. AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University...

lAY ADVER TISER. · VOLlJ][E lS. N1JliBER 51. HARBOR GRACE , NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1871. I ,., f AGENTS HARBOR GRACE ST OVE DEPOT . Extracts. TJl1l All nig ht from tower to t ower tboy apmng , ull nigl•t £rom hill to bill, Till tho proud l'cnk uof url 'd t ho flag o'er Dcnr cut'e rocky (Wee; - ---.... Harbor Grace Standard. BLIOo' 1. ................ Mr. T. Ryall. 1111UIUI .................. . .. " G. Guehuc. BAr Bo aDft .......... .. ............... " J . E. Pike. " H. TiulrnT .................... " '\V. Pittman. B.ur.ox 8oVlJ'D .......... " A. TILL£\'. C.A.UD111. . ... .. .. . ......... Capt. J. Pe rry. Jlon'nft.&. .. .... .. .. ...... Mr. J.Lr "''r'CUCO Mvaoun ToW':( .... .. .. " G. Way. Gunuo.o .............. " F. White. Fooo ......... .. .... . .. ..... " Twn.I.nfOJ.TE .... ...... .... " J.J . l'cnrco. NOTRE DA:UE BAY. Noun l:iaou ............ Mr . F. Thomns. LJnu Bu lau..'fD .... " J. Campbell. lnsnrnnce NORTHERN CO M ?ANY FOk C.AnT.u..-TWO MILLIONS' Sro. .As.ron noll FinE PIWUUlU ... .. ............ : £180,000 .AlOilJJ.L RB\&lfVE FBO:Il LIFE PU:Ilro:lls ......... ........ . £110,000 .b"llDJ.L :H.Jmr.mrE TBO h'TER· .AT 11l'OS b Tl:D F\;SDS, )LUJU.l( .. .. .. .. .......... £ !2,000 LoNDON- 1 Moor ate Sheet. Anuo.sE.N-3 King ted /. "\ .lmurnncea elfec on roper ty 10 ow foundland at Current Rntes of Pl'\:r .. i· um. Prospectuse.-Forma of Application for Firo and Life lnJu .rnnc:e IUid nil o ther Information can bo obtained nt tb 6 Ollico of 184 L. KE N NE D¥, TINSMTH & SHEET·IRON WORKER BEtiS to thank tl•e Public of Harbor Grace nne} Vici nity gener- ally, for the liberal paltonnge hitherto bestowed, nnd hoped by strict atteutiou to business to merit a coutinu- nnct! of their s uppott. In addition to his larRe and valied stock of TINW AUE, he hns .. . C'lns tantly on hand an extensive nssortmeut of Coo king, Parlor and Hall STOVES. -ALSO- GO THIC OF Er.ERY VA.RLETx. C 9 K. n as also in Stock Kerosene Oil nuda large assortment of Kerosene Lamps. Janu ar y 18. 18 il. mnsu rnucc l lotict. l{oticcs. A. 0. IU.YW.lllD. St. John's, illlb AgcntforNelT'fouudLmJ. R u E EN PHCENIX J ulr 1. 1870. Life Associa tion of Scotland. 1 INSURANCE COMPAN Y. NEWfO UJD UND BRANtH . -oF- LIVERPOOL w LOND01 '' Life Assurance Company. Lombn rci Street & Chnring Cross LONDON, EsTABLISHED IN 1782 . (Seltcted erpru1ly f or Mn. CI.Avoros '\V I.TTB, 111 our IJiliiCtr to tlte " Battl e of ,. - -. - TirE ALARM OF THE ARMADA. Att r ud, nll yo who lidt to hcnr our noble Englnnd's prai :JO: r aiug of tl to thrico fnmoua deeds abe wrous;ht. in nncicnt. dnya, When thAt great neot invincible, agninat her bore, in min , Tho rie hc et spoil• of the stoutest hearts in Sp:Un. t waa nbout tho lorelv cloto of n wnrut summer 's d.'ly, Thoro ramon snllnnt mcrebnnt shi p, full 1111il, to Ph-mouth J»y; Till, Jiko TOICAUOCS, finred to heaven t he 11to rmy hills of Till twcl'l"o fllir counties uw the blue on Mnlvcrn'a lonely height; Till etrenm'd in crimson, en tho wind, tho W rekiu'a crest of 1'ill, broad nnd fierce, tl1o stnr cnmo forth, on Ely's stntcly fnue, And town nnd ltnmlct rose in nrms, o'er nil tho bouudle1111 plnin ; Till 'lo rdly the sib'll to L incoln srnt, And Lincoln Hpcd tlto mceaago on, o'er t he witlo vnlo of Tre nt; Till Skidd:tw snw the fire tbnt burnt on Gnunt ' 11 embattled pile, Aod t ho rod t::lnre o n Sk iddaw roused t he of Carlisle. ?tL\.CAULAY. Tho crew had s een C:18' tilo'a blnck fleet, ber ond i de, No'l". G. At earl i est twilight, on tho WllVCII, lie hc:wiug mnny n milo. At s uurigo ahc cscnpcd t heir r:m, by God'o r spe dnl grace; And tho taJJ l'inf a, till tho noon, bnd [ l 'Oit TU £ IU.RDOR ORACE 8TJSDARD.) he ld h er close in chn!o. 0 N 0 I L . }' o rthwith n guard, at. every gun, was placed along the lmll, I Jntcly somewhat nbout Tho bcncon bhu: cd upon tho reo£ of li Mb. Oil. too, is 0110 of th e stnplo Edgrcombe'a lofty h,,ll; of tho co unt ry. As, huw. lrnny a light fi shi ng b.'lrk put o ut, to pry O fcr, thcro nre tiO runny btcnmcrd, of nloQg tho cout; couM!e moro oil will bo wnnted. ' Vhat And , with loeso rein nnd bloody-spur , is horde power wi tho ut o il ? Tnlk rode inland many n post. 11bo ut 32,000 lifted a foot hi gh in n . . . . h minute I H ow cnn it be done without W1th his whtto .luur, unbonncted, t o o il ? It requires ee:U oil to oil the o_ld sbcnfi comes; . ' " t!iucwd of wnr," and oli 1 '0 or aomo Dchmd !! tm mnreb tho halberdtere, be· purer oil to oll th o engine. Did ,·ou fo re h1m sound tho drums. o'l"er remark how rnrefu lly an cn!!iricer Tho yeomen, round tho mnrkct crou, nttcuda to this du ty? ..\.. horse lll th o Ulnko elenr nu BJliiCO, rcprcsentnti, ·o of H or1e For there bcbo\ es biDl to 11ct up tho pbii'Cr ill great. Jlhil•p of atnndard her g ra ce: cou!J not aubduo tho hot nnd fi e ry And . h_ :m g hhly tho trumpets p rnl, and horae, son, tho gren't gml) dnnco tho bells, . Orccinn scnc ml did, t hough, nnd mndc A.11 ijlow, u pon tho labounng lnud, tho him lUI gen tle all 11 lnmb, with roynl blnzon . yot th o gro.'ltc;st cournj::o. 1f Al exander Loo_k tho of tho sea h£1<1 up hnd lost 11ucepltalu., ·do you 1hink he bus nnCJcnt would uot rccognizo the horec if bo MW And pnw trends him, And thatdto h on!C would not re- tho lilies down · . cognize bim. Yea, truly. Tho So atnlkcd ho when. ho tumcd to lllght. genOI':ll co nquered tho horse with th e on fn mc d P•cnrd fi eld: power of bis eye. Tho knows Do II plume, GCDon d bow, nnd when you nr o nfra id of. him. Some Creanr 8 cnglo alueld ;. . hoi'IICJI hllfo 11. slow, aolc mn, grnre, troL ; Soglaredhowhc nnt.A.gulcourt,wwrnth o ther !torsca hnvo a fri s ky, humorous ho turned to bny, . trot, and othors aro hot nnd fi ery And crushed nud torn bonQ:l.th hu claws, nod would run n11 . ·ay with you altogether. tho roxnt hunt era t!'lf · . . I don't beliOI'O in mnkiug ' >OOr horse:! Ho l the llaS'I' tt."' ght l hold their heads big b. be.'\ ring ho. scatter llowera, frur mruds . reins aro n nuiiiWco. Tho hori!o lo'l'ca Ho , gunnora l 1l.ro a lo ud anluto l ho, gnl. bis kind wn.ster nnd partnke11 in hie joy, ® rig inal. THE PAS ' AGE OF THE CENlS TUNNEL. A London Time1 corr <:Apondout writca from Turin on t he 15th u1t., that :- " ' Vc nccomplislted tho feat: WI' hnvo travelled t hrough tho Alpt<. We tra\ ' CM!Cd in it full length tho most mole-work men ov er achie1·ed. T he wolemn openi ng of tho l!o uut Cenia tunnel, o r, to more correctly, of tho <:ol do Frrjus t unnel, is fixed for Sunday, tho d.'\ \' afier t morrow; but y CI!tordnv wns tho of tl •o "Offi cinl Exr,erimc ntnl Ex · Tho 17th wtll be the fcstinl ; but tho l 4t lt wn. tho real bu11ucsa dnv, nod ita bn,·o been, Wh!'n wo 1\'l ' ro nil ready, gnl'o tho HiJ;"nnl, some "no called o ut ·• part cnw," t ho ongino ga,·o its shrill nnd owny wo rolled with tho most bcnutiful caro ; nl fil'llt tl1c gl ow.woml -l iko L 'ln" terns of mtu still pl work, thou in tho d11rk, deep t ill, nftcr thirty wo emerged into dadi g ht nt the c ntranco nt llnrdonncrho. llnlf nu hour before 1\' 0 wero iu \\' e nrc now on lt11linn crouod. Our rnrringo WIUI Jn'i.t in th o line, nud as th o cu;.:i ne wor ked we were dose to it. Hut h o ur windows were ll' i!lo oven , nnd wo had n ot the iucon'l"enicucc from amoke or stenm. Thoro IVIl8 uo.pen:op· tiblo dill'orcoco between tho ine1do nnd outside nir, nod one of my coo:pnniona slumber ed through nearly tho whole distnn ce. Tho fnct that tho engine WIIB in our r ear wns c ertainly in o ur fal'or but tbo unanimous o1·idouco of nl l who had como in tho morn .. ing went f nr to tb11t they had expe rienced no unplcll!aut scnMti ou, nnd t ho dilf erenC'C of t rm- pcraturo could only bo d etected by Ynlmuori's J!ID!!<!, which morked n few degrees of ntlditionnl wnrmt h io tbo tu n. ncl. The hi ghest degree nttllined in to. dny's jo urnal hns been 19 degrees ccoti. grndc. Orntto ni's J::IBss in n prcrious trip to 21 A moro tri umphant succoRs tbnn. hns ih O'l"er r Nl8pcct crowned this b'I'Cnt work could hardly hnvo br cn nnti cipnted by its moet &.'Inguina well·wisbcM!. Ou r pAce throughout tho croal! ing IICCmcd fnirly npid nnd C'l"en ; 11nd t ho time omplo'lcd, bo th in tho up nnd do1vn journey o bo- t.l'l"con seven and ei ght miles, wns pr ecisely 3S minutce, but tho R\'Cr- agc tlmo allowed to tho trains when tho lioo sbnll bo in full opcmtion is cal- culated nl 20 minutes." DJBECTORS: H. K. DIKINSON. E.q. ROBERT ORIB\ ' B, Esq. C.AriTAL- £ 2,000,000 Sterliog l;rnttrcs : lnnbl! drn": your blndcs .1 who eiuS'I' lUI ho goes nlong "fnir IIJld Sir J. Lubboelt , Dart., :0.1. Whiting, F.•q. Joyously ! r;o !Wy"- . TilE PROB. tBL"E OltiGL"l OF M.P F. lt. S.J. Otgood Hanl.ury.Eaq "F b I t (, I c1 d II Fffi Oecimut Durlor., Etq. K. D HodgiOn , Eaq. Our glorious 1empcr eatkm ! tho banner or " eo ge a are, rtvo aWIJ . u MANY ES. ll edical Ollice r-Da. W . C. Becrotary-E. L. JARVIS, EsQ. TIM .. ual IAeome of thla Aaaoelatioa u Dow apwaril ot £260,000 STERLING. TIM l'II.Dd lA 1869. aruouaUd lo 'tbe Ule lA lbKe in l &ro, •mouot to D.le&,t llloq. 11M llaa!Deie t. cODdoo....l uader two Dc,.-1 or d- oC A•uraoce. Tbo. wbo 11rdiu Lira 4amraoce,at theanallal oatla7 wi .h -uriCSr1bo11ld tsamine tbe-•1&-- CLASS A. no.. wbo dsfn Uldr abare or ProftJI applitd lA 11M...,., aaartd-wilb the option o1 au i,mporwat pro•t.ioa (or tbrir old •et-without al'tecliiC tM I WD uaurtd pfl&md to Ute Utual llaNita••tlft . Fire Department. T Ill long cst.'lbliehed and well-known Compnny, o"er celebrat ed, through. out tho world, for pr ompt and liberal settl ement of 111! lo!;i t itn11to )olll!CS, er t iuuc11 to eff ect In aurnnco on e1 ·ory descript ion of property, both in town aud couutTy, at the lo west nnd on t ho most f:wora blo terms. Ita st ead ily i ncreasing business is tho beat proof of it s grcnt /op ulnrit y, ns well na of th o unbounde coofidooco in which it is held by tho general public Life CLASS B. 11ttcr C!Ua A.- balr or on• rourlh o( t ht IN point of sec urit y it is belie 'l"ed thnt ta&ebtJ•,. preml1lllll mat ,.maiA 1111pald. lo· " Q or.&.'l" P olicies aro unsurpnsed. LlnMODly, ud tha' u 6 puoaa1.,1odna nquir. Cnrcful se lection of li rcs, aud couse. edtollepu.L · 1 B n. llcilt.-lA thla Clua amon! the Snt aeri<11 quout nrgo onuses. ' ol PoUOf Holde,., .. Ntu to3ti pu Ctol, or n, .. ineu· Pint rtUi&quf'\n ium .t71 S,3S.S p&Jable lA Oub, ao4 noc at Diuu S:1:cnd c1t1 to t, t!l, ,.61l 1A Clea .JS \liD profit• aN adcW to lbe policy P olicies issued f rom this ngeucy, with qd ... DOW acaamulatllla I llite R IAl or .. fi H om Oil the a-t iuuttd. The , .. ulta of out nny re e reuco to omo co. f 'd I can, Trnrrr Bu1ton. Eaq. r:o. D.l\lagrns, EJq. O our pn 0 As I a it on my j auntins ear, lion. J 11mea D) ·ng. Benjamin Shaw, Esq. 1'h 1 t · d I k h' John Clu uon, Ksq. W.J . Btq. The frcah'uing breeze of e'I"O unfurl'd 8 rr 01 . 1!''1 1 •n . 1 P ) '' ,. <>. H H T tL-t ' ·- f ld And off go•, my JI Unl•ng car. c • ., ., onpe. r.eq. . . ou min, !Uq.. ua uanuer a miLfllly o - . J obn C. Dn ia. Kaq. 0. E. Uoodbtan.Eaq. Tho pa rting beam of eunehino kias 'd And I bu o before mo aa bc.'\utiful n 0. A. 1-'ulltr, Esq. . A. Oord11n, Esq. that hllught.y scroll of gold. pi.cturo of tho man nll you 'I"Ould Ooorge W. J,ovell, Etq., Stcrdary. Nig ht sunk upon the dusky be ach, &nd Wlll h to !ICC. Loot; lif o to you nnd Jobn J. Droomfield, Auillanl Becretaty. 00 tho purple 11011 ; plent y of fnres cmry nnd tho umo Tbe and LIDERALITY Such night in EngLmd ne' er hnd been, nil round to C'l"ery body. Faro t hou wit!! wbicb all claim• upon tbe nor e'er agnin ebnll bo. ,., ,ell dea_r Tor:" Nova. be thy p H <E"N I X 0 F F I C E From Eddyetono to :Berwi ck bounds fi elds of1co ", th scala. Thick bo thy hue bten paid are wrll kno•n,and tht coo. tinual in creuing butineu or the Company, noto nearly nindy vear1 irt uilltnee, ehew the bigh poenion i1 l:oldt in pul:lllo ettlma· tion. Annual and ahorttime lnauraneeure ef . frcted on almoet every kind of pr operty in Naw(oundlar.d on t ho mo Jt favorable terma. Hulra and p•rtiou lara of lnauraoce may be had on applicatio n to W. & G. RENDELL, Sr. J ollJ('e, AgUIU f or lr aD f oundW.nd, or to W. 0 . WOOD, EsQ., Barri ller · at·Law, HAanoa OB.Acr.. Sep! . 6. from Lynn to Milford Day, ' BeAll ";th fl ab, even liB in tho days of That timo of slumber wu 1\8 bright a.a {lood old Cabot, and who does not busy aa tho day. ' liko n jaunting cnr . Suro if you do fnll For sWift to CAIIt, swift to west, tho off you won't bo killed, and i _f tho lioM!O warning radiauco a prend- ehould, run awtL -, you can elide off Higb on St ,. Michael's Mount it abono- any way thoro 11 n chan co of your h!c. it ahone on Deachy Head. Ah I yea, wo have good fl shen cs Fnr o'er tho deop tho Spnniard uw but I'I"O must mmd hol'!lc, tho plough, along eACh shiro ' tho abcop, tho cnttl c, tho ground. "Sco Cnpo beyond cape, in ond !OM rnngc, what a beautiful place '"o hnve {bose tl\ inkling poinm of fi ro; Ah.l yea, the t clegmph w1ro11, Tho fisher left hi8 alti.ff to rock on aeriAl AS A ep1dcr a \\'Ob. Tliero aro the Tamer 's glit t ering wnvcs, ri ch tho meandllring riven, Tho minoN pour'd to wnr from the splendid D1cadows, whllt a lorely 1\fcnd 1p'a sunless cav es ; ' picturo . Dcaidea all. this, A. contemporary say. ram bnvo an un. account nblo fondo011 11 for the tn.sto of phosphorus, 11nd to thi s olfoet mnv bo attributed tho origin of many myatori · o uto 61'08. Th eso build their nests of ioftammnbl<t materials, nnd take to them llllY at tC!tf matches that tboy fln!llying around looee. Tbi .s ncomplished, they udortako to gratif y their nppotitea by nibbling tb<> contod cuds of t ho m&tchea , which nre nt ouco ignite<!, when t ho ncet is act in 1\ bla%o. nod th o destruction of tho bou11o, or perhaps tho ship which contnins it, fbi· lows. Gtcnt caro should alwnye bo tajc. en with ml\tcbas. Tho phosphoru which ia u sed on them is nuty and poisonous. Workmen ens:nged in their mnnuf acturo ofteo dio a fenrful d eath from e xf olintion of tho lower jBw, and children who hllvo surkcd n match, if they do not die, uaUBIIy eull'cr terrible agonieP. TilE DEPTHS. . I M'. l T. w. T .l F. I B. - 1 2 I) 0 7 8 9 12 13 u 16 1G 19 20 !!l 22 23 2U :!:!_ 20 30 PII.UU. X r.w U oos .. .... ..... 12th, !-'l UST Qt:.\.UTE it .. .... . l!)th, FuLL 1\loos .. ...... .... !Wth, 3 10 ll 17 18 2•i 2G 1.38 P. X. G.lG •. M. 10.23 P. X. [FOil. TID! nuoou. GlUCK CORRELA.TON. W ind m11kcs min by diaturbaneo of the ntmosphere, and rain often makett wind. Strnnge, too, that notwilhat&nd. ing t ho t eudcnry of tho full moon'• li:;llt to cut. up or d iui pato yet oi.MC r'l"ntious do uot nlw!lyll show that her infiucuco is nlwnys auc:ccllllful in BO doing, beyond tho 11phcro of tbo l ocntion o£ that lwni.IW')'. Thtttnt full.moon of Saturday, 2 th October, t ho moon had A great cont ention with tho clouds. Away to the nppcn rod a brilliant ftood of Jibht, wbilo nboro and over all other part11 the henl'cne thoro wu a pall of clouds, aud thcro wu conaiderab)e and heavy rain, intermittently, dwing the night. Al t o, thnt on tho next day, Sundny, thcro wu much and beaTJ raW. apccially, during tho forenoon. Now on Monday, tho -thirtieth, too, there wu nlso n wiaty nnd ve ry wetting rain, nccomp11.11icd by heavier ahOI\ '01'1. .A.J.ao, t hllt tho eloud11 uaumcd tho dark, mu- lled, tumbled nud confuiCd atato,I('C()m. p:wicd 'vith much motion, indicetivo of a sto nnr @tate of t ho ntmoephore to- wnrds tlio South. And wo fi.ud, in fac:t, tho brigautino Jlarbor did. 011 t\o 29ib ult., cxporicnco a galo of wi uu ncnr tho region of Capo Spear. Now I contend, t hllt it 11 'U tho forcing and disturbing power of the l:alo which. M3umiug tbo f orm of a 10utliorly wind bore, (veering gradunlly 8. W .) that cnUBcd auch n qunntity oi rain to ue. }' or, rcl1ing 011 tho te ndency of the moon's h(;ht, I Willi induced. to come to 11. conclua•on for dry, rather than wet 11'onther. A curiou a qnoetion u to tho constitution of tho of l'llin. I freely aa1 thttt tho qllt!ltiou did not cccnr to mo until mentioned by a £ric nd ; Md on tho principle that wo ought never to build upon another mau's foun(lation,:I mention hit auggs. tioo. It Willi n11 to whe ther we can or cou ld dia tinguiKh any dificrcnco in the sediment of rain !rom diflerent qaarien of t ho compass. I am not aware u to whe ther I!CJCntific inv011tiption hU been had on this point; but 1t it really ooo which desrorvee much attention, And it is refe rred to hero in order that per- lOne mar bo iodueed to a Mtlll of oxpc nmonta to teet tbo There nro earthly II!At eriala, minute or DOt m iout o in the atmoaphcre. ElhaJa.. tiona n!eo &rise !rom the ee.rth and maJ bring miuuto pa.rticl011 of matter into tho ntmoapbero. Originally, auoh may have been generated bT oxhalationa from other aoil11 or atmoephoree than our O'II'Jl, but may find their way by pl'CIIIure into ouns. Tho aun hu a certain·ef[eet of tlaiaSclwnM claim 1M allaUoa o!Utf7 ooe ••II. · W. C. SDUJ. S, M.D., J ll e dical E.raminer ... W.A--. J. llENRY , CONCBPTlON BAY AGBNCYa General 4gentfor Newfoundland Medical Officers: O.rFI0£- 2·17 Duc kworth S tree t, St A. & E- PARSONS 5 O:nb i nct.maltrrs, O'er Looglcat'e towcns o' er Crnn- hu tho oJroct of maluug great 11lummn. bouruo'a o&b tho fi crv he mld fl ew- lio n•, and cnuaiug t11o fino lnrnin to Uo rouaod tbo abepberd.li of Stonohcngo, como I alwnya pity a_ poor hon!C tho rnngors of Beaulieu. thnt cant you mu•t Right aharl! and qui ck tho bolla rang ne ver h1m to cat. . . }'in nlly, etudy A correspondent of t ho &ienfijic A muiron writcs 1\8 follow&: " I once hnd OCCI\l'ion t o l'I11mino tbb bottom of a millpond. I coustruct (.-d a Jlont out of inch pLm!t duflicic uL to buoy mo u p; through tho centro of this float I cu t a bolo and plnccd a plaukct o1 •cr it , when I \Til!t onnblod to clCArly diacover objects on tho bottom. I am l!&tit ficd t hnt wbero "·atcr ia anfficicnUy clcnr, thi11 plan can bo soceosa. £ oily used for sc iU'Ch· mg for lost bodice and articles. I wo uld auggeat that thia experiment bo tried on tho lOA; for I am eatielild that, in A 11hip liko tho GMU E.utent, whoro an obaervntory could be placed at tho bot- tom with aWiiciont darkne u, by tho aid of glaace wo could gaze dowu into tho doptha of the aeu, just u wo now IUl'- Toy the •tarry hcaTena at rain at timee, unl-, ia- ' ""'"'L"' '''"'\ thoro it a great '!rind pre.- suro. I havo noticed, already, the e'fi.-· dent inc.rcaeo of tho eun'a heating J>O!el" (in tho absence o[ tho clouda). na xt tnuuil of Veoue. in 1874, will M interoeting phenomenon for the .... cer tai nmcnt of tho 1un'• pua11as. and ! what tho ie between him and tho enrth. 11 hu been 10ught to allow tbttt thoro ia aomo intimate CODDee• ti on between tho eun'a 1pot1 and the cnrth'a magnetism, and tho of epnce. lt i11 eurioua, that ID lM'T when thr ro 1\'1\8 a great prcTaleDce of thCfJO IIJ10t 3, t hnt t liia WU DOt DOtioecl if rc:.lly existed. I limply note here, thnt t h())o dpotl appear OD the aan'a 1urface, comntonly about the resfau ol hi11 cq untor , yet not uneoldom De&r the limbo&, all dark, fanaecl pat- ches, & nrroundod by a lighter aWe OD the ir outlide, Wida tlaat · ou. aido in form, and it il a--a til&* tiDe ' ... DL W. X. ALLAN, Harbor Grace John'e, Nlld. ' W. ANDB.BSON, :Brigu.e. A. T. D&YSD.U..'E, J• Uf1 7 Jlnr bor Grace, -t Sub •Ag cnt for Conception .Dny. A D A I 8 ' 1 -une_T ·----- HOTEL old atandiug. Froat POBTUG.AL OOVE To BE soLD oR LET. ar JDr which · · tment juecpaized. .. THE SUBSCRIBER, IJrutinl ftr .ailrJ WU.b.:f 8 to SELL or LET tho HOTEL IUin Jalbt P.B.E B8 at Portugal CoTe, at pl'O- : eent in tbo occ upancy or 1l:u. 'Bvr.. 8pnld a aufl.cfeDt quatity. to eo-tor on, ie reAdy t.o treat with tMeore, OD a-piece otwlaite 'linen, (not who be detsi)oua of pure · or ..&oo,) MJ• . Bet.,. 8!V1 dret- obtaining a leue of the I&Dl& -;. 7:: _;:ter Ho allo oOU. w.:a · the two tlleeue7 it the WEI4L-otJLTIV ATBD witb o..tile •• ... .. wttla it -. 7 ...... ,. 8itaW d a alwm from. !M - OD &boTe l'rem\111, eontailung MW' bold aJlCier ·- by lor tlle term 1..0. WlUBI& Aloia'., Hdilftlt, 117L TURNERS. BEG n:nat -;j;!tfully intimato to the Public of HArbor Graco, and the Outports. that they h&vo taken tho :Billlineu latoly carried on by urr. Jhmn lmans ; and hope by 1triet attention and pnnetu. ality to merit a 1hnro of public plltron. •ao. TheT would aliO announco thllt tho Undertaking Business, will farm part of their occupation. Furniture repaired at lhortcat notico, and on moat reuonable term•. Puoa: o.r :Bvmrue-180 W ator Stroot directly oppoeito the premiletl of Me.rl. PtlDton ct M:unn. out, aU n1ght, £rom Driatol t own ; h oi'!IC a oyo and let. him study youra, And ero tho day t hree bu.udrcd. h ol'!lo m fi rmn01111. And thllB you'll hnl'o your bdd met on Clifton Down. on your hor ae if you lose hi m any Th o se ntinel on Whit ehall gnto looked time. Of courao, no penon (unleu on forth jnto tho night, OCt'IUiiou) will over And 111\W o' e rhanging Richmond Hill thmk of dri1•mg h11 horae too f aat , nnd that aheak of blood-red light ' 11 ; 11 nlwnya get out going oor tho hill•. Tho bugle's noto, and c.mnon'a tho Tho . hoi'IIO wi ll bo 10 grateful for it. doatli.liko ailence broke B011dt!ll that, poor horaea have no And with ono start, and 'with one cry, tifkr u thou, oo l . highly man, tbo roynl city woke . for whom tho an creGtion groa.ne, At once, on all her gatoe, nroee nnd •. a11d dies.. Of eou"!e every tho anewering firea · public apmted public horae wdl have At. once tho wild ..w,;m cluh'd from all no objcctio01 to carry hie number and her reeling apiree; that tho eab iptem be .Placed From all tho batteries of tho Tower on an effectual and n t;M footing b,r poal'd l oud tho voieo of fear atntutory enactment. Tho hOliCt ana THE FRONTIER And all the tho111aud mast. of Tbamea cahl havo m1 hearty good wiehee u tho The tult of dotenniniag the frontier aent a louder ebocr; sign of ci.nization. botwoenPraacemdthenewG.man pro- And from tho eat warda wu board OBSERVER. vineea lw now been completed, 10 far the ruah of urryiog f eet, etoeer 21. u the Meurthe ill c.'CIIII!8rD- And the broad atreame of ftagl ed. • The ISrilwlt IQ'I 6U p{kee dub:.l doWD e.ch ro\lling atreet. 0J.VUI OP Conocw. Qv.uur. . .LNo. the followiDgiiClftlll .... acc:ne And bi'Oidei •1Dl became the blue, and tbfilg biDden the colllt&nt agreement many from the :-1. 'I'M' e 1 louder aUll the din, of who together but mere Du chy of Luaaburg now AI fut bom O"""f !OtlDd the 'Bility-a MCret iMiating upon what ou FNaeJa for a &ltaDc:e bone eame IIPumDI iD ; th«7 think their dignity: or merit, and little .-e .Anld outward for wild BJaolt . an mwanl of IUCh an OTOI'o In the DGitll. 'll'llit. 0-aY heaih, tt. 'W'U'IiU ..,_.. 'ftllt, meuure of deference and reprd u u,... uuaber ol DW iultlleJiillo _ And iD a aDCiieDt haD, awen to their O'II'Jl edraTipnt f.alae DOt D .... , AN ...... ,,-- · of)[eU. aca1e. ad wldeh DObody .. paJ,n '*- a .. "l ....... So!ll*ila.l. PlllallltlUDa, - DDDt ............. CIID WI to .......... .. ... 1 what; pitlll It = to. '1"bouuuu11 ....... WIItl·· ... dt. ......... =.. ...... .. ..... 1 ..... .......... ebading ie cauaed ._ . cluk body of the au 11 sphere, iu which renta, alJetitl. are eaUK!Cl. I ha'ftl DOt, .._ onongh yet to to propoaitmll-!mftlltllta do of \

