co., - Memorial University

VOLUME loh ot Harbor Oraoe. ENTERED. Oct. 26.-Bona,·ist.a, s. s., Fraaer, Mon- l t l'('nl vin St. John'R, 2442 brls. flour. 29 M onk staves. 200 brls: heef , 98 brls. pork, 150 brls. pcnso, 11 ticrc<'S hRm, 40 hrls. nnd g<'neral cnrgo- John Munn d:: Co. , .J8.-Tclcphone, Bristol, 10 "''!dnvs, genernl · 29. -Fiom, Pik<' , St. M:lrtins, 14 dn.ys, 340 tons sn it-flo. , . Ct. 'EARED. Oct. Fm!l<'.r, Montreal, <.'00 lh ·cr oil, 412 boxes skin- less codfitth, 355 rrn t. cs bonele88 cod- fish, 87 cnscs fis h 48 kegs fish g lu e, 2S hrl8.8Rimon, 58 brls. trout. 84 brls. h E-rring, 1!! cnses tinned capli.n '\. ·r )l unn Co. 31-Thrnshcr, Connolly, HalifAx, 6S4 qtls. co dfish, 55 cod oil, 20 brls. :':herring, 8 brls. gree n ' fish-J. J. Hen- nessy. f Plymouth. To he Let. . -- THAT Comf ortable Dwelling-Aouse, wi th F r(\<l-pr90f C'ell:1r, Store, nml l:\n!C Gnrd<'n ntt nchcd, s ituaU' on W ntC' r Strert W<'R t, nnd lately occupi <'d A. Donnnn . . Apply T.ErH E:. nl · MASON I ,?' • . \ THF. Regular MONTHLY MEETING of Loci!!<' " Hnrbor Grnc<'." F . k A. l\1., No. ·t'iG R. S., will h f' hl"ltl 'in th e Ma - sonic H :1ll on TH 'RSDAY eYe ning next, Srd Xov., at 7.30 o'dock p. m. (By J)rdl'r of thr R G. H . n. \tx 'OCK,Secy. - ..---- -- -- --- for sale 25 Prime Turkeys, 20 Prime Geese and Old,) Will be sold' cheAp nml in lots to suit purchnaers. E. WALKER. nl 3i , J •• y r GRA 't\FLD. t. 1, 1892. . . I . COPIES TWQ . CXN18) \ . . ... I ........ Whoop I here's another !leMOn come W n · run to win and don't All ealeamru clear the track . The frise we want i1 trade. THE We' re p;oing to beat the record some We'l make our figures lower ·yet ' r'1 h Sh Don't t.rv to hnld u11 hl\ck. Th ' an winner ever made. ew . \;;;/as . op Whoop i prices lower than before, Whonp I hPre's the store that CiTet .lT THE Nt>w ctoodtt in stacks from roof to you moat, annuET STORE floor; Yoh'llfindfi'Hma kenoemptyhoan . ' \Viti.& uu\ ·dlties 11ur store ia full, But bs rgains big and bountiful I A large Stock of . . IN NOW And that is where we get ihe pull. And that is where we have thfl pullt') Fur 'Collarettes a:p.d . dollars The Crowdwis 0 St}ll ... yvit 1 Us Yet 1 · t d Coll..o I d . 1. · __., e ry .101' .w.ore · JUS . y an get your piCA. · : Dr:rr Goods . . · . . Everything New. Everything Cheap. v -AND- Our New .Fall Stock is . lmmense, Our U . nhm1ted I M U N N B R S ·: . :J · : Groceries In the QUJck Rush of Fall Trade goes at a Rock- b . h th fli'.l bottom P r1 ce. . · . il w lC ey o at Water Street 1 Sign of the Lion 1 rbor Crace. Wonderfully low Prices We guarantee Solid Satisfaction. We give It. IT IS CERTAINLY NOT BENE lfiCIAL to the ner.Jous sys· tem to be too much over-taken by sur prise even if it be of a. joyful natu re. hocks ot joy, however, <:nn hnrdly be said to have added large ly to the world's bill of mortality. BAR· GAIN SDRPR I SH:S have never don e. we feel assured. fore, we hav e no h csitntion in that . our FA I.L and WINTER STOCK ot OH.Y and F. \NCY GOOD..; has anivetl, and will be fnond to be t h•· •: beapest nt'U best value ever ebowo in Har- bor Grace. We sell t.ho pest boc au ewe buy for cnsb and can t>etter uff o rd t.o sell atn. very profi t. . We give firs.t place to no one M ganJs pr ices sod quality ., j There is an Clld Raying that .. first come, first eerveJ .'' Of cn ur:iP ovcry \t-h o calls u pon us will receive o ur attentioo ns bu t a t ig plums" are picked uv eurly-eo ns equently wt: au vi!lo ever' ,, ue tu govern tb ou1 sd ves accord- in gly. - LADIES' JACKETS-aapccialt ·-front 11 upwards. t>RESS GOODS from 8 t'n per yard 1 Ladies' Fur Collars nnd o lnrette8 from 65 cents upwards. Blay and White Cnlico ... from Scente. eta. Flnnnellettes, 8 cts. Tweeds, 25 cts. Cotton T\\ •eeds, 16 cte Tweed Suits , $3. Pnnts , &c. &c . Boott!lAND S STRONG AND oes Blended eas. Hand-pegged 3-4 Boots $2.oo · per pair. TEAS ftom 24c. to 70c. Lima rolled Oats Russett Apples. . o A v 1 s & . Ne-w Goods Just ReceiVed -AT THE-- llarbor Grace 1 stove and Hardware DEPOT. . C. L. Onr Stonk of S fOVES anti GENRRAL HARDW 'RE is now com- plete .. STOVES we tho ditfer ent makes of local and foreign compnung Hall, Coolung, Church, and Parlor ; nleo, Go thic Gmtes . Castings and duplicates of th e local makes always kept on hnnd. The of ]i _ardwnre is a lall-!o one, and nny ICrti cle- Tools of all kinds, Locks, H1nges, Nails, &c.-can be had . F GOODS and SOAPS kept in large varlet):. Toilet. Sonpe, a speciAlt.r. M. J. JONES, 93 WATER STREET. GRAPES, &c., &c .. LAMPS of all d £>scripti ona Rnd pnc('! in stock,-from the Lall-!o ChAndelier to. th e Nutmeg or Night Lamp. In thia line we can suit all purohaaen •. 011, Wtcks, &c. · A TINW ABE, COPPER .SMITH and PLIDffiiNG business is connected with the where nll work in these lines can be executed with neatness promptness nod satisfa ction. , . ' .lfijir9UTPORT always receive prompt att ention . The fullest aatU. BOQUET STORE. fact1on guaranteed in all CAses. . ' (1 WATER STREET, HARBOR GRACE · 018 · Water Street,- - ..; Harbor Grace. Hall Bros. w I H. THOMPSON & co., C hoicest Qu ality. Lowest Price J. ROSS and Retail Druggi . sts. Piano for; Sale Cheap. · . I Boots - &Shoes I aale, A Second·H11nd- TABLE !PiiL "iO, Is in good condition bnvin'- 'Leen lately tunea. A great bargain 1f npplied for immcdln tely. Apply at the 8TA..'<DARD Office. Oetlltf Tobnrro. ! PROVISIONS Orn n t:"" · .\ nolt>s, 1 -A ..:n- .to ! GROCERIES Sonp11, nt•c-ults.d:e 1 lh hott nf It iil CC' nta. Relish in U(•ttl rQ , :\luR hroom KC'I• ·hup. :!11 t'l '- . l" ••• r bc . tll l'. J!'lh· in ) I (' ·. l.c II• ),.:<': , •c. t 'nt .... r ':' ., t!_r. Bh•ncl ' ·' TF.o\ . Ill ;.n , .... tWr rwkj:!<'. ]..('.(lS(• TE .\ 5--2-i, ·!0, ;!().\- c ;o r per lb C1 c!'rn. T!lk C'urrnnt, Pt·J•J c·mlillt. Ru:-pl" c·l' nts l' r J ... tt)t•. .Iih· in 1 20 c. J1u. ,!l !!c·, "' ' rc•·lll• r SniiCe\. .\ ltwrir . t'n Ptl ot <tnd ::;:,., fa Ci l!u rq !rom Sl .-10 t <' ::.I I'"· 100. TOB.\C'C'O of nil rtlc T. & B., nnd other fn. vori tc brands. Appl es-10, 15 nnd 20 cmt c per dozen. PUrple Grapes, 20 cents p<'r lb. Sn ·eet. Ornnges-25 nnd SO cent. per dos J. ROSS, W ate- Street, Ila.xbor Grace. n1 -- -- ------------------ HORSE FOR SALE. -o- F or Sale at " n Strong, Sound. Y oung HORSE . Choice c..n be bad of two animals. Apply to . Nl Si Spaniards B&y. Ou tport Orders pers onally and promptly attended to. Pr escriptio ns carefully compounded ! ll X Su:-:lJA Ys!..- 10 to 11 am ; 2 to 3 and 8 to 9 p.m. ESTABLISHED - - 1855 T he to inform the trade tltnt h aving juPt put np a new and i m provert 1\I achinery for mAnufacturP of r--. the Flesh-forming Liquid CLU.E I .\ ;1 ' Strength-giving elements t hey nre t l' fill ord t>ra ror ..::.. "' , 1 - L _ _ · ;::- uuy qul\nttty. --Ul Cll8k8 from 5 to - JoHNSTON sFL ''!l 8EE• - of Pnme Beef 10 i in 01\08 from. 1 gallon t.o Dr. LEHR Pxpecta to len.\ 'O town in a few weeks ' ti me,nnd will be nbaeut .som Q- months. Per- liOns Den t.c'l l wor k hnd better make it 1 \ poi nt to CAll enrly And hnve their wnnts nttend ed to before he lea vee. Office at "Gordon" Lodge. Oc t1 8 William Ryan, CUSTOM TAILOR 1 p1nt' al11o, io 1 and 2 oz. bottlecJ by · Sntiafatclon guaranteed in cut, Qual- BEEF. We . Challenge the Strength Harbor Grace -ARE SUPPLlED J ohnstonJs . FLU ID It is a valuable Food foJ' the Sick- an tnvlgora· t,ing and stimulating beverage. Nutricious. and easily digesteq. nf thll arUcle 4!J"'lnst all Oompeti- _____ f :::;,._ _____ _ J. A. Whitman, :YUNN & CO., HARBoR GR•oc Custom Tailor. by Jl' , \V, GOLDIIR, at the Beach P remieee, HarborGraoe t26tl Will guarantee Fit, WorkmAnabip and Style. Give ua rt call. --- Out port Q¢ora reoei ve prompt aUontion Good chcnp nnd Relinble at 298 W ater St., S t. John's, ( OF TilE Bto Boor.] ---f!- FRED. SMALLWOOD, in thanldng cu,.tomt' rs for their support, begs to a c11 nmt th e public of St. John's and neig boring localities that he is, after burnt. o ut in the Into fire, again ln thQ , . . , Boot apd Shoe Business nnd mnv be found at :?98 W.a' fElt STHEE'l'. (SIGN OF BIG BOOT,) . where is prepar ed to sell Boots and Shoes at the same · old rates, and to give satisf&2tion in every particular. Customers cnn rely . on obtnlning the BeetVnlue. thnt theu money can se- cure, and recei ,· the full eat attention. .lliiiir Gi \'o out shop a call and be suited . Remombe r-298 Water Street, Sign of the Big Boot. Fred. Smallwood. CAUTIO· N! Po _;_ a_t_. Office Notice! FISH E'R .I ES, 1-883R \ -- EACH\PLYG OJJ' TRB Coa.>Ba VICTORIA A.'"D WATER My l E NAVY I LABRADOR Mail Service. l!AII.B will be despatchca tr<1D1 thu Office, -.{A lor Lr braldor, on or about .Nov€fRh(j r, 14th .December, lOth and 1898. Lette= paid will be forwa.rdea, but NO P OR P ARC<'ELS. J. 0. :FRASER, P. M. G, General Poet Offico } St. John'• Oct. 1892 oct .. 28. SEBV'Am'rW ANTill. A GX. NERA L SERVANT to f.D to St. J:ob n' s. )\u11l be . etronr, olfi •P . and wl:tlin(r to -twork. So!H iog re<t ui!'fd, Good W&JetJI"' 'o.- \ That Cottage ThJ are prep \rio! a full stock of . and Twine of their . Q.,W maf)ufacture, suitab e f I' the a nd La rrador Fiaherioa of · and the favorable atten· t iol) of !he r patron'S on th ; bland. . · . Particular attention given to the maldui of coa and Seinti.9, nnd .Kets. · , 1(:$' Priceund te rms sntisfactory. . I William Gloucester Net and Twine. Oo., St., 1 Boston 1 Me,ss. · situated on the welt aide of Le- Marohau' Slrtel. la&ely oeotlpied bJ Kr. A. WIUOK. ltnDltdlat. SMJ•• Oftftnllite MeairB. A. Goodridae & ' 8onL lion .App!r to .., rr- :A· T. DRYSDALE. All ord81'11 MDt to the above adcll'DII will ruodve O•I.S7tf = W] · 'J rvaot · · 1 . GOod I ., .... .. ,., A rutlillotllll. HARBOR GRACE, Nfld.. , 1 'f"""-:- on and after MONDAY, OCTOBER lOTH, Betrular Tk-aina on' tbta Road will be rqn aa lollowa, daUy, (SUD4aya ,_ Leave St. Je\in'a at 10 a.m, t Nrlve at Harbor Grace at 8.46 p.xp, Leave Harbo; Grape att 10 a.m. ; at" rive at St. JQfmf• 8.80 p.m. uperSummerTime :ra'Qli!J WUl l'\UUllng 9.80 p.m. of tho 8th . will (weather lnr) oo ue to run llDtU t'urtbernotlce. For furt er information and Time Tab- l et apply to the along the Unei or to the uodenirned llt tlie Oftloe, St. Jobn'a. ' THQS, NOBLE, Oct 4 tor Receiver. · 1'0'1 SALE D IIDI FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VlQfOBU ari'BDI'. lN BRONZE nETTEBS. NONE OTHER GENUINE :Bookstore. (Opposite Poet Oftioe.) Full Stock of all kinds -oJI-

Transcript of co., - Memorial University


loh ot Harbor Oraoe. • ENTERED.

