Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that will empower you on your journey to success

Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs That Will Empower You On Your Journey To Success /common-characteristics-of-successful-entrepreneurs/ Anam Tahir Nobody is born an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is learnt. It is developed. It is created. Do You Have That Burning Desire?… Embracing These Common Characteristics Of Successful Entrepreneurs Will Unleash The Hidden Entrepreneur In YOU Anybody can be an entrepreneur. YOU can be an entrepreneur. But there is a condition for that. Embarking on the path of entrepreneurship requires you to embrace, in fact, “learn” the common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Name any successful entrepreneur and you will find the same characteristics, the same traits, the same qualities or whatever you want to call it, in each one of them.


Nobody is born an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is learnt. It is developed. It is created. All successful entrepreneurs have some characteristics in common. You too can be a successful entrepreneur if you make the common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs your second nature.

Transcript of Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that will empower you on your journey to success

Page 1: Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that will empower you on your journey to success

Common Characteristics of Successful EntrepreneursThat Will Empower You On Your Journey To Success /common-characteristics-of-successful-entrepreneurs/

Anam Tahir

Nobody is born an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is learnt.

It is developed.

It is created.

Do You Have That Burning Desire?…

Embracing These Common Characteristics Of Successful EntrepreneursWill Unleash The Hidden Entrepreneur In YOUAnybody can be an entrepreneur. YOU can be an entrepreneur. But there is a condition for that.

Embarking on the path of entrepreneurship requires you to embrace, in fact, “learn” the common characteristicsof successful entrepreneurs. Name any successful entrepreneur and you will find the same characteristics, thesame traits, the same qualities or whatever you want to call it, in each one of them.

Page 2: Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that will empower you on your journey to success

Entrepreneurship is a management discipline. It is a process that can be learned and applied.” ~Peter Drucker

Following is a list of common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, which if adapted can unleash thehidden entrepreneur in YOU.


Entrepreneurship is no different than leadership. But it is the art of leading one’s own self that is the foremostrequisite of being an entrepreneur.

Leading others can only be done if you know how to lead your own self first.

If you really want to inspire others, first inspire your self.” ~ Anonymous

Take responsibility of their own actions

Being an entrepreneur requires you to own your failures and break out of the cocoon. Blaming thecircumstances, blaming others, blaming the lack of opportunities will only keep you in the survival mode andnever let your inside hero come out. Living in the bubble of blaming keeps you away from fighting the odds andbecoming the best version of yourself.

Being the best version of yourself demands you to accept your failures from the core, make changes, adapt to itand then make it work.


Self-discipline lies at the very core of entrepreneurial journey. Abiding by self-discipline ensures you to stay ontrack, staying focused towards your goal, being productive and monetizing your peak energy levels. Beingorganized and efficient is a sub-category of self-discipline.

It is the skill of self-discipline that allows you to extract the best possible potential out of yourself and utilize it toearn the riches that you desire.

Passionate about their work

Successful entrepreneurs just love what they do ! Their passion for their work is immortal.

Only if you are passionate about your work and love doing it to bits, can you achieve mastery in it. It is your lovefor your work, your passion for it that keeps the burning desire alive in you and empower you to persevere in theface of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

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Believe in giving

All successful entrepreneurs that have become an example for this world for all times and ages to come, have orhad a firm belief in giving first. They know that it is only through the act of giving first that you can get somethingin return.

They do not believe in chasing money. They hold on to this firm belief that once you provide immense value topeople, money will automatically follow you.

As my mentor Jay Kubassek says,

Money is just a by-product of your value to the society.”

Invest in their personal development

Successful entrepreneurs of all times and ages have invested in themselves. They keep learning new skills andeducating themselves not just to stay ahead of others but to change the ways things are done.

Personal growth and professional development is critical to long-term and sustainable success. Active seeking ofself-awareness is crucial for an entrepreneur to achieve their goals. In order to “earn” entrepreneurship you mustremain a student for your life-time. You must always keep your mind open to exploring new arenas, learn andgrow.

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Having the desire to keep learning new skills followed by mastering those skills is the key to self-growth andsuccess.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening theaxe.” ~Abraham Lincoln

Take consistent action each day

Cracking the code of entrepreneurship requires taking massive, consistent action each day. Successfulentrepreneurs and leaders demonstrate action. Those who succeed in achieving their targets are the ones whotake consistent equal amount of action each day.

The only perfect action in business is to keep taking action. It is only through imperfect action that you find theperfect action.

If you want to learn to swim, you have to throw yourself in the water.” ~ Bruce Lee

Keep experimenting and testing new methods

To be successful you just have to keep digging until you reach your target. There is no predefined formula forsuccess. There are no hard and fast rules following which will guarantee you riches. Do not just stick to a fixedplan. Keep it flexible and keep testing it. Change it as you explore new things on your way.

There is no perfect way to do things. There is no such thing as the best strategy to run a business. The only beststrategy is the one you master at.

