Cohasset VISTA September 2018

Cohasset VISTA September 2018 Cohasset Elder Affairs Services, Programs and Activities for Seniors and their Families Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA 02025 Like us on Facebook: Cohasset Elder Affairs FARMER’S MARKET VOUCHERS We have a limited number of vouchers available for seniors to be used at local Farmers Markets. Income restrictions apply. Please contact Nancy Lafauce for fur- ther information. INVESTMENT CLUB We are looking for folks interest- ed in joining a mock INVEST- MENT CLUB (no real money will be invested). Follow and track actual stock results while interacting with like-minded indi- viduals. Research companies, make decisions and watch your theoretical money grow. Call if you’d like to help us start this program. THANK YOU TO: Gail Vaughan: Swiffer vaccum Shari Hense: Flower arrangement Pictures clockwise from top left: Joe Fagin is nice and comfortable as he reads the paper in the State room. Members of the Men’s group chat in the hall- way after a recent meeting. Bob Deutsch and Joe Coggins catch up in the State room. Volunteer receptionist Mary McLaughlin greets everyone with a smile. FLU CLINICS Believe it or not, we are ap- proaching that time of year again. Mark your calendars. Cohasset’s Public Health de- partment will offer FREE flu shots at Willcutt Commons on the following dates and times: Tuesday, 9/25, 11:00-1:00 Monday, 10/1, 10:00-12:00 No appointments necessary. Be sure to bring your insur- ance cards. If you are homebound, please contact Mary Goodwin, Town Nurse at 781-383-4100 Ext. 5130 to schedule a home visit.

Transcript of Cohasset VISTA September 2018

Cohasset VISTA September 2018

Cohasset Elder Affairs

Services, Programs and Activities for Seniors and their Families Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA 02025

Like us on Facebook: Cohasset Elder Affairs



We have a limited number of vouchers available for seniors to be used at local Farmers Markets. Income restrictions apply. Please contact Nancy Lafauce for fur-ther information.


We are looking for folks interest-ed in joining a mock INVEST-MENT CLUB (no real money will be invested). Follow and track actual stock results while interacting with like-minded indi-viduals. Research companies, make decisions and watch your theoretical money grow. Call if you’d like to help us start this program.


Gail Vaughan: Swiffer vaccum

Shari Hense: Flower arrangement

Pictures clockwise from top left: Joe Fagin is nice and comfortable as he reads the paper in the State room. Members of the Men’s group chat in the hall-way after a recent meeting. Bob Deutsch and Joe Coggins catch up in the State room. Volunteer receptionist Mary McLaughlin greets everyone with a smile.


Believe it or not, we are ap-proaching that time of year again. Mark your calendars. Cohasset’s Public Health de-partment will offer FREE flu shots at Willcutt Commons on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, 9/25, 11:00-1:00 Monday, 10/1, 10:00-12:00

No appointments necessary. Be sure to bring your insur-ance cards.

If you are homebound, please contact Mary Goodwin, Town Nurse at 781-383-4100 Ext. 5130 to schedule a home visit.


Cohasset Elder


Board of Directors

Paul Kierce, Chair Elinore Barrett, Secretary Tana Carlson, Vice Chair Elaine Coyne, Treasurer James Mensching Taffy Nothnagle Sue Reagan Rich Hynes Diana Karcher

Associate Members Jim Carpenter Sarah Livermore Beth Tarpey

Liaisons to Board of


Diane Kennedy Helene Lieb Ed Mulvey Karen Oronte Kevin McCarthy Chief Robert Silvia Sgt. Jeffrey Treanor Lisa Uglialoro

