Connection - · Connection December 2010 ......

Connection December 2010 - January 2011 11265 SW Gaarde Street, Tigard, OR 97224 Ph. 503.639.5336 Faith Journey Church home of Gaarde Christian School ARTICLE Page The Pastor’s Pen 2 Dec / Jan Calendars 3 Schedule 4 Missions News 5 West of 55 5 Fusion Youth 6 Journey Kids 6 Royal Rangers 7 M’pact Girls Clubs 7 Gaarde Christian Sch 8 Adult Ministries 4 Be a part of this ministry. Bless a child in need this Christmas. Pick an ornament from the tree, purchase an item (or items), and return your wrapped gift(s) to Faith Journey no later than December 20th. The giving tree will be available in the church / school lobby beginning Sunday evening, November 28th. Back to the Manger GCS Christmas Musical December 16 th @ 7pm Don’t miss this performance by Gaarde Christian School’s first through eighth grade students. For more information, see the Gaarde Christian School article on page 8 of this newsletter. Sunday mornings @ 10 am: Sunday mornings @ 10 am: December 5th: December 5th: Believe in the Magic of Lights” December 12th: December 12th: “Believe in the Melody of Love” December 19th December 19th “Believe in the Miracle of Life” Faith Journey Family Christmas Faith Journey Family Christmas Sunday, December 19 th @ 6pm an annual Faith Journey tradition Join us for this celebration of Christmas, as we enjoy fellowship, music and ministry, and an amazing Christmas dessert buffet. Bring your favorite Christmas dessert to share, and consider signing up to minister in song, poem or with a short Christmas Story. See Pastor Kelly GrosJacques with questions. We will be joined again this year by Teen Challenge of Portland.

Transcript of Connection - · Connection December 2010 ......

Page 1: Connection - · Connection December 2010 ... Believe in the Magic of Lights ... Missionaries to Tokyo, Japan • Josh & Renee

Connection December 2010 - January 2011

11265 SW Gaarde Street, Tigard, OR 97224 Ph. 503.639.5336 Faith Journey Church

home of Gaarde Christian School


The Pastor’s Pen 2

Dec / Jan Calendars 3

Schedule 4

Missions News 5

West of 55 5

Fusion Youth 6

Journey Kids 6

Royal Rangers 7

M’pact Girls Clubs 7

Gaarde Christian Sch 8

Adult Ministries 4 Be a part of this ministry. Bless a child in need this Christmas.

Pick an ornament from the tree, purchase an item (or items), and return your wrapped gift(s) to Faith Journey no later than December 20th.

The giving tree will be available in the church / school lobby beginning

Sunday evening, November 28th.

Back to the Manger GCS Christmas Musical December 16th @ 7pm

Don’t miss this performance by Gaarde Christian School’s first through eighth grade students.

For more information, see the Gaarde Christian School article on page 8 of this newsletter.

Sunday mornings @ 10 am:Sunday mornings @ 10 am: December 5th:December 5th: Believe in the Magic of Lights”

December 12th:December 12th: “Believe in the Melody of Love”

December 19thDecember 19th “Believe in the Miracle of Life”

Faith Journey Family ChristmasFaith Journey Family Christmas Sunday, December 19th @ 6pm an annual Faith Journey tradition Join us for this celebration of Christmas, as we enjoy fellowship, music and ministry, and an amazing Christmas dessert buffet.

Bring your favorite Christmas dessert to share, and consider signing up to minister in song, poem or with a short Christmas Story. See Pastor Kelly GrosJacques with questions.

We will be joined again this year by Teen Challenge of Portland.

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Walking with people, following God

the Pastor’s Pen

Page 2

This Christmas… BELIEVE

The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light,

and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death,

on them a light has dawned." "For God so loved the world, that he

gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not

perish but have eternal life. In him was life, and the life was

the light of men. The light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness has not overcome it.

-Matthew 4:16; John 1:4-5; 3:16 I think babies more than anyone else speak to the “light, love and life” found in the wonder of the Christmas season. For it was a baby who came into this world to bring hope, and it is in the eyes of a child we see all three of these ex-traordinary attributes.

I look into the eyes of our youth leader’s eight and a half month old toddler, and I see what Christmas truly en-compasses. From the newness and wonder of every light shining, to the love, life and acceptance she gives.

The challenge for all of us as we get older is to grow in our awe-struck wonder at God’s most excellent gift of His Son. “This Christmas BELIEVE” a fresh and a new (like a child) in the lights, love and life of this wondrous season!

