Comida de Oya

Coconut Breaded Chicken pg.26 Spring Recipes Issue 5 vol. 1 May 2011 Comida de O Y A


This is a cookbook has recipes that's derived from the Spanish and Carribean cultures.

Transcript of Comida de Oya

Coconut Breaded Chicken pg.26

Spring Recipes

I s s u e 5 v o l . 1 M a y 2 0 1 1

Comida deOYA

2923 Angela Court Tampa, FL 33619 813-934-1992

Steamed mushrooms

Fried Plantains

Spanish Cuisine

Mina’s Kitchen Restaurant

Cup Cake Heaven

Cup Cake Heaven

10624 Foxcrest Way Riverview, FL 33659


Where Shopping is a Pleasure

Sergio & Monica’s Cafe

Pinellas PlaceTampa, FL 33610 813-968-1990Open 24 hours


25 Coconut Breaded Chicken RecipeThis recipe is great for in the spring.

15 Spanish Chicken and Rice RecipeTomatoes, rice, and garlic makes this recipe tasty .

31 Homemade Chocolate Cookies Recipe America’s favorite desert cookie.

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11 Editor’s Page Nikeya Williams talks about her cooking experiences.

Table of Contents

Coconut Breaded Chicken

I s s u e 5 v o l . 1 M a y 2 0 1 1

Comida deOYA


Where Shopping is a Pleasure

Editor’s Page

M y f i r s t c o o k i n g e x p e r i e n c e . . .

When I think about my cooking past, I still wonder how my roommate ever ate the food that I cooked. I cooked some of the scariest foods that a beginner could have cooked, but through all my burnt cakes, mushy rice, and salty green beans, I learned how to cook. Moreover, cooking has

always been hard for me to do, I’m not from a line of chefs. As I learned how to cook different meals, I decided to create Comida de Oya. Now, I want to share some of the recipes that I found to be successful and tasty. I hope that as you cook and gain experience with cooking, that you will have memories that will last you a lifetime.

Happy cooking!

Nikeya Williams

Comida 12

Comida deOYA Nikeya Williams Editor-in-Chief

Graphic Designer Photographer Writer

Contributing Photographers Sergio Linares Monica Estornell

Clearwater Beach The place you want to be.

Spanish Chicken and Rice

Comida 16Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

By: Nikeya Williams

Cooking Spanish food is exciting; it uses veg-etables, garlic, onion, tomatoes, and cilantro, and vinegar.

In the this recipe from Simple Recipes, I used white rice, tomatoes, garlic, onions, parsley, cilantro, and other special spices together to make a flavorful side dish of rice.

One common cooking method is to include vegetables into the rice especially carrots, peas, and corn depending on your recipe.

As you will see in the recipe, that cooking Span-ish rice isn’t hard, but it’s exciting, you will get the opportunity to taste the beautiful flavors of tomatoes and garlic.

Moreover, the flavors are wonderful, and I hope that you will be able to experience the beauty of cooking Spanish food with me.

If you don’t normally cook don’t get fearful, this recipe is very easy and simple to follow. I promise that you won’t get frustrated and annoyed with all the particulars.

Also, when you’re cooking Spanish chicken, you will smell the beautiful flavors of red wine vinegar and white vinegar. When you marinate the chicken, you will taste the flavors of olives, and rasins. It’s absolutely Fantasic. Let’s get ready to cook!

Comdia 18

2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, chopped fine 1 garlic clove, minced 2 cups of medium or long-grain white rice 3 cups* chicken stock 1 heaping tablespoon tomato paste Pinch of oregano 1 teaspoon salt

(Rice) Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 2 teaspoons oregano 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder Dash of pepper 3 bay leaves 1/2 cup golden raisins 1/4 cup sliced pitted green olives 3 pounds chicken parts 2 Teaspoon brown sugar 1/2 cup dry white wine

(Chicken) Ingredients

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de OyaNikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Comida 20

In a separate sauce pan bring stock to a simmer. Add tomato sauce, oregano, and salt. Add rice to broth, and bring to a simmer.

Lower heat and cook 15-25 minutes, depending on the type of rice and the instructions on the rice package.

Turn off heat and let sit for 5 minutes.

Cook onion rice mixture, stirring frequently, about 4 minutes, or un-til onions are softened.

In a large skillet, addbrown rice in olive oil, and turn strove onmedium/high heat, and then add onion and garlic.

As you’re waiting for the rice to saute in the skillet, clean your 3 pounds of chicken parts.

Be sure to wear plastic gloves.

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Comida 22

In a medium bowl combine the olive oil, vinegar, oregano, salt, garlic powder, pep-per, bay leaves, raisins and olives.

