Collection of Tweets

Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009 Page No. 1 Levity is the ground wire that keeps us from blowing our circuits, laughter does good like medicine :-) Lots of followers, not NEARLY so many posters, is that your experience too?? You can now catch my chatter which is just beyond a twitter at the Pioneer Post; insightful pithy... ..... he was overheard speaking in a tone just above a twitter.... ;-) They used to say "everyone's a critic" nowadays it would be "everyone's a marketer" I guess both are true


Collection from my tweets @designerdaze

Transcript of Collection of Tweets

Page 1: Collection of Tweets

Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

Page No. 1

Levity is the ground wire that keeps us from blowing our circuits, laughter does good like medicine :-)

Lots of followers, not NEARLY so many posters, is that your experience too??

You can now catch my chatter which is just beyond a twitter at the Pioneer Post; insightful pithy...

..... he was overheard speaking in a tone just above a twitter.... ;-)

They used to say "everyone's a critic" nowadays it would be "everyone's a marketer" I guess both are true

Page 2: Collection of Tweets

Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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with all the "new rules" of marketing, does that mean you can't march to your own drummer?

What did the pearl say to the oyster? I'm the grain of sand your mother warned you about..! :-)

is what you say really valuable or are you just a really good marketer?

ever stare myopically at your screen and wondering what in the world you're doing?

maybe we are all doing the same basic things we just choose to call it by different names

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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How much content can you squeeze into 140 without resorting to a link

If there was a land of curmudge would you be a resident?

Are you more concerned about what you have received than what you gave?

Are we pollinating the web?

Cre - a -t i v - ity is a mashup of thoughts dreams and ideas via an uncontrolled combustion accompanied by careful post processing

How many marketing pitchmen are there on twitter [ ....,....,... ] ?

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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So here's the deal, appreciation should be everyday....

Remembering Mom, most of the kids will be in church this morning

Engaging your readers is more important than bowling them over; engaging readers creates desire, knocking them out is temporary

Morning all, think I'll begin with a quote "Yay Me" London Tipton

Still see a lot of graphic design faux pas on the web; blue type on a black background, readability still counts regardless of style

The ocean called Internet tosses both trash and treasures on it's digital shores, among the trash you may find some gems: hint :-)

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Success is simply acting like common sense is true

Or in other words, writing is work-!!!

Blogging is the art of making the incredibly difficult look incredibly easy. think not? Try just saying stuff :-)

Better to take a great shot with a mediocre camera than to take no shot at all cuz you don't have a the best DSLR

What does it take to get on your radar?

MARKETING w/all the noise out there it's easy to get a little jaded‚ how do we stay fresh, genuine?

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Can't hardly run a modern pc without internet /then/ internet bound to grow need for higher bandwidth, WIFI a must

Write to think - write a bad first draft with all the typos, bad grammar, incomplete thoughts etc. before you lose the ideas

Great podcast name "twitter McGee and Molly" you have to remember radio ;-)

Where did all these marketing, investment, social media guru's come from :-)

Marketing is not fishing - relationships with customers = repeat business, talk to your customers.

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Improve business? try responding to people, email, DMs, blog comments or whatever; even when you when you think you are gaining nada

Cell phone cam can be useful and usable [ tip: use both hands ]

Everybody's talking at me... in 140 characters bursts [ papa said ]

If you write about it, you will understand it more in the way a dancer has to move to think

Brainstorming [ edited ] by the time you get admin open in WP the idea could be gone

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Google adword/paradigm shifting/web 2.0 gurus‚ paper thin :-)

Internet travelers: before posting, blog or comment pop ingredients into a text editor and let simmer/remove heat/serv at room temp

Micro blogging could outpace the more convoluted SM apps because twitter is quicker, all about time

Overcome inertia, write, say, do something / with purpose, passion / think, connect, email / as Picard would say "Engage"

Until there is an exchange, social media is a one sided conversation, I suppose the exchange doesn't have to be verbal or written

Page 9: Collection of Tweets

Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Ajax has been around since 1947, why is the web just now..... oh, that's cleanser :-)

if have it all and know it all‚ then what?

WHAT IF: you could mashup you're own info from the web the way photosynth does with images,

Coders: What we need is a better filter for all that flows through our web interface

Hundreds or thousands? but how many people are REALLY following you? And if so what does that mean?

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Blog Post: water, food, shelter, energy & communications‚ which one would like to live without?

Twitter offers the chance to be brilliant in less time and sometimes to save it for later

How many are speeding down the Internet super highway on bald tires instead of some Michelin all season Pilot XGT Z4's ?

Can't write fast enough? buy a digital recorder

For every story that makes the headlines there are a 1000's more you never hear about

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Keep moving; putting one foot in front of the other

the true spirit of giving is expecting nothing in return

** Beta‚ everything is Beta these days, is that true or are we just covering our tracks?

Are your wheels spinning or are getting traction - Traction is what we all want, tires that bite the road !!!

Blogging is the art of community & controversy while remaining optimistic about the outcome.

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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I'll have my bot call your bot.. i think NOT, people want real communication, cultivate few before many

Probably good idea to be in right frame of mind when blogging, so you don't regret the writing later

Defining something doesn't mean you have solved it !

Although the moon comes out and the stars shine, Twitter levels some of that "I'm better than you attitude"

Writing is a way of editing your thoughts

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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A design project can be greatly improved by knowing which questions to ask.

Twitter is the Internet version of text messaging. But a lot more fun and useful...

How big can you get without losing your genuineness factor?

Being a pathological optimist is probably not enough

Your silence can lead to unhealthy imaginations by your clients.

What kind of message are you sending with your silence.

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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What if everyone listened to you the way you listen to them?

If there is no dialog have you connected?

My quote: Don't make others the prisoner of your opinion.

90% of all the problems I've had with clients were about communication.

My take on you can lead a horse to water..."You can buy your kids the book of knowledge but you can't make them think"

What's your approach? shotgun or laser beam?

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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If you don't do a first draft you can't do a second draft #writing

Advice unconsidered is to gain nothing, nothing ventured, nothing gained

The key to improving your designs is to be brutally honest, don't love your work so much you can't change it.

If you're not on the radar, no one knows your there.

Do we suffer from too many people saying "me too" ? Are we afraid if we celebrate who we are no one will care?

We don't suffer from a lack of great ideas but rather they go unused.

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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Raise Your kids and change the world

You can be remarkable AND realistic. listen to others but do your own thinking

One social media guru to another, "I don't think we've virtually met" human nature hasn't changed since the garden :-)

Some people can't learn because their own preconceptions prevent them from accepting any idea that challenges their own.

Online or brick and mortar, social media mirrors face to face meetings, everybody talks at once...

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Gleaning From My Twitterverse by Harold Thompson ©2008-2009

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The Internet is like trying to drink from a fire hose. we need a way to filter all that info. And a stream of tweets? more white space pls

Today's thought, distill your design, brief, proposal or whatever to fit within the one hundred forty characters and then let the idea come.

What is your main course when it comes to your creative diet ?

Self promotion is tooting your own horn, Marketing is when someone else toots the horn for you, you heard it here first