Transcript of . AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University...

Page 1: . AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18711108.pdf · Tho bcncon bhu:cd upon tho reo£ of liMb . ... (or tbrir old •et-without

. AN ~


• I


~· TJl1l

All night from t ower to tower tboy apmng, ull nigl•t £rom hill to bill,

Till tho proud l 'cnk uofurl'd tho flag o'er D cnrcut'e rocky (Wee;

- ---.... -------~-- ----..-....--..----~--------Harbor Grace Standard.

BLIOo'1. ................ Mr. T. Ryall. 1111UIUI .................. ... " G. Guehuc. BAr BoaDft .......... .. ~~ ............... " J . E. Pike.

-~~~~.~.:.~~-~} " H. d:~.llad-TiulrnT ...... .............. " '\V. Pittman. B.ur.ox 8oVlJ'D .......... " A. TILL£\'. C.A.UD111. .... .. .. . ......... Capt. J . P erry. Jlon'nft.&. .. .... .. ........ Mr. J.Lr"''r'CUCO Mvaoun ToW':( .... .. .. " G. Way. Gunuo.o .............. " F. White. Fooo .......... ..... . .. ..... " J.~'itz::;erold Twn.I.nfOJ.TE .... ...... .. .. " J.J. l'cnrco.


Noun l:iaou ............ Mr. F. Thomns. LJnu Bu lau..'fD .... " J. Campbell.

lnsnrnnce ~aticrs. NORTHERN




.As.ron ~ noll FinE PIWUUlU ... .. ............ : £180,000

.AlOilJJ.L RB\&lfVE FBO:Il LIFE PU:Ilro:lls ......... ........ . £110,000

.b"llDJ.L :H.Jmr.mrE TBO h'TER· .AT 11l'OS b Tl:D F\;SDS, )LUJU.l( .. .. .. .. .......... £ !2,000

LoNDON- 1 Moor ate Sheet. Anuo.sE.N-3 King ~treet.

ted /. "\ .lmurnncea elfec on roperty 10 ow foundland at Current Rntes of Pl'\:r .. i· um.

Prospectuse.-Forma of Application for Firo and Life lnJu.rnnc:e IUid nil other Information can bo obtained nt tb6 Ollico of



BEtiS to thank tl•e Public of Harbor Grace nne} Vicinity gener­ally, for the liberal paltonnge hi therto bestowed, nnd hoped

by strict atteutiou to business to merit a coutinu-nnct! of their suppott.

In addition to his larRe and valied stock of TINW AUE, he hns .. . C'lnstantly on hand an extensive nssortmeut of

Cooking, Parlor and Hall STOVES. -ALSO-


C 9 K. nas also in Stock Kerosene Oil nuda large assortment of Kerosene Lamps.

January 18. 18il.

mnsurnucc l lotict. l{oticcs. A. 0 . IU.YW.lllD.

St. J ohn's, [~_'!I~ illlb ~~f6 AgcntforNelT'fouudLmJ. R u E EN PHCENIX

Julr 1. 1870. ~

Life Association of Scotland. 1 INSURANCE COMPANY.



Life Assurance Company. Lombnrci Street & Chnring Cross



-------------------~ (S eltcted erpru1ly f or Mn. CI.Avoros '\V I.TTB, 111 our IJiliiCtr to tlte " Battle of D_o_:~0!1~') ,. ~ - - . -


Attr ud, nll yo who lidt to hcnr our noble Englnnd's prai:JO:

r aiug of tlto thrico fnmoua deeds abe wrous;ht. in nncicnt. dnya,

When thAt great neot invincible, agninat her bore, in min,

Tho riehcet spoil• of ~Joxico, the stoutest hearts in Sp:Un.

t waa nbout tho lorelv cloto of n wnrut summer's d.'ly, •

Thoro ramon snllnnt mcrebnnt ship, full 1111il, to Ph-mouth J»y;

Till, Jiko TOICAUOCS, finred to heaven t he 11to rmy hills of '\\r:~ Jca;

Till twcl'l"o fllir counties uw the blue on Mnlvc rn'a lonely height;

Till etrenm'd in crimson, en tho wind, t ho W rekiu'a crest of li~ht.

1'ill, broad nnd fierce , tl1o stnr cnmo forth, on Ely's stntcly fnue,

And town nnd ltnmlct rose in nrms, o'er nil tho bouudle1111 plnin ;

Till Belvoir'~< ' lordly towcn~ the sib'll to L incoln srnt,

And Lincoln Hpcd tlto mceaago on, o'er t he witlo vnlo of Trent;

Till Skidd:tw snw the fire tbnt burnt on Gnunt'11 embattled pile,

Aod tho rod t::lnre on Skiddaw roused t he burshon~ of Carlisle.

?tL\.CAULAY. Tho crew had seen C:18'tilo'a blnck fleet , ber ond Auri~ny's ide, No'l". G.

At earliest twilight, on tho WllVCII, lie :=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hc:wiug mnny n milo.

At suurigo ahc cscnpcd their r :m, by God'o r spednl grace;

And tho taJJ l'infa, till tho noon, bnd [ l 'Oit TU £ IU.RDOR ORACE 8TJSDARD.)

held her close in chn!o. 0 N 0 I L . }'orthwith n guard, at. every gun, was

placed along the lmll, I Jntcly cliscoun~cd somewhat nbout Tho bcncon bhu:cd upon tho reo£ of liMb . Oil. too, is 0110 of the s tnplo

Edgrcombe'a lofty h,,ll; cnu~modilics of tho count ry. As, huw. lrnny a light fishing b.'lrk put out, to pry Ofcr, thcro nre tiO runny btcnmcrd, of

nloQg tho cout; couM!e moro oil will bo wnnted. ' Vhat And, with loeso rein nnd bloody-spur, is horde power without o il ? Tnlk

rode inland many n post. 11bout 32,000 u.~. lifted a foot high in n . . . . h minute I H ow cnn it be done without

W1th his whtto . luur, unbonncted, t o o il ? It requires ee:U oil to oil the at~ut o_ld sbcnfi comes; . ' " t!iucwd of wnr," and oli 1'0 or aomo

Dchmd !!tm mnreb tho halberdtere, be· purer oil to o ll tho engine. Did ,·ou fore h1m sound tho drums. o'l"er remark how rnrefu lly an cn!!iricer

Tho yeomen, round tho mnrkct crou, nttcuda to this duty? ..\.. horse lll tho Ulnko elenr nu _nmpl~ BJliiCO, rcprcsentnti,·o of n~i~ulturo. H or1e

F or there bcbo\es biDl to 11ct up tho pbii'Cr ill g reat. Jlhil•p of :MnCC~lon, atnndard o~ her grace: cou!J not aubduo tho hot nnd fiery

And . h_:mghhly tho trumpets p rnl, and horae, Bu~plla/111. 11 i~ son, tho gren't gml) dnnco tho bells, . .· Orccinn scncml did, t hough, nnd mndc

A.11 ijlow, upon tho labounng lnud, tho him nlmo~t lUI gentle all 11 lnmb, with roynl blnzon ~~~ells. . yot tho gro.'ltc;st cournj::o. 1f Alexander

Loo_k hoi~ tho lio~ of tho sea h£1<1 up hnd lost 11ucepltalu., ·do you 1hink he bus nnCJcnt cro\11~, would uot rccognizo the horec if bo MW

And undof'!l~th ~ ~£1ld!J pnw trends him, And thatdto hon!C would not re-tho ~ny lilies down · . cognize bim. Yea, truly. Tho G~ian

So atnlkcd ho when. ho tumcd to lllght. genOI':ll conquered tho horse with the on t~n~ fnmcd P•cnrd field: power of bis eye. Tho hon~o knows

Do hom~ II plume, ~d GCDon d bow, nnd when you nro nfraid of. him. Some Creanr 8 cnglo alueld ;. . hoi'IICJI hllfo 11. slow, aolcmn, grnre, troL ;

Soglaredhowhcnnt.A.gulcourt,wwrnth other !torsca hnvo a frisky, humorous ho turned to bny, . trot, and othors aro hot nnd fiery

And crushed nud torn bonQ:l.th hu claws, nod would run n11.·ay wit h you altogether. tho roxnt huntera t!'lf· . . I don't beliOI'O in mnkiug '>OOr horse:!

Ho l ~trike the llaS'I' d~p,s~r tt."'ght l hold their heads big b. ~Inut be.'\ ring ho. scatter llowera, frur mruds . reins aro n nuiiiWco. Tho hori!o lo'l'ca

Ho, gunnora l 1l.ro a loud anluto l ho, gnl. bis kind wn.ster nnd partnke11 in hie joy,



A London Time1 corr<:Apondout writca from Turin on the 15th u1t., that:-

" ' Vc nccomplislted tho feat : WI' hnvo travelled through tho Alpt<. We h:~1·o tra\'CM!Cd in it• full length t ho most ~tupentJuou~ mole-work men over achie1·ed. T he wolemn opening of tho l!ouut Cenia tunnel, or, to ~<pcnk more cor rectly, of tho <:ol do Frrjus t unnel, is fixed for Sunday, tho d.'\\' afier to· morrow; but yCI!tordnv wns tho d:~y of tl•o ~rent "Officinl Exr,erimcntnl Ex · cun~ion." Tho 17th wtll be t he ~rand fcstinl ; but tho l4t lt wn.• tho real bu11i· ucsa dnv, nod ita n·~nhl! bn,·o been, olo&t.-nii~fnctory. Wh!'n wo 1\'l' ro nil ready , Ynii'U~sori gnl'o tho HiJ;"nnl, some "no ca lled out ·• partcnw," t ho ongino ga,·o its shrill whi~tlo, nnd owny wo rolled with tho most bcnutiful caro ; nl fil'llt pn~~in~-: tl1c glow.woml-liko L'ln" terns of mtu still pl work, thou in tho d11rk, deep stillne~~. t ill, nftcr thirty minute~, wo emerged into dadight nt the oppo~ito cntranco nt llnrdonncrho. llnlf nu hour before 1\'0 wero iu ~·mnco. \\'e nrc now on lt11linn crouod.

Our rnrringo WIUI Jn'i.t in tho l ine, nud as tho cu;.:ine worked bnckwnril~ we were dose to it. Huth our windows were ll' i!lo oven, nnd wo had not the lca~t imn~innblo iucon'l"enicucc from amoke or stenm. Thoro IVIl8 uo.pen:op· tiblo dill'orcoco between tho ine1do nnd outside nir, nod one of my coo:pnniona slumbered through nearly tho whole distnnce. Tho fnct that tho engine WIIB in our r ear wns certainly in our fal'or but tbo unanimous o1·idouco of nll who had como thruu~h in tho morn .. ing went fnr to CJ!tnbli~h tb11t they nl~o had experienced no unplcll!aut scnMtiou, nnd tho dilferenC'C of t rm­pcraturo could only bo detected by Ynlmuori's J!ID!!<!, which morked n few degrees of ntlditionnl wnrmth io tbo tun. ncl. The highest degree nttllined in to. dny's journal hns been 19 degrees ccoti. grndc. Ornttoni's J::IBss in n prcrious trip ro~o to 21 degree~. A moro triumphant succoRs tbnn. hns ih O'l"err Nl8pcct crowned this b'I'Cnt work could hardly hnvo br cn nnticipnted by its moet &.'Inguina well · wisbcM!. Our pAce throughout tho croal!ing IICCmcd fnirly npid nnd C'l"en ; 11nd tho time omplo'lcd, both in tho up nnd do1vn j ourney o bo­t.l'l"con seven and e ight }~glish miles, wns precisely 3S minutce, but tho R\'Cr­agc tlmo allowed to tho trains when tho lioo sbnll bo in full opcmtion is cal­culated nl 20 minutes."

DJBECTORS: H . K. DIKINSON. E.q. ROBERT ORIB\' B, Esq. C.AriTAL-£ 2,000,000 Sterliog

l;rnttrcs nn~ ~irtrtors : lnnbl! drn": your blndcs .1 who eiuS'I' lUI ho goes nlong "fnir IIJld

Sir J . Lubboelt, Dart., :0.1. Whiting, F.•q. Th:~=.• ::r~be~n";~C:t Joyously ! r;o !Wy"- . TilE PRO B.tBL"E OltiGL"l OF M.P ~ F. lt.S.J . Otgood Hanl.ury.Eaq "F b I t (, I c1 • d II Fffi

Oecimut Durlor., Etq. K. D HodgiOn, Eaq. Our glorious 1empcr eatkm ! tho banner or " eo ge a are, rtvo aWIJ . u MANY ES. lledical Ollicer-Da. W . C. Snnt~.

Becrotary-E. L. JARVIS, EsQ. TIM .. ual IAeome of thla Aaaoelatioa u Dow

apwaril ot £260,000 STERLING.

TIM .unmllb~Bi l'II.Dd lA 1869. aruouaUd lo ~1.2110.000 s~e.

'tbe Ule ~ lA lbKe in l&ro, •mouot to D.le&,t llloq.

11M llaa!Deie t. cODdoo....l uader two aepara~ Dc,.-1 or d- oC A•uraoce.

Tbo. wbo 11rdiu Lira 4amraoce,at theanallal oatla7 ~~ wi.h -uriCSr1bo11ld tsamine tbe-•1&--

CLASS A. no.. wbo dsfn Uldr abare or ProftJI applitd

lA bo~alnc 11M...,., aaartd-wilb the option o1 au i,mporwat pro•t.ioa (or tbrir old •et-without al'tecliiC tM I WD uaurtd pfl&md to Ute Utual llaNita••tlft .

Fire Department.

TIll long cst.'lbliehed and well-known Compnny, o"er celebrated, through.

out tho world, for prompt and liberal settlement of 111! lo!;it itn11to )olll!CS, e rn· t iuuc11 to effect Inaurnnco on e1·ory description of property, both in town aud couutTy, at the lowest nnd on tho most f:wora blo t erms.

Ita s teadily increasing business is tho beat proof of its grcnt /opulnrity, ns well na of tho unbounde coofidooco in which it is held by tho general public

Life Depar~nt. CLASS B.

11ttcr C!Ua A.- balr or on• rourlh o( t ht IN p oint of security it is belie'l"ed thnt ta&ebtJ•,. preml1lllll mat ,.maiA 1111pald. lo· " Qor.&.'l" P olicies aro unsurpn•sed. LlnMODly, ud tha' u 6 puoaa1.,1odna nquir. Cnrcful selection of lircs, aud couse. edtollepu.L · 1 B n. llcilt.-lA thla Clua amon! the Snt aeri<11 quout nrgo onuses.

' ol PoUOf Holde,., ~aa .. Ntu to3t i pu Ctol, or N~ n, .. ineu· Pint rtUi&quf'\nium .t71 S,3S.S ~:...uWD&,aud p&Jable lA Oub, ao4 noc at Diuu S:1:cnd c1t1to .£t,t!l,,.61l

1A Clea .JS \liD profit• aN adcW to lbe policy P olicies issued from this ngeucy, with qd ... DOW acaamulatllla I llite R IAl or .. ~·«at fi H om ,ee~o1eu Oil the a-t iuuttd. The , .. ulta of out nny re e reuco t o omo co.

f 'd I can, Trnrrr Bu1ton. Eaq. r:o. D.l\lagrns, EJq. O our pn 0 As I a it on my j auntins ear, lion. J11mea D)·ng. Benjamin Shaw, Esq. 1'h 1 t · d I k h' John Cluuon, Ksq. W.J . Thom~aon, Btq. The frcah'uing breeze of e'I"O unfurl'd 8 rr 01

. 1!''11 •n . cr~c my;~ 1P ) ' ' , . <>. H H T tL-t ' ·- • f ld And off go•, my JI Unl•ng car. c • ., • .,onpe. r.eq. . . ou min, !Uq.. ua uanuer a miLfllly o - .

Jobn C. Dnia. Kaq. 0. E. Uoodbtan.Eaq. Tho parting beam of eunehino kias'd And I buo before mo aa bc.'\utiful n 0. A. 1-'ulltr, Esq. . A. Oord11n, Esq. that hllught.y scroll of gold. pi.cturo of tho man nll ~'I"Cr you 'I"Ould

Ooorge W. J,ovell, Etq., Stcrdary. Night sunk upon the dusky beach, &nd Wlllh to !ICC. Loot; lifo to you nnd Jobn J. Droomfield, Auillanl Becretaty. 00 tho purple 11011 ; plenty of fnres cmry nnd tho umo

Tbe PROMP'l'ITUU~ and LIDERALITY Such night in EngLmd n e'er hnd been, nil round to C'l"ery body. Faro t hou wit!! wbicb all claim• upon tbe nor e'er agnin ebnll bo. ,.,,ell dea_r Tor:" Nova. Dln~k be thy p H <E"N I X 0 F F I C E From Eddyetono to :Berwick bounds fields of1co " , th scala. Thick bo thy

hue bten paid are wrll kno•n,and tht coo. tinual increuing butineu or the Company, noto nearly nindy vear1 irt uilltnee, ehew the bigh poenion i1 l:oldt in pul:lllo ettlma· tio n.

Annual and ahorttime lnauraneeure ef. frcted on almoet every kind of property in Naw(oundlar.d on tho moJt favorable terma.

Hulra and p•rtioulara of lnauraoce may be had on application to

W . & G. RENDELL, Sr. JollJ('e,

AgUIU f or lraDf oundW.nd, or to W. 0 . WOOD, EsQ., Barriller· at·Law,

HAanoa OB.Acr.. Sep! . 6.

from Lynn to Milford Day, ' BeAll ";th flab, even liB in tho days of That timo of slumber wu 1\8 bright a.a {lood old Cabot, and who does not

busy aa tho day. ' liko n jaunting cnr. Suro if you do fnll For sWift to CAIIt, ~d swift to west, tho off you won' t bo killed, and i_f tho lioM!O

warning radiauco aprend- ehould, run awtL-, you can elide off ~ud Higb on St,. Michael's Mount it abono- any way thoro 11 n chan co of your h!c.

it ahone on Deachy Head. Ah I yea, wo ~y have good flshen cs Fnr o'er tho deop tho Spnniard uw but I'I"O must mmd th~ hol'!lc, tho plough,

along eACh south~ shiro ' tho abcop, tho cnttlc, tho ground. "Sco Cnpo beyond cape, in ond!OM rnngc, what a beautiful place ' "o hnve ~ir."