Prick the skin of the chicken with fork tines and add to the marinade, coating well.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place chicken in a 12x8x2-inch baking dish. Combine wine with the marinade and pour over chicken.

Sprinkle chicken with brown sugar. Bake uncovered at 350°F, basting occasionally, until chicken is tender, about 50 minutes. Remove bay leaves.

If you want, you can make plantains for a nice side item for the meal.

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Get what you need for that special day!


Coconut Breaded Chicken Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer

Comida 26

This recipe isn’t a recipe that I found in my mom’s recipe book, but it’s a recipe that my friend gave to me.

When my friend originally mentioned that he wanted to cook coconut breaded chicken, I wasn’t too excited, but after eating his coconut bread chicken, my taste buds were happy.

I have to tell you that this recipe isn’t as easy as the Spanish chicken and rice recipe, but it’s worth all the hardwork.

Coconut breaded chicken has interesting taste, that you will like this taste for the spring.

Moreover, this recipe is easy to follow, but you have to make sure that you folllow each step.

If you’re a beginning cooker, than you might want

to have a extra helping hand in the kitchen, so that you don’t get overworked.

I promise that you will love this meal, and you will cook this recipe for next spring.

Get your pots and skillets ready, you’re going to cook a delicious meal for this spring season.

By: Nikeya Williams

1 cup Jamine white rice: which feeds to about 3 people1 pound of Chicken breast: feeds about 3 people2 large eggs2 cups of Vigo bread crumbs2 tablespoons of salt1 cup of shredded coconut4 handfuls of spinach4 to 5 green onions

Ingredients Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer

Comida 28

Take 2 eggs and scramble them in a bowel of your choice, then cut chicken breast into strips or cutlets.

Once you have the chicken in cutlets, you will sea-son chicken tenders with 2 teaspoons of meat sea-sonig. Get bread crumbs in a plate and mix coconut. Use the bread crumbs and shredded coconut ac-cordingly.

You can tenderize the chicken with a fork or a cube beater.Place seasoned chicken onto egg wash and then place into the crumbs and coconut mixture.

You might need more eggs depending on the chick-en size.Place breaded coconut tenders in a plate for pan firing.

Take 1 cup of rice and green onion, and use 1 table spoon of oil in the pan.

Pour 1 cup of rice into the pan with 2 cups of water and oil, and allow to sook for five minutes with all the ingredients.

Take the green onions leaves, and cut off white ends, then chop up the onions to at least a quarter of an inch.

Place breaded into the freezer for five minutes, so that bread crumbs and coconut can stick to chicken.

Turn your oven to med high for the pan that you cook the chicken, and let heat up about 3 minutes.

1 tablespoon of butter, and 1 tablespoon of milk.

Cook chicken in batches, and you will want to watch the cutlets until they are golden brown. Have a plate where you can place the cooked chicken.

when you were cooking the rice you want to cook the rice, when see the water of the rice start bub-bling, you will want put it on low and cover it with a lid.

Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer

Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer

Sergio Linares/ Contributing Photographer

Comida 30

Chicken cooking: cook chicken until they are golden brown, cook at least 5 to 7 mins.

Monica Estornell/ Contributing Photographer

Finishing rice: in order to keep rice moist make sure you turn the oven off, that the stem can continue cooking the rice.

Monica Estornell/ Contributing Photographer


Where Shopping is a Pleasure

Chocolate Chip Cookie RecipeBy: Nikeya Williams

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Cooking Chocolate chips cookies are my favorite, and I’m not a baker, but when I hear someone say that they’re bak-

ing chocolate chip cookies, I’m in the kitchen helping them bake.

I have to be honest, baking chocolate chip cookies are the easiest thing to bake...serious-ly, it is. You can pour as many chocolate chips into the batter that you want, but you have to use some constrant, which I know that you will.

Baking chocolate cookies should be the most fun that you have cooking and baking.

In my own experience with baking chocolate chip cookies, I have burnt a few cookies, but each time I learn something new from my baking experience.

When I first baked chocolate chip cookies, I used too much sugar, and my cookies turned out too hard and dark brown. But I didn’t give up baking, I still baked chocolate chips cookies, and then I perfected the art of baking chocolate chip cookies.

I hope that you will have the same suceess with baking chocolate chip cookies.

Nikeya Williams/ Comida de Oya

Comida 32

1 cup butter, softened1 1/2 cups white sugar2 eggs2 teaspoons vanilla extract2 cups all-purpose flour2/3 cup cocoa powder3/4 teaspoon baking soda1/4 teaspoon salt2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In large bowl, beat butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt; stir into the butter mixture until well blended. Mix in the chocolate chips and walnuts.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookiesheets. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or just until set. Cool slightly on the cookie sheets before trans-ferring to wire racks to cool completely.
