Compo 4 – term 3 (draft 2)


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Transcript of Compo 4 – term 3 (draft 2)

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Compo 4 – Term 3

Draft2 – Alan 4/7 (Vetted by Maximus)

“Where in the library is the book on insects? It’s got to be here somewhere!” Abby

wondered as he searched high and low on where the book might be as he needed it for his

project on insects. While searching, he bumped into his classmate, Milley. Soon, they started

chatting on their topic and how much progress they have made so far. It came to light that

they were doing the same topic for their research and they shared some of their ideas and


As Milley and Abby continued chatting, something caught Milley’s eyes. The book on

insects she was looking for hours has been found! As Abby noticed that Milley was distracted

with something, he followed her gaze. Jealousy and hatred ate Abby as he watched Milley

taking the book from the shelf as he wanted to do the research on the topic better than her.

Abby’s hand shot out and snatched the book seconds after Milley removed the book

from the shelf. A tug-of-war started and she shouted “Give me back!” in agony. Hearing this,

on-lookers watched them, wondering what will happen if the book has a mouth.

A ripping sound was heard and the book gave way. Hearing the commotion, a librarian

rushed to the scene. The on-lookers, Abby and Milley watched the librarian, Ms Goh go

through an amazing transformation. At first, she looked astonished that such a thick and

hard-covered book had torn apart so easily, and then her features hardened into a cold,

forbidding mask. “How dare you, two children ruin my precious books!” she bellowed as she

lend them glue and made them glue the book till it looked good and new. From that day, no

one dared to snatch the books in the library.

(Word count: 293)