Join us at Faith Journey Church in December as we explore together :

This Christmas... “Believe in the Magic of Lights” on December 5th “Believe in the Melody of Love” on December 12th “Believe in the Miracle of Life” on December 19th

This Christmas BELIEVE! By T. Paul Frisinger

This Christmas BELIEVE in the

magic of the lights; Believe in the twinkle and the brightness,

Of the shadow-breaking light sent to assuage our darkest nights.

Believe in the star that shone the clearest, When 3 men sought the truth and

shepherds where dearest.

This Christmas BELIEVE in the melody of love;

Believe in a heart so broken that heaven shed a rose,

God gave up a Son, and angels sang with glorious tongues.

Believe in a melody so sweet that the saddest heart doth weep,

For freedom in love was given and in believing, salvation’s keep.

This Christmas BELIEVE in the

Miracle of life; Believe in the birth from one who is

“greatest among women,” A virgin born son to ransom our life

from hell’s painful prison. Believe that death’s wretched grip has

been severed and broken, Where light, love and life abound in

more than mere seasonal token.

Journeying Together,

Pastor Tom

Evangeline Joy Downey AKA “Evie the Elf”

“The Nativity” Movie

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Happy New Year


Family Svc @ 10am NO SS or Children’s Ch Un-Decorating @ 6pm


GCS Resumes

4 5

Normal Wed PM Services Resume

6 7 8


Policy & Procedure Review @ 1pm

10 11 12




16  17 18 19 20 21


23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31


DECEMBER 2010 - JANUARY 2011 Calendars

december 2010

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

The Wave Prayer & Praise Service


12 13 14 15

Dept Parties 16

GCS Christmas Musical - Back to the Manger

17 18

Journey Kids @ Greenburg Oaks Fusion Youth Girls Baking Day


FJC Family Christmas w/ Teen Challenge


GCS Christmas Break Begins

21 22 NO PM Services




Merry Christmas!


Family Svc @ 10am NO: SS, Children’s Ch, Cornerstone or Youth

27 28 29 NO PM Services

30 31

GCS Christmas Break Ends


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Service Schedule

Wednesdays 7:00 pm Adult Study in Modular #2

Fusion Youth ( Sanctuary ) Missionettes ( Girls Kinder - 5th Grade ) Royal Rangers ( Boys Kinder - 5th Gr ) Rainbows ( Girls and Boys 3 - 4 Years )


5:30 am Men’s Bible Study - Davidson’s


8:45 - 9:45 am Sunday School - All Ages Nursery ( Birth - 2 Yrs )

10:00 - 11:30 pm Worship Service Children’s Church ( 3 Yrs - 5th Grade ) Nursery ( Birth - 2 Yrs )

6:00 pm Adult Home Group - Faith Journey Fusion Youth - Faith Journey Church

Page 4

Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday

Fridays 7:00 pm The Wave - Prayer and Worship

(2nd Friday of each month)

Pastor Kelly GrosJacques

Recently I heard this question posed to a group of teenagers and adults, “If your house caught on fire, and you had time to grab three things, what would those three things be?”

Some of the answers, “my kids,” “pictures,” “family heirlooms,” “my cell phone,” “my favorite books,” made me stop and think how I would answer that question. I came up with a whole lot more than three things that I would want to grab. I realized as I tried to narrow it down that a lot of the things I would grab had ‘sentimental’ value only… they were things that someone else prob-ably would not grab on their way out. It reminded me that my priorities in life, may not be someone else’s priorities.

So, as we go into the holiday season and the new year, focus on what your priori-ties are, and don’t be swayed or moved to take on someone else’s priorities.

Whether you are busy decorating your house in Martha Stewart fashion, or you are busy collecting socks to send to de-ployed troops, make sure your priorities are directing those around you not just to the baby in the manger, but to the King he grew up to be!

In His Service,

Adult Ministries

Three Things

If your house caught on fire,

and you had time to grab three


what would those three things be?

Fridays 7:00 pm The Wave Prayer and Praise

on the second Friday of each month

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Missions News

Page 5

Donna Randol

This issue of our newsletter will reach you in the midst of the Christmas season and I would like to remind you to pray for our missionaries. They give up so much to be in other countries to do what God has called them to do. Not only do they need our monthly support they need to be con-tinually held up in prayer. If you wonder how or what to pray for, go to our mis-sionary wall; where you will find our newsletter book. This is where we keep the most up to date missionary newslet-ters for everyone to read. You will find most of our missionaries have specific prayer requests.

Tamara Henkes At this time there is an urgent prayer need for Tamara Henkes. She is our mis-sionary to Romania. She has returned unexpectedly to Oregon, on November 15th. Her father Richard Henkes of Sil-verton, 63, died in a head-on collision near Wilsonville the afternoon of Novem-ber 13th. No words can express how she must be feeling. It is so important that we hold her and her family up in prayer while she goes through this difficult time. We all know it's going to be rough for her family to go through the holidays without their loved one.

At the time of this writing the details of this accident are still under investigation.

What we know is around 12:50 PM No-vember 13th Tamara's dad was involved in a head-on collision with a 2007 Peter-built dump truck. A third vehicle a 2001 Mercedes following the pickup was also involved in the collision.

Tamara Henkes's dad was pronounced dead at the scene even though he was using safety restraints. The Mercedes driver was not injured. His passenger re-ceived minor injuries, and the dump truck driver also received minor injuries.

Just the week before the accident Tamara was holding an outreach to children in a village outside of Slobozia. The outreach was held in a woman's home who is the only Christian in this village. And then on Saturday there was a children's workers seminar and another children's program in the town of Slobozia. Her love for the children and people of Romania is great.

Along with praying for Tamara and her family here in the states I know she would want us to pray for those in Romania. Prayer is one of the best gifts we can give.

May all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year.

In His Service,

• Russ and Beth Chambers Missionaries to OSU (Chi Alpha)

• Carl and Terri Gibbs Missionaries to Africa

• Tamara Henkes Missionary to Romania

• Dennis & Diane Holcomb Missionaries to Poland

• Ken Huff Missionary to Cambodia

• Eric & Jacquelin Jenkins Missionaries to Algeria

• Steve and Julie Kramer Missionaries to the Netherlands

• Bill & Carol Paris Missionaries to Tokyo, Japan

• Josh & Renee Ransom Missionary to China

• Matt & Heather Reigel Missionaries to Germany

• John & Beccy Rodli Missionaries to Azores/Portugal

• Ryan & Christy Thomas Missionaries to Mexico

• Rob & Jeanel Shipley Missionaries to East Africa

• David & Dorothy Yunuba Missionaries to Africa

• John & Carolyn Stewart Missionaries to Indonesia

• Chuck & Janet Wilson Missionaries to Botswana

Pastor John Granholm

We know we’re getting older when we say things like, “Can you believe how young these professional baseball player are?” And it’s a sure sign of aging when we no longer ask, “How are you?” but say, “Hey,

you look terrific,” as if we’re surprised.

Aging is inevitable. Unfortunately, society has taught us to fear advancing age and to disguise its reality as much as possible. But aging can actually be a wonderful thing. Followers of Jesus have the capacity to get significantly better with age. As Paul put it, “Even though our outward man is perishing; yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16)

Just as there are physical signs that reveal we’re getting older, there are signs that show we are getting better.

Rather than becoming more crotchety, intolerant, and un-loving, the maturing follower of Jesus grows better at forgiving, loving, and caring. Growing older is a continu-ation of the journey to become more like Jesus, which means that as time goes on, our heart and attitudes should increasingly resonate with and reflect the compel-ling character and winsome ways of our Savior.

So as we grow older, let’s embrace the opportunity to become spiritually more like Jesus. Our friends will notice that we look better with age!

Don’t just grow older – grow better as a follower of Jesus.

In Him,

West of 55

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Kiel & Niina Downey

While browsing Facebook, I came across a status that really made me stop and think: “What we love usually manages to get into our conversation. What is down in the well of the heart will come up in the bucket as you draw from the well. Is Jesus in the conversation as you draw from your well today?”

Is the well of my heart full of living water or is it stagnant and bitter? Do I work Jesus into my dai-ly conversation? We are once again challenged to make Jesus the center…to have our words be His words…to let the words of our lips be of life and not death. What are you drawing from your well today?


December 2010 Sunday, December10th - Youth Leadership / Discipleship Meeting Wednesday, December 15th - Ugly Sweater Christmas Party @ 7pm Saturday, December 18th - Youth Baking Day for FJ Family Christmas Celebration Monday, December 20th - Christmas Babysitting Fundraiser

Special Note: Parents, please mark your calendars for the baking day and babysitting fundraiser. We need your help!!

