. *. +("&t ( A#a$ [GR 12793/) 15 #c#4#& 2///] :irst

    ivision, Oapunan 8!B ; concur, 1 too* no part

    Fact!:ollo"ing the publication of the September$ctober 199> issue Col+ >1, -o+ 1>! of )iriam

    #ollege%s school paper #hi'ho!, and magazine ng )agasing Pampaniti*an ng #hi'ho!, the

    members of the editorial board, and 'elly #arpio, author of ibog, all students of )iriam #ollege,received a letter signed by r+ leli Sevilla, #hair of the )iriam #ollege iscipline #ommittee+ he

    etter dated > -ovember 199> informed them that letters of complaint "ere Afiled against you by

    members of the )iriam #ommunity and a concerned teneo grade five student have been

    for"arded to the iscipline #ommittee for in0uiry and investigation+ Please find enclosed complaints+

    s expressed in their complaints you have violated regulations in the student handboo* specifically

    Section 4 letters & and ', pages ; and ;4, Section > )a(or offenses! letter (, page ;< letters m, n,

    and p, page ;6 and no+ 4 minor offenses! letter a, page ;6+ /ou are re0uired to submit a "ritten

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    statement in ans"er to the chargeDs on or before the initial date of hearing to be held on -ovember

    15, 199>, uesday, 1B in the afternoon at the S #onference 'oom+A -one of the students

    submitted their respective ans"ers+ hey instead re0uested r+ Sevilla to transfer the case to the

    'egional $ffice of the epartment of Education, #ulture and Sports E#S! "hich under 'ule II of

    E#S $rder 9>, Series of 1994, supposedly had (urisdiction over the case+ In a etter dated 41

    -ovember 199>, r+ Sevilla again re0uired the students to file their "ritten ans"ers+ In response,tty+ 'icardo Calmonte, la"yer for the students, submitted a letter to the iscipline #ommittee

    reiterating his clients% position that said #ommittee had no (urisdiction over them+ ccording to tty+

    Calmonte, the #ommittee "as Atrying to impose discipline on his clients on account of their having

    "ritten articles and poems in their capacity as campus (ournalists+A Gence, he argued that A"hat

    applies is 'epublic ct -o+ 669 he #ampus 8ournalism ct and its implementing rules and

    regulations+A Ge also 0uestioned the partiality of the members of said #ommittee "ho allegedly Ahad

    already articulated their positionA against his clients+ he iscipline #ommittee proceeded "ith its

    investigation ex parte+ hereafter, the iscipline &oard, after a revie" of the iscipline #ommittee%s

    report, imposed disciplinary sanctions upon the students, to "itB 1! 8asper &riones KEditorin#hief

    of #hi'ho, >th year studentLB ExpulsionN 4! aphne #o"perB Suspension up to summer! )arch

    1995N ;! Imelda GilarioB suspension for 4 "ee*s to expire on 4 :ebruary 1995N >! eborah igonK>th year student and could graduate as summa cum laudeLB suspension up to )ay 1995N 5!

    Elizabeth CaldezcoB suspension up to summer! )arch 1995N

    graduation privileges "ithheld, including diplomaN 6! 8oel anB suspension for 4 "ee*s to expire on

    4 :ebruary 1995N 7! 2erald 2ary 'enacido K4nd year studentLB Expelled and given transfer

    credentialsN 9! 'elly #arpio K;rd year studentLB ismissed and given transfer credentialsN 1!

    8erome 2omez K;rd year studentLB ismissed and given transfer credentialsN and 11! 8ose )ari

    'amos Krt editor of #hi'ho, 4nd year studentLB Expelled and given transfer papers+ Said students

    thus filed a petition for prohibition and certiorari "ith preliminary in(unctionDrestraining order before

    the 'egional rial #ourt of =uezon #ity 0uestioning the (urisdiction of the iscipline &oard of )iriam

    #ollege over them+ $n 16 8anuary 1995, the 'egional rial #ourt, &ranch #III, presided by 8udge

    8aime -+ Salazar, 8r+, issued an order denying the students% prayer for a emporary 'estraining$rder+ he students thereafter filed a ASupplemental Petition and )otion for 'econsideration+A

    Subse0uently, the '# issued an $rder dated 1 :ebruary 1995 granting the "rit of preliminary

    in(unction+ &oth parties moved for a reconsideration of the above order+ In an $rder dated 44

    :ebruary 1995, the '# dismissed the petition+ he students, excluding eborah igon, Imelda

    Gilario and aphne #o"per, sought relief in the Supreme #ourt through a petition for certiorari and

    prohibition of preliminary in(unctionDrestraining order11 0uestioning the $rders of the '# dated 1

    and 4> :ebruary 1995+ $n 15 )arch 1995, the #ourt resolved to refer the case to the #ourt of

    ppeals #! for disposition+ In its ecision dated 4< September 199

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    H#$%!In several cases, the Supreme #ourt has upheld the right of the students to free speech in

    school premises+ he right of the students to free speech in school premises, ho"ever, is not

    absolute+ he right to free speech must al"ays be applied in light of the special characteristics of the

    school environment+ hus, "hile the #ourt upheld the right of the students to free expression in the

    cases of )alabanan vs+ 'amento, Cillar vs+ echnological Institute of the Philippines, rreza vs+

    2regorio raneta ?niversity :oundation, and -on vs+ ames II, the #ourt did not rule out disciplinaryaction by the school for Aconduct by the student, in class or out of it, "hich for any reason "hether

    it stems from time, place, or type of behavior "hich materially disrupts class"or* or involves

    substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others+A Provisions of la" such as Section 6 of the

    #ampus 8ournalism ct! should be construed in harmony "ith those of the #onstitutionN acts of the

    legislature should be construed, "herever possible, in a manner that "ould avoid their conflicting