{bose tl\inkling poinm of fi ro; Ah.l yea, the~~ the tclegmph w1ro11, Tho fisher left hi8 alti.ff to rock on aeriAl AS A ep1dcr a \\'Ob. Tliero aro the

Tamer's glittering wnvcs, rich w~uda, tho meandllring riven, Tho rug~ed minoN pour'd to wnr from the splendid D1cadows, whllt a lore ly

1\fcnd1p'a sunless caves ; ' picturo. Dcaidea all. this, !tor~ po~cr

A. contemporary say. ram bnvo an un. accountnblo fondo01111 for the tn.sto of phosphorus, 11nd to this olfoet mnv bo attributed tho origin of many myatori· outo 61'08. Theso rod~uts build their nests of ioftammnbl<t materials, nnd take to them llllY attC!tf matches that tboy fln!llying a round looee. Tbi.s ne· complished, they udortako to gratify their nppotitea by nibbling tb<> contod cuds of t ho m&tchea, which nre nt ouco ignite<!, when tho ncet is act in 1\ bla%o. nod tho destruction of tho bou11o, or perhaps tho ship which contnins it, fbi· lows. Gtcnt caro should alwnye bo tajc. en with ml\tcbas. Tho phosphoru which ia used on them is nuty and poisonous. W orkmen ens:nged in their mnnufacturo ofteo dio a fenrful death from exfolintion of tho lower jBw, and children who hllvo surkcd n match, if they do not die, uaUBIIy eull'cr terrible agonieP.

L.~'l'O TilE DEPTHS.

. I M'. l T. w. T.l F. I B. -

1 2 I) 0 7 8 9

12 13 u 16 1G 19 20 !!l 22 23 2U -~7 :!:!_ 20 30


X r.w U oos .. .... ..... 12th, !-'l UST Qt:.\.UTE it .. .... . l!)th, FuLL 1\loos .. .......... !Wth,

3 ~ 10 ll 17 18 2•i 2G

1.38 P. X. G.lG • . M.

10.23 P. X.

[FOil. TID! nuoou. GlUCK ITI.lfD~.J CORRELA.TON.

W ind m11kcs min by diaturbaneo of the ntmosphere, and rain often makett wind. Strnnge, too, that notwilhat&nd. ing t ho teudcnry of tho full moon'• li:;llt to cut. up or diuipato cloud~, yet oi.MCr'l"ntious do uot nlw!lyll show that her infiucuco is nlwnys auc:ccllllful in BO doing, beyond tho imm~ 11phcro of t bo locntion o£ that lwni.IW')'. (.~ute.) Thtttnt full.moon of Saturday, 2 th October, tho moon had A great contention with tho clouds. Away to the l~twBrd nppcnrod a brilliant ftood of Jibht, wbilo nboro and over all other part11 o£ the henl'cne thoro wu a pall of clouds, aud thcro wu conaiderab)e and heavy rain, intermittently, dwing the night. Alto, thnt on tho next day, Sundny, thcro wu much and beaTJ raW. apccially, during tho forenoon. Now on Monday, tho -thirtieth, too, there wu nlso n wiaty nnd very wetting rain, nccomp11.11icd by heavier ahOI\'01'1. .A.J.ao, thllt tho eloud11 uaumcd tho dark, mu­lled, tumbled nud confuiCd atato,I('C()m. p:wicd 'vith m uch motion, indicetivo of a stonnr @tate of t ho ntmoephore to­wnrds tlio South. And wo fi.ud, in fac:t, ~ tho brigautino Jlarbor Grt~Ct~ did. 011 t\o 29ib u lt., cxporicnco a galo of wiuu ncnr tho region of Capo Spear. Now I contend, t hllt it 11' U tho forcing and disturbing power of the l:alo which. M3umiug tbo f orm of a 10utliorly wind bore, (veering gradunlly 8. W .) that cnUBcd auch n qunntity oi rain to ue. }'or, rcl1ing 011 tho t endency of the moon's h(;ht, I Willi induced. to come to 11. conclua•on for dry, rather than wet 11'onther. A curioua qnoetion ari~ u to tho constitution of tho aedimen~ of l'llin.. I freely aa1 thttt tho qllt!ltiou did not cccnr to mo until mentioned by a £ricnd ; Md on tho principle that wo ought never to build upon another mau's foun(lation,:I mention hit auggs. tioo. It Willi n11 to whether we can or could diatinguiKh any dificrcnco in the sediment of rain !rom diflerent qaarien of t ho compass. I am not aware u to whether I!CJCntific inv011tiption hU been had on this point; but 1t it really ooo which desrorvee much attention, And it is referred to hero in order that per­lOne mar bo iodueed to adop~ a Mtlll of oxpcnmonta to teet tbo ~DAUer. There nro earthly II!Ateriala, minute or DOt m iouto in the atmoaphcre. ElhaJa.. tiona n!eo &rise !rom the ee.rth and maJ bring miuuto pa.rticl011 of matter into tho ntmoapbero. Originally, auoh may have been generated bT oxhalationa from other aoil11 or atmoephoree than our O'II'Jl, but may find their way by pl'CIIIure into ouns. Tho aun hu a certain·ef[eet of

tlaiaSclwnM claim 1M allaUoa o!Utf7 ooe ••II.· W. C. SDUJ.S, M.D., Jlledical E.raminer

.~ ... ~~ W.A--. J . llENRY TODl~, , CONCBPTlON BAY AGBNCYa General 4gentfor Newfoundland

Medical Officers: O.rFI0£- 2·17 Duckworth Street, St

A. & E- PARSONS5 O:nbinct.maltrrs, ~pbolstmrs

O'er Looglcat'e towcns o'er Crnn- hu tho oJroct of maluug great 11lummn. bouruo'a o&b tho ficrv h emld flew- lion•, and cnuaiug t11o fino lnrnin to

Uo rouaod tboabepberd.li of Stonohcngo, como ou~ I alwnya pity a_ poor hon!C tho rnngors of Beaulieu. thnt cant ~t. Howovc~, you mu• t

Right aharl! and quick tho bolla rang never fo~o h1m to cat. . . }'innlly, etudy

A correspondent of t ho &ienfijic A muiron writcs 1\8 follow&: " I once hnd OCCI\l'ion t o l'I11mino tbb bottom of a millpond. I coustruct(.-d a Jlont out of inch pLm!t duflicicuL to buoy mo up; through tho centro of this float I cut a bolo and plnccd a plaukct o1•cr it, when I \Til!t onnblod to clCArly diacover objects on tho bottom. I am l!&tit ficd thnt wbero "·atcr ia anfficicnUy clcnr, thi11 plan can bo soceosa.£ oily used for sciU'Ch· mg for lost bodice and articles. I would auggeat that thia experiment bo tried on tho lOA; for I am eatielild that, in A

11hip liko tho GMU E.utent, whoro an obaervntory could be placed at tho bot­tom with aWiiciont darkneu, by tho aid of glaace wo could gaze dowu into tho doptha of the aeu, just u wo now IUl'­Toy the •tarry hcaTena at t~~idnigh~

rain at timee, unl-, ia­'""'"'L"''''"'\ thoro it a great '!rind pre.­suro. I havo noticed, already, the e'fi.-· dent inc.rcaeo of tho eun'a heating J>O!el" (in tho absence o[ tho clouda). ~ naxt tnuuil of Veoue. in 1874, will f~ M interoeting phenomenon for the .... cer tainmcnt of tho 1un'• pua11as. and! what tho d..i~tanco ie between him and tho enrth. 1 1 hu been 10ught to allow tbttt thoro ia aomo intimate CODDee• tion between tho eun'a 1pot1 and the cnrth'a magnetism, and tho ~ of epnce. lt i11 eurioua, that ID lM'T when thr ro 1\'1\8 a great prcTaleDce of thCfJO IIJ10t3, t hnt t liia WU DOt DOtioecl if i~ rc:.lly existed. I limply note here, thnt t h())o dpotl appear OD the aan'a 1urface, comntonly about the resfau ol hi11 cq untor, yet not uneoldom De&r the limbo&, all dark, i~lJ fanaecl pat­ches, &nrroundod by a lighter aWe OD their outlide, ~~ Wida tlaat ·ou. aido in form, and it il a--a til&* tiDe

' ...

DL W. X. ALLAN, Harbor Grace John'e, Nlld. ' ~ W. ANDB.BSON, :Brigu.e. A. T . D&YSD.U..'E,

J • Uf17 Jlnrbor Grace, -t Sub•Agcnt for Conception .Dny.

A D A I 8 ' 1-une_T·-----

-~·Di!!!!!~!',r · HOTEL _!~~ISES ~ol old atandiug. Froat POBTUG.AL OOVE

-~:rn$in~ To BE soLD oR LET. ar ~ JDr which · · tment juecpaized. •

.. THE SUBSCRIBER, IJrutinl ftr .ailrJ ~S ~ WU.b.:f

8to SELL or LET tho HOTEL

IUin Jalbt P.B.E B8 at Portugal CoTe, at pl'O-: eent in tbo occupancy or 1l:u. 'Bvr..

8pnld a aufl.cfeDt quatity. to eo-tor on, ie reAdy t.o treat with ~n tMeore, OD a-piece otwlaite 'linen, (not who ~DAY be detsi)oua of pure · or ..&oo,) • MJ• .Bet.,. 8!V1 dret- obtaining a leue of the I&Dl& -;. ~ 7:: _;:ter• Ho allo oOU. ~• w.:a· the two

tlleeue7 it the ~ld WEI4L-otJLTIV ATBD

witb o..tile ~- ...-..~..-..-.--Dr)'!II.,-Gt~Jab. et~. •• ..... ~." wttla it -. 7

......,. ~ft...'l'ldl 8itaW d a alwm eli~ from. !M - OD &boTe l'rem\111, eontailung

MW' bold aJlCier ·- by ¥VJ~~~a lor tlle ~ term

alililtc•=~ean 1..0. WlUBI&

Aloia'., Hdilftlt, 117L


TURNERS. BEG n:nat -;j;!tfully t~ intimato

to the Public of HArbor Graco, and the Outports. that they h&vo taken tho :Billlineu latoly carried on by

urr. Jhmn lmans ; and hope by 1triet attention and pnnetu. ality to merit a 1hnro of public plltron. •ao.

TheT would aliO announco thllt tho

Undertaking Business, will farm part of their occupation.

Furniture repaired at lhortcat notico, and on moat reuonable term•.

Puoa: o.r :Bvmrue-180 W ator Stroot directly oppoeito the premiletl of Me.rl. PtlDton ct M:unn.


out, aU n1ght, £rom Driat ol town ; ~he hoi'!IC a oyo and let.him study youra, And ero tho day three bu.udrcd. hol'!lo m fi rmn01111. And thllB you'll hnl'o your

bdd met on Clifton Down. ~rk on your horae if you lose him any Tho sentinel on Whitehall gnto looked time. Of courao, no penon (unleu on

forth jnto tho night, eo!llo.-cxt~or;dinnry OCt'IUiiou) will over And 111\W o'e rhanging Richmond Hill thmk of dri1•mg h11 horae too faat, nnd

that aheak of blood-red light ' 11; 11 nlwnya get out going o1·or tho hill•. Tho bugle's noto, and c.mnon'a ~nr, tho Tho. hoi'IIO will bo 10 grateful for it.

doatli.liko ailence broke B011dt!ll that, poor horaea have no ~~ere. And with ono start, and 'with one cry, tifkr u thou, oo l . highly f~vorod man,

tbo roynl city woke . for whom tho an ~mal creGtion groa.ne, At once, on all her a~to.ly gatoe, nroee nnd ~~~ •. a11d dies.. Of eou"!e every

tho anewering firea · public apmted public horae wdl have At. once tho wild ..w,;m cluh'd from all no objcctio01 to carry hie number and

her reeling apiree; that tho eab iptem a~ould be .Placed From all tho batteries of tho Tower on an effectual and n t;M footing b,r

poal'd loud tho voieo of fear atntutory enactment. Tho hOliCt ana THE ~W FRONTIER • And all the tho111aud mast. of Tbamea cahl havo m1 hearty good wiehee u tho The tult of dotenniniag the frontier

aent a louder ebocr; sign of ci.nization. botwoenPraacemdthenewG.man pro-And from tho eat warda wu board OBSERVER. vineea lw now been completed, 10 far

the ruah of urryiog feet, etoeer 21. u the Meurthe ~ent ill c.'CIIII!8rD-And the broad atreame of ftagl ed. • The ~ ISrilwlt IQ'I 6U

p{kee dub:.l doWD e.ch ro\lling atreet. 0J.VUI OP Conocw. Qv.uur. . .LNo. the followiDgiiClftlll .... acc:ne (16~ :~lc:::mii.'l.~jjp;M;;~ And bi'Oidei •1Dl became the blue, and tbfilg biDden the colllt&nt agreement many from the ~ :-1. 'I'M' e .· 1

louder aUll the din, of ~pte who lin~ together but mere Duchy of Luaaburg now AI fut bom O"""f 'ril.la~ !OtlDd the 'Bility-a MCret iMiating upon what ou FNaeJa for a &ltaDc:e

bone eame IIPumDI iD ; th«7 think their dignity: or merit, and little .-e .Anld outward ~ht, for wild BJaolt. an mwanl e~tion of IUCh an OTOI'o In the DGitll.'ll'llit. 0-aY

heaih, tt. 'W'U'IiU ..,_.. 'ftllt, meuure of deference and reprd u u,... uuaber ol DW iultlleJiillo_ And iD ~ a aDCiieDt haD, awen to their O'II'Jl edraTipnt f.alae DOt D...., AN ......,,--· ~H~~

of)[eU. aca1e. ad wldeh DObody .. paJ,n'*- a .. "l ....... So!ll*ila.l. ftl'i~~~. PlllallltlUDa, - DDDt ............. CIID WI to .......... .. ...

1 what; pitlll It = to. '1"bouuuu11

....... WIItl·· ... dt. ~~,.. ifA~ ......... =.. ............. 1 ..... ..........

ebading ie cauaed • ._. cluk body of the au11 ~ ~ sphere, iu which renta, alJetitl. are eaUK!Cl. I ha'ftl DOt, .._ onongh yet to ~.. to tbe~e propoaitmll-!mftlltllta do ~~~ of


Page 2: . AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18711108.pdf · Tho bcncon bhu:cd upon tho reo£ of liMb . ... (or tbrir old •et-without



~t. that it wu yeq p~ture to at- community becomjDg credited with the \ bjb~tQ ~hat aro call~ the '" •111).'1 n&mo of ~tinued dl.order ~ .91!

~pot.'' to hie q~uo body, abqwiog .tbl'Qug~ th• ~ta of night prowlers a [TO TUJ: :IDITOB. OJ' TD l'f.AJrDUD.) :through reota in tt.ia atmospboro, Bomo diaturbe.. of \ho _peace. ~t eeema to Sm,- -- "

Now. York for L(~ hal arrived. She repo,.ta having 6meoa.ntered a bur. riC&De yesterday ott the 'Ir;ah coaat, during which the forth oflicoJ wu loet over~ and aeTeral ot the cl'CW ae· Teft'ly ~:"-·

were taken on baud. A story ia told of ooe man who droTe to Foreatrille from his homo, two milet back in

PBUSSI.AN TERRITORY. the country, wi~h hie mother in tho --ThoOhi~flrtd.et*L _.,...... baa been cooUderecl oae tA_ tM ._ in th11 count-..y coum£ecl of..,.._ 1tQam fire enginet.

haTe gone 10 ~r aa to ~y that there ua that the nW.co tct ia a PQJrerfql " Politice ia a~ of comp~." p.ro oycklnu on fl)o euu. Whllro doe• ougiuo against such ·an altQrnatiTe. Tho w1tinguja))ed author of that p1thy tho CQOler Air como from, then, to cause People 1'ho offer ineult, c:Om~t acta of 14ying meant. t -fancy, ooly amall party thorn P Who amy• thoro is mqT cqld air violollCO, 1maah windowa and. window politics. And yet it muat bo concodoil •' the 1un'a pole.. Nmy, tho ho:l~ t~eru tw~bea and ao on, aro not brave men or tbmt in tho foreign relatione of many ill intonat', regular and conaietoot; boy•, but vory and contemptible cow. countriea compromise prevail•, as tho where~re, there must bo perfect quillll- ard,, wboover they aro, whotbor of high, lato Wubington Treaty amply tC8tiflce. !!OGc4( lJl ~t ~poet, althouJ;h tbona middling or low c!atmto. Theroforo tbo Compromiao ought rattier to bo tho OX· FlAY be' rjbtatipn of tho photoaphero, dqo carriage of tho law will havo great coption tbmu tho rulo of our con­pauaiog t~u ·~uding acintillat1qg ap. effect in rCI!training aucb and secure duct when principle ia involTed. Many pearllJ~ of tho 'uo'e light. Tho aun them from tho O/lOr:ltion of aummmry well known caaoa n1my bo cited in which 11 the great heart of tho ay1tem, and a justice, whioh Ls t ao last roeort, to which j~ wu wiaely and et~rnly pushed aside. "'ri• pbilq~phy 'fill over abrink in ':6- tho l.'\w quf;ht ovo~ to bo P':Cferrod: 'l'~o Such 1\'0ro tho abolition of tho Slnvo yerenco and uqdo~ • duo aon&O of Jho valuo of nu officaent polico ecrv1co 111 Trndc, Pnlinmentary Reforms, Frco frailty, from propoundiq~ thcorioa rutd boyond estimation to a city or a com- Trndo otc. Tho promorors of thcao nntilmting 1urmiuos, wh1c~ aro mpt to munity. It is tho gunrdian of poi'IIOn, ·great' Acta nclhcrod to their purposes miAlo:ul ~qq alqrtq tho uqoducmJ;od. In liFo nnd property and tho Quoe11'• '(lCmco through good and through bnd report. 1866, in OiroN 'BOre4lil, appcarod m for generations to come. Thill ",11 bo They did not lJAul down their ftng. ~rilliant atar, it aeemo4 tQ bunt out nll tho more nppmrcut lUI respects tho nmthcr they nailed it to tho mml!t and with inten.e light. And lo I aenPtion- futuro position of this wbolo lslnud, fought to uphold it. It can not well bo aliem raiaod !be cr~y of • "star oil fire," which cnnnot now commnnd m milit.uy l!ll.id of Wilbcrforco nml Brougham :md and oven. pioua goop~o, who ought not powcr-80mctim011 fouml useful. Of Grey nud Cobden and Peel tlmt ~hoy to be) AftmJd o( anytbit~, bolicrod it to cour~~c there will nlwnys bo clectioJ~e,,nod showed tho whit.o frothcr nfter thoy be. bo 10. Dr. Dick, bowovcr, shovs the 110mcho'v or other (llloplc mmy get •t mto cnmo convinced of tho 110uuduc1111 of tho probnbili~ Rf qodjoa, revolriqg i11 lon~· their bends tbmt they 111'0 bound to kick nriociplca for whiod they contended. ellip'tical' 9.r6ita ~yiog a. long period up a ro\v. Wisdom 1111ys thnt they 'rhCl!o :>U.tCI!mcn uo,·cr ho&it:ltod to give ~n~ ·~e'l!c:!ring in splendor, but at lung ought t~ bl.' ~"ugh~ by every DJCl\1~8 that bnttlo on bohalf of their . opinions or m~tv&ls, perbmpe thousand• of years. 11Uchnctmg-o~3ndc!umganro \'Cry Muglrty, accept 11 cbnllingc from thmr opponcnt:a<. At all ovouta, tho ahop~orq Kiqg Ae- degrading to them and contrm,y to that Our leading con feclcraroo~, law told, troqomer,. in patrimrcqal timet atudied brond ~d lovely cbnrity which lQnkce hnro lowered tho Uuio11· ~'lng until jt iho hea.1'0ill, and in a gmnd antljcm of us, wl1ilo wo fool tho brcnth of mortality, Jw trailed in tho duat. I n 'J.'riuity nod

W o doubt whether tho 1UrJfu Unic:IJ'~ waJlOD. 1ellj! ill altogothcr correct in ita euppo- Aa tboy pasacd along t~e rond tho eition thnt Prince Biemmrck Will bta@Cd heat v.·u &O p:rcat that tbear faces aod in extending 'the Gorman frontim• bT hand• were blietered and tho cbn.n.·o of gcolpg{cal rnthor thmn by political c:ori. amving tboir livoa aoomcd not nltogctber eidomtiona. Still it ie n fnct that tho euro. At ono point they IRW a woman nnncxed territory comprehends within lying by tho roadside, but whether dcnd ita limita tho richest JUincrnl districts of or only iniiCneiblo they could not t~U. l!'rnncc, and tbnt tho German Confcdc· nor did they atop to eco, but drove on ration will now poeiCIIS nn nmount or u rapidly ~ poeaiblo, tbm~ing th!a iron oro nnd nn r1tcnt of coalfield which ~he only poaatblo wmy of lAVIng tbc1r will moftJncut it4 iuduetrinl resources own livea.

Tho •ionllouao fund of Chicago amounts to £..14,200. The Prince of Wales eubacribed ~200.

An Ottawa deapmtcb atatea· thnt no claim will bo made for the reetitution o[ tho ~ehooner E . .4.. Horton, iruUJmucb u abo hmd not bcon condemned whon taken posiiCaaion of by tho origiJJDl ownerJ.

Lo~no~. 31.

----1I.r. Darwin illaid to be eappl

on a work in which tbe facial espre.on of &oimmla will boone o!theehiettopica disc ~Wed.

Under tho bill for tho Abolition of Purchneo System iu tho British Anny a rigid e:rrurunination of all 'npplicnnta is required.

Gcnernl Council or Corsic:l engaged in hot discuMion over m motion to linnul the l.'lection of Cotiti, formerly privnto/ socretnry to tho Ex-Emperor.

vcrv. coneidornbly. .Frnncc cnn ill •pore At Rock Falla, it is 1111id, tbnt tbu tho'lnttcr, for hor 11upply of fuel hn• fire t·nmc on mt tho rnto or eight miles boon di.mioisb.ing every ~·<'or, and tho on hour, nnd pcoplu from tho surround­g reat forests aull'ercd murh during the ins; region drovo in mt tho host pmco Into wnr. Of i!'on abo ~t ill JlOI<IIeAsca n their team a could show to keep ahead \'1\!lt nmount. ba t nowhere 18 tho oro 110 of it, plentifully distributed ns in tho bneins Two or three of tho t owns wero in­of tho 1\loecllo nod tho l\lourtho. This ,·ndcd by tho fire at midnight, nnd peo· district, with tho exception of Longwy, plo weN' nrou~<cd from thrir slumbers i8 now in tho hiLilds of tbo lmpcrinl only just in timo t o rush iut.o tho wmter, Confederat ion. mod without timo to 1111vo sufficient

-A ein~le firm of funriture m&Du­fi\C'turen m Vienna emplo11 oTer .000 wprkmcn, and producee &DDually about 4:i0,000 piecea of furniture.

-Tho now ateam'er .dfN> one of Ute Red Croaa Lino from London to CaJc:at­tm vim the Suez Canal, hu made tU pmsugo from the D oW111 to Calcnatta iD 37 day.-.aid to bo tho aboneelJel ef­fected.

An nddrC!a t o Ex-Emperor is c:irculn. tiQ.Jr for &i!,'llnturea among tho officers nnd sold~'on 1\'ho received pny under tho Emp rt-. ' 'Vhon aeuffil'icnt number of aiJ;Un res i11 obtained, it will bo for· wnrdcd t() Chisclhurst. Its contents have not bocn tulld<J public.

clothing fur m decent protection, whilo liOW EYGLISRSOLDIERSWERE cnttlo, horse•, ehcop, hogs, and evoo

BEATEN. cbickcne,rnn illlo tho wmtertokcep them

-Tho Stantlanl'1 Borli.n COITelpoD•' dent tolognr.pha that Prince Biamark mnd Count Moltke have re&elved to uk to hnvo tbe Tiolatioua of word of hcJa.. our by French officers eumiaecl b7 a noutrnl international committee.

