Colours - Magazine




Transcript of Colours - Magazine

Written Communication IV

National University of Colombia





Written & Edited


Andrea Ramirez Buitrago


Hyde, Jekyll and I

Broadcast network: SBS, every Wednesday & Thursday 21:55

Broadcast period: 2015-Jan-21 to 2015-Mar.26

Korean Dramas

Watching Korean dramas are worth if you are interested in learning and enjoying. Through those productions viewers can move closer to the Korean customs, history, culture as well as the “Hangul” (Korean Alphabet). In addition, those productions provide in each chapter a big dose of enjoyment thanks to their unique topics and development. Also, viewers can develop pleasant feelings thanks to the connection with the soap operas, because these miniseries take into account their feedbacks at the screenplays. All in all, taking this practice as a hobby has several benefits.

Top 10 New Korean Dramas


1. Hyde, Jekyll and I

2. Shine or Go Crazy

3. Kill me , Heal me

4. My unfortunate


5. Spy

6. Unkind women

7. Blood

8. Heart to Heart

9. Persevere, Goo Hae Ra

10. Dr. Frankenstein



Korean Dramas VS American Soap Operas.

Surprisingly there are some similarities between Korean dramas and American soap operas. Both productions are popular widely around the world. Korean dramas appeal women. American soap operas do it too. In addition, Korean dramas have a lot of high emotion and drama; similarly, American soap operas include towering passion and drama as well. Like American dramas, Korean productions have several genres in order to entertain different kinds of public. In brief, it is possible to find more sharing features between those productions.

Korean and American productions are extensively different. Korean dramas are miniseries that usually have 10 to 24 episodes, whereas American soap operas run for years and even generations. Korean productions air in the evening with two episodes per week, but American soap operas are televised every day and usually during the day. Moreover, soap operas show openly sex, cheating, drugs; while Korean dramas are more discreet with those topics. In short, in order to be unique productions create special characteristics to be recognized, so American and Korean productions possess different features.


The steps I need to take in order to buy an


I expect to buy a flat by the time I am twenty-five. First of all, I plan to finish my major at National University, I am going to study a lot and obtain good results. Then, I will find a good job related to my major; for instance, a teacher or an editor. After that, I am going to start to put some money away. Next, I will work for a time in order to obtain stability ate the job. Finally, by the time I am twenty-five, I will pay at least the fifty percent of the fees.





Complain Letters

68H 72-25 Street Las Ferias Bogotá, Cundinamarca

February 26, 2015 Transmilenio Offices 66-63 Dorado Avenue Bogotá, Cundinamarca

To Whom It May Concern:

My wife and I are frequent users of the buses of Transmilenio; this is our only possible way of transportation to commute to our jobs and places of education. My wife has suffered and accident, that is why she must use crutches for around two months. We cannot afford a private transportation, so we need to keep using the Transmilenio buses. The service is acceptable in general terms; nevertheless, a common complaint on these days is the frequency of Alimentador buses in rush hour, these are being sent around 30 to 35 minutes. My wife’s situation does not let her stay too much time on feet and the stations do not have sits where she can wait. This is not only unhealthful to her, but also annoying.

The frequency of the Alimentador buses must be improved, especially in the rush hours. The affected users like my wife pay for an inclusive service, and their difficulties are not being taken into account. The good functionality of the transportation system may be improved just by little changes as the frequency of buses.


Alejandro Forigua Marín & Andrea Ramírez Buitrago


Complain Letter´s Answer

66-63 Dorado Avenue

Bogotá, Cundinamarca February 27, 2015

Mr. Forigua and Mrs. Ramírez 68H Street Las Ferias Bogotá, Cundinamarca Dear Sir and Madam:

We thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on solving these kinds of problems and the company has been developing a system to inform people about the schedules of the buses. Also, in the meantime, we are fixing the stations so that people with similar problems can wait comfortably for their transportation.

Transmilenio S.A. appreciates your comments and will work on satisfying your needs as soon as possible.


Laura Catalina Arias Barragán & Miguel Ángel Orozco Urueña

Manager and Operations Coordinator

© 2015 Colours Magazine