Cohasset Elder Affairs


Coral S. Grande, Director

Nancy Lafauce, Assistant Director

Liza C. Salerno, Services Coordinator

Richard Gibbons, Administrative Assistant

Siobhan Lynch, Transportation/Volunteer Assistant

Gerard Buckley, Van Driver John Devaney Van Driver


Elder Affairs, in conjunction with the Cohasset Fire Department and our public health nurse, participates in a three-department effort called Cohasset Cares, our town’s version of Senior Safe, a highly successful grant-funded program spon-sored by the Massachusetts State Fire Marshall’s office. Cohasset Cares strives to identify ways in which seniors are at risk in their homes and helps to mitigate these issues by supplying basic safety tools to those who need them. This program also receives generous funding from a private foundation that focuses on providing carbon monoxide prevention education and detectors. Through Cohasset Cares, we have identified several factors contributing to decreased safety in seniors’ homes, such as:

• inadequate or non-performing smoke alarms (batteries)

• no carbon monoxide detectors on site

• poor lighting in rooms and hallways at night

• dangerous and inappropriate use of extension cords

• slippery bathtubs

• no current File of Life

• no oven mitts for heated food preparation

• no flashlights (or flashlights with dead batteries)

• outdated light bulbs

If you need help with any of the above, call Elder Affairs (781-383-9112) to speak with Siobhan Lynch, Services Assistant, who will schedule a FREE in-home assessment. During this assessment, Captain Rob Ford from the Cohasset Fire Department, along with Nancy Lafauce, Assistant Director, Elder Affairs, Mary Goodwin, Cohasset Public Health Nurse, or another Cohasset Cares volunteer, will visit your home to identify your safety needs, and make recommendations for improvements. In most cases, the Cohasset Cares team will com-plete the recommended actions for you. You do not have to be a home owner in order to re-ceive an assessment. If you would like more information about Cohasset Cares, or to schedule an assessment, please call Elder Affairs at 781-383-9112. Warmly,


Coral S. Grande, Director Cohasset Elder Affairs

Volunteer Birthdays in September Happy Birthday!

For yard work, light house cleaning and small jobs, call LAUNCH, a division of South Shore Support Services -781-383-0902/781-740-1206

Free estimates, reasonable rates.

Kathy Becker—3rd Christina Moussouttas—10th Lanier Grassie—22nd

Peter Wood—23rd Dolores Roy—30th

Thank you for all you do for seniors and Cohasset Elder Affairs!



By Jim Murphy

If they made a movie about Laurel Hickey's life you might be forgiven if you found it hard to believe. The events leading up to her current situation read like a screenplay for a heartwarm-ing real-life drama.

At a young age Laurel found herself a divorced single mother with two boys to raise. She had minimal child support and struggled on her waitressing income. Unsatisfied with her limited prospects, she returned to school and trained as a medical office assistant, after which she ac-cepted a job working for a cardiologist, a woman with a young son with special needs. Laurel developed a close relationship with the doctor. However, soon Laurel came to realize her boss was struggling to care for her child while running a demanding medical practice. At the time, Laurel was living in a small apartment in Weymouth with her two boys. Her boss jokingly suggested Laurel should move into her large Cohasset home with her. It didn't take long for them both to realize that the joke made sense, and the move would benefit everyone involved. This arrangement allowed Laurel to help to care for the doctor’s son along with her own boys, so the doctor could spend more time attending to the medical practice.

This situation triggered Laurel's interest in enhancing the lives of those facing some of life's greatest challenges, but she realized that to help people in a significant way she would need more education. She spent six years getting her undergraduate degree and, at the age of fifty, began her Master's certificate in Non-Profit Leadership Management at Suffolk University. Ultimately, this led her to her current position. Laurel is now a director at Launch, a non-profit enterprise providing training, vocation and socialization to young people with developmental challenges.

Launch participants receive training related to basic life skills, preparation for job interviewing, GED prep, and even college! The group partners with community institutions (Cohasset High School, Cohasset Elder Affairs, Cohasset Housing, etc.) to get their clients out into the world, and to actively engage in and integrate into as many everyday activities as possible. Laurel wants her clients to have rich and fulfilling lives and sees her job as supporting whatever abilities and interests they already have. She feels the safer and more supported they are, the better they will be in cre-ating their own positive lives.