Oct. 26.-Bona,·ist.a, s. s., Fraaer, Mon-l t l'('nl vin St. John'R, 2442 brls. flour.

29 M onk staves. 200 brls: heef, 98 brls. pork, 150 brls. pcnso, 11 ticrc<'S hRm, 40 hrls. nppl<'~ nnd g<'neral cnrgo­John Munn d:: Co.

, .J8.-Tclcphone, Bem~tc1·, Bristol, 10 • "''!dnvs, genernl C~U:"go-do: ·

29.-Fiom, Pik<', St. M:lrtins, 14 dn.ys, 340 tons snit-flo. , .

Ct. 'EARED. Oct. 27.-llon~wist.n., Fm!l<'.r, Montreal,

35'k~. <.'00 lh·cr oil , 412 boxes skin­less codfitth, 355 rrnt.cs bonele88 cod­fish, 87 cnscs fish ~lue, 48 kegs fish g lue, 2S hrl8.8Rimon, 58 brls. trout. 84 brls. hE-rring, 1!! cnses tinned capli.n

'\. ·r ~ohn )lunn t~ Co. 31-Thrnshcr, Connolly, HalifAx, 6S4

qtls. codfish, 55 cnsk~ cod oil, 20 brls. :':herring, 8 brls. green 'fish-J. J. Hen­

nessy. l.OADl~O.

f i_~rord . Plymouth.

To he Let. .--THAT

Comfortable Dwelling-Aouse, with F r(\<l-pr90f C'ell:1r, Store, nml l:\n!C Gnrd<'n nttnchcd,

situaU' on WntC'r Strert W<'Rt , nnd lately occupi<'d h~ ~r.l"'l. A. Donnnn.

. Apply t~, T.ErH E:. H.\WKt:.~. nl ·

MASON I ~ ,?'

• . \ THF.

Regular MONTHLY MEETING of Loci!!<' " Hnrbor Grnc<'." F . k A. l\1., No. ·t'iG R. S., will h f' hl"ltl 'in the Ma­sonic H :1ll on TH 'RSDAY eYening next, Srd Xov., at 7.30 o'dock p .m.

(By J)rdl'r ofthr R \Y,~I.) G. H . n .\tx'OCK,Secy. - ..-------- ---

Turkeys~ ~s~ for sale 25 Prime Turkeys, 20 Prime Geese

(Youn~ and Old,) Will be sold' cheAp nml in lots to suit purchnaers.

JOH~ E. WALKER. nl3i

, J •• y r

~BUR GRA 't\FLD. ~E'sDA t. ~'0VE1atBER 1, 1892. . . I .

(~INGJ.II: COPIES TWQ . CXN18) ~· \ . . • ...

I -------~·! ........ Whoop I here's another !leMOn come W n ·run to win and don't forg~ All ealeamru clear the track. The frise we want i1 trade.

THE We're p;oing to beat the record some We'l make our figures lower·yet ' r'1 h Sh Don't t.rv to hnld u11 hl\ck. Th'an winner ever made. ew. \;;;/as . op Whoop i prices lower than before, Whonp I hPre's the store that CiTet

.lT THE Nt>w ctoodtt in stacks from roof to you moat, annuET STORE floor; Yoh'llfindfi'Hmakenoemptyhoan

. "--'~ ' \Viti.& uu\·dlties 11ur store ia full, But bsrgains big and bountiful I A large Stock of . . IN NOW ~PENED. And that is where we get ihe pull. And that is where we have thfl pullt')

Fur 'Collarettes a:p.d. dollars ~_::bi~~~S. The Crowdwis0

St}ll ... yvit1h · Us Yet1

· t d Coll..o I d . 1. selec~ · __., e ry .101' .w.ore · JUS open~ . ~~ar y an get your piCA. · :Dr:rr Goods . . · . · . .

Everything New. Everything Cheap. v -AND- • • Our New .Fall Stock is. lmmense, Our B~gams U.nhm1ted I

M U N N B R S ·: . :J · : Groceries In the QUJck Rush of Fall Trade ~verything goes at a Rock-

b. h th fli'.l bottom Pr1ce. .

· . il w lC ey o ~r at

Water Street 1 Sign of the Lion 1 rbor Crace. Wonderfully low Prices We guarantee Solid Satisfaction. We give It.

IT IS CERTAINLY NOT BENElfiCIAL to the ner.Jous sys· tem to be too much over-taken by sur prise even if it be of

a. joyful nature. hocks ot joy, however, <:nn hnrdly be said to have added largely to the world's bill of mortality. BAR· GAIN SDRPRISH:S have never done. we feel assured. Tb~re­fore, we have no hcsitntion in ann0uncin~ that. our FA I.L and WINTER STOCK ot OH.Y and F .\NCY GOOD..; has anivetl, and will be fnond to be th•· •:beapest nt'U best value ever ebowo in Har­bor Grace. We sell t.ho c l.~, pest boc au ewe buy for cnsb and can t>etter ufford t.o sell at•n. very ~>c u :l!l profit. .We give firs.t place to no one M r~ ganJs prices sod quality .,j goc>d~. There is an Clld Raying that .. first come, first eerveJ .'' Of cnur:iP ovcry oo~ \t-ho calls upon us will receive our b~t attentioo ns nlwuy~ but a t ig plums" are inv~Lrinbly picked uv eurly-eonsequently wt: au vi!lo ever' ,,ue tu govern tbou1sd ves accord-ingly . -

LADIES' JACKETS-aapccialt ·-front 11 upwards. •

t>RESS GOODS from 8 t'n per yard 1Ladies' Fur Collars nnd o lnrette8 from • 65 cents upwards. Blay and White Cnlico ... from Scente. Flann~>Js-15 eta. Flnnnellettes, 8 cts. Tweeds, 25 cts. Cotton T\\•eeds, 16 cte Tweed Suits, $3. Pnnts, ~1, &c. &c .




Blended eas. Hand-pegged 3-4 Boots

$2.oo· per pair. TEAS ftom 24c. to 70c. Lima Beads~ rolled Oats Russett Apples.

. o A v 1 s & eo.,""!~~~~ ~t~:.!

• .

Ne-w Goods Just ReceiVed -AT THE--

llarbor Grace 1stove and Hardware DEPOT. . C. L. ~ENNEDY; P~optietor.

Onr Stonk of S fOVES anti GENRRAL HARDW 'RE is now com­plete .. ~ STOVES we ~twe tho ditferent makes of local and foreign manufac~ure, compnung Hall, Coolung, Church, and Parlor ; nleo, Gothic Gmtes. Castings and duplicates of the local makes always kept on hnnd.

The ~tock of ]i_ardwnre is a lall-!o one, and nny ICrticle-Tools of all kinds, Locks, H1nges, Nails, &c.-can be had. F A..~CY GOODS and SOAPS kept in large varlet):. Toilet. Sonpe, a speciAlt.r.

M. J. JONES, 93 WATER STREET. GRAPES, &c., &c . . LAMPS of all d£>scriptiona Rnd pnc('! in stock,-from the Lall-!o ChAndelier

to. the ~allest Nutmeg or Night Lamp. In thia line we can suit all purohaaen • . 011, Wtcks, &c. ·

A TINW ABE, COPPER .SMITH and PLIDffiiNG business is connected with the &~blishment, where nll work in these lines can be executed with neatness promptness nod satisfaction. , . '

.lfijir9UTPORT ~DERS always receive prompt attention. The fullest aatU. BOQUET STORE. fact1on guaranteed in all CAses. . ' (1

WATER STREET, HARBOR GRACE · 018 · Water Street,- - ..; Harbor Grace.

Hall Bros. w I H. THOMPSON & co., Choicest Quality. Lowest Price J. ROSS ~·~:~~~:~~kt~~ ~~9lesale and Retail Druggi.sts.

Piano for; Sale Cheap. · .

Dant~1-- i~ti~~-, I Boots -&Shoes I aale, A Second·H11nd- TABLE !PiiL"iO, Is in good condition bnvin'­'Leen lately tunea. A great bargain 1f npplied for immcdln tely. Apply at the 8TA..'<DARD Office. Oetlltf

~trl'NII. Tobnrro. ! PROVISIONS Ornn t:""· .\ nolt>s, 1 C.r:ll'f'~. J~>IIIP~. - A ..:n-~t,.rlln!" .to F'n •r~· ! GROCERIES Sonp11, nt•c-ults.d:e 1 •

4~ lh hott IP<~ nf ~WEf:T8 I t iil CC'nta. Relish in U(•ttlr Q, ~ ct~. :\luRhroom

KC'I• ·hup. :!11 t'l '-. l"••• r bc.tlll'. J !'lh· in ) I (' ·c ~c-s--c ' r<~ ·. l.c II• ),.:<': , •c. \:~.. t 'nt .... r~c r ' :' ., t!_r.

Bh•ncl•'·' TF.o\. Ill ;.n ~ r~l , .... tWr rwkj:!<'. ]..('.(lS(• TE.\5--2-i, ~0. ·!0, ;!().\- c;o r per lb Cordi:ll~-0m!1.f!~'. C1 c!'rn. T!lk C'urrnnt,

Pt·J•J c·m lillt . Ru:-pl" rr:\· ,lt-c·.-~0 c·l'nts l' r J ... tt)t•. ~liT"'· .I• ih· in 1 N~ J.-11 20 c.

J1u. ,!l !!c·, "'' rc•·lll• r Sn iiCe\. .\ ltwrir.t'n Ptlot <tnd ::;:,., fa r.i~ruits. Cil!u rq !rom Sl .-10 t<' ::.I I'"· 100. TOB.\C'C'O of nil kinch-)f~ rtlc ~a\)'1

T. & B., nnd other fn.voritc brands. Apples-10, 15 nnd 20 cmtc per dozen. PUrple Grapes, 20 cents p<'r lb. Sn·eet. Ornnges-25 nnd SO cent. per dos J. ROSS, W ate- Street, Ila.xbor Grace. n1 ----------------------HORSE FOR SALE.

-o-F or Sale at " ba~l\in. n Strong, Sound. Young HORSE. Choice c..n be bad of two animals. Apply to

. )~YOUNG,

NlSi Spaniards B&y.

Outport Orders personally and promptly attended to. Prescriptions carefully compounded!

AT'IENDA~CE llX Su:-:lJA Ys!..- 10 to 1 1 am ; 2 to 3 and 8 to 9 p.m.

ESTABLISHED - • - 1855 T he uniler~i~tnArl h~>q to inform

the trade tltnt having juPt put np a new and i m provert 1\I achinery for ~b~ mAnufacturP of

r--. .:~--, All the Flesh-forming Liquid ~t~u~~s CLU.E A~\:,\1\ I \::.~~ .\ .:;~ ;1 ' -<.i!~~:.~.:-:1t=.-::-~~;and Strength-giving elements they nre p:erar~il t l' fill ord t>ra ror ..::.. "' , 1- , ~ L _ _ · ;::- • uuy q ul\nttty.--Ul Cll8k8 from 5 to - JoHNSTON sFL ''!l 8EE• - of Pnme Beef 10 ~allons i in 01\08 from. 1 gallon t.o

Dr. LEHR Pxpecta to len.\'O town in a few weeks' ti me,nnd will be nbaeut .som Q- months. Per-liOns requirin~-·-- Dent.c'l l work hnd better make it 1\ point to CAll enrly And hnve their wnnts nttended to before he lea vee.

Office at "Gordon" Lodge. Oct18


1 p1nt' al11o, io 1 and 2 oz. bottlecJ by the~roee. · Sntiafatclon guaranteed in cut, Qual-

BEEF. We . Challenge the Strength w~~:rcst Harbor Grace -ARE SUPPLlED BY~

J ohnstonJs . FLU ID It is a valuable Food foJ' the Sick- an tnvlgora·

t,ing and stimulating beverage. Nutricious. p~atable and easily digesteq.

nf thll arUcle 4!J"'lnst all Oompeti- _____ f:::;,._ _____ _

~ou, J. A. Whitman, JOtl~ :YUNN & CO.,

HARBoR GR•oc Custom Tailor. ~fJlnU(JLctqreri by Jl' , \V, GOLDIIR, at

the Beach Premieee, HarborGraoe t26tl

Will guarantee Fit, WorkmAnabip and Style.

Give ua rt call. ---Out port Q¢ora reoei ve prompt aUontion

Good chcnp nnd Relinble at

298 Water St., St. John's, ( lG~ OF TilE Bto Boor.]


FRED. SMALLWOOD, in thanldng h~· cu,.tomt'rs for their support, begs to a c11 nmt the public of St. John's and neig boring localities that he is, after ~eing burnt. out in the Into fire, again ln thQ , . . ,

Boot apd Shoe Business nnd mnv be found at

:?98 W.a'fElt STHEE'l'. (SIGN OF BIG BOOT,) .

where is prepared to sell Boots and Shoes at the same· old rates, and to give satisf&2tion in every particular.

Customers cnn rely .on obtnlning the BeetVnlue. thnt theu money can se­cure, and recei ,· the full eat attention.

.lliiiir Gi \'o out shop a call and be suited. Remomber-298 Water Street, Sign of the Big Boot.

Fred. Smallwood. •

CAUTIO·N! Po_;_a_t_. Office Notice! FISH E'R.I ES, • 1-883R \ -- EACH\PLYG OJJ' TRB


Mail Service. l!AII.B will be despatchca tr<1D1 thu Office, -.{A C~ebec, lor Lr braldor, on or about ~th .Nov€fRh(jr, 14th .December, lOth and ~thJanullryJ 1898.Lette= paid will be forwa.rdea, but NO P OR P ARC<'ELS.

J. 0. :FRASER, P. M. G, General Poet Offico }

St. John'• Oct. 1892 oct .. 28.


St. J:ob n's . )\u11l be. etronr, olfi•P . and wl:tlin(r to -twork. So!H ~raln.

iog re<t ui!'fd, Good W&JetJI"' 'o.-

\ ;1!!!1~~~·~~··L~-f1--That Cottage

ThJ unc\ersi~ned are prep \rio! a full stock of. N~tting and Twine of their . Q.,W maf)ufacture, suitab e f I' the Now{oundl~tod and Larrador Fiaherioa of · S9~. and invit~ the favorable atten· t iol) of !he r patron'S on th ; bland. . · .

Particular attention given to the maldui of coa T~ps and Seinti.9, nnd Htlrrio~ .Kets. · ,

1(:$' Priceund terms sntisfactory. . I

William ·sto~e, Gloucester Net and Twine. Oo., 9~ Oo~ercia.I St.,

1 Boston1 Me,ss. ·

situated on the welt aide of Le­Marohau' Slrtel. la&ely oeotlpied bJ Kr. A. WIUOK. ltnDltdlat. SMJ•• Oftftnllite MeairB. A. Goodridae & '8onL lion ~~~ea. .App!r to .., rr- • :A· T. DRYSDALE. All ord81'11 MDt to the above adcll'DII will ruodve O•I.S7tf = ~~~ W] · 'J • rvaot (t~ · · 1

~ •~re::s: .GOod I .,.... .. ,., A rutlillotllll. •


'f"""-:-on and after MONDAY, OCTOBER lOTH, Betrular Tk-aina on' tbta Road will be rqn aa lollowa, daUy, (SUD4aya exce~) ,_

Leave St. Je\in'a at 10 a.m, t Nrlve at Harbor Grace at 8.46 p.xp,

Leave Harbo; Grape att 10 a.m. ; at" rive at St. JQfmf• a~ 8.80 p.m. ~ eJ~~Ttalna uperSummerTime

:ra'Qli!J WUl oea~e l'\UUllng a£ 9.80 p.m. of tho 8th ~t. . Stmda~'halila will (weather ~it~

lnr) oo ue to run llDtU t'urtbernotlce. For furt er information and Time Tab­let apply to the ~enta along the Unei or to the uodenirned llt tlie ~el'll Oftloe, St. Jobn'a. '


4• ~~~ tor Receiver.

· 1'0'1 SALE D IIDI



NONE OTHER GENUINE ~yrne's :Bookstore.

(Opposite Poet Oftioe.) Full Stock of all kinds



thad beth troubled five monthl with Dyspepsia. The doctors told JDe it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load ill the pit of mlo~mach. I suffered fre. quently _ a Water-Brashof~ear matter. Sometimes a deathly S1clt· ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used A.gust Flower. and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en· tirelyrelieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. • I would like to refe r yQU to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked. who knows all about my"condition. and from whom I bou~ht the medi­cine. I live with my Wlfetand family at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa.· Signed, JoHN D. Cox. 8

.. G. G. GREj:N Sole Manufacturer,

Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. A.


THE KOST PF.Brio'r .AiD ANT ,....., 'n~D 8CIUTD10 CO 'nOll ~ OFFE.Bl:D TO m.& POBLlO.

IJl 'Uie l&rsest !lORI~ lD tlle -~ onr bT tlle mo.1. alt1lltu1 ot Urta.c JUI t11e lqroedleta are pnllqi~ IDOI'O tlwl tw10e ot~e~~,.ual.lotbers put~. .




t\..114 ~other Symptttm or DIMue that reiUl• ("' trOm All7 D~rder ol tho

Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Rlpana T11bol~ blmllb pa.lo and proloDC llte. BI~Tabul~ ~niAID oothint tbU oan bob ~ w \.bo m o.t d elicate. ru pana T&bllle. are pleuan t to take. aa!e AD4 as. waya f'lrectulll. Oon Clo-e 111" .. 8 ftUot.

TbO ~L iODI'I't\1 f ADlll.,r ruOOJciDO O'l'eJ' Olforod CO tbo poblle. Clrcull\t'l ~Dt oo appUcat\oo. ~11eDCt>d a oll tbo.rougbl.,r qualllleel pbnlc:S­

au Ue OODD~ Wllb tbc lUpaUA Cbemle&l Oom• pany ,and patleota oro lo•1tod «>. write torapec~ loaU'IIetlooa In ~liar CAI<'A. Tbetr lett.on ncetTo aucll ~uon u they requlre, treo

~ira keep RlPRDo TnbalH tn tho boll• an4 'l'bc.D JOU tra~ol Ulko 10me wttb JOU. Tbll7 .,._pot up In am&ll TIAI.I. ••llicll iDIIJ' be OOilTD» cU)' cant~ In tllo vet~t pocltct or portiDOilll&le.

Bold b J Druggtsu : or-;;:;rt bl m&U lD t1lo follow· tD,r QUACUIIU UPIJD ~pt>O prtoo: t Bottle, • 16 centa.112 Bottloa. • 11.2


1 Bottles, • 1&..ctn-.. 24 Bottln, • 2.11 .ulDUU





:ESTBLISHED IN 1782 ; TnU.(TP!~ ;J,'ia'EOTORS 1 JHopb Wm II• Z.IInd ala, •:.q J:irii~OW lton•lll Sloq !lu bon J•m.,. ' tur Tnbn C lotion. Eeq • Octeutol ~; Onujii, .Eeq t.lP Goorr• Artbur .Pelle!, FAq ObMieo ~ Ooodb.oort, r;aq )& Bbod• Hawklnl E•q 81r JobD r.ubbnclt, tkrt, " P, r OuriH Tbocnu Lacae, &.q, OllartM Wapay1 Etc~ 'lila ttoo Euwto 8 Portll)lla n\idl"f ltnlw!rt Smith, E•a \~ Ill J •.Ill~• 1'bqru~on. E.q .•

liON. DlllliOTOR1 J'l\Oif J . 8LOOMIIUD, EeQ.

Wd.Llfll Cl: ~booop£.~u }\ Join' l'uJ~erll .8. M•ca ·~•w, Seoretariel

Tbe en!rlllf"IO'l.fl' or lthi• OIBoe are Olnntelcl D1 a aaaer'ool and weal&hya ProPttet•rJ .ddnioa k) a large lo...-1 a•plril ; ••HI th" prompu~ude ud and htwlrllll'J with w~b olahu U91 ahrap ,_... met, are Wtll·boWD aacl aokn0111'led!JN ' 1

The laaportaue of Uie warAO&.lola of ... Pk<ENIX FIRE OfflCE

.. , •• llllmtted fi'OID &he,_. &~~&•

..... ~ ... .,. ........ , ... aow o•• on Yun &1ae- ~r••tt lk

~"_._,.. .. cA or.-. ~a, r;,... ..... 81'~8· IULldON8 ..



J_egilslative . Cou~cil. . "-" 8peclal ~em

" TuuBsnu~ug. 11, 1892.

guArd and promote the interests that would be affected t.h~by. 1t Wl\8 pti·

to know thai ~ple of ether oe>t:mt.lies had contributed eo J.&­

•. -•o.rn• the relief or tbe auffererl. Canada _ 1 (~ntinued.)

. Hnn. Jlr. ANGEL roee for,the ptll'p08e ,r secondinft tho motion that " select oommittee be appointe<l to draft an ad­dreea in 1 reply to Hie Excelleno.v's opening speech, and in doing 110 be wished to ~· hi -tlte firet place, ~hat it w a ma r or profound regret that the ami ue resulta or the recent flre mad it nee aary tbnt t-116 le,Oela­turo sho d be called together at a timt' when tb(\ pressing demands of business of VArious kinds rendered it almoet im­poiaible tor bon. gentlemen to ~ive that attention; to legislative matters which sePmed to he required in the present criaia. At this partic6lar season every hon. gen~leman ongaged in businC88 pnmnita ~uld find plenty within his own indipduf\laphero to engage his aft. tention and could not well nfford to devote much t ime to the conRide.rntion ()f the important que-Jtions · th~ would come before the Ho'uae during the nro­st"nt session. H e trusted, however, that the 11088ion would not be protracted be­yond the time that wns really nccessnry to pass auch measures as. a.ppcl\red to he d~>manded on account of the recent dratmctive fire, thnt pnrty interests W"llld not be nn obstruction, but. thnt nll would work f.ogt>tber hannoniouely for the common good. H e wrus in per­fect accord with Hu Exct>llency's re­marks rogarding the fire · of 1846 nnd the fire of the 8th of July lnst. The lntter wns far more serious and destruc­tive than the former; it covered a larc:·er nrt>a, accomplished greater destruction of property and intcifcrcd m ore serious­ly with business · operations. In the firt> of 1840 the· buildings cleatrovcd were chiefly wooden stnJcturca,_ bui. the re­cent fire destroyed t'he moet costly buildin~s of th<' most dnrl\ble ma~riRl. SeYen pnblic hnlls. severnlllll'JtC schools and colleges, churchrs of the most sub­stantial mntcrinl an$i exhibitin~ nrchi­t<'rtuml akillRnd bonnty, tho m nssivo Athenreum '\\'ith its fully equipped and splendidh· . nsaorted library, the Com­mercial Bnnk nnd several other lnrc:e substantial buildin~s succumbed to tho reatleas nnd de,·ouring flames which swept over the J!TCnter portion of the city, on tbe 8th Jnly lnat. and left nothing in their trnck but chnrred and blackened ruins. In the business por­tion of the city the late fire accom­plished almoet · unlimited destn1ction. Along Wnt~r Street for a milo in extent the fire swept with te rrible e fl'eot . Ita fury nnd violence could only be fulJy l'<'nliicd on the succeeding day when the ftnmes hnd spent their ra~c f\nd tho smoke hnd cleared aiJ·nv and it w~ round thnt every mercnniUe Etatablish­mnnt co,·crlng n mile in ext~t along hoth sides of Water Street bnd bc('n rompletcl:v nnd hopelessly destroyro. His Excellency Willi therefore ri,::ht In snvi;lg .tl1nt "the dcstmr.tion of pro­perty occasioned by the fire of the 9th of Jnn,., 1846. wM fnr ex-ceeded by the r<'C'cnt calnmitv." His ~cHeney hnd nlso mndc some reference in his opening speech ~o for<'st fi r<'s. It wns most u n­fortunate thnt snch 6r~s were rngin~; in different pam of the t"olony nt the snme time thnt St. John's wns b uruing. These firee cntnilcd the moat serlons conscqu~nces upon the colony nnd were not much less drstructh·e in their re­sults thRn tho fire that had visited this city. 'Whether such fi res had oriJtinnt­ed throu~h CArelessness or otherwise it wns not for him to any~ but every pos­sible precaution sbou1a be tak~n to prevent their recurrence. They h ncl Already o~cnsioned the most serious hindrance to lumbering opcmtions in the different bRya around tqe island where mill owners had alwaya experi· enced aome difficulty io obtain ing tim· her in sufficient quantity to make their busineu renumetatlve. The proteo­tlon of our timber laoda, OUl' lumbering diatrict.,wu a matter deae.rvii'lg aa much conalderatibn as the protection of any other interjllt. Such a aouroo ot profit 1\nd emplorment for OUl' people ahould be iUaidild an'd encouraged by proper legal prot~tlon enforced With the IO'e&teet~alble vhdlanee. Ria Excel­lency b&d alao apo-.en or the prompt action oft~ Government ln '·providing rood and allelter for the dettltqte " im· mediately after the fire. A la obaerv~ tion could !not he gabaaid, lle (?41'. Angel) waa not there limply to porn­mend and eulogise the aotlon ot the Government in everythln~ they did, but it waa not too much to aay •nat in tbia pllrtiotilar they had manifeated.the greateat aympathy for the aufferera by thE'ir bumAbe and prompt action in de­viling m ea-he to feed and shelter them 1\.8 eoon aa the calamity had ooourl'ed. He did not think that the Government had loet any time in.providln~plAcea or refuge and provialon to ml\lbtahl the deetltute while the immediate reaulte or ~0 fire wero pressing bard -upon tbern. He 1(Yr. A.) felt ueured thAt the people would alwaya remember with gratl~ude the prompt attention be-etowe<l tl them by tlie Govemment in the their dire dl.atreu. It waa not t.o ao.y that tbe Gov-ernment are-t credit tor ..the

they IJ'AP.Pled with heliHMI tbe ~ple

"'Tbete ~ been the · I.nd ?:!t

opll:l.lon, tbe ,.. &o

widening a&ldto


abown a moetaympe.theUoand ~­erout spirit in her boun~ut oontribu-tiona. Before the fire had abated" com­mittee had been organised at .Halil&J: with the view of anticipatin_g the wants f)( t.he destitute and hnstemng to SQnd them relief, and as soon aa possible after they bad received intelligence of the fire a steamer waa despatched for here with a full CA~of supplies. Tho people of Canada had manifested quite an emulous· disposition in helping the homeless and deati rute here out of the ten:='tnc stn\ita and inconvenieqce which hs curred to them by tbe fe&rful con­ftagrnt o hioh bad recently visited this c ity . The people of Great Britain and the United Stntce h nd also acted moet nobly and ~enorously. Of this J'(eneroeity 1\nd kindly &Mistnnce in the time of peed: h"C believed that the peo­ple wotltd Rlwnys entertain n. very grato­fttl remembrance. Her. Majesty's Gov· ernment also deserved some words of comm<>ndation for sending withont any unf\\'Oidn.ble delay one of tho large war ships with supplies, tents, &c .• to the scene efthc disMtcr, which helped very mucl> to mi~i te tho distr<'Ss and diffi­culties ofthos who hnd aulfcred by the firt-. · The o ce and men of each one of H er Mnjc~'s ships of wnr tbnt bns ,;sited this pOtt since the firo merit the gratitude of the wb.ole .c<?mmunity by their prompt and untmng efforts to f1elp tho people, to maintain order nnd by pulling down dangerous structures, and doing nil in their power for the gen­<'ml good. I t is further pleasing to note thnt H er Majesty's Gov(!l'nmont hna generously responded to s. request for a stnff of Royal En~in~ers to assist our locnl sllr\'<'yors in lnymg· out the town, and i t. is now understood that they nre on tho wny h ere. Such courtcons ro­rognition of our needs andlsuch gener­ous assistance ought to evoke from ns our vNy wnrmcst <'X pression of t.hnnk­fulnces. H o (:\lr. A.) would only any further thnt he trusted thnt the present session would be charnctcri%ed by a disposition on t ho pnrt of every h on. gentleman to get through t.he necessary bnsiness without 1\DY avoidnble d elny, nnd thnt such me~utca would bo en­nct<ld ns would hnve rcsJ:>cct to the ril!hta of all clnss~s and tend to nid the C'ity in recoYerin~ from ths effects of tho terrible disnater by which it had recently been atlUcted. He would th<'refore eecond tho motion that n se­lect committee benppolnted to draft an adclres.s in r~ply to His Excellency's opening speech. A committee was then apPOinted cousistin~ Pof Honbla. Messrs. Talbot, Rendell. Monroe, Skel­ton and Angel. The H ouao adjoumcd until to-morrow at 4.30 p. m.