    "ith the fundamental la"+ statute should not be given a broad construction if its validity can be

    saved by a narro"er one+ hus, Section 6 should be read in a manner as not to infringe upon the

    school%s right to discipline its students+ t the same time, ho"ever, said provision should not be

    construed as to unduly restrict the right of the students to free speech+ #onsistent "ith

    (urisprudence, Section 6 of the #ampus 8ournalism ct is read to mean that the school cannot

    suspend or expel a student solely on the basis of the articles he or she has "ritten, except "hensuch article materially disrupt class "or* or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of

    others+ :urther, the po"er of the school to investigate is an ad(unct of its po"er to suspend or expel+

    It is a necessary corollary to the enforcement of rules and regulations and the maintenance of a safe

    and orderly educational environment conducive to learning+ hat po"er, li*e the po"er to suspend or

    expel, is an inherent part of the academic freedom of institutions of higher learning guaranteed by

    the #onstitution+ he #ourt therefore rules that )iriam #ollege has the authority to hear and decide

    the cases filed against the students+

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    ABS-+B0 B&(a%cat' +(& *. +OM:L:+

    a"a&< 28) 2///

    FA+TS! #$)EE# issued a 'esolution approving the issuance of a restraining order to stop &S

    #&- or any other groups, its agents or representatives from conducting exit surveys+ he

    'esolution "as issued by

    the #omelec allegedly upon Ainformation from a reliable source that &S#&- opez 2roup! has

    prepared a pro(ect, "ith P' groups, to conduct radioC coverage of the elections and to ma*e anexit survey of the vote during the elections for national officials particularly for President and Cice

    President, results of "hich shall be broadcasted immediately+H he electoral body believed that

    such pro(ect might conflict "ith the official #omelec count, as "ell as the unofficial 0uic* count of the

    -ational )ovement for :ree Elections -amfrel!+ It also noted that it had not authorized or deputized

    &S#&- to underta*e the exit survey+

    "o days before the elections on )ay 11, 1997, the #ourt issuedthe emporary 'estraining

    $rder prayed for by petitioner &S#&-+ he #omelec "as directed to cease and desist, until

    further orders, from implementing the assailed 'esolution or the restraining order issued pursuant

    thereto, if any+ In fact, the exit polls "ere actually conducted and reported by media "ithout any

    difficulty or problem+

    ISSU:! ?=0 t,# +(4#$#c) t,# ##&c# ( t (6#&) ca a($"t#$< a #t


    &S#&-B he holding of exit polls andthe nation"ide reporting of their results are valid exercises

    of the freedoms of speech and of the press

    #$)EE#B 1!he issuance thereof "as Apursuant to its constitutional and statutory po"ers to

    promote a clean, honest, orderly and credible )ay 11, 1997 electionsAN and Ato protect, preserve and

    maintain the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot+A

    4!It contends that Athe conduct of exit surveys might unduly confuse and influence the voters,A and

    that the surveys "ere designed Ato condition the minds of people and cause confusion as to "ho are

    the "inners and the losers in the election,A "hich in turn may result in Aviolence and anarchy+A
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    ;!Aexit surveys indirectly violate the constitutional principle to preserve the sanctity of the ballots,A as

    the Avoters are lured to reveal the contents of ballots,A in violation of Section 4, rticle C of the

    #onstitution and relevant provisions of the $mnibus Election #ode+ It submits that the

    constitutionally protected freedoms invo*ed by petitioner Aare not immune to regulation by the State

    in the legitimate exercise of its police po"er,A such as in the present case+

    >! AKpLress freedom may be curtailed if the exercise thereof creates a clear and present danger to the

    community or it has a dangerous tendency+A It then contends that Aan exit poll has the tendency to

    so" confusion considering the randomness of selecting intervie"ees, "hich further ma*eKsL the exit

    poll highly unreliable+ he probability that the results of such exit poll may not be in harmony "ith the

    official count made by the #omelec x x x is ever present+ In other "ords, the exit poll has a clear and

    present danger of destroying the credibility and integrity of the electoral process+A

    SUPR:M: +OURT! he #$)EE# 'esolution on exit polls ban is nullified and set aside+

    1C +$#a& a% #t %a'#& ( %#t&(

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    voters% ans"ers to the survey 0uestions "ill forever remain un*no"n and unexplored+ ?nless the ban

    is restrained, candidates, researchers, social scientists and the electorate in general "ould be

    deprived of studies on the impact of current events and of electionday and other factors on voters%


    3C V($at( ( Ba S#cc, 19>6, in the to"n of agbilaran, &ohol, $scar Espuelas y)endoza had his picture ta*en, ma*ing it to appear as if he "ere hanging lifeless at the end of a

    piece of rope suspended from the limb of a tree, "hen in truth and in fact, he "as merely standing

    on a barrel+ fter securing copies of his photograph, Espuelas sent copies of same to several

    ne"spapers and "ee*lies of general circulation, not only in the Province of &ohol but also

    throughout the Philippines and abroad, for their publication "ith a suicide note or letter, "herein he

    made to appear that it "as "ritten by a fictitious suicide, lberto 'eveniera and addressed to the

    latter%s supposed "ife, stating therein in part that Aif someone as*s you "hy I committed suicide, tell

    them I did it because I "as not pleased "ith the administration of 'oxas+ ell the "hole "orld about

    this+ nd if they as* "hy I did not li*e the administration of 'oxas, point out to them the situation in

    #entral uzon, the Gu*balahaps+ ell them about 8ulio 2uillen and the banditry of eyte+ ear "ife,

    "rite to President ruman and #hurchill+ ell them that here in the Philippines our government isinfested "ith many Gitlers and )ussolinis+ each our children to burn pictures of 'oxas if and "hen

    they come across one+ I committed suicide because I am ashamed of our government under 'oxas+