Launch participants can be seen at Willcutt Commons, hard at work performing a number of jobs. If you've noticed how well maintained the potted plants and rose bushes are out front, this is a result of the efforts of Launch. If you've enjoyed any of the communal lunches (served every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) you've experienced food cooked in a kitchen spotlessly cleaned by these amazing folks. Members of Launch prepare meals three times a month under the supervision of a job coach, and regularly pack and deliver Meals on Wheels to home-bound seniors. There’s not enough room here to feature all that Launch accomplishes around Cohasset, but the group makes a real difference in many people's lives. Launch participants don’t just receive training; they contribute to others in a meaningful way.

As if all this isn’t enough, Laurel also started her own travel business, specifically designed to serve young people with special needs. Razzle Dazzle Special Travel invites young people facing physical and mental challenges to join in on various group trips. Laurel's amazing staff assists her in taking their clients to dude ranches, on Disney cruises, even to Las Vegas! These trips not only benefit their participants, but also gives respite to their caregivers.

On the home front, Laurel is especially proud of her two adult sons, one of whom is a PhD chemist teaching at the University of Pennsylvania and the other, who is serving his country as a Special Forces soldier. Her four grandchil-dren are the loves of her life.

There is much more to Laurel's story than a brief column of this nature can capture. Suffice to say, her commitment to her clients surpasses any fictional representation you may see in a movie or a novel. She would probably call herself very lucky, but I think not nearly so lucky as those on behalf of whom she labors.



“SUMMER’S END,” Thursday, September 13, 1:30 pm. Sponsored by the Community Garden Club of Cohasset. Join us as Garden Club volunteers assist us in making beautiful flower arrangements to take home. Early reg-istration is strongly suggested for this ever popular activ-ity. Registration is required by Thursday, September 6. $3.00. Workshop participants are welcome to join us for lunch beforehand for an additional $3.00. (Reservations for lunch are required at least 24-hours in advance.)

WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE, Mondays, Sep-tember 10-November 5, 1:30 pm. Harborview Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation will sponsor this 8-week weight loss challenge to emphasize the im-portance of healthy eating, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight. During weekly meetings, participants may share their experiences in a understanding and supportive environment. Guest speakers will address topics relevant to the program and regular weigh-ins will help to monitor progress. A grand prize at the end of the workshop will be awarded to the participant who loses the highest percentage of total body weight. Early registration is encouraged, and reservations must be received no later than September 7. Maximum num-ber of participants is 24. Free.

LEGACY CHAT PROGRAM, Wednesday, Sept 12 & 26 12:00-4:00. Record your life story to share with family and friends. These sessions take the form of a conversation be-tween the storyteller and a seasoned interviewer from Nor-well Visiting Nurse Association. Your story will be captured via an audio CD which you may copy and give to your loved ones. Appointments are required. First come first served. Free.

END OF SUMMER LUNCHEON, Tuesday, Sep-tember 18, 12:00. Food, music and fun! Two of our favorite celebrity chefs, Dan and Jim will prepare a delicious menu. Nona’s ice cream truck (sponsored by Life Care of the South Shore and Friends of Cohasset Elder Affairs) will be here for dessert. Enjoy a “tour around the Caribbean” with Grupo Fantasia and music highlighting island life. Reservations required by Thursday, 9/13. Payment required at time of reserva-tion. $5.00.

SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Every-one) Friday, September 21, 8:00-11:00 am. Confidential ap-pointments available for assistance from a trained volunteer regarding Medicare A, B, C & D and supplemental plans. Please contact us to schedule your time slot.

BROWN BAG LUNCH & MOVIE, Monday, September 24, 11:30 am. This month we will feature the movie Stronger, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, the inspiring story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world by becoming a symbol of hope after surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. We’ll supply the popcorn and drinks. Bring your lunch and enjoy the show. Free.

FLU CLINIC, Tuesday, September 25, 11:00-1:00. Flu shots offered to seniors by the Cohasset Public Health De-partment. Please bring your health insurance card. No ap-pointment necessary. Free.