8ArURDAY, Aug. 13. H ouse opene<lnt 4.80 o'clock, p.m. R on. Dr. S.-Ei.To~. on behalf of th

rommittco npJ)()inted to drnlt an '1\d­dreas in Teply to the speech of His Ex­cell<'nC\' the Admin istrator nt the opon­i n~ of thel.QI{islnture, p resented the ad­dr~ss so dmftcd and mo,·cd thnt it bo rt>:\Cl nfirst time. ·

On motion of H on. Dr. Skelton the 3-}t h rule of t\.10 H ouse wns suspended with rt"gnrd to the nddrt"s8 in reply .

On motion of H on. Dr. Sk~lton the nddr~ss in roph· wns then r<'ad a second time and tho H ouse resolved iteelf into cemmittee on thc snme; hon. Mr. Angel in the C'hnir.

Afte r some time the committee rose nnd reported the Address '>'ithout nmenrlment.

On motion of hon. Dr. Skelton the ad­dress in reply wns rend n third time, pl\8sed Rnd ordered to be presented to His th~ Governor, by a depu· tation of tlie whole House.

On motion or bon. Mr, Talbot a con· tingenciea committee wne appofnted conalatin~r of qonorablea T. Talbot, M. Monroe1 Captnlu Clcnl').', J . 8, Pltte nnd J . Hama. ~ '

The P!'ealdent informed the Houte that Hla Excellency the Administrator would r eoelve the Addreu in Re­ply on Monday next at hal!·paat 12 o'clook, "'m.

On motion the H ouae a<Uourned until Monday next at half-put 11 o'clook, a.m. ;-- .

prompt, acu6n by tho . Oovcn1ment in proviillng food and Aheltor for tboee in Deed baa averted much au.ffering and privation.

Tho aympatby shown by the people of Great Britatn, of Canada nnd thO\ ~oiYd *-tee-in aonding immediate re­lief, is deserving or our most gratefnl acknowledgement. It will be a source or plena tire to those charitable 'dono.-a to know. thnt 'heir muoifiaence waa so opportune and of such. iuea~inlt\ble ser­l lOe. It is moet gcntifying to observe that Qur fellow colooiata in H.l\lif&X had · organized a relief committee for our ns­aistanco dvcn while the fire Wl\8 raging in our midst.

We fully approve of the appointment by Your Excellency of the Committee to r~eive nod distribute contributions and wo fee l R.Ssurcd thnt th'e nction of the Committee in this behalf will re­alize tho expectations of tho · com­munity.

The ln..ring out of the streets nml re­bqilding tbnt portion of tho city recent­ly dest.royed,..nre mn.~of parrnount importnnce, nnd-bA'fing ref'nrd to the interests of Landlords nnd Tenants in the property which m·ay be tho subject of legislntlon, wo trust thnt 'Such n men.surc m:\y be de,·iscd ns shnll nfford satisfaction to those immediately con­ccruedl

We nrc of opinion thnt the conven­ing of the Legtalaturc on this occasion wns urgently deDlAnded by the circum­stances.

Any measure submitted to us pro­posing to mnko prOd<(!~ I· on f rsuch build­lOg& ns nre needed !Qr t public ser­vice will receive our s attention. \

We unite ·with your Excetlcnc:.· in the expression of gn\titude thnt H er Ma­jesty has been p_lc!lSed to plnce n body of the Roynl Engincct'll at. tho disposal of the Government; their nblo services will we nrc sure be eminently useful in the aur,·ey nnd re-nrnlngemcnt of the citv.

We n~ee with your Excellency that the aernc<'s gi vcn by Cnpt:lin Hnmilton officers nnd men of H er :\{njesty'a ship Blnkc and those rendered bv Commo­rlorll Sir Bn.Ia Win W a lkcr and 'the officers nnJ men _o~ H er Mnjt"Aty 'e ships ~mer­aid, Mngtc1eno and Buzzard mont our warmest thnnks.

It is satisfactory to learn that there has been no serious violntion of the lnw under oircumst.anccs so pressing and thnt the chnrnctcr th l\t. our people hn,·e hitherto maintained bas not been forfeited.

With your Excellency we trust that Divine wisdom ma.y dtrcct our e fforts In the wny best CAlcnltLted to aid the colony in recovering from its present depressed condition, nnd that our peo­ple, with tho of other cities to encourage thcm,.wtll soon bo notivo in tho work of re-construction.

E . D. SHEA, President. Council Chamber. 18th, 189'2.

To the addrcas' from the Council, His .Excell~ncy wna plenscd to _make the

10\nng reply :-Mr. President anrl H onourable Gentle­

men of the Lcgislath·l' Council . I co~inlly thank you for your address

and nm grnt ified with your concurrence in the sov<'rnl mattcl':i to which I mndc reference in It h e_ opening speech ; also for your emphnt1c npprovnl of the con­,·cntion of the Legislature under tbe cir­cumstnnc~ .

Yonr e~crience must ncooaSllrily be of great ndvnntn~e in th is cmergcnc~·. nncf L feel assured you will willingly co­opcrntc In tho mnturing of mensures cnlculnted 1.1) ad\'1\nce tl1e welfare of the Capital ll8 well aa of n.ll pot:tioDI of the colony. G(wernm,.nt H ouae, }

15th An~ .• 189'2. H aving returned to .the Council

Chamber, nnd tlie reply o f H is ~xcel· lency bavirfg been read by tho honor­able the President. tho l{onse on mo­tion adjourqod tUl to-morrow, at 4.80 p, m. ........__

TlroRaDAY, Aug. 18. Tho H ouao m ot nt 4.80 p.m., nnd on

motion, acijoutned till to-morrow, Frl· day, at 4.80 p.m. " -

FRIDAY, Aug. l9. House met at half·pa.t four o'clock,

p.m:L..nnd Rdjoumed until )ionday noxt, the r.~nd ina~ .• a t. bnlf·paat four o'olook.

Mo~'DA.Y, Aug. ~2. The Houae met at 4.80 p.m. The President informed the House

thnt a meW\~e had been received fro!'ll the Hono\1rnble H ottso of Aascmbly ac. 'companying two bills 11 .A.n 4ct to amend the St. John'a R ebulldtng Act

tho acte in ~endfl1ent thereof," tbe ·' Lnnd Tequro Act," nod nak­tbe c'onci.UJ'ence of the council in e.&Jile. .

On motion of hon. ~- Talbot the " Act to amend tbe St. John's .Rebuild­ing Act, and the AcLs in amendment thoreor• WR.S r end n. tint time, to bo rena a eecond thncto-IQorrow. ]

On motion or hon. Mr. Talbot tbe " Lan~ Tenure Act" wu read a nt ti ~e, to . be reatl « aecond thqo to- or-row· ..J

Bon. Kr. Talbot g&ve notice that he would OD t<Hnorrow movo the •ua~ ion or the 85th rule of the Houae with reference to aU bU1e before the Route for the ~mainder ot the eoaaon. •

Bon. M. Moifaoii.Jrould euae!l't the adviaabUity ot auto&klklg tbt rftlee or the B ouae with rel'erence to the "Re­uuU<&aull Act," at once, tO that it might.

a aeoond tinie and haatoDecl la Bi had

notJiliDI had CUI'801.1Lon. tbe

centr-e linea would have to be ml\de which would mMn aevernl dnys' fur­ther delay. With such a condition of nffnirs before us he thonght that no m OAns should be spared to hnsten the pnMn~c of the bill, ancl thus eAAblo our flre sufferers, ·who were only too eager to ~ to work, to erect thci r houses be. fore the severe weather set in.

H on. Mr. TALnor.-Whn.t the bon. gentleman proposed would not in any wnv h1\8tcn the pnssngc of the bill, for the bill bRd not yet t>een printed. In the meantime it would be printed and he hoped thnt to-morrow they would be nhle to put it th rough ita vnrlousstn~es. H e. nnd h e wns sure nll other honomble members, were quito ns a1uious to hnsten and facilitnto the work ns wns his honomble friend. '

On motion the house then adjourned till to-morrow nt 4.80 p. m. ·

WED!'i'ESDA Y, Aug. 24. H ouse opened nt 4.80 o'clock, p. m. ·

ORDER OF TKE DAY Second reading Re-building Act. H on. Mr. TALBOT, in moving the

•second rending of tho Re-building Act enid it wn~ not n mCMuro requirin~ ,·cry much discussion. nnd he woula

· not therefore dctnin t~e H ouao with 11.ny lengthY, remarks i"l rclntion there­to. The htll hnd been 'Rrepared with 11. grent' deal of care nod ntt<>ntion by the other brnnch of tho Lcgialnturo nnd in his (Mr. T's) opinion it would obtnin the npprovnl of this B ouse. H e would there fore move thnt the bill be rend a second time.

and over the Island o.f Newfound.laM and its dependeociC8. J

1 MAY tT PLEAS~> Youa Exc~:tu:y~ Tho Legislative Council and Ho e

of A.s8ombly having bad under con­sideration the. neceftsity of the erection of n Court H ouso, n Custom H ouse and other necessary buildings in the town of St. John's, req1,1eat that Your Excoll­

oency will be pleaaad to take the same into your co01iderntioo and make such Order ns may seem reaaonnble, and will cause such. building. to be erected: and this H ouse will DlAke due provisiQil for ~he same.

( Pnssed tho H ouse of Aasembly Aug-ust 22nd, 1802.) ·

(Sgd.) GEO. H . ExERSO~, Speaker.

On motion of H on. Mr. 'Talbot the address waa adopted . and the 11 Jury 'Amendment Bill" and 11 Revenu Amendment Bill " were rend a finlt and second time.

The H ouse adjourned unttl to-morrow at 4.80 p.m.

(To be oootlnued.)

W.J. Russell Honse- Ship, Si[ll and General Painter. Venc~i:ln ,Blinds mnde, refitted

renovnt~d . AI o wi hcs to intimate lbnt be isnow

prcpnred to;doF~esco Pnintiogatreaaon· nblt• r:lt <'<~ .

lfiir Satisfaction gunmnteed . . R on. Mr. A:\OEL wished to sny baforo

the b ill WI\S rend 1\ second time, thnt, Cl'tewart Muon & c in his opinion. some nltcrntions or ~ 0., nmendments would hnve to be intro- ' duccd into it before it could receive the SIIIPPI~G A~D COlDIISSION MER-finn! snnction of the House. Such ne- CHANTS. ccssnry amendments ns those to which he refe rred would no doubt receive pro- 22 ST, JOHN Sr., MONTREAL. per attention wh~n the H ouso would r~soh·e itself iuto cofnmittee on · tho bill . . The hjll was then read a second time. · ·

On motion of H on. Mr. Tnlbot the 85th rule or tho Houso WI\S suspended ns r.!gnrda the 11 Rebuilding Act," and tho H ouse r~oh·ed itself into commit­teo on the snme. H on. D.1. Skelton in the chnir.

H on. )[r. A~OEL thought thnt before proceeding with the bill n plnn of the street~ should be laid upon tho tnble A. plnn of tho streets wns there• lnitl upon the tnble, nnd exnminRtion proceeded with. nftcr which the com­mittee r~sumcd tho regular order of business.

On l}lotiq.n o f hon. Mr. Talbot the first section of tho bill wns nm<'nded by expunging the words, in the 12th line, " belonging to" nud inserting in plnoe thereof the words ·' lately occupied bv:"

On motion of hon. :\Ir. Rendell ihe 11th section of the bill wns 1\monacd by nddin~nt the end of the aub-aection tho followmg :-'· The land hounded on the south bv 1\ line 110 feet north of the line of Gower Street ; on tho north by tho south llne of Bond Street ; on tho weat by Churoh Hilltmd ou the enat by Cathedral Street, is hcroby approprint­ed for the uaeofthe public nod no build­ins- ahnll be cooa£ructed thereon." For tho purpoao of perfecting a fire-break it ahnll not bo lawful to conatruot build· inga of 1•:ood or other inflammable ma· tori!Ua upon the lot of land bounded on the )lortn by the publio aqul\l'e afore­.ald; on the aouth by Gower Str eet 1 on the west by Church Hill nnd on the cast by Cathedral Street ."

''The triaognlar :e_ieoo of Jl\ntl bound· ed on tho north bv ~ng's Hill ; on the aouth·enst by LJvlngton Street, and on the 1\'_eat by Bulley'a Lnne is hereby ap­propttated to publio ute and no buUd· 11121 ahall bo constructed thereon."

H on• Mr. McKAY J>ro~ed that aec• tion 21 be amended, by adding at the end thereof the following :-"Tho Sur­veyor General and arbitrators appointed under thia Aot a hall reaeivo. &8 remun­eration for their aervicea, the sum or t2.150 eRob for each and every arbitra­tion under tb ia Ac\, which aum ahall be added to the amount to be _.paid by the Receiver General-to the several ar-

SpPcinl attention given to t.he sa.le of Filjh and F ish Oils. ('

Also. to the buyiog and shipping of F luur nnd pro visions and. General Produce. Cahle Adrlress-:\lunn. Montreal.

-lliSio~ 0, : ~

dLiYcr01Ij A ND THI:

ypophospblte.s or Lime an1 Soda.

No otncr Emulsion is so easy to ta~c..

It does n~t tt~parate nor~ s~oil. 1

It is always sweet as cream. .The most sensitive stomach

can retain it. CURES

Scrofulous and VJasti::g Diseases.