    I cannot hold high my bro"s to the "orld "ith this dirty government+ I committed suicide because I

    have no po"er to put under 8uez de #uchillo all the 'oxas people no" in po"er+ So, I sacrificed my

    o"n self+A Espuelas "as charged for violating rticle 1>4 of the 'evised Penal #ode, "hich punishes

    those "ho shall "rite, publish or circulate scurrilous libels against the 2overnment of the Philippines

    or any of the duly constituted authorities thereof or "hich suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or

    riots or "hich tend to stir up the people against the la"ful authorities or to disturb the peace of the

    community+ Espuelas admitted the fact that he "rote the note or letter and caused its publication in

    the :ree Press, the Evening -e"s, the &isaya, amdang and other local periodicals and that he had

    impersonated one lberto 'eveniera by signing said pseudonymous name in said note or letter andposed himself as lberto 'eveniera in a picture ta*en "herein he "as sho"n hanging by the end of

    a rope tied to a limb of a tree+ Espuelas "as, after trial, convicted in the #ourt of :irst Instance of

    &ohol of a violation of the above article+ he conviction "as affirmed by the #ourt of ppeals+

    Espuelas appealed+

    I"#!.hether sedition la"s unnecessarily curtain the citizenRs freedom of expression+

    H#$%!he freedom of speech secured by the #onstitution Adoes not confer an absolute right to

    spea* or publish "ithout responsibility "hatever one may choose+A It is not Aunbridled license that

    gives immunity for every possible use of language and prevents the punishment of those "ho abuse

    this freedom+A So statutes against sedition have al"ays been considered not violative of suchfundamental guaranty, although they should not be interpreted so as to unnecessarily curtail the

    citizen%s freedom of expression to agitate for institutional changes+ -ot to be restrained is the

    privilege of any citizen to criticize his government and government officials and to submit his criticism

    to the Afree trade of ideasA and to plead for its acceptance in Athe competition of the mar*et+A

    Go"ever, let such criticism be specific and therefore constructive, reasoned or tempered, and not a

    contemptuous condemnation of the entire government setup+ Such "holesale attac* is nothing less

    than an invitation to disloyalty to the government+ Gerein, no particular ob(ectionable actuation of the

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    government "as made in the article+ It is called dirty, it is called a dictatorship, it is called shameful,

    but no particular omissions or commissions are set forth+ Instead the article drips "ith maleviolence

    and hate to"ards the constituted authorities+ It tries to arouse animosity to"ards all public servants

    headed by President 'oxas "hose pictures Espuelas "ould burn and "ould teach the younger

    generation to destroy+ nalyzed for meaning and "eighed in its conse0uences the article cannot fail

    to impress thin*ing personRs that it see*s to so" the seeds of sedition and strife+ he infuriatinglanguage is not a sincere effort to persuade, "hat "ith the "riter%s simulated suicide and false claim

    to martyrdom and "hat "ith its failure to particularize+ .hen the use of irritating language centers

    not on persuading the readers but on creating disturbance, the rationable of free speech can not

    apply and the spea*er or "riter is removed from the protection of the constitutional guaranty+

    lthough it be argued that the article does not discredit the entire governmental structure but only

    President 'oxas and his menN still, article 1>4 punishes not only all libels against the 2overnment

    but also Alibels against any of the duly constituted authorities thereof+A he A'oxas peopleA in the

    2overnment obviously refer at least to the President, his #abinet and the ma(ority of legislators to

    "hom the ad(ectives dirty, Gitlers and )ussolinis "ere naturally directed+ $n this score alone the

    conviction could be upheld+ o top it all, Espuelas proclaimed to his readers that he committed

    suicide because he had Ano po"er to put under (uez de cuchillo all the 'oxas people no" in po"er+AOno"ing, that the expression 8uez de #uchillo means to the ordinary layman as the a" of the

    Onife, a Asummary and arbitrary execution by the *nifeA, the idea intended by Espuelas to be

    conveyed "as no other than bloody, violent and unpeaceful methods to free the government from

    the administration of 'oxas and his men+ he meaning, intent and effect of the article involves

    maybe a 0uestion of fact, ma*ing the findings of the court of appeals conclusive upon the Supreme


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    G.R. 0(. L-3315 A&$ 22) 1977

    MA0U:L :LI@AL:) FR: . :LI@AL:) PRU:0+IO R. :UROPA) petitioners,


    HO0. MARIO . GUTI:RR:@) P%' "%'#) +FI-I$(c( S"&) B&ac, III) a% P:OPL: OF TH:

    PHILIPPI0:S) #t#% t, tac# < :SUS F. GU:RR:RO) P&(*ca$ Fca$ ( I$(c(

    S"&) respondents+

    F:R0A0O) J:

    It "as the refusal of respondent 8udge )ario 8+ 2utierrez 1to grant motion to 0uash of petitioners, "ho

    "ere the accused in a prosecution for libel, not"ithstanding the invocation of their constitutional right to

    freedom of expression 2that led to this suit for certiorari and prohibition+ ll that could be alleged in theinformation against them "as the publication in the Evening -e"s, a ne"spaper of general circulation, of

    an item reproducing in full a dispatch from the Philippine -e"s Service, a reputable ne"sgathering

    agency+ It summarized the testimony of 8aime 8ose in a pending rape case "herein the name of Cincent

    #risologo, the offended party in the information for libel, "as mentioned+ his excerpt from the recent

    case of Bocobo v. Estanislao 3comes to mindB Ahis is contrary to the legal tradition of the Philippines

    dating bac* to the landmar* case of ?nited States v. Bustos, "here 8ustice )alcolm emphasized that to

    prevent dilution of the constitutional right to free speech and free press, every libel prosecution should be

    tested by the rigorous and exacting standard of "hether or not it could be violative of such fundamental

    guarantee+ It is easily understandable then "hy in the motion to 0uash, the main reliance "as on the