Dianrmmment or tho Notional Guards throughout FrAUco -ill DE.llrly complet-ed.

During tho hcator tho mimic bnttlo in tho neighbourhood of Aldcrshot, Enst· land, on tho 21st Sopt, tho llmnll-pox bol'pitnl, recently erected by tho Fnrn­hnm bonrd of Runrdinns, w11s bcsiogcd by n numbc!' of troops whet were ij!llO· ro:~nt of tho cha ractcl' of thl' building. Tho pbco was cloacl.r surrounded bl tho Tower Hnmlota Mihtin, whoso mihtnry m·,Jour led thorn to aorek tho ndvo.ntngo of itd clo,·atcd situation for tuo purpoliO of firing from tho windows upon the nd · "l'nncing cucmy, n memorable precedent for which was nfl'ordcd by tho Prussinus nt ll farm · houao iu tho vicinity of s('. dan. In "l'nin tho two nunea rcmon. str:1tcd n~tt~iust tho cxprcaacd dotcrmiu. ntion of tho besiegers ; tho order hnd been given, nud t ho 6rst duty of n sol­die!' wna to oboy. 1'ho doors were clos. cd, nnd pcrsuMion was nbout to be auc­rocdcd bv force, when one or tho nurses happened to rcmnrk incidtmtnlly, nnd for tho fi rst time, t hot the object of nt­t.nck woe o. "amnii-pox hospi tal." Tho oxprcu ion produced n mngicnl effect; tho order to secure possc~siou of such nn ndmntagcous position, if not coun­tcrmllndcd, wn~ instantly forgottrn, nod tho inmdcrs boat o. ha~t.v re treat to ­wards tho foot of tho hill on which tl•c hospitnl stnnda. F ortunaroly no pati­ent wn!< at that limo in tho building. 'fho hospitnls, which closely rcscu1blcs n couple of soldiers' hut.!, is const!'uct· cd of wuocl, nnd wns built in )fny Ins!, since which tiaco u pwards of forty pntionla h:I\'C bccu successfully trent. cd for amnll-po:r, while 0 dcnths hnvo oc. currcd thoro.


pr&iae fRCOrdod hie t4o~gbta thorcoQ. yield to tho power of sympathetic uniou. Doonvl11tn Hny11 it llllll been lif:nmli\'cly · ' DELTA. Thoro is no doubt but tluit tho Oo,•crn. torn spit qpou, mnd trampled under

mont, M soou 1111 circumat.nru:cs permit, foot: lJnn-o men upholll their princi­METEORQI,OGIOA~ ~O'F,&S. will tm!oo all 4uo order in t.~o •uJ:ply of pies nt allluunrd11; only cownrds y old Abs'--t Qf }[ct""roloroicnl Qbsorvm- nn odcq43to polico system ro t o Out- them up 'll' ithout o strng,;lc. \ hnt

... .,.. w o· ports, at nny rnto M fmr as rcgar4.8 nll sh11ll be s:UJ of tho11o combnll\nts who .tio114 fo,: t~o wook cudil)g }(ooday, Gth tho most jmporhmt aotllcrqonts. They not oa1lv strike their coloun iu tho fncc No,•embc~t 1871,t.nkcn at Hnrbor Grnce, nro outitJc4 to their fair shllro of C\'cry of the~ foes, but lo.st tl10 fnct shoulcl Nowfoundlllnd. Higbt <!f pqsition . of ,::ood thing thnt'tl going. ',Yo most Ull· not be pcrcci,·cd by tho cncmr 8CJ

pbservmtion, 50 feot nbovo 803 fcvcl :- feignedly nnd heartily llllJ tlmt wo shnll their retain en~ to onnow1cc thc tr au b. CAlofliO~ TllERlfQlfETEK. bo doljgt,tc:d to record nil tho promJ!t mis~jon, not n shot being fired ? l

Men a Tompcrnturo .. .. ............ 40° attention of tho Govcrqmcnt. Th1s know tJOl by whnt fntuitr the con.ft>dcr-Numbcrof p.'\rtial day11 of mil} ... 1 spirit is tho very osscuco oft he ;Iorio us a to lenders have been mduccd to nd Amount of rain .... .. t lnch 3 tenths constitution under which wo . i\'c,, ~t similarly. Their witb~r&wal of ~h~ir Number of dAys on which BDO\V nt once noble bcnrtcd,gcncrous m spmt Cmndidatcs from Bona\"'SI:a nnd Trm•tr;

fell (very light) .. .. . .' .... .. ...... 1 rutd lltroQg to maintnin what is right. id very disc~rnging to Unionis ts ~I Lunar Hnlq .............. .. .. .. .. .. Njl O\'Cr tho country. Lack of energy 111

Aurora ...... ...... ..... ...... ~cgaljvo (From the OlrrMicle qf MoiUlay.) tho lcadol'll damngce tho cause nod cool>~ ~oat continuous cloud. P~c,·ni!ing Thoro seems to be n g<'od dc:1l of np- tho zeal of its tmpportel'il. If they ll!ld .winds W. S. W. to ~· W., WJth light prehension in tho minds of many pmc· hnd only l•alf tho bPrcmifer's plurkdt~o~ !IJIOW ahowcra at tU:qca lli!~ high wiuds, tical men in ~bo Outporta, nod nmoo1;11t would nt tho lc!l!!t n\·o ought an c much d.tu:l!p mnd c:bjUy atmos~~oro. 10mo of our most IIUcccuful aenl-kil· only when thoy were conquered. It

· .Out of clouds to aoa\\'1\rd b:u~ indicntcd lcrs I'C8idont at St. 1 ohn's, tbnt tho pro- need hnrdly bo 811id tbnt men frorlcss prevalence of norlbl)•nrdly ";nd.!l out. aecution of tho ecal-fishcry by atenm nnd truo nrc nnd will be required to aide. Tho ro.in nbQvo mcntioqcd qccur- ~·easels mus~ ultjmatcll result, nnd that I rod nn effecti,·o opposition to tho nnr­roo on Thuredny, 2nd, and wns hca\'y nt DO dibl.:lnt period, m tho utter des- row shnllow dollnr policy of tho Anti­about 6 J.. ·lf. ·· Thoro b:ut Qcen some truction of this br:1ncb of tbo industry coufedcrntes. Tbc110 men tlaink they 1roat lately. · • · of Newfoundland. 'Vo do not oursol.. hnvo got bold of m principle worth con-

H: C. vcs prorond to ol}lroaa ~y opinion up. tending for. Their nchta s4ob~,· thnt tlley t.ruoad.ay, 7th Nqv., 18711 on tho subject beyond that which ~y nro in cnrnest, and t eil' 1tt~rcst op-

OtTA.WA, 1. Serious fire occurred hero thi11 morn­

ing. Hon. J nmcs Ske.1da snw.mills do. 11troycd. They wore only Rnisb~.--d lnst spring nt tho cost of $'! ,000.

N•:n· YonK, 1. Barrett's 1\cid works nt Loudou, On.

tnrio, burned yClltcrdny, ; lo~s Sl~O,OOO insured.

Tho authorities at W MbinFton nrc otormined to enforce L'lws :~gamat Pol· ~amv in Utnh. Mour of tho lending Mormons nro Rccin~.

J3mcs ~l:'isko Jr. 11 under nrr<l!t on n rb3rgo of 11\\;ndling Mrs. Mnnsficlcl to extent of SiiO,OOO whicl: abo intrusted to him for apecnlntiug.

Mr. Aebbnry anilod for homo to-dny, ho admits ho lost tho Queen's cup, but contends thnt tho committco d1d not run tho rncea inn aportsmiUl-liko mAD· ncr,

It is pr<lpoacd to •uapcnd business in Now York on '.rucsdny ucxt,clection dny.

Gold 112} Loxno~. 2.

A Compromise hllll be:en made be. twocn French and EnRlieh Governments in rognrd to tho Commercinltrenty, be­tween tho two' rountrica. Notice of nbroj!lltion has been withdrawn by M . Thierd, and tho trenty will bo continued but with modifications, dctnils or which hmvo been agreed upou.

~~~~~=~=;!=~~~~~ common acuao m.nn may rc:nronmbly gno poncnt must mdmit that they fight well ~8 Ha.r.bor Gl"h.~ Sta,ndard utt01'111lco to. Wo bn,·o endeavoured to m mnintnining their cause. · Their

~.S:.:: - gmthcr opinioua rntbcr tlu~n to sbnpo strntcgy ~xtoda my nd.mirntion, whUe l . BER.LTX, 2. -~. thom, mnd wo find, ns wo bnvo atntcd, deplore 1ta success. h there no ono Tho Workingmen'• Committee hM

4Lanrcn'l.i.Oil 'larr. ~ <:;!~ crtisrr. thnt tho "l'iew11 mbo\'o mentioned very fit nnd nblo to unito tho d.Uscourngcd summoned n Congress oi " rorkmen to

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gcuornlly provmil. Indeed wo know orccs o t o o c ornw& an en 11

<'Y el ~ f f b C nf d '- d 1 d meet in Bcrli11 on tho lOth insU.nt to

~ ~~~i~~!ii~ 1· -- r:~nnu~c 0~~1rnffa0 otf~:~r~;~h~~~n~r:~: ~~1::: at~;~~~jlto~:SO~m~!n ~~11i~~0h~p~ ti~~~~da~l;0bb~! ·:;~c :\)~!~~:.di~= l-r is nle•aon to rrnco the.._])rogrCI!i or ticnl liln who command tho acnling thnt thoy, who do not fight but l'un crcnso of1ngo.t. , L1tcr ncc:ounta from Pc!'l'ia reoresont offence• ll~ILiqat poraon nncf prop~ty in ste3 .. , bqt tl)nt tboy obt~in ovou nwny, I11AY rnlly IUld fight somo othor NEW YonK 3. tho dovn~tntious from thr fnrnino to be


this district fo~w ycara, with some of tho OWllers of thcso dny 1 Tho Cmledonin and N orth British more widoly-~pread nod distructivc than which, wcro tho district over so pure vessels. Yours,~.. railwnye, t\\"O of tbcu.oost imporU.nt in over. At i\Icsrhcrl, n town of 120,000 from, novortbolcaa in their commi~ion, Prc~uming, then, ns wo may do for CIVIS. Gl'C4t Britain nro to nmnlgamntc. This inhabitants, 80,000 hnvo perished, 20,. tend to bring discredit on communities. tho snko of our nl'gumout, that 11 bo- Gtb Nov., 1871. conlitiou causes a aonwiou in rnilwny 000 h:~"l'e ftod for their Jn·c~, and tho Who will over . forget tho morning of lief in tlic ultimate ovil is of common ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=- circles. ' ferblo remninde'r hnvo been cnrricl\ iuto tho 6th 1rutumry, 1 70-who will forget IICC~ptntiou, 'l'O nro in duty bound to BY TELEGRAPH A proposition brt.a bcon initimtcd i!J raptivity by atr;;hnn b:~ndits! l\J cnn-its tidings of murder nnd blood in our ouqu~ro-Cnn nothing be dono 80 to ro. Franco to refer tho quC!tion of tho whilo tho :>hnh, oncr tho fnRhion of very midst-within n few ritlo ahots of gufnto tho steamscnJ-fighcry ns, if not futuro Government whether Rcpub- Eostrrn rulers hnvo whollv disrc,.nrdccl this town, on n road open nud exposed mlto r<ctber tonvort, at lo:latto prolong tho LATEST DESPATCHES lie, Kingdom Ol" Empire to n plo- tho l!ufferin" o'r his subject~. nod ruth. to view, mud by no mr.aua unfrequent ed ovildny? Tho more gathering of opin- biscotum. Jc~l'ly left tl~cm to tho wrctchcdncil>l nnd by pcNOns pMsiog to nnd fro, nod nt 3n ions respecting the possible nnuihilntion Tho Now York cl~clion on T ucs:lay I death "·hie!! his own cnpncity hns bou.r early in tho night ns i~ suppoRcd of this most vnlunblo :1djunct of our Lo~DOlf, Oct. 28. is th~ ab80rbiog toptc of tho pr~ss nnd brought upon them. Whilu hi14 pco11Jo l'bo perpetrator hns never been discov· trnde would le idle unless followed bv Mr. Glmdstono rondo 3" speech nt pubhc goucrnllly, 'l\vced .nnd h1s p:lr· hnro been dyint: by thousands under erod, no~tbstanding much nod pcrso· tho fu•thcr enquiry-\Vhnt cnn b'o Greenwich to.dny, in which ho oulogia- tirons mro defiant, nnd tbcJr opponr!' t:s I pestilence nnd fmmino, hig lloynl lli­Yc!riog exertion. • done to prc,·cnt Jt ? And upon this ed tho Queen. In c:omplimohting his nro cqumlly I'C8olvcd ~ P~'cnt c h.enhug JO~ty hns token his u,unl hunting expo-

Then, .BA respects offences against pro- point wo hn,·o nlgo elicited tho \'IOwa of collC3guo, ho pointed with pride to tho mt tho Polls. A R•ot 11 not JDlpro. ditions, nud lh•cd na rir hly nncl reckless· perty. A few nighb! since, or wny bo some of th0, 0 whom we must re~:nrd na vi tali tv of tho libornl pmrty; dcclmred bablo. . ly u over. A mob of aovcrnl thousand mornings mgo, m most violent and mnli- beiug tho beat ntothoritios. 'Ve finJ lrclnnd now more conteotcd, and ho Gold Es:chnngo qwot mod steady. et:cninJ: men nnd women, wbonssemblcd cioua injury was dono to St. Patrick's that thoro is nmong t hem n cgmmon promised that;. tho troops in tho colonies • . ~~no~ •. 2. before his pnlaco galee, conduct ing School Ho114o, pcnrly oppoBito tho ngroomont upou two points- F;r.t, thnt should bo reduced, with vnrioua other I..nndscor tho nrltst Jllllonuudly Jll. thomsoh•cs in n verv riotous manner, Oatboljc Omt~cdl'lll in this plnco. Tho no scnling atemmer should bo permitted militmry rolorms. Inte lligcoco from Algeria nunouncca and coupling his Mnjcaty'11 namo with windowa1Jorofounda~~JMhod-theanshcs to le.'IVO any port in tbo Colony to pro.. M.u>mn, 29. tho on tiro eupprcuion of tho inaurroc:. opprobraous and disrespectful opitbcte, broken-~ .one '!fOrd, . thero wore the accuto tho scaliug voyogo before the A c:onapirncy wu discovered among lion. Tho nmtivcs nro generally ro- nwoko that worthy mngistr:~to to n 1'04~ p~arka of a dAStardly, a villminoua nasmult tenth Jny of Mnrcb; nod, Stoontl-tbat the troops nt Barcelona; 20monmrrcstcd. eumiog t.griculturnllnbours. • lizin"' acnae of tho situntioa. He there. Qn valuable propc~ty. 1Vbo arc those no scaling etonmer should be permitted It ia reported thmt .tho French Nn. German semi-official no\npnpors nrc foro l u ucd nn edict that hrend should miacrellllta TfhO shroud their dnrk deeds to go out form second trip. Tho reaeona tionml A.Membly nod Government will domnnding that French Go,·crnment bo sold nt m ccrtmin 6xcd prico, but ns jJi tho pall of nig~t. It is horrible that for both thoao aro obvious, and nro aua- return ro Paris before December. without delay bring tho officimla "'ho thoro wms no brCIId to bo bought nt mny the propcriy of our follow townsmen, t.nined by common BCUI<l and common Tho Governor of Portugcao colony of broko their pmrolo to bo brought to im. price this wns not wholly ~Atiri'mctory. dOToted too, to cduc:ltionml purpoacs prudouoo. GoA, W est of India, telogrnpbed tbmt m mt'dint.o juatico. After thie be impri~oned tho vizier of ahould thua hATo been tna<lo tho subject It ia auffioicnt for our purpose at this revolt is threatened rutd aalta for Ill· Tho atatemont ia tnnde that a plot tho town nnd b3ked tho bmkors in their Q( an act worthy of.tbo 1\n»~ ngcsmnd of a time to cnll ntlontioo to this m.nttor, in aiatmnco. agnioat tho Government of Spmin or n own ovens. And a till bia people aro not nndali.am, aa reiiJIH'~mblo for its mnlici. tho hopo tbnt opinions pi'O or coJJ, mmy leo baa 1'ormed iu tho Baltlo, and d~orou~ cbarnctcr baa been discover. hmppy. QUI venom 11 if.a degrading chllmcror. b I' d · 1 · f · 1 th · dan f · to ti to edm Parte W ~ 1. d tri' to " t t

0 0 •cttc upon •t. t 18 ono 0 apcclll oro 11 gor 0 m rrup on na- Tho t·rt'~l· oft!-o Commun1'sta chn,...,od GER'r •"' SRI· PYARDS. e mua. WOII"t Ill a VO ICrrc OU impcrtancO to tho gcntJomon who fre• vigmtion. y ' ' ~·o uuu• · auoh 0~ acta &II tbeao. qu~nt the Commercial Room, and to NEW Yonx:, 28-31. with murder of G<>neral L ' Compto nnd

It lt'Ould appear, too, that tho now the sealer-owners in the Outporte, 'Chmrlos O'Connor at.ntea thAt it can Thomas bognn ye•tcr&y. Much in-~l HOuao at Bean' Co1'o mlso hnd while to tho genom! public it is alKo of bo clcnrly shown thmt Tweed nnd his torcst i.e taken in it. • .tonee.thro11'11 info tho windows on .tho grOilt consoquonco. No m)IJl;-'wo ap- nssccimtoa fradulcntly obtmined from Nrw YonE, 4· JIUQO night or moJ!tling. If things go proht:nd, cnn look with indill'oronco Bromdwny millions of dollars, and ita Numbor of families now recoivin:: Qn in UU. JD&DnOJ any longer, Hn.rbor upon tho O:J>tiuction of n brnnch of buai. recover7 can boobtainedngninat Tweed, nid nt Cbic:f"oDis abOut l4,000 or GS,OOO G~ ,uu apoedily lose it. fair fmme, ucas which hu dono ao much to build unless mtorfclrcd "ith by corrupt Legis. perao11s. Y mro rocoiviog om ploy. J'Q'fdylilll..uJ ~0 tl!o pW:o of order, up tho country. H cnvingthe intcl'()8t of lntion, within ninety dAys. W oodward ment at good wogca. ~ine tile Jll¥e of peaco,nud a doplor- tho prcaont generation ou~ of tho qqcs- WM A corrupt agent, throu~:h when Alderm&O Holden of Chicago who ia ~blo atate of tho town in tho lat9 boul'll tion, wo must uot forg~t thnt wo hmve Tweed worked. An opportunity will nlao a Cllndidmto for Mnyor, is chrugc.:l Df night will cauao unusual pmio, "rule uo ri:::ht to dclltroy thnt whit'b should bo shortly given to abow bow wa rrants "·ith applying SlG,Ooo of tho Ob.icmgo ~e oril di8p010d will be bold. in t}lo dccond uninjured to tho11o who in loaa wore obtmined fro01 Connolly's office. relief fund to aid·' hi• election 1111 commialioo of crime, lJQleas thoro bo than thirty yonrs shnll fill our pl11cce. Mr. Connon does not- bolio1'e that Maayor. · · ~ • ,. proper IDd prompt ayatoll} qf night U thoro really bo rcMotl to boliovo thnt fllmvor Hllll either lud any o{ tho mo· Tho ontiro police forco of Now York -watcli. ac:rioua injury is being dooo to tho seal noT: or:t kQow wbnt wns ~oing on ; but City i• ordorod out on Tueadl\y to · pre ·w.a are glad to note t"Qo arrivml, por the' flllhery by tbo mnnnor in which it ia bo- blrunea tho Mayor of atnnding b7 servo tho peace dur:i»g tho olectiona,. ;Liuie, on Sunday J4at-. of throe Polico proeocutcd, then of coui'IIO tho Lcgi~- others and ohinlroualyacting u tbear Gold lllt ·' Ad Sergean~ frQm St, 1qhn'•, for addi. IAturo have n duty to po$rm from ahield, nflcl' tho fact.! were knoiVll. ----------t;ion ~ 14o prescn~ w~cnod. ~lice which they cnnuot shrink. But thP Tho burthon of tho proof lioa agAinst A OURIOUS QUESTION OF IDEN • •t.orce ~this f.o1fll. Tljo Government fnct of tho probflblo destruction •hould Tweed. Tho inju..,._.o£ tho law ia diroct. TJ.X.Y. liiiiMil'Yl'l gweat credj~ for tllia prompt bo firat cs~bliahcd. od agAinst him, lUngonoll does n ot A tri"l ia paasioJ in Now York which ~tjO!l to tho 110_p_rt;aentationa -.4icb --- leavo ho.will bo IGToatcd, nnd b.o will tlJoughia~iofcrio!{~ Interest and· tbo )aTe boell.madO ill tl\jl lflB~r. 10 vitally (1 rom YtJ~terJa!)'• :UJqer.) probably loose all . hie pPOportj. o·- tho magnirude of t'he subject-matter to 4lQ • iho ~ and comfQ~ or A NonL• .baTrTOTfv!f EYOA.OJID m A Connors cdforts will bo to pPOWct what that of tho Ticbborno bnronotey, yet the CQ mPU Me! tho Ill&intenance of Nonr,£ Wou.- The following com- iel~l\, and prevent the l'OCurronce of presents contruta and incoufutcncies tlae "'IIMC1 of ~4e Ia,.. tt 1Jou.ld muoicatio!l we tak11 much plC&Iul'O in such •windliug. It il said that Twood even greater and more curious. Somo jQcl bo t Te't"f ,retehecJ •tatQ of giving pqblication to. Tho Freo MA- hopea to got into the Legislature, mnd 'montba ago aD oceenttic Frenchman, -~jll· thia largO lo'lfJl T(ere t.o bo left IODI, alwayJ to tho foro in worh or there to ~tot billa put to go . back to Loui• Bon&rd by DilDO, died at New cl • the late IOJ!IqD qf ~\' ~ght and !lenoToleqoo aqd chArity, bavo tho bon- his o'Sce in tho Board of Publio Worb, York ll!aviug an eatateof ton vr twolTo the b01lft qf ~ morning, befOJ'e claJ· OUr Of being the pi0000rs in 1tarting a and Cltr1 00 hie former COrrUpt trana- -thou.•nd p0und1 to thO II 8oci0ty for ~t ""' polico prof.octi,on. It aubacription in Newfonndlaod for tho actiona. Thi• O'Oonn.>r aay•, must bo tho PreTCllltion of Cl'J!elty to Animals." M -to tai410 miJ.CA~ular eull'eren by t~e fire in Chicatro and by J'l'Ofentod. Tweed ahall b&'e all tho Tbla comiQg to the• Jmowloclgo or tho \ m~" ~ PlJbijol t'!"rlota ~r.:-d tho (earful atorm in Antigua. . Wo lDYOitigation he want.. Tho arre~t of French heire, they en~ed counael to

,.., ~ -r pt ... ..., ....,. eunosUy bope that t6ie i• but the bo- Tweed cau- muob local excitement. oppoae &he will. ltDil ~t110nt by "' oleDCe~t or for PfQ'f)ep JiUning of a movezpont, which will end Bia bail wu fixed at 12,000,000, which their laWJera tO~'to collect _.,vi

t pr ...Wt the pe&eettble ~ m •11cli - qwnn~.1'., u to lro" to tho be gave. The Citizen• Committee of dolfee and aoarch for aurviri.ng tela-• q-. .IJer Jla!eety'a hlllllJf&T.'• WC1rl4 that N ewfoqndlan , although an lnve•tigatioo report. that the I!JDbeule- tivea o£ ~haTe returnl.'d with ~ pc!II*IQD of e1e,r Jub- obteqre Alld i10latocl )jttle Ialand, COD· menta of Tweed and others amount to doc:umenta abo • ~pctorilt lhat ~ 'lfi~ 11J4 abi- tai~ jnhabi~ta, hiving heart. to r~l nearly ~o. milliolll- . the wealthy~ ent waa in pomt o taw· of ~ laJd. l'he or. aqrJ hearta t9 aid aWroring bu. Senaaticulal ~of an 01'galliaed fri DOl Lowe ll.oaard at all, but one -·-•- fQct, ia :t_::t_ ~itr :- band (If Oommuniltl in~ to Obarlel' Maram lt8oard, a burglar of

"4h 11100~QJt oftbeTuker Lodp ol burn t~e PJ'iD~pal ci~ea of ~e Unit.ed ~t reputation, ~d, like .Joan Valjean

Tho German ahipynrJa hmvo lmtely been tho eceno of os:coptionml 1tir nnd buatlo, mnd tho tcrma 10 which tho pro. cecding-<~ nro discussed in tho Clo.rman press provo tho GovPrnmcut to' hnvo applied itaolf in good enrnCllt to tho task of rnisiog ita na\-al forco into a. high atato of efficiency. Oormnn pap(\I'S furnieb us with trustworthy dntn ilhla­trnting tho nnvnl organirolion of their country. In tho first plnco, wo hcnr thn t 2,200,000 thalcrs qnt of IMt yoar'a eatimatoa havo bcon·approprimtcd to tho building of new mon-of-wnr, and that orders bmvo bcon iuuod for tho con­struction of two now ironclnds to bo begun next aprialg. The entire anm eot down for naVJll purposes in the Budget of 1872 amounts to 8,000,000 thalors. Speciml mttontion is to bo do­voted ~tho improvement oftorpedoea; 430,000 tbalen have bcon mllotted to tbie branch of tbo aorvico, mnd from rutotbor source ,.o lonrn that 200,000 are to bo dovotod oxclueivoly to ex· porimonta with torpedoes. Properly to cultivate this aenico a number of men havo been told off to conetituto n per­mmnont torpedo dotnchment. Tho corps conaiata of tQn officers, thi.rty. ftvo war­rant officers, and two bund~d aaiJorJ. Tho complete naval force of Germany compriaea, according to tho II&IDO i11tol· ligence, 8 admin\la, .85 captain•, 206 lieutorumta; 190 midihipmen, l!l en. gineors, 903 warrant officers, 6,269 eail­orw, 499 boya. and 1,869 in tho aupJllc-

br,r 10rvicoa ; all in all, tbetefore, 8,996 o~BA».., and men. 1 -THE FIRES IN MIOWGAN.


A. P ort Huron correspondent write. the Po1t:

"Wo nro waiting with tho greatest anxiety to hcnr tho fato of tho •nll'crcrs who left in the ammll boats and sco'tfe 1\londny afiernoon and Tueadmy morn­in~!, in order to eacapo tho flames from tho burning woods. and also from those left on tho eboro with no mcane of convoynoce whnto,·er. Sel'l.'rnl hun­dred pei'IIOna muet bo out of homes nud without food and shelter, and we fcnr thnt many living bmck from tho shore, who wcroeurrounded on nll sides by 6re, bavo been dratroycd. Those who came down yesterday predict fear­ful results, nnd thoiiC ha,·ing friends nro usiug every menDs to got iutclligonco from nbove.

-Frnncoi• Tixier, of Da.nl:erquo, Frnnce, who baa ~~avcd more t• 150 lives, and ia 1111id to haTO aaTed alao 80 veaacls, from 1ltipwroclr, fell a Tictim to hie deyotion dtning the etonn or 80th Sept. Tho municipal authomiea or Dunkorquo gnTo him a public fuDelal.

-Enrl Grnuvillo baa applied to the Admirs.lty to recommend an oflicer of flag rnnk to act as an na.val attache to tho British Embauy at Waabinpn, and tho onme of Read-Admiral the R on A. A .. Cochrane baa been mention~ ed in connection with tho appoint-ment. ·

-A c:orreapoudent of the .Eclo, writ­ing from Florenoo, IRJJt-" The · Rubal. lino &cicty have lent th~ir ateamer Sardinia to Mr. 1oaellie for biB marine explorations. Mr. Josclli• halinnnted m mmrino photo1m1phic apparatua eon. ncctod .with a diving bell~ but which. photogrnpba of the • world below the scm' Clln bo tAken."

As soon ns tho iutclligcnco wna an· nounced that nonrl,Y two hundred per­sona were iu our c1ty nppcnlin~; to our charities, our citizens viaitcd thostcomcr Huron lyiuJ: et tho dock, and one of tho most pitinblo •pcctacles pre»onted itself to our eyes wo hnvo ever aeon. Tho cabin nud Hlnterooma were crowded -A." Reo forth Memorial" hu beeo with an ca~l'r, cnroworu nnd distressed decided on. Tho committee have ar-­pcoplo. 1\fnnr of them were without rnogod to bold a. numbor of concert. aboca Ol' &tockmgs, hnta, cnps or cloth- throughout tho towns in tho North of ing cnouf:h to go iuto tho streets. Eoglund for tho benefit of the lund llothers had infnuts in tbr ir arms not DOW being rnised for tho Ol'OCtiOD or a n week old, others two or threo chi). monument over tho gruo of the de­drcn in theil' lnpa cr} in g. One mnn ceucd champion omramnn. aud IOCur­hnd both eyca badly burned nnd bmnd. in~; 11 pro'l'is1on for- bill widow and. or­aged. Another hnd hi~ fuco nil burned pban. o1'cr, nnd his brc:~at nnd arms bun1ed -Tho Standard'• Puria c:orre.pondent to a blister. Phv~icinns soon cnmo, nnd tclc:~pba-A dcpuU.tiou baa waited cnrriagrs were prodded, nut! tho auf. 00 tho ho:ld oftho Go1'ornmont to com­fo~i ng ones. wore ukcn .to botch ~nd plnin of tho tyranny mnd brutality or tho pnmtc rcsJd~nces, nud 1n a short hmc Prussinna nt Dijon. A hundred and ull were pronded fol'. I twonty .fivo persona ltmvo beoo immured

i~ol for hll•iog for.zottcn to eurrend-BRADFORD A~D ODGER. er W)no rusty old sword or fireloclr.

Th p · 'I d 1 h'n r, i unlike Diplomatic roproltlntfttiona hafe been o m a e I' •

1 nqu rer, . mndo to General ManteuffeL · " mo't of our Amcncnn coutcmpornnce. h:.s tho good ecnao to eco how import - ~ :\ rd' to th b u ht nnt it is to tho cil·ilizcd world at lnrge, b 7ho cc~ ~"~ail d~a.~:~~~ orls~fo thnt auch dcmmgos:ucs ns Brndford nnd i P · ' d d .1 d Od ho ld n t bo nllowod to work etzo were hl'lll(; four! :ll Y: an t •

scr ~ u . 0

G l3 . I C3mes were '""'Wrllg mpuUy. One the II' w1ckcd \nil, mnd thnt rent rl· tl 1• ds ot· -D T 't• p -re

· ld b -' r: 1 · wee 10 m n u 01 a nu "v ~:\m Phou ll prcscncu a rom nnyt 11?g enormous, 11nd tho aizo of the gema ex-m t ho shnpo of roYoluhon. Tho lngr11r- t d' Th St -'---' - -' -.r-·z raor mary. e ana~ a,... .-.. er anye :- . . publishes a list of tho finds reported

•· Tho " 'orld IS more n eal'ly mtorcetcd during tho fortnight. which OI'CUpiCI a in n firm go\'emment in England th.'ln column of that pmper in cl010 typo. mo~t people imn~no. H er abips aro on o,·cry acn nnd m ovory port of tho univcl'llc, nnd tho fioauroa of Christen­dom nro nll'cctcd by cvory ununturnl disturbnnro ofLombmrd street. In tho ~rent Empire of Commerce, London is tho cnpitnl, nn.J a revolution in Englmod, should it bo permit ted to uaumo lnrgo pro­portion•, wluld unsettle vmluea m every mmrket and cau~o deep and gcnernl dis­treu. W o look on revolution, there, howerc.r, n11 a remoto po88ibility , nnd our faith in tho ato:1dy souse of 1 t'hn Bull, and in his o,·erwhr lming conaonm­tism, is RO grcnt that wo believe, de• pi to all tho dangers th3t now tbronten Eng­land from tM decadence of tho Queen's capmc:ity to rule much loogor, order nnd good government will bo main. taincd."

THE ALGERIANJNSURRECTION. Tho Paris cori'C8pondont of tho 'I'imu

1111ya tho French papers ha.vo rut· nouncod tbnt · tho ·revolted triboa in Algeria have tAken refugo to tho Tuuiaimn territory, where they 1\'ArO rocoivcd in a moat friendly man. ncr mnd that the French Govoroment hill iMucd orders thnt aomo Tcsaola of wmr bo de!patc:bod to tho port ofTu. nls. Information, however, JUSt roceiv­od, pro,•cs that tbeso roports are oxag• goratod, and-that the incident will at tho m01t only lead to tho Freoob Gov. ornment addreaain~t some obeorflltiona to tho Boy of Tun•s.

Tm: LA-TEST Wo:-rDEL-LADIES' KID BOOTS ean bo obb\inod from J ILL.no BRO'l'u:Eas at tho extremely low prico of 48. per pair.

Bao:!CU1Tlll.~ We ha'o not 7et heatd of a. 1inJ;le failure in curing th1a diaeaao when FELLOWS' COMPOUND SY· RUP hu boeo uaod, and fool . aatiefled that it ia a •pecific remedy.

All kinds' of STOVES, GOTHIO GRATES, KEROSENE, and otter LAMPS and TINWARE, on exhibition aod for ealo cheap at tho Humoa Clue£ Srovll Dvor, oppoaito Mcure. Punton & Munn'e preDlliOI.

-A. scientific Frenchman baa made tho discovory tbntl@ ordiomrytea..drink. or tnkcs into bill stomach during the ycnr len thor enot.gb to IllAko a pnie of boots. Tho I'CMOD of this may probab­lv bo mndo clear. A decoction of tea­contains tannin, tannic acid, in IO]u. tion ; milk containing albumen; and, u these two substances aro tho chief in· grcdicots of Jenthor, and as tboy actUal· ly unito nnd form leather when brongbt into contact with each other, the drinker of tea makoa a sort of ahoe­makor'a ebop of hitn10lf. This fact may mcc:ount for tho leatberr ~ppearanco of so mnny old ladies AUd ~olon "in our midst."

In tho incidonta of the Chicago COD• flagration, it appears tho diluter wu · pmrt owing to a gigantic oonapiracy

f ru~a a whoso ~lot baa eacaped re­• atio or the 'preaent only by the aboo ng of ono of their number. Daya boforo such an item camo to hantl a reverend gentleman, whote knowledge of tho city is intimate made a simi'-• atatQmcnt in converntion, and belieT._t that this wu, in part at loUt, bot one of tho groat number of eucb.eonftagra-: tiona ; the achomea for the burning ot tho great citiN boing an ' liabed part: of the programme ot-tilltt~ID-• tomatioQal, 11 declared aomo time ago in France and Germany. • i

- ·M. Vietol' Hu~ is '.ad to baye had a personal intorview with M. 'nlien to intercede with him for ·a eommatation or tho 1811tQnee l*lel.oo .Jlk Boeh­forth. OflL 'I!Uer.;• · 'NptjTdift'ore.nt Tereioni have been~ iiTin. 9eMat oC tho Paria papon atated tllit'M. ·~era WU Tel'f ~OUI toll. Jlap,aacl' to}d him that 11 H.- Bocbelorih ... hia ,_. aonal-mJ', ho wo~ do all1D hil poW­or to hale liil eeateDae commated. .Am. other acconnt aaerted tJ.a• H. Thien merelJ replied th.at the power ol mc*­fying the aeotQnce· iu1'eltedeatirely in tb~ Pardone CoaunDaioa i' aM. ac).. cordiog \o a third atatement, M. '1\iera' &DIWel' wall tba• be DOitJ.er coulcl DOl' would pardou. Boeherorh.

peKe: Free Haaou hc:ld- eYeQioS. a 8Rb- 8tatel arcqo eucnlaticm. 1D Vleto. lhlro • novel, an• eacaped Tho Detroit PM' of tho 12th Oct., ":i'.,.~~l;~;i pard -erfptfoa !Mt wu be ia- Ge~ .A.Qdenon, or Port Swailter aallet..tave. · wno quitt.ed hie natiTe conftrml tht' ltoriea of Tilla~tM destroy-• .-.enlcljjiJ)QIIed, --•·) fu,tfaer froiD. (uao, died atBic:e, FJaoc:e, oa Than- faod urriecUy U~re aso. More than ed on the aborea of Lake Huron, and

t~~~,;~~;~ Bretbera or 1/fi erenfDI. ' · tha\ wim.._ 4rill.h pJ'Oduced who the lOIIIN and aull'ermga of tbt' inhabi· of 4 eable ...... ~ q.u ~he ea .._,to tH i44aQti~ or the CWO tante of that ~on. Of Pofttlltrillo

•-... tioD fl. lfsp,llon u Ohiael- ID8D. ~a fill o Cldllt.r tq nothing wu •*· ltlm Ot-eek i.e a lao The weeteat word [n our lan~ .,_ Juud "' ~ . AD~~ eoa- ao;-1 iWIII!'IItiaint- an uttQr ruin. . A 1l&rn ll!.L p.rt of a ~ealtb. . At th~ Brat indication of 6-api~;. n. ._., ,~, il DOt aDN tile 'Bolwd iu New pietU.IlDtW~llfttWOWWteBock. eue;ue.U.b01t'Dand approMre-~ • ~--.,..... tiiU ht. wu. a .a or ~d ~~~ il ~ cl~ .rn.e mediee. Por clJ8Pelllir, or liadtaea&loa.