EXERCISE AS WE AGE, Tuesday, September 25, 1:30 pm. Primary care physician, Philip Triffletti, MD, will offer a special presentation on why exercise is good for EVERY-BODY. He will discuss how much exercise is recommend-ed, what types of exercises are best and how to modify ex-ercise routines as you age and still reap the benefits. Dr. Triffletti’s program is sponsored by Little Harbor Concierge and therefore FREE to attendees. Please RSVP for space purposes.

BACKYARD BIRD TALK, Wednesday, September 26, 10:30 am. Be prepared to be awed and amazed by photographs of migratory birds in Massachusetts, pre-sented by the Museum of American Bird Art/Mass Audubon. During this illustrated lecture, learn about the secret life of many common birds you may see in your very own backyard! Please pre-register so that we may plan appropriate seating. $4.

DENTAL HYGIENIST, Thursday, September 27, 9:00-12:00. Private appointments available with Visiting Dental Hygiene Associates. A healthy mouth can actually help pre-vent many life-threatening diseases. Studies show the rela-tionship between heart disease, stroke, diabetes respiratory diseases and periodontal (gum) disease. Private pay or Mass Health insurance accepted. $88.

BODY MERIDIAN MASSAGE, Friday, September 28, 8:15-11:15 am. Energy blockages can be the result of stress, an injury or trauma, diet, lack of exercise, etc. Amy DiLillo will be on hand to energize your body me-ridians using essential oils via this healing massage tech-nique. This relaxing treatment will make you feel great! Call to reserve your private 50-minute appointment. $60

MONTHLY SEMINARS AND EVENTS All events take place at Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, unless noted. Reservations: 781-383-9112.



Name:______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City/Town/Zip________________________________ Telephone:_______________ Email:______________ MEMBERSHIP: _____$15 or please make a tax deductible donation in the amount of your choice: DONATION $___________

Donation in memory/honor of: (circle one) ___________________________________

(name) Please make checks payable to:

The Friends of Cohasset Elder Affairs 91 Sohier Street

Cohasset, MA 02025

Check if you would like to receive a monthly VISTA: ____ Help us save the environment. If you would prefer to read your

newsletter on line, it can be found at:

Thank you for your membership and support!

James F. Kearney

Taffy & Jeff Nothnagle Linda Farrag Judy Lake

Harriet Benedict Diane & Dom Campedelli

Peter Pescatore Louise Alibrandi

Mary & Ron Goodwin Marlene Tabor

Chris Herman in honor of Mary Kay Richardson Jean Lennon in memory of Marjorie Murphy





The Big Decision Join us next month for a housing workshop to be held October 16, 23 and 30. This program will cover dealing with your emotions as you think about moving, getting the right professional help and options for where to go. Stay tuned for more information in October’s VISTA.

We are delighted to announce that beginning in October we will offer a new learning opportunity:

MAPS—Monthly Antiques Presentation Series

Join us as Bob Jackman, a former teacher and national journalist covering the arts discusses various art forms from the past. Bob will offer the following programs:

WATERCOLORS OF WINSLOW HOMER. Tuesday, October 9, 3:00 pm. Bob will present a Pow-erPoint presentation featuring this renowned American artist and examine the techniques Homer employed.

AMERICAN CAROUSELS 1865-1950, Tuesday, November 13, 3:00 pm. This month’s presentation will focus on the carved figures and styles of major carou-sel makers, featuring carousels still operating in New England today. HISTORY OF SOUTH SHORE BIRD DECOYS AND CARVINGS, Tuesday, December 11, 3:00 pm. For this presentation, Bob will discuss examples from 1870-1940 as well as a few more recent craftsmen. We will compare decoys carved for personal use to those designed commercially.

ARCHITECTURE OF NEW ENGLAND CHURCHES, Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 3:00 pm. Across the United States, there is deep admiration and respect for the architecture of churches built in our area between 1680-1930. In this slideshow, Bob will feature several South Shore examples as well as exam-ples from across New England to survey the full range of structures. $4.00 per presentation. Enjoy all four presentations for $12.00 with pre-registration.