    &ustos doctrine, although other grounds "ere alleged as "arranting the dismissal of the

    information+ 5.hen respondent 8udge ignored such a fundamental constitutional principle, the proper

    basis for a certiorari and prohibition proceeding "as laid+ Petitioners are entitled to the remedies sought+

    he alleged offending ne"s item "as a reproduction of a ne"s item coming from the Philippine -e"s

    Service, furnished the Evening -e"s, of "hich petitioners )anuel Elizalde and :red 8+ Elizalde "ere the

    Publisher and ssistant Publisher and Prudencio '+ Europa "as the Editorin#hief+ It reads thusB A8aime

    8ose implicated uesday Cincent #risologo, son of 'ep+ :loro #risologo -, Ilocos Sur ! as among his

    four companions the night of the alleged rape of a former nightclub hostess last year+ 8ose, one of four

    principal accused in the celebrated )aggie de la 'iva rape case, denied, ho"ever, the charges of forcible

    abduction "ith rape and robbery filed against him and his companions by Qenaida de la #ruz, 47, and

    raceli Sy, both nightclub hostesses+ 8ose mentioned Cincent #risologo as among his companions "hile

    testifying in his defense before 8udge :rancisco de la 'osa of the local court of first instance+ 8ose

    claimed that both Qenaida and raceli "ent voluntarily "ith his group to the =ueen%s #ourt motel here inthe early morning of 8uly >, 19

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    allegedly abused them+ 8ose testified that he and illman "ere about to go to a party in )andaluyong,

    'izal, on the night of 8uly ;, 19, 196+ n opposition "as then filed by an assistant provincial fiscal on September 45, 196+

    he order by respondent 8udge denying the motion to 0uash came on ecember 16, 196+ n extensive

    motion for reconsideration submitted on :ebruary 4;, 1961 having proved futile in vie" of an order of

    denial a month later from respondent 8udge, this petition for certiorari and prohibition "as filed "ith this


    s noted at the outset, certiorari and prohibition lie+

    1+ Petitioners "ere prosecuted for libel because the Evening -e"s carried in its issue of September 1,


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    4+ o be more specific, no culpability could be imputed to petitioners for the alleged offending publication

    "ithout doing violence to the concept of privileged communication implicit in freedom of the press+ s "as

    so "ell put by 8ustice )alcolm in &ustosB APublic policy, the "elfare of society, and the orderly

    administration of government have demanded protection for public opinion+ he inevitable and

    incontestable result has been the development and adoption of the doctrine of privilege+ 15Ge then 0uoted

    this excerpt from an merican Supreme #ourt decision,Abbott v. National Bank of CommerceB Ahe

    doctrine of privileged communication rests upon public policy, %"hich loo*s to the free and unfettered

    administration of (ustice, though as incidental result, it may in some instances afford an immunity to the

    evildisposed and malignant slanderer+ 1#onsidering ho" ample is the protection afforded a person

    alleged to have in(ured another%s reputation, it appears 0uite obvious that respondent 8udge did infringe

    on the constitutional right of petitioners to press freedom "hen it denied the motion to 0uash+ Ge

    apparently "as e0ually una"are of this relevant paragraph in the )alcolm opinionB A privileged

    communication should not be sub(ected to microscopic examination to discover grounds of malice or

    falsity+ Such excessive scrutiny "ould defeat the protection "hich the la" thro"s over privileged

    communications+ he ultimate test is that of bona fides+ 17&y no stretch of the imagination then could it be

    said that the Philippine -e"s Service and the Evening -e"s exhibited mala fides by the mere fact of

    narrating in a ne"s item the testimony of a "itness in a rape case (ust because it did cast a reflection on

    the conduct of a third party+ he prosecution in its pleadings before the lo"er court could not deny theaccuracy of "hat "as reported+ Petitioners then ought not to have been sub(ected to the annoyance,

    inconvenience, and trouble of going to a distant province and defend themselves against a charge

    un"arrant under "ellsettled norms of constitutional dimension+ he doctrine of privileged communication

    moreover is explicitly provided for in the 'evised Penal #ode, as an exception to the general principle

    that every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if it is true in the absence of Agood

    intentionA and A(ustifiable motiveA thusB A fair and true report, made in good faith, "ithout any comments

    or remar*s, of any (udicial, legislative, or other official proceedings "hich are not of confidential nature, or

    of any statement, report, or speech delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act performed by public

    officers in the exercise of their functions+ 18

    ;+ here being a denial of a constitutional right, a (urisdictional issue "as raised+ It has been a "ellsettled

    doctrine since Conde v. Rivera, 19that under such circumstances, the competence of a court to continue"ith a pending case ceases+ 2/-or is it to indulge merely in general propositions+ In eople v.

    Andres, 21this #ourt precisely sustained a court of first instance "hen it 0uashed an information for libel,

    the accused, respondent ndres, relying on press freedom to sho" that the fact charged do not constitute

    an offense+ s pointed out in the opinion of 8ustice &arrera, it "as argued by the prosecution Athat the trial

    court erred in dismissing the case on a mere motion to 0uash, contending that the trial (udge%s conclusion

    on the face of the information that defendantappellee "as prompted only by good motives assumes a

    fact to he proved, and that the alleged privileged nature of defendantappellee%s publication is a matter of

    defense and is not a proper ground for dismissal of the complaint for libel +++ +A 22hat contention "as

    re(ected in this "iseB A.hile there is some point to this contention, yet "hen in the information itself it

    appears, as it does in the present case, that the communication alleged to be libelous is contained in an

    appropriate pleading in a court proceeding, the privilege becomes at once apparent and defendant neednot "ait until the trial and produce evidence before he can raise the 0uestion of privilege+ nd if added to

    this, the 0uestioned imputations appear, as they seem in this case, to be really pertinent and relevant to

    defendant%s plea for reconsideration based on complainant%s supposed partiality and abuse of po"er from