~~~j;§~~~~ ~J...WMJJlM.tllilla.Atl•a- rilapa•t...aM~tuluihi~· ,._lifo Poal•:r•lllall,Gitlao..wllo !"'f'Oe&r- a. "P..lB!JC)BB• PUBGI.TIVB :~~~! '"!!~~'.~ kiiC_. ~ .e ~ ~ 1bfi- toraqa=.-......r.,.. ·~ riel! to Rort J[IU'Oilwae ldllin« tfoJD PILLS." lroropan.. eewa. ..,. or ~=.. ~ftliJifel li clay. Olll.'tfll-,i 411 tile e1iarp tla&t llu lre blfocllMil, aDil.-. tell denio ia- lame ~ ueiOilNSONS A.NO- -•

..-IJipilillt~WI 'At,........, Ollf" 11tw11t hla 11M lleoapt ........ __,. lliallble "JMMI' ta..IIOM q - -~ t1aaJ ~DB~. ~

Page 3: . AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18711108.pdf · Tho bcncon bhu:cd upon tho reo£ of liMb . ... (or tbrir old •et-without

I r THE HARBOR GRACE STANDARD.· ( ---- ---- --- ---- --------- ---- - -


<••1M a, .... W9iol Jot~rMl Oct. 28)

lbport of Fiah amount. to 2-i7,665 qU.,, em.. ... ht A.Ujl'U.It; for tbe aamo periocllut year 216,076 qtle. wen~ ahip. ~. ·Of Seal Oil tho ahipmonC.. t~ nre.t Britain haYe been 1,121 tuna, and to the Unitod. Statee and O&llada 696 tuu. Laat year tho ahipmont. woro 953 tuna to Groat Brita1n, and 268 tuna to other placo. ; thia comp:triaon alaewe that oxporta to United Stato11 are incrouiog, and it ia etill gt'C4ter with Cod Oil, viz, 838 tuna and only 6S6 tuna to Dritain. Lut fe&r tho ox. port wu 86-' tuna to Britain, and only 157 tuna to other places. Elport of &lmon ie •hort about 350 tiettet u COCDt>Med with that o( laat year. Fish coailllUce in d.emand at quotations. • A.I;Ood buain011 hu been dono in

imports, and pricet of the leading arti. dea have been well euatained. Thoro d001 not appeal' to bo any scarcity, at. thonBh our table ahewe a deficiency in tbo·Import of 1\Iola.sae~ of 3,018 pun­cheona,.and of angar 4,·166 cwta. Other N'tiJ:lce do not vary to any great-extent froJD·the uawll qWUltitioe at thi.a poriocl of tho IC&IOn.

TA.BLE OF IMPORTS. ... )-.lN .. l411Mry 1 to Octoher 26.

' 1870. 187L Bread,cwt ...... L. .. 18,65G ...... 15,777 ]i'lour,brle ...... .. .... 158,3:w. ...... l61,215 Cornm~, brl,...... 2,065... ... 4,997 Pork, brle ............ 12,558 ... .. . 23,609 Beef, brle . .'.... ...... 3,20L.... 1,167 :tJntter, 'ewt ....... ... 12,M2 ...... 10,239 :&IUD, pune. . .... .... .. 958...... 003 :Moluaca, punt...... 8,695...... 5,677 Sagar,,cwt...... ... .. . 11,726...... 7,200 Cotfee, ewt... ..... .. . 828...... 963 Tobacco, !be .......... 809,037 ...... 355,002 Tea, h ................ 575,609 ...... 3~,832 Soap, boxce.. .. ....... 9,506 ...... 11,409 Candice, boxee.... ... 2,182.. .. .. 1,794 Bait, tone. ........... . 23,817 ...... 23,100 Coale, tona... .... ... .. 20,036...... 23,000 Piteb & Tar, brla... 8,393...... 8,372 Potatoee, brl.s ........ 14,851...... 7,198 Oata,bueh ........ .... 16,860 .. .... 10,230 Board & Plank, .!\{. 1,615...... 2,146 Oxen & Cows, Yo. 1,985...... 1,706 Sheep............ " 2,763... ... 3,128

QUOTATIONS. . ~J.UD-Por c~., H.ambro', No. 1, 30/; • No. 2, 27/G, No.3,23/. ~ Balc­

ery-No. 1, 26/G ;~No 2, 24/; No. 3, 23/.

FI.on-Pcr brL, C dD. _Superfine or New York Extra, 3 ~Kow York, Superfine, 36/ .

CoL'f Muz.-Pcr brl., 22{6 O.u~anada, per br .,~/. RICE-But India, per cwt., 'J.2f. Pu.a-Per brl., 21/. -\. lJOTTn-Per lb., Canada, r/1 ; Ham-

bro', 9jd; Norn"'SroliJr,-.lll~ Pou-Per brl, Hambro' Pnmo 1\Ic111,

14/Jf ; American Primo, 00/; do. Mcu, 66/ ; do. Prime Mcas, 7f>/.

Bur-Per brl., Prime, 30/ a ·lO/. :R11ll-Per Imperial gallon, 8f2. Mot..una-Perjallon, Muacondo, 2j3

a 2(Jl ; Claye do., 2/2. Suou-Unrclined, rr c-.rt., 47/0. CoFPD-Pcr_lb., 9& • n 10d. Toucco-Per lb., IIWlufacturcd, 1/-l. a · 1/G •• CoJLD.t.OE-Pcr cwt., 00/ o. 65/. fl.u.'r-Per hhd., Foreign, G/9 a 7/;

Liverpool, Gf a 5/6.


From JJ.ugtUt 1 to Oetoher 26. 1870. 1871.

Connan, qtle. · Portugal .............. 13,998 ...... 36,488 Spain ... ............... 68,796 ...... 94,020 Italy ............ ....... 24,542 ...... 22,932

• British W.Inclice ... ll,733 ...... H,-W2 Bruile ......... ....... 63,911.. ... . 87,3-12 Britiah America: .... 7,151...... 202

..,. England ............... 1,370... ... 28, · Scotland .. .. .......... 10.. .... 187

Ireland ............... 6,835 .. .. .. 7 ,lH2 United States ..... ... 4,651. ..... 1,430

· Other parta ....... ... 13,079 ... ... 2,970 But. On., tune. I

United Kingdom... 953 ... ... 1,121 Other parte.......... 268.... .. 096

C"-on On., tuna • . Unitccl Kingdom... 86-L.... 685 Other. parte.......... 151...... 388

But. Sen. United Kingdom ... 42,80S .. .. .. 48,277 Unitod. St.tce ........ 1,000 ...... --

s~oll', tree ........... 1,243...... 869 ..,.!!ACDUL .UD Huanro.

bna ............. ..... ... 5,188 ...... 7,o7a lhnr, pune.............. 50 .... .. --lfor.uaa, pD.DI.. ..... 28...... 15G ·sucu., cwt .. ............ 4.,466 .... ~--BU.LD & Fl.otnL, brla. 25... ... '674. ~. tona.. .... ...... . .. 88.. .... 120

~-J~ quotatiou are aa followe :­..... CoJ) ~-Large MOI'Chantable, 22/6 ;

lfedium, do., 221 ; Small do., 21/; Madiera, 18/G; Weet India, 18/.

~QJr-Per tieree, No. 1, 00/; No. 2. 80; No. 8, 70f.

Ou.-Cocl. per tun. £81 a £81 10..

I :Dea.'th..

CL&.UlD. -N OY. 2. -Camacho, A 1i.Ilare, Waterford

Herring-Ridley & Bone. ' 4.- Fleetwing, Bailey, Pernambuco, fish

-Punton & Munn. J eeeio, Gulrv, Bfdney, ballu~o. 8.-Eeeort, \Va!ah, Baltimore, herring


!UPO~ of Captain Wm. Piko, of Brig lin1011 .from Labrador at tlU. p()rt :­On ~he 26th October, Funk Ialand beanng 1V. N. W.; dietance 14 mile•, epoko Barque PailtfittJ.r, of Swansea, bound ~t. Dceired to bo reported.

Pou or ST. Joii!f'a.


Oct 4-A.Daio Grant. .Appledoro, SaJ. combo-H. K. Dicltinaon.

31-Mcrlin, Walsh, Sydney-A. Mc­Kay.

Glcnfalloch, Skinner, Greenock-W . Grievo & Co.

Nov. 1-Annio Grieve, Stewart, Cow Bnv-J. &.; W . Stewart.

Wellin&;ton, Martcl.l, Now York-N. Stabb & Sons.

~-Fr.mcis, McLoughlan, New York­P. & L . Tcasier.

AzAlea, Harvoy, Oporto-P. & L. Toa­aior.

Lena, U pbam, BeTmudn-W . IT. Mare. Alfred, Cnrmicbaol, Wbycocollll\gb-J.

& w. Pitta. Kitty Clyde, Novel, Monlreai-P . Rog.

erson & Son. 3.-Snipo, Morriuoy, P. E. Ialtwd-J.

& w. Pith!. 6.-Ialnnd Laas, McLeod, Now York­

HnrTc1 & Co. MAry Oltvia, }~oat~, do-do.


Oct 28-Billow Crest, W ithoridge-E. Dudor.

Village Bell, Phillips, S1dncy-:-Hanoy &Co.

Foreet Bollo, Hueaol, Quconetown­Bnino Johnst~n & Co.

City o£ Halifa:r, Herd-F. J. Wyatt Mario Almida, Fortiu, Sydney-tho

Mnater. 30-Dcltn, McDonald, Bnyfield-J. &

W.Pitta. 31-Mnrie Enolie, Danglado, M ontreal

- P . & L. Toaeier. Ottor, J oy, Boaton-Job Brothers &

Co. Cordelia, Linklatcr, Bristol-C. F.

Bennett & Co. Tracy Jane, Pctitpu, G~o Bay-Ciift

Wood& Co. NoY. ! -Bloodhound, Mitchell, Boston

-Baine J ohnston & C<>. 3.-Amy, Peppcroll,Briatol-E. Duder. Jane, &bbita, Charlottetown- The

Mnatcr. 4.-Wnft, Pile, BnrcelollD.-W. Grieve

&Co. Lilly, Rrin, Sydnoy,-J. Murray. Tros, nnoa, Cuwllanoz, Alicanto

-E. dcr. Colorado, Allen, St. Jago-Hanoy &

Co. 6.-Mngic, Stafford, Grconock.-W.

Grie"l'o& Co. Alfred, C:innicbael, Bnddcck-J'. &.; W .

Pitta. LOAD~O.

Sept 26-Torbay Laas, Europo-E. D u­dcr.

Oct. 9- Amolin, W'Liaon, Brnzile-Bow-riog Broa.

lG-A.my, Bristol-E. D uder. 20-Trcs, Hermanos, Sp:~in-E. Duder. 21- Amanda Jano, Europo- Bnino

Johnston & Co. 25-Biaochc, London-E. Duder. 26-Kitty Glidden, Brazils-P & L .