(4) 9:30 – Food Pantry Deliveries 9:30 – Food Pantry Van Trip 9:30-10:30 – Gentle Yoga 11:00-2:00 – Public Health Nurse 12:00 – Lunch: Chicken Casserole 1:00 – Shaw’s Grocery Trip 1:00-4:00 – Mah Jongg 6:00-8:00 – Veterans Services

(5) MBTA Drop-offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

9:00 – Zumba Gold 12:00 – Lunch: Beef and Broccoli12:30-3:30 – Bridge 1:00-2:00 – Chair Yoga 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(10) 8:00-12:00 – Public Health Nurse 9:00 – Cohasset Café 9:00-10:30 - Open Office Hour with State Representative Joan Meschino 9:00-11:00 – NOTARY PUBLIC 10:00-12:00 – Conversational French Group 1:00 – Around Town/3A 1:30 – Weight Loss Challenge 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(11) 9:30 – Food Pantry Van Trip 9:30-10:30 – Gentle Yoga 10:00-12:00 – Great Discussions Group 11:00-2:00 – Public Health Nurse 12:00 – Lunch: Chicken Rice 1:00 – Shaw’s Grocery Trip 1:00-4:00 – Mah Jongg Presentation 6:00-8:00 – Veterans Services

(12) MBTA Drop-offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

9:00 – Zumba Gold 9:00-2:00 – Pedicare 10:00 – Nancy’s Office Hours at 60 Elm Street12:00 – Lunch: Baked Rigatoni, sausage and peppers12:00-4:00 – Legacy Chats 12:30-3:30 – Bridge 1:00-2:00 – Chair Yoga 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(17) 8:00-12:00 – Public Health Nurse 9:00 – Cohasset Café 9:00-11:00 – NOTARY PUBLIC 9:30 – Food Pantry Deliveries 10:00-12:00 – Conversational French Group 10:00 - Vision Clinic (Hingham COA) 1:00 – Around Town/3A 1:30 – Weight Loss Challenge 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(18) 9:30 – Food Pantry Van Trip 9:30-10:30 – Gentle Yoga 11:00-2:00 – Public Health Nurse 12:00 – End of Season Luncheon 1:00 – Shaw’s Grocery Trip 1:00-4:00 – Mah Jongg 6:00-8:00 – Veterans Services

(19) MBTA Drop-offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

9:00 – Zumba Gold 12:00 – Lunch: Cohasset Pizza House (C.H.O.P.S.)12:30-3:30 – Bridge 1:00-2:00 – Chair Yoga 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(24) 8:00-12:00 – Public Health Nurse 9:00 – Cohasset Café 9:00-11:00 – NOTARY PUBLIC 10:00-12:00 – Conversational French Group 11:30-1:30 – Brown Bag Lunch and Movie 1:00 – Around Town/3A 1:30 – Weight Loss Challenge 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(25) 9:30 – Food Pantry Van Trip 9:30-10:30 – Gentle Yoga 11:00-2:00 – Public Health Nurse 11:00-1:00 – FLU CLINIC 12:00 – Lunch: Chicken Corn Chowder 1:00 – Shaw’s Grocery Trip 1:00-4:00 – Mah Jongg 1:30 – Exercise as we Age 6:00-8:00 – Veterans Services

(26) MBTA Drop-offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

9:00 – Zumba Gold 10:30 – Backyard Birds 12:00 – Lunch: Olympus Grille 12:00-4:00 – Legacy Chats 12:30-3:30 – Bridge 1:00-2:00 – Chair Yoga 2:30-3:30 – Stretch & Balance Conditioning

Tuesday September 25th &Monday October 1




offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

Lunch: Beef and Broccoli

Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(6) 9:00-10:00 – Gentle Yoga 9:00-10:00 – Men’s Group 9:30 – Around Town/Village 10:00-12:00 – Handcrafters Group 10:30-11:30 – Seniors Got Strength! 12:00 – Lunch: Soup and Sandwich 1:00-2:00 – Meditation