    "hich defendant has a right to see* relief in vindication of his client%s interest as a litigant in complainant%s

    court, it "ould become evident that the facts thus alleged in the information "ould not constitute an

    offense of libel+ 23Similarly, a motion to 0uash "as sustained in the later case of eople v. Alvarez, 2In

    the opinion of 8ustice 'egala, it "as pointed outB As heretofore stated, this #ourt has adopted a liberal

    attitude in favor of the "riter in matter of the relevancy of allegedly libelous statements in (udicial

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    pleadings+ In !.S. v. Bustos" et al+, ;6 Phil+ 6;1, this #ourt found occasion to express ills opinion on

    privileged communications, to "itB +++ privileged communication should not be sub(ected to miscroscopic

    examination to discover grounds of malice or falsity+ Such excessive scrunity "ould defeat the protection

    "hich the la" thro"s over privileged communication+ +++ It is "orthy to mention here that in the information

    for libel, there is no allegation of the irrelevancy or impertinency of the 0uestioned statements to the

    cause+ #onsidering the above, .e are of the opinion and so hold that no error "as committed by the

    lo"er court in considering the 0uestioned remar*s of the appellee as privileged and in conse0uently

    dismissing the information for lac* of cause of action+ 25In a third case, eople v. A#uino, 2reference "as

    made toeople v. Andres to demonstrate that it is fitting and appropriate for a court of first instance to

    dismiss an information on a motion to 0uash "here the privileged character of the, alleged offending

    publication is apparent+ 'espondent 8udge ought not to have betrayed lac* of sensitivity to the categorical

    pronouncements of this #ourt in the above three decisions that call for application,

    >+ -or is a different conclusion called for (ust because the heading of the ne"s item arising from the

    testimony of 8aime 8ose "as "orded thusB AI-O #'IS$$2$ S$- $ PS/ 'PE #SE+A Go" else

    could it have been expressedM hat "as to portray "ith accuracy "hat "as contained in the ne"s item+

    .hat "as testified to "as to that effect+ It succinctly set forth the facts+ here "as no attempt to

    sensationalize+ he tone is both neutral and ob(ective+ gain there is relevance to the follo"ing excerptfrom Quisumbing v. LopezB Ahe #ourt of ppeals found %that the context of the article in 0uestion, is a

    fair, impartial and true report of official or public proceeding authorized by la"+ he ne"s item "as the

    result of a press release in connection "ith an official investigation of the nti?sury ivision, -+ &+ I+, and

    "as a substantial, if not a faithful reproduction of the said press release "hich "as, in turn, an accurate

    report of the official proceedings ta*en by the nti?sury ivision+ he article merely reported a raid on

    the %business offices of three alleged money lendersN% and related the steps actually ta*en or to be ta*en

    by the proper officials relative to the investigation+ It did not go beyond the actual report of official

    actuations+ he theory of the petitioner, stripped of incidentals, is that "hile the body of the ne"s item

    may be considered as being fair, impartial and accurate report of an official investigation of the nti?sury

    ivision of the -ational &ureau of Investigation and therefore privileged, its headline -&I )E- 'I

    $::I#ES $: ; #I/ ?S?'E'S, admittedly not forming part of the basic press release but merely added

    by the respondents, is libelous per se, because the petitioner had thereby been branded and condemnedas a > usurer% "hen as a matter of fact no criminal charge "as even filed against him for the crime of

    usury in any court of (ustice+ 27-onetheless, the ne"spaper publisher "as not held liable+ he #hief

    8ustice then explained "hyB A.e are of the opinion that the appealed decision is correct+ he petitioner,

    "hile assuming that the article in 0uestion is privileged, argues that the headline libelous per se! added

    by the respondents rendered the same actionable, because said headline is not borne out by the facts

    recited in the context+ .e believe that nobody reading the "hole ne"s item "ould come to the conclusion

    that the petitioner had been accused or convicted of usury+ .e agree "ith the #ourt of ppeals that the

    headline complained of may fairly be said to contain a correct description of the ne"s story+ he fact that

    the raid "as conducted by antiusury agents follo"ing receipt of a complaint against the petitioner and

    t"o others, coupled "ith the announcement by the #hief of the -&I nti?sury ivision that criminal

    action "ould be filed in the city fiscal%s office, naturally "ould lead one to thin* that the persons involved"ere usurers+ -othing in the headline or the context of the article suggested the Idea that the petitioner

    "as already charged "ith or convicted of the crime of usury+ 28

    .GE'E:$'E, the "rit of certiorari prayed for is granted and the order of respondent 8udge denying the

    motion to 0uash of ecember 16, 196 as "ell as the order of respondent 8udge of )arch 45, 1961

    denying the motion for reconsideration filed by petitioners are set aside and nullified+ he "rit of

    prohibition is li*e"ise granted and the restraining order issued on 8une 1, 1961 made permanent,

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    respondent 8udge or any person "ho may have ta*en his place being prohibited from ta*ing any action in

    #riminal #ase -o+ 11C for ibel except for the purpose of dismissing the same+ -o costs+

    Antonio and Concepcion $r." $$." concur.

