
COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN A Summary of Microstation Commands MENUS | TOOL BOXES | TIPS AND TRICKS Menus File: New - Creates and Opens a New Design File Open - Opens and existing Design File. Save As... - Saves current design file under new name/location. Close - Closes the current design file. Compress Design - Compresses data in design file / permanently removes deleted elements. Save Settings - Saves working units, grids, window positions, etc. - Automatic when grayed out. Reference - Attaches and manipulats reference design files. Drawing Composition - Utility for creating plot layouts Import - Imports files of other formats. Export - Exports current file to other formats. Print/Plot - Creates plot of current design file window or fence area. Page Setup - Setup paper size, etc. for plot. 1,2,3,4,etc. - Shows listing of last several files opened by MicroStation. Exit - Exits MicroStation, returning to operating system. Edit: Undo - Undoes last command. Undo Other - Undoes operations given other parameters. Redo - Redoes last unone operation. Set Mark - Sets a mark for undo by mark. Cut - Cuts elements to the Clipboard. Copy - Copies elements to the Clipboard. Paste - Pastes Elements from the Clipboard. Show Clipboard - Displays the contents of the Clipboard. Group - Creates a graphic group of elements to operate on as a unit. Ungroup - Ungroups elements. Lock - Locks individual elements, preventing manipulations. Unlock - Unlocks individual elements for manipulation. Page 1 of 11 A summary of MicroStation Commands 2/18/2011

Transcript of comandos-microstation

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A Summary of Microstation Commands




� New - Creates and Opens a New Design File � Open - Opens and existing Design File. � Save As... - Saves current design file under new name/location. � Close - Closes the current design file.

� Compress Design - Compresses data in design file / permanently removes deleted elements.

� Save Settings - Saves working units, grids, window positions, etc. - Automatic when grayed out.

� Reference - Attaches and manipulats reference design files. � Drawing Composition - Utility for creating plot layouts � Import - Imports files of other formats. � Export - Exports current file to other formats.

� Print/Plot - Creates plot of current design file window or fence area. � Page Setup - Setup paper size, etc. for plot.

� 1,2,3,4,etc. - Shows listing of last several files opened by MicroStation.

� Exit - Exits MicroStation, returning to operating system.


� Undo - Undoes last command. � Undo Other - Undoes operations given other parameters. � Redo - Redoes last unone operation. � Set Mark - Sets a mark for undo by mark.

� Cut - Cuts elements to the Clipboard. � Copy - Copies elements to the Clipboard. � Paste - Pastes Elements from the Clipboard. � Show Clipboard - Displays the contents of the Clipboard.

� Group - Creates a graphic group of elements to operate on as a unit. � Ungroup - Ungroups elements. � Lock - Locks individual elements, preventing manipulations. � Unlock - Unlocks individual elements for manipulation.

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� Find/Replace Text - Replaces text with other text.

� Select All - Selects all elements on all levels. � Select By Attributes - Set and execute selection by element filtering criteria.


� Attributes - Dialog to set all element attributes.

� B-splines - Dialog for b-spline curve and surface settings. � Cells - Opens cell library. � Dimensions - Utilities for dimension placement and editing. � Multilines - Utilities for defining multi-line styles.

� Tags - Utilities for using tag data linked to elements. � Text - Font and text characteristic settings.

� Information - Dialog showing information about selected element.


� Manage - Settings group selection/management.

� AccuDraw - Settings for AccuDraw coordinate utility. � Color Table - Utilities for color table selection and editing. � Database - Utilities for connecting and maintaining database linkages. � Design File - Settings for many aspects of design file, including units, scales, references,

etc. � Level - Show levels, define the names of the levels, define symbologies, etc. � Locks - Dialogs for setting and toggling lock constraints. � Camera - Set up the camera for perspective viewing. � Rendering - Settings and utilities for rendering and lighting setup. � Snaps - Selection and settings for locational filters. � View Attributes - Toggle settings for what each view displays.

Tools: - The many tool boxes. (see below)

� Tool Boxes... - Select from any of the MicroStation toolboxes � Tool Settings - Tool Settings Floating Dialog, showing options for current tool.

� Primary - The primary tools, incl. color, layer, style and weight, information, and accudraw.

� Standard - New, Open, Close, Print file, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Help.

� Main - Primary drawing and editing tools. � 3D - 3D object creation and editing, and special view controls. � Annotate - For drawing annotation. � Auxiliary Coordinates - Creation and Management of Coordinate Systems � Curves - Creation, editing, and controls for complex curves, B-Splines, and NURBS. � Database - Connection and element linkages to remote tabular database files. � DD Design - Dimension Driven (Parametric) Design entities

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� Drop - Complex elements to component pieces. � Fillets - Chanfers, Rounding, and other corner editing � Isometric - Tools for drafting at isometric angles (2D) � Match - Select attributes fo existing elements and set to active. � Multiline Joints - Corners and Joints for multiline editing. � Redline - Redline tools for drawing markup and revision. � Reference Files - Management of Referenced Vector and Raster Image files. � View Control - View Controls in a floating toolbox. � Visualizaion Tools - Rendering and smoothing of 3D objects.