Chronic Cough. Loss of J'.ppetlte.

Men~al and Ncrvou3 Prostrc:.t!o:t.

Gcn<!;:-~ Debility, &c.

Beware or 1\!llmitAtlocs. Aalc lor ·•t~o f'. f; L .1' J!.,c~,fo:-t. and rc!IUO a.!J otb t :d.

,.RICI: 150C, A"D $1 ~l:ft 80TTL~


' 7<.

M. Se.arle, Watch Maker and Jeweller.

bitrators. . Outport and local work promptly and Tbia amendment waa put. to tho vote aat.iafa<!torUy attended to.

and loet, M\er aome further timo, and on WATER S1.'REET, HARBOR GRACE,

J:QoUon of bon. Mr. TalbQt, the com· Two doore WOit·Of Telegraph omoe. mittee roee and reported tbe bill with . , aome amendment.. · ' 5 j It

On D10tion, the l'eP9rt Waa received ~· lthtf tate bblt) and the J>Ul read & thlrd tlnte, paued and ordered to be aent to tqe H~ute ot -.ll'D-Ataeltlbly with meaap that thiaHouae COlilOJ:PTION BAY ADVERTISER • bad paued the 1ame ~tb aome aJlleDd· Ia printed and pnbllabed every m~~bon. tqe Paamur intormeil tlle Tueeday ·and Friday evening, at lfoute tb&t qe q,.d roceJved a meaqge tbeS~•ndard OMce. Vletorla Street, fro"! the Boute of ~~bly accoQl· Barbo~Gr~ b)' Mun & OD. pa~ri~ a ·• Jury A.mend~ent Bill," Bublarip&M BGla :--1~ per an. and &

1 ~venue Amendment Bill," to nam; tl.60 per balf·yar; to fote .. . whloh the HOUle of .U.embly nqaea&a lro aabaorlben tbe ratell will h tbe OOQOQl'l'elloe or tb• OoaoOU. Alao, n. 6(). •

~~ 1111-the follo~ addreM to hi• Ei:celle_G0_7 ..tdw~ Bat. :--..lSO oeota pe the Gov~ iu relaUOD to publlo loob for ftlit loMrtiod ; $WID&)' oeotl

l·~=iij=~=~~;:~=~·~= ~aildllw B. T pet loob for ~b oootmutlon, \Ia K~ ~8~al rat. for ~ ot more .OOCIIIIIiw 1 Ji~ ::i ·mootbt. The uamber ot IDIII'UODI

~==ot~r ol -~· ... bl II' Sa lD tpeolatcl bJ




/WY:t"''"'""1"'"'""'"''rf'" lfi 1:rs llCTIOrt


.., ...... ~ MORBUS,

!1"1 Canodla C:.;,mplatn~ 1 lt curoo In a







34 Coillmercial Street, B


C<)l). l·lEL{JilNG AN 8'ElNES.



S ~~J4~1) A K IJ • GO r~ L> ,

"f\VlN ~~~ of •biola •• .,, \be ODIJ .., ... utaownr~a; ,


, not be 11crubbcd; but thc·y KWnrmed ia•to Lht\ ou.t.ct ioom whcno,·tfr we would

,_...., .. ,. WI"'~ ' "..... aLllf, w it. (fhc·y aro vary docile and • DS. PRAB.Y'S J.!.XPRB.IRNOlL uoultl bu sent away at any time like a

dock Q! exoeJ4ionally good children." · She Charined the Mimo aud il:ade the t1tE FIJI8'1' wntTE wmu!i.

Greenland Faahw»- •: I eupPoee 'YOU woro tho tir6t wtiito There are very few women in A mcricn

who could leave home nnd frienda and eooiely-nearly everything which mak~ life worth wbile,to a womnn-to live for a year nnd a half fur inside the Arctic circle, yet who could eny nt the end of the experic>nCE', "Oh. I have bad no hardahipe at ill!. 1 never bad such a J.ood ti~·n nll my life.''

The a nmce of Lieut. Feary'11 plucky wiJe ell. beaiS out. her assertton llaya thefN. Y. World. She is a blonde, tho ricturc of robueh henltb in epite ot her sltmder figure. She is young, pretty IUld etyliab. Mrs. Perry has ventnrM to dowbatnootbcrwomnn hM tried before. She has actuilly been .an nctive mm­ber of M Arctic exploration party . .

" I ha,·e been to &c~y dreaemnker, at leaat one of thcm1 ' she said, ns she cume into her Waehmgton home. " I have hn.O to. engage all the leisure time that three could give me. You s imply have no idea of


YOU can be when ·· 11 hnve been bnlf a rlozen seasons awa from civilized life. I used to eav at a. s::han~e of sea­son that I batt nothin'! to wear, but I hl\d not the eli~bteet idea of what the phl'1UIA meAnt."

" What did vou tR k e with you to wear on yoa:r erpedit.ion T"

11 All my old clnthesl of eQurse. I knew that I should never have euoh a Jl'oOO opportunity tolget them wom out without anv AnxietY as to ·changing fA11binna. That 1\ppiit-s only .m gn~s. My Arctic drt-se "''ns odd Pnou,~rh. Lteut PMrv, ne you l:::now. had bPen in Green· lnnd'before, and had 1\ ~nod iden. of the nPI'de of the olimate. Nothing but fur will JZl"e 11ufficient protPction n.(!n.inet the cokt, and we did not mnke the mis­tR.kfl of havin$r our fur J.!!lrTnPnts mnrle uo befnre$r. In addition to the discomfort of tryin~t" on furs in the eprinq, we lmew that no furrier had sufficient dierP~I\rd Of npprl\rt\Metl to make our outfit 1\8 wn should order it. In11tt>arl,' we tnok on bonm wP.ll-cured deeHkins, which I cut durin$r the voy· n~re, to the exact I wnnted. Then when we reached Greenland we hired the Eekimo women


~·hlch they do with great skill. t hnrl nn undel'J!'llrmentr-n sort of rlh·irled Akirt-mnrlA of cleeHkins with the fur inside. This I wore between my usual underwear nnd mv drt>ss, of E'X· tra skirts. Abou't tl1e wniet I had a hood Pel blouse of fm which I pnt on to go out in. I never knew whnt it wns to suffer from cold throughout the jour­nc>v."

The PPAey'e h ouse had beE'n built of timbers brou$rht from the " Kite,)' Rnd wns erected under Mr. Peary's rlirection while the latter wae I:vin$r on hie suffering from n broken leg. S6 Mrs. Pc>arr was naked:-

" \Vhnt kind of n houee onl" have 'when the materia.! has to hP ta.k"n en far nnd set up under euch difficulti~>e ?''

" It WM a verv ~oocl honee, indeed, though it had onlv two rooms, In one of these I hnd a. C'ilrpP-t. h eM-y curtains, portieres nnd moet of thP com forte of a well-anpointed homP in lowrr lntitude~~. The othl"r room, which wne used for 1\ll ·aorta ot household pumoee11. could not bo mane so prettv. We 1\11 llvPd to­gether in a sort or'hapny fnmily. There were ee,·en members of the expedition, nonA of whom wereprevlouelyknown to us, but we found them very pleneant and harmonious. We hAd a colored boy, Matt, whom we took with ua to do the cooking and other work.


were · so bad thAt I assumed that duty myself for a few montlle, until he waa trained into a very . efficient servant. Lieut. Peary eat at one ertd ot tbe table and Iat the other. We had averyjolly party throughout the long winter withite three months of unbroken night."

" What did you have to eat _!rlehould

I think the fare would hav~ f)een very Umited ,..

" Not at all. We had Jt11t the eame thinga that you were eatfn"g down here. Moet of it oame out oftfn·OAne, but that

womnn Juoet .,f h1\d over ee.•u Y" " Yes, a_.u ou the whole they C9neit.lcr­

ed me about the moet. curious poesCMion the white mnn hlld. · The Eekimo, like moetother SM'11ges, devotes ~~his time to hunting, and l_ete hia woml\nk~ do t.he work. I han~ soon e whole pnrty of them sit by and wntch tho women roll the iu:JLvy atones which down -the edges of the skin tent-the summer residence of tbe native Greonlllnd. As a ~t concession. the m~n wit~ .oo­CAatonally bold the tent . m poettlon while hie wife docs tho hea"Y work in securing it, It amazed th·em to see me shoulder a gun and start out hunting with my husband, bu~not much L\8 to see him and th&· ot.h me of the party cnrefully spare me rom any extrn· arduous taek. ' ·mite woman very lazy, 1

waa tbe openly expressed v~rdict. This however, did not prevent OIJO promin­ent Eekimo citizen from proposing an exchange ~ wives with Lieut. Penry. And aa an additional inducement to the trade he offered to throw in hie two cbil· dren.'' · ·

. f!ll ••• - , STODm ON THE. BRITISH~·

Riven Ovet'ftow the1r Ba~Ad Inun­date the Adjoining Lon~ther Dam­age~ • .

Lmmo:-:, Oct: 15.-ThP storm thntset in throu~h Englam1, Scotland ant\ Wales 11~>eme to have I\ one terrible riamage. The tPlPJll'lll"h JinP& atf' OOWll in every rlirPction and communicntion with eomP. nfthe coMttnwne i11 grently intPrrnpted. Tioin2a Of dieMtPr COntinu~ 00 be rP.. ceived and 1~ of life bv ehinwrPck is hPJZinnino: to be l'Pnorted. The fiehin~r Ynwl'.lamell A. Anderson • wn11 cnnsi1.Pd ;,,"t.P.tdav in a ' hPR.\'V Aouall in thr Firth of Forth, Scotland, into which ehe WM puttingforehelter. She ha.d n nrew offlvemPnnndal1 weredrownen. Much daml\gP hns been can11NI hy thP fl~"· At Leed11 the rivPr Avre ~ot ont of tts banks anrl overflowed thP. adjnining country. -In enme places the railway11 1,1\ding into thfl town nrA euhmel'll'"cl. Houee11 in Leeds nnd Holhrook on thP south side of the Avre have been flooded and in many ca~es'their occupants hllve }Aft t~em . fPnrino: that they mi$rht fil). A numhPr of cmft nt vnrioue plRcf> nlnno: the cOAst ha'\"e bePn drivPn from thrir. moorinn and sank. At ?trnlton. on the rive'r Derwent. H hnsTR.ined contintlR;llY for forty houn~ 11nn there 11('em11_no lllltl' or a . hreak. . Thr Rve a.nd Derwent riven ha.vP overflowed and the country for milf'll is inunriated. Vru~t arel\8 of nasture lAnds nrA imnnsenble Pxcept in botrt8: Mnr.h alarm is felt at Doncaster at the rapid rise of the river Don. !'nd every precaution is being taken against n n overflo"'.


Lo~!i, Oct.l$.-An unueunlly excit· in~ lifeboat reecue occnrrnd to-night nt Ynrmouth. The rescued are the crew of the etenmehip "Banu11a.." from ChristianiA for Honfleur, which """eel wu wrecked nn the eande, near Yar­mouth. earlv this mornino:. in a. heavv ~ale. The floods in Yorkshire are th'e most eerioue thn.t bn.vo occurred in tbn.t countrv in thP memory of the oldest inhabitants. RAilway stoppfld completely. DamagP to .pronertv ie enormous. A bridge nt Selby on the York & Doncaster rnllway hns beE'n destroyed. Thouennds of acres of land nre sub­merged in the Da.n:~dlllPy district; nnd many people are moving from their houePa. The 6oode in Derbvehire are OAUiiOK a large amount ot damage. Many ~borsea And C~ttle heve been drowned, t

Report. ot damage by ftoodl continue to come 'from many different parte or Great Britain and freland.' The river Ayre In Yorlcehire bu overflowed its banks, inundatlngehrhteen square miles in the district or Pontefract. Many famillee were comnelled by the flood on Saturday and Sunday to take refuF:e in the upper stories or their houses from which they were afterwards reeoued by boaW. Do~• of bon~ und8l'lllined by the- water, hAve colla'Died. Manv ot the mfnea in thfa dletrlot are ftooded. Tbe Iota to atook Ia very great. ie a winter neoepfty everywhere. We

bad three ~ndt ot v~etablee every day at dl.nner, and there ' wRJ always plenty Jlacl4ened bJ the Vnion J'aok. of fresh meat. It waa ·no trouble to keep it in that latitude'; al.t1)M.of\()oors · A Brititb "ubjeot named MAo ken d e fi one Jtre&t refrigerator. • When wf! ·tnougl!t proper to honor~he Colqmbian

ted t. h t -t to cele~tlon llY bolatltlg ~ BritJih flag :::r~ Jr~ie~a~ we ~ft. 0011n11~._, laafWedneaday onrho!l}e ~Tuckahoe. with ~ batohet till we eu11Uiill:n to Weacheater County, New York o!~. melt/for drlnldslg and pur- Tne vtllqe oonatable, Dent. J. MoM&· poe~. Under tf!eee conditione a d&lly bon, soon gathered a force of two bath Ia l&borioua. It 1a & am&ll wonder hundred rough•, Rrmed with and tha~ the natiTet ne"r tblnlc ot 1uoh a and aurrounded the Ma.o~~~~;Jp tbb.t.r, even their Caoea.'' • an

" l:>id-you 1ee verr muob of the nadn llle, or were :rou away from eveu 1uoh prlD.Utbe 100lety u that f''

• 'fiD.Boun:l. "Ob the lllldmoe, Dr " HtJ11ldlM,1

we OAUed them. were pf enterWDment · all wtn.. 'l'bey csame buzld.Ndl op the llect,M and tbelJ WOIIIdell"aa


kon~ie g).) t tho ))1\r~?r wia(.lo~v t\Oil fll!IJ 1r

do~vn thb dh:"l'·· :"' w.Ut ct•Hot. wuhtn 1 \tU:r that; nuJ liu 1lol~ Lbnt. 110 w;~r.iKu ' d.~mntiAtr.\tion ~aoo1uuU to uo coutum-


pluteluy tho beaieged, McMJ\bon yoUod, · · ·• Now, bo)•e, down with that rag." •

lu a Cri .;.: ·'·'" A clozun mon hi\J ~ c1ui~ud tbv 1JV•u 1\~tl wrenc~ed it from it.s euppo.rt.e. Am1d choen 1t. {~I to the ground: l Seorca then ml\de a grab at ~hu llll-g null a t.ud4it> er~ued ror poeses­cli(>U of it. McMahon tinally eqcured it, nod plnci'tlg it in the. custody • of a Lteutenatlt, ~!led upon his men to hei.P put another staff in position. '!'his wna done very quickly and then the Ameri­can ensign wns haulc<l up and saluted with three times three nod a tiger and howls anct jeers for the British flag. , 'l'hcn :\1..::\l.llt m ordered his command. Uoth the method nnd l'C3Ults when · to fall in. The En~lish .trophy wu· d~pofFipiB taken· it is •