    Lopez vs. Court of Appeals [GR L-26549, 31 July 19!" First Division, Fernando (J): 4

    concur, 2 concur in result, 1 dissents in separate opinion

    #a$ts% In the early part of January 195, there appeared on the front pa!e of "he #anila

    $hronicle, of %hich &u!enio 'ope %as the pulisher, as %ell as on other dailies, a ne%s story of

    a sanitary inspector assi!ned to the *auyan Islands, Fidel $ru y na+e, sendin! a distress

    si!nal to a passin! nited -tates .irforce plane %hich in turn relayed the +essa!e to #anila/ 0e

    %as not i!nored, an .+erican .r+y plane droppin! on the each of an island an e+er!ency

    sustenance it containin!, a+on! other thin!s, a t%o%ay radio set/ 0e utilied it to infor+

    authorities in #anila that the people in the place %ere livin! in terror, due to a series of illin!s

    co++itted since $hrist+as of 1995/ 'osin! no ti+e, the 3hilippines defense estalish+ent

    rushed to the island a platoon of scout ran!ers led y #aor ilfredo &ncarnacion/ pon arrivin!

    at the reported iller+enaced *auyan $laro, ho%ever, #aor &ncarnacion and his +en found,instead of the alle!ed illers, a +an, the sa+e Fidel $ru, %ho +erely %anted transportation

    ho+e to #anila/ In vie% of this findin!, #aor ilfredo &ncarnacion randed as a 6hoa7,6 to use

    his o%n descriptive %ord, the report of Fidel $ru/ "hat %as the ter+ e+ployed y the other

    ne%spapers %hen referrin! to the incident/ "his ee #a!aine of the #anila $hronicle, then

    edited y Juan "/ 8atonton, devoted a pictorial article to it in its issue of 15 January 195/

    #ention %as +ade that %hile Fidel $ru story turned out to he false, if rou!ht to li!ht the

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    +isery of the people livin! in that place, %ith al+ost everyody sic, only t%o individuals ale

    to read and %rite, food and clothin! ein! scarce/ "hen in the 29 January 195 issue of "his

    ee #a!aine, the 6January e%s ui6 included an ite+ on the central fi!ure in %hat %as

    no%n as the $alayan 0oa7, %ho nevertheless did the country a !ood turn y callin! the

    !overn+ent;s attention to that forsaen and desolate corner of the January 195, reference %as +ade to a health

    inspector %ho suddenly felt 6lonely6 in his isolated post, cooed up a story aout a +urderer

    runnin! loose on the island of $alayan so that he could e ferried ac to civiliation/ 0e %as

    !iven the appellation of 60oa7 of the =ear/6 "he +a!aine on oth occasions carried

    photo!raphs of the person purportin! to e Fidel $ru/ nfortunately, the pictures that %ere

    pulished on oth occasions %ere that of Fidel 8/ $ru, a usiness+ancontractor fro+ -anta

    #aria, *ulacan/ It turned out that the photo!raphs of $ru and that of Fidel $ru, sanitary

    inspector, %ere on file, in the lirary of the #anila $hronicle in accordance %ith the standard

    procedure oserved in other ne%spaper offices, ut %hen the ne%s ?ui for+at %as prepared, the

    t%o photo!raphs %ere inadvertently s%itched/ .s soon, ho%ever, as the inadvertent error %asrou!ht to the attention of 'ope and 8atonton, the follo%in! correction %as i++ediately

    pulished in "his ee #a!aine on January 2@, 195@: 6hile %e %ere rushin! to +eet the

    deadline for January 1Ath issue of "his ee, %e inadvertently pulished the picture of for+er

    #ayor Fidel 8/ $ru of -ta/ #aria, *ulacan, usiness+an and contractor, in ;Bur B%n ho;s

    ho feature in the =ear &nd ui; of "his ee in lieu of the health inspector Fidel $ru, %ho

    %as connected %ith a story aout a +urderer runnin! loose on $alayan Island/ e here e7press

    our profound re!rets thatC such an error occurred/6 "o!ether %ith the fore!oin! correction, 'ope

    and 8atonton pulished the picture of Fidel $ruC the photo!raphs and the correction +oreover

    %ere enclosed y four lines, the type used %as older than ordinary, and the ite+ %as placed in a

    conspicuous place in order to call the attention of the readers to such a+ends ein! +ade/ "heusiness+an Fidel 8/ $ru sued 'ope and 8atonton in the $ourt of First Instance of #anila

    for the recovery of da+a!es alle!in! the defa+atory character of the aove pulication of his

    picture/ .fter trial duly had, he %as a%arded 35, as actual da+a!es, another 35, as +oral

    da+a!es, and 31, for attorney;s fees/ "hat ud!+ent %as affir+ed on appeal to the appellate

    $ourt/ 'ope and 8atonton filed the petition for certiorari/

    &ssue% hether the clai+ of freedo+ of the press ne!ates 'opeE and 8atontonEs liaility

    arisin! fro+ liel/

    'el(%. liel %as defined as a 6+alicious defa+ation, e7pressed either in %ritin!, printin!, or y

    si!ns or pictures, or the lie, tendin! to lacen the +e+ory of one %ho is dead or to i+peach

    the honesty, virtue, or reputation, or pulish the alle!ed or natural defects of one %ho is alive,

    and therey e7pose hi+ to pulic hatred, conte+pt, or ridicule/6 "here %as an e7press provision

    in such le!islation for a tort or a ?uasidelict action arisin! fro+ liel/ "here is reinforce+ent to

    such a vie% in the ne% $ivil $ode providin! for the recovery of +oral da+a!es for liel, slander

    or any other for+ of defa+ation/ .ccordin! to the standard treatise of e%ell on -lander and

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    'iel: 63ulication of a person;s photo!raph in connection %ith an article lielous of a third

    person, is a liel on the person %hose picture is pulished, %here the acts set out in the article are

    i+puted to such person/6 hy liel la% has oth a cri+inal and a civil aspect is e7plained y

    0ale in his 'a% of the 3ress thus: 6Bn the one hand, lielin! a person results in deprivin! hi+ of

    his !ood reputation/ -ince reputation is a thin!C of value, truly rather to e chosen than !reat

    riches, an i+pair+ent of it is a personal %ron!/ "o redress this personal %ron! +oney da+a!es

    are a%arded to the inured person/ Bn the other hand, the pulication of defa+atory state+ents

    tends stron!ly to induce reach of the peace y the person defa+ed, and hence is of peculiar