Keep inventing as they go

To explore the hidden entrepreneur in you, you have to keep alive the hunger to explore new things. If you keepthat fire burning within you and keep taking consistent action, by no means is there any possibility that you won’tsucceed in your goals.

I am in love with my never ending search. It’s my drive. It’s my passion. It’s my thirst.” ~ YaliSharon


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To be successful on your path to entrepreneurship one has to have the sense of compassion and helping outothers without expecting anything in return.

The act of being generous by default is what makes you a leader.” ~ Jay Kubbasek

Do not fear challenges

Among many

common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, the trait that separates them from the rest is their ability tokeep standing in the face of all challenges.

They don’t fear obstacles. They don’t fear failures. Challenges are their drive.

It’s my willingness to fail what gives me the ability to succeed.” ~ Vinod Khosla

Follow fears and conquer them

Successful entrepreneurs allow fears to be their guide. Instead of running away from fears, they face them andconquer them by taking action.

If you are going through difficult time consider the possibility that right now you are exactly whereyou need to be.

When parasites slip into oysters and threaten their survival, their natural reaction is not to fight itoff. Instead they cover it up with the same substance that is used to create their protective shell.

Overtime this process creates one of the most admired objects in the world – The Pearl.

Instead of trying to eliminate the problems and avoiding fears, run towards them.

They’re your stepping stones to greatness.” ~ Yali Sharon, Founder Live Unbound

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Stay Unique

Successful entrepreneurs never follow others. They refuse to be a me-too person. The fact that stands out anentrepreneur from the crowd is their uniqueness and their utter faith in their unique abilities.

Each and every one of us has his or her own unique abilities. Having faith in your unique abilities and makingthem the foundation of your business is what creates your worth. Money will just chase you if you capitalize onyour uniqueness.

You should learn from your competitor but never copy. Copy and you die.” ~ Jack Ma

Do not settle for the status quo

Successful entrepreneurs refuse to settle for the status quo. They are different and choose their own path.

Stay committed to their goals no matter what!

Are the creators of need. One of the many characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is that they thinkahead of time. They “create” need and then fill that gap. They believe in creating demand and findingproducts for their customers rather than finding customers for their products.

Create opportunities. Other than the above mentioned common characteristics of successfulentrepreneurs, a very striking quality of entrepreneurs is that they do not wait for opportunities to come ontheir way. In fact they create opportunities. They create circumstances and construct their own pathways.

Build relationships with customers. Successful entrepreneurs do not see customers as money makingmachines. They know that people buy from people not from companies. Gaining trust of your customersby providing them value and building relationship with them is the most critical step in all phases of yourbusiness.

Go for “quality” rather than quantity.

Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” ~ SteveJobs

Incessant perseverance. Working as hard even in the face of no results is what leads to success.Successful entrepreneurs never quit.

A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.” ~ Napolean Hill

Get out of their comfort zone. Success begins at the end of your comfort zone. Period. Staying withinyour comfort zone limits you from achieving your best. It limits you to turn your good into better and yourbetter into best.

Value time and invest in their time. After our brain, time is the most valuable asset at our disposal. Yoursuccess rate is directly proportional to your time management skills. Greater the efficiency, greater thesuccess.

Create leaders not followers. Entrepreneurship exhibits leadership and leaders create more leaders notfollowers. All successful businessmen share their knowledge and success with others, and be their guide.

Mastermind. Effective entrepreneurs surround themselves with people who are much smarter than themand take their advises. Why reinvent the wheel?

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Read books

Think outside the box. Entrepreneurship demands innovation. Now this does not hold that you have tobe the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zukerberg. But you can bring forth innovation in anything you do. Comingup with new ways of doing things and saying no to the conventional wisdom is what sculpts an ordinaryperson into a successful entrepreneur.

Stay laser focused towards their goal. All effective entrepreneurs overcome every obstacle standingbetween them and their goal by the virtue of their definiteness of purpose and utter confidence in theiractions.

Never get intimidated by rejection. The people who get used to rejection are the ones who develop thestrength to persevere in the toughest of times. Only if you see an opportunity in the face of rejection canyou succeed on your journey to entrepreneurship.

I was rejected from Harvard 10 times. I went for a job with police; they said, “You’re no good.”When KFC came to China, 24 people went for the job. 23 got accepted. I was the only guy.” ~Jack Ma

Risk takers. They see risks as the opportunities to greatness rather than as obstacles on their road togreatness.

They adapt to the changing needs of their target market.

At peace with being labelled as ‘the outsider’. Being labelled as crazy, being torn apart by criticism iswhat you should get accustomed to if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

Ignore the naysayers and have a thick skin. Successful entrepreneurs have faith in their decisions andeven if the whole world goes against them they stick to it.

If you enjoyed reading this or if you know someone who hasthe burning desire to be a successful entrepreneur but is afraidof taking the plunge, please share it with them. We all needsomeone to guide us through. Usually it’s just the lack ofguidance that holds us back from taking that final jump.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors! I would love to hearback from you.

This is me, Anam Tahir, signing off for now. Have a great day!

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