January 2011: Sunday, January 9th - Youth Leadership / Discipleship Meeting Thursday-Saturday - January 27th-29th - Generation Unleashed / Cost: $65 per student

Have questions about any of the upcoming youth events? Contact Kiel or Niina for more details.

Youth Ministries

Page 6

Children’s Church Ministries

Alaina Worden

This year I took a challenge to choose a word that would represent me throughout the year. I took this chal-lenge to open my heart and mind to the word of God. The word I chose is influence. I’ve been amazed at how one simple word can change the world around me.

World Changers Your children have been on a chal-lenge too – “To be world changers.”

For the past several weeks we have been diving deep into the word of God. Through basic interactive Bible stories the children are learning how to:

• Impact the world around them

• Make wise choices, and

• Reach out to others.

I’m excited to watch the growth of our future.

Join us Sunday mornings, and you too can be world changer!

Serving Him,

Children’s Church


Freedom Kids Services for 3 yrs - Kindergarten

On Sunday mornings, our little ones (three years old through kindergarten age) meet together to learn, sing and play.

JourneyKids Services for 1st - 5th graders

Kids, bring along your energy on Sunday mornings for Journey Kids! This is no time to sit back and watch... every child is an integral part of the service. Together, we’re learning to wor-ship, serve, reach out and trans-late what we’re learning into action in our own lives. Join us!

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kindergarten through 5th grade 

Royal Rangers clubs for boys

Farrin Hockett

The Royal Rangers had a great turnout for the annual derby race in October with 27 boys participating. Many new boys joined the race which provided an opportunity to introduce them to Royal Rangers. Thank you to all of the dad’s and volunteers in making this event happen.

The Rangers plan to celebrate their Christmas party on December 15th with a night at Inflatable Kingdom. Come find out details of this event and learn about Royal Rangers at any of our Wednesday night meetings.

Christmas Tree Recycling The Rangers will also be recycling Christmas trees again this year, so be looking for an opportunity to signup for us to pickup your tree. Your donation supports all children’s ministries as well as Rangers teaching materials, ad-vancement awards and event scholar-ships.

If you have a boy in Kindergarten through 5th grade, we would love to have him join us. Contact the church office for more information.

Each club level has been busy this fall already com-pleting 2 badges and working on their third badge. The Stars Club is currently having so much fun work-ing on their cooking badge, which seems very fitting for the holiday season.

Last month, our Stars did a fantastic job helping out in the Derby Diner. You probably saw them taking orders and handing out food. They had so much fun being waitresses and boosting our Derby Diner sales. Thank you to all who came out to watch the pinewood derby races and supported our fundrais-er. We made $155 profit, which will help to pay for our badges.

We are looking forward to our annual Christmas party on Wednesday, December 15.

We would love to have your child join us anytime throughout the year.

In his service,

Connie Frisinger, M’Pact Clubs Coordinator

M’Pact clubs for girls first through fifth grade  ‐ and ‐  Rainbows club for preschool aged girls and boys 

Please note that there will be no regular Wednesday PM Meetings for Royal Rangers or M’Pact Girls Clubs on December 22nd or 29th due to the Christmas holiday.

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GCS Administrator

11265 SW Gaarde St. Tigard, OR 97224

“Back to the Manger” is the name of the Christ-mas musical that will be performed by our first – eighth grade students on December 16th.

Is it just a tradition or is there more to our school musicals? As long as I can remember we have always done programs at Gaarde Christian School. Some things are done, just because they’ve always been done, without much thought behind it. Well, for our programs at Gaarde, there is so much more.

The overarching purpose for our Creative Arts program is that each child has the opportunity to glorify God in performance opportunities through which they may impact their world for Christ as they explore, develop and demon-strate the creative potential that God has given them. Every child needs to be given the op-portunity to discover and develop their gifts.

We also see the music program as a way for children to understand ministry. The students and teachers pray for those coming to the pro-grams. Each program is designed to share Christ with the audience. Having students un-derstand that each program is so much more than just singing some songs and saying some lines, helps them develop a passion for ministry, not just here but in their church as well. It is won-derful, too, that our students can be those shin-ing a light on a hill that points people towards Jesus.

I would ask that you be in prayer for our up-coming Christmas musical. Pray for the students and for Mrs. Smith. Also pray that the message of the musical program would minister to those coming. Come ready to be blessed as our stu-dents lead us “Back to the Manger”.

Kellie Hooper

Gaarde Christian School