� Close Tool Boxes... - Close all floating toolboxes.


� Key-in - A text input command line.

� Cell Selector - Icon library of object cells. � Text Glossary - Special text objects and data fields.

� Image - Utilitites for displaying, saving, and editing images. � Render - Render a 3D view. � Auxilliary Coordinates - A library of saved Auxilliary Coordinate Systems. � Saved - A library of saved view orientations and settings.

� Archive - Save and compress all files related to a project. � Generate Section - 2D and 3D section cuts of 3D objects. � Install Fonts - Use any Windows or Macintosh font in your drawing.

� MDL Applications - Plug-in extensions to MicroStation. � User Command - User created script files for batch automation.

� Create Macro - Record events and create a MicroStation program plug-in. � Macros - BASIC programs provide plug-in functionality to MicroStation.


� Preferences - Set user preferences. � Configuration - Configuration variables for program operation. � Customize - Create your own look and feel.

� Function Keys - Assign commands to function keys (F-keys). � Button Assignments - Assign mouse buttons to point types. � Digitizing - Set up and use a digitizing tablet.

� About Workspace - Information about your current Workspace configuration.


� Open/Close - Open or close a view, or choose the dialog box. � Cascade - Align all open views in a cascading down the screen. � Tile - Align all open views tiled on the screen.

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� Arrange - Fit all windows so they are visible on the screen. � Groups - Group Windows into sets. � Scroll Bars - Do windows have scroll bars and view controls embedded on edge?

� 1,2,3,4 - Open windows and Tool Boxes.

Tools and Tool Boxes

Main Tool Box

� Element Selection

� Place Fence � Modify Fence � Manipulate Fence Contents � Delete Fence Contents � Drop Complex Status of Fence Contents

� Place Active Point � Construct Points Between Data Points

(divide) � Project Active Point Onto Element � Construct Active Point at Intersection � Construct Points Along Element (divide) � Construct Active Point at Distance Along


� Place Smartline � Place Line � Place Multi-line � Place Stream Line String � Place Point or Stream Curve � Construct Angle Bisector � Construct Minimum Distance Line � Constrcut Line at Active Angle From


� Hatch Area � Crosshatch Area � Pattern Area � Linear Pattern � Show Pattern Attributes � Match Pattern Attributes � Delete Pattern

� Place Block (Rectangle) � Place Shape � Place Orthogonal Shape

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� Place Regular Polygon

� Place Arc � Place Half Ellipse � Place Quarter Ellipse � Moify Arc Radius � Modify Arc Angle � Modify Arc Axis

� Place Circle � Place Ellipse

� Attach Tags � Edit Tags � Review Tags

� Place Text � Place Note � Edit Text � Display Text Attributes � Match Text Attributes � Change Text to Active Attributes � Place Text Node � Copy and Increment Text � Copy Enter_Data Field � Copy and Increment Enter_Data Field � Fill in Single Enter_Data Field

(database) � Auto Fill In Enter_Data Fields (database)

� Drop Element � Create Complex Chain � Create Complex Shape � Create Region � Add to Graphic Group � Drop from Graphic Group � Group Holes

� Place Active Cell � Place Active Cell Matrix � Select and Place Cell � Define Cell Origin � Identify Cell � Place Active Line Terminator � Replace Cell

� Measure Distance

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� Measure Radius � Measure Angle Between Lines � Measure Length � Measure Area � Measure Volume

� Dimension Element � Dimension Size with Arrow � Dimension Size with Stoke � Dimension Location � Dimension Location (Stacked) � Dimension Size Perpendicular to Points � Dimension Size Perpendicular to

Element � Dimension Ordinates � Dimension Angle Size � Dimension Angle Location � Dimension Angle Between � Dimension Angle from X � Dimension Angle from Y � Dimension Radial � Update Dimension � Geometric Tolerance

� Change Element Attributes � Change Element to Active Area

(Solid/Hole) � Change Element to Active Fill Type � Modify Linestyle Attributes � Change Multiline to Active Definition � Match Element Attributes � Match All Attributes

� Copy � Move � Move/Copy Parallel � Scale � Rotate � Mirror � Construct Array

� Delete Element

� Modify Element � Delete Part of Element � Extend Line (indefinitely) � Extend Two Elements to Intersection � Extend Element to Intersection � Trim Element � Insert Vertex � Delete Vertex

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� Construct Circular Fillet � Construct Chamfer

3D� Place Slab � Place Sphere � Place Cylinder � Place Cone � Place Torus � Place Wedge