Tc11ier. · 27-Mas:;ic, Britain-W. Grieve & Co. Ocean Brido, Europo-Baine, Johnston

&Co. l'brco ::listers, Brit4in-Bowring Bra­

then~. 31-TCl!t, Europ'!-J. & W . StawRrt. Nov. I.-Colorado, \Vcet Indica-Hnr­

"I'Of & Co. 2-Brudenel, Gnrdon, P. E . leland

-Bo1vri11g ~rothcrs.


By P ablio Auction, OD To-morro•(TiiUR'30AY), tbe 9th inat.

at t 1 o'cloek, if not prnioualy diapoatd of by Printa CoDtracJ.--


.Plantation, Otn~td by10illf liluarnY, to"Darly of Har . bor Orac., (8ahtrman) aitltate on Stnllon'a Rill Road, uri oppotlla Mr. Patrick X:tUy'a F&rm.

For partloula11 apply to A. T. DRYSDALE.

Harbor Orace, Oct. 9, 1S71.

Jollies. ,

TO BE LET! For a term of yeare u may be &gl'tled

upon, tboee eligible PREMISES, · now in tho ocet~pane,r of the

Bubecribor, conaieting of a

lor Jalt.



Concta, Sbawle Glued Linings

Satin, Striped Molcekina Bed Tick

Fancy Skimnge Brown Holland

Fancy Giogban.e Oil O!otha

Cravats Bracce

Coloured and Whito Handltcrcbicfe Collnn, Nccktice

Kid Glo\·ea Whito and Blue Y tll'1l

Lamb'e Wool Room Paper

Sail Ncedlce Thread

Blncking Bruehc11 Scrubbing do.

Sou'wcetora Calicoea, Shir~inca

White and Fancr Flannrl Wincrya. Cobour~r•. Alpaeu

Fancy Dlfu StuiJ• Reppa, Scnt~h Tarttnl

Frtncb !\lerino• Fancy Counerrpar11, Ruga

Quiha, 81anlr.eu, St rgta tiwanalr.ina

Bleacl!td r.anua-ofall numbfra . Canadian and En~tliah Tweed a a ad Doealr.int

Pring••, Oimpa · Woollen Shlrtt and Dra•ert

Ouern•"Y Frockt Hoaitrr and !..utharware

Trunka Rrady Made Clothing

Berlin Wool

- Pint and N«dlca

Hats ~ Caps (Latest Style.)

-..u.so--600 Barnlt Choice FLOUlt

20 do Plime Ml!SS PORK

Butter, Bread, Peas 20 Puncheon• MOLASSES 30 Bosu TOBACCO 7~ do COLOATE SOAP 40 do ORIENTAL CANDLES 86 Chute TB.\ 60 Boua RAlbiNS 20 Cuka KFBOSENE OIL

Port• ·Bello Doose, ST. ' JOHll'S, 31St October, 1871.

The Packet hat amvOd. and di.achuged a portion of the FALL SUPPLIES of

GLEESON'S IRONMONGERY STORE. Thereby enabling tho Proprietor to make hie uanaJ TradeDcmonatl'&liona:wbich

will take plnce on an early day. The first on tho liet t~ bo exhibited will be the TOOLS and IMPLEMENTS uecl by t bo worthy Bone of tho Ela~a OP MECJU.noa, JTULOA..N; eccondly, CRISPIN, to bo

followed by the multifarioue STEEL GOODS, handled by lho Coopert, Carpenters, Joinen, and .ATCbitoc:te of our City.

The Xnd. u.s ~1 .. 1o u.a ~ L a.C11ea Of our Colonv &re not to bo forgotWn by our American Agent, for he hu lately

• forwarded Six Cuca of

. Sewing .-.uclllnesl Chain and) J.o{;k-Stitch-t.hc former' nro adnpted for tho uec of I.adics of tho wMithy elaae. Theynro e"rcj:tantly nnd atyli~hly finiahcd-would bo an Ornll· mcnt to the Boudoir, a Toy in tho Nursery, whore the infnnt sitting in ita mother'e lap ceo, with ita tiny hand~, •ct it iu motion, either fo r nmueement or uecfulneas.


Sews nliko on both '&ides-is noiY iodisponaiblo for L:ldice who earn t heir lircli· hood by making up wearing apl?arcl. Timo, fuel, light are eared, nnd above nil, health is prcser\'ed aud ccouonnsed. Irksome nnd horrible nightwork ia n"l'oidcd. If they hacl been in moro gcncrnl u"e, tho gcniu• of Rood would not h11vo c\·okcd tho "Song of tho Shirt." Tho Fcmalo labor of tho Colony will be fully employed next ycnr, for it ia the intention of tho Ad,·crtiscr, in conjunction ";tb nny up Town, nny Dry Goods Importer to purchnae materinl in England, havo it there Cut by a FASlliO~ABL~ CUTTEU, shipped and mndo up hllro with tho Sewing lfacbincs-thoreby giving Profitable Lnbor whero it is now going · aw, and gi,;ug nl110 tho European style nnd fnshione, so thAt tho well-dressed

Gentlemen of our l eland need not send to .Pnri~, London or Now York for appnrcl that are n1ado thcro with tho Sc";ng MI\Chino that is set in motion by the surplus lnbor that hna emigrated from this Colony.

• I bog to draw the attention of lhe Public to My

Is. &d. BRoo.-., Mnnufacturcd in this City by ~!r. Scon, who lntcly viMitcd tho United StAtes nod thoro acquired tho art nnd mywtcry of Broom-linking, nnd is now im­pnrting hill acquired knowlcclgo to half dozen young lndd in mnuufneturi.og.

But away with aU things earthly, bea.r tho


OLEESON, roar name wlll laat u long, While Belin and l:lcawt do daab aloog, lmmortalind in e'iery aong, That chaunt• the atrlo of fuhion . Your SKA'rES the beat in all the City, On SuTI:CO Rl:cK ar:d Qosos Vsox.

12 Dozen Ladies and Gent's AcME nnd AcME CLUB SKATES Ladies and Gentlemen's STRAP SKATES Children•s (Flather's) SKA.T.ES.

Nov. 8.

, •

--o-F 1aherzn. e n.

• Can obtain through thtit ~ltrcbente LANCE BUNTS,




NF.TflNO for Pounda and Trept, 0( .\mt rJcan Collor., lbe lt•pJe Ulfd ueJu• oinlr in 1he Unitrd Statu, and aOer en e&• ~rl•n~ of 40 )'tara, proftn to I e amp Ia in •trtngth, of creet durahililr ant! acnnomr. Oooclt e.n be d~linr~ direct ~o the La!» a· dnr Shorr.


Sept. 13. 43 Commercial Street, Bolton.


Pure Ground

Uoffee, -!.1'-

J . J . DEA.RIN'S, 87 Water Street.

.s~pt . 27.


231, Water Street,

cit. ~obn's, ltr(u!onnb!anb, \V~.o b11 bern induced to rttablirh blmaelr

in thit country lor tbe practice of bia Profueion. ia eminrnlly

aucceuful in lrtalin~r all Viaeaaes connrcted

with the DtntaJ organiJ·

ation. Huadreda ofhia Peerlua Fellinga and Artifici­

al Denturea are now ~ing worn in Newfoundland, with great·

ut 11\iaf&ction. Hia duiro ia to do

Work which cannot be sur­passed in any country,

And cbar1fe but modentely for the aame 1 OjJictJ IIour~-From 10 A .M. to 4 P JJ..

June 281&. &le and Upper L eather 141 Coila CORDAOE-"aorttd aize1

OAKUM and PITCH NAILS-aa•orud ai:&u .[ ur ~alt . tor c$ate. J, J. DEARIN3


25 Doz. Pails, 50 Doz. Brooms AD )argo UIOrtmtnt of

NEW GOODS ! SAVE YOUR MONEY! Johnson's Anodyne

Buy your Goods where they L ·lnltnent, Ea~l::l.en. ~ax•e


1000 Qtls. SHORE FISH.

Nov. I.





JILLARD J BROTHERS, 159 Water Street, 159

Sign ot the

GOLDEN LI O N, 160 peira Blankrh

pite.a (all wool) Tweed do do Blue Strlfl' do do Scarlet Flennel do do White do do d'o Striped Slr.irtinga do ct_o Tartan Pleida.

At the abo'fl \100DS, •hb a nrietv of otben !oo numer~ua to mentioo, were porcbued at the MiUe tor nadv mon. ay. pre•ioua to the Bfe" adn~ in • W oollena, it •ill be to the ednn•

tage or all perlita duiroua or obuioit r; l:largalna lo &h •

an earlJ calL Oct. ~.

Just Reoeiv~ Per n Flaab," from BoaiOD, aod ror Sale by

the Subec:ribata, • email lot or 1<1our

Hams Cheese

White Beans Oniona

Leathtr Brooms ;Jttostnt 'lalm.

.. &c., &c. T


NEW GOODSII Cheap fore~

JILLARD BROTHERS, Hninr rtcelnd. ptr " Hl'ctor,"" Cuun­dra" and "Flett•lag," from Linrpt>ol, and per "Alpha," " Billo•" and " Flub," from Boatc.n, tbeir Fall Stock ot


Broad Clothe, Benere Wilner,, Pilote

Voeakina-black and fancy Twttdt-~cotch end Dominion

W1ncera-plain and fancy Oren and Skirt ~htrrial•-in grrat nrie11

Hoaiti'J', Fun, Clouda Boote Sboet aDd, Slippan-

Englioh and Domioion Rudy Made Clotbu-latnl fubiona

Cellcciu, Regauu, Blanketing. C.rpetinga-ill btmp, (tit&: wool

A wall· atlectta Stock o(


HARDWARE end TOOL<J-. or "''" dtacriptlon

EoaUab, French, German ud Amtrican

(locks, f>olb i ~Ubtr matcbts

are Manufactured I !


Crackers Of all kinds nro mnde at tho TERRA NOV A BAKERY, 1 Queen's Ho11d, HClld of Prescott Street, St. J ohn'a.

Quality is equnl to tho.c;e im· ported, nnd Price l'went}

per cent. Les·s ! ! ! &'" Outport Orders partieulnrly at·

tended to. T.:nlts-C A S H.

Addrcss-TROS. lliTCHELL. I Quecu'e Hoad, St. John's

August 23. tf.


THE SUBSCRIBERS beg to infoTm tho Public of Harbor Grace and

tho outporta tbnt they hnvo commenced to mnnufacturo all kinde CJf


.crackers, WEDDl~O RlNOS and Equal in quality to any imported, and

JEWELLERY carefully t>aekcd in bOxes and barrele GERM..llr SILJTER anti and eupplied in qu•ntitice to suit the

ELEOTBO.PL.&.TE W.J..llES, trade. · .. ·• · Samples may be aeon and prices

Ara pnpartd to diteoa• or tbt IIIDi at the !mown by applying lit tho Bakery, ~ Very Lowest Cash Prices ! New Gower Street, St. J ohn'e, or to

' •• " MA.. RoBEar BoWDP, 188 Water Street ISrPlaco of BWMcae-1159 WaU!r Harbor Grace. '

Street; Harbor Graeo-Sign of tho JOHN & G. A. YRE. GoLDEN Lro!f. • • St. Jobn'e, .Aug. 22. Sm.

Oct. ·u. HO~ORABLE MENTION. -- -

Fellows' Compound Syrup. Blankets ! -· Ill · EX "FLEETWIBGI" . =The CheapestLot of r-= BUNIETS E

Honourable mention waa ••ndtd FEL· LOWS' C:O~I'OUND SYRUP at tbe Pro· 'finclal Rshibitlon bald at Sr. John, Oct ., 1867 ,In addition to hij~h tnconlame paMtd by the Ntdlcal1enlltman rbotm to txamint it. THE liUBSCRIBERS

Hue netlvecl, per abova vta .. J, &om Z IN TOWN FOR SALE BY Ill Ll9trpoo), ID &IIOniDfliJ or c .

M A N U F" ACT U. RED iif JILLJ.B.l> BBOEf. = Go!"- . ·I ~•tti-

H .-rdwar e, lftlab .. " lold a.p llr Oaall,



oa~.&eed. FoalUa u

J. J. DEARIN,. 87 Water 8tr.et.


FELLOWS' OOMPOUND SYBUP. Cltr.,_D who were obll1~d to withdraw

from the pulpit OD -Qltt of C:erpmtn'a dora Throat. ban I'IMtertd bJIIIIof thie lnnloobla Prepuatloo, aad an no• prtaoh· tor•aaio·

DELIOATB LADIES •• pale 'and !Mble, ban ~l"ecl tha tJ..t of JOGtll, &ad beeo- llrOfll nd

•lforou from ollq FtUOWI' CompotlJ!d 8Jrap._ •

Bold"" bJ A~ Prtce euo Pf' boll .. , ore lor 17M •. o.-. ,_l.,t of 17.60 abe pnprittor wUI • ...., e to ear lttrt of Nova Se.Jtla or Nn BIWIIwlu,

''"· .JAKES I. FELLOWS, Ohemilt.. ~ .Jolao, N. B.

W.H.THO~N. Ae.n I'R RAuoa GuaL


Parson's Purga~ve .. PILLS~

Sept. 27.

~nsurance Ifotice. ~o Stock or Guarantee Capital


But in lieu thereof S1,ooo,ooo

surp~u.s. - .o:-



Directo1s' Office,

27 O:ourt c$trtet, :§astDn. . --OFFICERS :

HEYRT Cnocn::a .. .... .......... Pl'CI!ident. DA.'HJ:L SnAllP ...... ...... Vioo-Prceident. w. n. HoL~IIIT&n ...... .. ....... ~ccrotary. Crunu:.s H. BREWDt ....... . Chiof Clerk. D. L. G.u.LlTP .. .. ................. Actuary. J . C. StLULP, :U. D ... Mcdicn.l Examiner. II. P . Bnto~ ...... Supcrintcndcnt of


B. R. CORWIN ... ... Mn~er for Can­ada and Briti~b Pronncce.

THOS. A. TEMPLE ...... Gcnernl Agent for MAritime Provincce.

STATEMENT For the Year Ending D'ec. 31,

1870. Promluma, , ....... . Sl~.G74.21 lo~rnt........ .... 272,6&.110

Total Jtculpc. ... .

~ . ..... 267,900.00 Motur'd En.

dowmftlt.. 1,000.00 I26I,JOO.OO

P•W for IUrmlckml Polleltt .......... ..

Dirickodo .......... . . HOJH/1.19 39l,670.U - ·--


Tttol AmL ntu'11M to PolitT· Hot.kn lo 1870...... ...... IIIS,41l.DT

Groat A111ta,Dto. 31, '70, t6,m,233.27

The ntl1Dbtr or Pollcltl l~to•d In IS70.,... 4812, ~~talntt 3361 luatd In 1869,-D In· ORIN Of 37 per otnt.

The total number or Policiet Ia ro.w OD the Stal of Dtc., 1S70, wu lG,U!, .,.laat 13,277 ID to~ OD tht Slat o! Vto. 18e8,-aa lnertut of 210 per MDL. ' •

Tbt aGIOIIDt Of inaor .. ot dariajf tb• rNr 18i0 wu .10,878.830, ..... 17.888,186 la 1809,-en looreue or 30 par ont.

Tbt total IIDOIIDt ill l11eannM on 1M Sht dat or Deo. Wll t:Je.ooe.-.... ~o. 130.· ota,236 c.n tbe S1tt claJ ol V..., 1-­._.... or 210 JM'r ctllt.

,.... ,.,,,...,,. on tbt Slat clar ,, DtoG.. 1870,wn t6,1Nt3U7, tpbltc tf,fn,. 110M oa tile Ill& el Dto, 1MI,..._ ta. .,_.,.,,. .. t.

l&a ratio.,...._.,...,..... to 111-. .. 011 tbt

trohn-on ••

ANOYDfiB 11111111 POB Cl"'l'J:U.U. .LlnJ ltDDJr.U.170,

Ia Dow io ita Slzsletb ,..,, IDCl II co-dar w bert It it bowa, tbt _.

P opular Kedioine In the United Stat... TboolaDC!I or JltOple we it for the lint time tach JIU• ucJ tholw oancit more m!Jht be btaelltted bJ It,,..,. they a wert or it• lneetlmable nlae. Tbara i• poaitinly no medicine 1D lhll -try adopted to 1ht ralitla11d core olte peat a flr irty of dilfuta a"d aUmtott u 1ola-'e ANODY!'III LOO)IDT. l'aoplt .... rally lhrou~thout the New Ensl•nd Statu ua enthuelutio in Ita praiat &ad ID&IIJ &boll• a.oda or

:Bona Fide Certi1loates might be obtaintJ from th- wb- pnJ• dice baa bftn 01'erioma b7 Ita ulu!arJ ra. aulu. h • oold be impo11ible bert to enumerate all the

Varied Uses for which the ADodyna LlnimtDt II Pftfeetlr. ada;~ red, but the propritton wW ciMtrf\Ulj aeud prrpaid. to any DDt who .. m •rllt m it, a pampbld s i•inr full partlnlara, to­g~• her with many ctnillcatu aa• •Hit othH uluahle information. A 1- •rtiao calu are her~ jlinn, •bich it It bopecl will hue the conaideratic.n they durnt, •IDiow ar tb•y rio ftOID geolleiDfD of the ~ reap.-ctability.

From E¥-Governor a.-krW•. BausaWJac, AprD 16. 1870.

Mr Dear Sir,-1 bue Dntr bttD without rour Anodyne Liniment ainot I can rem-· ber. l rel(trd it the !wet thing or tbt klncl in the marktt. We uaed a lfUt dnl or ll in tha army durin& the war, where it wu u popular u it h at bome. ConaratDietb:lf )OU upon rour aucc:raa, and upon the 1ooe1 you are dorng at the ume timt,

I om your friend and Mnant. JOSHUA L. CBA>MBERLAIN. Lo\\'ELL, ~tan., Sept. 11, 1869.

Oenllemen.-A friend or mioe hu heal troubled ~ith • h•cking coosb for entral )Pan, and ttctnliJ wu 10 week that be was unable lo •ork. Havin1 IHD the tf· freta of rour Liniment on otbtra, 1 took bo:oe a boule and I'"' bltn 1 ill lt11 thUl a •uk tbe cough bad tDiirtly ItA bl:D. 1 hne no br.llalion in recoa:.mtadillr it to all our cu.tomare who ue ill WID\ o( a aoocl tbing, .

Very rtt)M'ctfully roura, li S. WOOD, Druggi't & ApotbtCIII)'~

Josuaoao. March 11, 1S70. OeDtlemeo,-PJ .. w aend ma bJ nnlmaU

ont balf groac Jobuon'• AnodJD• Llol-t. aa it ia the OSLY aurmy for Putrid Bora Throat, an-i Saarlat ltaah. E'ftry ptriOD '"" it •i:b perfect aucceaa wbto all other medlciot falla.


P.S.-1 ba•e aold aix doaen botdu al re­tail, i11 two weeka.

From 0. 0 . Furbitll, Etg., EJitor qftu Machi~ &publiC411.

G~en,-Sioot ODe or JOUr 8rm pre. aented me wilh a bottle ot your ADodJM LinimeDt, I ban ne'ftr beao wltboat It Ill my hooae, and conaider it lht vtry bet 1hing of the lr.ind to be round In tbe market. 1 b .. e aho uaed 1oor Shtriden't C.nlry Coot.l ition Po•dtu end foiiDd tbtm all lila& wu cloitneJ for them.

Huins taken your ADodJDt LIDiaftlt ~r Bronchit~, with a diatrtuinr coorh aad t lghtnua about lbt lunge and che•t, 1foand the ftn1 dote to act like a chvm Dpotl tM cough, gi,inr perftcL rtlief and rtmnt. all diftlcahloa, btfore taking balta boule. 1 feel it mr d•lly to u~rell my sntllade liD y•·u, and aay to eofrtnng bamaoltr, TrJ tM Linimeat, Uld ron will lind a cure.

C. MERR~FIRLD, 61 Hanonr StrMt, BottOD.

EABACJJL-Pot in two or thrM drope of Anod)'DI Liniment 1 atop tbe ur with .n• druard •ool, bathe 1he teet ID •arm Wltl'r on golna tu bed, aDd kttp tht bead wara at night. ·

CuArrED HA!Ios.-Rab them well at bed· time whh "AnodJn• LiDiment," ud weu leather or lr.id slc.ne durin& the aJp&. For cbapptd lipa, appl7lt • lth the ea,.r.

Johnaoo't Anoclroa Llnimtnt ia both tor in ternal and nteroal oat, aDd II tqallJ aoocl for man or btaat. 1Sr For Sale at the Drug Store~ of

Mea~rs. W. H. TuolOIOlf and .J . .J • DEA"Bflf. L S. JOHNSON, & Co .•

1 h-oprietDn, - Buoo~ ¥.un.

S'ft. 20.

~n's Purgatives oa

ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The compoLmta of thNt woadtrftll Pm.,

that are now utoa&hiDif ner)hMJ lit If\'· ins ralleho bandrtde end tbo~~~tade of .,._ tt,at ban ~tnrally bHa wp~ to be ID­curabl• ha91 been uoed Ill • pb,_W..'a practJot lor tile laa& tlllJ yurt, lo•1 n..p, one •oold .. y. for th•m to •IMICat• •lielr claim to public favor. But anrort.aeltij, tbt publio ~ ..... bttn for a Joar tl- dt. rraudtd or the btotiiU wblcll ....... POle .... fer, in con .. qumce, llnc , ohha e•lta• .._ '"".min d.c!M• of tbt owo.r, aad. _,.,., hie Inability to C&fTJ oat •-htU, aa­ttrpriaa rCJCluiriJll! 10 •och -•J Ud per­aitttnt rtrort •• tbt maaulaeton aai Mle ef a Patrnt Mtdlcln~, bownv pel aNI fthk• bit it ma) bt. An.r tile d•th or tiM ,.,._ eiiD "'"' ~d .JO •bon, the I'Hipt ........ to the banda or tha proptitton of , ....... .. Liniment, wbo will bo-fattll ptr,IUI .... In .rrict .-taoce wilb tiM •fiiMI ....... and wlltblml11 -·~loa wklrl 1~ ~ meot1 that &1•1"1 sll J'"fllt, en~­oppono'alty to avalltbnllelna eftbt M~Wt. ••ratt, aod ..r ttllabll ,....," or ..U.: bllioae -dieloe ltltOWII to ....._. -.

All Who ll'eed PhJIIa, • I TAU

P. p. P&•t.


Page 4: . AN~ lAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18711108.pdf · Tho bcncon bhu:cd upon tho reo£ of liMb . ... (or tbrir old •et-without




A~~- JOOIII fellow it PJ l ack Froat, A• IYII)bodf lulowa;

B• ri4H tile winr• of the bowling sale ~ &ke a&¥rd1' Bor•al blowe,

A ad bi'nda with ftttera tb11 icy rill Wbela &be winter weat.ber II pltrciog cblll,

(oro I rccolloctod him. Yet llia .&P· ~eai-anoc wu rather 'J'OIIIarbblo. ~ ~ure •• tbicbet, ~onoting the groat atrength ho pouoeaod ; bj.l head ~ co•ored with thick, cur!OJ hair; hil features wm~ largo and irregular ; but hle great peculiarity was ono .-all-oyu. I Julye deo~Cribocl anything but a sood­look:injt man. Howofor, Francoia'e touUTI~mblo woe not repulein, 4tl.i bil uocolllmon atreugth roudcrod him vnl· uablo in ou,r houa::bold; for Lady De­lany, tbougu nblo to walk u well na I could, ofton took it into her bend thnt eho could not 11land, nud that it wns nccouary fc.r hor to bo cnrrieu up nud dol\·n ata!ril. Lndy Dclnny wne n t rul, atout, hC3vf wom:~n, nnd whrn Frnn­coia Will r:uted to tlro I! it untion of her porter no ono o111;ed him iu office.

No nch thing. Docton do me DO lOme or which hi• pcACO or mind Wll.l a murderer. Let Lady Delany know stoOd ; but from whd I ~.Po heard I 10 intimately connlleted, · all. Sbo il lciod hcsrted. Sho will ihaU 6nd in you 10methios more than "Nearly three yean •go I wu aympo.thlzo with me; abo wiU cougmtu.,. mocijcal 1lcill. I 1hall find philosophy." walking tho ho1pit:ale u a meqical lnto me. I aball conceal nothio~:: from

I bowed. I did not quito auderttand 1tucleot, t.ud huinf:," Mid I, J• rather au my d:1ughtor, or from :al, Rivol'l. Their what Sir Goorgo me4tlt ; but I Wall OYOrplul or eon•ilhlity, I often tbouftht happinou aball DO longer bo deLayed. bound to conllidor hio~ rom&rk u com- ho·w l1bould inuro mreclf to witncu They ebnll know &4at,ou aro in "great plimontary. tho tortur<'• of tha lifmg, tho oTpr-ro mOillluro tho auUwr o it. It wna you

" Mr. Simly, in api.to of nil tho world- .cu~ gbully epoctaclo of tho dcnd, who rondo mo ubnmod of my WC3kneu ly honOUI'II of my position, and more ~ wt, DOt )cut, ~ho multifuioua and impiety." tbno nil, in Bpilo of tho do,·otcd nfl"ec· horror1 of tho dilllccting.room; but "And then," Iiutcrpoeod, "itwa.~~mv lion or 1 hn beat of dnuphteno, I am mia- thoro wu rio other career opoo to mo duty to provo to you tbnt you should crnblo. Tho miui.ttcr of religi.1u vniu • but tho medical. I felt it wn11 imper:l- novor deepnir."

fattening for tho hance~oot a great, ugly,luug-lcgged ,beut1 u big u ·a don­key, like north .coulltry hol:f', 4tld net­tiuf! nlmo11.t fnbuloue weighte, hut a pretty, ~hort-lopged porker, with• b3ck like a aomi-c;rclu-in abort, a Sutrolk

wort.l1y of a pllco U1 tho J!oyal

Amidet aish•, and tcal'l, aud jealous Mproach04!, poor Groy at lut m1do out t lut hia wife hnd drcAIXIt thnt tho pig was killed and cut up ; nod tbn.t abc hlld accu him paek one .of tho foroqnar­tc re into her great market bnakC~t, nod then mount hia hor10, and rido till he cnmo to a low, thatched house, on tho cauecway lcndio~ to t ho norl town, whr re he 11toppcd, nod mpped with biw ridine \Vhip ngaimt an nttic-window, which wna opeucd by n ehcrrv-cbcckcd ln11,, with lwr Onl'eu Lnir nbout her 11houldcr11, who louk in tho prcecnt, aod ran nwny lnu~:hiug from tho windo\v.

it. I got up in lime to ~e you lecture. out up th. pig, )*keel ooe Gt tbo foro.quartol'l into JOur baebt, mounted Dobbin, and rode up t.» tile window of the tll&tehecl boule, •poa which I wrapped with m1 rid~f·Wbip. Suro enough a roay-cheU.od girt, with her long flaxen bairabout her 1houlden, aoawered my knock, with her comb ill her band, lookinf u freah and dear u tho fino eum.mer 1 morning."

" Oh, 1 oho, did I not •110 I" A &•J youn, rou.r it Irony leek, AD4 be r1dea o'er b~l ncl plein1

Aad P¥Cil• picture• or beauty rare Oa t.bo cottage w!ndow-p•11e;

ly prcncllce to mo JUl l ienco nnd hope : tivoly neceuary thnt I ebould ba1dcn }'nnco1a'a fortune wtia modo. Ilia tho resources of nrt provo umwnihng. m~·eolf 10 as to rotnin all my powol'l of heart ol'erfl(lwed with gratudo lo me, I will rrnnkly own to you th11t one m1nd'nmid tryin~ econoa, aud with my thougp I had hod loss to do with his lmuuting recoiiC\.-lion tun111 cwcrytbioJ: motto, ·• Novor dCBpair," I at !net IUC• rcacuo th:ul Horatio.

" I lookod nt tho girl. Mary, and the girl looked at mo."

"·' My dear,' uid I, 'hero ia a 6ne quarte r or pork for you.' A ad, all ua .. tP, In the IIIII nljtbt Ieana

Hla 1litt.~rin1 1pura 'ntath tba abar~>S nrd ·~tt. .

Be bolda.io •be fold a of tbe anowy clowd The vepour •ot\ a lid hgbt,

Till at laat tber rallln a feathery ahowtr O'er lbe tutb 10 IIIII and white 1

ADd .m.irrll1 rlag tbt cbuMb·bell'a tune '.Neath the allnry round oltbe wintrr moon.

He maku tbt face o( tbr din;~plcd lue Orow IIIII u tht c.co of o,.th;

}'mncioe bnd allowed bj.ll blnclc bcnrd to gro"'· l eupposo thnt wAM tho reo. sou I bod not rcco~ni!etl ouo whoso ap­pearan~:o Willi 110 pcculi.1r. '!'his mnu, tbou~h in Genom he pn• .. cd for n :;wiAA, was Swiu Ollh · on h1<1 mother's ~ ide. His f:tlhcr w.1. nq l~n!!liah drnymnu, l 'rnncois h:td inherited J.ia fnthor'd IIIUd· c ulnr dc,·dopmont.

to Will nod bittoruo~•. To undo tho cocilcd in eu doing. Another great Alicin. . Anderson 4tld IIugh River. paat is imt>Ot~iblo; yet it i11 only thi~ h,olp tiM my intimaor with a fcUO?t'·lltu- \fcro married nt tho Briti~h nmhn•a:\­lmpouibilit{ could rcconrilo me to life. dent, whom I ahnll cnll H oratio Smith. dor'e at Berne: but tho wcddiu.; fc~tivi. :\lv mcditn nd1·i;o.ori! thou~:J.t thnt tm- :lis hc:~rt nnd 11oul \fOro in hill profes. tics woro hold nt tho jud~:e'11 chateau, ,.cJiing nnd an entirely now llrl'no mi:.:hL .. ion. llu lmd not onlr, taleul, but ~:en. tho b:mka of tho bcn1.tiful lnko of restore my d•rcrfulnc.u : nuJ nt lirdl 1 iua- tho princi1ml of h fu. and all expo- vr;;.,,,,,.., f.mcil~ mpelf be tte r. ll cro tho horri· rimcnu. nnd disco,·erios rcapoctiog tllia Free from tho wt'ij:!ht of remorse lhnt blo ra~t seemed to rercdo ; 1 bt>~:m tn src.1t qucation. hnd lou~ wei~hcJ him Jown, Sir George hopo it mictht be buried nlto;.;etht>r in " 1'hc firc: of his enthu~insm throw. 11 Anderson 8lto1vcd himself in bia truo obli\'ion, when n hideon~ ~pectrc, thnl g:ow o \'cr \ho horrors of tho Jisscctiug· light, nij n most awinblo nod plc:mug npJH'nn!d to mo iu this no1~hbourhll0d, r.>om, and,C11t the nppronch of 110 OS· mnn.

'' A•, indcc:d, well 11bo might, you uno~hty good.for-nolbing man! coo­cludcJ tho dreamer, with a fresh bcr1t of ICIIU.

" And I banded tho buket to her &I a he atood at the attic window. A way aho mu, gimbliog,• to her miet:re81, bukot in hand, full u muchu•llocould · cnrry, nnd I could hoar tboao female cronturee laughing to~ethcr u plaiul7 na pomble. After a few minutoe or to, b3ck camo tho pretty maid, pinchins ill her dimplea, and trying to look gr&fe.

" ' Sir, miatre.a wantl to know the price of tho pork, for, though four o'clock io tho momiog fanlat an odd limo to aoll pork, u it il 10 .Dne abe will buy it of you.'

Ar.d the murmorint rlur 1hat a ipda ~long He fnraea witb hi• !>ruth,

So that onr it win4• the paulng lhrong Prom ciiJ to o!t1 t.be wlullt day !ong.

Be comu ill t.ba nigh: wb.rn good tletp;

]lut I must hn~tcu to tell you the.. subject or }'r.lilcois'• me~sn::;e.

folk• .. )[y Indy's nt her IMt sn~p.'' \TOre Frnncoi~·a 11 0rd.11, nnd they wouiJ hn\"o filled roo with hor-ror had not mv la<l\" bocn nt her gn~1• boforo. "It i11·n ~.;oo~l job I bn,·o (nuuol you, sir." t!ai.l l:'rnn­cOIS. "We're nil nearly fric;lrteneJ to

And tba cbUdrtn in tbfir btda Cuddle together bentath tbt rlotbrt,

And hide tl!•ir cyrl~ brad•;

render~d mo moru restlc~Kiy 111i~crablo cua~iou, through H ornlio had n vcr.v I,::~dy Dolnoy aoomed thorou.:hly t o than C\'Cr. llut !If r. tiimh·, I know ~ood hcnrt, ho could n ot help nnticipnt.- npprecintc his dunning qunliticij. .Fro• t fl,,t this ~pel'lrc Willi only the ofr~rpin~ in~: tho subject for diS:lcction which the 'lucntly, in his society, she got out of of my dcccMcll im:~~i1mhun. I h:n·o no bocly of tho culpr1t would furnish. But tho bnbit of fainting. h~o~,·iug hyatcrics, f.'lith in glw~t ll. L iko thu :;:~d<lucccP, I soon rut myyoun:; friond'Kphyeiologirnl nud bcin~: nt her ln.st ,::a~p. lcli.:l,·o ueithor in nusel" •a.•r epi rit11. euthuain:~m Willi to be Jirccted townr4e The jud~o fou nd him~··lt' lonely in

":\ry donr, you nrc certainly drcnm· ing still. 1 have uo1·er IlCOn tbu girl in my lifo."

" You know thnt there is n thntcbcd honac, nnd thnt ..\I rd. Bond kcx·ps n 1nnid. nnd th11t she h11s red cl:ccka~ nod light hnir I suppose ?''

"' Buy it, my dear ! no, it il a pre­Bent Co.· vour11clf. I do not "'nt mon­ey for it,;

"• Sir, you oro a marri•etl r...an, and T cnnnot take prcaente "from married men.'

)lr, Siu1ly, l.'m nsmncll n p:•ilosophcr tho noblcst snbjet·t. consequence of hi11 dnuc;htor·a marriage.

Whi~e thii wild roung acamp, at b:S madc•p rro~aka

It charming t.be c:ratkt.