    +o+ent to the state as the !uardian of the pulic peace/ ie%ed fro+ this an!le, liel is a cri+e,

    and as such suects the offender to a fine or i+prison+ent/6 o inroads on press freedo+ should

    e allo%ed in the !uise of punitive action visited in %hat other%ise could e characteried as

    liel %hether in the for+ of printed %ords or a defa+atory i+putation resultin! fro+ the

    pulication of $ru;s picture %ith the offensive caption as in co+plained of/ "his is not to deny

    that the party responsile invites the institution either of a cri+inal prosecution or a civil suit/ It

    +ust e ad+itted that %hat %as done did invite such a dire conse?uence, considerin! the valuethe la% ustly places on a +an;s reputation/ "his is +erely to underscore the pri+acy that

    freedo+ of the press enoys/ It rans rather hi!h in the hierarchy of le!al values/ If the cases

    +ean anythin! at all then, to e+phasie %hat has so clearly e+er!ed, they call for the ut+ost

    care on the part of the udiciary to assure that in safe!uardin! the interest of the party alle!edly

    offended, a realistic account of the oli!ation of a ne%s +edia to disse+inate infor+ation of a

    pulic character and to co++ent thereon as %ell as the conditions attendant on the usiness of

    pulishin! cannot e i!nored/ 0o%ever, the correction pro+ptly +ade y 'ope and 8atonton

    %ould thus call for a reduction in the da+a!es a%arded/ It should e noted that there %as no

    proof of any actual pecuniary loss arisin! fro+ the aove pulication/ It is %orth%hile to recall

    %hat Justice #alcol+ referred to as the tolerant attitude on the part of appellate courts on thisscore, the usual practice ein! 6+ore liely to reduce da+a!es for liel than to increase the+/6

    P:OPL:DS OUR0AL #t. a$. *. FRA0+IS THO:0:0

    2+'+ -o+ 1>;;64

    ecember 1;, 45

    Fact! $n ; September 199, a ne"s item appeared in the PeopleRs 8ournal claiming that a certain

    :rancis hoenen, a S"iss national "ho allegedly shoots "ay"ard neighborsR pets that he finds in his

    domain+ It also claimed that &: Gomes residents, in a letter through la"yer tty+ Efren ngara,

    re0uested for the deportation of hoenen to prevent the recurrence of such incident in the future+

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    hoenen claimed that the article destroyed the respect and admiration he en(oyed in the community+

    Ge is see*ing for damages+

    he petitioners admitted publication of the ne"s item, ostensibly out of a Fsocial and moral duty to

    inform the public on matters of general interest, promote the public good and protect the moral public

    sic! of the people,H and that the story "as published in good faith and "ithout malice+

    I"#!.hether or not the ne"s report fall under privileged communication and therefore protected

    by the constitutional provision on freedom of speech+

    H#$%!he right of free speech is not absolute+ ibel is not protected speech+ In the instant case,

    even if "e assume that the letter "ritten by tty+ ngara is privileged communication, it lost its

    character "hen the matter "as published in the ne"spaper and circulated among the general

    population, especially since the individual alleged to be defamed is neither a public official nor a

    public figure+

    )oreover, the ne"s item contained falsehoods on t"o levels+ :irst, the &: Gomes residents did not

    as* for the deportation of hoenen, more so because the letter of the tty+ nagara "as a mere

    re0uest for verification of hoenenRs status as a foreign resident+ he article is also untrue becausethe events she reported never happened+ .orse, the main source of information, tty+ Efren ngara,

    apparently either does not exist, or is not a la"yer+

    here is no constitutional value in false statements of fact+ -either the intentional lie nor the careless

    error materially advances societyRs interest in Tuninhibited, robust, and "ideopenR debate+ #alculated

    falsehood falls into that class of utterances "hich Fare no essential part of any exposition of ideas,

    and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them

    is clearly out"eighed by the social interest in order and moralityU he *no"ingly false statement

    and the false statement made "ith rec*less disregard of the truth, do not en(oy constitutional


    T#a *. (,( [91 US 397) 21 "# 1989]&rennan 8!

    Fact!.hile the 'epublican -ational #onvention "as ta*ing place in allas in 197>, 2regory ee

    8ohnson participated in a political demonstration dubbed the A'epublican .ar #hest our+A s

    explained in literature distributed by the demonstrators and in speeches made by them, the purpose

    of this event "as to protest the policies of the 'eagan administration and of certain allasbased

    corporations+ he demonstrators marched through the allas streets, chanting political slogans and

    stopping at several corporate locations to stage AdieinsA intended to dramatize the conse0uences of

    nuclear "ar+ $n several occasions they spraypainted the "alls of buildings and overturned potted

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    plants, but 8ohnson himself too* no part in such activities+ Ge did, ho"ever, accept an merican flag

    handed to him by a fello" protestor "ho had ta*en it from a flagpole outside one of the targeted

    buildings+ he demonstration ended in front of allas #ity Gall, "here 8ohnson unfurled the

    merican flag, doused it "ith *erosene, and set it on fire+ .hile the flag burned, the protestors

    chantedB America, the red, "hite, and blue, "e spit on you+A fter the demonstrators dispersed, a

