Completing the NEPA Process for CatEx Projects: Part 3 to CE Closeout.

Completing the NEPA Process for CatEx Projects: Part 3 to CE Closeout

Transcript of Completing the NEPA Process for CatEx Projects: Part 3 to CE Closeout.

Completing the NEPA Process for CatEx Projects:

Part 3 to CE Closeout

NEPA Decision Documents

Environmental Impact Statement : Record of Decision (ROD)

Environmental Assessment: Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Categorical Exclusion: CE Closeout

Categorical Exclusions (CE)Start: Part 3

Environmental Surveys/Permits

End: CE Closeout

Part 3 of the Prospectus

RoleProject Classification (EIS, EA, CE)Documentation Requirements


Type of Projects“c” and “d” list

Q: So, are we done with NEPA?

A: Not even close!

CE Closeout

Role: Confirms Project Classification (EIS, EA, CE) Includes Required Documentation Verifies Type of CE (“c” or “d” list) Signifies completion of NEPA process

Should also include: Changes in project scope Avoidance and minimization measures Environmental commitments

Programmatic CE

No significant environmental impacts

No unusual circumstances Does not involve:

More than minor amounts of R/W Residential or commercial

displacement Adverse effect of historic resource Coast Guard permit or individual

Corps permit Work encroaching on floodway or

affecting 100-year flood elevation

Does not involve: Work in or adjacent to Wild and Scenic

River More than minor wetland impacts Change in access control Use of temporary road, detour or ramp

closure Known hazmat site Goal exception

Conforms with Air Quality State Implementation Plan

Consistent with Oregon Coastal Zone Management Plan

Does not involve federally-listed T&E species or critical habitat

CE Approvals

Categorical Exclusion:RECODOT Environmental ManagerFHWA Environmental Program Mgr.

Programmatic Categorical Exclusion:RECODOT Environmental Manager

Once these documents are signed, NEPA has been completed.

When is the CE Closeout Needed?

Prior to start of right of way process (if federal funds are used)

Prior to approval of construction funds

Things to remember:

Include copies of all required environmental documents, such as: No Effect memo or BO Section 106 documents 4(f) documentation

Include a copy of the Part 3

Include a project location map

For more information: