Color Combinations

Every other aspect that colour paints possesses.


Understand various aspects of color paints. Learn more on Color Combinations, Color Paints & Color Matchmaking. Understand how colors paints are used to paint walls.

Transcript of Color Combinations

Every other aspect that colour paints possesses.

Introduction - Colour Paint Basics

• Colours are an expression of nature. They speak a language and possesses Unique traits, looks & appeal.

• Every Colour Possesses Unique shades, tints & tones. Each of them signifies different functions.

• Colour plays an integral part of decoration. It has the ability to alter the perception of space in many ways.

• Colours can provide a unique look & theme to compliment a space basis its functionality.

• Colour Paints play an important role in Interior designing & Home Painting.

Colour Basics

Colour Wheel

Complimentary Colours

• Colour Basic provides information on the basic constituents of colours. • Understand the way colours are perceived and the colour theory. • Colour Charts helps in Understanding colour paints, colour schemes, colour shades and colour combinations. • The Colour Wheel forms the basis of the colour theory. Typically, the colour wheel is divided into twelve

parts and has all the colours possible, arranged in a cyclic order.

Colour Shades

In the colour shade chart we see colours are in maximum contrast to each other. Thus, each colour stands out very brightly against its complementary counterpart. As colour paints, these can be used to create a very vibrant and

bold look!

Colour Shades

Colour Matchmaking & Combinations

Colour plays an integral part of your decor. Proper Colour Combination has the ability to alter the perception of space in many ways - by enhancing a beautiful detail, by subduing an undesirable feature, by imposing scale or by simply compensating for the lack of architectural character.

Colour Decor

• When it comes to home design, it’s important to set the mood, live healthy and feel good. Colours give the essential character to any space. Be it the living room or kitchen, bedroom or lounge.

• Colour Decor helps you achieve striking effects using the right colour combinations and interior design ideas.

• Some Examples of Colour decor are cool decor, vibrant decor & neutral decor.

Colour Palette

• Colour Palette displays various shades that a colour possesses.

Colour Combinations Types

• Examples of Colour combinations for Interior & Exterior Wall Painting.

Exterior Interior

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