� Extract Surface Rule Line � Extract Trim Boundary � Line Intersects Surface

� Construct Surface or Solid of Projection � Construct Surface or Solid of Revolution � Place Free-Form Surface � Construct Surface by Section or Network � Construct Surface by Edges � Construct Tubular Surface � Construct Skin Surface � Construct Offset Surface

� Construct Fillet Between Surfaces � Construct Chamfer Between Surfaces � Blend Surfaces � Blend Surfaces Between Rail Curves

� Trim Surfaces � Punch Surface Region � Modify B-Spline Surface � Stitch Surface � Split Surface � Analyze Curvature � Change to Active Surface Settings � Change Surface Normal � Modify Trim Boundary � Change to Active Surface or Solid Status � Extend Surface � Extrude Surface Region

� Zoom In/Out � Change View Perspective � Set Display Depth � Set Active Depth � Show Display Depth � Show Active Depth � Change View Rotation

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� Camera Settings � Render View

More Tools

� Place Note � Place Flag � Show / Edit Flag � Update Flag

� Define ACS (Aligned with Element) � Define ACS (by Points) � Define ACS (Aligned with View) � Rotate Active ACS � Move ACS � Select ACS

� Place B-Spline Curve � Place Composite Curve � Interpolation by Arcs � Place Conic � Place Spiral � Place Helix � Change to Active Curve Settings � Reduce Curve Data � Extend Curve � Change Element Direction � Convert Element to B-Spline � Offset Element � Blend Curves � Modify B-Spline Curve � Curve Calculator

� Attach Active Entity � Show Linkage Mode � Show Active Entity � Define Active Entity Graphically � Review Database Attributes of Element � Detach Database Linkage � Attach Displayable Attributes � Load Displayable Attibutes � Generate Report Table

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Dimension Driven Design

� Attach Pen Element � Attach Arc � Attach Ellipse � Attach to Point � Align Element � Attach to Line String or Shape

� Convert Dimension to Constraint � Constrain Tangent � Constrain Perpendicular � Constrain Parallel � Constrain Angle � Constrain Constant � Constrain Point On � Constrain Point At � Constrain Points Coincident � Fix Point � Assign Equation � Assign Variable � Equate Constructions

� Resolve Constraints � Modify and Resolve Constraints � Describe Constraint � Modify Value

� Sketch Profile � Convert Element to Profile

� Drop Element � Drop Complex Status � Drop Line String/Shape Status � Drop Text � Drop Association � Drop From Graphic Group � Drop Line Style � Drop Associative Pattern � Drop Multiline � Drop Dimension Element � Drop B-Spline Curve

� Construct Circular Fillet � Construct Parabolic Fillet � Construct Chamfer

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� Place Block Isometric � Place Circle Isometric

� Smart Match � Match Element Attributes � Match Text Attributes � Match Multi-line � Match Dimension � Match Active Pattern � Match Curve Settings � Match Surface Settings

� Construct Closed Cross Joint � Construct Open Cross Joint � Construct Merged Cross Joint � Cut Single Component Line � Cut All Component Lines � Construct Closed Tee Joint � Construct Open Tee Joint � Construct Merged Tee Joint � Construct Corner Joint � Uncut Component Lines � Multi-line Partial Delete � Move Multi-line Profile � Edit Multi-line Cap

� Redline On � Redline Off

� Attach Reference File � Clip Reference File � Mask Reference File � Delete Clip Mask � Set Reference File Back Clipping Plane � Set Reference File Front Clipping Plane � Reload Reference File � Move Reference File � Scale Reference File � Rotate Reference File � Mirror Reference File About Horizontal

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Tips and Tricks for MicroStation

General Operation:

� Save Settings on Exit - Make sure that the "SAVE SETTINGS ON EXIT" preference is selected under Workspace / Preferences / Operation. This will maintain the drawing in whatever state that you leave it upon your next return. There will be no need to save anything before exiting.

� Backup Often - Type BACKUP at the keyin prompt in MicroStation (Utiltiies / keyin) to create a backup file of your current working file. Though file corruption is rare, it can happen, and having a stable backup copy to return to later will save a lot of lost work. Do it periodically.

� Tool Settings - Always watch your Tool Settings window. This window will give you whatever options and paramters may be available for the tool that you are working with.

� Undo - Remember that you can undo any command or operation after it has been done. Undo can in fact undo several operations back sucessively, or to a mark that you set, or until the beginning of your working session for that day. Redo will undo any Undo. Undo can only operate on things done since opening the file. Anything done previously must be deleted or modified otherwise.

� AccuDraw - Use AccuDraw to place points at exact coordinate locations, using either absolute or relative positioning in any of the available coordinate systems. Use this in combination with Tentative Points and Snap filters to establish offsets and relative positional locations of elements as you construct and modify them.

� Mirror Reference File About Vertical � Detach Reference File

� Update View � Zoom In � Zoom Out � Window Area � Fit View � Rotate View � Pan View � View Previous � View Next � Copy View

� Render � Facet Smoothing

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