    "itness to the flag burning collected the flag%s remains and buried them in his bac*yard+ -o one "asphysically in(ured or threatened "ith in(ury, though several "itnesses testified that they had been

    seriously offended by the flag burning+ $f the approximately 1 demonstrators, 8ohnson alone "as

    charged "ith a crime+ he only criminal offense "ith "hich he "as charged "as the desecration of a

    venerated ob(ect in violation of ex+ Penal #ode nn+ >4+9a!;! 1979!+ fter a trial, he "as

    convicted, sentenced to one year in prison, and fined J4,+ he #ourt of ppeals for the :ifth

    istrict of exas at allas affirmed 8ohnson%s conviction but the exas #ourt of #riminal ppeals

    reversed holding that the State could not, consistent "ith the :irst mendment, punish 8ohnson for

    burning the flag in these circumstances+

    I"#!.hether publicly burning an merican flag as a means of political protest is a part of the

    constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression+

    H#$%!he :irst mendment literally forbids the abridgment only of Aspeech,A but the #ourt has long

    recognized that its protection does not end at the spo*en or "ritten "ord+ .hile the #ourt has

    re(ected Athe vie" that an apparently limitless variety of conduct can be labeled Vspeech% "henever

    the person engaging in the conduct intends thereby to express an idea,A it has ac*no"ledged that

    conduct may be Asufficiently imbued "ith elements of communication to fall "ithin the scope of the

    :irst and :ourteenth mendments+A In deciding "hether particular conduct possesses sufficient

    communicative elements to bring the :irst mendment into play, the #ourt has as*ed "hether Aan

    intent to convey a particularized message "as present, and K"hetherL the li*elihood "as great that

    the message "ould be understood by those "ho vie"ed it+A Especially pertinent to the case are the

    #ourt%s decisions recognizing the communicative nature of conduct relating to flags+ ttaching a

    peace sign to the flag, refusing to salute the flag, &arnette, and displaying a red flag, the #ourt hasheld, all may find shelter under the :irst mendment+ Pregnant "ith expressive content, the flag as

    readily signifies this -ation as does the combination of letters found in America+A he #ourt has not

    automatically concluded, ho"ever, that any action ta*en "ith respect to the flag is expressive+

    Instead, in characterizing such action for :irst mendment purposes, the #ourt has considered the

    context in "hich it occurred+ Gerein, 8ohnson burned an merican flag as part indeed, as the

    culmination of a political demonstration that coincided "ith the convening of the 'epublican Party

    and its renomination of 'onald 'eagan for President+ he expressive, overtly political nature of this

    conduct "as both intentional and over"helmingly apparent+ t his trial, 8ohnson explained his

    reasons for burning the flag as follo"sB Ahe merican :lag "as burned as 'onald 'eagan "as

    being renominated as President+ nd a more po"erful statement of symbolic speech, "hether you

    agree "ith it or not, couldn%t have been made at that time+ It%s 0uite a (ust position K(uxtapositionL+ .ehad ne" patriotism and no patriotism+A In these circumstances, 8ohnson%s burning of the flag "as

    conduct Asufficiently imbued "ith elements of communication,A to implicate the :irst mendment+

    .here AspeechA and AnonspeechA elements are combined in the same course of conduct, a

    sufficiently important governmental interest in regulating the nonspeech element can (ustify

    incidental limitations on :irst mendment freedoms, the applicability of $%&rien%s relatively lenient

    standard is limited to those cases in "hich Athe governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression

    of free expression+A In stating, moreover, that $%&rien%s test Ain the last analysis is little, if any,

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    different from the standard applied to time, place, or manner restrictions,A the #ourt has highlighted

    the re0uirement that the governmental interest in 0uestion be unconnected to expression in order to

    come under $%&rien%s less demanding rule+ he State offers t"o separate interests to (ustify this

    convictionB preventing breaches of the peace and preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and

    national unity+ he #ourt hold that the first interest is not implicated on this record and that the

    second is related to the suppression of expression+ principal Afunction of free speech under oursystem of government is to invite dispute+ It may indeed best serve its high purpose "hen it induces

    a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction "ith conditions as they are, or even stirs people to

    anger+A It "ould be odd indeed to conclude both that Aif it is the spea*er%s opinion that gives offense,

    that conse0uence is a reason for according it constitutional protection,A and that the government

    may ban the expression of certain disagreeable ideas on the unsupported presumption that their

    very disagreeableness "ill provo*e violence+ hus, the #ourt not permitted the government to

    assume that every expression of a provocative idea "ill incite a riot, but have instead re0uired

    careful consideration of the actual circumstances surrounding such expression, as*ing "hether the

    expression Ais directed to inciting or producing imminent la"less action and is li*ely to incite or

    produce such action+A 8ohnson%s expressive conduct does not fall "ithin that small class of Afighting

    "ordsA that are Ali*ely to provo*e the average person to retaliation, and thereby cause a breach ofthe peace+A -o reasonable onloo*er "ould have regarded 8ohnson%s generalized expression of

    dissatisfaction "ith the policies of the :ederal 2overnment as a direct personal insult or an invitation

    to exchange fisticuffs+ :orbidding criminal punishment for conduct such as 8ohnson%s "ill not

    endanger the special role played by our flag or the feelings it inspires+ -obody can suppose that this

    one gesture of an un*no"n man "ill change our -ation%s attitude to"ards its flag+ Indeed, exas%

    argument that the burning of an merican flag Ais an act having a high li*elihood to cause a breach

    of the peace,A and its statute%s implicit assumption that physical mistreatment of the flag "ill lead to

    Aserious offense,A tend to confirm that the flag%s special role is not in dangerN if it "ere, no one "ould

    riot or ta*e offense because a flag had been burned+ he flag%s deservedly cherished place in our

    community "ill be strengthened, not "ea*ened, by the #ourt%s holding today+ he decision is a

    reaffirmation of the principles of freedom and inclusiveness that the flag best reflects, and of theconviction that our toleration of criticism such as 8ohnson%s is a sign and source of our strength+

    Indeed, one of the proudest images of our flag, the one immortalized in our o"n national anthem, is

    of the bombardment it survived at :ort )cGenry+ It is the -ation%s resilience, not its rigidity that exas

    sees reflected in the flag and it is that resilience that the #ourt reasserts today+