Consciousness and the 3 Layers of the Human Mind

Consciousness and the human mind The reason human behavior is so strange is because we essentially have 3  brains. These are the brainstem (reptile), limbic system(hors e), and neocortex. The brainstem controls basic survival, and reproductive functions. The limbic deals with our emotions. The neocortex is specific to humans-altho ugh it is rarely used. Lets delve more thouroughly. The reptile brain is rigid, obsessive, compulsive, ritualisi tc, and paranoid and  prone to repetitive, programm ed behaviors. It contr ols vital func tions such as  breathing and he atbeat. Men have m ore problem g etting past this-whic h I can attest too. The horse brain, by adding feelings to instincts, can generate more nuanced, flexible behavior. It pursues pleasure and avoids pain. It is our evaluating function, determining whether we feel positive or negative towards something. It subordinates thinking to feeling. It engages in rationalizing of our desires. The neocortex is specific to humans, but not used enough. It is often under the control of the lower brains. When this developed, it did not disengage itself from emotions. You could say that people don’t behave rationally -but rationally pursue emotional satisfaction.( ie a drug addict can rationally work out ways to get his next fix) Yet it would be wrong for the neocortex to detach itself from emotions. Without emotions, a person would have no rational ends to aim for. Reason cannot aspire itsself because it involves emotion. Reason and logic are tools- not drivers. Will power must be the driver. Will contains the motivating, dynamic, self propellng element that reason lacks. The big question is- what is the right balance ? Animals are sentient ie can feel and sense, but they have no language. Human beings are sentient and have language. This allows them to naratise their lives ie to tell a story about events happening to them during the day. However, the nature of this constant narrative is that it cant be switched off. So, even when someone is actually being controlled by subconscious impulses, they have to rationalize what their subconscous has caused them to

Transcript of Consciousness and the 3 Layers of the Human Mind

8/13/2019 Consciousness and the 3 Layers of the Human Mind 1/3

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