(7) 9:30 – Stop & Shop Grocery Trip 10:30 – Book Club Group Meeting 10:00 – Zumba Gold 10:30 – Knitting

offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

Nancy’s Office Hours at 60 Elm Street Lunch: Baked Rigatoni, sausage and peppers

Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(13) 9:00-10:00 – Gentle Yoga 9:00-10:00 – Men’s Group 9:30 – Around Town/Village 10:00-12:00 – Handcrafters Group 10:30-11:30 – Seniors Got Strength! 12:00 – Lunch: Black Bean Mandarin Orange Salad with Chicken 1:00-2:00 – Meditation 1:30 –Community Garden Club of Cohasset Workshop: Summers End

(14) 9:30 – Stop & Shop Grocery Trip 9:30 – Trader Joe’s Grocery Trip 10:00 – Zumba Gold 10:30 – Knitting 10:30–Second Friday Book Club

offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

Lunch: Cohasset Pizza House (C.H.O.P.S.)

Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(20) 9:00-10:00 – Gentle Yoga 9:00-10:00 – Men’s Group 9:30 – Around Town/Village 10:00-12:00 – Handcrafters Group 10:30-11:30 – Seniors Got Strength! 12:00 – Lunch: Braised Pork Chops 12:00-1:00 - Open Office Hour with State Senator Patrick O’Connor 1:00-2:00 – Meditation

(21) 8:00-11:00 – SHINE Appointments 9:30 – Stop & Shop Grocery Trip 9:30 – Derby Street 10:00 – Zumba Gold 10:30 – Knitting

offs 9:04 a.m. / Return 3:08 p.m.

Stretch & Balance Conditioning

(27) 9:00-12:00 – Dental Hygienist 9:00-10:00 – Gentle Yoga 9:00-10:00 – Men’s Group 9:30 – Around Town/Village 10:00-12:00 – Handcrafters Group 10:30-11:30 – Seniors Got Strength! 12:00 – Lunch: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup 1:00-2:00 – Meditation

(28) 8:15-11:15 – Body Meridian Sessions (by appointment only!) 9:30 – Stop & Shop Grocery Trip 9:30 – Christmas Tree Shops / Kohl’s 10:00 – Zumba Gold 10:30 – Knitting

Tuesday September 25th &

Monday October 1st WILLCUTT COMMONS


Wednesday September 12th


Transportation available for Cohasset residents 60+. Home pick up. Twenty-four hour notice required. Make your request by calling 781-383-9112, Mon.–Thurs., 8-3; Fri., 8-12. Except for medical trips, out of town trips must have two or more riders. $5.00 fee for all CEA van rides outside of Cohasset. SHOPPING Shaws: Tuesdays at 1:00 pm Stop & Shop: Fridays at 9:30 am Trader Joe’s/Marshalls/Fruit Center: 2nd Friday at 9:30 am Quarterly Trips: (December, March, June and Septem-ber)

Derby Street Shops: 3rd Friday at 9:30 am Christmas Tree Shop/Kohl’s: 4th Friday at 9:30 am

AROUND TOWN Monday, 1:00 pm, Route 3A retail shops and businesses. Thursday, 9:30 am, around Cohasset Village, including the post office, library, banks and other shops in the Village. MBTA: Wednesday pick-ups for 9:04 am Greenbush Train. Return pick-up at 3:08 pm. By appointment. MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION COHASSET ELDER AFFAIRS MEDICAL VAN Mon.–Fri., 15-mile radius, Call 781-383-9112 with transpor-tation requests. First-come, first-served. No weekend calls for Monday medical transportation. We do our best to ac-commodate your needs, but we request as much advance notice as possible with a minimum of 24-hour notice re-quired. Trips will be scheduled based on van availability. Out of town trips, $5 charge. FISH: FRIENDS IN SERVICE TO HUMANITY Call our office at 781-383-9112 for rides to appointments outside of Cohasset, provided by volunteers in personal vehi-cles. (Non-wheelchair accessible). First come, first served. As much notice as you can give us is appreciated, with a min-imum of 24-hour notice required. MEDICAL ACCESS PROGRAM (MAP) Out-of-town appointments for seniors 60+. Wheelchair ac-cessible. A suggested donation of $50 per ride is requested to keep this grant-funded program available. If unable to pay $50, please offer what you can. No one will be denied a ride as a result of an inability to pay. Mon–Fri. Call 781-383-9112. ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES: MBTA THE RIDE Door-to-door Para Transit system for disabled. $5 each way. New or recertifying applicants to THE RIDE must apply for or renew their eligibility via an interview. Transportation will be provided to the appointment. Call 617-337-2727.