ri,era and atopping the d('nth."

~~~you aro yuur~clf." " From facts that nccidentnll1 reach. She wns ofien to 1•iait him; but, of l unde:wnurrd tu disl·b im. cd him, lloratio Smilh, in conJUilclion course, she could n.ot bo his constnnl " P~h:11.,. ! p~hnw !" intcrp•'~ed thr· n·ith 110100 o thers, felt great doubts of compnniou, llO he p:-oposcd to L.1dy

Jnd;;o; ·• r kuuw you wc,lical meu :lr.l tho ~::n ilt)f)ho cOm'ict about to be ex- D clnny, nnd thl\y mndo n mnkh of it : all mnlo•rialidts. Xu huml.Ju:: about rented. It h::tp(•ened that n relntiou. nud ns both dccl11red themsclru to bo \'Oil ! T lwrl'loro 1 tlun't, hcsitnto to 11hip exiwted between tho gnolcr of the under 1·cry ~;oC'IC! obli~ntions to me, nnd ronfess to ~·ou tha t Jifl• ltns bc1·on:e in- . prison and tho COII\'ict . 1'ho gnoJcr W!lll they in~iatcd 0 0 provin~ their gratudo

"Well, whnt o[ thnt , P olly? Suf. folK mnid• mn\· uu fnir, nod h:1ve roav cltl'clla ; but tf1nt ill no rcAl!OU whv l ~hould j:l1·o nwBy n fine qunrtcr of pork to n girl I never enw in my life. Of nil tho folly 1 el'e r he:&rd, this is tho wor·l ·o I hope yon will lcavco off dr<'nming

nbout me, for 1 Jon't li ke rurtniu lee· t urcs about tbing1 I hn~u uot done , nor o1·cn thought about doin~."

"Very prettily aaid1 wu it not, )lllry ?

"• My denr, tbi& is ll prceont from mr wife to you, PO you lil&y ktep it w1thout any ((•nr of doing wrong. She dr'C'nmt that I brought you the pork, and dinned intu my eal'l thnt it muat com11 true. b<cnuao it waa ll Frida[ rnornin~'e dream ; nud eo, you ~co, at hn~. nnd it ia a good thin~ ebo did not dream I Wive vou n quertcr of tho flit bullock ; but ff she docs, I may haYo to l'iPit you a~nin.

lie fretata tbe lip or the milkman'& DOlt, 'fhia j ocgnd, mrrry blade;

And the IOIJ prinl or hia kin Ia ·~~:\ On tiJe chr•k ,.( tbe glowing maid,

For 1ac.k IJ. fellow or l Ome rllmanr~. Aod kiura tl!• ' I ria wben be g~l& ~ chanct.

Hutop• oouide or tbr rich mmr. '• boutr, But be dare not enter thrre,

s upportable lu me ; I haL 1 lOili! for of tho innol'CIII'O or t ho COO· in ll ~nbstnntinl Wily, I rondo no ob· death, when nJI my trouble will be 0\·er , UUin. :.: U,o gooier 80toCiiro~ll j ccliou.

" lt i~ n Fridnr mornin::;'• drc:1m, nntl mu~t como true," replied hi~ wife.

For tbe generoua warmth o(rhe roddy grate Benda comrort 1o the air.

So beleuu bia card at the outrr .:!oor, And p•uu oo to the homo of the poor.

Some ta,q. eleu brggar, ptrcbanct, bo meet• lo l. piailtu cold aunt,

I found L.1dy Dclnny sutfcrin,:: from J:fC3t ul'rmus excitement, but with no· thin~: parliculnr tho mnttcr with he r. Under ' imilnr circuruotnncea l hnd c f. len quieted her with c.1mphor wntcr, to which, of connoo, I gn,·c n hard, sciouti. lie name. +histimo tho camphor wnt c r hnd DO effect, nna 1 fouud it Wa8 quite necet~sary to di1·ert tho currcn~ o£ he r lhou~hts, even if in 10 doing r ouly c.xchanj;Cd one terror for nnother; fo r my pnl1ont \\'OS sn~pin,:; SO \'ioleutly that 11hu wns ncnrly out l)f brent h.

"If" ~~nid] nt len:;th " it is renlly your ~011\'ic lio'n . mr Indy', that you nrc dring, you mny be 111 tho ric;ht,nflcr all, :1uJ you ll!ld better mllko your will, nnd see n dcr~:ymnn. ''

nnd that, with tho proviso of my mnking come for ndvicc to our surgery. He rc- \\"hen \VO nil relumcd to En,::lnnd, it in n pccuuiary wny r,•n lly worth your vc.1lcd to H oratio hi11 opinion that tho which wo did tho aucccodinr; winte r, I whil,•. )Oil furui~h mo with n dru~ that poor wre tch a llout to be r.xccuted wn1< wns prorided with a. tum ~ullicic·nt tu will cestainly, promptly, nud without mnoccnt. l •'rom circumiltancrll on which purchase n ,·cry proftpcroull bu• inc&S. much (Jhp ic-;tlsuOcrlul::, tcrminnto my L need not J1rc ll, thrro wns no chatu!o I bnrl nlmost lu begi'l lifo nncw ; but existence." of n reprieve, so all t hnt could he done· with fricntl ~. cncrgy,nnd n !!ODd name ,

W ell, dr nr r~cr, you sec I was must bo dono uy tho com·ict's friend•. I wenthered tho sturm. My dcnr Mi~tcr, compli:nl•ntcd Rllllll ntheial, nnd then nnd iL is doubt ful wlu•thcr they would who in tho mc:unimo hnd becomo n u!li:rcd n bribe to cooninl nt aclf -wnr- h:we attempted anything-though nn- widow, propo~ed j oin in:: hor smnll ro. dcr. 1 hko to ~::h·o thing~ their proper other of tho official>~ lmd been brought sonrccll lo mino. Sir Gcor;:o nnd hi~ nanH'@. on :r to tho snoler5 1·icws of tho sub Indy lmro ercr remained my lir1n frientls,

" \ V'o ~hnll aco," 11.1id tho far mer, ns he f\u i~lu'd his toilet, nud went down to fet·d his hor~cs.

T l•o pig grew fnttrr nnd henvier, whir h wns not KUrpri•ing :but )I re. G rcy had n second Frid:1y morniu~·· Jrcnm, '' hich n·nM ccrt:ainh• rcwnrknule. :Sho wl'pt, nnd, whnt wn11 \vorsc, awoko hrr pnrtn('r " ith a ~l't·ond curt:&iu Jc.-c. turo: ,,,r •hr \\:'~ j,.~ lonP, a nd w:11 ~uro "" v ,;,,., n•· lnd furmcd nn nllnchmcnt t o t he lidr-hnircd lllai•l at tiro thntcbcd how•e, l •> whom ho hnJ dcst :ncJ 0110 of tho forc-quartol'>l o f tho bnf\·cst pi~.

"So I took tho empty bnekct and cloth, and como home; but Mary I hopo Y"u will noYer rate me about your dl'Cllms nr;nin."

" Still it wns etr:lngo I 1hould d!'C'-Bm tho thing twice running." Aa4 Pipe hie 6ngrn, and wringJ bia un,

4ad piachu bit nak-d feel, TU( tbe tur.dropa fall from the wretc:b'a

•igbl, And are ebangtd by lack into di~lljOIIda

• bright.

Lndy Delnny wne C\idcnt y thunder­st ruck nt thi~ ob3crvntion ; t nt il quiet. od her. Thus my object W.l!l s nmcu ; for mv fenr wn11 thnt her nnrcstrnincd Yil.llcoco mish~ bring on n fit.

"Sir Gcorf!o Anderson," m~id I," cTon jcct- l1nd Lot Hontio Smith exprl'll•cd anti n constnntly incrca~ing pr.1Nirc at the risk of ce:tl!ins to r:lnk ns n phil. hiln~colf t<.1nguine on tho s ubject of t ho n•nrlrr< tho rr<.'•r nt chc.:rful whilo i t OPOjlhCr in your ere~ I mullt lillY I .COil· pouibilily uf l!llVint; the con riel iu opitu bn~;hH·~UI the futurr. aider tho best philosophy is th::t t which of tho aut horilirs.

lJ• futtna the irip or bia atobborn h~nJ, Ia the hard-incnallfd mould, · bo c!eclnred she would not mn~o n

will ; but she expressed hvacLf very de­sirous of accing a. clc rgymnu , nnJ [ bo­t bought mo of my new BC<}uniutnnce, tho UC\·. Hus h llivcrs.

our reli!-rion tone bee. J nstond of be· "1'imo pro,·euts my entcrin,:: into full lie ,·inJ thnt !<Oif.iuflictcd denth pule nn p::trlicob'!'1', but pnrt of Hornli!l's Jll.m cud tu trouble!!, Ibelicvu thnt ohcr such consisted in 11 nfcchnoicnl instrumc1it, dcnth tho worst troubles begin. Such which wn11 to acno n' n support to tho Arc my ,.i01u, nor hnvo I nnv r'C'nsou to body, oTcu while it w11s nppnrently bolio,·o that they ditrcr from those of ~owin~iug in tho ni r.

The Best Way ofMa.naging a. Wife. " J t i~ no u110 of deny in:; it. T-horo

i~ the house with tho low ~rrct wind-Nor drlgna tO·) icld till the mill! apring c:omea

To lootec bit iron hold ; Alld the rarmer turna, ~tlb hit glrmmio;

apade, Tbe fnrraat earth wbrre . nrd ia !aic!.

Ob, a aayyoung fellow ia Jack, I now-Jibe.-r hit al&ed out•iCr,

Nehb•r uddle nor Lridle hia co ru r wear a­. To-atgbt ht: gou for a ride; And the a~tc!a and billa i~~urorro•'•

light. \Viii sbioe in the track- o bia atrecf.' all



Tho next Jay I cnllcd on him, con­sidering tho cnso of a tlyiog fcilow­countrpvomnu quite auOit-icut for pro­sooting mysPit, thougb unintroducotl, nt tho house of J udgo Anderson.

)[r. Ril·crs dill not hesitate n mo­mrut, nl1rhcu I re turned with l•im I wna rat surprised to fin,l tlmt her lad~·ship au matlo n ,·cry bccomins de mi.toill!IIC. O i course 1 did not in. trudc, not knowing wbnt confee~ione or secret re1·c lntions the bdy mis ht h::ve t o make to her spiritual nd1·iscr: but in ubout hnlf nu hour I wns &l>Ut fo r, nnd

~ n 7ouog mnn I hod to undergo I fouosJ thin~a in n highly P:Jiisf.'lc·tory many d1snpp<7iutmonta. I hnd not mo· slate: anJ J.ntly Delnny nnnonucc<l thnt , noy to by ll practice, nnd I could pro- ns soon ns 11hO h:td m;- pt:rmiPsion for cure no situation ne assist:lnt, nnd th js I soing out, sho ~houhl return .lir. River's in epito of my lUI.vio): )!Based my ex- call. aminatio~ with credit. I " And I hope we Rhnll soon bo nblo

At loogth, throush privnto interest , to nrrnngo a nico littlo tl inner-p:~ t·ty I procured nn oDor of employment, nnd I here," ~11id L:~dy Dcl:~uy, turning to tb1.1 was to net 011 resident ~cdicnl nt- mo. tondant to n lAdy who hnd no pnrticulnr And this WM tho p:1ticnt, who, tho malady, tboush aho believed horecl£ nt- day before, had pronouuccJ hcrt~clf nt tacked by ercry known disc:l!'c, ono her lost t;:18p.

. after tho other. r ga\'0 hor med•cino Hut aul'h nrc DCf\.01111 compbintq, with YOry hard nnmBII, but of very aim· ami very trying they oft~n nrc to mcdi­ffo, imu~cent qualities, and in thnt wny en! men. . f humoured ~or !aocies without . in)ur. I h:td n gr~t reword for my pntroness wg bor couatituhon. Sho took 1t 1utu ns a kind, lrboml-hcnrtcd womnu ; but

. bor hol\d to go nbrond. I fen red I tho succc!eion of nou-scneicnl funcie3 1bould loie my situation ; but Indy D !i· in which sho indulged-some of them lauy-.uch '11'111 my pntronC>I6's nnmc romnrknbly ,.;loomy nod dismal- reo• -:-d~rod abe could not stir from howe do red her society most dcprouin~. without mo, but ~hat sho ehould in- llowcvcr, sho had never before r,·in­erea8o my enlnry if I left England on ccd nny inclin.ltion to cultivnto thonc­hor account. quaintnnco of her nci~:hboul'l; ao I wns

l na deligh!OII. "· ith the prospect of much plc.1sed nt tho/Inn of cnlling on yiaiting the Contiqent. Tho first plnr o Jud~o Andcrtlj)n, no I gnvo it my un­whez:c we mado any atny wu GciiOfll ; qualified nppro1'111. bqt ljadr Delnuy dot9rmioed tc tako n " Non· thoro will bo for mo aomo in­chateau on tho bnuka of tho beautiful tcrchnngo of thought with rational

.·lake •• Tho 1}Cighbour:ing ch11tenu to being~." ~'lid 1 to myself. qqrt had bcou aocurod by n fellow· Thia wns conaolin;:, for my eih1ntion

-c:ouoU,~ Sill George Andrr10n, 1\ bnd become Tory clis1Mtc£nl ~me ; yet ~au~.great learning jn tho l:lw, but prudence forb11de my ~riving it np. who bad retired from tho bench qn nc- " All will be more cheerful now, nuJ count of i1l ~C3Jth. . I'll keep to my mutto, • NcTor de!!-~~ "!tlmalc friend who wns po.ir.' "

. Ita~ 'Wlth Ju.dgo ~ndct:aon I learnt Mi11s Andonton rc' pondl'd ~ L.1d1• 1M~ hil complltotl, hko thoao of my Dclnny'e t~d•·nncel!, nnd her fnthcr mad·c ~~aa, 1fero rathor . mcntnl thnn n point of evincing his 11.1ti•fnctiou in hi•

· )Jhya&cal, that ho ~ eubJOC~ to d~p nconrnci{lhbour'•mcqunintnnco though he molaoeboly, only nned by oquaUy pom- only eh<'wod himself Rll ort~nM wne ren­

, ~ flta of reetlosanea1 and that tho lat. dcred nlmost ncccu.1ry by tho rule of te.r bnd oyou inc.l'eii.IC4 IIUaCO bia nrn1·oJ et iquctto. lo Swinerland. Thi~ loTo!r plnce, with r found n r cry vnlu11ble friend in Mr.

• 1ta ~tallak~ purple rmoynrd, nod l1ivers, nntl Miss Andoraon became lp&l'~ing gla~er, ~oma to Ml'O . !10 quito illlilll::lo with Ln<ly Uclnt¥ly, who

· ~foe him. . R11 daughter, ~hctn. fur n time lost aight of moor oCher ncr. • 'llfh<> • keenly abvo to tho boaubce of voua f .. ucie". ~ coa:Jd be ~IY. happy hero but for L1dy D t>lany ro II mnko hersel f Jier &ather. IO'f' epu:ate. very ngrecnble whon sho \\1111 io sood

I k:Do'f not wliy. J'ud~ A.nde.reon'e iipirita ; nnd u Alic1a ;\nucraon hnd ;pqqog f~nd wu dilpoaed, on 10 abort only n fe w huodr'C'd ynrrls to go in ordt>r

· fill~ t.auc.o, to be 10 communi- to viait J,:tdy Dclnny, who wn. nlwa.l'l nt , •• b ·~we partod ~o told mo hand to 11ttcnd he r fnthor, ehould ho

he NC011t11. ~rdainocl, that ho require her proacncc. thed to A.laeta, ~ boaut1f~l One dny I wu rather 11urpris<.'Cl to

U111 majority of my profession. There· "Homtio's conlhn~inAm gnvo thoeo fore, you con imngino with what horror who wc ro intorostc•l iu tho . plot, if plot 1 shrink from tho proposnl of n88isting it might be coiled, tl1o Pl\:no confidence you lo commit suicide. Tho misery, of succus. llu~ it WM impo~~iblo to tho desolation, you describe gi1·o me act oTcrtly, nnd t hcrcforo tho nppnrl'nt ~rent. pnin ; but becnueo it is i01possiblc Llcnth of tho !'Otwict wn~ ncceu nrr . to untlo the p:ust I onnuot n~rco with "Conslnntly wnlcbcd by lhoao who you thnt. your cll.8o is hopclcs~. My trust1•d lifo .,..1\'1 not extinct, t ho body owu motto is' N erer despn1r.' I hn\·o wna nt lcus th cut down from tho gal. :1ctod upon it, nod no\·cr had c.1uao to lowl!,·nud with nil possible s peed hnoJ. repent." cd o,·c r to H omlio Smith, who WM on

•• Young mnn," nn11rered tho jucl:;co, the lookout for it. mnkin~ n violc11t cfl'ort <'TOr himself to " It wns \vith hiDl when, at length, it reslmin his indig=tion," I find your wns plncc-J on t ho disscctio,. tnble. lt vic•n far moro commonplnco tlsnn I wna not :ho kocture hour ; but wo wore had expected. Still I bolioue yon mean rend in~ for our finn I cxnminn\ion~. nnd wdl. llut what nunloj!\" ia between for tho purposes of study wo wero nl. your fnto nnd mino? In nn humble loiVed frequent ncccu to tho nrmtomicnl w:~lk of life, you hnTo, I doubt not , school. Many a corpse hnTO my O\"C, 7.cnll.lusly :w.:l conscientiously performed gnr.ed on of which tho nppenmnco \\11s \'our duty. I , in no exnltcd stntion, not half 10 livid, so horrible, 011 of tbnt l ra,·c been rcgnrdleu of mine.- \\' o aro now before w. frn il mortnls, nll of us, nnd I coul<l pnr- "' ,\.n ovcr-doso bns been ndministor­dou myself ronny ahortcominsa ; but cd,' exclaimed llorntio ; 'tho courict is there it ouo deed thnt haunts me night quite dc.'ld !' nud m1 friond'acouutennnco und dny-ono recollection thnt Clllt:s ite expressed deep gr1of and bitter diaup• ahntlow over tho f~ir<'lt protpoct. ln pomtmont. my cnpll('ity ns judge I coudrrnucd nn " ' X over di~pnir.' enid I . ' Let u~ innocent m:lll to tlcnth. Oh, no,·cr not bo disco1:certcd by nppoar:lnccs. &hnll 1 forget tho countcnlnco of the A 11pnrk of lifo mB~· yet remain.'" iunorcnt cotn ict. 11 is ~lnnce, lUI he " Oh, wn11 it so? intc rpoard tho wns leu from court to tho condemned jndgc. "My henrt bents violcutly­ccll ! :XcxL )[nrclt thrco years \rill hopo nnd fonr altornntc," and with both hnvo pns cd sin co tho fatnl I!Cntcnco ; lmuds ho sruped the nrm of his c.1sy. but tbrco c<>nturies would not offnco chnir, 4tld fixed hi>~ cyc11 on me in inteueo that ghiDcC from my momnry. nnxicty.

T bcsnn to ho tlooply interested in tho • " 1 took my lnocct from mr. pookc~. jud~to's story, nne! when ho pnuecd I nnd conquering tho horror wrth \rhich voiuted out to him thnt tho jur; who tho nppenrnnco of tho body in!pirod hBu returned tho vedict eharotj 10 t ho too, milled ono of the nrms, nod opcued responsibility. '-- n vein.

.. But n~t in my biller aclfrcpronch," "A shriek of joy WAll uttored by rro. ~aid Uto JUdge. "I only know tbllt ratio, when, na t ho blood flo1ved, tho this mnn \Yill innocent through pl'ivnto hitherto ionuimnto convict opouod hi~ infon:nntion. Tho news rcncbed me of eyes, nnd raieod himself on his othor t!Jn renl perpotmtor L11ving confessed nrm." tho crime in Arutrnlin, nnd on his dcnth· "Aud that shriek of joy I can cohn," betl. Constant dmn~:o of ~~eonc wruo oxclnimed tho judge. "Tho innocent beginning to ha\'O some ofil>.:t, "hen, mnn whom you re.otorcd to life, :1nd ns I h:\TO at:1tc:d, a horrible vi1 ion whom I uojuatly condemned, w;u .11'r4n· hauntetl nnd tortured mu : nnd rrc. cia DnlL" qu!'ntlv in the du•k. ur by lll :ll.llllf~})t,- Aod Sir <kors:o AndeM!on, C!\!ting till' only time' nt which J tool ili:~po11od nai.Jo tho convictiuonl coldnC>~s of mnk, to tako cxcrci~u-thu plrnnto1n i~ •·on· oponcd his nrms nnd l'mbrncod mo naif jured up by my di~ord11r!'d nnJ lll'r\·o'l~ [ hnd 1>«-n hi11 •nn. etntc, nn1l night n11cl dny tho hiJ~'Ou~ "You hove a.ncd mo from do!!pnir," v:ei>n is present l•' me." oxclnimcd ho: "bu~ whnt followed ?''

" :;ir," enid I im1>r.·K~h·1·ly, "tho fin\!e r H owever, it wn11 impossible for mo to of Proridcoco ia vi~iblo in all t hid. ¥ou prolon9 tht~ iutcn·ien•. My pntron0111 havo fouuu me jn t tho cuotrnry t o •vns neither nt her los t- srurp not in whut you oxpl•ctcd mo to Lu. t ct 1 •tron(t hyato rics. She wu nt tho door, believe I am tho only mall who can to pnv her I'Cllpccta to Sir George nod comfurt you in t h.i11 hc.1rt-rundin~ his Jnushtcr. , 110rrow- who c11n coa}lldontly bid you "Lot me ace . you t o-morrow," u id hopo-who ran n 11uro you th::t for tho jud:;o, C3rnaatly. " Wb:1t you hnvo ev11ry wound, C\'On f1.1r yours, thefO is told mo iufuaos new lifo into my lioamo ; bnlm in (!ilc:td." but I am too m~&ch agitated to aoo my

I wna about to commence wlrnt o\·en 1•ieitoM!." you, dear reader, wouiJ conAider n " My dnughtor will rcceiYo .Ladr De-

J ohn Grey wBs a clC3r hcnde~l , hoo- ow. l'O\·cr<-d with thakh, wbit h nuy mnn est, hnrd"·orking mnn, who hud mado couiJ reach to, tiilling on n tnll borso ; his way up in tho world, from boin:; n nnd there io 11 prcltf o1nid there, juat 011

f:trmin~ mnn, to be n l:lufi'olk farm e r lhnvo dre:&mt:' hin1se!f. With twch·o children. and uo " I know tho house, nod certainly cnpitnl to bc;;in with, thi~ WM no cnl'y could rench tho hooded window, if r mnttcr to accomplish ; yet it wns do no wero on mv horae :but whnt hMo I t o nnd honelltly too. do with pretty ,.:iriM ? 1 nerer anw

1'copll' more irno~innti1·o nod less but ono 1 thouJ:ht ~o. ond I mndo hor pcrl'ol·cring thnn Grny snid Ito h:~d m~· owndenr wife. I never did likogirls luuud n trcnsurc in one of tho fields he 1nth light hnir in my lifo." hnd plou::;!.cd, nnd thnt this ,::old hnd Uut o1·eu this conjugal compliment fur1m hcd tho fundd for starting nod did not ~oncn tho aupcn!tilious dream. t3king n fnrm ; but bi1 tron8 uros-nnJ cr, who continued to ehido her mMtc r, !!OO<I onc11 loo---i:onaisted in n hrnve nnd nffirm thnt whnt ehc bad aeon io her En!!li4h hcnrt, aud indulltrious En~lish 1lccp must como true.

-nrms. H e did not JlOIISC-Mt theso nlunc, •· \\' ell, tni~lresa, wo ehnll ace,"' wu for both wero shared with a pretty, no:. hill quiet rojoinor. live, busthng little wife, who fou(%ht llut n shrewd smile piAvod rounu his the bnttlo of life l.Jrnrcly by )liS aide, Jip11 liS he ultoroJ thcso 'words, which nud mnungrtl their fino, hcnlthy family showed tltnt ho had taken eomc thiul! --:md him1elf, too, it wns whispered : into hia bend, although no dreamer o£ but thnt might bo vill,go s oasip- to nu. Jrcnme, nor res:;nrder of viMions. mimtion. Upon the followin~ ThuN!dnv, t ho

At timee, J ohn hncl been a little j cal. pig wns killctl, nnd fully realized iho CX·

oue, for he wl\ll fond of his wife, nnol pcct.,tions of tho former nnd his aona ns somrtimcs l'Antietl other mon hnd eye~ lo ~eir.o nn<l wr ight. Jt wns to be cut n.s well ne himself. llowe,·cr this mi);ht up tho following m11rning, when it be in their enrly wedded. life, sho h:tcl would pa.ss into tho ncti\'O nod nblo lung aolllcd into n f!lrndy mntron, who hnnds of our lilllo fnrmerclll!, who wos bnd dropped her flirlntiOIIIi with her rnmOUS for hamP, IOU!ngcs, nod pickled youth, rmd n ot only cenecd to gil·o John porlc. nny occMion for j eal ously, but ~ome. W ell, did 11bo etill drcnm, upon tbnt timc11 chose to bo jenlous o£ him her. fntnl third }'ridny morning, tno enmo self, wi~h (1\1' less ocCIIl!iou. Now, our provoking circumstllncce? Yrs, she Sutrolk fnrmcr took this BS n compli- did; but when eho turned to scold her mont, for ho was rather in tho 10:1r husb:tnd, ho \YRS gono-nyc, 4tld h11d nod yellow ICIIf, nod WIUI certAin tho been gone 1(\ng, for hia plncc by bor young women had eomothin~ better to sldo wns cold. do thnn to look nt him. U owovcr, h o Brief toilet tliol our drc.'lmcr of drcnms never contraJict.oJ his holpmnto. eny nnd secor of vi~inns make, for down eho whnt ebo ,.,ould, though he did ns ho ran, to behold 1>110 pig duly quBrtcrotl, liked in his own quiet determined WB). :1nd one of tho foro.quartono gon:l. Ono

llis old women, ne h11 alily etyled of her nice elena clutha, u well 011 tho her-behind bor bnl'k bv tho b\·o-wns bngo m11rkct bukct, WCro doing outy still hie fondly.lo\·ed wii'o, tho di1rlicg of ol11owhoro; "'Jd aho Mw, moreoYor-for his hcnrt, and tho mother of his tlrnr the etnhlo <loor wu opcn- t.bat ht-r child ron. Sbo co~lled him mnstor, nnd huebnnl!'s stout h11cknoy wna gone. ho hor mistress, nccordin:; to tho pri- The Friday morning'• thrice-repeated miti(o custom of tho Enst An:;linn vision11 land como nil true, ebe fcnrcd. country. Still, in tho midst of tbcao fcclinge of

Their numerous family of t ons nnd nn~;cr, j cnlousy nr.d regret, abo felt a dnughton wero married noel lllll tled ; sort of di'CIIry aatiafactiou that abo wu so our soou couple had nothing to do right, nnd bor "usblnd wrons. but to mnko cnch otbor comfortnblo Her for o.q unrtor of pork wae gone, nnd ve ry happy. Thoy 1voro surround- but her suporstitious notion I'CIIpo.:ting cd by their children nod j!r:tn•l.:h ildrou, tho trutll of Fridav mominS3' dreama who lirod within the circle of a wnlk, would bo 04!tnbli8lu:.-d for ever. llow. till Mi11trou Grey chose to bon drcnm. over, she detcrmiuod to gi"o ber.maatcr or of di'Cllms, which eho nffirmod "nl. n ~ood tnlking to ne soon 011 ho cnme wnya c.1100 true.'' homo ; nod M for the pretty mnidon of

Groy laughed at his "' ifo nnd hor tho thatched houao. aho would brivo hor new fnncies, oapociBily nt her notion more thnn the lou~th of her tongue­that d rc.'lma on J!'ridny mornings mu t a sound box ~r two on he r oare, to ro­of ncecu ity como truo. Othrr dronnls mcm~er getting ~u~rtors of pork fr~m mi,.ht como by contraries · but these t mnmcd mt!n. \\ lnlo 11ho wns doubling ns'iona wof'o exceptions to tl;at incro· 1 her fi ·~3 at her unseen foo, her hue band duloua rule. Not that abo hod cvor camo an. heard of tho .into rested, but nblo roplf 1

' 0~: J ohn I J ohn where hAve you of tho old Inah beg~nr-womnn t~ tho been P objoctiYo romnrk of tho prlmo minister " Jtut wbero you uld I should go, of Groat Britain. Lord Cut.lo~sh, ~t you IU'O in your nigb~clo\bO.. and when abo greeted hlm ADU his fair lady wall ret ~OQJ' dca\h," in ~bia o~ manner upon their 1"Q- And ht~"tcmdclll'OmArk wu followed

"Not nt all. You pontlcrod upou tho 6r11t drc.'lm so much, thnt it natu.r­nlly como into your mind while you 1r~ro nelcop. Then you beard our ma~ tnlkin~ tom\' eon about Mr1. Dond 1 fia~en-haircd maid, and beeidl'l t bie, we aomotimes apoko of t~o pis, 4tld 10 the drenw cnme from theae thinge. But it Will ccrtninly very unuatur1l ~od unkind to ecoid your bu~tband about a siiiT drenm, nnd he 10 kind and in· duf~cnt, t oo." ·

"Too kind by half, J ohn." And )l:lry throw lll'rtOif into hie

manly :1rma, nnd told him tho Ieason shoula not bo thro1•n away, and that he hnJ cured her forever of her folly in putting faith in dream&, nnd giYing curtniu lccturos to ltiw respecting 1hebl......

Sho }elated herself thia incident in her married lifo with un11pairing fidelitr, na n proof of her husbnnd's clovor wmy., of mno:uring 11 aupcratitioue and un­rell!K)nahlo wifo. If aho eYer drenmed upon other Fridny mominr, abo took sood cnro to keep her viaione to her­eclf, nod forbore to tilunt him abollt iiDllginary pi'Cllents made by him to un­koo~ pretty girls.t


A Yot1so LAo'f o~ C'oo~m~nll'.-Did nnybodv cTor boar a guahin~:, c.rtm,·a­gnnt young Indy tell whnt eho thought about 110yihing cxtmo~ur. Well, tltnt'e nothing to w'lat thoywrite. Wo bn,·o analyzed a abort at ory written b1 ono, and lind that" aplcodid" occun M time• ; "beautiful,'' 77 ; "delightful," 61 · " uico" 6U · "dclicioue" '205 • 11 )o'voJv,'' o3. Of ~UriC lho W~ 1fli~ iug about court•hip.

Ntw Curu: FOR Btr.mnas.-J'onee enid to llMYkioa, a cruatr old blcholor. " What n pity thie poor old Golden has gono blind. Lou of eight il a terrible tbing, aud iho poor fellow'e eree are quito BC:~lcd up."-'' Lot him IIW'1'f, then," oxciAimod tho 1fiUit'ieh old C'Clli· b.1to; "let him marry, and if that don' t open his oyoe, tbon-hia C4IO ia indeed

h~oleas." ·

a QOA.DROPED.--A..I a fop Wl\8 ri 10g a Tory fino borao in tho rark, a young and .Pretty lady wu Yery ori­dootly adminog tho anitDAI, when be atopoed n11d impudently uked :-" Are YOU admiring mo, miu ?"-·"No," 1fU tho roady roply ; "I wu admiring th" hone not t ho doqkoy."

EucrLT.-" I 11\y, Clom,'' criod two disputing darkiee, appealing Cor dec:il­ion to a ublo umpiro, "which word rigb~iru\Ctly or dozactly ?" Tho umpire relleetod a moment, and thea, with aJook of wUdom, laid, "l cao't toll porw:tly." ---

A fellow coming froa the top of. the Alp1 tu Loodoo, in wimer, waa Mbcl whothor it Wll u ~um U.ia city.-" Horribl1 c:o14'" ~ he ; "for tboy hAYo110 thermolMI-. there, and, or eouno, it getl jan u cold • u pl--."

,• ·~- of the hypochondriac, that hll bear from Ur. ~iYel'l thnt. Jud~o An­OtrD PDcell and P~ w:~ dtrtOn would bo very g'ad if, wh en I aacli'fll to ~e the JI!Atch . t~o IIUbJ~ct 1flll quito at lciauro, 1 would favour ol ~ Conlia1 ~:~"'I or biJ §!,hor:'lft· him with n cnll. Whnt could Sir WiieJte(liut • while lbat. gtmtl&· GeorJtO w11nt ofrno P I know be bad

atm-tling rovebtiou, w;ten Lndy De- lany, and you will mnko my oscuaoe" lany'• own woman came, in brCIIthlcae "llow did it with tho rt'IIC3ed tqAn P" haatc, to reqneet my iuat:lnt return, u waa tho judgo'e firtt question when l bor miat1'Cse 'l't111 in atrong bntoriC8. llllW him no~t day, "If ho died or want,

or COUriO I hnd to attend .to my pn· I lim llS !;llil~ Ill if be peri~ hod liD tho tronc~~a wi~hout dolllf. · I bad no fci\r 1cntfold.'' • Af finding her in any danger. 1'o uy " Ror:ttio Smith," replipd I, "hAd the t"MJth, I gneued tho cauao or tho him pri\1ltoly conYoyod into bil apart. hy•terice: Lad1 Dcllner hod become menbt. When tho conrict ~~~ •u~ci­vcr! cunoua to know whAt Sir Goorge ont11 recovered to moTO, a lund neagh· .t\DdcrtOD required mo (or. boiU', who ~to Joate lobo COUU•

turn to Ireland.:-:- ' br kind docde, fo11 be took her thick '' Long lifo to your bonoul'll, and ~haw! down ~m bcr peg, and ~ped

welcomo to fl)d !roland I Suro if I did at l'Onod ho11 With a IOI't of ~tiooate

.' JIWl.cOa~uocllo IQ lamentoblo A 1~to aeen obo 01'11t phyaicinna · in Genova. I • ~tcr could not think ontioned tho jud:;o'11 reqUC~~t to Lady

enm fo-e ada~.~ DelAny, bccauld I had no ri;:ht to pro. (, • . 8ii ~ ~ hw plrty, ecrjbo for an1J>Ationt but hei'IOif while

.-, W ~""'t'ee lOt~ :r..dr ~ I ~~· in her IOrl'icc, But ehe ~ Ycry r;.l W ~ l'lloagh of DSfoUI dil- Mlhug 1 ehonld go, ~cdnrin~t aho Celt

to CODilcler them Oftlll more de- y~ry much intttrested in Sir George ~-:J==-~ f(ecCa Utah poeitifo dor10n'a caae.

to , ,. I think," ahoadded, " hil complail!ti'

'aJ patnmea 1 yery much like mine." of the lab, I But. "fhcon I wu 1lono .. ith Sir

who te'QI\OCO, notl aD tJio "illt.eneotcict• ...

•I •ti•Ood bnr curioeity, and thqa tzr, ~for li1m. Wo. •.oppliocl liim cueod her Qf ~Or fit of hyilteriea. Of •1th a httlo money Or hil JOurnoy, and couno l did not betray tllo judge'• bo wu conOdont of fl.nding work OR conJldonj:01 A .:enoral dOICriptioo uf reaching hl• do•tQtibo." mento1 unouin011t pre]'ing on tlle nor- " But ho did not.-b& did oat," fOil• ~,tem fully accounted to her tho judge, in aroat e~oti~o. "Be ladyah•p fqr ~r qoighboau requiring or want, and Tt it h" bideoua 1pectro m.r aid. · tW bu bawltocl m~:~ linoe my arriYal

1 •• im~"r; loo\ed for llr the !me." ·: day, anCi I trembled J.t I .. No, Sir . Geotp, it ie tbe 0011net

be mywlf. ill . ..,-o~ but there lrimelf. He tl in lMY' ~lauJ'• 101'­llei&IH." 10 .... , ~~ .. · areWD-.... nee. JIM W W'bM 6Dlr.. Frau-

l~~iit~!~5 fn • etaee or Georg~, aod cloacly DW'hcl hil eoau-&d''llli111'1 of iboupt."-:-

§~~ . &haa, .a. No.i~ trOaa the JecJ.e a ... moth~·· of.la • ....._ 'M""J..d o~-..,IIF•

not dr:tmo lad 'Friday night thAt bor tq~ecze. . lail.J~ip..cavo mo • poond o( tea, and ' Ob, you dece&trul youll lorchhip a poqnd or tobAcco." remark. . .

"But ml good woman " rejoined Bb_e ~ huwcf!T, aomewbat molliOod th ~ p1111111.ier .. I haTe hoard b1 h11 kind a~ntie111. .

~· al~r• go by contrari01." "J~hn, where baYe )'Oil beell P and they do, .row: honoqr 1 Thall why d1d/ou cut up(1.he porker .

it ilyOUll JoJldebip ~1\t i1 to p'e me ~0 p an wba~, ba'e JOil dQQ4110th the die ~ or tea, and kw ~~ the tore-quarter P pound or tODaccO," 'WU ftor ~It-To- " l did it to make JOUI' dream CODMt ply, and the melaucbolr ~mier trno, and to care JOG of giring me langhod. Ro fo~Ye tho impudenco lecture~ ~ut yo~ foolilh clroaml." of the beuar ror lier wit, and 1he had "But, •J'ohu, tht clreama tho tea aiiil tobacoo ; and be forgot for tnlO' !",.. , ~· • _ a few minatee ~e car01 tl!a~ 1m0 MtT01, lf&t7, lii!eaueeiCiioMto make

~ him iowo , to- ap :untimolr them como me,"' · f'll!~~====r====~=-~ tom8. - ' ~ • . • 11 Bllt 'IMU JP'"et"- .....I. &... ~.._a. Hitherto cheluu bad lor~ocifb~ ~'of.~~ Oh, /"._I

1~~i!~it!~li~1,B, ooe J'ohn I" c.; ..• t: • . • • : F-~,.,-c•-:-- ~~ ~-tl ~.~ •

had .... .... , to ........ .m. ~~=~:~f.i:iilii~== ~ ~:~~WII·tlllJM • ..