·placed in the hnnds ot a. couple of men . 1nd iefreshmg to the iaste and acts :md was c~ed tbt;ough t~c dust ~11 ently yetJDromnUvon theiDdneya, tho way back-to Tucknhoe v1llngo. ~~. :.r.l ./1 th

The p~ty had ~Y this time been L1ver and owe s.' c eanses e sys• swelled: ify the nrrivat .of recruits to up- Lcm effer.tunlly, d}.s!>frls colds, ~­ward of two hundred. Singing"Yankeo &e!les and fevers andblres hal)ltUal . Doodle," "Hail, Columbia," "Tl\-ra-1'1\· constipation. Sy.rup of Fip ,.is~ -Boorn-do-ay" nnd other melo~li~, the only remedy of its kind ever/roe pamders marched up the mam street. J uced pl~mg to tho to.ste an lO­A hill~ was made in fro!lt of ox Overseer ceptable to t!le etoC'l:J.Ch, P:Om.Pt ill ~crwm'e of bus1nees. Then t~le i!s r.ction n:1cl t:-nly l>cr.c1iciAllll ita fhrt-bedrn~led flag Wl\8 held up wh1le cfl'ec•.s ·1) .. vp::.rcd o::1ly from the most Ralnh ~odges •. n. butcher and fonnP.rly ·hdthy ; nd !\'!fNn!.,fcsubstances, i~ an ~n~theh sub1ect, apat upon 1t~ Thte !lil ct11Pi:tqualitiescommendil seemed toeettheCroWO WlldagMn, and ID arex ' - . . •L-~hcy dem1mded n. speech from their to all and ha\'e made lt W~a m~ learl~r. McMahon mounted)\. platform. populnr rcmc.~y 'k_oown. , • fat~btoned with boxes and a barrel; and Ryrup of Ftga 1s for sa.le 1n 75o !LB~ed every mnn 'vhowould pledge him·. botties by nil leading druggists. .. self nqt to permit another insu~t to the Any reliable d:uggist who may no~ Amertcnn flag to hold up h 1e hllnd. have it on hand will p~ it Every hand wE'nt up amid tr.eme;ndoue promptly for any one wbo Wiler huzzahs. McMa.b~n also plltd b1s rea- to try •t. Man·~ rn"tu,rcd only by tho pects to the Brtttsh GO\'emment, de- l ~ · ,

nouncing it in the etrom~cst lan~ra~e CALIFORNIA fiG SYRUP CO. for it8 bnttRlity towarrls Ireln.nd and its K l . I coercive policy towards all the provin- SAN FRANOlflOO, OAL. ces ~nbject to it, H o mad each one LO~. =~· . ~r:o;:wYO&E.-.." of his hearers promise t~tar and f('ather Mnckenzie if it sboul be proved thRt he rembved the fla$r thllt ad been hoi11ed by the pnrty that hnd participat­ed in the storming of the castle. n.rid predicted that Tuckahoe would very soon hnve an evacuation day-that is, the British woultl be mn out of town. The speech WM rapturously ap'plauiled. Then those who had taken part in the expedition tapped several kegs of beer."

Miruud'e Liniment cures Garget in cows. - -'

-BEATrY's ToUR oF THE Won.Lo.-Ex· Mnyor Dnniel F . Beatty. of Belltty'f' Celebrated Organs and Pinnos, WMh· ington, N~w J ersey. h M returned homo from nn extended tour of tho world. Read ·his ndvertisemcnt. in t.his pnper and send for cat:llogue.

Minard's Liniment ourcs Colds, etc.


The wholo town of Glamis, Ont., l..-nol\'8 of 1\ cure. by the applicntion of MINARD'S LL~ThfENT, to ll partially paralyzed · arOY, t'hnt ef'lnl\ls nnytbing that has traDBpired at Hnmilton.


Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Why it is the Safest Tonic and

Blood-Purifler made. Indiana Have No Knowledge of llin·

eral Drugs and Poisons. "They Cure \lrith the "Remedies of the F ield and P'orest. Their Knowledge ie Born or litany Centuries' Experience. .

The Kickapoo Ind1ans, who make .Kiokapoo Indian Sngwn., nature's ,l!l'llnd tonic and blood purifier, and other Kick· apoo Inaian remedies, are the nldr!lt tribe extant. When Columbus diecov· ered AmerioR. they occupied the terri· toey abqut whCl'e the Stn.te of Georgia ia now lOcated. •

Today, driven back ewp by ewp, they arc found mostly in Texne, •New Mexico and Arbona, but their traditions have remained intact nnd the eeoret or com­pounding their romPdies ls known only to themselves and to one white mnn, adopteq into the tribe, and 'throu~b "I:\ om tbey beoame known to the whtte people, . ' , Kioka~ Indian Sagwa ie the pdnoi­

P-•1 remedy and upon Ittbey depend for the ourlng or all troubles ol the stomach and liver, thereby purtfying the blood, It Ia the king all\Oqg tqeir medJoinea and their prl nqJpal reliance Cor warding otr malati-tl \nfQQtlona and aU troublee ~ti,lnJ ·oorn expoaure aud frequent ob~, .

It ltabtolute and,by the natu~ of .the ludlan and bla laolt ot knowledge or chup and polsona, oompaleory fioridom floom -11 mineral f~lente ordruge in any Ccmn, make~ it the ideal tonJo an4 blOod-purlfter that-cannot pouiblylettove behind the after.eft'eotl ao CO!ll!Jlon to many e~tenaively·advertiee4 noatrtlma on tna m&rke\,

Klob IDma lluwa. tlae Iddiana J:lll ~; tialb.l of their o-.,za g~lleJiJlr •!'d talbable or ~·h*let.r:to'ltlee for , 8eQcl UuH &"WO-Ge9~1R&

Do. not be Depressed


because you have "een unable to rid yourself of that obstin:te : cough. you have been experi­menting with new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope for you. · if you will try that stand­

ard preparation that has been in use for more

than 50 years.

Wlstar's Balsam· ( 10f Wild Cherry.

It wiD Cure You. Sold by· aa q)ruggisls.

Wistar's Balsam


Wild Charrr

Thle old reliable epeolflo for ooush•, oold• end. all dleea•e• of a pulmonary ndture eaelly retain• It• popularity amon• the peo• pie, thou•and• of whom may almo•t beaald to have been raleed upon It elnoe It hae eo Ions been the uol· veraal oure-all In " many homee. Ita record for UP• warde of a helf oentury le known to all and lte remarkable merit. P'or eale · by all Drualate.

· Seth ¥A Fowle. & Sons,

.· ;.


itr~r Swt Stan~car~ . ' · -1lll>-

OIIIIaKP'l'IU MY~ lJOESP~Y, NoVE¥BEa 1,, 1892.

. I ~y rhllttor for tho !'ltearuor t \l hold -There J>:~Wed awa1 lalt even- Local and other Items. -American hay buyers are purohM· ~nd &,_pup regulat communication log one in dae full bloom of JOUill -The.A.merican banker Nereid, Capt. lng in the KingatoretgbborboOd at t10 ,rlth' USe luareUo. (Bu' will \be ~romanbood, wbo.& uut.imely ana H&U, or Gloucester, Maas., arrived at per ton. 1

~ho~~ot here. i&.aelC- baa provoked much aorrow and re- »&1 on Wcdneeday from the -In ninb months or1892Car}&da'sex·

-Nor Taut:.-A roport was recenUy ciroulated about. tllaL Lhe Ligbi Rouae on Cabot lelAnd bad been wuhedaway by Lbe eea, but auoh ia no\ correct. Cran arriving here the ~day or t.wo aay that the light i" "nrlcht. ·

TBB DBEP BBA Jll88105: ~ ~ABT~I5G. .

'AT Govemmen\ Bouae,Sl John's, on forenoon of Tbundaylaat., there asaembled- large and repre· eentative 'gathering, whose s~ial porpoee itt was to bet.r ftom Dr, Grenfell, of the · Deep Sea MiNion. on aeoouM of his medical and

Could not · tbi• dimoulty be &Ill'·· gret amona ber man~ friend•- ba\-ing sustained con· .... to tb )( th 1a d in ed 16 ed '-· b · ·' u! ., 0 -'1 1 d•"'•ae and w1'U requt' re la1'0'A po.o... e 0 er n orea.a lAOD.D ""y av1ng 'wo ateamera namwy, .usa u.J ann; on Y auJ·esau.&• ~ ·o- per cent. ·

a~uo ed on 'tile coaat, iDJt.ead of daughter of the late Capt. MUDD, 1-.J'!Jpau• one aa at pneent f) The parties Bt. the early 11geof26 yean Though -- -Lou Joe, a Chinaman, got ~proari· hol~~g tbe opinion &foreaaid. hi· uot well for some t.h.ue past. her -~o or the et.earn-aoaling fleet of ouely drunk the other ntgbt and wae cline tu think fur• her that Uie health of late lmproTlng 10m~ha\ tbia port are to proeccuto the. se&l·fl~b· arrested. Lon Joe ia the lint Chinese

" t ...... Jrom Greenepond the conungapnng ~ d dru-'- on the _._ft._ of New be\ter plan to adopt would · be to uot ver1 mach auxiety was fel by =.the Iceland, Capt: w. Wineor, and the ever '0 un DA ·~·-bave e ' l~t~ on board her friend•; so tbat the. end when Mastiff, Capt. Jacob Winsor. ' Yor\c.

-The schooner Argonaut; owned by Meeere. Duff & Balmer, Carbonear, em­ploy.ed dwinl the ~ s~er. u re~· enne cutter on the Labrador OO&et, 11 soon expeCted at Lbat place. She i.e taking a quantity or floq.rCrom on board the steamer Coban.

Lbe r ler L rador steamer. So it. carne waA to a certl\in exlent. un· -The ecboonerThraeber Capt. Con·· tnuoh I r t.hei opinion. _P.ot. there ~xpe~· Her last momenta were -The steamer Lady Glover returned nollyt belonging to Capt. J. Henneeay js another, wiriob we sballlay be- peaceful. She paaeed from .~ark- bitbero.nBaturdaymorniogrrom Brigue eailea yesterday at noon (or Halifax. fore orr readers in next iuue. • UCH into light and aweetnMI· On her way from St. John'• ehe bad to She bad part cargo of fieb and oil for

d · '11 k 1 put into Western Bay owing to some that t · · .~~-~~t sa nte W1 \a e Pace llli~bt mishap to bor boiler, She left por · · charitable work on Labrador-with

the object of securing ita continu­ance. . Among those prttaent were tlie Chief Jnstice (Sir ' F. B. T. Ca.rter). Sir \V.' "V. Whitew&y, Sir Robert Thorburn. Hon. JIUt. Roger­son, Hon. A. W , Harvey, B on. M. Monroe, Colonial Secretary .Bond, Speaker Emeraon, W. B. Grieve. A.

B~'a CoiUl.ERo•.-The above ~w afternoon at 2.80 p.m. again for St. John's this morning, for -FAILED TO MAKE GREENLA~'D.-Tbe oounL y tieing, ae abe is, one of our -- ......._ freight .. - ·- · barque Selina, in ballut and abort of belt b ous,omera. the intelligence Loss OJ' J. CRAFT WITH J.LL HA.NDS. · water, put in at St. John's at 11 o'clock tbat her commerce lut year wu -At 6 o'clock on Saturday enning, -Tho Goneata, Capt. Lsbey, the lnst Wednesday forenoon. She bad been on lar~efy ahead of •be previous vear in tbe heavy north-wee~ ~ale which of E. Duder's bankers, arrivod on Tburs· her 'vay from New York to Greenland,

- J f 30 day at New Perlican rfrom tho Gmnd f 1 d f J' _ c d ,. h t -1·1 ~av• ror us .. sp ... l' al J nterest. then ~ev.ailed , & or" t. o about · f a h Th h or a on o oreo 1~e. ma e ,out a pera e ... "' ,, ... ""' , Bunks with 50 qutnlals o us . oug · h d dri Aocor in.,. to the latest trade re- tons urden. bulongtng to Mr. abe wae out in~e gnle, she for- attempts to get tn t ere, an wae veo

l a G ! T' d H b of( each time. At one time abe got torna ,be commerce of . the Repub· George ates, o tzzar I! ar or, tunately suetA· o damage, and will ,vitbin eight miles of it. The captain lie fo~ the first six mo1Jt98 of the went ashore on the rooks near Cann not tempt the fa tea ~gain thia year. will hnrdly eet out again for there; the . 1{. Goodridge •. E. J. Dader, C+ Tee·

· aie~~ \V. Job, J. OuterbridJSe, J. W. . WiUlera, J: Cowen, Esqutres, Cap-. taiDJ .Blandford, Bowden, B~rtlett, N. Fitzgerald,Freoize (of Albert) and others.

curre~t~ear, amonnterl to $87,900.· hlaud 'ficklft, this side of Seldom season advanced too fnr. She returned 000 g I importe agalnRt S33,200,· C•>me By. One half of the ves11el, -Tho following ·schoonol'8 arrived to New York on Friday morning. ~e 00. 0 la•t year,•

1and •66,200,000 gol.d with two s pl!.rd, anchors nnd.chf\inl', since laat. iseue from b abrador : the Trio Selina i.e of .296 tone net , 1\nd owned by