If you are enrolled in a Medicare Prescription

Drug plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO/PPO), you should receive an information packet from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this information because it explains the changes in your plan for 2019. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and the drugs covered by your plan can change signifi-cantly from year to year. During the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period, you will have a chance to change your plan for next year. Trained SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) volunteers offer free, confidential counseling on all aspects of Medicare and related health insurance programs. SHINE counselors can help you understand your plan changes, as well as other options you may have. Call now to schedule your SHINE appointment during Open Enrollment which will be held from October 15 through December 7, 2018. Prior to your appointment, you must complete a Medicare Drug Plan Pre-Enrollment form which you may pick up at Willcutt Commons. Using your completed form, Lynne Buckley, our SHINE counselor will run a drug plan search to identify the best Medicare D plan available to you in 2019. If you would like a confidential appointment with Lynne, she will be available October 12, 26 and Novem-ber 9 from 8:00 am-11:00. We must receive your com-pleted pre-enrollment forms before your scheduled


Mark your calendars

GOTHIC TALES BY CANDLELIGHT!!! Cohasset Elder Affairs along and the Friends of Elder Affairs are excited to offer a Halloween performance by Rita Parisi of Waterfall productions. Rita will thrill us with a one-woman show of ghost stories just in time for All Hallows Eve! Plan to join us on Tuesday, Oct 30 at 1:00 pm for this unique program!


