Concepts & Management2 - Universitas Kristen Duta...

AMTI 2 Concepts & Management Concepts & Management Antonius Rachmat C

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AMTI 2Concepts & ManagementConcepts & Management

Antonius Rachmat C

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Information System

• An information system (IS) collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific purpose “application”

• It consists of:• It consists of:– Hardware– Software– Data– Network– Procedure / Function– Brainware

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The relationship among data, information, & knowledge

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Data, Information, Knowledge

• Data– Elementary description of things, events, activities, and

transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored, but not organized to convey any specific meaning

• Misal: umur 25, gaji 1,5juta

• Information• Information– Data that has been organized so that they have meaning and

value to the recipient• Budi berumur 25 dengan gaji 1,5juta dan pegawai tetap

• Knowledge– Information that has been organized and processed to convey

understanding, experience, and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity

• Karena hal itu, maka proposal kredit rumah disetujui

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From Facts to Wisdom(Haeckel & Nolan, 1993)


Less is












WisdomObjectivity Subjectivity

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• Fact: fakta-fakta yang tidak terbantahkan• Informasi: fakta-fakta yang berguna / bermanfaat bagi

suatu sistem• Intelligence: suatu kecerdasan yang muncul karena

informasi yang dimiliki telah dapat diolah dan dianalisis informasi yang dimiliki telah dapat diolah dan dianalisis dengan baik

• Knowledge: kumpulan informasi yang mampu menciptakan informasi baru yang berasal dari kecerdasan pengolahan informasi tersebut

• Wisdom: kebijaksanaan pengetahuan, mengetahui mana yang benar dan tidak berdasarkan kedalam pengetahuan yang dimiliki

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Information System –Classification By Support Function

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Office Automation Systems (OAS)

• OAS includes word processing systems, document management systems, and desktop publishing systems

• OAS systems are predominantly used by clerical workers who / support managers at all levelsworkers who / support managers at all levels

• Among clerical workers, those who use, manipulate, or disseminate information are referred to as data workers– Sekertaris, teller, adminstrasi, customer services, data report

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Transaction Processing System (TPS)

• TPS automates routine and repetitive tasks that are critical to the operation of the organization, such as:– preparing a payroll, billing customers, Point-of-Sale, and

Warehouse operations

• Data collected from this operation supports the MIS and • Data collected from this operation supports the MIS and DSS systems employed by Middle Management

• Primary purpose of TPS is to perform transactions and collect data

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Functional information systems

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FIS in Routine Business of Manufacturing

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Management Information Systems (MIS)

• These systems access, organize, summarize, and display information for supporting routine decision making in the functional areas

• MIS are characterized mainly by their ability to produce periodic reports such as a daily list of employees and


periodic reports such as a daily list of employees and the hours they work, or a monthly report of expenses as compared to a budget

• Decisions supported are more structured• Primary purpose of MIS is to process data into


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MIS support

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Decision Support Systems

• These systems support complex non-routine decisions• Primary purpose of DSS is to process data into information• DSS systems are typically employed by tactical level management

whose decisions and what-if analyses are less structured• This information system not only presents the results but also

expands the information with alternatives:expands the information with alternatives:– One or more results– Ranking results

• Some DSS methodologies– Mathematical Modeling– Simulation– Queries– What-If– Data mining

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Intelligent Support Systems (ISS)

• One application of AI is expert systems.

• Expert systems (ESs) provide the stored knowledge of experts to non experts, so the latter can solve difficult or time-the latter can solve difficult or time-consuming problems.

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• Expert systems differ from TPS, which centers on data, and from MIS and DSS, which concentrates on processing information. – With DSS, users make their decisions according to the – With DSS, users make their decisions according to the

information generated from the systems.

– With ES, the system makes recommended decisions for the users based on the built-in expertise and knowledge.

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Executive Support Systems (ESS)

• ESS systems or Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) were originally implemented to support senior management.

• These systems have been expanded to support other managers within the enterprise

• At the senior management level they supportStrategic Activities which deals with situations that may significantly change the manner in which business is done

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Executive Support Systems (ESS)

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Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

• An additional level of staff support now exists between top and middle management.

• These are professional people, such as financial and marketing analysts that act as advisors and assistants to both top and middle management.

for finding or developing new • They are responsible for finding or developing new knowledge (External Content) for the organization and integrating it with existing knowledge (Internal Content)

• KMS support these knowledge workers range from Internet search engines and expert systems, to Web-based computer-aided design and sophisticated data management systems

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Two Kinds of Knowledge

• Tacit: or unarticulated knowledge is more personal, experiential, context specific, and hard to formalize; is difficult to communicate or share with others; and is generally in the heads of individuals and teams.heads of individuals and teams.– Feeling, norma

• Explicit: explicit knowledge can easily be written down and codified.– Undang-undang

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People in Organizations

Chapter 2 22

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Inter-Organizational Systems (IOS)

• IOS are systems that connect two or more organizations. – These systems are common among business partners

and play a major role in e-commerce as well as in supply chain management support

– Example?– Example?

• The first type of IT system that was developed in the 1980s to improve communications with business partners was electronic data interchange (EDI),

• EDI involved computer-to-computer direct communication of standard business documents (such as purchase orders and order confirmations) between business partners.

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Departmental, enterprise, and interorganizational information systems.

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The Web Based IT Architectures

Web-based systems refer to applications or services that are resident on a server that is accessible using a Web browser. The only client-side software needed to access and execute these applications is a Web browser

• The Internet

• Corporate Portals

• E-commerce Systems

• Electronic Markets

execute these applications is a Web browser environment.

�Electronic Exchanges


�Enterprise Web

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WEB v.1.0

• Web 1.0 secara umum dikembangkan untuk pengaksesan informasi dan memiliki sifat yang sedikit interaktif

• Sifat web 1.0 adalah read• Sifat web 1.0 adalah read

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WEB v.2.0

• Menurut Tim O’Reilly, Web 2.0 dapat didefinisikan sebagai berikut:“Web 2.0 adalah revolusi bisnis di industri komputer yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan internet sebagai platform, dan merupakan suatu percobaan untuk memahami berbagai aturan untuk mencapai memahami berbagai aturan untuk mencapai keberhasilan pada platform baru tersebut. Salah satu aturan terutama adalah: Membangun aplikasi yang mengeksploitasi efek jaringan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi pengguna aplikasi tersebut”

• Sifat dari web 2.0 adalah read write

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Peralihan dari web 1.0 – 2.0

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Cloud Computing

• Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimalmanagement effort or service provider interaction. management effort or service provider interaction.

• 5 characteristics of Cloud Computing:• On-demand self-service • Broad network access• Resource pooling

• Location independence• Rapid elasticity• Measured service

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Cloud Computing Example

• Email Service: Yahoo! Dan Google• Office Service: MS Office Live, Google Docs, dan Zoho,

Peeple• Collaboration Computing: SETI@Home, Folding@Home• Storage online:, UbuntuOne• Storage online:, UbuntuOne• Operating System online: eyeOS, glideOS, amoebaOS

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• Data Management: Data, Databases and Warehousing