Hie Excellency tb' Governor pre­aided, and in a few nea~ phraaes in· troduced Dr. Grenfell, 'Who deaorib· ed the Mission's work on Labrador, during the-p'aet summer, the condi­tion and the needs of the people on that coast during the fisbinJ~; Reason, and their claiina to public t>ym· patby and )>rac~ical help while ~o.r­r y ing on tbe industry under such unpropitious circumstances. Doc· t or Grenfell's remarks touched a r~llponsive chord in tbe h t>n rt o t ev~Sryota~ present nu · Wttktmcu eu<:h genui11e sy tnpat y fvr ' fuh· er u1en on lhe isolate con~ of Lab· rAdor ae cuuQot fail t ~I~ to some praat.ic•l and benefici nl rec!oltd i n the vt~ ry tlt!li.r future Dnc~l' L' Grtln· fell wa~t fo llowed ~ ~Short addresst!s by W. B. ti rit>vo, E:q., Ca'pt. Bll\nd· furJ; Ca pt. Fitzgerl\111, Cu pl. Wi I · lituu Uurllett. Hun. ~l. Munrotl 1u1d

• 9 T. &: o. Davis, the Adn, (StAs lcton) and 1 K I . D' 1 •• N y k 1n ex forta ag&inet •63.100,000 1n n bout &nrl a lot of new hemng bar· . (T b ' ) b c t Meears.l\ c ay a. lCLB, ew or · ., v t~e empte o tn owne . y ap . 189-2. 'l'hA Cutttoms duties were rels , \VSS fo~d. Some of the crew's Ttmothy Ha~•den, of tho Wbtte Beare, •~-> 23 d h ' b .J b " -FROST-There waa a m ther heavy -.,:m5.000 ourrency agaiusL S . • boxes an l,A 0\ mg was . ~u as ore and Paterson & Fos~er's H elena woee- fro:;t Jnst. ni~ht.-ice formed in mnny or 940, in 1891. These figures show on the be~b, togotbur wt~h a wo- worthy,tDDJ~ter) and West Wind,(~ oeL) tho pools, in quantities sufficient to an. ino ol 14 per oent in imporc,s ru tln 's uls~ . . The boa Wilt s light- ---- sho'v thnt the cold season wns n.pproach· 7 ;per cent in tu. porh antl ~1 ~r ly tll_\magoll ; 1t bad turned bottom -The. schr Springbird, Clnrke m~tcr in~. It. is to bo fc~rcd 1hnt. t.ho pota· cent in Custo 11 ~ reve. nue. wh1ch hM op ,· 1t wa.s f\). un.l on a rook o. short owned by our ent iPris' ~ fri~?tl•. ~· toes, very many of which nro yet in the

James Reid of H ea 's ehght, frm~y tr d Coutl. ··Uetl to be htgh all through dtstance tnstdt~ t he ve!sel. It con· . d · ground, suucrc somcwbnt.. · .. ~ny, came m hero y ster u.y t:P,Orntn •, July. ahd up to date. Tbis spe.aks tainod n . wHh 50 quinUlls of fit~ h. Dunng tho

· i\lr. Hol\iueon. T ht f!Jilowin~ reso· Jlutiou was thf'tl m ovotl by . 1on. A. \V. Harvey , t~~conded by l:iir ltober~ Tborborn; su pported by :::)ir \\' . V. \Vhit.eway, ~~ond u uaniu.I •JUa~ly c~~or· rie tl :-

R!SOL>ED,-That th is meeting, r.:lpce­senting t he princip9.l merch:mta and trndt!I'II carry1og on the ti•hcries, es­pecially on the coB't of Laurador, 11.nd otbera, interested in th~ w.::Ifare ol this colony, desires to tender it.a wnrmeet. thu.uke t.o tbe dirccttird of the DeetJ :::ica 'Mission for tbeir philanthropic gen~r­Of!ity in semling their b<>t~pital ehip Albert to viait the fishing settlements C'n the Labrador cuaat; nnd to Dr. Wil­fred Grenfell nud his officers nnd crew for the energy, kindnese nnd eympn.thy wit.h wbicl! they ha ,.e carried out. tho objects of the mi<~aion. Mnch of our fishing iuduatrv is carried on in regions b <'yond the ordinary reach of meaical uiu, or of chnrity, and it u with the deepest acnae of gratitude that thie mcetingleams of the amount. of medical .lnd surgical w_,rk done by Dr. Grenfell, besides all the otht'r relief and help·ao Jib_prnlly distributed. This meuting nlao desiree to upress the hope that the directon~ of the Mi sion m:\V see thei r way to contiouiirg the wor~ 'tuutl b~g'ln, 11nd phould tbey do so they ril\.y be auured of the earneet support' and co­operation ot all clauea of tbie com· mnnity." •

It wu proposed by the Ron. M. Monroe and aec:onded by Sir W. V. Wbiteway that a Coallnitt" be formed for the purpoee of co-opera­ting with the Duectora o( the Deep Sea Mluloo ; to extend the service by private and Government aid, and to arranJe tor a steamer nex~ year. with a •econd doctor and a .conple of hoapita~s (or lazare~toea) on tbe coast.

The followiQg Oommitt&~t were then appt>in~d :--dlr W. V. Whif&.

• way, Hob. A. W. Barvey, Hon, ~ ~ lttonroe, Sir R. Thorburn, C~tpt. S,, Capt. W rn. Bartlett; Oapt. N. Fibger~ld. W. C. J()h, Etq., W. H. Grieve, ~q., p, G. TeMier . ~., . A . Neilsen, &sq , lwut~rL Muon. &q., E. Robin,.on, K~q . C. B. Emtnon, Eeq .• wu a~JJoioted •eoretary of oommittee. A few re· marlu flom flla Kxo.elleooy brousbt dlt meetlnJ w • oloee. .

well f r Br11zil's fi nancial coudit.ton. Tuftre were foo r ;nen m t be craft, late gale she lost an anchor, a cable, ---·--- till of whom h ave fouud n watery some gear nnd hnd her sails very bndly

-WRECK ED ScliOOSER.-The schooner Adu, wrecked at White Denr Islnnds in ScpLember 1891, was got off the latter po.rL of the pastaeaeon, and sailed home, nrriving here on Mondn.y last. The mnstcr of the schooner when she WI\S stranded got h er off successfully, and sailed her home. TJ1e Ada · is 1\n old schooner. but is strong nnd et.nunch. She is Provincial·bu\lt-of oak ; this nccounta for her holding together so long. •

IMPROVED HERRING ·CuRE -It i" g rave-including two sons of the torn.

Ple11sing to nott'ce that oontinnerl, owner-Geo~_se (.; a.t''"• 1\Dd two men J h · T · ' \V -AN ACCtoEST occurred at St. o n'~ atltH' t1· 0 n 1·8 be·10g puid to the im- belongtnf{ t o wtlhngl\te- ynlt .. h' h ,r .. r ' f a ehort. t ime :1go, vy w IC .u.r.,. ~uoses proved cure of our h erring. By and Pierct~-all 0 whow were rul\r · •Cleary, clerk to S. M, Brookfield, Esq., the laat st.,a.mer Grutland& Mellsrs. rierl. and a workman nl\tn<'d 1'hom!ls Johnson J. & w. Ste wRrt;of Sl. J ohn's. ship· T he i ll-fated sohoonar was bownd fell from a. scaffold in St. Pat rick's Hall, ped 200 b~nrel~t of the fish, put up fr-~111 :::)t. J ohn's; ehe bad put into a distnnce of about. 2;; feet. A. hea,·y after the Scotch wlyle-tbat is o~ Cutalina on tbe p:il!llago. p lllnk fell on the former rus he was pro-split, the entrnils being with· strnted on' t.he ground. and st riking him

d L d Fao" THE R•~Ks.-M .. sars. J ohn on the cheat,. injured him somewhat. - TOR.'< UP.-Messre. Duff & Balmer's schooner Pet, Capt.. Joyce, which left. Cnrbonear.. on Fridny afternoon for Georgetown, P. E. I. put into St.. John's yesterday badly tom up. She probably me~ the S.E. gale of yesterdny nenr Cape, and hnd h er forcmnst. broken, jibboom ·carried away, and other dam· agee infl icted ; besides two of tho crew 'Were injured-one man having bia leg broken and another receiving eerioue injuries. The schooner will return to Carbonear to be rep~red.

ra,vn. 'fhe herrings are pac"'e ... .., .. in " special barrels,'' strongly hoop· Mun'1 & Co.'s hanker Eppie-the -DruvEs .AslloRE.-The H enrietta ed. et c. The thought will here sug· last o f t he Beet-arrived bore on loaded at B$y St. George by Mr. L . "iie:~t itsal f-18 there any rc;asoa why Saturda-y last, from the Grl\nd Romain, n large dealer of Messrs. ·Bow· very mnny m ore barrels oould not Banks, with a bout 100 qtls. fi~b . ring Drotbora, with fish for that fi rm, be put up in this modern approved S!1e was ont a ll the month of Sep- W&3 driven on shore on Thur11dny at a

? I 1 bl h · te .. ~her, but. owing to the stormy locality near there, known aa FJnt Bay, maon"'r s our va ~a e errlng and both ship and cargo became a total ti :~hery developed t •l ho.lf the exteut weather poor succPss attended her. loll. The crew. were a!n·cd, but, be-it m ight aud should be ? We ttrow On the night of Wednesdtty week yond t.hcao facts, no furth er information not . bat the h e11.vi6:it l( t~le ever met with, wu revealed by the t-elegraph mcasage

Cnp~. Ro.\V Idns says, was enoountbr· ·received by the fi rm. · -As ENTKRPRtRt SG EATABLISB·

~EN-r • ..:...Tbe fire of July last. was f.- It soverely b1 one of the largest denlers in St . J oh n's-one wl•ose ollme "-' llS \rnown in every part 'lf the country, from the ema lleat t o thfl lurge'lt c~utre nf popu lntion . Tbiw e'1tnulisb11Hifl l WI\S nl) l!llOoor tlf!str';)ye,J t han its ener~etio bean set h imself t o work a~nin to qet anot her one in wurkiug order. Be· llJl e a week uad ell\pse•l, ne w pre­wistlS were engal(ed ; uo1v 11tock11 ordered ; tho em f'loyee:3 retaineJ u ntl .. r fo1ll pay, a ud' ev•·rythi ng held in rendinesa for the new start . Thitc t9 1~~ mn.lo c.l uri n~ tho second week f,)llo 'l'fiug th o conflair~&ti • HI, unri si ucn U1en tho t>ld ·tiroe pu:~h un• l e nerg y h a.vA bPen d ispla.vetl, ~,, that 1\t the pre~eot ti me t he fir m is 11ppAr"ntly n'l well t~•t,tbliflhftd t.L'l if nothing unusu n.l had occurred . Tht~ bu.ii ness is C'Hid uderl, t oo. at 1\ greut disadvaotaae, being in two separatf'l prern ieoA in lirpited apac.,. 'l'hA hook& Of the oonoern were nearly llll d Pstroy ed. Bnd the w .. rk of strl\ighL· f'niug up the oh! busineea prior to,. new departure waa • b eroule1ln one llo,vever, everything wu eucoe!Ja· fu lly coaopletod, and uow the ee~ab· lialuuent ia · aiain catering to it• ptltrona nor;h. eouth, enat •ntl weat. f\t pop~lar !JriCN and with prompt Jeap11tqh . Very li~tle nee•i be acid · f'd tO i ntlloate tb~ Dl\me o r t he bu1i· ned.-tbe entorpriding proprietor's nacue Ia GEoRGE KN•jWLt:NG. H ta prernites are at 8~ Wat"r Street · \V' t-tlt ~formerly known at tbe Rail · Wl\f ~Jl,op). o.nJ at 866 Water ::)t.reet, nurth ajtle (forn~erly held by J. L. n .• oherhln.} .

-Poal'i'B.-Mr. John Wt.lker ht.d a l&~e d.iS,Pl&Y of fresh meat on Saturday. rt ve fine carcuca or pork were exhibit.­c<l 4t b~ ~hop~ho largeat weighing IICXDe m JI>J, &nq ~'lle O!~· abqqt 150 lb4. e•o , ~our Qf tl}e l~. were ~t epring'• atock and were AAed in tqo woodl,w ere thet feel therqaelv611. Afr, Walker u twenty more tll hit f~, at Lady Po J. '

e j : The whole surface of the ooeatl was a mass of ftyin~ water. At' -TH£ LA.TEGA.LE.- The schr. Rcstine, a . m. Thursd ay m ornwg, the sohr.'l! lately 1\t St. John's from Summerside, Cl\ble parted, and sue beg n to drin. P. E. Iellmd, q.fforda nnot.her example of I' b l b · · h the damage wrought by the late gale. · h fll on e '1·' 11 ove l n Wit great. She arrived after a 16 daye' pnssage.

-BADLY H uaT.-The Rector of St. Paul'a-Hev. J. M. Noel-hl\8', his many friends will be sorry to learn, for aome time been very unwell. H e hM been sufforin~ from tho <'fl'ccts of an injury 1~eived while upon his late visit to the ""-'<'st Const, during which n smnll bridge he Wl\3 driving 0\·er with Mr. Pn vue, or Burin1 gave wny, and he was ihrown out, h ts forehend coming in ,·iolct\t t' un· tnct with tho ground. Unfortunntely Lhe hurt thw rcceivt>d '\':US there after nggravatcd by n alight injury to tho e,·c. .AU this had tho effect of mnk· ilig the re,·. gcntlemaueeriously unwell. H t· hns lntely, howe,:cr, been improviug, nnd the h,ope is now indulged that he lll!\.Y soon be wholly recovered.

clifficully, anJ then o. n ew dauger the 14th, when 35 miles on· F erry· t hrftatened d tsitrnction to the vu .: land, abe was struck bv a henry gnle SOI-~&Y ri);ht lO leowun l of her W and eea, which 8\\'Cpt awnJ' part of her a h:lnk"r. W it h ~lie uid of a head, deck· load and rent all ber sails, blowing sail tlie c!tm~cr wus :Lverted , nnd tbem to ehrcde. Shtl wue driven 78 t he E!Jpie J ~ty t•' securely. '£he mUee eoutb <lf Crtpe Race, and when r&-

• "' turning, caught 'l'bur3dny's storm, and t!Chovner; a pparent:y 14 Uh•uooster was ngain'carrieu about 40 miles out. of v~~el , "as drifting wi th· bt~r cable bee way. \ out, it hl\ving pa · ted {rom t he a ucbor. F our other AmcrioBo ves· 'sel ~t were t~eon, a nd each one ttf the1n harl O\'P.rything swopl. from her .deoks . P rcvhlus ¥tv lbie bre.-zo both c )d 1\DO ~Sq,ti ci were plentiful when tlte tJoats oon l•l ti~h , hut after-

· w:tr rl :3 :-quiJ cvuld not Lie had . 'l'he Bppio thtrn hore \lt• for boc11o. Her Cdttt~ t h is aee.svn is u.b\)ul 1000 q tls. for 6 dories.