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Serving Health Insurance Needs for Everyone (SHINE): Lynne Buckley, SHINE Counselor, is available to address health insur-ance questions and concerns for seniors or disabled adults with Medicare insurance. Next SHINE date, September 21, 8:00-11:00 am, by appointment. Brown Bag Lunch and Movie: Last Monday of the month, 11:30 am. Bring your lunch. We will supply the popcorn and soda. Au-gust Movie, Stronger, staring Jake Gyllenhal.. See page 4 for details. Cohasset Café: Mondays, 9:00-11:00 am. Drop-in coffee/social coordinated by the Friends of Cohasset Elder Affairs. $3. Notary Public: Mondays, 9:00-11:00 am, during the Cohasset Café. If you require the services of a Notary, Phil Auglis is happy to help you. Free. Conversational French: Mondays, 10:00 am. Drop in. Skill level, rusty to intermediate. Stretch and Balance Conditioning: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30-3:30 pm. Build muscle strength and endurance in a gentle fash-ion. Improve muscle flexibility, strengthen your posture and postural awareness, and maintain balance. $5. Gentle Yoga: Tuesdays at 9:30 am and Thursdays at 9:00 am. Instructor, Amy Di Lillo. Drop in, $5. Chair Yoga: Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Instructor, Amy Di Lillo. Drop in, $5. Seniors Got Strength: Thursdays, 10:30 am. Kathleen Larsen, personal trainer/fitness instructor, offers this high-energy strength and flexibility class. Don’t miss the opportunity to train with an expert! Drop in, $5. Zumba Gold: Wednesdays at 9:00 am, and Fridays, 10:00 am. Great for cardio, range of motion and balance. Taught by Pasqualina Schoenthaler. $5. Congregate Meals: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 12:00. Prepared in-house by local cooks or offered by Cohasset restaurants. Reservations required a minimum of 24–hours in advance for food planning purpose. $3. AromaTouch Body Meridian Sessions by Amy Di Lillo, certified doTerra AromaTouch practitioner. Meridians are pathways in the body along which vital energy is said to flow. Massage to these points opens the flow of energy to allow healing and to help maintain health. Next appointments September 28. Great Discussions: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:00 am-12:00. Topics include current events relating to national interests. All are welcome. Free. American National Mahjongg: Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm. All are welcome to join in and play. Bring a current playing card. Mindful Meditation: Thursdays, 1:00-2:00 pm. Enjoy some peace and quiet and reflection with your peers. Free. Weekly Bridge: Wednesdays, 12:30–3:30 pm. Tables available. Bring your foursome. (Tables of four are required.) Health Clinics: Offered by Mary Goodwin, Public Health Nurse. Monday, 8:00 am.-12:00, Tuesday 11:00 am.-2:00 pm. Quilting/Handcraft Group: Thursdays, 10:00 am-12:00 Drop in. Quilting and other handcrafts of your choice. Bring your project. Second Friday Book Club: 10:30 am. Discussion, coffee and refreshments. Men’s Group, Thursdays, 9:00 am. This group is for anyone who’d like to talk about local issues as well as national events and inter-ests. Open conversation. We’ll provide the coffee. Free. Knitting: Fridays, 10:30 am. Drop-in knitting. Learners are welcome. Edna Finegan, leader. $3. Legal, Real Estate or Financial Consultations: Call 781-383-9112 to arrange a free 30-minute consultation with one of our profes-sionals. Veterans’ Services Officer: Phil Mahoney. Office hours Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm. 781-635-4407. Outreach Off-site Visits: Second Wednesday 10:00-11:00 am. Nancy Lafauce, Assistant Director, Cohasset Elder Affairs, will be at the Community Room at 60 Elm Street. In addition, she will visit homebound seniors by appointment. Pedi-Care: Every other month. Next foot care: September 12. Call for an appointment. $29. Representative Joan Meschino: Office Hours: 2nd Monday of the month, 9:00-10:30 am. Senator Patrick O’Connor: Office Hour: 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-1:00 pm. Dental Hygienist: Visiting Dental Hygiene Associates will perform routine teeth cleaning here in our office. Next appointments September 27. Shopping: Around Town: Mondays, 1:00 pm, Route 3A. Thursdays, 9:30 am, Cohasset Village. Shaws: Tuesdays, 1:00 pm MBTA Commuter Rail: Wednesday, drop-offs for 9:04 am train, pick-ups for train arriving at 3:08 pm Stop & Shop: Fridays, 9:30 am Trader Joe’s/Marshalls 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30 am. Quarterly Out of Town Trips: Held in December, March June and September. Pickups BEGIN at 9:00 AM Derby Street Shops 3rd Friday of the month. Christmas Tree Shops 4th Friday of the month.


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Services, Programs and Activities for Seniors

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91 Sohier Street

Cohasset MA 02025









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1 cup parsley, leaves and tender stems only 1 cup basil, leaves and tender stems only 1 cup arugula 1 sprig of sage, leaves only 1 small sprig of rosemary, leaves only 1 sprig of thyme, leaves only 1 fresh hot pepper, seeded (optional) 2 garlic cloves

1 cup olive oil 1 teaspoon sugar Salt 1/2 cup almonds, ground 2 tablespoons grated pecorino 4 ripe medium-sized tomatoes, diced 1 pound spaghetti or linguine

Puree all of the herbs, the hot pepper, garlic, and olive oil in a food processor. Add the sugar and salt to taste. Pour into a bowl, blend in the almonds and mix with the pecorino. Boil the spaghetti in salted water. While it is boiling, add a ladleful of the pasta water to the pesto to thin it. Drain the pasta, put it back in the cooking pan, mix in half of the pesto. Pour the spaghetti on a serving platter. Top with the rest of the pesto and the tomatoes. Serve immediately. Serves 6.