"THE;rR NA~E l~ LBGIO~," may be nppliod to t))ose who die annnn.lly of conaurqptioo, although acienca hf\8 of lnte yen.xa sensibly diminished their nmpbor. It ia grat ifyi_!!g to know t.b n.t tqe j!:enerl\l uae or Dr. Wiatar'• Balte.m of Wild Oberry ie lllrgoly in attnining tbla end.

By 'l'elegraph. -o--

ll.utn~ Oot. 29.-Tbe Anchor Line •te•mer Roumania, from Liverpool tor Bombay, baa been wrecked on the Portuguese coaatJ and on!' hundred and eighteen dro'fnea ; g_gly ntoe wore eaved.

The steamer ~uvre waa lost off Fin­lttet-ro and 17 drowned.

Over 400 Britieh eri.Uore and omcore Mrived bore yesterdAy for Vancouvet, by the Canadian Paciflo Railway. Crewe trom ~cou ver are ' expected here next wee ' .

Oor. 81.--8tea ~rt burrloane wet\tber on the Atllfl'('lo.' ·

Two thou~ and five hundred are home­leu from the Mil}!aukee fire- .A. ftre

PhiJadeJphill · )'etterday dcatroyed 2 illione worth or oil refineries and

property. The LAurea~bip b114 been oifored to

William Morrie but wae declined. Gladetone1 ,.iij a~~elld tllo }JOuae onl1

tQoet unportaQt meJ~eurea are die· ouaaed, Hareoqrt will be dopu~7le&der. Haroourt.•a· eyes are geulog .woree.

Woe etrlken a' Cal'Dlllux· rejected award by arbitration by Premier LOu bet. 'rbe etrike continue.. The deputiee re­jected U1e Dl9tlon amnesty for Oannaux

The Government ntuaed to

report ' CleYoland·,, J')re•i~••.no:t. ue bbt.

' raiHd

U) .... '«)~



- Tlte following steamers hn ,.o lutely !\rrivetl at St. Jobn'e- the Polino from )fontreal with a full freight and n hea ' 'Y deck lotid, all breadstuffs and provisions. Ab9ut. 1,7000 bnrrole of her cnrgo are for St. John's ; tho Jargcr portion or the ro­maiu,ler for ~Ice~~. C. :1nJ A. Dnwo, of Bay Roucrtt1 nml the balnncc. for the :\lining Co., ~l.'ilt Covt'.-:'lfrs R. Pittmnn came llllloou pa11aengcr b~· her ; nnd in toteer~ge tbero were two passengor11.

Tho. tlteam~r Coba11 nhw arri ,·ed from the same oity with a fu'll cargo and the following piU!sengel:'ll: Meesre. ~·. S. )foore1 Cw. B. Whitting, and Edwin Wbitung. H er cargo oolllliatll of be­tween l!e,·en 1\nd eiglit thouannd bnrrele breadstuff•, and .provielone, a deck-load of lumber, and .2·bonee, 8 bead of cattle and 50 aheop.

..:DEREIJCT CRAFT MET WtTH.-Tbe schooner Vivid (owned hy Mr. William Andrews, Pinchnrd'd Ialnnd), Fmnk Amlrowa master, arrived here yeater· day morning, and reports thnt n. derelict cmft. of some 200 qtle dry fish Oilpacity wn11 seen on Sunday morning. G milce S. by W. Capo St. F rancie. The name of the derelict sch ooner was the Mnrla and abe apparently drove from ber monring ae part of them weco on her atom head. An attempt waa made to get her in tow, but tho flea maue tho effort ineffectual. The ViYld lert Pin· ohBrde leland on Thursday lut1 but the rougb weather doll\yed h er!. ba,rfng to harbor ~ several pll\eea. ~be left for St. John'• after a abort delay. She had a load of dry fieb.

Tho Ulund& left for Liverpqol with the following pu.engere: Miu Jaok, Mesdames Collin•.:.. F. Wayee, een ·ant and ei:r. children, .1:1enry BlAir and five children, Meesns. J. T. Ne\'ille and R. St. John. There Are uo steerage pan· - LoST 0\"ERSO.\RD Al'ID DROW!\"'ED.-engere by her. i\leura. John ~Iunn & Oo'e barqut>ntine

The Portia arrived from Now York on F lora, Capt. Jamea Pike, ani\'ad h ere Thursday, a pueago of five days. on Saturdl\y rrorq St. Martin's. While She fine weather. She u lyi\;i in Pef.q"mbuco harbor, it ie re­fi lled to tho hatoheo with general cargo, il'ettable to learn, the boatswain-A!· and ie blocked on dock Wlth coke, lum· lred F:reqoh-foU from aloft1 overboard, ber and beef. H er saloon pn1aeugere and waa drowned-notwttbetanding were: ~l·u1. Clouaton, and Mean•. Vey that the ebip'e boat, and aleo one fcom and With era ; sixteen in eteemge. n l3ritleh warship, lying t.longaide, were

-TR£ BA..~ Fll:IKERY.--:'rhe following on the epot in a very ebort time, but lately ret.umod from the unfortunately alae I of no p.vail. llie :&nb,allbavjog folt the fury of tbe late body wu not recovered-a vary heavy ,gale : ( l)· Thioe of Mr. Steer' a ac~ooners tide ewee~ it' fap out ofreaob. ~be Lady May wit.b 100 qt.le, and the Alfred o'h belonged to thle plllae ; 1011 of an anchor and cable I· the Poppy( he WAS nbou~ 25 years of age, nnd wM and Boiemary, with 100 qt 1 each. l21 mArried. Meure. Shea cl: Co.'s St. Bernard 1flth . 200 qtle., and reporting aligl)t damage ~cl .vorr. b tlllVY weather. (8) aon. ~[. !i'R~X L,\RBADOR.-Mea•~· John Munn ?.lonroe 1 1obooner Edith Annie with 1 & Co. • steamer Ioeland, Wttb Mr. ~· V . .240 qtll. She came through the gale MoRAe and pit Gr:.dy deal~, &l'l'lvcrl wiili oomp&mt.h•ely li~tlo damage, ce· here at 4 o olook tbu mprntng. Tho cap\ng with the lou of two anchors and lteamer left Grady at 8.80 on l'ridny a 1mi\U quantity of cable. The Ollptl\in evening; ehe J>Ut into Muddle'• leland, eaye ho never experienced auob a _gnle Labrador, on Saturday at 4 p.m. Thence einoe he went to eoa. (4) l(eaere. Tbol'- l ahe left t'of Harbor Grace at 8 a~m. OJ'\. bun.t& •re.eiur'esob90Qer Ohorlotr8 whh ! Sunday. There. wu a euccouton of 8() qW.. Sbe wu coming to 8". John'• heav;y galee of mnd expericooed o~ tho whOil, on Tueaday 1~. llQout_..,i!O mill's I T.«btador fcom the 19th inet., prev&lling oft' «Ape St. }'ranoia,-abe wu a truck by I frorl!- E. N. E. to E. N. W. atid aooom· the ple. She !roy to for eome time, but pnm.~d by a ve9. heavy ~ea. So~e dnm·

to run borore lt, huving a.l(e ll reported to ~ulted there­uQjr·"'IN•"" •Wept, aDd ber doric!!, (rum t)O the ~OUtb })Art or the OO&It,

ouka, trawls, oto., swupt 1 Mr. MoRAe &Dd all hi~t deAle"' Are W(IIL ballut abo shined I - --·

were in mornel}tary dan: - The acbOC}Ilt-r 'Vri1le or the Nottb, -"~~'' .. 14• over, bat tbe 1\ah : Capt. Noel, &rrived here JN~1

.-:D4 k wu IOOD trim· , momla, from Flower's OoTt &o Keea&l. the IMt of lthla1 A. 1 ~ ck Foeter. On the Yot~ op

~~ii&l~iball:::~· Tb!i .. iaUed in·"' OD8 ol the .,.tor. ws· nohoa ~~:=lmroocl Uld ehofti. 8be =~ &o : taw ba&uoeotxr.'I,.We Wll . . , ...,... . ... _,GIL

• I

----THE BURl!( Et.EcrtoN.-8ir James

Winter arrived at Burinoo Wedneedt.y ; be met with a moet entbu.iaaLio recep­tion. Flags were hoisted. in t.U direc· tiona when it waa known the steamer bnd left Bain Hnrbor l A salute or P._an· non and a cheering crowd. auomblF<J10n tho public wharf, when the e~eaq)er~r­rived, testified to the wishes-of-the .. eo­ple. Whilst the steamer was wa1 ng for tho mnil«1 the greater part of the promine6.t residents, reJ>reaenting nll claaaee waited, on Sir James at Ben· nett's hotel, where be briefly outlined hie 'iem. H e IWill commence hie rc~­lar canvue at Grand &nk, and vult the different settlements.. On Thursday Sir James arrived at Fortune, where he received an excellent r eception. A Jarge and enthusiaetih meeting, was held the following evening. The receJr tiOQ Wl\l fa,·ornble and hear ty.

- FATAL AOClDE~'TS H.u.L'S BAY Lt~"E. -John Baker, of BonavieUl Bay, near King's Cove. hae been injured on the Hall's Brw line and wae brought to St. John's, W'edneaday e \·ening. and plllced in hospital. On the Tbun da.y a!~ noon b e and three other D)en were work· ing on a culvert about a fnilo north of Gnmbo,under the direction of Mr.Henry Reid, contractor. They wore cutting what ma'y be tenned "a perpendicular slope; " nod elevttted ground bor· dering it on 'One aide caved, and eo quickly that it buried Baker brenst big? at the entrance of the culvert. H11 ·arms were pinioned, and b e waa entire-ly b elp lt>es. His fellow·worl..'1DED at once snw tbnt it would take consider­able t ime to shovel him out, owing to the body of clny prcasing in, and they immediately dispatched one of tbetr number to Gambo for aeeistance. The call wae quickly responded to nnd Baker was soon afterwards clear;d. H is leg wns broken above th.e knee, and when being hauled out be warned the men to be careful. 11 Bring the leg with 'me, boye," said b e. The eh'ovel h e worked wtt.b be still retained hold of, and it aleo came to the surface ~th him. H e wns conveyed to tho boepttal· tent on tho line, and waa well attended to by Dr. Martin and hie ~tant, Mr. John Smokeham, of Harbor 'Grace. Mr. Bmokeham accompanied Baker to the cit~· ; and be epeaka well of Mr. G. R. Rotd. H e says that Mr. R eid viaited Bnker aovcrnl t imes, gave inst ructione to have him well cared for, sent a car of the way expressly with him. ' Mr. Reid's kindness and attent ion to

t.he men," be eaye, eannot be eurpaeseJ," About 16 dnye ngo, it seems, another

employee, Patrie~ ·waU, had his Jeg• broken above tho an \de. H e and eight or nine others were at work on the t rack displAcing a rock. They got n sleeper underneath it, th e more effectually to work it., and by some mishap the rock bals.nced to th o wrong s ide aod sent the ai.,Pn r•r down on Wall's leg \\;tb the re­

. Still another employee, Rich· Costello. of Salmon Cove, aged 19,

died in t.he boepitnl tent on last. Tbure-day night. For seveml weeks he wae aic"k ancj well alternately, but would not go h ome, nnd for three d.'lya, pre,' iota to death, he kept. hie bed.

On board the II Albert."

Our cnt-erprielng townsman, Capt. N. Fitzgerald, returned home on Saturday last ~er eteame; Lady Glover from St. John a. The captain bad epe~t . nearly three m onths on a trip to Labrador, u pjlot of the ~!iaalon eliip Albert. Capt. Fiu,erald epeakt in high torou or the ehlp a company, particularly or the chief manager-Dr. Grenfell. He wu found at all timea kind and oblldog­ever ready t.o ren4er much needed' auu· tanee to the aiok and the· affiict~ and the poor. The good wbiob.. hu reaulted to the fisher folk on the Labrador from the \rfah or the mission ebip it iJ not eaey to estimate. Tbie wu the flrtt time tbu Albert visited the oout, and the bopelia earnestly iodu.l2ed · that it mAy ·not be the1ae~ time. 'Much good may yet be done; and it it to be w.iihed that the n!lW and be\ier order of tbinp now eet.ftblished by tbe Deep Sea laW· sion may continue t.o be followed f~ many a year to come.

Capt. Fitzgerald deeiree to expreae hie entire eatlef&ctlon with 11 the eoieo· t.i f\o exploratione "!or Mr. NeU.en, the Colony's experienoed Fieberiea Bu~r­in,endent, who wu on board the ehip for a abort period-he joined her at 'l'urnavick. The ooul"'e tolrowed by him-that. of taldog the iernperatur'! a nd aacertaining the dcelty of the Wl\ter In oertairi de~• on several ot tho fiabing-groundi-ia some~ en1 tirely new to our ~ple. By the adoP! t ion or 'hit new and approved me&h04 it· nan be accurately determined where tho ood ID4Y be foaDd-wbere ii it 01e. .A' \ Je.s to look for lt-where, beoauae ot ,'-" · ( ' the ooldn.. and tbe clenalt7 of the water, li ~~ poeaibly feed aor enn enet. Capt. Fl.rtJd feels IUH that, wbeo tbeso fact. 6toome full7 bowD to our poople, tbet wlll be bel* able to tell Just where to 8lh &ad· wb .. DOt cq fit b. Knowledp It power. ·